Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 03, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVin [OLD SERIES.] JOURNAL. |«bNriytton Prices orisnnitRh Papers By commou understanding, the proprietor! sod publishers ol the three popor* lasuod In Savannah, have adopted the following unli' rm rates of sub* acrtpUon, to take effect this day: Dally Paper, per imautn, in advance 88 00 Trl'Weekly “ 4 00 Weekly, single copy, in advance 2 00 Weekly, five copies, to ono address 8 00 Weekly, eight *« “ “ 10 00 Weekly, ten “ “ “ 12 00 Weekly, twenty “ « “ 20 00 When not paid within one mouth from the time of subscribing the chargo tbr tho Dally will be seven dollars, and fbr tho Tri-Weekly/tv. The Weekly will bo sent ouly to those who pay In advauce. The paper wlU Invariably be tUscontlned upon the expiration or the Umo for which it has boon pa> d * The above rates to take effect from aud after this date. ALEXANDER A SNEED, Ktpuhlican, R. B. HILTON A CO., Georgian & Journal, THOMPSON A WITHINGTON, Newt. Savannah, July 1,1856. THVHbDaV, two O'clock P. M. T Four Day Later Rom Europe. ahrivaiTof tub CANADA. New York, June 2nd. The Steamer Canada, bos arrived with Liver dates to June 21. The Cotton market was unchanged. The advices by the lost steamer from the United States bad no effect on the market. Week’s sales 00,000 bales. Speculators took 17000. Exporters 3000. Pair Orleans B{. Middling G. Fair Uplands 6 3*10. Bell ifc Son, quote Fair Uplands Of—Middling 6. Stock on hand, 730,000. Flour market advanced G pence to 1 shilling. Consols Arm 94 J. ' American Stocks quiet without change. Political News though interesting presents no features of special importance. The excitement In regard to American affairs has subsided. It a rumored that Crompton’s successor will not bt appointed until the retirement of Pierce llrom the Presidency. Buchanan’s nomination caused but slight comment. New York Market* New York, July 1.—Cotton market dull, hut Without change in quotations. Collision of Vessels. New York, July 1.—Tho propeller FYeeman, Captain Rawdon, from New York to Savanuah, came in collision with an unknown schooner, by which the propeller was injured to the amount of $1200. Fillmore Repudiated by the Masaarhu- ccttH Know Nothings. New Yori, July 1.—The American Conven tion of Massachusetts has repudiated the nom ination of Fillmore, and declared far Fremont. The vote stood for Freemont280, Fillmore li»7. The Fillmore men then bolted. Washington Territory. Washington, July 1.—Gov. Stephens has declared Washington Territory under Martial law, for the purpose of trying for treason, cer tain influential whites, who inciting the In dians to War. From Washington. Washington, July 1.—Barclay, who yester day voted to reject the bill for the admission of Kansas, to-day moved for a reconsideration. Before the vote was takeu, the majority of the Kansas Commissioners made their report which the Clerk is now reading. After it is finished the Kansas bill will probably pass. Gen Hunt Dead.—Gen Merauean Hunt, a gentleman prominently idetified with the Tex* as struggle for independence, died in Tennessee on the 26th ult. Mr. aiaiDsuy.'* - On our return after an absence of a day or two, wo noticed an air of elation among cer tain of our American friends, which was per fectly unaccountable. They have boen more marked by a political depression and despon* dency during the present season than other wise. They had much the appearance of one on board of a Mississippi River Steamboat who had lost all his money at cards, and was bereft of the wherewithal to meet the payment of his passage. Upon Inquiry we were asked: Have you seen Mr. Fillmores speech? Read It aud give us an impartial criticism. Wo have read with great pleasure the Speech? of Mr. Fillmore allnded to. It is delivered in the good taste for which that gentleman Is dlstin* gulshed, and furthermore it Is just the address to suit the occasion. It breathes an amiable patriotism which does great credit to the kind and gentle disposition of its author. It lacks force, however, and this is a time which requires something of more potency from one who has been absent from the field of poli tical warfare. Thero is another and a political view of the address which gives us more of de light, and that is, it convinces us, of the fact, that Mr. FiUmore will really stand his nomina tion, This will serve to divide the vote in some of the larger States at tho North, tho majority of the voters of which,if he were out of the way, would go over to the Black Republicans. While giviug him credit for ull the patriotism which his speech contains, there are mauy of Ids premises which are absolutely unfounded. He states in speaking of the condition of the Government when he retired from the Presi dential Chair in the following roauuer: | By the blessings of Divine Providence, our efforts were crowned with slgual success, uud when 1 leit the Presidential chair the whole country was prosperous and contented, and our relations with all forelgu nations were of the most amicable kind. (Cheers.) The cloud that hung upon the horizon was dissipated; hut where are wo now ? If Mr. Fillmore means to assert here,that tho slavery agitation had ceased ou his retirement, he has certainly looked upou the effect of his administration with a greater degree of the sanguine in his temper thau we imagined him to have. He did not throw an impediment in its way of equal dignity with that with which a straw opposes in a turnpike road. It steadily increas ed during his term of office, and the Fugitive Slave Law gave just as muchjfuel to the flames as theKansas Nebraska Act, has done more recently. It has never stopped since then, but has been continuous and progressive. His remarks upon the Republican Party are just aud excellent, and very happily put, but at the same time he takes the opportunity of giv ing the repeal of the Missouri Compromise a stab which muHt make his friends at the South rather melancholy. We see no oanse by reason of this last for eiai tion from the contents of his speech^and are rather astonished at such a reviviiiyng influence If Mr. FiUmore continues in the field, we are of opinion that lie assists the Democratic Party at the North. At the South he may take a respectable (as reports of public meetings use the term) portion of votes; but we are quite willing to fight so easy a battle here to the end of ultimate good elsewhere. The President’s Position, aud that of his Friends.-Col John H. George, of New Hamp shire, one of tho most eloquent and gifted champions of the democratic faith in New Eng land, recently stated in a speech at Nashua, New Hampshire, that “none will follow the standard of Buchunan moro closely or give him more hearty and enthusiastic support than the friends of Gon. Pierce, however strong th> ir personal preference muy have been before the convention. [Enthusiastic applause.! By so doing they will not ouiy do tueir duty to their candidate and their purty, but gratify most ful ly ttie desire of Gen. Pierce. On his return from Cincinnati he saw the President at Washington. Say to my friends at home, said he, that the highest tribute of respect they can pay to me will he to roll up a majority of thou sands for Mr. Uuchanau. [Cheers and cries of we will do it.”’—Washington Star. Col. Fhkuont’h Letter of Acceptance— More Coming—iVeio York, June 30—The Post contains Col. Fremont’s letter of accep tance of the Republican nomination. He inti mates that he will in a few days communicate • paper designed for nil parties, giving Ids Views on the leading questions agitating the country. A Good Old Agr.—Died at the residence of J. C. Baker, in Frederick county, Va., on the 25th ultimo, a negro woman named Chloe, whose age was not less than one hundred and five years. She was born in Hanover county, N. (J., and was brought to this State in 1805. Hot Weather—We do not remember ever to have heard so much complaint of hot weath er as there bun been among our citizens for the lost four or five days. From 10 o’clock, A. M., to 5 o’clock P. M.,on Friday and Saturduy 27th and 28th ult., Fareuhiet rouged from 08 to 100 degrees. We were visited, however with a very gracious shower on Sunday afternoon, wich has improved our feelings astonishingly. De camp for the Springs, ull ye who can spell able. —Columbus Enquirer. We see by our exchange papers that in g nia the candidates nominated for electors on e Fillmore ticket are declining to mu since- Mr. Buchanan bus been nominated. S. 8* Wei. nlger.of Amelia ; J. H.GUme, of Richmond . R. B. Davis, of Lousia; YV. YV. Crosby, o ' Goochland, and G. YV. Bolling, of Petersburg docline to act as Presidential electors. In Mis-, aissippi, Arnos R. Johnson, Esq., one of the candidates for elector on that ticket, for the State at large, has also declined. A Fair Offer—When the Marquis do la Ferte had a mind to hang a soldier, ho said to him : "Zounds! you or I’ll be hung !” He said this to a spy caught in his camp. YVlicn tile spy saw himself condemned, [lie asked to speak to tho marquis, and said : "My lord, you said that you or I would be hung. As you are my superior, I offer you the choice l” He was pardoned. Lamenta ui.e Trag edv—Coroner Z. B. Brid Res held hii inquest yesterday on the body of Thomas Taylor, of Canton who died on the morning of the 23d iust. From tho facts elicit ed, it appears that Mr. Taylor, while intoxicat ed, got into an altercation with his wife and daughter ou the eveuing previous, threatening to shoot his duughter Elizabeth, whereupon site got the gun away from her lather and threw it Into the river, and afterwards struck him on tho head with a club, fracturing his skull from the effects of which he died the following morning. —Ogden burg, N. K,, Republican. A Charitable Man—Rev. Mr. Stlgglns sal 'I am a charitable man, aud think every one entitled to his opinion—and nevor cherish mal ice against my foes, not even against Mr. Mul- wrry, who has indirectly called me a sinner; but still, if the Lord has a thunderbolt to spare, J IWnk It would be well bestowed upon dear brother Mulberry’s bead. The editor of the Aurora, a Democratic pane at Zanesville Ohio, publishes the following notice: Tiif. YY’eekly Aurora till Buchanan is Elected—YVe will seud the large YVeekly Kurora to any person until Buchanan is elected President, for one dollar—if that should be a thousand years i Seud in your dollars, if you waut the cheapest paper in the country! YVhr .scribe uud< Tho Other Hite. A very remarkable 'degree of stillness pro. vailed yesterday. The storm of the preoeding day was succeeded by a dead calm. The pris oners in the hands ot the Vigilance Committee at the present time are William Mulligan, Mar tin Gallagher, John Cooney, a man named Bulgar,and Mr. Charles P, Duane. U was re ed a few days ago that William Cummings also been arrested—we have since learned that the Diet of his arrest is correct, but as he has only been arrested to give testimony, he was of course discharged when the committee had no further use for him. Notwithstanding all the reports to the contrary, It is generally believed that the prisoners have not been sent out of tho country. It was rumored they were shipped on board the Adalaide, which cleared for Callao a few days ago. aud sailed at an early hour yesterday morning. The rumor, It Is believed, is without foundation, and that no disposition has been made of the prisoners. We have also heard it stated that the Commit tee ottered Mulligan sufficient means to de fray his oxpeuses from this place in a de cent manner if he would take his brother along with him, but this Mulligan stoutly re fused to do, adding that thoy could seud him away if they thought proper, and by the same E ower could send away those connected with im, but that nothing could induce him to leave volanturily, and that ir he left at all it would be under protest, and by force. How long the preseutstate of exoitement is to continue, we are at a loss to determine. It would seem that revolutions and couuter-revo- lutious arefinsepaarable from Mexican soil, and it certainly would be wise in the general Gov ernment, if any further annexations are to be made, to fumigate the territory acquired heron it could be settled upou. It is evident, how ever, to the reflecting mind, that this state of things cannot long continuo, and if it does, that a geueral bankruptcy will be the result. Bus iness is now, and has been for the last two weeks, entirely suspended. Nothing is thought of but military tactics and pitched battles, and carnage, aud slaughter, and victory aud defeat. Such a Btate of affairs )b really lamentable— The originators of the present movement will have a heavy responsibility to shonlder. We venture the assertion that at the inception of the present movement nobody entertained the idea that the parties who moved it would have ever gone to such lengths. It is time that the Committee should begin to retrace their steps. A false pride should uot prevent them from do ing so. Thoy have gone very ftir—perhaps too far. Time will develope the result. Revolu tion and organized resistance to the law will be come part and parcel ofthe social system if the present insurrection be not crushed out. T11B VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. The people of the city of San Francisco breathe freer. A crushing weight was lifted yes terday. After all, though we may have fallen upon dege aerate times, there is such a quality as bravery inherent in the human heart. It is the right of a freeman to express his sentiments, boldly. The fearless expression of sentiment, either individually or collectively, is the corner stone of republican freedom. It is one ofthe dearest rights of freemen. It will be udmitted by every man of candor that this right; the first right of freedom, had been trampled uuder loot in this city. No two S eutlemen could converse on the attaint of the ay in the street, but some hired eavesdropper in the pay of tho Vigilance Committee drew near and drank in, with eager ear. all that was said. A reign of terror had been incorporated Fersounl and individual bravery when opposed to 2500 muskets could not amount to anything. To rush upou them would be fool hardiuess. it is not, therefore, to be wondered at that the ex pression of the popular voice was hushed; men talked and whispered iu private. They were ground down under the heel of the oppressor. The popular feeling was subdued hut not crush ed. A new day has dawned apon us. Hope is again revived. Organizations will be re-opposed to organizations—law enter the lists with re bellion—patriotism with disaffection—turbu lence with conservatism—prejudice with reason —anarchy with order. Such is tho issue. May God defend tho right. ' WHO MADE TUB FKADULENT BALLOT-BOX ! It is rumored that the Y’igiiance Committee, in their humane and laudable efforts to ferret out every thing criminal and the perpetrators of the same during the past history of San Fran cisco, mude a very important discovery a few days since. They had an intense curiosity to discover tho scieutitio individual who designed the patent ballot-box of which so much has been suidand written. They are reported to have sent for a purty in this city who nave loug been known as a very active lmember of society dur- Dlittical times. He was shown the mythi* ix and was asked if he knew auythiug of the origin of the same. Ue replied he knew who hud the honor of patenting the same, and upon beiug usked where the party could be found, replied that the author of this remark able piece of mechanism was a contractor in this city uud also a member ofthe immaculate Com mittee of Y’igilunce. If this be so, the 41 All- geeing-Eye” must be goiug it perfectly blind in recruitiug for this warlike and sanguinary hand of revolutionists. SAVANNAH, (GA,).'THURSOAY, JULY 8, 1866. B NO. 12011,. mt Savannah Bavkilt July 3* COTTON.—No transaction*' in Gattoa to report this forenoon. DnROVAU. * JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner 8t. Jullen-st. and Market Square, over 8. Wff mot’s Jewelry store. ** from 8 to 2 o'clock, and from 8 to 6. 11 UARBADOES.-Sp. ship Abgolota—1.872 bales Upland Cotton, 2,600 staves 2,800 feet lumber. CHARLESTON, July 1.—Canon—Former prices have been fully sustained. 11m sales to-day, whiob reached very nearly 1,000 Oak s. may be clawed as follows, viz :13 bales at 9#, loot 10, 26 at low, 304 at 11#, 67 at 14#. 200 at U#, and 864 bales at 12o. COLUMBIA, July 2.—Com...—Wo have nothing new to report In the Cotton market for yesterday; thero is ho littlo coming In that we can only coutlu* ue our nominal quotations of8#al0#, audeholeo a shade higher. WILMINGTON, July WTwmiws-Vory little coming to market, and wo noto sales of only 89 bbls yesterday, and 84 do to-day, at 2 76 tbr uew, aud 1 84 Tor old virgin, 2 30 Tor yellow dip, and 1 30 for hard, oil per bnl of 280 the. Smuts—Sales yesterday of 80 casks at 34c per gal. Market quiet to-day. , Rosix.—Sales yefctorday of 600 bbls Common at 1 10 tor largo bbls. Nothing doing to-day In oither quality. Tab.—Wo note a decline of 6e per bbl, with sales yesterday of 13 bbls at 1 26, of 20 do at 81 20 per Jwtrrel. NEW ORLEANS, June 28—Corrox—There lias been some inquiry to-day, but with a poor assort ment offering the sales have been oonllned to about 800 bales. Wo repeat our list quotations : Inferior 6# (5) 8 I Middling.... 10#® 11 Ordinary 8# fa) 9 | GoodMld’llngll#©ll# Good OrdinaryO# (a)9# I Mid’g Fair.. 12 (S— Low Middling 10#©10#'| Vs 1 *.....-...— (a) — HTATOMKNT Of OOITOX. Stock on hand 1st September,’ 1866 hales 38,201 Received since 1,741,271 Received to-day 480—1,770,951 wou’t sit A tier these circumstances ? A Novel Dbeb Hunt—Herr Driesbach was travelling with his mammoth menagerie recent ly, and when near La Porte, Indiuua, observed, a short distance from the road, under the shade of a cluster of trees, a Uuo fat buck. He was anxious to obtain it; but there was a law pro hibiting the shooting of deer, and he had no dogs, iuthis emergency, a happy thought struck him. He unbarred the cage of his pet leopard, and pointing to the deer, in a moment the beautiful, hut treacherous uuimal, was stealthily creeping towards his prey, and witli a Midden spriug, buried his talons in its body. Herr Driesbach then weut and despatcued the deer. Congressional. YVashington, June 30—Senate—A bill au thorizing the issue of additional arms for the uuo of the State of California was passed. Mr. Douglas, from the Committee on Terri tories, to which was referred various bills rela tive to affairs in Kansas, made a voluminous report. The Committee reported n new bill for tho appointment of fi Commissioners select ed from different sections of the Uniou, to take the census of Kausas, and provide lor a fair election of delegates to a convention to form u Stato Constitution. No test save three months resience being required to vote. Mr. Douglas gave notice that he would ask a vote on the bill on YVednesduy. The Seuate theu adjourned. House—Mr. Grow, of Pa., made tho closing speech in favor of tbo admission of Kansas, op posing ull substitutes for the measure under con sideration. Mr. Stephens, of Go., moved to re-commit the blll,i with instructions to report a substitute therefor, providing for the appointment, by tu President, of five persons, to take tho census with a view to a Convention—formation of State constitution, Ac. Mr. Dunn moved an amendment to Mr. Ste phen^ motion, restoring the Missouri Compro mise, whicli was adopted by 7 majority. Mr. Stephens ineffectually attempted to with draw his motion, beiug opposed to Mr. Dunn’s amendment. The House voted down Mr. Stephens’ mo tion. The resolution to commit without tbo instruc tions, was rejected by a vote of ayes 100, uays 100. Mr. Jones, of Tenn., moved to table the bill, which was lost by one mujority. The vote was taken, and the hill for the ad mission of Kansas with a Tree Stato Constitu tion was rejected, ayes 100, nays 107. The result was hailed with clapping of bonds and other demonstrations of Joy, by the euciniea of the bill, while its friends exhibit- od signs of mortification and disappointment. Tlie llouso then adjourned amid much coufu sion. THE VIOILAKCE COMMITTEE. The San Francisco Herald says it has ascer tained the names of the Becret oligarchy, called Ltee, of twenty- the Vigilance Executive Committee, nine, who have usurped the power o* * ment in the city. They are as follows: Officers*—Judge—J. P. Muurow, property holder. Secretary.^—Bluxome. Legal Ad viser— T. YV. Park. Grand Marshall—CharleB Poatie. Door-keeper—A. M. Burns. Executive Committee YVilliam T. Coleman, President, merchant; William Arringtou, mer chant; Myers F. Truett, merchant and auction eer; James Dows, merchant (liquor doaler;) R. M. Jessup, merchant; C. L. Cose, merchant; J. 11. Cogliill, merchant; YV. H. Tilliughast, mer chant; J. B. Farwell, merchant; E. H. Wash- bur u, merchant; YV. V. Hutchings, merchant; Charles Vail, merehaut; F. YV. Page, banker; ; Captain Gorham, merchant; Capt. Henry Brown, distiller; Wilber Thompson (not ascertained;) G. R. Ward, broker: C. V. Gilics- )ie, Searcher of Records; Calvin Nutting, dacksmitb; Edward P. Flint, merchnut; Dempster (of D. L. lloss & Co.,) merehaut; J. H. Fish, agent of wharf companies; YVilliam '* "* * * *— *- Belli- Men Trani’horted iiv the Vigalencb Com mittee.—A'an Francisco, June 5.—Early tills morning those men who were on t ie bauds of the Vigalence Committee were scut off’in a boat or boats, to a vessel that hud been kept in wait ing for them outside the heads for two days. Their destination is some of the Islands in the Pacific, not yet known. They sond them in irons, and they numbered about seven in all. In haste. YVliy should a man uever starvo iu the desert of Arabia? Ans,—Because of tho sand which is thero. How came tho sand which is there. The generations of Ham were brad and rotis tered here. 1,779,951 Exported to date. ...V/.V.V.V 1,729,52-1,789,69# Stock on band not cleared 50.268 Sugar.—Th* market is yet dull without any ma terial change in price*. Tho sales from first aud second hands embrace about 300 hhds at 8#a8#c» for fair to rully fair. A lot of 100 hhdd Muscovado was sold a day or two since at 8#e per lb. Moussks.—We notice sales of ouly a few unim portant lota on the lovoo at about previous rate*, and some Orleans Refinery at 52c iu Ibis, and 6tic per gal in half bbl*. Flour—Dull, and the sales have boen confled to 326 bbls super Illinois, in two lots, at $6 per bbl. YVmut.—Yesterday 60 sacks prime rod were sold at $1 3b per bushel. Corn.—We have heard of no sales of any moment to-day. Fork.—Business has been confined to retail trans actions at 19 60 per bbl fer Mess, with a firm mar ket. Brxf.—YVo hear or 700 ten prime Mess sold recent ly, said to have been at 814 76 per bbl. Laed—Holders are asking 13c per lb for prime in kegs. Bacon.—There has boon a fair demand at firm prices. Shoulders at 8 a 8#o, ribbed sides at 10# r and clear 10#c. YViiwkt—otlll advancing, and we notice sales of Row nt 31c. Fnnoirra.—A ship has been taken for Spain on privato terms. ExcuAxuia—We know or no change worth notic ing— sterling 8# a 9# aud 10 pr ct pm Francs 6.12# a 6.18# pr denar New York Blxty Day Bills 1# a 1# pr ct dt* New York Sight Checks par a # pr ot dis NEW YORK, June 28 -Corrox— 1 There continues firmness on the part of holders, but buyers will not come forward at present rates. Tbo sales are only •00 bales. YVe quote: XKW YORK CLASSIFICATION. N. Orleans. Upland. Florida. Mobile, k Texas. Ordinary 9# 9# 9# 9# Middling 11# 11# H# UK Middling Fair... 11# 11# 12 12# Fair 12# 12# 12# 18 Coffer,-We have bad n very qu io market to-day; prices are generally firm, and on prime Rio thoy are a little firmer. 'Hie stock or Rio is 46,000 bags; sales 300 bags Rio at llull#o. YVILLIAM LYNN, COMMSSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 87 Bay street, Savannah. Georgia. June 13 jab. w. a wax. u. r. shoot. GREEN 4k SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 nOMASIOX, OA. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of duUuun County, .AND ATTOBNEV AT LAW. Office Id the Court Holla.. myth ATTORNEY AT LAW, iavnnnali, Georgia. .3“ Office CD Bur street, over toe Bank of Sevro- Dth. DUJ13 ~ KTFrciJESrsrBHbTHGB, FORWADDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah, Qa., and Montgomery, Ala, r. T. Cote, I H. V. CoLl, v ctrnnt Hnvinttih. I fVtmmnrr.n MollLff'n Bay street, Savannah. | Coramorce st., Moutg’ry. RKFKRKNCK3, Holcomb, Johnson, A Co. | Cohens & Herts, Lockett & SnellingH, I Edwin Parsons k Co., Robort A. Allen, j Scranton, Johnston It Co. SAVANNAH, GA.myl3 WM. L. WKBR. WM. B. SAQX. WEBB 4i SAGE, (SUCCESSOR* TO CAMERON, WKH8 it OO. tutimi'i'L'iia nc< CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MXKTINO-ST. CHARLESTON, B. O., Will supply Country Morchants with Goods In their line at as low ratos as they can buy In New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 iy M.FITZGER ALD, Corner of Broughton and WUltaker-Bt*., SAVANNAH, GA.,’ S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer and Doaler iu ovury variety ot common and fine t'DIES, kiln driodand warranted to resist effec tually the hot damp atmosphere of a Southern cli mate; also Lemon and Strawbury Byrup, ko. Torms cash, pricos low. tf—my 11 r. J. OOl)KX. WM. STARK, JT, B. B. UAKOXX. OGDEN. STARR & CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, BAY-STREET. SAVANNAH, OA. VONGE FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 BAY-8TBKXT, SAVANNAH, QA. apr4 A.~SEeALPlir df BUOfHEltM, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. Sept 6 , SAVANNAH, OA. JEMS V. iHCllNAHD, • JR AT LAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Newnansville, Fla. Reference—George Brown, William Dell, New- nanavllle, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston A VUIalonga, Savannah, Ga.mylf A TLANTIC lead.—Constantly OH hand and lor sale at CHAFFER A CO.'a, apr30 No. 0 Wbitaksr iUaet. M. WHIT SMITH, attorney at law, WUJ practico In the Eastern and Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. B. 8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Sa vannah. feba-tf CHAS. U. UAlllPllELL, attorney at law, Miuxnaiviux, qa. Practices Law in the various Counties of tho Oc tnulgoo Circuit, and the adjoining Counties of Twiggs, Laurens and YVashington. Refer to—John Boston, B. A Crane, and R. B Hilton. feb!4 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner ofthe V. S. Court of Claims for the State of Georgia. Office Corner liay aud Bull streets, ly mylO .'NU1J.-H POTATOES•—30 hampers choice Eating 24 Potatoes, in small package. For family use.— *urntk)by [may27] J- A. BKuWN. DR. CHARLES H. COLDUKG, OFFICE AND KEelDENCE. No. 14 LIBERTY ST.. Ono door west or Drayton, my 11 ' WMrcrcUNNELLY, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, mBEOT bHOCTsfUfcfc. N STORE—per steamship Knoxville—Extra To* , . bio Butter aud Cheese; Boer Tongues; fctnoked Door;Hums; Bacon; Pig Poik; YVIdte Boons;Hook er's boil-raising Hour; Raisins, Figs, Bates, Prunes, Almonds, &c., Ac.; Pickles oi all Kinds; Preserves,' assorted; Brauuy Bruit, assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolutu; boat of Tout, Cuilee, aud btuart’a ho 1, A, B aud 0 Sugars; lilbbeit’s London Poner; Falkirk’s hootch A.u; Claret and other Wines; at ’ UAHKON'M Family Grocery store, juno18 cornor Whitaker aqp Charlton sts. UnOAA, WORTU COUNTY, iA.. (fCMT OFFIOL ALBANY.) Will practise in tho SouttuMt Circuit,and in Macon, x)ly and WortnCountioBonhe Macon Circuit. Dooly 49" Particular attention given to the collection oi ilalma' Jttt-Otn- i in South-Western Georgia, —K, UUMM1NO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, febl-ly IBW1XTON, QA. iiANimi & andkuson;— ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly ' MACON, QA. JOHN ti. NOKJlia, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed thb practice of his pro to*- Hiuu, olfera his services to his friends and the public as au Architect aud superintendent. Designs lot any part ol' tho country supplied and executed iu all tbo various branches ol Ins profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, So. Thoroughly Fire Proof hlores de signed and executed. Office at present in Bay Lane, roar of the Custom House. J«Da—ljr PATTEN, HUTTON Oi VO., FAGTOB& Forwarding and Commission merchants, Bay-street, Savannah. Ga. b. L. COHEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (oue door East of Drayton Streot.) Is prepared to contract fer all kinds of building and repairiug. Also to conduct water through the various parts of houses. apll V A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, . No. 4 Baruard st., between tho Market and Bay st., SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Groceries, Forelgu and Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, ko., ko. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun k Whitehead, aud Bwllt At Co., Savannah, Ga. tnyll WliiUAK 11. DA8UKR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAYV, Troupvlllo, Lowudos County, Ga. Will practico in Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, lVare. Appling, Tellhir, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski counties, Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madisou, Ham ilton, qpl Columbia counties, Florida. [rnyll wa. m. Williams", raiutnauu ouvica. jack buown. WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAYV, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., YVill practice iu the counties or Marion, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogeo, Lee, and auy adjoining counties, where their services may be required. iqpil ☆ OXiOTaXSTOA EMPORIUM- 1 noon warorTU«BKrui»ucAM naumiuact Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Huts and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, HandkerchielB, Port of Savannah. JULY 3 Arrived. Brig Marcia, Edgecomb, Bath, Me. Hay and Po tatoes, to Hunter k Uainraeil. Cleared. Spanish ship Angolcta, Y’outosa, Barbadoos—YVeb er k Brother. Departed. Sloamer Randolph, Ward, Augusta. Memoranda. Lewis, (Dol.) Juus 27—Sid, Richard Cobdon, Sa vannah. TO RENT—A comfertablo DWELLING on Taylor street. Possession given 1st October. .Apply at this offico. jyu-tr TO RENT—Tho largo und commodious STORE. No 108 Bryan street, near Uie Mur- ket. being ono of tue most deiiruble business stauus in the city. Apply to J. C. DUGGAN, Jy2—lm At I W. Morrell’s k CO’S. Nimessr S IXTY days aftor date, application will bo inado to the Honorable tho Ordluary ot McIntosh county, for lcavo to soli ilio real ostato, beiug in tlita county, of the late Jutuei Smith, known os tiulon (rice) Plantation sold for tho benefit of tbo L i*ira of said estate. DEAN M. DUN WOODY, 1 JOHN JUNKS, vEx’ors. JOHN F. DUXWOODY, J Darien, July 1,1850. Jy2 A; THOMAS & COh Auction and Commission Merchants, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. [Jo 12] 8. S. PaRDtnt, W. H. FARRELL, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES and Foreign and Domestic Fruit, corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. Town aud country supplied with choice goods at moderate pricos. All orders promptly attended to, aud sutUiUction always guaranteed. spl8 MARSHAL!. Hi SON, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, Vo. 14 2d Avenue and 8 Fulton Market, Sew York. Hatns, Tongues, Beef, Bacon, olmuldors, Pickled Tongues, Bolognas, Lard, Pig Pork, Mess Beer, *c., in barrels, halves and quarters. Kofers to—John D. Jesse, James A. Brown, YVin. H. Farrell, and E. O’Byrne. 6m—Jan31 s. Locxrrr. u. n. LOCKETT dB SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga* Will atteud to the soiling of all kinds of produce. Strict attention given to recoivlng aud forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Alucon, Ua. a. h. McLaughlin, General Agent aud Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments of every description. Tokos orders lor Cotton. 49" Special ultoutlon given to the sales of Real Estuto, s-tocks uud Negro property, at public and private sales. Prompt relwms and dispatch, Roferenco—C. A. L. LAMAR. mch30 Wm. MCALLISTER. Opposite LaurelGrove Cemetery, Sawn, Ua. * Marble Monuments, Tombs and Grave Stones, ftra- fahed on reasonable terms. Ordors res- ipccU'ully solicited. * JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dubliu. Laurens county, Ga„ Into Junior partner of the firm of A. k J. Cocukaxb, lrwluton, Ga., will atteud promptly to all business entrusted to Ids care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Ko feronce—Dr, C. B. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savumiuh. my 11 B. ELLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant NO*, 71 BAY-BTKKKT, BAY ANN AU, OA., Rxfxhsto—Messrs. Clughom ACuuumgham, Bell k Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Co., Savannah; J. P, rbompxon. Bnsten. onv t , AUDLKY COUMCK. JNO. COUFKR FIUSER. I'OUPER & FRAMER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMla&iUN MERCHANTS, Buy street, Suvauuuh, Ga. [myll UAKISEk MHOI'M. Pulaski House Barber Nhop, Owens' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN NNOAQKD. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. rpHE subscriber, thankful to bis fellow-citizens X for tho liberal patronage he has recolved, and Is still recolviug, begs respectfully to inform them that ho Uuscuguged sufficient additional first-class workmen from some of the best Barber Shops in Now York, aud will be euablod to accommodate as many goutlomen us may honor him with their pa> trouugo. N. B.—Tho Barber Shops are closed on Sundays— strangers will please bear this in miud. ». UAHHWON. A. C. KCUXUXX HARRISON & McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND JForwardiuii iUci'cIkuiiil 59 AND (J1 BHOAt-STHNLT, UULUUBUa, UKOKQLi* Particular attention given to the sales of Real Estuto, Negroes und Produce. 4QT Liberal advances mude on Negroes and list- JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WUOLtdALK AND KRTA1L DEALER IN WINDOW BUNDB, WINDOW SAnH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monumeut .square, Savannah, Ga. mayll JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, YViU uUo give hw attention tu dusigus iu Architec ture. Offico iu the store of John WiUiumsou, Kt>q., Bay street. my 13 CHAFFER * CO., No. G Whitaker 8tmt, Savannah, Ga., White W1IOLKSALK AND lOtfAlL OKALKKS LS S ASHES, Winds, Doors, Muuiuiugs, kc, W1 Load, ’/iuc, Wbito Linseed, sperm, Wbule, T ucrs’mul NeutsfootOlls, Glass, Brushes, Gold Lout, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Marble Muutels, Ac., Ac, Ju4 60 <• v. hubs. 4. u. wifli n. n. iwu. RUSE, DAVIS di LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aivieUiU 'ua may 80 SAVANNAH,GA. DRS. LEFLElt WILCOX, Dentist. ARE now fully prepared tolu- sort lull or purtmi suits ol' TeetU ou tho principle of Dr.J. Allens’* Paleut L'omiuuous Gum. By lUie S pH^nxcm, tbefurin ol tbu luco can bo restored to ydegree ofrutuudiiy tliut uiuy be desired. Ills applicable in all cases whuretliu cheeks buvo fallen lu aud cannot be detected b> »h.» closest observer.— 1'bis method combines tho loUuwingt Wantages;— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly uulurai and iife-liko appeuraucu, and imparts to the theetb that peculiar oxpresHlun which chuructcrixes tho na tural orgaus. This Gum consists of a sllacious compound which U applied and fused upon tho teeth aud Plate In suett a muuner, as to fill up all tho interstices around the base ofthe Teeth, aud also unites them ficmly to each other aud to tho Plato upon wbioh they are itt. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Teeth. Offico over Do Witt k Morgan, Congress streot. %*Republican and Georgian copy, feb 10—tl hell 11. Gladwin, merchant; Jesse Seligmun, mer chant. It will be seen from the above, but which we have reasons to believe is in the main, if not al together correct, that uearly all of tbu direc tors of the present movements are merchants. German Capitalists and American Securities.—A letter from Berlin, of June lUli, says. At Frankfort, ou the Maine, a committee of respectable mer chants has been formed, in connection with a sinuilar committee in N. Y. und with the assistance of un American law yer of eminence to watch over tho interests of those German capitalists who have in vested their money hi Ameri'mn railway shares, the dividends .of which arc not forthcoming. During tho last two years no less thau eighteeu railway companies in the United Stutes have failed to meet their engagements, or else only partially fulfilled them. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Elizabeth Gauly Y ^ Suporlor co Urt) Jnlili Cauly. j May Term, 1868. I T appearing tu the Court, from the return of the shorin', that tho defendant. John Cuuly is not to bu found lu Cotfeo county, and bu is not in the state; ou motion of Win B Gauldlng, attorney for libellant, U U ordered that service bo parfected on said do fondant by a publication of tills order in oue of tho public journal* or Savaunali, onco a month for three months preceding the next term of this Court, requiring said defendant to uppour ut tho uext term of Cotlbe Superior Court, in tho month of Novem ber next, and file his defensive allegation to the uise. A true extract from tho miuutcs ol the Superior Court. Jy2 EYV’D ASHLEY, Clork. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. E Wilkinson, 1 In Liborty Superior Court, Ttioa. Wilkinson.) U “ y r ° n “' l868 - r apportug to uie Court, by tho return or the _ sheriff, iu the above Htatcd case, that tho defend ant is not to bo found iu Uie county, aud Hint be is not to bo found in tho state; on motion of YVin B Guuldon, counsel for libellant, it is ordered that sor- vico be porfected on said defendant, by a publica. tion of this notice onco a mouth for tlirco months, next preceding tbo noxt term of said Superior Court, requiring said defendant to be aud appear at the next torm or Liberty Suporlor Court to answer lu the said cause* A truo extract from tho minutes of said Superior Court. Jy2&A. FRASER, Clerk. Deliberate Murder.—Ifyde Park, Pa., June 28.—Wm. P. Stephens, a Justice Df the Peace at tiiin place, was shot dead this afternoon whilst riding in his carriage, near here.—Mr. W. Jones, a friend who was shot with him, was so frightened that he did not stop to look for the mur derer. Persons who recently hud a difficulty with him aro suspected. The deceased leaves a family. A Solemn Warning to Houue-Urbakers. On Tuesduy morning, Miss C. Mordecai, a sis ter of Mr. l.D. Mordecui, was awakened by a noise in her room. She quietly slipped out of lied and lighted the gas. She then discovered a man under her bed, and with great coolness und presence of mind stepped to the next room und bailed her brothor, who was the only other person in tho house. Mr. Mordecai, with a re volver in his hand, called to him but be did not reply—accidently the pistol went off, which startled him, and on Mr. M. repeating the ques tion and getting no reply, he shot at ulm iu the act oi rising. Bo then saw be was a negro who answered him that bis name was Jim, auc that he belonged to Mr. H. Lyons. The ball passed through his lungs, and he died almost WAYNE, GRENVILLE dt GO., coMMissio^^i^oJv ahwa^Merchants, Bay-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, YV. T. SAMPLE/^ jy 6—tf Savanuah. Chattanooga. JEFFERSON ROBERTS, * GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ua. WM. 8. DAMKLL, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH. OA. ~49“ Office over Thomas M- Turner A Co.’s Drug Store, Bay streot. my7 JAfl. 8. HOOK. MUffi. T. TKBXAU. HOOK 4b TEBEAU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 8ANDKK&VII.IK, QUORUM. Will practise in YVasbiugtou, JuUorson, Scrlven, Burke, Emanuol, Tattnall, ami Moutgomory of the Middle Cirouit, and Wilkinson of the Ocmulgeo Cir cuit. may8 P ork- 60 barrels Mess I’ork, 25 do Prime do Lradiug aud for safe by my 14 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. H AVANA SHUARS—30,000 choice Havana Segars—Coucbas, La KatneralUu, El Oiysul, fcxcelsurrf, Kio Houdo, Captain Alchorn, La Ltd, Jouu Smith, aud vurious other brands, imported di rect by me. uud lor sule at tho lowest cosh prices, may 19 J. A. BROWN. S ILLS, Laces, Embroideries, YVhite Good, Milts. &o., just being opened and lor sale by J. W. THKELKE1J), Cor. Cougress uud Whitaker sts. D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-at., over Turner & Go’s. Drug Store; SAVANNAH,GA. nov 10—ly ~Gfi0RQE“TR0UP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monumeut Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bo sold before tbo Court House lu tho city of Brunswick, cuuuty of Glynn, on the first Tuesday in August next, between tho legal hours or suio, the following property, to wit: One lot or parcel or laud situate, lying und being iu tho city of Bruns wick, in the cuuuty of Glynn, state of ua., knowu and distinguished iu tbu plan of said city as Old Town Lot, uutnbor two buudrod and fiftv-ihree, aud tho improvements thereon; levied on by virtnoof all fa issued out of the City Court or Savunnnuh, in tho cuuuty or Chatham, in favor or Benjamin C Frank lin vs Charles E Flanders, l’ropvrty pointed out by plaiutlir. Jy2 M. C. B. YVRIGHT. s. o. c. NEW BOOKS. i"1 ODKY’S LADY'S BOOK, lor July; Arthur’s VJT Home Magazine, fer July; l’otorson’g Month ly Magazine, lor July; Harper’s Now Monthly Mug- uzlne, fer July; and, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, for July. Tho History of Europe, from tho fell of Nupcloon to tho accession of Louis Napoloou, iu two volumes, by Sir Archibald Alison, a uew supply. Hertlut, by Frcdrlka Bremer, translated by Mary Howtlt. The Ship Carpenter's Wife, a story fer tho times, by YV K B Whitman. Tho Tauglotown letters, edited by the author or Records of tbo Bubbletou Parish, Ac. Salad for tho Social, by tbo author of Salad for tho Solitary. Coiniq Miseries of Human Life. B. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAYV, MontloeUo, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Flkhinq, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. YVard k Owens’ Law Office. [myll C, W. BIAiBRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VKANKUN, I1RARD 00., OA. Will attend to professional business in the Counties or Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. *. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Go.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. YVilliam Dougherty.Co lumbus, Go. - t sopl7-ly WELLS&WILLIAMS/ DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANG? DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congress-st., Savannah, Ga. 3AS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Dist. S. C. THEOl’HILUS WILLIAMS, “ Scrlven Co., Ga. sopt 7 WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES auu YVe are receiving the London Lever Ifmh Watches, ofthe most celebrutod makers, in j* J|Gold ami Silver casus. R. F. Cooper’s Du- HUaiplox YVatched, Watches fer Timing Horses, Hue &WISB Chronometers, wliiuh we offer at reasona ble prices, at our new store iu Gibbous’ Rouge. ■ept28 D. B. NICHOIM k CO. NEW TIN STORE AND SIIEET-IRON ilANUFACTOKY. 141 BOtrm of maukkt nquAKX, uryax utrkbt. 1 would lulorra my old frieuiia and patrons I have opened the ubovo store/to conduct the Stove, Tin aud Sheet-Iron Business in all its ^ _jvarious forms, uud whore will bo found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which 1 will bo plcasod to show, and at such price i will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. Allkluds or Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iren YVork or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up aud l’ipca furnished at short notice. Tin YVarc at wholesale aud rctuil. Call down on Bryan street, it will puy you fer your walk. oct2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. 1*1 ts An Siv! Plu-ri-bus-tab, a song that’s by uo author. For salo at 169 Congress street, by June 28 WARNU0K k DJ H JUO DAV1B. AY—100 bales prime Hay, now landing and for salo low from too wharf, by Ub*2I GREINER. JAMB) U. K0D0KX8. .AMM A. KORKU. RODGERS dt NORRIS, (lato Crouo k Rodgers, WHOLESALE GKOCjERS, Juno 1,1866, DAY-HTREKT, SAVANNAH. Ue2* J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvillo, Lowndes County, Ga. (myll JAHBSBL SAVAGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMA8YILLK, HIOHAS OOOXTT, OA. All business entrusted to bis ears will receive prompt attention, lyr—mar!7 ANTHONY McCDLLOH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. ^ jar Office on Bay street, over too Baak of Savan. PHOTOGRAPHS. i Large sized Photographs, ta ken by M1LLER,J AT TWELVE DOLLARS l*KU DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes aud Da guerreotypes, iu his usual su perior style. A call is solicited. J. YV. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Julion-st. and Market square. CARY’SDAGUEREOTYPES, AlilBRO' types and Photography. F. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice tlmt his rooma aro uow open fer the season, aud rca- uy tor tho recoptlon of visitors. By the Arukotyi-k process persons may now have their children's pictures takeu, iu almost any posi tion thoy may choose, in from 1 to 3 secodds swllng. By tho Puotoorapuic process old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to puper, boautifully colored and enlarged to life. oct 22 BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tho undersigned having put the above Stables in good condition, are prepared to accommodate their customers with Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Sulkies, ko., with sound, gentle, and well broke horses, aud carcftil drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriago Horses for salo. Inquire cor ner or Barnard and Broughton streets. ap!14—ly STEVENS k ELUSTON. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts fer Bulldiug and YVorklng Ma sonry of every description. Residence, No. 3 Mrs JoweU’a Rango, South side Jones st. oct 30 Wood and lvsiuehT A LL kind, of Wood, Boards. Plunk., Joist, XXL Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Lathi and Pallinga, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low fer cash, on the new wharf recently orectod " the Lumber Yard of Robert A, Allen k Co. maria—lyg U. J. L. MOULTON iACON SIDES k SHOULDERS— I 26 bbds Prime Bacou bides, 10 “ “ “ Shoulders, Dm^log Md jQHNgTON k OO. J. A. Bit | 1UAUPAUNB—ra Inuketa genuine Uoldrdc V^Cbampaguo iu store and fer salo by may 10 OCTAVUS COHEN, . TAKCH, CONFEE AND CANDY.-60 txa Fresh ..I btorch; 60 do Ground Coffee; 60 4o assorted Gandy, received und for sale by MCMAHON k DOYLE, Juno 4 206 and 207 Bay streot Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. W*0. Price, FASHIONABLE AND UILIlABt mm, No. 141 Bay Street, SA \'ANA'Alt. Also, tsuportlne Cloths, asstmera aud Vestings, will ue made to mea- ure,unexception able in style aud workmanship,! by the best mechanics, at shortest notice fob 6 * Ordersfrom city audcouuty solicited. RUSE, PATTEN k CO. GUNBY Ik DANIEL, STEWART, GRAY* CO. {-Columbus, Ga. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, I YV51?WKIUHT, f Savannah. YOUNG, ATKINS k DUNHAM, ) C. A. GREENE k CO., ’ / Apalachioola U. S. SMITH, ) Mobile, Alabama, oct 23 iy SUNDRIES. 160 bags goou to prime Rio Coffee; t 76 bags old Government Java au; [ l JO bags old bruwu Java uo; J btuuri’s A, B uud G Oarilled b- *• •• Crusheu ana i ulverizeu uo; 40 hhds Porto Rico, New Onuuus, uua Muscovado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 60 iihUs Sides und ahouluers; 26 cuaks Trewbridge aud Beaty’ < Hams; 160 Dbis DeuQicau aim Oukiey Hour; 76 bbls aud bull bbls Cuuuidour; 160 bbis Butter, bugur uua Pilot Crackers; bu boxes noua Crucaers; 2uo boxes various bruuds and qualities Tobacco; , 25 enses Aiyer’s Aromutiu uo; i6o bbls Cuba »ua Now Urlcans Molasses; 60 hhds Cuba do; 60 bbia No. 1 iasol Lard; 200 kegs und cans Lard; 6MihBarLcad; w. 6uo bugs urtp uud Buck Ehot; 600 kegs, huus und quarters, llupout’s Powder; 76 bbls Moss and Prime Pork; 60 boxes Nectar Whisky; too quarto beheidum schnapps; 100 casks pinto Ale uud 1 orter; buu bbls rectified Whisky; loo bbis New Engluud Rum; 160 bbls Phelps auu E Phelps’ Gin; 60 casks common and pure Malugu Wine; 6u bbls Wluiu Wiuu and Cider Vinegar; 2b crates empty Wiuu Butties; 6do boxes, buap, starch, and Candles; lu store and fer sale ou aucommoualing terms. mayl& hulcumbe, JUUNao.s k CO « fr C FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, AND GLAbb WAKE. 146 MKKTlXa STKKkT, CHAKUSTU.V, sODTU CAROLINA. Tho subscribers respectfully 60licit-. B w from the traveling pubdc, au tusiiectionBnw lot their stock oi French and EuglicL Wo _ China, iu plain white, golu band, uuu Wm decorutea dinner, desert, breukiast, teu, toilet, tetu-a- tele sets uud vuses. Also, Cups and baucers, ko., ot tnu celebrated bovres China. White Granite ol the best mauulucturers. Rich cut French, English aud Bohemiou Glass. Thoy have u varioty or ornaments iu Parisik* Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, auu oiliurs, und btutuetes of tho Greek blave, Venus de Mcdicis, ko.. ko. They havo also a beautiful, durahlo and cheap arti cle fer Hours uud hearths, of Plain and Encaustic Tiles. gkThclr stock beiug very geueral, careiully solectcd aud Imported direct, oilers inducements to merchants as well us families, to whom goods will be pul up at tho lowest rules for cosh. YVEBB k SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, W ebb k Co. "VTEW GUallEN BG tTER AND UtEEsE—16 mbs JLx uud 10 kegs choice uew Gualicu Butter; 20 boxes Goshon Cheese, lauding from steumer auu for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNbTuN k CO. Juno 17 J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J, R. Allen, from Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKfcRS, Jumbles, Leiuou lakes, Tea Cukes, Scotch Cakes, Ginger Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Bisciut, YViuo Biscuit, Butter Biscuit, Water Biscuit, l’io Nio Biscuit, Ac. At SaRHON-8, ’ JuucSO coruor YVliltaker aud Clmrltou-ats. A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUSE KEEPERS, I S an important item, and to know where to get exactly what is wanted is equally Important, cult at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson’s New Block, Corner orBrouch* ton and Bull Streets, and you will find everything pertaining to House Keeping as well as Refrigerators, Meal Safes, Wood* ct Ware, aud Tin Ware, YVillow YVare, beautUhl Water Coolers, Patent Ice Pitchers, Brushes in every variety, Bird Cages, Bathing Tubs, indeed nearly ovoryiliiug that cun uo called fer, recollect the place, apr!6 O SNABURG8—30 bales Osnaburgs, Mowtonand Thomastou M.lls, just received aud f- r sale by junotf CRANE, WELLS k VO. A HOMESTEAD FOR *101 Stain OOftP^HpFFARMSOF KPtJXV/sVfV/V/ lurius and Bulluiugs Lots, in tho gold regtou or Y’irgiuia, (culptpper county,) to ho divided amongst 10,290 subscribers on toe 17th or September, I860, fer the benefit of Port Royal Female Academy. SubsetIpilons ouly ton dt liars each—one-half uuwn, the re«t ou the deliv ery of tho deed. Every subscriber will get a Build ing Lot or Farm, rangiug in value irom flu to 826,000. These Farms and 1-ota are told so cheap to iuduco settlements, a sufficient uutnbor being re served, tho iiiurcasu iu tho value of wh ch will compensate lor tbo upiurront low price uow at-kod. Thb most amplo security will be given fer the falthtol perlOrmuuco ol contracts and promn-es, More Agents are wanted to obtaitesubscribers, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be given Homo Agents write that they are making $200 per mouth. Advertising will be done lor every Atent where poalblo.. Kcr full p«nteuUr», iubsalp. tions, Agencies, kc., apply to * r JeM-JAwlm fori Hoy*), Va,