Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 10, 1856, Image 1

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V VOL. xxxvm [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) THURSDAY, JULY 10, I860. NO. 12018. GEORGIAN & JOURNAL THURSDAY, Two O'clock, P. U. Won’t Bottom tii* Squatter Sovihiion.— The New Orleans Delta, tho lending organ of the Louisiana Democracy, says the Augusta Chronicle, openly repudiates Mr. Buchanan, be cause of nts declaration in lUvor of squatter sovereignty, in his letter of acceptance; and declares Us determination not to support him.— Republican qf this morning. There happen to be two material errors in the Chronicle's paragraph. In the first place, the New Orleans Delta is not and never was a Dem ocratic organ. It Is in politics independent— sometimes sustaining, sometimes opposing Democratic candidates. If we recolloet right ly, it refused to supi>ort the Democratic nomi a oees for Mayor and Aldermeu in the late dec.* tion iu New Orluaus. The N. O. Courier Is the Democratic organ iu that ciiy. But the other error is more important. So to from repudiating Mr. Buchanan, the Delta is attempting to unite the whole body of the Southern people iu his support. We have be. ion us its issue of July 4th, in which, after mentioning three Southern States as not entire ly certain for Buchanan, it goes on to say: The failure of either of these States to vote with the other Southern States as a unit would seriously endanger the result, and might throw the election into the House, where there is lit tle doubt the Black Bepublicaus would triumph as they did iu the election of Speaker. It be comes then the obvious duty and policy of all Who would defeat the Black League, which is headed by Fremout, to endeavor-to cuucentrate the whoio strength of the South upon the strongest constitutional ticket that is presented. That is uuquestiouabLy the Buchanan and Breckenridge ticket, upon the Douglas-Soule platform. Mr. Fillmore can only enter us an clement to disturb the calculation on which this policy is based. He has uot even an uppreoiable chance Of election. It is a rnukintatuatiou to suppose so. The delusion cuu do nothing but produce a marplot iu the South, nml will uot detract one whit from the Black Republican consolidation lathe North. In the North the buttle will be waged against the South, and the more distinct the issue, and couceutrutcd the opposition in the South, the better. The question is, who is the most esnservative, uatfonal and available candidate for the South to uuite upon ? From all present indications and data, Air. Buchan an, take him ull in ull, plutform included, Is that Worse titan Border Romanism* We published some time since a communica tion from tho Rev. Pardee Butlor of Kansas, taken from the JV. Y. Tribune, in which It will be remembered he gave a doleful account of hts treatment in Kansas, and particularly by certain South Carolina friends, as ho termed them. He appears to huve removed his head quartern lately to Illinois, and to have called upou tho citizens .of Brown Gouuty, iu that State, for sympathy,.and got np a public meet* ing for the occassion. His success was most brilliant, and presents one of the most ludicrous pictures we have ever seeu. If we could have the vote of Brown County before us, os It wiIf be given next fall, we would bo willing to wugcr largely on a heavy Democratic majority there ; without having any knowledge of the state of parties in the said County. Wo extract the particulars from u cotcmpora ry : Upon tho representations of Klder Pardee Butler relative to his treatment iu the town of AtchLsou, Kansas Territory, a public meeting was called lu Mount Sterling, Brown county, :. One ot ti If such is the case, then every vote cost against him in the South is a vote indirectly in favor of the Black Republican ticket. But let the South go as a unit for Buchauau against the Black Fusion—given that Pennsylvania and any one other free State go the same way— and the defeat of Fremont will be ensured; the black tide will be hurled back from the Capi tol which it threatens to engulph, and for lour years, at least the Union may hold together without subjecting the South to the alternative of abject submission to the rabid Kukistocrncy of the North or secession. Now we rather like to seo the independent presses of the South repudiating Mr. Buchan' an, after this fashion. Our readers will agree With ub, that such a “ declaration of a deter mination not to support him” in non partisan Journals, of extensive circulation, will not atrlously lessen his chances of election. Congressional. Washington, July 7—Senate.—Mr. Yulee reported a joint resolution, which pas passed, appropriating $10,000 for the continuance of tliemail service between Charleston and Ha vana during August and September, for Which the present contract did not provide. The bill for the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi, which whs vetoed by the Presi dent, was then considered. Mr. Slidell, of Lu.,aud Mr. Cass madespeech Min favor of tho bill. The question*‘shulithe bill pass notwithstand ing the objections of the President ?” was thou put, and adopted in the affirmative, by a vote ofyeas 31, nuys 12. The Chair announced that two-thirds of those present having voted for the bill, it was passed. Mr. Mason, of Virginia, appealed from the decision of the Chair. Alter some delude, the decision of the Chair web sustained—yeas 34, nays 7. The Senate theu passed the bills for the im provement of St. Mary’s ltiver and the St Clair Flats, over tho President’s veto—the for mer by a vote of 28 to 10, and the latter 28 to 8. Uouee.—The Senate bill for the admission of Kansas, was referred to the Committee on Ter ritories, and ordered to be printed, with utueud- meats, to be ottered by Messrs. Dunn, of Ind., and Bennett and Haven, of New York. The bill pending fora settlement of the claims of officers of the Revolutionary army, and widowsaudorpbauHor those who diediu the Bervice, was ordered to be engrossed lor a third veadiug, The House raj used to suspend the rules in or der to act on the resolution of the Senate fix ing tho time for adjournment. An Aggravated Case of Murder, Old Point Comfokt, Va., July 7. Dear Express A very aggravated case of murder occurred nn Saturday night last, at Hampton, in this vicinity. A man named Mr* bone, who kept a small grocery shop, lmd long ‘ yiugon an ulif'* * been suspected of curryiug on an illicit traffic with negro slaves, and the eye of the police lmd beeu fastened upon him of late very closely. On Saturday night about U o’clock, un officer nara- ad Lively, finding an unlawful ussemby of ne. groes upon Ids premises, entered with the pur pose ol arresting him, when Mnlione seized n S on loaded with buck shot and killed Lively ead upon the spot. A great excitement pre vails in the community of Humpton in conse quence of this diabolical outrage. At tho last accounts, Alalmne hud uot Itccn arrested.- Petersburg Exjnese. Illinois, on May 31st. f ¥ _ jrkc binges of the people that was ever witnessed in the largest assent- Brown county met at the Court House. The •.*owd being too large to be accommodated In the Court House, adjourned to the Court Hoime yard. On motion, Johu W. Price, was called to the chair, and James Wash appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was explained, and tlie questions presented discussed by a number of shakers. After which the following rosolu. tions were introduced by J. R. Gordon jtud adopt- ted by an oyurwhelmiug yea : Whereas. The citizens of Brown county, Ill., were called together to sympathise with Puradee Butler, and through him to furnish Abolition and Black Republicanism thunder: And, whereas, the citizens of Brown county are not iuformed of sufficient facts iu the case to induce them to sympathise with Paradec Butler having heard the stutesmeuU of only one side, aud knowing by experience that two versions of such matters mo generally given, neither of which is apt to be totally without foundation: And, whereas, Paradee Butler, from his own statement, went to Atchison, in the Territory of Kansas, iu the character of a bully, for the avowed purpose of exciting a mob spirit, and met a bully’s fate; therefore, Hesolved, fThol while we deprecate mobs and the mob spirit that has prevailed in Kansas, as well as iu other portions of our Union, we de precate equally the spirit of fanaticism, so fre quently oviuced, that is calculated to arouse and excite this mob feeiling in nn excited com munity. Anu whereas, believing Pardee Butler to have beeu endowed witli a sufficient portion of common sense to foresee the consequences oi his own acta, and believing, farther, that the counsellors and instigators of the calling of tills meeting designed to furnish the ubolitiou fanatics of the day with political capital—there fore, Resolved, That the citizens of this county express no sympathy with Pardee Butler, un der the present circumstances, and have no de sire to famish the minions of tiewurd, Greeley, Giddings & Co. materials to feed the depraved appetites of their deluded followers, who wor ship at the shrine of Abolitionism, und invoke in their prayers disunion. Resolved, That hereafter, when any person or f lemons call a meeting for the purpose of pasti ng Black Republican resolutions, they be and are hereby requested to call for the attendaueo of Abolitionists and Black Republicans, and not for the attendance ot the citizens of Brown county. Resolved, That tho citizens of Brown county recognise the right of the people of each State and Territory to regulate their own domestic institutions as free and sovereign powers, with out the interference of the people of any other State or Territory. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing l»e published in the Western Spy, Quincy Republican, .Quincy Herald, State Register, Chicago Times, Missouri Republican, Ruahvillc Jacksonville mid Pike county papers. After nine hearty cheers for tlie Union the meeting adjourned. JOHN. W. PRICE, Chairman. James Wash, Secretary. American State Convention of Georgia, The Georgia Citizen extra of yesterday, brings us the ottlolal report of the proceedings of the Convention: After an Informal organisation, It was mov ed and carried, thut all persons presetit friend ly to the eleotion of Hon. Millard Fillmore, of New York, to the Presidency of the United Sfutes,’, be invited to tuke scats in tlie body and participate in its deliberations. On motion of Col. A. U. Wright of Jofltenon It was Resolved, That all persons present from Coun ties that have no regular delegation, be invited to take seats as Representatives of the counties in which they live. The following names were enrolled as dele gates from Chathuin: F. S. Bartow, J. E. Roden, Tims, 8. Wayne, Jno. N. Lewis, H. C. Perryman, B. H. Har dee, J. G. Rogers, Geo. W. Hurdcostlc, John A, Ells. The following report was presented by Mr Bartow, Chuirman of committco on business yesterday mom ing, and unanimously adopt* ed: Tlie American party of Georgia adopt the following declaration of principles: 1. The maintenance of this Union of co-equal sovereign States, as our lathers made it, as the paramount political good—paramount in its adaptation to the security of our rights and the nuppiness or the people. 2. The means by wbicb wc propose to main tain this is obedience to tho Constitution of the United States, and ull laws passed iu pursuance thereof, as sacredly obligatory upon individuals aud States. 3. We regard the great doctrines of retlgiouB liberty aud the separation of Church and State as cardinal principles of our government—as well settled und us firmly established as the right of trial by jury und the writ of habeas corpus, and therefore we will oppose the eleva tion to office of auy uud all persons who deny the great American doetriue of liberty of cou- science, or who favor the union of Church aud titate, or who recognize any civil allegiance to auy foreign power, prince or potentate what ever. 4. The purity of tlie ballot box—tho ad ministration of our laws—the safety of our S le—the integrity of our Government—tlie ision of putiper and criminal immigration, aud tho enforcement of our neutrality laws, de mand, iu our opinion, a material modification of our naturalization laws and a radical revision of our immigration laws. By this we do not seek to disturb, iu any manner tlie privileges of those of our foreign bom citizens who are naturalized under our existing laws, uud we invite all of them who ugree to our principles to Income members of the American Party. 5. Tho territory of the United States wo re gard us the common property of ail the States as co-equul sovereignties, amt us such open to settlement by the citizens of tho States with their property us matter of right; aud that no power resides uitlier iu Congress or tho territo rial Legislature, or the people of the territories while a territory, to exclude from hcttlcmeut in any territory any portion of the citizens of this Republic with their property legally held in the States from which they emigrate. We repudiate therefore the doetriue commonly called squatter sovereignty iu the territories. ti. The right to vote is a privilege of citizen ship, uud should not be extended to foreiga emigrants in a territory before they are natural ized. Iirb in Augusta.—A lire occurred aboutone o’clock on yesterday morning, in a house situat ed in the neighborhood of the lower level of the Augusta Canal, aud ou the West side of Mar- bury street, unteuauted, but owned by Mr. Nagle. The fire then extended to the two-story house occupied as a residence by Mr. Nagle— and also burnt down tlie two udjoinlng build ings owned by J. Meyer. All four of the hous es were destroyed. We understand that the loss will be about three thousand dollars, which will fall upon insurance companies. The fire Was evidently the work of an incendiary, as a previous unsuccessful effort, but a few nights belore. hud lieen made to destroy this same property—Aug. Constitutionalist, July 0/A. 'Ihe Expected Dismissal of Mr, Dallas. r A correspondent of the N. York Post writ- Ing from London under date June 17th, when it was expected Mr. Dallas would be dismissed l was at the House last evening, and it was most interesting scene. The House was crowded by members and the galleries by strangers ° J Lord John Russell spoke with great serious- ness, and every, body felt thut it wus a most important crisis in tne career of the Anglo- Saxon race. When Palmerston uroso to an nounce the determination of the Ministry, the Mlfliice wus profound uud the anxiety intense. At tbe announcement thut they hud determined not to suspend relations with tho American Minister, there was a perfect thrill of emotion und satisfaction. So close the Cabinet kept the matter, that whoa I arrived at Mr. Dallas’ to congratulate him, lie had not received tho ■lightest intimation of his lute, aud 1 hud the vey ^reat satisfaction of announcing it to him bMUMr Pahunt—O. VV. Kendall, of tlm * Inayune, write to that iiapor, that ho JUtowH a lady in San Antonio who before her •Ideal son was chaatiwd foraome fault, tainted i?™ i H , llou . l,i 1,0 l* Bt under influence ofchloro- lorm to dendeu the aenae of pain. . I?* A 0 ’’ 1 ** 40 * or Tkui-ehinc, Drink— a Otowninn boy was recently rcacoed In Boa- Sttai 0 "*'’"J', a , M r- kotan, whereupon a by. tand«rreni.rl( the Hula fellow would Thi*IS&!) eU ’ taa11 “i* b " n #* Cmm-aid, *“* wm promptly utmM. American Affairs Iu England, A gentleman named Gainsborough who uses only tlie initial "D,” hut who enclosed his curd to the editor of the London Star, writes that he isuncur relativo of Mr. Crampton, aud thus terminates his letter: “I have most strongly felt and most firmly believe that the public interests have lieeu over looked for private considerations. Sir Phillip Crauipton, Buronet, of whom the lute Ameri can Minister is tlie only son, aud the Earl of Clarendon during tlie Earl’s Vice Royalty in Ireland, as well as iu former times, wiien his lordship (then Mr. Yiltiera) occupied a situation iu the customs of Dublin, were on terms of the most cordial uud intimate friendship. /•Through his lordship’s interest Mr. Cramp- ton Urst entered the Diplomutic service- through his lordship’s interest Mr. Crumpton was promoted to that exalted position lie 1ms recently filled, and ill which, through iiis lord- ship’s exertions, he bus retahied until the Presi dent of the United States has been compelled to dismiss him, though the voice of the coun try and the honorable feelings of tho majority ot our countrymen felt at once that Lora Clar endon ought at once to have recalled him. 1 repeat, sir, and I fully believe that the public good has been sacrificed to Lord Clarendon’s private friendship, and therefore, although personally I shall feel inclined to spare Mr. Crumpton on the gronud of our relationship, I put you in possession of these facts.” The London Star has a capital article, in which it says: ••Her Majesty’s Ministers have followed tho better purt of valor, which is discretion, iu Die decision they have adopted respecting our rela tions with the United States. Lord Palmeratou stated last night, amid the cheers of a very crowded Houho of Commons, that the govern ment had not advised her Majesty to suspend communications with the Minister of the United States iu this country ; in other und less diplo matic language, thut Mr. Dallusis not to bo dis missed. We are quite willing to give them credit for having been actuated iu tnis matter by motives of justice and patriotism. Still, there is no harm in stating the fact, which we believe is unquestionable, that if they had come to the opposite conclusion, they would have been defeated on Mr. Bailie’s motion, and must have surrendered the reins of power into other hands. Be thut as it may, we earnestly con gratulate the nation un the issue, for it nus for tlie present ut least dispelled a cloud, big with elements of terror and destruction, and which was gradually overspreadiug tho horizon.” It hits off the Post and Times most liapii.... "Tnere is another useful revelation thut has come out of this business, and tbnt is, that the bluster ol our so-culled leading Journals, is of extremely small sigiiificmico or authority. A few days ago we cited some specimens of the literary thunder that had been directed against the United Stutes for tlie lost few months. Tlie Americans were warned, in the most explicit language of the summary vengeance that would full upon them, if they dared to offer any indig nity to the accredited Ambassador of England. Mr. Crampton was represented os u spotless in nocent, on whose transparent veracity and vir tue not tlie shadow of au imputation should be allowed to rest, a man proud in tho conscious ness of unimpeachable integrity— •Who, loll no fesr, for he know no sin * But look ut the columns of those papers yes terday, when they knew or suspected that the government was uot going to send Mr. Dallas ti way. It is reully edifying to see how meekly they prepare to eat their leek. For their part, they regret to be obliged to acknowledge thut they fear Mr. Crampton was not a very dis creet tnau, und not quite lit for his position, aud that certainly it would bo n pity to go to war with our dear American brethren on such nn issue! And we trust that this will not be without its effect ou tho other side of the Atlan- fto* that tho people of the United .Stutes will believe that much of the hravado iu which It is the pleasure of these papers to indulge, Is mere ly empty babble, ‘full of sound and fury, signi fying nothing.’ When, therefore, they hear these volcanoes of mud fix und explode, don’t let them be inordinately alarmed, for the end of the world is not yet come. at an Isolated point, Raving to collect from re mote sources laborers, tools, provisions, aud ma terials of every description. Ono thousand tons of iron for this road have been shipped from New York to Fcrnandina. Four thousand tons of iron have recently been purchased in England for the road, fifteen hun dred of which have been alreudy shipped lor Fcrnandina, and the balance will lie shipped during this month. These purcliusta.will iron fitly miles of the road, and it is the intcution of tlie Company to huve it all laid down by the first of February next. at farthest, so as to have Tilly*milesof tho road opened for business ut that time. A locomotive and cars will be shipp ed from Philadelphia for Furimndina during tuo present mouth, und will aid greatly iu facilitat* jug the construction of tlie read. About three hundred liunds are now employed,to bo increas ed In October to six hundred, aud the work will be pressed to its completion with the utmost energy. It is the expectation and determim tion of tho Company to iuive it finished und m operation in two yeurs from this time. Fernandina is sltuated.'iVwriia northern point of Amelia Island, at tho mouth or St. Mury’s Sound. It has an admirable harbor, with an ample depth of water fora large commerce, it Is about 152 miles froQF Charleston, or nlwiit twelve hours run by steamers. The road across the Peninsular (140 miles) can bo readily trav elled in lour and a half hours, and the time bet ween Cedar Keys and New Orleans,by steamers, Will uot exceed twenty-four hours. This will make tlie entire time between Charleston aud New Orleans, by this route, about forty-one hours. The pressing Importance of establishing, at the earliest possible time, a direct steam com munication between Charleston and Fernandi na, is apparent. Tills will, to a* great extent, counteract the serious mistake which was made in permitting Charleston to be thrown off the great line of travel between the North and Bouth by the construction of the Wilmington und Manchester Railroad, Fernandina .will be the outlet of a valuable amount of produce, even during the coming season, and when the Railroad Is finished, it must, inevitably, be a rent thoroughfare of travel—Charleston YIercury. Prom Sant* Fe. Chicago, July 7.-—We have later advices from Santa Fe giving accounts of tho renewal of Indian troubles. Many tribes were engaged in hostilities. General Garland was preparing for a campaign on uu extensive scale. Numer ous Comauches and other Indians had met ou the Arkansas frontier awaiting their nnuuitios [Immediately upon the receipt of the aimve dispatch—l) o’clock, 50 miuutes—the telegraph I. The agitation of tho subject of Slavery should cause. The rights of the South are plain, palpable, well defined and well under stood, uud we believe they should no longer be treated as open questions. We will maintain our guaranteed Constitutional rights and our right of property in slaves. Georgia lias solemnly declared wliat she will regard as future grievances on this subject, aud what her remedy will be when these grievances shall be inflicted. We still stand by the Georgia Plat form. We believe the coutiuuous agUatiuu of this subject, either by an attempt to restore the Missouri Compromise line, or iu any other way, is made by selfish politicians for personal aud tarty promotion, and is hurtful to the South, be institution of slavery and the pennauency of tbe Union. And having been represented iu uone of tlie Conventions, which have presented candidates for tlie Presidency and Vice Presidency, and being left tree to select the men, who in our opinion are best calculated to meet the present crisis in our uatiouui affairs, and believing it no time for experiment with men. or untried meu, and one of those presented lor the suffra ges of the American people having beeu well tried, and giving us daily assurances that the patriotism uud uutiouulity which so emminent- ly characterized ids former administration will be continued in tlie future, and restore peace ana tranqiiity to a distracted country, we do hereby nominate Millard Fillmore, of New York, us our cundldute far the Presidency. Entertaining confidence iu the iutergnty and patriotism und ability of Audrew J. Uouelson, of Tennessee, wo do hereby nominate him as our candidate far tbe Vice Presidency. The same Committee recommended the adop tion of the following resolution: Resolved, That tlie President of this Con vention be requested to appoint a Central Ex ecutive Committee, to consist of seven members whose duty it shall be to act in oil matters ol interest pertaining to our Party, und to UU va cancies on tho Electoral Ticket, if dfcy should occur. And we recommend that associations und committees be organized iu each county, to act in concert nud correspond with the Central Executive Committee. Adopted. The following gentlemen constitute said Committee: Ciittbrd Anderson, Charles Collins, Joseph Bond, and Joshua Knowles, of Bibb. James Johnson, of Muscogee. J. \V. Jones, oi Riclunoud. E. G. Cubuuiss, of Mm. roe. The Committee to whom was referred the duty of selecting uud proposing the names of suitable persons us Electors far the American Party ot Georgia, in tho approaching election of President aud Vice President of tne Uuited States, beg leave to make tlie fallowing report: FOR THE STATE AT LARUE. Electors. William H. Crawford, of Terrell. Benjamin H, Hill, of Troup, Alternates. Francis S. Bartow, of Chatham. Dr. H. V. M. Miller, of Floyd. FIRST DISTRICT. William Law, of Chatham, Elector. A. H. Hansel!, of Tnomua. Alternate. SECOND DISTRICT. William M. Brown, of Marion, Elector. Richard Sims, of Decatur, Alternate. THIRD DISTRICT. Washington, Poe, ot Bibb, Elector. Elridge G. Cubuuiss, of Monroe, Alternate. FOURTH DISTRICT. Edward Y. Hill, of Troup, Elector. Basil H. Overby, of Fuitou, Alternate. FIFTH DISTRICT. George W. Gordon, of Whitfield, Elector. J. B- Parrott, of Cass, Alternate. SIXTH DISTRICT. Cincinnati^ Peeples, of Clarke, Elector. Hiram I\ Bell, of Forsyth, Alternate. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Tfce Florid# Railroad. A gentleman connected with tbe operations of the Florida Railroad has given us some in teresting detail! respecting its progress and prospects. As may be recollected, it connects Fernandina, on the Atlantic, with Cedar Keyn, In the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of 140 mitos. The road was ouly commenced on the 1st of October last, und there is already thirty miles of it graded aud ready for the iron, und one aud one-third miles of trestle bridgiug, and the only drawbridge on the lino of tne mud com pleted. Such rapid progress is highly credita ble to the contractors, commencing as they did at un isolated point, having to collect from re- Dreadful Accident on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.—Baltimore, July 1*— A dread ful accident has occurred on the Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad. Will send particulars in a few moments. line between this city and Washington was or dered to be kept open, but no attention was paid to the order, aud we are therefore without any particulars with regard to the accident.]— Richmond Disputch of T\usday. ay ...... five prisoners, viz*. John Adair, William Vaughn, Marion Chambers, Young Posy, and James Gaddis, made their escape from the common Jail of this oounty by means of tools conveyed to them through the grates of tho debtors room where they were confined in con sequence of the excessive hot weather. Our citizens are using every vigilance to Und out their wherenbouts. It is to be hoped that every lover of Justice will he on tho lookout for these characters.—Dahlontga (Uu.) Signal. A Caution.—Paul suffered amputation oft a tight boot, aggravoti of proper attention. itlllman, of New York le right foot Thursday s received from wearing 1 nud promoted by want Cnmmcrriol intelligent. Savannah market, July 10, COTTON.—No tranaa:tionn to report this fore noon. Exports. ST. .TAOO DE CUBA.—Per brig O S Livermore— P P Timber, 114.000 leet Lumber, 39,400 foot WILMINGTON, N. C.-Per ,=ebr Henry Nutt- 100 tou9 Ballast, 100 bbls Pork. MACON, July 8—Cottox—But few salos have bocn made during tbe past week: prices uro 8 to 11 conts. Receipts of Cotton In Macon, for tboseasou, to July 2, I860. Bales. Received in June, 1855 892 “ “ 1856 119 Stock 1st July. 1855 8,740 “ “ “ 1803 3,220 Total Ren'pts to July 1, 1856.78,803 “ “ 1865.50,917 Uocrease. 773 614 lucrease. 10,946 ATLANTA, July 8.—Cotton—9 to 9>£. Receipts very light. IUoon.—Hog rouud 10c, clear Sides Hall *4, rib- bod 10)i'all, Hams 10)5all>5, shoulders 9, Jules 6. Good stock in market, with fulr demand. piping Intelligence. Port of Savannah JULY 10 No arrrlvols .since our Inst. Cleared, Brig O S Livermore, Urn rol, St Jugo do Cuba—J J Murtiu&Co. Sobr Houry Nmt, Wll'.lums, Wilmington. N C. Memoranda, Bull, July 2.—Ar, brigs Uiulwrd AtTorrey, Wass, Jacksonville; Norman. Uord Savannah. Sid, brig Jos WakeUclJ.Trott, Savannah. Wilmington, N c, July Arr, schr E Kidder, Horton, suvaunali. Liverpool, Juno 20.—Ent outwurd, ship Georgia, Maclunn, Savannah. Spoken, June 20, lot 27 40, Ion 71 45, brig Trios, (torus, from Uctneruru, for St Marys. GEORtitA, BULLOCH COUNTY, S IXTY days after dale, application will be made to the Honorable Com t oi Uriuary of Builouli county, for leave to soil all the lauds belonging to theustatoof Thomas Crosby, luto or suid uouuty, deceased, for the buueflt ol tue hoirs aud creditors of suid estate JylO WILLIAM F. CROSBY, Adm’r. OFFICE SAV’ll, ALBANY At GUI’ U. it. CO.,) Savannah, July itii, I860. / m — ■ Au Elcctiou for u Secretary and Treas- urer of the Sttvanuuh, Albany and Uuif httunad Company, will bo held ut tbuir olfiue, on Friday, the lab imt., al 12 o’clock. M. Jy7—-4 LHAri. GRANT, Sce’ry and T eas. NUA’A Vhl. T HE Contract for Budiiug a Court Hou*>o in tbe towu of .Magnolia, Clinch county, Uu., will be lut to the lowest bidder on the First l itusduy iu Au gust next. Tliu building to be tnirty-alx ft. squure, with four rooms below aud Court room ubovu, with sM:li und vouctiuu bauds. For plau, apply at tho Clerk’s olfico of said county. Terms of too con tract mode known on the day. JOHN J. NORTH, J in. JACOB LlUiifaEK, J l C. ARCHIBALD HUDtiteJ. J I O. JOHN & MORGAN, J 1 c. WM. M. NICHOL8, J 1 c. Jy9—4_ 70,000 ACHES OF LAJS1) ’in a BODY, FOR SALK*. cflCfe The undersigued, being desirous to turn /fo 3rtbelr utteutlou inoro extensively to im m- "T lug, utter SEVENT2 THOUSAND ACRES of We.ia* lecied FARMING LA.\Di. Ui tho fata district of Clinch county, oa., lor aule, which they will aril ou roosouablo terms fur luouoy or Itauiy negroes. There are between sixty uud nluuty loti of the above lauds well improved, la hue couaulou lor reutlug. We will sen lu u buoy or ttiuuU parcels to auilpurcbaseis. Address WM. M. A> W. J. NICHOLS, Jy9—I Muunolia, Clinch co., Ga. F iAlUR.—luO bbus extra anu oupuiUue Leuauun Mills Flour 26 sacks extra do do do 100 do Hue und supcrllnc Flour, for sale low by .iyo RopUKttS, NuRlUS K U3. B ACON AND PORIv.—6’ohhtts Clear bides, 25 di» Ribbed do, .10 casks Hums 6u bbls Moss Pork, Just received und for sule by Jy9 KoDULBS, N’OKUlg? N CO. H AV—06 bait’s Nuittnru hay, lor tale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 8? Buy Bt. § 5 c El L AhD.—20 bbls uud f>e Kegs now No 1 Leal Lard, lauding and far sale by jy7 SCRAN ION, JOHNSTON ft CO. F1USNCH CHINA, WHITE GRMITE, AND GLASS WAKE. 145 MKOTINA BTRKhT, GHAKLRJrON, hOUTI! CAROLINA, Tho subscribers respectfully solicit.. from the traveling public, uu luspoctiuu of their stock ol Frauch uud Euglisb Chiuu, iu plain while, gold baud, una UcLuratcddiuuor, desert, breakfast, teu, toilet, tmu-u- leto sols and vuses. Also, Cups aud Saucers, &o., ol tho coiebruiod Sevres China. Whito Granite of tho best manufacturers. Rich cut Fruuuh, English aud Bohemian Glass. They lnivo a variety of. ornaments iu Fnrlsiau Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, und others, audbutuetca ol the Greek shave, Venus deMedlcls, &o.. Me. They bare also a beautiful, durable and cheap artl> olo lor ltuors uud hearths, ot Plain and Encaustic Tiles, Their stock being very goqeral, curofully selected and imported direct, oilers luducumouts to merchants us well us families, to whom goods will be put up at the iowost rates for cosh. WEBB & SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb it Co. CITY SHBltlFF’8 SALE. YYTILL be sold, before the court house door in TV tbo city ofMuvannah, on Hie Urot Tuesday In July next, between the legal hours of sale, 1 lot of Ladders, 1 Bedstead, 1 lot or Palutlugs, 2 Beds, 1 lot Paints, Ac. Levied on as the property of F. O. Call, to satisfy a distress warrant Issue ), of the Houorablo tbe inferior Court ot Chatham County, lu favor of John J. Hunt, Ann It. Wuli uud James J. Wall, vs. T. O, Carl. Property |>olutud out by PlalntilW. Terms Cash. EDWARD M. PKKXDERGAST. July 5 bhurlir O. O. S. notice; |/NuLLrH POTATOES'—hampers choice Eating J2i liotatoos, iu small package. For family use.— Fur sale by [niayz;]J. A. DKoWN. O NE month after date, application will bo mode to tbe Bank of the State of Georgia, for tho payment of a Twenty Dollur Note ou the said Bank, (No. 42.) tho right band half or which has beou lost. One mouth after date application will he made to the Marine Bunk of Georgia lor the payment of u Twomy Dollur Note. (No. 384) on said il.iuk, tho rigtit I mud half of which has been lost, jyti—law—4w WM. U. MIGHT. Villa Rica. July 8, I860. JE88E T. KEILVAKI), ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ni w.jftusvule, Ha. Reference—(5eorgi! .. i.rowu, William Dell, New- nuusvibe, Flu., it. U. li.lion, BosUm te Vtlluiougu, Savannah, Ga. utyll M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIQAlUit, KAUT FLORIDA. Will practico iu tbo Eastern uud Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. ti. s. Sibley, und R. B. linlou, Su« •— ' leba-tt CM AS. G. OAMPUELb, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILUmUKVJUJC, OA Practices law iu tiro various Counties of the Oc mulgcu Circuit, and the udjoinlng Counties of Twiggs, Laureus aud Washington. Refer to—Johu B»>mu, H. A Crane, and R. B Hilton. tool* JOHN ti. N (J iiiiiti, AHtlUTEUT. H AVING resumed the practice of his profes sion, uiiurautoaui'Vicco iobis triunua nuu the public tu, on Architect uud uUperiuUiUUcnt. Designs fat tuiy purl oi the couuuy supplied and executed in ull tne various branches ol bis proles- siuu, sucb us Public EdiUcco, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, &c. liiuruugmy Hro It uot eturen ut- signed und executed, uuico at present ui Buy Lane, rear of the Custom jRotlso. jon S—ly UEOHGE A. GOllDUA, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner q}' the If. S. Court of Claims for the State of Georgia, Olltce Corner liny uud Ru.i utrceU. ly myio 1 DOOR WKST OFTKKHKPUIILIUAN RKADIXu HUOM. Fine Ready-madej\V.O. Price, _ Also, nuporiine lilt. CT1AULE8 II. CULD1AU, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 idUEKi'Y ST., Due door wed oi Drayton, my It Will. C. Cu.SNELLY, A T TO RN n1 AT LAW, ISABELLA, WUKTU OuU.SlV, .A.. (FUST oFHCk, ALUANT.) Will practise iu tlie .-oitth^ Circuit, and m Aiacuu, Dooly and Wui ut Counties uiuio Mucu Circuit, gyr Particular ultouiioii given to the collection oi claims In cioutn-Western Georgia. jek—urn Clothing $ Huts FASHION ABLE und caps, whirls I Collars, I AND Ulovea, liwUiry, MLUSE'. Cuues, Cuibrulius E, UUMMINU, ATTORNEY ATLAW, febl-ly iK'vivro.v, oa. LANlUlt cTANDliKKU:., ATTOUNEVS A T LAW, ap6-ly Macon, HA. A. H. CHAMPION. (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard at., hetweeu ibu Murkct uud Bay si., 8AVANKAU, OA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign uud Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, Ac., Are. Reference—a. Champion, Esq., bamucl Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rubuu .v Wluteheud, and Swat 6: Co., Savuuinilt, Ua, , myP WILLI AS»i 11. DA8UER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TToupvilic, l.mviHbM County, Ga. Will practice in TIioiuuh, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Teliinr, Irwin, Laurens, uud Puluski comities, Georgia; and m JHlerson,Mudisoo, Hum- filou, uud Columbia counties, Florida. [iny 11 T HE subscriber, thunkfalto his leUow-dtifcns lor iho liberal pauouuge tie bus received, and is still rucelvlug, bugs respecuulty to iuiuriu them ihut ho bus cugugeu sUlllaelil uddtUouai Urst-Ufasa workmen from some of the best Barber bhops in New York, and win be euublea to uccoiumodulo us many guuueineu as muy honor huu with their pa* trouugu. N.B,—The Barbershops arc closed on Sundays— strangers will picu&c bear ibis iu mJud. WM. M. WILLIAMS. TiUOUKCR 0L1VKR. JACK 11UOW.V. WILLIAMS, OLIVER di BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vida, Marion County, Ga., Will practice iu the counties of Muriou, Mucou, Hons, tou, Mewurt, Rundi iph, Muscogue, Lee, and any adjoining countkr, where their services may be required. myll JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens county, Ga,, lute junior partner ol tbe urm of A. &.I. Cmciikank, Irwiuton, Ua., will WJ1I. 8. UANIBLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, savan.vau. oa. jgjjf OlQco over Thomua il. Turner A Co.’a Drug Store, Bay street. my7 II. ELLIN, Factor uud General (Joimnissioti Merchant No; 71 DAY-JillKEl 1 , a A VANN AU, OA., Rkfukstu—Mussr.t. (.lugtmru &tuuuinghaiu, Boll & Prentiss, Ogdon, btarr & Co., Bavaiumh: J. P, ihompson. Hu.-mn. nm« i U. A. O’lSYltNJd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OUlce 176, Bay-st., over Turner & Co’s. Drug titore) BAVANNAU, OA. nov 10—ly WM. SLULKV CUCi’KU. 4.NO. CUL'PXK riLAitK. t'OtiPEK eii ••’RA8E1I, FACTORS ft gi-A'ERaL COiDHsblON MERCHANTS, Bay street, oavuimuli, Ga. |myll GEUUUE TUobP HOWARD, ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Offlce Mouumout Square, near SfaloBank. SAVANNAH, QA. novio—ly JOHN U. i'ALLIGANT, VTUOLEBALl. AND It UTAH. DBALKH IN WINDOW BUNDS, VUNoUW SAoli AND TAKE DOORS. West side Mouumeut Sqiuiro, Savannah, Ga. mayll 8. W. RAKER, ATTORNEY' AND CUCN&ELLOR AT LAW, MouUcello, Jcllerson County, 11a. Reference—Huu. W. B., Savannah, Ga. myll turo. OUlce in the store of John ti illiuiuauu, Enq. Bay street. ’ tuylb EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COYUUBSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward & Owons’ Law Ofllcn. [myll v. w. Marry,. CHARLESOX, July 8.—Cotton—Tho transactions to-day readied upwarila or 800 bales. Former pri ces were well austaluod. Tho transactions muy be classed as follows: 21 bales at 10,13 at 10)tf t 12 at 10)4, 12 at 11, 97 at 11*4, 360 at lift, aud 318 at 12c. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FiUNKUX, UKAltn CO., Ui. Will attend to professional business In the Counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether aud Troup. Reference—Uou. E. Y. Hill, LaGrunge, Ga.; Hon, David Irwin, Marietta, Gu.: Colonel it. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty, Co lumbus, Ga. a supl7-iy * ~ " WELLS A WlhLlTOtta; DBALBltS IN DOUEST.IO, FOREIGN AND FAN01 DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congrcss'st., Suvannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLti, lonuurly of Beaufort Dist. S. 0. THEOPHILUd W1LUAMS, “ Scriveu Co., Ga. sept 7 CHAFFER & CO., No, O Whltakn- dmt, Kavuimnh, Ga., WUOiXvU.K AND IIM'.UL DKAU0W I.V S ASHES, uunds. Doom, Mouldings, do, ti’hlte Loud, Zinc, While Liusei'd, bperui, ti hale, Thu- ucrs’uud Nuiitsfoot oils, Glass, Druriic*. Grid Leal, Bruize, Builders' llurdwuiv. Nuns, Mai bie yiuntels, tan, flic. jo4 NEW ORLEANS, July 5.—Corro.v—But few buy ers made their uppourunce to-day, and tho sales are barely 200 bales. Prices are very Irregular and quotations llttlo better than nominal. Inferior 0&fS)8 | Middling.... 10&fS)ll Ordinary 8>g © 9 I Good Mht’Ungll «©115Y Good Ordlnaryl»>i (a) \ Mld’g Fair.. 12 (a)— Low Middling 10)4©10)g | Fair — © — STATKMKNT OF COTTON. Stock on hand 1st September, 1855 halos 40,616 Received since 1,740,112 Received to-day 167—1,740,279 Exported to-day... Exported to date.,. 1,780,794 4,186 1,729,178—1,733,813 Eli H. Baxter, of Hancock. Elector. Joshua Hill, of Morgan, Alternate. Grain in RussiA.-~It appears to bo nettled that very little grain will bo exported thin sea son front Russia. Hundreds of vessels that went to tha Black Sea Ports for cargoes will return empty, KtOHTII DISTRICT. Ambrose R. Wright, of Jefferson, Elector. Lafayette Lamar, of Uticolu, Alternate. Un motion, the Report wus unanimously adopted. J.W. Jones, Esq., of Richmond, one of the Delegates from the 8tli Congressional District, offered the following resolution, which was un niiimously adopted. Resolved, That we have witnessed with pica sure tlie udoptionnnd practical enforcement by the Senate of the Uuited States in tlie passage of tlie Supplementary Rill by tiiat body fur the organization of the Territory of Knnsas, of one of tlie leading and fitvnritc principles, of the American party of Georgia—to wit: The res triction of the right of suffrage to native bom of thi Stock on hand not cleared 14.622 SUGAR.—Tho sales to day have been alntu 300 hhds nt very full prices. Fair to fuly lair 8>«u8J£, and prime Ue. Molasses—Market hoary at previous rates. 1 lour—Tho demand liu* beou limited to-day, and the sales are conQned to uboutl,UC0 bbls superfine, In four lota, at «0a0 12)5; a lot at 6 26, ami 2l0 fancy at $6 60 per bbl. Tho stock at the Levee Was Increased fate this evenln by arrivals from ht Louis. Cohn—Dull. Yesterday 1600 sacks selected yel low were taken at 62c, auil to-day 1000 mixed nt48, 680 at —, 860 ot 49a60, and 000 vory Inferior at 4Pc pjr bushel. ti’HKAT.—We notice to day a sole or 2437 sacks prituo on tho Leveo at $1 4ft per bushel, which is an advance. Pork.—There is vory litlle arriving, amt Moss is stllll retailing at 821 pur Jbl. Bacon—Firm, with sales of 22 casks Sides at 10# far prime ribbed and 11c for clear. Lakd.—A brisk movement bos taken place to day, and wo notico sales nr 1009 pacages (642 ta3 and 427 bbls) prime to one party at U‘$c, and 160 tes choice at 12c per lh, showing un advuucn of )i cont. Whisky—Dull, and 20c refitted for 200 bbls Recti fied. Ruw bold at 32n33c. Com*.—Nothing has beeu done in this article ta-duy, FitHUins—Dull. We kuow or no now engagement to day. Exchanges—Wo know or no change worth notlc lug— Sterling 8% a 0# aud 1ft pr ct pm Francs 6.12)5 ■ 5.18# pr dohar New York Blxty Day Bills 1# a 1# pr ct dis New York Sight Checks par a pr ct dls nml naturalized citizens of tho Uuited States in tho organization of Territories preparatory to ailinisHiou into the Union. Scant Hay Crop.—Over a largo portion of tho Ohio Valley, says the Cincinnati Columbian it i» now certain that tbe crop of hay this year will bo far below an average yield. A Monastery in Nkw York—The Buffalo (N. Y.) Express says that the fraternity of Fran ciscan raouKa are about erecting a monastery at Alleghany, Ohattaraugu* county, N.J. WILMINGTON. July 8.—Turviwtink—Nothing farther done yesturduy. Thlo morning wo notice ■Ales of 1,117 bbls at $2 76 far now and 81 48 lor old vii'Kiu, 82 30 for yellow dip und 81 30 far card, per 180 lbs. BnniTO TimnornNK—Doclluod Jfo ycatorday, und 50 bbls sold at 43c per gullou. No tales this morn- lug. Romn.—Farther salos yesterday of 2000 bb!s Common at 81 10 far large bbls, and 381 bbls No 1 a . 81 25,1 76, 2, 3 25, a 3 50 per bbl, a» In qual ity. Tab.—No tales. A. MoALPIN & BROTHERS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. sept 5 savannah, ga. I. LOCKfeTT. U. n. HNKLUAUa. LOCKETT & SWELLINGS, OOMAUESION MEIiOHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will attend to the soiling of all kinds of prodnoo. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction 6l Commission House, Alncon.Gu. a. u. McLaughlin, General Agent aud Auctioneer, Solicits from bis frionds consignments of overy description. 'Takes orders far Coitou. Special atteutlou given to tho sales or Real Estato, Btocks aud Negro proi«jrty, at public aud private sales. I J rompt return* and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. inch 30 Wau. MuALLMTElt. Ished on reasonable terms. Orders res- Spcctl'uUy solicited. ftp 18 t. 0. UUSK. J. U. DAVIS. W. U, lOMi, RUSE, DAVIS 6t LONG. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 80 WAYNE, GRENVILLE & COT, MERCHANTS, COMMISSION A^D^ORWARDLNU At Bay-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVHJ.E, R. AI.EX. WAYNB, W. T. HAUPLK, Jy 0—tf 8avaunal>. Omttanooga. STRANGER! If you want a good and cheap [Trunk, Vnllce, Carpet Bag, or Clothing of any kiud or quail- '.y, ready uiauo or made up to your uieasute; uiao Hats, Cups, Shirts, Collnrsor Dress Furnishing articles of any description, cnlUud so- led from the largest and best Block lu the city, at tbe btar Emporium, 147 Buy street. Jol8_ _• WM. O. PRICE ^JALL AT GRIFFIN'S aud v you will llud the uibut _ beautiful assormient of fciuull Fauiy Articles in clmm and gold oruamoulud, conslsttug iu part of jewel boxes, fimey do, rellcules, florets, boquetvu- Bos, cables, drucket grundoius, small «lo, cologuo bottles, ribbons, cologue, lantern blue florets, can dlesticks, and last (bough uot least useful, match boxes, n very tasty selection aud somolhing new en tirely. H, M. GRIFFIN, Successor to tho late M f.a»tuittii, J)'5 Corner Rryun and Whitaker sts. ri T 8T RECEIVED BY EXPRESS—Another flue va- /XUNNY CLOTH—Ini store and far tale fay U Jawed PADKUTORD, FAY A 00. rleiy of Silver Ware of tho most bcauilfiil pat tern uud UuLU, butter knives, pickle knives und fuiks, knives, forks and spoons, fruit knives and forks, cakd and peu knives in every variety, mus tards aud salts lu all vurluty from plain to tbe most ornamental. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to tbe late M Eastman, J7* Corner Bryan and Whitaker iti, O. H. 1UK1USUN. . a. O. MCUUm IftAltlUSON & SIcGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, itKCUVING AND Forwurdiug fllUTuliuiiu. 59 AND til BKOA1MJTHKET, COLUMBUS, UKOBOIA. atieuu promptly to utl business entrusted to Ids care. I’m uuuiar uitentioii paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, U. H. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, Dublin, Gu., M .Marsh, bavanuali. myll JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Wul alio give his aileutiuii lu desigua m Airinico- Dam, LDiK'LiliR t* WlM.uA, Ouaii»u. Altli now fully prepared toiu- tea uni or p.iruaiooiio of TeuiL on the principle ut Dr.J. Allens' Patent Coutiuuous Gum, By ltd? improvomuul, the farm a the lace can Uu rustured to auy degree of rutuiulilj ihai limy bo desired. It l» appileublu lu all cases where the cheeks have I'allcb iu uud cminut be dulucieU by '1: j closest observer.— This inolhoU cumbiiiL-s the fallowings U'uuugus;— Au urtiliciul gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural aud life-like appouriuicu, aud uupurts to lUu theuib that peculiar expression wideli characterizes the uu< turai organs. This G urn consists of a sllarious compound, which Is applied aud fusoil upon tho l'eethuud I’taunu ^ucn a inunuer, us to Ull up nil the mteratices arouud the base of tho Tooth, anu also uuites them firmly fa each other and io the Plato upon which tbuy ar» sett. This secures perfect cleanliue.->s ut the Tuuth. Olflcu overDoti'lll ^ Morguu, CougrosHstreet. ***Republican and Georgian copy, fab Id—tl PHOTOGRAPHS. Large sized Photographs, ta ken by MILLER, AT TWF.LVK OuLLAKS TKR DOZEN Also, Arabroiypcs and Da gueri euiypes, iu his usual su perior style. A cull is solicited. J. W. MILLER, cr. St. Julian-st. and Market square, mar27 CARY’S DAGUERKOTYBE8, AMURO- types null IMioto^Anphy. P. M. car: W OULD respt'cUully hive notice that bL rooms are now open far the seusou, uud rcu tty lor the reception of visiluis. By tho abhkutypk process peraons may now have their children’s pictures tnkeu, m almost auy jkilI- tion they tnay choose, in from l to 3 secudds si.itng. By the 1‘uoroou.miic process old Daguerreotype, can be transferred to paper, beautifully colored uuu enlarged to Ufa. cct 2!‘ J. \V. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY ANU LOUN.r-ELLUR AT LAW, Troupvllle, Lowndes Couuiy, Ga. (myll JAMES M. SAVAGE, ATTORNEY* AT LAW, THOMASV1U K, fUUMA8 COUNTY, GA. AU business entrusted to bis Care will receive prompt attention. lyr—mar!7 ANTHONY McCULLOIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, giivauuab, Georgia. gjT Olllce ou Ray atreet, ovor the Ikiuk ofsavun. uah. fab2 JAMUHG. kOtlULRS. mJIBIA. NOUltlS. RODGERS A NORRIS, (late Crane Rodgers, WHOLESALE GROCERS, BAY-8TWHRT, 8AVANNAU. Juno 1,1866, fj^ A LE AND PORTER.—26 hb& Summer Stock Ale, 20 casks Uytuis* biuduti Porter, pints, Just ro- cnivod aud for sule by Jy6 .st’RAXTOX, JOHNSTON i CO. M ustard, \c.—UNI boxes Mustard; 160 do J .. _ I ■ 1 ..A .1.. UliIM.Il . I I ..... sale bv Junelft pure Popper; 1«>0 do Starch; received und for v mcmahon * doyle. 206 and 207 Buy street. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now be done at borne. Mr. CHARLES KKM1SU having ca- tablishod himself permanently, nil work lu this lino will bo doue with dispatch. All ropalriug ofCostora, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spomu, Forks, or any other article will bo dnuo neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such as Tcu&cita or Urus, Forks or Spoons, will bo rc-lluished und made equal to now, and at moderate prices. All work or orders loll ut my store will ho attended to promptly, P. S.—Watch cases galvanized. B»y27 O. M. GRIFFIN. L TLANT1C LEAD.—Constantly on hand aud far sale at CHAFFER et Cu.’h, apr3V No. 0 Whitaker atreet. | jACON olDc-0 ft fciiDULDERS— AJ 26 hhds Primo Bucou rides, 10 " “ “ bhouldera, Landing and for sale by my23 SCRAN KIN, JOHNSTON fit 00. i tiiAMFAGNE—12 basket* genuine Hridklo VJChampugne in store uud lor sum by uut>10 OLTAVlia COHEN, S TARCH, COFFEE AND CANDY.—60 bxs Fresh ft lurch; 6ft do Ground Coll'co; 60 do asaortoi candy, received aud lor sulo by McMAliuN & DOYLE, June 4 206 uud 207 Buy street. PfiEnH GRUCEltllfiS. I N STORE—j>er hteaiuabip RboxviUe—Extra Ta ble Butter und Cheese; Beef 'longues; ftmoked iMjuf; Hums; Bacon; Pig Puik; White Beaus;Dock er s fteil-iui&ing Hour; ruisIub, 1-iga, Dates, 1 runes, .kimouds, ftv., sc.; t ickles oi uii uiuds; Preset v«J, ussoiied; liiunuy Fruit, assorted; Fteateu’s Premi um Chocuiuta; beat ot , leu^, Coilee, uuu Stuart’s No 1, A, Ji uud c ftugai'n; Dibbert’s Louuou loiter; Palkirk’s scotch A.u; Claret anu other-tiiaes; at UA1UILU8 Family Grocery ftlore, june18 corner Whitaker una clmriton sta. /L CaLiOTBCIMGJL EMPORIUM, Cravats, slocks. Handkerchief, und Fancy Article*, lor Gentlemen. No. 1A? day Street, SA YAAAAJj Cloths, ossiuiura >uiu V osUngs, will m tuuue to meu- ute,uh«xeepUou- ubiom style workuiunshlp,! by the beet mechanics, ut stiorteat notice luo 6 * orders from city audcouui> solicited. . BAlUSEi, IUOPS. Pnlaiki House Bui-her faltop, Owens' Brick BuUdiny, uj>ponUt the Puuum Roust, FIVE WORiaiKN KMiAGED. Mnrsliali House Uarbcr Shop, Bivuyhtun Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. ..jr Particular attention given to the soles of Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. Liberal advances made on Nogroei and Mar- chuudizo. Rzmxxcsa: RUSE, PATTEN fa CU ) GUN BY’fa DANIEL, >-Columbus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY faCO.J RUSE, DAVIS fa LUNG, I WM. WRIGHT, ’/ SflvanQal1 - YOUNG. ATKINS & DUNHAM, ) C. A. GREENE fa CO.. } Apalachicola H. ti. SMITH, } Mobile, Alabaaiu. v oct 23 ly J UST RECEIVED, per schooner J, R. Alien, irom Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS,, Lcunui Cases, iua cukes, Scotch C&kea, Giugor 8uups, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Bisciut, ti'fac Biscuit, Butter Biscuit, tiutor Bucult, l ie Mu Bisoalt, fa& At BAUUON*N, june20 corner Whitaker qua Charitomts. XoIiOET S IXTY days after date, application will bo made iu tho Honorable tho uruiuary ol UohRoah i.ouuty, tor leave to soli the real estate, bjiug la tins county, of the late Jarnei fttuith, known as ftidou (rice) 1 Uinutlon sold lor the benefit of the heirs of suid estate. DEAN M. DUNWOODY,) JuiiX JUNES, VEx’ors. JoHN F. DUNWOODY. J Darien, July 1, Ibbfi.Jy2 LIURL FOR DIVOKCJEfi, . Elizabeth camy 1 Iu CofftJe Su p or j OJP court, John c'ituly. j May Trim, 1868. I f appeal mg fa the Court, from the return of tbe sha Uf. that the defeuduut, Johu cauly u not to found iu Colico county, uud bo la nut iu the olatej ou mutiou uf u m U tiauiatug, uttoruey fin Jibonant, a is ordered tbut aervico bo peitectud unsaid ao* teu«taut by a publfautiou of this uruor in tne oi tbe pubnc juuruuls oi cuvanuuh, onto a rnnuUi lor ihiee fauutns prccediug the next teim oi this court, requiring «uiu uctchuuhl to appear ut tho next term ot colico Superior Court, in iheuionthoi Nuvou- tier next, uud nto his defensive uiicgutfan fa the came. A true extract from the minutes of tbe Superior Couit. jy2 EW’D AHULEV, Clerk. LU1RL FOR DIVORCE. EWilktaim, | lu Ltberl,-Suportor Court, llios. wflktaon j *““• I t Rppenug to mo Court, by tbo return of the shorin', iu tbu above stated cuso, thut tbe delead- aui is not to be fauna lu tuo couuiy, aud tfiav n« U uot to be found in the statu; uu motion uf Wui B Gauiueu, counsel far libellant, It Is ordered thut ser vice bo pjifactud ou xaiu ueienuunt, by a pubiioa* Uuu uf thio notice once u mouth tor three mouths, uext precedmg the uext term uf suid superior court, requiring sain defeuduut fa be and appear at tne uext lei m uf Libei ty superior Court fa answer in the said cause' A true extract from tho minutes of said Superior. Court. jyx 8y_A. FRASER, Clark- GLYNN SHERIFF'S SALE. W ILL bo suid beturo tbu Court House iu the city uf Biuuswiuk, county of uivuu. ou the first Tuesday lu August uext, between the legal hours of sale, tho loi.uwiug property, fault: unufatorparcri uf laud situate, lying uuu beiug iu the eujruf Bruns wick, in tho cunmy of Ui> uu, suite of oa., known UUd UUllngUlahed la the piuu ol said city Os Did Town net, number two hundred and fiitv-.hree, and lh« improvomenis thereon; levied ou by virtue uf a 11 iu issued out of tbe City Court br tavauuuah, iu the ;ouuty of Chuth..m, lu lavor of Benjaudu C Frauk- >iu vs E Fiouuers. Property polufad out by piaiutiU'. jyU M. C. B WRIGHT, B. O. 0. O’^Momo Magazine, lor July; Pelor«ou’g Mouth- ,y jiaguzluo, lor July; Harper's New Mouilny Hog- NEW BOGUS. ODEY’S LADY 'ft buuk. fap July; ArtUUFfl uziuv, fur July; uud, uralmm’s Illustrated Fiuuthly, lor July. The History of Europe, from the fall of Napriwa to tho accession ot Luma Napoluou, iu two volumes, by air ArcUlbald Ailsou, a new supply. Deri ha, by Frodrlka Bremer, translated by Mary Howitc The Ship Carpentor’s Wile, a story for the time*, by W E 8 Whitman. The ’Jauglutown Letters, edited by the author of Records oi tho liubbluicn Parish, fae. salad far tho Hocrnl, by tho author of Salad tor tha Sriitaiy. Comic Miseries or Human Life. Plu-ri-bus-tuh, u song that’s by no author. For sole ftl 16U Congress street, by Juno 28 WAUNUJK fa DAVIi. AND yWHA CANAL ILOUU.-24 barrels i£xti»Oui»l J Flour. tSAjrl. iu. and lor Mie by M1U.N1XIN, J0UK8TON SCO. flf fri-i RROUGUTON STREET HACK LIVERY STABLE. Thu uudorslgued haviug put tha abovo Stables In good condition, aro prepared fa accoimnodato their -i — customers with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, sulkies, fac., with sound, gentle, and well broke horses, aud careful drivers. Horsos boarded ou accommodating terms, and woll cared for. Two pairs of fine Carriugo Horses for sule. luqulre cor* nor ol Barnard and Urough'.ou streets. apU4—ly STEVENS fa ELUSION. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma sonry of 1 every description. Resldonoe, No, 3 Mrs Jewotl’n Kongo, Soutii side Jonm at. oct 30 WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Poets, Eastern Lathe and Pallinge^for sale, at wholesale and retail, low tor cash, on the uew wharr recently nrected on tbe Lumber Yard of Robert A. Aden k Co. marl2-lyW IL J, L. MOULTON