Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 05, 1856, Image 1

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VOL.;£XXym [OLD SERIES:] GEORGIAN •ptfjiXf m - n SAVANNAH, (6A.) SATURDAY,'JOLT 5, 1*56. NO.U20i3rS J- Washington Correspondence. ■A.TURD A.Y, Two O’clock P. K. • s " 1 '* 1 " st TSXinaRApx From W«ihlii|toii. Washington, July 3,—Tho Sonata thtt morning at eight o’clock, passed lTougliw* Kan- pm bill by 34 to 12. [The character of this bill la tolly set forth In our Washington cotTCHiH>ndyiit\letter.] The Uoum to-day passed tlio bill for the im mediate admlaiion or Kantaa under tho Topeka ConRtituUon»,by a vote of DO to »7. Herbert tain, jail for tho murder of Keuting. HI* trial t* fixed, for next Wednesday. Georgia Democratic Stale Convention. From several ,of the delegatee who returned tills morning, we learn that the Convention which met ot MUlcdgovillo yesterday for tho nomination of Democratic Electors, was both numerous* and touthuHtastie. Wo lourn that nearly all tho Counties hi the State were repre sented. The oration orW. H. Stiles, Esq., Is sjrokcn of In terms of the highest praise. Tho Hon, G.W. Flournoy, of Washington county, was President of the Convention. Tho following k nre the names of the Elec tors: FOR THE STATE. William H. Styles and Ivoraon L. Harris. AUtmaUt.—Henry ,0. Lamar, and Judge Wright. ' DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1st. District, Thomas Foreman. 2d. “ Samuel Hall, 3d. “ Jauies N. Ramsay, 4th. **.'H Lucius. J. Gartrell, fith. “ John W. Lewis, tltii. “ Jumes P. Simmons, 7tb^ “ Thomas P. SnHold, 8th. “ Thomas W. Thomas, Resolutions were passed ratifying tho nomi nation of Buchanan and Breckinridge, endors ing the Democratic Cincinnati Platform aud complimenting in tho highest terms the ad ministration of Gen Pierce. The Convention having dispatched its business most liarmouiously, adjourned at 7 o’clock in the afternoon having first, however, pussed a vote of thanks to Mr. Stiles for his oration and asking a copy of it for publication. Unfortunate Occurrence. A public meeting held in St. Peters Parish, 8. C., day before y esterday, resulted in a very serious aflVay. Tho facts as they have been related to us, are simply these: The meeting was organized by caliiug the Hon. Edmund Martin, to the Choir, and he pro ceeded to appoint a committee to prepare busi ness for its consideration. When the commit tee were ulwut to retire, a Mr. Jesse Peeples, a member of the House of Representatives of South Carolina, a man of desperute character, Stepped up to Mr. Martin, and asked why he had not placed him upon said committee ? Mr. Martin replied that ho hod,not thought ot it; whereupon Hr. Poeplcs told him that he was ad dliar, Mr. Murtin forthwith knocked him down, and was indicting a severe chastise- incut upon him. At this the friends of both aides commenced to interfere, and it soon Ikp come a general fight. We are sorry to say,that Dr. E. H. Martin, of this City. ‘ the son of the gentleman alluded to above, was severely cut, and that Mr.'Peeples was killed. J '* It is not kuown who inflicted the wound which caused the death of the latter. Our accoiuit may not be accurrately correct, but having come to us in a probable form, wo give it for what it is worth. The Fourth of July 1850. The 80th Anniversary of the independence of our glorious confederacy was celebrated iu a manner becoming Americans uud citizens. At an early hour yesterday the German Volun teers, Chatham Artillory, Jasper Greens, uud Phoenix Riflemen paraded in honor of the day, fired salutes, and wore disfaissed. At 9 o'clock, the Savannah Volunteer Guards, were out and visited the Athcneuui; tho Decla ration of Independence was read by private Footman, uud an oration k dellvered by private Paniell. The Republican Blues marched to the Park, where the declaration was reud by private Freeman, and an oration delivered by private Lovell; alter which they weutto theCity Hotel and took dinner; uftcr sung uud sentiment they were dismissed! The De Kalb Riflemen paraded with full ranks, fired a salute aud partook of refresli- mentswith Lieut. Haller. The Georgia Hussars paraded ut 4 oclock iu the afternoon and tired a salute. The Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Capt. Lewis, assembled on their muster ground, with 50 men, at 7 o’clock in tho morningj-proceeded to the Depot of the Central Ruilroud, where a train was provided to convey them to the farm of Hon. meml>er Charles Grant, where thoy spent tho day. The Sergeants drilled their res pective squuds for a prize, presented by the Com. Officers to the' Sergeant having the best drilled squad. Tills prize was awarded to 3rd Sergeant Vnllcuii. The .Sergeant presented jprize to the best drilled soldier, which judges RW.uded to Private Keuun. The Company alter drilling, re-assembled and listened to tho rend ing of the Declaration of Independence l»y fter geaut Law, an eloquent oration was delivered by Private McCullough. The prize of a dagger presented by 1st Lieut. Jackson, was tired for one allot, distance 40 yards, which was won by Private Acosta, Ids shot measured 2| inches from the centre of the mark. The company after contending for tho prize, re-asseniliicd and marched to the table and partook of u sumptuous entertainment, prepur cd by their host, Mr. Grant. After dinner the prize of a silver goblet,won on tho first of May by private Lewis, was presented to him, os also the other prizes won during the day. The com pany returned to the City ut u lute hour in the eveuiug, tired a salute, aud by invitation of J, B. Foley, <Ksq., they took a glass of wine ■with hlui, ut his City Hotel, and were dismiss ed* The juvenile companies, Young America Guards and Pulaski Light Infantry, paraded fired a salute, and dismissed. Halutes were fired during the day fc by the cut ter Tanty, steamship Knoxville uud Keystone Stute. No accident occurred to mar the the pleasures of the day, and every thing passed oil* quietly and orderly. Houmw/iTAcciuknt in PnrLAimi.riirA— Recovery of Dead Bodies.—Philadelphia, July 2.—lgwt night tiic newly erected whurf ut Read street, in the first wurd, caved iu, cans-. Ing the heavy shears used for raising heavy machinery, to fall among a crowd of inen wo men mid children promenading there, Two Itodies have. Im-bii rescued today from the wreck, and ton women uud children are re ported mhwhig. Saved nv Hoofh.—A young lady of Charles- town, Musi., while crossing Warren Bridge, Thursday evening, fell through the draw in consequence of too much liaato, and would have been drowned but fur the efficacy of hoop skirts In preveuUug her from sinking while a boat WM coming to her assistance. • Wahuihgton, July 1. Of all tho events’of thd 1 present century, tho failure of Mr. Grow of Pennsylvania to forco tho Republican Topeka Kansas bill through tho House yesterday, was perluipn tho most unex pected. It is at these lioura that the impolicy of whipping in of denouncing Independent men Is most plainly demonstrated. However firmly Mr. Grccly, of the New-York Tribune may be- llcvefl Mr. Dunn of Indintii), to b?, “black hcarl- etV’ he can learn at hours Uko this, tlmt it does no good to,coll him so. Had such men bccn all along treated with courtesy and kind ness, tlieru is no telling how impossible it might be for them. to vote against tbo wishes of their friends. But, once absolved from theso kindly restraints, they are very upt to go as their better judgmeut dictates. The Toncka bill was “floored,” as Mr. Jatm- dyec would day, and so will be many of its sup porters ere long. Their nominal numerical streugth in tho House almost invariably melts away before a practical issue. The subject was resumed this morning upon a motion to reconsider; hut as I writo its fate is uncertain, for the proceedings have been inter rupted by the irruption into the House of the Kansas Committee witli the majority report, minus the testimony of President Pierce, Sneak er Banks, aud a couple of inctnlicrs. They propose to add these within teu days, within which time Oliver may bring in his minority report. There is a great toss about it, an immense amount of speaking, every body is springing to his feet,the Speaker recognizing comparatively nolwdy, and iu general a very remarkable bewilderment of ideas nil nrmmu. Mr. Thompson, of Kentucky, holds^posscs- stun of the Henuto floor—Mr. J. B. Thompson, u fat, ruddy, liolf-surly, easy-going but clear miuded and determined man. He is profess-' edly defining Ids position ; but in reality dis cussing every. Ixidy elso’s. He has somehow discovered that the only candidate prominent ly before the people for tlio Presidency is Mr. Fillmore, tbat the Union can bo safe with no othor President, that Know Noth!agism is tho salt of the earth, aud that uo political creed should contain uny other article than one de claratory of the oft proclaimed truth that “’Mericans kin rule ’Merica!" Ho is toll of argument and wit, both hr which lie gives ex- iressiou to iu n familiar strain, us regardless of he laws of Llndlcy Murray, as he is of the pro clamations from the Vatican. • Thera was an immense Know Nothing meeting iu Washington lust night, an immensity of druius, lira crackers, rockets, ordnance uud trausporaucies, uud sooth to say of awful row dyism. Speakers were looked at and listened to, lint none were heard. Mr. Crittenden thus displayed himself as did Humphrey Marshal also, but old Kentucky is right. The trumpet tones of Brcckinrhlgo and Preston arc heard upon the hills and iu the valleys, and she Is silcuchicng all discord, uud arising in response to their appeals. Later Air. Bigler aud Mr. Hall, have debut ed the Kansas bill in tho Senate. It is expect ed to pass there to-morrow, os last reported by tho Committco, comprehending Mr. Toombs’ salutary suggestions. In tho House Mr. Sher man bus grown hoarse uud every one else weary under the reading of the majority Kansas Re port, which is as toll of awful relations as the experience of the worst sinner ever converted at a Georgia Cump Meeting. Impautiai.. Washington, July 2. Mr Wade, of Ohio,-a hard, dogged old man, of good mother wit and good sense, but some uucouthness of maimer, has occupied the atten tion of the Sjeuute to-day, by the delivery of a speech of great bitterness against the adminis tration and its friends, and all who do not up- irovo of the Topeka Kansas bill. It is thought io will be followed by Mr. Wilson, of Massa chusetts, who will deliver a long*speech on tho same subject But the majority indicate their purpose of sitting it out uud coming to a vote on the Kansas bill, last reported by .Mr. Doug las, which, ns I have said, is Mr. Toombs’ Mil with a few modifications. A concise abstract of this bill bus thus been uiude! It proposes tho appointment of live Commis sioners by tiie President, by and with the ad vice tuid consent of the Semite, whose duty it shull lie to take a census of tiie inhabitants resi dent in the Territory at tiie time of tiie passage of the act constituting them, (excluding In dians not regarded os citizens,) under regula tions prepared by the Secretary of the Interior; classifying the different classes of inhabitants, and registering their names; returns to 1h» made in August, duplicate copies to lie forwarded to tiie Department of the Interior. Said Com missioners shull then meet tiie first Monday in September, to examine the returns, and correct them, by erasing names improperly entered, or addlug names Improperly omitted, us shall lie shown by adequate testimony. A quorum shall be coiuimtcnt to do business, und tiie judgmeut of a minority of tiie Commissioners shall In conclusive. A regular journal of proceedings must be kept, and copies forwarded from time to time to the Department of the interior. Having thus obtained a fair enumeration of tiie inhabitants, the Commissioners shall pro ceed at once to establish the ratio of apnoi" tionment for the election of members of a Con vention to form a State Convention. Dividing the whole' number of white male citizens, in cluding Indians recognised as citizens, by 52, the product is to 1>e taken ns tiie ratio of ap portionment for members in the several conn- I liitf with Ma* Indiana. We are under many obJIgatkms to Genoral Carta- for the following interesting despatches from South Florida, rooiyed. by this morning mall. Hpkcial v Statu of Florida. I Tampa, June 28th, 1850. f [£tfy{ori Georgian umT Journal] Gkntlhmkn Enclosed I lmud you oopyof official report of Captain Francis Mr Durance, of-the States Mounted Volunteers, detailing briefly, t^.results qt^o engagements with the Indians and our forces oil the frontier, on tiie 14th aud 10th jiifttahtb., ih which we lost seve ral good citz&is killed, and several others are suffering with wounds. They fought despe rately on both aides—at a distance' but little more thuuthe length of their guns, and in hand to hand combat. The achievement of.this little band of bruvo men Is jmpmeodonted iu modern Indian warfare. They fought more than two to one. One Indian was dispatched will: a knife, by one of.our men on tiie 14th, hi band to liund strife. , Respccttofiy* your Obedient servaut, Jesse Gahtf.ii, Sped. Agt., Ac. Fort Frazier, Florida,) 10 A. M., June the 14th, 1850. f Gen’l., Carter—Hlrl linvo just received intelligence of an attack by a party of Indians, on the house of Willoughby Tillis, ut sunrise tills morning. Lieut. Carlton, who huppened to be at Ft. Meade, ou u visit to bis family, heard tho report oi tiie guus, und. in compa ny with six others, went to tiie relief of Tillis mul ids family. Ou the upprouch of those, men, tiie Indians tied to a thicket near by. Lieut Curlton, with his little band of brave men, charged them, uud a desperate engage ment ensued. Lieut. Carlton and Lott Wliid den. of my .Company, were killed, und Dauio Carlton wounded. William Parker, of Cant. Hooker’s Company was also killed, and J. H. Hollingsworth wounded.—There were three Indkians killed, aud several wounded. Immediately dispatched Sorg’ts Boggess and Durrancc, with fifteen men to the relief of Til- pc tii Provision Is made at every step of tiie pro ceedings to give full publicity to them, so that all may know how, und when to act; and. to guurd against intrusion from abroad, jtlie elec tion of members to tiie convention is to lie held the first Tuesday after the first Monday iu Novcmlier. All white mule citizens of the United States, and Indians recognized as citizens, over twenty- one years of age, bnoa fide inhabitant* of the Territory, nt tiie time of tiie passage of this act, resident for tlireo months next preceding the election in tho county where they oiler to vote, shall l>o entitled to vote, and no other liersons. The places, manner,"und judges of tiie elec- tion^hoil bo determined by tiie Commissioners; all needful rules shall Ihj prepared uud made public; and, the returns having been made,they shall inspect them, ascertain who tire entitled to certificates of election, and then issue them accordingly: after which, their powers shall cease, aud the Commissioners lie dissolved. Tiie Convention shall meet at tiie Capital the first Monday in Dcccmlicr, aiul proceed at once to form a State Constitution. Tiie new State is to bo bounded on the east by Missouri, on tiie South by tho 37tli, and on tiie north by tiie 40th parallel of latitude, and oil the west by the 103d meridian of longitude, cutting off in the west two degrees now belong, ing to the Territory. The other provisions of tiie bill rcluto to tho disposal of tiie public lands Ac. The modifications or additions by the commit, tee arc simply tlmt the Commissioners are to sit every day alter the upportioutmont, to hear couiplaiiits in regard to tiie list of voters, and make corrections accordingly. U provides tlmt no law sluill 1)0 of force or enforced iu tiie Ter ritory, infringing tiie lllierty of speech or of tiie press, or the right of Inuring imns. Punish ment is to Is. 1 inflicted for illegal voting,or fraud, or violence, at tho ballot-box, and military force is to Is: used to prevent such mischiefs. White male inhabitants as enumerated, »>ver21,resident three months Indore voting, ure to bo entitled to a vote—no oath to support any act to lie re quired asa condition. Tlireo lioiirHliave been consumed by the House yesterday aud to-day, in reading the Howard und Hhennun report. Tills however, is understood to lie a ruse of the Republicans tokeepotra vote on the Nebraska bill now held in ulicyancc by Barclay of Pennsylvania, a timid gentleman who voted against the bill, uud whoso motion to reconsider it is now pending. What a position Tor a mail to occupy! His vote oil cither side cun decide the fiito of tho mea sure in tiie House. It of course eaiinot pass in tiie Semite, and tiie real tontest will be in the Housei upon thu passage oftli c ,Senate bill ubovQ descrilied. . Iucautiai.. Tiif. California 1 Tixfellku Rowdies.— New York, July 2.—Mulligan and Hughes two rowdies, expelled from California by the Vigi lance Committee, assaulted a mcinlier of that committee itl Mils city, y&terdny. All tiie parties arrived by tiie Illinois. Committal of Hon. PIT. FIkkiikiit.—Wash ington July 2.—Hon. Philip T. Herbert, mem ber of Congress from California, indicted foe the murder.of Thomas Keating, wai ter jn Willard’* Hotel, 1ms been committed to Jalb v lis, wliolmd maintained ids position so fart tiicy arrived at Tillis’ £ alter 12 o’clock; found thu family safe; they proceeded to the buttle- pound; found tiie trail—puraued it that oven- ng; discovered that tiie Indians had re-lnforc- cd considerably, they then value in to Ft. Meade for provisions—they were on the trail, early next morning and were rc-lnforced by a few men from Caqt. Hooker, and a few from Capt. Leslie’s Companies. Tiie Indians had taken the Creek Swamp, und remained ill it. The men pursued them until late that evening; came out of the Swamp and encamped for the night. June 10.—As a small guard was left with the horses, the force was now reduced to 19 men, who were early iu the swamp iu search of tiie enemy. At about 10 o’clock, u camp was dis covered; u cliargo was ordered, and a well con tested battle fought. Our little band stood to their arms, muufully, charging tho ludians where they were concealed under tiie river bank ami shooting them not more than 8 or 10 feet from thu muzzles of their gun* Robert F. Priue, mul George Howell killed, and Jumes Whiddcu, Wm. P. Brooker, and John L. Skipper, wounded, aud from the best calculation that can bo made, there were six teen or seventeen ludluus killed, and several wounded. Our forces consisted of Lieute. Parker of Captain Leslie’s Company, Sergeants Boggess and Duruuccr, with twelve men, from my Com pany, three men from Capt. Hooker’s and one from Capt. Sparkman’s Companies. My men spoke iu fjhigh terms of Lieut. Parker, os a brave aud good soldier. Sumo of the articles taken from tho wagous at Simuious’s Hammock, were found on tiie battle-ground. Capt. Hooker, with 23 men, Lieut. Kendrick, with 25 men, Lieut. Sparkman, witli 14 men, and Lieut. Parker, with a small detachment from Capt. Leslie’s Company, are now in pursuit of tills baud of savages, l uni iu lmpc* they will ho aide to givo a good account when they return. I am, yours respoct’y, F. M. Dluhance, Capt. Coni’g Co. M. V. Gen’l. .lessee Carter, Special Agent State of Florida. P. S.—This baud was supposed to consist of at least forty Indians. F. M. I). Weather and Chops.— 1 The weather in this section for the post week or ten days lias beeu almost iiisiitl'erubly hot. Wo have, however, lmd several line rains, and crops, we believe, are doing well.—Albany Patriot. Fillmore’* Prospect# III Georgia. The Macon fifteen, a leading Know Nothing paper in lids State, in its issue of this morning, says: 111 Georgia we have thought it useless to place an Amcriciui Electoral Ticket in tho Held ut nil, but our views on that point have been yielded, in deferenco to tiie wishes of many friends who" cannot vote for tiie Democratic Platform and its Representatives, aud who de sire to express their undisminished confidence in Mr. Fillmore, though “hoping ugaiust hope,” almost, to give him the vote of Georgia. If then, an Electoral Ticket is nominated, it will bo tiie duty of thu party to support it,to the utmost of their power, if for no other reason, out of respect to tiie electoral nominees. We should go in to win, though tiie odds are des perately against iih. In another wo give the latest bulletin from Mr. Fillmore—ids Albany speech—which, we think, will place him on a platform which tiie whole nation can approve. Interesting from Washington, Washington, July 2.—Mr. Douglass’ bill will undoubtedly puss the Semite to-morrow,mid it will also pass the House. Even should the uiggur worshippers in tiie House succeed in passing their bill there, ull tiie moral eilbct would be destroyed by tho closeucss of tho vote. Their game is nearly played out. Although no bill fur u general amendment of the tariff will lie pressed this session, it is the intention of the Committee on Ways and Means to present a bill increasing tiie free list, aud it is prolmhlo it may pass. Railroud iron will not be touched this session, out of deference to Pennsylvania. Tiie President, I inn informed this evening, tendered thu appointment of Minister to Swe den to ex-Govcrnnr Bigler, of California, at the request of tlmt gentleman’s friends, who are now ill this city. But he declined accepting it, ami will return to California in a short time. It is rumored tills evening tlmt ex-Govcrnor Seymour, of New York, is to be appointed Minister to Frauce, and tliut Mr. Mason will shortly return to this country, huviiig signified to the 1’resident a desire to tlmt eilbct. The report read to-day from the Kansas In vestigating Committee is but mi argument, and will be answered by a minority report from Mr. Oliver, who made some close points to-day on ills colleagues. After tho committee separated at Westport for home, Messrs. Howard and Sherman stooped at U'xington mul examined witnesses to impeach tiie honor of their ubseut colleague. In their report they acknowledge their failure. ,»Mite-rTht ijDhiir torn the Secretary {Inal Journal ofthe nonudisaionen at 'WV.v 1 _ Washington, July, submitted a commuuicati of State, transmitting the roceedlugitof the American; .’aria to liquidate and audit the claims of Ameri can citizens against the French Government. . Mr. Clayton, in the course of Ills remarks, said that tiie document completely refuted tho ground upon which tho President banned his veto of tiie French Spoliation Bill. The doc urnent was ordered to be printed. The Kansas bill was token up. Mr. Wade, of Ohio, made a violent speech fn opposition to Mr. Pugh, of Ohio, replied to Mr. Wade’s (re marks. Mr. Bigler spoke in fUvor of tho bill. The questlou wan taken un Mr. Adain'B mo tion to umend tlni bill by striking out tliut part Which gives the right ofsufibragoto all persons who snhll have filed' their declaration and in tention to become oitizensorthe United States In compliance with the naturalization laws; and tlio motion was adopted—yeas 22, nays 15. Mr. Wilson moved to strike out oil niter tiie enacting clause and insert, “ull acta passed by tbe Legislature' of Kaunas dr any nssomblyuet- — w Jnu ing os such, are abrogated aud declared null nftedMr. Wilson’s amend- ay for compromise had pass- Swedish Minister Huc-almcd—Tho Augs burg Allgeiueinc Zeitung, of June 1st, states tlmt tlio Sweedish minister at Washington, D. C. Mr. Sibburn, Iias been recullud iu order to bo apnointed chief in the Oubiuet ofthe Crown Prince. In consequence of tho high consideration iu which Mr. Sibbera is held by the American democracy this step is regarded as a good sign for tiie iuturo policy of tlio uow Priiicu-Hcgcat. Fuom . Chicago to LiVKiirooL Direct.— New York, July 1.—Tho dipper schooner Dour Richmond, luw.been chartered at tills port to bike it cargo of wheat direct to Liverpool, by way of the Luke* and the St. Lawrence river und canals. She will have about two thousand miles of navigation to go over before she. goes info tlie^VUantlc. . Mayor Wood and the New York Cover- NOHfliilP.—Neto York, July 2—Muyor Wood is out in a lettor, declining the nomination for Governor. Severe Storm—fifotcroitfe, Me., July 1.— A heavy thunder shower visited this village aud vicinity yesterday, during which tiie Con-- gregational Church was slightly damaged by lightning. In North Vossalborough, a great quantity of hall toll, breaking some three thousand panes of glass in tho viliago, and seriously damaging tiie growing crops in the vicinity. ,-Jgu and void.” Mr. Seward sup] raent, saying tho < cd. • Mr. Crittenden regretted to hear him say so. l’lio form of the bill might bo unacceptable to the gentleman, but it was ottered in a liberal spirit. The proposition of Mr. Wilson would iucreaso to a double extent tiie existing evils— Ho (Mr. 0.) would compromise to the last mo ment of time, provided the»could preserve tiie originul principles upon winch tho government acted. He earnestly amiealed to tho geutlemau to come forward in a liberal spirit tuid do jus tice to nil sections ofthe country. Mr. Clayton lmd served a long public life, but never from tlio first dny of his entrance into tho Hull ofthe Senate had he believed tlio country in ns much danger ius now. They had beeu told that the day of compyjmiso hud passed— If so tho time for the duratiou of tiie Republic lmd also gone. Mr. Hale spoke In favor of tho restoration of the Missouri Compromise. Mr. Toombs believed that Mr. Seward and his co-adjutora wanted grievances discovered In Kansas for the revolution to obtain power. He did not believe these men represented the feel- jogs of the North. He had uo higher law, und ho despised who had as a wretch, who would steep his conscience in perjury in order to ob tain the advantages of place. Mr. Bigler opposed Mr. Wilson’s amendment and favored the passage, ofthe bill os reported from the committee. Mr. Wilson believed the bill Intended to make Kansas a slave Btate. The - Senior from New York. (Mr. tieward.) bad been rudely assailed because ho had declared his opposition to com- S roinlse on tbe question of slavery, in which io North bail always been cheated. The free men of the North were driven out of Kausas by the masters of Kansas^uid tho masters of the administration —the Border Ruffians of Missouri. House—The reading of the report of Kausas Investigating Committee 1 was resumed and finished. The reading i>f tlio accompanying documents was dispensed with. Tho report was releireiUo the Committee on Elections, aud ordered to be printed. Leave wus given to tiie minority to report in ton days and take additional testimony, to be similarly referred and printed. Now* by tbe Canada. We have already given a brief summary of the news brought by the Canada^ As stated iu our dispatch, it is of no great interest—politi cally or commercially. UllEAT BRITAIN. The following is from the-report of tho latest discussion ill parliament: Sir J. Packhigtoii said tlmt lie regarded with filings of tho greatest anxiety—lie might ul- most say of shame—tlio present state of our re lations with America. For-tlie present painful nosition of utthirs, he uttaclfetl tim blame, judg ing only from the puhliudmanjicnts which were in the bunds of honorable members, to wlmt lie considered to l)e tlio serious misconduct and un wise pulley of Her Majesty’s Government, by which the Government of tlio United States had been irritated, deceived and ofibnded. Under these circumstances, ho regretted that Mr. Bpil- lie felt himself under the necessity of with drawing his motion, hut hu trusted that the iu- teiition of Mr. Moore, or some other indepen dent member, would afford honorable members on tiie conservative side of the House nil op portunity of culliug attention to thu real merits of tiie question. Sir G. Grey strongly deprecated tlio tone adopted by the Hon. Baronet in expressing so decided uu opinion upon tlio question at the present moment. Ho was glad to find, not only from the cheers ou his own side of the house, hut from tiie manifest indications on the side of the Honorable Baronet, that ills views did not meet witli general concurrence. Mr. Moure appealed to Lord Palmerston to appoint uu early day for discussion upon the siudect. No answer was returned, and tiie subject was drooped. Sir Edmund Lyons is to lie raised to the Peerage, for services rendered in tiie Black Sea —being tiie only Peer manufactured from tiie war with Russia. Tiie Queen gave a grand hall on tlio evening of the 17th. Two thousand invitations had iwen giwn out. Mr. Dallas was present. Prince Napoleon is visiting English pints in a yacht. Collections continue iu England for tiie suf ferers from the inuudatioiis in France. Tiie I tuneful Ribbon System is prevailing ex tensively in tiie north-western countries of Ire- laud, especially Donegal und Sligo. Owing to instructions from the Government the constabu lary are making great exertions to break up the confederacy, and numerous arrests have taken place. In Donegal one day lust week, twenty-one persons were marched into Lifford by the constabulary, und committed for trial at the Assize. FRANCE. . Louis Napoleon is taking stens to have the Empress unpointed Regent for her son. The project of law ou tbe subject has been sent to tiie Senate, aud debated with closed doors. TUe project proposes tlmt ou tho Em peror’s demise the Empress should reign, as sisted by tlio Council of tlio Regency, whose names the Emperor will leave under u sealed envelope. Meanwhile, tiie Government paiiers are writing up the project. Tiie latest front Paris, under date of the 21st, states that tlio Monitetir contains a dccreo or dering tiie crautiou of a gcuerul system of in spectors of the Army and Commissariat, by a special stair established for tlmt purpose. The Moniteur also gives tlio project of the Senators Committee on tiie Regency. it states thftt the Empress mother is to be regent and guardian of her wm dnving his min ority, but is not to contract a second marriuge while it continues. In cuse ol the death of tlio. Empress, tiie lie- S is to puss to tiie Senior Prince of France, ) to tiie other Princes in order of heredi tary succession, aud failingthem all, to the Coun cil of tho Regency chosen by tiie Semite. Two and a half millions of francs have been collected for tiie suffers from iuundation. Belgium. The editor of tlio Brussells paper, La Nation, bus been flued and imprisoned for an editorial alleged to bo libellous, ofthe Duellos of Brabant ITALY. Two nr three changes have taken place in tiie Sardinian Ministry—the chief one being the appointment of Gen. La Marmora to tlio War Department Baron Wener, Austrian Under-Sccrctary for Foreign AUliirs, luis gone to Rome. It is ru mored liisoltfeet is to convince, if possible, Car dinal Antonell! aud ids colleagues of making necessary reforms. • [Here thu Eastern line gave out, leaving its hi want ofthe remainder of our report.—Hr;).] COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Liveei’ool Cotton Market.—Tlio Brokers’ Circular reports that tiie markets opened buoy ant, but closed heavy, and receded from the I ircvious udvauce. Compared with tiie previous ’riday, tlio market was unchanged in any re spect. Tlio advices by tlio Baltic lmd no vllhct on prices. Tiie sales of tiie week nmmminted to fill,000 bales, of which speculators took 17/wO, ami ex porters 2,800 bales. The sales on Friday were 8,000 bales,, including 1,500 to speculators. The Market closed stcudy at the following quo tations : New Orleans fair Old., middling, G 3-10d.; Mobile fair, Ujd., middling,0 HO., Uplouds fair Ojd., middling Oil., ordinary to good ordinary 54o5jd., inferior 4{aCjd^AThe change in I market was solely owing to political caus_... The stock on hand was estimated nt 7?0,000 bales,Including 698,000 American. Manchester Market—In tlio Manchester markot the Improvement ad Vised by the last steamer lmd been lost, aud previous, advices prevailed. Riotous Doings at IVahiiinton.—During the Fillmore demonstration at Washington, Monday night, Mayor Mugruder, while endeavoring to suppress a disturbance among % crowd of young men in the vicinity of tbe meetiug, most of whom were under the excitement ofliquor, wm surrounded and attacked. TUe police end several of the old night watch, including Cap tain Birch, termed a body-guard to the Mayor, who was struck with a brick aud a alongshot, but was not seriously injured. The mob fol lowed him for half a mile crying “kill him,” Ac. Mr. Magruder finally was persuaded to enter the Kirkwood House, where, by persuasions the mob was Induced to disperse. A man with a slung shot in his posessiou was arrested by tiie Mayor. The riot was confined chilly to disorderly boys. Gen. Gadsdon loft Washington Monday even ing, fur Mexico. Cntranernal Savannah Market* July A* COTTON’.—N’o tnuuactlous to report this lore- noon. Export*. NEW YORK—l’or steamship Knoxville—308 bates cotton. GO ciulu rice. 78 bales domestics, 02 boxes and 28 bbL* vegetables, sundry pkgs, boxes ami bbls tndze.—- Per ship James Bay—1,003 bales cotton, 1,014 sacks wheat sad indze. 1*1111.A UE.. 1'lJlA.—l'or steamship Keystone State —214 bales cotton, 417 casks rice, 198 bides domes* tics, lot) empty barrels, 70 pkgs mdzo. BALTIMORE.—Fer schr Senator—31,828 feet lum ber, 462 boxes copper ore, lb eighth pipes brandy, 21 bales domestics, GG4 sheep skins, 24 bbls beer aud mdze. WILMINGTON, N C.—Per schr E Kidder—400 sacks Holt. ” THOM ASTON, ME.—Per schr Kate Hoien-199.- 000 faet lumber. NEW ORLEANS, JuiyTT—Cotto*.—Moat or the couou olloriug couslste of the lower grades, lor which there uro but few buyers, and tho aalea yes terday were only about 1,200 bales at tbe following quotations: LIVERPOOL CLiB*IflCATIOX, Inferior 0?*a 8 | Midl’g Fair.... 12 a— Ordinary 8£a 0)4 I Fair 18 a— Middliug loj^all [ Good Fair nominal Good Midd’g..ll>&all)4 I Good aud Fine, nominal 8TATKMRXT OF COTTON. Slock on hand 1st September, 1865 bates 40,616 Keeolved .since 1,740,112 Reoolvud to-day 167—1,740,270 1,780,704 Exported to-day 4,135 Exported to date 1,720,178—1,733,813 Stock on hand not cleared 46.981 Sauak and Moussxa—Tho receipts wore light, aud tho sales confined to about 260 hUds Engar aud 200 bbls Molasses at foriuor rates. FLouK.The market was rather dull yesterday, aud tho sates were about 2.200 bbls, including l,8oo bbls superfine to one party at $6 per bbl, and some smaller lots at $6 for suporflno and $6 a $6 12)4 tor fine. Cukn.—Tho stock was light and prices well sus tained. The sales yestorduy wore 600 tlorces mix ed white und yellow at 66c, aud 200 white, out of store, ut 68u per bushel; also 400 ordluury at 64c por bushel. ^ Oats—Advanced again witli sales or about 2.600 tes St Louis primo nt 4Uo per bush, 820 utf46c, and iu tho ovenlug 1,000 at 47)4 por bushel. Wheat —THU article hai been in active request, and about 6,600 sacks fouud purchasers, as follows: 1,123 prime red at $1 36, 3,80o by one party ou private terms, 343 tierces primo white at II 40 por bushel. Fork.—Prices have again advanced 60c, with sales yesterday of 000 aud 200 bbls uninspected Mess at *20,200 ut—, 876 also at $20,100 at *21; 176 rumps (sinull at 813 60, aud a small lot of M 0 at $10 per barrel. Bacon.—The market was firm, aud we noticed »utes of about 15d casks, including 40 casks ribbod sides (part ordiuary) at 9){al0,49 iu several lots at 10)4, 26 ut prime kiiouldere at the udvauced rate of 8)4»: por lb, lard.—Wo lmvo only heard of a saio of 26 bbls prime at 11 *40. CurtKK.—-Uud demand, witli sales ol‘ 4,600 bags, including 2,080 at lo, 2,030 at 10)4, 200 at 11, and *202 shimmings at 8)£u por lb. Whisky.—We noticed a saio on Saturday of 29 bbW Raw at 32, (a further advuuce) and yesterday 60 t Whlteshiro) at 2b, aud 100 at 26)40 per gallon. Hay.—We uoticed sales of two llatboat loads (216 tous) ut *22 60 per tun. Putnams.—A ship wa3 takeu up for Liverpool at )4dfor cotton, iis pur bbl fur liiour, uud 7)4d per bushel for wheat. Exciia.nokb—Wo know of uu chungo worth notic ing— bturlmg 8)4 a 0)4 and 10 pr ct pin Fraucii 5.12)4 a 6.18)4 P* dollar New York sixty Day Bills 1)4 a 1)4 pr cl dls New York Sight Chucks par a )* pr ct dls NEW YORK, July 1—.Cotton—Under the North America’s advices there has been more dullness, and prices closod rather depressed. Tho sales are 600 hales. Wo quote as follows, though uur prices are nominal. .NKW YORK CLASSIFICATION. N.OrleanBu Upland. Florida. Mobile. AToxos. Ordinary 0*4 9)4 0)4 0)4 Middling 11)4 IlJf 11)4 11)4 Middling Fair... 11)4 11)4 12 12)4 Fair 12)4 12)4 12)4 M Coffkk—Has ruled very qiilot. Holders continue very firm, with sales of 200 bugs Kio ut ll)4o, and 160 mate Java ut 14)4c. Port of Snviuiiia)*.. . .JULY 6 Arrived* -Schr Eliza Anu, Lorringo, St Catherines Island, to master. Streamer Wm Soabrook, Feck, Charleston, to 8 P Brooks. U 8 M steamer Carolina, Coxetter, Palutko, to M A Cohen. tea red, Steamship Knoxville, Ludlow, Now York—Pudel- ford. Fay & Co. Steamship koystouo State, Hurdle, Philadelphia— C A Greiner. Ship James Kay, Turley, X York—Hunter &G'am- inell. Schr E Kidder, Horton, Wilmington, N 0—Huntor & Uamuiell. Schr Kate Uoleii, Eliis, Tlioinoston, Me—William B Giles & Ou. Schr Senator, Anderson, Baltimore—Brigham, Kel ly A CO. Consignees. Per steamer Wm Soabrook, from Charleston—O Juhusou (i co, Central Railroad, Florida Boat, D D Copp. W E Wade, J M Birch, W W Wudley, Web- ster tc Palmes, A Porter, E F Hertz, F Jacobs, K J Purso, Way no, Gruuvhle tc Co. Passengers. For steamship Knoxvillo, for Now York—Mrs Church, Mrs Waldburs, .Mrs Bawyer, Mrs Gillum, F C O’Driscoll, Jinator fiillra, Miss Bulflnch, Mrs G H Clark, Master C Clark, R Habersham, Mrs Haber- sbutu, W HHaben-ham, J <1 Cooke, Mrs White aud art. MUs Habersham and svt, Master R White, Mrs J Wheaton, Master J Wheaton, Miss Hardcastio, W C O’Driscoll. Miss Shutter, Mrs W O O’Driscoll aud avt, Miss 8 A Bardwell, Miss J B Turner, T Green- wood, Mrs Greenwood, H H Tuft, Miss C Cliuomau, W K Symons, Sirs Symons, Col J Do La Motta and avt. Miss Kussoll, Miss Wells, PC Coaly, Mrs Coaly, E Witaington,- E BothwelL Miss E RnBsoll,CaptO Nelson, Sirs Nelson, Mrs Conn, Master Conti, Mrs Guion, 8 L Guipn, J L Hilton, J Walker, C Gordou, W J L Monctuu, W H Dean, M W Smith, M David son, TM Dewey, W L Parkor, Mrs H Gowdy and 2 nurses, M Gowdy. 2 Missus Gowdy, U Gowdy, E C Griswold aud svt,E 8 Johnson, Mrs Podersou, Mrs Fulton, T Conway. Miss D’Lyon aud svt, J D Hop- kins, J K Marshall. Mrs Marshall and svt, MUs Mar shall, Muster Marshall, 8 Rood, Mrs Rood, Mrs Kel ly, Mrs Walurlgbt, Miss Novllt, Mrs Davis, G Crab tree, Mrs Wells, L W Crabtree, W HGuion, Mrs Ne- vltt, Mrs Guion aud svt, Miss LNevttt, Miss Turner. Miss 8 A Hollis, Mrs Deuimoml and child, Mlwt u Demmoud, J It Dommuud. J WSmyth, W H Hatch. I Ames, J H M Clinch, E Padclterd Jr, Mrs Padol- a Miss Hteenbergcr. U ParaonB Master Scott, E , MUs Bostwlok, Mess Rutherford. J W Hines, J Popeiin, C Rosenberg, H W Luthrop, J P Brooks! It h iluruuottu, and 30 steerage. . Per steamship Koysloao State, Tor Philadepbla- A W Evans, t R Lyon, J Parsons, J A Roberts, E W nnr, M Scattorgood, Pomeroy, J R«Uly, Walker, Mrs Parsons Mrs ami Miss Roberts, Mrs and Mis Hurtridgo, Mrs Reeder, Mrs Lanrenco, MrB Scattor- good, 2 JIIsfob Levy, lira and Miss Pomeroy, Miss Buy*. Mrs Charlto.., it s Rlly, Mrs and Miss Church ill, Mrs aud .3 Misses Brown, and 20 steerage. Per steamer Wm Soabrook, from Charleston—^W Kyall, FTuppor, A Webster, Myers, Mrs Davant and 2 servants, J E Davant, and 6 deck. Por steamber Carolina, from PalaUa-Out HI Oweita and lady, Mrs W E Cliamberz and servaut, Mlad'E a Whtau, W K Robinson, 8 Moore, H A 8tan wood, 8 W Young, R P Dowsr, G L UuUt, F Cbilt dren, 0 F Winn, Cupt a Houston and lady, Miss Not file. Mrs Bulst, A N McFall. W Padgett, P Premier, W E Young, Col J V Gar vino, J Brown, JC Waldron and 0 dock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X** TO BENT—A comtorttWe DWELLING o 0 WlljT Taylor strait. Possession given 1st October. li|JLApply at this office. jy«s—tr , TO RENT—Tbo largo and commodious ■|f|I STORE, No 108 Bryan street, uear thu Mar- JUlLkct, being ono of tbe most dockable business stauuH in the city. Apply to J. C. DUGGAN, Jy2—lm At I W. Morrell 4 CO’S. ATTENTION YOUNG AMERICA FIRE CO. NO. 5. l£ Ti/TKBTnt you toiginu House, THIS EVENING, at ■JjX. nine o'clock, iu full uniform, to revolve the Oglethorpe Fire Company No. 1, on their return from Augustu. By order of JAMES A. BARRON, 1st Assistant. Thus. C. Davis, Soc’iy pro tom. 1—Jyf» M STRAYED. A small HflRKEL PONY, with one 3Jar> hind foot white. Any one returning the OZL Bamo to Hcudoraon 4 Lufburtow, will be uoeruily rewarded. Jy6 .'1H\ CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. TITILL be sold, before the court honso door in VT too city or Savannah, ou the first Tuesday In July next, between the legal hours ol sule, 1 lot of Ladders, 1 Bedstead, 1 lot of Paintings, 2 liods, 1 lot Paints, 4o. Levied on os the property cfF. 0. Call, to HUttafy a distress warrant issued, of toq 1 Houorublo the iuforior Court ol Chatham Couuty, iu favor of John J. Hunt. Ann It. Wall aud Jamos .)• Wall, vs. T. 0. Carl. Property i>oiuted out by Plaiutifi's. Terms Cash. EDWARD U. PR END ERG AST. July 6 Bhorlff C. C.’8. JESSE 'A*. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NcwnausviUc, Fla. Refsrenco—Georgu .. Drown, William Doll. New- uansvilie, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston 4 VU'alouga, Savouuoli, Ga. inyll M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEYATLAW, ALUQATllH, EAST FLORIDA. Will practice hi tho Eusteru and Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. 8. B. Sibley, and R. B. iillum, Sa« vannab. fob2-U* cHASt (j, vaHRIEEIT ATTOUNBY AT LAW, MILl^IXJKVILLK, 01. 1 Practices Law in tho various Counties of the Oc mulgeo Circuit, und tho adjoiulug Counties of Twiggs', Laurens and Washington. Rotor to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. B Hilton. IudU aRURfiti A. UURDUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. S. Court qf Claims for the State qf Georgia. Ofllco Corner Bay and Bull streets, ly my 10 DR. CHARLES H. COL,DING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 IJBERTY ST.. Ono door west ol Drayton. myll WM. C. CONNELLY, ATTOllN KY AT LA W, l&imu, WOHTIl IXlUNTV, .A,, (POST oFKltK. AUUNV.) Will pructise iu tho h4iiiUm|L Circuit,ami In Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties anlio Macon Circuit. ART Particular attention givcu lo toe collection ol cluiuxs in South-Western Georgia. je2—Cm E. GUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tobl-ly inwi.viu.v, ua. LANUat A ANDKItSON, "ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly maoon, tu. A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, N«. 4 Barnard st., between tiie Murket and Buy Bt., SAVANNAH, UA. Dealer in Groceries, Forelgu uud Domestic Uquors, Dried Fruits, 4c., 4c. Reference—A. Chumpioii, K-»q., Simuol Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabuu 4 Whitehead, uud SWilt 4 Co., Suvanuah, Ga. myli WILLIAM II. DAHHUlt, * ATTORNEY AND CoDNsEl.LOll AT LAW, Troupvillo, Iajv,-ndus County, Ga. Will practico inThouuti, Ijnvudes, Clinch, Waro, Appling, TellUlr, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski counties, Georgia; and in Jeircrson,Madison, Ham ilton, uud Columbia counts, Florida. [myll WM- M. WILLIAMS. IIIADIIEOB OUVKK. JACK OKOWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena VtaUi, Marion County, Ga., Will practice iu the Counties of Marion, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Ramtoiph, Muscogee, Lee, aud an> udjuluing couuties, where their cervices may be required. nyg'll JOHN K. COCHRANE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, tjiurens county, tin,, luto junior partner ol the firm of A. 4 J. Cochkank, lrwintuu, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, 0. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savunuuh. myll B. ELLIS, Factor aud General Commission Merchant NO; 71 BAV-STKKKT, S A VANN All, OA., Ittnuuto—Messrs. Ctaghoru 4 Cunningham, Bell 4 Preuttas, Ogden, Sturr 4 Co., Savuuimh ; J. P, Thompson, Boston. nor 1 wm. Aununr oocfek. ♦ j.vo. couwck fkaskr. COUPER & FRASER, FACTORS 4 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy street, Savannah, Ou. |uiyll JOHN G.FALLIGANT, WUOLB6ALB AND KBTAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW SASll AND PANE DOORS. West sldo Mouuiueut Square, Savuutiah, Ga. luuyll JOHN C. BOOTH, • dVIL ENGINEER AND BUItVEYOR, Will ulso give his attention to designs iu Architec ture. Office in the store of Juhu WUhumsou, Esq., Bay street. myia CHAFFER & CO., No. 0 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga., WUOLKSAI.K AND UhTAIL DKALKKS IN OAS1IES, Blinds, Doors, .Mouldings, 4c, WUito O Lead, Zinc, While Un.-eed, Sperm, Whale, Tan- ucrs’and NcutsfeolOita, Gloss, Brushes, Geld 1a!uI, Bronze, Builders’ Hurdwuro. Nails, Marble Muuiels; 4c., 4c. Jc4 j DR8. LEFLEll ik WILCOX, Dentists. ARB now fully prepared to in* Bert full or iiurllul suite of Teeth on tho principle of Dr. J. Allens’* Putout Cuutimious Gum, By ihi* improvement, too form 01 tlio laco eon he restored 10 any degree ol rotuudlty that may he desired. It i9 applicable in all coses where 1 ho cheeks have fullca in und cannot be detected by Hie closest observer.— This method combiuea tlio following t dvuuteges:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly uutural and Ufo-Iiko uppcurauce, and impurte to too thecib that peculiar expression which chaructcrizcH tlio na tural organs. This Gum consists of a silaciouB compound, which Is applied and fusod upon tho Teeth uud Platein suen a manner, as to UU up all tho interstices urouud the base or toe Teeth, aud also unites them firtuly to each othor and to the Pluto upon which they ure setL This secures perfect cleanliness of tho Teeth, Ofllco over DoWlU & Morgau, Congress street. *0*Republican and Georgian copy, feb 10—tl PHOTOGRAPHS. Dirge sized Photographs, ta- kou by M1LLKR,! AT TWKLVK DOLLARS t*XK DOZKX Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, iu his usuui su perior style. A callU solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Julian-st. aud Murket square. CARY’S DAGCKHKOTYPES, AAKBRO* type* and Photography. P. M. OAKY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro uow open for the season, and rea dy lur tho roception of visitors. By tho Amukotypk process persona may uow have tholr children’s pictures takou. iu almost uuv posi tion thoy may choose, in from 1 to 3 secodds s’i.Uuk By tho Photographic process old Daguerrootyims can bo transferred to paper, beautlftilly colored and euiarged lo life. ^ 22 AY—100 bates primo* Ilay. now landing and tor sale low tram tho wharf, by - J |lno8a C. A. GREINER. TINSMITHS" \V ANTED. H IX first rato Job workmen can find steady cm- • Ploymout where tho highest wages will bo pnld. ply Immediately ut No. 166 Broughton street. , , . HORACE MORSE. Savannah, Juno 17th. I860 jots I OLA88K8 AND 8YUUP-60 hbds Cuba JUiX Muscovado Molasses; 260 bbls New Or loans' 'um’jo ,l0,c *°HOU»Un^ JOHNSON h CO. A 1LANT1U LOAD.—Coiutaiitly und lor saio at UiAFFWt k aprbo No. 6 Whittle B acon SiuS a shouliikhh— 26 hhds Prime Bacou Hides, t," « f 10 “ “ Hhouldora, landing and tor sale by )ny23 SCRANTON, JOHN3TON k QO. i/N«iJftH PWATOha r —30 humpela choice Eating Jjj Potatoes, in small package. For family uio.— For vale by [mayi7] J.'A.;BRoWK‘ t . / 1HAMPAGNK—12 baskett genuine V^Champugno In storo and for Bale by may 10 OCTAVUSO S TARCH, COFFEE AND CANDY.—W bx* Fresh Starch; 60 do Ground Coffee: 60 do assorted Oaudy, received and Ibi sale by i l MCMAHON * DOYLE, Juno 4 205 and 207 Bay street. fres iillituuiraiT’' f— I N STORE—per kteanublp Kjonsuifie—Extra Ta* hie Butter aud Cheese; UeqV Tongues; btaoked beer; Hunts;'Bacon; Pig Poi'ft; White Beant:Hack er’s ooir-ratelng Flour; fU*uiu«, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, &«., Ac.; Picl^fos of all kinds; Preaerves, asserted;, uBsorted; Preston’s Promt-• mu Chocolate; bust oU 'leas* Colleo, and Stuart's No 1, A, B uud CEuufrrs; ilibbert’s London Porter: no;Ciarr* —■** &,A —* -* Falkirk’s Fcutcb tfo; Claret aud other Wlfies; at BARRON’S . Family Grocery Store, Junol8 / cornor Wbliokor and Charlton »ta. Juiiol8 [ coi JOHN* f j N 8. NORRIS, AHCIinW, 1_T A WINO resumed the practice of hlsprole* XX Jsiou, oilers his services to his friends und the pubila us an Architect aud Superintendent. , Designs tot any part of tho couutry supplied and teamed in ail the various brauchea of his protea- “J°V, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwelllngsi Meuumonw, &o. Thoroughly .Fire Proof btores da- signed uud executed. Cilice at presont In Bay lane, rear of tou Custom House. Jah ly. AOXiOTaxuro W EMPORIUM. 1 BOOB WBM» TilK BKBOBLIOAN lUtABUIQ BOON. Fine Ready-niude. W« O* Price, Clothiug ; lints and Gaps, Shirts, Guitars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkorohiefc, aud Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. FASHIONABLE AND tflUTAItt fob 6 irnuu, No. I4r Ray Street, SA VA AN Ah. Ordersl'rom city and county solicited, Also, finperflne Cloths, v assimers aud Vestings, will oe made to mea sure,unexception able in style and workmanship,; by toe . best mechanics, at ahortast notice •. BaSBEw nfflRE Pulaski House Barber 8hop, Owens' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House. FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshal 1 liouuc Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. fTHE subscriber, thanklUl to bis fellow-citlzena X lor tho liberal patrouuge ho has received, and is still receiving, begs respectfully to Inform them tlmt he has ouguged sufllcient additional first-class workmen from some of the best Barber Shops In Now York, and will be eunbled to accommodate as rnuuy gentlemen os may honor him with their pa- trouage. N • B.—The Barbor Shops are closed on Sundays-- strangers will please hear this iu mind. 0.8. jumosos. a. a. a HARRISON de McGEIlUE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND I'onvmding Merchants. 69 AND 61 EB0A1>8TREET, COLUMBUS, GKOBGZA. 43- Particular attention given to the sales of Real Estate, Negroes und Produce. . . £3* Liberal advances made on Negroes and Mer chandize. RUSE, PATTEN tc CO. ) GUNDY ic DAN ILL, > Columbus, Ga. STEWART, GitA Yk CO. J RUSE, DAVIS tc LONG, ) WM. WRIGHT, f Savannah. YOUNG. ATKINS & DUNHAM,) Amtell C. A. GREENE Ic CO., f AP^wWoola U. S. SMITH, ^ Mublto, Alabama? OOt 23 ly J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J, R. Allen, from Baltimore— * MASON’S CELEBRATED- UN RIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES aud CRACKERS,, Lomon Cake^, Tea Cakes, Scotch Cakes, "" Ginger Snaps, Edinburgh Gakee Milk Biscuit, Soda Uisciut, n. - Wine- Biscuit, Butter Blioult, _. • Water BiBcult, Plo Nlo Biscuit, 4c. UARRON’S, At JUU020 corner Whitaker and Charlton-ste. Aimc-E. QLYTY days niter date, application will be made O to tbe Honorable tho Ordinary ot McIntosh county, for leave to sell tno real estate, being in this couuty, of tiie luto James Smith, known as Sidou (rice) l imitation sold for the benefit Of . tbe bells of said estate. DEAN M. DUNWOODY.Y JOHN JONES, VEx’ora.- John f. DUNWOODY, ) Darieu, July 1,1M6H, jyg LIBEIi FOR DlVoRCB. Elizabeth tanly 1 III Colfeo Superior Court. • , j* May Term, 1856. John Cauly. r 1 appearing to tbo Court, from the return of the shorin', tlmt the defendant. John Cuuly is not to lie found Iu Coitee county, and ho ta not In toe atate;- ou luutiou of Wm U Gauldiug, attorney for libellant, it ta ordered tout service bo perfected outlaid de fendant by a publication of ibis order in one of the public journals or Savannah, once a month tor three months preceding too uoxttorm of'tota Court, requiring said defendant to oppear at the next term- of Coitee Superior Court, ta tho month of-Novom-. her next, und file his defensive allegation to the cause. A true extract from tho minutes ol the Superior Court, F.W’D AB11LEV, Clerk. lilllKI* FOR DIVORCE, E Wilkinson, } lu Liberty Superior Court. May 'form, 1850. Thus. WilkluHou.. I T appenng lo mo Court, by tho returu of too sheriff, iu the above stated case, that the defend nut is not to be found Iu tho county, aud tluu bo ta not to be ruuud in tlio statu; ou mutiou of Wm B GauUtuu, counsel ter Ubeltunt, It Is ordered that ser vice be perfected on said detenduul, by a publioa.- lion of Hus notice oucu a month for three months next preceding the next term of said superior Court! requiring said defendant to be and appear at the' next term of Liberty Superior Court to answer tu thO Sllid CUUhO' *A true extract from the minutes or sold Superior Court. Jy2 8. A. FRASER, Clerk. W" G o 1 GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. IU. be sold before the Court House in tho city v v of Uruuswlck, county ot Ulynn, on. the first Tuesday iu August next, bctwceu tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tutor parcel of land situate, lying and luting in the city of Bruns wick, in tliu county of Glynn, slate of ua.,knowu und distinguished Ih the plan of said city as'Old To wu Lot, number two hundred aud Uftv-three, and tho improvements thereon; levied on by virtue.of &R fa issued out of Die City Court or Savmiunah, in the couuty of Chatham, iu favor of Benjamin C Frank lin vs Charles K Flanders. Property, pointed out by plniutiff. Jy2 ___ M. C. B. WRIGHT, 8.q. c- NEW IIGOICS. - .ODEY’8 LADY’S BUCK, for July; Arthur’s Homo Magazine, for July; PctorsonV Mouth- ly Magazine, tor July; Harper’s Now Monthly Mag- uzine, lor July; tuid, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly fur July. The History of Europe, from tho tell of Napoleon to tlio accession of Louis Napoleon, In two volumes by Sir Archibald Alison, a now supply . ’ Her Urn, by Fredrika Breiuer, translated by Marv Hewitt. * * JvStvrSSS?* Wr °' a e,ory ,or ,Uo -* uUloror Mini lor Uio 8ut,lal, t.y tbo aulUor orEalail for Uw Solitary. Comic Misorlos ofHuiuau Life. Ptu-rt-bus-tah, a song tlmt’s by uo author. l-or sale ut 16'J Congress street, by JWI0 28 WARNOOK 4 DA VIA. BHOUG IITON STllEKT HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tho uudorslguod having put tha above Slahlcs In good'ooodltiOD'.'' sbana SaS^MSfaStf Bumlos, Sulkloa, «:o., with aouud, gontroTandwH “ liroWo lioreiM. and careful drlvora. Horara boardad on aooommodnUng torma, and well cared (Civ Two palra of dno Carriage IIobm B.r Ml” InSdroSE .or or Baruard ana Brougbioo atreote. 4 - n|dU—ly STEVENS k ELUSION, . A. SHOUT, MASTER BUILDER. Will lake contract* ror Building ud Workln ^nry oT ovory dMomwon. ItMIdcnoa No, Jewott 1 . Bango, Sooth aide done at ■ "to ~r~. woog^so-fjmmsBB-— A LL kinds of Wood Board. Plank. Timber, Shingle., IJglMrtod pSVU