Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 09, 1856, Image 2

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Dally. W-W«My mhI Wwlily. Oflsitl Paper of the City and County. K.B.HILTON&CO. PROPRIETORS AND PUBLISHERS. B. 1. HILTON, Editor. >• Pe HAMILTON, - - Asnlntnnt Ktlltor. •nlMerlpUoit Prices of Suvatinnh Papers ty common understanding, tbo proprietors ami publisher* o{ tho throo papere.Usued in Fnvnuuah, have adopted tho following uulf.rm rates of sub •cripUon, to Uko effect this day: Doily Papor, per annum, in advanco $0 00 Trl-Weekly “ “ 4 Weekly, single copy, In advance 2 00 Weekly, Qve copies, to ouc addles* 8 00 Weekly, elghl “ x « “ 10 oo Weekly, ton “ “ “ 12 00 Weekly, twenty “ “ “ u< When not paid within one month from tho time of subscribing the charge for the Dally will bo term hollars, and for the Tri-Weekly Jin*. Tho Weekly will be sent only to those who pay lu advance. The paper will Invariably lie dlscontlned upon the expiration of the time (hr which i». has been paid. The above ratos to tnko died from aud alter this datf ALEXANDER * 8XEKD, Republican, R. B. HILTON k CO., (feorjfum & Journal, THOMPSON It WmilNCTOX. Xem. Savannah, July 1,1850. THURSDAY .MOIIXING, JULY 10. FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF KENTUCKY. State Electors. WILLIAM H. STILES. IVERSON L. HARRIS. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1st District, Thomas M. Forman. 2d. District, Samuel Hall. Sd. District, James N. Ramsay, 4th. District, Lucirs J. Oartrell, 5th. District, John W. Lewis, 6th. District, James P. Simmons, 7th. District, Thomas P. Saffoi.d, 8th. District, Thomas W. Thomas. THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN CLINED I AM TO BE WHAT IS CALLED ▲ STATES RIGHTS MAX.—James Buch anan’s speech on the admission of Arkansas, in 1836. I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT.—John C. Breckinridge in re spouse to his nomination for the Tice Presiden cy* Job Printing Promptly, Neatly ami Cheaply Done. The public in general, aud our Democratic friends in particular, will remember that there Is connected with the Georgian fy Journal es tablishment one of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices in this section of the lluion. If we are correctly advised, some of the most beautiful specimens of job work ever done iu Savannah have lately passed from under our presses. Give us a trial. Our facilities enable us to execute every de scription of letter press work from a mammoth poster to the smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with neatness aud dispatch, upon the most satisfactory terms. Orders from nil part3 of the country will re ceive prompt attention. A despatch to the pgent iu this city, Mr. C. A. Greiner, states that the steamship Keystone State, hence for Philadelphia on Saturday last, arrived at 5 o’clock yesterday morning, and not afternoon, us stated in last evening's edi tion. ___ _ Logic Cliopplli; In concluding some remarks going to estab lish the fact that Mr. Fillmore would approve a bill re-establishing the Missouri Compromise, we add: “Thus runs the argument: (1) Mr. Fillmore is tho opponent ol sectional agitation. (2) Mr. Fillmore believes that the existing sectional agitation has been caused by the repeal ut the Missouri Compromise, .is not then the .conclu sion inevitable that (3) he will, if elected Presi dent endeavor to quiet the existing sectional agitation, by removing whut ho dooms its causeV” The Republican deems this faulty logic—and interpreting it into u syllogism, (which it does not pretend to be,) pronounces it a “complete failure.” Aud proves it in this wise: “Mr, Fillmore The major proposition is that ‘ Is opposed to sectional agitationtills the (»eor- giau grants. Now, no conclusion can no sound that is inconsistent with either the major or mi nor propositions that constitute tho premises, and especially the former, indeed that is not entirely consistent with both. The Georgian will agree with us iu this. Then, if an attempt to restore the Missouri Compromise be‘•section al agitation,” how is it possible to conclude that Mr. Fillmore is in luvor of such a measure, in the face of the first or major proposition, to-wit: that he is *’opposed to sectional ugitaliou”'/ Ahl butBtop. When you say that Mr. Fill* more would consider the attempt to restore the Missouri Compromise “sectioual agitation,” you assume the very point at issue. We think ao, aud you. think so, hut dues Mr. FiUmon think so? Did Ills friend and representative, .Mi- Haven think so, when he voted a few days since to restore that compromise? Certainly not. Nearly or quite nil those whom the pas sage of tbo Kansas act drove into tho free* soil ranks, assert that the existing sectional ag itation is solely owing to the repeal of the Mis souri restriction; and that so soon as it U re-es tablished, nil will ho quiet. The same begging question (pctilioprincipii, we believe the logicians term it,) wholly viti ates the Republican's syllogism : (1,) Mr. Fillmore is the opponent of section- 01 agitation; (2,) an attempt to restore the Missouri Compromise is sectiouul agitation; (3,) therefore Mr. Fillmore is opposed to tut at tempt to restore the Missouri Compromise. If the argumeut is deicctive wo would Is: glad to have the error pointed out. Its dofect consists in attributing to Mr. Fill more, without the slightest authority for so do ing, the heller “that an attempt to restore the Missouri Compromise is sectional agitation.” The Republican's second premise may he true and yet the syllogism in not worth a stuw un less Mr. Fillmore believes it true—of which, we repeat, there is no evidence. Convince us that Mr. Fillmore thinks the restoration or tho .Mis souri Compromise would promote sectional ugi- tat Ion, and we will admit that there is reason for supposing that he would oppose its restora tion. Bat to say that he would regard its rcstora. tlonas tending to lieget sectional agitation, is to assume, substantially, the very conclusion which tho Republican attempts to deduce by processor reasoning. In digging a well at Mentis recently, tho work, men discovered a large fragment of apripting* press, bearing tho initiator Guttenhurg,and ffee data 1441; iu Roman characters. (SPECIAL MCKTIKO.) jf Bava*ju», July 8, me. Council met Present, his Honor Edward C. Anderson, Mayor, Aldermen Arnold, Bradley, Bassingcr, Cohen, Champion, Luchllson, Posey, Tho Mayor submitted tho following communi cation : 7b the Members of the Board of Aldermen »• Gentlemen—You have been convened to gellior this evening by special call for the pur* pose of having lulu before you for your judg ment tho action ul the Suvttunuh Fire Compn- ny, through its chief officer, in depriving au Engine Company of its machine and apparatus, without consultation with, or authority from, the City Council or it* Executive. Waiving al together the merits of the cause which induced the course pursued, and having no inclination whatever to countenance or abet insubordina tion among the Firemen, if they have lieen guilty of such, 1 desire to narrow down the matter to a simple point of authority, us between the Mayor and Aldermen pud the Savannah Fire Company. The cir cumstances tire briefly us follows; On the morning of tlie 5th July, l was informed by the City Marshal that he had received u written order from the Chief Fireman directing him to take away from the Young America Fire Com pany No. 5, its cuginc and apparatus and to remove the same from their building to the Fireman's Hall. Not liuving lieen consulted in the matter by the Chief Fireman, or even noti fied of Ids intention to break up u part of the machinery or the fUty, and deeming the net hasty aud unwise, i sent for that officer and expressed my disajiprobation or what he was about to do stating that in my opinion Council alone laid the authority to deprive u company of its engine, and as there was to lie shortly a meeting, reconuueued him to take no hasty ac tion in the promises, but to await-its decision and act iu accordance therewith. That accord ing to my construction of the Ordinances there was iio authority iu the Fire Company to act as was proposed, the engines, hose carts, appa ratus, Ac., being tile property of the City of Savannah, the officers and members appointed by her. *n<l consequently the power to take away, or disband a company rested iu the Council only. The Chief'Fireman was appris ed that much excitement prevailed on the suit- juct, aud that disorder might be the result of unv harsh or forcible abduction of the engine from its house, in direct opposition to the ex pressed views and wishes of your Executive, the instructions or the Savannah Fire Com- unity have been carried out the members of the Young America disfranchised, the apparatus removed to the Fireman’s Hall and held subject, not to the order and disposition of the City Council, but of the Sava nun it Fire Company. By uct of the Legislature, passed 2d Decem ber, ls*24,the corporation of Savannah are au thorised to appoint and create an Engine com pany. They did so in 1825 and named it the Fire Company. By act of 18th December, 1834, the Fire Company of Savannah was incorporat ed. This was but the incorporation of the Com- puny created by the corporation under the power derived us above from the Legislature. The object of the incorporation is obvious. It was simply to enable the Company to invest their funds for certain uses and purposes,and to that end to acquire and own property, to sue and be sued under their corporate numo of the “Savannah Fire Company.” The charter declares that tills company shall continue to be subject to the same control of the City Council us that body bus heretofore exerelsed over it. Tho chatter was surrendered iu 1853, aud tho Executive of the Stute notified theieof. No particular form of surrender is known iu Ameri ca. It is believed that this act, followed ever since by the abandonment and non-user oftbeir chartered rights and duties wits a “dissolution.” The City Council acting under tho authority of the Legislature as lirst above mentioned have established another Fire Company, but that company could not, It is thought, assume and claim that chat ter unless by an act of the l,eg- islattire reviving the charter or giving it a new creation bv applying it to the new Company. The Legislature have separately by distinct ucts incorporated several new Companies, and among them the Young America. All these acts make these companies subject to the con trol of the Corporation of Savauuah. All the Engines and Fire Apparatus in post session of these companies are the property of the City. They are giveu upon condition that they shall be taken troll! their churge for insult- ordination, Ac. Tnis condition is uot express ed iu the gilt to the Young America. It may lie-implied ns incident to the City Council. All the several chartered companies by their char ters aud by ordiimncies are made subject to the directions of the Chief Fireman of the Savan- mm Company. By the 7th section of nil ordi nance of Council, passed 1825, tho Fire Com pany is to take charge of, and have the care and management of Engine Houses, Engines, Ac. From this review the following conclusions are duducible. 1st. That it is thought that the first charter to the Fire Company has been surrendered, and does not apply to the newly created Fire Com pany, aud that only those companies are incor porated who have special acts of the Legisla ture for that purpose. 2nd. That as all the charters make the Com panies subject to the control of Council, it is im material whether the Savannah Fire Company be Incorporated or not; it is equally, in either case subject to the ordinances and control of the City. 3d. That the care and management of the Engine, Ac., given in the 7th Section, Ordi nance 18*25, is but a trust of agency, and tbut the city has us much control over them us if they hud been entru.-.ted to the care und man agement of its marshal. 4th. That tho supreme command given to the Chief Fireman by the 8th Section, Ordi nance 1825, of the entire Apparatus is, iu case of five. nth. That it is not discovered auywhcre' either in the Charters or Ordinances, that the Fire Companies, or the Chief Fireman, have authority to liisiiuucliisc a Compuuy or take from it its apparatus, except at fires. Such power belongs to Council mid Inis not been delegated. Council alone has the right to take permanently from a Company an Engine which they have given them. 6th. That even if the Fire Compuuy have such power, it is still subject to revision by the Council to whom mid to whose ordinances all these companies are subject, aud who cun do justice between couliictiug companies, us the rights shall appear and the interests of tho city require. Very respectfully, Emvu. C, Anderson, Mayor. •Savannah, 8th July, 1856. RESOLUTIONS READ AND AUDITED. By Alderman Bassingcr, seconded by Alder- uiuii Luchlisou: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board the only reasonable construction to be put upon the ordinances of the city of Savannah relating to the Savannah Five Company, is that said Company has the sole control of ull the en gines, hose, and other apparatus of the city u«cU for extinguishing fires, including ull ap paratus entrusted to volunteer companies, as well as that used by the members proper of the said Savannah Fire Company. Resolved, That when any Volunteer Fire Com pany shall be guilty oi ii»Huljordiuatiou,ordisobe- <lienee of orders given by the due authority, the said Siivamaili Fire Company has tho right, under the ordinances, to deprive the oilending Company of the apparatus entrusted to their care; and of the circumstances sufficient to justify Hindi deprivation, the raid Suvuunuh Fire Company is the only judge. Re.wlbed, That no possible construction of thu ordinances, or any part thereof, can furnish any justification to the Mayor of tho city of Savannah, or any other executive officer, for in- terleriug with, or impeding iu any manner, the said Savnnuuli Fire Company in exercising its functions under Ute ordinances; ou the con trary, it is the duty of the said Mayor, and all other executive officers, to assist the said Com pany und its duly elected officers, by ull lawful means, in executing its lawful commands. Council adjourned. EDWARD G. WILSON, C. C. . BSBH td.toiMmmjfc •hen asked, nor i on all aohtatfl political • my tottandprivate iuflu«nc#;for those men and measures I thought best calculated to promote the prosperity aud glory of our common country. Beyond this I ucem it Improper for me to iuterfure. But this unsolicited and unexpected nomination lias Im posed upon me u new duty, from which I can not shrink; aud therefore, approving, us I do, ot tho general objects of tho party which lias honored me with its confidence, I cheerfully ac cept its nomination without waiting to iuquirc of Us prospect of success or defeat. It is suffi cient for me to know that by so doing 1 yield o the wishes of a large portion of my fellow tit keens In every part of the Union, who, like umysclf are siuccrely anxious to see the ad ministration of our government restored to that original simplicity aud purity which marked the first years ot its existence ; and if possible, 3 uiet tliut sectional agitatlou which, while it ellghts the monarchists ol .Europe, causes ever)’ true friend of our own country to mourn. Haring had the experience of past service in tho administration of the Government, I may lie permitted to rofer to that us un exponent of tlie future, and to say should the choice of the Convention lie sanctioned by the people, 1 ahull with tlie same scrupulous regard Tor the rights of every section of the Union which then infill- enced my conduct, endeavor to jierfortu every duty confided by tlie Constitution and laws to the Executive. As the proceedings of tills Convention have marked a new era in the history of tlie country, by bringing a new political organization into the upprouching Presidential canvass,I take the occasion to rc-uffinii my full confidence in the patriotic purposes of that organization, which l •regard us springing out of u public necessity, forced upon ttio country, to a largo extent by mifortuuatc sectiouul divisions, uml dangerous tendency of those divisions towards disunion.— It alone in my opinion, of all tlie political agen cies now existing, Is possessed of the power to silence this violent aud disastrous agitation and to restore harmony by its own example of mod eration ami forbearance. It has a claim, there fore,in my judgement,upon every earnest friend of the integrity of the Union. So estimating this party, both in its present position and future destiny. 1 freely adopt its great leading principles as announced in the re cent declaration of the Nutioual Council ut Phil adelphia, (a copy of which you were so kind as to enclose me,) hold them to be just and liberal to every true interest of the country, and wisely adopted to the establishment and>upport of an enlightened, safe ami effective American party iu full accord with the ideas aud the hopes of the fathers of our Republic. I expect shortly to sail for America, and, with tlie blessings or Divine Providence, hope si»on to tread iny ( native soil. My opportunity of comparing my own country und the condition of its people with those of Europe, has only served to increase tuy admiration aud love for our own blessed land of liberty, and I shall return to it without even a desire to cross tho Atlantic again. I beg of you gentlemen to accept my thanks for the very tluttering manner iu which you have been pleased to communicate the results of thu action of that enlightened and patriotic body of men who composed tho late Conven tion and to be assured thut 1 am, with prolouud respect and esteem, your friend aud follow* citizen, Millakd Fillmore. Messrs. Alex. H.H. Stuart, Andrew Stewart, Erastus Brooks, E. II. Bartlett, \V. J. Earned, Ephraim Marsh, Committee. Washington Correspondence. IVushington Celebration—Outrages—Kansas Bills—Mr. Sumner's condition. Washington, July 5. The patriotic emotions ol' our people having formed srtisfactory utterance iu the explosioii of the largest assortment of German fire-works ever Ignited iu this city upon any of the squib holidays of the year, we arc as calm as an un rippled sea to-duy. Theuaeofall heavier ord nance having lieen dispensed with, we hear nothing of dreadful accidents. The murder of a German at a German party, by American in truders, aud a murderous assault upon, and severe injury to auother German, on the sumo occasion, comprize the serious items iu our re cord of crimes yesterday. Congress is not in Bession to-day. Thu To peka bill of the House is by no one expected to pass in the Senate. but tlie Senate bill is ex pected to pass in the House, although a deter mination has been formed, and expressed iu under tones, to keep it upon the Speaker’s ta ble. After the passage of this bill, parties can no longer stand divided ou tho Kansas issue. Those who have no other bond of Union tlmii it ufl'ords must fall apart. Therefore there will be a strong effort made to prolong this issue, by preventing a vote upon the Senate bill, for it is well understood that to let it couie to a vote is to pass it. A pretext for delay will be this: The fourth of July was named as the time from which residence iu Kaunas was to date, to qualify men to vote upon a constitution. It is whispered among the Republicans that u great simultaneous descent of Southern men upon Kansas, was to be made ou the fourth; and they propose to wait to verify tlie truth of this story before taking up tho bill. That question, however, will be so soon solved, that they must promptly vote or get up a new pretext. Tlie condition of Mr. Sumner bus been a sub ject of serious concern to his friends of lute, aud they have been not a little alurmed by thu expression of earnest apprehension by an able physician, (not professionally engaged by him, but visiting us a friend) thut the softening of the brain und un early fatal termination might be expected. An iiyury upon tho hack of the neck continues to suppurate and cannot be healed. This has been believed to involve tlie medulla spinalis, or marrow of the spine, and, by sympathy or continuity tho medulla oblonga ta, or continuation of this organ along the hack of tlie brain. From this a softening of the brain has been anticipated; and appearances have seemed to warrant this apprehension in the fact that the patient lias never rallied since he was first prostrated; but lias grown weak, und pale aud haggard and old in appearance, aud urn certain and tottering in Ills movemementa. Learning these things within the past forty- eight hours, I to day called upon a highly in telligent medical gentleman who also visits Mr. Sumner as a friend, aud asked his information upon the subject He affirmed all the state ments of fucts that I hud heard, hut in the fears expressed, he says that in the develops- ment of Mr. Sumner’s mind there urc no indi cations of diseuse iu thu brain, aud thut it is by no means au unfrequent thing for a man to suiter nervous derangement und pretention for many month after receiving severe injuries upon tlie head. Impartial. - rn.: . . tATAWTAB, yth July,18M. The Board met Presont—M. J. Buckner,* Chair BbtUman, J. Hooitoo, S. 8-Miller, A. BorchertiJ. B. Stobbltu, R. Soudan, C. K Smith, E. Hngnr, H. Atklmon, J. MnUory. A. J. J. lilols, J. Wilder, J. A. Fawns, A. Pone#, M. J. Fttmcy, J. tt Barnwell,J. Ryan, T. J. Naylor, 0. A. Greiner, 8. A. T. Lawrence, J. 8. Carruthers, and I. Daven port. Report of Interments in Laurel Grove Cometery for tho week ending 8th July, 1856. July 2.— Frederick Sheator, M^enra, Bilious Fe- for, Germany, died at Poor House and Hospital. July 4.—William II. Kelley, 33, Inflamatlon of Lungs, Savannah; Roht. M. Russell. 24days, Mai- formation of the Head July fl.—Wm. Sponsor, 34 years, carried to tho Hospital iu a dying slate; Mary Janu Phillips, 11 months, Toothing, Savannah. July 0.—John Driscoll, 30 years, Bilious Fever, Ireland, died uftili Poor House and Hospital. colored. July 2 John, 1 year, OouvuUloua. July 3.—Nancy, 60 years, Dlscaso of the Heart. July 4.—Malvina, 16mouths, Toothing. July 6.—Ruchol,29years, Consumption; Isaac, 11 mouths, Tecthiug. July 6.—Charles, 2 mouths, Teething ; Jerry, 8 mouths, Teething. July 7.—Daniel, 20 months, Spasms. A. F. Toruy, Kecpor L. G. C. Report of Interments in the Cathedral Cemetery for tho week ending 8th July, 1856. July 2 —Juntos Glassguo, 3 months, Quinsy, fta- vannuli; John Killy, 5 months, Toothing, Savauuah. July 3.—Ucorgu Prudlmtn, 25 years, Fuvor, Can ada: John Rent, 6M years, Ireland. July 4.—Marin Ijtvan, 29 yours, Bltous Fever, Ireland; d/urgarct Walsh, 27 years, Bilious Fever, Ireland. July 5.—John Grosso, 25 days, 8oro Mouth, Sa vannah. July 0.—.Vary Browu,4 mouths 13 days, Con gostlon Bruin. July 8.—Richard Rurk, 07 years, Bilious Fovcr, Ireland; William Furlong, 3 years, Swamp Fovcr, Savauuah. Daniel Cole, Keeper C. C. Whites 10, colored 8—total 24. I. DAVENPORT, Chuirwau pro. torn. ■. b. 8. A, 'f. Lawkunck, M. D., Soo'ry B. H. pipping intelligence. Port of Savannah JULY 10 Jlr. FIIImore’* Acceptance. Hakim, May 21, 1856. Gentlemen.—I have the honor to acknow ledge tins receipt of your letter, informing me Unit the National Convention of tho American party which luul just dosed its session at Phil adelphia, bus imnuiiifoiisly iiomimifod my inline for the Presidency of tlfo United States, hmhu* elated with that of Andrew Jackson Donelsoii for the Vico Presidency. This unexpected com munication met mu ut Vonieo on my return from Italy, uml the duplicate mailed thirteen days later, was received on my arrival In this city last evening. This must account funny apparent neglect in giving a more prompt re ply. You will nardon me for Haying that when my administration closed in 1853, I considered my political life us a public man ut uu end, and thenceforth I wuh only anxious to discharge my duty as a private citizen. Hence 1 have taken no active part in nolitlca. But 1 have by no menus been uu Inuiflbrent spectator of passing events, nor have 1 hesitet* nAuuisoxis OOMIMWUX SIZE NLAKGKD, STYLE IMPROVED, It has doble the quantity and strength of any other. It gives a perfectly natural oolor. It colors every shade from light brown to It is perfectly harmless to the skin. Its effect is instantaneous and permanent, It is tho bust, quickest, cheapest und safest dye ever inado. ASP Directions for uso accompany cauh box.~$ft Price—1 ok. $1—2 ozs. $1.50—4 ozs. $3—8 ozs. $5. [Entered according to au Aet of Congress, lu thu year 1855, by A. W. Harrison in thoUerk's Office of the District Court oftho United States for tho Eastorn Distriot of 1’ounsylvHiiia.] For salo by thu manufacturer, Al’OLLOS W. HARRISON, dcnl8—ly 10 South 7th st.. Philadelphia. TO PXlXKrTZIfLS. iuo subscribers Oder tor sate a largo ntid varied assortment of socond-hnnd printing material, suffi cient to establish a complete Job Office, with but few additional articles, consisting in pirt of—Due ample font of small pica, ns good as now, nml vari ous fonts of job typo; o«o sapor royal hum!-press; «no Hoe k Co.’s proof-pro;.*, latest improvement, new; two »r more largo im|x>*iug stones, new; dou- Ido and single stands; eases, composing sticks,col umn rules, galleys, chases, etc., ole., together with various other articles pertaining to a nuwspaiier or Job office. U. R. HILTON k CO. Julio 28 O HXABURG8—30 bales Osniiburgs, Mowtou and Thoiuaston Mills, Just received and fi r sulo bj JunoIR CRANE, WELLS k CO. ilLVINU’g WSIUNUTON. V OLUME ill of tho Life of George Washington. by Washington Irving. We can supply ull who wish this most desirable work, in any stylo of binding. Tlie Wanderer, n tale of Life's Vicissitudes. “Trudging along, unknowing what ho sought, Ami whistling us ho went, for of thought.” Ey thu author of thu WutUiiiiau, Limplighor,etc. John Halifax, Gentleman, by thu author of Tho Head of tlie Family, Olivo, Ac. Dickens’ Household Words for July. Putnam's Monthly for July Frank l/islio’s Gu/.eUeu of Fnrtdnn fur July. Mrs Ktuphuns’ illustrated New Monthly for July. Blackwood’ Kdluburh Magazine for Juno. For sole by WAlt.NUUK k DAVIS, Booksolhr* aud Stationers, Jy2 159 Congress street. 1 Al.uiHt.-2U bbls Extra Canal Flour ; M) hhIs Baltimore do 76 bags Extra Georgia do 50 do Superfine do do. Just rocolv- vod and for sale by JyO bCRANTON, JOHNSTON It 00. Arrived. Schr N Berry, Trim, Curadon, Mo. Llmo, to Curletou & ParsouB. Receipt* y«r Central Railroad. July 9—412 bales cotton, 02 bales domestics, 1098 sacks wheat, 50 sacks com and mdzo, to \V Duucun, T W Neely it Co, 0 A Greiner, Dothwell & White- head, II Cumplluld, D Koseublutt, Behai Foster, llrigbum, Kelly i Co, A H H Dawson, Ccopor k Gil- illuud, Ceutrul Railroad. D D Copp, Wayne, Grau- vilto k Co, King & Sons, Patten. Hutton k Co, Wa- vor k Coustantino, W Lynn, W U Burroughs. H ARPER FUR JULY.—Harper’* New Monthly Maguziuc, for July, received and for sale by WARNUCK k DAVIS, JuuelB 159 Congress street. F ulton mabket beef.—10 Hair bbls Fulton Murket Beef, and 10 do do Pork. Just received by ? uiay20 . J. D. JESSE. D RESS goods—A largo aud fine assortment of colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French vambries, French Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, as well us a large assortment of Whlto Goods, Striped Plaid and Pluin Swiss, Organdies, Turicton, Book, Nunsook, Cambric and Jucouet Muslin, for sulu by Juno 20 AIK1N u BURNS. JH.OUR—909 sacks extra and superfine Flour, iu .store and for sale by WEBSTER * PALMES. Juno’29 H OLLAND GIN.—5 pipes Meador SwauHolland Giu, for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. jyd K UM, GIN AND BRANDY—60 bbls LutUer Ful ton’s Rum 60 bbls E Phelps’ Rye Gin 25 do Domestic Brandy 29 H ami 15 casks 4th proof Brandy. * In store uml lor sulo by Jy4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ASSIZE OF BREAD, T HE average prico or Flour the last month being sEvcn dollars, Bread must weigh as follows 10 Cent Ixmf must weigh 2 pounds -X ounces. “ ’* 3 “ ” “ 10 ounces. JAMES S. WILKINS, City Treasurer. • Ju’y 1st, 1850. Jyl T ubs, pails and washboards—ao nests palutcd, aud 15 do cedar Tubs. 26 dozen Pails; 20 db zinc, aud 15 do wood Washboards; just re ceived ana lor sule by McMahon k doyle, junoSO 205 uud 207 Buy street. P ipes, wrapping paper and brooms.—&o boxes Pipes, 20b reams Wrapping Paper, of all sizes; 100 dozen Brooms; for salo by McMahon k doyle, juuc29 205 aud 207 Bay street. M ustard, catsup and pepper sauce.—5c boxes Tiger Mustard; 25 dozen Catsup, 60 do Pepper Suucu, received and for sale by McMahon & doyle, juut‘29 205 and 207 Bay street. I.AND AGENCY. fpiIE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, X cxumlueuiiy lands iu tho counties of Appling, Wayne, Warn or CoUcc, aud rejHjrt to the owuor as to their present valuo, the prospect for their be coming more valuable iu future, and whether or uot there is being any trespass committed thereon, iuvariably pledging himself to givo a true and cor rect nccouni, Vor which uU remittances will be ex pected in advance. Ho will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. Ho will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his cure. vernon c. mclendon, my 13 Attorney at law, Homes villa, Oa. H AVANA SUGARS—3U,0Ub choice Havana Sogars—Conchas, 1 a Esmeralda, Ei Ciy*ol, Kxoolsors, Rio Hondo, Captain Alchorn, La Liel, Joun b'mltb, und various other brands, imported di rect by mo, aud for sale at tho lowest cash prices, may 19 J. A. BROWN. A LBANY-aijs,—26 bbls. Albany Stock Ale, just received, und for sale by jane I SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. P RIME NORTHERN HAY.—190 hales now land lug, and for salo low from tho wharf. Jy 2 C. A. GREINER. LAND AGEN CY-Uruiiiwick, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE f~\FFERS his services to the public in the pur- chnso und sale of lands in tho counrlos ot Glynn, Wayne, Cainduu, Chariton, Appling, Ware, Codec, Clinch, J.owmlo3 aud Thomas. Particular uttoution given to locatlug. purchasing and soiling ol town lota in tho town of liaunswlck. JtW'KKKNCES ; Dr U Collins, Macon; Dr B M GargUc, Brunswick' Thomas II Harden, Svvanuoh; Hon James L 8ew! urd, Thomasville. P RINTED BAREGES, Flounced Robes, &c.; Print ed Orgaudies, Jaconets, I-awwa, and other styles of Faucy Goods, selling olf at cost, by J«oc22 DxWITC k MORGAN. BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bal- auco of rich flounced Organdios, Bareges, Crape do I'uris aud Tissues, at cost to close them out; also, rich Luco Mautillas, ut reduced prices, for sale by Juno 4 DsWlff k MORGAN O A Bbls. superior Old Monongehcla Whiskey, tti received, and for sulo by J. M. EYRE, „»y_L 4 94 Bay stroot. 1 Pavilion Luces, superior quality; JL*a Zephyr Whuleoono Skirts; French Liucn Drillings; York Mills und Water twist Bleached Shirt ings. Black Moire Autlquo Trimmings; Iiluck Elastic Belts; English Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Itibhons, kc. Just received per steamer Augusta. JoM _ DsWlTT & MORGAN. joiin si. Bni&isNf ATTORNEY AT LAW, „„„ , (Office ut tho Court House.) Mill practice in the Superior aud Courts of Ordi- “««*• _ Jan30 H. L. P. KING, „ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Covnev of liny nmlj Whitaker Street* SAVANNAH. f°h 22 sump ' WANTED ” A GOOD COOK AND WASHER, for a small fain- iiy. Apply to IADSON k ROGERS, June 20 No, 2 Shad's Building, CRANE, WELLS * CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ut. ' JONH S. BOWEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, CDILNKIl OK DKAYTON AND IlllYAN-OTS,, (Abovo C. A. L. Lamar.) * ; U JyO—3m pitiVATE lioAItOINu. A LARUE and nicely furnished room for a lady and gciiilotuuu, or two guuttumuu; also « nice room for a slugle gontloiuau, with hoard iu a private ramlly lu * central part of Ittecity. Inquire at tho Uoorglofc k Journal office. Junc3Q—5 o'clock. P. k . III. HNUlllhlV FI.OKUU, Cnplftln LWotMthuti, will leave os above. TFor freight or passage apply to ■■■■ » PADELFGKD. FAY It CO. 49- Berths not secured until paid fur. Cabin Postage $25 Pteorago Passage.... 8 4ar Shlpjjors of Cotton by these steamships will R lease take notice, that no Cotton will be recolved at e presses that is not distinctly marked oa tho adgo ho balo. Jyg C ORN.—2,000 bushels Guru of superior quality JylO^ PATTEN, I1UTT0N 4 CO. OPE.—100 coils Ro^oJte..»r rivojmr sch rAiba K jyio PATTEN, MUTTON ft CO. H AY—300 bales very careTully selected, to or- arrlve JylO PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. ^ J U#rr HECEIVkI) per steamer Alabama: Extra chelco Tuble Butter Fulton Market Beef Pickled Beef Tongs BARRON’S Family Grocery Store, JylO Cornor Whitaker and Charlton hLs. CJOAP. BROOM5, LARD AND BLUE—20 boxes O No 1 Soap, 69 Pale do, 76 do Family do 100 dozcu Brooms, 60 kegs Lard 100 boxes Fig Blue, recolved and for Balo by McMAHON k DOVE, JylO 206 aud 207 Bay at. C XXDLB) AND YEAST POWDER;'—60 boxes Adamantine Candles, 60 do Hydraulic do, 76 do Patent. 100 boxes Yeast Powors, received and-for sale by McMAHON k DOYLE, JylO 205 uud 207 liny st. C OFFEE AND TEA—100 Backs' prime Rio Coffee, 60 mats Java do, 60 boxes Ground do 26 half chests gouuhong Tea, 26 do do Oolong dn, 60 do do various qualities, received and for solo by McMAHON k DOYLE, jy .0 205 and 207 Buy st. 100 TO ARRIVE LaIDINU rii lN 8TOUE. BACON LARD, &c. IIHDS Clear and Ribbed Sides _ 50 do Shoulder in uir tlglit packnges 1(H) kegs No 1 Leaf Lurd. 50 bills do do 29 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 50 hhds very choice Porte Rico Sugar 60 do ftdr Cuba do 300 bbls Clarillod, A B and C do 60 do Crushed do 25 boxes I«oul do 16U bbls Now Orloaus Molasses 60 hhd A'libu do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE. 125 hales Gunny Cloth 690 colls Uupa, puro hemp JJQUOR8. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do K Phelps’ Gin 50 do pure Gin, P k H 100 do Now England Rum COFFEE. 400 bogs fair to prirao Ki » 100 do prime Laguira 50 do Java, 10 pockets Mochn. For sale at the lowest market rates JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. H AY.—100 bales prime North River Huy, land ing this duy from brig Augusta, and for sule on tho wharf by Jy8 CRANK, WELLS k CO. AOT1CE T UE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated themselves together for tho purpose ot conduct ing tho Wholesale Grocery Business, uud haviug purchased the stock of Rodgers k Norris, will hel e- after continue tho business under tho firm of Rod gers, Norris k Co., at tho old stand, corner of Bay and Lincoln streets. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, GEO. II. JOHNSTON, JNO. N. BIRCH. Savannah, June 2d, 1860. Je 2 T HE firm or Rodgers & Norris having this day been dissolved by tho abovo association, either .partner will use tho name of the firm iu liquidation. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, Juno 2d, 1856 jo 2 fiiaTotr bEwaiiD, F OR proof to convict any white person harbor ing my Apprentice Boy NKI>, a fine looking mulatto boy about 13 years old, who rau away tlie ailerunoon of the 27th of June. $16,00 will-bo paid to any porsou for proof to couvict any colored person harboring him, or fivo dollars will ho paid on ids delivery to mo. Juno 2 J.M HAYWOOD. M« van MAh Market, July 10. COTTON.—No transactions to report In this article yesterday. AUGUSTA, June 8.—Cum*.— 1 The rales or the week are to ibeextentor 1,000 bales, at firm prices. An advance U generally asked, stock on bond not exceeding 6,000 bales. We quote ; Ordinary 9»{al0 Middling loSall Good Middling — allk Middling Fair — alljJ COLUMBIA, July 8.—Coito.v—Wo have nothing now to notice In the Cotton market, wo therefore continue our former quotaions or, 8)£ to 10% cents, extremes. HAITI MORE, July fl—(torn*—Saios in tho wook of 1,690 bags Kiu ut lOalOJL to 11 and 12J{ cents; Iiiguuyra UallJf; Java 14a 16c. fctock about40.000 bags. Cbtrojr.—Sales in the week of 600 bales at 10J{ a 12 k cents. Flour.—Flour hat advaucod. Sales or Howard street and Ohio at $0 60. Also, City Mills at 0 60 a $6 02)*. ' Cokx,—Sales of Corn at 65a60c for white; yellow 65a68c. SuoiB.—Sales or Now Orleans Sugar at 8!4a9>L Cuba 8c, Porto Rico 9a9*fc per lb. IfoiAMOa.Salcs of X O Molasses at 64a6ec, Cuba 39a43, Porto Rico 42a47c per gul. Rica—6J{a4#r. Bxi.uv.—Sales or Bacon Shoulders ot 9 YalO Cta., Sides 11X, Haius llal4c.; Bulk Snoulders 9, Sides 10, und Hums luc. Laku.—S)tlcs of lard lu bbls at 12c, kegs 13. . Wiiiskv.—Solos iu tho week at Ido for P* and Ohio; City 39uU0>£<: porgallou. J^LOUR.—69 barrel) superliuellour, extra quuli- ty, just received, aud for sule by GE k FII Jya H Jy 2 YONGE k FRIERSON, No. 94 Bay street. KIDslO CHAMPAGNE.—20 baskets uuw land ing, and for salu by C. A. GREINER. P OllK— 50 barrels Mess Pork, . 25 do Prime do Landing and for salo by my 14 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k 00. OILLB, Laces, Embroideries, White Good, U Mitts. iic.,jU8tbeing opeued and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, mar21 Cor. Congress and Whitaker fits. S UPEK10K* Chuico Uusheu Butter und Dutch Cheese, received per steamer Alabama by may28 J. D. JESSE. C lAKf—A uorthuru made plaututiou Curt, for two J or four lmrzes, for sale low by Jyfi J. M. AYRE. 94 Bay 8 root. B ACON—100 hhds Sides, ribbed und clear 25 hhds Shoulders 20 casks sugar cured Hams, landing and for salo by Jy2 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. B EAR GRASS (HAMS Just received 0 casks ol that celebrated brand, also 10 casks of fine Tennessee Hams, which is selling for 12 cents per lb by J. I). JESSE. Jytf F OR JULY—Graham’s Illustrated Monthly Mag azine. mul Hulloti’s Dollar Monthly; Black wood’s Edinburgh Magazlno. for May. /ilso, Mas sey's Exhibition Reciter und Drawlug Room Enter tainments, bciug choice selections in prose aud verso, together with an unique collection of ]>etite comedies, dramas and farces, adapted for the use of schools aud families. For sale by Junel8 WARNOCK A DAVIS. S UGARS—zU hhds Barbadoe* sugar; 40 do New Orleans do. luir to choice; 20 do Porto Rico do; Uu do Muscovado do; 200 bbls crushed, powdered ami clarified do; for salo by Juno20 WEBSTER & PALMES. VAGABOND LIFE. V AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer ry, for seven years a resident; The Tanglctown Letters, Including a Report oftho Great Mammoth Reform Couveution, witli illustra tions; Life and Travels of Herodotus, in tho Fifth Ceutu- ry B. C., by J. Tolboys Wheeler, two volumes, with a map; Tho Huguenot Exilos, or Times of Louis XIV., an historical novel; Harper’s Picture Books for tho Nursery—Learn ing to Read, by Abbott; Worth aud Wealth, for merchants and men of business, by Freeman Hunt; Sydney Smith’s Wit and Wisdom, being selections from lil3 writings; Calderon, his Life aud Writings, by R. Chonov&e Trench; Trench’s Poems; Adventures of Gerard, tho Lion Killer, with plates; Homeric Ballads and Comedies ol Luciuu, trans lated by Wm Muslim: The Daisy Chain, by Miss Yongc, author of tho Heir of Kcdulil!e; Tho Old Vicarage, by Mrs Hubhoak; Creasy on thu Riso und Progress of tho English Constitution: Dwight’s Introduction to tho Study or Art; Ilarpor’s Magazino, for July. JunolS W. THORNE WILLIAMS. W HEREAS, EzraF, Wood, Jolni 0. Ferrili, EliaiT, Barstow, John H. Ladd,William C. O’DrlscolJ, B.jWiliiam G. Foote, and JoliuG. Couk, summoned to attend tlie pruseu orm of this Court, as Grand Jurors, made default for the Term, it is ordered that they ho Uiiod forty dollars each, unless thoy 11 lo good and sufficient cause of excuse, ouor before the tlrst day of the noxt term of lids Court. Aud whereas, Lovi Shcphene, James White, Ju lius Smith, Johu Arno, Robert u. Darby, J. Lavau, Hurry Kock, B. m. Wall, W. W. Williams, William Comlun, John Clancy und James Crumley, sum moned to attend the presont Term of this Court, as Petit Jururs, made default for the term, it Is ordured •hat they bo lluod twenty dollars ouch, uuless thoy file good and sufficient cause of excuse, ou or before tho first day of the noxt term of this Court. Ami whereas, Benjamin R. Armstrong, George Dunuenfi-lsur, Patrick Dlilion, Gui lou Buckler, Ed- Ward l.udeuus and William P. Crews, suinuumed to attended tho present Term or tills Court, made do. lUult on tho sixteenth day of June, ami subsequent ly, it laordorcd, that they bo fined twenty dollars* each, uuless they file goad and sufficient cause of vxciiso ou or buforc tho first duy of thu next term of tills Court. Aud whereas, Noshit P. J. Taylor, Georgo Cer* copoly, aud Cluroncu R. Yougu, suiuiuoucd to ut- teud tlie present Term of this Court as Talesmen on the Petit Jury, iiuve made delimit on tiio tweutlolli day of June and subsequently, it is ordered, thut they bo lluod twenty dollars each, unless they file good and sufficient cuuko of excuse, on or boloro the first duy of tiio uext Term of tills Court. Aud whereas, John Lovull, suuuiioiiud to attend tho present serin of this Court ns a Petit Juror, mudo default on thu twuiity-tlRh day of Juuo, it is ordorod. that l»o ho lined twenty duliars, uuloss ho file good nml sufficient cause of excuse, ou or beforo tiiu first day of tiio next Term uf tills Gourt. Truo extract from tlie minutes. WM. H. BULLOCH, Olork. Jy 3 TO MANTUit BUiLDEHi AND CON- TKAUl'ORS. P ROl’OSALS for orectiug a Masonic Hall for Solo- men’s Lodge No. L, will be received at luy of fice until tiio first Monday in August next. JyO—3w JOHN 8. BOWEN, Architect. F RENCH, English and American Calicos, Needle* worked Collars and Sluovos, Linen Sheetings and Pillow-case Cottons, Ladles’ Lisle Thread Hose, Black Challios, Childrens’ Gauze, Merino Vests, Lace Mantillas, Irish Linens, Indian Nankeens, Ac. For salo by DkWITT k MORGAN. juuo22 R OCKLAND LlJlk—1,600 - bbls Rockland lJme daily expected per brig E. W. AUGER. For sale, to arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. LaGratise Female Collcire. COMMENCEMENT. Q ABBATH, July 6th-Sermou by Philip P. kJ Neely, Alubutna Conference. Monday, July 7th—Prize exhibition of Sophomore Clast—Concert at Caudlo-light. Tuesday, July 8th—Anniversary of Hontz k Judson Society. Prizes awarded. Annual address by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory College. Wednesday. July Uth—Commencement duy. Ad dress by Hon; F. S. Bartow, Savannah, Ga. "huraday, July loth—Annivursury of tho Alumnao Society. Address by Hou. J. Giuucy Jones, Penn sylvania. Examination of ail tho classes will take place the weok preceding commencement. W. B. T MONTGOMERY, myll Supt. Faculty. for thePreeervatfon and KsaitaUoa of * Cll0M and for prolongtog human life healthily andhTppilr to the vary longest period of human existence.- Splendidly eogiaved on steel.. Tho single, married, and the married happy — What is love t—with Instructions for courting, in or. der to win the affections of the opposite sex. Tbt Lights and Shades of Married Life. Tlie Reproductive Organs*f Females handsomely engraved; and the Infirmities of Youth and Muiuri. ty, with tnelr remedies. rKKi.vAxcr iixcsnuTO mr rum, at different, stages of gestation—bow to determine when it exists—how to preveut pregnancy, and with a locturo on Love to married ladies and gentle men. Prico 60 cents per copy. On the receipt of the money through mail, (post-paid,) one copy or th« book will he sent by mail to any part or the United States. Published . nwa CHARLEB WALKER, No.88 South 8d it, Philadelphia. Ps. MARRIAGE LACR0IX ’ a ttU^WOFHlCAL VlfcwoF A popular treatise on the secret infirmities ol K h and maturity arising from genital diseases in sexes with upwards of one hundred and twen- ty-flve lithographs and engravings iUustraUns the anatomv, physiology, and diseases or tlie sexual or. gans, their structure, uses and functions, together with plain directions for the perfect cure or syuhili* gleet stricture, etc. ’ Price 60 cents per sl n gteco^y^Pubn i ihe<i by No. 88 South 8d st., Philadelphia,’p«,. to whom all orders must he sent. BOOK AOBIVOY; rjlHE Subscribers hate established a Book X Agency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publication at the. retail price free or post, age* Any persona by, forwarding tho subscription prico of any one of tbo $3 Magazines, such as Har per’s, Godey’s, Putnam’s, Graham’s, Frank Ixslie’a Fashions, Ac., will receive tho Magazines for one year and a copy of a splendid lithograph {torlraii of either Washington, Jackson or Olay; or ir subscri* bing to a $2 and $1 magazine, thoy will receive a copy of either of the three portraits. If subscribing to $0 worth of magazines, all three portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. 7 Envelopes ofoxorysize and description in large or small quantities furnished. Seal Presses, Dies Ac., sent to order. 1 Every description of engraving on wood executed with neatness and dispatch Views or Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Machinery, Book II. lustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, tfc. All orders scut by mail promptly attended to. Per sons wishing views of their buildings engraved caa send a Daguerreotype or sketch or the building by mail or express. Porsons at a distance having saleable articles will find it to thrt« advantage to address the subscriber* 03 we would «jt os agent for the sale of the same BYRAM if PIERCE. 60, South Third street, Pblla., Ps. nov 26—dAwly H AY—100 hules prlrau Hay, now landing und for sale low from iuo wharf, by JUM023 C. A. GREINER. TINSMITHS WANTED. S IX first rate Job workmen can find steady em ployment where tho highest wages will ho paid. Apply immediately at No. 165 Broughton street. HORACE MORSE. Savannah, June 17th, I860 jci8 M GLASSES AND SYRUP-60~hhds Cuba and Muscovado Molasses; 260 bbls New Orleans byrup, lu store and for salo by june20 HOLCOMRE, JOHNSON k CO. H ALL’S SUPERIOR SILK UMBRELLAS—A case of 28, 30, 32, 24 and 30 inch Silk Umbrellas, aeceived aud for sale by juuo 6 LAD30X k ROGERS. ILOUK.—20 sacks supcrfiuo Four, 139 do tine do 87 bbls Buporilno Flour, for sale by 8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. WOOLEN MACHINERY. C L. GODDARD, New York, only Manufac- • lurcr ot the Original Steel Ring and Tooth Burring Machine* and Feed Rolls, to be attached to First aud also Second Breaker* and Finishers of Woolen Carding Machines. The attachment to Sec ond Breaker* und Finishers i3 very important. Those mnchlnos are iu successful operation, on First Breaker*, in most of tiio principal Woolen Fac tories iu the Uultcd States, Canada and Mexico, and uro deemed by oxperiencod manufacturers os the most perfect machine* used, and indispensable to tho economical ami successful manufacture of wool. Thoy are In fact tiio only strong, durable aud suc cessfully operating machines in use. No carding machine should run un hour without them. The Feed Rolls are strong uud durable, and wor thy of attention. Circulars explaining these Machiues and Roll, and references to Mills having them iu use, may be bad by addressing C. L. GODDAIU), No. 3 Bowling Green, New York, to whom order* should be addressed. scptlS—lyw DENTISTRY. Drs. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner St. Juiieti-sL and Market Square, over S. Wil- mot’s jewolry store. Office hour* from 8 to 2 o'clock, aud from 3 to 0. mar 11 eom WILLIAM LYNN, COMMSSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Xo. 87 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. Juno 13 iXS. W. OUKEN. u. F. SMOOT. GREEN A SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 TUOMASTQ.V, OA. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chntbam County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In tlie Court House. my 13 ■ Ani'MffN* sectjeeuh; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 43“ Office ou Bay street, over the Bank of Savan nah. may 13 R. F. COLE A BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Colk, | R. V. Colk, Bay street, Savannah. J Commerce st., Momg’ry. Holcomb, Johnson, k Co. I Cohens k Hertz, Lockett k Suolliugs, I Edwin Porsous k Co., Robert A. Allen, tforauton, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH, GA. my!3 WM. L. WKBB. WM. U. BAOX. WEBB & SAGE, (SCCCKBSOKS TO CAMKMOX, WKIW k 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 UEKTIKG-ST. CHARLESTON, 8. C., Will supply Country Mcrchuuts with Goods in their lino ut aa low rates os thoy can buy in Now York, or elsowbero. sept 28 _ ly M. FITZGERALD, Corner of Brought on and Whltaker-St*., SAVANNAH, GA., S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rlce.Mauufacturerana Dealer iu every variety of common and fine oaNDIKS, kiiu dried and wurranted to resist effec tually tho hot damp ntmospheru of r. Southern cli- mutu; also Lemon uml atrawbury Syrup, &c. Terms cash, price* low. tf—my 11 V. J. UUUKX. WM. STAUR, Jr. M. U. UAKDXX. OGDEN, STAIUl A CO., Shipping und Commission Merchants, MAY-8TKEKT. SAVANNAH. OA. YONGE di FlUERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BO. 94 IUY-STKKCT. SAVANNAH, GA. apr4 fatten, Hutton a cut, FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bay-street, Savannah, Ga.s D. L. COHEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (one door Eust of Drayton Street.) I* prepared to contract for all kinds of building and repairing. Also to couduct water through tho various part* of huuseti. ap 17 A. THOMAS A CO., Auction and Commission Merchants, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. [Jo 12] 8. S. Pardvk. TV. H. FAiiMKLL, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES and Foreign and Domestic Fruit, corner UroughUin and Whitaker-Us. rown uud comiiry supplied with cholcu good* at moderate prices. All order# promptly utteuded lo, aud satisfaction always guaranteed. splb MARSHALL - A SD3L DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, Vo. 14 2d Avenue and 3 Fulton Market, Sew York. Hums, Tongue*, Uocf, iiucou, bliuuider*, Pickled Tunguo*, liologiiu*, ljinl, Pig Purk, Mess licuf, ao., iu barrels, halve* und quarter*. Borer* to—Joint D. Jorfso, Jomc* A. Brown, Will. H. Farrell, und E. O’Uyrne.Oni—Jan'Jl RACHAEL AND TUE NEW WOULD. \ Trip to tiio United State* uud Cuba, translated J\. from tho French by Leon licuuvallet. NVulker’d Expedition to Nicaragua und History o tho Central Ainuricau War, with a map. Tiio Modem Story Toiler, or tho best stories of tho toost authors, now lirst collected. Freeman Hurl’s Worth ami Wealth, or Maxims, Moral* aud Miscellanies for mercants, new supply. Tiio Attuok ou huin Slick iU England. Carpenter ou tho Microscope, and its ruvelallou*, with upward* of 400ougravings. Wliurlon ami Btillo on Medical Jurisprudence. Tiio ticulpt Huutor*, by Oupt Mayno Rued. The Groy Boy Mare uud otljer luminary sketch es,-with Illustration*. Clara, or Slavo Lite in Europo, with an Introduc tion. by Nir Archibald Alison. ..... .... Western Africa, by Rev J L Wilson; John Halifax, floutl.mcn. w. THORNE WILLUUa, GIN.—$0 bbls old PAH Gin, Just re- J JOHNSTON *00. WHO WANTS TO GET MARRIED] T HE ART OF LOVE-MAKING-The most extraordinay book or the 19th Century —lb* Bliss or Marriage!—The Way to theAltur!—Matri mony Made Easy, or How to Win a Lover. On* volume of 160 pages, 32mo. Price only One Dollar, copies already issued. Thirteenth edition ready- Printed on tho finest paper, and illustrated in tn« first stylo or art “ Love rules tho court, the cainp, the grove, For Love is Heaven, and Heuveu is Love. So sang the Bard: yet thousands pluo For love—of life tlie light divine— Who, did they know some gentle charm The hearts ot those thoy love to warm, Might live, might die, in bliss supreme, Possessing nil of which thoy dream. The road to Wedlock would you know ? ' Delay not, but to ROXDOUT go. Time flies, and from his gloomy wings A shadow falls on living things ; Theu scizo tho momeuts a* they pass. Ere foil tlie lost sands through the glass; At least the prescut is your owu, While all the future is unknown. A happy marriage man or maid Cau now secure by RONDOUT'S aid. CONTENTS: It teaches 'how to make ladies or gentlemen trio the devoted affections of os many of tiio opposite sex as their hearts may desire. And the plan is so slm. pie, yet so captivating that all may be married irro- spcctivo of age, appearance, or position: aud it can be arroged with such case and delicacy, that detec tion is iroimssible. It teaches how to make love. It touches every eye lo form a beauty of its own. It teaches how to uct when fascinated by n lady. It teaches how to make the wrinkled Taco smooth. It teaches you tho kind or wife to select to render home happy. It gives Advice to tho lover who has been once truly accepted, aud is rejected afterward through the interference of friends. It gives a remedy for unrequited love. It gives you instructions for beautifying the person. How to nave a handsome faco and hands. How to remove tun and freckles. A Lecture on Love, or a private Advice to Married tadies and gentlemen. This is decidodly tho most (hsclaatlng, iutemtiug and really usefol and practical work on Courtship, Matrimony, and tho duties and delights of Married Live, that has over been issued from tiio American press. The artificial social system, which in so mauy Instances prevents a union of hearts, and sacrifice* to conventionalism the happiness aud even tho lives of thousands of the youug and hopeful of botli sexes, is thoroughly analysed and exposed.— Every one who contemplates marriage, and wishes for au infallible guide in the selection of a partner for lifo, should purchase tills groat text book of con nubial felicity. No ono will ever regrot tho price paid for such an invaluable secret. Bills of any of tlie specie-paying bonks in tin United States or Canadas received at par. Gold dust can bo sent from California. All that is necessary for you to do is to write a letter in os few words os possible, Inclosing ONE DOLLAR, and write thu name, with tho Post-Office, County, and State, aud direct to PROFESSOR RONDOUT, Publisher and Author, No. 82 Forty-Sixth Street, New York. DEWITT k DAVENPORT, 162 Nassau St., are the wholesale agent*. dec. 15—w6m 1000 Agents wanted. • •5,000 REWARD I EMANUEL PARKER’S PATENT WATER-WHEEL, AGAINST ALL OTHER WHEELS. I CHALLENGE THE WORLD to produce ita equal. It has but recently been introduced to tlie public and found to be iu advance of ail other wheels, both in power and economy in water, every drop being eflectivo aud none wasted. This wheel is not lu tbo least affected by back or dead witter, as I prefer them being placed below tall water in every instance, consequently I get every iuch of head. They being entirely of cast Iron nml simple iu construction, are not liable to get out of order, and are more durable than any other wheel now in use. Those wheels are applicable to Sash and Cir cular Saw, Grist and Rico Mills, Colton Factories aud Gins, und all other machinery to which a water wheel can bo appllod, and are so cheap that any person who has machinery running by water pow er can purchase them for less money and will pay* liigherjper cent, on it than any other wheel now in use. Thoso wheels nro manufactured by R. Find lay, Macon, Ga., and at M. A. Cooper's Etowah Iron Works. They can bo purchased of me ut Macon, uml suitable instructions given to put them iu opera tion, or I will go or send competent workmen to pot them iu uso, at the shortest notice. Mr. R. Findlay will net as my ageut when I t» absent. All communications addressed to me ri Macon will recclvo prompt attend* n. I also liavo authority from tho patentee to BeU rights by the State or Territory, anywhere adjoining my boundary. Porsons wishing to go iuto tills en terprise will do well to givo me u call soon, a* I will give them a chance to mako money on it. WM. H. ALBERT, Sole Proprietor for Gcorgin and Alabama. Fosrim’s Mrua, Chcrokeo Co.. Ga, May 16th. 1854, Tills is to certify that dutlug tlvc last nine inoni I have been using throe or Parker’s cost Wat«r Wheels, put up by Mr. Wm. II. Albert, (lute of »»• eon,) and from their performance it gives uie pleas ure to iul'orm tiio interested public, thut 1 consider them, all tliiugs considered, Air superior to «uy offi* or wheel 1 have seen used. Thoy are not only mm* plo in tbolr construction, hut must necessarily w extremely durable in wear. Thoy are likewise weu adapted for high or back water, as their motion a but slightly impeded wlicu submerged, provides they cun ho supplied with tho same head of water. My Corn Mill, huving four feet stones and nine reel head ol water, will grind ton bushels or good mcai per hour. Tho Wheat Mills perform equally wem IRA K. FOSTER. MatonTga., July 31st, 1854. Tht* is to certify that I have beeu using thwo® R. Rich’s Water Wheels to my Saw and Griat Mlj» which, not performing to my satisfaction, I was in duced by Wm. H. Albert to lot him P>>f„ l “ Parker’s Patent Wheels to my Saw Mill, in J®®"* which used 1.19 inches less water than Rich s wM* did, aud to my surprise the Parker wheel will double the amount of lumber, and is easier kep* 10 order, uml from trylug my saw mill twelve monm - I had my two grist wheels taken out and larwr substituted, which will grind from twelve to tlxt«» bushels of good meal per hour, on au average, eight foot head of water, and four stonea, snu most tiio Rich wheel ever ground, with tho am head and stone*, was from eight ton uobushel* hour, uml tlie wheel venting more than double w amount of water. I can recommend Porker * to mill owner* aud manufacturer* generally, »<® tiio greatest and most powerful poND. Bg march 7—lately — ■txraiSKV—300 bbt* Rectified WhUKy, iu afote Junc20 ^ ^ 8>l H^LCOMDK. JOHNSON k C0_ ses, in store and for salo by . urB June20 WEBS TER * PALM**!. /■'1UKN MEAL.—35 sack Corn Meal, fresh ground, j£o 0r 1,10 by WILLIAM LYNN. OT Bky «trgl_ L3UGRS.—10 hhds choice ttv Croix 8ut*r D 10 bluU choice New Orieimi do 20 do do Porto Rico do 15 do prime Muscovado do to .wro.ui