Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 03, 1856, Image 3

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G. M..t$UksactiononUmsublet of iho Section for* &>lonsl for said Rsglineai, lobs held at the Court Houso In thlii city on Saturday, 6th July. On motion, Capt, Thomas Moynes was called to tbeOhatr, nod KnrigS John Reedy appointed Secre- Xry. Tbo following resolutions were ottered by Lieut, C. 0. Hussey. /toolttd, That m a portion of the other Offloera or the Regiment have nominated a candidate for elec tion to the office of Colonel, ond aa we had no parti* ciiwtlon in said nomination— Bt it ihirtfort Resolved, That this mooting nomi nate I Jo ut. u)l. Jamos Sullivan, as a suitable and S ropor candidate to tho rank or Col. 1st Regiment, it Brigade, let Division U. M., vtcoOol. It.D.Wal ker roslgned. Unanimouly carried. capt. THUS. 1I0YNK3, Chairman. John Reoily, Secretary. --*■ mif, II 81* Tracts or Land, 800 ncroi etch, 8 or 4 mUesfrom theclty or Savannah on the 8. A. a— luff Rail Road, well,adapted to tl.o growth of Rloo, Cotton and Corn, and wood enough to pay fbr II inn tlmu nn*» IiWImI. * It ton Umea over. Apply to ttob 27 IT 0. A. 0I/1UD. — at various pricoa. In great variety, and AtRIN ft BURNS F ill BALB-A oTft in Wealcy Word— low ' Also two on Gordou atroet, east. For aalo low. Fee simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gou’l lnsnranco Agont and Broker, may 22 ill Bay street Savannah, 28th Juno, 1860. at Jy 4 Mr. RrstOTu‘.--Please announce E.F.T. PSr Rowland, aa a Candidate tor Colonel of lat Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division G. M., at the Election to bo held on Saturday, tho 6th July. MANY FRIENDS, Julyl—Id Savautiah. luuo 00th, I860. j A semi-annual dividend (No, 8) of five per NT contnm, on the capital stock or this Bank, has this day been doclarcd, ^rable on demaud. julyl 8. B. \ JAMS, Cashier. Oflier Sav’h, Albany ft Gulf K. R. Co., 1 Savannah, 27th Jiiuo, I860. / An Instalment of 10 por cunt., being the _ _ sixth on the Capital Stock of this Company, I horoby called, and required to bo |»ld at this office on the lit day of Soptotnbcr next. By order CHAS. GRANT, June28—wtl8 Secretary und Treasurer. CITY TRBASURBR’B OFFICE,) Savannah. 24th June, 1866. J The Bonds or the City or Savannah, duo 1st Kebrnary, 1867, Issued Tor Contrul Rail- road Stock, (commonly known aa McAllister bonds) will bo redeemed If desired In stock of tho Contrul Railroad and Banking Compuuy, at its market value, the bonds being reccivod at pur. jo26 JAMES S. WAT] , CityTroas’r. "DIVIDEND*NO* 546. CENTRAL R.R. ft BANKING CO. OF GEO., J Savannah, Juno 3,1856. , The Board of Directors has THIS DAY de clared a dividend or FIVE DOLLARS por share on tho general stock or tho Company tor the last six mouths (belug at tho rato or ten per cent, peramium), payable uu aud alter tbo lfitb lust. Holders or Guarontcod Stock will be paid their dividend on tbo same day. GEO. A. CUYLER, Jc3 lm Cashier. NOTICE cni. R. . THE freight on corn from Atlanta to 8a- vonnath will bo roduced to 16 o. por bushel on and after ho 1st day or April next WM. M. WADLEY, General Superln’t. Trans^rtatlonoffico,} »»r28 Central Bail Road. To tho Patrons of the Sav’h. Georgian. All debts due to tho Georgian previous to Mr tho Gth instant, aro payable only to the un dersigned. Notes aud accounts due in tho city will be presented Immediately, aud all debts duo in tho couutry will bo forwarded by an early mall. This belug the tlrst timo tbat tho undorslgucd has publicly appealed to h)s late patrons, ho lecls that tboy will hot consider him unreasonable In urging upou them tho neoosslty Tor Immediate payment. Remittances may be made directly to tho undor- sigued, or toll. B. Hilton ft Co., whuso receipt will be valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH. Savannah. May 28.1856. my28 law d&w tf %* Republican anu Morning Nows pleasocopy. CHARLESTON ft SAVANNAH RAIL. ROAD COMPANY. CuAHiKstoJc, Juno 7.1856. WT Tlie Fifth (5th) Instalment of FIVE DOL LARS por share ou tho stock subscribed to tho Charleston and Savannah Railroad, will become duo THURSDAY, tho 10th of July next. Paymont to bo made to tho Treasurer at the office of the Company. The 8avannah subscribers to tbo Charleston and Savauimh Railroad aro requested to make paymont of tho instalments called for, to A. Porter, Esquire, Prosldeut of the Bunk of the Stato of Georgia. By order of the President, C. F. HANCKEL, joll 2aw td Secrotary and Treasurer, HEALTH OFFICE, SAVANNAH, 1 June 13tb, 1856. j All vessels arriving at tho port or Savan nah, having sickness on board, (or having had slcknoss ou board siuco lost clearance,) and all vessels arriving from porta whero contagious, malignant or Infectious diseases are prevailing, aro required to come to nnchor oil' Fort Jackson, until visited by tho Health Officer. No vessel will bo de tained in Quarantine unless such detention bo neces sary. No vessel or boat shall receive any of the crow or pa-congers of vessels mihloct to tho ubovo order for the purpose sf bringing them to the city or its vicinity. Any violation of this order will subject tho vio lator to tho penalty of tho law. F. 11. DEMKRE, Health Officer. Approved : E. 0. A.ndkrson, Mayor. tf—jol4 Head-Quarters, 1st Regiment, u* ( Savamah, Juno 12, I860. ; As MlAXAAHi UUUV 1*. iOUUt J By vlrtuo or order No. 2 Issuing from G. P. Harrison, Brigadier-General commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division. >G. M„ an election will ho hold at the__ Court Houso, on Saturday, the 8tb day or July next, between the hours of 0 A.M., aud 4 P.M., Ibr Colo nel of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigado, 1st Divi sion G. M., to All the vacancy or Robort D. Walker, rcslguod. Tho said election to be conducted under tho usual requirements of the law. Byordor JAMES BULUVAN, Liout. Col. Cora’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. 8. Danikix, Adjutant. - jel3 V Lily iMipera will plcnso copy and send in their bills to tho Secretary of tho Roglment. C ORN—600 sacks corn, m store and to arrlvo, for sale by WILLIAM LYNN, JunolO , 87 Bay street. NOTICE* ' "~ T HE Interest or Mr. Churlcs 8. Arnold In tho Arm of Padcllbrd, Fay ft Co. ceased with his death, ou tho 4th of March last. From this dato Mr. Edward Padellbrd, Jr., Is as sociated with us undor tho same stylo and Ann. PADKLFOKD, FAY ft CO. Savannah, Juno 16th, I860.12tia—Joll) NOTICE A IJ. persona having cluinis against tho estate of Ucorgo M. Troup, deceased, will hand Uietn lu, duly attested, and thosu indebted will please make payment to citlior of tho undorslgnod. THOMAS M. FORMAN, ) B. TROUP, J tjX jo 16 DANIEL II. S ALT.—1000 sacks Salt tu store and for sulo by WILLIAM LYNN, June 14 87 Bay street JJ AGGING, K(Jl’K,^ft(;.---lob bales Uqnujr Hag- giug; 600coils Rule Rope; 600 pounds Twlno; received and for sule by junolft_ HOUXJMBE, JOHNSON ft CO, JJACON, PORK, fta-60 hlids clour and ribbed Sides: 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Hams; 60 bbls primo and mess Pork; 30 half bbls Hawes ft Co’s Fultou Market Bcof; 6 do do Tongues; just reccivod aud for salo by * Junol5 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. ^uurtiv—ao uuua uuuicu ruriu muu sugar; zo uo O Crownod Muscovado and Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Barbudocs Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s aud Baltimore steam rotlnod, crushed, powdered and clarlllod Sugar, lauding, in store und for sale by Juno 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNaON ft CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags fair to choice Rio Colfco; 60 do latguuyra Codec; 60 mats Java Coffee; 30 bales Mocha Coffee; lauding, in store and for salo by Junol5 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. ■y^ ANTED TO PURCHASE—Jjly of Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogee Uailrcad Company. Apply to jelO—dtls PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, in barrels. aprdtf YOUNG ft WYA TT. C hoice wines & liquors— Just received 20 boskets Heldsick Champagne, u quarter casks Sherry, Port aud Madetra \V lues. 16 dog Ciaret Wiuo and Cordials; 3 halfpipes old Gtard and Seuetto Brandies; 2 pipes superior Holland Uiu. Beuvor braud; 6 bbls old Monongoheia Whisky, in gloss und wood. For salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, jell Cer. Broughton aud Drayton sis. 0. 0. POOLE, No, 11, Whittaker Street,, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SmIim, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Vur- idihes, Window Glass, Putty, fte, 1 Painters’, Graluers* and Artists’ Brushes Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry aud , Mixed Paluta of overy descripUon, ArliBts’ colors In tubes, Prepared Canvass, ftc. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ueatuess aud despatch.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining aud Glazing douo in the best style aud at moderate prices. Ail orders from tho country promptly attended to. men 28—ly ~ WlLlilOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. , Tho stoamship CAROLINA will .loavo here Friday moruiug, July ttn, lur the above place, leaving Charleston on the 6th. For freight or passago apply on board or to Julyl—4t M. A. COHEN. Agent. FOR NEW YORK. To tail Saturday, July Oth, at 9), o'clock, A. M. The steamship KNOXVILLE, Capt. Ludlow, will Icavo os above. For j£2Lji<l>1^2£frelght or passage apply to ■■WHi PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. tOT Berths not secured until paid for. Cabin Passago $25 Steerage Passage 8 45P* .Shippers of Cotton by theso steamships will pleusetnko uotlco, tlmtuo (Jetton will be received ut he presses that is not distinctly marked on the odgo of the bale. Jo29 TOR i>IULAUKl4t*IIIA~ To tail Saturday. July 5th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. ' Tho Uuited States Mall Steamship 'KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Hardlo, • will icavo as ubovo. For freight or * passage apply to C. A. GItElNER, Agent. Cabin Passage 20 00 Steerage Passage 7 OU Passengers by this ship for Balthnoro and Wash ington will be lunded at New Custlc, Delaware, if desired, from which placo cars start three times daily for the above cities, uml other Southern points. Juno27 Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada. SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Siteumhip Keystone Slate, via Philadelphia PHILA- DELP’A FARE TO NIAG’RA FALLS vulu large und rich assort-L __ inontof Gold and Silver Wutoucs, Diamouu Pins, Ear and Fiuger Kings, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Ousters* ftc., ol Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety, •“Ivory Table Cutlery, Uno Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China and Pnriau Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to ids owu order. Uunuiug Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Cuudle- sticks, with u grout variety of Fancy Articles, suita ble far wedding girts, toon-amorous here to men tion. All kinds of Watches und Clocks repaired by tho most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Market square. L ocomotive needles.—a new aud eie- guul article which needs only to be tried ouce to insure the constant preference of tho seamstress, just received und for solo by rnarlB LADSON ft ROGERS. CORN ON CONSIGNMENT. I ffjjA Sucks just received uml for sulo. • OU\J YONGE ft FRIERSON, jel2 94 Bay street, VYRUP AND MOI.ASSE8.—50* bbls Now Orleans O Syrup; 60 do Moianscs; iu store and for salu liy juuo 17 SCRANTON, JOUNSl’ON ft CO. S UGAR—10 hhds chuico New Orleans Sugar; *-0 do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; in store uud for salu by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. R ECEIVED per steumur Knoxville—l’lcklcd and 8 ‘ smoked Tongues: Fulton Market Beef, uud Pig pork, Pig Hums und l’ig Bacon. Oranges, Leinous, Apples, anil White Beans. Also, a fresh supply of Foxo’s colebratod Crn •s. For salo low by J. A. BROWN. ffi June xs. JMfc t) ¥'■ moi Mri nisiied iron A eommodloui, airy and pleasant Houm In it desirable part or-the city, for which a liberal price will bo paid. Enquire at tha .office of the Goorglan and Jonrtml. HI " HOWTO * QAMMH.L. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK UNTIL the let November next, a com modious and alrjryesldenco, on the north sldo or tho Central Railroad Depot, known Hovers Placo. The house Is newly fur- basement to atUo, which can he bought $25 00. leul-WNkly United Itetea Mali Line. , „ -jkjy.'Di.— . *T1HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL may8 YOUNG ft WYATT. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE TIIREE-SIORY BRICK HOUSE adjolulng Via office or tho subscriber. Tho basement would make, with some slight _lmprovoment, an excellent lawyer’s-offleo. rst and second lioors will .be lot for Counting- Rooms, and the third for sleeping apartments. Con nected with tho establishment is an out-bulMing of brlek, suitable for servants. Apply to 0. A. L. LAMAR, ■opts Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. F0RTOCK I Steamships— KNOXVILLE,, 1,600 tons..Capt. 0. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA..,.1,600 “ ..Capt.Thomasijron. FLORIDA 1 800 “ ..Capt. M.8. WoodbuU. ALABAMA.,., 1,800 •• ..Capt. G. R-Bohenck. WILL LXAVK HAVAXMAH KVXRV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY* Thoso sliiiM are among Uie larvost ou the coast, luisurpassod In speod, safety and comfort, making their passages In Oily to sixty Jioure, aud are oum- mandod by akilifol, careful and polito officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, thoy odor a meet desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York y r M m a plain, ct A PLANTATION In Wayne Ooun-M ty, ou the Buffalo Swamp, contnlnlngJC 1000 acres; about 260 acros cleared anu in ordor for cultivation. On tho promises is a plain, comforiablo dwelling, with alt necessary barns and out houses. Possession given in Decem ber next, and with tho placo will ho sold, ir desired, tho provision crop of present year. Also an improved lot (2,V{ aoros) In ihe vlllago of Way lies vllle, and 20 acros adjolulng. Waynesvlllv Is misurpassod 9>r health, and the Brunswick rail road ru.inlng through it, ronders it easy of access. Joll Imo HENRY R. FORT. WHITE fob 6 Now York. FLOH1DAWRTB. FI HR IDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mall Lino—From Now Or leans to Key West,—Steamship* 'FLORIDA andvANDERBlLT.—These flno steamers will In foture mako their rogular scmi-munthly trips, ioaving as follows: Now Orleans, 10th ft24th “* MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) Thoso Springs will bo open for the recep tion or visitors on the first day or June, 1866. Thoy aro sltuntod In Montgomery Coun- ty, Virginia, one aud a half miles from tho virgiula and Tonnessao Railroad, from which thoro is a branch Railroad to tho Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast rcnch tho Springs by 6 o’clock, P. M., tho saino day, all tho way by Railroad. Thu accommodations have buou very much ex tended sinco last season. Tho rooms aro large aud comfortnblo, amt capable of accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg and Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny aro now building a branch of their line to the Springs, which will bo operation early in June. A very large Bath Houso 1ms b'*cn built sinco Inst season. Address * RO. H. MOSBY, President, Juno21—ltn Montgomery W, 8. 8. Comp’y. VAfiUAUliK PKOPiSliTV FOR HALE* , Tho two-story hrlok store on Congress street, uow occupied by Messrs. Einstein ft Ecknmn. This is one or tho best stands In _the city for any kind or business. Terms made accommodating. For particulars In quire nt 142 Broughton street, ubovo tho store ofT. L. McKonna. tfmayll Pensacola... .11th ft26th Apalachicola. 12th ft 28th St Marks....18th ft 27th Cedar Keys.. 14th ft 28th ’Tampa Bay.. 16th ft 29tb . Arrlvo at Key West 17th ft 1st I Now Orleans, I7th ft 1st Agents in Now Orleans, doc26 6m B. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 Poydrass street. FOR JOHNSON’S LANDING), uunnounn umuidu, _ AND INTERMEDUTE PLACES, 2b leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. j* Tho light draft-steamer, WILLIAM CLEBBY. Captain A. C. king, will leavo regularly as above, from the Charleston " oampacket Wharf. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFHEAU, Agent. OTHOnaue VALUAI m will bu urn TO RENT, ■ The Dwelling lately occupied by Judgo Floralug, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Said House is threo stories on a basement, with good sorvauts’ rooms, und outhouses, n given immediately. Apply to " * *“ D. L. I FOIl RRNT. ___ King, will leavo for tho above places every Tuesday Homing, at 10 o’clk. This boat bos largo aud airy State Room accom modations, and talciug Iho Inland Passago, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be takon for Trador’s Hill and inter modlato landings on 8t. Mary’s River. No freight will he takon alter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE* . COHEN. ■ Possession glvou immediately — Throo story brick house, new and in good ordor, ou Macon street, uext cast residence to Mrs. Jowott* pp'.y ut this office, u ii muy27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i t i i GEORGIA. J* J. HESLER, Proprietor* Late o/ the Verandah ltutcl, New Orleans. Passengers pur Kvouiug Trains will Und Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars, mayl4 i%' MERCHANTS’ HOTEL. J A %&8 N uKib!r,!ii, P E AS7e«of. LA - noAnn i*ku hay $ 1 60 BOARD PKR WEEK 6 00 BOARD PKR MO.VTU 20 00 ,mayl8 lyp M. For Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek,)andPicolata. ^ The new and elegant steampacket hQiHKbST' JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leavos every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, lor the above places. Freight will ho taken for Trador’s Hill and Inter mediate landings on St Mary’s Rivor. A3** No freight will bo takon after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA ^ Tho flno steampacket CAROLINA, Contain Coxettcr, will Icavo hero luuiuouvuie, Picolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o’clock; returning, will leave for Charleston, overy Friday morning at 0 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at WilUnk’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14tb. 1866—ly j|3-Frolght8 payublo on the wharf. MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. m THIS House is now adapted to all tho wants ortho Travelling Public, and tho of- forts or tho l’ropriotor will bo to deserve thoir patrouogo. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. M; Instead of going North como to the Stone Mountain House, and spend your summer, as everything will bo done for your com- fort. Conveyances will bo furnished to convoy passengers to Lawrencevllle, Uaiucsvillo aud Clarksville. j*y Passengers by tho Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. 8. Alexander, formerly of Lawronoovillo. J A. Clark, Social Circle.2m—Jo 2 »llNDHII4»r 300 bags choice Rio Coffoo, 160 do fair to primo Rio Coffee, 100 boxes Old Gov. Java Coffeo, 200 hhds Muscovado Molasses, 160 bbls. cheico New Orleans Syrup. 60 bhds. Now Orleans Muscovado, and Porto Rico Sugar. 800 bbls. reflned A. B. ft 0. Sugar. 60 bbls. Crush and Powdorcd Sugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon. Superflno &nd Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adamantine ftSporm Candles. 140 boxes No.'l Pule, and Family Soap. 200 bales Heavy Gunny Bogging. 25 hhds. Bacon Bides and Shoulders. 76 bbls. Moss and Prime Pork, 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands. 100 boxes Block and Green Tea, 600 bogs Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs and hail'kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of all other articles in tho Groeery lino, (except liquors.) In store, and for salo on accommodating terms, by Juno 28 K0DQKR8, NORRIS ft CO. It; INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Undorsigued bos agutu the pleasure or informing his numerous frlcuds, os well as tho public at largo, that ho is vot at tho Inulau Spring Hotol, and is folly prepared, witli tho assistance of hlB sons and his own exparionco of six yoars nt tho hotel, with tho b06t cooks tbat can be procured, ns well as assis- tauco of all kinds, to n*k of all thoso who visit tho Spring a genorous share of thoir patronage, intend ing to spare uo pains of himself to make all suoh as plooso to givo him a call coinfortablo. The Indian Spring Hotel is now open, aud ready to rccoivo all thoso that will please to cull. There will bo at For sythe Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such us wish to go ovor. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsopl Proprietor. *#* Savannah Republican, Morning Nows, and Charleston Courier will please insert tho abovo throo Uinos each week until 1st September, aud send thoir bills for paymont, EDW. VARNER. HURRAHS—HlRHAHN J UST ARRIVED, por schooner A. Devcreaux, in four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savunuah Fruit Ktn|>orium, consist ing of—400 buuchus Bananas, 100 dozen l'ilie Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, aud oue basket Green Ginger. For salo by Juno 14 J. A. BROWN. &J40. " 11 1 ■ sm T HIS LINK connects at Philadelphia with tho Grout North-Western Railroad Route, through to Niuguru Falls aud Buffulo, in sixteen hours from Philadelphia. Through Tickets, witli tho privilego or stopping at Philadelphia, aud iutormmllnte points, for salo by tlie Agent. Fare to Xiugnra Fulls or Buffallo $28 “ Elmira 20 <( Canandaigua 28 QUARLES A. GREINER, Agent, Juno 27 Savannah, Georgia. _ drink- lug water iu tho world cull und purchase oue of Kedzte’i Patent Water FiLtere, tho article mentioned in Wutur Commissioners’ last Roport, which wo wurruut to purify tlie Savunnab Rivor Water perfectly—au ludispcusublo articlo tor p.Antatlon use. KENNEDY ft BEACH, Jau24 only Agents lor their sale iu Suvnnnnh. LaUrnnce Female College. COMMENCEMENT. O ABBATH. July Cth—Sermon by Philip P. t J Neely, Alabama Conference. Monday, July 7th—Prlxo exhibition of Sophomore ('lass—Concert at Candle-light. Tueiduy, July 8th—Anniversary of IXoutz ft Judson .-'ociety. Prizes awarded. Annual address by Luther M. Hioiih, Prof. Emory College. Wednesday. July 9th—Commencement day. Ad dress by Hon. F. 8. Bartow, Bnvnnnuh, Ga. fhursdoy, July loth—Anniversary of tho Alumnae Swloty. Address by Hon. J. tiluucy Jones, Penn sylvania. Examination of all the classes will take place the wouk preceding commencement. W. B. T MONTGOMERY, myir Supt. Faculty. S UGARS—20 hhds Barbadoes sugar; 40 do New Or' * * * *- * — * J Orleans do, (air to cholco; 20 do Porto ltlco do; 8b do MuHcovudo do; 200 bbls crushed, powdered and clurlflcd do; for sulo by JtlUC'JO WEBSTER ft PALMES. VAGABOND life. V AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Ker ry, for seven years a resident; file Tangletowii 1/diers, including a Roport of tho Great Mammoth Reform Convention, with lilustra- lions; I Jib and Travels or Herodotus, in tho Fifth Centu ry B. 0., by J. Tulboys Wiiueler, two volumes, with a map The ’Huguenot Exiles, or Times or l*ouls XIV., an Idsuirloal novel; Harper’s Picture Books for tho Nursery—Learn ing to Head, by Abbott: Word) und Wealth, for-merchants and inen of hueiuess, by Frcemnti Hunt; Sydney Smith’s Wit aud Wisdom, belug selections from Ids writings; Trench^ 011 ’ 1 ' tfu * Dl1 " rr * u,, 8*» B, Chenevlso Treuch’s Poems; Adventures of Gernrd, thoIJon Killer, with platos; ilwtnorie Ballads and Coincdlos of I.uciuu, trans- laind by Wni Maglna; tf V ie Hairy Chain, by Miss Yongo, autliororthe Heir oflteduliffe; 'iho Old Vicarage, by Mrs Huhboak: on th# Rise aud Progress or tbs English Dwight’s introduction to tlie Study of Art: lUrpor’s Magaxtno, for July. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. D ICKEN’8 HOU8KIIOLD WORDS, for Juno, re- celved and for salo by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Juno 4 16 Congress street B UTTER ANircilEESE^r tubs' and ’10 kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 25 boxes Cheese; received per steamer and for sale by Juno 24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. ST. MAttYS’ HOTEL. The abovo named nouse Is now open for the rucoption or Boarders und Travellers, and the undersigned premises to spare neither pains or expense to make Ills pa trons comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with tho choicest that tho mnrkot and tho sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Von- Ison, Wild Gamo, ftc. Tbo House is lurgo aud airy, and within a low yards of tlie landing, 011 the bouu- tifol rivor St. Marys, and is u desirable placo for in valids and others • as a summer resort. Tlie stogo leaves the House threo times a week for Woodstock Mills, Ccntrevlllago, mid Trader’s Hill, und the Sa- vounuL boats touch going and coming, so tbat por- sons will not be Inconvenienced, but con leave when thoy desire. Prices will bo made to correspond with tlrst olass country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, 1856. 3m my27 Hi®W|SEo INDIAN SPRINGS, GEORGIA. BRYAN W.COLLIER Respectfully announces that tho above Houso will bo opened far tho reception of guosts, on tho 20th instant. Ho has beeu tortunatn in securing the services of Mr. UrllllH, well known to'tho public as tho keeper of tho Ninety Milo Houso on the Central Railroad, to assist iu tho superintendence of tho Molntosh Houso duriug tho season. A band or mu sic has ulso beeu secured. Stages will bo iu read! uuss ut Forsyth, on tlie arrival ol' trains, to convey passengers witli comfort and dispatch to tho house. No pains will bu spared to make guests os comfort able as possiblo, and a more than usually hrllliaut season is confldcutly anticipated. 11A—Juno 6 S UPERIOR Choice Goshen Buttor unit Dutch Choose, received por steamer Alabama by may28 L ard and herrings— 20 bbls Prime White Boat Lard; 60 boxes Primo Herrings. Landing and for sulo by may 16 _ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. B KE8S TRIMMINGS—-Fringes, bluclTand colored Moire Autlquo Gauze, and other stylos, in great variety, aud for salo by mar 7 AIKIN ft BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largo supply ofwboof- top wliulobouu framo Giuglium Umbrellas, all sizes, received and for salo by Juuo 0 LADSON ft ROGERS. S UGARS—10 hhds cholco J’orto Rico augurs: 16 do Fair do; 16 do Fair and 10 do Cholco Now Orlcatis Sugar; just received und for sale by june24 80RAKTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. P RINTED BAREGES, Ftounood Robes, ftc.; Print ed Oigundiys, Jaconets, lawns, und other stylus of Fancy Goods, soiling off ut cost, by jnno22 ItaWlTT ft MORGAN, 1 77UENUH, English and Amoricau Culicos. Needle- ’ worked Collars uud Fluovos, Linen Bheetiugs and Pillow case Cottons, Ludios’ Llslo Thread Hose, Black Chulllcs, Childrens’ Guuzu, Merino Vests, lace Muntillas, Irish Linens, Indian Naukoous, Ac. For salo by ^ DkWITT ft MORGAN. June22 M OI^hsEfj and RoPe— 100 barrclH Now Orleans Molasses; 300 coils and hair colls “Louisiana Manufac turing Company” ltopo. Lundlug por brig Louisa Soars from New Orleans, and for sale by iny28 HOMXIMBB. JOHNSON ft 00 S lt.K PARASOLS—A now supply ui buauu ful 8llk Parasols have Just buo ful Silk Parasols have just buon received und are Tor sale by Juno 6 LADSON ft HOGKRH. UKNY BAGGING-360 bales superior Gunny \JTBagging for salo by Jul-1 f PADELFORD. FAY ft CO. F I/OL'R—lbU sucks tiuporllno Flour, lor sule by w WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay stroot. juno27—8t S ALT—8000 sacks Uvorpoo! Sill; 10,000 bushels Turks’ Island do: for salo by jnueSO WEBBER ft PALMES. SUNDRIES. 1000 Roums Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and 8hoo irusUos. 60 M Imported SpanlBh Scgars; 260 boxes Tobacco, vurious brands; lOOHUcks Rio Coll'co; 76 mats Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Covered. Baskets; 150 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pole Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 50 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Cauuy: 60 boxes Scaled llorrings; 75 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxos imported Castile Soap; loo boxos Toilot Soap; 60 )i, >{, and wholu bexos Raisins; Received and for salo by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, may14 206 and 208 Boy stroot. TO BUILDERS* T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute ut tho shortest nodco, aud in tho most work manlike mannor, all kinds or Metal Rooflug, Guttors, Cornice, or otiior work connected with tho manulko- luring or ropalrlng of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zino, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octl3 160 Broughton st] LAND AGGNCY—llruiiHtvick, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE _ chase and sale of lands in tho counrlos ol Glynn, Wayno, Oamdon, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee. Clinch, Lowndos aud Thomas. Particular attention given to loeatlug. purchasing and selling ol town lots iu tho town or Haunswlok. HKTKHKXCW : Dr K Collins, Macon; Dr B M Garglle, Brunswiok' Thomas 11 Harden, Bvvounuh; Hon James L BowJ ard, Thomasvllle, C URNKD BEEF', 1*10 l*ORK, ftO. Just received 10 hair barrels Fultou market Corned Boor; 10 barrels and hair barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sldos and shoulders; 10 barrels extra No Muokerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Herrings; 2 drums Cod Fish, and26 barrels Smoked Herrings, In store and for aale by Jell . DAVID O’CONNER. A BE taking Hutno tttak* it, J3L eotMrwDnyiMud Br/uiimu. (scocnroB- m rmiBRicr * mru,.) Appror^l Rl.k. will b* Ukw on tma*, i« u»u«lcrcdlt,Wonon Premium Not... Threo and the tisua quartan of tbo business win be returned to the oui tamers In ecrlp. C. A* L* Lamar, (lib 10 Agent In Aavannah. InSHaHCE Southern Mutunl Inanrsutee Company* Southern Untual Lift Ins* Company* Home Insurance Company* of M* York* Springfield Fire ft Marine Ins* Com*y* Risks in tbo above Insuranco Companies underta ken by WM. XING * SONS, Agents, No. 90 Bay street. Savanunh, 14th Docombor, 1866. deol4 FIllB, MARINB AND LIFB TO-MORROW, st 11 o’clock, In front orators will bs sold,— The usual sssortment of Groceries, Provisions, Uquors, Crockery and Gloss Ware, Dry Goods, now andsscond hand Furniture, Clothing, F'anoy ArUoloa, Watches, Joweiry, ftc., ftc. Torrns, cash before be- livery. SOT All articles purchased at auction and not sot- tied for previous to tho uoxt regular salo, will be sold on account and risk of former purchaser. Steerage te to Now York...... “T.. 8 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. 8AM’L L. 1UTCHILU 18 Broadway, Charter Oak Lift Insurance Company, OF BABTfOED, CT. Koy West, ..16th ft 24th Tampa lltli ft 26th Cedar Koys.l2th ft 26th St. Marks... 14th ft28th Apalachlcola,16th ft 29th Pensacola... 16lh ft 80th Formers* and Mechanics* Fire* Marine and Lift lnsnranco Company, Or PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Insuranco Company* OP BRIDGEPORT, CT. 49*Tne subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount in all parts of the State or overy description of property. Marino Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts ofthe world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BBNBFIT LIFB tNftURANCB COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nott accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* 82,280,006 47 Total amount or dividonds paid to date 716,402 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,886,000 84 FOR PALATKA, FLA. Q BRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING.—The kJ BUbacr" subscriber would invito the attention or all in want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has Just boon received, at the Star Clolhlug Emporium, 147 Bay street. sprlft WM. 0. PRICE SUNDRIES. JUST RECEIVED— O 16 bags cholco old Government Java and Rio Coffoo; 20 half chests Block and Groon Toas, loose aud in quarter pound packago*. 10 bhds Light Muscovado flugar; 10 bbls R L ft D Stuart’s Crushed and Clarified Su gars; 10 bills self rising Flour; 26 bogs Extra and Superfine Flour, 20 bbls Soda, Butter aud Maplo Crackors; 60 boxos Bcadol’s family Soap, Starch aud Candtos; 50 doz Palls and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla Clothes Linos; 10 gross Matches: 25 boxos grouud Coffoo and Pepper; 60 boxos Mustard uud Yeast Powders, Maso, Cinua- moil, Nutmegs, and Cloves, aud 10 coses table Sail, ftc., &o. In storo and for salo by - DAVID O’CONNOR, joll Cor Broughton and Drayton sta. D OMESTIC LIQUORS— 60 bbls EPhoIn’ Rye Gin, 26 bbls N. E. Rum, 60 “ Lulhor Felton’s Rum, 26 “ Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P ft H Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N.O. Whisky, Just roceivod aud for sulo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. 25 BBLS. J. Taylor ft^Son’s Aio rccoivod andfor t sale by joll McMahon & iwyle, Nos. 205 ft.207 Bay street. C OFFEE—75 bugs Rio Coffoo, in storo and for salo low to closo couslgumout. uno25 CRANE, WELLS ft CO. WILLIAM PHILLIPS* * ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, GA. 00126—ly davido.wiLds, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BFJUtTA, ax. Will proctico In the counties of Hancock, Warren, Washington, aud Baldwin. Rzmutxacs—Bohn ft Foster, Rabun ft Smith, and E. A. Soullard. Savannah. j&n9 R. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT IJVW. Office corner or Bay aud Drayton-sta. SAVANNAH, GA. my 11 H&RBY Williams, [ N S U R A N C E. NO. Ill, BAY-STREET, CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four Rllllloif Dollars* By the following responsible Stock Companies. Bqultable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Lifo Insuranco, to any amount, at tho lowest rate, -tolV 71 for the boneflt of heirs and croditors. or payable to the wife froo from the olaitns of creditors. 84,282,488 07 Benjamiu G. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. Presldont •The funds of this Company aro all safely invested In first olass bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and cured b“ ” ‘ notes or mombors folly secured by thoir poUclos. For further particulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agont in Savannah, At tho office oT Boll ft Prentiss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Modlcal Examiner. fUVKRXNCB: Messrs. Padku'ubd, Fat ft Co., I. K. Tot, Esq., State Bank. fou 20 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NSW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT TOR 8AVANNAH, James HI* Curler, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATTdt CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Poet Office. PIBXONRS: ALANSON MARSH, B. A. HOLLO Firm or A. 8. Barnes ft Go. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, Pratt ft Co. I. P. BALLARD, “ “ Livingston, Ballard ft Co. WM. M. DODGE, “ “ Wm. M. Dodge ft Co. P.J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, “ “ H. A. CurUs ft Go. WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. LIPP1NCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, W1L A. HU3TED, “ Hustod ft CarU. WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon ft Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Loo, Murphy ft Co. JOS. H. WESTCOIT, “ Briggs, \Vesteotl ft Co. JOS. FATMAN, «« “ Fatraan ft Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ « Goo. Savory ft Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico PresInenL WM. E. ROLLO, Sooretary. tar This Company will issuo Policies upon Ma rino, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates ol'premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 81 No. 86, Bay Street. THB GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn, CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $000,000. FIRS, MARINE, ARD INLAND 1X8VRARCI. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Bpruco stroot; Alexander Whtlden, Merchant, 14 North Front-sL; John C. Hunter, Arm of Wright. Hunter ft Co.; E, Tracy, Arm or Tracy ft Baker; John K. M’Curdy, Arm of Junes, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Uazlohurst, Attorney and Counsellor; James U. Smith. Arm of James B. Smith ft Co.; Thoedoro W. Baker, Arm or Tracy ft Baker; R. S. Walton. 8U0 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce stroot; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Thos. K. Limhuck, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 16 No. 86 Bay stroot ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (DETWEEN BROADWAY AND MASBAV STREET.) Cosh Capital—$100,0001 mHIS Company Insures agaiust loss or dotnago by i Firo, ou tho most roasonablo terras, dwolling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores aud mer chandize, factories, snips In port, etc. All losses will bo adjusted aud promptly paid. D. S. MILLS. President, 0. BROOM, Vice President. Edw’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 17 ~ for Savaunoh, 86 Bay stroot. ALABAMA LOTTERY! [AtmiOHIZKII BY TUB CTiTK OF ALABAMA.] CLASS E—NEW SERIES, TO bo drawn in tho City or Montgomery. Alabama, in public, on THURSDAY, July 10,1866, on tbo HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amounilug to 205,000 Dollars 11 nil! Iiufiluii-lliii.iiil .......ii*.lint. I.. Will hoTiisiriliuUiU according tu Um louowiug MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 30,OUU IN limbers—15,000 Pvises l 1 prize of 836,900 it #35,000 * ‘ ‘ 10,000 is 10,000 , 6,000 is . 2,000 is . 1,200 is l,2oii . 1,100 id 1,100 do do 1,000 IS 1,000 do do 900 is 900 do do 800 is 800 do do 020 is 020 10 do Uo 200 is 2,000 100 do do 100 is 10,000 4 prizes ol 8200 approxim’g to 836,000 aro 8800 do do.. do do do do do do do do 6,000 vuuwai nnurviiu, rmiiivis muit, *uu umi»w um 2 000 Mrio of Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price •**••“ will bo paid. * *“ 160 100 80 70 60 40 30 28 22 20 10 8 ye>. 15,000 prizes amounting to 8205,200 Tho 16,000 prices of ot $8J^ are determined by tho number which draws the 836,000 prize—if that number Rhould bo an odd number, tbon every odd number ticket in tbo Bchorno will bo untitled to ; if an even uumbor, then every oven number ticket will be entitled to 88 iu udditlon to any other prize which may bo drawn. Purchasers lu buying an equal quantity of odd and even number tickets, will be certain of drawing nearly one half tbo cost of tho same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. 49* Remember that ovory prize is drawn, and payablo tu full without deduction. tar All prizes of 81,000 aud undor, paid Immedi ately after tho drawing,—other prizes ut the usual timo of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers immediately after tho drawing. Wholu Tickets, 819—Halves, $5—Quarters, 82 60, Prize Tickets cashed or reuowod tu other Tickets at either office. Ordors for Tickets con ho addressed either to S. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ga., Jol Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. J^EATSlfWT OIL, of llto nm quality constantly 1 for salo low by mayl6 CHAFFER ft CO., tt Whitaker stroot. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS *3*3,031 PRIZES. 60,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only! t GRAND SPECULATION U! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! BY BARKMAN ft BULLOGHr ' At Private Sals.. One of tho finest hotel or b vnnts In the Stato. Enquire at li Juuo24 At Private Sale. A negro woman, 22 years or sge, a good plain cook and field hand Warranted sound. Title un doubted. JunolO At Private Sale. A nogro man, sgod 20 years, a first rate hostler and house servant. Title undoubted. JolO At Private Sale. A very likely Intolligont mulatto girl, aged 10 yoars. u first rnto cook, washer and Irouer, and an excellent seamstress. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, JunolO - At Private Sale. A very likely mulatto man, aged 24 years, a first rate carpenter. Warranted sound, title undoubt ed. JunolO At Private Salo. A very likely negro man, agod 22 yrtffg, a good field hand. Warranted sound. Title-undoubted.. JunolO At Private Salo. 1700 bushols Rico, an cxccllont articlo for stock of all kluds. Call und oxamlno. Price 26 cents per bushel. JunolO Wanted. Contral Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of the JunolO To Rout. Two good stores, undor tho bluff, at tbo foot of Whitaker street _ Juno 10 ’ Wanted to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, in a central location—one fronting ou a square would be prolor- rod—for such au one a liberal prico would bo glvon. JunolO At Prlvuto Sulo. Thirty cllgibh building Lots, 66 feet front by 100 to 124 ii ct deep, situated on Taylor, Gordou and Guston streets. Theso lots aro on high ground and Homo of them in tho Immediate neighborhood ofthe lot selected for tho site of tho Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot Terms samo as city lots, viz : ono-llfth cash, tho baianco bearing interest at six per cunt. JuuelO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PEYOIt’S OINTMENT. I T Is a sure and speedy cure for burns, piles, corns, felons, tovor sores, ulcers, scald bead, tetter worm, soro nipples, (recommended by nur- sus,) soro aud cracked Ups, trosh wounds anu sores of any dodcripliou. It ia a most vuluuble remedy and euro, which am bo tostUlod to by thousands who huvo used it in muuy purlieus of tho South for tlie last few years. Iu no luatunco will the salve do any injury, or interfere with u physician's proscrip tion. Tlie proprietor lias numerous certificates aud letters from people who have used it themselves, aud most earnoatly rccommeud it to others os a speedy aud certain remedy for tho above natnod diseases. A trial is all that Is necessary for Us own recommendation. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug> gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, may 13 I*Grunge, Ua. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 21), Hull street, (sign of the Big lodiafl.) N. 1).—Koops constantly ou hand Spanish, Halt Spanish, and American Sugars, at wholesale and re- ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuif, ftc. June 1 • IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY XOTUOmTYJDF TDK BTATK OF UKOKUU. JASPER COUNT YACADE MY CLASS O. To be drawn July tho 16th, 1866, at Concert Hall, Macou, Ga., under tho sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jus. A. Nlsbot, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on tho plan or tho Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this lias unly 10,000 numbers, aud tho Havana Lottery 34,ouo numbers—tlie Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 pricos. Look to your luterest !/_Now is tho timo. CAPITAL 87,600. 1 Prize of 8 7,600 is $ 7,600 1 “ 8,0001s 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 1,000 are 3,000 500 are 2,600 100 aro 2,000 “ 8 aro 40,000 6 20 6000 6041 prizes amounting to 800,000 Tickets 810—Halves 86—Quarters 82.60. 49- Prizes payable without deduction. 49- l’orsous sending money by mall nood not fear Us being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications couUdoutlal. Bunk notes of sound banks taken nt pur. Drawings scut to all ordering tickets. 49-Thoso wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Tho 6,000 prizes of $8, nro determined by tho drawing of tbo Capital of $7,600; If tho uumbor tbul draws the Capital is uu uveu number, thoso Tickets ending 0. 2, 4. 0, 8, are entitled to $8; if an odd uumbor those Tickets ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 0, arc outitled to $8. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, JunoiT Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Uu. TjlUME YELLOW CORN. -In store and lor X sale by may7 „ YOUNG ftWYATT B ACON AND "LARD.—6d hluisJ~nrimo Bacon bides ; 30 hhds. prime Bacon Shoulders ; 20 bbta. prime Baltimore Leaf Lara. Laudlug, and tor salo by 8CKANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. Juno 1 „ „ WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery & York sts. SAVANNAH, GA., T) ESPECTFULLY inform, the Ladies and -Lli Gentlemen of this City that ho is prepared to serve them ovory ovonlng with lee Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In hi3 own pocullar stylo, and hopes to morlt s share of public patronago, ( Savannah, 17th April, 1866. 8ra sprl7_ "TOHOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bmn-st, would rospectfolly announce to the citizens ol savannah that lio is ready to make and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, &o., at tho shortest no ted, ana on the most roasounbie terms. oot8-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly piORN—1000 bushels prime Corn in store and KJ for sale by Son 20 \ U A GREINER. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 AAA POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, hi •vUvJ Bt0r0andf0rBal b^rjion Juuo20 corner Whltakor and Cimrlton-Hta. SUNDRIES. 1 A ft A POUNDS cholco Baltimore Stoulders; I ~..A 1 unn ,| n .1. ’ _ „ _ and 1200 do do 81Uos; 100 cholco sugar-cured Hams, in bags; 600 pounds cholco Tennessoo Hams; 15 barrels cholco Lcuf Lard: 10 tiercos extra wbolo Rico; 6 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 15 boxos Tallow Caudles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 bags good Rio Coffoo; 7 pockets old govornmuut Jars Coffee. All tho abovo for salo low by JuiioT J. A. BROWN. 1 6)_4 Pavl XU 4 Kepi ’avillon Laces, superior quality; Inga i «v muu Lube. DU|iuriur qu __ Zephyr Whalobouo Skirts; French Linen Drillings; York Mills and Water twist Bleached Shirt- Black Moire Antique Trimmings; Black Elostlo Bolts; English Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, ftc. Just roceivod por steamer Augusta. Jel2 DkWITT ft MORGAN. G UNNY CLOTH—In Storo and for salo by Juno 4 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. •jTXBi®I..8MAU, UMBKKLLAB.—liuliCH 1 mitall size Silk Umbrellas, from 18 to 24 luches. coivod and for salo by J. W. TIIRELKELP, Jol2 Congress and Whltakor streets. TAKE NOTICE Ro* P URCHASERS will havo their goods dollvorod froo of oxponio with quick dispatch from tho Savannah Grocery and Fruit Dopot, cornoi Brough* ton aud Whitaker streets. mr 1 would call tbo attention or Fruiters gener ally to my well selected stock of Groceries, receiv ing daily. Je23—tf W. H. FARRELL. ICE C REAM! KEV GONE-KCi-IoNARr HTORE No. OS llryan Street. TWO DOORS ABOVK MR. UMIFFXX’S JKWKLRY RORI. T HE undersigned respectfully informs the La dies orSavaoiiah in particular, and tho public generally, that ho has this day opened anew Confoc- tlanary Storo, and will koop on hand a largo aud rest) assortment, or all kinds and dlscriptions. Ho will at all times and hours, bo ready toforulsh parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all honn. Ornamented Cakes, Pies, ftc. ftc., mado to order. Ho hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA.No. 98 BryanS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, &c. W E havo just received a now stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives. Salt Collars, Fish, l'le, Cake and Ico Cream Knivos; alqo, Stool and Plated on Stcol Table Cutlcrv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Broad Knives, Plated and Parion Butter Stands, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. juuo 4 BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bai anco of rich Aouncod Organdies, Barcgos, Crapo do Paris and Tissues, otcost to closo them out; also rich Luco Mantillas, at reduced prices, for salo b. Juno 4 DkWITT ft MORGAN y 9 A Bbls. superior Old MonongeheUt Whiskey, Urocolvod, aud for sale by J. M. EYRE, my 14 04 Bay stroot, WANTED. A Consignee for 10 tubs or Butter, marked J. F. ft D., landed por steamship Knoxvillo from New York. [JoO] PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW 8HADEB. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 00NGKKH8 AND 67 ST. JCUKM-8IRKKKB. city. tho intoiiliou ofthe advertiser to keep constantly in store a largo supply or oil tho various patterns and stylos mauuffteturod by Uie mauutacturors or this country and of France, to whloh iho attenUon of mer chants and families in tho city and country. Is in vited. Thoy will bo Bold at wholosalo and retail, st satisfactory prices. W H. GU10N, Agont. Jau 8 S I .. Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. Land ing and for sale by may!6 SCRANTON, JOHN3TON ft 00. ilOLABSha, UUAKS—50 barrels Stuarts A and B OlarlAod AT 0. MOLASSES, lauding from ri . Abbymad., deo27 LOOKER 4 B ACON—76 hhds prime Bacon Sides; 60 do do Shoulders; * " __,20 cusks choice canvassed llama; lu do Tenueasce do; just received aud lor salo JUU024 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. L iverpool salt.-4oo sacks, ten to the ion, landing from ship Eli WUItuoy, and for sale by marl-0 PADI.FORD, FAY ft CO. jyj"AGAZlNES FOR J UNE—l’utuam|s Mouthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine; Arthur’s Homo Magazine; Godoy’s Lidy’s Book: Harper’s Now Monthly, uud Dickon’s Household Words, rccoivcd aud for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Juno 8 169 Congress stroot, P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.-Nently trim- mod and for sale to close consigumeut. may!7 YOUNG ft WYATT. JgAGGING —100 bales hoavy Gunny Bagging, ro- JADIES DIoIEENRY, Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marino Protests Noted und Extended, Average.) adjusted, Charter Parties aud Average Bonds drawns l'uperu prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all mutters connected with shipping aud In suranco, No. 118 Bay-street opposite tho front ot tho Custom Houso. ly nov 8 PATENT ECLIPSE utAKriE) BifAEniPo Every man Ills own Card Printer. C ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S l'atcut Eclipse Huud t&tamp, the best, cheapest aud most couveuieut of any thing for the purpose yet offered for 6ale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gon. Agt. apr 3 ly 135 Congress St HUNT'S IDFKliVED SEWING MACHINES. D ESIGNED Expressly for making Bugs—aud which is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose, spool or skelu thread cuu be used of any desired length, and which will not need to bo chungcd until tlio wholo is used. Bag manaufucturors, Grain'aud Flour merchants are particularly invited to call aud examine it ut 186 Con gross street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Apt. HUNT & WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. P ESlUNKD for Families, plantations, Dross ma kers, Tailors, Boot ft Shoo manufacturers and otlicrs who may wish to do their owu sowing cheap ly aud with expedition. This machine sows a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will mA ravel. It Is more simple, is less liable to get out of order, aud costs less lu proportion than any other machine, and is warranted to bo perfect, and to work woll. All apparatus necessary for convenient use is furuisliud with it, und auy instruction will bo given that will be nucessary to ensure to tho purchaser its successful operation and durability. Tho public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine them nt 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gon/Agt MO" A very neat aud ornamental Iron Table will uow bo given with a machine fora small sum in addltiou to tha rogular prico. May 25. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER* PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866. T HIS improvement enables ouo field band to pick as much cotton U3 five cuu pick by the old method aud having tho cotton freo from trush, and in butter condiliou for giuulug. Tho abovo nuu hincs aro for salo at 185 Congress street Savannah, and 125 Meeting street. Charles ton, 8. C. All orders from abroad will rcceiva prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cottou Brokers, aud ull iuterestod nro respectfully iuvilcd to call und examine them. County Rights cau bo bought on favornblo terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—10,000 bushels Teuuossco Cora iu store ai - ^and for salo low by. Jo2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. I jUOUR AND BACON.—600 sacks Flour ; 10,005 1 lbs Bacon, iu store and for salo by JeS—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. B ALTIMORE FI.OUR—100 bbls super Uno Raltl- n — *'' — 1 " •“ ’*’ (more Flour lauding per schr Woudbndge, and for sale by Jel- SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. E EFLNED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS— 60 bbls Stuart's A Crashed Sugar, 25 do do Powdered Uo 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do G do do _ coivod und for sale by juno 4 UOUJOMBE. JOHNSON ft CO. MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVA ANN All, GA. (Near tho Murkol.) F ROM the most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his couuectious with several of tho priucipui inauufucturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tho Undersigned is prepared to luruinsh MACHIN Just received aud for salo by jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. M ' UNuNGAHKLA WHISKY- 26 bbs Old Mououguhola Whisky, 60 Double Distilled “ Just received and for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. E UCKLAND LIME.—1,600 bbls Rockland Lime daily expected por brig E. W. AUGER. For sale, to arrlvo, by mayzB BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUIt MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Coluuus, Wiudow Sills and IJutils, Iron Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Northemprices, Ho Is also prepared te repair Machinery aud irou work ol’ovory description, at short uotico, upon rcasouablo terms. Ah agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, ftc. Also Iron Railing In groat variety, lor enclosures, aud to rccoivo ordors, and put up tlio work at man- facturors’ prices. H. H. LINV1LLK. Savannah, April 11, I860. aprll READ. MATCHES ft LEMON SYRUP- 60 bids Sugar, Soda, and Butler Buisciill; 25 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Mutches, round boxes. 76 boxos lAsmon Syrup. Received and for salo by McMAUON ft Dol r LE, Jell Noe. 206 ft 207 Bay struot. 9A BBLS of Mercer and early Juue Potatoes U\J receiovcd per steamer Augusta, and tor salo by mayla ,J. D. JB5SK. F ulton market beef—10 Hair bbls Fultou Market Hoof, and 10 do do Pork. Just received byl ■ may20 J. D. JESSE. ^HE ATTENTION of strangers visitlng the X city and tho public generally, is invited to au examiuatlou of our stock of Spring uud Summer Goods, which for variety aud stylo is not to bo ox- colled iu lids city. apr28 AIKIN ft BURNS. CASKS Bacon, Hami,’Sides and Should I O dera, Just received aud for salo by aprll CRANE, WKI.IS ft CO. JM.OUR—»oo sucks extra uud superllno Flour, In store aud for salo by jttueso WEBSTER ft PALMES. NOTICE. ' A LL persons having claims against tho late bust noss of Joseph M. Turner, Agent, will plooso present them at once for settlement utthq store of Messrs. King ft Waring;aud thoso ludebted to mako immediate pjyment, as it is requisite to closo tlio said business. JOSEPH M. TURNER. Juno 28—31* M A1&11ALL ft SON’S Celebrated l’ig Hams, Pig Shoulders, aud Pig Bacon. Also some uew Smoked Tongues aud Fresh Smoked Beef. Received per Alabama, by / may28 J. D. JESSE. LANDLORD AND TENANti T HE I*aw of Landlord and Tenant By J. Smith, with Notes of Amorlcun coses by P. p, Morris. Bauvlcr’8 Law Dictionary, Inst edition. Bauvior’s Institutes Americau Law. Neligun’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown ou some Diseases of Women admitting of Surgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases ofthe Respiratory Organs. Budd ou Discuses of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures lu Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Cathorlne E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland In *08 aud *48; its Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. •» National System of Political Economy. From the Gorranu, of List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Alt PKR ^ FOR JULY.—Harper’s Now Monthly Magatlno, for July, reccivod aud for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Junel8 161) Congress street. "CTOR JULY—Graham’s Illustrated Monthly Mag- X nzluc, and Ballou’s Dollar Monthly: Black- A. ii/’.iuu, unit imiiuu a uuuitr aiumui; uj wood’s Edinburgh Magazluo, lor May. Also, Mas sey’s Exhibition Reciter and Drawing Room Enter tainments, being chuico selections in prose and verso, together witli an unique collection of petito comodlos, dramas uml farces, udupted ibr tho use of schools aud families. For salo by JunoM WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, QUGAR, ftci—7ft bbls aud 10 hhds A, B andTC O Sugars; 16 hhds V 1 ** , Molasses; 26 do Bgcon Sides aud Shoulders; received and for sale by McMAHON ft huYIJ), iunelO 205 aud 207 Bay street D RESS GOODS.—A lurgu uud Ano assortment of r * - ***—"• * “ ** “ JjJWRA CANAL.FLOUR.—26 barrels Extra Canal J Flour. msylf Landlnx and for aale b; *00. colored Dross Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics. French Muslins, Brildants and Prints, as well as a largo assortment of Wlilto Goods, 8tripod Plaid and Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarleton. Book, Nansook, Cambric and Jaconet Muslin, for sale by Juno 20 AlKIN ft BURNS.' C ANDLES—200 boxes star Caudles, Just receivoS and for salo by JOA020 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON * CO. !!