Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 25, 1856, Image 4

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3 legal %bbttfotmerit». S HATHAM COUNTY—To nit whom It may concern: Wherwu.Jobn Mallory ,wlU npplyto the ri of Ordinary for Iftrttora DUmisory ns ndtnlnto- tration on the EaUlo of Wlllinni Wright these nro, therefore, to cite end adraoutoh all whom It may concern, to be and appear betoro aald Court, to mako objection (If any tnoy hare) on or before llm Oral Monday In November nest, othwlaeaald Let tera will bo granted. _ 4H Witness, John BUbo, Kaq., binary for niatham County, thin &ght day or April lRM. joiin o. c. c. »prj» C HATHAM SHERIFF'S SAI.E—Wlll bo aold on tho first Tuesday In June next, before \tw Court House, between the legal hours of sale, tot number twelve (12) New Franklin Ward, in the City of Bavauunh, situated on the corner or Mont. S nuory street and Ilattlo How, together with tho ree-atory brick warehouse situated thereon: levied on to satisfy a certain (l fa. tosuiug out of Chatham Superior Court, in fovor of John Scuddcr vs. Clar ence P. Hollis, Property pointed out In said fi. fa. BENJAMIN L. mu:, mayfi Sheriff C. C. UTATfciofgeoiuua, C HATHAM COUNTV.—To nil whom it may con- corn : Whereas, Elizabeth lllhero, will apply at tho Conn of Ordinary lor letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Kiboro; These are, therefore, to city and admonish all whom It mnv concern, to bo and uiquMr before said Court to make objection (if any Umy have) on or before tho first Monday in .Inly next, otherwise said tetters will bo granted. Witness, John Hilbo, Esq., Ordiuary for Chatham county, this second day of Juue. I860. June 2 JOHN BILBO,.o. c. c. ST ATM OK WKOllUIA, CHATHAM CO. mo all whom It may concern: Whereas Mary Ann X Dent will apply at tho Court or Ordinary tor let ters Dtomtosi.ry ou the estate of James P. Dent,— TUc30 are therefore to,Itu and udmonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, t) make objections (if any they have) on or before tia First Monday In December next, otherwise raid letters wtllbcgrantcd. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of Juue, ISO •. • J©3 JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. CITY Nil mil I FF\S SALK. W ILL he sold before the Court House door in the. City of Savannah, oil tho Ur.-t Tuesday in July neat, between tho legal ImurH of sale. Hie follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, 1 iron chest, 1 wmrdrouo and all the interest or Edward Murphy, in aud to the leaso «r lot and building situated on the drier or Whitaker and G ngress street.?, to taltotyafl fa. issued in favor or Wlillatn B. Haul i, vs. Murphy, k Dovnuny, property pointed out by defendant. Kl>. M. 1'KENDKKGA.sT, 9 c. *. may 81 CITY SHERIFF’S SALK. W iLL bo sold boiuru the Court liuiiito door, In the City ofdavaunah, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between tbu u»ual hours of aalo, cast half of NO. Q urceu Ward, bounded as follow.*:—north by Broughton street, west by lot No. 5, sou b by a Ihuo and east by lot No. 7. Lovled on as the property of Jaino* L. Uilvo ,, tn satisfy a fi. fa. Issued out of the Uonorabio the City Court of savannah, In favor of II. B. Nh-hols vs. lama* L. Oliver, Pro|ierty pointed out by p'aintiff’* attorney. Terms cash.— Purchaser paying lor tittet. F.UW. M. PRENDKRGAST, tnyfil City .sheriff. .STATE OF GEORGIA. S 1ATHAM COUNTY.—To nil whom it may ooncerlt: Whereas, John P. Hlno* will apply n Court of Ordinary for letters dtotnlssnry us ad ministrator ou tho Instate of James C. Hines : These are, thorofiire. to cite and admonish all whom IV may concern, to ho and appear before said Court to mako objection (If any they have) on or ho- loro tho first Monday III Beeemher next, otherwise said letters wilt tie grouted. Witness, John Bilbo, K 4 q. Ordinary lor Chatham enmity, this ronrtli day of Juno, iRfifi. June t\ JOHN Wl.HO, i*. o. ft. w jjorh. AUMIMSTHATUIPM SALK P URSUANT to an order or tho Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Chatlium County, passed Juno term, 1850. will be sold, on tho first Tuesday in August uoxt, before tlio Court House door hi said county or Chatham, hetwcon tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.: bits Nos. three (8) uud four (l), being part of Harden lot No. ulna (UK Hpring Hill, tlty of Savannah, fronting on Hailroad street; also tlio following negro slaves: Jack, I’oter, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as tho properly of tho o-latoofSaiiiuelUrifiln, late of said county, deceased, for the lieiietU of tho heirs and creditors of said es tate. ItlCHARB WAYNE, Administrator do tioiils lion, mi Je4 Estate of Sitmuol (irlliln, uBOituiA, cTiAiliBi counW. O N the first Monday in August next, I will apply to tho Ordinary of Chathuin coiiuly for leave to sell tho negro slaves hootigitig to tlio Mato of Clara A Ogtlbny, deceased, tor the hunelit of the heirs and credit »r.- of said estate. June 4 JAMES A. I.ObK HE, Adm'r. lltloiiuUT TO <1A1L. Brought to jail In Swaiusboro, Emamio! Co , outlie 4th Instant, a negro man; ho says Ids name is llarry; that ho belongs to the estuto •at Thomas Clay, of Bryan Couuty, On. Ho is oflight complexion, with n slight scar over tho tell eye;about 6 footoyj Inches in height, and about 2b years old. Tho owner is requested to come forward, pay charges and take him away, as ho will bo dealt with as the law directs. IIENHY OVERSTREET, JeO Ju'or. From V. Ui PALMER, UK.VKKAI. Slivwmsixa A.M* .NKWSPAI'Xtt AtlgXT, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore * JAfllKHli.FIDLKN, DBALER AND IMPORTER OP IVatrlHK, Jewelry, Silver Watt, Fu«»- cy GcMMiN, ive., mi. 12, north 2i» sthkht, pmuntn.niiA. septS »y NELSON 8WKKZEY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner ARtor Plaro and 4th Avonuo, IN (ll*** PK0X1MITV TO Till AHTOR URIUHY AND «•« NSW mniJt nnt wi, nxw tohk. ... mHK most extensive variety and the largest I Htock of Mouumonts, Tombs, Head Stone*, Ac., in Atnoricn, cun lie found at this establishment, from plain to tho most olaboruto uud orunto lit design nud workmanship. In addition to tho stock always on liuiul, u great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may l»o found, from which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders mithfutly executed, amt shipped to any IKiInt ftvullnhle by wator or steam. Persona vlslUug Urn city of Now York ou pleasure or business are resiiectihity Invited to visit tills es tablishment. 0,513 oi TLw NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tlio estate of Richard F. Williams, late of Chatham coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them within tho time prescribed by law to the subscri ber ; and nil Indebted to the said estate ure request ed to make immediate paymeut lo M. It. MIL1.KN, Administrator Ue turn!** non. March 26—6w ItwUySl—Jo 7_ STATE UK RKUUWIA, C tHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may eon- / corn: Whereas, tho estate of .foronhau Me- lKiuaU lies unrepresented in eonscqiiencn of tho iicaiU of Nnthnu Brewton, the executor, amt unl -ss some fit and competent person applies for tho ad ministration of said estate, with the wdl tiniioxgd, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other lit aud proper person, ndininistrati r with the will an nexed do h mas noli, ou said estate: Those are, therefore, to cite uud admonish all whom It may coucuru, to Lj and appear before said Court to mako objection (it any they lift *'»>) on or before the first Monday in August next. Witness, U ill am Lee, Esq., Orditar.v for the county of BuUneh, this 12th nay of June, 186ft. Jol5 WILLI' M I .KM ■>. c. r. VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, UlCIISlONli k DANVILLE, ANIt Virginia A Tcnncficc Knim V.~KlMMUH , ft AnvRimMsn Aitmcr. miiA.Ri.niu, pa. Antlinrlpoa Arpih Dir tlio K»vimn.h Journal. «®- S IT M M E B “®» TO Statu of Ururgiu, uiumca tom.iy. A DMINtaTKATUKa* SALE.—By virtue of an or der from the honorable Court of Ordinary ot couuty, passed on tho first Monday lu June, will be fluid ut tho court house door of said county, between tho lawful hours of sate, ou tho first Tues day iu August, Ouo tract or Land, containing one CITY SHERIFF’S SALE'. hundred and fifty acres, in said couuty, on tho Co- _L be sold before tho Court Homo door iu I noocheo river; also, a i*art of four othor surveys, . . the aty or Savannah, ou tho first Tuesday in «-outalnlng.-ix hum red and thirty-two acres, on Ca- July next, between the legal hours of salo, lot No. noochoc river, wo l Unproved aud iu good repair, 27, contains 69 feet, more or lo.-s, being a portion of I consisting or swamp, bay ami piue land. Sold as Garden lot No. 11, we.,t, in the city of sava-.iudt, lhe property of Natoat. Brewtvu, deceased, for tho bounded os follows:—East by Purse street, south by benefit of the hoir ? aud creditors or said deceased, lot No. —, north bv street not named, and west by Terms made know n on the day nfsalo. lot No. — Lovlod on as the property or Ann Dohle, toaaUdfy a fi. fa. Issued out of tho Honorable the City Court orSavannah, m favor of John Uallahcr vs Ann Doblo. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Terms cosh. Purchaser paying for titles. F.UW. M. I* REN DERG AST, myfil City Sheriff. CITY MBKRII<F.4 SALE. giwta and Wayuosboro’ Hailroad Coinpuby's Bond, No. 409—levied on as the property of William Dunn to satisfy two fi. fa*, issued out of the honorable the Qty Cburt or 8avannnh, one lu favor or Janie* U. Read vs. William Dunn, and the other lu favor of John Ingcrdoll vs. William Bunn. Torm- cash. EDWARD M i'REN BERG AST. may 81 sheriff C. s. S TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CO.. May SCtli, 1860—Two months after data application will bo mafia to the Honorable Tonrt i-f Ordinary of said County for leave to sell all the lands liefongiug to the estate«f Michael Donaldson, deceased. Tor the benefit ol'the heirs ami creditors and ?aid deceased. my28-8w JOHN E. GIBSON, Adm'r. Juno 2d, I860 BENJAMIN BREWTON, I . (ltn ,_ a SIMON J. BREWTON. r' u,n rs Je 15 State of Ucorgla, ilttiiocli c'uuiity A DMINLViRAToIta’ SALE.—Will be .sold, on the Aral Tuesday In August next, before tha court house iu Statesboro’, lu said county, under mi order of the Court of Ordinary, Fitly tour (54) acres of Pino laud, granted to James l*eal, and bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to the estate of James Beal, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Mild estate. Term*' made kuuwu on tho day of sale. V MARTHA DEAL,) A*lin'.x. .CALVIN DKA1., /Adm'r. Juno 12th. IRfifi > ir, CITY MARSHAL’S MALUM. WILL be sold, on the llrst Tuesday in July V v next, in front of the court house: Improvements on lot No. 8, MoutmollimiUe, to satisfy City Tax Kxoeutlons vs. CotmeHy. for years 1854 and ISfO. j AI e «», Lot and improvement No. 12, part of Gar- j den fod No. 11, west, tho property of Mrs. Ellen I J O'iteilly, to satisfy City Tax Executions ti-r 18AB. ! Al?t>. Lot No. Ifi ami improvement-:, Franklin 1 .. . * ward, us Hit 1 properly of M. I’rent for gust. Ibr Taxes i G EORGIA—BULLOCH Cl).—All persons having • f“ r dcraaada agaluat the Lotute of Thomas Mills, i •'' n0 > hall *d Lot .No. 2, CaUioun wuriL tho, late Of said comity.tlccea- .'. are Hereby uotilh d to , • * prosent them, property all- i -l. uitlo’n the imn- priwcrlbod by law, uud these indebted to are requested lo make immediate payment lo HARDY B. IIODGES. Adm'i- May 20th, 185fi. iiiy28-**w T WO mouths from dute application will be made to the Ordinary of Chatham County, for leave to sell lot No-161, bill district. B iker, belong, log to the estate of Julian Murks. JACOB WATSON, may2 ^ Administrator. ASSIGNMENT KOTICK. J OHN M. WILLIAMS, having unsigned nil his properly, both real ami personal, to u<ljiist hb debt*, nil persons having legal claims against the said John M. Williams, will pli-iue hand them to the undersigned Without delay, a*, it is quite desirable to ascertain tho extent ofliuloldedness, and to per- fbet a speedy Hcttlemcnt of the a-signed properly »pr28 HIRAM ROBU.Iff.-r, As-igiiee. “abmistuatouTs noticioT . . . Bridget fury amt children; f Taxi** f■ >v Ib.Vfi ALds Nos. I 1 .) and to, \\ property of Ivlwurd Perry, for Tuxes’for ltwD. Also, Ld No. 51. Browii ward. ti< the property of e=tato ofPatiick OTonneli, Fr.. lor Taxes lor B-85 Al.o. Improvements on south Imlfot j.ot No. 88, Warren ward, »s the property ot Mi-.- ilalibla Ito- sey, for Taxes for lbG-1 and Ihofi. • Also, ou-.t half of Lot No. 2S, norlli side of Marga* ret street, the property of Mrs. Rachael Wise and daughter, lor Taxes for l$dfi. Also, l/rts Nos. 47 ami G2, Walton ward, us the property ^f John McCormick, for Taxes for 1S55. Also, Lot No. 4, Washington ward, as tho proper* ty of Sirs. M. M. Dibble and children, lor Taxes for 1*55. Also. Lot No. 14 and east hull'of Lot No. 15, jmr of Garden IM No. 88, east, us tlio property of the estate of 8, A. I’atot; for Taxes for lbDIuud 1856. Also, hit No. 84. Liluyctte ward, us the propei tv of John M. Milieu, for Taxes for 1855. | Alsu, L»t No. iu, Moiitiiiollinville. •(- the property | of James Helioist, for Taxes for 1854 uttd 1855. ■ Also, lliiproveiiieiity of quarter l/it No. Ifi.Greemi ! wani, in the property of Mrs. Baker, for , Taxes for 1854 and 1855. | Also, Garden Lot No. 6‘J, ea-t, as the property of W. I*. Bowen, for Taxes for i>5l and 1855. ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most cointortuble uud most expeditions Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS I THROUGH BY DAYUQHT. And Baggage Checked Through, except on Btngffl. Visitor.? to the~Virgiulnta .Spring* by this route, take the SowtU-sfide Railroad ears at I’ctorahurg, or die RU'hiuoud and Danville earn at Richmond, ill U A. At., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, amt thence, via tlio Virginia nud Tennessee Railroad, reach Bonsark’fl Depot at 8 I—I, and Salem ot 41*. At., amt nt cither place take Kent, Siimmei'Mon & Co'a Flue Lino of Slngrit I ' Those via Ifonsack’s lmlge nl Flnraslte, dino at the Rod sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive nl the White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on tlio evening of the second day trorn I'otershurg, or Rlcli- inoml, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but t>4 miles of Staging. Or In the Salem route, stop all night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (1«* miles (li-taiit from Salem,) dine at the Red -sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs on tho evening of tho following day. The Virginia k Tenues«eo Railroad Is located through n most romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for Us salubrity amt delightful tem poral uro. The road passes the tawo of the PEAKS OF OTTER I And within three miles of the Alleghany Springs, ouc mile of tho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, aud within four miles or tho Yellow Sulphur Springs; ull pleasuutly situated a few miles apart, on tlio Euatoruslopo ol'the Alleghany mountain, In Munt gotnory county. Tho waters of these Springs nro celebrated for tbeir grout medicinal qualities, tho ac commodations are excellent, and have neon greatly Increased siuro lost season. garYisitont to the Hod Sulphur Springs take Kout. Suniutcrson k Co's Stages at Now born Depot, on tho even lug of the day that they leave Peters- uurg or Richmond, and arrive at the Springs on thu following day to oiuner, and Salt Sulphur Springs early In tho evoulng of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Newborn Depot to the Red Sul phur Springs, (88 miles.) has been graded unJ greatly improved since lust ncasou, nud is now re- gurded usouo of tlio best turnpikes in tin* moun tains. The lino of Telegraph from Richmond will bo com pleted and iu npcrutiou to the Montgomery White Sulphur Sprlugs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tonuossre, take Kent, Summorsoti .k Co's stages ut tho AVestoru tormiuiis of the Virginia k Touno.-seo Railroad, now 180 mile* from Lynchburg (aud being extended Westward at tho rate ol 8 miles per month) to tho Eastern termi nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and arrive al Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters- Imrg or Richmond. Farr from Petersburg or Bielimouii. To Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonj»ack’a,$lO Oft “ •* “ “ “ •» •• Smem.... 10 fin “ White Sutphuv Springh •• Unuanek’n U Oft •* •• “ *• Salem.... II fii) *• ItedSulphor Springs •* Alleghany Springs “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs... “ Yellow Sulphur Springs " Knoxville, Tenmwee . Note.—Tin* rlinrce for ii«-lr»t« to tlio ARo^hnny Springs. .Montgomery White Sulphur and Yellow j Sulphur Spring 1 -, does i.<4 include the charge from L »- tue ti,„ luitruud to the Springs. Passengers lor tlio Al legiiutiy Springs, (4 miles distant.) lake tickets to Shawr ville—for Monlgoiitcry \Vliile Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a brunch Railroad.) lake tickets lo Big Tunnel and Ibr the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to Christiau.-biirg depot. Con veyances will be found at those places, l- or further Information apply to K. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. It. H., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Snp't Richmond k Danville R. R., Richmond. E. II. GILL, Sup't V. A: T. R. R., Lynchburg. • KENT, SUMMEKBON & CO., my48-8m Fiucustlo, Yirgiuiu. CGNVHAi. IIAU.UUAD. *o . QX uiid uller Sunday, tlio 14th October, lust, Ip'.UItlNtt'N CATKNT KiftRienOOF WITH lUIJ/fl^f^T^S^IUrROOF IDCK. Having recolvml tho I’riie Medal at tlio World'flFftlr, nr© now oflbrod to thn public m thn Prim Hate of thn World. Thuted and approved a* thoy have boon every where, tltolr crownlug victory wa» rosorved to be awarded by tho Juried or tho World’rialr. Tlio proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars iu Gold iu tho one exhibited at tho World’s Fair, Lon don. and Invited all the Ptek-I/wka In tho world to oi>en tho Safe, with or without tho keys, and take tho money as a reward Ibr their Ingouulty; although operated upon by several skilled In the art, noono could Pick tho I*>ck or opou tho Bafo. By an Improvomout upon tho original Salamander, introduced by tbo present owner of tho patont-riglit, tho Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to dump, and books, pupers and Jewelry might bo preserved in ouo or his floTcs for a century without contracting a biotniflli Train mould or mlUdow. To guard against counterfeits every Sate from tho mauufitotory of thu subscriber, and sold by him or his agenb* has a brass plate in front, hearing Ills iiauio: each Is also furnished with ouo or his im proved Tiller Detecting Locks, which is ft goo«l guar antee affalnflt robbery. F. 0. HERRING k CO., Nos. 13ft, 137 and 139 Woter-st., N. Y. Agents in Savannah. Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keep constantly ou band ft full and complete assortment, which they will soli at Mauufhcturew’ prices- _ _ __ sept 28 LOCAL EVIDENCK OF THE VALUE AND FIRE- froof qcst4TtwoK „„„ WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Moruhnutft can bo mipplioiUt rtwrl' notice with DlU-IIcftd*. DIU« of Ladliiff, Dray Books, Circular*, Cords and Blank Book*. Particular atteutlou glvonNo HOOK AND PAM PHLET PRINTING, Hiinli as Catalogues for Colleges, ProcoodlugM or Mootings. Reports, By-Laws, etc. Thankful for'the very liberal patronage heretofore received, w*o respectfully solicit a continuance of tho some, reeling ihol we shall bn ablo to please all who may fitvnr us with a call, both as lo prices and execution of work. -Pronoania Ibr Rntloim mill Furl Ibr Llght-VewiU. COLLECTOR^ OFFICE. ) ^UPXRIXTWiDKXT ok Ijcjirm, V Huvaunali, 10th May, 1850.) S EALED proposals will be received at this ottluo until 12 o’clock, M., on tho 1st day of July next, I8ftfl, for fUrnlshiug and delivnrtiiff Ra tions and Fuel on board tbp IJght-vessels In this Collection district, viz.; at Martlu’s Iudustry and Tybce Island Knoll, for one year from the first day of July I860, to the 30th Juno, 1857, Inclusive. The rations to bo or good and approved qualltv, to bo delivered In good and sullldcnt packages, barrels, boxes and raises, and lu good order, ou board the nbovn named light-vessels, at least once a quarter, free of expense to the United Hlntes, and agreeably to tho annexed tublo ortho wonkly ration, vix.: in a i, F“ Mohs, GENUINE PREPAKATIONH. IIcImlAold’a Highly Concent rnlrd Com- poiiitd Fluid Kitrnct lluchu. 18 A CERTAIN, HAKE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY null Diseases ol tho liludder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drojs-y, Woukuoss, Horrid Discuses, Obstruc- ...... Foinalo Complaints, and all dlseasos of the Hoxual Organs, whotlier lu * MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cuuko thoy may huvo originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG HTANDING. This popular and specific remedy is now offered to tho olUicted, and guaranteed to euro all the above complaints. It searches out tho very root or the disease, driving out all tho'dlsoasod fluids ortho body, thus removing the causo and rendering thu rUr ° CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. WARY. m. DR. W. R. MORELEY’B INFIRMARY. JrPg^- Full the treatment of Can* / * >{'{■ curs, Wens, Fistula, aud all kinds | li,|H of Tumours, to now open for the jBMHarccepUon ofPaUunts. Ills Inflr.i mary Is located near the De|*t and Post OUicc, c... Broadway, and contelna about Uilrty largo and W«ii famished Rooms, with good and trusty servants, ait ways at hand, both ladles and gentlemen uro roceii- ed ut this InsUtutlon, and will rocolvo tho uort stric and kind attention from the Proprietor, ns well a* his Matrnu. Ills practice In that horrible dhea-c Concor, for tho pust ten yoars Is notaorpavied li any Phyalctnn In thu South'. Patleufe an- boarfiu.i atf 1 iwr diem, or $16 per mouth. $10 being iequiiH In advance. fSf Foes to bu agreed upon before liu- co>c to un Rcrtakcn. All Rommuaioatiuus must be ins i tsii.) addressed to W. it. MOSELEY, •ug 6 Grillln, (, a . ir'i 1 ijOTATUES,—400 barrels aupertorTiimting Thin pE« ? , which ; ,Wh other remedies invariably causo, aud can be token ' J At Manufactured ty Steams d Marvin, New York. In tho Ore of the 3d Inst, which consum ed tno brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite the Gaa Wfaks, In this city, was a safe ot the above descripUonfl containing tue oouxs, papers, ami-money of Mr. , Thomas, aud although the building was detroyed, ( the said Safe sustained no injury whatever from the 1 intense bent to which ll had been exposed. On oneu- ing tlio Hole, thn contents wore found undtoturuod. and In the Karoo order and condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to tho prqlccMug ends of a few papers, aud the backs of ono or two of tho books, caused by the steam generated In tho Safo, while nt Its greatest heat. Tho Hafo and contents, as it came from the rnlus, may hMU be seen, In tlio |tossesslon or Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment of those cele brated Hafes always on hand,and for sale by C. II. CAMI’FIKIJ), Agent for tho Manufacturers. July 2fi. 1865. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure iu corroboraUng the forogoingstate ment, and iu addition would add, that the books are now lu use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard. Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 186ft. octft-tf 12 26 S 00 S 2ft 8 4fi i\ 00 A U. persons having demands ngalurt the estate of Iho lute Charles 8. Arnold, di.cea.-ed. ure hereby notified to present them, properly uiie-ted, Wltwn tlw limo prmriliotl by tow; mid all Uimo In. .u-o, im'Xo. JT, Jiuln'ivuird, "m Ump , ri,|,..rl v „| dobtoJ to Bald «iialo, mr^nmtwliu nuke ninig. jim.J. llycrsoV I'urTiisoa ii,r !Si5. KmvAiiu I'.ujKi.t'omi, Administrator. diato payment to roay8 ASSIGN P) 15S NOTICE* AXIL Louis Robider having rnudo uu assign- menttor the Lcuofit ofhu cndltors, all per sons IndidiU'd to Idiu will please mako payment to tue. And those having demands ugutnst him are requested to present them, that payment may he made as far a 4 the assetw will extern!. A. RONAl’D, Assignee, flavauuuh, May 1ft, I860. may20 Abo, West half or lx»t No. 4, south -Ido of B,yan street lor Taxes fur 1854. A1»h, south half of 1 Trustees’ Garden, as thu properly of the estate of Worthlueton, for Taxes lor 1855. DANIEL H. STEWART, may 31 city Marshal. 1 mm fripfr k Is 1 : . : V 1 : : • 3 - 8DO)U|»,| I HVOHd •aosirojoK lit • • : jnSduiA n «: : Jrc: •puvoa i ,s*. : : : jontiH -i i l l i l l l •equipj s s voj, g ,j ,3 , » , -j ,. ,. •uvaitti ■i zzczsr z z MUOMH : : t : : *l|tt«U l«W» jo KU|*{VH 1 M •eon l l ^ JllUld j 1 ^ : •«: w : •gjod • 4- •J«eU with Iosb trouble and expense to pullouts. This In falllblo remodv hassnved thousands u|x»u thou8an<to from tho hands of MERCILESS QUACKS, If not from premature graves. In cases of Infection tho Compound Bucbu to the only artlclo worthy of the least confidence ortho alllictod lu performing SAFE CUKES. It contains no narcotic, morcury, or olhor injurious drug, but Is purely a VefldaWe (Jmpotitiun. It Is very agrcnahlo to thn taste, creates no perceptible odor, and may he taken by persona of either sex Without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany thn medicine. BRIGHAM, KELLY ft tv IlON. MIKB Ml/ilUA Y’ft TTNITED States, Canada and Cuba. U Schweglcr’s History ot Philosophy in Eis-taHt*- traoNlatcd by Heeylo. Prescott’s I'hlllp 2d of Spain, now aupply i n imn Calf and In Cloth,-—.—^ Napoluou’s Ojnfldcnti5IXorf®BpondTU>ce-WTte-h---__ brother Joseph. Duvall’s History or the Queen’s of the Ucus Hanover—2 vola. \ 1'ThoAllachi in Madrid. Romance of tlio Jlarotn, by MissParaue Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh. . . i naciici 17 Iiuiwniuniwu^ii. Reader, if you have any of tho above complaluto, do . Earnest IJnstoad, by Mrs. Isjc Ih ntz. not neglect I hern, mar 3 vv.thokm.vvtuj.vvj.- DKIiaVs ARE DANGEROUS. With this nnuliclne you can cure yourself, and thus prevent all exisxsure. 1 TRUTH MU; T AND WIIJ. PREVAIL. This medlciim speedily and effectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particle of infectious matter from the system, rostering tho patient to a |>crrest stale or HEALTH AND PURITY. J UST RECEIVED.—20 boxes'Shoulcii-i,, u prime article, 20 tierces choice* Hams, lu store, and for kuIi* by mar 2fi WaYN'E. GHFJs'VH.U % u, Each pro(»sal must state distinctly tho price for which tue entiro ration will he furnished on hoard each light-vessel respectively. Tho projiosnto for aupplyitig fuol, both coal and wood, must state distinctly tlio price i>er ten and cord, and tho kind and quality of each, t«» bo deliver ed on board or each light-vessel respectively. One bidder may otter lor all the rations und fuel required for all tho light vessel* In this district, or for one or more ortho vessel*separately, at his own option. The kind nud quantity ofihcl will he deter- ‘mined upon, and tno contractor Informed accord ingly. In advanco or tho time for maklug the quar- ! tprlv deliveries of nil Inns nn board nl‘the rosiui-tivo I Hetmbold’* Highly Concentrated Com- ' pound Fluid Extract SaraaparlUa. ; For purifying tho Blood, removing all diseases arl- 1 sing from excess c.r Mercury, exposure and im prudence in lire, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an Impure state or Blood, aud the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the ' cure of Hcrofula, Halt Rheum, Scald Hoad, Ulcer* at ions iff the Throat and t-eps, Pains and Swellings of thp Bones, Teller. Pimples on the Face, and alt Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. 1 It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines to be able to state that It Is now nearly three years since they were first Introduced, during which time they have boon extensively used lu various parts of tho United States, and have given to patient and practitioner tho highest degree of satisfaction In tho various cases in which they have been employed; whether In town, couutry, hospital or private prac tice, they have Invariably Riven the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced tho most salutary and beneficial ellccts. Numerous letters 1 have been received from the most distinguished I physicians in the country, aud from the professors of several medical colleges, recommending In the highest terms the value of these medicines, and their superiority o\rr all other preparation* lor such complaints ns tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations iffHarsaparilln andofBuchu and varlou • modes of preparing them have been DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK RTREKT, NEAR TOE COURT HOURS, .SAVANNAH, GA., Eatubllahed In 1833, rpHE Subscriber grateful to hi» friends and 1 patrons for their contluual favors, would state that In addition to tho Improvements In DYING, no ’ terly deliveries of rations nu board of the respective quired by him duriug his last visit to Eugtnnd aud ! light-vessels. Scotland, has made arrangement* for extending his Kaclt bidder to required to attach to his hid or bids a written guarantee, signed by himself and a responsible surety, that, In tho event ortho contract beiug awarded to uim, he will faithfully execute It iu conformity to the terms ortbto advertisement. The contractor will bo required to enter into bond with approved security for the faithful execution of tlio contract; and no bid will bo accontcd or contract mitered Into, until approved by the Light House Board. The contractor will lie required to keep ut least, in tho aggregate, one month** rations lor the cutfre crow of tho light-vessel contracted for, on board at all time*; aud any expense incurred on account of foiluro to deliver rations or fuel in time, will be chargeable to the contractor. No member of Cougress, llghtkccpcr, superinten dent or Inspector or lights, nor any person connect ed with the IJght-houHQ establishment, will be nl lowed to contract for or deliver rations for the nvw, or fuel iff a light-vessel, nor to bo interested in such contract. No contractor, suptrimennent. or mspnclor will be allowed to change thn parts ol'the ration, nor the times that may bo determined upon for the delivery, without authority nl'ilie Board. All the nrlteli's eonsiitutlng the ration for the crew of light-vcs.*els will he examined, mid their quality approved l*y the superintendent, or the inspector ol tlio district, or by such oilier person as may be us- rigned fo perform t: it *lul> *,aud no hill.-, will be paid for rations :n.<i nu | which are not accompanied l»y roeelpts duly signed by the respective light-ves sel keepers tor the dtll'ercnt articlesconstltuling tlic rations for tho crow for each quarter, and separate receipts for the kind uud quantity ol fuel delivered on board ol'cuch light-vessel. No bid which is not properly sealed and endorsed will be considered, aud no bids will bo received or allowed to bo witlulrawu after the expiration ol'the liuiuvpccUled Ut tlw advertisement for receiving them. Bid* submitted by different member* of tbo saino firm or co-partnership will uot he considered. All bids will bo publicly opeuod aud registered ut tho time speoUlod in tho advertisement. Tho right to reject ull bid* If the interest of tbu public service require it, to reserved By order of tbu IJgnt-bousu Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 business, by which ho to now enabled to dyo u groator variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, kc., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor him with thoir patronage. Gentlemen's garments dyed, cleaned or renovated as may bo required, in the same superior style which has generally so much pleased hi* patrons and friends. Table Covers, and Ladles’ Crape Shawls, kc., cleaned ami finished in the first style. Ladies’ Bonnots dyed, bleached and pressed In tbo most fasbiouablo styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When porcoto arc sent by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sent him by letter through tho fiost cilice, so that he may know where to call for them. melt lfi ALEXANDER GALU)WAY. HKINTZKI.niANlV’N ESSENCE OF JAMAICA 0IN6EK. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence lms been received throughout ull sections of the Union as a remedy at once safe, agreeable aud clfivluul for Incipient Dlnrrlwa, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat w fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, lan guor or Debility from sedentary haldto, kc„ lias in duced the proprietor to givoil every publicity in Id* power, t.pon Its merrti* continent to unnm-.-sary, ns its own iidtlusit* worth l.- Its tovt eulogy. It car ries with it the ovidenro of its superior eM-elleiieo, freely attested to by the young, the old, uud scores of families who, prompted by a careful regard for their lieullli aud comfort, ore dally adopting it as an iMuai'KXS-iiiLK KAStii.v iiKMEiiv. There to purhap- no mcdlclnul preparation extant so simple and harm less, yet salutary and effective, whoso worth will lie more appreciated or utilvursullv adopted tliau tho liquid (liugor prepared by Heintzelmuu. Fur suto by J. E. DkFOKD, Druggist, JelO 8in Havotniah, Ga. •VIEW CHOP CUBA MOLASSES.-.The car go of tbo Abbott Devereaux, daily for Stic iu lots to bull purchasers, by Jan:i1 ROHGRRa ft: N(.i:df.- CAHPKT AiHllPHUTsm \ * WAREHOUSE. HO C<mnrc.u and 67 SI. Julicn Slrca. T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this ( i,„oj tunlty to express to his frluntls und th. *.**,.. generally, hto slncero thank- for their liber:., t *t. « • ago and influence, which lias resulted in ext*-i-u.i.. his trade to all part* of the State. Al«f). 1 . n, ,, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, tlierebj . j ,bi . him to exhibit a Mock uusui passed in am s. ,m- - cltv. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keeper.*, ate. Mean, boat Owners are particularly invited to exAn.ii,- ft,, present stock, which to now complete to ail iu various departments, coustoliug lu part ufU„ • ing goods, viz: CAM'S! DEPARTMENT Royal Medallou, Royal Velvet, Mocct Wilton, Mocel Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain. Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, l'« Eogllsh Druggfiu. rlutis widths.) Mosaic Hearth Ku?-. Velvet and Cui-nii,,- Hlu- Tufted Rug*, Piauo xml table O-oir-. Door Mato (every, Silver k Brass mir Kofi Carpets Binding*. CURTAIN A NO UPHOLSTER YDEPa rj *th. Brocatolles. lace nud Muslin (.•, uj,. Satin de Istines, GiltCornlees, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pius and Etna.. given', ail or which of course wilfdlffer according to oa^^ve^au^^lTof^rlous^olori^VtoS the mode cf preparation which each individual may j ghidis Sew style. colors. Wtndcv Also,*every Variety of Furniture (Altering. Trim mlngs aud material* for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLO’J/IS. Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. Tho subscriber will-oblige lumselt to mskotlif prices on all description of goods as low bstliesam* quality can be purchased In uny Northern city. AST Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent to u; part of the city free of charge. 4®- An experienced Upholster will attend to tl< making and laying of Carpets auJ oil Cloths w'uvt deslrou. The decorative aud curtain dej^rtmvtit ft a charge of an Upholster of aeknowlcdgcuta-teu-: skill. W. H. Gl’lON, Agent octU HO Cougress uud 67 St. Jultou-sU rT preparation adopt. Thesn medieiner. require considerable care iu the preparation uud tho employment of different men strua in successive operation to take up the oxtrac- Promltvoto Tweutr-four feet wide for Himif Uve matters, and) in consequence, are most fire-! Frora “Sr m,ls w quontly improperly made, and not unfrequently much impaired, Knot rendered totally inert, by the injudicious and unskilful managetueut of those utuus- a uainted with pharmaceutical preparations. It to terelorc or tho highest consideration and import ance to tho public and to the faculty that there should'bo standard piVparatlous of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To elfcct tills and obviate the ovil alluded to, 1 have made a num ber or experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode of extracting the virtue's of the Sarsaparilla aud the Bucbu, and to discover tlio most ellglhlo form for their exhibition. The experiments 'Fiuve resulted most favorably, nud it Is with much pleas ure I now offer to tbo public aud the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the Vir tues of tbo articles they aru represented to bo made from iu a highly couccntruted form, aud are the most active preparation* which can bo made. Two ta- blespoousful of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a plut of water, to equal to tlio Lisbou diet drink, and ouo bottle Hilly equals In strength one gallon of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Bucbu. $1 per bottle, or ft tor $6 V '• Sarsaparilla “ *• *‘ - “ Certificates or cures and recommendation- front distinguished professor* nnd physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by ; - -- - ------- - ___ II. T. I Al ACKEBEL, HEKBINU, §XEMoS, if- lvi- 2 bbls large No 1 Mackerel. Dll. SANFORD’S INVIGOIIATOR, I S a mild laxative, tonic and Htimulaut.and L- rce.omraeiidud to tbo public, rely lug upon its it trinslc worth in the cure of tbo following cotnpair.t All Billions Derangements, Sick Headache, I»yspo; • sin, Habitual CostTvoncss, Chronic Diarrlim, Colic* Palu in the Stomach aud Bowels, General iKuliilj' Female Weakness, Ac. For sulo by Druggi-u g»c ; orally, nnd by John. B Moore & Co, and Wm V- IJucoln, Savannah. ly fol>!2 ril TU1UURI T1IUIUIHII XHE Undecfllgnea hss Just received, lor al. (fiOft) Five Hundred pieces of good shippit* Timber, uveroging over one thousand feet to start 9 feb JEFFERSON ROBERT* GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALK. W ILL hesold beforo the dour of tho Court Houso In tbo cltv of Brunswick, Cutiuty of Glynn, on thn Urst Tuesday lu July next, In-tween tho legal hour* of Bale, the following property, to wit.Cas sius, Jim, Ohloe, and Simon-—levied on by virtue ol fi. fit. Issued out of tho Itouorable Superior Court of! Altering ami Kt-jw Glynn County, iu favor or Horace D. Gould vs. Alex- 1 tb« «b u rte»t uoticc. aod<»r Scranton and Jams- Goweu, Admuiivtrnlor* : . ’, ''J- 1 }!?, Uf 1 ** ’ <«ft^ and of Mary Abbott deceased. Property pointed out by 1 ‘j 1 , 1 ' 1 Marseilles \ nato, forsr..o ptalnUff’* attorney. tnay28 REMOVAL. Tim subscriber has Removed ou the . Ray, n*:.\t dour to tlio lb'ptildicai) ; (milf{A> otlice, where be is now opening al r/llllO bumtoomc assortment of S P It IN uu 1ZJ AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the patter ti or tuaku to order m the most, fashionable stylo. Also, Itomly Made Clothing for the present uud cumlug seasou. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a con- tiuuuticu of the xatue. N.^U.—dJutiiug, Altering nud Riqaiiring done at 5 and Pant*, While at a stwall pro- .. uuuuiilit UUIIUU/I KUU itlU UliWUtl, lust., v and until further notice, the Pusaongur I'lolUB 011 the ('cutrul Railroad will ruu us follow* : UETWEES HAVANNA1I AND MACON. 1-eaves Savannah Dully at...ft A M uud 12.16 t* m. Arrive iu Macon “ “..2.16 n “ 1 AM, Leave MuciHi “ “.11.46 AM “ ft.UO 1* M, Arrive iii Savuu’b “ “10.46 v m “ 7,20 am lIKrWKKX HAVA.S.VAU AM) ll'UtafU. IsjaveSilvuillluli 12.15 V M uud 8.30 V. M, Arrive in Augusta 8.46 i» m “ 6.30 A M. lAuve Auguatu 0. A M “ 4.U0 l* m 1 Arrive In Savannah 1.30 v m “ 10.46 p Uh'rWKKX MACON AND ALdl'tUA. Jauvc Macon 11.40 a m uud ft.30 l- m. Arrive ill Augusta 8.45 l- m “ 6.30 A si. Leave Augusta ft. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrive in Mucuii 2.16 p m “ 1. am. IICTWKKN SAVANNAH, MILLXDGgVIUK k KATONTON. Iajuvc Savannah 6. a m Arrive iu Milledguvillo 2.45 p m. I .cave Macon 1146 A M Arrive iu Eatoutou 6. pm. W. M. WADLBY Gea’l Bupt. Savannah, Ga., Oet. 12, 1865. octlb. MISS MAfi III dEF S' M. 0. B. WHIG Iff, b.G.C. nprl-' JOHN' W. KELLY. DRAl’KlfANB TAILOUT GL1 NN HIIGIUFP’S SALE. I*<ftTl’siiV vi'|M'!”P~Ni.'Au"mniifi”ri'Tnv W ILL bo aold hoforo the door or thn Court House, j . ,1' K in the city or Brunswick. County of Glynn, on HU l(l !n,V,rml, ^ nrudHu ndt lu-nibirA! in t tho first Tuesday in July next, between tho legal , J 0 ' V” 1 'j 1lr ^,, ' ,b S ho hour* of sale, the follow,ug properly, touit.:-Oue JBClntuTiiv “^nercmZiis Kf 10^1^ s of ‘HboliffltfS'Sl’Siillire ! fcrVn™l.onrp| l n n" o'nd nu.l mako' l 'u? unknown. Lnrloit on ns Uic iiropcny of Colin Larnl., itora’fnucv dr.~i,io. Boll ra J u,m„ miiiu.,-. „n.i InBntl.iy a 11. fa. iMuedont or tho llononibln ui». ; Firomnii'. L'nirormi lir *c “ ' M 1 rior Court orQlyuu county, iur.vnr orBnniol Jlcln- ,.nn„rms, .vn.,ftc. S&a Mto Um "- ""'TIT ie ! J TrZ r !;:- may28 Sheriff Glynn Omnty. * STSWE OFCTE^liUIV, UUKIITt cu. f|10_all whom It may concern:—Wltcreai Ja.ion C1UNGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WE8TERN RAILROAD Over xvlticii iiuuc* the Great New York & New Orleans Alalls, Floyd will apply at the Court of ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Alien D. Ftoyd, Tneso arc therefore lo cite and admontoh all whom it may concern, to bu and oo p jar before said court, to Duke objections, If uuy they huvo, on or before tbo first Mouaay In July next, otherwise snl l tetters will be grouted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty County, this 270i day ot Api il, hoc. W. P. GIRARDEAU, may27 o. I.. O'. 13 'feloth. 20 bo t« Uuavy Dundee (for Sea Ini- an ls,) 60 bolt- nisdiuni do 44 inches, 300 colls Ky Rope, 000 lbs Bugging Twine, iu store and for Mil by nor lv - tjWESH Salmon, JL sulo by SUNDRIES-' O 26 bbls Hiii k PALMES' lAibstcrH uud Snrdincfl. for J»n2 A BON AUD. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N Jbo Ural Monday hi July next upplicaiiuti will ! bo ma'le to the honorable tho O.urt of o,,linu , ry of said couuty Tor letters cf ndmbii-tintlou on the 1 estate of Gideon MrGowrn, Intent'.-aid county, de- ! ceased. ANN MrGOWEN. ' , Juno 2 eft-gout pattern NOTICE- I C ' :U,W *«.»*» »* bbl* Sugar Crackers—fresh aw •* Rutter “ “ 15 “ S»)drt Biscuit 25 boxes •• •• 26 bbls No. 1 Sugar, * 60 “ A, B and C a'ngar. RcccAved and P»r by McMahon k doylk, >»»>• 1« Nos. 206 nnd 207 Buy st. ijai'kb hangings and buiidebs.. JL Jiiit received a great ui-.urti npr.’lO great uviurliuviit «>f the most will, Imrdvrs to Inatcli, f om 8 CHAFFER ft; CO.’S, Mo. a Whitaker street. G. M. GltlFFIN, socceskoii to i.ath m. Eastman. Corner of llrynn nnd Whitaicur Strcft.-. HA** now on Imnd a beautiful as- sorlinent of Jewelry of every ills- . '•riplioit and kind worn by indies ? T UREK months after dute application will bo made to the Marino Bank of Euvnunuh Ibr the pay- 1 raentof two Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter 11,3070, and lotter 0, 697, the loR halves of which have been i lost. JAM ICS P. HUjMON. > lallabasHoo, Ha., Muy 17, I860. 3m’ my2(l j ADSilNTHTUATlilX HAIjK. __ O N tlio Urst Tuesday Iii July next will be sold in 1 and gentlemen, uml will soil atunu.ojally low prioes front ortho Court House, in tbo city of Navan- I liavo this iluy received ((mt Express) a large uub, all tho rcalosiato belonging to tlio estate of stockoielegum ai V or Ware, conaisiing of Cako nnd Hold by permlxali order of tbo Administratrix, heirs and creditors. a.n.n u. datkm, s m. wf.w.wcwiw, aim'joitabb) for presents. Administratrix. 1 »•!*« thu iin«» • A a T H I I O TT Si 3E3, * nMVDOl.O AND 8IIOWKU. I !,K'2S5 «.IU|.W«. OrA.TA molvoJ furnny TS A I Mnrcl? ! te: T'. " u "«r O N mill alter Sunday, February 3d, 1850, two daily trains between Macon and Col it mints, and ono between Macon nud Americus, Leave Macon al 2 a M, and 3 p m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 15 A M, nud 1030 P M ; leave Columbus at 4 16 a M, nud 1 30 p m; Arrive at Macou at 10 f>4 A >t, ami 7 4o v m; lenvo Macon nt 2 m; arrive at Amcrl ens at ft 40 a m; leave Americus at 220 p M;arrlvo at Macon at 7 40 p m; making acomplotornunoctiou be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings- ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central RtiilroudTrniiis lo . < a vaiumli, Millodgovilleand fjiton- Ion, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville nud Knoxville. Tonu. At Culuntbus with Girard and Mcduie Railroad to Kutautu, Ala., connecting daily at Americus with four horao post Coucbc* to Tallnbasseo. Albany, Tliomnsvlllo, Buiobridgu, &c., withtri-wcokly hacks to Lumpkin, Cutbbort, kc., at Fort Valley wltu hack* to Perry, llayncsvillo, lluwkliisviilo uud Kuoxville, Ga. psisNcngors for Americus nnd |>oiuta below Fort Valley, should tnkn tbo 12 16 p at train from Savan nah; aud the 6 pm traltt from Augusta, to avoid de tention ut Macon. For other points on tho eouth- Western or Muscogeo Roads tako either train from ! Savnniiah or Augusta. I'assengers ieaviug Amorl- . cm nt 2 20 p m will reach Columbus, at 10 30 p M the ; sumo night. ; Pnasengers frora Columbus and the West for Am- orlcus, houth-western Georgia or Florida, should take tbo 1 SO r M train nt Columbus, sleep nt Fort Valley, nud reach Atnerlcup nt 6 40 a m noxt morn ing. First class steainsiilps leave Savannah for New York on Wednesday* and Saturdays, nud for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage la the Cabin $2f», Stecrngo $8. Faro from Montgomery to guvannab $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ Americus “ “ 8 &0 GKO. W. ADAMS, Blip’!. Macon, January 30th, 1850. mnylG VIRGINIA C EM TfiALHTBOA'D. ». late or Chatham Couuty, deceased. !"*, K,, AV*! H / I’wdn and engraved Fish Knives und islon of tho Court of Ordinary, and by fork*, 1 ickled Knlvesaud Forks, Knives, I'oi'kaaiid slmlntatrntrix, for tlio beiioMt of the | o|woiw, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Ac. Ac., ull Hors. ANN II. BATES. j »} Morocco awes, mid jnitabie n. r presents. I liavo •• I i',,,"‘''V' 1 /, . ,U| b> toy «tock of -- ! ! } i| r , «{ «ol«ro« l CurlH, TuiwyM, Braids,Front li L iu „ u ' H ’P^" 1 ) 4:e M which now makes ! my uHsorUnuut complete. Orders revived for nny . j color desired. AiwT'u~[i7 ga^TgwswMT' nsJ. 1 „rZTlZ Xjg “'■■j-ry.wp" m*r4 COD FISH, MACKUltEL ANi| UKIU RINGS. TJUST receWcdft hUdfichokoCod H ih ‘20 hb!« ti extra No 1 nnd No. a Mackerel: t),dn oxlra I llckta Herrinr*. fin boxes Smoked llcrrlt^s iu atoro , *nd for sale by DAVID O'fjfcSNFR, r 111 corner Hroglnoti Brazil sta, I -r—| q» OONSIGNJIENT- loot) bitobels Prime Corn; 100 do Cow Pens; •^Htaacks ’•I'nlmrn Mills'’ Flour: 10 bbls Haw Gim; 10 do MoiioiiffAlioiu Whisky; 6 ’ do IViiiimHo Brandy; For wile low, Ly joia l-ATfEN, HIHT0N k CXI. Brooke Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. K.VSTMANN, PKIXtll'ftL. This Souitwry, located in the do- liglilfu! aud huullliy village of Mediu, thirteen utile* from Plilludclpliiii, by Railroad, will be OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1850. Tne romnmdioti* buildlug, now in proce** of erec tion, wilh ull tho modern improvement*, will bo iiuishod bv tho first of August, aud will cuutuiu such accommodation*, bulb lu l*»lut or taste uud comfort, as cannot full to .satisfy parents that while tlielr daughter* arc enjoying the beuutlta of mental cul ture, they liavo ulau the comforts of u refilled home. Till* institution to established with a view to afford to young ladles the most perfect combination of ad vantage* for the uUniunicut of a thorough und ac complished education, uud no pains or expense will Ue spared to vender it iu reality wlmf U professes to he, u school of superior merit. MIsh Eastman, thu Principal, wa* ut the head ol u school lu New* Eng land previous tuber residence in Pennsylvania, aud for the last six year* lias houu known to the patron* of Aston Ridge Seminary, a* presiding teacher in that institution. Tho Itt. Rov. A. Potter, Bishop of tho Diocese of Pciiu*ylvania, says:— “Mi** M. li. Eastman, wlio proposes to open a Young Lullies’ Hetninury in Media, Delaware Co., Pa , In September next, ha* been known to the *ub- Hcribcr for several year* im*t. Ho has a very high oplnlou of her caipaeity, otllcleucy and devote«liie** us nu cducutor. She ba* bad n large and success* fotexperience. The building which to to be erected for her use will contain every accommodation. Tho village aud aurrouudiug country ate dtaUuguUdied for bea'.thfiilucaB nnd beauty, and the snb-criher has confidence ihnl parents who entrust their daughter* to Mi** Eastmuit will have uo reason to regret it.” Mi** Eastman will he allied by an elllciuiit corps of fcadters. The French I mgtuige will be tauglil and spoken by n l’artoiau lady, residing in tbo family. Tho Luiu, Gormau, Hpauislimid Italian laiigtinges will receive duo attention. Thn Natural h'cioncc* will bn taught, wflli the aid of 11 large and n.\|)eu*ive appmitus. Tho Musical Department will bo under the ebargo of a tody eminently qualified to fill the Munition; aud all preferring a male teacher on the Piano or in tiingiug, cun have the benefit of n Visit lug Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will be under the direction of a laity accomplished in tho art. Tim number of pupil* to’limited to forty. Tho Turin* Ibr Board Riid Tuition In all tbo branch es except Al lisle, m e *160 per session of Uve motitha. Ml** Eastman bus liberty to refer to the following gentlemen:— Kt. Bov. A. Potter, D.I)., aud tho Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President of tbo United Mtates. Hon. H. P. Uhtufo, Governor or O.ilo. ' Hon. N. II. Baker, Kx-«ovornor of New Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. Tappan, M. C. from New York. Rov. N. Stem, of Norristown, Pa. Rev. A. McLeod, Clearfield, Pa, Pierce Butler, I&q,,of Philndolphla. J. H.Okio,Ksq., do. K. W. Clark, Esq., do. George Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Laser, Pottsville, p«. George Wyman, Kt. I*mto, Mo. Horn P. C. Johnson Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or for circulars apply to tho Principal, MISS MARIA KABTMaa . JelO cou 3m Media, Delaware Co. Pa. pUTNAM’S Monthly Mugitzine for May. A k rank l-ct-lie’s Gazette ol Foshlous for May. Blackwood’* Edinburgh Review for April. Received nnd for :-alo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, may lfi 160 Congress street. | BBLS. FLOUU in store and for sale by may7 CRANE. WF.IJFt k CO. Winter Arrangement—Cart Starting fix.m RroadSi. SttT&IW * n thu w «y to Gordon a vl He. W«»N the Potomac to closed with loo this V Y route may bo rolled ou by passengers, to en sure tlio comtoctlou going North or South. Tho road Is entirely relald with a au)ierior T rail aa for ft* Gordoiisvllli). Duriug tlio wlutor tho train will start from tho old station, In lUchmoud, ou Broad stroot, at 7X a n„ puss Gordonsvlllo at 11 a and arrive in Btauuton at 3 26 v h, Down train loaves Staun ton at 0 4« a m, passes Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m, and nrrlvo In Richmond al 2.30 pm. Faro to Gordons ville *2 00 Both trains arrive In (iordoitsvlilo in ample time to tako tho train ortho Ornnga and Alexandria Rail road. Persons who loavejtlchmond at IV a m., can take U10 Orange and Alexandria cars at Gordons ville ir they ohooso to do A», aud by that tanln will reaoh Alexandria by S.40 r but ibis company win ticket thorn only to Gordonstlilo. • . „ni t*u • iwntiunna , IL WHITCOMB, Hopt, • A I I I,E J* ft TOBR— Jr? I, . w ' u r. VTwit rorMln bjr J; W.TIIKKIBKLII, , nil- l,y " ' ftimrcM wM WUlUirtcr »Uwj., I m.yin 1 t J. a. hiiown FRENCH MILLINERY AND Dress Making. MBS. FREELAND has open cd at her Room*, No. 174 Broughton St real, a fine selec tion or Spring Millucry, nnd I* constantly receiving por steam ers. new and different style* of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. tar Bonnet* cleaned and presswd a* usual. aprlO KEBZIE’SPAi'ENfWATEIt FILTER An assortment of sizes on band. We warrant them to make tbo Savannah River Water, even though dippod directly out of tlio River, as pure and clear ns the finest Spriug Water. About forty ofthese Filters are now In use lu this city, and every person who has thorn, will cheerfully testify to their efficiency. Iudeod, the Board of Water Commissioners here, say in their Report, It to the only Filter that does effectual ly purity the Savannuh River Water. Call and see one In operation nt our House Fur nishing andStovnestabllsmout.Hoilgson’snew block. KENNEDY it BEACH, . feb 27 Corner of Brough ton and Bull sta. ICE PITCHERS. IKIUBLP. Water Pltehera, Some now and beautiful designs, Plated and Brita in. At tlio Hjukp Furnishing Store, 16ft BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April30. aprflO Praellenl and Analytical Cliemtot. 2tl3, (Tiektmit-st.. near the Girard House I'hila. To be had of Druggists nnd Dealers in every sec tion ol'the United Slates nnd Cauuda*. All letter* ibr Hie mediriue directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly~dtw JOHN it. MOUltE CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, t ? iiisuu.vs iJU'ii.DtAtiJs, SAVANNAH., liu. WHOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would cull tbu uttf fton of Mm chant*, Factor.-, Planters, Physician* and other*, to tbeir ex- ____ tensive mid well selected stock, comprising overy article In tbeir liuu oi%usinc*s, nnd which they oiler for suloou tbo most rcusouuble terms for cash, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VAKNISHl'iS, GIAftK, AC., White l^ud. PureandNo. I; TictnuuV Color-, dry uml iu oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Vurnislie* ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpeutiuo, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold jAJttf, Point Brushes, tiosh Tools, aud Glu- iier*’8 Diamonds. LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNER-* 4 ’ OILS. RATES OP ADVERTISING. For uuu square, of800 ems or less, of any tyjw ttf larger than Nonpareil, 76 cent* fur the first uim 6 cent* for each subsequent Insertion,for uny time to) than one month. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; au>t.G vvrtlsemcnt* occupying dotiblu cobtiutL* shall It charged doublo the abovo rates; # Adverttoeinent* of whatever length, for aur tia.* BtacU.dSi»cm, AVlmte uudUnlUiU.lorUmuU, e ;lX U ‘"'' "" 1 ‘ , “° Utb ’ 10 ull descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Ull | t- m ’ Unbleached Eperni, Lui d and Ibtpe heed oil; ulso do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, *4 do Pickled Herring, 3 tlo No 1 Halmou. 5 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel. 10 kit* No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kite Tongues uud hound.-, 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low bv jnu20 J. A*. IffiuWN For a longer time at thu following rates Tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Muce, A Is pice, Ciuuumou, Pepper, Uiuger, Mustard, Saleralu*, rfmiu, IVarlush, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, kc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the be.-t Freuch. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vial* Specie Jurs, Metalic Saddle bug*, kc. Also, CA.MPHKNK AND BURNING FLUID. Any ouo who may favor them with their orders may depend uj*on their receiving tho best attention, aud that all goods furnished will bo of a reliable quality. Should tucy uot give eutlro satisfaction, they may be returned at tho option of thn purchaser. mahlO II No. of Squares 11 tuo 12 mo* 13 uto* |4 tno* JC iuo- 11: iu 1 Square,.... $10 10 $20 $24 *1 2 Squares... 1G 22 2ft .28 36 ft 3 do .... 20 27 32 3ft 44 Sv 4 do .... 24 82 88 42 62 V 6 do .... 27 88 44 40 U‘ tv 0 do .... 30 40 60 64 05 7 do .... 32 43 64 68 70 Itt 8 do .... 34 40 68 62 74 111 0 do .... 3G 48 61 60 77 111 10 do .... 38 60 61 70 80 13 m m. Fur any time not above specified, a proportksi E charge will be made. I A deduction of 26 per eout from tho above MWM will bn made on advertisements appearing eidi F slveiy on tho fourth poge of the daily. 1 Advertisement* ordered three time* a \%M, ti| bo charged two-thirds the above rate*. Special notices, 10 cents per lino lor the lirst, ui I IZ(\ Uasks Ohio Catjiwha Braudy itt atoro, V V/ »»d Ibr sain by tlio ouly regular Agent lor Suvanuah. my 14 _ JITST RECEIVED. >’E8 STEAMER, an assortmmit of *ftk Misses aud Children’* Plain straws, ISf I sidle*' NEOPOMTAN BONNETS, A STS’ llAlfi and FLAW. Also a fow note' IIAW. For sain by MRS. FREELAND, may 17 Broughton street, I ISLE THREAD flAUNTLRT&~The only J article or the kind In Ihe city. For sale by .1. W. THRF.LKKI.D, mnr2*. corner of t^ngrws and Wbltaker-sls. »T. E. DE FORD, APOTIIECARHS HA1J.. S. E. Corner off Broughton and Ikiriiiird Streets, fc'nvau- KtiiSr ^ ! liiaerlod for ims than 60 cm3. Olmuurj-X»t»l {limumL'U^ 'TrUK^ auS su'i.lm lmro^n kS ‘ ,u ■I*®*'. or I’roouMtags of anySoriiil l : r .i!sl5£^k3 ,v “' toM *' WOl>er “‘°l WUh plain IMrectiou* for use, including Directions for ° * ° hnrgprt , c r,M 1 rwfB I treatmontou cases of potoonlng, Drowning, Ac. | ‘Jh? ^r, under no circumstances, lo I* 1**1 C OKM AND COHN MEAL.—llHIO inis prime ^ Professional and business cards uot cxceedW*! Corn, White anil mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal 1 Hues, will be inserted at $20 por annum. ,1 n store aud for sale by ! C^ulto on persous to become candidste-s. win »■ dee 61 PATTKN. HlTTfW % rn j inserted os other advertisements, to be paid kt-V variably in advance. aut: PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, Ac. Full direction* for preserving aecoinjiaiiy each Can. For sale at manufacturer’s prices by .the’ HOR'I’k MOliSK, lift Broughton street. ttiay’JO TO WOOL SELLERS. fpiIE Undersigned hove this day opened n X Store In Congress Btreet, opposite tbo Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Bees yVrx, Deer Skins, aud Country Produco in general. Tho highest cash prices will be paid for all tho above wttolfts on delivery .in Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MARTIN has been appointed nn Agent, to whom all persons having vbusliiess transactions with tho un dersigned tnay apply. „ . J. W. SMYTHK k CO. Savannah, May lit, i860. may20 ~PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately roceived large ud- UlUon* to our 1’lANO FORTES, wo ft I V f f aro enabled to oiler at tbi* time tbo • * * • * •greatest variety from tho hoot manu- lacturors, from tho plainest square to the most ©lab- oratoly carved, aud from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos aro aelectml frora tho manuflicturers whom wo hava full confidence In, and we arairar- Uou, arly requested by them to give a guaranty with ^•ry^ustrnmont sold by us as rogards durability, lvrsonsln want or a first rate Instrument may ro- ty with safety upon getting such a one by selecUna from the following makers, whose instruments we endeavor to keep oowtantty nn hand, vis : ll. Wor- ooMor, J. Lhlokerlng k Sou. Nuuiis k Clarke, Bacon * «»v» H, WMrn, .ml ti r „,hw k (“m> •WS7 I- W. MOlIRKIJ. k Ol. iifW'Mfar READ l^READ M-HKAD111 flv That Is, ir you can see; nnd ffQif you can’t seo, yon can find! OuXali kinds or “helps to see,” at uu Jewelry Store of D. ll. Nichols k Co., in Congress ! tuuuij iii Muvunci'. i ■ Announcing candidates for office, $10, to lx r | iu advance. Advertisements uot marked ou the c-FJ **._ specified time, will be luscrted until forb!a,L*B payment exacted. street, noxt door to tho corner of Whitaker, where i t"Y„T' : *”' Trt “V’,V. , ‘; . , . you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, I l, f n , bllt for tw® m()Wh8 advcrtls lug. o®J- and Fancy Goods, ns low as nt nny other store in ' f,l! au ‘'‘’Utracl, amounta to over $50, a | tho country. 1 percent will bo made. We have recelvod per steamship Alabama a fresh .^Y°. ar, i' n .‘ , .V" r i l( ! , . n «*. wltli privilege of ebac^* lot of those fine Steel Spectacles • also, n supply of Pebble and Perlsroplo I*>ns, which we are prepared to fit In all kinds of frames, nt short not ire. (tur Pcriscopie. Lons (so cnllcd from their peculiar slm|*e) have an advantage over nil others, as they have n greater raugo of focus, so that the reader is not compelled to hold the book nr paper nt a certain dlstanco from the eye. CalHmd see. D. B. NICHOLS A CO. So charge for showing goods. mar 11 It. II. N. k CO. R OPE—700 colls Rope, various brands, all or good quality, in store nnd for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. pORN~In store and for sale by v/ mi-i M>«ffwmi.iy os 1 *yET penfirld, ga. FACULTY ntssmnvr, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. rKonxaoK*. College, s. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mutbc-tnatU*. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chotnistry and Natural Philosophy. H. II. TUCKER, A. M., Holloa Lettres. ^ U. W. WIf’E.A. M., Greek aud Latin language*. WIIJ JAM «. WOOD FIN, A. B., Modern Ijuiguago*. Thcnloirlcal Somliiary. „ . N. M. CRAWFORD. D. D:, EpcleHliwtlcal History nnd Uiblicnl literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., BystomaUu and 1’astorAl Theolog v. Academy. m THOMAS A. SF^LS, Principal. Tho Couraouccmout to held on the liusf Wednesdav la July. The noxt Toim will commenne on the List Wed. nosday In August. Tlie price of Board In tho village to $10 per month; washing, room rout, Biol, kc., $3. By order ortho Board or Trustees. .) ntylllto. & LANDRUM, Secretary, 10'cargo, of tho hiig p nnniitv. * Forsalo by be taken at the following rotes : ^ . For one square, renewable once a week, I *' “ “ twice •* h I •• •• “ 3 time* orofienet ft L Every additional square contracted forte l»ec®* r *| cd one halftbe nlrare rotes additional. ,1 Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to contracted for. All contracts shall lo la vt|*»A stating definitely tho nature of the businessw ■ advertised. Any advcrtlscmcnta not proper 1 ^ 1 necteil with tho business shall bo charged s <1 F , *^l ty, an«l nlso any excess of matter over tbetn^-l contracted for. . wB Contract advertisements jrayable quarterly, ■ vertlsemeuta from strangers aud transient pen* ,■ * | payable in advance. All others will be conw^l due when called for. .. . I Regular advertisers and all others seitdingoT ■ ! muuicatloiis or requiring notices designed to cw ■ j tentlon to fairs, coucorta, soirees, or any P uD i %| ! fortalpmeuts, where charges are mnde tor i-r ■ tnnee—all notice* of private associations, cvcry^i R. B* lawton, of superior quality. 4 - $jrI99t I’ADELFORD, FAY k 00. i oy private assocraweua, t}ce designed to call afroutlcn to pflvato entenga . calculated or lutcudcd to promote Inrtlyldutt^l , rest*, cau ouly be inserted with the undorfU* that the same to to bo mid for. H*.iii*crtca ■ editorial column (which can be only at tue •wb lion ot the editor*) the saute will be charged" ■ rate of not less than 20 cents i»er Hue. <:■ Advertlseiuenu ordered in the Weekly ter 1 F per square for each insertion. . _ The undersigned, publishers of Daily, aud Weekly newspapers lu Savannah, Ga., ourselves strictly to adhere to tho *J ,0VC (V L charge*.and In uo luutuucojo devlatoilicmr»^i l*ho above rate* to take etfoct March l, lo cuutinuo binding, until clraugcd by tue vo* majority of the uudoralguod. .*4 N. B.—Till* schedule shall not in any *“> % the Integrity ol' oxtotlug contracts. A l comra the year or any other speclflod time, shall euff ^ with tho expItaUou of llte period for wbicn | were made, Alkxandkr k Sxskd, Repuuifan. TnaMWhx' k WmuNunut, Mnkmw R R Hn.tow k <x>w WiliSBINl P LUMBINd, In all It* . tended to at the ahortest i style. Also, may be found r ed Iron, Tin and Leadod Br Patent ran Water Cloaeto, Brass and Plated Cocks. F Hone. For salo at tho lb Broughton-itrocL. JT1L brnncW^i SfiSSf pump*, Inth**: f MrnUh Store, ? flOftACK MOBSj