Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 23, 1856, Image 4

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ipl ittnuy ggjjgg im will be muted. ’ . WUMia, J&mBHtio, E*|., OrJInwx lor Outturn M'« ja»r ■ ■ : :— KUrtjr, thin fourth day of June, ISM. Juno 6 ; | JOHN BILBO, o. o. a ADiwifiimwWsML^ Jr< June W IATSAI SHERIFF’S SALE.—W1U b# (■MM oh the first Tuoeder In Juno next, botore Court House, between the Ion! hours or sale, lot number twelve (is) New Franklin Ward, in the Qty of lavaunah, situated on tko corner of Mont gomery street and Battle Row, together with the three-story brick warehouse situated thereon; levied oo to satisfy a certain it fa. Issuing out of Obatham Superior Court, lu favor of John Seudder vs. Clsr* ence P. Hollis. Property pointed out In said fl. Ik. . BENJAMIN' L. COLE, may& Sheriff o.c. ; AtatB dl r BfitiRolAV ; 7 G HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It may con* corn: Whereas, EUxabeth Ulboro, will apply at im Oonrt or Ordinary tor letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Rlbero: Thoso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom U may concern, to be and appear before said Court to mako objection (If any they have) on or before tho first Monday in July next, otherwise said fatten will ttagrMted. E tneu. John Btllio, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham ly, this second tiny of Jane, 18R0. June a JOHN BII,BO,..o, c. c. STATIC OK UKOKOtA, CHATHAM CO. T i all whom It may concern: Whereas Mary Ann Dent will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for let* sera Dtsmlssory on the estate or James P. Dent,— These aro therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, t> make objections (If any they bavo) on or beforo the First Monday in Docembcr next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of June, 1850. Je3 JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. 11|7m be sold before the Court House door in the TV city of Savannah, on the first. Tuesday In July next, between the legal hours of salo. . Tho follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, 1 iron chest. 1 wardrobe and all the Interest of Edward Murphy, in and to the lease or lot and building situated on theccruerof Whitaker and Congress streets, to satisfy a (1. fa. issued In favor or William B. Gaull, ys. Murphy, ft Pevanny, property pointed out by defendant. ED. M. PRENDERGAST, s c. s. may 81 J_.. CITY SHERIFF’S 8ALE. sold before the Court House door, in Tf thoCity of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July noxt, betweon the usual hours of sale, east half of No. 8 Green Ward, lioundod as follows:—north by Broughton street, west by lot No. 5, south by a lane and east by lot No. 7. Levied on as the property of James L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued out of the Honorablo the City Court of Savannah, in favor ofD. B. Nichols vs. James L. Oliver. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Torms cash.— Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PREN'DERGAST, my31 City Sheriff. iURSUANT to an order or the Honorable the _ ‘ Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed iune term, I860, will bo sold, on the first Tuesday In August next, before the Court House door In said ©ouity of Chatham, between tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.) Lots Nos. threw(8) and four (4), being part of Garden lot No. nlno (9), Spring mil. City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad street; also the following negro slaves: Jack, Peter, Alexander and Sarah, Sold at the property of the. estate of Samuel Grimm lateorsald county, doceaaed, for tho benefit hr the Itelr* and creditors or said es tate. ‘ ‘RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non. on Je4 Estate or Samuel Griffin, TffiOHtiTA, CIIaTH AST coUStY io first Monday In August noxt. I will apply ^ _ ihe Ordinary of Chatham county for loave to sell the negro slaves beqnglng to the estate or Clara A*. Ogilbay, deceased," for the benefit of the heirs and creditors oraald estate. June 4 JAMES A. LaBOCHE, Adm’r. iRTJE WMhu, - no. 13, uora 3n mm, rmuintuni. j mpw -■ *y. nclson bwhbbby, _'. DK8IONMI AN D SCUM-TOR INMABBUV . Comer Aster Place and 4th Avenue, >i«»» Io*. nrctoanosnorr «o,tbx aiwon uma »t immaV' of tlonutaaenis, Tombs, Head Stones, Aw., irlca, can be found at this establishment, from plain to the most elaborate and ornate la design and worktnanshlp7 In ftddiU6o‘to the stock always on *■“id, a great variety or drawings, appropriate and 1nal may bp found, from'which work will be ex* —ed promptly to order/ Order* faithfully .oxeoutod, and shipped to any point available by, water or steam. Peraons visiting the city of New York on pleasure or business are respecifoUy Invited to visit this es tablishment. o®* 3 bJ 3a5f? CITY SHERIFF'S SALE! IX be sold before tho Court House door in _ J the City of Savannah, ou the first Tuesday In . July next, .between the legal hours of sale, lot No. 27, contains 69 feet, more or less, being a portion of Garden lot No. 11, west, In the city of savannah, bounded as follows;—East by Purse street, south by lot No. —, north by street not named, and west by lot No.—. Levied on as the property or Ann Doblo, to satisfy w fl. fa. Issued out or the Honorable the City Court of Savannah, m favor or John Uallatacr vs Ann Doble. Property pointed out by plaintiff— Term* cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PRENDERGAST, myll City Sheriff. CITY ■HBIUlf’i SALE. will be sold, before the courthouse door In TV the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, between tho legal hours of salo, Ono Au* w *b Bond, n Dunn — 1 or the honorablo tho - City ttMirt of Savannah* one in favor of James B. Read vs; William Dunn, and the other in favor of John Iogersoll vs. William Dunn. Terms cash. EDWARD if. PRENDERGAST. may 81 Sheriff 0. S. BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail In Swalnsboro, Emanuel Co., i the.ith instant, a negro man; he say* his name 1st Harry; that ho belongs to Min estate ■ot Thomas Clay, of itryan County; Ga. He Is of light comploxlou, with a alight scar over the left oyo; about 6 feet 8,s Inches In height, and about 26 years old. The owner Is requested to come forward, pay charges and take him away, as he will be dealt with as the law direct*. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 Jalor. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tho estate of Richard F. Williams, late of Chatham coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them within the tlmo prescribed by law to the subscri ber ; and all Indebted to tho said oslato are request ed to mako immediate payment to M. B. M1LLKN, Administrator de bonis uon. March 25—flw Hwtfy2l—-Jo 7 STATE OF UKUKU1A, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern: Whereas, the estato or Jeremiah Mo. Donald llos unrepresented lu consequent of tho death of Nathan Brcwton, the executor, and unless some fit and competent person applies for the ad ministration of said estato, with luo will annexed. I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other fit and proper porson, administrator with tlto will an nexed de bonas non, on said estato : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish alt whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or before the first Monday in August next Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordiuary for the county or Bulloch, this 12th day or Juno, I860. Jel5 WILLIAM LEE, o. c. o. State of Georgia, Bufiock County. A DMINISTRATORS* SALE.—By virtue «f an or* der from the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, passed on tho first Monday In June, will be sold at tho court house door or said county, between the lawful hours or sale, on the first Tues day in August Ono tract or Land, containing one hundred and fitly acres, In said county, on the Ca- noochee river; alio, a part or four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ut* noochee river, well improved and in good ropair, consisting or swamp, buy. and pine land. Sold as the property or Nathan Brow ton, deceased, for tho benefit of tho hoirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day of salo. BENJAMIN BREWTON, 1 SIMON J. BREWTON, / Adm re ‘ Juno 2d, 1868 Jo 15 io, Uulloch County, VIRGINIA SPRINGS S SOITH MRE, RicflMONI. A lUNVIUA, AND>, dt KnniHH •Huy oiu, DBivcoo uio icgai uoura oi saio, uno - suite and Waynesboro’ Railroad Company’s B No. 409—levied cm as the property of William 1 to satisfy two 11. fas. issued out of the honorabh QTATE OF GEORGIA—UULLOCH CO„ May 20th, O 1866—Two months after date application will be iqado to the Honorablo Court of Ordiuary of said County for leavo to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors and said deceased. my2S-8w JOHN K. GIBSON, Adm’r. EORG^A—BULLOCH CO.—All persons having \JC demands against the Estate of Thomas Mills, late of Mid county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the tlmo prescribed by law, and those Indebted to sold estate are requested to make immediate payment to - HARDY B. HODGES, Adm’r tUySOtb, IMS. mySMvr NOTICE. T WO months from date application will be made to the Ordinary of Chatham County, for leave to sell lot No. 151,9th district, Baker, belong, log to the estate of Julian Harks. JACOB WATSON, may2 Administrator. State of Geoi A DMINlSTRATORs’ SALE.—Will bo sold, ou the -CB. first Tuesday lu August next, before tbs court houso in Btatcsboro’, in said county, under an order or the Court or Ordinary, Fifty-four (64) acres or Pine Land, granted to James Deal, aud bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allon and Elmore Manes, belonging to the estate of James Deal, for the benefit of the hairs aud creditors of said estate. Terms mado known ou tho day of salo. MARTHA DEAI CALVIN DEAL. Juuc 12th, 1856 Je 16 i DEAL,) Adm’x. DEAL/ /Adm’r. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. TOHN M. WILLIAMS, having assigned all O bts property, both real and personal, to adjust his debts, all persons having legal claims against the Mid John M. Williams, will please hand them to the uhderslgnod without delay, as it is quite desirable to ascertain the extent ol’indebtedness, aud to per fect a speedy settlamoutoftbe assigned property aprSS HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. jmrimaxam'm^ms:— A LL persons having demands against the estate of the Ute Charles A Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, proporly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all those In* debted to said estate, ore requested to make imme* diato payment to EDWARD PADELFORD, may8 Administrator. assignees notice. TVfR. Lorn* Roblder having made an assign* JJL meat for tbe benefit of bis creditors, all per son* indebted to him will ploast make payment to me. And thoso having demand* against him are requested to present them, that payment may be made as far as the issetts will oxtend. A. BON AUD, Assignee, Savannah, May 19,1856. * may20 DIT’ILL besold before tbe door ofthh Court House T T in the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of salo, the following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jim, Chloe, and Simon—levied on by virtue ol fl. Ik. Issued out of tho Honorable Superior Court of Glynn County, In favor of Horace B. Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton and James Goweu, Administrators of Mary Abbott, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. may28 M, C. B. WRIGHT, S.G.C. CITY MARSHAL'S SALES. TiriLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in July TV next, lu front of the court houso : Improvements on lot No. 3, MontmolUnvillo, to Botlsfy City Tax Executions vs. Connelly, lor years 1864 and 1865. Also, Lot and improvement No. 12, partorGar- don IxR No. 11. west.the property of Mrs. Ellen O’Reilly, to satisfy City Tax Executions for 1866. Also, Lot No. 16 and improvements, Franklin ward, as tho property of M. Prendcrgast, for Tuxes for 1866. Also, east half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun ward, the property of Mrs. Bridget Cary and children, for Tuxos for 1866 Also, Lots Nos. 19 aud 20, Wesloy ward, as the property of Edward Perry, for Taxes for 1865. Also, Lot No. 61, Browu ward, os the property of cateto of Patrick O'Connell, fcr., forTaxea for 1856 Al.o, Improvements on south half or Lot No. 83, Warron ward, a* tho property oTMlss Matilda Ro- sey, for Taxes for 1864 and 1866. Also, east half of Lot No. 28, north Bidoof Marga- rot street, tho property of Mrs. Rachael Wise and daughter, for Taxes for 1866. Also, Lots Nos.47and62, Walton ward, os the property of John McCormick, for Taxes for 1865. Also. Lot No. 4, Washington ward, as the proper ty of Mrs. M. M. Dibble and children, for Taxes for 1855. GLYNN SHERIFF'S SALK. W ILL be soldbcfore the door of the Court House, in tho city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on tbe first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, tho followiug property, to wit.:—One undivided hair or a tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and fifty acres, (more or less) lying and behgln tho county of Glynn, bounded south be lands granted to MinhAel Ponself, northwardly by lands granted to John Lamb, senior, east by toads unknown. Levied on as tho property of Celia Lamb, to satisfy a fi. To. issued out of tho Honorablo supe rior Court or Glynn county, In favor or Daniel McIn tosh v*. Celia Lamb. Property pointed out by de fendant. M. C. B, WRIGHT, may28 Sheriff Glynn County. STATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY CO. T ) all whom it may concern:—Whereas Jason Floyd will apply at the Court of Ordinary Ibr letters of administration on the estato or Allen D. Floyd, These aro therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to bo and appear before said court, to make objections, if any they have, on or before tbe first Monday in July noxt, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty County, this 27th day or April, 1866. W. I». GIRARDEAU, may27 O. L, C. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N the first Monday in July next application will be made to the honorable tho Court of Ordlna- ry of said county for letters of administration on tho estato of Gidcou McGowcu, latoorsuld county, de ceased. ANN McGOWEN. Juno 2 NOTICE:. rpHREE mouths after date application will bo mado X to the Marine Bunk of Savanuab, for the pay ment of two Twenty dollar bills, viz.: letter B, 3070, and letter O, 697, tue left halves oT which have been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, I860. 3m* tny28 XUHINliTHATlUX HACK. ~ O N the first Tuosday In July noxt will bn sold in rront ortho Court Houso, in tho city of Havon- nab, all tho real ostate belonging to tho estate of James II. Bates, late of Chatham Cuuuty, deceased. Sold by permission or the Court of Ordinary, and by •rder of the Administratrix, for tho bonolit of tho ‘heir* aud creditors. ANN B. BATES. 1nay25 Administratrix. rpHE UATH HOUSE having been Imndnomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d ol' March. Single Baths 26 cents—six tickets for $1.00 tn*f4 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. GOD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. TJUST received 6 hhds choice Cod Fish 20 bbls <! extra No land No. 2 Mackerel: 10 do extra Pickle Barrings, 60hexes Smoked Herrings in store end for sale by DAVID O’OONNFR. may 10 Corner Broghton A Bruy ton eta, Also, Lot No. 24, l,afayelte ward, as tbe proiwrty of John M. Mlllen, for Taxes for 1866. Also, Lot No. 10, MontmolllnvUle, as tho property of James Benolst, for Taxes for 1864 and 1865. - Also, Improvements or quarter Lot No. le.Greone ward, as the property or Mrs. — Baker, for Taxes for 1864 and 1866. Alio, GsfUen Lot No. 68, east, as the properly of W. P. Bowen, for Taxes for 1854 and 1866. Also, Lot-No. 47, Jasper ward, os the property ot Mr*. J. W. Ryerson. for Taxes for 1865. Also, west half or Lot No. 4, south side of Bryan street for Taxes for 1864. Also, south half of 1 Trustees’ Garden, as the property of tbe estate of Worthington, for Taxes for 1856. DANIEL H. STEWART, any 31 City Marshal. “ “ REMOVAL! Tbs subscriber ha* Removed on the Bay, next door to the Republican] . tVa office, where he is now opening a JULhandsome assortment or 8PRING! AND HUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Mode Clothing for the present and comine season. Than kill! for past favors, he hopes to merit a con* tinuauce of the Mine. N. B.—-Cutting, Altering and Repairing done the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats aud Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Yosts, for sale at a small pro fit. Aprl2 JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tlie subscriber takes this opportunity v# fl to inform his frlonds and the public, that ^ (Uho is enabled, from experience, and the f§ .i HRlntultivo perceptions of the truths oUlK science, based on the common rules of surveying forms, both plane and spherical, to out and make up garnaenta to fit the human form in the most complete and finished style, to all who may favor him with call. Boys* Taney dresses, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen's Uniform*, Ac., Ac. . _ P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson at., ono door North of Broughton street, deo 7—ly TFAQQ1MJ AND ROPR^btt bales heavy (ium *> boite heavy PnndM (for Sea It. and*,) 60 bolts medium do 44 inches, 800 colls K Rope, 600 lb* Bagging Twin*, in store and for si I>7 bov 19 WKB8TBR A PALMK8 -fresh, XjlRESH Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, fbr X 1 sale by Jan 2 A BON AUD. QUNDRIES^ k-J 25 bbls Sugar CrackerR- 20 « Butter “ 16 “ Soda Biscuit *• 25 boxes “ *• «■ 26 bbls No. 1 Sugar, 60 “ A, B and G’ Sugar, Received nud for sale by McMAHON A DOYLE. my!7 Nos. 206 and 207 Bay Rt. P aper hangings and borders— Just received a groat asHortment of tbe most elegant patterns, with borders to match, from “ cents to $2, at CHAFFER A CO.’S, npr30 No. 6 Whitaker street. G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner or Bryan aud Whitaker Rtreets. & HAS now on hand a beautiful as- n. sorlment of Jewelry of every iIIh- 0k, cription nnd kind worn by Indies Sat and gentlemen, and will Hell ntunuauully low prices, I have this day received (|ior Express) a largo Moeknf ologantBlvor Ware, eonslstlug or Cnko and H*.*®' l ,y®s. plain and engravod Fish Knives and Forks, I loklod Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Ac. Ac., all m Morocco cues, and aultabln for presonts. I havo *° nddlUou to my' stock of r J'« l iV co . lQr *J Curl., Toi»?»,:Hwia»,rn>ui Tom, Ao., whichuow makes cotor^desired 11 *’ com i > °*°' Dfdors recolvoil for any by u ." [| "«•«■ Uio KUtwrvlHlou "S*? 1 oUlor ! ,0 . rk a ° M 1“ » woricmanllki maunor, and warranted. ma y 2# •ar-VS.'U MiM H B: ARRANQEMKNT. ShortoRt, most corafortabie" and most' expeditious Route to thp VIRGINIA SPRINGS! - THROUOH BY DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Checked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to: tho viliintnin Spring*, by this route, take the Pouth-Slile Railroad car* at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville cars at Richmond, at u A. M., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Ly neb- burg to dinner, and thence, via Urn Virginia am) Tennessee Railroad, reach itonsoek's Depotat 31-4,' and Salem at 41*. M., ami at either place lake K«nt, Nummersou A Co's Finn Lino of 8tagM I Thoso via Bonsaok’s loilgo at Flncastle, dlno at tho Re«l Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrlvo at the White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on tbe evening of the second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT -TRAVEL, and With but 64 miles or Staging. Or by tho Salem route, stop all night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distent from Salem,) dlno at the Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Spring* on tho evening or tbe following day. The Virginia A Tennessee Railroad l» located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for it* salubrity and delightful tem perature. The road passes the base or the PEAKS OP OTTER! And within threo miles of the Alleghany Springs, one mile of the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and within four miles or thn Yellow Sulphur Springs; all pleasantly situated a few miles apart, oatlie Eastern slopo of tho Alleghany mountain, iu Mont gomoryoounty. The waters of those Springs aro celebrated for their great medlclual qualities, tho ac commodations aro excellent, and have been greatly Increased sinco last season. 49^Visitors to tho Rod Sulphur Springs take Kent, Summerson A Go's Stages at Newborn Depot, ontheovenlugor.theday that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at the Springs on tbe following day to dinner, aud Suit Sulphur Springs oar ly in the evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tho Road from Newberu Depot to the Red Sul phur Springs, (38 miles,) bos boon graded and greatly improved sinco butt season, and Is now re tarded nsoao of tbo best turnpikes in tho niouu- alns. Tbo line ol Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and 1$ operation to the Mootgomcry White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, TouucsHie, tokeKeut, Summerson A Go’s stages at the Western terminus of the Virginia A Tounossoe Railroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward ut tho rate of 8 miles per month) to tho Eustoru termi nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at Knoxville lu 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fan from Petenborg or Bioiunond, To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs viaBousack’a.flO 00 “ “ •*/ “ “ «• “ Saiern.... 10 60 “ Whlto Sulphur Springs •’ Bonsack's 11 00 “ ** “ “ “ Salem.... 11 60 "UcdSulpbor Springs 12 26 “ Alleghany Springs.... 8 oo 11 Montgomery White Sulphur Sprtugs 8 26 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 46 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Note.—The ebargo for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Whlto Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not include tho charge from tho Railroad to the Springs. Passeugers lor the Al • legbany Springs, (4 miles distant.) take tickets to SbawsviUo—lor Montgomery White SUIphur, (1 mile dlatent by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel and for the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to Ohristlamburg depot. Com voyances will bo found at thoso places. For further information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agents. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond A Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H, GILL, Sup’t V. A T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON A CO.. Fincaatle, Virginia. ICTPTBT LOCK. H-tIds rwalvwt th» t-riw MkI.I at tbo .World’• FUr t are bow oSbrM to tb. publlit u tho PBto Koto ot | the World. Tested sod approved sstliey boro bern ererr- rownloc Tlotnry w« reserved to b. ...edurlen of tbo World’eFi)r.„ Tho proprietor placed Ooo Tbnunuid Dollsni In Gold InlbooneoiblMted at tho World’si Fair, Ion- doo, and Invited all tbe Plek-Loclw In the world to open the Rate, with or without tbe kon. •ndtako tho money 1 os a reward for tholr ingenuity; although operated upon by several sklllea In tho art,.no one could Pick the Lock or opon the Safe. By an improvement upon theoriglnalBalamanaor, Introduced by thopreeeutowner of thepatent-riKUt, tho Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, and books, papers and Jowolry might bo preserved In ono of liln nnWrtiir a eentnry without contraction a blcratah rrom mould or mlltdew. _ To guard against counterfeits every SMe from tne mnnulkctory or the eubeorlbor, and Bold by him or hie egenle, be3 n lira., plate In front, bearing hie nmne; each Is eleo ftirnlehed with one of hie Im proved Thief Detecting Locke, which le a good guar antee again*! robbery. ■ ' S. O. IfERRING K CO., Noe.-las, 187 and tiro Wetor-et., N. V. Agonta in Ravannnh, Moeare. DELL ft IRR-VTISS, who keen conetantlyon liand.a flttt and complete ■eeortment, whleh-tney will sell ot MnnnlbctorerB prices. . eepM8 I-OCAli RVinitVOE OP THE VALUE AND HRF- raoornoaimHOT ■. WlLDEK-8 SALAMANDER 8AMW, At Mamifadumt by Steam <t Mania, Nm York- lathe Dro of the 8d Inst., which consum ed the brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite |tho Gas Works, In this city, was a safo ol the above descriptions containing tho books, paper*, and money of Mr. Thomas, and although tho building was defrayed, the said Safo sustained no Injury whatever from Dip Intense heat to which it had boon exposed. On open ing tho Bare, the contents wore found undisturbed, aud in the same order and condition as wbeu placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few paiwrs, nnd tho backs of one or two o:' the books, caused by tho steam generated io the Safe, whllo at its greatest heat. The 8alb and contents, as it came from tho ruins, may still bo seen, In the possession or Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment or these cole hrated Safes always on hand,and for sate by C. H. CAMPFIKIJ), Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26,1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Oa, I take pleasure In Corroborating tho foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that tho books aro now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1866. oct6—tf DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, “ YORK STREET, NEAR TBE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Established lit 1839. a n HE Subscriber grateftil to hi* friends and L patrons for their coutluuul ravors, would stole ut in addition to tho improvements lu DYING, au qulred by him during Ills last visit to Englaud and Scotland, hud mode arrangements for exteuding bis business, by which ho is uow enabled to dye u greater variety iff colors ou silk aud woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., which ho treats will generally please all who may fuvor him with their patronage. Gcutlomen’s garments dyed, cleaned or rouovated as may be required, in tho same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and friends. Table Covers, and Indies’ Crape Shawls, Ao., cloanod and finished iu tho first style. Ladles' Bonnots dyed, bleached aud pressed In Uto most faehlouahliMtyles. Orders from tho country promptly attended ton Terms moderate. When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sent him by letter through tho post office, bo that he may know where to cau for them, meu 16 ALEXANDER CAIJXJWAY. ftKlNTZfirMANN’N ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this cssuuue has beau received throughout all sections of tho Unlou us a remedy at onco safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Woak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, Ac., has iu- ducod the proprietor to give it every publicity in his power. Upon Us merrlta comment is unnecessary, as its own Intrinsic worth Is its best eulogy. It cur ries with it the evidence of its superior excolleuco, freely attested to by the youug, the old, and scores -r •- - careful regard for ■’ adopting It os an ... . „ _ jore is perhaps no medicinal preparation extent so simple and harm* less, yet8alutaryand effective, whose worth will bo more appreciated or uuivertally adopted than tbe Liquid ulnger prepared by Holutxelman. For sale by J. E. DsFORD, Druggist, JelOSm Savannah, Ga. and alter Sttttdajv the 14th October .Inst, V “d until further notice, the Passenger Train* on tbe Central Railroad will run m follow*: BITWI1N BAVANNAB AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily'at...6 a m and 12.16 ? v. Arrive lit Macon • “ “,.2,16 r v “ 1 an. Leave Macon , /* ,“.11.46 a u “ 9.80 r*. Arrive in Savaa’h “. “10.46 r x “ 7.20 a N between aavaxhab anv Acatnru. Leave Savannah 12.16 p u and 8.30 p. u. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 r n “ 6.80 a x. Leave Augusta .....6. am “ 4.80 p x Arrive in Savannah 1.80 p jk « 10.45 p Brrwtxx MACON ANV ACOCSTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a v and 9.80 r x. Arrive In Auguste 8.46 p a « 6.80 a x. Leave Auguste.. 6. a a “ 4.80 P x. Arrive in Macon... 2.16 p x “ 1. ax. an wits savannah, xnxiDasmu A xatonton. Leave Savannah ,,,.6. ax Arrive in MUladgevlUe 2.46 p x. Leave Macon 1146 a x Arrive In Eatonton 6. p x. W. M. WADLEY Gen’l 8upt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. octl6. CHANGE OF bCHEDULK UN THK ” New York A New Orleans Mails: and after Sunday, February 3d, 1856, two dally t rains between Macon and Columbus, and one between Macon and American, Leave Macon at 2 a x, and 3 r x; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 a m, and 1030 p m ; leave Columbus at 4 16 a m, and 180 p m; arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 40 p x;leavo Macon at 2 a m; arrive at Amorl cu* at fl 40 a m; loavo Amorlcus at 2 20 p n; arrlvo at Macon at 7 40 r x; making a complete connoctlon be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, MUledge vlllo and Eaton- ten, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Ala., connecting dally at Amorlcus with four horse Post Coaches to Tallahassee, Albany, Thomasvllle, Balnbrldgo, Ac., withtrl-weekly hack* to Lumpkin, Cutbbert, Ac., at Fort Valtoy with hacks toPerry.Haynesviile, Hawkinsv lie and KnoxvIUc, 06. Passengers for Amorlcus and points below Fort Valley, should take the 1216 p H train from Savan nah; and the 6 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macon. For other points on tho South western or Muscogee Roads take either train from Savannah or Augusta. Passenger* leaving Amorl- cus at 2 20 p m will roach Columbus at 10 .TO p x the same night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am- erlous. South-western Georgia or Florida, should take tho 1 80 p m frftln at ColutnbUR, sloop at Fort Valley, and roach Americas at 6 40 a m next morn ^ferat class steamships leavo Savannah for Now York on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage Io the Cabin $25. Steerago $8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ io 00 “ Amorlcus “ “ 8 1 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 80th, I860. maylo Winter Arranoement—Can maiUnafuvm Broad St. ■Jenvy B«II an the way toGordonavHlo. IITHEN the Potomac la olooed with ice this Yf route may be relied on by.passengers, to en ■ore the connection going North or South. Tho roud to entirely retold with a i>uperlor T fail a* for as Gordonavllle, During tho winter tho train will start from tho old ataUon, In Richmond, on Broad stroot, at 7 u am., pawi Gordonavllle at li a m., and arrive r Dow »^ n leavos Stuun- * on .* t ? P*?*W Oordonsvlllo ut 11 a m, aud arrive In Richmond at 2.80 r m. Faro to Gordons vlllo ..$2 00 AN OON8IGNMENT- 2000 bushels Prime Corn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks "Palace Mills’’ Flour: 10 bbls Raw Giro; 10 do Monongahela Whisky; 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sale low, by 1 >• Jol8 PATTEN, HUTTON k,GO. to take tbe Iroln of tbe Oranso sod AImmc/h* Hall road. ^Persons whq loave Richmond at 7 tf a m., can !S e S 0 ^ Or#n iP o Alexandria cars at Gorlloua. villa IT they choose to do so, aud by that taaln will «0lT« : .1.1 ‘ H. I). WHtTCOHB. Bunt. 13 im NKdtl.Y EXKCUTKD AT TH1 Jl BdOK * JOB OFPIOK. Morobanti can bo supplied 1 at short notice with Drnr Book*, Clrrulars, Card* iu>J-Btoiik Book*. Particular attention ^lv*n*to BOOK. ASH) PAM* PHLET PRINTING, Bucfi ns Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings or Mootings. Reports, By-Laws, otc. Thonkftfl for the very lllioral patronage horotolore rdcolvcd, wo ronpectftiHj’i solicit a coiitiuuance ot tho same, fooling that wo shall be able to please all who may favor ub wUU a call, both as to prices and execution of work. Propoanl* fbr Ballon* and Fuel for blCht-Vnniie COLLECrOR*JT OFFICE, ) . Bopxiuntknpkxt op i.ioirrs, y Savannah, 10th May, ‘I860.) QEALED proposals will bo roceirra nt this Office until 12 o’clock. M., on Uiejtf day of Jaily noxt, 1866, for furnishing and delivering Ra tions nnd Fdel on. board the IJght-voswd* In this Collection district, vl*.} at Martin’s Industry and Tyhco Inland Kuoll, for ono year from the first day Of July 1656, to tho 80th Juno, 1857, inclusive. Tlie rations to be or good and approved quality, to ho delivered in good nnd sufficient packages, barrel*, boxes and cases, and In good order, on hoard the nbbvo named light-vessels, at toast onco a quarter, free of oxponso to tho United States, and agreeably I a g e is ' B M ::::::: H3(tpqo,J I BJi-Wd wX : J tf:: : : : 1 a 5 h“ : : tf:: : : : •4WtOU|A | Sj}» »N ;c: : tf:: tf:: •SOTOg I 4- JaitoU -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •90JI00 c p K •noi g E *3 19 ,a a 4«*UR ■& 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 •Muosih ! • if! ? ! ! tjnAJ p0|Jp **' jo suistaH M • • • M> • • *ooih 3 i M : : M : : : : UuutJ ec m! : •j(joa : mm! ».<: w II Jr* This Seminary, located in the de lightful and healthy village of Media, ithirteen miles from Philadelphia, by jRallroad. wiU bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1660- Tne commodious building, nowin process of erec tion, wilh all the modern Improvements, will be finished bv the first of August, and will contain such accommodations, both in polul of taste and comfort, as cannot fall to satisfy parents that while their daughters are enjoying tbe benefits of meutal cul- ture, they bavo also tbe comfort* ol a refined home. This institution is established with a view to afford to young ladle* the most perfect combination of ad vantages for tbe attainment of a thorough and ac complished education, and no pains or expense will be spared to render It in reality what It professes to be, a school of superior merit. MHs Eastman, the Principal, was at the hoad of a school In New Eng land previous to her residence in Pennsylvania, and lor the last six year* has been known to tbe patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, as presiding teacher In that institution. The Ht. Rev. A. Potter, BUhcp of the Diocese ol Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. I.. Eastmac, who proposes to open a Young Ladles’ Seminary la Media, Delaware Co., I to, In September next, has been known to the sub- sorlber for several years past. Ho has a very high opinion ot her capacity, efficiency anil dnvoteduusa as an educator. She has had a largo and success ful experience. Tho building which is to be erected for her use will contain every accommodation. The village aud aurrouudlug country are distinguished for bott'thfulnesB and beauty, and tho subscriber has confidence that parents who eutrnst their daughters to Mias Eastman will havo no reason to regfet it.” Miss Eastman will ho aided by nn efficient corps of Teachers. The French language will be taught nnd Spoken by a Parisian latty, residing in the family., Tho Latin, Gorman, Spanish nnd Italian languages will receive dun attention. Tho Natural Sciences will bo taught, with the aid of a large and expensive apparatus. The Musical Dopartmout will he under the charge or a lady eminent ly qualified to till the situation: nnd all preferring a male teacher on the Piano or in Singing, con have the beuefit or a Visiting Toucher from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will he under tho direction of a Indy accomplished In tho art. The number of pupils i* limited to forty. Tho Terms for Board and Tuition in all tho branch es except Music, are $160 per session or five months. Miss Eastman has liberty to refor to the following gonUomeni— Rt. Bov. A. Potter, D.D., and tho Episcopal clergy Hon. I: Pierce, President ortho United States. Hon. H. P. Chase, Governor of Ohio. ’Hon. N. B. Baker, Kx-Governor of New Hamp shire. lion. M. W. Tappun, M. V. from New York. Rov. N. Stem, or Norristown, Pa. Rev. A. McLeod, Clenrllcld, Pa. Pierce Butler, Esq,, or Philadelphia. J. B.Oklo,Ks*n., do. E.W. Clark, Rpq., do. Georgo Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher I.a-sor, Potteville, Pa. Georgo Wyman, St. Ixiuis. Mo. lion. P. 0. Johnson, Washington, D. C. For furthor particulars, or for circulars apply to the Principal, ■ MlBS MARIA EASTMAN. JolO cod 3ui Media, Delaware Co, Pu, Each proposal must state distinctly the price for which the entiro ration will ho furnished on hoard each light-vessel respectively. Tho proposals for supplying fuol, both coni nnd wood, must state distinctly the price per ton and cord, and tbo kind and quality or each, to bo deliver ed ou board of each light-vessel respectively. Ono bidder may oiler for all tho rations and fuol required for all tua light vessels iu this district, or for ouo or moro ol'tho vessels soparateiy, at his own option. Tho kind and quantity of fuel will ho deter mined upon, uud tho contractor informed accord ingly. iu advauco of tbo tlmo for making tho quar terly deliveries of rations on hoard of the respective light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids a written guarunteo, signed by himself und a responsible surety, that, lu tho cveut ortho contract belbg awarded to him, he wifi faithfully execute It in conformity to tho tortus of this advertisement. Tho contractor will bo required to outer lute bond with approved security for the faithful execution of the contract; and uo hid will ho accepted or coutract cutored into, until approved by tho Light Houso Board. Tho coutfuctoi' will bu required to keep ut least, iu the aggregate, one month’s rations for the entire crew oftuo BgUt-vcefscl contracted for, on board at all times; aud any expense iucurrcd on account of fulluro to deliver ratious or fuel iu time, will bo chargeable to tbe contractor. No member of Congress, lightkeeper, suiKiriutcu- dent or Inspector of fights, uor auy person connect ed with the Light-houso establishment, will bo al- tewed to coutract for or deliver ruttous for the crew, or fuel of a light-vessel, nor to be interested iu such contract. No contractor, supt-rinteuneut, or inspector will be allowed to chunge the parts ortho ration, uor tbe timos that may be determined upon for thn delivery, wilbout authority of tbe Board. All tile articles constituting the rutlou for the crew of light-vessels will be examined, aud their quulity approved by tbe superintendent, or tbo inspector of (he district, or by such other person us may he un signed to perform thui duty ;uud uo hills will be paid tor rations aud fuel which aro notuccoiu|tuulcil by receipts duly ri.u.i-it by tbe respective light-yes- scl keepers for (ho different article*constituting the rations for tbe crew for each quarter, and separate receipts lor ibu kind und quantity of fuel delivered on board of each light-vessel. No bid which is not properly sealed and endorsed will be considered, and no bids will bo received or allowed to bo withdrawn after tbe expiration of the Umo specified Ut the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by different members or the same firm or co-partnership will net be considered. AU bids will be publicly ojienod and registered at the time specified in tbo advertisement. The right to reject all bids if the interest of the public service require It. is reserved By order of tho Light-house Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. mr 11 PERIODICALS. P UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. Frank Leslie's Gazette ofFashions for Muy. Blackwood’* Edinburgh Review for April. Received unit for sale by maylfl WARNOCK hi DAVIS, 169 Congress street. 1 OK HBLS. FLOUR in store aud for sule J.&L/ by may; CRANK. WEL1R fc CO. fvA Ca ?H? 0I, !° c “towba Brandy in store, and lor aaln by tlm only regular Ageutfor Savannah, my 14 . M. EYRE, 04 Bay street. JUST RECEIVED. l'KR STEAMER, au assortmeut of Misses and Children’s Plain Straws, lTi4 ..Ladies’ AN BONNETS, I>i-! HANTS’ HATS and FLATS. Also o Vow _ HATS, lor sole b.v MRS. FREELAND, Ul »y 17 Broughton stroot. L ISLE THREAD OAUNTLETS—The only article of the kind In the city, iter sale by J. W. THRRLKRLli; mar27 corner of Congress and Whltaker-ste. A PPUSS & POTATOES- For sale by may!9 10 bbls Choice Morcor Potatoes; 26 “ “ Russott Apples. J. A. BROWN. HBEKBOXOV OKNUINE MKPARATIONB. . H.lmbold'n tURlUy OMMMtlMM Com pound triuM Extract Hucbu. ISA CtSrAIK, HAM. AND KmiCTUAI. HKMKDY 10R DUcaara of Ike Bladder, Kidney., Gravel, __ Dropey, Weoknrai, Hecrn DtaeaiiM, Obitruc- Jobe, fomalr Complalntu, and all dtuaaea ot tha fl,xudOr g .n,,wk«herln| s ^ TbU popular and specific remedy to now offered to tbe afflicted, and guaranteed to cure all the above oomplalnt*. It searches out the xm root o[ the disease, driving out all the diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the cau»e and rendering the CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. This medicine altera pain and Inflammation, which other remedies invariably cause, and fan betaken with lees trouble am* expenfe to JteUenta. This In fallible remedy has saved thousands upon thousands from the bands or MERCILESS QUACKS, • , irnot from premature graves, to case* of Infection the Compound Bucbn to the only article worthy of the least confidence of tho afflicted in performing SAFE CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other Injurious drug, but Is purely a VeQftatjU; CompotiOon. It Is very agreeable to the taste, wiauw no pcroeptlble odor, and mny be taken by persons of cither sex without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for uso accompany the medicine. Reader, if you have any ortho above complaints, do not neg ect tjem^ ^ DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus prevent all exposure. * TRUTH MUST AND WIU. PREVAIL. This medicine spoedlly and effectually cures tho most virulent form of secret diseases, aud eradicates every particle of Infectious matter from the system, , M ,orl OJ .h Bffi Uo.^rrraUU !? or Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing nil diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, exposure and Im prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of Blood, and the Only reliable and effectual known remedy for the euro of Scrofula, Balt Rheum, Bcald Heart, Ulcer ations of tbe Throat and LogB, Pains and Swolllugs or the Bone*, Totter, temples on the Face, and all Bcalv Eruption of the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicine* to be able to state that It Is now nearly three ycare since they were first introduced, during which time they have been extensively tised in various part* of the United States, and have given to patient and practlUonor the highest degree of satisfaction in the various cases in which they have been employed ; whether in town, country, hospital dr private prac tice, they have invariably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most salutary autl beneficial effects. Numerous letters have'been received from tho most distinguished physicians In the country, aud from tbe professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms the value of these medicines, and their superiority over all other, preparations for such complaints as tbo proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu and various modes of preiiuring thorn have been given, all of which of course will dillfer accordlug to the mode of preparation which each Individual may adopt. Theso medicines require considerable care in the preparation aud tha. employment or difforent men strua in successive oparatiou to take up the extrac tive matters, and, in consequence, are most fre quently improperly made, and not (infrequently much impaired, irnot rendered totally inert, by the lqjudicloufl and unskilfhl management of thoso unac- a ttainted with pharmaceutical preparations. It Is lercfore of the highest consideration aud import ance to the public and to tho faculty that thcro should bo standard preparations of uniform streugth and possessing the most advantages. To effect tills and obviate the evil alluded to, I have made a num ber of experiments to ascertain tbe most effectual mode of extracting the virtues of the Sarsaparilla aud the Buchu, aud to discover the most eligiblo form for tholr exhibition. Tho experimouto have resulted most favorably, and it Is with much pleas ure I now offer to the public and the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all tho vir tues of tbo articles they aro represented to bu made from iu a highly concentrated form, aud are tho must active preparations which can bo mado. Two ta- blespoonstul or the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint or water, is equal to tbo Lisbon diet drit ‘ one bottle fully equals in streugth one gallou < up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottle, or fl for $6 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures and rocommcmlatloua from distinguished professors aud physicians will accom pany each preparation, fteiuired aud sold by H. T. HELM BOLD. Practical aud Analytical Uhumlst, 203, Cbestnut-st., near the Girard House Phtia. To be bad of Druggists and Dealers in every sec- Uou of the Uultod States aud Cau atlas. All letters for the Wcdlciue directed to tho propri etor receive immediate attoutlou, and sufo deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw John b. moohe & co.," GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tho attention or Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex* tensive and well selected stock, comprising •very article In their lino of business, and which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash, aPPr °PAINTS?v'ARN5rSHES, GLASS, AC.. White lead. PureaHd No. 1; Deman’s Colors, dry and In oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Unaocd OU, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold Leaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gia* siers’s Diamonds, ,* FOB — |-cers, Wens, Fistula, and all kinds TiH ■ of Tumours, Is now open tor the H ^reception of Patients. His Inflr.JSL. j is located near the Depot and Post nruodwav- andcontains about thirty largo KftS, furnished Rooms, with good and trusty servant**}# ways at hand, both ladies and gentlemen are rSJ? ed at this to»titeU«,_and will receive the mosS and kind attention from the Proprietor, SrJJft hi* Matron. His practice in that horrible dfi* cancer, for the past ten years la col nurr*??,/;; any Physician In tho South. Patients are till per diem, or 916 per month, $io beiiJSS la advance. H ^ MT Fees to bo agreed upon before thy r^., dertaken. All communications must b Q oxCLia addressed to w. R, M0H£i|v 1 » u « fl Griflin'4. •pOTATOKS^-400 barreissulSriorl A. Patotoe*: 60 do Western Rods; and 60 1 I • IW V Blows, for sale by mars 6° do IVifj, BRIGHAM, KELLY A ( X ,. TTNITED State*. Canada and Cuba. U Schwegler’s History oi Philosophy in Emu*, translated by fleeyle. e-Poun,,, Prescott’s PblUp 2d of Spain, new supnlv -- Calf and in Cloth. 1 p 7 ,s "» ' Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence w-fc, brother Joseph. • Davan’s History or the Queen’s of the Hanover—2 vote. 1-TheAUachl In Madrid. Romance of the Harom. by Mins Parnue Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh, Earnest IJnsfoad, by Mrs. l oo Heat?., mars W. Thorne ivii.u^;. J UST HECEIVED.—20 boxes'Should,,, t prime article, 20 tlrrcrs choice Ten x- Hams. In store, and for sale by ‘ e; mar 2fl WAYNE, grenviu y a, XT few CHOI* OUBA'MOUsHKS.^iu, . A3I go of the Abbott Devercaux, dally A NOfafj. dr stub in tots to suit purchasers, by Jan81 RoiKlfeKri WAREHOUSE, . 140 Gortarw and 67 St. Julian SturU mHE UNDKHRIGNED would take this «,v x lunlty to express to his friend:- and the generally, his sincere thanks for their libera!,', age and influence, which has resulted inexu ^ his trade to all parts of the State. Also r» v . -. Florida, Alabama aud Tonnessee, therein- r * hlm to exhibit a stock unsurpassed In any city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, ao.i T . boat Owners are particularly Invited to mm Ke f- present stock, which is now complete in J tv- various departmeuta, consisting in part ofthe'iV.a ing goods, viz: CARP El DEPARTMENT. Royal Medallon, English Druggets, t . Royal Velvet, rious widths.) Mocet Wilton, Mosaic Hearth Kur Mocel Brussels, Velvet and Chenille W. Tapestry Brussels, Tuftod Rugs, Power l«)ra Brussels, Piauo and tabic Cdve-v Three ply Ingralu, Door Mat.-(every variety Two ply Ingrain, Silver k Brass stair iW- Wool Dutch, Car|H!ts Bindings, k CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEPAHllliiS, Brocatelles. Ijxce uml Muslin Cutter- Satin de Irnnes, Gilt Cornice, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt teas mul Band.. Worsted and Cotton Damask. Tassels, Loom ka OordB; Velvet aud Plush of various wilors: lUndinr Shades, now style. Also, every variety of Furniture Covering. Trim mlngs and materials for decorating. FLOUR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Had.* a:-. Rooms, cut to fit without a scam. Tho subscriber will oblige himself to make fa prices on all description of goods a.-: low us iIk-aMl- quality cau he purchased lu any Northern city. 4SF* Carpets cut to Rooms and gootis nont’to uj part or tho city free of charge. ttfT An experienced Upholster will mtui-i t-uv- making aud luyiug of Carpets and Oil Cloth;, wh i desired. The decorative aud curtain department. n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged ta. tea., skill. W. H. GL IU.N, Agf-i.t ocll8 14b Congress aud 67 St. Julien-M. D1L SANFORD’S INVIGOUATOH, r l a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant,andL-1 recommended io tho public, relying upon ibr. V trinsio worth in the cure of the followiug cotuplalu f AU Blllious Doruugcments, Sick Heartache, fiysp. sla, Habitual Co^tivehess, Chronic Disrrhn*. (joii:'| Pain iu tlie Stomucli and Bowels, General Debilit} I Female Woakuess, Ac. For sale by Druggists fK. I erally, aud by John. B Moore k C<>, and Wm. FI Lincoln, Savannah. ly fobl - . m TIMBER I TltfUElt 11 X HE Undeesigned ho* just received, for salt I (600) Five Hundred pieces of good sUppIt-l Timber, averaging over ono thousand feet to stick, f 9 fob JEKFltitrU.V HUBERTS I FBENCU MILLINERY AXD Dress Making. MRS. FREFJ.AND has opon ed et her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, * lino setae- tion of Spring Mlltnery, and is •* "' constantly receiving per steam ers. new and different style* or Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla pattern*. 49* Bonnets cleaned and pressed as usual. aprio An assortment of frizes on band. We warrant them to make tho Savannah River Water, even though dipped directly out or the River, as pure and deaf ns the finest Spring Water. About forty ofthese Filters are now In use in this city, and every porson who ha* them, will cheerl'iuly testify to their efficiency. Indeed, the Board of ■hbt Water Commissioners hero, say In their Report, It Is the only Filter that does effectual ly purify tho Savannah River Wnter. (Sail and seo ono in operation at our Houso Fur nishing and Stoveestablismont.Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY ft BEACH, rob 27 Cornerol Bronghton and Bull sts. ICE PITUHERS. „ DOUBLE Water Pitchers. Some new nnd beautiful designs, Platotl aud Rrlta- nin. At the Hjiiso Furnishing Store, 166 BROUGHTON .STREET, HORACE MORSE. Favannnh, April80. apr80 PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-HEALING CANS AND .JARS, - p op Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, &c. Full directions for preserving accompany each Can. For sale at manufacturer’s prices by tho Agent, JM«r HOR’CE MOkSE, 116 Broughton strget. 1 may2fl TO WOOL SELLERS' cpHE Undersigned have this day opened a i£r.i,. ro 0on *?®!P ? lrc . ot > offiMWifo tho Market, thepurohjLSOor Wool, Sheep Skins, Hide*, Booh 8k , np » a , utl 0°*M“ry Produce in general. IHtf hcat , ca f h prl( ^ 8 wIW he P»M for all tho abovo “[holesondofivory JnSavannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- martin has beeu appointed ga Agent, to whom all porson* haviug business transactions with tho nn- doralgnod may apply. Savannah, May 19,1866. J. W. SMYTHE ft CO. tnay20 PIANO FORTES. JJA^NG lately received largo ad- ■M| ^Itlons to four PIANO FORTES, wo TT# V Vf »ro enabled to oner at this time tbe varlcly from 11,0 t'OHt tnafib- 7 th ® Iri^boa* squaro to tho mast elab- •gftJE** anrt O’ 0 ™ " lx to seven octavos, whom wn from . lUo foanufactuma ha\e'fall confidence In, aud we aro par- requofltod by thorn to givo aguarauty with tenofftoI <trUmetlt F0 “ l hy 1,8 ** Wria durability, waut or a flrRi wde Instrument may re- nno h y selecting from the following makers, whose Instruments wo LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ On.S, Bleachod Sperm, Whale and terd Oils, for burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard and Rape Seed Oil; also Turners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweot Oil. GROCERS’ AKTICI.ES. Nutmeg*, Mace, Alspico, annomon. Popper, Ginger, Mustard, Saleralus, Soda. Pearlasb, Swept Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, &o. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best Froncli. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Metallo Saddle ban, ftc. Also, CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. . Any one who may favor them with tbair orders may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all good* furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at the option or the purchaser. mahio tt ■ J. E. Be FORD7 n APOTHECARIES HALIa S. E. Corner orgDta Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savon- Tw noh Ga., Wholesale and retail Dfalers in im , Medicines nnd Chemicals, Dye Woodsaml Dye Stuflk, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical nnd Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters or all kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, All the I’ntent or Proprietary Medicines of the day, Snperlor • Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c. 4®- N. B—Especial attention given to the preparation of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Roclpos. Shin, Family nnd Travelling Medicine Oases, With plain Directions for use, including Direetionh for treatment incases of poisoning, Drowning, &o.' »p?\y AND CORN MEAL.—-1000 bus prime \J Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Coi n Meal n store and for sale by «*«o 81 PATTON. HITTTOV * TO 1 mi Jewelry READ!—READ I l—RKAD 11 { That Is, if you can see; and^=auiie=fa. if you can’t sac, you con findag^# tSc ^■•ali kinds of “helps to see.” at tho Watch ami lowelry Store or D. B. Nichols ft Co., in Congress Btrect, noxt door to tho corner of Whitaker, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, as low as at any other store In tho country. t . W 2£ ave J ftc °R*ori per steamship Alabama a fresh « tS. M 2 ?. ne . Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble ana Poriscoplc. Ions, widen w«» aro prepared to fit in all kinds of frames, nt short notion, (far Perlscoplo tons (ro called from their peculiar shape) have an advantage over all others, as thev havo a greater range of foe,us, so that the reader is not compelled to hold the book or paper at n certain distance from tho oyo. Call and see. , n. H. NICHOLS ft cn. 4^ No charge for showing goods. mar D Ik II. N. ft CO. R OPE—-700 coll* Rope, various brands, all of good quality, In atoro and for sale hy *pr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. /“10RN—In store and for sale by V marfi LOlfMl’Pftri'fKLt.lN GS MERCER UNIVE11SITY7 PENFIELD, GA. FACULTY. TtlUKDY. UU), WUIMCV fttni KtM-tXlf Ml. ClL JD br (mam WILLUJIS S ^ N. M. CRAWFORD, D. I). VKOiTOSOKH. College. S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. ■T. K. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCKER, A. M., Bellos l^ttrcs. ^ U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Latin languages. WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A.B., Modern iAuguaites. Theological Seminary. „ , N. M. CRAWFORD, I). 1»:, Ecclesiastical History nud Hil»lli»il Literature. WILLIAM WIU JAMS, A. M., ’ Systematic aud 1’aslor*! Tlieolngy. Academy. w THOMAS A. 8KA1M, Principal. ^Tho^3ommencomcntls held on tho last Wednesday Tho next Term will commcuuo nn tho Inst Wed nesday In August. Tho prlcfe or Board in tho village ta $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, fto., $3, By ordor ortho Board or Trustees, my 182m 8. LANDRUM, Secretary. -m-jtsiatetg-Mi. taw, of th. bik mritn iRD, r*y it co. TVI ACKEItEL, HERRING, SALMOtCfc-l iu. 2 bbls largo No 1 Mackerel, I 3 do do No 3 do 8 do <lo No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. . 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mnckmei 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues and Sounds. 1(UK) lbs Cod Fish. For Bate low hy Jan26 J. A. BROWN. I RATES OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, ol 800 ema or loss, of auy tyycui larger than Nouparell, 76 cents for the lint sudll cents for each subsequent Insertion,for any tioeitsfl than one month. r All Tabular work, with or without Rujcs; aaJLH vcrtlsementa occupying double column, sbaliVl charged double the above rates. - £ Advertisements of whatever length, for any tel less than ono month, to bn charged at trui&l rates. For a longer time at tho following r^tes No. of Squares |lmo|2mos|3inos|4mos|G me:; TSquare,..' 2 Squares. do do do do do do do do. For any time not above sped fieri, a proportiost I charge will be made. | A deduction of 26 per cent from the above ru*! will be made ou advertisements appearing eiclcf Blvoly on the fourth page of the dally. ft Advertisements ordered three times a week. tf-R bo charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line lor the first, aim b cents for each subaeqent insertion, aim in notuB to be subject to contract. Marriage notices 81. I* § neral invitations 60 cents each. No special notice ft Inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Notice ft Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of any Sode:? I Asseciutlon, or Corporation, ordered to be paklld ■ ed, 6 cents-per lino. bteambonts will be advertised at $40 per aaBS'.R for each boat advertised. Steamships, where huione is ruuning, $40 pert t! nnm; ff two or more, $30 each. j Auctioneers’advertisements not to be subject11 contract, but to be charged at the rates pro«nw-l! per square. Tlie paper, under no circumstances, to bo iortti 1. ed iu a contract. Professional nnd business cards not excewlitUi Hues, will bo inserted at $20 per annum. ■ Culls on persons to become candidates. wiii^B Inserted as other advertisements, \o be paid for K T variably in advance. „| Announcing candidates for office, $10, to be ft in mtvanco. V Advertisements not marked on the c^py \ ppeellleil time, will be inserted until forbid,**- j payment exacted, I When any hill for two months advertising, ^11 tlmn contract, amounts to over $60. n deductloo»I 25 per cent will be made, , A Yearly advertising, with privilege ot change be taken nl the following rates : . " For one square, renewable once a week, ri; j “ “ “ twice “ | *♦ *• v “ 8 times or otteact l Every additional square contracted lor to hernsq | ed one half tho above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to tbe contracted for. All contracts shall bolowritwi staling definitely tho nature of the business W'*| advertised. Any advertisements not properly ■ nected with tho business shall bo charged sejate ■ ly, nnd also auy excess of mutter over tbo aim® 1 1 contracted for. ,1 Contract advertisements payable quarterly; 1 vortiscinouta from strangers and transient perc°j“; H payable In advance. Alt others will be conslwi* 4 v duo when called for. „ I Regular advertisers and all others sending I muuicutions or requlrlug notices designed to cau ■ tuution to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any l’ u ' ,u . c j‘ r tcrtalutueuts, whero charges are umde lor w® I tauce—all uotices or private associations, ever) ^ I ttce designed to call attcutlou to private entwpw" I calculated or intended to promote iudlyictnai in I rests, cau only bo inserted with tho uuilerstatww ■ that tho sumo is to bo iwld for. If Inserted »* I editorial coluutu (whlcli can bo ouly at the iuk* I lion of tho editors) tho same will be charged rate of not loss thau 20 cent* per line. ,, I Advertisements ordored in the Weekly \uiw-* I ;>er square for each tusertlon. Thu under signed, publisher* of Dali)',' aud Weekly newspapers in SnvanualiJ ourselves strictly to adhere to the abt charges, and iu no instauce to deviate Ihereiraro* I rite above rate* to take oflbet March 1, "r, I to continue binding, until changed by the vow■ majority of the uudurslguod. ■ N. II.—This schodule shall uot in auy way I the integrity of existing contracts. All eomra c »' I the year or uuy other spoclfietl tlmo, shall onty r with tho expiration or the period for which • 1 were mado, Alkxamikk ft Ssiko, Republican, Thompson ft Whnnnoton, Morning asw- R n Hti.w ft Go,, Georgian ft PtiiMBlNo: ■ ' . | P I.DHBINO, In aU Its vorioua \ tended to at tho shortest notice, nod iuBupw j ■tyle. Also, may be found Shower Baths, GrirtW* I cd Iron, 'lHn and Leaded Bath Tubs; Copper Boutfj' I Patent Pau Water Closet*, Load IWb I Bras* and Plated Cook*. Forco Pumpe, India RJpJJJ I ■ Tri-WecWl i above bill “ '4 Bras* and Plated Cock*. Forco Hoee. l-'or aalo at the Broughtou-atreet. mucuiM* •A ■ ’ ■ k it* • a