Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 21, 1856, Image 1

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vot. xxxvr SERIES.-] •$?*> Official Paperofthe City and County. R,B. HILTON & CO. PROPRIETORS AND PUBLISHERS. K. B. HILTON, * - - - - Editor. «. P. HAMILTON, - - AuliUnt Editor. TEBXS: Dally Paiwr, pery««r,tii iuIniiice„|S,00 i rl-Wrrki)' Paper u u a«00 . tYvekly Paprr Single Copy 9*00 “ ** Plvo ** N,00 “ ElRhl *» 10,00 •• “ Tt*w m 10,00 (To am* ntt(treu)Tweiil)’ “ 00,00 When mil |»«Ul In advatitv tlio charge IUr the I-ally will bo $6, ami Ibr tho Tri-Weekly $4. l'ho Weekly will ho xout only to tho*o who |iayin advance. Tho paper will Invariably bo discontinued upon tho expiration ortho lime for which It ha* boon paid. SATURDAY, Two Q*clockP, M, BTT TBHiBORAPH Kansas Committee. New York, June 21.— 1 The report of the committee on the Knuaas contested election in unfavorable to Oliver, the miuority member who 1* engaged in taking rebutting evidence. least, we interpret tho despatch.] Tho Main Trunk Hoad Repudiated. The Savannah & (lulf Railroad Company, have, we tire informed, just concluded a com tract with Messrs. Lockett A Co. for the build* ingofll) miles of said Road, beginning at the Amimuhu liver, and running towards Albany. The route for uiuc miles is South-westerly to a point within twenty miles of the Brunswick & Florida Road, when it diverges in a due west ward^ direction. Tills is the first practical re* pudiution thut wc have »ecn of tho Main Trunk Railroad llill, uud shows that Savannah has de* termiued on her course, us if no such bill had passed.—Macon Citizen. The editor of the Citizen 1ms been misinfbrm* cd—as the facts will show. The directory of the Savannah & Gulf Com pany have resolved to extend their road from its crossing of tho Alatamalia in a di reel line to* wards the initial point of the MalnTruukts fixed by its charter. Their roud has been lo cated to that point, uud would now bo under contract to that point but for the apprehension that the fulfilment of such a contract would bring them into conflict witli the rights of the Brunswick Company. The contract with Messrs. Lockett, there fore, instead of being for “10 miles” is forO miles—which brings the Savannah A Gulf Road withiu about 20 miles of the Brunswick line. In a few weeks after the * passage of the “Main Trunk'’ Charter the Savannah Company instructed their Engineer to proceed to “locate” to thecorner of Ware,Wayne and Appling—the • initial point.'' The distance of that point from Doctor’s Town was found to lie about 18J miles. The earnest desire of the Coinpauy was to contract with Lockett & Co., absolutely, for the whole of that distance. Rut doubting their right to build so far, on that line, in the absence of * “release,” or any .assurance of a “re-lease,” from the Brunswick Company in favor of the “Main Trunk”—they have “let” to excellent contractors n miles, with the understanding that the remaining shall be “let,” as soon as it can lie safely done. Since the forr going was penned, one of the Directors of theS. A.&G. Road, lias handed us what follows. We remark that Dr* Scirven is now absent in connection with the duties of his office. “Tbejine of the Suvaunah, Albany and Gulf “Road was recently located by our Engineer, “from the Alatamaha to the ' Initial Point’ ot “the Main Trunk, a distance of 18$ miles. In “view of this, and in view of the fact, that the ♦•Brunswick Company had refused to make re- “lease in the terms ot the Main Trunk charter, “the following resolution was adopted hy the ‘♦directory or the Savannah, Albany and Gulf “Road: “Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Board, “that the extension of our road to within 20 “miles of the Brunswick road, be proceeded “with on the line recently located to the initial “point, and that the President be requested to “make tho uecessary contracts,” Ac. “Why did we not resolve to go to the initial “point? because it was known than by so doing “wc would go uearcr to the B. R. that we were “authorized to do—until that Road makes the 1 ‘release ulluded to. There wns no faltering on “our part, nor auy intention to repudiate the “Main Trunk charter. No! we desire to cherish “it, and carryopt in a good faith, the feeling “of the Legislature, nor do some of us despair ♦‘of doing so. 1 “Strango—that a becoming respect for rights “claimed by the B. Co„ should be lAid hold of by its friends, as a ground of attack on our “Road." jSAVANNAH, (QA.) SATURDAY, JM 21, 1856. (Corm-|H>ii<lenc<‘ or Urn Italtitimn. Republican.) Mormons In ,Vcw York. New Yokk, June 17—Eveniug. The ship Thornton, Cupt Collins, from Liver pool, arrived at this port on the 14th instant, bringing u large number of Mormons—501 adults, 172 children and youths, and 20 infants -in all, 702 souls. Most of the passengers are from Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, England : some few ure from Scotland, und there are ICO Dunes, besides atrout a dozen Welsh. Tho new comers are working people in England, and tlicru are mechanics of almost every trade umong them. They all have sufficient money to carry them to their destinations, where those who full short will Ihj assisted by the Society to build and start in business. The emigrants bud each a copy of the Mormon Bible, und a bundle of weekly newspapers called the “Millenlal Star,” a paper of large circulation. Most of tbo adults can read, and they appear to be intelligent, robust men uud women, while the young girls, some of them, are quite handsome. The sight in the Castle Garden, where ail these emigrants are quartered, wus a novel one, the primitive urrangemeuts of the sqjouroers reminding the spectator of a large glpsey camp, as far qa tho domestic utensils, varieguted cos tumes. and sun-tanned features were concerned; hut the cleanliness and decorum of the people spoiled the resemblance. Mr. Atwood said noth ing could be more systematic and orderly than the behavior < f the multitude. They seem to feel like one large family. A more glorious victory over another cuipiot l)e achieved thun this: that when on his part, kindness i ours. vmfliuv WU HVIUVIVI l|ie injury began should begin on on ional fuslt- . gentleman wus promenading a bin street with a bright little hoy at his Hide, when the little fellow cried out: “Oh, pa, there goes an editor!' “Ilium, hush I” siiid the father, “don't make any sport at the poor mail—God poly knows what yon may come to yet.” A man's virtue should nut he mea sured by his occasional exertion, hut his ordinary doinga. Snooks says the prettiest sewing ino- ebime lie ever saw was about seventeen years old, with short sleeves, low neck dress, and gaiter I tools. The gleam of her eye was bright The gleam of her gold wan brightr, The first was a bcautirul sight, Th» second « beautiful tighter. . Cnytor aml thr Atlantic mill Ouir R. R. Guyltr Esq.,' President of the Central Rssd, addresses a' communication through the AipuWcon, to tho editor oi the Brunswick Herald, dellnlng Ills position (whklt it seems bus been misunderstood) with reference to the loostlon of the "Main Trunk.” As regards the circumstances attending tho publication af his letter to Judge Hansel, they are as we happen to know corieotly given In the following para' graphs As soon ns the Main Trunk Inn was posited, nty views on tbo sultiect were solicited by sev eral persons In various quarters. When I re ceived Judge Hansel's letter, I embraced the op portunity to answer all enquiries at one and the some time. I therefore caused my reply to be printed on a sheet, and had one hundred copies stricken uR'aud delivered to me, for my own use. I sent three copies to Judge Hansel—the only copies sent by mo to ull South-Western Ueorglau, sttd I have delivered to Meads, as they applied, about fifty copies. Tbe rest of the edition of one hundred copies is in uty bauds. I explained to Judgo Mausel, in a written note, how it came that my answer to him was a pi lot ed answer. Mr. Cayler's views with respect to tbo location are given aa follows r I haft alway, preferred the line through Thom- atviilt and Bainbrwae, for several reasons, but chiedy because I believe that it will be the best paying line; but, at no time, would 1 nay that because we could not go by those places, there fore we would have no Main Trunk any where else. It was just that spirit, maul It-sted in Judge Hansel a la Iter, which I undertook, ill my reply, respectfully and k-iutly, I treat, to deprecate. I urged Judge Hunsel to nbauduii that position, and to advocate a subscription by hie people. I thought I shewed him, plainly enough, how we could obtain the location through Thoinasville, certainly mid honorably, when I said—“We cannot, any ol'ns, say where “thu Main Trunk will ho loeuted by the Direct- “ora; we cun give our Ideas <m too subject— “no more—unfar. for .tuck enough "to .title the question.” I repeat tu-day tlmt u sufficient subscription will curry the Mum Trank through Tliomusvlllo uud Ualnhridgo. What follows strikes us os well worthy tho consideration of all who ure interested in the Rail connection across Southern Georgia: Tho purposo which I had in view is nnswered; and 1 would close this letter, but I cannot re- Train, whilst my pen Is in my hand, Horn writ ing a few words which may, possibly, lead to a better understanding between yon, os a Jour nalist, and the people of Savannah. Wo, In this quarter, want a railroad to the Golf o! Mexico. Brunswick wants a like roud. We ktiuw that two roads cannot be built. We be lieve It to bo a very weighty matter to build one Bach road, even with tho million which tbo State offers fur a common road. We snbscrllie und honestly endeavor to establish tliatcommdu read. We nave done something towards build ing railroads in Georgia, and even connecting roads beyond tho limits of Georgia. We are epareu to do our part in developing Sooth eatern Georgia, and to furnish a market for the Inhabitants of that region. You have sought, in your journal, to Improas jo people of Georgia with the idea that the Branatnck Company and tho people of Lourdues and Thomaa hare repudiated the Main Trunk, and now you are striving to separate tho people of Decatur from Savannah and from the Main Trank. Yon speak, os If by authority, when you say that the Brunswick Company will not grant their release. Your remarks seem to me the contrary, there Is an invitation for connec tion with the Main Trank. The report says “that if tbe Atlantic and Gulf Company should “hereafter deem it their Interest to turn tho head “of their locomotive down towards the line of “the Brunswick and Florida Railroad, we will "endeavor to meet his advances with the con- “sldemtiondns to so distinguished a messenger "of light and civilisation.” Whilst I most concede that this prond and grandiloquent style Is rather nnomohraa In the railroad parlance of this latitude, nevertheless, If it lias any meaning, It is an invitation for union with the Main Trunk. The President of the Brunswick Company, sflerthe meeting, de clared here, in presence of several gentlemen with whom he bad a conference, thathe had no desire whatever to kill the Main Trunk. Here- leated that declaration most emphatically and Jlstlnctly. The people of Thomas, at a late meeting, have Bhewn very plainly, that they de sire to sustain the main Trunk law. They stand ready, I am happy to know, to subscribe and assist in carrying the law through. True, they Insist on the road's passing through Thomas- vllle. The people here ore in favor of the loca tion through Thomasvllle and Bainbridge. The people of Bainbridge, It Is evident, desire tbe same location. It would be passing strange It, under such circumstances, there should be any teal difficulty in carrying the Main Trank thro' Thomasvllle. Bslleva me, Brunswick is uot yet stiff enough —tho people of Lowndes and Thomaa are not yet strong enough—tho people of this city are not yet wealthy enough, to reject the liberal oflbr of the State. It would require a million and a half of dollars, or more, to carry the Brunswick Road from tire Satilla to Thomas- vllle. It is a sum entirely too large, I say It not to offend, for the Brunswick Company and the peoplo of Lowndes and Thomas to ralso Is there not good warrant for this opinion ? The writer "Thomas" declares that when no encouragement could bo obtained at Savannah, “the Brunswick Company were conferred “ with, and they told us they were satisfied that “ a read from tho Atlantic to the Gulf, to Ira “prolitable, ought to run through our section, '* hut frankly admitted their inability to build if without help." How enmo it, if the Brunswick Company and the people of Lowndes and Tho mas were able to bulla a road from Brunswick to Thomaaville, that they, waited so long, and sought anxiously and pressingly the aid of the The Brunswick Company hna been along timo in operutlon, under vurious organizations, and under various impulses; and yet, accord ing to their owu Report, they have raised in all from the beginning, on stock, oulj $1U5,000. With that asm and $280,000, bororwod, the Company has graded twenty-six miles of road, Had fourteen miles of rails and has iron to reuclr the Sutlllu, thirty-two miles from Bruns wick. No cash in hand, is shown to prosecute the work. Let us not boast too mooli, thou, of our means, but let us unito them, like sensible men, and raise enough to secure the Statu sub scription, aud then carry the common road through Thomasvillo und Bainbridge. You may bo certain that If the Main Trunk schema shall fall, the Legislature will never again grant uny aid to south western Georgia. Tho only ration* al hope which Brunswick, or tho people of tho south west, or the city of Savannah, or ull com bined, can have that there will lie roads lead ing from Bniumvick and Savannah to tbe Chat tahoochee, must be founded on tho Mutu Trunk law. Frustrate that law, reject State aid,and many years must puss uud much greater wealth and power be attained before any of us can reach the Gulf at Pensacola. Seize tlm present moment, secure the aid of the State, proceed with uulted cffurts, and then we eliali realize our great expectation. Republican Platform.—The follow ing is the platform adopted by the anti- Ffllmore Convention, which nominated Banks and Johnston on Monday last, in New York: First—Liberty now and forever—ono and inseparable. Second-—Freedom of tho ballot box from foreign influence; freedom of con science ; freedom of sjicech; freedom of the press; free territory and freo Kansas; no advantage to shivery from the repeal of tho Missouri Compromise; the im provement of rivers, and the construc tion and improvement of hurhors us well on the great lakes as on the ocean; the immediate construction of n railroad across American territory to tbo Pacific States, by such aid on tlio part of the government os may be necessary to accomplish 'such result. The New York Sunday Times and Mes senger, a neutral paper, nays of Buchanan and Brcckcnridge, they are the “busy B’s” who will sting sectionalism to the core. ■■■■ : Pro-SUv.rjr Circular. Ill our friend, throughout the United State; The undersigned,' having been appointed Committees, by our fellow-eitlkeuB of the coun ties of Leavenworth, Doniphan, and Atohlson, iu Kansas Territory, to consult together, and to adopt meMures for mutual protection and the advancement of the Interests or the Pro-Slavery Party Id Kansas territory, this day assembled at the town of Atohlson, to undertake the res ponsible duties aestgaed us, and, In our present emergency, deem it expedient to address this .circular to our friends throughout the Union, bnt more particularly the Staveholding States. We would not officiously undertake to represent the whole Pio Slavery Party, but, on thta oc casion, wheu every man Is required at bis post to protect hia tamfly, friends, asd property from the attacks of bands of midnight Abolition ns- sasslas, it la impoqslble to coll a general meeting of nur party- The time has arrived when prompt action is required, and'the Interior, of Kansas eon easily be supplied from the various points In the above named counties, they embracing our whole front on the Missouri Hive ; tho Pro-Sla very Party is the ouly ono in Kansas which intends lo uphold tho Government, or abide by tho laws; onrparty from tho .beginning has sought to make Kansas a Slave State onfy by legal means; wo have been slandered and villa- Bed almost boyond endurance, yet we havo not resorted to violence, but steadily pursued the taw for tbe accomplishment ot our objects, be lieving it Is tho only proper courso—and tho party la still of the same opinion; twice havo we boon called out in targe uumben to aid tbo .di cers in the execution of the laws, and under ditiouto wages war of extermination against all the enemies of tho Pro-Slavery Party In Kansas. Yet wo controlled ourselves, our ene mies promising in future to obey the laws. Not withstanding the many falsehoods circulated by tlio Abolltionis in aud out of Kansas Territory, the day never lies been that wc we wore nut jW&PQ ’s name or nation, ..-^-Jodto-be'French* The innocent waa picked up unhurt amid the Rlaih andr maimed, in unconscious raoranco of the awful disaster. Col, .ottensent it to JtewTork in care of the stewardess qjf ^he Geo. Law, and it becomes, we BUppbs^ an unkuown oh ject of charity here. » i Freaks of Lioimxo.—Tho crew of the bark Fame, on Lake Erie, were struk by lightning on tho 8th instant, injuring five persons. What is jnost remarkablo is, that not a mark is tp‘bo seen on the ves sel indicating that she. had been subjected to such an accident* Tho remainder of' the crow not being able to manage the bark, she drifted about until next day, when the steamer Melrose was spoken, from which two bands wero obtained and tlio Famo brought into port. Another Convention.—The officers of tho National camp, Order, “United Sons of America,” have called a Conven tion of the Order, to assemble in Balti more on Friday, July 4th. It is supposed that action will bo taken before the conven tion in relation to tho Presidential election. were ibruwuoff, und open war declared between the Pro-Shivery aud all other parties in the Territory, could in less than a month rid our selves of our last eueiny, without thu aid of a single outsider. Let not the declarations, however, (although true to tho letter,) prevent any oue from coin ing to Kansas, wuo intends to become a citi zen of Kansas, for we need till thut will uome; and remember, that iu October next, our Rep resentatives to tbe Legislature will make a des* rate struggle. Bring your slaves with you. toy are sale here. Abolitionists cannot steal them aud get them out of Kansas. We have proclaimed to the world that we re cognized the principles of the Kansas bill as just and right, and although we preferred Kau- saa being made a Negro Slave State, yet. wo never dreamed of making it so by the aid of bowie-knives, revolvers, aud Sharpe’s rifles, un til we were threatened to be driven out of the Territory by a band of hired Abolitionists, bought up aud sent here to control our elections, and steal onr slaves and those of oar friends in adjoining States. These threats made us pre pare ourselves for whatever issue might be pre sented. •. j i We are still ready and itilend to continue so, if our friends from abroad stand by and snstatn us. We are now in a condition that requires constant vigilance day and night. Our people are poor, and their labor is their capital. De rive them of that, which we are now compelled 9 do, and they must be supported from abroad, or give up the cause of the South. The North ern Abolitionists can raise millions of dollars, and station armed bands ot fanatics throughout the Territory, and support them, in order to de rive Southern men of their constitutional rights. Vc address this to onr friends, only for the pur pose of letting them know our true condition and our wants. We know that onr call will meet ready, willing and liberal respose. Since we left Lawrence, on the day ot its surrender and hu miliation. the Free titate men have learned, we suppose, by the aid of Howard and Sherman, of the Congressional Committee of Investigation, that our laws were all unconstitutional ami void, and would be bo declared by Congress; they have begun a regular system of midnight as sassinations, robberies and a whole catalogue of crimes, wherever they can find unprotected men, women and children. Hence the absolute ne cessity of our people everywhere being con stantly ready for any emergency; and in order to be thus, we need money, horses, provisions and ammunition, but with the money we, per haps, can purchase all we need cheaper than our friends can supply ns, except in Missouri. From twenty to thirty of onr people have fallen by the hands of fanatical abolitionists, without auy pretended excuse, except that it was knowu they believed Southern peoplo had [ual rights with Northern in the Territories. ley ure hoiug hunted up and brought to jus tice, aud the blood of our slain people and tbe tears or their widows and orphans will contin ue toory aloud for vengeance, until the last as sassin and traitor Is brought to justice. Their cry will not be in vain. We profess to be a law- abiding people, and we practice what we pro fess ; but when the law ceases to afford protec tion and revolution, insurrection and relMllion are forced upon us, we expect to be ready to meet that issue too. Thus far we have sustain ed the principles of the pro-slavery party in Kansas peaceably; we prefer thus to continue, but if our party is to be put down, or civil war foltow, let it come—the sooner the better—we are ready to do our.duty. Heaven and earth are being moved in all the Free States to induce overwhelming armies to march hero and drive us from the land. We aro able to take care of those already here, but let our brethren in the States take care of tho outsiders; watch them, and if our enemies march for Kansas, let our friends come along to tako care of them, and if nothing but a fight can bring about peace, let us have a fight that will amount to something; send us the monoy and other articles mentioned as early as practicable, and if tho abolitionists find it convenient to 6ring their supplies, let our friends come with ours. Arrangements having been made with Messrs. Majors, Rufuell A. Co., Leavenworth, K. T;.J. W. Forman & Co., Doniphan, K. T., and C. E. Wool folk, Atchison, K. T., to receive any mo ney or other articles sent for our relief, and will report to the undersigned, and we pledge our selves tlmt all will Iks distributed for the oenefit of the cause. Horses we greatly need—foot men being useless in running down midnight assassin uud robbers. Leavenworth County.—W. E. Murphy, Chair man; J. J. Clarkson, C. B. Morris, 1). A. N. Grover, Hugh N. Mooro. Doniphan County.—T. S. Kyo, Chairman ; J, F. Forman, C. L. Newman, A. Moudo, J. 8. Pemberton. Atchison Couuty.—P. T. Abell, Chairman: J. A. Headley, A. J. Frederick, J. F. Grccnd, Jr., E. C. Mason. Atchison, K.T., Juno G, 1850. wreck a roeid'eal w and relative* were, knows the.little ' which, however, ,ino.—The'George filin',Ab- Vpsreenger, —I: amid the the Intel mtl- The Republicans of Easton, Pa., held n largo meeting on Sgturduy. As “neigh bors unil friends of,* Gov. Reeder” they introduced a resolution calling upon him to say whether ho 'uddpts'the Cincinnati platform ns his political creed, or will unite witli those who oppose thut platform ill his future political action. Pleasant Travelling.—Oar building iu France is making rapid strides towards perfection. On the Orleans railway, pco- >le can go to bed—fairly undress, and lave ns good n night's rest as they could get under a four-poster. For this the traveller payB tho price of two seats. “What is the cause of tbe potato rot?” “It is attributed to the rot-ta-tary motion of the o irth." How was this ascertained? By consulting a great many commen-ta- ters. 3 A Aft FOUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, Iu • vvv Htoro and for sole by , BARRON, juno20 corner Whltakor anil Charlton-ata. SALE OF~LOT8 AT SUMTER CITY DEPOT. E Georgia and Florida Railroad Company have — wlftbllsnod their Urst dopot at tho tenth mile south or Amerlous, to which point tho Company have raado preparations to open their Railroad from Aincricus In the mouth or October noxt; tho owners ortho land around said dopot, having obtained tho ■auction or tho Railroad Company, will olfor for sale, on Weduoaday, tho second day ol‘ July noxt, to tho highest bidder, fifty eligible aud res- donco Lots, couvoutuut to tho dopot, which bus re ceived the uamool' “Sumter City.” This aopot is on tho summit ortho ridgo between Muckulou und Muukuloouhoo Creek: it Is two hun dred und forty-three feet abovo tho bod ot* Fliut River at Aibauy, uud is tbo highest point on the liuo or Road; it is convenient to tho large trade which will go over tho Road from tho South, being near tlio Juuotion of the two principal highways leading from tho Bouthorn part or Uoorgla to Am- erlcus. The point selected for “Sumtor City ” has been proven to ho ono or tho hcalthien locations in Georgia. Tho wator is pure—free from lime, and ot Uio best — Why is a vino like a soldier? It is Vuy l . .. trained—has tendrils—and it shoots. .funeral ^mutation. Tho friends and acquaintances or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hondorson are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral of their youngest child—GEORGE GIR'ON HENDERSON—from their residence, cor ner of Broughton aud Prnyton street, at half-post 12 o'clock, P. M.,’on Sunday. Savannah, June 20th, 1856. Commercial Intelligence. USSR groceries. N STORE— por steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta- * bio Butter and Cheoso; lieef Tongues; Smoked Deer: Hams; Bacon; Pig Pork; White Doans; Beck er's self-raising Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes. Almonds, Ac., Ac.; Pickles of all kinds; Preserves, assorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Preston's Prerat. um Chocolate; best or Tea*. Colfoe, and Stuart's No 1, A, B and C Sugars; Hlbberl’s London Porter; talk Irk'* Scotch Ale; Claret aud other Wiue3; at BARRORP8 Savannah Market, Jane 21. COTTON—The demand yesterday was limited to Exporta: ibtpKuc upland and 52 sea Island cotton, S28 Backs wheat, 71 bales wool, 23 do domestics, 9 do yarns, 2 horses and sundry package*. PORTLAND—Per *chr B Watson—203,0C0 fret of lumber. _ MOBILE, JUNE17—Comm—The market closed firm with sales or TOO to 800 bale*—middling 10# conts. NEW ORLEANS, JUNE16 —Cotton—The inquiry was more animated to day, and tbo sales comprise 2500 bale* at Irregular but Tull prices, m some In* stances abovo our quotation*, which, however, for Uio present, we repeat unchanged. NKW OKLKA.VS CLASSIFICATION. Inferior fl# a7# | Middling Fair., 10 j a 'alO# Ordinary 8#a8# I Fair ll#all# Middling 0#a 9# ] Good Fair U#al2 Good Middling 10 &\0# J Good and Fino, nominal. STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock on hand 1st September, 1855 bale* 38,215 Rocoived since 1,738,000 Received to-day 881—1,738,981 1,777,190 Exported to-day 7,811 Exported todute 1,680,369—1,688,180 Stock on hand not clnnrod 89,010 PniAK—Tbo demand continued steady and the sale* comprised 250 blids at 7?£ a RJ^o for fidr. Molasses—A few small lota or re-boiled wero sold at 47 a 49c. Flour—£ale* of 386 bbls Illinois at $6,55, 300 nt —, and 260 Extra at —. Ordinary Superfine could hardly be quoted over $6,60, showing a material deollne. Wheat—1300 sacks Gjod to Prime Red sold, in three lot*, at $1,35, and 216 Whito at $1,40. Prices lower. CoRn—The sale* summed up 16,500 sack*, nearly all during the early part or tho day, Including 4760 mixed, In three lot*, at 49c, 3200. White, in four lot*, and 4600 at 50c, 334 at 52. anil 1069 Prime White at 6c. Pork—Tho demand was active, and tho sales compriso 4285 bbls, embracing 700 Suuken at $17, 50; 900 at $17,75:650 at $17,87^, and 2135, in flvo lots, at $18, which was the regular retail psieo. Bacon—We notico furthor sales or 200 casks, In cluding 50 at 7|{c for Shoulders, and 9# for Sides; 27 Shoulders at 7&, 10 at 8, some further lota at tho samo, aud 44 Rib Sides, iu two lots, at 9*£c. Coffer—The sale* of Rio comprise 351 bags'at 10‘ 4 'c, 400 bag* at 10%, 60 nt 10%, 150 at 11, and 75 ntll%c. Fnaairw—A ship wo* takon up for Liverpool at Od for Corn, ono for Naples at $8 for Tobacco, and on Saturday evening a bark for Venice at 1 cent for Ootton. Kxciianok*—Demand moderate— London, .9% n 9% por ct piu Franc* 5.16% a 6.22% New York 60 day* 1% a 1% pr ot di* ‘I % a — pr ct dis Murderers Arrested.—-Our mute will remember the horrible tragedy of a German family of seven persons being murdered and their bodies burned in their dwelling at Bt. Joseph, Mb., some.two weeks since. Five men have been arrested as concerned in this crime, named John Patterson, George W. Lincoln, Warner Hoops, Davis ana Mvers. Patterson and Myers have confessed and implicated tho rest. All aro in jail, and aspecial term of the Court is to be held for their trial. A Runaway Wife among the Mor mons.—Among the Mormons who arrived at New York on Saturday, was a Mrs. Jervis, from Herefordshire, Kngland, who it is alleged, loft her husband, and taking her two children, embarked with the saints for the land of promise. The husband, however, took tho steamer and arrived ahead of her. Ho entered a complaint yesterday before ono of tho courts, and a writ of habeas corpus was issued to bring up the children, and investigate tho merits ofthoeasjb When you geTlnto’a fit passion just walk out into the air, yon may speak your mind to the wind without hurting anyone or proclaiming yourself a simpleton. The happiest man in the world is the man with just wealth enough to koep him in spirits, and just children enough to make him industrious. Consignees. Per steamer Wcluka, from Palatka, Ac—11 bnloa son Island cotton. 6 ttquarobUo* cotton. 25 cow hide*, 3 halo* deer skin*, und sundries—to llimtcr A Gummell, J Lippman, Tiaon AMaokay, Boaton A VIIHIongu, and Central Railroad. Passengers. Per ateuiiier Wclaka, from Palatka, Ac—Mr* Hart and child, Mi** A Towbridgo, Ml** Pickering, Mr* Wallace aud two ohttdron, Mr Plckoviug and lady, Mr* Cohuu and uorvaut, 511s* Cohen, Mr Earle, la dy, child und two servant*, Mrs B M Pearson, Mias Pearson, Sir* Vail, Mis* Muinferd, Mr* Dayson, Mi** Watts, Mi** Peek, llov J E Wail, llov Mr Loo, R Stafford, W Duuniug, W Goodrich, Mr Mumford and, lady, W Ledwitb, P M Nlghtengulo and son. W c Towbridgo, J Muuter, Mr Hide, Mr Cullurn, Taylor J McCarthy, W Huxcll, G Parsons, T J Wooten, C Churchill, .1 McDonald, Morton C Tboiot, McCone, McDufflo, T M Forman, Wilcox, B Smith, S Kcunon, and flvo on deck. Per steamship Knoxville, for Now York—RII Garducr, Jr, Mr* Garduer and two sorvants, Mrs Crisp, Georgo Gordon, Mrs Gordon, Cbas Parsons, Mr* Parson*. A U Stoddard, J J Stoddard, Miss Stoddard, H M Stoddard and nurse, Miss J Stoddard Mr* Etoddard, Johu Stoddard, tbreo servants aud coachman, Mias Carter, Mrs C E Mcdborry, 1) R Wright, Mrs Wright, two children and servant, W B Hodgson, Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Watkins, Bliss Wat- dins,. Wm Churchill, Mr* Churchill, Mrs Edwards, Mr Hodgson, Mr* Cary, PCary, Mr* Gilbert, Mrs Warner, Mins Pratt, Miss Tonnl*on, E Jonckos, Hon J U Wayuo, R McFcoter*, R N Swift, B V Pierce, D Holman, C H Sanford, Jas Reed, Mrs Sandford, H Carter; Mrs Jackson, Miss Mumford, J H Mumford, Mrs Mumford, W Johnson, W Led with, Jno J Kelly, D B NIchoR Mr* Wallace and child, Bliss W EFoloy Miss &A Foley, Ed Hopkins, J PMetz, t C Gardnor, W F Pratt, Blr* W.T Wood, two cbildreu and sorv’t,. W Horrick. Blr* Herrick, D. A Wells, James Blount. R L Morris, Blrs Blorrls, W Crabtree. Blr* Crabtree, n Fay, Mrs Fay and servant, D H VaniMater, Mrs Van Mater and child. Mrs H 8 Bmitli, Bliss Smith, Mrs Steoubergon, Bliss Btccnbcrgcn, Miss N Steen- bergen and servant, Clarence Gordon, W O Wadley and child, Master wadley and nurst, Mrs Saran Wadley and child, Bliss Wadley, Miss S J Clark, Mri W B( Wadley, Bliss JanoSmitn, Mrs Hart and child. H Goodman, BBlnnlnger, Aaron Ward, L M Arnold, Bl McCannon, F McCarthy, Gen 8 Robinson, Wm M Wadley, Rev Michael Lyon, Dr Hoyt, H 8 Smith, T B tones. J W Ford, B Burgo, H F Hyde, H H White, Miss Watts, Miss Peck, Mrs Robert Day and child, Robert Day, and thirty storage. Rente. Pos^^Qf gfLvaniiah, ..JUNE 21 Arrived. Steamer Wclaka, King, Palatka, Ac—Claghorn A Cunningham. _ Cleared, *" Steamship Knoxville, Ludlow, for Now York— PadeUord. Fay. k Co. Sobr B Watson, Roblnsou, for Portland, Bio.—W B Giles A Co. — -- L - - - LOST. A LL persons aro hereby cautioned against ro< colving a chock for $90,05 on the Central Rail road Bank, madoby Wm. Crabtree, dated 17th lost., No.196, as tbe samo belongs to tbo undersigned, having boon lost or mislaid. Payment bn* been stopped. D. L. COHF.N. Juuo 21 It J UST RECEIVED, por schooner jTr. Allen, from Bultlmoro— MASON'S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cakes, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cakes, ..... . . a,n 8° p 8“ ft P 3 » Edinburgh Cake* Milk Biscuit, Soda Blsciut, Wine Biscuit, Buttor Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Pio Nlo Biscuit, Ac. At UARRO.VS, Juno20 corner Whitaker and Chariton-sts. BALTIMORE BACON. A Steam Mill will bo erected at tbo placo by next August. Amplo Church uud School or Academy Lots will ho roBorvod and givou to thu various denomina tions, should they Uoairo thorn for building aud oc cupation. All person* doing business at “Sumter City” will havo equal privileges on tlio Road, os it may be ox- tondod bolow to fhcltltate their business, all or which will, for tho ensuing business season, bo tributary to tbis depot. - ’ A plan or “Sumter City” may bo seen after the 15th or the present month, at the Hotel at Americus, and at tho South-western Hotel at Albany. Tho forms will bo dne-hslfcaah, and bulanco pay ablo l*t of January next. „ J- M. COOPER, Auctioneer. Albany, Qa., Juno 6th, 1856. td—Je 14 junol8 Family Grocery Store, cornor Whitaker and Charlton sts. EXTUMPH1SU IHKVUAXUt tUMW, JVo. 11 Pine itreet, New Hark, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) CMh c«—qioo,oooi rpiHS Company insures against loss or damage by X Flro, on the most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores and mer chandize, factories, Bhlps in port, etc. All losses will ba odjustod and promptly paid. D. 8. BULLS. President, _ C. BROOM, Vico President. • Edw’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Gio. B. Dxakb, Surveyor. JAMBS M. CARTER, Agent, June 17 for Savannah, 85 Bay street. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of his profes sion, olfor* hi* services to hia frionds und the public as an Architect and superintendent. Designs fot any part of tlio country supplied aud oxoouted in all tho various branches of his profes roar of tho Custom Homo. Jan 8—ly ☆ OIiOTBIZffOA EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WEST OF THE REPUBLICAN READING ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing; Hats and Caps, Shirts, .Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canos, Umbrella* Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. W*0* Price, FASHIONABLE AND MIUTABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANN All, Also, Superflno Cloths, Lussiuers and Vestiugs, will bo made to mea sure, unexception able In style and workmanship, by tho boat mechanics, at shortest notico t- ■ Orders from city aud couiity solicited. ■ „ HaEbek SHOP*. Pulaski House Barber 8liop, Oiums’ Brick Building, opposite the Pulcuki House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall Ho uio Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. T HE subscriber, thankful to his fellow-citizenB for tlio liberal patronago ho has rocoived, aud is still receiving, bogs rospuctTully to Inform them that bo ha* ougaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from somo of tbo best Barber Shojis in Now York, und will bo enabled to accommodato as rauny gentlemen uu may honor him with thoir pa tronago. N. B,—The Barber Shops ure closed on Sundays— strangers will please bear this iu miud. JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will uiso give his attention to doslgns iu Architec ture. Oifiuc in the store of Johu Wil Bay street. ViUlntnsou, Esq., my!3 CHAFFER & CO., No. 0 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS J.V S ASHES. Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, kc. White Lead, Zinc, White Linseed, Sperm, Whale, Tan ners’and NeutsfootOils, Glass, Brushes, Gold Loaf, Brouzo, Builders’ Hardware. Nulls, Marble Mantels &C-.&0. je4 C. 8. UAHRtSOSI. A. 0. HCQKUEK HARRISON A McGEHEE, AUCTION*, COMMISSION, DECEIVING AND tForwarding Mercliuuts. 69 AND 01 UUOAD-BTRKET, COI.UUBUS, GEORGIA. — Particular atfouUou given to the sale* or Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. 4®- liberal advunces made ou Negroes and Mur- ebaudizo. REFERENCE*: RUSE. PATTEN A CO. 1 GUNBY k DANIEL, Columbus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY Ik CO. J WU.’VmgHT, 4 L0NU| } Suvaumli. II. 8. SMITH, I Mobile, Alabama. Iy WUAIAH . um, AND FOR 3S COMMISSION AND FORWARDING .Vo. »7 Bay deed, Saeinnah, t Jujwia ■ ™RRGX * SHOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, raoxrarox, oa, ■iv,ii; r r!siS= .. N(J.'12006 < / a kEEnch china, WHItk oEanTtE", AND GLASS WARE. 146 MECTINQ STREET. CHARUBTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. « The subscribers respectfully solicit,^— from the traveling public, an inspcctlonUVI or thoir stock of French and English BU China, in plain white, gold band, and IV deoprated dinner, desert, breakliist, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete acts and vases. Also, Cups and Saucers; ko. t ol tho celebrated Sevres China. Whito Granite or the host manufacturers. Rich cutFrcucli, English aud Bohemian Glass, ’ They have a variety or ornaments iu ParUna* Ware, Busts oTCalhoun, Clav, Webster, and others, andStatuotcs of the Greek Slavo, Venus do Modioli! so,, so, Thoy havo also d boautlful, durable and cheap arti* ole for floors and hearths, or , Plain and Encaustic Tiles* IThoir stock being very geueral, carcfrilly selected and Imported direct, olfers Inducements to merchants as wollaa families, to whom goods will be put up al the lowest rates for cash. WEBB k SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb kCo. ' JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County* AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office in the Court House. my\3 ANTHONVMcCllhEoH; “ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 4S* Office on Bay street, over tbe Bank of Savan nah. tnayia RrFTCOLE dfc BROTHER FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER- Savannah, Qa., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Cole, I R. F. Col*, Boy street, Savannah. | Commerce st., Monlg’ry. ■ REFERKXCR3. Holcomb, Johnson, k Co. | Cohens k Hertz, l<ockott k SnolllngB, Edwin Parsons k Co., Robert A. Allen, I Scranton, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH, OA. my!8 wit. L. WUfB. * wn. B. BACK. WEBB tSi SAGE, (successors to camrrost, WEBB k 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 146 MKRINO-ST. CHARLESTON, 8. Ou Will supply Country Merchants with Goods in their lino at as low rates as thoy can buy iu New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 iy , i. OGDEN. WM. STARK, ST. uY llT tlAHDKX. OGDEN, STARK 4t CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, BAY-STBEOT. SAVANNAH. GA. YONOK & F1UEUSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 HAY-HTKEKT, SAVANNAH, Oi. apr4 A. MoAIjPUI 5 UHOTiUCUH, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. 8ept6 SAVANNAH, QA. FATTEN, HUTTON Oi CO., FACTORS. forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bay-street, Savannah, Ga, DTLVCoIlfiW: CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (oue door East of Drayton Street.) 1* prepared to coutruct for ull kind* of building and repairing. Also to oouduct wator through tho various parts of housoB. ap 1? WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. #gg We are receiving tho London Lever Watches, of the most celebrated makers, in fRGold and Silver cases. K. F. Cooper’s l)u> HtMBplox Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, line Swiss Chronometers, which we offor at reasona ble prices, ut our now store in Gibbons’ Range. sept28 D. B. NICHOLS & CO. NEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTU OF MARKET SQUARE, BRYAN STREET. I would inform my old friends and patrons I havo opened tho above store to conduct the MMStove, Tin und Sheot-Iron Business in all its various forms, and where will be found a gen- oral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Shoet-Ir on Ware, which I will be pleasod to show, and at such price as will satisfy any ono wishing to purchase. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanised Irou Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipe* furnished at short notice. Tin Wore at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will pay you for your Walk. oct2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS. , Large sized Photographs, ta< rken by MILLER, AT TWELVE DOLLARS PER DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes and Da- In his usual su- t rnv. guerreotypes, perlor style. A callU solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Julian-st. and Market square. CARY’S DAGUEREUTYPE8, AMBR4 types and Photography. P. M. CARY WOULD respectfully give notice that his FF rooms aro now opou for tbe-scason, and rea dy for the reception of visitors. By tbe Ambrottpk process pcrsins may now have their children’s pictures taken, in almost any posi tion thoy may choose, in from l to 3 secodds suting. By the Puotoorapdio process old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to paper, beautifully colored and enlarged to.Ufe. oct 22 BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tho undersigned having put the 'N above Stables in good condition, ■ .rftaE are Prepared to accommodate their Vgk customers with Carriages, Hack*. Buggies, Sulkies, *c., with sound, gentle, and well broke horses, aud careful drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared for. Twc pairs or fine Carriago Horses for snle. Inquire cor ner ol‘Barnard and Broughton streets. ap!14—ly STEVENS k ELLISTON. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma sonry of every description. Residence, No. 8 Mrs Jewett’s Range, South side Jones st. oct 80 WOOD AND LUMBErT' A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths and Pullings, for salo, at wholesale und retail, low for cosh, on tlio new wharf recently erected ou the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen 4; Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. CRANE, wells * CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga* I. LOCKETT. H. D. BN ELLIN OB. LOCKETT & SNELLINGS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will attend to tbo soiling or all kinds of produce. Strict utluutiun givcu to receiving aud forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, C a. a. r. McLaughlin, Solicit* from hi* friends consignments of every description. Takes order* for Cotton. 49" Special attention given to tbo sales of Ileal Estate, Stocks aud Negro proporty, at publlo and private sulcs. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. inch 80 Wm. McAllister. khed ou reasotmblo forms. Order* re'*- Sportfully solicited. op 18 /. C. RU8Z. J. H. DAVIS. W. «. I ONO. RUSE, DAVIS «b LONG. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 WAYNE, UREXmLEACOa QORN—IOOO bushels prime Corn In storeand <*» ’’’ 0 A GREINER COMMISSION ANDFORWj Day-Urect Savannah. THUS. S. WAYNE. tt E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMI-Le” Jy ti—If Savannah. Chattanooga. JEFFERSON IIOBERTS: GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Oa. WEUS Ac WILLIAMS, ~ DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congreii-it., Savannah, Oa. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Diet. 8. C. THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS, “ Scrlveu Co.,Ga. sept 7 JJLUta U. KODQKHS. .UJUSA. NORRIS. RODGERS <k NORRIS, 'lata Crane BAV-STRKKT, SAVANNAH. Juno 1,1866, [jejr J. W. PATTElTSffN; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvllle, Lowndes County,Ga. (my 11 P ORK- 60 barrel* Mess Pork, 25 do Primo do Landing and for sale by myl4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. .vauoumu,auu various outer nranaa, imponeac feet by mo, and for sale at tho lowest cob prices. . iyl> J. A. BROWN. lAce*,'Embroideries, White Good, kj Mitts. Ao.jjustbelng opened and for sale by 1 w Tuan vpt n l opened and for tale b; J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. ATTORNEY^AND ‘cTONBELLoil AT LAW. my 11 HUNKY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY at la No. 8, Drayton Street, Ranaath,, may5—ly . john ipaaga??g ATTORNEY AT LAW, a. the Court Rente.) WUl practice In the . i ..ail Court* of Ordi- Mr/; j«n$o ATTORNEY AT tAW, Corner of Uny and Whitaker Street*, 8 A * A Ilia, fob 22 8mot A T TO*BN Ey’at'l’aW , Office 176, Bay-it., over Turner k Co’s. Drug store] SAVANNAH, a A. noy lQ—ly Office Monument Square, near State Bauk. 8AVANNA1I, OA. nov 10—ly JAMfiii M. ^AvAtib, ATTORNEY AT LAW, raoxismuc, moMAs oouxtt, as. All buslnoss entrusted to hi* care will receive prompt attention. lyr—marl? ANTHONYMiCULLOII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49-0fflce ou Bay street, over the Bank of gavan- feb? WiLLlAM PHILLffii; ATTORNEY AT LAW, MABIXTTA, OA. oct 26—ly DAVID G. WildDfcT ~ ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in the counties of Hancock, Warren. Washington, and Baldwin. Rxnuuoiaftj—Bohn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, aud E. A. Souliard, Savannah. jan9 teiu, MY. WM. O. cunnhlLy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IBXLLA, WORTU OOUSTY, UA.. (POST OFTICX, A MU NY.) Will practise in the SoutluAp Circuit, and in Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties onuc Macon Circuit. , MST Particular attention given to tho collection ot ilalms iu Soutb-Wesforu Georgia. Je2—6 in e. cvbibasu, ' ATTORNEY AT LA W , fcbl-ly . iHWiinoN, oi. ATTORNEYS AT Life, •pt-ly tuemt, a*. c.\vTBlXBliY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nuxKtu, mu* co., u*. Will atteud to professional business in the Counties or Heard, Qirroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrauge, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty, Co lumbus, Ga. sepl7-iy WM. 8. DANIELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAVA.VXAB. OA. J’jIW Office over Thomas M. Turner k Co.’s Drug Storo, Bay street. my7 /as. .a. hook. nuen, t. TXSKAC. HOOK JfcTEBEAU, _ ATTORNEYS AT LA-W, ■AMimamiJL nwrianiA. Will practise In Washington, Jefferson, Scriven, Burke, Emanuel, Tattnall, end Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, and Wilkinson or tho Ocmuigee Clr- ^ mayl M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AIUOATOR, UR IXORIDA. Will practice in tbe Eutern end Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. 8. S. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton,.fa« fcb2-tf uHas. g. UHffiEBGir ATTORNEY AT LAW, mnttviHrmt 94,^ Practices Law in the various Counties of the Oc« mulgee Circuit, end the adjoining OounUee ofTwlgge? Laurens and Washington. Refer to-John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B Hilton. lebll - * george-atgorDOn; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AMD Commissioner of the U, S. Court qf Claims for the State qf Georgia. Office Corner Bay and But! street*. IF mylO DR. CHARLES H. COLD1NG, OFFICE AND REdIDENCE, No. 14 JJBERTY ST., One door wwTo? Drayton'““**'* g-yy.' baker; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Montlcollo, Jcircrson Couuty, Ha. Reference—Hon. W. B., Savannah, Ga. • myll EDWARD O. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ Law Office. [myll _ WILLIAM H. DASHERS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvllle, Lowndes County, Ga. WUl practice in Thomas, Lowndes, CUncb, Ware, Appling, Tclfeir, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski countie*, Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madison, Ham ilton, and Columbia counties, Florida. [myll WM. M. WtUAMJ THADDXC8 OUVKK. JACK BROWN, WILLIAMS, OLIVER BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County?Ga., *> Ul practice iu the counties of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Lee, aud any adjoining couutios, where their services may bo required. myH JOHN R. COCHRANE, „ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens county, Ga„ late Junior partner of tho firm of A. k J. Cochrakb, Irwlntou, Ga.. will uttcud promptly to all busiuoss entrusted to hi* cure. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, DubUu, Ga., M Mursh, Savannuh. . myll JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKIJX)R AT I*AW, .N'cwnansvillo, Ha. Reference—Georgo ..Brown, William Dell, New- uunsvillo, Fla., R. U. Uiilon, Boston k ViUalonga, Savauuah, Ga. myll LEFLER & WILCOX, DenUaU, OFFICE over Dewitt & Mor- gan’* Store on Congress-street, offer I their professional services to Uu> public, confident, from long expert- . — Jn caseBt will cnco and past success, thut reudor outiro satisfactlou. I cases, 1 oct i DENTISTRY. Drs. ROYALL A JOHNSON, Douttsts, office corner SL Julien-st. and Market 8quare, over 8. Wil- LLJ^mot’sJowclry store. Offlco hours from 8 to 2 o’olook, aud from a to 6. mar 11 com DRS. LEFLER dt WILCOX, DenUata. ARE now fully prepared to in sert full or purtlalsotta of Teeth on tho principle of Dr. J. Aliens’! Patent CouUuuou* Gum, By this in and canuot be detected by the closest observer.— This method combines the followingi dvantages: Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and life-like appearance, and imparts to the theeth thut peculiar expression which characterizes tbe na tural organ*. This Gum consists ora sllaciouscompound, which I* applied and {Used upon tho Teeth and Plate In such a manner, as to fill up all the interstices around the base or tho Tooth, aud also unites them firmly to each other aud to tho Plate upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness or the Teeth, Office over DeWItt 5c Morgan, Congress street. ♦«* Republican and Georgian copy. fob 15—U „ B. ELLIS, If actor uud General Commission Merchant _ no; 71 BAT-sraur, savannah, oa., RznutsTO—Messrs. Claghom 5c Cunningham, Bel 5i Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Co., Savannah: J. r Thompson. Bouton. Vnovl WM, AUDUYOOUm. J50. OOUKR nUBZR. COUPER A FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay atroat, S*vun.h, 0*. [myll JOHN a. FAUJOANT, WBOLESALX 1KD UTAU. SK1LXX IN WINDOW BUNDS, t WINDOW SMII JNP PINE DOORS. West side Munumont Square, Savannah, Gn. ; .(Myll aVh. oHSHKoSTtwr:— (Successor to Champion A Watte.)’ WHOLESALE) AMD RETAIL GROCER, No.* Barnard at, between the HariittaadjBar at., DaftarlnOroberiea.lbraipi’andllomeaUeliqtion, Dried Fruit*, Ac^Ao. ' TTcjTi - - - ■ ^...Hmurijotemroa, Esq., NMara, Rabun A whltahaad, and BarannahjOa. myll