Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 23, 1856, Image 3

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mm. wmmmsm - M — Auction ■fiiiVCommUdon^riTliRiitii 110 Aryan SItmI, I SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. . A. Thomas. fjel21 8. H. Pammik. “—wrkwti olMAKoWiiAT B ulloch county—to ail whom u may oou- corn : Whereas, Asa Johnson will apply si the Court or Ordinary for Paid county, for letter* of a<l- mtulstratlnn, with the will anuexed; on the estate or Mary Williams, lain of paid county, deceased: These are, therefore, to. cite and admonish all whom U may concern, to be and appear before said Court to miiko objoottou (If any they have) ou or boforo the ttrst Monday in August next, other wise said letters will In) granted. Witness, William Ue, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, the 20th day ot Juno, 1860. Juneau WILLIAM LEK, o. a. c. Li. m m NOT1CB* A LL penwus having claims against the estate ol Evan Jones, late or Charlton county, Oa., do- ceased, are requested to present them, In terma A law, and thoso Indebted wilt pleato make payment to the tub briber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Oentrrviliage, Oa., June 14th. I860 Je22 ststetof ueouoia, C HATHAM coum-Tn.llwhom llnuycop. corn; whereas, Patrick Ryan will apply at the eburt of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Diinhd Collius: These are, therefore, toclto and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (ITauy they have) on or be fore the dm Monday In August next, otherwise said letters will ho granted. - Witness. John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this twctitv third day of Juno, 1866. June 23 JOHN BILBO, o. o. o. NOTICK. '1VT1LL hu sold, botweeu the usual hours of salo, TV on the first Tuesday iu August next, before the court house door In Trador's Hill, Charlton county, U». * Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—be longing tu tlio estate of Evan Jnues, late of said county, dcreuwl. Sold under provlslm oitho will nml by order m the houorcbto Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCALl., Ex’r. Centre village, tin., June 14th, I860 Je22 i'“s UNNY H \Gi»lN , ii~-aKo' balt»3^sup«[ior Gunny vXBiqij’.inn Ini ale by jol—iw PADELFORD, KAY A CO. D RKdf* mull 8.—a iurgo aud tine assort men t ui colored Dress Miks, Bareges, Tissues, Kreuch Cambrics, Kreuch Muslins, Brilliants aud Priuts, as well as a largo assortment of White Goods, Striped Plaid aud Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarlcton, Book. Nansook. Cambric nud Jaconet Muslin, for sale by June 20 AlKIN K BURNS. /RANDLES—200 boxes Star Candles, just receiveil VV aud for sale by • JuneSO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. M GLASSES AND sVRliP—60* hhiis Cuba aud Muscovado Molasses; 260 bbis New Orleans syrup, iu store and for salo by |nno20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ,V CO, jfHlrtKV—300 bbis Rectified Whisky, in store W und for sale by jitueso Holcombe, Johnson & co M OLA4SES—360 Ithds, puncheons and bbis Mus covado. Uurbodoos aud New Orleans Molas ses, In store and fur sale bv JmieJO WEBSTER k PALMES. F LOUR—00U sucks extra aud superfine Klour, in store aud for sale by JitneJO WEBSTER k PALMES. S UGARS—giTlilids Pnrbadoes Sugar; 40 do Now Orleans do, lulr to choice; 20 do Porto Rico do; 3d do Muscovado do; 200 bbis crushed, powdered und clarified do; for sale by .11111(120 IVBBWKR ft PAl.MER. S ALT—fiOUO sucks l,iver|Mioi ?uli; lo,uau busticis Turks’ Island do; for sale by Juno20 WEB VIE It k PALMES. B ROOMS, «i\-50 dozen two py Brooms; fiulfo three ply do; 60 do Palls; 76 do Washboards; past received and for salo by momahon k doyle, JimclS * 206 and 207 Bay stroet. M USTARD, to?.—100 boxes Must aril; 150 do pure Pepper, 100 do 8tarch; received and for suiflbv McMahon & doyi.e. JunolO _ 206 and 207 Bay street, EARLY f IARVE8T APPLES 11 A fresh .supply of fine Rlpo Apples, from •‘Frnlilnnd Nursery,” * just received auit for sale at my > store 9 A BON AUD, ,le18 corner Bay amt Bull street APPLE*t—APPLES ! I .lust received at the Savannah tbmvry and Fruit l>epot, new Ap I'l.'s, suitable for outing or cooking, from the *• Frultland Nursery,” at Auguste, Georgia. .tone 18 W. H. KARRF.LL. TlSSMITU'S WANTED. S IX flrsl rate Job workmen can Hud steady em ployment where the highest wages will be paid, Apply Immediately at No. 165 Broughton street. II (RACE MOUSE. Savannah, June 17th, I860 Jei8 W. II. KAHKKLL, DKALBK IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES nml Foreign nml Domestic Fruit, enrmr Brouphtan nnd Whitaker-sts. fowu and country supplied with choice goods at moderate prion*. All order? promptly attended to. and -‘.iiHfuclion always guaranteed. np!8 atiraumorraSii families can be , A wllh good Hoorn. and lkwiril, on in. Wo., ntdoof Montgomery ntroot, ouo iloor .hove South Broun utfeot. Mrs. m. h. RlYMoR. duo la—tr •Wool FOH HALE. ~ Six Tracts of Land, 600 acre each, 3 r 4 miles from the city of Savannah on the 8. a, lulf Rail Road, wall adapted to tie growth ol Rico, Cotton and Corn, and Wood enough to pay for It ton times over. Apply to fob 27 If O. A. Cl/UJD. ULEACMDSlDriTnge iu great variety, and AlKIN A BURNS U at various prices, fob 21 : LOTS™ TT'Oli SALE—A fine lot in Wesley Ward — 1 Also two ou Gordon stroet, oast. For sale low. Fee simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gon’l Insurance Agent and Brokor, may 22 111 Bay stroet, **".**" * * '“ftincfif'* GREY BRICKS, boat qual Ity, for _ Atjply to 1,000,000 my 22-1 mo 49-News copy. ^ Iby, IW H—Iw. A A. MoALPIN k BRO., Williamson’s buildings. Heid-4ia«rtcrs, tat Regiment, G, Al* f ( Savannah, June 12, I860. / By virtue of order No. 2 issuiug from G. P. Harrison, Brlgadler-Gtncrall commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division. •G. M,, bu olcctlon will, bo held nt thel_ Court House, onttaturdny, tho 6th day of July next, between the hours of tt A.M , nud 4 P.M., lor Colo nel oftho 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigado, l«t Divi sion G. M;; to flu the vacancy of Robort I). Walker, resigned. The said election to be conducted under tho usual requirements of the law. By order JAMES RULLIVAN, Ueut. Cel. Com’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. 8. Damku., Adjutant. JeI3 %* City (tapers will |tlcaso copy and send iu tliuir bills to the Secretary of the Regiment. C OkN—6»si sacks store and to arrive, for sale by WILLIAM LYNN, June 10 87 Buy street. NOTICE. T HE Interest of Mr. Charles 8. Arnold iu the firm of l’nd el ford, Fay k Co. craved with his death, on tho 4th of March last. From tills date Mr. Edward I'utlclford, Jr., Is as sociated with us under the same style and Arm. PADKLFORD, FAY k CO; Savannah, Juno 10th, 1860. 12tis—JotO NOTICE. A LL persons having cliiiins against the estate ot George M. Troup, deceased, will hand them In, duly attested, and those Indebted will please nuko payment to either or tho uudorsignud. THOMAS M FORMAN, Jo 10 NOTICE. I WILL sell on Woduosdny, tho 18th Instant, at 12 o’clock, M, t on the premises, corner of Presieent aud East Broad streets, Two eld Houses—the satnu being nn obstruction ill President street, to be moved hi ten days. DANIEL H. STEWART, Juno 10 Oily Marshal. FORMAN. I Fv .„ DANIEL II. U. TROUP, ; Exr? - NOTICE. TTTE, the undersignud havo this day entered iuto TV a co-imrtnership for the purpose of transact* lug a regular Auction and Commission Husluess in this city, under the name nud style of Uarkmatt & Bulloch, at tho store No. 164 Bay street, lately oc cupied by Spencer Carroll. F. J. W. BARKMAN, June 17 THOB. J. BULLOCH, Ct ALT.—loot) sacks .Salt in store and lor sale by lO WILLIAM LYNN, junn 14 87 Buy street B AGU1NG, ROPE, A-c 100 bales Uuuuy Rug ging; 600 colls BiJjRope; 600 pounds Twine; riTolvod and for sale by jimelfi _ HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. B ACON, I’ORK, to?.—50~hhds clear and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Haras; 60 bhls prime and mesa Pork; 30 half bbis Hawes k Co’s Fulton Market Beef; 6 do ilo Tongues; just received nud for salo by Jnnol6 HOIXXIMBB, JOHNSON k CO. S ljGAR—16 Hilda choice Porto Rico tdigar; 26 do Crowned Muscovado and Cuba Sugar: 60 bbis Barhudocs Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s and Baltimore steam refined, crushed, powdered aud clariHed Sugar, lauding. In storo and for salo by Juno 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags fair to choice Rio Coffee; 60 do iAgunyru Co fib o; 61) mots Java Coireo; 30 bales .Mocha Coil'cc; lauding, in store amt for sale by JtmolR HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. W ANTED TO PURCHASE—.ity of Columbus Ronds, endorsed by tho Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to JelO—dtls_ PADELFORD, FAY k CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, In barrels. aprttB YOUNG & WYATT. MARSHALL di HON, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, Xn. 14 2J Awim iind 3 Vultnn Market, Aew York. Hams, Tongues, Beef, Bacon, Shoulders, Pickled Tongues, liologuas, lard, Pig Pork, Moss Beef, Ac., iu barrels, halves and quarters. Refers to—John D. Jesse, Jamas A. Browu, Wm. H. Farrell, and E. OJByino. dm—Jan81 VAGABOND LIFE. y AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer ry, for seven years a resident; The Tauglutowu ladturs, including a Report oftho .Great Matiunaili Reform Convention, w. Ii l lustra tions; Life mt»V Travels of Her-tdolus, in Urn Filth Ceuta- ry B. C.,.by J. Talboys Wheeler, two volumes, with u map: . • The Huguenot Exiles, or Times of I.nui9 XIV., an bistOricul novel; Harper's Picture Books for the Nursery—Learn ing to Read, by Abbott: Worth nud Wealth, for mord ants and men ol business, by Freeman Hunt; eyduey aiulth’s Wit aud Wisdom, being sejjettons from his writings; • ’aileron, his Life and Writings, by R. Chenevise Trench; Trench's Poems; Adventures of Gerard, the Lion Killer, with plates; Homeric Bail ids and Comedies of Lucian, trans lated by Win Maginn; The Daisy Chain, by Miss Youge, author of the Heir of Reuciilfe; Tim OH Vicarage, by Mrs Ilublinak; Creasy on the Rise and Pr-'gre-s of tho English Cnnstltiition, Dwight»«iutrodnciiou p* the Study of Art; Harper’ 1 * Magazine, for July. juneiH \V. THORNE WILLIAMS. N ew Go- itr.N tiu rper and (.’HKEftE—16 tubs and lo to gs choice now Goshen Butter; 20 l.iXes ii<«.*h>-tt I'he.-se, larding from steamer aim for snie by 'HANTON, JOflNrfToN k (X). C hoice wine8 & liouoks— Just received 20 baskets Heldslek Chamuugne. 0 quarter casks Sherry, Port and &Iadeirn Wines. 15 doz Claret Wine and Cordials; 3 halfpipes old Gtard nnd Sonntte Brandies; 2 pipus superior HolUnU Gin. Beaver brand; 6 bbis old Mononguhela Wnisky, in glass aud wood. For Bale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jolt Cor. Broughtou and Drayton sts. c. c. pooLe, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Siuhes. Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, die. “I Painters’, Drainers’ and Artists’ Brushes; ^[Whitewash Heads and DuBters, Dry and ^J^MIxed Paints of ovory description, Artists’ colors in tubes, Proparod Canvass, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and dospatoh.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glaxing done in the best stylo and at moderate prices. All orders trom tho country promptly attended to. moh 28—ly ' WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every arrl* val a lurge aud rich assort* mentof Gold and Sliver Watches, Diamond Hns, Ear and Finger Rings, Mautle and other Clocks, Spoons, Folks, ■ Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety, Ivory Table Cutlery, tine Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China aud Parian Vases, und other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to bis own order. Gunning Implamonts of all kinds. Hated Waiters, Castors, Tea. Setts and Caudle- sticks, with a great varioty of Fancy Articies, suita ble far wedding gilts, toommerous hero to men tion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by the most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, . may 13 No. 1 Market square. " “faSHIons for junk. (RANK Leslie's Gazette of Fashions for June re ceived and for salo by jol WARNOQK k DAVIS, No 159 Congress at. , Tea Setts, Casters, Ac., of TTU 4?! fORRUT* low. MRS. WASHBURN. TO RtfNTf ~ _ Building corner Bay aud Drayton-at*., I suitable for mercantile purposes and stor* I age. For partldutara enquire at. 1 Juno 13 THIS OFFICE. -—wimr UNTIL the 1st November next, a com* I modlousaud airy residence, nn the north I side of the Central Railroad Depot, known Las Hovers Place. Tho houso is newly rur* it em basement to attic, which can be bought mays YOUNG A WYATT. OFFICBf FOR RENT ■ IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho ofllce of tho subscriber. The basomont would make, with some slight Improvement, an exceltcut lawyer’a-ofllco. and second floors will be le/cr Counting- Rooms, and the third for stooping apartments. Con nected with the establishment Is an out-building of brick, suitable for servants. Apply to 0. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. —: foitbaeet AML A PLANTATION in Wayne Ooun-ffc T|||H ty, on the Buffalo Swamp, conUinlugSC |(1H 1000 acros; about 260 acres cleared anum MUHtorder for cultivation. On tbo premises Is a plain, comfortable dwelling, with all necessary barns and out houses. Possession given in Decem ber next, and with the place wilLhcsold. ifdosind, tho provision crop or present yonr. Also an improved lot (2>4 acres) In the village of Wayiiesville, and 20 ncro3 adjoining. Waynesvlllc Is unsurpassed for health, and the Brunswick rail- roud running through it. ronders It cosy or access. Jell __ lmo HENRY R. FORT. MONTGOniBRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) These Springs will be open for tho recep tion of visitors on the nrsV day of June, I860. They aro situated in Montgomery Coun- ty, Vlrgtuia, oue and a half miles from the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, from which there is a branch Railroad to the Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast reach the Springs by 6 o'clock, P. M., the same day, all tho way by Railroad. The accomurtriultons have boou very much ex- tondod since last season. The rootas are largo and corafortablu, aud capable or accommodating 1,000 persons. The Lynchburg and Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny aro now building a branch or Uielr lino to tho Springs, which will be operation 'early in June. A very largo Bulb House has b»en built since last season. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, Jtine21—-1 m Montgomery W. B. 8. Coinp’y. * Tlic two-story briek store on.Cotigross street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein A Kckuian. This Is one or tho best stands in tho city for any kind of business. Terms •ado accommodating. For particulars in quire at 142 Broughton street, abovn tho store of T. L. McKenna. tfmay!4 ill TO RENT. The Dwolllng lately occupied by Judge Floming, In Ibylnr street, near Drayton. SilH 8(11(1 H° uso ia three stories on a basement, lu lHLwith good servants’ rooms, and outhouses, session given immediately. Apply to 28 f>. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. ~ Possession given immediately — Three \ story brick house, new and in good order, I on Macon street, next east residence to Mrs. LJowotL pply at this office. u ti may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ i i i GEORGIA. J* J* HRSLBR, Proprietor* M Lite Qf the Verandah Hotel, New (Meant. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival oftho Cars, raayl4 " MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, EAST FLA. 'roprtetor* HOARD FKK DAY 1 60 ROARD PKR WKKK 6 00 BOARD PKR MONTH 20 00 ,tnayl3 lyr II. MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CRARLKSTOX, S. 0. THIS House Is now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Public, and the ef forts of tho Proprietor will be to deserve their patronage. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. r M KuropMn market. Apply at Unibn JFO’Byrne’a office. watH Jefferson Roberta. WANTED—A-Vessel to load with Timber [for a Northorni port Apply at Union Steam 111, or at J F O’Byrne’a office, marai ; . JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FREHitfT OR^CHARTER —The Brig with Timber ?&****■ timber, to* Botlon.. Alto a veasol to load with eawed lufober, forth# same place, o JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union steam Saw Mill, > <y J. F. O’BYRNK’S Office. ■ WANTED.—A foeight or charter for Ha* vanafor Brig R. M, CHARLETON. Applp to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Paw Mill, aprl© . or J. F. O’BYRNE’S Office. FOR PH1LADELHHIA—Huron's Line— „ The schooner MARY A LOUISA, Captain ion, will baVo dispatch for tho abovo port.— For freight apply to maylB C. A. GREINER. . Ft For LlVERi*OOL.—The A 1 American ship FALCON, l*atton master, having a SHK large portion of freight engaged, will meet with dispatch ns above, for balance or cargo, apply to BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. FOR LIVERPOOL <—Tno A1 ship JAMES RAY will have'dispatch for tbo abovo port. For freight apply to HUNTER k QAMMELL, CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $in 00. S(!ml"Weckiy Unit«G States Mali Line, TIHE NEW AND,SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL 1 Steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tuns..Capt. C. P. LudloW. AUGUSTA ... ,1,600. “ .. Cant. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 “ .. CapL M, S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 - “ ..Capt. G. R.Bchonck. WILL uuvr SAVANNAH XVKRT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in spoed, snrety and comfort, making their passages in ttrty to Rlxty hours, and are com manded by sklllfol, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they oflbr a most desirable conveyance to Now York. Cabiu Passage to New York $26 Steorago Passage to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCH ILL. 13 Broadway, fob 6 Now York. FLoRl DA PORT*. FIDRIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mail IJne—From Now Or leans.! to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—These (Ino steamers will lu foturo make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: New Orleans, 10th &«4th Key West, .. 10th k 24th 1lnn..« n l. it.i. .i. .. Pensacola.... UthA25(b Apalachicola. 12th &26th 8tMarks.... 13th A27th Cedar Keys..14th k 28th Tampa Bay.. 15th & 20th Tampa 11th k 25th Cedar Koys.l2tli k 26th SL Marks... 14th te28th Apalachicola, 16th k 29th Peusacola... 10th k 30th Arrive ai Key West 17th * 1st | Now Orleans, 17th k 1st Agents in Now Orleans, deo26 6m E. G. ROGERS. & CO., 72 Poydrass street. FOR JOHNSON’* LANDING, AND INTERMEDUTE PLAGES, To leave on Tmeiay Night, the 13M inelant, - - afa The light draft-Bteamor, WILLIAM JmBMtmi LEBBY, Captain A. C. klug, will leave regularly as • above, from the Charleston Steampacket Wharf. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFTTEAU, Agent. U. 8. MalfXlTTe 7"~ FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, SL Mans, Oa., Fernanda na and Jacksonville, ^Picclala and Black Creek, Fla. L TrfE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N UHpESVCiKtng, will leave for the above placet every Tuaday Morning, at 10 o’olk. This boat has large and airy State Room accom modations, and taking lho Inland Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids aud others. Freight will bo token lor Trader’s Hill and Inter mediate landings on 81. Mary’s River." No freight will bo taken alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Stoam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. ■ Instead of going North come to tho Stono Mountain House, and spond your summer, as everything will be done for your com fort. Conveyances will bo furnished to couvoy passengers to Lawrcncevillo, Gainesville and Clarksville. 4y Passengers by tho Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. - • - ALEXANDER & CLARK. F. 8. Alkxandkk, formerly of Lawroncevllle. J A. Clark, Social Circle, • 2m—jo 2 AflJ prepared, INDIAN SPEINO HOTEL. The Undersigned has again the pleasure of informing his numerous friends, as well as tbo public at large, that he Is vet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and is folly prepared, with tho assistance of bis boob and his own experience of six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that can ho procurod, as well os assis tance of all kinds, to ask or all those who visit the Spring a generous sharo of their patronage. Intend ing to spari> no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian L’prlug Hotel Is now open, and ready to receive all those that will please to call. There will be at For- sy tho Depot coaches and hacks ready to couvey all such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw Lsepl Proprietor. V* Savannah Republican, Morning Nows, and Charleston Courier will please insert tho above three times each week until lBtSoptomber, and send their bills for payment. EDW, VARNER. T OCOMOTIVE NEEDLES—A new and ole- Li gnut article which needs only to bo tried once HKLItaor.S WOHK8, A General 1 lew of th.« Contents of tho 011 and New Te?toino»t?. with directions how to read most inniituhl/ thr Holy ftrriptoms. By Adam Uuiiii-, L.L.D Bihbattis with my Oiu?.-; with mi introduction ou fiiiile Class Teaching, lly Thomas 0. Summers. Family Government; a treatise on Conjugal, I’u- reutai, Filial und other duties, B . James * *. An drew, D.D. Mouthful Chi idiunity. By Thoni Ls O. Suminors. Gathered Flmvers; or thn Early Dead, by Thus. n Rummers, u p. Bereaved Parents Consoled. By the Rev. John Tnornton Reason* l«»r becoming a Methodist. By the Rev. J. Rinilh. fit. 1 Aneieui Bi didi Clmrcli. Being mi inquiry in m ilethi.'i'oy ol ClirUliuuliy lu Brllaln, previous to (lie edab.i-lnnimt of the Heptarchy. By William Alexander, D.D. Hible Gleaning.-'. Mrs. JaneT. H. Cross, the Trial of rim Witnesses of the Resurrection of » hi ini; iu answer V\ tbe objections of Mr. Wools ton, aud other.-,. By Bislmp Sherlock. . ecturus io Cliild rcu. By Thus. 0. Summers. Heart-Blossoms for my Little Daughters. By Mrs. Juno T. H. Cross. For salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Jel2 169 Congress street. S00 J gnut a insure tho constant preference of the seamstress, tost received and for sule by luntarl* _ LADSON k ROGERS. HUNGRIER. Boxes choice Rio Coffee, _ 15U boxes fair to prime itloCoffee. 100 boxes Old Government Java Coffee. 200 bbds. Muscovado MolaSsos. 160 bbis. choice New Orloaus Hyrup. 60 hltds. New Orleans Musyuvudo, ami Porto Bleu Sugar. uoo hhls. refilled A. B. & 0. .Sugar. 50 bbis. Crush ami Powdered Sugar. UK) hhls. I .elm non. Superfine aud Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adamantine AtSperm Candles. 140 boxes No. l Palo, and Family Soap. 200 halos Heavy Gunny Bagging. 25 hlids. Bacon Bides aud Shoulders. 75 bills. Mess and Primo Pork, 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands. 100 boxes Black and Green Tea, 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs and half kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of ail olhor articles in the Grocery Hue, (except liquors.) In storo, and for sale on accommodating terms, by June 1 RODGERS, NORRIS d CO. COICN ON CONSIGNMENT. ST. MAltYS’ HOTEL. The above named House is now open for the reception or Boarders aud Travellers, aud the undersigned promises to spare neither pains or expense to make his pa- jruns comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with the choicest that the market and the sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, ftc. Tho Houso is largo and airy, and within a low yards of tho landing, on the beau- tfful river St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids and others as a summer resort. Tim stage leaves the House three tlm«3 a week for Woodstock Mills, Contrcvlllago, and Trador’s Hill, and the 8a- vauuuL boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not be incouvouionced, bqt can leave when they desire. Prices will be made to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, 1860. 3m my27 * I ff / i/~V Packs just received and for sale. • OyU YONGK k FRIERSON, 94 Bay street. D omestic DiguoR.*— nil bids KPholp’ Hy« Gin, 26 bbis N K. Rum, 60. “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 2ft “ Domestic Brandy, ftO “ Old P k II Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N. O. Whisky. Just received and for rule by my23 HORANfON, JOHNSTON k CO. bl ff~BDI A J. Taylor k Son’s Ale received and for 40 sale by MoMAHON k DOYLE, joll Nos. 206 At 207 Bay street. kjUNi)RIK&" JUtfT RECEIVED— * O D» bugs choice old Government Java nnd Rio Coffee; 20 bail chests Block aud Green Teas, loose aud ill quarter t*ound packages H» lilnls Uglit Muscovado augar; ID bbis R 1. At D atiinrt’H Cruslmd und Clarillud Pu- gars; 10 bbis self rising Flour; V6 bags Extra and Supifrline Flour; 20 billsHimIu, Butler and Maple Crackers; 60 Ikixos Boiulel’s family Soap, Starch and Candles; 60 doz rail- and IlrfMinm; DM) do/, pomb iirushos, and OiUoii and Manilla Ciotlios i.iuus; I ft griiBH Matches: 26 boxes ground CoH'oe nud Pcp(>er; 60 boxes Muslurd nnd Yeast Powders, Maso, Cinna mon, Njitmogs, and Cloves, and 10 casos tablo Halt, Arc. , Air. In sinre ami for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR. jell Cor Broughton and Drayton sts. Jol- U YRUP AND MOIiASSES.—60 bbis New Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; in store and for salo by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON At CO. n TUB ORB AT WKNTKHN 1NSVRANVB 00. OF NEW YORK, A RB Uklng Uuine BUk* at their Ageucy, corner orDnyton and Bryan itreett. Approved Rlolu will ho Ukon on llbont term, uni lho uiiulorodlt •Ivon on Premium Not—. Throo quarters oftho business will bo returned to tho ous tomers In scrip. U. A* L* Lamar* fob 19 Agent In iSavannah. iMCBAWii. ■outMerit Mutual Insurance Company, ■ouUxern Mutual Lifts Ine* Company, Homo Insurance Company, of N* York, Springfield Fire 4k Marine Inf* Com’y, Risks in the above Insurance Companies underta ken by WM. SING * SONS, Agents, No. 99 Bay street. Savannah, 14th December, I860. deel4 FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. HI, NAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollars. By the following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Farmers' and Mechanics' Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, -, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine lasmnnre Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, Of. 49-Tue subscriber will effeot Insurance to auy amount In all parts of the State oa every description of property. . Life Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit or heirs and creditors, or payable to the wlfo free from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance ou Hulls or Cargoes to all parts of the world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. BrUVUAI^BBNEFITLlFfi INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1660* g2,23u,uu6 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 60 Total amount of claims by doath paid to date 1,336,990 84 BY BELL & PRENTISS. (aOOCEBOKM TO PHOBglW 4 BILL.) 0„T0ESDAy,WSX« Unlock, iu front oi tho Court House, will be sold:— The southerfihalf of Lot No 17 and improvements, situated on East Boundary street; the Improvements aro six wooden tcnemurils. Bold as the property ol tbe estate or Daniel Robortson, deceased, for the benofltof the heirs and creditors or said estate.— Terms cash. A. E. ROBERTSON, . my 13 Administratrix. $4,282,488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. ♦The funds of this Company aro all Bafely iuvestod in first class bonds aud mortgages, Blocks, cash, aud notes or members fully secured by thulr. policies. For further particulars Inquire of €11A RLE 8 A. FARLEY, Agent iu Savammli, At tho ofllco of Roll A Prentiss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. KKPKRKNCK: Messrs. Pauklkohd, Fav A Co., 1. K. Tut, Esq., State Bunk. feu 29 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Bruntwide, SL Marys, Fnmandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg. (Black Creek,) and Picclata. M.alf h The new and elegant steampacket ShK^T. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and inter- medlute landings on St Mary’s River. 49* No freight will be token after 9 o’clock. For frolght or 'passage, having excellout state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORlDX Tho fino steampacket CAROLINA, Captain Ooxettor, will leave -here mviue, Plcolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For frolght or passage apply on board, at Willlnk’s wharfi or to M. A. COHEN, Ageut. June 14tb. 1860—ly &t~ Freights payable ou the wharf. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 38, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James HI. Garter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNO, WYATTd CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the PoBt Office. pnutcroBs: ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLO Firm of A. 8. Barnes k Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, Pratt k Co. I. P. BALLARD, “ “ Livingston, Ballard & Co. WM. M. DODGE, « “ Wm. M. Dodge At Co. P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. E. ROLLO, a t. Lippmoorr, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RTVFJtSMrni, W. H. LYON, “ GEO. CHAPMAN, “ JOS. H. WESTOOTT, ‘ JOS. FATMAN, *< *• STEPHEN VON MORES. GEO. SAVORY, “ « Geo. Savory At Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, Prosidcnt. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Presipeut. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. r This Company will Isbuo Policloa upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Firo Risks, at liberal rates of premium. Lossos promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agout, oct 31 No. 86, Bay Street. ©IE@I£®aA [AUTBOBIZTO BY TUB STATE OF OBOROIA.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLitSS 10, • To be drawn in the city of-Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, Juno 20,1866, oil THEHAVANAjPLAN. 8AMIJET, SWAN & CO., ManBRCm. PHIZES AMOUNTING TO •# 3 4,0 0 0 ! ! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME I 10,000 NUMBERS—249 PRIZES I Ecnotk. 1 prize of $10,000 is $10,000 1 “ 6,000 is 0,000 1 3:000 is 3,000 1 *• 1,000 is 1,000 i 1,000 is 1,000 6 prizes of 600 are 2,500 10 •• 200 are 2,000 26 ,v 100 are 2,600 80 “ 60 are 4,000 44 •* 30 aro 1,320, 4 prizes of $B0 app’g to $10,000 prize, are 240 4 ” 60 •• 6,000 prize, are 200 4 ” 40 •• 3,000 prize,nro 160 8 '• 35 •* 1,000 prize, aro 280 20 '20 *• 600 prizo, are 400 40 *• III •• 200 prize, are 400 249 prizesainouiUingto $34,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Tlio two preceding and the two following numbers to thoso drawing tho first 20 prizes are entitled to tho 80 approximation prizes, in the usual manner. Remember that every prize h drawn, and paya ble in foil without deduction. All prizes of $1000, und under, paid immediately atlor the drawing—other prizes nt tho usual time of thirty days. 469* All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers-will bo forwarded to pur chasers immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets $6*—Halves $2.60—Quarter a $1.26. Prize .tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either office. Orders for tickets cun ho addressed either to S. SWAN k CO., Atlanta. Oa., or Jeff __ S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala A L All AM A LOTTERY! [autuoiuzed iiv Tint stitb op alahama.J Inuthcrn Mtanj Mtomirlntta CLASS E—NEW SERIES, To ho drawn in tho City of Montgomery. Alabama, In public, on THURSDAY, July 10,1860, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amountfngto 205,000 Dollars!! Will be distributed according to tho following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 ....$36,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,200 1,100 1,000 000 ‘fr'H. A. Curtis & Co. " Hiibtcd k C'arll. ‘ W. H. Lyon & Co. ‘ Leo, Murphy i Co. 1 Briggs, Wcstcott k Co. ‘ Fatman k Co. NEW YORK di LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAliSHD'S. Tbe ships comprising this. line are— 1 ATLANTIC, Capt. West, I BALTIC, Capt. PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt, These ships haviug been built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every care has been taken in their construction, as also in their en gines, to insure strength and speed, and their ac commodations for passengers are unequaled for ele gance and comfort. Prices of Passage from Now York to Liverpool in first cabin 9130, In second cabin $76, exclusive use of extra state-rooms $326. From Liverpool to Now York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to oacb ship. No berths can be secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 66 Wall street, Now York. BROWN, SHIPLEY b CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD k CO. B. G. WAINWRIGHT k CO.. Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. 49* Tho owners of these ships will not be ac countable for gold, silver, bullion, bdccIo. jewelry, prccious'stonos, or metals, unless bills of lading aro signed therefor, anil the value thereof expressed there! u. Shippers will please take notice that tbo ships ol this line cannot carry any goodsfcontraband of war. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Qf ■ Notify? -Walnttl-tired, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $500,000. KIRK, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whlldcn, Merchant, 14 North Frnut-st.; John O. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter A Co.; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Bakor; John R. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White k SI’Curdy; Isaac Hazlehum, Attorney and Counsellor; James B. Smith, firm or James B. Smith k Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Trary A Baker; R. 8. Walton, 360 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruco street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Taos. K. Limerick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 85 Bay street. S UGAR—10 hhds choice Now Orleans Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do folr Muscovado do; in store aud for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k C'O. S ILK »*AK*SiM«S—a now supply ot most) beauti ful Silk Parasols have Just been received ami »ro for sain by v juffo 0 I.AOSGITA H ALL'tt SUPKHIOK SILK UMBKKLLA8—A caso of 28, an, 82,24 and 36 Inob Silk flmUrellaa, aeottved and for sale by Junto LADSON k ROGERS. R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and smoked Tongues; Fulton Market Boor, and Pig Pork, l’lg Hams and Pig Bacon. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, and White Beans. Also, a fresh supply or Foxo’s celebrated Crack ers. For salo low by • uno 7 J. A. BROWN. ■JlCKRMi t—llUUll AH 11 J UST ARRIVED, p,r mlmoner A. Dovorcaux, In four days front Havana, a froBlt lot of choice Fruit, for Uio Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist ing ot—400 bunclioh Bananas, 100 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Swoot Oranges, Tora- atooH, and one baskol Green Ginger. For salo by Juno It J. A. BROWN. £fi9HS3 ,| B l (l!P£fl3 SI®(US Ho INDIAN SPfUNOH, (lEOKUIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully announces that tho above House will bo opened for tlio reception or guests, ou tlio 20th instant. Ilo has been .fortunate in securing tho services ol' Mr. lames Griffin, well kuown to tho public as the keeper of tlio Ninety Milo House ou the Central Knilrouil, to assist in tlio superintendence of tho McIntosh Rouso during the season. A hand of mu sic has also been secured. Stages will bo In readi ness at Forsyth, ou the arrival or trains, to convey passengers with comfort and dispatch to the house. No pubis will be spared to make guests as comfort able ns possible, and a more than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipated. UA—Juno 6 SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe 60 M imported Spanish Sugars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; -75 mats Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 60doz Washboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; fiO half chests Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxes Scnlod Horrlngs; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 yi, ft, and wholo boxes Raisins; Received aud for b&Io by McMAHON k DOYLE, mayl4 * 205 and 208 Bay streot. S PRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING.—The subscriber would invite tho Attention or all In want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his Block which hM just boon recolvod, at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprlb WM. O. PRICE. MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) F ROM the most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his connections wilh several of tho principal manufacturng estab lishments ol Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tbo Undersigned is prepared to furmnsh MACHIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and IJntlls, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., at Northern prices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machinery and Iron work of every description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBIE WORKS, ho Is &I30 prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of dOHignH for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Railing in groat varioty, for enclosures, and to receive orders, und put up tho work nt man- racturera’ prices. H. H. LINV1LLE. Savannah, April 11,1866. _ aprll L ARD AND HERRINGS— 20 bbis Primo White Leal lard; 60 boxes Prime Horrlngs. Unding and for Bale by ' mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. OURE WATER.—1 f you Want the finest drink- i ing water in the world call and purohuso one of Kedtle'e Patent Water Filters* the article mentioned In SVntcr Commissioners’ lost Report, which we warrant to purify the Savannah River Water porfcctly—an indispensable artlolo for punUtlon uso. KENNEDY k BEACH, Jan24 only Agents for thnir sale In Skvonnab, D iCKKN'S 110USF.hU14> WORlW, for June, re ceived and for wile b;* W4 June 4 ijlOCK k DAVIS, 15 Congress enroot. • to Mriv*. NO k WYATT. OUI’KKIOK Oholco UMben UutWr MM Dutch TO 1IU1I.OKIU. T HE SUBSCRIBER l. pnpand t» execute at tlio shortest notico, and In the most work manlike nmuuur, all kinds or Metal Roofing, Guttora, Corulce, or other work connected with tho manuibo. turlng or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octl3 156 Broughton stj Ga. D RESS TRIMMINGS^—Fringes, black and colored Moire Antique Gauzo, and other styles, in great variety, and for sale by mar 7 AIKIN k BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largobupbly of vrbeoT- top whalebone frame Gingham tJmbrellas, all sizes, received and for sale by June 0 LADSON k ROGERS. L iverpool salt.—400 sacks* ten to the ion, landing from ship Eli Whitney, and for •ale by marto PADLFORD, FAY k CO. M AGAZINES FOR JUNE-Putnam’s Monthly, Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine Arthur’s Homo Magazine; Uodoy’s Lady'a Book Harper’s New Monthly, and Diokcn’s Householt Words, received and for salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, June 8 169 Congress street. B utter a oheesb- 25 tubs choice New May Butter, 26 boxes “ “ Goshen Oboeso, Just recolvod aud for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.-Neatly trim med and for tale to oloso consignment. mayl7 YOUNG k WYATT. „ wi.j. hunt; Cor. niontjromery Ac York sts. SAVANNAH, GA., T3 ESPEOTFULLY InfonuB tbe Lutttes and XI) Gentlemen or this City that ho is prepared to serve them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. | Savannah, 17th April, 1866. 3mapil7_ TOHOUSEKEEPKRS. I'hANIEL CRONIN Upholster* 26 Biyan-et, 1/ would respoctfully auuounco to tho citizens oi Kavannah that ho is ready to mako aud put down Carpets. OU Cloth, Matting, &o., at the shortest no- Uva, and on tho most reasonable terms. oct3-tf" 1 C E CREAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORK No* 98 Bryan Street. rwo DOORS ABOVE MR. GRIFFSN’S JEWEtRV STORK. rpHE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavannah in particular, and the public generally, tbat ho has this day opened n now Con re o- tianary Store, and will keop on hand a largo and r esh assortment, of all kiuds and discretions. He will at all times and hours, bo ready toforuiah parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours. Ornamented Cukea, Pies, Ao. to\, made to order. Ho hopoa from long experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA-, No. 98 BryauS SitVER WARE,7CVTI.BRY7Av. ' W E have Just received a new stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives. Salt Cellars, Fish, Pie, Cako and Ice Croara Knives; also, Steel and Plated on Btool Tablo Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knlvos. Plated and Par Ion But tor Stands, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to mention. D. It. NICHOLS & CO. Juue 4 BARGAINS I N RICH nRESS GOOIW AND. MANTILLAS—bal ance of rich flounced Organdies, Bareges, Crapo do Paris and Tissues, /it cost to closo them out; also rich Laco Mantillas, at reduced prices, for salo b 1 juno 4 Dewitt & Morgan y 4) A Bbis. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, £d\J received, and for salo by J. M. EYRE* my 14 94 Bay streot. 30*000 {Numbers—15,000 1 prize of. $36,000 is. 1 do do 10,000 is.. 1 do do 6,000 Is. 1 do do ... .. 2,000 is. 1 do do 1,200 is. 1 do do 1,100 is. 1 do do 1,000 Is. 1 do do 900 Is. 1 do do 800 is. 1 do do 020 Is. 10 do do 200 is. 100 do do ...... 1001s. 620 . 2,000 . 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 approxim’g to $35,000 are $800 4 “ 100 11 6,000 are 400 4 «. 80 2,000 aro S2C 4 *• 70 “ 1,200 aro 28C 4 60 1,100 aro 20C 4 “ 40 1,000 aro IOC 4 “ 30 900 are 12C 4 “ 28 800 aro 112 4 .♦» 2 i “ 020 arc 8E 40 •• 20 *• 200 aro 80C 400 «• 10 100 aro 400C 16,600 8K 127.60C BY BARKMAN & BULLOCH. At Private Sale. One or tho finest hotel or .boarding house ser vants in tbe State. Enquire at 164 Bay street June24 At Private Bale. 1 A negro woman, 22 years of ago, a good plain cook and field band Warranted sound. Title un doubted. Juneio At Private’Sale, A negro man, agod 26 years, a first rate hostler and house servant. Title undoubted. Jel9 At Private:Pair. r-.. A very likely intelligent mulatto girl, aged 19 years, a first rato cook, washer and froner, and an excellent seamstress. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, junolO ■ At Privnto Pah*.: A very likely mulatto i. . • . d 24 years; a.flnt rato carpenter. Warr-uieu Tltte undoubK •d- ■ JunelD. • At Private Sale. , A very likely negro man, aged 22 year*, a good flelu hand. Warranted sound. Title undoubted. junel9 At Private Salo. 1700 bushels Bice, an excellent article for stock or all kinds. Call and examino. Price 26 cents per bushel. juno!9 Wanted. Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of tbe State of Georgia, stocks, for which a liberal price will be paid. t Junel9 To KenL Two good stores, under the bluff, at tlio foot of Wldtaker street. June 19 Wauted*to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, in a central locution—one fronting on a square would be prefer red—lor such an one a liberal price would bo given. junel9 At Private Sale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 68 feet front by 100 to 124 ri ot doop. Bltuatod on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. These lots are on high ground and some or them in the immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for tho slto of the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms samo as city lots, viz : one-firth cash, the balance bearing interest at six per cent. Junel9 THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY t PRYOR’S'olNTMENT. I T is a sure and speedy cure for burns, pile*, corns, felons, lover sores, ulcers, scald head, totter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur- sos,) sore and cracked fip3,.lresh wounds and sores of any description. It is a most valuable remedy and cure, which can bo testified to by thousands who have used It in many portions of the Soutk for the last few years. In no instance will the salve do any injury, or interfere with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from peoplo who have used it themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy aud cortain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial is all that is necessary for its own recommendation. Sold by J. B. AIOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug. giBla generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, mayl3 LaGrange, Ga. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 20, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Haft Spauisb, and American Scgars, at wholesale and re- ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, snuff, &o. June 1 JAMES McHENHY, ' Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Averagej adjusted, Chartor Parties and Average Bonda drawn# Papora prepared whereby to recover losses frtan American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-Btreet, opposite the front ol the Custom House. ly nov8 PATENT ECLIPSE SB A HU) SffAHlIPo Every man his own Card Printer. C ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheapest and most convenient of any thing for the purpose yet offered for salo. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congress St. 16.C00 prizes amounting to $206,20(5 Tbo 16,00:) prices of of $8>£ arc determined by tho number which draws the $35,000. prize—if tbat number should be an odd numbor, then every odd number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $8>|; if an oven number, then every oven number ticket will be entitled to $8>£ iu addition to any other prizo which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying uu equal quantity of odd and even number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly otto half tlio cost of the same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. 4®* Remember that every prize is druwn, and payable iu full without deduction. 4gy All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the ’drawing,—other prizes at tbe usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The druwn uumbers will bo forwarded to purchasers Immediately after tbo drawing. Wbolo Tickets, $10—Halves, $5—Quarters, $2 6d. Prize Tickets cashed or ronowod in other Tickets at cither office. Orders fur Tickets cun be addressed either to 8. SWAN k CO., Atlauta, Ga., jol Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. ■VrEATSFOOT oil. of the best quality constantly i^l for sale low by CHAFFER & CO., may 16 ’ 0 Whitaker street. morpTprizes than blanks 45- 5,031 PRIZES.-TO 00,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only 11 GRAND SPECULAflrtN l!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT I IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BT AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. JASPER-cWNTfiCADE mt IgOTTEUElT. CLASS O. To bo drawn July tho 15th, 1866, at Concert Hail, Macon, Ga., under tho sworn superintendence of Col. Goo. M. Logan aud Jag. A. Niabet, Esq. This Lottery Is~ drawn on the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this has only 10,000 numbers, and tuo Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers—tho Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 prices. ItjoK to your interest I Now is the time. 20 6000 CAPITAL $7,600. r $ 7,60013 3,000 ia 2,000 is..... ...$ 7,600 ... 3,000 .. . 2,000 1,000 are.... ... 3,000 500 are ... .. . 2,500 100 are ,,. ... 2,000 • •» 8 are.... ... 40,000 amounting to . . .$00,000 WANTED. a Consignee for 10 tubs orButtcr, marked J. F. k A D., landed per steamship Knoxville from Now York. [Je9] PADELFORD, FAY k CO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES’. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 coxa Bias and 67 ht. juukn-rtrkctr. E 3 Subscriber boa received,-and will open Is day, the largest and most extensive variety DOW SHADES ever offered in this city. It is tbe intention or the advertiser to keep constantly in •tore a large supply of all the various patterns and styles manufactured by the manufacturers of this country end or France, to which the attention of mer- chanta and families In the city and country, la In vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. Jan 8 Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2.50. 45- Prizes payable without doductiou. 45“ Persons Bending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. 45*Thoso wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Tlfo 6,000 prizes of $S, are determined by tbe drawing of tbo Capital of $7,600; if tbo numbor that draws the Capital is nn oven number; thoso Tickets ending 0. y, 4. 0, 8, are entitled to $8; if an odd number thoso Tickets ouding with 1,3, 6, 7, (•: are entitled to $H. Address JAMKH F. WINTER, Manager, Junol7 Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Ga. V] RW GOODS.—The subscriber has received Xl a largo lot ol tho following articles— White und striped Osnaburgs, Columbus Factory White aud striped OsnaltUrgs, Schley’s Factory, Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Marlboro’ and Manchester Plaids and Stripes, Blue Denims, &c., kc. Also, afresh tot ofehoap fast-colored Prints- J. W. T11UF.LKKI.D, mrl3 comer Oougrosa aud Whltaker-st*. TjtXTRA CANAL FLOUR,—26 barrels Extra Canal J24 Flour. Landing and for sale by may!6 BQRANTON. JOHNSTON a “■ v ohaso and sale of lands In tho counrles of Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee, Clinch, Iiwndei and Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purchasing and selling ol town lots in the town of Batuwfflck. Dr RCollins,Macop; DrRMOergilf, Rrtmswlok* Thomas H Harden, Beyannah; Hon Jatqee I* Sew| ard, ThomasriUe. B AGGING —loo bales heavy Guntty Bagging, re ceived and for salo by Juno 4 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO. _ Jufit received 10 hair barrels Fulton market Corned Beer; 10 barrels and hair barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and SbouWers; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; Ido No 2 Mackerel; ft do Herrings;-2 drums Cod Fish, and 25 barrel-i Smoked Herrings, in store and for sale by Joll DAVID O’CONNER. XJRKAD. MATCHES k LEMON SYRUP-* Jjk 60 bbis 8ugar, Soda, and Butter Bulscult; 26 boxes da do tin do. lftQ gross Matchos, round boxes. 75, boxes Lemon Syrup, ‘Received and for •ale by McMAHON ft "DOYLE, r; ’ Noe. 206 207 Ba^ itrreV i A LBANY AIjS,—26 bbis, Albauy Stock Aid Just rocolved, and for salo by June 1 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. S UGARS.—00 barrels Stuarts A and U Clarified Sugar; 60 do Croshod and Powdered do, land ing and for sale by inay!6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. XT 0. MOLASSES* landing from schooner lx e Abby Francis, and for salo by deo27 LOCKETT k 8NKLUNGB. un Yellow* CORN; -In store and lor * imv7 by . YOPKO NWYATT. rime Bacon S 4CON AND LARD.—60 hhds, prime Bacon Sides ; SO hhds; ^prlme Bacon Shoulders; 20 . prime Baltimore Leaf Lard. Landing, and for sue by • JuroA SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. OASKETS! BASKETS!—We would call the Xj attention of tho ladies to our stock ol Work, Traveling and lino Fancy Baskets, tlio largest assort ment in tho city, at tbo Houso Furnishing Storo, 166 Broughteu-strect. mjfr21 HORACE MORSE. HUNT'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES. D ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—and which is . decidedly superior to any other machino for that purpose. Spool or skein thread can bo used of any desired length, and which will notnoedto bo changed until the wbolo is uied. Bag mauaut'acturers, Graln’and Flour merchants are particularly invited lo call aud examine It at 186 Con gress street. May25. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT ^WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE. TYESIGNED lor Families, plantations, Dresi ma- X-fkers, Tailors, Boot k Shoo manufacturers and others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both Eldcs alike, and which wlU not ravel. It is more simple, Is less liable to get out of order, and costs loss in proportion than any other machine, nml is warranted to bo perfect, and to work w oil. All apparatus necessary for convenient use la furnished with it, and any instruction will bo given that will be necessary to ensure to tbo purchaser its successful operation and durability. Tho public are respectfully invited to call and ex- amine them at 135 Congress st.- ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 43T A very neat and ornamental Iron Table will now bo given with a machine for a small sum in addition to tho regular price. ' May 25. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEO., 4, 1866. T HT3 improvement enables ono field hand to pick as much cotton as five can pick by tbe old method and having tho cotton froo from trash, and in bettor condition for ginning. The abovo machines aro for salo at 136 Congress street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street. Charles ton, S. C. aj1 orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, and all interested are respectfully invited to call and cxamlno them. County Bights can bo bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—10,0i)o bushels Tenno39oo Corn In store ar J r Vand for solo low bv Jo2—tf YOUNG & WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON.—ouo sacks Flour; 10,000 lbs Bacon, in storo and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. ■ BALTIMORE FLOUR—100 bbis suporfine Baiti- XJraoro Flour landing por schr Woodbrldge, and for sale by . jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. R efined and clarified sugars— 60 bbis Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do ou do 60 do oft do do dn do do Powdered do A Clarified do B do do C do do CITY COURT OP SAVANNAH, MAY TERM. I860. W HEREAS, Goorgo W. Germany, William B. Giles, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Spelsstger, John C. Ferrell, Thomas J. Walsh, John Jones, Rich ard R. Cuyler, Luko Christie, and Edward Padel- ford, summoned to attend tho presont May Term of this Court ns Grand Jurors, havo mado default: It la ordered that they bo fined forty dollars each un- loss they ffio good and sufficient causo of excuse on or before the first day of tbo next Term or this Court. And, whereas, Thomas H. Crugcr, William F. Chaplin, Jacob Freeman, George B. Clark, William Condon, Edwin W. Edon, Goorgo F. Oorcoply, Mnr- mnduo Hamilton, William H. Cooper, Augustus C. Cannon, Patrick Carney, and Jesse B. Dasher, sum moned to attend tbo present Term of Court os Petit Jurors havo made default: It is ordered that thoy be fined twonty dollars each uulcss they file good and sufficient cause of excuse ou or before the first day or the next Term or tills Court. True extract from tho mtnntcs, PHILIP M. RUSSELL, jol 7 _ Clerk oftho City Court ofSavannah. A LEi LARD, bbis Primo Lard; 60 do A Taylor k Son’* Ale; 60 do sugar, soda and but- u»r Biscuit; recolvod and for salo by McMAHON k DOYLE, : , junolO 206 and 207 Bay street. H ARPER FOR JULY.-Harper’a .New Monthly Magazine, for July, received and for ealoby WARNOCK k DAVIS, Junel8 160 Congress street. I TOR JULY—Graham’s Illustrated Monitor Mar- azine, and Bullou’a Dollar. Monthly; Black wood’s Edinburgh Magazlno. for May. Also. Mas sey’s Exhibition Reciter and Drawing, Room Enter tainments, being cholco selections In prose end verso, together with an unique collection of petite comedies, dramas and forces* adapted for the use ot schools and families. For sale by J unfl18 WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, Jut ! received and for aalo by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. ASSIZE OF BREAD, I UIE average price of Flour tho last month being Fight dollars, Bread must weigh as follows;— lu Cent Ixiaf must weigh 2 pounds, ft “ '• “ 1 “ 3 - “ *• 9# ounces. JAMES 8. WILKINS, City Treasurer. Juno l.d, i860. my3l VI ONONGAHKLA WHISKY— r JVJ 25 bbs Old Monongabcla Whisky, 50 Double Distilled Just received nnd for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON AjCO. TjTSitfLAN ii CiUE.—i;Sua MU foctclMut Urn. _n (tally (ixpeclecl pci: brie E. W. AUGER. Eor salo, to arrive, by mnyJS BRIQHAM, KELLY k 00. M ARSHALL A SON’S Celebrated Pig Hams, fig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some now Smoked Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beef. Received •per Alabama, by may28 j. d. JESSE. LANDLORD AND TENANT. T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. Smith, with Notes or American casos br p, p Morris. Bauvier’a I*w Dictionary, last edition. Bauvior’s Institutes American Law. Neligan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on soiuo Diseases of Women admitting of Surgical Treatment, Flint on Diseases or the Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases oftho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology aud Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guide, with maps. Ireland in ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History, By J. Savage. National System of Political Economy. From tho Gorman, of List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Ct IJGAR. icc.—76 bbis and 10 hhds A, B and C Sugars; 15,hhds Molasses; 26 do Bacon Sides and Shqqlders; received end for sale by .McMAHON ft EUTLD, Jdpel? 206 and 207 Bay street.