Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 25, 1856, Image 3

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SB* — A. THOMAS* CO., A union and Commission Merrhain*, 110 liriMn Street, SAVANNA! . GEORGIA. A.Tiioa^, ^ W?) _ s. t». DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES mid Foreign and Domestic Fruit, eomvr Broughton rtinf HTHfoAw-Ms. Town wnl country supplied with choice goods at moderate prices. All orders promptly attcudod to, and satisfaction always guaranteed. *p\R IIAnSlIAtli * SOM, DEAI.KR8 IN l>noVISION8, Vix 14 ltd Aiwnir a ml 11 Fulton Market, Mew Fork. Hams, Tongue*. Betff, Bawm, Moulders, Pickled Tongues. Bolognas, I AM, ll# Pork, Mono Herr, do., ia barrels, halve* and .quarters. Refers lo-Jobn l>. Jwsc, .lames A. Hrowit, Will. H. Farrell, and K. o’Byrne. dm—Janai statk Ok oBditoiAT B ULI.OCH OOUNTT.-To all whom ll may colt- cforn: Whereas, Asa Johusnn will apply at the (part ofOnlluary far said county, Ibr lottors or ad ministration, with the will autiexotl, uu the ©slide or Mary William*, late or said county, deceased s These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom U may concern, to be and appoar bolbro said Court to mako oltloctiou (if any thoy havo) ou or tiofi'ro the Drat Monday In August next, otherwise ( aid letters will be granted. Witness, William Lee, Esq,, Ordinary for Bullooh county, the 2v)lh day tf June, 18M1. jnneifa WILLIAM l.KE, o. h. UEVBRAI. gentlemanor mull funilltcA cun be □ .ecommtuUtea with good Booma U id, no Hie West aide of Montgomery .trout, ouo door ulmro South Itrood ttreot, MBS. M. ft. UAYMvitt. _d* i a—tr ' WtOAMi. A Six Tracts or Uml, fioo nuro ouch, It »t 3* mile. from tho city ol uu tho M. A. itnl ( Btuid, woll nd.iilotl to ll.o growth ol llloo,tttitlini mnlOirn, und Wood enough to;my tor It ten times over. Apply to Ibh tS? tf C. A. ci/mix, Ij LEACHED Shirtings in great variety, and XJ at various prices. fob 21 AIKIN A BURNS im. 1 4*011 SALK.—A tiuo lot in Wesley Ward.— . Also two on Cordon street, east. For snle low. Fee simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, tluu’l Inaurunoo Agent and Broker, 111 Bay street. NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the estate of JA. Kvan Jouos, late of cburltoit county, Ga., do* ceased, an* reqUcsfod to presont them, in terms jV law, and Uio-e indobtcil will plea*© mako psyment to the subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Coutro village, tla., June 14th. 1850 Jo22 BT A T K OF UfiOHtiTA, C HATHAM COUNTY —To all whom It may con* corn: Wheroas. Ildrlck Byan will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho estate of Daniel Collins: Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If auy thoy have) on or be fore the first Monday in August uext, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Julio Hi h >, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Countv. thi> twenty third day of June, 1866. jane 23 JOHN BILBO, o. «:. NOTICE. W ild, he sold, between the usual hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday hi August next, bat'ore the court house door in Trader’s Hill, Charlton county, On. Two negro men, (Pick and Tom)—be longing to tiio estate oV Kvan Jones, late of sahl county, doeeu-'ed. Sold under provtsl ii oftlm will and by order ot the hmion ble Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCALL, Kx’r. Oeutreviilage, June 14th. |86d Jn22 I^OMDSTIC LIQUORS:- 60 hbift KPlietp’ Bye Bin, 25 hbls N H. Bum', .SO •• Luther Fcltou’s Bum, 25 •* Domestic Brandy, 60 *• Old P A* H Connecticut Biver Uiu, 60 *• N. 0. Whisky, Just received aud for sale by iuy23 SCRAN PON, JOHNSTON A. CO. OflfBBTAJrfaytor & SnnV Ale received uud for JjO sale by McM UltiN A BOYLE, Jell Vos. 205Ar .207 Bay street. |K«UX DRIES. JLSTKKCLIVFP— O 15 bags choice «l.| Government Java and Bio Coffee; 20 hall chest* Black aud Green Tea**, loose ari l in quarter pound packages. 10 hints Light .Muscovado «ugnr, Idlrhl* B i. .%• 0 .stunrt’s Crushed and Clarified Su gars lo bbls self riling Flour f* 26 hags Extra und Superfine Flour. 20 bills Soda. Butter aud Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Bonders family Soup, Starch and Caudles; 60 doz l’ails and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla Clothes lines; 10 gross Matches: 25 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper; 50 boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders,, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, und Cloves, itml Id eases table Fall, .vc., Ac. In more and for sale by DA YIP O’CONNOR. Jell Qor Brougham and Pwt-n •<*. S ILK . ful Silk Purtisol* have Just been received and are for .ale by JttM fi LATiSON fc ROGERS. S ALL’d Sl/i’KItiOii SILK UMBRELLAS—A case of 29.30, 32, 24 and 30 inch Silk Umbrellas, deceived and for rule by Junes LAD30X A ROGERS. EARLY II All VEST APPLES I! rv* A fresh supply of Hue Ripe ^a|UM’ Aiitdes. from •‘Friililand Xurserv.” 3m Jnl8 Apples, from “Frultland Nursery, 1 Just received anil for sale .at my store. A BON AUD, corner Bay and Bull streets. June APPLES!—APPLES ! ! <Iust received nt the Savannah Grocery mid Fruit Depot, new Ap* I les, suitable for eating or cnMiklng, from the •• Fruilluud Nursery,’' at AugiHta, Georgia, W. H. FARRELL. XjUJlUB—Odd sucks extra and''superfine Flour, ill JJ storo and for sale by JUDA20 WEUSTKlt A PALMES. S * UGAKS—2d hlols Furhadoes .Sugar; 40 do Nuw Orleans do, lair to choice; 20 do Porto Rico do; 80 do Muscovado do; 20U bids ermhod, powdered aud clarified do; for sale by ju»ie20 WEBSTER k PALMES. S ALT—80 W Minks 14vor|HMil Fait; 10,iwu bushels Turks’ Island do; fur sale by .,ndl20 WKIteTISlI ti PALMEF, B ROOMS, ato.^-ou dozen two p’y Brooms; 60 do three ply do; 50 do Pulls; 75 do V'n bboards; lust received and for sale by momahon « i oyi.k, juiiolO 206 ami 2d7 Bay street. M USTARD, kil—ion boxes Mustard; 160 do pure Popper; 100 do Starch; received and for Mdebv McMAlION k DOYLE. JiiucIO 206 and 207 Bay struct. may 22 BRICKS* I GREY BRICKS, host quah i,aoo,ooo^; n ^,o Williamson's buildings. my22-1mo ZUrNows copy. HcMl4!narl«n,Lt R«Kiinuiit, U, Hi., i Savannah, Juno 12, I860, j v. a By virtue of ortler No. 2 issuing from. a HL 0. P. Harrison, Bi-lgadler-GdicralemL /«Mfl commanding 1st Brigade, UtBIvision, iRf f i iJfc»o. M„ an uleclioti will ho buhl nt lhe]i|^ Court House, on Saturday, the 5lhday of July hum, botwooti the hours of « A.M , and 4 P.M., lor Colo nel of Uio 1st Regiment or tho 1st Brigudo, M Divi sion G. M., to fill tho vacancy of Itobort D. Walker, resigned. Tho said election to ho conducted under the usual requirements qi' the law. By order JAMES SULLIVAN, Lieut. Uol. Com’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. S. Daniku., Adjutant. JelU *4* City papers will please copy and send in their bills to Uiu Secretary of the Regiment. C Uiuv-6uu sucks corn, lu store and to arrive, lor snloby WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 10 87 Bay si root. NOTICE. ~ T HE Interest of Mr. Charlos 8. Arnold in tho firm of Pudelford, Fay A Co. ceared with his death, on the 4th of March last. From this date Mr. Edward Pudelford, Jr., Is as sociated with us under tlm same style and firm. • PADF.I.FORP, KAY k CO, Savannah, June Kith, 18f*H. 12tls—JotO NOTICE. A LL pursons having claims again^t thu estate of Uoorgo M. Troup, deceased, will hand them hi, duly attested, and tlioso Indebted will please m tko pnyineutto either of tho underslgneit. THOMAS II FORMAN, ) ,- v . jo 10 DANIEL 14. II. TROUP, / Kx r> * NOTICE. I WILL sell on Wednesday, the 18th Instant, ul 12 o’clock, M,. on the promises, corner of Presleeni und East Broad streets. Two old llmtm—the same being an ohdrucUnn in president street, to bo moved in ten day". DANIEL II. STEWART, June lit City Marshal. NOTICE. * \irK, the undendgued have this daycutcrcd into a co-partnership for the purpose of transact ing a regular Auction uml Commission Business in this oily, nmler the name mid r.tyle of Bnrktunu k Bulloch, ut the storo No. 164 Bay street, lately oc- copied by Spencer Currell. F. J. W. BARKMAN, June 17 THOR, J. BULLOOH, Cl ALT.—1000 sacks Salt lu store and for sate by ~ O WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 14 87 Bay street B AGGING, KuPK, &<\—luu hales Gunny Bug ging; 600colls Bale Rope; 600 pounds I'willO; received and for sale by juuolfi HolAJOMBK, JOHNSON A CO. B ACON, PORK, Ac.—60 hhda clear and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 tasks sugar-cured Hums; 60bbls prime aud mess Fork; SObalfbbls Hawes A Co's Fulton Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; Just received and for snle by Jnuol6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CQ. S UGAR—15 hhds chotco Porto Kico aUgaiT 26 do Croivno l Muscovado aud Cuba Sugar; 60 bids Barbadocs Sugar; 300 do Stuart's and Baltimore steam refined, crushed, powdered ami clarified Sugar, landing, in store nml for sale by Juno 16 HOLGOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags futr to choice Rio Coffee; 60 do Iiiguityra Coffee; 60 mats Java Cofico; 30 bales Mocha Coll'ee; landiug, lu Btore aud for sale by junoi6 Holcombe, Johnson a co. W ANTED TO PURCHASE— ity or Columbus Bnuds^ endorsed by the Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to JolG—Otis PADELFORD, FAY A CO. FLOVR IN BARREL*. T UST received a lot of Extra Pam! m barrels. wpr'ift Family Flour, YOUNG A \VYA TT. C (HOICK WINES A LIQUORS— / Just received 20 baskets Holdsick Champagne. «»quarter casks Sherry, Fort and Madeira Wines. 16 doz Claret Wine and Cordials: 3 half pi lies old Gtard and Sonetto Brandies; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Beaver brand; 5 bids old Mnunugnhela Whisky, in glass aud wisid. For snle by DAVID O'CONNOR, jell C«r. Broughton nnd Drayton sts, m ■1-Mu' a piatu, ci '• FOR RENT. . - Tlm Western Tenement In Perry's Brlok Range, .Tonus street, near flto Medical Col lege. Is for rout. It is sultablo for u small titmuv. ir desired,- tho furnlturo cun be reiitcu with the house. For parllculara inqtilro on tho premise* of ; r J?13.2w ootl I ^}R8. WASHBURN._ ‘ TO RENT.'"" Building enrnor Boy aud Dray ton-sis., sultablo for niorcantlle purposes and stor age. For particulars enqulro at Juno IH THIS OFFICE. "Td iieNt.' UNTIL the 1st Novombor next, u com modious and airy roshlonco, on the north side of tho Central Railroad Dopot, known IInvars Plano. Tho house Is newly fur- basement to attic, which cun bo bought IW. may8 YOUNG A WYATT. OFFICES FOlOiiSNT fem IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE !]}■ adjoining the office of tho subscriber. The \\im basement wouht make, with some slight kdHLltnprnvomcnt, an excellent lawyor’s-ofllce. ho first and second floors will bold for Counting; Rooms, and tho third for sleeping a|iartmeuts. Con nected with tho ostablishmeut is an out-bulldlng of brick, sultablo for servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, sept3 Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. vortsalk; A PLANTATION In Wayne Qoun-jpft ty, on the UuliUlo Swamp, contuiulugJV 1000 acres; about 260 acres cleared auum .order for cultivation. Ou tho promises is . comfortable dwelling, with all necessary barns aud out houses. Possession given lu Decoui- her uext, aud with thoplaco will bo sold, if desired, thu provision crop of present year. Also an Improved lot (2,‘I acres) In the village of Wayuusville, aud 20 acres udjoiulng. Wuyuesvllle is unsuriKissed for licalth, and the Brunswick rail road running through it, renders it easy of access. jell Into IIUNRY R. FORT. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR - .SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) M These Springs will bo upon for tho recep tion of visitors on tho first day of Juno, I860. They are situated lu Montgomery Conn- ila, one umtn half miles from tho Virginia ami Tcnuevscu Railroad, from which there Is a hruLCh Railroad to the Springs Passengers luuving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast reach the Springs by 6 o’clock, I*. At., the oimndny, all tho way by Railroad. The accommodaiioUH have boon very much ex tended fduco last season. Thu rooms are largo and eomfortablo, aud capablo of accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg aud Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny are uow building a branch of their lino to tbo springs, which will be operation early In Juno. \ very largo Batb Homo lias b^en built since last . ea-mt. Address UO. Hr* MOSBY, PresideiU, |ui»e21—I m Montgomery W.8. 8. Comp’y. \-,u.uabJ7k pnoI'isiiTY for sale. The two-story briek storo on.congroas street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein A Eckmnn. This Is one of the bust stands lu tbo city for any kind of business. Terms win ms made accommodating. For particulars in- quire at 142 Broughton street, above the store of T. tfmay14 i’l> RENT. The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor struct, noar Drayton. Said House Is three stories on a basement, .with good servants’ rooms, aud outhouses, m given immediately. Apply to D. L. COHEN. FOR' RENT.' WANYKU—A VcuaUo.’loail with Tlmbur lor a Northern |>orL Apply at Uuiou Steam ill, or at J F O’fiyrne'H office. mar31 JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FOll FREIGHT OR dllARTKU.—Tho Brig LOUISA SEARS. Apply to may27 IjOCKETT A 8NELLIN08. ANTED TO CHARH5R-J-A voraci d lWMMK) to 200,000 foot carrying capacity, to load itti lumber for Matanzas. Apply Ui may26 _ ■___ PADELFORD, FAY A CO. VESSELS WANTED.—A vessel to ioid'wlfh timber, for Boston. Also a vessel to load with suwod lumbor, for tho same place. Apply tu JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, ir J. F. O'BYRNK'8 Office. A freight or charter for 'Ha* KOlt lTIlLADELHIlIA—IlKKON’a Li.VK.— ^^^ Tho fidioouor MARY A IJHT1SA, Captuln buiunuaii, will have dispatch for tho abovo port— For freight apply to mnylO < O. A. GREINER. FUR LIVErpuDL.—The A 1 American ship FALCON, Patton master, having a largo portion of freight engagod, will moot with dispatch as above, for Imlanco of curgo, apply BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOR LIVERPOOL—Too A1 fillip JAMES RAY will havo dispatch for thu abovo port. ** freight apply to . HUNTER A GAMMELL. OAlil.N l‘ASSAOI'1 TO NEW YORK ^3*5 00. Meml-Wwicly Uiillv.l KtMc. Mull l.lnt, TUB NEW AND SIT.ENDID BIDE-WHEEL I Mi-antships— llNOXVILI.E.. 1,600 tons..tapt. C. Ik Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,800 “ . .Capt. M. S. Woodluill. ALABAMA.,.. 1,300 “ ..Capt. G. R.Soheiick. WILL I.C.WK tUVAXSAU KVKRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. T hese ships ore among the largest on the const, lUisnrpapsud in speed, safety mid comfort, making their pjissages in filly tu sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, careful and polito officers— Having elogiint stato-nsnn accommodations, they oiler a moat desirable conveyance to Now York. Cabin l*assugo to Now York $26 .Steerage Passage to Now York 8 I’ADRLKORD, FAY A CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCIHI.U 13 Broadway. Ibb 5 New York. ll’LOtllDA - TOIiTr?, 0 FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. S. Mall Line—From New Or- to Key West— Slnamships sUfitoSHEIFLORIDA aud YANIlERBILT.—Tliose lino steamers will in future mako their regular enil-motillily trips, leaving ns follows: Cow Orleans, 10th A 241h Iioy West, . f. McKenna. m Posaosslo New ’ensncola.'.lltli A 26th Apalachicola. 12th A26th at .Marks.. ..13th A27th Cellar Keys..14th A 28tli fumpa Bav.. Ifilli A 29th Arrive at Key West 17th .A 1st I New Orleans, 17th A 1st Ageuta in Now Orleans, dee26 fim E. 0. ROGERS. A CO., 72 Hoy draws street. M Possession given immediately — Three story brick house, now and in good ordor, ou Macon street, ucxtoastrosidcucoto Mur Jcwett. pply at this ofllco. u u may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i : i GEORGIA. J. J. HISBLER, Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleant. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready ou the arrival of tho Cars, mayl4 EltOUANTS’ HOTEL, i JAC a l S?,S N B ^hl!f.P E .^«of> A - BOAR!) PgR DAY $ 1 60 BOARD PER WEKK 0 00 HOARD PER MONTH 20 00 .mayl3 lyr m m > MILLS HOUSB, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CHARLKSTO.V, 8. O. THIS House Is now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Public, and thocr- forts of the Proprietor will be to deserve their patronago. inar 31 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. TINSMITHS WANTED. S IX first ram Job wnrkuion can ftud steady em ployment where the highest wages will be paid. Apply immediately at No. 166 Broughton street. HORACE MORSE. Savannah, June 17th, 1866 Jo 18 G i UNNY BAGGING—860 bales superior Guuuy r; - - • • Hogging for sa jel—l\v j by PADELFORD. FAY A CO. "F*\REAS GGOD8—A lurgo and lino assortment of XJ colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics, French Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, a* well as a large assortment of White Goods, Striped Plaid und I’Ulu Swiss, Organdies, Torleton, Hook. N4R3ook, rumliric aud Jaconet Muslin, for sale by J«Q« 2t> A1K1N ^ BURNS. C 1AND1.KS—200 boxes Star (.’aiidles, Jmj received i nnd for sale by junu20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. M olasses and sYiiup—nii hlnis Cuba ami Mu.-covado Molasses; 250 bids New Orleans syrup, in store and for snle by juueio 1IQ1.COM UK. JOHNSON \ CO, W MLSKV—3«N> bbls II und for sale by juno20 0. C. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Dryuu,) WUOLKSAI.E AND RETAIL DEALER IN Soiihes, Iillmls, Doora, Paints, Oils. Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, Ac. Painters’, Gruincrs' aud Artists’ Brushes; ~ wash Heads and Dusters, Dry and suzsk- -»•-«» Paluts of every description, Artists’ colors in tubes, Prepared Canvass, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness uud despatch— Houso, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glazing done iu the best stylo and at moderate prices. All orders trom the country promptly attended to. meli 28—ly WILMOT’N JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every nrrl-jsgstert^e-au vala large und rich assort. mentor Gold and silver Watclius, Diamond l’ins. Ear ami Finger Uiugs, Manflo nnd other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Castors, Ac., of StorUug Silver. Jewelry in every variety,' Ivory Table Cutlery, liuo Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China and Parian Vases, und other articles. Flue Double Barrelled Guus manufactured to his own order. Guuuing Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts and Cuudlo- sticks, with a groat varloty orFancy Articles, Hulta- bio fur weddlug gifts, toommorous boro to men tion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by tho most experienced woHcmen. S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Market squiiro. Fashions for junk, J 7TRANK Leslie's Guzctto of Fashions lor Juuo re- ; ceiveil and forsuto by Jol WARNOOK A DAVIS, No 15U Congress st. Instead of going No,th come to Uiu Slono Mountain House, nnd snend your summer, as everything will be done for your com fort. Conveyances will bn furnished to convey passengers to Ltwroncovlfie, Gainesville and Clarksville. j$5r Passengers by the Georgia Railroad bike sup per at this house. ALEXANDER A CLARK. F. 8. Alkxanw.h, formerly of lawrencovlUv. J A. Clabk. Social Circle. 2m—Jo 2 INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Whisky, iu store HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. M oLA -SES—350 hhds, puncheons uudTibin Mus- covado, Barbodoes aud New Orleans Molus- tn store uml for stile by june20 WEBSTER A PALMES. ’ Vagabond life. ~ V AG A ROND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fur ry, for seven years a resident; The Ta •gleiowti letters, ineluding a Report of tie i Gi eat Mammoth Reform Convention, with Mnsii a i turns; ! Life aud Travel < of Herodotus, iu tlm Fifth CVntn i y B. 0., by J. Tat boy k Wheeler, two volumes, with a map| Tlm Hugueu.'l Exile', orTum*« ef Loul-’ XIV., an historical novel, Harper’s Picture Books for tlm Nursery—Learn ti|g to Read, by Abbott; Worth uml Wealth, for tnerehfibt' 1 men of IpMiiicHs, by Freeman Ifunt; Sydney smith’s Wit and Whdoiti, being selections Irora his writings, Calderon, his Life nml Writingby R. Cbeiicri u Trench; Trench’s Poem-*; Adventures ef Gerard. tho I Jou Kfifor, with plates; Homeric Ball-ids and Comedies of Ludau, train- lalod by Wra Majfinn: The Dai-y Chain, byMi -.s Yougc, author ol the Heir of Ituudilfo; fne Ol I Vicarage, by Mrs iiuhhnuk; Creasy on the Rise und Progress of Urn KiiglCh CoaatituUon: Dwight’s IntroiiURiioii to the Study of Ait; Harper’s Magazine, for July. junclS W. I HORNE WILLIAM:’. 300 L ocomotive needles—a new nnd eie- guilt arliclo which needs only to bo tried once iusure tho constant preference of tbo seamstress, l‘W received ami for Bale by la mar 18 _ LADSON A ROGERS. "sundries. • Boxes choice Rio Colfoo, 150 boxes fair to primo Uio Codec, luu boxes uld Government Java Coffee 200 hhd*. Muscovado Molasses. 161) bbls. choice Now Orleans Syrup. 50 hhds. New Orleans Muscovado, uud Porto 1 Rico Sugar. . 800 bills, refined A. Ii \ V. Sugiir. 60 bbls. Crush uud Powdered dugur. 100 bbls. iK'banon, Superllno and Extra Hour 150 boxes Starch. Adamant Ino A Sperm Candles. 140 boxes No. 1 l’ale, aud Fumily Soap 200 bal«3 Heavy Gunny Bagging. 25 hhds. Bacon Bides aud Shoulder*’ 75 bbls. Mess and Prime Pork, lot) boxes Tobacco, various brands. 1(10 boxes Black nnd Green Tea, bfifi bags Drop amt Ruck Shot. 50 kegs and hall kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of all other articles |q the Grocery lino, (except liquors.) Iu store, and for sale on accommodating terms, by JitneJ RODGERS, NURRiS «l CO. I RfiA fiack a Just received and for sale- ,OUU YfJNOE A FRIERSON, Jel2 94 Bay street. H Tho Undorslgued has again the pleasure of informing bis Humorous friends, as woll as tlm public at large, that ho is yet at tho Italian Spring Ilotul, and Is fully . ^ with the ussisiauco of his sous aud Ids own experience of six yoars at the hotel, with tbo best cooks Unit call be prucurod, an woll a* assis tance of all kimls, to ask of all those who visit tlm Spring a geuerous share of tlioir patronage, intend- lug to s|mro no pains of himself to make ull such us please to givo him a call comfortable. The ludian Spring Hotel la now open, and ready to receive nil those that will plcaso to call. There will bo at For sythe Dopot coaches und backs ready to convey all such as wish to go ovoi. KDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsopl Proprietor. %* Savannah Ropubllcmi, Mornlug Nows, and Charleston Courier will please luscrttha above three times each week until 1st September, ami send their bills forjviymoiit, KDW; VARNER. ST. MAItYS’ HOTEL.. Tho ubuvc named House Is now open for the reception of Bourdors and Travellers, and tho uudorslgued promises to spare .neither pains or *' ‘'— irons cuinfcrtnblc. ills 1 plied with tho choicest that the markot nml tho sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Gumo, Ac. Tho IIouso is large and nlry, and within a low yards of tlm lauding, on the beau tiful river St. Marys, nnd is a desirable place for in valids nnd others ns a summer resort. Tho stage leaves I ho llomio three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Cciitrevlllage, and Trader’s Hill, and tho Sa vannah boats touch going and comiug, so that per sons will md ho inconvenienced, but can leave whet they dcriro. Prices will lie made to correspond wit' drat class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, 1856. 3m my27 1 VJYRUI* AND MOLASSES.—60 bbls New Orleans H Syrup; 50 do Molasses; iu store and for sale by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ami 10 kegs choice new Gosbon Butter; 26 iiitxiiH Go.dmn Cheese, landing from steamer Mini for ale hy SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. June 17 UKl7ffilT»l7» \VOU|C*. A -GcneraiTlew of the Coufonts or the Old ami New Test omenta, with direction* how to road most profitably the Holy Scriptures. By Aduiu Clarke, L.L.D. Sabbaths with my Ctuxa; with au latruductlmi ou Bible Class Teaching. By Thu mas O. Hummers. Family Government ; a treati-c on Conjugal, J’a- ceatal, Filial nnd other diitiu. u . Hv Jame.^ »». An drew, D.D. Voutlifol t'brlrllniiity. By Thmnos O. Siimumrt'. Gathered Flowers; or the Early Dead, hy Tims. ()■ Humniers, D.D. Bereaved J’arctits Consoled. By tho Bov. John Thornton. Reasons for becoming a Methodist. By tho Rev. J. Smith. " The Amjteut British Church. Being au Inquiry In to HiHliNtory of cilrfrllaiiity In Britain, previous to the c-bih||shinunt of tlm Heptarchy. By William Undsday Alexander, D.D. Bible.Gleanings. Mrs. Jatm.T. U. Cross* . Tlm Trial ef the Witness us or thu liemifrecUon of Chrlfct; in answer to the objections of Mr. Wools ton, •*nd otliofs. By Bishop Sherlock. • ectnros to Cnildren. By Thoa. 0. Summors. , Heart Blossoms for my LUtlo Daughters. By Mrs. 4*60 T. h; Crcafl., For sale 1 , by , WARNOCK A DAVIS, JcW \ 169 Congress atreet. S UGAR—10 hhds cltolco Nuw Orleans Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovudo do; iu storo aud for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO- R ECEIVED*per steamer Ktioxvillo—Pickled and ■ranked Tongues: Fultou Market Boof, and l’lg Fork, Pig Hama aud Pig Bacon. Orangna, Lemons, Apples, nnd Wide Beau- Also, a fresh supply of FoxeV celebrated Crack- era. For Halo low by unu 7 J. A. BROWN. . iTuimAHi-riuuRAim ~ ~ J UST ARRIVED, per schoouer A. Dovoroaux, In four days from Havana, a froah lot of choice Fruit, for the Bavanuuh Fruit Emporium, counlst* Ing of—400 humdioK Baiiaiins, ino dozen Pine Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, aoitO Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and one basket Green Ginger. For salo by Juno 14 J. A. BROWN. sasnsyip©®!!! INDIAN Si'KINOH, OXCKUIA. BUY AN \V. COLLIER Hos|icctfully uunouncea that tlin above House will bo opened for tho reception of guests, ou tlm 20th instant, He has been .fortunate hi securiug tho services of Mr. auuics GrilUn, woll known to tho public ns the keeper of Hie Ninety Milo House on the Central Railroad, to assist in the superintendence of the McIntosh I louse during tho season. A band of mu sic bus also been hcciirod. Stages will bo in readi ness at Forayili, on the arrival of trains, lo convey passengers with comfort and dispatch to tho houso. No pains will lm spared to make guests ns comfort aide as possible, nnd a more than usually brilliant season is conlldontly anticipated. tl A—June 5 ^SUNDRIES. 1600 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 halos Twine; 266 doz Scrubbing and Shoe 66 M imported Spanish Segura; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 150 sacks Rio Coffee, • . : d tnalsJnva Coffee, \oo doz Brooms; 66 doz Wanhbourd3, 50 Covered Baskets, 150 boxes Family Soap. 156 do Palo Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap, 600Grass Matches; 66 half cheats Young Hysou Tea; 50 do do Oolong do 100 boxes Candy; .60 boxes Scaled Herrings; 75 boxes Fresh Grouud Co8m* too boxes linportod Castile Soap, 100 boxes Toilet Soap; W*){) nnd whole boxen Rainhn, Received aud fur rale by MoMAHON A BOYLE, may14 206 and 208 Bay streol. QPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING.—The O subscriber would iuviio the attention or all iu want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to hts stock which has Just been received, nt tho star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay stroct. aprlb WM- 0. PRICE. F URE WATER.—I f you want tho finest drink ing water iu tbo world call uud purchaso one of Kcdile’i Patent 'Water Filters, tbo arliclo mentioned In Water OomtnlHHlouera* last Report, which we warraut to purify tho Savaunah porfootly—an ludlHnenBablo article for _o. KENNEDY A BEACH, only Agents lor their aalo Iu Savannah, nepon, wmeu > sster r f»n24 onlj J^ICKES’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for Juno, ro 1 celvod and for pal Juno 4 ilNOCK A DAVIS, 16 CongroHH at rent T^on BALE.—2/1,000 Imdiela Com W arrive. J m »y8 VOONfl k WYATI aU<-ttiluK obulce Up*lion Uuittr aua Uuuili WANTED—A Vessel to load with Tlmbor ifor an European market. - Apply at Union Saw Mill, or J F O’Byrne’s ofllco. tnar31 . . JEFFERSON ROBERTS. ft aprio WASTED.—A freight or charti vana for Brig R. M. CHARLETON. Applpto THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK, A RE taking Marino Rioks at their Agency, JA. cornor of Drayton and Bryan streets. Approved Risks will bo takon on liberal terms, and the usual credit given on Promlum Notes. Threo quarters of tho business will bo relumed to tho cus tomora in scrip. C, A. L. Latnnr, fob 19 Agent in .Savannah. issUiu.Vcu. Souther it Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Llfo Ins. Company, Hume IiiNuranee Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire A Marine Ins. Com*y, Risks In tbo above Insurance Companies underta ken by WU. KING & EONS, Agents, No. U9 Bay stroot. Savannah, 14th Docomber, 1866. docl4 nprlO JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, or J. F. O’BYRNK’S Ofllco. lGtb A 21th Tampa lltli A 25th •.Cedar Keya ,12th A26lb ; hi. Marks., ,14th &28tb Apalachicola, 16th k 29th Pensacola... 16th A30th FOR JOHNSUN’S LAAiiiAu, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 7b leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant, Tho light Uroft-steamor, WILLIAM LEBBY, Captain A. 0. king, will leave regularly as above, from tlio Cliarloston atearapackct wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. M. LAFFITEAU,'Agent, tf. S. MnirXlTio FOR PALAl'KA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Oa., Femandi- na and Jacksonville, PiaAata and Black Creek, Fla. THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leave for tho above places every luesaay Morning, at 10 o’clk. This boat baa largo aud airy State Room accom modations, aud taking Ibe Inland Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will bo takon for Trader’s Hill and intor mediate landings ou St. Mary’s River. No Trolght will bo taken after 8 o’clock. For freight or passago apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wlmrf, or to apr21 CLAOHORN & CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fbr Palatka, East Fla., via Vartcn, Drunswick, St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Middlehurg. (Black Creek,) and Picolata. The new and clegaut steampackel __jS5252E» st - joh ^' s » Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every oaturday morning, at 10 o'clock, for the abovo places. Freight will bo taken lor Trader's Hill aud Inter- medium landings on St Mary’s River. No freight will bo taken after 9 o’clock. Fur freight or passage, having oxcollcnt state, room accommodation*, apply ou board, at tho Flori da Stontnpackct Wharf, near tbo Gas Works, or to apr21 CltAGHOKN At CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR CHARLESTON AND' FLORIDA Tho lino Hlcnmpacket CAROLINA, Captain Coxettcr, will leave hero tor JauKouiiviuc, I’icolatn nml Palatka, every Tues day' afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning,' will leave for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on hoard, nt Wllllnk’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14th. 1866—ly £fti~ Freights payable on the wlmrf. NEW YORK ifi LI VERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. 11,0 8,l, l M comprising this^^Si ATIwVNTIC, Capt. West, I BALTIC, Capt. ComstocK. PACIFIC, Capt. Nyu. . | ADRIATIC, Capt. These ships having boon built, hy contract, ox- wusuly for Government service, overy caro has been takeu hi their construction, as also in their en gines, to insure strength aud speed, and their ac commodations for passengers arc uucqunled for ole- gauco uud comfort. Prices of Passage from Now York to Liverpool in first cabin 8130, in second cabin $75, exclusive use of extra state-rooms $326. From Liverpool to Now York £80 and £20. Au experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths cuu bo secured uutll paid for. For freight or passago apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, ✓ 66 Wall street, Now York. BROWN. SHIPLEY & CO., Llvertmol, STEPHEN, KENNARD & CO. B. G. WAINWUIGHT & CO., Paris. GKO. II. DRAPER, Havre. Ajy The owunrs of these ships will not be ac countable for guld, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious kIoucs, or metals, unless hills of lading are dgued therefor, utul tho value thereof expressod therein. Shi|)pers will please take notice that the ships ot this liuc catiuot carry any gooJ.-A-ouirabaud of war. MmxmttmB. FIRE. MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. 111. BAY-STREET. CAPITAL IlEPIiESENTED, Nearly Four IHIIIloii Dollars. By tho followiugros;Kmslhlo Slock Companies. Charter Onk Life Insurance Company', OF HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Formers’ und Meelianlcu* Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Compnny, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire nnd Marine lusurnuce Company, OF BU1DOKPOKT, OT. T»o subscriber will offoot Insurance to any amount In all parts or tho State on overy description or property. Llfo Insurance'to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the boncQt ol heirs and creditors, or payable to tho wife free from the claims of creditors. Marino Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts of tbo world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTttALBENEFlTLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charier Perpetual. Noll accumulation, Jau. 1,1866* $2,280,005 -17 Total amount of dividends pnld tu date 716,492 00 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,886,990 81 .Jtohs. BY BELL & PRENTISS. Salts. BY BABKMAN & BULLOCH. (SPOOWWHS TO PHI LB RICK A BHL.)» Administratrix Bale. On TUESDAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, In front ol tho Court House, will bo sold:— The southern half of Lot No 17 and improvements, situated on East Boundary atrect; the improvements | A negro woman, arc Bix wooden tenement*. Bojd as tbo property ol cook and field band tho ostato of Daniol Robertson, doceascd, for the doubted, benefit or tho heirs and creditors or said estate.— Terms cash. A. E. ROBERTSON, myl3 Administratrix. At Private Bala. One or the finest note! or boarding hotua ser vants In tbe State. Enquire at 164 Bay street. June24 At Private Salo. ~T years of age,, a good plait warranted sound. Title un- JuneM [AUrUORlZEnnYjmK^hTATX OP C1IWR0IA.] FORT GA INES'AC ADEMY LOTTERY. | CLASS 16 To he drawn In the city of Atlanta, iu public, ou THURSDAY, Juno 26, 1866, ou ' THE HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL ~SWAN & CO.._Mntiagcro. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $34,000!! Will bo distributed according to tho following B9ILLIANT SCHEME l 10,000 NUPllJEUS-all* PRIZES I BCHKMK. $10,000 Is $10,00( $4 282 488 97 Bonjatnlu C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph l! l/)rd, Goueral Agout, Robert L. Patterson, President. *Tho funds of this Company are all safely invested in first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, aud itea or members folly secured by tlioir policies. For hirther particulars iuqulro of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agout in Savannah, At tho ofllco of Bell & Prentiss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. REFKKENCKJ Messrs. Paiiki.foku, Fav &t\>. I. K. Tuft, Fsq., Btato Bauk. feu 29 MARINE AND FUtE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT'S EXCnANOE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, J ii iiics I»I. Cmier, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSES. YOUNG, WYATT d. CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. directors: ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLO Firm or A. 8. Barnes k Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, l»raU & Co. I. P. BALLARD, “ “ Livingston, Ballard L Co. WM. M. DODGE, “ “ Wm. M. Dodge U Co. P. J. AVERY H. A. CURTIS, " “ H. A. Curtis k Co. WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. L1PP1NCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSl’El), “ Hustod ft Carlt. WM. H. RIVEKSMITH, W. H. LYON, “ ’»* W. H. Lyon & Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Lee, Murphy k Co. JOS. H. WESTCOTT, “ Briggs, Weswott k Co. JOS. FATMAN, •« “ Fattnan k Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ « Goo. Savory & Co. J. A. RW1UA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Preslpout. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. 45TThis Company- will issue Policies upon Ma- *J*»t Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire "’sks, at llboral rates of premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agcut, oct 31 No. 85, Bay Street. 1 prize of 1 “ I “ 1 “ .... 1 ” .... 6 prizes of... IU “ 25 - - ... 86 “ 44 5,000 is... 3;000 is 1,006 Is 1,000 is 500 aro 200 tire 100 arc 60 are 80 are.. 4 prizes of gut) npp’g to $10,000 prize, aro 4 “ 50 “ 6,000 prize, are 4 “ <10 3,000 prize, aro 8 “ 85 •* 1,000 prizo, aro SO '• 20 “ 600 prize, uro 10 “ 10 “ 200 prizo, aro 0,00t a.oot 2,001 l.OOi 2,601 SLOW 2,60t 4,00« 1,821 24\ 20 16t 281 40 40i 2-19 prizes uiuouutingIn.,. .$8t,00» APPROXLMATIDN PRIZES. Tho two preceding and the two following number* to tlioso ilrawlng tho first 20 prlz R uro entitled ti the SO approximation prizes, in thu ti.sual manner Remember thut ever} p-ize is drawn, und pnya ble In full without deduction. All prizes of $1060, nnd under, paid immudiuloly after the drawing—other prizes at tho usual lime o thirty days. AllcomuiaiiicuUon.HHtrictly confidential. The drawn numbers will bo forwarded to pur chasers Immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets $5—Halves $2.60—Quarters $1.26 Prize ticket? cashed or renewed in other ticket at either ofllco. • Orders tor tickets can be addressed either to s. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, tla., nr Jc3 S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMAtOTTBti Y! [AfTUORIZKD BY TtlE SHTE Of AUlUiU.J Inutkrn 3ililitani Slcahimj lottwi CLASS K—NbW SERIES, To be drawn in tho City of Montgomery. Alabama in public, on THURSDAY, July lo, 1856, on the HAVANA PLA N ! SAMUElTsWANi Manager. , "prizoi "amounting to 205,000 Dollars!! Will buBlatrlbutcU accenting to the lunowiug MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,OUO (Number*—15,GOO Prlxeel 1 prize of. $86,600 is $36,00- do do 1 do do, 1 do do, 1 do do, 1 1 10,000 is 6,000 id 2,000 Id 1,200 id do do 1,100 Id do do 1,000 Is do do..... do do do do do do do do..., 900 is 800 la 620 id 2001s 100 is. 10,001 6.00 2,00' 1,20 1,10 1,00- 9U» 8W 621 2,00 10,00 THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL.. .“CAPITAL 8rHXM>00. KIRK, MAKIMt, ASI> INUXII INSt'HA.NOF. DIRECTORS: Charles C. l.nthrop, 632 Spruco street; Alexander Whihlou, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.; John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter a Co.; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy k Baker; John R. MTurdy, firm of Jones, White .k M’Qtirdy; Isaac Huztehurat, Attorney and Counsellor; James U. Smith, firm of Juntos B. Smith k Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy & Baker; R. S. Walton, StO Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; - John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Trios. K. Ijmriuck, Secretary. JAMES HI. CARTER, Atfciit, Juno 16 No. 85 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (BETWKKN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Caulk Capital—$100,000! mills Compauylnsuros ngainst loss or damage by i Flro, ou tho inodt reaaonablo terms, dwelling huusos und furniture, warehouses, stores and mer chandize, factories, snips lu pert, etc. All losses will bo adjusted und promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, President, C. BROOM, Vico President. Emv’n C. Tayi.ok, Secretary, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, juuo17 for$avnuimh, 85 Bay street. MACHINERY AND IKON HAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGFNCY. ST. JULIAN BTIIEET, SAVAANNAU, GA. (Near tbe Market.) the most complete facilities in his own . establishment, and through his connections with several of tlm principal manufacturng cstab- dshmeuts of Phliudelphiu, New York, uid Boston, tho Undcraigm-d is prepared to fornlnsh MACHIN' FRY, PORTABLE tffEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and Limits, Iron Doors, Slid tiers, &c., at Northern jtrices. He is also prepared to repair Machinery uml irou work of ti very loscriptiou, at short notice, upon reasonable term.-). Ah agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE NVORKb, he is also prepared lo exhibit a great varie ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, 4c. Also Iron Railing iu great variety, for enclosures, ind to receive orders, aud put up tlm work at man- faeturcra’ prices. II. II. I.INV1LLF. Savannah, April 11.1656.- _ aprll L " ARD AND HERRInQH—*" . 26bbls Prime White Leal Lard. 50 b<».ve? Prlmo liorrlug 3 . lauding and for sale by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON * CO. D URESS TilBLMINOS.—Fringes, black and colored Moire Antique Gauze, aud other stylea, in great variety, and lor salo by mar 7 ' AIK IN k BURNS. C OTTON UMBRF.LLAS—A largo supply of whool- top whalebone frame Gingham l f mbrolla9, all sizes, received and for sale by Juno 6 LADSON k ROGERS. WM. J. HUNT, Cor. IVIoiUROiiici-y & Vui’li sts. SAVANNAH, GA., OESFECTFOLIA' informs Iho lailios nnd -LL Geutlomon of this City thut he Is prepared to sorvo them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In Ills owu peculiar style, and hoposto merit a phart- of public patronage. ,_!'ftvnutmh, 17th April, 186U. 8m nprl7 TO^HOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 2C Bryan-st, would respectfully nmunmeo to the citizens ot duvnnnnh that he is ready to tuako aud put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Malting, kc., nt tbo shortest no lc«.\ aud on tho moat reasonable terms. oct3-tf ICE CREAM! 4 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 ■ 4 1 4 • 4 ■ 40 400 ' 16,0011 4 prizc3 ot $200 approxim’g to $36,000 aro $8ot 4 “ 160 “ 10,000 aro CO- 4 ** ICO . " 5,000 are 40 4 “ 80 “ 2,000 aro S2l 4 •• 70 “ 1.200 are 28 4 “ GO 1,100 nro^ 20- 40 '• 1,000 uro 10- 30 900 aro 124 28 800 are 11 •ll •• 620 are St 20 - 200 are 80 10 *• 100aro 400> 127,60- lf»,tOo prizes amounting to $206,20 Tho 15,000 prices of of $8uro determined hy tin number which draws tho $36,Old) prize—if Ilia number should ho un odd number, then every udi number ticket iu thu Scheme will bo cuiitled to $S> a it an even uutnhcr, then every oven number tteke will be outUled to $8>£ In additiou toany other priz« which rauy be drawn. Purchasers iu buying au equal quantity of odd utu oven uumber tickets, will bo cortulu of drawing uearly ouo Irnlf tho cost of the same, with cTancc. of obtaining other prizes. £5r* Remember that every prize is drawn, ant payable iu full without deduction. JF2T All prizes ot $l,0U0 und tinder, paid imtnodl atety After tlm drawing,—oltter prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All couuuunlcuilons strictly confidential. Th» drawn uumhers will bo forwarded to pnrcluuer. Immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickets, $lo—Uulvcs, $5—Quartern, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed In othor Ticket, ut either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressed oithcr to «. SWAN iSs CO., Atlauta, Gn., Jel Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ain. N Lit : lbi'UUT OU*, oi Tiio best quality cuusUinli. for sale low by C’HAMKK & CO., may 16 u Whitaker street. MORE PHIZES W^VNISTaNKS j65” 5,0al PRIZES.^ 00,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only I: <3RAiHlATI<>IV ! I! FOR A SMALL INVESlMENTI IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AUTUOKlfY OK TUK OTAIK OF OEOIHIU. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS O. To be drawn July tlm 16tb, I860, ut Coucurt Hall Muc<tu,Gu., under the sworn auperiutenduwc.o Ci>l. Geo. M. Logan uud Jas. A. Nlsbet, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on tbu pluu of tbo Uoyi lottery of iiavuua of single numbers; tilts lias ottl. ft),ouo mtmburs, and tlm Havana Lottery 34,oo numbers—tbu liavnuti 240 prizes, this 5,081 prices trfioK to your interest 1 Now Is tho time. CAPITAL $7,600. $ 7,600 is $ 7.60' 8,000 is 8,00 1 Prize of.. At Private Balt. A negro man, agod S6 yean, a first rata hotter and house servant. Title undoubted. Jel9 At Private Bale. A very likely Intelligent mulatto girl, aged 19 years, a first rate cook, washer and Ironer.and an excellent seamstress. Warranted bound. Title un doubted, Junel9 / At Prlvato Bale. A very likely mulatto inn- i -* ’. 24 yeara, a first rato carpenter. Warrant i -i t. Title undoubt ed. JuneM At Prlvato Salo. A very likely negro man, aged 22 years, a good field h itnl. Warranted sound. Title undoubted. JuuelO _ At Private Sale. 1700 bushels Rice, au excellent article for stock of all kinds. Call and cxamlno. Prlco 26 conts per bushel. JunelO Wanted. Central Railroad, Planters' Bank, and Bank of the State of Georgia, Blocks, for which a liberal prlco will bo paid. Junel9 ifo Rout. Two good stores, under the bluff, at Ibo foot of Wliltakur fctrect. , Juno 19 Wauted to Purchaso A convcniunt tnudium-sized house, iu a central location—ouo fronting ou a square would bo prefer* red—for such un ono a liberal price would bo given. JuuelO _ At Private Bale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 60 feet front by 100 to 124 i» et deep, situated uu Taylor, Gordou and Gaston streets. Tlioso lots aro on high giound and tome of them lu tho Immediate ucighbornood of the lot selected for tho sito of the Fnvannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Torms same as city lots, viz : one tilth ca«h, the balanco boaring interest at 4x per cent.JunelO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I pryor’s'oTntment. I T ia a sure ami speedy cure for burns, piles, corns, felons, lover sorca, ulcera, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur- tes,) soro and cracked lip3, Iresh wounds and sores •if any description. It is a most valuable remedy ind cure, witiuh cau bo testified to bv thousands who lmvo used It in many portions of the 8outh for .tie lost few years. In no tuetanco will tho salve do -ny Injury, or iuterforo with a physician's prescrip- tiutt. The proprietor has numerous certificates and Liters from pooplo who have used It themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as t« poedy and certain remedy for the above named .ucases. A Iriul is all that is necessary for its owu .-ecomtnondution. Bold by J. B. MOORE, Buvannah, Us., and drug - gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, may 18 LaG range, Us. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B Keeps constantly on band Spanish, Haft Spanish, and American Scgars, at wholesale and ro- ill. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, &o. June 1 JAMES MCHENRY; Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average) tdjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawna . upera prepared whereby to recover lossea from unerlcan or British Underwriters, and attention ,'lven to all matters connected with shipping and In- turance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ot .bo Custom House. ly nov 8 PATENT ECLIPSE UTAH ID BBAJfflffo Every man tits owu Cora Printer, PALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBEBLAIN’S Vj Patent Eclipse Hand fitamp, the host, cheapest md moat convenient of any thing for the purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 186 Congress St. HUNT’S DIPKUVKD SEWING MACHINES, D ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—and which Is decidedly superior to any othor liduhlno for that purposo. Spool or skein thread juu be used of any desired length, and which will iot need to be changed until tbo whole is used. Bag manaiifacturors, Grain’stid Flour merchants are 'lurticulurly invited to call and examine it at 186 Con ^rcss street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gcn. Agt. hint a webIter’s, IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. D ESIGN FJ) for Famllios, plantations, Dress ms* Rut s, Tailors, Boot & t*lioe manufacturers and altera who may wish to do tbelr own sewing cheap* -y und willi expedition. This maebiuo sews a uni- orm stiteli with both sides alike, aud which will no*, •ttvol. ll is more simple, is loss liable to get out of irder. and costs less iu proportion ilmu any other uacltine, nn«l is wurratitud to bo perfect, aud to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient use la .urnUliud with it, uml any hihtniction will be given .hut will bo necessary to ensure to the purchaser its successful operation uud durability. The public are respectfully invited to call and ox« inline them nt i::6Cuugrcss st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 43* A very neat and ornamental Iron Table arid now be given with a macblno forh small sum u addition to thu regular prico. May 26. IIOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1865. T HIS improvement enables ono field hand to pick us much cotton ns tlvo can ptuk by tbe old iiuihod und having tlio cotton lreo from trash, and u belli r condition for ginuUig. The ubuvu machines arc for sale at 136 Congress truet Mivuiintih, -and 126 Mecliug street. Charles- on, S. C. orders from abroad will receivo n-ouipl attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers. iutl till interested uro respectfully Invited to call md examine them County Rights can bo bought on avertible terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—>16,090 bus he hTTen uessco Cornln storo and for salo low by jc2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. ipj.Ul’U AND BACON.—6UU backs Flour; 10,000 i? lbs Bacon, in store and for salo by Je2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. j >ALTU10UE FLOUR—100 bbls superfine BalU- O more Flour landing porschr Wood bridge, and or sale by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. K ~ KI LNED AND CLARIFIED bUGARa— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 5600 2,000 is 1,000 are 500 are 100 are 8 are 2,00 8,00 2,60- 2,00 ,. 40,00 1 .500,00- 25 do 50 do 60 do 50 do Powdered do A Clarified do B do do C do go T IVERPOOL SALT.—400 sacks, teu to tho JLA ton, landing from ship EU Whltnov, and for sale by marl-0 v ship EH Whltnoy, and for PADLFORD, FAY k CO. NEW CONFECTION Alt Y STORE No. OH liryunStreet. two POORS AIIOVf Mu. GtUFfK-V’S JEWELRY 6TOKF. HP HE undersigned respectfully informo the La- X dies olSavauimh iu particular, aud the public generally, that ho has this day opeuod n uow Confoc- tianary .Store, nnd will keep ou hand n largo and rush assortment, of all kiudsand inscriptions. Ho will at all times and hours, bn ready tnfavvHsb .turtles, with suppers. Coffee, Tea aud Chocolate, at all hours. Ornameutod Cakes, Pies, ko. kc., made to order. Ho hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to ail who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BUZZOLA, No. 98 BryauS SILVER WADE, CUTEHUV, tic. TTFE have Just received a now stock of Silver Y? Fpoons, Butter Knives, Salt Cellars, Fish. Pie, Cake and Ice Cream Kuives; also, Steel and Plated on Steel Tablo Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives, Platod and l’arlcn Butler Stands, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS k CO. Juno 4 M AGAZINES FOR JUNE—Putnam’s Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; Artuur’s Homo Magazine; Godcy’s lady’s Book; Harper’s Now Monthly, and Dloken’s Household Words, molvcd and for nnio by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Juno 8 159 Congress street. ~~ TO UUII.DERS. T HE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute at tho shortest nmlco, aud in tho most work- niuullke manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work conuoctod wUb tho tuauurac- luring or repairing of Copper, Galvaulzcd Iron, ’/.Inc, or Shoot Irou Bushinas. HORACE MORSE, oo, 113 166 Broughton at) ■J.A(90'AA^gSCV—IfrmiMVlck, till. - U ohuo and uio of luul. In tho oounrlM ol Olinn, W.yno, Onmdon, qharlloii, Apiilln*, War., Consol Clinch Lowndoa and Thomas. l r arUoular attention given to locaUnr, purchasing and calling ol town lot. lu tho town orDaunswick. _ r DrRCollin.,Muon; DrBMOargllo, Brunawlcg- Oheeio, received per .toimor Alabama by I Thomu B Harden. Savannah; Hem Joroco t. Sow; 1 taaySS’ J. D. JESSE. | ud, Thomuvllle, B crmt A CHEEKS— a 26 tuba choice Now May Butter, 26 boxe3 •* “ Goshen Cbeusu, Just received and for sale by »yaa scranton, johnston k co. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS—Neatly trim med and for salo to close consignment. maylT YOUNG k WYATT. B AGGING —too buloa heavy Gunny Bugglug, re ceived nud for sale by J'mo 4 DD1CGMBE. JOHNSON ft CO. C ORNED UKKF, PlGl'ORk, &C. Just received 10 half barrela Fulton market Corned Beef; 10 barrels and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and Shoulder*; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Herrings; 2 drums Cod Fish, and 26 barrel* Smoked Herrings, In storo and for pale by Jell DAVID O’CONNER. B 'READ, MATCHES & LEMON SYRU1-- 60 bbla Sugar, Soda, and Butter BuiBcult; 26 boxes uo do do do. 160 grass Mulches, round boxes. 76 boxes Lemon syrup. . Received and for sale by MoMAHON k DOYLE, joll Nos. 205 k 207 Bay street. BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal anco of rich flounced Orgnndio3. Bareges, Crape do Paris and Tissues, nt cost to close them out; also rich Laco Mantillas, at reduced prices, for sale b * June 4 DkWIPV «: MORGAN T Bbls. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, rocoivod, aud for salo by my 14 J. M. EYRE, 94 Bay street. WANTED, A Consignee for 10 tubs of Butter, marked J. F. 4; D., landed par steamshipKuoxvlllo from Now York. [JeO] PADELFORD, FAY & CO. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOXORRM AND 67 ST. JUUKN-8THECTS. mHE Subscriber has received, and will open I thlR day, tho largest and mostoxtouslvo variety wwlNDOW SHADES evor offered in this city. It la Uio Intention of tho advertisor to keep constantly iu storo a largo supply of all tho various patterns and Btyloa manufactured by tho manufacturers or this country and orFrauco, to which tho attention ormor- chants and famllios iu tho city amt country, is in vited. Thoy will bo sold at wholesalo ami retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. GU10N, Agont. Jan R j41 pri/OMitimntuliiig tu... Tickets $liV-Httlvefi $5—tfuurtera $2.50. Prizes payable without deduction. itjj- Persons sending money by mail need no ar its being lost. Orders punctually attended t* Communications confidential. Bank uotes of uottn bauks taken at par. Drawings rout lo all orderiii, tickets. j03“ Those wishing |Mtticiiluf mmtbetv sltoul oilier immediately. Tho fi.ouu prizes of *S, aro determined by th druwiug or tho capital of $7,600; If tho number tbu maws tho Capital is au even number, those Ticket cnuiitg o, 2, i. 6, S, are entitled to $8; if uu ou- number those Tickets ending wilh 1,8. 5. 7, P, nr. untitled to $R. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, tune»7 Macon, Gu. lift). V. M.CLE3KEY, Agout, H Savannah, Ga. | BASKETS! BASKETSP-W"would call th* JL> attention of tho ladles to our stock of Work fraveling and fine Fancy Baskets, tho largest assort incut in thocity, at tho House Furnishing Ptore, 16- Uroughton-strect, mar‘21 HORACE MOllRE. CITY COURT OP SAVANNAH. MAI j TERM 1850. W 1IEREA3, Georgo W. Garmnny, William B Giles, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Spclsalgoi John C. Ferrell, Thomas J. Walsh, John Jones, Riel, ard R- Cuyler, Lako Christie, and Edward Pndc. ford, summoned to attend tho present Slav Term t this Court as Grand Jurors, bn vo made default; * is ordered that thoy bo flood forty dollars each ut less they file good nml sufaciont oauso of excuse o or before the first day of the next Term of th. Court. Aud, whereas, Thomas 11. Crugcr, William 1 Clmptlu, Jacob Frceiuau, George B. Clark, Wllllat Coudon, Edwin W. Edcu, Georgo F. Oorcoply, Mar maduo Hamilton, William H. cooper, Augustus « Cannon, Put rick Carney, and Jessu B. Dasher, sun inoued to attend tbe present Term or Court as Pet Jurors lmvo mnUo default: It is ordered that the bo fined twenty dollars each unless they fllo goo aml'siilllclunt cuuso of excuse ou or before tho fir. day of tho next Term of this Court. Truo extract from tho minutes, PHILIP M. RUSSELL, jcl7 _ Clerk of tho City Court of Savannah. A LE, LARI), kc.—20 bbls Prlmo Lard; 60 d Taylor k Son’s Ale; 60 do sugar, soda uml bm ter Biscuit; received nnd for sale by mcmahon a: doyle, 'JunolO 205 aud 207 Bay street. UUQAlia.-fiO barrels Stuarts A nud ll Clarified O Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdorod do. Land ing and for solo by may 10 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON l CO. H O. MOLASSES, landing from schooner • Abby FranclB, and for sale by deo37 J LO0KETT& SNELUNGS. Just received nud for salo by jel SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. ASSIZE OF BREAD, I D IK average prlco of Flour tbo last month beiug . Light dollars, Bread must weigh as follows:— lo Cent I^ttf must weigh 2 pounds. 8 “ “ “• 9)T ounces. JAMES S. WILKINS, City Treasurer. Juno lfit, 1856. my3l \ /l ONONGAUKLAlvTiiSKY-- *.YJL 25 bbs Oltl Mouougaheln lVhlsky, 60 “ Doublo Distillod “ Just received and for sale by my28 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A: CO. R " OCKLjVND LIME.—1,600 bbls Rockland Lime daily expoctoil per brig E. W. AUGER. For ate, lo arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY k 00. AKSilALL & SON’S Celobratod Pig Hams, Pig Shoulder--*, aud Pig Bacon. Also some new utuxed Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beef. Received ,nir Alabama, by inay28 J. R. JESSE. LANDLORD AND TENANT. T UU Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. Smith, with Notos of Amorlcan cos os by p. P. ilorris. ^ Bauvler’s Law Dictionary, lost edition. Bauvier’s Institutes American Law. Neligan’a Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color- id plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases or Woman admitting of mrglcal Troatmout. Flint on Diseases or the Respiratory Organs. Budd ou Diseases oftbo Stomach. Skutches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal md Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with ugravlngs. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. to ecuer. Railway and Steamship Guide, with maps. Iroland in '98 and '48; Its Revolutionary History. JyJ. Savage. * National System of Political Economy. From tha iorraan, of List. aprio W. TnORNK WILLIAMS. H ARPKR“foR JULY'.—Harper’s “New Monthly Magazine, for July, received aud for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Junol8 169 Congress stroot,. YELLOW CORN. -In storo and lu suie by may7 YOUNG &WYATf. B ACON AND LARD.—50 bUOs, Prime 'Baco tsldoi ; 30 hhds. primo Bacon Shoulders ; i bbls. primo Baltimoro Loaf Lard. Lauding, an. lor sale .by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. Juno 1 •/i 1 aiimiuntri, bolug ciiQjro r -ooJtwmoo»''ln .pfoatTind erso, miiothur. With an unique collection or petal uinodies, 11 ramus and farces, adapted for the use f schools and famllios. For sale by j^ e18 WARNOCK A DAVIS. JUGAR, SC.—76 bbls and AO hhds A, B and7) i a4 “