Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 17, 1856, Image 4

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- tik'i'V WILL bo sold; botbii* tlio court house door In ▼f tlio city oi eswutiuuh. on the ft«>t Tuesday In July next. between the legal hour* of sale, l lot of Udders, 1 Bedstead, l lot of Painting-*, a tied*, 1. lot Paiuta, &e. Levied on u« (bo property « l F. 0. toll, to satisfy a distress warrant issue L of the llouorublo tl«o inferior Court ol Clmthntu County, lu favor of Jobu J. Hunt, Aim K. Wall and James J. Wall, vs, T u. Ctrl. Proporty pointed out by Plulntlite. Terms Ou«h. EDWARD M. PRKNDKROAFT. July 6 Mieilir U. 0.8. " stateOf oeohcjia, ' C HATHAM COUNTY—To all whom It may concern; Whereas,«Mtu Mallory ,wUl apply to the court or Ordinary far I filers DUtnfeoryn* udmiiiU- tratlon on tlio Estate of William Wright IImmo uro, therefore, to olto and mlnmuteh all whom ll may concern, to bo ami appear before until Court, to ( -iHilifua 0§UN?f^T<f«S whom It liwy VV oonoCru: Whereas. John’IN'Hlnos will apply at tho Court or Ordinary far lottora dtemlwmry an ml. mlntetrnfar ou Uio bslato of Januu C. Much : Thene aro, therefore, to olto and admonish all whom U may concern, to bo and appoar bofaro said Court to make ul(]cc.tlhn (ll any thoy Imvo) on or l»o- loro tho Ural Monday In December uoxt, otherwise : Halil letters will lie grunted. Witness, John Ulibo, P>*q. Ordinary for Chatham comity, thin fourth day uf June, I860. June 0 JOHN’ 1)11.00, o. o. o. AOMINISTUA'l'Ol fjTiXEBT P URSUANT to un order of the llouorublo tho Court of Ordinary of Olmtham Comity, passed Join* term, I860, will bo sold, ou tho Oral Tuesday In iVuuunt m xt, before tho Com l Houho door In wild comny ot Cleulmni, between tlio legal hours ofsalo, Uio loilowmg property, to wit.: Lots Nos. three (b) ami four (4), being partofOardon lot No. uino (W), Spring lldi. City or .savannah, fronting ou Itultroad street; also tlio following negro slaves: Jack, I’oter, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as tho proputty of the tor tlio bonelll of the heirs and creditor* of said es tate. Hit’ll.till) WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, on Je4 Estate of stitmuul Griffin, <i erriiiTiATCiiATrfAM couj.iv. to tied the negro slaves hoouging to tho estalo or Clara A Ogdmiy, deceased, lor tho bouellt of tho heirs and credit u s of said estate. Juno l JAMES A. LaHQCHB, Adm’r. mako objection (If any Uiuy have) on or before the «tf^utiiitolWrlfllti, Inio of suld county, deceased, first Monday in November next, othwlsosnld l x*t- . . ... -- ’ tors will bo granted. Witness, Joltn Ulllm, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this 0.gill day of April 1850. JOHN BILIK), o. c. c. apr 8 ■TATE OF GKOllUIA, CHATHAM CO. f 1^0 all whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Atm J, Dent will apply at tho Court ol Ordinary for hit lers Distill «s> ry on the estate of .lames IN Dent,— Those are therefore toclto mid admonish i.h whom It may concern, to bo mid Appear beliire said Court, to mako objection* (if any they have) on or beloro tlio First Monday in December uoxt, otherwise said letters will ho granted. Witness John Ulibo, Esq., Ordinary for Cbathani County, ibis third day of Juno, 188». Jo3 _ JOHN BILIK), O.C.C. STATU OF GEORGIA, C HATH AM COUNTY --To all whom it may con- corn : whereas, Patrick Hyatt will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho e«tate or Daniel Collins : These aro, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom U maj’ coucorn, to be and apiiear beloro said Court to mako objection (If any they have) on or be fore the Qrst Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness, Johu E-q., Ordinary for Chatham County, this twenty third day ol June, i860. Juuo 23 JOHN BILBO, o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY —To all wluuu U may con cern : Whereas, Asa Johusim will api ly ul the urart of Ordinary lor <-uiu county, lor letiei 4 1 fad- ululstrutl in. with tho will uuuexcd, on the estate of Mary Whliuins, late of rai l county, deceased: These aro, therefore, to cite ami admonish all whom it may concern. u» bo and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or before the Urst Muuday In August next, otliorwlso Bald letters will be granted. Wltuexs, Wnl am Leo, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, the 2otU day ol June, 1850. Jun.-Jd WILLIAM I .HE. o. n. c. S TATE UF GEORGIA—HULUJCU CD., May 2Uttl, 1850—fwo m-.ntbs luTcr date application will bo tuudeto the Houoraole Court ol Ordinary of said Qouuty fur (cave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate • f Michael Donaldson, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and in editors and said deceased. my23-8w JOHN E. tilBsioN, Aum’r. IWIIMH SlWIPUt 111 1 1 -<• »!. |I L,J J ... asBtsms From V* B. PALMAR, ovnauL ADVBKiuuNu axu xiwiipam aartr, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, >ud Baltimore. DKALEll ANDraPOllTElt OF Watoltea, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Fatt er Goods, d(e., xo. IS, booth 2d mm, nuubXLrau. ■opt8 ly WITH HALL’8 PA1 NELSON SWEEZEY, DESIGNER AN D SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Oornor Astor Place and 4th Avouuo, IN OUVSI PROXIMITY TO THI ASTOR UHKAKY AND TUX NBW IlIHUt HOUHI, NSW TORK. riMIB moat extensive variety and the largest 1 stock or Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, *0., luAmorlcu, can be fouud at this establishment, from plain to tho most elaborate and oruato In design and workmanship, lu addillou to tho stock always ou baud, a groat variety or drawings, appropriate and original may bo fouud, from which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully cxucutcd, and shipped to any point available by wator or steam. Persons visiting tho city or Now York on pleasure /v ii.o ' u «d,.y August „u*t, 1 iro "***«* Invited to vtalt thto » V_7 10 Hie Ordinary of Cliathum comity for leave naumcui. BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail in Swalusboro, Kmanuol Co , on ihu 4th instant, a negro man; ho says his name Is Harry; that ho belongs to tho estate 1 >1 llionms Clay, of .iryau County, Ga. Ho Is 01 ognt complexion, with n slight scar over tho loll eye;ahnut 5 feet 3)5 inches In height, and about -0 years »•!»!. The owner is requested to coino forward, pay charges and take him away, us lie will bo dealt with ns the law direct*. HENRY OVERSTREET, JeO Ja'or. NOTICE. A LL persons having demauds against tho estato of Richard F. Williams, Into of Chatliam coun ty. docoii'O l, uro hereby uotifled to present them within tliu time prescribed bylaw to the subscri ber , and all iudubtud to the said estate uro request ed to mako immediate payment to M. U. MtLLF.N, Administrator do bonis non. March 20—Qw ltwiJySl—Jo 7 ST AT E OF GEORG I A, C HATHAM CuUNTY.—lo all whom it may con cern : Whereas, tile estate of Jorcinlaii Me- Donald lies unrepresented In consequence of tho demit of Nathan Uivwton, the executor, and unless sutno Ut ami competent person applies tor tho ad- mints it atiuu of said estato, with the will uuuexcd, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other lit amt proper person, admlidstrau r with tlio will an nexed do b mas 11011, on tnid estate: These are, therefore, to cite nud admonish all whom It may concern, to bj and npimar before said Court to make objection (if any they hare) on or beloro the llr.t Monday lu August next. Witness, R ill ntn Lou, Esq., Ordinary for tho coiiuiy of Uullicli, this 12th day of Juuo, 1S50. ,|i‘>6 Wll-.Ll.vM LEE, o. C. 0. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To atl Whom it may con cern: w.iercu*, Jo.-iuh Davis will apply at tho Coaituf Uraina y for letters of adtniuisiruilou on the estate of Henry Davis, lute of said county, de ceased : These arc, there ore. to cite and admonish all whom It may com eru. to be and appear b fore said Court, to make objeetiuu (It uuy they have) on or before the llivt Monday iu August uext, otuorwDe said euors will be granted. Witness, william Lee, Lsq , Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 27th uny of June, I860. Juno29 WlLIJ.tM LEE. o. c. c. GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY. T WO Mo.VTHd alter oat-, aipicuiiou will bo made to the Honerab.o Court of Urdin.iry lor said couuiy, for leave to se>l tne following named negroes : Hosu and her throe children, Irene, Mi nis and Joe; belonging tothuestutoof JaiuLuTomp kins, decoasod, lor tbu bcuetit of .-aid heirs. WILUAM B. iUuMasS, Uuardlau. Jeffersonton. Juuo 10, lt51, June 30 GLYNN SHERIFF’S BAI.E. W ILL bo soul before the Court House in the city of Uruuswick, county of Ulvuu, on the ilrr-t Tuesday iu August uuxl, between the legal hours of Bale, the lobowing i>i oj ei ty, lu w it: one bit or pared of land situate, lying und being in the cnyot Bruns wick, In the county of Ol) un, statu of ou., known ana distinguished m the plan of said city as Did Town Lot, number two hundred und (htv- hreo. and tho iutpruvcmeuis thereon; levied on by virtue ol u li fa issuud out of the City Court ul .-avuiiunuh, io the county ol Oliath in, In favor of Ueojuudu 0 Frauk- •lm vs Cburies E Flanders. Property pointed out by piaintilf. Jy2 M. r, n WRIGHT, h. 0. c NwTtCE. O NE MONTH alter date, application will bo made to the staio Hunk ul uooigiu, for pay- tueut of a twenty do.lar bill, the left timid half of Which bus been lost. July 1 JOHN D. KKNi DY. Midway, Alabama. July 1, 1856 GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTYT S 'Xi'Y tiuys alter oate, appnuatiou wt.l be mudo lu tho Uunorubie Cou.t 01 Oruniry ol Uaaodi couuiy, fur leave to sod ail toe lauds belonging to the estate of tbourn■> t.rosly, into of sal 1 00 .nty, decuasi-U, for the bcudlt 01 tue hens and uuditois of said osute JylO WILLIAM F. CRnSBY. Adm’r. NOTICE. O NE month aftsr da e, application will be mado to the iktus 01 mo slate of ueorgU, for the pa,) ment 01 u Twenty Lobar Note ou tnu sai l Ban*, (No. 42.) tnu n>-hiband had of which lota boon lost. One mouth aft r date application will he made to tbo Marine Bank of ceoi^ia for mo v- y.neut of u Tw *n y Dollar Note. (No. 3s-l) ou sunt /#ank, the right hand ha i of which ha 3 oouu io-t. Jyli—lu w—4w WM. B. I1IGUT. Villa iiiea. Jul> 8,1656. AUffoE. T HREE months after dmu application will be made to the Murine Dank of suvuiinun for me p y- meutuf twu Tweuty dollar bills, viz . letter D, hu'.u, and letter D, 607, the foil hmvujoi which have been lost. Ja.MEs P. uL’iwDN. Tallahassee, Ha., Jlay 17, 1850. Uni*tn>2tl NOTICE. S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Droiuary ol Mclumsh couuiy, for leave to selJ tlio real catato, being iu this couuiy. of tbu into Jutnoi dmith, Known us Siduu (rice) l lautulfou sold lor the b jueflt of the heirs of suld cslute. DEAN M. DUNWOODY, John jon’e*, VEx’ors. jdhn f. dun'woqdy Darien, July 1,1866. BY,) vEx’ors. IV, f , , J y- hlllkUj b'Olt lllYaUL I.. Ellzabctli Cuuly 1 In ^,1^ > „,„, ri , >r t . ourli John duly. J, 1630. I T uppeunng n* tho Court, front the return of tliu sheilll - . tbut the defendant. John t/auly n not to be loan4 m Cotfou county, uud he is not >u the aiatu; on motion of Win ULaaldiug, attorney fui liOeiuni, it Is ordered that service be pe.fueled on -.aid de- fcdUaui by a publication of tills order iu « n .* ol tho public Journals of auvunnuh, once a utoutli for three mouths precodiug the next tm m of tUi.-. Court, requiring said ucicud.tut to appear at tliu next term of Uiifoo .-Superior Court, iu the iifouth of Novem ber uext, aud Uie his defensive aliegulii n to the cause. A truo extract from tho minutes ol the Superior Court. Jy2 KW’D ASH LEV, «’lork. State of Georgia, UullocU County. A DMINI-'T’KATOHo’ SALE—By virtue «f au or der from tlio Itouorablo Court of Ordinary of bum county, passed ou the Monday iu June, will be sold ut tho court house dour of suld county, between the lawful hours of sale, oil tho ilrst Tues day in August, one tract of Ijuid, containing one hundred and fifty acres, In said couuiy, on tho Ca- noocheo tiver; also, a part of four other eurvoys, containing six hundred und thirty-two acros, ou Ca nnae bee river, wo l Improved nnd in good ronalr, consisting of swump, buy und pine laud, h'oid as the property of Nuthun Drewtott, deceased, for tho benefit ol the heir- uud creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day of sale. BENJAMIN BKEIVTON, ) . MMUN J. BKEWTON, f Adm r8 ‘ June 2d, 1S50 Jo If» Stale of Georgia, 11 tiilneIt County. A dministrators’ bale.—r hi be told, ou tho first Tuesday In Auguct next, belbro tlis court house In Statesboro’, in raid county, under »n order of the Court of Ordinary, Fifty lour (64) acres of Pme l.-nul, granted to James Deal, aud bounded by lauds of James Woods, William Allen and Klinoro Manes, lu-ionuing to the estate of James Iteal, for the benefit of live heirs aud creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day ofsalo. MARTHA DEAL, \ Adm’X. CALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. June 12th, 1850 Jo 16 NOTICE. A LL persons having claim- against the estate of Evan Junes, late of ( foulfou comity, Ou., do- cou-ed, are requested to present them, ill terms jf law, aud tho*e uulebted will Ideate make payment to the subscriber. STEPHEN McCALL, Executor. Centrevilluge, Gn., June 14th. 1850 Jo22 NOTICE. W ILL bo sold, between me usual hours ofsalo, ou tho first Tuesday in August next, before tlio court, bouse door iu Trader’s Hill, t'harllou county, Go.. Two negro men, (Dick und Tom)—bo longing to Hie estate ul Evan Jones, late of suld county, dcccft-cd. Isold under provlsl n of tho will and by order of tho honor' bio Ordlunry of said county. STEPHEN* McCALL, Kx’r. Ceiiticvillago, Ca., June l4th, I860 jo22 RELIGIOUS WORKS. H ISTORY ul tho Croat Reformation of tho Six teenth Century, iu Certn my, Switzer lit ltd,Ac, b.. j LL Merle D'Aubigue, live volumes complete in OHO. Tho Life of Martin Luther, tho German Reform er, io Any Pictures, Loin designs of Gustav Komg, io winch is a ided a sketch of the ri.-o aud progress of mo Uelbriuation in Germ my. Lfo aud 'limes <4 Rev El(jau llodding, D D, late -euior Bishop of the Methodist Ghurch. by DW Clark, DU. Sermons on several 0 ’ca-inns, by tho Rov John Wo.-l y, A M, m four volumes. ^ s.eanons 1'iom tho Pulpit, by ll It Bnscom, I) D, Life of II BiJdlomau Bascotn, I) D, L L D, lute Bi hop of tho Methodist Church, South, by Rev M M Ilonkio, I) 1). Posthumous Woi k* of the Rev Henry B Bascom, I) D, L i. D, one of the Bishops of tnu MuthudLt Eplscnpul Church South, edited by the Rov Thomas N Rdstou. A ,\1. Life of tins Rev Uolj.-vt Newton, U D, by Thomas Jackson The B irds of the Bible, by George Gulfillnn. Tho Atmlory of Religion—Natural uud Revcalod —io the Constitution aud Course of Nature, by Jo seph Butler, I. L D, late Lord Bishop of Durham. Baptism—a tie Ul.-o on the nature, perpetuity, subjects, administration, mode, aud uhos of thfi ini- lia iug ordinance of the Christian Church, by Thoa d Sumners. Baptism—with rcfurciieo to its iuijiorl, modes, history, proper uao, and tlio duty of parents to bap- tjz-21 children, by James L Chapman, a minister oi iiie Memphis Conference of tho Moliiudlst Episcopal Church. South. For .-ale ut lf»9 Congress street by JuneSg WARVOCK k DAVT8. VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVILLE, AND Vlvglula & TcnucMeo aor SUMMER AitBANGEMENT. Hhortest, most comfortable aud moat expeditious Route to tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS 1 THROUGH BY DAY-LIGHT. And Uuggugo Checked Through, except ou Stages. Visitors to the Virgiuiula Springs by ibis route, take tho South-Side Ball road cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville curs at Richmond, at 0 A. M., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch- burg to diunor, aud thcuco, via tho Virglula aud Teunessco Railroad, reach Bousack's Dopot at 31-4, aud Salem at 4 P. M., uud at either place tako Kent. Summersoii & Co’a Fine Line or Stages I Tlioso via Ilousack’s lodge at Fincaatle, dine at the Rod Sweet, or Sweet*Springs, aud arrlvo at tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on tho uveulng of tho second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles or Staging. Or b> tho Salem route, stop all night at tliu Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 miles distuut from Salem,) dine at the Rod aweot, or Sweet Springs, and arrlvo at tho White Sulphur Springs un tho evening or the following day. Thu Virginia k Tounossco Railroad is locatod through a most rumautic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity aud delightful tern' perature, The road pusses the base of the PEAKS OP OTTER I And within throe miles of tho Alleghany Springs, ouo mile of the Moutxomery White Sulphur Springs, aud within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs; all plcusuutly situated a few miles apart, ou tUo Eastern slopo of the Alieghuuy mountain, in Munt gotnory county. Tho waters of those Springs aro celebrated for tholr grout medicinal qualities, tho ac commodations aro oxcollout, aud have oceu greatly lucreasod since last season. 49* Vi si tors to the Red Sulphur Springs tako Kuut. Summcrson k Go’s Stages ut Newborn Depot, on tbeeveulng of tbo day tbut they leave Peters burg or Richmond, and arrivo ut tbo Springs ou tho following day to uinuor, and Suit Sulphur Springs ourly in tho evening or the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Kevberu Dopot to tho Roil Sul phur Springs, (38 ratios,) has bocu graded auj greatly improved siuco last seasou, aud is now re garded iisonu of the host turnpikes in tho moun tains. Tho line of Telegraph from Richmoud will bo com pleted und in operation to tho Mootgomory White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers to Kuoxvillo, Tennessee, take Kent, Summersun & Go’s stages at tbo Western terminus of the Virginia k Teuue-seo Railroad, now ISO miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward ut the rate oi 8 mlies per month) to the Eastern term! utis of tho East Tennessee aud Virgiula Railroad, aud arrlvo at Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Petersburg or lUehmond. To Rod sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bousack’s,tlO 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Suiem.... 10 60 11 White Sulphur Springs 11 Bonsack’s 11 00 “ “ “ “ “ Salem.... 11 60 “ Red Sulphor Springs 12 26 “ Alleghauy Springs 8 00 (i Montgomery Whito Sulphur Bprlugs 8 25 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 46 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Noth.—Tlio charge lor tickets to the Alieghuuy Springs, Montgomery Whito Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not iucludu the charge from the Railroad lo tho Spnugs. l’a-scngers lor the Ai I eg 11 uuy Springs, (4 miles distant,) take tickets to rihawsvillc—fur Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mho distant by u branch Railroad,) lake tickets to Big Tunnel und fur tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) tako tickets to Christian-burg dopot. Con veyances will be fouud ut those placos. For further Information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup't Richmoud k Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V. k T. R. It., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERSON k CO., my!3-8m Fiucastle, Virginia. ig rocelvtt Medal at World’* Fair, are now offered to tho public as tho Prixo Safe of the World. Tested and approved as thoy v .. have been ovenr- whoro, Utelr crowning victory was reserved to bo awarded by tho Juries or the World’sFalr. Tho proprietor plucotl One Thousand Dollars In Gold In the ouo oxhibited at tho World’s Fair, Ixm- don, aud Invltod all the Mck-Loeks in the world to open tho Safe, with or without the koys. and take the money as a rowartl for tholr Ingeuully; although operated upon by several skilled In the art, noona could Pick the Lock or open tho Safe. By an Improvomont u;»n tho original Salamandor, introduced by the prosentowuer of the patent-right, tho interior Is rendered wholly lm|»crvloua to damp, and books, papers aud Jowolry might be preserved lu ouo or his safes for a century without contracting a blemish Trora mould or mllldow. To gunrd against counterfeits every Sofa from tho manufactory of tlio subscriber, and sold by him or his ngonts, lias a brass plato in Irout, bearing bla tinino; each Is also furnished with ouo or his Im proved Thief Detecting lacks, which la a good guar antee against robbery. 8. 0. HERRING k CO., Nos. 135,137 and 131) Watcr st., N. Y. Agents in Savaunub, Messrs. BEIJ. A PRENTISS, who keop conslaiitly on hand a fall and complote assortment, which ilioy will boII at Mauulkcturera’ prices. aeptSS LIBEL Full UiVuiAb, £ WUkiluon, 1 joUburlyauperlwCurl, Tboa. Wilkluran.J J, " y lorm ' I T appermg lu uio Court, by tho return of the sheriff, m tlio above slateil case, that the Ucfoud- aul is uot to bo found in the county, and Ihui lie i not to bo fuuuu in tlio state; on motion oi Wu» B tiauldeu, counsel for libellant, it is ordure : that ser vice be pji footed tin r-uiu deieuiliiul, by a pubiica. lion of tin. notice once a ni.nuii for three inoutlis, next preceding the next term of said -unuriur Court, requiring suLi tlufeudatit to tic and uppear utrttie next term of Libui ty auiierior Court to answer in the suid cause A true extract (rum the minutes of said Superior Court. Jy2 s. A. FRASER, Clerk. ANN BROWN l WILLIAM ll! IIBOW.S'.J I T appearing to the Court, In- the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant, William It Brown, U uot hi b i louud m the cuumy oi Buiioch; on mo tion Of Levi .4. D’Lyon, Attorney Tor the plaintiff, it U ordered tbut the defendant tl-iapp- ar uud lite lilt answer or defensive nllt gallon. <m or behne the first duy uf the nexuerm of tills l ooit, and E ubliuuil <u oi tills wnl be made in hi 1 of the puli- c gazettes'of the city of Savannah once u mouth for three mouths. A true extract from tho minute i, this 22d day of March, 1866. Jyli—lainjm DAVID BEASLEY, c * c it e. piusir Sulinou, Lobsters und .Sardines, for salo by Jan 2 1JABKET8! BASKETS!—We would cull the XJ altent'oii of the ladies lo our spick of Work, Traveling uud tine Fancy Basket*, the (urgentassort ment m the city, at the House 1- urnidung rfore, 166 Broughton ntruet. mur21 HORACE ‘KIRSK. siuins: siihits: j 8ium.>i:: J li A Yli just received n large assortment of JL vvlmouod figured .Shirts, of every quality aud -tyle, and soperhiy made, with collars to match, urders will also be taken, and shirts made to suit my particular .-tyle or taste of tbo wearer. Call at tliu t^ur Clothing Emporium, 147 Buy street. my 14 WM. O. PRICK. ' REMOVAL. The subscriber bus Removed on tho , . Bay. next door to the lUspubUv-an'(j|M]||r« olhee, where lie is now opening arrllllJO liandsouie assortment of rf P It I N G LJ ViU t.Mi’.-UMMER GOODS, which lie will sell by the pattern or make to order m tlio most fusbiunublo • tyle. Also, Ready Mudo clothing for tho preseut and coming season. Thaiiklul for piut favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N. It —Cutting, Altering and Repairing done ut the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale ut a ntnail pro wl 2 JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER. AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON fflREEr NEAR BROUGHTON. S Tlie suhscriher take.- 1 this opportunity to inform lit.-; frieuda and tlui public, that he is enabled, I’rnm experiencu, uud tho iotoitlvo perooptions of the truths of. science, based on the common rules of surveying forms, both plane and spherical, to cut nnd make up garments to lit the human form In the most complete ami finished style, to ail wlm may favor him with a all. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Eg Mjl uH^SuETofaaiffilitjfltr /”\N and alter Sunday, the I4th October, Inst, Vy and until further uulico, tho Passeugor Trains mi Hie Central Railroad will ruu os follows : BETWEEN BAVANNAU AND MACON, i.eaves Savannah Daily at...6 a if and 12.15 p v. Arrive In Macon “ “..2.15 pm “ 1 am. Louve Macou “ “.11.45 a M “ 0.30 p M. Arrive in Savau’b “ “10.46 p if “ 7.20 a m 1IWWKK.V SAVANNAH AND ADQCSTA. Leave Savanuab 12.16 p m and 8.30 p. m. Arrivo in Augusta 8.46 p M “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 6. a M “ 4.30 p m Arrive in Savannah 1.30 pm “ 10.45 p UKTWRKN MACON AND ACUPSTA. Leave Macon .11,46 a M and 0,30 p m. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.45 p M “ 6.80 a m. Leave Augusta 6. AM “ 4.30 p M. Arrive lu Macon 2.16 p M “ 1. am. USTWEKN SAVANNAH, WLLEXIKVJLU & IATONTOX. Leave Savannah t, am Arrive iu Millcdgevlllo 2.45 p m. Iajuvo Macon 1146 A M Arrlvo lu Katontou 6. PM, W. M. WADLEY Gen’l Bupt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. ocU6. CHANGE OF KJHEDU1.E ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over wilted passes tde Great- New York A New Orleans Mails, O N und alter Sunday, February 3d, 1850, two dully trains between Macon aud Columbus ami one between Macon uud Atnerlcus, J-euvo Macon at 2 a m, and 3 pm; arrivo at Colutn bus at 7 15 a m, and 1030 p m ; leave Columbus at 4 15 a m, nuil 1 30p m;arrivo at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 40 i* m; leave Macon at 2 a m; arrivo at Araeri cus at 0 40 a m; loavo Amcricus at 2 20 p M; arrive at Jlacon at 7 40 p m; raukiug a complete connection bo- tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, KingB- vllle, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Centra) RailroadTralus to Savannah, Millodgeviiluaud Eaton ton, aud with Macon aud Western trains tc Atlanta Chattanooga, Nashville and Kuoxviile. Tenn. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Kullroad U. Kufaultt, Ala., connecting dally at Americas with four borhe Post Coaclics to Tallahassee, Albany Thomasviile, Baiubridgo, &c., with tri-weekly huckL to Lumpkin, Cuthbert, ko., at Fort Valley with hacks to l-orry, Hayucsvlllo, HawklusvlUe and Knoxville, Ga. Pussongors for Amorioua and points below Fori Valley, should take tbo 12 16 p m train from Bavan- nab; und liio 6 I’M truiu from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macon. For other points on Uio South western or Muscogoo Roads tuko olther train from Savannah or Augusta. Possougors leuving Amorl- cus ut 2 20 p m Will roach Columbus nt 10 30 r u the Boys’funny dresses, Ball costumes, Military and same night. Firemen’s Unffornis, ta;. t ftc, Pussongors tyom Columbus and the West for Am- * oricus, South-western Georgia or Florida, should take tho 1 30 p m traiu at Columbus, sloop at Fort Vulloy, and reach Amorlcus nt 0 40 a m uoxt morn Ing. First class steumshlps louve Savannah for New York on Wednesdays and Baterdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage la tho Cabin *26, Steerage $8. Faro from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ Amorlcus “ »« 8 .. . GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, I860. maylS P. HORACE GRANT, Jufferson r.t., ouo door North of Broughton street, dec 7—ly . | >Ai-i;it iianuinuh and iiuiidurs— X received a great assortment ol the most with borders to match, f.oml CHAFFER k CO.’S, No. u Whitaker street. LE, LaKD, &u.-—2u i.Ij..i Prune i«uru; »o do L Taylor k Son’s Ale; f»u do suuur, hiioh and hut- UrBiscuil; received uud for .-ult; by MoMAHuN « DOYLE, juriHlP 206 nod 207 Bay *trwt. 19-4 Xa3 Tc Zephyr Wliaiobouo.-Skirts; Fruucb Linen Drillings; York Mills aud Water twi-.t Bleaohud Shirt ings. Black Moire Antique Trimmings; Black F.:uih« Bolls; EuglLli Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Bihhoii-*, we. Just received pur uteninur Augunta. Je»‘J Hum IT k MORGAN. AY—lOO bulei piTino Hay, how landing and for sole low from the whan, by UH*S8 (J. A. GREINER. legiint palter us, cents to $2, at aprfiO G.'MTaUiFFfli; SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan nnd Whiinkor .Streets. HA*-'now on hand a huniitifiil aa- v feyjv poriincnt ol Jewelry of every ills- cription and kind worn by Indies and gcntlumeii, und will sell at unusually low prices, I have this duy received (per Express) a large stock of elegant riivur Ware, consisting of Cake nnd i‘ie Knives, plain and eugmvod Fish Knives and Forks, Plcklod Knives aud Fol ks, Knives, Forks nnd Bpeons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, Am. Ac., all in MomrcociiMcs, nud •suitable for pro units, i have this day received mi addition lo my stock uf Imli work of light colored Curls, Top^ys, Braids,Front Pieces, Bands, Uncle Tom, Am., which now makes my assortment complete. Orders received for any color dc.-lml. Watches rcnalred by und under tho supervision of self, uud nil other work done iu u workmanlike manner, nnd wnrmno-d. inuy 26 O N CUNHllJNMENT— 2UOO hui-holrt PrlnioCorn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks "Palace Mills’’ Flour; 10 Uhls Raw Glm; 10 do Mououu’aliela Whisky; 6 do Domestic Brandy; For sal»low, by jam PArrpN hutton k <n I I KaNDY. GIN,"wHUSV AND m'm"—tor salo J J by (mayfiO) WILLIAMB k RATCLUF, VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD Winter Ananqcmtnl—Cart StaiiinufoiM Uroadiit Heavy Rail all the way toCfortlonsvlllo. W HEN the Potonmc 1b closed with ice titis routo inay bo relied un by passeugors, to ou suro the connection going North or South. Tlio road is ontiroly roiald with a buiierlor T roll as fitr os Gordoimvillo. During tho winter tho traiu will Hturt Irom the old station, In Richmoud, on Broad utroot, at 7M a M.. puss Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m., and arrlvo lu BtuunUniat326 p m. Down train loavosHtaun- ton ut 0 40 a m, passes Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m, und atrlvoIn Richmond at2.30 pm. Faro to Gordonsvlllo .$2 00 '* 4 * 6 00 Both tralus arrive lu Gordonsvlllo in amplo timo lo tako tho train ortlio Orange and Alexandria Rail road. Pontons who luavo Richmond at 7J4 A M., can tako tbo Orango aud Alexitudria cars at Gordons- villa II' thoy cbooso to do so, aud by that tnntii will reach Alexandria by 8.40 P M., but this comiwny can ticket them ouly to Gordousvllle. ool7 tf H. D. WHITQOMB, 8upt, -PROOF LOCK. Having received the BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Merchants Can besuppllodatshort notico with BIU-Heada, Bill* of Lading, Dray Books, Circulars, Cards LOCAL EVIDENCE UF THE VALUE AND FIRE- PROOP ttUAUTtWOP WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAPES t At Manufactured by Steams A Mamin, New York. In tho fire of the 8d Inst., which consum ed tho brick building ocouuiod by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, oppoalto tho Gas Works, In this city, was a safo ot the above descriptions containing Uio books, papers, and money or Mr. Thomas, aud although tho bulidiug was dotroyod, the said Safo sustained no Injury whatever from the lutouRo boat to which it had boou exposed. On open- lug the Safe, tho contents wore fouud iiudlsturbed. aud lu tha same order aud condition as when placed tbero, oxcept a slight discoloration to tho projocting ends of a few papers, and tho backs of ono or twoo ’ the books, caused by tho steam generated In tho Bufo, while at Us greatest boat. Tho Safe and contents, as it camo from the ruins, may still bo scon, in the possession of Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always on humLand for salo by C. H. CAMPF1KLD, Agout for tho Manufacturers, July 2d, 1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. 1 tako pleasure in corroborating the foregoing state- incut, and iu addition would add, that Uio books aro now lu use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 20th, 1866. octO—tf Particular atteutiou given to BOQK AND PAM- PHLET PRINTING, such as Catalogues far College*, Proceedings of Meetluga. Reports, By-Laws, etc., Thanklul far the vory liberalpatronago heretofore received, we respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same, fooling that we shall bo able fa please ul) who may favor us with a call, both as to pricos uud execution or work. NOTICK TO HAIUHGRI. rrUIE buoys at 8t. Simons Inlet and I X been arranged In tbo fallowing mat outer Bar Uu.»y is a targe first class n . Si-.:.; . OH. W.B. MOBKI.KV-1i'lM.,uM.t u WitlUtS. foil thc treatn,c;il ul T \\\m ‘JV?. " ens, Fistula, arm all U|,„|« Fii Tumours, Is now open for Uie l!!ll DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE. SAVANNAH, GA., Established In IB3R. rpHE Subscriber grateful to his friends and I patrous for tholr cuutlnuul favors, would state tout In addition to tho improvomeuts In DYING, ao quired by him during his last visit to England and Scotland, him made arrangements for extondlng his business, by which ho is now ouabled fa dye a greater variety of colors on silk and woolon dresses, shawls, &c., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor him with tholr patronage. Gentlomon’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated as may be required, iu tlio same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and Table Covers, and Ludios’ Crape Shawls, ko. cleaned and finished in tho first style. Ladies’ Bonnots dyed, bleached and prosed la tho moat fashionable styles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels aro sont by stoamboats or railro*d, word should be sent him by loiter through tbo post office, so that ho may know whore to call for thorn. mch 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. HEINTZELBIANN’S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence has been received throughout all soutionB ot the Union us a remedy at once safe, agreeable aud effectual for luclplont Diurrhcoa, cholera Morbus, Weak aud relaxed Rowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Uy<-poptjia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, Lan guor or Debuiiy from sedentary habits, Ac., has in duced the proprietor to give It every publicity in his power. V pen l»s meriits comment Ib unnecessary, as its own intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. It car ries with it the evidence of its superior excellence, freely attested to by the young, the old, and scores of families who, prompted by a cureful regard for tliuir health uud comfort, are dally adopting it as au LVDISmsAULK FAMILY KBMKUY. TllOI'O in porliups 110 medlciuul preparation extant so simple and iutrm* less, yet salutary uud ullective, whose worth will be more appreciated or uulversallv adopted than the liquid Unger prepared by Helutzelinau. For salo by J. E. DxFOKD, Druggist, jolt) 3ra Savannah, Ga. and Bouud have manuor: _ T ass nun, taluted red, with the No 2 lu white—is placed Is tweuty foot water at low tide, and must be left on tbu star board hand enlorlng. St Simons light bears N W by W % W. North point of Jekyl W by N tf S. Mlddlo Buoy—is a largo second class uun, paint ed black, with No 1 lu white—Is placed ill sixteen foot water at low tide, on tbo Eastoru edge of tliu Mlddlo Ground, and must bo loft ou tho port liutul entering. St Simons Light bears N W by W )i W. North point or Jekyl W by N. liracr Buoy—D a second class nuu,paluled black, with the No 3 in whito—Is placed In twenty-one leot water at low Udo, on tbo polut ol shoal ruunlug off from Jekyl Islaud, and must bn left ou tho port hand outerlug. St Simons Light bears N K by N K N. North point Jekyl W by 8 M 8. In tbo Sound Is the tower Middle Ground Buoy— which Is unmoral class nun, painted with red und blaek horizontal straws—Is placed iu twelve feet water at low tide, on the lower polut of the Mlddlo Ground, to mark the two channels. 8t Simons Light boars N E by E. North point of Jekyl Islund S E by 8 S. Middle Middle Ground Buoy—la a socoud class nun, painted red, with No 4 in white—is placed lu eighteen feet water at low tide, uoar tho olbow ol tho Middle Ground, and must he left on the star board band entering. North point of Jekyl bars N E « E. Brunswick polut W by 8. Upper Middle Ground Buoy—is a second class nun, painted red, with the N* 6 in white—is placed in 18 feet water at low tide, near the upper cud oi the Mlddlo Ground, and must be left ou the star board hand outering.- Brunswick poiut bears W X 8. Mouth or Jekyl Creek 8 J* K. Now.—In running in for St Simons Bur bring the Light fa boar N W by W W, while in four fathoms water. This bearing as a course will tako yon up to the Outer Bar Buoy and into the Sound, passing the buoys as directed. By order or the Light House Boara. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, J o28—tf to H. Insiiector, 6th District. NOTICE to mariners. ' T HE buoya at SI. Andrew’s Inlet and Sound have boon arranged in tbo following manner: Bar Buoy—is a second class cau, paluted red, with the No 2 in white—Is placed In slxteeu water at low tide, and must be left on the starboard hand enter ing. Little Cumberland Light bears W bv W N\ South point or Jekyl N W by W. Middle Buoy—is n second class cau, paiuted i ed, with the No 4 in white—Is placed In nineteen feet water at low tide, near tbo High North Breakers, and must be left on the starboard hand entering. Cum laud light boars W by N u N. South point oi Jekyl N W X W. Inner Buoy—Is a second class can, painted black, with Noliu white—Is placed in twenty-ono fuel waler at low tide, near a dry shoal running off from Cumberland blond, and must be left ou the port hand entering. Cumberland Light hears 8 \V by tV >4 W. South point or Jekyl N W y % W. In the Sound is the Middle Grouud Buoy— secoud class can, painted with red and black horizontal stripes—Disced in ten feet water at low tide, on a poiut of shoal running down from tho SatUla River, aud nearly in the middle or the Bound. Vessels must not pass to the westward or it. Camberiand light ^boars S by K K E. Innor polut of Jokyl N ^uoy at the sntranco or SatUla River—is a second class can, paintod black, with No 3 iu white—is placed In ten feet wator at low Udo, and must bo left ou the port hand entering. Cumberland Light bears S by E. Outer point or Jekyl bears N K. Now.—lu ruunlug in for St. Andrew’s Bar bring the light to bear W by N X N, while in four fath oms wator. This bearing as a course will take you up to tbe Bar Buoy, thou haul offto tbo northward until tbe Middle Buoy, No 4 is in range with the Light, (to avoid two lamps in a direct liuc, W by N Yt N, between the two buoys,) when stoerfor it— r ising It to tho southward. From this buoy a N by W K W course will bring you into the Souud. By order of the Light House Board. C. MANIGAULT MORRIS, Je2$—tf to H. Inspector, 6th District. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, N«. 174 Broughtou Street, a fine selec tion or Spring Milinery. and i3 constantly receiving pur steuin • crs. now and difforout styles of Bunuets; also, Dross and Mantilla patterns. 1- Bonnets oleauod and pressed as usual. aprlO Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. EA.STMANN, I’iuncipal. Tiii-i Seminary, located in tho do- Ughtful und healthy village or Media, thirteen miles from 1’hiladolpbia, by Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1866. Tue commodious buildlug, now in process of erec tion, willi all tho modern improvements, will be finished bv ihu first of August, und will contain such accommodations, both iu point of taste and comfort, oa canuot fall to satisfy parents that while their daughters &ru enjoying the benefits of mouutl cul ture, they have also ttie comforts of a refined home. This iuatituilonU established with a view to afford to youug ladies the most perfect combination of ad vantages for the attainment of a thorough and ac complished education, aud no pains or expense will he spared to rendor it iu reality what it professes to be, a school of superier merit. Miss Eastman, the Priuclpul, wus at tho head ol a school iu New Eng land previous to herrusideuco iu Pennsylvania, aud for the last six years has boeu known to tbo patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, us presiding teacher in that Institution. The Pt. iluv. A. PottJi', Bishop of tlio Dioceso of Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. rastman, who proposes to open a Young Ladiin. Summary in Media, DelawaroCo., Pu., in September next, has boon known to tho sub scriber fur several years past. Ho has a very high opinion of her cupuclty, efficiency nnd devotoduess as nu educator. She lias hud a largo aud success- fill experience. The bulidiug which is to be erected for her use will contain every accommodation. Tho village aud surrounding country aro distinguished for hca tbfulueHs and beauty, and tho subscriber has coutldom e that parents who eutrust their daughters fa Miss Kastman will have no reason to regret it.” Miss Kastman will be aided by an efficient corps of Teachers. Tho French lauguage will be taught and spoken by a Parisian lady, resldiug in the family. The Lutin, Geriimu, Spanish and Italian languages will reevivo duo atteutiou. Tlio Natural Sciences will be taught, with tbe aid of a largo aud expensive apparatus. The Musical Department will bo tinder the charge of a lady ciulucutly qualified to fill tbu situation; aud all preferring a mule teacher on the Piano or in Singing, can have tho benefit of a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing aud Paiuliug will be uuder the direction of a lady accomplished iu tho art. Tho uumbor of pupils is limited to forty. Thu Terms for Board atul Tuition in all tbe branch es excopt Music, are $160 per sos.-don of five mouths. Miss Kastman lias liberty to refer to the following gentlemen:— lit.. Rev. A. Potter, l).l)., uud tho Episcopal clergy lion. F:.Pierco, President of tho United States. lion. S. 1*. Chase, Governor ofO.ilo. ’Hon. N. B. Baker, Ex-Govoruor of New Hamp shire. Hon. M. W. Tuppau, M. C. from New York. Rov. N. Stem, of Norristown, l’a. Rov. A. McLeod, Clearfield, l’a. Pierce Butler, Esq,,of Philadelphia. J. U. Okie,Esq., do. K. W. Clark, Esq., do. George Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Eraser, Pollsvlllo, Pa. George Wyman, St. touie, Mo. ilun. P. 0. Johuson, Wasbingtou, J). C. For furthor particulars, or for circulars apply to tbo Principal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, JolO cod am Media, Delaware Co, Pa. TSUR’S PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, ko. Full directions far preserving accompany each Can. For sale at manufacturer’s prices by tho HOR’(!e MOSSF, 116 Broughton street. may 29 PERIODICALS. P UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. Frank Loello’s Gazette ol Fashions for May. Uluckwood’s Edinburgh Roviow for April. Received und for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, maylO 160 CougresB street. UHLS. FLOUlt in store and for sale A40 by may7 CRANK, WELLS k CO. KA Casks Ohio Catawba Brandy in store, 19\J and fur salo by tho only regular Agout for Savannah. J. M. EYRE, my 14 U4 Bav street JUST RECEIVED. -I* PER STEAMER, au assortment of fmjJ 'Missus and Children’s Plain Straws. Ladies’ NKOPOUl'AN BONNETS. IN- FA.\ I’d’ HATS und FIATS. Also afow HATS. For sule by MRS. FREELAND, may 17 Broughton street. T ISLE THREAD GAUNTLET&—The only U article of tho kind lu tho city. For sal* by J. W. TURKLKKLD, mur2? corner of Congress and Wbitaktr-sts TaWfl'ogWOT' VjBBSiB^Ja 1 recolTcd Ut and for Mia by J. W. TURKLKKLD. Mm Pont* nd WlillkilrflgttU. A pples & potatoes- 10 bbls Choluo Mercer totatoes; 26 “ “ UiimoU Amilao. For aalo by moyiB HuMetl Apples. I, A. MOWN. FBBNUB HILLINEBY AND Dress Making. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Some new aud beautffu) designs, Plated uud Brlta- nia. At Uie Ifouse Furnishing g Store, 156 BROUGHTON STREET’, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April 30. apr30 tim. TO WOOL SELLEItS. rpHE Undersigned have this day opened a X Store in CongregB street, opposite tho Murkct, for tbe purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Boos Wax, Deer Skins, and Country Produce iu general. The highest cash prices will be paid for all Uie above article* on delivery ^in Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MaRTIN has been appointed as Agent, fa whom all persons having business transactions with tbo un dersigned may apply. J. W. 81IYTHE k 00. Savanuab, May 19,1866. may20 ~ PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received largo ad ditions to our PLANO FORTES, we ar© enabled fa oiler at this timo the greatest variety from the beBt manu facturers, from the plainest squaro to the mast elab orately carved, and from six fa soveu octaves. Our Plano* are selected from the manufacturers whom we have fall confidence iu, nnd wo are par ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by us us regard? durability, tone, &c. Persons in waut of a first rate instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a one by selecting from the following makers, whose iustrumeuts we endeavor to koep coustautiy on baud, vix : H. Wor cester, J. Chickerlng ft Son. Nunus ft Clarke, Bacon ft Ravens, H. Waters, and Haines, Brothers ft Gum ming. I. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 cool - retheat i THE ARBOR BILLIARD SALOON, (upstairs) Corner Bull aud Bryan streets, over Barber Shop, Juno 27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. gspi % ’ GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Uelntbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extrnut liurhu* . IS A CERTAIN, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY TntuR Diseases of tue Bladder, Kldnoys, Gravel, Dropsy, WeaUitow, Secret Diseases, abstrac tions, Female Cuniplaints, und all diseases of tbo Sexual Orgatis, whether in - MALB OU FKMALK. from whatever cause thoy muy liuvo originated, and NO MATTER OF 110W DING STANDING. This tiopular and specific remedy Is now offered to (lie affileted, and gnaruutcod fa euro nil the above oomplolnts. It searches but tho vory root of the disease, driving out all the diseased. Ilulds of tho hotly, thus removing the cause und rondoring tho cure CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tills medicine allays twin and inflammation, which other remedies Invariably cause, and can bo taken with less troublo aud cxihjiiso to palionts. This in fallible remedy has saved thousands upon thousands from tho hands ol' MERCILESS QUACKS, if not from premature graves, lu cases of infection tho Compound Buchu is tho only urtlclo worthy of the least coulldeuce of the ufilicled iu performing SAFE CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or othor Injurious drug, but la purely a Vegetable Cnmjxjititim. It Is vory agrooablo to tlio taste, creates no perceptible odor, and may bo taken by persons ol either sox without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for uso accompany the tnedicino. Reader, if you huvo any of tho ubovo complaints, do not neglect thorn, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this inodiciuo you cau euro ynutsoir, and thus prevent all oxposuro. TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL This medicine speodily and effectually cures tho most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every partlclo of infectious matter from the system, restoring the patient to a pevfest state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Ileimbolil’fl Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tho Blood, removing all diseases ari sing from excess of Mercury, exposure and Im prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from nu impure state of Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for tho cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ations of tho Throat and togs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions cf the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines to be able to state that it is now nearly threo ycurs since they wero first Introduced, during which timo they have boon extensively used in various parts of tho United States, aud have given to patient and practitioner tho highest degree of satisfaction in tho various cases iu which they have been employed ; whether in town, couutry, hospital or privato prac tice, they have invariably given tlio most decided and unequivoenl satisfaction, nud produced the most salutary and boneflcial effects. Numerous letters liavo been received from the most distinguished physicians in the couutry, aud fr om tho professors of several medical colleges, recommending iu the highest terms tho value ol theso medicines, aud their superiority over nil othor preparations for such complaints as tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Buchu and various modes of preparing them liavo been given, all of which of course will differ according to the mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. These modiciues require considerable care iu tlio preparation nnd the employment of different men strua In suticossivo operation to take up the extrac tive matters, und, In cousequeuce, are most fre quently improperly mado, uud not unfrequcntly much impaired, If not rendered totally inert, l>y tho injudicious and unskilful imuiugeinent of tlioso unuc- qualnled with pharmaceutical preiwrutious. It Is therefore or tlio highest consideration aud import ance to tho public aud to the faculty that there should he standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the uwsi advantages. To effect this and obviate the evil ulluded lo, 1 have made u num ber of experiments to ascertain tho most effectual mode of extracting the virtues of tlio Sarsaparilla and the Buchu, nud to discovi r the most eligible form for their exhibition. The experiments have rasultod most favorably, uud it is with much pleas ure I now oiler to the public and the faculty my Gompouud Fluid Extracts, which contain all tlio vir tues of tho articles they are represented to bo mado from in a highly concentrated form, nnd nrc the most active preparations which can be made. Two tu- blospoonsful of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of wutor, is equal to the Lisbon diet drink, und one bottle fully equals In strength ono gallon of Syr up Sarsutmrilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu. $1 per buttle, or 6 for $5 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and phyolcimis will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by U. T. HEtoMBOLD, Practical <aul Analytical Chemist, 263, Chostnnt-st., ncur tho Girard House Pliilu. To be had ofDruggisU uud Dealers in every sec tion of the United States nnd Canadas. All iotturs for the medit'iuc directed to tlio propri etor receive immediate ntfautlou, uud rate deliveries guaranteed. __ sept l—ly-dtw JOJIIN - il.~RTOOKE 00.7 GIBBON'S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH.. Ga. WHOLESALEk UKTAIL imVOGtSTS. Would call the auction of Merchants, Factors, Plnuters, Physicians aud others, to their ex- ___ tensive mid well selected stock, comprising every article In their Hue of busluc.’s, and which they offer for million the most reasonable tonus for cash, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, ftC., Whito Lead. Pure and No. 1; Tinman's Colors, dry and iu oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach VuruUhcs . Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold tonf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gin- Hera’s Diamonds. LAMP, MACHINERY AND TA NX Kite’ Olto, Bleached Sperm, Whnlu iuni Jjird Oils, for burning ; all descriptions of Oil for nmchiiiury, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, tol d ami Rape Seed Oil; also Trainer?,’ Neats, Foot amt Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspico, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Saleratus, Soda, I’eurlush, Sweet < 'il, Sturcb, Fig Utue, Mutches, fto. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the host French. English, aud American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Scloct powders, Surgicul Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Motullc Saddle bags, ftc. Also, CAM PHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any one who may favor them with their orders may depuud upon their receiving tho best attention, raid that all goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, thoy may bo returnod at the option of tho purchaser. multi 0 ll - ' j. e. Die FoiiD, «APOTHECARIES HALL. 8. K. Corner of IW Broughton aud Barnard Streets. Su van- uah Ga., Wholesale and retail Deulors In Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods and PyeStuflb, French, English, uud American Perfum ery, Fine Toilet nud Shaving Soaps, Combs aud Brushes of every dcscriptlou, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, Ah tbo Putent or Proprietary Modiciues or the day. Superior Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, fte. 43" X. B.—Especial atteutiou given to the preparation of Physicians’ Proscriptions aiul Family Roclpos. Ship, Family and Travelling Modicino Cusiu, With plain Directions for uso, including Directions for treatment in cases of poisoning, Drowning, ftc. »p?iy of Tumours, Is now open for the ireception of Patients, jjj* inary la loaded near the Dopot and l o.-t (jiTfT! Broadway.audcooudim ubout Unity laigeunlV', furnished Rooms,,With good raid tm-ty n-rvul Jl ways At blind, both Hula,, uu.i geirtieinen aVe S.n 1 ed at this Institution, aud will receive* the mo4 S' and kind attention from the IToprato, "iS* 6 kU»tr ? n.hyAkh Cuicor, toIbe |WII ton youre t« not»iiVi»MnL' nny IHynlcian lu tho Bontl,. to| cllL , „ r r 0 "n” , ‘ l » MPKMMnto nttrooa 4pon boioro tin, „ „„ dortnkon. All commuuloutkin» „„m | lt . \ •ddrotwed to W. n. HaStS' 1 * 11 ' ; Urlllln, 4,. mnrt • BlunitAM. Kiiij.y.,,, llUN. Will ItfCtfllAV’H TTNITED States, Canada and Cuba OUrnnd’ln Ctoh! |ial “ fS ** 11 '’ “ ow «IU» » Napoleon’s Confidential Correspontfent i wnt., brothor Joseph. L Davau’s History or tbo Queen’s t.i « l0 D bu > . Hanover—2 vols. I^ThoAllachi in Mudrid. Romance of Ihu llarom, by Miss i'ardur Rachel Gray, by Julia Kuvanaugh. Earnest Uusload, by Mrs. toe Hentz W. THORNE tVILLUiia J UbT RECEIVED—20 hoxSTshtwldita prime, artlclo, 20 tierce. choice Toni.t.','' Hams. In store, uud for sale by mar 26 WAYNE. GRENVILLE Mo •\TEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES77fto cj,. go of-the Abbott Deveioaux, daily exiiwru!! far aalo in lota to suit purchasers, by ‘ 1 jMffil RCII41ER.4 ft NQioti.a CAllPKT AWgin iTOCSTKUy 140 Congress and 67 »S’f. Julien .Strcrh T HE UNDERSIGNED would lake this oimo, faulty to oxpreaslo hi; friend : mnl tin- ,„v genoraUJftols sincere thank.-, for then llljura.’" ago and influence, which ha.-, result.*., iuexn i,-. his trade to nil parts of the State Also Oti-.,;'j. Florida, Alabama und Teunessco, meieby crai, i him to exhibit a stock unsm passed in any s.uth. oity. Famines, Merchants, Hotel Keojicr-. bh.i .-Uu t boat Owners aro particularly invited to osamtuet presont stock, which la uow complete iu uti ».,* various dei»rlinehtt!, coustettng iu part of the fall,, log goods, viz: CARP Ml OKI* A UTMEX’t Royal Medaliou, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocol Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, English UruggeU >, rious widths,)' Mosaic Hearth Rug- Velvet and Chci.iil* fi u ,. Tufted Rugs, ffiano and table Cora,*. Door-Mats (every vurien Silver ft Bras.-; .«tair IM- Curpots Bindings, ke. tv p iff C ORN AND CORN MEAL.-1000 bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal n store and for sale by deofll PATTEN HUTTON ft CO BEAU I—niiiM) l i-HK AU I IT That Is, if you can see ; and BATB HOUBB, HOT, COLD AND 8HOWBK. I HAVE been asked to allow tbe Bath Rooms to remain open to a later hour than nine o’clock ; l* therefore give notice that from this date the Bath Uousowlllbe upon until eleven o’clock at uight. Price 26 cents. Six tickets for 91. Je27 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. FINE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT RBDUOKD RATES. B ARGAINS cau now bu had by all tboso who wUh to clothe themselves geuleelly, as I will sell the balauce of my Roady-Mado, at reduced rates on time, and ton per cent, off for cash. Call and avail yourself of the chanco to obtaiu good arti- nlea. At the Star Clothing Emporium. WILLIAM O PRICE, June 27 147 Rajr Htreet. ^LOUK.—60 barrels auperflue Flour, oxtra quall- Jya , Just received, and for sale by YONGE ft FRIERSON, No. 04 Bay street. P ORK- 60 barrel* Mess Pork, 26 do Prime do Landing and for aalo by myl4 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft 00. fc SUPERIOR Choice Goshen Butter and Dutcl 5 Choose, received per steamer Alabuna^^ Fj AY.—100 bales prime North River Hay, laud- XX i»I Ihu day from brig Augusta, and lor ante on the wharf by Jyl CRANK, WELLS ft 00. flf you can’t see, you can find, all kinds of “helps to ace,” at tho Watch und Jewelry Store or 1). B. Nichols ft Co., in Congress Btroet, noxt door to the coi ner of Whitaker, where you can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, uh low ns at any other store In tho couutry. We have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those fine Steel Spectacles ; also, a supply of Pobblo and Perlscoplc toms, which wo uro prepared to fit In all kinds or frames, nt short notice. Our Perlscoplc tons (so called from tlielr peculiar shape) have au advantage over nil othor*, us they have a groator range of focus, au that tho reader Is uot compelled to hold the book or paper at a certalu distance from the eyo. Call amt ace. D. Ii. NICHOto ft CO. 49r No charge for showing goods. mar 11 1). 11. N. A CO. R OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, nil of good quality, lu a loro uud for safe by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. /"10BN—In store and for sale by inir.7 IV) JfBfl'WVKI.f.lN GS. MERCER UNIVERSITY, PEN FIELD, «A. nUBIDENT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. College. 8. P. SANFORD,-A. M., Mathomntics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. U. H. TUCRER, A. M., Bellos Letlres. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek ami Latin famguagea. WILIJAM G. WOODF1N, A. B., Modern Luiguagcs. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D:, Ecoloslaatical History and Itiblicul Literature. WILUAM WILUAMH, A. M., Systematic and I’astorzl Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The Commencement is hold on tho lust Wednesday In July. The next Term will commence ou tho lost Wed nesday In August. Tho prioe of Board lu Uio village is 910 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, ftc., 98. By oroer of tbe Board of Trustees, my 122m 8. LANDRUM, Secretary. /NiraiilOUbSIS^ThT 'aim of' tbe lirlg CURTAIN A NU Uf HOLSTER V DEPA HTML \, Broctttollos, Luce aud Muslin Curtail- Satin de tollies, GiliCurnicea, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Plus und Bunds. Worsted aud Cotton Damask, TwseD, Loomdui Conte; Velvet and Plush of various colors; Window Shades, new style. Also, every variety of Fin nilure Covet tug, i m„ mlugs and materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two fa Tweuty-four foot wide, for Hulls su. Rooms, cut to fit without u seam. Tho subscriber will oblige himself to inuteiu prices on all description of goods as low us die-am. quality can be purchased lu uuy Northern city. 49* Carpets cut to Rooms uud goods sont to am part of tbe city free of charge. mr An experienced Upholster will aUoiidtolli. making aud laying of Carpels ami OU Outlu vtlivu desired. Tho docoralivo and curtalu de|iarhuciu o n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged taste an. skill. W. H. GUION, Agent. octlB 140 Congress and 67 St. Julieu-hn DU. SANFORD’S INVIGOItATOR, i S a mild laxative, tonic ami stimulant, und is recoinmeudcd to the public, relying ujioii lulu trlusie worth lu the cure of the following conqiluim All BUlious Derungemonfe, Sick Headache, l>ysj-e, »ia, Uubitiml Costiveness, Chronic Marrba, i.ullr Pain lu the Stoinuch und Buwei 1 , Genetul licbillty Female Weakness, Ac. For safe by Druggists gen orally, uud by Johu. B Moore ft Co, and Win. IV Liucoln, Savuunali. ly febla THU It 10ll I TUflUEKir HE Undcesigmid ban just received, for sale (600) Five Hundred pieces el good eliiiqdu • Timber, averaging over one thousand foot to stick. 9 feh JEFFERSON HOliUG? CrXciKEliEL.TiElUUN(i, SAUliiOc^. J.VJL 2 bbte large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 lmif bbls Bine Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 5 quarter bbte No 1 Muckercl. 10 kits No 1 Mackerel. 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues aud Sounds, 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For safe low by JUU26 J. A. BUG WE Th RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, oi 800 euw or less, of any type net larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the UrnUmlfo cents for each subsequent insertion,for any time lot! than one month. ‘ All Tabular work, with or without Rules; niidAJ vertisomenUs occupying double column, shall 1* charged double the above rules. Advertisements of whatever longth, for uuy tin:! lass than one month, to be charged ut trtun-ta rates. For a longor time at tho following rates No. orSquarca{lmo|2nio3|3mo3i4 mos|«J m? 1 Square,.... 910 IU 420 924 480 2 Kquurbs.. . lti 22 20 28 80 fo 3 do .... 20 27 82 80 44 a 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 1C 6 do .... 27 30 44 40 00 D 0 do .... 30 40 60 64 06 VG 7 do .... 32 43 64 56 70 IOO 8 do .... 34 40 68 02 74 lie 6 do .... 80 48 61 CO 77 He 10 do .... 88 60 64 70 80 125 For any timo uot above specified, a proporlioni cliarge will bo rando, A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rate- will bo mado on advertisements appearing i*iD slvely on tho fourth pngo of tho dally. Advertisements ordered three times a week, »i>‘ bu charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line for the first, ww 6 cents for each subseqeut insertion, ana in lmcasu to bo subject fa contract. Marriage notices 41. Fu ucrat Invitations 60 cents each. No special notices inserted for loss than 6U cents. Obituary Notices Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of any Foci«t> Association, or Corporation, ordered to be pi.blMi ed, 6 cents per line. Stoamboats will be advertised at 440 per awu'» for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but one is running, ffopei mun; if two or moro, 980 each. Auctioneers’advertisement.-! not to be subject i" contract, but to be charged at the rates prescribe per square. Tho paper, under no elrctmirtuncos, to be tiuluJ ed lu a contract. Professional ami business cards uot exceeding 11 lines, will be inserted at 420 per annum. tolls on persoua to become candidates, will to Inserted us other advertisements, fo be paid lot |r - variably iu advuuce. Announcing candidates for office, 4Iu, n» be ty 1 in tulvauco. Advertisements not marked mi the i 1 *!’)' lur * specldud Utue, will bo Inserted until forbid, itw payment exuded. Wbeu any bill for two mouths advertising, o4l*v» than contract, amouuts to over 460, u deduction w 25 per cent will be niude, Yearly advertising, with privilege ol t tmuge mu lie tukeu at Uie following rates : Fur one square, renewable once a week, “ “ “ twice •• J* •• “ “ 3 times or oftcuei 7d Every uddilionul square contracted for to be cuw| od one hall tbe ubovo rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited fo the sjj*" contracted for. AU contracts shall be in writm*- slating definitely the nuturo of tbe business io w advertised. Any advertisements not proiwrly ce" nedod with tlio business shall bo charged sepsrw* ly, und also auy excess of matter over tlie amoum contracted for. , , Contract advertisements payable quarWHyir vertteemeuta IVom slraugers and tranaieut payable In advuuce. All others will be considers- duo when culled for. „ „ Regular advertisers and nil others seuuiug ^ muulcatioiis or requiring notices designed ‘° . toulion to lairs, couccrts, soirees, or uiiy tortuiuiuoiits, where charges are made for ad® 1 tauce—all notices of private associations, ovetf w* tico designed to call atfeulion to private eiiwrpr* » calculated or inteuded to promote imliymuw’ w*, rests, can ouly bo inserted with the under*}* uoJW that tlio sumo is to bo paid for. If iuserMr. in tn* editorial column (which can ho ouly at tr.e discre lion ofthe odiiors) the same will be cha rged all' 1 * rale of not loss than 20 cents per lino. . Advertisements urdorod in tho Wet kly (viper. iK>r square for each insertion. . Tho uudersigued, publishers of l¥.ili , ,Tri*" , «*9 and Weekly news|>a)>era In Savor .nan, G»-» n, 1 5 ourselves strictly to adhere fa 'tbo above bib “ charges, and lu uo instance to dr viato therefrom. Tlio ubovo rates to tuko eifeo*. March 1, l^i 7, to continue binding, uuiil ch» aged by the voteoi» majority ofthe uudorsignod. N. R.—This scliodulu shay not in auy *»>' tho Integrity of existing con»,r«cta. Atl coniww" tho year or any other spo^.fiod timo, shall with the expiration of I'ao period for whlcn woro made, AuuAxnittft Sxx» 0, ReimtAican. TiioMrsox ft Wmr INOTUX, Mm'ninj AV** . 11 11 Iln.iNtu ft‘Co., Georgian ft Jietmet.^ P LUMBING, in all its vor!uu« bmoeba.* 1 tended ° ,,ntfWr style. Also, mu, Ul mi its vonwus to at Uao shortest police, and W[ *“25,. - rr m, '• W’fwIOitWlSHuwcrwlhs.jffigj. oil lrou, Tin and Waded Bath! Tubs; Patent Pan Water ClOsets. ' Vfead Pii>es. Brass and Plated CookSj.Fqfool'umi*, > nJla 5^1*1 Uoso. For sale at the Hojbse Furnkh Store, Nt- ** *SSr*»- T BOBAC#**