Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 09, 1856, Image 3

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., ttlt Coll ego It Dot iid untu Uu in October. "pmJiu m*y yet avail themselves of the advauta- m in climate, location and laolUllte for study, which arc hew presetted. Xuitloa U charged from the time the pupil antara, to tbe ctoaa of the term. GKO, Y. BROWNE, President Mvdlion, July lit, 1866. coda—jytt ffffuHZKI&rbaNK,) Savannah, luua 30th, 1858. > A fleml-annual dividend (No. 3) ot five per Vv cautura, on the cmiUal stock of this Bank, has thla day been declared, payable ou demand, julyl B. B. WILLIAMS, Caablor. Suit Albany 56 Unir R, R, Co., < Bavannah, 27th Juno, 1860. j nmw An Ipatalment of 10 per cent., being tho mW sixth on the Chpltal Stock of thla jp jerniUduBlllw oub* teuthBrMA.lmt. * Tnoti!& BATUMI dec 12—if "7 _ von balC 1 S**I? c *® or lAnd, 600 acre) each, a or 4 or Savannah ou the a A. ^^ulf Rail Road, weU adapted to tie growth of Rloo, OoUoo, and Corn, and Wood enough to pay fbr Itontlmoeoyer. Apply to ttob 27 tr 0. A. C1/)UD, I hereby called, and required to be paid at this office on the 1st day of tkspUmhor^xL^jrordcr June28—wt!8 Secretary and Treasurer. C Bavannahjmh June^BM^*} ^wm Tho Bonde or Ute City or.Savannah, due PW lat February, 1867, issued for Central Rail road Stock, (commonly known at MoAllLtor bonds) wilt be redeemed If desired instock of tho Central Railroad and Banking Company, at iu market value, the bonds being received at par. Je26 JAMBS S. WATKINS, City Treas’r. ■ DIVIDiiND'SdTM: CENTRAL R.R. * BANKING CO. OF GKO.,\ Savannah, Juno 3, I860. / u^9rnm The Board of Directors has THIS BAY de- par dared a dividend oT FIVE 1HUJARS per share on the gcueral stock of tho Company Tor the test six moutha (being at the rate or ton per cent per annum), payable on and aftor the 16th lust. Holders oT Guaranteed 8lock will be paid their dividond on the same day. GKO. A. CUYLER, jo3 lm Cashier. * SOTTCE c. Hu r. THE freight on corn from Atlanta to 8a- Vv vannath will bo roduced to 16 o. per bushel on and after ho 1st day or April next. WM. M. WADLEY, General Suporin’I. Transportation office, 1 Central Rail Road. / mw28 CKAHUMTOH 5 SAVANNAH HAIL. ROAD COMPANY. m^stmrn CtURUtfTox, Juno 7. I860. Par The Fifth (6th) Instalment or FIVE HOL LARS per share ou tbe stock subscrlbod to the Charleston and Savaunah Railroad, will become duo THURSDAY, the lOtli or July noxt. Payment to bo made to Ute Troaaurer at the ofllco or tho Company, Tbe 8avannah subscribers to tho Charleston aud Bavannah Railroad are requested to mako payment ortho Instalments called for, to A. Porter, Esquire, President ortho Bank of tho Statu of Georgia. By order of tho President, C. F. HANCKEL, Jell 2aw Id Secretary aud Treasurer. K EDME’ti WATER FILTER.—Just received an assortment or sixes Kodzol’a Improved Water inters for altering Savannah River Water, ter salo by 1!< Ut ACE (MORSE, jy 9 166 Broughton tit. "l^ARN'.—26 bales Yarn, assorted nutnbors, iu jy* store, and tor salo by CRANE WELIM ft CO. O SNAUUKUS—50 bales Osuaburgs,Uoorglaman ufactory, in store, and fbr sole iu lots to suit purchasers, by ,y8 CRANE, WELLS k CO. IDXTTXjBaiAXT CORN AND COB MILL. VOX m STATES OP BO. CAROLINA, GKOROIA AND FLORIDA* PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1866. nriHE Attention of Planters and Btock Feeders X is respectfully callod to tho abovo Mill. They •re now in use by at least 10,000 ortho most practi cal Stock Feeders throughout the country, who are ready to testify to thoir superiority over all olhor Mills or a similar kind. Theso Mills aro made tho exclusive business or the patentee, Mr. Scott, who being a practical roan, superintends the casting In person, and Beiects only such iron us is host adapt ed to tlioir uso, which, liko car wheels, requiro to be mado of metal known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from three to Uvo hundred pounds, ac cording to size, and can bo put in operation In twen ty minutes without oxpeuso or mechanical aid. The Llttlo Giaut has takou tho Jlrtt premium at nearly all tho State Fulrs throughout tho Union, and that In the most complimentary manner. They aro guaranteed against breakage or duraugemeut when used according to diroctious, and warranted to givo the most perfect satisfaction, or the monoy refunded on the return of the mill. They are of threo sizes, and will grind from eight to Ofleen bushels good feed -per hour, according to Size, with ono or two horseB. Wo uow offer them to tho trado comploto, ready for attaching the team, at reduced prices. Mr. 0. H. CAMPFTELD is our Agent in Savannah, of whom the mill may bo bad at our prico. march 7—eod&wly B Hu oils, &c.—60 uozou two ply Brooms; 60 do threo ply do; 60 do Palls; 76 do Washboards Just received and for salo by McMahon k doyle, junclO 206 and 207 Bay street. 'WJLTCHE S^Tw ATCHKB—W ATOIIE S. mo We are receiving the London Lever lfllX Watches, of tho most celebrated makers, in JIG old aud Silver cuses. R. F. Cooper’s Du- WuBpiex Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, fine Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at roaaona- ble prioes. at our new storo in Gibbons* Rongo. sept28 D. B. NICHOLS k GO. NEW TIJ? STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACfORY. 141 SOUTH OK MARKET 8QUARK, BRYAN STRICT. I would Inform my old frleuds and patrons I have opened the above storo to conduct tho Stove, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all its various forms, and whero will bo found a gen eral assortment or Stoves, Tin aud Sheet-Iron Ware, which 1 will bo pleased to show, and ut such prico as will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of RnaQng, Gutters of I<aad, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stovos put up and Pipes furnished ut short uotico. Tin Wore at wholoaalo and retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will pay you for your walk, oct2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent Ip^LkAO^ilBhlrttogB In great variety, and febai * : 1 AlRINft BURNS F mnr. OU BALEU-A fine lot in Wesley Want— Also two on Gordon stroet, east For salo low. Fee simple. Aoply to A. WILBUR, Geu’l Insurance Agent and Brokor, may 22 111 Bay atroot f'lORN—600 sacks corn, iu store and to arrlvoj for KJ sale by WILLIAM LYNN, junolO 17 Bay street NoffiwE T HE lntoroat or Mr. Charles S. Arnold In tho firm of Padeltbrd, Fay k Co. ceased with Ills death, ou tho 4th or March last From this date Mr, Edward Padclford, Jr., Is as* aoclated with ua under the same style and firm. PADE1AORD, FAY * CO, Savannah, Juno 16th, 1860.12tla—JolO NOTICE. A LL person* having clalma against the estate of 2m. George M.Troup, deceased, will hand thorn iu, duly situated, aud those indebted will please make payment to eithor of tho undersigned. THOMAS M. FORMAN, I . Jel6 DANIEL II. B. TKUW, f *•* S ALT.—1000 sacks Salt in store and for sale by WILLIAM LYNN, juno 14 87 Bay street B AUG1NU, ROPE, &«T—100 bales Uuuuy Bag ging; 600 coils BsleKopo; 600 pounds Twine; roccived and for sale by JuuoI6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. B ACON, I’ORK, ftc.—60 hhus cluar aud ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar*ourcd llama; 60bbls prime aud mess Pork; Subalfhbla Hawes k Co’s Fulton Market Beer; 6 do do Tongues; Just received and'for salo by a Junol6 HOICOMUE, JOHNSON k OO. S UuaU—16 bUda choice Porto Rico sugar; 26 uo Crowucd Muscovado and Cuba Sugar: 60 bbla Uarbadoca Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s and Baltimore steam relluod, crushed, powdered and clarified Sugar, lauding, in store and for sale by Juno 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. /^(OFFEE.—300 bags Ihlr to choice Rio Co lieu; 60 do Laguuyru Coffee; 60 mate Java Ooilbo; 30 bates Mocha Coffuo; landing, iu storo aud for salo by Junol6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO W anted to purchase—jty or Columbus Bonds, endorsed by tho Muscogee Railroad Ooiupauy. Apply to JelO-dtis PADELFORD, FAY k CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS. TUST received a lot of Extra Family Floor, tl in barrola. apr29 YOUNG k WYA TT. 1 P*??®! No 108 b 7 w MW lbs ] Lket, being one ol the most deilrabls bual 5 in the oily. Apply to Jy2—lm Apply t. . J. C. DUGGAN. Ail W.MorrellkCO’S. It ~WKEn«- Buildlng oorner Bay and Drayton-sts., ■ultablo for moroantlls purposes and itor* age. For particulars enquire at June 13 THIS OFFICE. TofifcNtf A commodious, airy and pleasant Honso - - -*—*—»-• * -*• for which a _ -. Jnquiro at tho L office ol tho Goorgian and Journal. JJMfc. A commodious, airy and pleas ijV in a doslrsblo part or the city, ft }{■ liberal price will bo paid. Itaq jUfl^ofilco ol' tho Georgian and Jourm June 2d—tf |t: TO RENT. ~ UNTIL the 1st Novembor noxt, a com* modious and airy residence, on tho north side of the Central Railroad Depot, known as Hovors Place. The house Is newly fur led from basemont to attic, which can bo bought r. ra.,8 YODNO k WYATT. " OFFICES L-dllUENT , IN THE TIIKEE-STOKY URICK HOUSE adjoining tho ofllco of the subsorlbor. Tho bxaoment would make, with somo slight improvement, an oxcellcut lawyer’s-oflice. and second floors will be lot for Counting• Rooms, and the third for sleeping apartmonts. Con nected with the establishment is an out-building of brick, suitable for servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, soptS Oorner Drayton and Bryan streets. ihorhaeb^— ■ A PLANTATION in WayuoOoun-M ty, on the Buffalo Swamp, contalnlngSE 1000 teres; about 260 acres cleared anutu order for cultivation. On tho promises Is a plum, comfortable dwelling, with all necessary barns and out houses. Possession given in Decem ber next, and with tho place will be sold, if desired, the provision crop or present year. Also an improved lot (2)4 acres) in the villago of WaynesvlUe, and 20 acres adjoining. Waynesvllle is unsurpassed for health, and the Brunswick rail road running through it, renders It easy or access. Joll lmo HENRY R. FORT. flb Tho Urstoi II * ! >L C hoice wines k liquors— Just received 20 baskiiMloldsick Champagne. 0 quarter casks Sherry ,V1 aud Madeira Wiues. 16 doz Claret Wino and Cordials; 3 halfpipes old Gtard and Seuotte Brandies; 2 pipes superior HolltudGin, Beaver bruud; 6 bbls olu Mououguhela Whisky, in gloss and wood. For sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Car. Broughton aud Drayton sts. 0. 0. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Stroet, (two doors from Bryan,) WUOLK8ALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, de. 1 Painters’, Gralners’ aud Artists* Brushes: Whitewash Hoads and Dusters, Dry and 'Mixed 1*81018 of overy description, Artists’ colorsmtubes, PreparedCauvass, fee. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— Houso, Hlgu aud Ship Pointing, Uildlug, Groiuiug and Glazing done in the boat style and at modorate prices. All orders from the country promptly attended to. meu 28—ly WILMOPS JBWELRV STORK Is receiving by every arrl- vol a large aud rich uicnt or Gold aud Silver Watches, Diamouu i’ms. Ear and Fiuger Rings, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Casters, Ac., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry in overy variety, ••Ivory Tablo Cutlery, hue Pocket Knivca and Scissors. Rich China aud Pariau Vases, and other articles. Flue Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his owu order. Gunuiug Implements of all kinds. Pluted Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts and Candle sticks, with a great variety of Fuuoy Articles, suita ble fur wedding gilts, toon amorous hero to men tion. All kinds or Watches and Clocks ropuirod by tho most experienced workmen. S. W1LM0T, may 13 No. 1 Market squaro. MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) These Springs will bo open for tho recep tion of visitors ou the first day or June, I860. They aro situated In Montgomery Coun- ty, Virginia, ono and a half miles from fho Virginia and Teuuessco Railroad, from which there Is a branch Railroad to the Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Potorsburg after breakfast reach tho Springs by & o’clock, P. u., tho same day, all the way by Railroad. Tho accommodations havo been very much ox- tended since last season. The rooms are large and comlbrtoblo, and capable or accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg and Abingdon Tolograph Compa ny are uow building a brunch of their line to the 8prings, which will be operation early in June. A very largo Bath House has b»en built since last seaaou. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, Juno21—lm Montgomery W. 8. 8. Comp’y. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR gALEf. Tho two-story brlek store oroCongresa street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Eckmon. This is one or the host stauds in jthe city for any kind orbusluess. Terms made accommodating. For particulars In- S uiro at 142 Broughton street, above the store of T. i. McKenna. tfmay!4 win be ma ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i ■ i GEORGIA. J. J* HESLEIt, Proprietor* Late qfthe Verandah Hotel, New Orleant. Passengers per Eventug Trains will find Supper ready ou the arrival of tho Cars, may 14 Jt^ MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, L ocomotive needles.—a new aud ele gant artlelo whiuli needs only to bo tried once to tenure the constant preference of tho seamstress, just rocoived aud for salo by tuarl8 _ LAtiaON k ROGERS. CORN ON CONSiGNMENT. 1 C/1A Sacks Just received and for salo. • OVJ V YUNGE k FRIERSON, joia 94 Bay stroet. m OOHNE1 m MILLS HOUSE, OORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-BTREETS, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. THIS Honse is uow adapted to all the wants ofthoTravelling Public, and tbe ef forts of the Proprietor will he u> deserve tlieir patronugo. mar 31 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. S YRUP AND MOIASSE8 50 bbls New Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; in store aud for sale by Juuo 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. S UGAR—10 hbds choice New Orleans Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; iu storo aud for sale by Juue 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. M l^tend of going North eorno to tho Stono Mouutaln House, and upend your uununor, as everything will bo dono for your com fort. Conveyances will bo furnished to convey jfflssengers to Lawrenceville, Gainesville and Clarksville. Pasaongors by tho Georgia Railroad take sup per at this houso. ALEXANDER k CLARK. F. 8. Alkxander. formerly ofLawrouceville. J A. Clark, Social Circle. 2m—je 2 R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled aud smoked Tonguos: Fulton Market Beef, and Pig i'ork, Pig Hams and Pig Bacon. Oranges, Lmions, Apples, and White Beaus. Also, a fresh supply of Foxu’s celebrated Crack ers. For salu low by uno 7 J. A. BROWN. HUUUAHl—HlilUtAH 11 J UST ARRIVED, per schoouor A. Devereaux, iu four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savauuah Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 bunches Bauauas, 100 dozeu Pine Ap ples; 5000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and ono basket Green Uiuger. For salo by Juno 14 J. A. BROWN. f>URE WATEIL—If you want the finest drink- XT lug water in tho world call and purchase ono of Kedilo's Patent Water Filters, the article mentioned In Water Commissioners’last Report, which we warrant to purify tho Savannah Rlvor Water porfoctly—an indtaponBablo article for plantation uso. KENNEDY k BEACH, Jau24 only Agents for their salo in Savannah. MRS. STEPHENS’ I LLUSTRATED Now Mouthy, No 1, vol 1, for July, dovoted to Tales, Romances, Illustrations, Art aud General literature, each number beautifully embellished in tho Quest stylo or wood Illustrations. TAIlIJi OK CU.VIK.VW : I/i.U .Towels, Alice, Tho Falls of - UmuhaUa, Stays and Slippers. Timo’s Changes, Live in ’70, Eureka, The Shudy Side, Nellio’s Illusions, The Summer Va cation, A Story, or Two l.lvoj, Tim Disuppolutod Husband, Tho Muiden’s Confession, Tilings We Talk About. Subscription prico $1 60 per your, in advanco. Specimens of tho ubovo limy bo seeu ut the Book store or WAKNOCK k DAVIS, Jy4 151) Congross street. D ICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for Juno, re ceived aud for salo by WAKNOCK & DAVIS, June 4 16 Cougross stroet. B UTTER*AND CHEESE—2& tubs and 10 kegs chute* now Goshen Butter; 26 boxes Cheese j received per stunmor and for salo by Juno 24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Je CO. L ard and herrings— 20 bbla Prime White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Landing and for sale by may 15 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Js CO. C iJFKEE.—}50 bags prime Green Rio Collet) 100 bugs fair do do do 60 mats old Uovornmuut Javu Coffoo 25 bags old Maracaiba do t> 0 do prime Laguiru do -5> do do Porto Rico do M do do old Rio do In atero and for sale by Jy4 > SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Je CO. B GAP, starch, Ac.—loo boxes Smith k DuciT- au*s family soup 100 boxes Colgate’s No 1 and lb bar soap J26 do do pale do 60 do Beadell’s pearl starch 60 do Oswego do do 25 do Ground Coffee and It, papors 20 do do Pepper in Ji lb do, laud ing and iu store, for sale by jy4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Je CO. P ORK AND LAUD—60 bbls Mess and Prime I'ork 26 bbls and 100 kegs Lird, iuudlng und for sale by Jy3 Iior/XJHUK, JOHNSON Jt CO. L AKH, BACON AND MOLASSES.—26 kegs and 16 bbls obuico lard; 20 hlids Bucou Bides and bhoulders: 25 bhds nnd 26 bbls MoIoshch ; received and for sulo by McMAHON Je DOYLK, Juue29 206 and 207 Bay street. ' A IIOMB8TKAl> FUU $101 <Dj01 a ruin WORTH OP FARMBOF Nl)OXV/«V/U\J Furma and BulliHugH Lots, in the gold region of Virginia, (Culpepper County,) to be divided uiimngst 20,200 subscribers on ilio 17th cl September, I860, for tho UcnelRof Port Uoyid Female Acadcifly- Suhscriptlons only ten dollars each—onu liaH'ilown, tho rest on the deliv ery nl'tho deed. Every subscriber will get a Build ing L>t or Farm, ranging In value from $10 to 825,000. Theso Furips and I/)ts aro sold so cheap to induce settlements; a sufficient number being re served, tho Increase /In the value or which will compensate for tho auparoul low prico uow nskod. TJib most atiiplu security will bo given for tho fxltnrul performance of contracts und promises. More Agents aro wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom tho most liberal inducements will bo given. «*«)« Agems write that they aro making $200 per fooiiili, AdvortishigxviUbo done for every Agent where possible. F<V. foil particulars, subscrip tions, Agencies, Jic,. amply to . _. . T K. BAUDEB, Jb24—dfcwlm Royal, Caroline Co., Va. f n'tvifi’tl OSi.linUd I'lg llom»,Tij It*con. Alio Mm. new 0jnofcedBMf. “ if a _ TR1MMINGB.—Fringes, block and colored Molro Antique Gauxo, and other styles, in great variety, and for sale by mar 7 AIKIN k BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A large supply of Wheel- top whalebone frumu Gingham Umbrollas, all sizes, received and for sale by June 0 LaDSON Je ROGERS. S UGARS—10 lihds cholco Porto Rico Sugars: 16 do Fair do; 15 do Fair and 10 do Cholco New Urluans Sugar; Just received uud for salo by June24 S’lRAN'fON, JOHNSTON k CO. jyj-OLASSfcM AND ROPE- 100 barrels Now Orleans Molasses; 301) colls and half coils “ Louisiana Manufac turing Company” Rope. Landing per brig Louisa Sears from Now Orleans, and for salo by my28 HOILUMBE. JOHNSON Js CO S ILK PAKASULj—A now supply of inuse beauti ful Silk Parasols havo Just boon received and aro for sale by Juno 0 LADSON k ROGERS. S ' ALT—80i)0 sucks Liverpool Salt; 10,000 builieTs Turks’ lfduud do; for sulo by Juno20 _____ WEBSTER k PALMES. A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUSE KEEPERS, I S an Important item, and to know whero to get exactly wliut is wanted Is equally importuut, ““KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson's New Block, Corner of Brougli* ton and Ball Street*, and you will find everything portalning to Houso Keening ns well os Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood- « Ware, und Tin Ware, Willow Waro, beautlfol Water C<*olorn, Patent Ico Pitchors, Brushosiu evory variety, Bird Cagos. Batliiug Tubs, Indood nearly overy thing thul can bo call 3d for, rocol loot tho place, apr 1ft •IbST ItBVUiVKD PER FLORIDA. I L’ASK Richardsoiis Superior Irish Unens, Chucked Cambrics, NainsiMiks, Swiss Muslins .stripedSwiss, and Plain Jaconets, 1 case I’alra J^mf Funs, Cotton Fringe and Wide Trimming Braids; GrusH ("oth, New York mills ShlrUng, 1 wise Superior Calicos at filets, 810 aud 11-4, Bleached Cotton Sheotlngs, Jec., Jec. for salu at the loweatprlces, by UKWrW A MOHUAN. H A'IW.—100 dozen Plantation Hats, in storo and for sale by _ jy8 J. M. FYltK, 94 Bay st. H AMH.—10 casks Teuuessco ^Ihims, a superior artlelo, for solo by JjrH W1UJAM I.YKX, W B»y Birool. F LOUk:_'24 wick. Kxbu Family 22 half do do do i89 sucks Huporflne, for sale by JyS W11JJAM LYNN, 87 Hay street. BBLS. J. Taylor * Son’s Ale received andfor •*“ 9 McMAHON * DOYLE, No*. 2W k 207 Bay street, Off bbls. j by TO RENT. ■ . The Dwelling lutcly occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Said Houso Is threo stories on a basement, t wlth good servants’ rooms, andoulliousos. on givon immediately. Apply to _ D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. " Possession gtvon Immediately — Threo I story brick house, now and in good order, I on Mucon street, noxteastrosIdencetoMrs. kJewett. pp!y at this office. i ti may27 BOARD PKR DAY $ 1 60 HOARD WJHWKKK 6 00 BOARD PKR NORTH 20 00 may 13 lyr INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Undersigned bus aguln tbe pleasure of informing his numerous friends, as well as the public at large, that ho is yot ut tho Indian Spring Hotel, and Is folly prepurud, with tho assislunoo of his boub and his own oxparience of six years at tho hotel, with the best cooks that con bo procured, os well as ossis- tuuco of all kinds, to ask of all those who visit Uio Spring a generous share of their patronage, iutoud- tng to spare no pains of himself to make ail such us please to givo him a call comfortablo. The Indian tiprlug Hotel Is uow open, and ready to receive alt those that will please to call. There will bo at For sythe Dc;K>t couches and hacks ready to oonvey all buuIi us wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tscpl Proprietor, ♦** Savannah Ropublican, Morning Nows, and Charleston Courier will please lusert tho above three timos ouch week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. *3 J. II; ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. ■ Tho ubovo namod Houso Is uow open for tho rcceptiou of Boardors and Travellers, and the undersigned promises to spare neither pains or oxponso to mako his pa trons comfortable. His tablo will always bo sup plied with tho choicest that tho markot aud tho sur rounding country allbrds—Frosh Fish, Oysters, Von- Ison, Wild Gumo, Ac. Thu House, is large and niry, aud within a low yards of the landing, ou tho beau tiful river BL Marys, and is u desirable ploco fur in valids und others as a summer resort. Tito utogo leaves the Houso threo times a wock for Woodstock Mills, Ceutrovlllago, and Trader’s Hill, aud tho Sa- vammL boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo lnconveuleuced, but cau leave when they desire. Prices will be made to corrospond with Urst class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, I860. 3m my27 E Mi James url ^ RAY will hav* dispatch for tbe abovo port. For freight apply io J*8_ HUNTER k GAMMELL. ■ kk FOR NEW YORK.—Union Line—The reg- fli ulsr Packet Schooner G. 8. DAVIS, Abell ter. will havo quick dispatch for the abovo port. For freight or passage, apply to July 2 OGDEN, 8ARR k CO. Niagara Falls, tbe Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia PARS TO NIAG’RA FALLS PARR TO PHILA- DELP’A •MO. fins. T HIS LINE connects at Philadelphia with the Gnat Nerth-Western Railroad Route, through to Niagara Fills and Buffalo, In sixteen hours from Pbiladvlpbl... Through Tickets, with the privilege or stopping et Philadelphia, and Intermediate points, for sale by he Agent. tre to Niagara Falls or Baffidlo $28 “ Elmira 20 “ Canandaigua 28 OUARLES A. GREINER, Agont, June 27 Savannah, Georgia. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK #25 00. Semi-Weekly United States Mall Line. qiHB NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL jL Steamships— Knoxville.. 1,600 tons..capt. o. d. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ ., Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 « ..Capt. M.8. Woodbull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 « ..Capt. G. R.Schonck. WILL UUVK SAVANNAH EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among tho largest on the coast- unsurpassed In speed, surety and comfort, making thoir pesssgos In fifty to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having ologant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabiu Passage to Now York $26 Bteerage Passage to Now York 8 PADELFORD. FAY k CO., Sovanuah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL, 18 Broadway, fob 6 - Now York. * Florida Foul’s. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. -U. 8. Mall Lino—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Steamships 'FLORIDA aud VANDERBILT.—Theso One steamer* will In foturo mako thoir regular semi-monthly trips, loaviug as follows: New Orleans, 10th A 24th Key West, .. 16th Jt 24th Peusacola.... 11th Jt 25th Apalachicola. 12th Jt26th St Marks.... 13th J:27th Cedar Keys. .14th k 28tli Tampa Bay.. 16th Jt 29th Tampa 11th Jt 25th Cedar Keys.12th Jt26th St. Marks...14th Jt28th Apalachicola,16th k 29th Peusacola... 16th k 30th Arrive at Key West 17th Jt 1st I Now Orleans, 17th Jt 1st Agents in New Orloans, doc26 6m E. G. ROGERS. Jt CO., 72 PoydrasB street. FOB JOHNSON’S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 2b law on Tuuday Night, tht 13JA in,/an/, m - Tho light draft-steamer, WILLIAM ABM! LEDUY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Steampaoket Wharf. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. UnTMSffXTiii FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, SL Marys. Go., Ftmandi- na and Jacksonville, Pioolata and Black Creek. Fla. THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N ifOdBIL King, will leave for tho above places everyTuaUayMoming, at 10 o’olk. This boat uas largo and airy State Room accom modations, and taking lhe inland Passage, offers evory inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be takon for Trader’s H1U and inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at tbe Florida Steam packot wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. . A. COHEN, Agont. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Ibr Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, SL Marys, FkmatwUtta, Jacksonville, MidiUbura, (Black Creek,) and Pioolata. Wcta Tho new and elegant steampaoket £jffiBBBHKe^T* JOHNS, Capt. Juntos Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’olock, for thu abovo places. Frolght will bo takon for Trador’s Hill and inter- mediuto landings on St Mary’s Rivor. MBf No freight will he takon aftor 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampaoket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN Jr CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR ‘CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA lmta Tho flue atoarapackctCAROLINA, AHaBflSflHB Captain Coxottor, will leave liero for JucK&ouviilo, Plcolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o'clock; returning, will leave lor Charleston, evory Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passugo apply on board, at Williuk’s wharf, or to M June 14th, 1850—ly JW Freights payable on the wharf. SUNDRIES.' 300 bags cholco Uio Coflhe, 160 do fair to prime Rio Co 100 boxos Old Gov. Java Coffee,' 200 bhds Muscovado Molasses, 160 bbls. cholco New Orleans Syrup. 60 hhds. Now Orleans Muscovudo, and Porto Rico Sugar. 300 bbls. roflned A. B. Jt C. Sugar. 60 bbls. Crush and l’owdcrod Sugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon. Super lino and Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adaraautluo & Sperm Candles. 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, and Family Soap. 200 bulos Heavy Gunny Bagging. 25 hbds. Bacon Sides and Shouldora. 76 bbls. Mess and l*rimo Pork, 100 boxos Tobacco, various brands. 100 boxos Black aud tircon Tea, 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs and half kegs “Huzorda” Powder, together with a full assortment of all othor articles in tho Grocery lino, (except liquors.) In store, and for sale ou accommudating terms, by Juno 28 ROWERS, NORRIS Jt CO. S subscriber woukl invito the attoutUm'or”all iu want or SPUING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has Just been received, at tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. apr!6 WM. O. PRICE Efl92Kr5?@fflISI m@ErS3IEo INDIAN SPRINGS, GEORGIA. BRYAN W.COLLIER ■ Respectfully announces that the abovo House will be opened for tho reception of guests, ou thu 20tb iustuut. Ho has been fortunate in securing the sorvlces of Mr. riffiu, well known to tho publio as the kuouor of the Niuoty Milo Houso on the Central Railroud, to ussist In Uio BU])erlutomtenoo of tho Molutosh Houso during the season. A baud of mu sic bus also boon secured. Stages will bo In readi- ucsH at Forsyth, on tho arrival of trains, to convey passengers with comfort und dispatch to tho houso. No pains will bu spared to mako guests us comfort- ublo as possible, und a more than usually brilllaut suasou is confidently anticipated. tlA—Juno 6 S undries, just received— 16 bags chulce old Government Java aud Rio Coffee; 20 half chests Black and Green Tons, loose aud in quarter pound packages. 10 hhds Light Muscovado Sugar; 10 bbls R L & D Stuart’s Crushed und Clarlfiod Su gars; 10 bbls Bolfrising Flour; 26 bags Extra uud Superlluo Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Butter uud Maplo Crackers; 60 boxes Beadol’s family Soap, Starch uud Candles; 60 doz Palls nnd Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Munilla Clothos Lines; 10 gross Matches: 25 boxos grouud Coffoo and Pcppor; 50 boxos Mustard nnd Yeast Powders, Maso, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 coses tablo Salt, Ac.. Jic. Iu storo aud for solo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Joll Cor Broughton and Drayton sts. SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrupplug paper. 100 halos Twluo; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe Brushes. 60 M Imported Siwnisli Sugars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brnndB; 160 suoks Uio CoU'oo; 76 mats Java Coffoo; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Coverod Baskets; J60boxes Family Soap; 160 do PuloSoap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 hair chests Young Hyson Toa; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy: 60'boxes Seated Herrings; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxos imported Cuslile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 X, }(, uud wholo bexos Raisins; Received and for salo by McMAHON k DOYLE, may14 206 aud 208 Buy stroot. THE ORE AT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. A RE taking Marine Risks at their Agency, 2%. corner or Drayton and Bryan streets. Approved Make will be token on liberal term*, and tho usual credit given on Premium Notes. Three quarters of the business will bo returnod to the cus tomers in scrip. O. A. L. Lamar, fob 19 Agent In Njvannah. INSUBANI’U. Southern Mutual Insurance Company. Southern Mutual Lift Ins. Company. Home Insurance Company, of N. York, Sprlngllcld Fire 4k Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in tho above Inaurauco ComiNiulcs underta ken by WM. KING * SONS, Agents, No. 09 Bay streoL Bavannah, 14th December, 1866. dealt FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. 11.1, BAY-STREET, CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollar*. By tbe following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Lift Insurance Company. OF HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company. OP LONDON. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Lift Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marina Insurance Company, OP BR1DOKPORT, OT. _JFTne subscriber will effoct Insurance to any amount in all parts of the State oa overy description of property. Lite Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the benoQt ot heirs aud creditors, or payable to tho wife froo from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts oftho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFBINSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charier Perpetual. Nott accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* $2,230,005 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,990 84 $4,282,488 97 Benjamin O. Miller, Soorotery, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. ' •Tho funds of this Company are all safely invested In first class bouds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes of mombors fully secured by their polloles. Forftirthor particulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agont In Savannah, At tho office of Boll Jt Prentiss. J, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. RXFZRKNCK 5 Messrs. Padblfokd, Fay JtCo., I. K. Tut, Esq.. State Bonk. feu 29 D OMB3T1U LIQUORS— 60 bbls EPholp* Rye Gin, 26 bbls N. E. Rum, 60 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 26 “ Dorao3tio Brandy, 60 “ Old 1‘&H Connecticut River Gin. 60 N. O. Whisky, Just received aud for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. william Phillips; ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, marietta, oa. oct2fl—ly " DAVID a. WlLDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8PARTA, OA. Will practice in tho counties or Hancook, Warren, Washington, and Baldwin. RitmtbraB—Bohn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, and E. A. Soullard. Savannah. jao9 R. b. Hilton, “ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Ofllce corner of Bay and Drayton-sts. SAVANNAH, OA. my 11 1 THENHy williams, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Bavannah, Georgia, may 6—ly C ORN—1000 buHhels prime Corn iu store and for sale by 4eo 29 flA GREINER. TO BUILDERS. T HE SUBSCRIBER U prepared to execute at Uio shortest notice, and in tho most work manlike inannor, all kinds of Metal Rooflug, Gutters, Cornico, or other work connoctod with tho manufac turing or repairing or Copper, Galvanized Irou, Kino, or Shoot Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octlS 166 Broughton at) O ORNEDBEEF/PIGPORK, JtC. Just rocolvod 10 half barrels Fulton market corued Beoft 10 barrels and hair barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sldoa and Shouldora; 10 barrolo extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Herrings; 2 drums Cod Fish, and 26 barrels Smoked Herrings, DAVID 0V0NNEK BALTIMORE BACON. 3 AAA POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, Iu •vV/v BtoroBUtt for b^hron June20 corner Whilakoipuid Charlton-sts. SUNDRIES. " 1 AAA POUNDS cholco BalUmoro Shouldora; J.UUI/ end 1200 do do Sldoa; 100 choluo sugar-cured Hams, in bags; 600 pounds cholco Toqnessoo Hams; 16 barrols cholco Lear Lard: 10 Uorcos extra wholo Rico: 6 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 uo steam pale- do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s frioml do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxos Tallow Candles; 10 do adamnnUne do; 10 do poarl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 bogs good Rio Coffee; 7 pockets old govornmout Java Coffoo. All tho above for sale low by June 7 J. A. BROWN. E Alilea BMAU,~UMUH£ELA8.-Udlos> .mall also Silk Umbrellas, from 18 to 24 inches. Re ceived and for salt by J. W. THRELKPJ), J*12 Congress and Wbttaker streets. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 38, MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR BAVANNAH, James HI. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Bay, Street, below the Post Offico. duueciobs: ALANSON MARSH, S. A. ROLLO . firm of A. S. Barnes & Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, Pratt k Co. I. P. BALLARD. “ « Livlngston, Ballard Jt Co. WM. M. DODGE, “ “ Wm. M. Dodge Jt Co. P. J. AVERY H. A. CURTIS, “ “ H. A. Curtis A Co. WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. L1PPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, “ Hustod k CarU. WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, “ •• W. H. Lyon k Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ « Leo, Murphy Jt Co. JOS. H. WESIGOTT, “ Briggs, Westcott k Co. JOS. FATMAN, “Fatmau&Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, « •« Geo. Savory k Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. IV. OGDEN, Vloo Preslpent. WM. EL ROLLO, Secretary. _fThls Comiwiny will Issue Policies upon Ma rino, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Fire Risks, at liberal rates of premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agont, oct 81 No. 85, Bay Street. the gReat WesteRn fire and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Perm. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $500,000, FIRS, MAKI.SE, AND INLAND lNStTRANCS. directors! Charles C. Lathrop, 632 spruce stroet; Aloxondor Whlldeu, Merchaut, 14 North Front-sL; Jobu 0. Huuter, firm of Wright. Hunter A Co.; E. Tracy, lirm of Tracy Jt Bakor; John K. M’Curdy, Arm of Jouos, White Jt M’Curdy; Isaac llazlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor; James b. Smith, firm of Juines B. Smith k Co.; Thoodoro W. Baker, firm of Tracy Jt Baker; It. S. Walton, 3U0-.Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; Jolrn J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES 0. I,ATHROP, President. Tuos. K. Limerick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 15 No. 85 Bay stroet. ENTERPRISE! INSURANCE COMP’Y, No, II Pine street, New liork, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET-) Cash Capital—$150,0001 T HIS Company Insures against loss or damago by Elro, on the most reasonable terms, dwelling bouses and furniture, warehouses, stores aud mer chandize, factories, snips in port, etc. All looses will bu adjusted uud promptly paid. D. S. MILLS. President, C. BROOM, Vice President. Enw’D C. Taylor, Sccrctuiy, Uko. B. Deane, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 17 lor savauuah, 8b Buy street. _ , WM. J. HUNT, Cor. ttloiittfoinej'y & York sts. SAVANNAH, GA., L> ESPEOTFULLY informs tbe Ladies and -LI) Ucutlomou of this City that ho is prepared to serve them overy evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own pocullar stylo, and hoposto merit a Bhare ot public patronage, I Savanuah, 17th April, 1866. 8m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st, would respectfully aunouuce to tho citizens ol Bavannah that ho Is ready to mako nnd put down Carpots. OU Cloth, Mattiug, &c., at tbo shortest no ted, ami on tho roost reasonable terms. oct3-“' ICE CREAM! SEW CONPEC'jrIbNAflY STORE No. OH Bryan Street. TWO DOORS ABOVE MK. UKIKEEN’H JEWELRY STORE. fFHEundersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavuuuuh iu particular, uud tho publio guuorally, mat ho has this day opened a new Coufec- liuuury Store, aud will keep ou hand a largo and rush assortment, of all kinds aud discretions. Ho will ut all times uud hours, ho rcudy tofurulsh .turtles, with Buppars. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate", at all honri. Ornaraontod Cukes, Pios, &c. &o., made to order. Hu hopes from lougoxporlonco to givo satisfaction, to all who will honor iiim with their patronage. H. B BUZZULA. No. 98 BryanS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, *c. W E have just received a now stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives. Salt Collars, Fish, l'ie, Cuko and Ice Croam Knives ; also, Stool uui. Plated ou Stuul Table Cutlorv, Ourvora, Ice lltchorB, Bread Knives. Plated and Parlon Butter Stands, be sides a quantity of usofol articles too numerous to meutton. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. June4 WANTED. A Consiguco for 10 tubs of Butter, raurkod J. F. Jt D., lauded per steamshipKnozvlllo from Now lork. [JoO] PADELFORD, FAY Jt CO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 CONGRESS AND 67 ST. JULlEN-RTKEErB. mHE Subscriber has received, and will open ■ this day, tho largest and most oxtcnslve variety uiwlNDOW SHADES over offered in this city. It is tho intention oftho advertiser to keep constantly In more a largo supply or all tho various patterns and styles manufactured by tho manufacturers of this country and of Franco, to which the attention of mer chants and families in tho city aud couutry, is in vited. Thoy will bo sold at wholusalo und retell, at satisfactory prlcos. W H. GU10N, Agont. Jan 8 CLASS E—NEW , To be drawn in the CUy of Montgomery. Alabama, In public, on TUUIteliAY, July 10, 1866, ou the k avana’p i. ini SAMUEL 8WAN~Managcr. Prises amounting to 206,000 DoUars! I Will be Dlstrlbutea according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 30,000 IN uinl)t15,000 Prizes 1 1 prize of $36,000 is $36,000 1 do do 10,000 is 10,000 1 do do 6,000 is 6,000 1 do do 2,000 is 2,000 1 do do 1,200 Is 1,200 1 do do 1,100 is ... 1,100 1 do do 1,000 1s 1,000 1 do do 900 U 000 1 do do /... 800 is 800 1 .Uo do,.... 620 id 620 10 do do 200 is 2,000 100 do do 100 is 10.000 4 prlzoB ot $200 approxlm’g to $36,000 are $800 4 “ 160 a 10,000 are ooo 4 •• 100 *» 6,000 uro 400 4 “ 80 M 2,000 are 320 4 “ 70 it 1,20b ore 280 4 “ 60 »» 1,100 uro 200 4 “ 40 tl 1,000 are 180 4 “ 30 OUO are 120 4 “ 28 It 8UUuro 112 4 « 24 • 1 020 uro 88 40 “ 20 tt 200 are 800 400 “ 10 <t 100 aro 4000 i,000 8K- 127,600 16,001) prizes amounting to $206,200 Tho 16,000 prices of ot $8ui o determined by thu number whiuli draws the $36,000 prize—if that number should bo un odd number, then every odd number ticket in thu Bchomu will bo emitted to $8){; U an even number, then every even uuuibur ticket will be emitted to $8>j iu addition touny other prize whloh may be drawn. Purchasers in buying on equal quantity of odd and even number tickets, will be certain or drawing noarly cue half tho coat of tho some, with cbaucos of obteiuiug other prizes. jgg- Remember tbut every prize is drawn, and payuble iu full without deduction. MOT All prizes of $1,000 aud under, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—othor prizes ut the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will bu forwarded to purchasers Immediately after Uio drawing. Wholo Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or rouuwed iu other Tickets at either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressod cither to ti. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga., Jol Or b. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. N EATSFOOT OIL, of the bust quality constantly for sale low by CHAFFER k CO., may 16 6 Whitaker street. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS ftsr 5,oa~i pRi/.bb.-ga 00,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only 11 Git AN D SPJECU LAI'I O N 111 FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AUTHORITY OK THK STATS U» GKURUIA. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTBHY. CLASS O. To bo drawn July thu 16th, I860, at Concert Hall, Mucon, Ua., uuder the sweru superintendence ol Col. Goo. M. Logan and Jus, A. Nisbot, Esq. Thla Lottery Is drawn ou the plan of tho Royal Lottery of Havana of tingle numbers; this has only lu,oou numbers, and tnu lluvuuu Lottery 34,0UU uumbers—thu Havana 24U prizes, tills 6,031 prices! Look to yuur interest i Now is tho time. CAPITAL $7,600. 1 Prizoof $ 7,600 is $ 7,600 1 1 3 6 20 6000 8,000 is 3,000 2,000 is..., 2,000 1,000 uro 3,000 600 mo 2,6U0 luO are 2,000 bare 40,000 6041 prizes amounting to $00,000 Tickets $10^Hulvcs $6—Quarters $2.60. 47* Prizes payable without deductiuu. tOT Perseus bending luouey by inuil need not four its being lost, orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bunk notes uf sound buuks taken at pur. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. tar Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. The 6,uuu prlzus of $8, are determined by the drawiug of the capital of $7,600; if the numbur thul draws the Capital is uu eveu number, those Tickets eu.diig 0. 2, 4, 0, 8, are entitled to $8; il uu odd number llioae 'Tickets ending with 1,8, 6, 7, 0, are outitlud to $8, Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Junei7 Mucon, ua. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savauuun, Ua. "PRIME YELLOW CORN. -Iu btore aud lor X sulo by may7 YOUNG JsWYATT B acon and LARD.—60 lilnlaf - Iirimo Bacon bides ; 30 hhds. prime Dacou Shoulders ; 20 nuts, prime liuilimore Leaf l.uru. Laudlug, und fur auto by tiCRANTCN JOHNSTON k CO. juuo 1 B ACON—76 hbds prime Dateu bides; 60 Uo do bhoulders;20 cusUs choice uouvasbed Hums; to do Tennessee do; just received aud lor sulo JUU024 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. L iverpool salt.—too sacks, ten to the ion, landing lroru ship Eli Whitney, and for aiuu by inarlO PADLFORD, FAY ft CO. AUAZINES FOR JUNE—Putuain’s. Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Maguziuu; M Artuur’s Home Magazine; Uudey’s Lady’s Rook; Hurpor’s New Monthly, uud Dickun’s Household Words, received uud lor salu by WAKNOCK J: DAVIS, Juuo 8 169 Cougresa street. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.—Neatly trim- mud and for sale to cIoku cousiguiuuut. may!7 YoUNU ftjWYATT, B AUULNU —luo bales heavy Uuuuy Hugging, re ceived and for Bale by juuo 4 HOLOUMBE. JOHNSON ft CO. JtlAClllNEliY AND UtUN RAILING MAN Cl FAC TO li Y AND AGENCY. bl’. JULIAN S'TRKET, bAVAANNAH, UA. (Ncnr tlin Market.) F ROM the most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his connections with several of tho priuclpul muuufucturng cstab- Ushmuuts of Phlladeliihiu, Now Y r ork. aid Boston, the Uudcrelgued Is prepared to furniush MACH1N ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, UltlbT AND FI.UUR M1L1H, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES. STORE FltONTb. Coluiuus, Window SilL aud IJutils, Iron Doors, buutters, fto., at Northern price*. Ho is also prepured to repair Machinery uud irou work of overy description, ut short uotico, upon rcu.-:ouablo terms. Aa agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a greut varie ty uf designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB B'TONEb, Ac. Also Iron Bulling in greut variety, lor enclosures, and to receive orders, und pul up the work at mau- faoturors’ prioes. H. H. L1NV1LLE. Savaunah, April 11,1860. aprll B read, matches'k UiJioN bYitup— 60 bbla Sugar, bo«lu, and Butter Buiscuit; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Matches, round boxes. 76 boxes la-mou Syrup. Received aud far salo by McMAHON & DOYLE, joll Nos. 206 ft 207 Bay streoL 61A BBLS ol Mercer aud early June Potatoes Alv recciovod pur steamer Augusta, uud tor sale by maylfl J. I). J12SSE, QUUAK, ftc,—76 bbla and 10 lihds A, B and C kJ Sugars; 16 hhds M( lasses; 26 Uo Bacon bides and Shoulders; received aud for salo by McMAHON ft EuVLD, _ iunelO 206 uud 207 Bay streoL VrEW UObliEN ltUlTElt AND C'HEEbfi—16 tubs and 10 kegs choice new Gosliou Butter; 20 boxes Uoshcn Cheese, landing from Htemncr and for le by SCliANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. Juuo 17 SUGARS.—60 barrels Stuarts A and U Clarified O Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. -Land ing and for uolo by inay!6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. XT O. MOLASSES, landing from schooner JLl # Abby Francis, and for salo by M>OKETT ft HNEI.LINGS. Q UN NY CLOTH—In store and formate by Juno 4 PADELFOIU), FAY ft CO. S TUART’S SUGAR.—30 bbls Stuart’s Crashed Su gar 20 bbls Stuart’s Powdered Sugar 60 do . do A Clarified do 60 do 'do B do do 60 do do 0 do do Just received and for sale by J/4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. MOURNING GOODS, B LACK Frcuch Bombazine, Black Alpacas, Black Lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Clmllio, Black French Lawn, Black und White Frouch Mus lin, and a lino assortment of Striped and Plaid Black aud Whilo Ginghams und t'nllcoes, Plain and Striped Black Sewing bilks, and Urcnudincs, Baregoand Tissues, Plain and Figurod Black bilks, for summer collars and sleeves, of thu latest patents. For sale by [Jel2] AIKIN ft BURNS, S OAP, CANDLES, ftc.—100 boxes Rncliah ft Smith’s fondly Honp; luo do Colgate’s No 1 aud H Bar do; 50 do do Palo Uo; 76 do Beadol’s Tallow Candlus; 60 do Adamantine do, Star Brand; 60 do Colgate’s uud Oswegu Peail Starch: for salo by juno'24 SCR A XTUN. JOHNSTON ft CO. Farm at Private sal*. A very desirable tract or land, only three miles from tho city, containing about 80 acres, bslT of which is cleared ft under good and substantial fence. The cleared land is a rich loomy soil, and well adapted for gardening put poses. There is a well of most excellent water on thu premises aud all neces sary out-buildings, uegro, houses, barns, ftc. Tbe bulance or Uie tiact, say 4o acres, is unclcarod land und heavily timbered with valuable timber, and tho soil excellent. The locality is very excellent; not ono caso of sickness has occurred on the prom- isos during the wholo time tho present' proprietor has owned iu This is a chunco for an investment rarely to bo met with, and any person wishing a quiet private resldonco hoar the city, or any person desirous of going into tno gardening business to raise fruit and vegetables for our markot, will find this thu placo to HUit, For terms, which will bo very liberal, Inquire at our count!ug room, 164 Bay stroet. Titles undispute- bio- Jy8 At Private* bate. One of tbe finest -hotel or boarding honse ser vants in the btate. Enquire at 164 Bay street Juue24 At frlnii Ma. ' A negro woman, 22 yours or age, a good plain cook and field hand. Warranted sound. Title un doubted. Junolfl At Private bale. A negro man, aged 26 years, a first rate hostler and houso servant. Title undoubted. JelO At Private bale. A very likely Intelligent mulatto girl, aged 19 yours, a first rate cook, washur and iroucr, aud an cxcellout seumstrefts. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, JunolU At Privato Salo. A very likely mulatto man, ugotl 24 years, a first rate curpouter. Wurrauted sound. Title undoubt ed. Jufiol9 At Private bale. A very likely negro mun, aged 22 years, a good Hold baud. \\ urruuted sound. Titlo undoubted. JunolU At Privato bale. 1700 bushels IUce, on excellent article for stock or ull kinds. Cali and examine. Prico 26 cents per bushel. JuuolB Wonted! Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of the Stute uf Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price will bo paid. JunolU To Rent. Two good stores, uudor tho bluff, at tbo foot of Whltakur street Juue 19 Wanted to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, in a central locution—one froutiug ou a squaro would bo prefer red-fur such uu ouo u liberal price would bo given. JunulU At Private Sale. Thirty ellglblo building l.oU, 60 foot front by 100 to 124 uot deep, situated ou Tuylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. Theso lots aro ou high giound and some of them in thu immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for the situ of tho Savuuuah, Albuuy und Gulf Railroud Depot. Terms sutnu as city lots, viz : oue-llith cash, Uio balance bearing interest at six per cunt. JuuelU TAKE NOTICR P URCHASERS will have their goods dollvored free of oxponso With quick dispatch from tho bavannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, cornor Brough- lou ami Whitaker, streets. tar l would call tho attention or Fruiters gener ally to my well selected block of Groceries, receiv ing dully. Jo23~tr W. H. FARRELL. KKSH Halibut und" ftuiinou in lib and 2 lbs T? _T Ci Cuus, an excellent aiTlclo for bummer uso, for sale by J. D. JESSE. Jya E XTRA ciiuico Uoshoif Butter, afresh supply, pet steamer Knoxville, lor salo by . o J- D - Jy? irVuNNY BAGGING—360 halos superior Gunny VXlbgglng for salo by Jol—1 w PADELFORD. FAY ft CO. ■jiLUUK—130 sackH superfine Flour, for sale bytff J? WILLIAM LYNN, Jun*37—3t 87 Bay street. THE GREAT BOUTilUltN REMEDY f PRYOR’sTirNTMENT. I T Is a sure and apeedy cure for boma, piles, conic, felons, lover bores, ulcers, scald bead, tetter wurm, sore nipples, (recommcmleu by uur- sos,) sure and cracked lips, iresh wounds and sores of any description. It is u most vuluublu remedy and cure, which cau be testified to by thousand* who liuvu used it iu tuuuy portions of the South for the lust few years. In no uistunoo will tho salve do any iujury, or iuterfero with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from pcuplo who have used it themselves, and must earnestly recommend It to othure us a bpeedy aud certain remedy lor tho above uatued utseuses. A trial is ull that is necessary for Its owu recummondatiun. Among tho mauy that have testified to tho effica cy of tins valuable remedy, and recommended it to the public, uro Dr R A T Ridley, Judge E Y Hill, Judge U A Bull, R J Morgun,Ebq, J L Stephens, Lsq, and thousands of otliurs. bold by J BMoore, fcavannuh, Ga; JEHall, Amer icas, Uu; Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Ga; McEeeson, Robins ft Co, New York; and druggi&ts generally. 4&tT J By remitting ouo dollar to the proprietor a single box ol ihe Ointment will be forwurued by mail, tree of postage, to uny part of the U Mutes. bold by J. u. MOURE, buvuuuuh, ua., und drug, gists generally, V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, may 13 LuUrungu, Ua. P. JACOBS. SUGAR AND TOliAGCO STORE). No. 2D, Bull btreot, (sign ot' the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps cuuslunuy ou hand bpuulsh, Hail Spanish, uud American Sugars, at wholesale aud re- ull. Also, Chewing Tobucco, auull, ftc. juue 1 JAlilEk MeHEMlY, Insurance Broker and .Notary Public. Murine Protests Noted und Extended, Average^ adjusted, Charier Parties ana Average Bouds druwus Papers prepured whereby to recover losses irom Amuricuu or British Underwriters, and attention given touil matters connected with shipping uud in- surauce, No. 118 Buy-street opi»osite the front ol the Custom Houso. ly uov 8 / PATENT ELLIPSE niKris giifiiHEiPo Every mun ills own Card Printer. C l ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S l Putcut Eclipse liuud btumi>, tho best, cheupost aud most couvcuiuutufuuy thing for thu purpose yet otlbrud lor sulu. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Cougrebs SL iium’s nii’iuiviii) sewisu mas. |A ES1GNED Expressly for making Bugs—uud JJ which is decidedly superior to any other machine for liiut pur|tose. bpool or skein thread cun be used of any desired length, aud which will not need to bo changed until thu wholo is used. Bug muuaufactureis, Uraiu'und Flour merchants are particularly luviled to call aud examine il ut 136 Con gross struct. Muy25. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. AgL HUNT ^WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE ttEWINO MACHINE. T'VESiUNED lor Families, pluniatiuus, Dress ma- J^/kers, Tullors, Boot ft thou munuiucturura uud utiiers wuo may wish to do Uieir owu suwiug cheap ly uud with expedition. This machine tews a uui- term stitch will) both sides alike, and which will net ravel. It is more simple, is less liublu to get out of order, aud costs less iu proportion tlmu uuy other muchiuu, und is wurruniud to be perfect, aud to work well. All apparatus tiuccAHury for convenient use is furnished with it, aud auy instruction will bu given that will be necessary to eusure to thu purchuser Us successful operation uud durability. Tbo public uro respectfully iuvited to call and ex. atniue them at 135 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. AgL t&~ A very neat aud ornuiuoutul irou Table win uow bo givcu with a machine lor a small sum iu udditluu to tho regular prico. May 26. HUWE8 COTTON HAKVEbTEUi PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866, T HIS improvement enublcs oiio field hand to nick as much cotton as live can pick by the old method aud baviug tho cottim free from trash, ana in better condition for ginning. Thu ubovo muchiucs uro lor salo at 136 Congress street buvonnah, and 126 Meeting Btreet, Charles ton, ti. C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, aud ull interested aro respectfully invited to cull and oxuiniuu them. County KigUts cau bu bought oa favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTFJL_ C ORN.—lb,OUu bushels Tennessee Cfcru in stora aud for sulo low by Jo2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. t ll.ouii AM) UACON 601} E.ukis Flour ; 10,000 1 lbs Bucou, in store and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. |iALT1MUUEFLOUR—lou blits superfine Haiti- Jjinoro Flour laudlug porschr Woodbridgo, and for sulu by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. E LF1NED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS— 60 bbls tituart’s A Crashed tiugar, 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received und for salo by Jol HCUANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. M ONUNUAHELA WHitiKY— “ 26 bbs Old Mouongahela Whisky. 60 “ Doublo Distilled “ Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. " L AN DLORD'AND TEN ANT. rpHE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. JL Smith, with Notes of Amorlcan coses by P. P. Morris. Bauvior’8 Law Dictionary, lost edition. Bauvior’s Institutes American Law. Nellgau’B Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Browuonsomc Diseases or Women admitting or surgical Treatment. Fliut on Diseases oftho Respiratory Organs. Budd ou Diseases of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway nnd Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland in ’08 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By J.Savago. National System of Political Economy. From the Gorman, or List. , aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. rflHE ATTENTION of strangers visiting the JL olty and tho publio generally, is Iuvited to aa examination of our stock or Spriug aud 8umm*r Goods, which for variety and style is not to bo ex celled in this city. »pr28 AIKIN ft BURNS. 75 aprll CASKS Baoon, Hams, Sides and Should dors, Just received and forsafob^ ^ CRANE, 1 III CO,