Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 03, 1856, Image 4

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hCOUNTY^To tU whom ltn»y : Whereas;John Mallcry,trill apply to tho hoary for Letters Dbtulsory as au minis* " *ie Of William Wright there aro, i and admonish all whom Urnny •oocero, to bo amt appear before sold Court, to ' BaKt objection (If any they have) on or hoforo Uic first. Monday tn .November noxt, othwlw said Let* tors wUi be grouted. _ Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Qttnty, this o-ihl day of April 1860. JOHN BUJM), 0.0.0. aprl C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be %oid \>u V.M fir-a i\n*ni*y tn June uext. before sue Court House, between t ho legal hours of sale, I n number twalva (12) Now Franklin Ward, In the Qty of Bavanuuh, Minuted on tho cornor of* nery street and Battlo Bow, together with tho iroontory brick warohoaio situated thereon; levied oa to satisfy a certain fl Ik. risulug out of Chatham fijpartor court, In flivor of John ScmlUer vs. (Mar* •not 4*. Holds. Pretwrty p-fo’M out iu anhl ft. Ta. BENJAMIN L. COLE, Buy! Sheriff C. C. “ IfXTE oSn&BQRQiA; C HATHAM COUNTY.—To nil wliotn It may con- corn : Whero.w, Elisabeth Hi boro, will apply at ina Court of Ordinary tor letters of administration on the estate of Joseph thboro : These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all Whom It tnav coucero, to bo and appear before said Oourt to uoko objuctiuu (if any tUoy have) on or before tho drat Mumiuy in July uoxt, otlierwUo suiil Utters will be granted. W.tntws. John ihlbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, thli second day of June, 1856. June 2 JOHN Hll.UO, o. c. c, u It may concern, to be and appear before said t to make objection (ffany they have) on or be- the llrst Mouday tn December neat, otherwise These are, therefore. whom It Court to tore the said letters will Iks grouted. Witness, John Bilbo, hsu. Ordinary for Chatham county, this fourth day of Juno, M50. Jtmo_0 JOHN BILBO. 0.0.0. „ ADMIN 18TH ATOIl’S iAhiu r T>UHSUANT to an order of U10 Honorablo tho XT Court of Ordluary of GUulhum Couuty, paused Juuo form, 185ft, will l>o sold, on tho ftrst Tuesday in August next, before tho Court House door in wild couuiy of Challmm, between tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, to wit.: ljota Nos. three («) aud four (4), being part of Garden lot No. nlno (u), Hprlng Hill, City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad street; also tho following negro slaves: Jack, Fetor, Aloxandor and Sarah. Sold as tho property or tho osiafoorSamuolGrUIln, laioofsald county, deceased, for tho beuoftt of tho heirs anil creditors or said es tate. RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis nou, ou Je4 Estate r.rsamuol Grlllln, “aKTOutftA7cJ*A 5 riiAaiCtllfNTY7“ O N tho ftrst Monday lu August uoxt, I will apply to the ordluary of Chatham county for leave to sell tlio uegro slaves beonging to the ostato of Clara A Ogilbay, deceased, for the be noth of tlio heirs nud credit >rs of sold estate. Juno 4 JAMES A. LaKOCHE, Adm’r. Jfco. OL:i state of uEimua, Chatham to. f 110 all whom It may coucorn: Whereas Mary Aift X Bout will apply at the Court or Ordinary for let ters IHsmissi ry 011 ihe estate of James I*. Rent,— These aro therefore to cite und admonish all whom It may concern, to bo uud appear before said Court, 4> mako objections (If auy they have) on or before tho First Mouday iu December next, otherwise said lotfors will begranfod. Witness John tlilbo, Ksq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of June, lfcftj. jod John bilbo, o.c.c. STATE’OF GEO UGLY, ' C HATHAM county —To Ull whom It may con- com: whereas, Patrick Ryan will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho QMato of Daniel Collins: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail Whom It may concern, to be mid appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the ftrst Mouday iu August uext, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Johu Bi.b», Esq., Ordluary for Chatham County, this twenty third day of June, 1850. June JOHN BILBO, o. ci. c. DROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to jail in Swalnsbnro, Emanuel Co , on tho 4th Instant, a negro man; ho say's Ills name Is Harry; that ho belongs to the estate Ml Thomas Clay, or dryun County, Oa. Ho is of light complexion, with a slight sear over the loll eye; about ft feet it >-j laches iu height, aud about lift years old. The owner Is requested to cumo forward, pay charges and lake him away’, os ho will bo dealt with as tho law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Job Ju’or. . — Wfmhm'Amhi . Bottom Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAMES B. F1DLKS, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF WatekN, Jiw«lrr, lllver Ware, Fan cy Goods, die., vo. 12, toon 2d snuorr, rinunxLreu. »ept8 ly NELSON 8WEEZEY, DESIGNER AND BCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Aster Place and 4th Avenue, nt OUMtraOXJMITY TO Till JUIMH UUJUKT AX'D TUX VRW IUHU HOUSI, VEW YORK. most extensive variety and tho largest _ stock of Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, fco., in America, can lie found at this establishment, from plain to the most elaborate and ornate in design uud workmanship. Iu addition to tho stock always ou hand, a great variety or drawings, appropriate and original may be found, Bom which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders r&tUffuUy executed, and Bhippod to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting tho city of Now Yerk on pleasure or business are respectlhlly luvlted to visit this es tablishment. octa VIRGINIA SPRINGS! S0UTH8IDE, RICHMOND A DANVILLE, A Virginia A Tennessee B U ‘ STATE OF GEORGIA, 1ULL0CH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- J ceru : IVhereas, Aia Johusou will ap| ly ul the Coui 1 of Ordinary lor paid county, for letters ofud- mluLtruli >n. witn iho Will annexed, 011 the iMafo Of Mary Wi liams, latu of said couuty, deceased: These aro, therefore, to cite mid admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud uppear before sold Court to make objection (If any they have) ou or before the first Monday lu August uoxt, otherwise ■aid tetters will bo granted. Witucss. Wi.l am Lee, Esq., Ordiuary for Bulloch county, tho2uth day of June, lboft. Jun-;22 WILLIAM I.F.E. o. a. c. O I85d—Two months after date application wid bo Vo ado to the lionorablu Court of Ordinary of said County fur Icavo to sell all the lands belonging to the estate • f Michael Donaldson, dcceu.-wd, for the beueftt of the heirs and ci editors und said deceased. B»y23-8w JOHN E. <HB>uN, A-tiu’r. ” STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOt H COUNTY To mi whom it may con cern: w iereas. Judah Davis will apply at the touitof oruiua y for L'tter.s of udiiiiiii.ttiii'fomin the e.-tato of IRnry Davis, late of suid county, de ceased : Tb *ae are, there oro. to cite ami admqnlsh nil whom It tn»y concern. to be and appear b fore said Court, to mako objection (if uuy they have) on or before the Ur«-t Mouday in August next, otuorwisu said eue.'s Will be granted. Witauss. william l.oe, Esq , Ordinary for Bulloch couuty, this 27th uuy of June, 1850. Juue29 WILLIAM LEE, o. c. e. GEORGIA, CAMDEN CttUATl. T WO MOXi'iJrf alter duto, applicatlua will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary fur •at J county, for leuvo to sell the real e?tate aud tbe following named negroes : Peter, Jim und Beu; one house and lot aud two other lots; belonging to tho estate of PrDciila Thomas, deceased, lor the beuoftt of tho heirs and creditors. WILLIAM II THOMAS, Ex’or. Jefforsonton, Juuo lu, 1850. Jtine'20 GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY. T WO MoNTHi alfor dat •, a; p icatlon will bo male to the Honorub.u Court of Ordinary lor •aid cuuu.y, for leave to su.l the following named negroes : Rose uud her three children, lreuo, Mi nis and Joe; belonging to the estate of l/iuisa Tomp kins, deceased, tor the beueftt of .-aid heirs, WILLIAM It. tllO.Marf, Gunrdlun. Jefforsonton, Juuo 10, U5June 80 Notice. /TYNE MONTH aUer date, application -will bo Xj made to the citato Bunk of Georgia, for pay ment of a twenty do.lar bill, tbe left hund half of Wbidl has breu lost. Jfilyl JOHN 1). KENEDY. Ity-away, Alabama. July 1^ 186ft. NOTICE. - 3 1W0 months from date application will be uuifo u> the Ordluary of Ctmiham Couuty, for re to dull lot No 151. uih district, ILkcr, belong ing to the estate of Julian Murks. JACOB WATSON, may2 Administrator. NOTICE, A LL persons having demands against tho estate of Hichurd 1\ Williams, late of Chatham couu iy. deceased, nro hereby notified to present them within the time prescribed by law to tho subscri ber ; and all Indebted to tho said estate aro request ed to mako Immediate payment to M. B. MILLEN, Administrator do bonis nou. March fa—6w ltwtJy'21-Je 7 ’ STATB OF UEOllUIA, C HATllAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, the estate of Jeremiah Me- DoualJ lies unrepresented iu consequence of the death of Nothuu Urewton, tho executor, and unless some fit aud competent person applies for tho ad ministration of said estate, with the. will annexed, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other Ut and proper person, administrator with tlio will an nexed do bonu- non, on said estate: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (if any uuy have) on or before the Hr.-t Monday iu August next. Witness, Wili am 1-oe, Esq., Ordinary for the county otBullich, this 12th day or Juuo, 1858. Jel5 WILLIAM LEVS. o. c. 0. oruln, littUocli County. URS’ i 8tnt« of Geo A dministrators' sale.—By virtue of a'u or dor from tho liouorablo Court of Ordinary ut sum county, passed ou the drst Monday in June, will bo sold at the court liuuse door of said county, between the lawfol hours of sale, ou tho first Tues day in August. Ouo tract ol* Laud, coutalnlug one liuudredund tifty acres, in said county, on tho Ca- uoocheo river; also, a part of four olhor surveys, • outainingslx hundred uud thirty-two acres, on Cu- noiKihre river, well Improved aud hi good repair, consisting of swamp, bay utul piue laud. .Sold as tlio property of Naibun Urcwtou, deceased, for tho oeiu-lH of tho hoira and creditors of said deceased, l'ertus made known ou the day of sale. BENJAMIN BKKWTOX, ) ,, n MM ON J. BKEWTUN, J Adni _Juno 2d, I860 Jo 15 Slab' or (iron;IHuiim.' 11 County. A DMIXISTRATuRV SALE.—Mill bo sold, ou tho ftrst Tuesday in August next, before tbs court boiiso in Statesboro’, in Bald couuty, under au order of tlio Court of Ordluary, Fifty four (54) acres of Pine Land, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lauds of James Woods, William Allen uud Eliuore Manes, belonging to tho estate of Jamee Deal, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of sold estate, Terms made knowu on the day of wile, MARTHA DEAL, lAdtu’x. GALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. Juno 12th, 1860 jt* 16 ADMISTllATUlt’8 NOTICE. A ll persons having demands aguiust the eslntn of the 1 ite Charles S. Arnold, deceased, are boreby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time proscribed by law; uud all tboso in debted to suiit estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELFURD, may8 Administrator. ASSIGNEE* NDTIUE. M R. Louis Rubider having made nn assign- meut for liiu benetlt ol his creditors, ail per- •uos ludebtol to him will plouso make payment to me. 4ud tboie having demands ugaiust him ure requested to present them, that payment may be made as far os the ossetts will extend. A. BUN'AUD, Assignee. {Savannah, M >y 10,1850. muy20 “ GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold befuie tin*, door ul'tho Court House lu tho city of Brunswick, Couuty of Glynn, ou tho first Tuesday in July next, between tho legal hours of salo. the following property, to wit.:—Cus- •lus, Jim, Cliloe, nud ^hnun—levied on by virtue ol 11. fa. issued out of tlio ifouorubio .Superior Court ot Glynn Couuty, In favor of Horace B. Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton aud Juines Gowen, Administrators of Mary Abbott deceased. Property pointed out by plaluliff’s attoruey. way28 M. 0. B. WRIGHT, S.G.C. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILi. bo sold before the door of tho Court House, in tho city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday iu July uuxt, buiweun Uio legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.:—Ouo undivided lull'of a tract or parcel of land containing two hundred mid filly acres, (more or less) lying aud bol tgiu tho couuty ol'Glynn, bounded south be lands grunted to Michael I’oiisoli, northwardly by lauds grautod to John Limb, senior, east by lutins unknown. Levied on as tlio property of Celia Lamb, tosalidy a ft. fa. issued out of tlio Honorable .-upo- rlor Court of Glynn couuiy. in favor of Duniul McIn tosh vs. Celia Luiub. Property pointed out by de fendant. M. C. li, WRIGHT, niuy28 .shoriffClyuti County. STATE OF GEJ7lULtrLlUEAl t CO. f|lU all whom it may-concoru:— Whereas Jason X Floyd will apply at the Court of Ordinary for loiters of administration on thecatuio of Allen D. Floyd, T ftoso aro tboreforo to cite and admonish all whom It m ty concern, fo bo uud ui pair before said court, to mike objections, if any they liavu, on or before tho Urst Mouday iu July next, otherwise said loiters will bo granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for liberty County, this 27th day oi A/u il, 185ft. W. P. GIRARDEAU, may27 <b L. C- N'UTiCE. A LL persons having claims against the estate of Evan Jones, late of Chat Ron county, Ga., do- ceased, aro requested to preseut them, In terms jf law, und those indebted will pleam make payment to the subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Contrevillagc, Ga., June 14tli. 1856 jo22 notTcET" W ILL bo sold, betweeu tho usual hours of salo, on the first Tuesday In August next, before tho court house door in Trader's Hill, Charlton county, Ga., Two negro men, (Dick aud Tom)—be longing to tlio estate of Evan Jouos, into of said county, deceased. Sold under provisl 11 oft be will uud by order of tho honortbie Drdhmry of said couuty. STEPHEN McCALL, Ex'r. Ceiitrevlllngc, Ga., Juno 14th, 1856 je22 RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY of tho Urcut Reformation of tho Six teenth Century, in Germauy, Switzerland,&«, b> .1II Merlo D’Aublguc, five volumes complete in uue. Tho Life of Martin Luther, tho German Reform er, in fifty pictures, from designs of Gustuv Koutg, to which is a Idcd a sketch of tho rise and progress of the Reformation In Germany. Lfo and Times if Rev Eljjuii Hcdding, DD, late Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church by 1) W Clark, 1) D. stertmms ou Several OcaMona, by the Rov John Wofley, A M, m four volumes. ^ sermons from tho Pulpit, by H B Bascom, D D, Life of H Biddlemnn Bascom, 1> D, L L D, Into Bi-hop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Kar »I J1 Hcnkle, DI). Posthumous Works of jho Rev Henry B Bascom, 1) D, L L D, ouo of tho Bishops of tho Mothodist Episcopal Church South, edited by tho Rov Thomas N Ralston, A M. Life of tho Rev Robert Newton, I) D, by Tlumuis Jackson. Thu Bards of the Bible, by Georgo (fhldllan. Tho Analogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed —to the Constitution and Course of Nature, by Jo- ueph Butler, L L D, late Lord Bishop of Durham. Baptism—a treatise on tho nature, perpetuity, subjects, adiiiiiiiatratiou, mode, and uses of the ini- tiu ing ordinance of the Christian Church, by Thos OStimuers. Baptism—with roformco to Us import, modes, history, proper use, and the duty of parents fo bap tize I children, by James L Chapman, a minister ol tlio Memphis Couluroiico of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, South. For Bale at 156 Congress street by june22 W A KNOCK fc DAVIS. SHIRTSt SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!! ! I HAVE just received a large assortment of white and figured Shirts, of every quality and style, and superbly made, with collars fo match, orders will also ho taken, and shirts made to suit auy particular style or taste of tho wearer. Call at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. jny 14 WM. (). PRICE. REMOVAL.’ The subscriber has Removed on tho Ray, next door to tho Republican olUce, wiiere he is now opening a handsome assortment of 8 P R l N G_ _ AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by the pattern or make to order tn the most fashionnblo stylo. Also, Ready Mado Clothing for the preseut aud coining season. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a con- tlnuuuce of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing done at tho shortcut notice. Just received While Drill Coats and Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vesta, for salo at a small pro- ftt. aprl2 JOHN W. KELLY. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N tho tlrnt Monday iu July next application will be mado to the Uuuoruhlu the Court of Urdum ry of said county for letters of udiufui tuition 011 tlio • italo of Gideon McGowen, latuui suid county, do- ceased. ANN McGOWeN. June 2 AOTatlE. T HREE months after daloapplieatimi will lie made to the Marine Bank of Euvaiiuuli for Urn pay- meat of two Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter B, h07u, aud letter O, 697, tho lelt Imivesof wliich have been lost. JAM Erf P. HUirnuN. Tftilahassee, Fla., May 17.1866. Hm* my26 ADMlA isiiU'i'iiiX s ale. O N tlio ftrst I’uiuday lu July uuxt will bn sold In front ol ifto Court llouso, iu tlio city of rfavuu- nau, all Iho real estate belonging 10 tl»o estate of Jamal M. Bates, lute of Ciiatlium Comity, deceased. Bold by ferralsaion ofllio Court of Ordliiary. und by order of tho AdraluUtratrlx, for tlio beueftt or the bslrs and creditors. ANN IJ. BATES, may25 Administratrix. li SUMMER “®U Alt KAN GKMENT. Shortest, most comfortable and most expeditious Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS I THROUGH BY HAY-LIGHT. And Baggage Checked Through, except ou Stages. Visitors to the Virglulnia .Springs by this route, take tho South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Dauvillu curs nt Richmond, ut 0 A. M., dully, (Holidays excepted,) arrive ut Lynch burg to dinner, aud thence, via tho Virgiuiu uud. Tennessee Railroad, reach Bousuck’s DcjkjI at i) 1-4, und Salem ut 4 P. Jl., und at either place lake Kent, Smumereoti fit Uo’« Fine Line of Staffea! Thoee via Bousack’s lodge at Kinciistte, dine at tho Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive ut tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on tho evening ortho second day irom Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Staglug. Or by the Salem route, stop all night at tho Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (lu miles distant from Salem,) diuo at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, aud arrive at the While Sulphar Springs on the evening of the following day. The Virginia k Tennessee Railroad Is located through a most romantic amutry, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity and dellghlfol tem perature. Tho road pusses the base of tUe PEAKS OP OTTER! And within three miles of tho Alleghany Springs, one mile of the Montgomery White sulphur Springs, and within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs; all pleasantly situated a few miles apurt, on tbe Easteru slope of tho Alleghuuy mountain, iu M. nt goraery county. Tho waters uf those Springs are celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations urn oxceilcnt, and havo uueu greatly increased since last season. 4^**Visitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kent. Summerson & Co’s Stages at Newuoru Depot, on the oven lug of tho day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, and urrlve ut tho Spriugs 011 the following day to dinnor,'mid Salt Sulphur Springs early iu tho evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. TUe Road from Novbcrn Depot to the Red Sul- phur Springs, (58 miles,) has been graded uu • greatly Improved since last season, uud Is now re garded asuuo of the best- turnpikes iu the moun tains. Tho lino or Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and lu oiicrutfon to tho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tennessee, take Kent, Summerson & Co’s stages ut the Wc*turn terminus or the Virgiuiu & Tonne-see Railroad, now 18U miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at tho rate of 8 miles per mouth) to the Eastern termi nus of the East Teuuessce aud Virginia Railroad, and arrive at Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fan from Petersburg or Kielunond. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs viaBonsuck’s,$10 00 “ “ “ “• “ “ “ Haiein.... 10 6u “ White Sulphur Springs “ Bonsack’s 11 00 “ “ “ “ • “ Salem.... 11 ou “BcdSulpher Springs 12 25 “ Alleghany Spriogs 8 00 “ Montgomery White Sulphur Apr lugs 8 26 “ Yellow Sulphur Spriugs 8 46 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Noth.—The chargo lor tickets to the Alleghany Spriugs, Montgomery White Sulphur und Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not lucludo the charge from the Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor tlio A1 leghuuy Springs, (4 miles distant,) take tickets to Shawsville—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel aud tor tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles ills- taut,) lake tickets to ulirlstiau-burg depot. Con veyances will be fouud at those places. For further information apply to E. A. GGODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. U., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond At Danville U. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’tV, &T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON & CO., myl3-8m Pincastle, Virginia. Abvmmaixa aowuv, m**wui*. ta. AuthoriKud Agont for thoiKavaunah Jnnrw.l- WITH HALMS PATENT TOIVDER-PROOF LOCK.* Having received Ihe Price Medal M the World's Fair, aro now ollored to tho publlo as tho Price Bate of ,Vho World. Tested and approved as they have boon every where, their crowning victory was reserved to be awarded by tho Juries of tho World’sFMr. Tho proprietor placed One Thousand Ixdlnrs In Gold lu tho one exhibited at tho World’s Fair, Din- don, and invited nil the Pick-Locks in the world to opou the Safe, with or without tho koys, aud take the money oa a reward for their Ingenuity ; although operated upon by several skilled In Iheurt, no one could Plcktho Lock or open tho Safe. By an Improvement upon the original Salamander, introduced by tho preseut owner of tho patent-right, tho interior is reudered wholly impervious to damp, and books, papers and Jewelry might bo presorvod in ouo of his safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mllldew. To guard ogulust counterfeits every SoTo Irom tho manufactory of the subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate Iu Front, bearing his name; each is also lurulslied with ouo of his Im proved Thief Detecting Locks, which Is a good guar antee against robbery. S. C. HERRING k CO., Nos. 135,137 and 1UU Water-Bt., N. Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BEJJ. At PRENTISS, wbokcep constantly on hand a foil and complete assortment, which they will soil at Manufacturers’ prices. _ _ _ Bopi28 LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE- J’KOOK QUAUTIKS OV YVILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured by Stearrn ifi Manin. New York. In the lire or the 3d inat., which couaum- ed tbe brick building occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite tho Gus Works, in this city, was a salo ot the above descriptions containing the books, papers, aud money of Mr. Thomas, and although the building was detroyed, tho said Safe sustained no Injury whutovor from tho lutenao heat to w hlch it had been exposed. Ou open ing tho Safe, tho contents were found undisturbed, andiu thoeamo order and condition as when placed there, except a alight discoloration to tho projecting ends of a lew papers, and tho backs of one or two of the books, caused by tbo steam generated In the Safe, while at its greatest heat. Tho Salo aud contents, oa it enrao from the rulnB, may still be seeu, lu tho |K>ssesslon of Sir. Thomas, at tuo Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always ou lumdmud for salo by C. H. CAMPFIELD, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26,1806.' 171 Buy-at., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure in corroborating the foregoing state ment, and iu addition would add, that tho books aro now In uso. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1855. ocUJ—IT BOOK k JOB OFFICE, Merchants cun bo supptlod'at short notice wllh Bill-Heads, Bills of Lading, Dray Books, Circulars, Cards and Blank Books. rticulnr attention givoi/to BOOK AND PAM PHLET PRINTING, such os Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings of Meetings. Reports, By-laws, etc. ouro Thankful for the very liberal patronage horetoforo received, wo respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same, feeling thnt wo shall bo able to please all who inay fuvor us wllh u call, both as to prices and execution of work. H9T - Con.- nound Fluid Extract Birehu. IS A C'KIU'AIN, HAKE, AK1) EMUOTUAL kJOIEDY TTIok litawnw of Bio UIA-Ulcr, Kl-lBoyi, «r»*el, Ji Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, Obstruc tions, Female Complaints, and all diseases of tbs Sexual Organs, whether In * MALE OR FEMALE. from whatever euuso they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This popular and speclUo remedy Is now offered to tho allllcted, and guaranteed to cure ail tho above complaints. It searches out the very root of tho diseaso. driving out all the diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the cause and rendering tbe ofT lreception of Palienta. His Inf^i M »«IW« ImWbUw, Mul Win receive lh.. raMj- uni kind MlMitK* from Ui. Vi^hiiUir, J kl* Malrefl. HU PfACtIce ta that liwrtljio itZ* CuQccr, for Um pist tan vcnri-1? not*urii«w¥: any l-byalclnn ta Iho Koutu. 1-aUcols are bS. 1 ' M *1 per dlvn, or ,lt per montli. Mo taing Sft ta advance. ‘ , Kf Fom to bo nyrenrl upon tatnre tta k I dortnken. All communlcnlluon miut 1. w.t7JS' nddreiud to W. K. M(Hlffi W4 - »»* • Crlflln, CE»TRAL KAlbttUAU. UHANUbl Ob’ BUHiiUDEEr /^N and alter Sunday, tiro Uth October, Innt, \J aud until further notice, tho Posseuger Trains on tbe Central Railroad will run as follows : BBTWHKX SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Bavuunah Dally at...6 a m and 12.15 p ». Arrive in Macon “ “,.2.16 pm “ 1 ax. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 a u “ P.30 p at. Arrive In Savau’h “ “10.46 pm “ 7.20 am BCTWKKJf SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. LeaveSavanuah ..12.15 p m and 8.30 p. m. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.46 p x “ 6.30 a m. Leuvo Augusta 6.- am “ 4.30 pm Arrivo in Savannah 1.30 p m “ 10.45 p BKTWKKN MACON AND AUGUSTA. Loavo Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 p m, Arrive In Augusta .8.46 p a “ 6.30 a m. LeavoAugusta 0. am “ 4.30pm. Arrive in Macon ,.2.16 p x “ 1. am. BCTWKKN SAVANNAH, MILLKDUKVlUJt k KATONTON. Leave Savannah 6. a m Arrive In MllledgovlUo. 2.45 p m. Leave Macon 11 45 a m Arrivo In Eatouton........ 6. pm. W. M. WADLEY Gon’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Ocl. 12, 1855. - octlS. Us y via DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes this opi>ortuuity to inform his friouds and the public, that ho is enabled, from oxpericuoo, and tho Jntultlvo perceptions of the truths or. science, based on tho common rules of surveying forms, both piano uud spherical, to cut and rauko up garments to lit tho human form in tho moat complete and tiuUUed style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes. Military and Firomcu’s Uniforms, &c,,&o. 1\ HORACE GRANT, Jofforson st., one door North ol' Broughton street, due 7—ly THRESH Salmon, LubKterH utul Btirdlucn. for J? sale by Jan 2 A HON'ADD- WANTED, A SITUATION as wvt uur-.c, by a healthy young woman. Would iinvu no objuction to travel, or go info tbe cuuniry. Good relbrciicos given. Apply at this o»lue. __ fit—Juno 24 B ASKETS! BASKETS!—We would call the attention of the |.uiie« to our stock or Work, Travoliug and Quo Fancy Basket*, the largestussort- m«nt tn tlio city, at the House Furnishing tiutro, 166 Brougbton-atreot. mar21 HORACE MORSE. AS L£, LABD, Ac—2u bhls Prime Lird; 60 do lay lor fc Sou’s Alo; Co do sugar, soda uud but* ' -mil} nooived and for rale b£ t*Mlt MOMAHUN fc DOYLE, 206 And 297 Bay lUMi. 1 JAHKK HANGINGS AND UUUUKUS— . Just received a grout assortment of Ihu most qjcgaill iNitterns, with borders to match, I'lom 8 cents to $2, at CHAFFER & CU.’S, apr30 No. tt Whitaker street. ~ «. 51. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Streets. HAS now on hand a beautiful ns- sorlineiil of Jewelry of every ills- «yA orlptlon mid kind worn by ladles and gentlemen, mid will sell at unusually low prices, I have this day received (per Express) a largo stock of elegant til ver Ware, consisting of Cake mid Pin Knives, plain und engraved Fish Knives und Forks, Pickled Knlviwmid Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg ({raters, An. Ac., all In Morccco cases, and 'suitable for presents. 1 have ulsu this day received nn addition fo my stock of halrwnrk of light colored Curls, Topsys, Ilruids^lront Pieces, Bands, Undo Tom, fco., which now mukes my assortment complete. Orders received for auy color desired. Watches repaired by uud under tlm Huporvislou of Holf, mul all mlior work done in a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE UN THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over wilted piusu lire uma New York & New Orleans Mails. O N and alter Sunduy, February 3d, l«oG, two daily trains between Mucou and Columbus, und one between Mucou anil Ainericus, Leuvo Macon at 2 am, und 31» m; arrivo ut Colum bus at 7 16 s m, and 10301* m ; loavo Columbus ut 4 15 a m, and 1 30 »> m; arrive at Macon ut 10 54 a m, and 7 40 p m; leavo Macon ut 2 a m; arrivo ut Amort cus at 6 40 a m; leave Ainericus at 2 20 p M; arrive nt Macon at 7 40 p m; making a complete conuvctloii be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, WUmlugton and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannuti, MiUudgovilieuud Eaton- ton, aud with Macon und Western trains to Atlauta, Chatlunooga, Nashville and Kuoxvlllo, Tenn. At Columbus with Girard ami Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Alu., connecting dally nt Amoricus with four horse Post Coaches to Tallahassee, Albany Thomusvillc, Butnbrldgo, &c., with tri-weekly iiacku to Lumpkin, Cuthbort, Jvc., nt Fort Valley will) bucks to Perry, Huynosvlllo, Hawklnsvlllo and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Amoricus und imliits below Fori Valley, should take tlio 12 16 p m train from Buvau- nab; and tho 6 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macon. For other points on tlio rfouth- Western or Muscogee Roads take either triun from Savannah or Augusta. Possougers luavltig Autcil- cub at 2 20 p m will reach Columbus at 10 30 r m the Baino night. Passengers from Columbus and tho West for Am ericas, South-western Georgia or Florida, should tnko tho 1 30 p m train at Columbus, sloop nt Fori Valloy, and reach Amoricus ut 0 40 a m next morn Ing. First class steamships leave Bavnnnah for Now York on Wednesdays and Saturdays, uml for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage is the Cabin $25 Steerngo $8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ Jo 00 “ Amoricus “ “ 8 so GEO. W, ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January SOth, I860. may 10 V I RQ INIA OKIN TRALR-ROA D. O N CONSIGNMENT— 2000 bushels PrlmoCorn; 100 do Cow Reas; 200sackH “Palace Mills” Flour: 10 bill. Itaw Glm; 10 do Mouonuabolu Whisky; 6 do Domestic Hrsmly; For sale low, by Jel8 PATTEN. HUTTON * GO. JJHANDV, OWj.WUWKX.AWl hUM-Vurjiil. 'i, vui, najmi nua-rur Ml (mayfiO) W1LLLUO fc RATCUI?. VYinUr Arrangement—Cart Martinaloom lirvad st, .. 6u - Heir W mn tlrnt ll DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, OA., Bslublishea In 183i). II1E Subscriber grateful to bis friends and patrons for their continual favors, would state In addition to the Improvements in DYING, ao tuiretl by him during his last visit to Engloud aud Gotland, has made arrangements for oxteuding his business, by which ho is now enabled to dye a greater variety of colors ou silk and woolen dresses, shawls, &c., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor htin with tholr patronuge. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, clcuuedor renovated i may bo required, in tho same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons aud friends. Table Covers, amt ladles’ Crape SbawlB, Ac., cleaned and finished in the first stylo. Ladles’ Bonuots dyed, bleached aud pressed in the most foshiouahlo styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcols are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through tho post office, so tliut ho may know whuro to cau for them, mch 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HKINTZEI.MANN’H ~ ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence has boon rccoived throughout all soctions of Hie Union as a remedy at ouco safe, agreeable and effectual for Incipient Diarrhoea, Cuoiora Morbus, Weak aud relaxed Bowels, Prostratiou by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, Ac,, has iu- Uueod tho proprietor to give It every publicity in his power. I pon its morrits comment is unnecessary, us its own intrinsic worth Is Its best eulogy. It cur ries with It the evidence of ite superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, tho old, und scores of families who. prompted by u careful regard for their health aud comfort, uro dally adopting it as an !.ND»m*A»u.K family hkmkdy. There is perhaps no medlciiiu! preparation extant so simple uml harm less, yet salutary aud ellectivo, whoso worth will he more appreciated or univorsallv adopted thau tho Liquid utngcr prepared by Helntzolman. Fur sale by J. E. DkFoIID, Druggist, Je1u 3m tiavannaii, Ga. NOTlOH TO MARINERS. T HE buoys at St. Slmous Inlet and Sound have been arranged In the following manner : outer Bar Uuuy Is a large Urst class nun, painted red, with the No 2 in white—is placed Ik tweuty feet water at low tide, and must be lelt ou the stur- hoard lmud entering. St Sltuous Light bears N W by W J* W. North point or Jckyl W by N % N. Middle Buoy—Is a large second class nun, paint ed block, with No 1 In wlitte-—ia placed in sixteen feet water at low tide, on the Eastern edge of the Middlo Ground, uud must bo left on tho port hand entering. 8t Simona light bears N W by W )i W. North point of Jckyl W by N, Inner Buoy—Is a second class nun, painted block, with the No 3 lu white—Is priced iu twenty-one lect water at low lido, on the ptdut ol shoal running nlffroiu Jckyl Island, and must bo left ou tbe |«rt hand entoriug. St Simons Light boars N K by N y M X. North point Jckyl W by 8 )i S. In the Sound is tbe Lower Middle Ground Buoy— which is urecond cluss nun, painted with red uud black horizuuLu! stripes—is priced in twelve feet water at low tide, on tho lower point or the Middle Ground, to murk the two clianuuls. St Simons Light bears N K by E, North point of Jckyl Island S E by S S. Middlo Middle Ground Buoy—is u second class nun, painted red, with No 4 in white—is priced in eighteen feet water at low tide, near the elbow of tlio Middle Ground, aud must bn loll on the star board hand entering. North point of Jckyl bars N E « E. Brunswick poiut W by S. Upper Middlo Ground Buoy—Is a second class nun, painted red, with tho No 6 in white—U priced iu 18 foot water at low tide, near tho upper end of tho Middle Ground, and miht bo loll on tin 1 star- board baud entering. Brunswick point bears W >4 8. Mouth of Jeltyl Creek S E. Note.—Iu running in for lit ftitnnns Bar bring the Light to bear N \V by W W, while in four fathoms water. This beariug ns a courso will take you up to the Outer Bar Buoy and Into tbo Found, passing the buoys as directed. By order of the Light House Board. ' C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Jo28—tf _ L. H. Inspector, 6tli District. NOTIUK TO MARINERS. “ T HE buoy’s at rft. Andrew’s Inlet und Sound have been arraugml in tho following manner: Bar Buoy—is u second clusscan, painted red, with tlio No 2 iu whltu—is placed In sixteen water ut low tide, und must be left uu tho sturbonrd baud enter ing. Llltiu Cumberland Light bears W by W N. South point of Jckyl N W by W. ' - Middle Buoy—Isa second doss cun, painted red, with the No 4 In white—Is placed in nineteen feet water at low tide, near tho High North Breakers, and must ho left on tho starboard bund cutcring. Cumlaud Light bears W by N ).( N. South lroint ol Joky IN W VV. Inuer Buoy—Is a sccoud class can, painted black, with No 1 in white—Is placed lu twenty-one lect water at low tide, near a dry shoal runniug off from Cumberland Island, ami must be left ou tbo port baud entering. Cumberland Light bears 8IV by W W. .South point ofJokyl N W W. In tho Bound is tho Midule Ground Buoy—sccoud class cau, painted with red aud black horizontal stripes—placed in ton Icet water at low lido, ou u point or shoal runniug down from tho Satilla River,’ uud nearly in the middlo of the Sound. Vessels must noVpa8rf to the westward of It. Cumberland Light bears S by B X E. Inner point of Jekyl N W x w. Buoy at the fttttrance or Satilla River—Is a second class can, iwluted black, with No 3 in white—is placed lu ten feet water at low tide, and must be lelt ou the port band entering. Cumberland Light bears 8 by E. Outer of Jekyl bears N J8. Note.—In runniug iu for BL Audrew’s Bar bring tho Light to hear W by N % N, while In four l'utli- oins water. This bearing as a course will take you up fo tbo Bar Buoy, then haul off to tho northward until tho Middle Buoy, No 4 is in range with the Light, (to avoid two l imps in a direct liue, W by N N, betweeu the two buoys,) when steer lor it— passing it to tho southward. From this buoy a N W by W X W courso will bring you into the Bound. By order of tbe Light House Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Jo28—tf L. H. Inspector, 6th District. Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MlSrf MARIA J.. EASTMANN, Principal. This Seminary, hu-ated iu tho de lightful and healthy village of Media, thirteen miles from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will bo • ’ * OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, Soptcmber 10th, 1856. Tno commodious building, nowin process of erec tion, wllh all tho modern improvements, will bo finished bv tbo first of August, uud will contain such accommodations, both iu point of taste und comfort, as cannot fail to satisfy parents that while their daughters aro onjoying the benefits of nmutal cul ture, they have also the comforts of a refined homo. This Institution is established with a view to altbrd to young ladies the most perfect combination of ad vantages for tbe attainment of n thorough and ac complished education, aud no pains or expense will bo spared to render it in reality what it professes to bo, a school of superior merit. Miss Easlmau, tho Principal, was ut tho head of n school in New Eng land previous to her residence in Pennsylvania, uml for tlio last six years has been kuown to the petrous or Aston Ridge .Seminary, as presiding teacher In that institution. The Rt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Rays:— •‘Miss M. L. Eastman, who proposes to opcu a Young Ladles’ Seminary lu Media, Delaware Co., I u , iu September uext, lias been kuown to tho sub scriber for several years past. Ho 1ms a very high opinion ot her capacity, efficiency and dovotedness ai ati educator. She has hud a large and success- oi usporiciice. Thu kuihiiug whloh ih tu bo orcolod lor her Uau will contain every accommodation. The village uud surrounding country arc distinguished l ir boa thfoliiess und beauty,und the subscriber baa confident e Unit parents who outruai their daughters t) Miss Eastman will have no reason fo regret it.” Miss Eastman will bo aided by an efficient corps of Teachers. * The French language will bo taught and spoken by? * ftrislau lady, residing in tho family. The I Jilin, German, Spanish and Italian languages will receive duo attention. Tho Natural sicleuces will bo taught, with tlio aid of a largo and expensive upp trains. The Musical Department will be under the churgo of u lady eminouily quahUed to fill tho situation; and all preturriug a male teacher on tlio Piano or in Singing, can have the benefit of a Visiting Teacher Irom Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting will Uo muter the direction of u lady accomplished in tho art. Tho number of pupils is limited to forty. The forms for Hoard and Tuition in ull ttjo branch es except Music, arc $160 per session of five months. Miss Easttnuu has liberty fo refer to the following gentlemen:— ]h- Boy. A. Potter, D.D., and tho Episcopal clergy Hon.- V: Pierce, President of tho Uultcd Stules. Hon. s. P. Clmso, Governor of O rio. ’Hon. N. B, Raker, Ex-Governor of New Hamp shire lion. M. W. Tappnti, M. O’, from Now York. Ruv. N. atom, of Norristown, Pa. Rov. A. Mcri’od, Cloarlleld, Pa. Pierce Butler, Esq„ of Philadelphia, J. B.Okio,Iisq., do. E. W. Clark, Esq. do. Georgo Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Ltuser, I'oUsvlllo, Pa. George Wyman, St. J/juIs, Mo. Hun. P. O. Johnson, Washington, D. C. For lurtlior particulars, or for circulurs apply to the l rluc pal, Mlrfrf MARIA EASTMAN, JolO end 3m Media, Delaware Co. P< •vy Iinlf aU tho way toGurdoiiHVlllcv 'HEN tho Potomac Ih closed with ico this route may he relied on by passengers, to on- sure tho connection goiug North or South. Tno road Is entirely rolald with a bupcrlor T rail as (Ur us Gordonsvlllo. During tho wluter tho train will start Irom tho old station, in Richmond, on Broad streot, at IX |mws GordonRvillo at 11 a m., and arrive In Staunton at 325 V m, Down train leaves rftami- tou at 6 40 am, pass os Gordonavilie at 11 a m, and arrive in Richmond at 2.3U t* m. Faro to Gordonsvlllo gg oo 44 6 00 Both trainB arrivo in Gordoimvlllo in umpto tlmo to Uko tho tratu ortho Oraugo and Aloxundria Rail road. I’orsons who loave Rlclunoud ut 7)4; a m., con take tho Oraugo and Aloxuudria cars at Gordons- vilto If they choose to do so, and by that taulu will ronch Alexandria by il.4o fm.. but thiscompauy eon ticket them only to GordonEvilla, ool7 tf H, 1>. WHITCOMB, Supt, P .™ . a **ihiodic;als. UTN AM S Monthly Mnguzino for May. J* rank Ia.^Ho’s Gazetto of F’asliions lor May. Blackwood’s Edluburgh Review for April. Received and for snlo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, nuiyio 160 Congress street. 1 KIlLS^ Fi^ULIU iu fttoro uud for aulu by may7 CRANE. WEJJ.S It 00. /4.ENt"ljl5dnWVESi«urt Ur Ud br Ml* b, J. W. TaKtXKKLD, mtfU MWMHaWUttNkMrMrMta. \ Ohio CaUiwba Brandy ill store. Vv/ a , lhl hi, salo by tbo ouly regular Agubl for SuvuuuuU. J.U.EVfiB, ln y 1 ; 04 Hay struct. JUST UBCEIVBD. ‘ ~ Hl'KAMKH. at, tussurtmont of ^ gttJ) Mkina uud UbllUrcii's I’liiin tUruws, t£9 jap Lttdlw’NKOI'OUl'AN BONNBtS, IN.fiC tAAiS' 1IAIH und KLAl'H. Also u fciw uuT' UAHS. For sain by MBS. FlUSKLAM), _ ttiuy 1. Broughlou struct. T ISLE THREAD GAUNTLET&—The only XJ urtlole ot tbo kiud 111 tbo olty. Far sole by ... J. W. THKEUtEU), _mar27 cornor or Congress and Whituker-sls, A pples & potatoes— 10 bbls Cboloo timer Potntoon: •jl •‘ i. lluwMt Apple*. Foruls by »“y“ J. A. BROWN. FftENUU MILLINER! AND Drees Making. MILS. FREELAND has open oil at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a lino selec tion of Spring Mimicry, and is constantly receiving per steam , new and diflbrent styles of Bonnots; nIso, Drc3a and Mautilla pallor us. A®-Bonnets cloaned aud pressod as usual. anrlO KEDziEs patent watkii filter An assortment of sizes on hand. Wo warrant them to make tho Bavaunnh River Water, oven though dipped directly out or the River, as pure and clear as the fluest Spring Wuter. About forty ofthese Filters aro now iu uso in this city, und every person who has thorn, will cheerfully testily to their efficiency. Indeed, tlio Board of Water Commissioners bore, say in thoir HuiKirt, it is tho only Filter that does ell'octual- ly purify tho Savannah Ilivor Water. Call and soo ono in operation at our House Fur nishing andStoveestabllsmunt,Hodgson'snew block. KENNEDY fc BEACH, fob 27 Corner of Broughton and Bull sts. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, 8omo now and benutfful designs, Plated and Brlta- nia. At tho House Furnishing Store, “ 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MOK5K. Savouuah, April30. apr80 ARTBUH’S PATENT AUl-T’IGliT SEriF-SEArilNG CANS AND JARS, TO WOOL SELLERS. T HE Uudersigued havo this day opened a Store in Congress street, opposite tho Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Boos Wax, Deer Skins, aud Country Produce in general. The highest cash prices will he paid for all the above artictos on delivery Jn Savannah. Mr. L. J. G(J1L* MARTIN has boon appointed as Agont, to whom all persons having business transactions with tho mi' derBtgned may apply. J. W. SMYTHE fc CO. Savannah, May 10,1856. may20 P!AN 0 FORTES. HAVING lately rocoived largo ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to oiler ut this time the gruutest variety from the best manu facturers, from the plniuost square to the most elab orately carved, and from six to sovon octavos. Our Pianos aro selected from tho manufacturers whom wo havo full confidence iu, and wo are par ticularly requested by them to give a guuranty wllh every iustruniout sold by us as regards durability, tone, &c. Persons in waut of a first rate instrument mtfy re- ly wllh solely upon getting such a ono by selecting fTom tlm following makers, whoso Instruments we oudeavor to keep constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckcring fc Sou, Nunns & Clarko, Bacon k Ravens, U. Waters, und Haines, Brothers fc Gum ming. I. W. MORRELL fc CO. aug 27 CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tills medicine allays pain and Inflammation, which other remedies Invariably cause, and can be token with leas trouble and oxuense to patients. Thlsjn- fhllible romody has savea thousands upon thousands from the bands of irom we o MKRC1LSag q UXCK8i if not from premature graves. In cases or Infection the Compound Buchu is tho only article worthy or tho least confidence or the allllcted in performing SAFE CURES. It contains nouorcotJc, mercury, or other injurious drug, but Is purely a Vegetable OompotiUon. - It Is very agreeable to tlio taste, creates no perceptible odor, and may bo taken by persons or either sex without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany tbe medicine. Reader. U' you have uuy of the above complaints, do notneg dangeROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus prevent all exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This modlclne sjieedlly and effectually cures tho moat virulent form or secret discuses, and eradicates every particle of lufccUous mutter from the system, restoring the patient to a perlest state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Helm bold's Highly Concentrated Com- IMrand Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla* For purifying tho Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, exposure and im prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of Blood, and tho only rellablo and ell'octual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer* atious or tho Throat and Legs, Pains and SwelUnga of tho Bonos, Tetter, Pimples on tho Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is grutifylug to tho proprietor of these medicines to bo able to state that it is now nearly threo years since thoy were first introduced, during which time they havo been extensively used in various parts of tho United States, aud lrnve given to patient and practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in the various coses In which they have been employod ; whether tn town, country, hospital or private prac tice, thoy havo invariably given tho most decided und unequivocal satisfaction, and produced tho most salutary aud beneficial olfecta. Numerous letters havo .been received from Iho most distinguished physicians In the country, and from the professors of several medical colleges, recoramendiug in the highest terms the value of these medicines, and their superiority over all oilier preparations for such complaints as tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu and various modes of prepariug them have been S iven, all of which of courso will ilUfcr according to le mode or preparation which each individual may adopt. Those medlclues require considerable care tn the preparation and the employment of different men strua in successive operation to take up ihe extrac tive matters, aud, In cousequouce, aro most fre quently improperly mado, and not uufrequently much impaired, it'uot rendered totally inert, by the injudicious and unskilful munagemeut of those unac- a ualnled wllh pharmaceutical preparations. It is lereforo of tho highest consideration aud import ance to tho public and to tbo l'ucuity that there should bestuudard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To effect this and obvlato tho evil alluded to, I havo mado a num ber of experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode of extracting the virtues of tho Sarsajiarllla and tho Buchu, aud to discover the most oliulhfo form for their exhibition. Tlio exjiorimenU have resulted most favorably, uml it is with much pleas ure I uow offer to tho public aud the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain nil the vir tues of tho articles they are represented to be mude from in a highly concentrated form, and are the most active preparations which can be made. Two ta- blespoonsful of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to tho Lisbon diet drink, and one bottle fully equals In strength one gallon of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoctiou as usually mado. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, 203, Chestnut-st., neur tho Girard House Phila. To be had of Druggists and Dealers iu every sec tion of tho United States aud Canadas. All letters for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safo deliveries guaranteed. _ sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN B. MOOilE & CO., GIBBON’S BUUJJ1NG5, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALE fi RETAIL DRUG GISTS. Would call the utte' ,, .'.ou of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex- __ tensivo and well selected stock, comprising every article in their lino ofbuslness, aud which they offer for saloon the most reasonable terms lur cash, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, fcC.. White Lead, l*nrouudNo. 1; Tieman’s Colors, dry aud in oil; Japan, Copal, and Conch Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put. ty, Gold Leaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gla ciers’s Diamonds. 1AM1\ MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS, Bleached Siicrm, Whale nud Lurd Oils, for burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent OJI Unbleached Sjierm, Lard und Rape Seed Oil; also Tanuers,’ Neats, F'oot aud Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspico, Cinuamou, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Saloratus, Soda, l’earlash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Mutches, 4c. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best French. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Solcct powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specio Jars, Metulic Saddle biigs, &c. Also, (•AMPHEVK AVII **••-*"'•*• •pOTATOm—400 barrels nupeitoTFSSS;- g£» » R WRA», keuy »(» HON. mss MiRHAY’8 ' TTNITED State*,-Canada and Cuba. C , | f^ucK.‘'“ 0fSP,U “' “ W "•* ta ta Napoleott’a Confidential Correspondence win. broUior Jowpb. 1 Davau’s History of the Queen’s of the Hoiu Hanover—2 vola. i*Tho Aliachi in Madrid. Romance of the Harem, by Miss Par due Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh. ' Earnest Llnsfoad, by Mrs. Lee Houu. mxr 3 W. THORNE WIljJAKi J UST HECEIVED^20^ _ boxesl5 T hou!dm''; primo article, 20 tierces choice Tetm«L5 In store, and for sale by ** WAYNE, GRENVILLE am mar 26 TLTBW OKOP CUBA MOLASSEEfST™; XI go of the Abbott Devereaux, daily C xw*-tJ ta. unln In lol. In unit I.* r v '-lWJ J 1 gOm IUD aukuh WKCfeaui, uauy cxnwtn. for Bale in lota to suit purchasers, by Jen31 KGDGER8 fc KORHta gaRpetasd lPHOL8TKR\^ 140 WAREHOUSE, “ and 57 St. Julien Streett. mHE UNDERSIGNED would take this ohnor x tunlty toexpresatohia friends and the E generally, his sincere thanks for their liberal pttrrJT ago and Influence, which has resulted In extension7. his trade to all parts of the State. Also, CwX? Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby enable him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed in any Souths! city. Families , Merchants, Hotel Keepers, sad Stem, boat Owners are particularly invited to examine tL preaont stock, which is now complete to all SI various departments, consisting in part of the follow ing goods, vix: CARP El DEPARTMENT. Royal Medalion, " " ' ~ Royal Velvet, Engliah DruggeU, (of u rious widths,) Mosaic Hearth Rugs. Velvet and Chenille Run Tufted Rugs, ^' Piano and tabic Covert Mocet Wilton, Mocct Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, CURTAIN AND UPUOLS’tklt Y DEfXiuiSl Brocatelles, Lace and Muslin Curtolw Satin de Lalnes, GUtCoraicea, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pins and Bands, Worsted and Cotton Damask, TasBels, Loom ltd Cords; Velvet and Plush of various colors; Window Shades, new stylo. Also, every variety of Furniture Covering, Trim mings and materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Balls and Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. The subscriber will oblige himself to make tbe prices on all description of goods as low as them* quality can be purchased In any Northern city. fc®- Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sentto any part of the city free of charge. fc®» An experienced Upholster willauemUothe making and laying of Carpets aud OU Cloths when desired. The decorative and curtain department k n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged taste ud skill. W. H. GU10N, Agent. octlS 140 Congress and 67 8t. Jullen-sts. f A : af CAMl’HENK AND BURNING FLUID- Any ono who may favor them with their orders may depend upon tlioir receiving the best attention, and that nil goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not givo entire satisfaction, they may bo returned at tho option or tbo purchaser. raahlO tt _ jf~E. DE FO RD, APOTHECARIES HALL. S. B. Corner of, Broughton ami Barnard Streets. Savan- naii Ga., Wholesale nud retail Dealers In , Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dyo Woods und Dyo Stuffs, French, English, aud American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dcutnl Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Sunils, Manufactured Tobacco, All tho Patent or Proprietary Jfodiciues of tho day. Superior Inks, pure Wines and Bruudics for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fauuy Articles, &c. fc®- N, B.—Espcciul attention given to tlio preparation of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Recipes. Ship, Family and Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain Directions lor use, including Directions for treatment in cases of poisoning, Drowning, fco. »P717 No. orSquares(lmo|2mos|3mos|4mo8|6mos lima 1 Square,.... 910 16 920 924 930 940 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 36 50 3 do .... 20 27 82 36 44 £0 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 1C 6 do .... 27 36 44 40 60 6(1 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 65 90 7 do .... 32 43 64 68 70 100 8 do .... 34 46 68 62 74 110 6 do .... 36 48 61 66 77 US 10 do .... 38 50 64 70 80 125 cost. HKTUKATl ~~ THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Corner Bull uml Bryuu streets, over Barber Shop. Juno 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agout. SudtaVa XX O tJ B B, HOT, COLD AND SHOWKIl. I HAVE been asked to allow tlio Bath Rooms to remain open to a lalor lvuur timn ulno o’clock ; 1 therefore give unlluo that from this date the Bath House will be upon until eloveu o’cloek nt night. Price 25 cents, Six ticket! for $1. Je27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. USB FBHtLE MllSt, AT REDUCED RATES. 'P^ARGAINrf can now bn had by all those who 1 wish to clothe thentsolvoa g y, ns I will . m genteelly, ee.i the balance of my Keady*Made, at reduced ratos on time, aud teu per eout. olf lor cosh. Ca.l and aval! yourself ortho chance to obtain good arti cle*. At tho Star Clothing Emporium. WILLIAM O. PRICE, Jhb*3T 147 Ray street, O UIiN AND COHN MEAU—1000 bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal n store and for salo by den 31 _ PATTEN. HUTTON k CO. READ I-READ IUREADIII SV Thut is, If you can sco; »»'* fc^jlf you can’t see, you can find Qtaaiii 11 kinds of “helps to geo,” at the Wntch and Jewelry Store or I). B. Nichols & Co., iu Congress streot, noxt door to the comer of Whitaker, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, as low as at any other Btoro in the country. Wo have received per steamship Alabama a t rosh lot of tboso lino Steel Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble ami Periscoplc Lons, which we aro prepared to fit in all kinds of frames, nt short notice. Our Poriscopic Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) havo an advnntugo over all others, us they have a greater range of Tonus, so that tho reader is not compelled to hold tho book or pajier at a certain distauco from tho eye. Cull und see. „ . n. B. N1CHOIS & CO. fc®- No chargo for showing goods. tour 11 J). B. N. ft CO. E OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all or good quality, in store nnd for sale by upr20 BRIGHAM. KELLY fc CO, C IUUN--In store and for sale by LO ivi-ll'l'Vrf’JRUJN GS, MERGER UNIVERSIfYT penfield, ga. FACULTY. VKIKWKVT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PROFR-'SOKS. Col lego. 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WIIXET, A. M., Chomlstry aud Nutiiral Philosophy. 11. 11. TUCRKR, A. M., Belles U'ltrcs. i U. W. WIFE, A. M., Groek and Latin riinguagea. WILLIAM G. WOODF1N, Ai B., Modern Ijuiguagep. Ecclesiastical History ami Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systemutlo and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Prluoipai. Tlio Corameucemeutis hold ou tho last Wednesday In July. Tho noxt Totm will commonce ou tho last Wed nesday In August. Thu price of Board In tho village is 910 por month; washing, room rent, fool, 4c., $3. By order of tho Board of Trustees. my 12 2m a LANDRUM, Secretary. fWBl MOLASSES—Iho Ciir^rthTbHg 'iSir DR. SANFORD’S INVIGORATOR, I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and U recommended to tho public, relying upon tola trinstc worth in tbe cure of the following compiling All Billious Derangements, Sick Headache, Dyspe; i sia, Habitual Costiveness, Chronic Dlorrhoe, Colic Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, General Debliny Female Weakness, fco. For sale by Druggist! gen: erally, and by Jonn. B Moore 4 Co, aud Wm. W- Lincoln, feb!2 rii A HE Undeesigned baa just received, for sale (500) Five Hundred pieces of good ehipptei Timber, averaging over ono thousand feel to stick, 0 feb JEFFERSON ROBERTS. M ACKEUEL, HERRING, SALMON, 4o- A.TJ- 2 bbls large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do Uo No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls BluoI'lsb, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmou, 5 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues aud Sounds, . 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low by jau'20 i. A. BROWN. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, of 300 ems or leas, of any type not larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the first and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion,fur any timelwi than one month. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ad vertisements occupying double column, shall bf eburged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, for any time less than *nne month, to be charged at transitu rates. For a longer time at the following rates For any tlmo not above specified, a proportion* churgo will bo mado. A deduction or 26 per cent from the above raw will be made on advertisements appearing exclu sively ou the fourth page of the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, will bo charged two-thlrda the abovo rates. Special notices, 10 cents per lino for the first, and 5 cents for each subsoqent insertion, ana in no ca» to bo subject to contract. Marriage uollces |1. I'd neral invitations 60 cents each. No special notice* inserted for less thau 60 cents. Obituary Notices, Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of any Society. Association, or Corporation, ordered to be publish ed, 6 cents per lino. Steamboats will be advertised at 940 per annum for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but one is running, 140 per in' mini; if two or more, 930 each. Auctioneers’advertisements not to be subject» contract, but to be charged at the rates prescribed per square. Tho puper, uuder no circumstances, to be Includ ed in a contract. I’rol'eseional and business curds not exceeding 5 linos, will be inserted at 920 por annum. Calls on persons to become candidates, will to inserted as other advertisements, to be paid for in variably in advance. Announcing candidates for ofllco, |I0, to be paid in advance. Advertisements not marked on tho c*py for* specified tlmo, will be Inserted until forbid, *n>l payment exacted. When auy bill for two months advertising, other thau contract, amounts to over 960, a deduction or 25 por cent will be made. Yearly advertising, with privilege of change win bo taken at the following rates : For ono square, renewable once a week, '• “ “ twice “ M “ “ “ 8 times oroltener 7» Every additional square contracted for to bo chirr od ono half the abovo rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the spaw contracted tor. All contracts shall be in wnuagt stating definitely tho nature of tlio business to i* advertised. Any advertisements not properly nested with tho business shall bo charged separate* ly, nnd also any oxcess of matter over tho amount contracted for. . Contract advertisements payable quarterly; •“* vertUemunts from strangers and transient perf 01 ^ payoblo In advance. All others will bo considerea duo when called for. Regular advertisers and all others seudlng com munications or requiring noticos designed to call «• tentlon to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public en tertainments, where charges are made tor adma tiutco—all notices of private associations, ever J\ n !l tioo designed to call attention to private enterprise calculated or intended to promote individual rests, can only be Inserted with tbe uuderttonumg that tho samo is to be paid for. If inserted lu te 6 editorial column (which can bo ouly at the discre tion of iho editors) tho same will he charged at tne rate of not less than 20 cents tier Hue. Advertisements ordered in tho Weekly paper. •, Trl-WoW per square for each insertion. Tho uudersigued, publishers of Daily, and Weekly newspapers in 8avauuah, tin., p w*' ouraolvos strictly to adhere to the abovo tun 01 chargos, and in no instance to dovinte therefrom. The above rates to tako effect Maroh 1,18«>i R “‘ to continuo binding, uutil changed by the voteo* • majority of the uudersigued. N.B.-ThiS8chodulo shall not In any way tho integrity ol’ oxtsting contracts. All contnewtw tho year or any other siiecifled time, sballpnly*^** with tho expiration of tho poriod for which W were mado, ALxxaxnxRfc 8xkkd, Z&jmNiam. Thompson fc Wituinqtun, Morning Newt. B. W HH.WW&OP., Human h Jmrul _ PMlBiniNG. . P LUMBING, in all ita Torioiu brand-. »• lomloil to at tile abortaelnotice, and tainpotw style. Aleo, mey In found Shower Bathe, Uelrenll el Iron. Itn end Ueded Beth Tuta| CoMer Brttan. Patent Hut Water Cloeeta, Letd PIpee.ihKt lJ"* Bran end Plated Ooota, rotwtataiw, f»dk g 1 *!! Uoee. Per eele at tbe Boom FenUeh Store, No. >»•