Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 18, 1856, Image 4

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MjaB OMitr, uus tor, Chatham ,B0, o. a c. ^j-sssrrwiwiis.jita’i? SwS at the OourVof Ordinary for letter* dUmltsorv as ad* minis trator an the hitale of James C. Hines : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all wheat! may ooocera, to be and appear before said Court to,make objection (ir any tbeybave) on or bo- fore the first Monday In December nett, otherwise ■aid letters will be (ranted. , Witness. John Bilbo, Km. Ordinary tor Chatham county, this fourth day of June, IBM. - Juno 0 JOHN BILBO, o. ©. o. ADj«SlgTRATOIl’HriAl/lc7 pUR^ANT^to an order of t ih* Honorablo tba lot 11 aaltber twelve (13) JWr rmk\tn Ward, in the Oty of Barannah, situated on the corner of Mont* tomery street and Battle Row, together with the three-storr brick warehouse situated thereon; levied on to satis# a certain A. fit. L-umlngoul of Chatham Superior Court, In feror of John Sc mid or vs. Oar* enoe P. Hollis. Property pointed out In said A. fa. BKNJAMtX L. 001 .R, may5 Sheriff C. C. C n^Stt^Ero all whom li may con cent: Whereas, Elizabeth Kibero, will apply at tne Coort of Ordinary tor letters of admiulstraiion on the estate of Joseph Rlbero: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to be and appear before said Onrtlo make objection (IT any they havo) on or before tho first Monday in July next, otherwise said letters will be (ranted. _ . Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this second day or June. 1866. Jane S JOHN BILBO,.o. c. ffATK OP GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. rPO all whom It may concern: Whereas Mary Ann JL Dent will apply at tho Court or Ordinary for let* tore DtsmUsory on the e3tato or James P. Dent,— These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objections (if any they have) ou or before the first Monday In December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Fitness John Bilbo, Esq., OrdinMf for Chatham County, this third day or June, 1656. JeS JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. CITY NHBH1PF8 SALE. TT7TLL be sold before tho Court House door In tho TT city of Savannah, ou tho first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours or ralo. The follow ing articles, S counters, 1 desk, l iron chest. 1 wardrobe and all the interest or Edward Murphy, In and to the lease of lot rfnd building situated ou Ihectrxerof Whitaker and Congress streets, to satisfy at. fa. Issued in ftvor or William B. GaulJ, vs. Murphy, A Devanny, property pointed out by defendant. ED. M. PRENDERGAST, s c. s. ■my 31 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court Huuse door, la the City of 8avannab, on the first Tuesday in July, next, between the usual hours of sale, east hair of No. 6 Green Ward, bounded as follows:—north by Broughton street, west by lot No. 6, south by a lane and east by lot No. 7. Levied ou as the property of James L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued out or the Honorable the City Court of Savannah, in favor oTD. B. Nichols vs. James L. Oliver. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms cash.— Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PRENDERGAST, my31 City 8heriff. county of Chatham, botwoori tho legal hours of sale, UjU IhlMvtn. mmiari* in n-ll • t nf. Vm IhrAII fill and Alexander and 8arah. Sold as the property of the estateoT8amnelGrlffln, lace of said county, deceased, for the benefit or the heirs and creditors or said es tate. RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, on Je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, "" CjE0Iu3IA; CH ATHAM cofcN W. “' O N tho first Monday In August next, 1 will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the negro slaves boonglng to the estate of Clara A’ Ogtlbay, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and credit ire of said estate. June 4 JAMBS A. LaROCHB, Adm’r. Prem y* **- UK-VKKAL ADVKXnSLVQ AND NBWSrAfXR A0KVT, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAJVEiB.PIDI.ES, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF W.lrhM, J,w«lrr.illT»r Wui, Man ila. 13, SDBiuarr, nauuuiu. sept8 iy. WITH RJOL’a®! From (j,.vlKKWt trowi AUKXCY, ntlUpXUTTIA. r*. ed Agent for the Savannah Joafnai. VIHK-PUOOV mlwk iwiiibv, DESIGNER AN D SCULPTOR IK MARBLE, Oorofr A. lor Flu. ud 4th Avenue, nt cu** raoxnrtrt *o tux aito* umunt Aim tint icxw anitk notms, xxw roax. plain to the most elaborate and oroato In design and workmanship. In addition to tho stock always on hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may be found, from-which work will be ex ecuted promptly to ardor. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city or Now York on pleasure or business aro respectfully invited to visit this es tablishment. oct3 ask B 19 on i 'fL nan Axi BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail in Swalnsboro, Emanuel Co , on the 4th Instant, a negro man; he says Ills name is Harry; that ho belongs to tho estate »ot Thomas Clay, of dryan County, Gn. Ho U of light complexion, with a slight scar over the left eye; about 6 feet 3>{ Inches In height, aud about 20 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, pay cliargcs aud take him awav, as he will bo dealt with os the law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 Jalor. VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND & DANVILLE, AND Virginia & Tennessee NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tho estate of Richard F. Williams, lato or Chatham coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to presold them within tho time prescribed by law to the subscri ber ; and all indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate pavmcnt to M. B. MLLLKN, Administrator do bonis non. March 25—Gw ltwUySl—jo 7 STATE OF UKUHU1A, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- corn: Whereas, the estate of Jeremiah Me- Donald lies unrepresented in consequent) or the death of Nathan Brewton, the executor, and unless some fit and competent person applies lor the ad ministration or said estate, with the will annexed. I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other fit and proper person, administrator with tlio will an nexed de bouas non, on said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be aud apjwar before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or beforo the first Mouday in August next. Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for the county or Bulloch, this 12th day or June, I860. jel6 WILLIAM LEE. u. c. c. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE; WILL be sold beforo the Court House door in TT the City or Savannah, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours or sale, lot No. 27, contains 69 feet, more or less, being a portion of Garden lot No. ll, west, In tho city or Savannah, bounded as follows:—East by Purso btreet. south by lot No. —, north by street not named, and west by. lot No. —. Levied on as the property of Ann Doble, to satisfy a 11. fa. issued out or the Honorable the Oty Court ©fSavannab, in favor or John Gallaher vs Ann Doble. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PRENDERGAST, my*l City Sheriff. CITY SHERIFF’* SALE. T1TILL be sold, before the coart house door in ft the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, One Au gusta and Waynesboro’ Railroad Company's Bond, No. 409—levied on as tbo property of William Dunn to satisfy two fl. fas. Issued out oT the honorable tho City Court of Savannah, one in favor or James B. Read rs. William Dunn, and tho other in favor of John Ingersoll vs. Wiliam Bunu. Terms cash. EDWARD M. PRENDERGAST. P»y31 • ShorlffC. s. S TATB OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CO.. May 20th. 1866—Two months after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for leayo to sell all the land? belonging to the estate of Michael Donahtsou, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors and said deceased. my2S-8w JOHN E. GIBSON. Adm’r. _ e EORGIA—BULLOCH CO.—All persons having demend3 against the Estate of Thomas Mills, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, proporly attoetod, within tho time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to HARDY B. HODGE?, Adm’r May 20th, I860, my23-8w 1W0 months from date application will lie nude to the Ordinary or Chatham County, for •re to Mil lot No. 151,9th district, Baker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, nuy2 Administrator. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. J OHN M* WILLIAMS, having assigned all bis property, both real and personal, to adjust hi* debts, all persons having legal claims against tbo aald John M. Williams, will please band them to the undersigned without delay, as it is quite desirable to ascertain the extent ofindebtedness, and to per fect a speedy settlement or the assigned property apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. ADMlSTRATOU’S NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate xjL °f the late Charles 8. Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all those in debted to said estate, aro requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELFORD, tnayS Administrator. State or Georgia, Bulloch County. A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE /-By virtue of an or dcr from tho honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, ]»asscd on the first Monday in June, will be sold at the court house door of said county, between tho luvrful hours of sale, on the first Tues day In August, One tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in said county, on tho Ca- nooebeo river; also, a part of four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ua- noochee river, well improved aud in good repair, consisting of swamp, buy uud pine laud. Fold as the property of Nathan Brewton, deceased, for tho benefit of tho heirs'and creditors of said deceased, Term? made known on the day orsale. BENJAMIN BREWTON, ) i . - . SIMON J. BREWTON, f Adm rB * June 2d, 1S50 jo 15 Slate of Georgia, lluUoctfl'ounty. A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE.—Will be sold, ou the first Tuesday iu August next, before th3 court house in Statesboro’, in Baid county, under ap order of tho Court of Ordinary, Fifty-tour (54) acres of Pine land, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to tho estate or James Deal, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors or said estate. TcrniB made known on the day or sale. MARTHA DEAL, I Adni’x. CALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. June 12th, I860 |e 15 T? leave ASSIGNEES NOTICE. ■\TR. Louis Robider having made an assign* lvJL mentfor the benefit or his creditors, all per sons Indebted to him will please make payment to me. And those having demands against him are requested to present them, that payment may lie made as far as the assetts will extend. A. BONAUI), Assignee. Savannah, May 19,1850. may 20 GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bosold before the door oftho Court House in the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday In July next, between tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.Cas sius, Jim, Ohio*, and Simon—levied on by virtue oi fi. fa. issued out of the Honorable Superior Court of Glynn County, in favor or Horace f). Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton and James Gowen, Administrators of Mar£ Abbott, deceased. Pro|ierty jwlntod out by plaintiff’s attorney, may 28 M. C. B. WRIGHT, S.G.C. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALK. W ILL be 3old before the door of the Court House, in tho city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday iu July next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.:—One undivided half of a tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and fifry acres, (more or less) lying and being In tho county of Glynn, hounded south be lands granted to Micbitel Ponseli, northwardly by lands granted to John Lamb, senior, east by lands unknown. Levied on as tho property pf Celia Lamb, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued out of tbo Honorable gups- rlor Court of Glynn county, In favor of Daniel McIn tosh ve. Celia Lamb. Property pointed out by de fendant. M. C. B, WRIGHT, may28 Sheriff Glynn County. UTATfc OF OEOUCIA, MVEHTV VO. fllO all whom it may concern:—Whereas Jason X Floyd will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor letters of administration on the estate of Allen D. - Tbeeeare therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo aud appear before suid court, to make objections, if any they have, ou or before the first Monday In July next, otherwise said tetters Will be granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for JJbcrty County, this 27th day or April, I860. W. P. GIRARDEAU, may27 0. L. C. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N the first Mouday in July next application will be made to tho honorablo the Court of Ordtoo* ry of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Gideon MoGowen, lato or said county, de ceased. ANN McGOWKN. Jane 2 jgOTlCE. fflHREE months after date application will bo mado X to the Marine Bank or Savannah. for the pay. mentof tWo Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter B, ao«o, and letter O, 697, the left halves or which have been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, 1850. 3m+ my20 AfiMINIHTKATitlX NAI.E. O N the first Tuesday in July next will bo sold in front oftho Court House, in the city i*r Bavan nah, all tho reaiostate belonging to the estate of James M. Bates, late of Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission or Hie Court of Ordinary, aud by •rderof the Administratrix, for tho benefit or the hairs and creditors. ANN B. DATES, may25 Administratrix. BAT aac 2X0X70X1, HOT. COLD AND SHOWER. rnHE BATH HOUSE having been handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d or March. Hingle Baths 26 cents—six tickets for 61.00 war* J, M. HAYWOOD. Agent. COD FISH, MAckEREL AND HER RINGS. T JUST received 6 hhda choice Cod Fifth 20 this cl extra No 1 end No. 2 Mackerel: 10 do extra Hekla Herrings, 60 boxes F.mokcd Herrings in store and for isle by DAVID O'OONNFR. may 10 Corner Broghton A* Brayton sis. CITY MARSHAL’S SALES. TiriLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in July Y Y next, In front or the court house : Improvements on lot No. a, Montmollinvillo, to satisfy City Tax Execution? vs. Connellv, for years 1854 and 1866. Also, Lot and improvement No. 12, part of Gar den Lot No. 11. \vo.«t. tho property of Mrs. Ellen O’Reilly, to satisty City Tax Executions for 1855. Also, I^t No. 15 and improvements, Franklin ward, us tho property of M. Prondergast, for Taxes for 1855. Also, cast half of l/it No. 2, Calhoun ward, the property of Mrs. Bridget Cary and children, for Taxo* for 1855 Also, Lots Nos. 19 and 20, Wesley ward, as the property or Edward Perry, for Taxes Tor 1885, Also, Lot No. 51, Brown ward, as tho property of estate ofl’alfjck O’Connell, Sr., for Taxon for 1855 Al.o, Improvements on south half of lx>t No. 33, Warren ward, as tho property of MU? Matilda Rn- sey, for Taxes for 1854 and 1886. Also, east half of !/>t No. 28, north side or Marga ret street, tho prnjKsrly or Mrs. Rachael WUn and daughter, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lot? Nos. 47 and 62, Walton ward, ns the property of John McCormick, for Taxes for 1865. Also, Ixit No. 4, Washington ward, as tho proper ty of Mrs. M. M. Dibble and children, lor Taxes for 1855. Also’ I/>t No. 14 and east half nr l/»t No. 15, par of Garden IM No. 33, cast, as the property of the estate of 8. A. Patot, for Taxes for 1854 and 1885. Also, Ixit No. 24, Ufaycttc ward, a? tho property of John M. Milieu, for Taxes for 1886. Also, Lot No. 10, MontmoUlnvUte, as the proper tv nf James Benolsl, for Taxes for 1884 and 1885. Also, Improvements of quarter I/it No. 10,Greene ward, us the property of Mrs. Baker, for Taxes for 1854 and 1865. Also, Garden Ix>t No. 68, oa«t, as the proiierly of W. P. Bowen, for Taxes for 1854 and 1885. Also, 1M No. 47, Jasper ward, U3 the property ol Mrs. J. W. Ryerson, for Taxes tor 1885. Also, west half of I*it No. 4, south sido of Brvnn street for Taxes for 1854. Also, south half of 1 Trustees’ Garden, a? the property of the estate or Worthington, for Taxes for DANIEL If. STEWART, lna >’ 31 City Marslial. ■fis REMOVAL. Tim subscriber has Removed on the Bay, next door to the Republican oillce, where he is now opening al handsome assortment or 8 P RIN gL. m AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable stylo. Also, Ready Made Clothing for the present and coming soason. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N.B.—Cutting,Altering and Repairing demeat the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pauls, Whito and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro fit. a Prt2 JOHN W. KELLY. SUMMER where, thi MW Having received the Wxe Medal at the World’s Feir, erenow “•red to the public the Price Safe of World. Tested r end approved as they , have been every- ig.'.vlctory was reserved to bo ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable and most expeditious Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH Hl r DAY-LIGHT. And Baggage Checked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to tho Virgiuinia Hprlug? by this route, take tlio South-Flile Railroad cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville cars at Richmond, at ti A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, and thence, via tho Yirgiuia aud Tennessee Railroad, reach Bousack’s Depot at 3 1-4, and Salem at 4 P. M., aud at either place take Kent, Suuimeraon tSi Co’a Fine Line of Stages! Those via Bonsack’s lodge at Fiucastle, (line at tlio Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the Whito Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early ou the evening of the second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but b4 miles or Staging. Or by the Salem route, stop all night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Spring?, (lb miles distant from Salem,) diue at tbo Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, uitd arrive at the White Sulphur Spring? on tho evening of the following day. The Virginia k Teuuessco Railroad is located through a most romuutic country, possessing u cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity and delightful tem perature. Tlio road pusses the base of the PEAKS OP OTTER! And within three miles oftho Alleghany Spring? oue mile of the MouMotnury Whito Sulphur Springs end within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs all plcasuutly situated a few miles ajKirt, on the Eastern slopo oftho Ailegbuuy mountain, iu Mont gomery county. Tho waters of those Springs uru celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations arc excellent, and have been greatly Increased since Just season. jOrVisitors to the Rod Sulphur Springs take Kent. Summerson 6i Co’s Stages ut Newborn Do|>ot, ou tho evening of tho day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, aud arrivo at the Springs on the following day to dinner, aud Salt Sulphur Springs early in the evening of tho second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Newborn I>c}>ot to the Red Sul- phur Springs, (38 miles,) bus been graded uuJ greatly Improved since lust season, nud is now re garded us oue of the best turnpike? in the moun tains. The line of Telegraph from Richmoud will be com pleted and in operation to the Mootgomery White Sulphur Springs early in Juno. Passengers to Knoxville, Tennessee, take Kent, Summerson k Co’s stages at the Western terminus or the Virginia k Tonucsms Railroad, now 1SU miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate of 8 miles per month) to the Eastern termi nus of tho East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at Knoxville in 21*2 day? from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Petersburg or Richmond, To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonsack’s,610 00 “ ,l “ “ “ “ “ Sniem.... 10 60 “ White Sulphur Springs •• Bonsack’s ll 00 “ “ “ “ “ Salem.... 11 60 “ Red Sulphor Spring? “ Alleghany Springs “ Montgomery White Sulphur Spring?.. “ Yellow Sulphur Springs “ Knoxville, Tennessee _ Noth.—Tlio charge for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Whito Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Spring?, does not include the charge from tho Railroad to the Spring?. Passenger? for the Al leghany Springs, (4miles distant,) tako tickets to Shawsvllle—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel and for the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to Christ inns burg depot. Con veyances will be fouud at those place?. For further information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. 8. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Fup’t Richmond & Danville R. K., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON k CO., my 13-31u Fiucastle, Virginia. C F. N T R A £ R AIL1C6 A11, don, and Invited all tlio ncli-Ucla lulbo world to open tlw Safe, with or vrlUioutthe keys, and take tho money as a reward for their'ingenuity; although operated upon by several skfilod in the art, no ouo could Pick the Lock or open the BaTe.. - By nn improvement upon the original Salamander, Introduced by tho preaentownor ortlie pateut-right, the Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, and books, papers and Jowelry might he preserved in ouo of hi? safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mllldew. To guard agalnBt counterfeits every Saw from tho manufactory of the subscriber, and sold by him or his agent?, has a brass plate iu front, hearing his uatne; oach is also furnished with one of hi? Im proved Thief Detecting I/>cka, which is a good guar antee against robbery. _ ' S. C. HERRING k CO., Nos. 136,137 and 139 Watcr-st., N. Y. Agents in Savautmh, Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keep constant!}’ on hand & full aud complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. 12 26 , 8 00 , 8 26 8 45 23 00 O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, Inst, and until further notice, tho Passenger Trains ou the Ceutral Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH ANP MACON. Leaves Savannah Dally at...6 a M and 12.16 p u. Arrive In Mucon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 am. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 am “ 9.30 pm. Arrive in Savau’h “ “10.45 p n “ 7.20 a v HKTWKKN HAVA.VNAH AND AVGCPTA. Ixavo Savannah 12.16 p m and 8.30 p. m. Arrive in Augusta 8.45 pm “ 5.30 a m« I^eave Augusta 0. am “ 4.30 pm Arrive in Savannah 1.30 p m “ 10.46 p HKTWKKN MACON AND AUQCOTA. lieave Macon 11.45 a m and 9.30 p m. Arrive in Augusta 8.45 p m “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 0. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrive in Macon 2.16 p m “ 1. am. BSrWKKN HA VANN Ail, MIIJ.KDO WILLS k KATONTON. Leave Savannah 5. am Arrive In MilleUgcvUle 2.46 p m. I^ave Macon 11 45 a m Arrive in Eatonton 6. pm. W. M. WADLEY Geu’l 8upt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. octl5. Is JIKin 11 DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes this opportunity to inform bis friends and the public, tlmt Ihe is enabled, from experience, and the ,intuitive perceptions of the truths of. science, based on the commou rules of surveying forms, both plane and spherical, to cut and mako up garments to fit the human form in the most complete and finished style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uniforms, <tc., &c. , _ P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., one door North of Broughton street, dec 7—ly B AGGING AND HOPE.—tiu bales heavy Uunuy Cloth, 20 bolts heavy Dundee (for Boa Is|. ands,) 60 bolts medium do 44 Inches, 300 colls Ky Rope, 600 lbs Bagging Twlae, in store and for sal hr pop 12 WEBSTER A PALMES' TFBEBH Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, for X sale by Jan 2 A BONAUD. SUNDRIES— 26 bbls Sugar Crackers—fresh, 20 “ Butter “ “ 16 “ Soda Biscuit 25 boxes “ *• •* 26 bbls No. 1 Sugar, 60 “ A, II und C .Sugar, Received and for sale by McMAIJON k DOYLE, myl7 Nos. 205 and 207 Buy st. P aper hangings and borders— Just received a great assortment of tbo most elegant patterns, with border? to match, from 8 ccut? to $2, at CHAFFER k CO.’S, apr30 No. 0 Whitaker street. «. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner or Bryan and Whitaker Street?. HAH now on baud a beautiful as- fiortment of Jewelry or every dis —-— crlptiou und kind worn l>y ladies und gentlemen, and willko||utiitiusuully low prices, I have thi? day recolvpd (per Express) a large stock of elegant Hiver Ware, consisting of Cako and I in Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Forks, 1 ickled Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks aud .S|fooii?, Napkin Rings, NutmegGrulers, Ac. Ac., al) hi Morocco rases, und suitable for preseni?. I have alHO this1 day received an uddltion to my stock of SS™* °' light colored Curls, Tojisys, Braids,Front e T° ln * which now makes toy assoriment complete. Order? received for any color doHired. nc'nir <, i , . 08 i ^ ihe suporvisioii of self, mid all other work done in a workmanlike maimer, and warranted. may 26 O N CONSIGNMENT- 2000 bushels Prime Corn ; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks “Palace Mills’’ Flour 10 bbls Raw aim; 10 do MonongaUela Whisky, 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sale low, by J»i3 PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over willed passes trie Great New York & New Orleans Mails. f\N and after Sunday, February lid, 1B5G, two dally (ruins between Macon and Columbus, uud one between Macon aud Americus, Leave Macon at 2 a m, and 81* m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 a m, aud 1030 v m ; leave Columbus at 4 16 a m, and 1 301* M; arrive at Macon nt 10 64 a m, and 7 40 r m; leave Macon at 2 a m; arrivo ut Aincri cue at 6 40 a m; leavo Americus ul220 h m; arrivo at Macon at 7 401- m; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, Mllledguvilleaud Euton- ton, and with Macon aud Western trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville aud Knoxville, Tcuii. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Eufaulu, Ala., connecting dally at Americus with four horse Post Coaches to Tuilahussue, Albany, Thomasville, Buiuliridge, Ac., with tri-weekly hacks to Lumpkin, Cuthbert, Ac., ut Fort Valley with hacks to Perry, Huynesville, HawkiusviUe and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Americus and jailut? lielow Fort \ alley, should take tho 12 16 v m train from Savuu- nah; uud the 5 pm train from Auguste, to avoid de- toutiou at Macon. For other points ou tho h'outli- Western or Muscogee Roads take either train from Savannah or Augusta. Passengers leaviug Amori ms at 2 20 p m will reach Columbus nt 10 80 p m tho Kiimo night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am ericus. Houth-westcrn Georgia or Florida, should take the 1 30 p m train ut Columbus, sleep ut Fort Valley, aud reach Americus at 0 40 a m next morn- log. First class steamships leave Savunnah lor New York on Wednesdays aud Saturdays, und for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage id the Cabiu $25, Hteerago $8. Faro from Jlontgomcry to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ lu 00 “ Americus “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Buu’t. Macon, January 30th, 1860. may 10 VIRQINIA CENTRAL R.ROADT LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE- PROOP Ql’AUTlW OP WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured by Steam* dt Marvin, Mew York. In the fire or tho 3d Inst., which consum ed tlio brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite the Gas Works, iu this city, was a sate ot tho above descriptions containing the books, papers, aud money or Mr. Thomas, and although the building was detroyed, the said Safe sustained no injury whatever front the intense heat to which it had been exposed. On open ing the Safe, tho contout? were fouud undisturbed, and in tlio same order and condition a? when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, and the backs of ouo or two or the books, caused by the steam generated In the Safe, while at its greatest heat. The Safe aud content?, a? it camo from the ruins, may still be secu, iu the po?aes?ion of Mr. Thomas, at tho Ga? Works. A largo assortment or these cclc brated Safes always uu baud,aud for sale by C. II. CAMPFIELD, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26,1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ga. I take pleasure in corroborating the foregoing state ment, and iu addition would add, that the books uru nowin use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 20th, 1855. octO—tf , DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In 1832> fTTHE Subscriber grateful to his friend? and 1 patrous for their continual favors, would state that in addition to the improvements iu DYING, ac quired by him during his last visit to England aud Scotlaud, has made arrangements for extending hit business, by which he is uuw enabled to dye u greater variety of color? on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., which ho trusts will generally please all who may favor him with their (mtrouugc. Geutlemen’s garmeuts dyed, cleauedor renovated as may be required, lathe same superior style, which has generally eo much pleased his patrons and friend?. Table Cover?, and ladies* Crape Shawls, Ax*., cleaned and finished in tho first style. Ladies’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressod in the most fashionable styles. Orders from the coantry promptly atlendod to. Terms moderate. When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through tho jmjsI office, so that ho may know whore to call for them, mch 10 ALEXANDER GALIXTO’AY. HEYNTiELMANN'W ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGEH. T HE distinguished favor with Which this essence ha? been received throughout all section? of tlio Union as a remedy at once sale, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Weak nud relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic. Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary habit?, &c., has in duced the proprietor to give it every publicity in Ids power. Upon its morrit? comment is unnecessary, a? its own intrinsic worth i? it? best eulogy. H car ries with it tho evidence of it? superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, the old, aud score? of families who, prompted by a careful regard for Uieir health aud comfort, are dally ndoptiug it a? an onnenoKMiMt family hrmcdy. There is perhaps no medicinal preparation extant ?n simple and harm less, yet salutary and effective, whose worth will he more appreciated or universally adopted than the liquid winger prepared by Hcint/elman. For sale by J. E. IisFORD, Druggist, JolO 3m Savannah, Ga. Brooke HaU Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE! CO., P*/ MBS MARIA I.. EASTMANN, PmsciPAt.. This Seminary, located in tho de- lightful aud healthy vilinge of Media, thirteen miles front Philadelphia, by Railroad, will ho OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1860. Tno commodious building, nowin process or erec tion, wllh all tlio modern improvement?, will be finished bv the first nf August, and will contain such accommodations, both iu point of taste and comfort, as cannot fail to satisfy parent? that while their daughters are enjoying tho benefits of mental cul- ture, they have also the comforts of a refined home. This Institution 1? established with a view to afford to young ladies the most perfect combination of ad vantage? for the attainment of n thorough and ac complished education, and no pains or expense will bo spared to render it lit reality what it professes to bo. a school of superior merit. Miss Kastman, the Principal, was at tlio head of a school iu New Eng land previous to her residence in Pennsylvania, and for the last six years has been known to the patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, as presiding teacher iu that Institution. TheRt, Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of the Diocese ot' Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. Eastman, who proposes to open a Young Lillies’ .Seminary in Media, Delaware Co., Pa , In September next, has been known tollie sub scriber for several years past. He has a very high opinion of her capacity, efficiency und devotedne?? as an educator. She has had a large and success ful experience. The building which is to be erected for her use will contain every accommodation. Tho village and surrounding country are distinguished for healtbfulnos3 and beauty, and the subscriber ha? confidence that parents who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will have no reason to regret it.” Mis? Eastman will be aided by uu efficient corps of DR. Mr. H. HOKELSn INFIRMARY t qfiftfttr .FOR the treatment of Can-j , iRIaBI 'conr, Wens, FlstuU, and all kinds |L„ Job printing TJSFmmr. 1 . NEATLY EXECUTED AT-jilE tlfl WFBIw IttiWiI w w w * nroiny, 11 overo uueosua, j -- r: r.'nnC — “*«neiric " BOOK & JOB OFFICE. 1 * ana *tt OlMUM Jib* : ^,Jlf Mnrclmnt. can bt> supiAJdal eliorl nntlw will! jj J t nrlglnaum Id. j Sy!phys!cM < ’liSl Kntin**Tau!>Su”rei‘!^Q BlU-IIrntU, BlUa ut Lading, [’ no MAITM OF ROW^lioNfi STANDING.' U " . $1 j»er dletn, or $16 per tnoutlu $10being rjjjjjjj Dray Books, Circulars, Cards j .This popular and speriM remedy l? now oflered i 25*l°oce. • •ud Blank Books* I to tbo afflicted, and guaranteed to cure all the above i 9MT Jb®* btlore *b p ca*.* is ua and Blatik_Book^ j ggSgS R scafehes out the very root of the ' derteken. All c^mmunlcatfon? rnuM bep25 Particular attention given to BOOK AND PAM- disease, driving out all the diseased fluids of tho addressed to W. it. MOSLijy, 1'HLEF PRINTING, sucu as Catalogue* for Colleges, | i„>dv. thus removing the cau*e and rendering the j 6 • Griffin, - CERTAIN AND % , . Slfegg®, This medicine allays pain and infiainUHiioii, which ! q] ow ^. jor safe bv eHr “ other remedies invariably, cause, aud can pc tekeu. mar (< BRIGHAM. KFIIY * r with less trouble aud expense to patients.'-Thisdu- —iLts meTaa' ralliblo remedy has saved thousands upon thousand? . MURRAY 8 from the hands of T T ^ ITED State ?* Canada and Cuba. MERCILESS QUACK8. i U Schwegler’? History ot Philosophy < u if not from premature graves. In cases of infection | translated by Seey to. tho Compound Btichu is the only artii-le worthy ol | Prescott’s Philip 2d of Spam, new supply u n, the least confidence of the afflic ted in performing | Caff and in Cloth. SAFE CURB?. j Napoleon's Confidential Correspondence w tr, j, It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious ; brother Joseph. drug, but is purely a Vegetable Omjwitim. It is j Davao s History or the Queen V of the n„„, very agreeable to the teste, create? no jjerccptlbie Hanover—2 vols. odor, and may l*e taken by persons of either ?cx without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Reader, if you have any oftho above complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, aud thus prevent all exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, aud eradicates every particle of Infectious matter from the system, restoring the patient to a perfest state of HEALTH AND 1 Propoanls for Ration* nml Fuel for Llght-Veurli. COLLECTOR'S* OFFICE, SVFKRlXTIO’IiKXT OF IJOIIW, Savannah, 10th May, lSfiO,,, S EALED proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock. M., ou the 1st day of July next, I860, for furnishing and delivering Ra tions and Fuel ou board the Light-vessel? lu this Collection district, viz.; at Martin’s Industry and Tv bee Island Knoll, for one year from the first duy of July 1860, to the 30th June, 1857, Inclusive. Tlio rations to be of good aud approved quality, to be delivered lu good und sufficient packages, barrel?, boxes and case?, nml in good order, on board the above named light-vessels, ut least once n quarter, free of expense to the United States, and agreeably to tho annexed table oftho weekly ration, viz.: ft;The AUaclii in Madrid. Romance of the Uarotn. by Miss Purdue. Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh. Earnest Linsfond, by Mr?. U-e lientz. mar 3 W. THORNE WILL* [ UST KEC'EIVEDr- 1$ ) PURITY. fcQonnu.l | hHjaj 31 Z? •t!|4p JO 8UtB|VH :j»»u Hclmbohl'g Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Morcury, exposure and tm- prudonce in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from nn impure state of Blood, and the only reliable and ciroctual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, .Scald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat am! I .eg?, Pains and Swelling? of the Bone?, Tetter,'‘Pimples ou the Face, ami all Scaly Eruptions of the Skiu. It is gratifying to the proprietor of these medicines to be able to state that it is now nearly three years since they’ were first introduced, during which time they have been extcuslveiy used lu various parts of the United State?, uud have given to patient and practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in the various case? in which they have been employed ; whether iu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they have invariably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced thumost salutary und beneficial effects. Numerous letters have been received from the most distinguished iO boxes Shoulder, . - . imw jSiolce l,,.,,,’“ Ham., in autre, aud for ,ale bv mar 26 WAYNE. UHENVIUJ j.„, I 1 tP prime article, 20 tierce? chon-, ••J.jjot- -VIEW CROP CURA MULASSES.--Ui go of the Abbott Devereaux, daily for Bale in lots to suit purchasers, bv 1 jan3l ItOfrGERs j: .Si,nfti? CARPET AND I PtlUirSTKli V~ WAREHOUSK, 140 Congress awJ 57 St. Ju’.ien ,stre>u T HE UNDERSIGNED would take thi- tuuity to express to hts friend* «mj j :< generally, hla sincere thank.* for their hb,-j. ' age and Influence, which ha-: resulted in e\t . hit trade to all i»art? or the State. Abo, t Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, therein- him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed in any <« up..., city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keejror-, and .-'lean* boat Owners are particularly invited to cxai i n e p . prescut stock, which is now complete it, j; . various departments, consisting iu pin oni„ lug goods, viz: UAltJ’El DEPA HIM EXT. Royal Mcdalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Moccl Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels. English Drugget.-., ,. nous width*.) MusAic Hearth Velvet and Chenili? Tutted Rug?, Piano and table D»or Mat* (every \ .r Silver k Brass sia.i Carjiete Binding:. mm -Cars Starting farm IJroadSt. ntiai Winter Arrangement- Rail nil tho way tnUordoitavllie. TI^IIEN the Potomac i? cIorc<1 with ice this Y Y route may ho relied on by passengers, to en sure the connection going North or South. The road Ih entirely refold with a superior T rail as fares Gordonsvllln. During tho winter tho train will atert from the old station, In Richmond, on Broad street, at 7)4 a m., pasB Gordonsvllle at Ham., and arrive T “• Down train loavra Slmin- '"“at * <J‘»| Paaaea (loriinnarllln at Ham. unit arrive in Rlrhinoud at 2.301> m. Faro to Gordousvillo ou noth trains nrriyo to (iordons'vlilo In amnfe time to toko the train of the Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Portions who leave Richmond at 7)4 a m.. can tako tho Orango aud Alexandria cars at Gordon?- vlllo if they cliooso to do so, aud by that tealn will reach Alexandria by 3.40 r m., but this company can ticket them only to Gordonsvllle. 1 9 °c!7tf H*D. WHITCOMB, gupt. G J. ENT’S COITON VEggS^jat recalwi 8 and for aale by J. W. THRKLKKLD. msyl8 CongreiB end Whltbiker atreeu. MISS MAI 43^ hi ‘Wkz Each proposul must state dUtiuctly the price for which the entire ralien will be furnished ou board each light-vessel respectively. Tho proiHMuls for supplyiug fuel, both coal ami wood, must stute distinctly the price per ton aud cord, uud the kind und quality of each, to bo deliver ed ou bourd of each light-vessel respectively. Ouo bidder muy offer tor all the ration.- and fuel required for all the fight vessel? In till? district, or for one or more oftho vessel?separately, at hi? own option. Ihe kind und quantity offuel will be deter mined upon, uud tho contractor informed accord ingly. in advance of tho time for making the quar terly deliveries of rations on board oftho respective light* vessel?. Each bidder is required to attach to hi? bid or bids a written guarantee, signed by himself and a responsible surety, that, in the event of the contract being awarded to liitn, he will faithfully execute it iu conformity to the term? of this advertisement. Tho contractor will be required to enlor into bond with approved security for the faithful execution oi tho contract; and uo bid will bo accepted or contract entered into, until upproved by the Light ilou-e Board. Tho contractor will be required to keep at least, in the aggregate, one month’? rations for the entire crew of the light-vessel contracted for, on board at all times; and any expense Incurred on account ot failure to deliver rations or fuel iu time, will be chargeable to tlio contractor. No member of Congress, lightkeoper, sujH-rinten- dont or Inspector of lights, nor any person connect ed with tho IJght-house establishment, will be al lowed to contract for or deliver rations for the crew, or fuel of n light-vessel, nor to ho interested in such contract. No contractor, superintendent, it msjcctor will be allowed to change the parts of the ration, nor the times tlmt may bn determined upon for the deliverv. without authority oftho Board. All the articles constituting the ration for the crew of light-vessels will he examined, nml their quality approved by thc.-iiperintendent, or the inspector of the di.-trict, nr by sia-li other person a? may be as signed to perform i!i:»i duty ;and no bills * will be paid for ration? a . fuel which are not accompunied by receipts duly signed by the respective light-ves sel keepers for the different articles constituting the rations for the crew for each quarter, and separate receipts for the kind and quantity of fuel delivered on board of each Ught-vessel. No bid which is not properly sealed ami etidorsed will be considered, and no bids will be received or allowed to bo withdrawn after the expiration of the time specified in the advertisement for receiving them. Bills submitted by different members of the same firm or co-partnership will not he considered. All bids will bo publicly opened and registered nt tho tlmo specified in tho advertisement. Tho right to reject all bids if tho interest of the public service renuirc it, is reserved By order of the IJght-house Board ; JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 llie French language will ho taught aud spoken by a Parisian lady, residing iu the family. Tho Ijitiu, Gorman, Spanish ami Italian language? will receive duo attention. The Nuturul Science? will bo taught, with tlio aid of a large and expensive apparatus. Tho Musical Department will be under the charge or a lady eminently qualified to fill the situation; amt all preferring a inale teacher on the Piano or iu Singing, can have the benefit or a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing aud Palnilug will he muter the direction of u tody accomplished iu tlm art. The number of pupils i? limited to forly. The Turin? for Board und Tuition iu ull the bruuch* e? except Music, are $160 per session of five mouths. Mi?? Eastman Ua? liberty to refer to the following gentlemen:— Rt. Rov. A. Potter, D.D., and the Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President oftho United States. Hou. 8. P. Chase, Governor of Ohio. Hon. N.. B. Baker, Ex-Governor of Now Hamp shire. * Hon. M. IV. Tappun, M. C. from New York. Rev. N. Stem, or Norristown, Pu. Rov. A. McLeod, Clour field, Pa. Pierce Butler, Esq,, of Philadelphia. J. II. Okio, Esq., do. * E. W. (.'fork,Esq., do. George Wharton, E-q., do. Christopher Lu;ser, Potteville, Pa. George Wyman, St. bails, Mu. Hun. P. C. Johnson, Washington, |>. C. For further particular.-, or for circulars apply to the l', MISS MA1UA EASTMAN, JjriU uud 3ni Media, Delaware Co, Pu. PERIODICALS. ~ PUTNAM'S Monthly Magazine for May. A. trank Lcriio’? Gazette of Fashion? for May. Blackwood's Edinburgh Review for April. Received ami for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, inaylfi 169 Congress street. 1 HBLS. FLOUR in wloro ami lor nalc by tnny7 CRANK, WELLS k CO. 50 Ca.k«Ohio | Catawba Brandy iu store, _ ami for naio by tlm only Suvunuah. my 14 regular Agent for J. M. EYRE, 1)4 Knv hired, * «niBT RECEIVED. ^ PER STEAMER, nn assortment nf Misses and Children's Plain Straw?, Ladles’NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, IN- J ANTS' HATS aud FLAW. Also a few btiYa- HATH. For sale b.v MRS. FREELAND, [ ,,a y ; IT Broughtou street. L ISLE THREAD GAUNTLETS.—The only article of tho kind in the city. For sale bv j. w. threlkei.d; mar27 corner of Coiigres? ami Whitaker-Nta. A pples a potatoes- 10 bid? Choice Mercer Potatoes; 36 '* “ KiibscU Apples. I 1 or sale by J. A. BROWN. FRENCH MILLINERY ASTI Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selec tion or Spring Mllincry, aud is constantly receiving i>or steam ere, new ami different styles of Bonnots; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. MS“ Bouucts cleaned and pressod as usual. eprl° KEDZIE’S PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on hand. We warrant them to mako the Savannah River Water, even though dipped directly out of the River, as pure and clenr as the finest Spring Water. About forty of these Filters are now in use in this city, ami every person who has them, will cheerfully testify to their cfflcieucy. Indeed, the Board of Water Commissioners here, say in their Report, it Is tlio qply Filter tiiat doe? effectual ly purify the Savannah River Water. Call and see one in operation at our llouso Fur nishing and Stoveostabllsment,Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY k BEACH, fob 27 Corner of Broughton nml Uullsts. It® PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Somo new nml beautiful designs, Plated aud Britu- nia. At tho Hjuso Furnishing Store, 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Snvaunah, April 30. apr30 PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JAIiS, -aFor I’reserving 'reserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, Ac. Full directions for prcservici accompany eacL Ctin. For sale ut manul'ucturer’s prices by the Agent, HOR’CE MORSE, 116 Broughton street. may 20 - TO WOOL SELLERS. T HE Undersigned have this day opened u Store in Congress street, opposite the Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Bee? \\ ax, Deer Skins, and Country Produce iu general. The highest cash prices will ho paid for nil tlio above article? on delivery ,iu Savannah. Air. L. J. GU1L- MARTIN has been appointed as Agent, to whom ull having business transactions with the un persons „ derelgned may apply. Savannah, Slay III, i860." J. W. SMYTHK lv CO. umy’Jd PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received largo nd ditlon? to our PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to oiler ut till? tiino the greatest variety from the best munu torturers, from tho plainest square to tho most oiab orately tatrved, ami from six to seveu oclavcw. Our Piano? are selected from the manufacturer? whom wo have Tull confidents in, ami wo are par ticularly requested by them to giro u guaranty with overy iuslrnmout sold by ns us regard? durability, tono, kc. PoreoiiHin want of a first rate instrument may ro ly with safety upon getting such a ouo by selecting from the following makers, whose instrument? we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. (.’bickering k Son, Nnuu? A Clurke, Bacou k Ravens, II. Waters, atul Haines, Brothers & Cum- mlug. I. W. MORRELL k CO. ftug *J7_ X>RANDY, GIN. WHISKY AND KUM~Kor sale Jj by (may20) WILLIAMS A RATCLDY. physician? in the country, uml from the professors : Th rce Ingrain, of several medical college?, recommending in the ! Two ply ingrain, highest terms the value of these medicines, and: ,,r’. m, their superiority over al) other preimiuliou? lor 1 CURTAIN AND Ul UVLSiblti pi. PART. such complaints a? the proprietor recommends. ® r .® ca ,,i 1-aueau-l Mmli.’i i ru.,!, Numerous preparations of .sirsupai ilia and ot Bucliu , ™ l . u ^ “r.V, 03 ,’ , GniCtiruices, and various mode? of preparing them have been til 1 and Bait...- given, all of which of course will differ according to | _'\ orb t V < , U V J las?vls, Lo-»uj the mode of preparation which each individual tuuy * civet aud I lush oi various colors: ISindoa adopt. Shades, uew style. These medicines require considerable care in the i every variety o! Furniture Covering. Trim- preparation ami the employment of ilUfercnt men- i m5 ng*batid ntatenaLs hirdccoruting. struain successive oi»eratiuu to take up the extrne* FLOOR OIL CLOWS From two to Iweuty-four feet wide, for HMir-wt Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. The subscriber will oblige himself to make the prices on all description of goods as low as the same quality can be purchased in any Northern city. £5" Carpets cut to Room? and goods seat to k&x part of the city free of charge. 43“ Au experienced U])holster will alter. 1 to the making aud laving of Carpets aud Oil Cloths when tivo matters, and, iu consequence, are most fre quently improperly made, aud not unfrequeutly ; much impaired, if not rendered totally inert, by the iAjudlclout aud unskilful management ol tho.-e unac quainted with pharmaceutical preparation*. It is I therefore of the highest consideration ami import-1 ance to the public and to the faculty that there should be standard preparation? of uniform strength J and possessing the most advantages. To eilect this | and obviate the evil alluded to, I hai ber of experiments to ascertain the most effectual j . .. mode of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaparilla . and tho Buchu, and to discover the most eligible j f “ M form for their exhibition. The experiments have ' « « vc nnivc resulted most favorably, aud it is with much pleas- , JP R * ® ILORATOH, ure I now offer to the public and the faculty my T S a niild laxative, tonic and .stimulant, and b Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain ail tins vir- ; -f- recommended to the public, reiving upon it- u. tues of the articles they are represented to be made ! tvinsic worth in the cure oftho following compiaint from in a highly concentrated form, atul are ti»« most 1 Derangements, sick Headache, I'ysp - active preparutioa; which can be made. Two ta-« Habitual Costivencss, Chronic Diarrha. Colic' ”— ~ ~ ed to a ' Fain to line Stomach and Bowels, Generai i>»-blii:y rue most advantages, to eilect tins r , > m. • . . e evil alluded to, I have made a num-1 desired. The decorative and curtain ments to ascertain the most effectual I n charge ot an l photeter of acknowledgedta-tea'i octlS W. U. GUION, Agent. 140 Congress and 57 St. Juiieu-its blespoonslu! of the Extract Sarsaparilla, a Med pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon diet drink, ami one bottle fully equals iu strength one gallon «•/ Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoctioa as usually made PRICT-S: Fluid Extract Bnchu, $1 per bottle, or i< fi r $5 Sarsaparilla Femalo Weakness. Ac. Tor sale by get erall.v, and by John. B Moore k Co. and Win. K Lincoln, Savannah. Iv fc-blC rn 1b T12U1IER! TDlBERlI HE Undeesigned has just received, for sale „ ... . , , . ; (500) Five Hundred pieces of good fhippie' Certificates of cures and recommendations trom ’ Timber, averaging over one thou.-aud fc-ct to stick distinguished professors and physicians will accom- 9 fen JEFFER&ON RUBERTS pany each preparation Prepared and sold bv II. r. HELM BOLD.’ Practical and Analytical Chemist, 263, Chcstnut-st., near the Girard House Phila. To be had of Druggists aud Dealers iu every sec tion of the United States and Canada*. All letters for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive Immediate attention, aud safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN ii. MOORE & CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH.. Ga. WHOLESALEk BETA 1L DRUGGISTS. - Would call the atte**»iou of Merchants. Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex- tensive aud well selected stock, comprising every article In their Hue of business, aud which they — f or e a i e on the mast reasonable terms for cash, tv ^Br p JEFFER&ON ROBERTS ACKCUEL,' HEKRLNG, SALMON. FT- 2 bbls forge No 1 Mackerel. 3 do do No 3 do 8 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, do i*ickied Herriug, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel. 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 5 Kits Tongues and Sounds, lOOo lbs Cod Fish. For sale low bv .iauCG J. A’. BROWN. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For oue square, of 800 ems or loss, of any type is-t larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the first aud to cents for each subsequent insertion.for any time le thal) one month. All Tabular work, with or without RuJes; amiA4 ( ‘rtisemente occupying double column, -hall l-r charged double the above rates. I Advertisements of whatever leugth, for any t;roe less than one month, to be charged at transient rates. ! For a longer time at the following rates No. of Squares | lmo|2mos|3mos|4 mo? j0mo*|12a<- or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES. GUSS. AC- White Ixiad, Pure and No. 1; Tieman’s Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; ?!lnr ^P*!nt^pnihoL ne, «i«h U pfo 1, j vertisements occupying double column, Gold Iteaf, laiut Brushes, «ash Tools, aim Gla- P \, !>rC rf.ii dnnhiA it^nnhove xiore’B Diamonds. LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS' OILS, Bleached Sperm, Whale and lard Oils, for burning ; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, lard and Rape Seed Oil; also Tanners,’ Keats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspice, Cinnamon, Pepper. Ginger, : Mustard, Saleratus, Soda, l'earlash, Sweet Oil, Starch, ' Fig Blue, Matches, kc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best French. English, aud j American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, ! CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any one who may favor them with their orders may depend upon their receiving tho best attention, und that al) goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. ! Fur any time not above specified, a proportion Should they not give entire satisfaction, they mav be i eharge will be made. . j .I.,.. ..... r L * * i, i^quaro $10 16 $20 $24 $30 $40 2 Squares... 10 22 26 28 30 60 3 do .... 20 27 32 36 44 Sv 4 do .... 24 32 88 42 62 7; 5 do .... 27 36 44 40 60 $0 0 do .... 30 40 60 64 fi5 fo " do .... 32 43 54 68 70 KM 8 do .... 34 40 68 62 74 HO 0 do .... 36 48 01 00 77 Us 10 do .... 3S 50 64 70 80 W returned at the option of the purchaser. ga#A w Drug3, , „„„ Dye Stuffs, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Flue Toilet aud Shaving Soaps, Coml»3 and Brushes of every description, Surgical nud Dental A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rate- mahiu ti i "'*11 he made ou advertisements appearing ext lu sively on llie fourth page of the daily. Advertisomentsordered three times a week, will bo charged two-thirds tho above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line for tho tlmt, at: 5 cents for each subseqeut iusertiou, nnd in uor?:# J. E. DE FORD. APOTHECARIES HALL, S. E. Corner ol, Broughton nnd Barnard Streets. Savan- nah Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in Dra StolTa. Kronch. fimrltah. n»d i«.„„ uerul lovlwilon, to ccnu moh. No siieda! uotltcs inserted for jess than 50 cents. Obituary Notice, Instrument?, Trusses and Supporters of all IT,SR 1 Spices, Smtfls, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Patent Z A ceml ner line P ’ 1 or Proprietary Medicines of the day, Superior inks, - - * - IMre Wines and Brandies for purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Faucy Articles, Ac. W N. B.—Especial attention given to the preparation of Physicians’ Proscriptions and Family* Recipes. Ship, Family aud Travelling Medicine Cases, With plaiu Directions for use, including Direction? for treatment iu cases of poisouiug, Drowning, Ac. iy re! C ORN AND COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime .. Corn, White am! mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal j lines, will he inserted at $20 per annum. Steamboats will be advertised at $40 per awwtt for each boat advertised. Steamship?, where but oue is running, $40 per an num; if two or more, (30 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be subject t* 1 contract, but to be charged at the rates prescribe! per square. The paper, under no circumstances, fo be Includ ed in a contract. Professional and business cards not exceeding ‘ n store and for sale by PATTEN. DITTOv * rr>~ READ l—READ 11—READ 111 That is, if you can see; uml ;lf you cau’t sec, you can r all kind? of * ” -•* *’ ••• - ’ , Calls on persons to become candidates, will be inserted us other advertisements, to be paid for to | variably iu advance. j Announcing candidates for office, $10, to be joto i in advance. Advertisements not marked ou the c»py lor 8 ill be iuserted until fot bid, and — ■■ - - — help? to see,” at the Watch nml > ... ... , ... Jewelry Store or D. lb Nichols k Co., in Congress i 6,KM “ ,uo * ,' v street, uext door to tho corner of Whitaker, where I „ you cuu purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware. ‘ uu > l,in !or tWo advertising, otb« uud Fancy Goods, ms low us ut unv mho,- store in l i luU wbtruct, amounts to over $50. u deducuou w the country. * 25 per cent will be made. Wo have received per steamship Alabama a fresh , Yu * irl >* ‘‘‘•vertiring. with privilege of clwBgt* *'«' lol of thoso fine Stool Spectacle? ; also, a supplv of bt, .! akou ul ,lll ‘ billowing rates : Pebble uml Periscopie Lens, which we are prepared to fit In all kind? of frames, ut short notice. Our Periscopie, L*ns (so called from tlieir pceuliur shape) have an advantage over all others, u? they have u greater range of focus, so that the reader is not compelled to hold the honk or paper at a certain distance from the eye. Call uml see. % J). lb NlCllO I J? k CO. 45* No churge for showing goods. mar 11 ' \\, r. * CO. • apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. C IORN—In store nnd for sale by m irfi I/) J cm*t* vs s’Kl.t.i MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENFIELD, GA. FACULTY. PIUMUU-NT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PRorassous. Collrgc. v S. I*. .SANFORD. A. M., Matliomnties. J. K. WILI.K1’, A. M . Ctiemistry nml Natural Pliilofopiiy. II. H. TUCKER, A. M.. Relies Lett res. lb W. WISE. A M . Greek ami lAtin Liiigunge?. WILLIAM G. WOODKIN, A. H., Modern languages. Tlieoto^trnk Seinliuu > . N. Al. OltAWFORD, D. O:, Ecclesiastical History and Rildieal Literature. W-UJ.MU W'lU.l.VMS, .1. M Systematic and Pastoral Theology Acmlcmy. THOMAS A. SKAI.S, Principal. Tlio Gonuncncemoiit is hebl on the last Wedoesttuy to July. Tho next Tetm will commence on the Inst Wed nesday iu August. Tlio prlco of Board In the village is $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, At»., $8. By order of tho Hoard of Trustees. uiy 12 2m 8. LANDRUM, Secretary- ri'OBA MOL ASSES—THc cargo of tlic brig VB.B. Lawton, or superior quality. For sale by mayl9 St PADELFORD, FAY k CO. • For one square, renewable once a week. $4>‘' “ •* ” twice •• M* ’* “ “ 3 times or el teller 7b Every additional square contracted forte bo chart od one bull the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the mu* - * 1 contracted fur. All contracts siiall be in wrinuf. stating definitely tho nature of the business to I"* advert^ed. Any advertisements not properly cow nee ted with tho busine?? shall be cliurgedsejkiratt‘ —, n—n V r ; ?, I l - v > u,,tl uls ° ®*»y excess of matter over the amemwt OPE—700 coils Hope, various brand?, ull ■ contracted for. of good quality, to More Md for Mte by. Contract udvertiseniouts payable quarterly, «**■ j vei ti*eluents from strangers uud transiout porsou#. i payable* in advance. All others will be eonridcreo I due when called for. I Reeular advertiser? uud ull other* svudtug ci«w I inunications or requiring notice* Ucsigued to calls* I tentii>n to lhirs, concerto, soirees, or any public ew- ' tertainmeuts, where charges aro made lor admit i tanee—all notices of private associations, every no tiee de- igued to call attention to private etiteri'ri.*e» t j calculated or inlemled to promote iudividunl iutc- I ve.-ts, can only be inserted with the uuderstaudiji? | that the same i? to tie jvtid for. It inserted in tuc editorial column (which can be only at the dtecfr". ; tiou oi the editors) the same will be charged nt tlto 1 rate ol not less than 20 cents per hue. . Advertisements ordered in the Weekly paper.»' i per square for each iusertiou. The iiudersigned, publisher? of Daily, Tri-Weekly aud Weekly newspni>ers in Savanuah, Ga., pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the above bill »" charges, ami iu uo instance to deviate thotofretn. file above rates to toko effect Alarcb 1, I860, an J to roniinuo binding, until changed by the voteoi n majority of the umtorsignod. N. II.—'Tills schedule shall not In any way otlec* ihe integrity of existing contracts. All contrnct?for the year or any other sjiecltlcdtimo, shall only ceass with the expiration or the period for which th» 1 ) wero made, At KXAxnKii k Pnxkp, Republican. Thompson fc WmitNOTOs. Morning New H H k Co.. Georgian k Jmt-nat. P LUMBING, in all its vorious branches, at tended to nt tho shortest notice, and in superior ttyle. Also, may be found Shower Baths, Galvanis ed Irop, Tin and leaded Bath Tuba; Copper Boiler*, Patent Pan Water Closets, Load Pipes, Sheet I^ d ; Brass and Plated Cock*. Force Pumps, India Bubbei Hose. For sale at the House Furnish Store, No- Broughton-street- m*rl9 HORACE NORSK-