Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 07, 1856, Image 1

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YOL. XXXVnl [OLD SEBIEB.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) MONDAY, JULY 7, I860. NO. 13016,. Dally. Trt-Wwkly and Weakly. O&oial Paper of the City and County. B. B. HILTON & CO. PROPRIETORS AND PUBLISHERS, B* *. HIITOB; - - - - Editor. S« P. HAMILTON, - - AaalatMit Editor. MONDAY, Two 0*clock t P. M, Four Days Later flrom Europe. ARRIVAL OB' THH Niw You, July 8.—The steamship Baltic, arrived today with Liverpool date, to the 25th Ultimo. Liverpool MarkeU. The feeling in the Cotton market in nlightly firmer, but quotation), thoiv no'change. Soles of three dnye amount to 23,000 bales, of which .peculators and exporters took 8,000. Sales on Wednesday (the day the steamer left) 10,000. QUOTATIONS. Fair Orleans Old. a 7d. Middling Orleans 6|d. a Ofd. Fair Mobile 0|d. Fair Uplands Old. The Flour market has advanced 0d. to Is. Consols have advanced 4, being quoted at Ml- Miscellaneous. The AJrica had arrived ant. Parliament had re-assembled. The House of Lords have rejected the bill for the full admission of Jews to membership, by 32 majority. There had been no further discussion on ' American aShirs. Sixty thousand French troops and sixteen thousand British remain at Constantinople. A new Cabinet had been formed in Russia. Movement against Welker. New You, July 5.—Latest accounts from Central America represent the feeling against Walker to be very strong. It ia said that anew army of nine thousand are proparing to invade Nicaragua and will carry out their purposo at an early day. Savannah Vessel Wrecked New You, June 7.—The ship Southport, ftom Savannah, foundered in latitude 41, longi tude 38. Her crew arrived at Holyhead. Washington Correspondence. A Img discussion—Passage of the Smote Kan • mi BiU— Conflict between the ttoo Houtu— Thi Presidency—Frtmont—Bttling. Washington, July 3. When I state that the debates and proceedings of the Setwte session, commencing at noon yes terday, and ending at eight o’clock this morning (20 hours) will make 110 oolumns of the Globe your readers may conclude that there has been some tall talking. All that the South could do In the way of compromise, and more than I thought it would do, has been done. The Kansan bill juiit passed, was slightly modified from the form In which it stood when I Bent you an ab- stract yesterday. Tke most striking change la the amendment of Mr. Adams, of Mississippi, permitting no unnaturalized immigrants from foreign oountrics to vote. In the House to-day, the Topeka Freo State 11 has passed by a slim majority. Each house will of course adhere to its bill, a Committee of Conference will be appointed, and many n day Will pass before an agreement shall be effected. What Issuo could be mado before the people wero this difficulty arranged? The Americans or Know-Nothings positively claim Maryland, but will uot probably get it. But why do they want it ? Ib the dealro patri otic? They cannot elect Mr. Fillmore, nut by enticing a few Southern States to him, might possibly throw tho election into the House. There they would have the power to defeat an election altogether. The Senate would elect Mr. Breckinridge vice-president, and he would hence lie ex-officio President raitll a new election by the people could be effected, or perhaps tried in vain. But there would be mischief proceeding from on election by tho House. It was u bad affair when Adams was elected, hut it would now be Infinitely worso. Have your Southern Know-NothingB ambitions to achieve tills state of tilings ? Were Mr. Fremont to be elected by tho party now supporting him, could he get u cabinet offi cer from the South? If not, could he and a totally Northern Cabiuet get officers to servo under them in the respective States of the South, or would not favor with that administration greatly prejudice the position of the appointees fit the South. I like to contemplate all kinds of possibilities in advance. I like to see every ono forewarned and forearmed. A bet was yesterday made in this city by a very shrewd and intelligent Sonthern man—or beta, I should say—five hundred on Mr. Hue- lianan’fl election, and one hundred on each of six Northern States. So you seo which way “the fancy” are looking. Impartial a. wretch who could steep his conscience in perjury, in order to get advantages of place. Hr. Bigler could scarcely imagine that Mr. Wilson’s amendment was to be pressed on the consideration of the Senate, and was seriously Intended aa a remedy for existing evils. He believed that one of tho reasons for offisring it was to place those who vote against it in the attitude of sanctioning all laws which exist in Kunsas. He regarded the pending hill aa the best measure for restoring peace ami order in Kansas. Mr. Wilson would say to Mr. Crittenden that this bill should pass It will not meet the ob- ct gentlemen profess to have in .view. Hu defended himself and bin coadjutors from character of Mr. Toombs, that thoy more trait ors, enemies to liberty, and hostile to the in stitutions of tho common country. He then descanted on the principles and fair prospects of tho “ Republican" party. Washington, Thursday, July 3—2 A. M. At half-past twelve o’clock Mr. CtlUiBicn. moved for an adjournment, but Mr;-Douglas and others on his side of the question, voted down the motion by ayes 9, nays 22. About two dozen persons are in the galleries some of them asleep. A few of the Senators are snoozing In the lobby on sofas and others in their ohairs. In the meantime, Mr. Bell discussed the admission of States in to the Union, in connection with the slavery question. Washington, Thursday, July 3—2:35 A.M. Mr. Johnson said it was a late hour, and the same might have been said two hours ago.— “ “ * ox City Court.—The City Court of Savannah, convened this morning. His Honor, Judge John M. Millen, presiding. The business of the CoorUa considerable, and will occupy its time ■omefen days. Arrived in Liverpool .—Dm. James E. Godfrey and J. J. Waat of Savannah, who took passage for Europe In the ship Switzerland, from Charleston tor Liverpool, arrived there on the 5th June—both well—after a pleasant voyage of 29 days. Homicide In Columbus. From tho Sun we learn that on last Thursday afternoon a young man named TUadeua Reese, •hot a woman known as Emma - Berry, at a house of 111-fame In Columbus. The weupon used was a double-barrel shot-gun. She died at 12 o’clock Thursday night. The murderer made his escape—though $100 has been offered for his apprehension. He is described as a slender built young man about twenty-three years old; little or no beard) and five feet, ten or eleven inches high. Proceeding* of Congress—A Session of SO Hour* I—Exciting DJsousslon. . The bill providing for the admission of Kau nas having been takeu up iu the Semite last Wednesday. Mr.Wude, of Ohio, opposed it iu u violent speech, in the conclusion of which he denounc ed the course of his colleague, Mr. Pugh. Mr. Pugh replied, and said Mr. Wade lias used language not becoming to a gentleman, nor a Senator, nor a “Black Republican," but language becoming a blackguard. [Sensi tionl. The Chair called Mr. Pugli to order,and, pro ceeding with his remarks. Mr. Pugh said Mr. wade had no right to charge him with loving slavery and life’ liberty. He coutinuod at some length, si mi retorting upon Mr. Wudo. Mr. Biggs said it could not be disguised that there was an evident foreshadowing in Mr. Wade’s remarks of a determination, among ttie party to which the latter belonged, if they can not succeed at the ballot-box, to pull down tiie fair fabric of liberty consecrated by the blood and sacrifices of our forefathers. He (Mr. Biggs) advocated the bill under consideration. Mr. Cluytou, at 5 o’clock, said he desired to S neak, but did not care about addressing only a ozeu Senators, and uuder these circumstances he moved an adjournment. The motion was negatived. The question was taken on Mr. Adams’ mo tion to strike out the clause giving the right of suffrage to all persons who siinli have filed their declaratiou'of intention to l>ccnme citizens of the United States, in compliance with the naturali zation laws. Yeas.—Messrs. Adams, Bayard,Bell, (Tenn..) Biggs, Brodhead, Brown, Clay, Clayton, Col- lamer, Crittenden, Fessenden, Fitzpatrick, Foot, Foster, Geyer, Hunter, Iverson* Mallory, Mason, Reid, Thompson, (Ky.,) Yulee—22. Nays—Messrs. Allen, Bigler, Butler, Bright, Cass, Dodge, Douglas, Evans, Jones, (Tenn.,) Pugh, Seward, Slidell, Toombs, Weller, Wilson, Wright—HI. Mr. Wilson moved to strike out all after the enacting clause in the bill and insert “all acts passed by the Legislature of Kansas or any As sembly acting us such, be and the same are hereby abrogated and declared void and of no VYIIIU CilUUj . mocrutic party of Georgia, liuvlhg 1 certain principles in their ConVeu- ivember last, and having declared (hut Resignation of Gov* Shannon. The following letter copied from the Lexing ton (Mo.,) Citizen, appears iu the Cincinnati Qazett of last Wednesday: Executive Office, Juno 10.I Lecomfton, K. T. j My Dear Sir: Your favor of the 18th is re* ceived. I wrote to you some days ago, which I presume you had not received at the date of your last. You can have no difliculty in coming into tho Territory with bona fide set- tiers. I have resigned ray office, and leave for St. Louis probably on to-morrow. As soon as 1 pass the line Colonel Woodson will be the act- *»“K Governor, and if you havo any difficulty Which my last letter to you does not remove with the troops you will address him on the BUbjcct. I repeat that my proclamation has no application to bonu fide eiuigrauts coming into the Territory. Yours, with respect, . . Wilson Shannon. Col. Buford. N. B.—1 will probably see you us I pnss down. Resolutions of tho Georgia Democratic Convention. Tiie following preamble and resolutions, re ported by Col. T. C. Howard, Chairman of the Committee, were unanimously adopted by the Democratic Convention of Georgia, which raft at Milledgeviile lost Friduy The Democratic enunciated turn of November „ w the endorsement of those principles on the part of the Cincinnati Convention was a condition precedent to the support of tiie nominees/and that convention having fully uud openly i-ccog- nized those principles, both in spirit and sul>- fitance, uud having nominated in the pontons ol James Buchannn and John C. Hrecenridgc cuu didates in whose honesty and cupuffity, the Bontliorn people may justly, repmo fr lc most implicit confidence, Be it therefore, J Resolved 1st, That we hereby ratify and con firm-the uctiou of our delegates to tlfe Cincimitti Convention, und pledge ourselves to a zealous vigorous, and united support or the, Democratic nominees. 2d. That we fully ratify and unj-exervedly ac cept thc platform laid dowu by tf, e Democracy at Cincinnati, and believing, as «^ e solemnly do believe, that of all existing organizations the Democratic Baity ulone recognizes tho obliga tions of the Constitution, uml ujone has either the will or the iHtwer to sustain thu Kunsas- Nebraska Act in practice, us wc|j uh theory, we hereby Invoke thc co-opurutlau uf all good and true men, whether at the North/ or South, who are prepured to unite witli us in (supporting tiie men and the measures indicated 1 by the Citiciu nati Convention. / 3rd. That thc Administration of Franklin Pierce lias been murked by a imllant devotion to the rights of the States uud the Constitution of tiie country, and in horeby expressing our grateful acknowledgments for n, 0 same, we only give to courage, constancy and patriotism, the honor which Is their due, and that in the* opin ion of this Convention, wo herein express the sentiment not only of alurge majority of tiie people of Georgia, hut of tiie [forge majority of the people of the North. Sailing of tiiiT*Atlantic7Ha^u> York, Jala 5.—Thc steamship Atlantic, Bailed to-day for Liverpool. She took out one million dollara to specie. Mr. Crittenden said it seemed to him that some explanation was required. Was the remedy for the disturbances in Kausas complete and entire ? Mr. Weller—The proposition is to repeal all laws and, scttlo tho dispute by physical force. Mr. Toombs—That is a. good way. Nobody objects to that. Mr. Seward said he would, with the greatest pleasure, vote for Mr. Wilson’s amendment. Tiie present hill can have no other tendency aud effect than to confirm tiie success of the object of tiie passage of the law abrogating tiie Missou ri Compromise, and form a slave State out of Kansas. There is no code, there are no laws, and no legal society in Kansas other than that of the orgauic act of 1854. The government of tliut territory is a usurpation and tyranny, und there are no legal nor moral obligations to trout it with the least respect. The House, more true to freedom titan tiie Semite, sent a commission thither, whose report establishes these facts lie- yond ull question. Tiie day fur compromises nils ended. Mr. Toomlts—I am glad of it* Mr. Seward—aud so am 1; henceforth we take our stand on the Constitution— Mr. Toombs—(interrupting)—On the higher low. Mr. Seward—(continuing)—They who stand there are firm, and those who do not are on slippery aud unsubstantial foothold. Mr. Toombs—I think so when you get on tiie higher law. Mr. Critteudcn regretted exceedingly to hear Mr. Seward say that the day of compromise had gone by. The form of the bill might not be al together satisfactory to the gentlcninn, hut it fa ottered to him iu a liberal spirit; ‘yet he has- declared his intention to accept no amendment to render it more satisfactory und conciliatory. The proposition of Mr. WUson would increase to a boundless exteut tho existing evils. He (Crittenden) would compromise to the last moment of time, provided they could pre serve the original principles ou which tiie Government was erected. Thtf present crisis de manded of overv Senator serious aud solemn consideration, lie earnestly appealed to gentle men to come forwurd in a liberal spirit and do justice to all sections of the country. He al most despaired when those from whom he had expected so much seemed disposed to do so little. Mr. Clayton said lie laid served long in Imhlic life, but never from tiie first day that he enter ed this hull had ho believed tho country in us much danger as now. If we huve urrived at the determination thut wo wilt never compromise jiguin, we'might as well throw our Constitution to tho winds. Mr. Hale said, one objection he bad to thu bill was, that lie was not willing to intrust its execution to tiie present executive iu whom lie lmil not the slightest confidence. He believed With Mr. Crittenduu tliut these were perilous 'times. Mr. ToomIm lielieved that Mr. Seward and Ills pure Isillot box with all that honor could throw around it—witji the entire military force of tills great country to protect it, 1m was met by the tender or Mr. Wilson, backed by Mr. How ard, of the cartridge box. If he lielieved they repranted the feolliiu.. the North lie would withdraw h|S bill and ac cept that Issue. If lie lielieved tho freo State* were ready for thut lie would lie content. He had no compromise to offer but principle—hut he did not lielieve that these men hero repre sented the feelings of tho North. He did not know what claim they hud to speak for the North. He had no " higher law." He despis ed the man who had/ He looked upon him as on the anproac Independence. True extracts from Jn(l anniversary of American io Minutes. . Boifeuillkt, Scc’y. Port of Savannah.., would come to a vote. Mr. Reward said generally a session lasted three or four hours, but the present session had already occupied fourteeu. Mr. Seward is still seeaking. Theprosprcteare that the session will con tinue till daylight, as the majority are evidently determined to vote on the bill before adjourn ment Washington, Thursday, July 3—4| A. M. Mr. Seward advocated ills bill for tho adniis- Dti of Kansas with the Topeka Constitution. Mr. Reid replied to Mr. Seward's remarks re lative to slavery, saying that when a majority of the people of the North become prepared to enforce the doctrine declared by Mr. Seward tills Union cannot last one hour longer. Washington, Thursday, July 3—8J A. M. Several amendments, of comparative unim portance, were adopted, and others rejected. Mr. Geyer offered an amendment, that no law shall be made or have force or effect which shall require a test oath or an oath to support any act or Congress or other Legislative act aa a qualification, for any civil offleeror public trust, or for any employment or profession, or to serve ns a juror, or vote ut an election^ or which shall impose any tux upon or condition to exer cise the right ofsufthige by any qualified voter, or which shall restrain or prohibit free discus sion of any law or subject of legislation in the Territory, or free expression of opiniou thereon by the people of the Territory. Tills amendment gave rise to a debate Invol ving tiie question of “Squatter Sovereignty,*’ ana wetber Congress ought to interfere with the people in the settlement of .their own af fairs. The amendment was adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Bell of N. H., Sell of Tenn., Benjamin, Biggs, Bigler. Bright, Brodhead, Cass, Clayton, CoUamer, Crittenden, Dodge, Douglas, Durkee. Evans, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Geyer, Hale, Iverson Johnson, Jones of Iowa. Pratt, Pugh, Bled, Sabastian, Seward, Slidell, Staurt, Thompson of Ky., Toombs, Toucey, Trumbull, Wade, Weller, Wilson, Wright. Nays—Messrs. Brown, Fitzpatrick and Mason Mr. Wilson’s amendment to abrogate and declare void all acts passed by the Legislature of Kansas was rejected by yeas, 8; nays, 35 ; as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Bell of N. H., Coltamer, Durkee Fessenden, Foster, Seward, Wade, Wilson-—8. Nays—Messrs. Allen, BayaTd, Bell of Tenn., Benjamin, Biggs, Bigler, Bright, Brodhead, Brown, Cass, Clay, Clayton, Dodge, Douglass, Evans, Fitzputrick, Geyer, Hunter, Iverson, Johnson, Jones of Iowa, Mallory, Mason, Pratt, Pugh, Reid, Sebastian, Slidell, Stuart, Thomp son of Ky., Toombs, Toucey, Weller, Wright, Yulco—35. Mr. Seward offered a substitute, admitting Kansas with the Topeka Constitution, looted. Teas—Messrs. Bell .of N. H., Collamer, Durkee, Fessenden,Foot, Foster, Hale Seward, Trumbull, Wade, Wilson—11. Nays—36. The hill was passed by thirty-three yeas, against twelvo nays, as follows: Y fc as—Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Bell of Tenn., Benjamin, Biggs, Bigler, Bright, Brodhead, Browu, Cass, Clay, Crittenden, Douglas, Hun ter, Iverson, Johnson, Jones of Iowa, Mallory, Pratt, Pugh, Reid, Sebastian, Slidell. Stuart, Thompson of Ky., BToombs, Toncey, Weller, WrigitYule^-33. Nays—Messrs. Bell ol’N. H., Collamer,Dodge, Durkee, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Hale Seward, Trumbull, Wade, Wilson—12. Mr. Cats said, regarding the hill as of groat importance, ho moved that ten thousand copies of ft be printed. Adopted, At 8 o’clock A. M. the Senate adjourned. Washington, Thursday, July 3. The President pro-tem took the chair at noon. No Senator present besides himself. The only persons on the floor were the Secretary, Sear- gaiitatanns,one doorkeeper and two pages; in the gallery, one reporter und two spectators, file Chair announced tho signing of several en rolled bills, Including tho Kunsas bill? then, in accordance witli previous understanding, de clared the Senate adjourned till Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A message was received from tho Senate an nouncing the passage of tho Kausas bill. Mr. Campbell, in response to a question of Mr. Kunkle, said he intended to cnll up thc re port of the Select Committee relative to the as sault on Mr. Sumner, on Tuesduy next, hut that lie would not then move tho previous question if-the friends of tiie parties Involved desire a dis cussion. Mr. Clingman—There will lie a discussion. Mr. Campbell said be would move the pre vious question on Wcdnasduy. Mr. Barclay's motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill to admit Kansas into the Union with the Topeka Constitution was reject ed, was called up and adopted by 101 yeas to 99 liuys. Thu bill was then passed, 100 yeas agaiust 97 nays. After uu ineffectual uffart to have au evening session, for the purpose of enabling memliers to nujr J 4, “ " ‘ Battle of Fort Moultrie. From tho Columbia Carollnllsaor Saturday. We publish from our Documentary History (vol. 3, now In press,) the following letter from General (then Colonel) Charles Cotcsworth Pinkney, whiok has never before been in paint. Fort Johnson June 29, 1776.—I am sure my honored mother must be auxlous to knoVr the event of yesterday’s cannonade. I therefore take the earliest opportunity of acquainting hor with the particulars or it. As my station was ut Fort Johnsdh, and tho whole or the en gagement was at sulUvau’s Island, I was only a spectator, though I and every man hero de clared they longed earnestly to have been there, to have partaken ti» honor and danger with their fellow soldiers.. . Yesterday, about eleven o’clock, the Bomb Ketch and a shin-oi'-war came up from Five Fathom Hole, and a signal was bred from the Commodore for the other ships of war to weigh anobor. At about half after eleven, tho Ketch began (6 favor Sullivans Island with some bombs I could distinctly see many of them burst in the air. Five fell in the Fort at Sullivan’s Islaud, but did no other damage than slightly wounding one man. The Solebay, of 28 guus. which was ahead of the line, received a shot from the Island, and {mediately returned it with her whole broadside. The enemy then formed in two lines to attack the Fort ou Sullivan’s Island. In the first line the Bristol, of 50 guns; the Solebay, of 28: the Active, of 28; and a40guu vessel, which! am told is called the Roebuck. (I am not sure of her name, but certain of her strength, for I could plainly seo her guns.) In the second line was the Syren, 28 aud two other frigates, whose names I do not know; behind them were the Bomlj Ketch, and the heavy hulk of a vessel something like our Prosper. A brisk arid heavy'cannonading was kept up at first, both from the ships and the fort. Some shot from the fort put their second lino iuto disorder, and curried away the bowsprit of one of tho frigates; aud us they were near the bank of sand which runs out from the fort towards Sullivan’s Island, and then turns towards Cum mins’ Point, called the Lower Middle, tjiat two ships, whose nnmes I do not know, ran aground there. The first line of tho enomy appeared to us at this place to lie about six or seven hun dred yards from tho Island, hut from them I hear they were within 600 yards. All tho 26- pounders were pointed at the Bristol, and about two hours after tho cauuonading began she re ceived so much damage that she was obliged to drawback, but still continued to fire, though not so briskly as before. At about 3 o’clock tire fort had expended nil its ammunition; it bad thirty udd rounds to each gun, and thirty-two guns. The shipping still kept up a heavy cannouade; the fort could not return it* In about two hours they got a supply of twenty pounds of gnu powder from Tints, aud five hundred pounds from Huddrell’s Point. They fired again, but slowly and with ‘ judgment. Night cauiu ou, und the cun- ling still continued on both sides, und the Arrived. Ship Richard Cob den, Black, Philadelphia, to C A L Lamar. Brig Augusta, Stonn, Sow York, to Bans k Wash* burn. ^ Brig Philura, Jones, Now York, to Brigham, Kel- Brig North, -Axworth. Boston, to Brigham, Kelly & Ou. Brig Mszatlan, Turner, Kookport, Me. lime, to Carlton & Parsons. , Schr Lamartine, Thorndike, Cbinden, Me. Limo, to Carlton ft Parsons. Schr Manbassct, Sweeny, New York, to Cohens & Hertz. Fchr Henry Nutt, Williams, New Orleans, to C A Greiner. Spoke July 1st, ship Alice,(fennel, Tor Li verpool, all well. sloop Catherine, Chard, 8t Marys. Turpentine and Koaln, to Hunter ft Gaminell. Departed, Steamer Wm Heabrook, Peck, Charleston. Consignees, For ship Richard CobUon, from Philadelphia—S M Lailltoau, A A Solomons ft Co, Ogdon, Starr ft Co. Wayne, Urrnvllle ft Co, M A Cohen, Ruse, Navis ft Railroad Agent, I/ickott ft Duellings, Central Ball- road, Dana ft Washburn, McKee ft Bennett, Iron Kleambout Co, J 9,Ayros, ABonaud, Wllilums ft Uatolllfe, Ulylcr ft Kline, G H Johnstcu, lovoll ft Lattimor, Young, Wyatt ft Co, Montgomery ft West Point Railroad, K A J LuohILon, Ulibort ft Tilden, Savannah Gas Works, Pattou, Hutton ft Co. Por brig Plitlurp, from Now York—Crane, Wells ft Co, M A Cohou. Wayne, Granvillo ft Co, Patten, Hutton ft Co, Mlm3 ft Johnson, J M Cooper, Central Railroad, W G Dickson, S Palmer ft Son, W M Da vidson, M A Dillon,Lovell ft Lattimor, I W Morrell, W 11 FarroU. J B Mooro ft Co. E Molyneux, John S Norris, S Goadull, AS Hartridge, W Klug ft Sons, K Parsons ft Co, Irou Steamboat Co, W P Yonge, W W Llucblu, Lathrup ft Cn, W L Ethridge, D D Cupp, D O’Connor, G H Johnston, L B Hull, J Sullivan, Mc Mahon ft Doyle, J A Barron, S M Lafflteuu, Lockett ft SnnolUngs, S B Wells Lyuu ft Snider, G B Welsh, Ogden, Starr ft Co, Yutiug. Wyatt ft Co, Kuse, Davis ft Ding, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, N B ft H Weed, A A Solomons ft Co, Foot ft Judon, U Cranston, Young ft Frierson, McKee ft Bennett, Claghorn ft Cunning ham, Flomiug A Son, Chaffer ft Co, CAL Lamar, W W Goodrich, order. Per brig Augusta, from Now York—M A Cohen, Wayne. Urauville ft Co, Youug ft Frierson, K Par sons ft Co, C'balfer ft Co, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, Pat ton, Hutton ft Co. Wm P Yongo, Crane, Wells ft Co, Iron Steamboat Co, Claghuru ft Cunningham, McMa hon ft Doyle, S Wells, McKee ft Bounett, J M lath- rop ft Co. J B Moore ft Co, W King ft tons, Hunter ft uatnmoll, J1 Iatbrop A Co, M J Reilly, A A Solo mons ft Co, Cohoiui A Hertz, J M Coopor ft Hudson, LI........ Inn I. (V tlllfV.nn Dili. IVinlu I. I m.n coadjutor* wanted grievances of discord und nothing but revolution to obtain power. He would oiler to the country the evidence or Throe Hundred Thousand Dollars towards tho these fucta. When ho (Toombs) submitted thu speak, tiie Houso adjourned till Monday. extension of the Southwestern Hull- road. At a late meeting of thc Directors of thc South-Western Railrotqj, thu following resolu tions were adopted unanimously: Reulved, Thut the President lie, and lie is hereby, requested and instructed to cause a a irvey to be madu.forthwith, for the extension of the Railroad of tins company from Americus to Uiitliliert, Randolph county, und a survey, also, from Sumter City to Cuthbcrt. Resolved, Tlmt. ff a satisfactory arrangement cun lie mado for the transfer by the Georgia ami Florida Railroad Company ot their Road from Americus to Sumter City to this Connmny, so as to make the same part and parcel of the Houth-westeru Railroad, then the extension will lie mado from Sumter City to Cutliliert—<other wise, from Americus to Cutliliert. Resolved, That so soon us the survey uml lo cution cun lie made, twenty miles of the exten sion bo placed under contract, to lie paid—one- halt’ iu cash and ouc-half in tho stock of tho Southern-western Railroad Company—such stock to come in on thc same terms with the now existing stock, so soon as tiie said twenty miles of extension shall 1» opened for transpor tation and travel. Resolved, That this Company, by thc pre ceding undertaking, rontributiug ut least itest number of our (shot if wo may judge i the noise they made agulnst the sides of tiie ships) took place, but the ships fired near fifty for oue. A little after nine o’clock, the shins thought they were sufficiently buttered, and ccuscd firing; and after nine began to work down again to the old station iu live-Fathoiu Hole. Oneoftheship8 which ran aground got off again; the other (ut least twenty gun ship ) stuck fast there. Upon being fired at from the Island this morning, she retuturned the fire ; the Island fired again. The meu then that were on board of her loaded all their guns, set her ou fire,got into her boats, leaving ail the colors flying aboard of tiie ships, aud rowed off to the rest of the fleet. When she burnt down to her cannons, she gave a noble discharge. About from the Island went ou board of her, and brought away her Jack. Site 1b now almost burnt down to tke waters edge ;ina little while we shall scarsely see tiie remains of her. The ships that warped off must have received con siderable damage, us iu general the shot from the Island was exceedingly well placed. Tiie Bristol’s mizen mast In this moment falleu dowu, doubtless in conseqeonce ot the shot she got yesterday. Several parts of the ships, and some parts of tiie cabin, huv^flouted up to town, so that I believe they Jiave mot with a reception they little expected. The officers and men at the Island, I am in formed, behaved with the greatest bravery; and notwitlistauding so heavy a cannonade tor ten hours, we had but ten meu killed and twenty two wounded. There were only Moultrie's Reg iment, consisting of about 350 men, and thirty of Robert’s Artillery, in the Forts. The officers behaved nobly, and pointed every gun them selves; and what is remtokablc, though there was not a man killed but what was close to an officer, only Lieut. Gray was sligbly wounded by a splinter, from a carriage, in Ills thigh, and a spent ball on his breast Limits. Hall aud Mazyck received two contusions in their faces. The first man that was killed was a Corporal of Grena diers. The rest of the men who belonged to his gun immediately threw him off the platform with their handspikes, crying out “Revenge, let us revenge oar comrade’s death!" und immed iately returned to their gun with the greatest eagerness. The enemy shot away the flag-staff, with our colors. A grenadier immediately ran through a shower or grape shot, and struck up the colors on a pike. One McDonald, a sergeant in Capt. Frank Hugher’s Company, lieing mortally wounded, us they were carrying him away, eried out, “I am killed iny brethren, but don’t let liberty expire witli nie 1” While this hap pened at the end of Sullivan’s Island, where tliis fort is, thc enemy, whose troop* arc on Loug Island, attempted to pass over to that end of Sullivan’s Islfiml which was nearest them, hut received so warm a reception from Thompson’s Rangers, thu Virginia Riflemen, some of tiie North Caroliua troops, a few militia, and an eighteen noumler that wo laid there, that they were obliged to retreat, with out wounding so much as oue of our men. Tiie enemy’s loss in men must have been con sidemble, as our shots were chiefly levelled at the hull of tiie ships. The transports Iny iu Five Fathom Hole (luring thc whole engage ment. I assure you 1 never saw men in higher spirits titan ours were during the whole cuuiuiu- ndo; and though from our station hero we were unfortunate to lie out of it, there was not a man hut was wishing most earnestly to he there, Tho fort, though well peppered with shot, has received scarcely any damage, not a single breach being naide iu it, uor did the Palmetto logs, of which it is built, at all splinter. Thu pow der room on board thc burning frigate has this in stant blown up. You cannot conceive wlmt n noble column of smoke it makes till it loses it self among tiie highest clouds. My brother is well. Pray give my love to my sister and Dan, and compliments to Mrs. Elliott, and tiie ladies at Sandy Hill. 1 remain your dutiful son, Charles Cotkswortii Pinckney. further develoneinent of Southwestern Gcor gin, by actually building, of itself, unaided by the people, their Road to within a distance of twenty miles from Cutliliert aud forty from Enfuula, und with less than forty from Fort Gaines—feels that thu people of all these pla ces and of the country trinutary to them, re spectively should unite themselves to the Houth* western ltailroad, und, through tliut road con nect uud identify themselves with Macon und Savannah—with tiie Beat of Government, tiie mountain country of Georgia and the general Railroad system of the Union. Resolved, That the preceding resolutions be communicated by tfie President to the meeting which lias bean called to be held at Cuthbcrt Contnterrinl intelligence. Savannah Market, July ?, COTTON.—No trnnsft-tlons to report this firne no on. MOBILE, July 3.—I'oTro.v.—The market closed dull ut quotations; 10>fnl0;;, NEW ORLEANS, July 3.—But few buyers mads tlielr appearance in market to day, aud tho discrlp- tions most wanted bolng difficult to obtain, the sales Uhl uot exceed 260 bales. Inferior Ordinary 8>4tfD9 Good OrdlnaryO j; (a) 0# Low Middling 10«f®l0« ling.. . GooitMkPlInglljtfBUJf Mld’g Fair. .12 F»lr — IS — Shipping Intelligence. ..JULY 7 Will be sold, on TUESDAY, 8Ui lust., at lo o'clock, A M, at Jones' lower wharr, 180 bales Hay, more or less, 40 barrels Potatoes, Damaged oa board brig Marcia, on her voyage from Bath, Mo., to this port, aud sold by order or the port wardens for tbo boueflt of underwriters and all concerned. Torms ensh, Jy7 TO RENT—The largo and commodious STORE, No 108 Bryan street, near tho Mar- kct. being ouo of the most desirable buslueus ntauurt Ju the city. Apply to J. C. DUGGAN, Jy2—lm ^ At I W. Morrell ft CO’S. MTU AYKB. A .small SOKUhL FONY, with one hind foot white. Any one roturniug the _____ saino to Henderson ft Lufburiow, will bo nourady rewarded. Jy 5 8t CITY SHERIFF'S SALK. W ILL be sold, before the court house door in the oily of .-savannah, on the Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of safe, 1 mt ol Ladders, 1 Bedstead, 1 lot of Faiutiugs, 2 Beds, 1 lot Fuiute, fte. Lovied ou as tho property of F. O. (Jail, to eutirify a Undress warrant issued, of tho Houorablo the inferior Court ot Chatham County, in lavor of John J. Uuut, Aim U. Wall uud James J. Wall, vs. T. O. Curl. Property pointed out by Flalutlifs. Terms Cash. EDWARD M. FUENDERGAST. July 5 bhorilf G. O. S. JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Nuvrnau&viUu, Ha. Reference—George ~. Brown, William Doll, New- uunsvillo, Flu., R. D. Hilton, Boston ft ViUolongu, Savannah, Oa.rnyll Moore Q. LU, \y, aiic, , 1(3119 a. vu, kvusici IV I tuiuuo, 8crUll* ton, Jubnstou ft Co, 1W Morrell, Youug, Wyatt ft Co, J S Norris, 8 M Lailltoau, F Champion ft Co, M A Cohen, Clughom ft Cuunlogham. A Haywood, J Foley, Bothwi II ft Smith, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, W M Davidson, Carlton ft Farsons, Kennedy ft Beach, Wayne, Grouvl.le ft Co, Gilbert ft llldeu, Lull'bur- row* ft Jonos, Holcombe, Johnsou ft Co, N B ft H Wood, Tison ft Mackay, McMahon ft Doyle, Cohens ft Hertz, W G Dickeou, Fatten, Hutton ft Co, W D Ktkridgo, Central Railroad, T Ford, A A Solomons ft Co Ogdon, Starr ft Co, E Farsons ft Co, E O'Byrne, Swiff ft Co, Iron HtouuibJat Co, order. Fer brig North, from Boston—Bothwell ft White head, Buffer ft Frierson, J M Coopor ft Co, M A Co hen, Crono, Wells ft Co, HII Lluvlllo, J H Murphey ft Co. G H Johnston, I W Morrell, Fatten, Hutton ft Co, M Fowrtl ft Co, Ruso, Davis ft Long, Lynn ft Fnldor, Swiff & Co, Wayne, Granville ft Co, Way ft Taylor, Young ft Frierson. CHAS. U. CAMPUUL.L., ATTORNEY AT LAW, XIUKDUKVILLK, OA.' Practices Law in tho various Counties of the Oc* raulgco Circuit, and tho adjoining Counties of Twiggs, Laurens aud Washington. Refer to—John Boehm, H. A. Crane, and R. B Hilton. tobU OKQKG^A.GOiaiON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. S, Court of Claims for the State of Georgia. Office Corner Bay aud Bui I streets, ly mylu DR. CHARLES li. GOLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY ST., Ouo door west of Drayton, my 11 WM7crcoilNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, l&AKKLLA, WOKTU COUNTY, JA.. (t\WT UKK1CX. ALBANY.) Will practise iu tho sSouthuMi circuit,uuu iu Macon, Dooly und Worm Counties oHne Macon Circuit. JUST Particular attention giveu to tho collodion ol claims lu South-Western Georgia. Jo2—tim * U. CliMMlNl*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lebl-ly luwLvroN, oa. OFFICE SAV’H, ALBANY & GULF it. It. (XI., 1 pavanuah, July 7tli, 1850. J ftp An Election fur u Secretary and Tread- VsS uror of tho 8avunuuh, Albany and Guir Railroad Company, will bo hold at Ibulr office, on Friday, thu lffh lust., at 12 o’cluck, M. Jy7—4 CHAS. GRANT, iWry and Trcaa. NOTICE. CONSIGNEES For ship Richard Cobden, will attend to the rcceptiou of their goo<ls at Mills’ wharf. C. A. L. LAMAR. Jy7 It. NOTICE. , Consignees per schr Henry Nutt, from Now Orleans, will pleuso attend to tho re ceipt of their goods, now landing ut Pliiludolpbla Steamship wharf. Jy7 C. GREINER. S YRUP AND MULAS*Ed.—60 hbls choice Now Orleans Syrup, 76 do do Molasses. Just receiv ed and for sale by Jy* SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. T aRD.—:20 bbls aud 6G kegs new No 1 LeafLard, JU lauding and tor sale by jy7 HORAN ION, JOHNSTON ft CO. SUNDRIES. 160 bogs good to prime Rio Coffee; 76 bags old Government Java do; 130 bags old browu Juvu do; , oaii’oIs Stuurt’s A, B and C CluriQed Bugat* 60 “ “ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 hlida Porto Rico, Now Orleans, aud Muscovado Sugars; 60 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 60 lilitls Sides and Shoulders; 26 casks Trowbrldgo and Beaty’i Hams; 160 bbls Doumoad and Oakley Flour; 76 bbls and half bbls CaualFour; 160 bbls Butter, Sugar and Pilot Crackers: 60boxes Soda Crackers; 200 boxes various brands and qualities Tobacco; 26 cases Myer's Aromatic do; 160 bbls Cuba nnd Nevr Orleans Molasses^ 60hhdsCuha do; 60 bbls No, 1 LeafLard; 200 kegs and cans lard; 6 M ft Bar land; 600 bags Drop aud Buck Shot; 600 kegs, hails aud quarters, Dupont’s Powder; 76 bbls Mohs and Prime Fork; 60 boxes Noctar Whisky; 100 quarts Scheldum schnapps; 100-casks pints Ale aud Porter; 300 bblsroctiUed Whisky; 100 bbls Now England Rum; 160 bbls i'holps uud E Phelps’ Gin; 60 casks common uud puro Maluga Wine; 60 bbls Wiiito Wlno aud Cider Vinegar; 20 crates empty Wino Bottles: 600 boxes, heap, Starch, and Candies; In Htoro and fur sulo on accommodating terras, nrayl& HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft 00 FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE * ULAS AND GLASS WARE. 146 MOTIXU STRUCT. CIUKLKCTON, HOUTU CAROLINA, f Tlie subscribers respectfully solicit,.-^ r i * ■ Chlnu, in pluiu white, gold band, and decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tcu, toilet, toie-a- teto sets aud vuscs. Also, Cups aud Saucers, &c., o' thu colobrulod Sevres China. White Uraultaof Uil host nianulucturors. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Gluss. Thoy havo a variety of ornaments In Parisian Wore, Busts ofCulhouu, Clay, Webster, and others, and Statuctes of the Greek Slavo, Veuua do Modiols, ftc.. ftc. They havo also a beautiful, durablo and cheap arti- clo for floors aud hearths, of Plain and Encaustic Tiles. Their stock bolng very goueral, carefully selected sad imported direct, oilers inducements to merchants us well us families, to whom goodB will be put up at the lowest rates for cash. WEBB ft SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Wobb ft Co, WM. S. DANIELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RAVAXNAB. OA. Office over Thomas 11. Turner ft Co.’s Drug Store, Buy street. my7 D. A. O’UYRNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-si., over Turner ft Go's. Drug Store] SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly 8. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticollo, Jefferson Couuty, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fuauxo, Savannah, Ga, myll HTATKMKNT OF OOTTO.V. Stock on hand 1st September, 1866 bales 40,615 Rooolvod alnco 1,740,112 Rcccivod to-day 167—1,740,270 1,780,794 4,135 1,720,178—1,7:13,813 Exported to-day...... Exported to date...... Stock on hand not cleared 40.081 tiU«AR.—'The demand Is good und tho sales are about 300 hhds at full rates. Molawxs.—Sules confined to a few small lots on the Levee at a wide ronae or prices. Orleans Re finery still brings 62c In bbls. Whisky.—We notice sales of 60 bbls rectified at 20, and 80 bbls at 30o. short tlino. FRiacuns.—Wo hear of no now engagement to- {ixcHAjmiH—'Wo know or no change worth notic ing— Sterling 8# a OX and 10 pr ct pi Franos 6.12K a 6.18?; pr dolm New York Sixty Day BUla o 1*1 pr ct d Nnr York Bight Check* liar dta parn Mprotdis EDWARD G. WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward ft Owons’ Law Office. [rnyll c. W. bUIry. ATTORNEY AT LAW, VHANKUX, UKAKD OO., OA. Will attend to professional business In the Counties of Hoard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayetto, Mori- wothor and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrongo, Ga.; Hon, David Irwin, Marietta, Go.: OolouolM. M. Tidwell, Faycttovlllo, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty,Co- lumbua, Ga. 4 ' acpl7-ly WELLS ft WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOMEST.IO, FOUE1GN AND FANC1 „ DBY UOODS. ... -2™- 149 Congrcu-it., Savannah, Ch. JAB. T. WKU.S formerly of Be.ul'crt Dial. S. 0. THEOimUS WILLIAMS, •> Scrlven Co., G». .01H7 A.McALPIl«4f imOTIIHHa, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. ■Opt 6 SAVANNAH, OA. Ruction Salts. by iMStrUuEtocf TO RENT—A comfortable DWELLING o 0 Taylor street. Possession given 1st Ootobcr. Apply at this office. 37^-rt M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIOATOR, RACT FLORIDA. Will practice In tho'Eustcrn and Southern Counties* Refer to—Col. 8. 8. Slbloy, and 1L B. Hilton, 8a< toba-tf TLANTIO LEAD-—Constantly on hand and tor safe at CHAFFER,ft Co.’s, »pr30 No. 0 Whitaker street. LIACON SIDES ft SHOULDERS— D 26 hhds Frimo Bacou Sides, 10 “ “ “ Shoulders, my23 JOHNSTON ft 00. I^NULlaH POTATOES-—30 hampers choice Eating Potatoes, lu small paokago. For safe by [may27] For family use.— J. A. BKoWN. i iHAMPAUNE—12 baskets genuine Heidslc VJCIiampugue in store and for sate by may 10 OCTAVOS COHEN, S TARCH, COFFEE AND CANDY.—60 bza Freeh Starch; 60 do Ground Cotfeo; 60 do assorted ouudy, received aud fur solo by McMAHoN ft DOYLE, Juno 4 206 and 207 Bay street. _ bfeButtoraud Choose; Beef Tongues; smoked sour; Hums; Bacou; Fig Futk; White Beans; Hack er's heif-ralsing Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, ftc., ftc.; Picklus of all kiuUs; Preserves, ussorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Frestou’s Premi um Chocolate; bust of Teas, Collee, aud btuurl’s JSo 1, A, B aud C hugars; Hibbert’s London Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Aiu: Claret aud other Wines; at BAURON'M Family Grocery store, corner Wliltukor uud Charitou ets. Juuel8 JOHN a. NOKKia, ARCHITECT* H AVING resumed the practice of hisprotas- slou, oilers his Services tuhia friends and the public as an Architect and superintendent. Designs tut any port uf the country supplied and oxeuuiod lu all tho various branches ot Ins prolee- slou, such os Public Eunices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, ftc. Thoroughly Fire Proof stores de signed und executed, ouice ut proseut in Bay tauie, roar of the Custom House. Job a—ly Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Cuncs, Utubrehus Cravuts, stocks, Uaudkerchieis, uud Fancy Articles fur Gentlemen. Cloths, and Vestings, wifi ie made to meu- are,unexception able iu style and workmuushlp,; by the best mechanics, at suurtest notice »•*. ☆ oxiOTSinrQ a EMPORIUM. Uf 1 DOUtt WEST Uf TUmm-PULieAN UKADINO Hu UN. KlufKondy-muuujW.O. Price, Alio. fcupBrlino Clothing ; Hats FASHIONABLE C ‘ und Capa, shirts. | mm aba TAYLOR, No, 14? Buy Street, HA VAMSAk 1ST Ordersfrom city andcouuiy solicited, too 6 UAUhE n TliUPS. ■' '' Pulaski Uotue htaber Shop, Owens’ Brick Building, opposite the J j uhu/tt Route, FIVE WOKkMBN KNGAOXll. MarsUnlt liuuac Darker Shop, Broughton Street, four womuuat kspaokd. rpUE Bubscriber, thunktul to his fellow-citizens Ju lor the liberal putionuge he has received, and is still receiving, bogs respecUully to inlorui them that he huseugugea sufficient audiUuuai lint-class workmen from sumo of the best Barber shops lu New York, uud will bo enabled to accommodate as many gentlemen us may hunor him with their pa- trouage. N. B.—Thc Barber Shops are closed on Sundays— strangers will please bear this iu rniud. ~LANIER & ANDERSON, ATTOUNEYSATLAW, ap6-ly Macon, ua. A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & Watte.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard at., between tiie Market uud Buy st., SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Groceries, Furctgu aud Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, &o., ftc. Reference—A. Cbumpion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun ft Whiteheud, and Swlit ft Co., Savannah, Ga.rnyll 411, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvilie, l.owudc3 County, Ga. Will pructico InTUoimis, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, TellUir, inviu, Laurens, uud Pulaski counties, Gcurgiu; ami iu Joilursuu, Madison, Hum- fitou, and Columbiu counties, Florida. [myll 1. M. WILLIAMS. TUAPPK08 OLIVER. JACK DROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER ft BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bucnu Viatu, Marion Couuty, Ga., Will practice iu the counties of Miu-tuu, Mucun, Hous ton, stuwurt, Kuuui»plj, iluacogeo, Leo, uud uu) adjoiuing cuuutlus, where their services muy he required. myil JOHN 11. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens comity, Ua„ lute Junior partner ol the Urra of a. ft.). u>cuka.\k, lrwiutoii, uu., will aUemi promptly to all bualuuas entrusted to Ida cure, i'urticuiar ulteiitiou puid to collecting. Be- fereucc—Dr, C. D. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dubliu, Ga., M Mursh, bavuimuh. myll U. ELLIS, Factor and Gonerul Commission Merchant NO; 71 BAY-STUEET, SAVANNAH, GA., Rtaraus to—Messrs. Uughotn ftCutminghatu, Belt ft Prentiss, Ogden, Btarr ft Co., Savannah; J. 1 ihompwoD. Boston. nov I WM. AUDLKY COUFKlt. JSO. (XlORKU KKASKK. COOPER «St FRASER, FACTORS ft GENERAL COMMl&lUN MERCHANTS, Bay street, Suvuunuh, Ga. (myll JOHN U. FALL!GANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN •WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW BASH AND PANE Duo ltd. West side Monument Squure, Savannah, Ga. muy 11 JOHN CV BOOTH,' CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ills aiteutiuu to desigus la ArcUtteo- turo. Office iu the store of John Williamson, Esq., Bay Btreet. my 13 CHAFFER & Ca, No* 0 Whitaker Street, Euvuiinnli, Ga., W11UU&M.K AND 1IKTAIL DKALKHS IN S ASHES. Blinds, Hours, Mouldings, ftc. While Lead, Zinc, White tausenl, ^pul'm l Mhiile, Tun- uers’aud NoutsloutUils, Gluss. Bru.-hcs, Gold Leal, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nulls, Marble Mantels, ftc., ftc, Ju4 taRS* LEf LEit ft \V ILCUA, tacliUaU. ARE now fully prepared to in< sort full or purtiul suits of Teeth on tho priuciple of Dr..I. Allens’* Patent Continuous Gum, By till, improvement, the form of the face can he restored to any degree of rotundity that may he desired. It is applicable in ull cures where tbo checks have fallen in and cunuot he detected by >ho closest observer.— This method combines the followingi, l vuutages:— An arliticial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural aud life-like apinnrauce, aud imparts to the theutb that peculiar expression which characterizes the na tural organs. This Gum consists or a silaefeus compound, which Is applied and ihsed upon the Teeth aud Piute iu such a manner, us to Ull up all the Interstices urouud the base of tho Teeth, and also unites them tirmly to eachothor and to tho Plato upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cloauliucss of the Teeth, Office over Do Wilt ft Morgan, Congress street. ♦+» Republican aud Georgian copy, fob 10—tl PHOTOGRAPHS. largo sized Photographs, ta- keu by MILLER,. AT TWKI.VK DOLLARS I’KK DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, in Ids usuui su perior style. A call is solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 or. St. Jullun-st. and Market square. CARY’S DAGlJEIiEO’TYPES, AMBRO- types and Phutoirrauky* ' _ P. M. CARY TYTOULD respectfully give notice tlmt his Vy rooms are uow open for tho season, aud rea dy for the reccptiou of visitors. By tho Amiihutypx process persons may uow havo their children’s pictures taken, iu almost uuy posi tion thoy may ehooso, iu from 1 to 3 secodds swting. By thu PmmxiRAi'inc process old Daguurreotypcs can botrausferred to paper, beaulUully colored and enlarged to life. oct 22 o. s. UAR1USON. a, o. L HARRISON & McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND i'orwurdiug JMercliuuu* 59 AND til BIIOAD-STREET, COLUMBUS, UEORGIA. -.J* Particular attention given to the sales or Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. Liberal advances made on Negroes and Mer- ebaudixo. RUSE, PATTEN ft CO. GUNDY ft DANIEL, STEWART, GRAY ft CO. } Columbus, Ga. * WIJBC., WAVES S LUNG, I WM. WRIGHT, savannah. YOUNG, ATKINS ft DUNHAM, 1 c. A. GREENE ft co., j Apalachicola H. S. SMITH, k Mobile, Alabama, oct 23 iy J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J, R. Allen, from Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cukes, 'lea Cakes, Scotch Cakos. GUigur Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Bifccuit, Soda Utacmt, Wine Biscuit, Butter Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Pic Me Biscuit, fto. At BARRON’S, june20 corner Whitaker aud Charltou-sts. 1VOT1UU. S IXTY days after date, application will, be made to the Houorablo tho oruiuury ol McIntosh couuty, lor leave to soli tho real estate, beiug la this couuty, of tho iuto James Smith, known as s-ulou (rice) 1 tarnation sold lor the beneflt of the heirs of said estate. DEAN M. DUNWOODY,) JOHN JONES, YEx’ora. JOHN F. DUNWOODY, J Darien, July 1,1866.Jy2 LIBUL FOR DIVORCE. EHzabotU tauly ^ &fr , c 8upw|or Courli John Cuuly. J I f appearing to tbo Court, from the return of the sheiilf, thut the defendant. John Cauly u uot to ou found in Coffee couuty, uud he Is nut in the state; on motion of Wui B Gauldiug, attorney for libellant, it Is ordered that service be perfected ou sold de fendant by a publication of thu oruer In tne ol the public Journuls of guv annuli, once a mouth tor three mouths preceding thu next term of this Court, requiring suld uefcuduni to appear at the next term of Coffuo Superior Court, iu the mouth of Novem ber next, aud tile his defensive allegutUn to the came. A truo extract from the miuutes ol the Superior Court. Jy2 EW’D ASHLEY, Clerk. libel for divorce. E, | L i bcr , y SupoI .| 0r court, Tlior. Wilkinson J M “> r mo ' I f appenug to iue Court, by tho return of the slienlf, lu thc ubuvo stated fuse, thut the defend- ant is not to be found in the county, and that be Is uot to be found in the state; uu uiotiuuof Wm B Gauldcn, cuuuscl fer libellant, it is ordered that ser vice bo perfected on said Ucfeuduui, by a publica tion of this notice once a month lor three mouths, next preceding the next term of said superior Court, requiring suia Ucfenduut to lie aud appear at the next term of Llbei ty superior Court to answer in the said cuuse- A truo oxtract from tho minutes of said Superior Court. A. FRASER, Clerk. J. W. PATTERSON, " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvUfe, Ixiwndoa County, Ga. (myll JAMES M. SAVAGbI ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMXSVILLX, I1IOMA8 COUNTY, GA. ' AU businoss entrusted to his caro will receive prompt aUuution. lyr—mar 17 ANTHONY McCULLOh7~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, " __ _ Bavanuali, Ucorgin. .^OIBoe on Bay atreol, oyor tho Bank ol'ttovan. nan, lohk jaxnu. uonaaRa, 1UJDGKR8 At NOniUS, WH o£jjgs«#wiH SALE GROCERS, 'June 1,1866, DAY-8THKKT, BAVANNAH, [je?» A LE AND FORTER,-26 bblsSummor Stock Ale, 20 casks Ryans* London l’orter, pints, Just re ceived fond for safe by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before thu Court Hou»e lu tbo city uf Brunswick, county oi uivmi, ou the Ural Tuesday iu August uoxt, buiweeu tlio legal hours or suie, the fol.owiug piopeity, to wit: Oue lot or i*rcil of laud situate, lying mm being iu the ciiy of Bruns wick, iu the county of Glynu, stale of ou., known and distinguished iu the pluu of said city as Old Town Lot, uuuiber two hundred and liuv-ihreo, aud the improvements thereon; levied on by virtue of ah fa is&iiod out of the City Court of ravuuuuab, in the county of Ciiathi.m, iu tavor of Benjamin C Frank- lm vs diaries E F'Jauucrs. lTopvny pointed out by plaintiff. JJ 2 M. C. B. WRIGHT; a. 0. C. ’ NEW BOOKS* G ODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, lor July; Arthur’s llmuo Mat a 7.U10, for J. ly; 1'utouuu’g Moulh- ly Maguziue,tor duly; llarpei 'a Now Monthly Mag- a/.iue, for July; uud, uruhum’s Llustruted Monthly, for July. The History or Europe, from tho fall or Naptleon to tho accession of Louts Napoleon, in two volumes, by sir Archibald Alison, a new supply. licrtlm, by Fredrika Brctuer, translated by Mary Hewitt. Tho Shin Carpenter’s Wife, a story Ibr the times, by IV E S Whitman. The Tangtotowu Letters, edited by tho author of Records oftlio Bubbleton Parish, ftc. &ilud for the Social, by the author of Salad for the Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human Life. Flu-ri-hus-tah, a song tliut’s by uo author. For sulc at 169 Cougress street, by Juno 28 WAR NOCK ft DAVIS. BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE, Tho undersiguod having put tha above Stables iu good condition, are prepared to uccommodale their customers with Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, dulkics, ftc., with sound, geutio, and well broke burses, und carulhl drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared fer. Two pairs of line Carriage Horses fer sale. Inquire cor ner of Barnard and Broughton streets. ap!14—ly STEVENS ft ELUSION. At SHORT, MABTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts tor Building and Working Ma sonry or overy description. Residence. No. 3 Mrs Jewett’s Rango, South side Jonos at. oct 80 WOOD AND~LUSbeST A ll kinds Of Wood, Boudi, Plank., Joist. Timber, 8hlnglc. ( LighMvuod, Bonn, Lutern lain. «nd min*., for nln, at U d rettll, awu-lywf UODWON