Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 18, 1856, Image 3

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NEW ADVERTISES 1 ROOMS, Ac—«0 dnaan J} throe ply 'iitj; *0U6l' jiwt rocotrod ^ Jimow SM and gn~g>y»ir»ot. iiTUSTARP, 4c,—too bona MiUUldt IM do ill puro Poppor] 100 do lunh j rtwlrtd «od Ibr MoMAHON k DOYLE. j,until i 206 Atut SOT Bop itrool. ,. \ l oAiC Al —th hbu euit to bhji A, U Wif e SiiKare; 10 titnte Mulateoe; 00 do Bttcolt StdM nut Shout'tern: romlooit ud Ibr rote by * 1 McMAHON * KoVLD, ; jncly 205 Mil 307 Buy street, i LK, LARD, Ac.—20 bbU Prime Unt; AO do A Teylor A Son’ll Ale: AO do auger, nod* end but* t,. r Biscuit; receive and Ibr sale by ’ McMAHON ft DOYLE, and® 306 nod 807 Buy street. fornkWVSKK; 7t< tail SAtHnJay, SIM June, at 10 •*doolb A. M. j*' The steamship KNOXVILLE, Cunt. “ k Ludlow, will leave u abovo. For r freight or ne*s*g • apply to • PADRt.FORD, FAY ft CO. Oablu Passage $26 Steerage I'assngo $ par Shippers nr Cotton by those Steamship* will I,loose take notice, tltM no Cotton will be received at it o presses that t< not distinctly marked on tbe edge ,.r the twite. J*16 /i» Mil Satnntay, June 21tf. at 11 o’clnrdr, A. M, " . The United States Malt Steamship LKRYHTONR STATE, Capt. Hardle, rwlll leave as above. For freight or Ppassage apply to a. GREINER, Agent. Cahill htssage 20 00 Steerage Passage 8 00 rauentters by this ship will ho lauded at New iVtle. Del., from which place cars startthree times tliill.v for Baltimore, Washington city, amt other southern points. JunelS K AIIIaY I1AKVK8T APPLKHtl j -*** A fresh supply of line Ripe Apples, from “Frultland Nursery,” jiHi received and tor sale at my ^3HB| elore. A UONAUP, lets uorner Ray and Bull streets. APPI.KNI— APPI.BI 11 J list received at the Savannah Grocery amt Fruit Depot, new Ap- S liw, suitable tor eating or cooking, ■om the ••Frultland Nursery,” at Augusta, Georgia. NY. H. FARRELL. 38m Junois TINSMITHS WANTED. S IX llrst rate Job workmen can And steady cm- plnymmit where the highest wages will be paid, vpply Immediately at No. 166 Broughton street. HORACE MORSE. .savannah, .tune 17th, 1866 JelB H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for July, received and ft»r sale by WARNOCK & DAVIS, jit no IS ,j 16® Congress street 1 .10R J11.Y—Graham’s Illustrated Monthly Mag- 1 uzluo, uud Balkin'* Dollar Mouthlyt Black wood's Edinburgh Magazine, for May. Also, Mas- -,-y's Exhibition Reciter amt Drawing Room Enter- eiiiitnenls, helng choice selections In prose and ..•r?e. together with an unique collection of petite . ninudies, dramas nud farces, adapted for the use ,.f schools nud families, i-'or sale by jane 18 WARNOCK ft DAVIS. O sNABUKGS*-30 bales Oxiiwburgs, Mowtouaud THmua-tou just received and h r sale by Mine 18 CRANE, WELLS k CO. ' VV. II. FAHHELL, [ IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES tuul Furrlgn and Domestic Fruit, t'ornvr Broughton and fWitiaktr-xts. Town and country supplied with choice goods at MAHlliAI.I, « BUM, DEALERS IK PROVISIONS. Vo. I t 2rf .liraMi* (iad a Fulton Marktt, New York. iisms, Tongues, Beef, Bacon, Shoulders, Hcklod tongue*. Bolognas, Lard, Pig Fork, Muss Beef, Ac , m barrels, halves and quarters. Refers to—John 1». Jesse, James A. Brown, Win. H. Farrell, uml E. O’Byrne. 6m--Jan31 TTAGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer- I ry, for asvou years a resident; flic Tunglctowu letter.-, Including a Uo|K>rt of the Great Mammoth Reform Convention, with lilustrn- tluiHS Life and Travel-* of Herodotus, in the Fifth Coutu- ry U. C., by J. Talboya Whueter, two volumes, with a map: The Huguenot Exiles, or Times of I/mis XIV., an historical novel; Harper's Picture Books for the Nursery—Learn ing to Read, by Abbott; Worth and Wealth, Tor merchants and men ot husiueis, hy Freeman Hunt: -yilnt-y smlih’s Wit and Wisdom, being selections irom his writings'. Calderon, his Lifo and Wrltiugs, by R. Cliuiiovise Trench; Trench’s Poems; Adventures of Gerard, I he Lion Killor, with plate*; Homeric Ball-id 1 * and Comedies of Lucian, trans lated by Win Mogiuu; - The Daisy Chain, - by MISS Ynnge, author of the /"1UOICE WlNfca fc LIQUORS— Too Ol l Vicarage, by Mrs Huhboak; creasy on the Klso and Progress of the English Constitution: Dwight's Introduction to the Study or Art; Harper’s Magazine, for July. W. THC South Broad straei. nnmm fflHG Undaralgoed bu This D*y removed hit X ontlra atoek of Satan, Tobacco, to., from hie old stand, corner of Bryan street, to hl« new store on the corner of Bay aud Whitaker street*, where he tones to receive a continuance of the patronage of ail his old ftdemln and customera. *P»a<kf A. PONCE. ' T FOR HhfX: Six Tracts of tond, 600 acre oacb, a or 4 3C miles from the city ol Savannah on the S. A. anuuuU’ Hall Road, well adapted to Jl.« growth ol Rico, Oitton and Corn, and WooiUcnoiigh to pay Ibr It ten times over. Apply to feb 27 tf C. A. CI/MJD. |iLf2ACHK:bBhlt€njpi In great variety, and U at various prices. feb 21 A IKIN’ t B0RN8 “TOwir F IR BALE.—A fine lot In Wesley Ward^- Also two on Gordon street, oast For sale low. Fee simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gen’l Insurance Agent and Broker, may 22 111 Bay street. nmeKir I AA/t AAA GREY BRICKS, tost qitab ,ood,ooo. my32-1 mn Williamson’s buildings. 4®-New< copy. RrsiNru sfim,l»T Rtglmti ihG7JiI.,T Savamsam, June 12. I860. / By virtue of order No. 2 issuing from G. P. HarrUnti, Ui-lgadlor-Gdierali commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, >0. M„ uu chsdlon will he held at thel__ Court (louse, on Saturday, the 6th day of July mm, between the hours or 9 A.M , and 4 P.M., lor Colo nel of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion G. M„ to Qii the vacancy of Robert D.Walker, resigned, The said election to be conducted under the usual requirements of the law. Ry order JAMBS SUIJ.tVAN, l.ieut. Col. C'om’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. H. Da.vikm, Adjutant. Jelh *** C!ity jwpers will please copy and send in their bills to tho Secretary of tho Regiment. iiUL C UHN—6UU saexs corn, in storo aud to arrive,'for, sale by WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 16 87 Bay street. notice:'. T HE Interest of Mr. Charles &. Arnold in the Arm of Padellbrd, Fay k Co. cea«cd with hi* death, on the 4th of March last. From this date Mr. Edward Padellbrd, Jr., is as sociated with us under (he same style and firm. PAPELFORD, FAY it CO. Savannah, June 16th, 1866. 12tis—,iel6 notice:. A LL peraoue having claims against the'estate or George M. Troup, deceased, will hand them In, duly attested, and those indebted will please make jwyment to either of the undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, 1 Vv . u join DANIEL H. 11. TROUP,/ >Ar ’ NOTICK. I WILL sell on Wednesday, the 18th lustant, at 12 o'clock, M„ on the premise*, corner ofPresIeent aud East Broad streets, Two eld Houses—the satuo being an obstruction in President street, to bo moved iu ten days. DANIEL II. 8TEWART, June lrt Oily Marshal. NOTICE. ■*’“ W E, the underalgaed have this day entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of transact ing a regular Auction and Commission Business in this city, under the name and style of Barkman k Bulloch, at the store No. 164 Bay street, lately oc cupied by gpencer Currell. F. J. W. BARKMAN, June 17 THOS. J. BUI.LOOH, msderuto prlcos. All orders promptly attended ^jaLT.—IWW sacks Salt in store aud for sale hy to. ami MUlsfactlon always guaranteed. sn!8 WIU.IAM LYNN, june 14 87 Bay strsH B AGGING, KuPE, Ac.—loo bales uuuny Bag ging; 600 coils Bale Rope; 600 pounds Twine; received and for sale by Junel6 HOLCOMBE, JOIINriON ft CO. E AOON, PORK, &o —60 'hhds clear and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured is; 60bbls prime and meB* Pork; 30ha!fbbls Hawes ft Go’s Fulton Market Beer; 6 do do Tongues; Just received and Ibr sale by . Junal6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft 00. ClUGAH—15 hlids choice Porto Rico sugar: 26 do tj Crowned Muscovudo aud Cuba Sugar: 60 h'.-J* Barbadoes Sugar; 300 do Stuart's aud Bultimuro steam reUued, crushed, powdered uud thrilled Sugar, lauding, lu store and Tor sale by Juue 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. /^lOFFEE.—300 bags lair to choice Rio ColTuo; 60 \j do Laguayra Coffeo; 60 mats Java Coffee; 30 bales Mocha Coffee; landing, in store and for sale by Juuolfi HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. •WANTED TO PURCHASE—i ity of Columbus v f Bonds, endorsed by the Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to Jel6—titls PAPELFORD, FAY ft CO. FLOUR IN BARRKLM, TUST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, U tu barrels. apr'Jft YOUNG ft WYATT. june'18 " * W. THORNE WILLIAMS. city cOtttWTOT saVannaH, Hay TERM 1866. W HEREAS, George W. Gar many, William B. Giles, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Speissiger, 3uba C. Ferrell, ThomasWalsh, John Jones, Rich ard R- Cuyler, Lake Christie, and Edward Padel lord, summoned to uttend the present May Term of this Court ih Grand Jurors, have nvtih 1 default: It is ordered that they bo lined forty ’.j:.- ouch un less they file good and sufilcient cau.o .u'excuse on or before the first day of the ney.t Term of this Court. And, wheross, Thomas H. Cruger, William F. Chaplin, Jacob Freeman, George B. Clark, WUIlam e'oudon, Edwin W. Edon, Gaorgo F. Oercoply, Mar- tnadue Hamllbiu, William Hamper, Augustus C. Cuuuon, Patrick Carney, and Jesse B. Dasher, sum- raoned to attend tho present Term of Court as Petit Jurors havo made default: It is ordered that they tie fined twenty dollars each unless they file good and *uindent cause of excuse on or before the llrst • iy <•»' the next Term of this Court, fine extract from the minute.-*. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, io]7 Cierk of the City Court of Savannah. Just received 20 baskets Heidslck Champagne, trquarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wines. 16 doz Claret Win# and Cordials; 3 half pipes old Gtard and Heuetto Brandies ; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Bsavsr brand; 6 bbla old Monongahtla Whisky, In glass and wood. For sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cor. Brooghton and Drayton eta. VTEW GOSHEN BUTTER AND CHEfibB—16 tub* i.1 and 10 kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 20 boxes Goshen Cheese, landing from steamer and for ui.i hy WRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. iuin- r. RELlmoirs WORKS. : \ General View of the Contents of the Old and . New Trsioinent*. with direetlnna how to read most pi"llt»M> the Holy Sterlidnre*. By Adam Clarke, L.I..D. . - iiihath* with my (fin.*; with an introduction on liinle t'liN* Teuehing. Ry Thnmns O. Summers, Fninil> iii>\iTiimi*ni; a iron Use mi Conjugal, Pa rental. Filial amt other duties, Bv .lame* An drew, D.D. Vmithlitl Christianity. Ry Thoma* O. Summers. Gathered Flower*; or Hie Early Demi, by Thus. <» Summer--. D.D, Bereaven t arents Con-oied. Ry the Rev. John i oomtoii. Reasons for becoming a Mothodlst. By the Rev. J. smith. I'ho Ancient British Church. Being an inquiry in- i.< Dm history of Christianity in Britain, previous to • he estuhiishmntit of tho Hepturdiy. By William l.ind*dny Alexander, D.D. Mihle Gleaning*. Mr*. Jane T. H. Cross. I'tiH Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of • t.ri«t; in answer to the objections of Mr. Woolston, '•ii.| others'. By Bishop Sherlock, i ectores to Children. By Thos. 0. Summers. Heart-Blossom* lor my l.lttlo Daughter*, By Mrs. .Ittiit* T, II. Cross. For sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, jo 12 139 Congress street. • 1/ \ MILS of Mercer and early June Potatoes v reeeieved per steumer Augusta, and for sale by may 10 J. D. JESSE. 75 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WnOLISALS AND BRAIL DIALER IN BmHml Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var- nlshM, Window Glass, Pntty, Jfce. jeSOm Painters’, Drainers’ aud Artists' Brushes: Whitewash Heads and DusterB, Dry and J^BVjtixed PWnt# ° r ev «y description, Artlsta’ colors In tabes. Prepared Canvass. Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Gratniogand Glazing done in the best style and at moderate All orders from tbe country promptly attended to. men 28—ly * WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORK AJl Is receiving by every arrl ‘/3Vj Wpl tfSWval a large and rich assort-TCmmJ TmS OUaEmcnt or Gold nod Silver Watches, Diamond Pins. Ear and Finger Rings, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Sett'S Cn-tnrs, *e., or Sterling Sllrer. Jewelry In every variety^ Ivory Table Cutlery, line pnrkot Knives and Scissors. Rich (Jhinaand Parian Vasos, and other nrtielos. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Sett* and Candle sticks, with a great variety or Fancy Articles, suita ble fi»r wedding gifts, too nJtncrous here to men tion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired l»y tho most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, may!3 No. 1 Market square. t in Perry's B . 1 near the Msdlcal — i tor rent. It Is suitable tor a small •If daslrsdi the toralture can be houae. For partfeolars Inquire on >13 2w sod , Building corner Bar and Drayton-sts., aultabls tor msrcantlle purposes and stor- —tstvsm r*—■ UNTIL the 1st November next, a com modious and nlry residence, on tbe north aide or the Central Railroad Depot, known _,aa Hover* Place. The house Is newly rur- tom basement to attlo, which can be bought 'mays YOUNG ft WYATT. OFPioSrPORRffiNT IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho ofllco or the subscriber. The basement would make, with some slight ■.Improvement, an excellent lawyer’s-offlca. jtand socond'ffoors will to let tor Counting- Rooms, and tho third for sleoping apartments. Con nected with the establishment is an out-bulldlng of brick, suitable Ibr servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR,' septa Corner Drayton and Bryan streevs, FOR liALti. A PLANTATION in WaynoCoun-M ty, on the BulfiUo Swamp, conulningS; 1000 acres; about 260 acres cleared nnu in .order for cultivation. On tho premises Is a plain, comfortable dwelling, with all necessary barns and out houses. Possession given In Decem ber next, and with tho place will ho sold, If desired, tho provision crop of present year. Also nu improved lot (2J4 acres) in the villogo of Waynesvllle, nud 20 acres adjoining. Wayncsvllle is unsurpassed (hr health, and the Brunswick rail road running through it, renders it easy of access. Jell lmo HENRY R. FORT. VAI.UADLG PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho two-story brisk store on* Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein ft Kckm&n, This is one of tho host stands in __the city Ibr any kind of business. Terms io mario accommodating. For particulars In quire at 142 Broughton street, atom the store of T. L.McKouim. . _ _tfinayl4 “ TO BURNT*— The Dwelling lately occupied hy Judge Fleming, In Taylor street, near Drayton. Bald House Is three stories on a bnsoinont, .with goad servants’ rooms, nudoulhouses, on given immediately. Apply to feb 28 _ D. 1„ COHEN. FOR RENT. “* Possession given immediately — Three story brick house, now and In good order, on Macon street, next east residence to Mrs. .Jewett. pply at this office. may27 iff a plain, « ft feb 28 I ft: • ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i t ■ GEORGIA. J* J* HKBLKR, Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening .Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival ortho Cars, , moyl4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZKIIIAN, Proprietor. BOARD MtR DAT % \ 60 BOAHD PKK WKKK 6 00 BOARD MR MONTU 20 00 ft- Ittnayl3 ^yr MILLS HOUSE, COBNEB MEETING AND CHARLESTON, 8. 0. THIS House Is now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, and the ef forts of tho l*roprletor will be to deserve their patronage. mar 31 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. Impend of going North come to tho Stono Mountain Houss, and spend your summer, as everything will be done ibr your com- fort. Conveyances will bo furntsbod to convoy passenger* to Lawrencevllle, Gainesville and Clarksville. Mar Pusseugera by the Georgia Railroad take sup- per at this bouso. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. 8. AuaixnxR. formerly or Lawrencevllle. J A- Clark, Social Circle,2m—Jo 2 1HWAN SPRING HOTEL. The Undersigned has again the pleasure of luformiug h(s numerous friends, as well as tho public at large, that he is yet at tho Indlau Spring Hotel, and l* tolly prepared, with tho assistance of bis sons and bis own experience of six years at tho hotel, with the best cooks that can be procured, as well as assis tance of all kinds, to a«k or all those who visit Die Spring a generous share of their patronage, intend ing to sparo no pains of himself to make all such os please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel is now open, and ready to receive all those that will please to call, There will be at For- sytho Depot couches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. V Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will please Insert the above three times each week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. P ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. The above named Houae la now open tor the reception of Boardbrs and Travellers, and tho undersigned promises to spare neither pains or expense to make bis pa- comfortable, His table will always be sup plied with tbe choicest that tbe market and tbe sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, WildGnme, Ac. The House is large and airy, and within a tow yards or the landing, on the beau tiful river 8t. Marys, and is a desirable place tor In valids and others as a summer resort. The stage leaves the House three times a week for Woodstock Mills, CnntroviUage, and Trader’s Hill, and the Sa vannah boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not be Inconvenienced, but can leave when they desire. Prices will he made to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 37,1866. 3m my27 ^ U |fc FASHIONS FOR JUNK. F RANK LesUo’a Gazette of Fashions for June re ceived and foraalo by jol WARNOCK ft DAVIS, No 169 Congress st, Jm *: 1 jSrmsON ROBBBTl. , WANTKD-A VtulMl 10 loud with Timber r for Ha- WANTED.-A freurbt vaua tor Brig R. M, CHJ Applp to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at UnloS Steam Saw Mill, upr!9 or J. F. O’BVBNK’S Office. FOR LIVERPOOL.—The A i American Ship MARY ft ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. having a portion or hor cargo engaged, wl 1 have Immediate dispatch. For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to .j may7 BRIQHAM; KEIXY ft 00. FOR (KirADELHIUA-Hsaox’s Ltsnt.— _____ The schooner MARY ft LOUISA, Captain htouuuan, will have dispatch tor the above port— For freight apply lo maylP Ot A- GREINER. Jol FOR PHILADELPHIA—the ■ sc Ur MARIA PICKUP. Raker. Master, wJH havo despatch ibr ino above port. For freight apply to OGDEN, STARR * CO. FOR LfFKRPOOL;—iKe~ A l American ship FAlJCON, Patton master, having a largo portion of freight engaged, will meet with dispatch ns above, for balance Of cargo, apply to BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.—Tne A1 ship JAMES RAY will havo dispatch tor tho,above port For freight apply to Jo8 HUNTER ft OAMMELL. FOR BALTIHORK,—Tbo j»(ir S N SMITH, Captain Smith, will have dispatch for tho a uu vu port For freight apply to Juno 6 * C. A. GREINER. FOR 1 •IVEKPOOL.—'The tino three-masted schooner CORDELIA, Dunham, master, will Have dispatch tor tho abovo port. For freight ap- P jlinWi BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. CABIN PA8SAOR TO NEW YORK $26 00. Semi-Weekly United State* Hnll Line. TTHE NEW ANI> SPLENDID SfllE-WHEEL 1 Steamships— KNOXVILI4E.. 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA ....1,600 “ ..Capt. Tlinmas Lyon. FIORIDA 1,300 ..Capt. M.8. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schenok. __ WILL LEAVE SAVANNAH EVKKV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships are among the largost on tho coast, unsurpassed In speed, sorely aud comfort, making tholr passages in fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a moat desirable conveyance to New York. Cablu Passage to New York 825 Stoerage Passage to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL. 18 Broadway, let) 6 Now York. FLORIDA' PORTS. ~ FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mall Line—From New Or leans to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA aud VANDERBILT.—These fine steamers will In Ihturo make their regular scml-muntbly trips, leaving as tollows: Now Orleans, 10th ft24th Koy West, .. 16th ft 24lh Pensacola.... 11thft26th "■ ***** Apalachicola. 12th ft 26th St Marks.... 13th ft 27 th Codar Keys..14th ft 28th Tampu Bay.. 16th ft 29th Turapa 11th ft 26th Codar Koys,12th ft 26th St. Marks... 14th ft28th Apalachicula,16th ft 29th Pensacola... 16th ft 30th Arrive at Key West 17th ft 1st I Now Orleans, 17th ft 1st Agents In New Orleans, doc25 Gin E. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 73 Poydrass street. FOR JOHNSON’S LANDING},' AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, Tu leave on ISutday Night, the 12th instant, m - The lightdraft-atcamer, WILLIAM JUbHHK LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston' Stoampucket Wharf. Apply to febU s; M. LAFFITEAV, Agent. CASKS Bacon, Hams, Sides and Should- - dors, just received uud for sale by ftprll CRANE. WKUAtfc CO. Ntmutt. fpiIK UNDERSIGNED huviug this day associated JL themselves together tor Uie puri»oaeot conduct ing U10 Wholesale Grocery Business, and having |Hin'li«ued ihe stock of Rodgers ft Norris, will here- uttci t-ominuothe buaiue*s under thn firm or Roil- Norris ft Co., at the old stand, corner of Bay *»d l.tncoln streets. .Si van null, Juno 2d, 1866. JAB. G. RODGERS-, .IAS. A. NORRI0, GKO. H. JOHNSTON, UNO. N. BIRCH. Je 2 f|MiE firm nr Rodgers ft Nurfls having this day * L been dissolved by tho abovo association, cither * iMrtner will use tho name of tho firm In liquidation. JA8. 0. RODGER.S, JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, Juno 2d, 1866 Jo 2 T OCOMOTIVE NEEDLES.—A new and ele- JLi gout article which needs only to be tried once insure tho constant preference of the seamstress, , st received and for sale by J u m»rl§ LARSON ft ROGERS. RWSKtGS. QOA Boxes choice Rio Coffee, •JVI v 169 boxes fair to prime Rio Coffcn. DM) boxes Old Government Java Coffer. 200 hhds. Muscovado Molasses. 150 bbla. choice Now Orleans Syrup. 60 hhds. New Orleans Muscovado, and Porto Rico Sugar. 300 bbls. refined A. B. ft C. Sugar. 50 bbls. Crush and Powdered Sugar. 100 bbla. Iiobauon. Superfine and Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adamantine ftSpormCandles, 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, and Family Soap. 200 bales Heavy Gunuy Bagging. 25 hlids. Bacon 81des and Shoulders. 75 bbls. Mohs and Prime Pork, 100 boxos Tobacco, various brands. 100 boxos Black and Green Ten. 600 bags Drop and Back Shot. 60 kegs and half kogs ’’Hazards” Powder, togother with a full assortment or all other articles in tbe Grocery line, (except liquors.) In store, and tor sale on accommodating terms, by Janet RODGERS,NURRIStf CO. 1 st 1A Sacks just received and for sale. •OUU YONOK ft FRIERSON, Jol2 94 Bay street. S YRUP" AN if MOLASSES.—W bids Now Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; in store and tor sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. G i US'N'Y UAGG1NU—360 baloa siqieriur Gunny TRugging tor sale by jid—Iw PAPELFORD, FAY ItCO. |>AttEUEti, cHAiXWAHITirUgEINS^ U A nholco Hidoction of tlioso goods, of tho latest <>•', to wiiusii wo invito the attention ofthe ladies, »iur7 AIKIN ft BURNS WANTED. 4 V\ hito or Colored woman to cook and wash tor IV. a stimll family ,tor which liberal wages will bo I'aid. Apply ut J«N WELLS ft WILLIAMS. IJUUL WA.TEIL—If you want the finest drink- A lug water in tho world call aud purchase one of Kwlzle'i Patent Water Filters, tiiu article mentioned iu Water Oomraliurionurs’ last JJuport, which wo warrant to purify the Savannah Klver Water porfoctly—uu iudlsponsabls article tor Plantation use. KENNEDY ft BKA01I, jau24 only Agunts for their sale In pavannab. D ICKEN’S ilOUSKHOM) WORDS, for June, vo< ceived aud tor sato by June 4 110 by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, 16 Congress street. INDUN SPHtXOH, OVOKOIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER RespoctTUlly announces that the uliovo House will be.opened tor the reception of guests, on the 20th instant. He has been .fortunate in securing tho services of Mr. irtffln, well known to tho public as the kroprr of tho Ninety Milo House on thn Central Railroad, to assist in tho superintendence of the Molntosh House during tho season. A band or mu sic has also been secured. Stages will be in readi ness at Forsyth, on the arrival or trains, to convey puisengers with comfort and dispatch to tho, house. No pains will be spared to make guests as comfort able os possible, and a more than usually brilliant season In uonfidently anticipated, tlA—juno 6 SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubhln& and Shoe 60 M imported Spanish Segars; 260 boxos Tobacco, various hrnuds; 160 sacks IUo Coffee; 76 mats Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60Covered Boskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 7ft do No. I Soap; ftOO Gross Matches; fto half chests Young Hyson Ton; fiO do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; ftO boxes Scalod Herrings; 7ft boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 Ihixch Imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 Ui and whole boxes Raisins; Rocoivod aud tor sate by McMAHON ft DOYLE, may14 20ft and 208 Day sfreot. QPRINft AND SUMMER CLOTHING.~The tO subscriber would Invito thn attention or all in want of SPRING AND SUMMER OI/OTHINO, to his stock which has Just boon received, at thn Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprlft WM. O. PRICE. vrwrmsnsnt FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Maryt, Oa., Urnandi- na and Jacksonville, JHcotata and Black Greek, Fla. THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N .King, will leave for the above places every 1’ueutayJioming,at 10 o’olk. This boat has largo aud airy Stato Room accom modations, and taking lbe Inland Passage, offers •very inducomaut to Invalids and othen.. Freight win be taken tor Trader’s Hill and Inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to V- apr2l CLAUHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL 2.INB. Far rotated, Bait Flo., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Middltbura, (Black Greek,) and Ptcolata. . ^ The new and elegant steampockst jMmBHKiST- JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn* leaves every eaturday morning, at 10 o’clock, tor the above placet. Freight will be token for Trader’s Hill and Inter medium landings on St Mary’s River. 49* No freight will he token after 9 o’clock. For freight or iNuuage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to • apr21 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. rOIl~CHARLKSTON~ANP~FLOltIPA * m ^ I'ho lino steampacket CAROLINA, jiggySmk Captain Coxetter, will leave here tor Jautuvuvuie, Picolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave tor Charloston, every Friday morulng at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on ward, at Wlllink’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14th, 1866-ly ftg* Morning papers please copy. THK DRKAT WKftTKRN 1NMURANUK ... . 00. OF NEW YORK! . A RE taking Morin. Bilk* at their Agenc/, COTOM or Dnortod and Bryan UMI. Approvwl Rlaka will be taken on liberal term., bo uiumlcrcllt^ivenon 1'rcmlum Notw. Ibr« quarters or the builness will be rctornod to thooua lomor.ln.crlp, c. A. h. Ltunatr. IbbH , agent In asrannah. at.. ntsvMtfei Mnthern Mutent liuttrttnce Company, Southern Untunl Lire Inn; Conipnity, Home IiinurnitM Company, of S. York, Sprtngfleld Fir* * Marine Ins. Com'y, Risks In tbe abovs Insuraaee Compenlee nnterta. ken bp WM. KOTO * S0»»7Af eels, No. TO Bay etreet. Savannah. 14tb December, IMS. . deel* —tnim, mgmBrasp tit*— INSU R A N C E. NO. 111. BAY-STREET. CAPITAL represented, Nearly Four Million Dollars. By th* following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Lifts Insurance Company, Of HARTFORD, CT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OF rUILADRLPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Iusurnnce Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, CT* 49*Tue subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount in all parts of the State ou every description of property. Life Insurance.*to any amount at the lowest rate, for the beneQt ol heirs and creditors, or payable to the wito Tree from tho claims of creditors. < Marine Hulls or Cargoes to all parts ofthe world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MinfUALWltKEWLXm^INSYimNCK COMPANY, NEWARK, N. ,T. Charier Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1866* 12,280,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,836,990 84 $4,282,488 97 Beqjamiu 0. Milter, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert lu Patterson. President. •The fuuds of this Company are all safely invested in first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes or members fully secured by their policies. For further particulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FAULKY, Agent in Savannah, At tho office of Bell ft Prentiss. J, t*. 8ULUVAN, Medical Examinor. Messrs. PansuroBD, Fat ft Co., I. K. Test, Esq., State Bank. MARINK AND FIRK INSURANCK. Insurance Company. NO. 38, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW Y<SlK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOB SAVANNAH, James M. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF Messrs, rovm, wyatt & oo.. No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. DfKKcreKH: ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. KOLLO Firm of A. S. Buruus ft Co. * Childs, Pratt ft Co. ’ Livingston, Bullard ft Co, ’ Wm. M. Dodge ft Co. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, WM. M. DODGE, P.J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, “ “ H. A. Curila ft Co. WM. E. KOLLO, 8. T. LIPP1NOOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, “ Huxtod ft Carll. WM. H. RIVERSMiTH, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyou ftCtt. GEO. CHAPMAN, " “ Lee, Jturphy ft Co. JOS. H. WESnUOTf, •• Briggs, Wcstoott ft On. JOS. FATMAN, “ FatmanftCo. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ <• Geo. Savory ft Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, PreelAcut. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Presipt-iu. WM. E. ROUX), Secretary. This Company will Issue rondos upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates ol premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 31 No. 86, Bay Street. B¥ BBU* PBBMWII. Hottie it Anetloo. On T®DAY, Uth lut.. >t io o'clock, wlU be utd oa tbo primlua. A two-itory WOod.n Homo, on lot No. L Cer- penMr’i Row. Tenaecuh. jelB Administratrix Sals. bcBIItor tbo heir, tad crediutre of eald oetato.— Term. cub. A. E. ROBERTSON, myla . ntfimoinya, Admlnlitratrix. ©a ®ib<&2a. BsaDoifaffiir [Acraoitoam »r w* mis or osonou.] FORT GAINED ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS 10. To be drawn in tbe city of Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, June 26,1866, on THE HAVANA PLAN. HAMl-KlTHWAsTdtCOTT Manoaon. FRIZES AMOUNTING TO $34,000!! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME I 10,000 NITMBBRB-E48 PRIZES I SCHEME 1 prize of $10,000 Is.*. $10,000 1 “ 6,000 is 6 000 1 “ 3J)00 Is 3.000 1 non u t aaa 1 “■ ... 1 “ ... 6 prizes of.. 10 « .. 1,000 Is 1,000 1,000 Is 1 000 600 are 2,600 200 are 2,000 26 “ 100 are 2,600 89 “ 60 are 4,000 44 “ 80 are 1,320 4 prizes or $60 npp’g to $10,000 prize, are 240 4 “ 60 “ 6,000 prize, are 200 4 “ 40 “ 8,000 prize, are 160 8 “ 36 “ 1,000 prize, are 280 20 * 20 “ 600 prito, are 400 40 “ 10 200 prizo, are 400 249 prizes amounting to $34,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two preceding and the two following numbers to those drawing tbe first 20 prlzus are entitled to tho 80 approximation prizes, in the usual manner. Remember that every prize Is drawn, and paya- bio in toll without deduction. All prizes of $1000, and undor, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. 49T* All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to pur chasers immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickets $5—Halves $2.50—Quarters $1.26. Prize UckeU cashed or renowed In other tickets at either office. Orders tor tickets can ho addressed either to Jc3 S. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ga., or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMA LOTTERY! [AUTHORIZED BV THE HTiTE OF ALABAMA.] ■' ,ili ■ ^ GLASS E-NEW SERIES, To bo drawn in the City of Montgomery. Alabama, in public, on THURSDAY, July 10,1856, on the HAVAffA PLANI SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amounting to 205,000 Dollars!! Will bo distributed according to tbo tbuowing MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 30,000 |N umbers—15,000 Prizes I 1 Prize of $35,000 is $36,000 ' do do 10,000 Is 10,000 do do 6,000 Is “ — do do.... do do do do do do do do do do l do do 10 do do 100 do do a, wo in 2,000 IS 1,300 te 1,100 is....... 1,000 Is 900 la 800 Is 620 Is 2001s,. 2,000 100 is 10.000 6,000 2,000 1,200 1100 1,000 900 THK GREAT WESTERN FIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn, CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $500,000. FIRE, MARIK E* AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whilden, Merchant, 14 North Frout-st.j John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter a Co.; E. Tiacy, firm or Tracy ft Baker; John R. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White ft M’Curdy; Liao Hnzlelium, Attorney and Counsellor; Jatnea B. smith, firm or James B. Smith ft On.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; K. S. Walton. 3o0 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 684 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith** Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Thos. K. Limerick. Secretary. JAMES M. CARVER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street S UGAR—10 tiUds choice New Orleaus Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; iu Hture aud Ibr sate by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. S TUART’S REFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS, —26 bbls Stuart's crushed Sugar: 20 do pow dered do; 160 do A, B aud C clarified do; just re ceived and for sate by June!?SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. P ORTER—20 casks Kyass’ London Porter, land ing and for sale by JUPSIT SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. TJ ECEIVED per steamer KnosviUe^-Pickied and Xl, smoked Tongues; Fulton Market Boor, and Pig lurk, FI* Hama aad FI* Bonn. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, and White Boans. Also, a fresh supply or Foxe’s celebrated Crack ers. Fur sale low by uuo 7 J. A. BROWN. iiuitiiAHi-iriJuimrTT J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Devereaux, iu four days from Havana, a fresh lot or choice Fruit, for the Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist teg of—400 bunches Bananas, 100 doseu Pine Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 8000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and one basket Green Ginger. For sale by June 14 J. A. BROWN. BBLS. J. Taylor ft Son’s At* received andfer ■ale by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, Noe. 206 ft 207 Bay etreet. NEW YORK ft LIVERRpDL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The ships comprising this, _ line are— A.niwi *JC, Capt West, I BALTIC, Capt v. PACIFIC, dapt Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt. These ships having been built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every care has been taken in their construction, os also in their en gines, to insure strength and spcod, and tholr ac commodations for passengers are itnequalod for ele gance and comfort. Prices of Passage from New York to Liverpool in first cabin $130, in second cabin $76, exclusive use or extra state-rooms $325. From Liverpool to New York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths can bo secured until paid for. For freight or iiassago apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 66 Wall Btreot, New York. BROWN. Sim’IEY ft CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD ft CO. B. G. WAINWRIGHT ft CO., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. ’' The owners of theso ships will not be ac countable for gold, silver, bullion, snecio. Jewelry, precious Btones, or metals, unless bills or lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein. Shippers will pleaso take notice that tho ships oi this line cannot carry any goodnScentraband of war. '"ZVmtjthunt; Cor. Montgomery ft York st*. SAVANNAH, GA., RESPECTFULLY Informs the Ladies and ■LI Gentlemen or this City that he Is prepared to servo them every evening with *ce Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share or public patronage, ' Savannah, 17th April, 1856. 3raaprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bmn-st, would respectfully announce to the citizens ol savannah that he is ready to niako and put down Carpets. Oil Goth, Matting, fto., at the shortest no- ire, and on the most reasonable termB. oot3-tf TO BUILDERS. rilHE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute ■ at tbo shortest notice, aud m the most work manlike manner, nil kinds or Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with tho manufac turing or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, oolia 166 Broughton stt LAND AGENCY—Brunswick, Ga * EDWIN M» MOORE '\FFERS his services to the public in the pup J chase and sale of lands in tho counrles of Glynn, Wayne, Oamdon, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Ooffeo. Clinch, Lowndes and Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purchasing and selling ol town lots in tho town of Baunswick. Machinery and ikon railing MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) F tOM the most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his connections with several of tho principal manufhcturng estab lishments or Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, the Undersigned is prepared to furninsh MACIllN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS. CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columns, Window Sills and Iintils, Iron Doors, Shutters, &c., at Northemprices. He is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every ’ jription, at short uotlce, upon reasonable terms. s agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, he is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, fto. Also Iron Railing in great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up the work at man- Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Carglte, Brunswick' Thomas H Harden, Savannah; Hon James L BewJ ard, Thomas vl Ho. SUNDRIES. ■$ AAA POUNDS choice Baltimore' Shoulders: Xl/UtF *ad 1200 do do Sides; 100 choteo sugar-cured Hams, lu bags; 600 pounds choice Tennessoo llams; 16 barrels choice Lear Lard: -10 tierces extra wholo Rice: 6 do Tuir do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam imlo do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s frieud do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxes Tallow Caudles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B aud C Sugur; 12 bags good Rio Coltee; 7 pockets old government Java Cotfoo. All tho above for sa'« low hy Juno 7 J. A. BROWN. faoturers’ prices. Savannah, April 11,1866. H. H. LINVIIJiE. aprll L ard and herrings- 20 bbls Prime White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings, landing and for sate by tnayl5 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. D RESS TRaWINOa-FringcB, black and colored Moira Antique Gauze, and other styles, in groat variety, and for sate by mar 7 AIKIN ft BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A large supply or wheel- top whalebone frame Gingham Umbrellas, all 8lzos, received and for sale by I.&DSON (k BfiuERS. June 0 L iverpool salt.—100 socks, ten to the ton, lundlug from ship Ell Whitnoy, and for uule by mar IQ PADLFORD, FAY ft CO. M AGAZINES FOR JUNE—Putnam’s Monthly Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine Artuur’s Homo Magazino; Uodey’s lady’s Book Harper’s Now Klonthly, and Dickon’s Household WordB, received and for snlo by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Juue 8 169 Congress street. READ, MATCHES ft LEMON SYRUP- 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buiscnit; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Matches, round boxes. 75 boxos Ihmoft Syrup. Received and for ■tie by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, Jell Noe. 206 ft 207 Bey street. B utter & ohkese- 26 tubs choteo Now Muy Buttor, 26 boxes ” “ Goshen Cheese, Just recolved and for sate by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.—Neatly trim med end for sale to oloee consignment. m»yl7 YOUNG ft WYATT. ICE CREAM! nrw confectFonary store No. 08 Bryftii Street. TWO DOORS A BOM? MR. GRIFFKN’B JKWKLRY STORK. fPHE undersigned respectfully informs the La* X dies of.Savannah in particular, and the public i generally, that be bos this day opened a new Confcc- lanary Store, and will keep on hand a large and resh assortment, of all kinds and discretions. He will at all times and hours, bo ready tofurulsh parties, with Buppcrs. / Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours. Ornamented Cakes, Plea, &c. &c., made to order. Ho hopes from long experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA, No. 98 BryanS ............. — — ........ ■ — »|VW 4 prizes ot $200 approxim’g to $36,000 are $800 4 “ 160 •« 10,000 are 600 too 6,000 are 400 80 " 2,000 are 320 70 “ 1,200 are 280 bo . “ 1,100 are 200 40 1,000 are 160 30 900 are 120 26 ■ ' •• 800 are 112 620 are 88 20 •• 200 are 800 10 •• 100 are 4000 8>» 127,600 16,000 prises amounting to $206,200 The 16,000 prices or of $8# are determined by the number which draws the $35,000 prize—if that number should bo an odd number, then every odd number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $8>f; If an even number, then every evon number ticket will be entitled to $$K in addition to any other prise which may be drawn. ^ Purchaser* In buying an equal quantity of odd and even number ttokets, will bo certain or drawing nearly one half the cost or tho same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. 49* Remember that every prize Is drawn, and payablo In toll without deduction. 49* All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid Immedi ately after the drawing,—other prices at tbo usual time of thirty days. All communication* strictly confidential. The drawn number* will be forwarded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Ticket* cashed or renewed toother Tickets at either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN ft CO., Atlauta, Ga., jel Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. N EATSFOOT OIL, of the beat quality constantly Tor sate tew by CHAFFER ft CO., mayl6 6 Whitaker street. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS #.031 FB1ZK3.TB. 60,000 Dollar.—10,000 Somber. Only I ■ GRAND SPECULATIONS!I FOU A SHALL INVESIMKNTI IMPROVEMENT ONTHE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. ST AUTHORITY or 1ST ITATR or OlORGU, JASPER OOVVTV'AOAOBMV B* SPENCEB CI1BHELL. At.FriTM.Ori.. •xoeiient 8,000LtUfc.U of Rlci U fcr .took of ril kind., d.r. MTOcwuptttu 101,24 •meltoriiM. JaMO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PRYOR’S T/i .aTMENT. tetter worm, aore nipples, (recommended by nur- aos.) sore and cracked lips’, lVesh wSu/iora of any description. It b a most valuable ramedr and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who have used it in many portions of the South for the last few years. In no butane* will theaelve do •ny Injury, or interfere with a physician’* prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have used U themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy and certain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial te all that is necessary for its own recommendation. Sold by J, B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug • gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, mayis LaG range, Ga. P. JACOBS. „ segar and tobacco stork. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) _ N. B—Keeps constantly on band Spanish, Halt Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re- ill. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, fto. June 1 Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted end Extended, Average] adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* Papers prepared whereby to recover lorn from American or British Underwriter*, and attention given to alt matters connected with shipping and In- , surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ot the Custom House. ly nor 8 _ parent KULtPfts W&SSW S V A SCIPo Every uuui hi* own Card Printer, p ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'S V Patent Eclipse Hand 8tamp, the beat, cheapetit and most convenient of any thing for the purpose yet offered for sale, ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 186 Congress St. IUHV8 lUPKuYfiU HEllflfj'G 'HACHMg. TV ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—end JLF which Is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose. Spool or skein thread, can be used of any desired length, and which will not need to be changed until the whole is used. Bag manufacturers, Grain'and Flour merchants ate particularly invited to call and examine it at 186 Con gress street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT A WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. TV ESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress tna- JL/kors, Tailors, Boot ft Shoe manufacturers sod otnors who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sews » uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not ravel. It 1s more simple, is loss liable to get out of order, and costs less In proportion than any other tnachtoo. and te warranted to be perfect, and to work woll. All apparatus necessary for convenient use la furnished with it, and any instruction will be given that will bo necessary to ensure to the purchaser its successful operation and durability. The public are respectfully invited to call and es • amine them at 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen, Agt. 49* A very neat and ornamental Iron Table wtllnow be given wlthamachino fora small sum to addition to the regular price. May 26. HOtVES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866. rfUUS improvement enables one field bind to pick much cotton as five can pick by the old method and having tbe cotton free from trash, and to better condition for ginning. The above machines arc for tale at 136 Congrats street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street, Charles ton, 8, C. All orders from abroad wlU receive prompt attention. Planter*, Factors, Cotton Broken, end ell Interested ere respectfully Invited to ceil end examine them. County Rights can be bought oa favorable terms. May, 25. ALFRED WEBSTER. OKN —10,000 bushels Tennessee Corn to storo at _yaud for sale low by jeg—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON.—699 sacks Flour 110,060 lb* Bacob, in store and for saieby jell—ll YOUNG ft WYATT. IAALT1MOKEFLOUR—100 Hbfi"superfine flalti- Jjuore Flour landing per schr Woodbrtdge, and fnr .alu lit? ' for sale by jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. KF1NED AND CLARIFIED oCuAto— ' “ . . 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 69 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received and for tale by Jel SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft 00. X13BB op dread; rriHE, prtc. at Flour lb, lut month briu X Elfht dcl tra, Mrud rnuit wcl.ti u IbUoir.^ 1. C.nt Lori must w.igh 2 pound.. 6 « ii ii- \ 3 ii ii ii iriounc. JAins a. wilkins, Jun. l.t, 1.66. a,rtn SS t - J^UNONGAHELA. WH1BMY— SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, Ac. W E havo Just received a now stock or Silver Spoons, Buttor Knives, Salt Collars, Fish. PIe,Cakoand Ice Cream Knives; also, Steel And Plated on Steel Tablo Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives. Plated anil Parien Buttor Stands, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. June 4 BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND 5LANTILLAS—bal ance of rich flounced Organdies, Bareges, Crapo du Parte and Tissues, at cost to oloso thorn out; also rich Lace Mantillas, at reduced prlcos. for salob, June 4 DzWlfT ft MORGAN y t) A Bbla. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, received, and for sale by my 14 J. M. EYRE, 94 Bay sfreot. CLASS 0. To bo drawn July the 16th, 1866, at Concort Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logon and Jas. A. Nlsbet, Esq. This Lottery 1b drawn~on thepl’an of the Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers: this has only 10,000 numbers, and the Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers—tbo Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 prices. Look to your Interest l Now Is the tlmo. CAPITAL $7,600. 1 Prizo of $ 7,6001a $ 7,600 l “ 3,000 te 3,000 l “ 2,000 Is 2,000 8 “ 1,000 are 3,000 6 “ 600 are 2,600 20 “ 100 are 2,000 6000 “ “ 8 are 40,000 6041 prizes nmonntlng to $60,000 Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. WANTED. A Consignee for 10 tuba of Butter, marked J. F. ft P., landed per steamship Knoxville from Now lurk. [Je9] PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. TRAN8PAHKNT WINDOW HHAW. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 ooxamua and 67 ax. jcukn-strkkw. mHE Subscriber has received, and will open I this day, tho largest and most oxtensivo variety dniVlNDOW SHADES over offerod to this city. It te tho totention of tho advertiser to keep constantly to store a large supply or all the various patterns and styles manufactured by tho manufacturers of this country and orFranco, to which tho attention of mer- chants and families in the city and country, Is in vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, at attefactq^r prices. W H. GUION, Agent. 26bbs Oid Monongahtla Whisky. 60 »’ Double Distilled “ Just received aud for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. E uuklanu luIE-i.tou tab Sockluii US* ’ drily expected per brl| E. W. AVuER. Per - saw, to arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. [NX/TRA CANAL FLUUK.—to burr.!. Extr.Csri jjj Flour. Landing and for sale by tna y 16 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. A LB ANY ALE,—26 bbla. Albany Stock Alu, \uvt rocoivod, and for Balo by Junol SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. S UGARS.—60 barrels Stuarts A and B Clarified Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. Land tag anu for sale by toayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. XT 0. MOLASSES, landing from schooner A-v e Abby Francis, and for sate by dec 27 LOOK BIT ft KNKIJJNGS. JJH1HE YEliLOW CORE.' -In'Kturo uud lor aalo by may7 YOUNG &WYATT. •N AND LAUD.—60 hhds, “ ICON AND LARD.—60 hhds, nrltue Bacon Sides ; 30 hhds. prlrno Bacon Shoulders ; 20 bbls. prime Baltimore Leaf Lard. Landing, and for Mle by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. Junel 49- Prlzos payable without deduction. ' gar Persons sending money by mall noed not fear Its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. 49'Those wishing particular numbers ahould order immediately. Tho 6,000 prizes of $8, are determined by tho drawing of the Capital or $7,600; ff the number that draws tho Capital te M even number, those Tickets ending 0. 2, 4, 6, 8, are entitled to $8; if an odd number those Tickets ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 9, arc entitled to $8. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Junol7 Macon, Ga. DEPOT. T HE Georgia and Florida Railroad Company have established their first depot at the tenth mile south or AmerlcuB, to which point tbo Company have made preparations to open tholr Railroad from Amoricus to the month or October next; the owners ofthe land around said depot, having obtained tbo sanction of tho Railroad Company, will offer for sale, on Wednesday, tho second day of July next, to the highest bidder, fifty eligible business and res- deuce Lots, convenient to tho depot, whlclThas re ceived the name of “Sumter City.” This aepot te on tho summit or tho ridge betweon Muckalee and Muckaloochee Crcok: it 1s two hun dred aud forty-three feet abovo tho bod or Flint River at Albany, aud te tho highest point on the line of Road; It te convenient to tho largo trade which will go ovor tho Road from the South, being near tho junction of the two principal highways leading from tho Southern part or Georgia to Am oricus. The point selected for “Sumter City” baa been proven to bo one or the healthiest locations in Uoorgla. Tho water is pure—free from lime, and of tho best quality. A Steam Mill will bo erected at tho pltco by next August. Ample Church aud School or Academy Lots will be reserved aud given to the various denomina tions, should they dosire thorn ti>r building and oc cupation. All persons doing business at “Sumter City” will have equal privileges on the Road, as it may bo ex tended below to facilitate their business, all of which will, for the ensuing business season, bo tributary to this depot. A plan or “ Sumter City” may be seen attor tho 16th of tho present month, at tno Hotel at Amerlous, and at the South-wostoru Hotel at Albany Tho terms will bo onc-haU'cash, aud balance pay able 1st of January next. . \ J. M. COOPER, Auctlonoor. Albany, Ge., Juno 6th, i860. td-Jo 14 M ARSHALL ft SON’S Celebrated Pig Hams, Pig «Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some new Smutted Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beer. Received per Alabama, by may28 J. D. JESSE. Landlord and teAANv: rpHE Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. X Smith, with Notes or American cases byp. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvier’s Institutes American Law. Nellgan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4 to. Brown on some Diseases or Women admitting or Surgical Treatment. Fltuton Diseases or the Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases of the Stomach. Sketches and Adventures to Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guide, with mape. Ireland in ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By.I. Savage. National System or Political Economy. From the German, or List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. oBHSSZE notice. S ILVER ANU GOLD FLATING cu now bodooe at Lomu. Hr. CHARLES KJSMI8H harlnf «■ tabUabcd hlmseir permanently, all work to this line will bo done with dispatch. All repairing or Cm tors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any other article will be done neatly before plating. AU old sliver plato, such as Teosctts or Urns, Forks or Spoons, will be ro-flntehed and made equal to new, and at modornto prices. All work or ordere left at my storo will bo attended to promptly. P. 8.—Watch cases galvanizod. may27 G. M. GRIFFIN. BASKETS! BASKETS!—We would call the JL> attention or the ladies to our stock of Work. Traveling and fine Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment to tbo city, at tho House Furnishing Storo, 166 Broughtou-etrcct. mar21• HORACE MORSE. -f\0MiBTIG LIQUORS— XJ 60 bbls EPhelp’ Rye Gin, 25 bbls N. E. Rum, 50 “ Luthor Felton’s Rum, 25 “ Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P ft H Connecticut River Gin, 60 •' N.O. Whisky. Just rocoivod and for salo by toy28- SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. i 1 HAM PAWN, Ac— \ * 60 baskets Heidseick Champaign, ffi*’ pts and qta, 26 do do do, 160 do Bouche do, 60 do EugtneCUcqnotdo, 76 do Glralera Vsrser do. 100 boxes Leiden’s Rhine Wine and Brandies. In store and for aalo by JanSl WEBSTER ft PALMES. UPEfelOR Choice Goshon Butter and Dutch Cheese, recolved por atoamor Alabama by may28 J. D. JESSE. IHASSferi AMD ROBE— 100 barrels New Orleans Molasses; 300 colls and hair colls “Louisiana Manufac turing Company” Rope, Landing per brig Louisa Sears from New Orleans, and for sale by my28 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO ‘ OODSYFOfijDljEr ' ? rtOSSPS Iridy’a Book tor Jon*. U Arthur'. Homo IhiuUi, for Juno. Fttoraon’i Monthly Hagutno for Jnu. Hupor'a Now Monthly Magazine for Juno. Rtoelred and formula ny „ WARNOCK k DAVID, mtyll imtanwHiiMt. 'E'OB 8ALB^-W,000 bnahola Cora to urir*. JP “I" YOUNG k WTATT,