Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 08, 1856, Image 4

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spSolBSPS l/ooocern: Wtaereos.John Mallory,rill applyto tho Court of Ordinary far Letters Dlsmusary us autuiuU- tration on tho Estate nr William Wright those are, ITerofare, to olto and admonish all whom It may concern, to bo and appear bofaro Raid Court, to mako objection (if any they Irnvo) on or bufaro the Aral Monday In November next) oUiwlso Raid Let- lam will be granted. Witness, John Hilbo, Gan., Ordluary for Chatham County, this e.ght day of April 1856. JOUN BILBO, o. o. o. apt I C H « C l sold on tho Oral Tuesday In Juuo next, before one Court House, between tho legal hours nt'.sale, lot number twelve (1*2) Now Franklin Ward, In tho City of Buvammh, situated on the corner of Mont* jromory stroet and Battle' K«*\v, together with the fnree-story brick warehouse situated thereon; levied oa to satisfy a certain 0. fa. Issuing nut of Chatham Superior Court, In favor oT Joint Seudder vs. Clar* •nco I*. Hollis. Property Vfintod out in said tl. fa. BENJAMIN L. COI.H, mays Shorin' C.C. wra OF (iEOitOl A, lHATHAM COUNTY.—To nil whom It may con* corn: Whoreas, Elizabeth Itibcro, will apply at the Conrl «f Ordinary tor loiters ofadministration on the cstato of Joseph Blhero: These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to he and appear before said Court to make objection (it' any they have) on nr before tho first Monday In July next, otherwise said (otters will bo grautod. Witness. Johu Bilbo, Ksq., Ordinary for Chnllmm oouuty, this second day of June, I860. June 2 JOHN Hll.BO, o. i\c, STATE OF UEUUi7i A,UIV1TI A>I( 0. |A0 all whom It may coucern: Whereas Mary Ann I Dent will apply at the court of Ordinary for let ter* Dismissory on the estate of James l*. Dent,— Thoso are thorefure to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to bo and appear bulbre said Court, to mako objections (If any they have) on or before the First Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will bograutod. Vitnoss John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinarv for Chatham County, this third day of June, 185J. * Je3 JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. 1 STATES OP GEOllGlA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern : whereas, Patrick Hyan will apply at tho Cburt of Ordinary lor letters of administration on the estate or Daniel Collins : These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all Whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to mako objection (If any they have) on or he* foro the first Mouday m August next, otherwise said letters will bo grautod. Witness, Johu Bubo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this tweuty third day of June, 1850. . June 23 JOHN BILBO, o. e. c. STATE OP GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Asa Johnson will apply at the Uturt of Ordinary for said county, for letters of ad ministration, with tho will utUK-xed, on the estate ofMuy Williams, late of said county, deceased: Thoso are, therefore, to cite uud admonish nil whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to muko objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will bo grauted. Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordluary for Bulloch county, tho 20th day of Juno, 186(1. june22 WILLIAM LEE, o. n. c. „ whom It _ i TThmu, Mte T. HtoM »IU ap| attho Court of Ordinary for lottora dismissory os mlntstrator on the hstate of James C. Hines : Thoso aro, tborelbro. to cite uud admonish all whom 11 may ooueeru, to ho and appear bufaro said Court to mako objection (if any thoy havo) on or bo- loro tho first Monday In December next, otherwise sold letters will bo granted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq, Ordinary Ibr Chatham county, this fourth day of Juuo, 1860. Juno 0 JOHN BILBO, o. o. o. ADjtnNlSTR ATOR’S HALE. P URSUANT to an order of tho Honorablo tho Court or Ordinary of Chatham County, jiasRod Juno term, 1850. will ho sold* on tho.first Tuesday In August next, before tho Com t door in wild county of Chatham, between tho legal hours of salo, tho following property, to wll.: Lots Nos. three (3) and four (4), bolug pnrtol’Gardeu lot No. nine (tf). Spring Hill, City of Savannah, l'routiug ou Railroad street; also tho following negro slaves: Jack, Fetor, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as the property of tho oslntoofSumuulGrilUn, Intent sold county, deceased, tor tho bottom of tho heirs and creditors of said es tate. HlCilAUD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis nou, on _Jo4 Kstnto of Samuel Or Hill). GKrtltGIA,!:HATham UDliNTY. O N tho first Monday In August next, 1 will apply to tho Ordhiury of Chatham couuty for leave to soil the negro slaves boouging to the estate of Clara A Ogilhny, deceased, for tho houutit of the heirs and credit trs of said estate. June 4 JAMES A. La ROC HE, Adm’r. Prom V. B. PALMER, oEnouL ADVwmaxo and nkwhfamcii auxxt, Boatou, Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. jSjSUBl U. FIULKB, DEALER AND IMl’OllTKU OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wore, Fan* cy uoods, dee., MO. 12, SOUTU 2D UTRKVr, I’lttLADKLPtUA. septa ly NELSON SWEEZEY, DESIGNER AN D SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Coruor Astor Place ami 4th Avonuo, IN CLOSX UKOXIMITY TO TIIK AOTOU UHRAgr AND THS NSW ntitrjt u or ax, nkw York, BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jull in Swaiusboro, Emanuel Co., ou tho 4th instant, a negro umtt; he says his name is Harry; that ho bolongtf to tho estate utTUotuos Clay, of dryau County, (In. Ho Is of tight complexion, with u slight sear over the loll eye; about 6 I’eetfiJi inches lit height, uud about 2tt years old. Tho owner is requested to como forward, pay charges and take him away, tvs ho will bo dealt with as the law direct*. HENRY OVERSTREET, Je9 .Iftlor. S TATE OF GEOKOlA—BULLOCH CO., May 20th, 1850—Two months niter date application will bo madoto tho Hottornide Court of Ordinary of said County lor leave to soil all tho lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors utid said deceased. my23-8w JOHN E. GIBSON, Adm’r. STATE OP GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all Whom it may con cern: whereas. Jo-tali Davis will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tba estate of Henry Davis, lute of said county, de ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to muko objocUou (U‘uuy they have) on or boforo the first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will bn grunted. Witness, william Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 2?lh day of June, 185tl. Juue29 WILLIAM LEE, o. c. c. GEORGIA, CAHIOEN C'ltUVi'Y. T WO MONTHS after (Into, application will he mado to tho Honorable Court of ordinary for said county, for leave to sell the real estate uud the following uaraeil negroes : Peter, Jim and Ben; one house and lot aud two other lots; belonging to the estate of Priscilla Thomas, deceased, tor tho lieuctU of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM B THOMAS, Kx’ur. Jefforsontan, June 10, I85fi. juiteUO GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY. T WO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of ordinary for said county, Tor leave to sell tho following named negroes : Rose aud ber tbreo children, Irene, Mi nis and Joe; belonging to tho estate of i/juisa Tomp kins, deceased, fur tho benefit of said heirs. WILLIAM IJ. THOMAS, Guardian. Jefieraonton, June It), 18Dt, Juno :;o NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tho cstato of Richard F. Williams, late of Chatham coun ty, deceased, ure hereby untitled to present them witlilu tlto time prescribed by law to tho subscri ber ; and all indebted to the said estate uro request ed to make Immediate payment to M. B. M1LLEN, Administrator do bouts non. March 25—6w ltwt.Iy21—jo 7 STATE OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—TO all whom it may con cern : Whereas, tho astute of Jeremiah Me- DonnH lies unrepresented in consequence of tho death of Nathan Hrowton, tho executor, and unless some lit and competent pursuit applies Ibr tho ml* MhdalraUou of said estate, with the will auuoxod, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other tit and proper person, administrator with tlw will an* ttoxed tie bunas non, ott said estate ; These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bu and appear before salt! Court to muko objection (If any they havo) on or before the first Monday In August next. Witness, William Leo, Esq., Ordinary for tho county of Bulloch, this 12th day of Juno, 1850. Jo 16 WILLIAM l.EE, «. o. fl. plain to tho most elaborate aud ornato In doslgii and workmanship. In addition to tho stock alwuys on hand, a groat variety of drawings, appropriate and original may bo Ibuud, IVom which work will ho ex ecuted promptly to ordor. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped to any point available by wator or steam. Persons visiting tho city or Now York on plcasuro or business aro rospcotihlly iuvitod to visit tills es tablishment. °«13 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! 80UTH-BIDE, RICHMOND & DANVILLE, AND Virgin In & Tennessee B. SUMMER State of Georgia, Bulloch County, A DMINISTRATORS' SALE.—By virtue of au or der from tlto honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, passed on the first Monday in Juno, will be sold nt tho court itoitso door of said couuty, between tlto lawful hours of sale, on tho Urst Tues day in August, Otto tract of Luul, containing ono hundred and fifty acres, in said county, on tho Ca- noocheo river; also, a part of four othor surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ca- noocheo river, well Improved ami in good repair, consisting of swamp, bay and pine laud. Sold os the property of Nathuu Brcwton, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day of snlo. BENJAMIN BREWTON, June 2d, 1850 SIMON .1. BREWTON, X ’} Adm'rs. jo 16 State of Gcorgiu, Bulloch County. A DMINISTRATOR*’ SALE.—Will bo sold, on tlto first Tuesday in August next, before tbs court house in Statesboro', in said comity, under an ordor of tho Court of Ordinary, Filly-tour (64) acres of Fine Laud, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to the cstato of James Deal, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on tho day of sale. MARTHA DEAL, \ Adtn’x. CALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. June 12th, 186(1 Je 16 NOTICE. A I.l. persons having claims ugaitist tho estate of Evan Jones, late of Charlton couuty, (la., de ceased, are requested to present them, lu terms of law, and those indebted will please mako payment to tho subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Ccntrovillago, fin., June 14th. I860 Jo22 O* NOTICE. \NE MONTH otter date, application will he _ made to the State Bank of Georgia, for pay ment of a twenty dollar bill, the left hand half of which has been lost. julyl JOHN D. KENEDY. Midway, Alabama, July 1, I860. NOTICE. mWO months from date application will be I made to tho Ordinary of Chatham County, lor leave to sell lot So 101. tub district, Baker, belong- ing to tho estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, may2 Administrator. ADMISTRATOM’S NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate of the Into Cliurles B. Arnold, deceased, aro hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the timo prescribed by law; and all those in debted to said estate, uro requested to inako imme diate payment to EDWAHI) PADKLFORD, may8 Administrator. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. TlfTL Louis Robider having made an assign- It I mentfor the bcneUlofhts creditors, ail per sons indebted to him will please mako payment to me. And those having demands against him are roqueted to present them, that payment may bo made as far as tho ussetts will extend. A. DUNAUD, Assignee. Savannah, May 19,1856. may20 GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. "TTTILL besold before the door nftho Court House YV in the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on tho first 'Tuesday lu Jury next, between tlto legal hovir*of sale, the following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jim, Chloe, and Simon—levied ou by virtue ni fl. fa. issued out of tlto Honorable .Superior Court of Glynn County, in favor of Horace B. Could vs. Alex ander Scranton and James Gowon, Administrators of Mary Abbott, deceased. Property pointed out l»y plaintiff's attorney. may28 M.C. B WRIGHT, NOTICE W ILL be sold, between tlto usual hours of snlo, ou the first Tuesday in August next, before tlto court house door in Trader’s Hill, Charlton county, fiu., Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—be longing to tin* estate of Evan Jones, late of Baid county, deceased. Sold under provision ol'tho will and by order of the honorcb'.o Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McCALL, Ex’r. Ceutrcvillugo, Gu., Juuo 14th, 1860 je22 RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY of tho Great Reformation of tho Six teenth Century, in Germany,Switzerland,&c, by J H Merle D’Aublgno, live volumes complete in one. The Life of Martin Luther, tho German Reform er, in fifty pictures, from designs of Gustav Konig, to which is added a sketch of tho rise aud progress of the Reformation in Germany. L ie and Times of Jtov Elijah Hedding, 1) D, Into Senior Bishop of tlto Methodist Episcopal Church, by I) W Clark, D D. Sermons on Several Occasions, by tho Rev John We*ley, A M, tn four volumes. Sermons front the Pulpit, by H B Boscom, D D, LLD. ’ Life of H Biddlcmau Bascotn, 1) D, LLD, Into Bi-hop of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Rev M M Henklo, 1) I). Posthumous Works of tlto Rev Henry B Boscom, D D, L 1. D, ono of tlto Bishops of tlto Methodist Episcopal Church Sontli, edited by the Rev Thomas N Ralston. A M. Life of the Rev Robert Newton, D P, by Thomas Jackson* The Bards of the Bible, by George Guilltlan. Thu Analogy «»f Religion—Natural and Rovoaled —to the Constitution and Course of Nature, by Jo seph Butler, L I. D, Into bird Bishop of Durhutu. Baptism—a treatise on tlto nature, perpetuity, subjects, administration, mode, ami uses of tho ini- tiu'Jug ordinance of the Christian Church, by Titos O Sumners. Baptism—with reference to its import, modes, history, proper use, and the duty nr parents to bap tize I children, by James L Chapman, a minister of the Memphis Conference of tlto Methodist Episcopal Church, South. For Hilo nt 159 Congress street by juuo 2 2 W A KNOCK k DAVIS. ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable and most expeditious Route to Lhu VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH BY DAY-UGHT. And Baggage Chucked Through, except ou Stages, Visitors to tho Vlrglninla Springs by tills routo, take tho South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, oi tho Hichmoud aud Dauvlllo cars at Richmond, at U A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dluuer, and titeuce, via tho Virginia utul Tonuussoo Railroad, reach Bonsnck’s Depot at 3 1-4, und Salem at 4 P. M., aud at either placo tuko Kent, Sununertum Co’s Flue Line of Stages I Thoso via Bonsack’s lodge at Fincostlo, dine at tho Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, aud nrrlve at tlto White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on the evening of the second day tcom Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Staging. Or by tho Sulcin routo. stop all night at tho Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distant from Salem,) dine ut the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, aud arrive at the While Sulphur Spriugs on tho evening or tlto following day. The Virginia k Tenucssco Railroad is located through a most romuutlc country, possessing o cli mate uusurpossodfor its salubrity and dellghtfuUom- peruturo. Tho road passes tlto base of tho PEAKS OP OTTER! And witlilu tliruo miles of tho Alleghany Springs, ouo mile of the Montgomery Whlto Sulphur Spriugs, aud within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs; ail pleasantly situated a low miles apart, on the Eastern slope ol'tho Alleghany mountain, in Mont gomory county. Tho waturs of these Sprtugs aro celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations aro oxccliout, and have been greatly increased since lost season. #g*Visttors to Uio Red Sulphur Springs take Kent, Suramcrson & Go’s Stages ut Newborn Depot, ou the oven ing of the day thutthey leuvo Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at tho Springs on the following day to dinner, and Suit Sulphur Springs cnrly in tlto evening of tlto socoud day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tlto Road from Newborn Dopot to tho Red Sul phur Springs, (38 miles,) 1ms been graded aud greatly improved since last season, and is now re garded asouo of tho bust turnpikes lu tlto moun tains. Tho lino of Telegraph from Richmond will bo com pleted aud in operation to the Montgomery White Sulphur Spriugs curly iu June. Passougora to Knoxville, Tennessee, take Kent, Summcrsou &Go’s stages at the Western termiutis of tlto Virginia k Tonnosseo Huliroud, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at tha rate of 8 miles pur month) to lhu Eastern termi nus of the East Tenucssco und Virginia Railroad, mid arrivo at Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Petersburg or Kichmoml. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonsack’s,$10 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ *• Saicm..., 19 60 “ White Sulphur Springs “ Bonsack’s 11 00 “ “ u u “ Salem.... 11 50 “ RedSulphor Springs 12 25 “ Alleghauy Spriugs 8 00 “ Montgomery Whlto Sulphur Springs 8 25 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 45 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 25) 00 Note.—The charge for tickets to tho Alleghany Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur ami Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not iuuludo tlto charge from the Railroad to tho Springs. Passeugcrs lor the Al leghany Springs, (4 miles distant,) taku tickets to Shawsville—for Montgomery Wuite Sulphur, (1 milo distant by a brunch Railroad,) lake tickets to Big Tunnel and lor tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) tuko tickets to Christian.-burg depot. Con veyances will bo found at those places. For further information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Richmond k Dauvlllo R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMKRSON & CO., myl3-8ra Fincostlo, Virginia. t u. vihuiium ADVXttTlstaU AUIS0T, ttiDWMji] PA. Authorlicil Agent for tho .Iroimtl. HUIUUNO'I PATENT IPIHE-VaOOF wren iiall’s*PAi^T^vf5?iiniooF look. Having rocoivod tho Prize Medal at the World's Fair, aro now ofibroil to the public as tho Prize Sofo of tho World. Tested aud appruvod as they , have boon every where, tliolr crowning victory was reserved to be awarded by the Juries or the World’skalr. Tlto proprietor pluood Ouo Tltousaitd Dollars In OoM IntliooiiooA&Wlml AlltwWorW'» Fair, Iaiu- ■Ion, huiI Invited nil Urn IHck-IAto In llio world to oiiuii Hid Sal'o, wllliorwIthoulUio koya, and taka Ilia muuoy ns a ruward Ibr lliolr Injoimlfy ; altUougb operated ti|>on by several sklllod lu tlieart, no ouo oould l'iek tho Irockotopon tho Safe. By an Improvement U|K>n tho original Salamander, Introduced by tho presentowuor ol'tho patent-right, tho interior Ih roudorod wholly impervious to damp, and books, puiiers and jowclry might ho preserved in ono or his safes Tor a century without contracting a blemish from mould or milldew. To guard ugaiust counterfeits every Safu Irom the manufactory ol‘ tho subscriber, und sold by him or Ills agents, 1ms a brass plato In front, bearing his uumo ; each is also furnished with ono of his im proved Tiller Detecting I^ocks, which is a good guar- antoa agaluat robbery. ^ C , HRmuNQ k C0 ., Nos. 105,137 und 139 Woter-st., N. Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keop coustaiitly on hand a full aud eomploto assortment, which thoy will Bell at Manufacturers* prices. ■ goptSS LUCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FUtB- PROOV qUAUTtW op . WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured ly Stearns *6 Marvin. Mew York. v Iu tlto tiro oftho 3d Inst., which consum ed tlto brick building occupied By Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite tho Gas Works, lu this city, was a safe oi the above descriptions contaiuiug tho books, papers, uud luouey of Mr. Thomas, and although tho building wus dotroyed, tlto said Sal'o sustained no injury whatever from tho intonso boat to which It had been exposed. On open ing the Safa, tlto contents wore fouud undisturbed, aud in tho sumo ordor aud condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to tho projecting ends of a few palters, aud tlto bucks of ono or two of the books, caused by Rio*steam gouoruted iu Uio Safa, while at Its greatest heat. The Sato and contents, os It camo from tho ruins, may still bo sccu, iu the possession of Mr. Thomas, at tbo Gas Works. A largo assortment of these cele brated Safas always ou hand t nnd far sale by ” 'FIELD, BOOK AM) JOB mm NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Merchants can bo supplied 1 at aboi l notlco with mil*2Iea«U, llllls of Lading, Dray Hooka, Circulars, Cards and Blank Hooka. JHPff GENUINE PREPARATIONS. ^ Hatmbold’s Mighty Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Bttcliu. . CERTAIN, BAKE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY (OU Diseases or tlto Bladdor, Kldnoya, Gravol, ■a. HalMrTJH i wary I. located near tta. Dapot aatT Eoai I Brood way. and coatala. about thirty largo and L? I (UntUlted Soorn., withi mod ud tru«ty gtvuVS I waya at hoodit both table, ud gaotlcnn I edatthta ItnflUttoa, ud will receive tbe I Dropsy, Wooknoaa, Socrot Dtaooao*, Ob.lruc- “fL™!“' “wtltd, I Fomalo CompJalittH, abb .11 dlawtao. of tho gf b ^ n 1 WiioM I (ILYXIt SHKUIbi”S SALK. 'YTTILL bo sold before the door of lhu Court House, YV in tho city or Brunswick, County of Glynn, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between tho legal hours ofaaio, tho following property, t<* wit.:—Onu undivided hair of u tract or parcel of laud containing two hundred and fifty acres, (more or less) lying and boligin tho county of Glynn, hounded south ho lands granted to Michael Ponsell, northwardly by lands granted to Joint Limb, senior, east by lands unknown. Levied on as tho property of Celia Lamb, to satisfy a 0* fa- issued out of tbo Honorable s-upo* rior Court of Glynn county, iu favor of Daniel McIn tosh vs. Celia Lamb. Property pointed out by do fendant. M. C. J). WRIGHT, may28 Hherllf Glynn County. STATE OF GEOttGLt, LlUEUTV CO. r|l(J all whom it may concern:—Whereas Jason I Floyd will apply at tlto Court of ordinary far loitors of administration on the estate of Allen D. Floyd, These aro therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concorn, to be und appear before said court, to mako objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday lu July next, otherwise suit! letters will bo gruntod. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty County, this 27th Uuy of April, 1866. 71 W. P. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C. may 27 GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N tho Urst Monday In July next application will bo mado to tho honorable tho Court of OrUina ry of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Gldecm McGowen, Jute of said county, de ceased. ANN McGOWhN. Juno 2 * NOTICE. " T HREE months after date application will he mado to the Marine Hank of tiavuuuub. for the pay ment of two Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter It, .3070, and letter 0. 697, tho loll halves of which have been lost JAMES J*. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, 1 Win. Jim* my 2d ADMINISTRATRIX h\LE. O N the first Tuesday in .July next will bo sold in front oftho Court ilouso, in the city of Buvan- nail, all tho real estate belonging to the estate of James M. Batc3, lute of Chatham County, deceased. Bold by cermissiou of the Court o! Ordinary, and by order of tho Administratrix, for t „'! r ll,u heirs and creditors. ANN B. BA 11--., may26 Administratrix. TnRfllf Salmon. "LoUntoni und HaTdinoH, far salo by Jan 2 A HONAUI). July 26, 1856. C. H. CAMPI Agent fur thu Manufacturers, 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. I tako pleasure iu corroborating thb loregolug state ment, aud in addltlou would add. tbut tho books are nowin uso. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 20th, 1855. octo—tf Particular uttention given to B(JOK AND PAM- PIIIoET PRINTING, such as Catalogues for Colleges, ProoeodiugB of Moetlngs. Reports, By-Laws, etc. Thankful for tho vory Ilhoral|tatronago horetoloro rccolvud, wo rospoctfnlly a conUnuunco nl thu samo, feeling that wo shall bo ahlo to please all who may favor us with a call, both as to prices und execution of work. NOTICE: TO MARINERS. T HE buoys at St. Simons Inlet and Sound have beeu urranged lu Uio following muuuor : Outer Bar Buoy is a largo find class nun, | aimed rod, with tho No 2 in white—is pluccd is twenty feet water at low tide, aud must bo lett ou the Htar- bourd blind ottierlug. St Simons Light bears N W by W J« W. North point of Jokyl W by N % N, Middle Buoy—Is a largo second class nun, paint ed black, with No 1 in white—Ib placed in sixteen fact water at low tide, on the Eastern edge of tlto Middlo Ground, and must bn loll ou the port hand eutoring. St Simons Light boars N W by W U W. North iioiiit of Jokyl W by N. Inner Buoy—is a second class uun,painted bluck, with the No U Ut white—is pUcod in twenty-ono leut water at low tldo, on tho point ot shuul running oil from Jokyl Islaud, uud must he left on tho port linnd entering. St Simons lJght bears N E by N Y z N. North point Jekyl W by 8 fi S. In tho Bound is the I/jwcr Middle Ground Buoy— witich is a second class nun, pointed with red and black horizontal Btriites—is placed in twelvo feet water at low tide, ou the lower poiut of tlto Middle Ground, to mark tlto two chaunols. St Simons Light boars N E by E, North poiut of Jekyl Island S E bv 8 X S. Middle Middlo Ground Buoy—is a second class nun, painted rod, with No 4 lu white—is placed in eighteen fact water ut low tide, near the elbow of tho Middlo Ground, and must bo left on tbe Btar- boanl band entering. North poiut of Jekyl burs N E E. Bruuswluk itolut W by S. Upper Middle Ground Buoy—is a second class nun, painted ted, witli tho No 6 in whlto—is placed in 18 foot wator ut low tldo, near tho upper outl of tho Middlo Ground, uud must bo loll on the slur- board hand entering. Brunswick point bears W }i S. Mouth of Jekyl Creek S E. Norn—In running iu for St Simons Bar bring the Light to bear N W by IV )£ IV, whlto In lour fathoms water. This bear lug as a course will tako you up to tho Outer Bar Buoy und into the Sound, passing tho buoys us directed. By order of tlto Light Houso Board. C. MAN1GAULT MORRIS, jo28—tr L. II. Inspector, 6th District. NOTICE TO MARINERS. fJIHE buoys ut St. Androwfajnlot aud Sound havo DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE. SAVANNAH. OA., Estnbllfllietl lu 1834. mm Subscriber grateful to his friends and I patrous far,their continual favors, would state that In addition to tho improvements In DYING, no quired by him during his last visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, by which ho Is now enabled to dyo a greater variety of colors on silk and woolen drosses, shawls, &c., which lie trusts will generally please all who may favor him with their patronuge. Gentlemen's garments dyed, cleaned or renovated 03 may bo required, in tho sumo superior style which ha3 generally so much pleased his patrons aud frieuds. Tublo Covers, and Ladles' Crapo Shawls, Ac., cieaucd anil finished iu the first stylo. Ladies’ Bouuets dyed, bleached and pressed in the most fa^hiuiiablo styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels are sont by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sent him by letter through tho post ofilce, so that ho may know whore to call far them, inch 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HKt.vrzicfttiAaiN’* — ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this ossonco has boon received throughout all sections of tho Union as a remedy at onco safe, ugreoablo utul efi'octuul far Incipient Diarrhoea, Clioloru Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, lan guor or Debility from audentury habits, &e., has in- (faced tho proprietor to givoit overy publicity lu Ills power. Upon its inorrits comment Is uunucussary, as its own intrinsic worth is Us best eulogy. It car ries with it tho ovidenco of its superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, the old, and scores of families who, prompted by a careful regard far their health uud comfort, uro dully adopting it as au iMnei’K.vwAtti.K family ukmkuy. Thoro i3 perhaps no meUleiual preparation extant so simple and harm- less, yetaalutary aud effective, whoso worth will be more appreciated or universally adopted than tho liquid uinger prepared by Hoiutzclman. For sulo by J. E. DkFORD, Druggist, jclO 3tu .Savannah, Ga, SHIRTS I SHIRTS!! SI11UTS !! I I HAVE just received a large assortment of while aud figured Shirts, of every quality and stylo, and superbly mado, with collars to match, orders will also lie taken, and shirts mado to suit uuy particular stylo or taste of tho wearer. Call at tlto Star Clothing Emporium. 147 Bay street, my U WM. 0. PRICE. REMOVAL. ~ The subscriber has Removed on tho Bay, next door to tlto Republican, ofilce, whore *ho is now opening at hartd«otmj assortment of S I* It IN U| AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by the pattern or niulco to order in thu most fashionable style. Also, Beady Made Clothing far tho present and coming season. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N. ft.—Cutting, Altering and ltepairiug done at the shortest notice. Just received Whlto Drill Coats and Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sulo at a small pro fit. aprl2 JOHN W. KELLY. CENTRAL RAILROAD. “CHANGri OFSOHEDtfj O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, inst., aud until farther notlco, tho Passenger Trains ou tno Central Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily ut...6 a m and 12.16 r m. Arrivo lu Macon “ “..2.16 v u “ 1 am. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 A a “ 9.39 p m. Arrive in Savan’h “ “10.45 p a “ 7.20 a a BOTWKKX SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. Leave Savaunalt ,12.16 f m and 8.30 p. a. Arrivo in Augusta 8.46 p a “ 5.30 a a. Leave Augusta 6. a a “ 4.30 p a Arrivo iu Savannah 1.30 p a “ 10.46 p • MKTWKKN MACON AND AUGUSTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 p a. Arrivo in Augusta .8.45 p a “ 6.30 a m. Lcavo Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrivo in Macon 2.16 p a “ 1. am. UhTWKKN SAVANNAH, MJLLKDGKVILLK & KATONTON. Leave Bay.annah 6. a m Arrive In Mllleclgovllle 2.46 p m. Leave Klacon 11 45 a a Arrive in Katonton 6. pm. W. M. WADLKY Gon’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1856. octlO. ■ _ been arranged iu tlto foUdWiug manner: Bur Buoy—is a second class can, painted red, with tho No 2 in white—is placed iu sixteen water at low tldo, and must bo loft on Uio starboard hand enter ing. Little Cumberland Light hears W by W N. South poiut of Jekyl N W by W. Middlo Buoy—is a second class can, painted red, with the No 4 in white—Is placed in nineteen feet water at low tldo, near the High North Breakers, aud must bo loft on tho starboard hand enter lug. Cuinland light hears \V by N }< N. South point of Jekyl N W W. Inner Buoy—Is a second class can, painted black, with No 1 hi whlto—is placed in tweuty-ono feet water at low tide, uoar a dry shoal running oil'from Cumberland Island, and must be loft on thu port hand entering. Cumberland Light bears S \V by W W. South point oi Jekyl N W W. In the Sutiuu is tho Middle Ground Buoy—second class can, painted with red and black horizontal stripes—placed in tun feet water at low tide, on a point of shoal running down from tho Sutllla River, and nearly in tlto middlo of thu Sound. Vessels must not pass to tho westward of it. Ctiinheriaiul Light bears » by E E. Inner point of Joky) N W )« W. Buoy at tho sutrancc of Satiila River—is a second class can, painted black, witli No 3 iu white—is tlaced in ten loot wator at low Ude, and must he eft on tho port hand entering. Cumberland Light bears S by E. Outer point of Jokyl bears N B. Noth.—lit running iu far St. And row’s Bar bring tlto Light to bear W by N & X, while iu lour fath oms wator. This Item lug its a course will take you up to tho Bar Buoy, then haul oil'to tho northward uulil tlto Middle Buoy, No 4. is In range wiilt tlto Light, (to avoid two lumps in a direct Hue, W by N ii N, between the two buoys,) when steor far It— ! Hissing it to tho southward. From this buoy a N W by W >£ W course will bring you into tlto Sound. By order of the Light Houso Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, jo28—tf _ L. H. Inspector, Gth District. II DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tlte subscriber takes tills opportunity to inform Ids friends und tho public, that ho is nuablud, from oxporieuuo, and tho JutuiUvo perceptions of tho truths of. sciettco. based ott tho common rules of surveying farms, noth piano and spherical, to cut and make up garments to fit the human farm In tho most complete and finished style, to nil who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumea, Military and Firemen’s Uniforms, &e., fcc. ft. HORACE GRANT, Jclfarson st., ono door North of Broughton street, doc 7—ly pAI’EU HANGINGS AND HOKDBU&- X Just received a great assortment of the most elegant patterns, with borders to match, from 8 cents to 92, ut CHAFFER k CO.’S, uprfiO No. 0 Whitaker street. F Jan 2 WANTED, A SITUATION as wet nurse, by a healthy young woman. Would have no objection to .travel, or ko into the country. Good references given. Apply at this ofUco. ___ fit—-June 24 B askets 11bSsKbthi—w© would onu the attention or tho ladies to our tdock oi Work, Traveling and fine Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment In tho city, ot tlto ilouso Furnishing Store, 166 •28T**- mum vmn. LE, LARD, 20 bids ftrltno Lord; 60 do Taylor It Son’s Alo; 60 do sugar, soda aud but* iuU: received and far salo by •' 1 mcmahun k hoy Mi, ;«*u 806»ui»i»jB*r«root. m. UiumN, SUCCRSSOH TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan and Whitaker .Streets. HAS nmv on linnd n beautiful as* ,-v sorlinunl of Jewelry or overy dis- criptiou and kind worn by ladies AtW'iA and gentlemen, and will sell utiinusually low prices, I havo this day received (pur Express) a largo Block of elegant Hlvor Ware, consisting of Cuke and Bio Knives, plain aud ettgravod Fish Knives and Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks uud Hpoons, Napkin Kings, Nutmeg Graters, Ac. &o., all lu Morocco cases, and suitable for presents. 1 have also this day received an addition to my stock of hair work of light colored Curls, Topsys, Braids,Front Pieces, Bunds, Uncle Tom, Ao., which now makes nty assortment complete, orders received far any color desired. Watches ret ml red by and under thu mmorvlslou of Holt, and all oilier work done iu u workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over vvlilclt pusseu the Great New York & New Orleaus Alails. O N and alter Sunday, February 3d, 1850, two daily trains between Mucou aud Columbus, atul ono between Macon atni Amurlcus, Leuvo Macon at 2 a a, and 3 p m; arrive ut Colum bus at 7 16 a a, and 1030 P a ; leave Columbus at 4 16 am, and 1 30 p a;arrive ut Mucou at lu 64 a m, and 7 40 p M; leave Macon at 2 a a; urrlvo at Amort cus at 6 40 a a; leave Amorlcus at220 p m;arrive at Macon at 7 40 p a; making a eomploto connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington und Charleston; also, will: Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, Millodgevilloatid Katon ton, and witli Macon nnd Western trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Kuoxvilio. Tonu. At Columbus with Girard und Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Ala., connecting daily at Amorlcus with four horse Post Coaches to Tuliulmssco. Albany, ThomasvlHo, Bulnbrldgo, fcc., with tri-weekly hacks to Lumpkin, Cutlibort, &o., at Fort Valloy with hacks to Perry, Haynosvillo, Hawkinsvllle and Knoxville, Ga. I’ussongors for Atnorictts and points below Fort Valley, should tako tho 12 15 r a train lroin Savan nah; und tho 5 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention ut Macon. For other points ou tlto .South western or Muscogee Roads take either train from Savannah or Augusta. 1’assotigers leaving Amorl- cus at 2 20 p m will roaclt Columbus ut IU 30 r a tho samo night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am- orlcits, South-western Georgia or Florida, should tako tho 1 30 p m train ut Columbus, sloop at Fort Valloy, aud reach Amorlcus at 0 40 a a next morn ing. First class steamships leuvo .Savannah for Now York on Wednesdays nnd Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage fa tho Cabin *26. Stoorngo $8. Faro from Montgomery to gavnnnah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ ....looo “ Amorlcus “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, 186(1. mayl 6 VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAO. O N CONHKJNMENT— 2000 hUHlnds Prime Corn; 100 do Cow Peas: 200 sacks "Paluco MHU” Flour; 10 libls Raw dim; 10 do Monongaholu Whisky: 5 do DomoBtio Uruudy j For safe low, by JolS PATTEN. IIUTTON k CO. by (may#)) WILLLUO ill Brooke Hall Female Seminary. media, Delaware: go., pa. MISS MARIA L. EASTMANN, ftKi.VCIPAl. This Seminary, located in tho do- lightful aud houltliy village of Media, thirteen tulles from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY. September lOtli, 1860. Tno commodious building, now in process of erec tion, with ull tho modern improvements, will bo finished by tho first or August, utid will contain such accommodations, both in point of taste aud comfort, an cannot fall to satisfy parents tliut while their daughters aro enjoying tho benefits of mental oul- fare, they havo also the comforts of a refined home. This institution is established with a view to afi’ord to young ladies tho most perfect combination of ad vantages far the attainment of a thorough and ac complished education, und no pains or expense will bo spared to render it lu reality what it professes to bo. a school of superior merit. MUs Eastman, tho Principal, was ot tlto head of a school iu Now Eng land previous to her residence in Pennsylvania, and far tho last six years lias beeu known to tho patrous of Aston Ridge Seminary, as presiding teacher iu tliut institution. The Rt. Rev. A potter, Bishop of tlto Diocese of Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. Kastman, who proposes to open a Young Ladies’ Sotninary in Media, Delaware Co., Pa., in September next, has boon known to tho sub* sorlbur for several years past. Ho has a vory high opiulon ol her capacity, clllclency uud devotuduess as au educator, Sho lias had a largo ami success ful experience. Thu building which is to bo orected for her uso will contatu overy accommodation. Tlto village aud surrounding country are distinguished far healthful ness and beauty, und tho subscriber lias confidence that parents who ontrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will havo no reason to regret it." • Miss Eastman will bo aided by an efficient corps of Teachers. * The French language will be taught and spoken by u Parisian lady, residing in tho family. The Latin, Gcruiuu, Rpauishand Italian languages will rcculve duo attention. Tito Natural Sciences will bo taught, with the aid of a largo and expensive apparatus. Tho .Musical Department will bo under tho charge of a lady eminently qualified to fill tho situation; aud ull preferring a male teacher ou tho Piano or lu Singing, cun havo the benefit of a Visiting Teu' from Philadelphia. Drawing aud Painting will bo under tho direction of a lady accomplished lu tho urt. The number of pupils is limited to forty. Tlto Terms Ibr Board and Tuition In all tho branch es except Music, are $160 por session of live months. Miss Eastman lias liberty to refer to tho fallowing gentlemen:— Rt. Rev. A. Pottor, D.D., mid iho Episcopal clorgy Hon. !•: Pierce, President uf tho United States. Hon. B. P. Cbuso, Governor of O.iio. t *Hon. N. B. Baker, Ex-Governor of New Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. Tuppan, M. C. from Now York. Rev. N. Stem,of Norristown, Pu. Rev. A. McLeod, Clearfield, Pa. Picrco Butler, Esq,, of Philadelphia. J. B. Okie, Esq., do, E. W. Clark,Esq., do. George Wharton, Esq do, Christopher Lower, ftottsvllto, Pu. George Wyman, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. J*. O. Johnson, Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or for circulars apply I the l’rltiepal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, JolU cod fitn Media, Dcluw&ro Co, l’a. IVtnter Arranament— C’ur* StartingJ\mu Urmd St. Heavy Rail all tlie way to Gordons vllle. TIT HEN the Potomac is closed with ico this if routo may bo roliodon by passengers, to ou* suro tho conuoctiou going North nr South. The road Ik entirely relaid witli a superior T rail as far us GordouHvIllo. During tho whiter thu train will start from thu old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, at 7U a m,, pass Gordoiisvillo ut 11 a a., and arrivo In Blauiitonat326 i* a. Down train loaves Btaun- ton at 0 40 a a, passes Gordonavillo at 11 a m, und arrivo in Richmond nt 2.39 v u. Faro to Gordonavillo $2 on “ “ 6 00 Both trains arrive In Gordousviilu lit ampin timo to tako tho train ortho Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Porsnns who loavo Richmond ut 7).( a m. cuu tako the Orango aud Aloxandriacars at Gordons- vlllo if they chooso to do so, uud by that taain will roach Alexandria by 3.401>a., but Uils company cuu ticket them only to Qor duns vlllo. ool7 tf II. D. WIHTOOMB, Supt. KNT'B COTTON VES'rS-Jtut reoeircd J, W. THRELKELD, ‘ WhUhOwatTMO. A VX and for sale by Mfll PEUlODICAliS. P UTNAM'S Monthly Magazine for May. Frank IajhIIu's Guy.uUu of Fashions far May. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review far April. Received und lor sate by WARNOCK k DAVIS, » n »ylO 169 Congress street. I yiHAJ. FLO UK in store and for salo by tnny? CRANK. WEI.lit k CO. AO totaOMo Catawba Brandy instore, lor sale by tho only regular Agent for Savannah. j. j,. EyR« , wyw Bay street «TU.S^ RHORIVm NTEAMER, an assortment of YVO- Misses and ChlldronM Plain Strawa, Ladles’NEOPOUTdN BONNETS, l^-CSU SAMS* HATS and FLATS. Also a few nuTrt’ HATS, tor sale by MRS. FREELAND, 17 Broughton street. L I8LE THREAD GAUNTLETS^Tho - only article of tlto kiiul In thu city. For sale by J. W. THRELKELD, mar27 coruor or Congress und Whitakff-spj, A pples & potatoes-T 10 bbla Choice Morcor Potatoes; 25 .< i< ' FRENCH MILLINERY AXU Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open cd til her Rpoms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a lino selec tion of Spring Miliuory, aud is constantly receiving per steam ers, now and different styles of Bonnets: also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. ^ • Uonucts cieaucd aud pressed a aprlO i usual. KEDZ1E’8 PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on hand. We wurrant them to muko tho Savannah River Water, oven though dipped directly out of the IUvcr, n3 pure and clear as the finest Spring Water. About forty ofthose Filters uro now iu uso iu this city, and every person who has them, will cheerfully testity to their ofllcioncy. Indeed, tho Board of Water Commissioners hero, gay iu their Report, it is the only Filter tliut does clfecfaul- urlly tho Savaunah River Water, til and see one in operation nt our Houso Fur nishing andStovc ostablismout,Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY ft BEACH, fab 27 Comoro!'Broughtou and Bull sta. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Sotno now nud beautiful designs, Plated and Britu- nia. At tho House Furnishing Stero, 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE.. Savannah, April 00, apr30 Sexual Orguus, whctiier in MALE OR FEMALE* from whatever cause they may have originated, and • NO MATTER OF HOW 1DNG STANDING. This popular and specific remody is now offered to tho afnicted, und guaranteed to euro all Uio abovo complaints. R Boarches out tho vory root of tho dlsooso, driving out all tho diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the causo and rendering tbo CUr ° CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tills medicine allayB palu and inflammation, which other remedies invariably causo, and can bo taken with less trouble and exponso to patients. This in- ralllblo remedy has saved thousands upon thousands from tho bauds of " . MERCILESS QUACKS, tr not from premature graves. In cases or Infection tho Compound Buchu is tbo only article worthy of the least confidence oftho afflicted In performing SAFE CURES. , , It contains no narcotic, morcury, or othor Injurious drug, hut is puroly a Vegetable Composition. It Is vory agreeable to tho taste, creates no perceptible odor, and may bo taken by persons or elthor sex without hlndronco from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany tho medicine. Roador. if you have any or the abovo complaints, do not neglect them, DEIaAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this modlcluu you cun euro yourself, and thus provontall exposure. TRUTH MUST ANI) WHL PREVAIL. Tills medicine speedily and effectually cures the most virulent form of socrot disoases, uud orudicatos overy particle of infectious matter f rom tho system, restoring the patient to a perlost state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Helmbold'a Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tho Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Morcury, oxpesuro and ira- prudence iu life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impuro state of Blood, aud tho only roliablo and effectual known remody for tho otiro of Scrofula, Suit Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ations oftho Tlirout and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples ou tho Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of tho Skin. It is gratifying to the proprietor or these medicines to ho ahlo to state that ft is now nearly tbreo yoars sittco they wore first introduced, during which time they have beeu external voly used in various parts or tho United States, nnd have given to patient and practitioner tho highest degree of satisfaction in tho various cases in which they have been employed ; whether in town, country, hospital or private prac tice, thoy havo invariably given the most decided • and uuequlvocal satisfaction, aud producod the most salutary and beucflclal ell'ccts. Numerous letter* havo beeu received from tho most distinguished physicians in tho country, nud from tho professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms tho value of these medicines, and their superiority over all other preparations for such complaints as tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Barsaparilla and of Buchu aud various modes of preparing them havo been given, all of which of course will ilill'er according to the mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. These medicines require considerable care in tho preparation aud tho employment of different men strua in successive operatiou to tuko up tlto extrac tive matters, nnd, in consequence, aro most fre quently improperly made, and not (infrequently much Impaired, if uot rendered totally inert, by tho injudicious und unskilful management ofthose uuac- attainted with pharmaceuticul preparations. It is therefore of tho highest consideration and import ance to the public uml to the faculty that there should bo standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To eil'ect this and obviate tho evil alluded to, I havo mado a uum- ber of experiments to ascertain the most eU'ectuul mode of extracting tlto virtues of the SursaiKirilla and the Buchu, and to discover tho most ellglblo form for their cxhibiUou. Tho experiments have resulted most fuvorahly, aud it is witli much pleas ure I now oiler to Uio public and tho faculty my Cuiuitound Fluid Extracts, which contulu all the vir tues oftho articles thoy uro represented to bo made from in a highly concentrated form, uud aro the most active preparations which can be made. Two ta- blcspoouslui of tiiu Extract Sursapurllla, added to a pint of water, is cquul to the IJsbuu diet drink, and ono bottlo fully equals In strength ono gallon of Syr up Suranpurillu or decoction os usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottlo, or 6 for $6 “ “ Sorsuparllla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures nnd recommendations from distinguished professors nud physicians will accom- pauy euuh preparation Prepared and sold by II. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 263, Chestnut-st., near the Girard Houso Phila. To ho had of Druggists and Dealers In overy sec tion oftho United States and Canadas. AU letters for tho medicine directed to tho propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe dullverios guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN B. HOORE Ai CO., ' GIBBON'S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., G». WHOLESALEk RETAIL DHVOOISTS. Would call the utW'.Um of Merchants, Factors, kdr Planters, Physicians aud olhors, to their ex- 40 tensive uud well selected stock, comprising every article in Ibolr lino of business, and which thoy offer far sale on tlto most reasonable terms lor cash, or approved credit, viz: PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, AC., White Lead, Pure and No. 1; Tiemau’s Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold Leaf, Paiut Brushes, Sash Tools, aud Gla* xiers’s Diamonds. LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ 0115, Bleached Bjicrm, Whale and Lard Oils, for burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., P&tout Oil Unbleached Sporra, lJU'd anil Rape Seed Oil; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot aud Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace. Aispico, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Salcratus, Soda, l’earlash, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, fee. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho best French. English, aud American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Motallc Saddle hags, ka. Also, CAMPHRNE AND BURNING FLUID. Any ono who may favor them with their orders may depond upon tliolr receiving tho best attention, and that all goods furnished will bo of a reliablo quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, thoy may be returned at the option of the purchaser. m&hlO tl kis Matron. HI* practice In that horrible dheiT h Cancer, for the p«t ten-years Is notsuriwW.I any Physician in the South. • Patients Hr e tSS I at $1 per diem, or 916 per month. 9lo bolug r 21 In advance. ^ mi tar Fees to be agreed upon before (bo cue k I dettftken. All communication* must be pJt nS I ~ OSBJrv ' I addressed to augO W.R. NOSllEv” Grlfflo.ii P OTATOES^—400 barrel# superior pfiijS; Pate toes: 60 do Western Reds; aud 6ft dab!vf Blows, for sale by mart BRIGHAM, KELLY A <x». TTNITED States. Canada and Cuba. I U Schwegler’s History ol Philosophy in Emum. 1 translated by Seoyle. * I Proscott’s Philip 2d of Spain, new supply i& kv I Calf and in Cloth. J'P 1 / u bu I Napoleon's Confidential Correspondence «itkk brother Joseph. w 6 Da van’h History or tho Queen’s of the Doui Hanover—2 vote. |*TheAllacbi in Madrid. Romance of the Harem, by Miss Perdue , Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh. Earnest Linsfoad, by Mrs. Loe Hertts. mar 8 W. THORNE WlLlJAka J UST RECEIVED.—20 boxes ShTuldST, prime article, 20 tierces choice TeniJj Hams. In store, and for sale by I mar 26 W%YNE, GRENVILLE AOO . iuaaurs, vy jan31 RODGERS k NORRIft CAftHBT WAREHOUSE, 140 Ocmarm and 67 St. Julien Slreett. _ J UNDERSIGNED would take this oddci I _ tunity to express to his frionds and the wia I generally, his sincere thanks for their liborai who, f ago and influence, which has resulted in extension! L hta trade to all parts oT the State. Also, Ckiolit* I Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby enabliT I him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed in any Souther' I city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and Stac, i boat Owners aro particularly invited to examfnethi 1 preeont stock, which Is now complete in »u ti various departments, consisting in port oftbefoUca' Ing goods, vlx: CARP El DEPARTMENT. English Druggtu, (0 ( „ rlous widths,) 1 Mosaic Hearth Ki Velvet aud Ch Tufted Rugs, Piano and table Coven llleRup Royal Medallon, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton. Mocet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, CURTAIN AND VPHOLSl'ERT DEpXttTUm I Brocatolles, Istce and Muslin Curtails Batin de Lalnes, Gilt Cornices, 1 Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pins and Bands, Worsted and Cotton Damask. Tassels, Loo Cords; Velvet and Plush or various colors:W Shades, new style. Also, every variety or Furniture Covering, Tria I mings and materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS' From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hillsu, f Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. The subscriber will oblige himself to makelh prices on all description of goods as low asthaua | quality can be purchased in any Northern city. 1 49- Carpets out to Rooms and goods seat to uv I part or tho city free of charge. * tBt An experienced Upholster will attend to th I making and laying ol' Carpets and Oil Goths vita I desired. The decorative and curtain department b I n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged taste m I skill. W. H. GUION, Agent 1 octlS 140 Congress and 67 St. Julieo-ita ARTHUR'S PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JAES, - -- l or Prnanrviiwr TO WOOL SELLERS. T HE Undersigned have this day opened a Storo in Congress street, opposite tlto Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep skins, Hides, Boos Wax, Dear Skins, and Country Produce lu general. Tho highest cash prices will be paid far all tho above articles on delivery Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUII.- MARTIN bos hoop appointed as Agent, to whom all 5 orsons having business transactions witli the uu- orsigned may apply. J. W. SMYTHE k CO. Savannah, May 19,1856. may20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received largo ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wc are enabled to oiler at this timo tbo groutust variety Irom tho best manu facturers, from tho plaiuest square to tho must elab orately carved, uud from six to'seven octavos. Our Pianos aro selected from the nmnuliicttirers whom wo havo lull conlldouco in, and wo are par ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with overy instrument sold by us us regards durability, touo, &c. Persons tn want of a first rule Instrument inky ro- ly with safely upon getting such a otto by selecting from tlto fallowing makers, whoso instruments wo endeavor to keep constantly on baud, viz : H. Wor cester, J.ChlcUoving fcXun. Nunns fcClnrko, Bacon k Ravens, H, Waters, uud Ilulues, Brothers k Gum ming. I. IV. MOKKFJJj k CO. aug 27 COOL RETREAT"! THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (mwaihb) Corner Bull and Bryan streets, over Bat her Shop. Juuo 27 .1. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. For sale by mayI9 Ruuett Applos. 4. A BROWN. B A T IT K OU8 XI. HOT, COLD AND SHOWER. I HAVE been asked to allow llio Bath Rooms to i unmili open to a later hour than nine o’cluck ; Vthcrofuru give itolico that from this date tlto Bath House will he upon mill! cloven o’clock at night. Price 26 cents, ftlx tickets for 91. Jo27 J. M. HAY WOOD, Agent. FIN E FASHION ABLE CLOTHING, AT REDUCED RATES. B ARGAINS cau now bo had by nil thoso who wish to clotho thumsolves genteelly, us I will sun tbo balance of my Ready-Made, at reduced rates ou timo, aud ten per ceut. oir for cosh. Call WHUAM O. PRIOR. JxntW UT Bay iVmt. msfi* WBi Ofc n( >>41, J. E. DE FORD, APOTHECARIES HALL. S. E. Corner of, Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savan- nab Ga., Wholesale aud retail Dealers in Drugs, Modiciues aud Chemicals, Dye Woods uud Dye stuffs, French, English, nud American Perlhra- ery, Fino Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snuirs, Manufactured Tobacco, AU tlie Patent or Proprietary Medicines of tho day, Superior Inks, Puro Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, ko. 4®- N. B.—Especial attention given to the .laratlou or Physicians* Prescriptions aud Family Recipes. Ship, Family nnd Travelling Medicine Coses, With plain Directions lor use, including Directions for treatmont incases of poisoning, Drowniug, &c. »PT lY OltN AND COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal n store and for sale by dec 31 PATTEN. HUTTON k CO. DR. SANFORD’S INVIGORATOR, I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, ml ii recommended to tbo public, relying upon itiit trinslc worth in the cure oftho fallowing compliisb All Billious Derangements, Sick Headache, Uyipep sla, Habitual Oostivencss, Chronic Diarrha, Colic Pain in the 8tomach and Bowels, General Debility Female Weakness, 4c. For sale by Druggiiti f« erally, and by John. B Moore & Co, and Wn. W Lincoln, Savaunah. ly febl2 T TIMBER! TIMBER!! HE Undeeaigned has just received, for ial« j (600) Five Hundred pieces of good ihlppki Timber, averaging over one thousand feet to stick, 0 fab JEFFERSON ROBERTS. 1 MACKEREL, HERRING, BALSto,ic-| 1YL 2 bbla largo No 1 Mackerel, r 8 do do No 8 do 8 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do & kits Tongues and Sounds, 11000 lbs Cod Fish. For salo low by jan2G J. A. BROWN. | RATES OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, of300 ems or less, of any type m I larger than Nonpareil, 75 cents for the first and HI cents for each subsequent insertion,for any timo ha I than one month. I All Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ml vertlsemeuts occupying double column, sbalikl charged doublo tho abovo rates. Advertisements or whatever length, foranytoH less than one month, to be charged at trau&h rates. For a longer time at the following rates No.of8quares|lmo|2mo8|3mo8|4mosl0m(w|Hcs 1 Square,.... 110 16 920 924 ISO 2 Squares,.. 10 22 26 28 36 8 do .... 20 27 82 36 44 4 do .... 24 82 88 42 62 b do .... 27 36 44 46 60 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 66 7 do .... 32 43 64 68 70 8 do .... 34 46 68 62 74 0 do 36 48 61 66 77 10 do .... 38 60 64 70 80 READ 1—READ : l-READ tVl That is, if you can see; aud fif you can’t sco, you can find,, all kinds of “helps to see,” at the Watol. Jowclry Storo qf D. B. Nichols & Co., lu Congress street, next door to tho corner of Whitaker, where you cun purchaso Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, and Fancy Goods, aa low as at any other stero in tho country. Wc have received por steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those fino Steel Spectacles : also, a supply of Pebble and Pcrlscopio Lens, widen we are prepared to fit iu all kluds of frames, at short notice. Our Poriscopio loins (so called from tliolr peculiar shape) havo an advuutago over all others, as lltoy havo n greater range of focus, so that tho reader is not compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain distance from tho eyo. Call and sco. I). B. NICHOLS k CO. 4®- No chargo far showing goods. mar 11 d. B. N. * CO. 13 OPE—700 coils Hope, various bmuda, all JL\) or good quality, iu storo aud far salo by apr29 *-~‘ BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. C ORN—In storo und for Bale by <iur5 LOlUKl’mS LotKwrmmr.iN gs, MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENF1ELD, GA. FACULTY. PKKSIDKXT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PKOKR«OHS. College. S. P. SANFOHi), A. M., Matbomatlcs. J. E. WILLET, A. M. t Chemistry ami Natural Philosophy. II. II. TUCKER, A. M., Belles Iatttrcs. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and IAtin l<anguagos, WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A. B., Modern languages. Tlicoinglcnl Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. !>•, Ecclosliudloal History aud Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic aud Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, l’riUClpul. Tho Commencement is hold ou tho last Weduesday In July. Tho noxt Term wifi oommouco on Uio Inst Wed nesday in August. Tho price or Board In tho vlllngo la 910 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, Ac., 93. By order ortho Board of Trustees. my 12 2m S. LANDRUM, Secretary. 4"WBa IldtAfififi^rhe ctrio ot tHh brig V/R.B. Lawton, of superior quality. For axis by M|»» toHlOBD, »AY k 00. For any time not above specified, a proportion charge will be mado. i A deducUon or 26 per cent from the abort k will be mode on advertisements appearing exdi aively on the fourth page or the dally. , Advertisements ordered three times a week, ^ j be charged two-thirds the above rates. i Special noUces, 10 cents per line for the first, n* | 5 cents for each subseqent insertion, and in note* I to be subject to contract. Marriage notices 11. R J neral invitations 60 cents each. No special notice* I inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Notice*, 1 Reports, Rosolutlous, or Proceedings or anySocWf. Association, or Corporation, order# to be pubUit- ed, 5 cents per lino. Steamboats will bo advertised at 940 per »mqe j for each boat advertised. Steamships, whore but one is running, WOper* 1 ' num; if two or more, 930 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be subjertv contract, but to be charged at the rates prescrtW 1 per square. j The paper, under no circumstances, to be inclad | ed iu a contract. 1 Professional and business cards not exceedtol * i flues, will be insortod at 920 per annum. | Calls on persous to become candidates, ww w I inserted as other advertisements, to*be paid fork J variably in advance. , I Announcing candidates for office, $10, to be I** | in advauce. ( Advorti8oments not marked on the copy w* , specified timo. will bo Inserted until forbid, I payment exacted. , l When any bill tor two months advertising, ! than contract, amounts to over 960, a deduction a ; 26 por cent will be made, . Yearly advertising, with privilege ofcbasg* 1111 bo taken at tho following rates: ^ For ono squaro, renewable once a week, “ « “ twice' “ r n “ « ♦» 8 times or ofuner 'O Every additional squareconlracted for to be cowl ed ono hair tho above rates additional. _ Yearly advertisers shall be limited to contracted far. All contracts shall be in | stating definitely tho nature or the businesi advertised. Any advertisements not properly^ ncoted with tho businosB shall be chargeUscr«^ ly, and also any excess of matter over the atuw contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly** vertlsemeuts from straugers aud transient p«r~j > payablo in advance. AU others will he con*M«** duo when culled for. eM . I Regular advertisers and all others Bonding “r i municatlons or requiring notices designed to toutlon'to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any pubu c | tertalnmcuta, whero charges aro made tor tauco—all notices of private associations, ever; tico designed to call attention to private entert* calculated or iutonded to promote individual rosts, can only be insortod with the tinders tan ^ that the same la to bo mid for. If hiserted ' ^ editorial column (which can ho only at the utst tion of tlto editors) the same will be charged at tion of tlto editors) the s rato of uot less titan 20 cents iter line. u Advertisements ordered in tho Weekly pepe«* per square for each Insertion. „ _ . Tlie undersigned, publishers of Pally, Tri-u e**^ and Woekly uowspaitcrs in Savauuah. ua., ourselves strictly to adhero to tho abovebfiJ chargos. and In no Instance to deviate thereiruw*', | The auovo rates to take effect March 1, wW? ,, to continue binding, until changed by the tote majority or the undersigned. #(ftct I N. B.—This schodulo shall not In any wmmJJS the integrity of existing coutracts. All wntrac. the yoar or any other specified time, shall with the expiration or tho period far which ww were made,. Alkxaxdkk A Sxkko, Republican. Taoxrsox k WmiutOTOx, Morning fvsw. R. R. Htt.toa & Co., Georgian k PLUMBING. PLUMUIAIU. . ^ P LUMBING, in aUita rorious branch, tended to at the shortest notice, and ini»up« style. Also, may be faund Shower Bavhi, Otirjj* ed Iron, Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs; CopjerWgjJ Patent Pan Water Closets, Lend Pip«*8fa«”2