Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 22, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVIII mtsHiiUii ■ ..A). tH-Wwkly Olid Weekly. Offloit IP^par ofthe City and County. ^jOnLTON&ca VIOFMITOmi AND PIini.lSIIKHS. 4. «. KILTON, - - - V - f - tdltor. «. P. IIAMtlUTON. - • AM.l.tit .Editor. " tiialiiwTTiw O’clock, P. Mr ~ Tmi Kim.—The roof of the building burned ibis morning, again took Are about 4 o’clock, lualfted a general alarm; the Uremeu with their ni>|»ratUM were promptly on the ground, sud-vxtinguished the flame*. The first Are wan so doubt the work of an incendiary. Thu furni ture in the tenement east Is slightly damaged by u ztiuv-it is occupied by Mr. Henry Scranton. Campaion Documcntu.—The Augusta Coir ilUntionaUit, publishes this week nn extra sheet containing many valuable campaign docu ments—price three dollars per hundred. Huy and circulate. ,1-atx Pa kicks.—To the punier of the stcauu r Flot'ida, arrived this morning, we ure iudobted for New York advices or last Saturday a Iteniuon, iu advance of the until. .Hon T. W. Thomas—This gentleman is ate uouuced to deliver the address bofore the two litei*t, societies or Mercer Uulversity at the commencenient to-morrow week. 1 Wesleyan Female College Commence- Wo haVe already published a .notice of the late cowtueucement exercises ut this popular institution. We give lielow from the Macon Ttltgrayk, tbo names of the graduates, their places of residence and the subjects of their compositions t .Miss ti. H. Bellamy, Monticdlo, Fla.—Tiic uudor Mowers. .Miss Almira Bird, davauuah, tia—Industry versus tienius. Miss Louisa St. C. Cnlieus, Scottabmu, Lin.— Lite's Shadows and Realities. Miss E. V. Uurlick, Russell Co., Ala—Nil desperauduin. Mis* ltosaliue Groce, Mucou, Ga., “If lire be u dream, fed its plumbers bo swuul " Miss Mary A. E. Groce, Macon, Ga., -When the heart Is light with hoi*, .ill p.oMse*—uuthlug coiums amiss." MlaUura K. HiBM, 8»v.on»li, Oa.—Uni- V( nal l’oaco—the l»o»l ot Pt ugresa. HiaaH. E. Howard, 'i'alhoi C'v., Ga.—-Say uut that tha turner day. won better tbaii these’*. Miss S. E- Jones, BaroesvUla, this the world of which I sq much desired a sight*'? Miss Emm* Lamkin, Augusta, Ga.—“Some men ate born great—others achieve greatness- while others have greatness thrust on them”. Mias Anna E. Newton, Maoon, Ga—Heaven's choice Is best. Mia* Emily L. Pou, Talbotton, Ga—“Let thlxelje light”. Miss Sarah M. Reeding, Forsyth, Ga—Beau- H« of the extreme Universe. Miss 8. E. Smith, Bienville Parish, La—No flower* path leads to fame. Miss Mary B. Watson, Panola Co., Miss.— Stars id'the American Galaxy. Mias 8. G. Yopp, Lawrence Co., Ga.—“How dear are all the ties that bind our race to- gather.” Ml*s M.J. Zitrouer, Savannah, Ga—“The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong." , The salutatory was awarded to Miss Sarah E. Smith, and the valedictory to MUs Laura E- Hines. The College U now in a very flourish log condition. New Cotton—The first bale of the new crop was received yesterday morning from Texas, y the steamship Perseverance. It is plantation of R. B. Wofford, DeWitt county, was' shipped by Messrs Kirkland, Baughan&Co.ofLavaca,to John Williams A Co., of this city— [N. O. Creole. The Court Dress question In England raoPEsson mahan's letter and makcy'h en dorsement. Or. H. Mahan, tha American gentleman who was not admitted Id tbeJJueauYlevee, has ad- drsuied the following letter to the London pa per* :V As a>“stranger in a strange land," it might seem like affectation were 1 longer to keep si lence, after I have been designated in a manner seunmistakable, and held up to ridicule, by several of what are termed the leading papers laUndon. That I have not only dono nothing to deserve this, but, on the contrary, had takeu every precaution which forethought and pre sence of mind could devise to prevent it, both before ahd at the time of the occurrence re ferred tp$ must beg your readers to beliove ou my whrd as a gentleman—it is unnecessary for me to state here, in what way, os a particular statement of the facta has been placed by me in possession ofone of her Majesty’s Ministers of State, also in that of a commercial house of the highest standing in London, and with the Athenum Club, and the Secretary of War of the United 8tates, to whom I am officiable amendable for my conduct a9 a gentleman ami an officer of the military service. It is painful to be forced into this act of notoriety, but I am happy to know that it was none of my seek ing. I have the honor to be, sir your obedient servant, D. H. M All AN, Professor, Ac., in the United States Military Academy. Tl»c MnrlliiN of Cro’Mnvtln This fe the title* ut' Lever's new novel, one of those delight fill picluros of Irish lilbthat tiio autlinr is so eminently successful in portraying. The grout female character of the work Is Ma ry Martin, a ulece of tins Mm tin who is left by her uncle and his haughty wife with the whole charge nml responsibility of their estate. An election, in' which the peasantry • urn against tho family, so enrages Lady 1 tarot lieu Marlin, an English lady of rank—the wife of Ge.offiey Martin- us to induce them to abandon all their [ snIVering dependents <o slarvation amt di-case. Tiie niece is left behind, the daughter of a brother who Inis abandoned Ids country, and wo find oat alter it while lii.i inheritance tolih brother, with tho solo entreaty that lie would never neglect his child. Maty Martin i- a bold- drawn character; brought up amongst tho people, sho under.-himb them perfectly. Bravo, unselfish, or rather muio than this, sell-sacri ficing, she lives among the poor, nurses them in sickness, through a dreadful season of ty phoid uml cholera—files from one wretched lint to nnether, uml finally liillsn victim too.v* unsure. Some may Judge the character ns too ma-cn. linen east, but tin* wouianly traits which the author embodies in her, me so lofty and touch ing ns to call forth the deepest itipuUiieA uf our nature. Had wc space, one humic scene oultl suffice to draw forth the tuostvulUnsiustic applause,it is, when left at the castle unprotect ed and alone, she is threatemd by McGinnis, the lender of a uiob in reurcit of mi ill-treated wife, to break Into the castle. .She refuses to allow liiui to enter, pledging her nord that the missing one is not there. Ou they conic, trim tic with excitement, mid tho poor girl believes herself lost—for u minute, alto hUMpcr face iu her hands, nud then bursts forth nito one of the most eloquent ami touching appeals ever pe lined by human hands. As she raises her eyes, the lioti-c is cleared, and she sues the crowd slowly wending their wuy homewards tth downcast eyes. Another equally absorb ing scene, is the one in which she dies. The poor people line her garden to tlio sea shore, and the hot words she utters are, prayers for them uml supplications, that they will not al low her loss to be felt by them. (.ever lias evidently indulged liim.-elf in a lit tle Irish prejudice nguiint tn£ English Lady, Dorothea Martin, nud certainly he lias succeeded mu.-t admirably in pm tray lug u character with scarcely a redeeming point to counterbalance the nnst indomitable cruelty aud uurelentlng pride of birth. Tho old lawyer Itepton, is too pleputia a com panion not to be u perfect type of au Irish law yer of note—aud the young Xelligau who, iu ijfito of the loftiest genius, never lose* bight of his humble origin, must make us iegret that he had not lived iu oar Democratic country where talent cun raise a iuuu (both in fiction and reality) to the highest position iu ihc laud. "There i« some little eoufusiou iu the plot. At the end of tho book, a certain Kate Henderson who turns out to bo tho natural daughter of Mary’s father, iu a maid to Lady Dorothea. She turns tho head of nil the men with whom she comes in contact, not alone by personal endow ments, but a degree of mental capacity almost incredible; actually saves the entire party from destruction in Paris, where they happen to be at the time of the French revolution; lowers Lady Dorothea’s pride by making her sun, Cap tain Martin, acknowledge she has refused him, and still we somehow take little comparative interest in her ’til! we Uml her by Mary Mart,n't- bedside soothing her dying hours. As in nil his other novels, everything relating to the politics of the country and the elections, he 1ms ho equal; we fear however to go any further in laudiug the excellencies aud beauties of this deeply interesting work—all who have read other books of Lovers, will »ei/o with avidity unytiiiug that Iwars his unmet upon the title page. As we have before informed our readers, tho work may lie found tit Wm. T. William’s Hook store. The Empress Eugenie has nearly, or recovered the use of her legs. quite Mrs. Dawdle sajrsthatoue of her Wys don’t know nothing, and the other docs, tion which Is ahead? he quos- \Vkatiii:ii and ('hops.— 1 The wea ker here is exceedingly warm; no rain of tiny <: nine- queiire for inure than a fori night. The crops in this section arc sullbring greatly; the coru is almost entirely burnt up, while tho Dolton iu very iivHi stinted in its growth.ny tim protrac ted drouth.- -Mucon Telegraph' of tide worn- m/f- Whig Fiibhont ani» Dayton Mkktino in Ho.vroN.—Dust on, July 18, l$50.—A meeting of tho Wldgs of Boston in favor of John 0. Fre mont for President, was held in Fitnoul Flail, this evening. About 1,200 were present. The meeting was called to order by lion. W. T. Hus- tis, aud Uobt. J. Burbank elected President, with Humorous Vice Presidents, including Finnkliu Dexter, Gardner Brewer, Patrick T. Jackson,and other well known whig*. Speeches were made by Col. Burbank, Hon. Wm. M. Eva its, of New Voik, uud others, mainly urg ing tho propriety, importance and necestity of a united rally for Fremont aud Daytou, us the only means of defeating the Democracy. The meeting was very eiilimuiiistic. Half u dozen Filliuoroitos created a brier disturbances in the middle of tho Dull, but were ejected The burning of the Steamer Kurlhcm ImVo una—Fifty hive.ii supposed tobi LoJ, Bukimi.o, July IS.—Wo have the following additional particulars of the hunting of the Northern Indiana. The tim originated iu wood Work around oue of tho oiiimiiies, and spread very rapidly. The vessel burned to tho water's edge iu fifty minutes. Mr. Wctiuore, the lir.M mate, commanding iu the absence of Captain l'lieat, exerted himself to tim utmost t » save the passengers, and was the last to leave the burning vessel, lie stood at his post, throwing doors, life preserver*, stools, &e., to the passengers, who, wild with excitemout, were leaping overboard iu musses. The weather was pleasant, and u dead culm prevailed, and Mr. Welmore says that could Ire nave controlled the recklessness of the passen gers in jumping overboard, not one of them would liuvu been lost. Duriug tbo excitement some ol the firemen and deck hands launched u small boat, into which several of them jump ed, but it was drawn under the wheels of the steamer, and they were lost. ' ; y The steamer was towed iu chore by the pro peller Republic, and now lice iu Pigeon Bay, above Point am Poleo, iu ten feet of-water. Her hull is said to be uninjured. Witli favorable weather she cun be towed into port. With regard to tho number lost the reports arc conflicting, and a correct estimate cannot bo’mmie, as the trip sheets were destroyed. Mr. ,, the clerk of tho vessel, arrived at Cka- vclunil tills morning. He says that no less than fifty have been lost. The propeller Republic, supposed to have saved u number of the passengers, arrived ut Detroit this illuming with several of the crew, but with only twoot tiie passengers. We have no names of the persons either known or supposed to be lo A. DLTlUUT,.itlly lfl, Ibid. Tiie number ut passengers saved tmui the Northern Indiana, brought up by tbo-Mississip pi. is one iumdreil aud forty two. A liuNsiuLi: Shnatoi:.—In thu .Senate the oilier day, at -1 o'clock, Mr. Toombs gut on tiie Hour to make u speech on the action of tho Nit- Vid Retiring - Board. The Seuutur.i • being hungry, allowed symptoms of disgust, mid at tempted to stave oil' Mr. Toombs. He took it like a philosopher, aud spoke till bull-past live, saying that lie did hot care for the tfeimtora, but hoped the reporters would keep their seats, us the speech was intended for tiie country more than for tiie Senate. Tuuuii Girls at one Biutu.—On Thursday, Jiuio 2Uth, the wife of Henry Harrison Colbuth, of Exeter, Va., presented her husband with threw line girls weighing together .’.sixteen pound i. The London Weekly Times says that Thack eray complains of the Uunkeyism be met with hi New York.Tnoro especially from one editor, who always dropped in nt tho Clarendon Hotel just as ho was going t.> dinner;'; he bored the author <b Pemlcnuis so, that he resolved not tn come to America again until ho hears of bis persecutor's burial. I - - .1. T. Cady, formerly connected with the Louisiana press, and latterly u newspaper cor respondent iu Nicaragua, died ut Situ Juan del Sud, of cholera. Port of .SuvanMalt,, Arrived. iHchiiwIiIii Florida; Wbo'diiult, New York, to P»>1. olOnd, Fay I&Co, Uiix Mieou, Humlriokson, New York,toOGo* lie i. • • ' , “ Nelir .rohir B niuii, Lbigo, Now York, to Cotisns A: Her Its. Nulir W b.teiikms, a-.;.ilia, 0«ri*<e, wltliHoOObnsb Hough Uuo, t»Ctieovvr 0'».\ . — — >, X—r— Cltnitll. \ K;i Urlw^uu llitfail, Veutvoso, Barwitotm— 1 Wibar ItruUier, Departed. clnain.-i- fiurllagtou, Brook, PnUtka, niVmora'ntln. . New York, 'July 18.—Old, s Wooster, JiioVaoh- vdlo; Adu, l»**b**y Lluud. Arr, U S sehr Husnler, -avaimab. ' ’ M ‘ • *"PnilUill|ffW, ; v I’oi-sioHindtip Horidu, from Now York—it \Y fto- W O Fun us, A Myliort, W ijolt, B\V Rogers, Iss iMncro, + Dowd. 15 KattlilU*, .A Uiasp, D ilel* man, F R Hlmcklulord, U W Odnuui l) A Courvntue, i ; : W Blown, A H llurrold, F W .CVdJby, C M Rose, K W*l lam*, U K Wlilmk, A WlllhluM)^ WMiuk. Mrs Wm' uvoitli uml 2 cliildrun, M Uy\rf, ltdy aiid svt; ,1 M Chase, J Wstroiil, S L.Oulou, nud in th# tcnilC*. • , . CmidgntM. Per bU-aaisld|) Florida, from NoW Yord—-H N Al- dii.di, AUiiiih' Kxpress, K K Utruuui, Bill Si Preu- ti-i, Jloim X Foster, teuton & Yfi siouge, J A Brown, .11; Brown k Oo, llrlglmm, Kully St Co, Crime, Walls it t o. Bailor u Frierson, U D b’opp,' J H Carter, .1 M Coup jr & ( o, M A Cohen, ClugUora St Cuimingbain, Colioas ii lii-i iz, Clmflcr At Co, Collector of Customs, B um x Wiialibarii, W tr liickaoii,"tV Duucau, M A Jtiiloii, A iHiyli, W 1) Ftliriduu, Frsakllu it Brautly, W 11 l-'crrub, 15 FUZKorulJ, W W ffooilrich, 9 Ouod. idi,.W llrh-l, A Haywood, W lluto, Ilarudon’s Kxp, J Jiiyerscl', o Johnson k Co, J 1) Jesse, J 9 Juno*, E Mu.-iiu At Co, Kcaiiody At Beach, King A: Waring, N BdCnnpnj H Ixllttoau, M Luvin, Lovvll St UtU- tiler, .1 \Yi.utbrop, Lockott k Snelllugs, U H Un- vtl c, Lynn A J?ayder, \V li May At Co, A N Miller & W W l.liici In, J U Moore Ac Co, T McKenna. Mo* Mr. Cniiiiiiemtil Siitelligtiirc. SnvannnU Ulurlcel, .Inly %%. COTTON.—No IraiwactiODMo rojv»i t in this nrtido lili* lureiinou. Exports. BAP.CI- LON A --Per Np brig San Miyili-l—WO bales Cotlfin, I AGO Staves. CHARI.KSToN, July 21.—LVrro.v.—-The tra’.isnc- Hons to-day Were limited to somc'kbti baP-s at f*x- trornes rauglmr from 10 !<i to lax cotiM. Price quite full. , NEW ORLEANS, July 17.—Corrox.—This Ims boon an unusually doll day in the Cotton m-u-ket, tbo ‘■files rOHchlog barely HiO biles. 'UVUU'OOI. LUS'inCAUDN. Dunliniinnta Rocoi'il on liar Slavery question. The HicUmoml Enquirer doses an able and interesting review oi Mr. Buchanan’s record on tho slavery question with the following recapi tulation and comments: 1. In 1830 Mr. Buchanan supported a bill to rophibit the circulation of abolition of paper* through the mails. 2. "In the same year ho proposed uml voted for tho udmission of Arkansas. 3. Iu 183(1-7 he denounced and voted to re ject petitions for the abolition slavery iu thu DistricL of Columbia. 4. In 1837 lie voted for Mr. Calhoun’s famous resolutions defining tiie rights of the States and tho limits of federal authority, and uilirmiugit to be the duty of tiie gevernnumt to protect uud uphold the institution of the South. 1838-’D uud' 40 lie hivaribly voted with sonthern senators again*! tiie consideration id' nnti-slavory petitions. 0. in 18l4-’d he advocated and voted for the annexation of Texas. ! stock on band not cleared 30.413 7. In 1847 ho sustained the Clayton Compro- Setui:.—There D veiy Utile arriving, and only m|a P , ! 100 bbd« v/«r« sel l at linn pri'se*. . . , , , . Mou-VR'.- 1 Very litlloitOrugou Ihe i.ovee uwhi] 8. In L&>0 ho proposed.aml urged the exten sion of the Missouri Compromise to the Bacilli Infcrii r O^a H Ordinary S,7'i»‘C4 Middling 10 u 10# Good Alld l ! g..ll‘pallia Mldl’g Fair.... J2 .««—. Fair 18 a— Ouoil Fair nominal Good and Fine nominal VTATK-MUXT OK COTfON. Stork on band 1st Hoptember, I860 twites 88,201 Recoived since 1,7 .*#2,634 ISceeived liMlny 1,71*1,OUl 1,751,673 ;.0«1—1,751 ,«7S KxiHubMi lodmo... MvpnrJ'fd lo-day,. the following oontiliu tbo Alphabet: "Jobn H. Brady gave me a black walnut box or quito a ainall abw." Blcbtcraava, “No man can either live pious ty or die rt,htciw.Jy without a wife." Another saystu.tbla,“0,yes!auBhringa and sororotib al. purify and chasten the heart.” The Utica Telegraph contains the Following .marriagenotice | Dy——, Ur. U. Davies to Hiss MT Harris—alt from the I.uuatic Asylum. The editor aays, it came in a queer note, and it may not be genuine, but tho quarter enclosed raitafnly was. SiurioniT op Wheat to l.iVK*root.. VkicaKOjuly 17.-Tue schooner Dean Richmond, ' cleared this afternoon with twelve thousand bnsliels or wheat for Liverpool direct, at 'Jlic, freight. Part of the cargo is from Chicago and pan dram Milwaukle. Miss, Celia Login Is now detained at the Mammoth Cave, Ky., In consequence of n ' sprained ankle, occasioned by one of the steps In a stairway In the cave giving way as she was ascending. A bear belonging to a Circus Company ' escaped from his cage at Saratoga, and show d . Oglu, when the keeper thrust an Iran bar down :bu threat—ending the contest, and It Is .thought theUre of the bear also. : i ' i Ifi the Farte corres- VotitoiofU Nord, ”tUer* diedat VefMiUe»,f convict* obscurity, a personage *—— Y *‘Tt d* Bombel Ocean 0. But he promptly acquiesced in the Com promise of IHjO, and employed all bin iuil :cuco in favor of the lUithfull excecution oi tn-* iugi- tlvc-slavo law. 10. Iu 1851 he remonstrated again tan enact ment of tho Pennsylvania legislature lor ob structing the arrest ami return ol fugitive slaves. 11. In 1854 ho negotiated for the Requisition of Cuba. 12. In 1850 lie approves the repeal of the Missouri restriction, uud supports the principles |0 tbo tow atoefcc Cok.w—'Tho .-t nik l-i l oilueu-.l, and we bear of only about2000 sacks sold, of which 377 mixed and 1100 in three tut*#, mostly white, at 5$ 200 ft inn store at GQ« per bushel. Freights.—The asking rate to Liverpool I* 7-lf.d fort Jetton. KxciiANom—Wo know of no change worth notic ing—* Sterling UJ1 a to per cot pm Francs. 6.12/1 a 6.18-7 l’ r dollar New York Sixty Bay Bills 1 a 1»j pr ct dis Now York Night Checks par it — pr ct ills dandy becomes llrmur, uud and Inti touhiy been jictive. .-'airs of 4,000 bales ul our revised quota tion#* : iUCLY 22 A 1.4 HAW A LOTTERY! [/ptmow/id nt run unu os> alasaiu-j them Mi\m Mnn tottirq f CLASi F—-NEW SERIES. to be drawn In the City of Montgomery. Ainbamo, In public, on WEDNESDAY, AugUBt 13th, ISSB, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL rt\VAN. kUnsger. Prises kmountlngto ” 204,000 Dollars!! Wilt he diRtrlbutcd according to the followlug| MAGN 1F1<' F# N T SOHEME1 30,ODD N»ttubers—ID,18f4 Prlient 1 prise of, 1 do do.,, 1 do do.. 1 (to do.. 1 do do.. 1 do do., t do do.. 10 do Alo.. 100 do/do 16,136 prizes amounting to.., B Stip.oy, J1 Roberta,, Uuvia’A: Long, Rail road Agenl, A A .'-olomuiis jc Co, J Shut tick A Co, gulder ^ Askew, J Nlnillbr, \V 1) Trutmor, T 61 Turner k Co. J W i’llrelkeld, Vuratillo Frierson, E V Wood k in, Way k Tayln*, Wyatt, Young k Co, 8 Wil- nml, N IS it li Weed, A R Wright, Wyatt & Cu, A A Wygain*, W.iynu, (.’ranvllhi k Co, Yougu St Frluritn, W J* Yongu. Per Brig Macon, from Now York*—Brigham, Kel ly .v Co, crane, Weils A: Co, M a Cohen, J U Faili- ml, Baiiu St Wustiburc, licilcombe, Jolmrun 6c Co, uvt 11 .V J.nltiiuer, S SI L-BIlleau. J NIuboDou, T M eely JcCi», V C Poole, Patten, Hutton it Co, Huso, 1’ ivis.t lauig, Ss’ivanimti Has Wofk.s Co, W«yue k Pol* ‘•chr John Boslou, from New York—Webster .<: IVInn.-,, Fallen, llul'mi k (Jo, lUllruud Agent, J Norris Chet’vcr .V: C», 1 W Murrell, A A Sulumaus & Co. J B M toro k Co, W Croon,’ W I) Diuksou. a SI bdUlvuu, Ktii'O, liuvls k l.ung, Brigham, KeUy A Co, javttimnh Has Works, Uarviloud, UaiTol A Go, Yuiviilio A. F rierson, J W WiLop, Mull it Prentiss, K '•aisorii A: Co, Colton* Si Herts. J A Brown, SI A Co- a, Iron Stuambuat«<>, Clug'liurn Sc Cuunuiughau, v C Poole, F I'oliainpidU « Co, W Uuucau, Scraulon. Juim«t»'ii A: Co, F \N Curuwdl, A Fawcett k Co, N B .VII Ueeo. c A i. Lamar, Swn't k Co, T W Neely A Co, T a Weyuu k .'sons. NOTICE O NE muuiti ultor date, application will, be made tu the Bunk of the 8 tutu of Georgia,for the pay ment of two cne hundred dollar bills of tho Brunei] -, the right hand halves of which have been lust, in the malls. Jy21 BOSTON k VlLLAtONGA. P ipes, paper and pickles —60 grnsa pipe 11.-u J.-, 100 do Piptv: 260 reuiiH Wrapping Paper fin doz-’ii Pieklus, recoived anil for sale by McMahon t doyle, ,iy2l 105 and 17 Bay street. rioi V 60 boxes fronli ground do 25 d.# Candy, just received and for salo by jyn McMahon a doyle. D RY COOtb?.—1 Julies open worked Hose, do Lisle I bread do, do KngliaU and German do Children’* Cotton Huso ami Sock* ticut'H Uifif Hoso, fancy and pialu Do .'•ilk and Lisle Thread Cloves Dj Lido Under Shirts Duties' Ouuze, Morluo aud Thread Under Bhlrta Du Hair Cloth Skirts - C.imbrto and BwJiJ.s Flouncing and Bands, Am, for sale at IowdhI pi ices by ,|y22 DkWIIT k MORGAN. TAKE NOTICE, P URCHASERS Will lmvo their goods delivered free of expense with quick dispatch from tho Mi van nab Grocery and Fruit Depot, corner Brough- ton and Whitaker streets. JXir 1 would cull the atteutlou of Fruiters gener ally to my well selected stock of Groceries, receiv ing daily. Jo23—tf W. H. FARRELL C tALL AT GRIFFIN’S and you will flud tho most ) beautiful n. mrtmeut ol small Fancy Articles in chum and gold ornamented, consisting iu partol Jewel boxes, fancy do, reticules, florets, boquet va ses, cables, dracket gmudolas, small do, cologuo buttles, ribbons, cologne, lantern blue florets, cun- dh-sticks, uud lust though uut least useful, match huXus, u voi y lusty selection and something new en tirely. U. M. GRIFFIN, 9uccessor to the late 61 Kastman, jy6 Corner Bryan and Whitaker Bt«. J UST REOF.IVBD BY EXPRESS—Another flno va- rl-.-iy of Silver Ware of thu most beautiful pat tern uuu Uuisb, butter knives, plcklo knives and I'oik-i, knives, forks and spoons, IVult knives aud forks, cuko and pen knives iu every variety, mus ai ds uud sulks in all variety from plain to tuo most uruumcutul. G. 61. GRIFFIN, Successor to tho late M Eastman, Jy3 Corner Bryan and Whltnkor sts. .640,000 hi. 16,000 Id , 7,000 1s , 3,000 is . 2,000 It . 1,000 1s . 1,000 Is . 200 h 100 If! $200 nunroslm’g m 100 640,000 15,000 7,000 8,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 i »n—.— , 6,000 prizes of 68 aro determined by thu 1V.WU $40,000 aro 6800 16,1*00 are 400 7,000 are 300 3,000 ore 240 *2.000 are 200 1,000 are 160 1,000 are 100 200 are Boo 120,000 ,.6204,000 number which draws the 64o,*H)0 prize—it that number should be un odd number, thuu every udd number UolMtlu tho Scheme will be eutltlodtu$8>i; Ban even number, thou every oven tiumber ticket will beontitlod to 68>4 In addition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying au equal quantity of udd and even uurnbor tickets, wlU bo certain ol' drawing nearly one half the cost of the same, with ebanooa of obtaining other prises. All those tickets oudtag with O. 2, 4, 6, 8, are uveu—-all those enduug with 1, g, 5, 7, t*, ure odd. *9* Remember that overy prise is drawn, aud payable In full without deduction. 69* All prizes or$l,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at tho usual time or thirty days. All comuiunicaliuud strictly cunildential. Tho drawu numbers will bo fur warded to purebseers Immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickets, 610—Halves, 66—Quarters, 62 60. Prizo Tickets euslmd or reuewed iu other Tickets at either utUee. Orders for Tickets can bo addressed either to 9. 8WAN It C'O., Atlanta, Ua M jyis Or a. dWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Pulaski House Barber Shop, Otogru* It tick Uullding, uppotilt Uie Pulaski Mum, PIVTZ WOBXMKM KNOAGBP. Marahnli House Barber Shop, Broughton Sired, KOUk WOHKMkN UNPAGED. , rpiifi subscriber, thankful to his fellow-citizens X for tho liberal patronage ho has received, nud is still receiving, bugs respectfully to inform them that he has engaged suflioieut additional Urat-claaa workmen from sumo of the best Barber fib ups in New York, and will bn. cnablml to accommodate as many gentlemen as may honor him with their pa* tronage. N. B.—Tim BarberUhops are closed ou fiundays— strangers will please hoar this in mind. PliOTOUHAPHS. - i Large sized photographs, ta ken by AULLBR, AT TWUIVM DOLLARS VKH C0ZZM Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, In hiv usual su perior style. A call U solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Julian-aL and Market square. wsioirr. s »*. k WKIGUT «k 3AVAUK, AFtOHFBVS AT J.A IF. UltllN.^VICK, GA. JyB* A.~THtiMAS'CO., Anrtlott and Comlmsslon 51<*rti»oat<, 110 Aryan Street, .AA VANN All, GEORGIA. A. TUOMAA fJol'J.l 8.J*. PAHOtik Vt. H, FAllltBLiL<. DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY' GROCERIES nml Foreign ntitl Domestic Fruit, corner Broughton and Whitaker tie- Town and country supplied with choice ip.od-s at moderate jirl«i>. All order.- protupWy sitenaoil tc, am! satulkctioii always guitraiiteed. splk JOHN G.FAliUGANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW NASH AND. PANE DOORS. Wwt aide Monument Square. Savannah, Oa. may 11 JOHN t, IIOOT11. C.IVIL. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give hU attention to designs in A.rchlteo. turc. oiUw lu the rtorc of Johu W'llliatnson, Esq., Bay ctrest. my 13 CHAFFER A CO., No, G AVItUnkt-v Htroct, 8nvninmlt. Cin<, AND MWAIL PK.ILKH- I.V RASHES; Blinds, Door?, Moulding-', kc. White O Lead, /hi*.*, White Ijii-m- *, h'pi-rm, Whale, Tail- uurs* uud Neat.-ituotOils, GIh-s. Brushco, Gold Leal, Bronze, Rulltlvrr* Ihirtlwurt*. Nails. Mat Me Mantels, Ac., &o. jo4 JtlH V Jil. mhKA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofttoo corner Bay aud Drayton Ptr.nsM, jyw wHaaxa'tauTLips. ATTOIt NIS Y AT LA W uxuisrru, ax. out *26-- ly DAVID G. WILB8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, PA. WUi practice in the couutles «>i Uiumuek, vVarrtu, Washington, and Baldwin. RxvuKk.vm—Bohn tt Foster, Kabim a Smith, uud K. A. SoullHTd, Savannah. JunO Hi u, HiltoN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIXM AT LAW, Olfloo corner of Bay and Draytun sts. SAVANNAH, <IA. my U liiflNuy vSIUuAMS, A T T O TO K Y AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Navaunub, Georgia. may 6—ly * " •IKS8E T.iiERNAILD, 4TD*BNEY and counsellor at law, Nuwnaiiriville, Mi. Keforcnco—Ocurgc* . Brown. William Deli, New- uunsviUc, Ha., 1.'. tt. Uilton, Bustou tt Viiluiun-ju, Savannah, Ga. my 11 M. WHIT fiAUTli, ATTORNEY AT LAW. iXUdATVIR, KiNT PI.OKJD4, Will practice iu the Eastern and suutbcru CouutinB. Refer to—Cel. S. n Sibley, and U. B Hilton, Sa vannah. teb*A-tf A. SHOUT, M AWT EH BUILDER. Witt take contracts for Building and Working Ala •tury of every description. Residence, No. 3 Mi> Jewel*'a Range. South aide Jonw Hi net CO JAMES M. ~SAVAOE, ” ATTORNEY AT LAW,, mONAS COt'NTt, OA. AU business onLru.strd to hie care will recatv* praniit attention, lyr—marl7 ANTHONY McCVIiliOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia _j*inlir*■ on Buy strent, over Uin Batik ofHavan- nah. feb2 PHOT 100 DOLLARS REWARD. I 1 HE above reward will be paid to any person , who will furnish proof to conviction of the per son or persons, who attempted to blow up my house on Friday night last, by exploding a quantity or gunpowder under It. Jyl9—6 EMMA WOOD. CITY' MABSHAB'S BABE. O N TUESDAY next, I will offer for sale iu the Market, at 9 o’clock. A. M., about 300 cords or Wood on tbo Springfield Plantation, tho same to be removed immediately. By ordor of Council. jylO D. H. STEWART, c. a. JAMKH O. ROIHIKIW. .OMWA. NOUKl*s RODGERS Ac KORIUS, (luto Crano k Rodgers, WHOLES ALE GROCERS, BAY-STHKKT, 8AVANNAR. June 1,1 m. Civ JOHN. WM. HIAKK, JT. ». U. MMtWg-. OGDEN. STAllll A C'O., Shipping and Commission Mcrnlmrm*. UAV-8TUEKT. SAVANNAH. GA. ' PATl’BN, llllY’TON A CO h FACTORS. Forwarding uud Oonmiission AlervLanis, Uny-rttct-H, BnvmtiiftU, Ga, tuHnisox. *' A.'. O. MUOVH**.- ElAltlilSON «s McGKIlEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND ft oi* w u rdiiig iUpif It mi is. 50 AND hi HKOACimtXBr, COLUMWIH, GkORfiU. gag* I'otticuiar uttoution given to the Kalen of tiH*/'ic, Negrcc-i and Produce. gfST J.ibijiul a'lvancej tnaduoL* .V««r«w- atm Mo. chaudizti. &WKBJE\TJW I . RtJ-sJi, PATTEN As tX*. j (H’NDY k DANILL, ^Gniumbiia. t.u .•MliWAltT, GRAY A:a*.) RUSE, BA VIS k LONG, l Ua „ u>iria „ WM. WillGUT, f ^vannao. Young, ateins & dunkam, i ., . a A. GREENE k GO., / Apaiw*i-« H. tl SMITH, VMnMta, Alabama, oct 23 i> USX RECEIVED, per uchoonor J, It. Alien, from Bullliuo'-e— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbliw. rukea, Inn (.Nikc-s, Scotch Luke.. Ginger finupa, Edinburgh fJaxt-r, Milk Birictiit. :ioda Uiaciut, Win.* Biscuit.. Butler jiiaouil, Water JJisr.uit, pje Me Biscuit, tuo. UARUOS’S, Juneau corner Whitaker and Charlten-s*.>. VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE, WlTUUt TKX 3UUH OF TUB CITY OF flAVAXXAH. O N the first Tuesday In December next, will be sold before the Court House in the city of 8a vaimati, tbo Plantation on tho Savannah river, ten miles from the city, known as Mulberry Grove, be- longing to thfe estate of the late Philip Ulmer, con taining six hundred and eighty-soven acres, of whioh there aro two hundred acres or first quality tide rico land, and oue hundred and fltly-fivo acrea under good banks and In a fine state for cultiva tion. Also, seveuty five aoros of high land under cultivation. On the placo are a good dwelling house, overseer’s house, barns, negro houios and i tber outbuildings, all u a good state of repair. Persons dosirlng to purchase will call upon the uudorsigned, who resides within four miles of the Grove, Terms of sale made known on tho day of sale. Posses sion not given until the first of January. Jyl7-ld H. K. HARRISON, Ex or. jfg* The Charleston Mercury will publish onco a week until tee day of sale. KEDZIE’S PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes and with tho latest improvement, cau only be found at our storo. We will sell them at tho manu facturer’s retail prices, adding only tho transportation, and put them up froe of charge. KENNEDY it BEACH, Hodgson’s block, corneroT Broughton and Bull ste. Julyl7 CllAN. U, GAMl»mcEL, ATTORNEY A T LAW. KJ7.MflXJKYIi.LK, OA Pracllcce Iaw iu Uju various Ojuulics of Uis uc muigeo ClrouJt, and the adjoining Counties of Twiggs. lAurcus uud Washington. Refer to—John Bwtea, li. /. Crane, and R. Hilton. foni.4 GeougE a; oouub%, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ASD Comminioner of the U.S. Court of Clamnfot the State of Georgia. Office Gornnr Bay and HittJ fit mete, ly ’ my 10 DU. CHARLES H* COLD1NG, OFFIOR AND REsIDBNGB, No. 14 LIBERTY ST., _ One door west of Drayton, myll ” WJL €. (iuKNELLY, iJTOBStl AT LAW, BUBKU4, WORTH OOTOTV, •.*.. (I1KI IIFHCE, AUUXY.) Will practise in tho .8outltc|ijUrc4ilt,uuu in 6lacon, Dooly and Worm Cuuntleh Jnlio Macon Circuit. SOT Particular attention glvcu to the wdlcctlon ol claims In South-Western Georgia. jc2— Om E.cii jUIlAG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fcljl-ly IKWIJfTOX, OA. LANlElt i ANDEiiSUN, A T T O K N E Y B AT LAW, ap6-ly KAOO.V, OA. A. 1L C HAitlVluK. (Successor to OUautpiou & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard at., between the Market and Buy M., SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Groceries, Foreign ami Ikimcstie Liquors, Dried Fruits, ko., Au. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Hamuel Solomou-i, Esq., Messrs. Rabun k Whitehead, uud Swilt & Co., davauuah, Ga. tnyll WILLIAM H. DAS1 licit, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvlflo, Lowndca County, Ga. WlU practice In Thoma*, 1/jwndca, Clinch, Ware. Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurcus, aud Pula.-k. counties, Georgia; uudiu Joll'ereon,Mailtsou. Uam ilton, uml Columl)ia , counlios, Florida. [myll WILLIAM LYNN. CWMMSSION AND F»-RWAHlilNt, MKRCHAN1, An. 87 Bay street, fiauamtth, Geu ruin. June Hi JEFFERSON ROBERTS, GENERAL OOALMISSlWN mkmjham, ASD DjiAUvR ;s Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ga. wavixa it wiiLuns. DRALEU3IK DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANOl DRY GOODS. Ao. L4-.0 (Jongretsa-Ht., Savannah, Ga. JAd. T. WELLS, Juriuurly of Ifeaulbrt Dial, b- L THEOPHJLUS WfLUAMA “ S-rrivcri Co..Ga sept 7 ot the KauauxMcbraska act. i wh.MIN'G'IGN, July 1*.*.—'Tciu'kxtixi;—;*:a'.c» yoj- 13. He never gavo tt vote ugaflist the inter-1 terd,-y of m bbia ni»2 76fur.viigin, 2 hotel* yd- eutot slavery, uml never uttered u word how dip, tut i 1 30 for lurd, p?r hbl of 28*0 lb:. No wlticli could ijuin tbo most sensitive sontiiern ' trari-aciiou.- to-diiy. htart ; Si-Mirs Tui:m5X11.vk—Ados l<t-.U,y t.|' 70d ua.-h: at Thu prominent facts of Mi*. Unchauitu’* re-1 «h*. per gallnn. covd touching slavery aro thus grouped Into a i Ihww.—'Sales *t*sferil«j-«»! luJUiuimou, ul3l 10 single view ; so that tho person of tiie least n&. | t' cr „ bht» °| ,u ; *’ 0 1 ut '•* | ,cr w '** tience in research may ascertain ut a ggk«ai*«s t N v , iV ,5S -2 l ?!*7w£t-‘ , 3i«iv«.-r m «l *’u hbl how tiie democratic candidate stands in us-! k,.‘,"u Miio tfiif Fb»ur -Im J/JivtIi'J r.V *=«i! pect to the great issue uf the canvass, lu this | iioriinit. succinct statementi wo give not detached lntv I — sages und isolated acts; but wc bring the whole “ history of a long life to hear upon tho popular milK UNDERSIGNED having this day associated mind with tlio irresistible force of truth. This 1 X itiemwlvcs together lor tl»u purpose* ot conduct- rapid retrosjioet discloses n coiislslcnoy and an ! lug tim Whotesito Grocery Bii“im*s», und- having ellicicncy of service tu tho South, which ilalleiy i«n , chii.-iid iti^atock of Rodgers 1c Norris, wilt here- con claim for no other living Ulan. Mr. Hue-! '•V ,,lh t ,u V l Ji u Dusjt,c^ muler the ilrm or ijod- Imnnn is not only vindicated from ciilumny; lie ; f u,oW WM Wer 04 is not simply slimvii t » be exempt front just ; *•«•* *Jtt«-olti stroo . nouaFUS reprouclt and worthy of confidence; be is pro- j - “ •* ! muted to his proper position, iu advance of uuy 1 and every statesman of the North iu the conli ; donee aud affection of tiie peojiie of the South- lie demands not a mere recognition of Ida ut “■w R hktonM)OUSt «• bvinuvmm, nuu »i* .iu who lit. a He., who al- Th, emtio courw of. the Loudon Time,, re- .pectin* thtacooDtnr and in relation to all nub ias questions, la explained by the fact that three. ~~ ‘ rareownedby tha Kotluohlld., - a more stook-Jobhlng atlxed upon the little I Ur.Mlaa, and nee it a rldtcoloua wannnua, to eXqUott. Making owner, to My MoeMata ndhded price, undor a momen tary panic, which th.y did, and Mad# £10,000 >>7 »e operatic*. uc qnMuoM, is expuune* fllteoftho paptr Ateown wdJWoeTte made inatrotetat Th« Times tachment to the Constitution', but unbounded \ ‘been tli-solvctl'iiy the abovoft‘:sociiiThm, oithet* .ivaiamb, Juuo 2d, lfibfi. Ortn of Itodgcra fc *v«rri5 JAN. A..KORIUA, <i LU. 11. JOHNSTON, jno. x. untcii. Je2 having tliLs tiny applause for such service iu the interest of the j partner will use the nans* «r iho firm In lltpildailou, South an no other mau cau boast. Against, tiie '. J A3- G- KOBGERa, captious criticism of u desperate adversary, rc-! , J.w. A. NORUir Amiig;iipoiitoctit)ical distinctions and sku king I J ' ovon “ al, » J n0 - 1 ’ among quibbles, thei # democracy oppose tins • Ln'csWiieJ Female College. COMMENCEMENT. imV)l)tVnTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. . Tho umlcrslgnod having put the .:.v. ubovo Stables in good condition, ; >w^e aro prepared to accommodate their ■.I'JlulzSXJt. customers with Carriages, Hacks, n.ifgies, Sulkios, Ac., with sound, gentlo, and well bro'io horses, amt careful drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, aud well cored for. Two pairs of fine Carriage Horses for sale. Inquire cor- nor ol' Barnard aud Drough’on streets, apt 14—ly j BTEVEN8 k ELLBTON MATRIMONY MADE EASY, O R IIOW TO WIN A LEVOIL—The easy I’riucijilo of Love, Interspersed with IHrectionz mi* the I’rcsi-rvutiou aud Exaltullon of Pcrsoiinl llcauty mid Loveliness, mid for prolonging human life healthily and happily u the* very longest period of liunum existence.— ;pluii(lidly engraved ou stool. Tiie single, married, uud tho nmrrled happy.— 'hat is loveV—with instructions for courliug, iu or- ilor to win thy allcctious of tho opposite sox. Tho Jghts au<l Shades of Marriod Life. Tho Reproductive Organs of Females hauAsoincly engraved s' and tlio InllrmiUus of Youth and Maturi ty, with their remedies. VIUSON’ANCY UJ.USTRATKO IlY PI-tTKfi. . different stages uf gestation—how to determine hen it oxlsta—how to prevent pregnancy, and with a lecture on Love to married ladles aud gentle- men. Price 60 cents per copy. Ou the receipt of the ongh ii-all, (post-piM,) one copy of tho . . v o.* sent by mail to any part of tue United in ■ Published CHARLES WALKER, No.88 Smith 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Abo, iin. Lacroix's i’Hij/jsophical view of 6!AKlti.*<iK. A popular treatise un «Ito secret iulirmitles ot ,’outli and maturity ark-lug from genital diseases Id jutli b'cxus with upwards of one hundred and twen ty-five lithographs and engravings illustrating the auntomv, physiology, uud diseases of the acxuul or gan-, their structure, uses und functions, together with plain directions for tiie perfect cure or syphilis, gleet, stricture, etc. Price 60 ceuu per»,Ingle copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, No. 38 South 3d at., Philadelphia. Pa,, to whom all orders must be sent. apll2—tt V AG AUONDLIFE . M OLASSES AND SYRUP— 60 hhda Cuba and Muscovado Molasnes; 260 bbls New Orleans syrup, tn store and for sate by Jqne{w HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A- CO. Je 2 VJ ARRATII, July GtU—Sermon by Philip'!?. incontestable attestation of their cuiuliilutoV fidelity. I ivu^Tlii^Viro-o l fi K n N ^°m 0NT i'‘T^* 1 j M«>ndii*y | U .h(!y "th—Pri:m exUthltlnn m* Pnphnmm* LiFk.—Ihe largo Cabinet Maniilttcturing i*s- f*lr.^CotiW*rtnt Ctmdlo-liglit. c* UiilhUmeiit of Juqucs A* Huy, at Toronto,Gaud- Tuesday, July SUi—Anniversary of lleulz .*c Judeou. du, together with all the adjacent buildings.! Soeldv. awarded. Annual address liv lumber yards, wharves, Ac., was cutirely dt*s-! Luther M. ymith, Prof. Ktnory Conoco, troyed hy tiro Wednesday afternoon. The Aro Wednesday. July feti—Comumm-cment day. Ad burned with such rapidity, that tlio workmen 1 «l«^ b - v . l, ” n L 1 f: 1 ,s * ! . ;ul .V' w ’ 8a v a«»#h»«B< had to jump Irom tho unpor stories, by which several were killed, nml many Indlv injured. The loss Is immense. 'Assault on Tint Tiuiiinb’s CouuuapoNwjNi'. -—Mr. Hanscom, tlio Washington correspon dent of.tbeNottr York Tribune, was a.jsaulted i Wednesday In that pity, by Capt. Pale, for a \ refusal to retract a slatomcut that Hie latter ! showed thu wiltte (httUier in surroudorluff his Missouri company of twonty-flve men to fltteeu Free State muu in Kaunas. ! "hurfidny',—Amilver^uryof tlio Aluiuunc Society. Addrww'hy Hon. J. Gliiuoy Jonvx,.F«ih rylvauia. : .; -. F.xriminatien ol' all the cIubmuk will, tako p'.arc tin* wools preceding comntenecuicut. • \V. B. T. MONTGOMKUV,- inyt) ’* »d-iaupt.,Fniuilty. ASKK1S—Au (.iBB.iilt "iSgiiiW i! iiSAoii's lluii.ii KuriiUliluii Sldrd, llodgicn’.. now IKUck. J/17 York. rallh -l (tt TO AHH1VK, IiAMUINO It IN NTUUUi BACON LABI), Ac. •| AA HHD3 Clear sail Ribbed Sides lUv 60 d° Shoulder iu air tight packages 100 kegs No 1 Lear Lard, 60 bbls do dn 2a casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 bhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do roirCuba do 300 bbls ClariUed, A B and C do 60 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 160 bbls New Orleans Molasses 60 hhda Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGOINQ AND'ROPE. 126 bales Gunny Cloth 600 coils Rope, puro hemp LIQUORS- 800 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do K Phelps’ Gin 60 do puro Gin, l’&H 10b do New England Rum * COFFEE. 400 hags fair to prime lUo 100 do prime Lagulra 60 do Java, 10 pockets Mocha. For sale i tho lowest market rates JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. WM. M. WILLIAMS. TUADDKUS OUVKIt. JACK UltOWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practice iu tbecouutlesofMariou, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Iajo, und mi) adjoining counties, where their services tmvj 1 bi required. _ ^ myll ' JOilS R, COL-miANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurcus county, Ga,, luto junior purtuor ol tho firm of A. k J. Cochrans, Irwin ton, (in., will attorn* promptly to <U1 business entrusted to iib care. J'artiuuiar uttoution paid to coliuuliug. Re ference—Dr, G. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savannah. myll “ B. ELLIN, “ Factor und General Oonmiission Merchant NO; 71 BAY-STRBBT, SAVANNAH, GA., RkrzasTO—Messrs. Clagborn & Cunningham, Boll k l’ranttes, Ogden. Starr k Co., Savannah; J. P, rhompson. BnuUin nov 1 WM. AOOI.XVOOUHKR. J.\0. (XJL'I'KK FKAiOUt. COVPER & FRANER, FACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Havammh, On.[myll V AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel For vy, t’pr sevcu yoac^ a rc3ldcut; The Tu’.iglotown Litters, including a Report ol the Great Matamoth Reform Convention, with illoatra- timis; Life and Travel-* of Horudolua, iu the Firth Centu ry B. by J. Tulbnys Wheeler, two volumes, with n map; - The lliiguenoi Eiltw, nr Times or l«ouin XIV.,; au historical novol; • . . Harper’s Pioluro Boukn fur the Nursery-Leard- iug to Read, by Abbott: Worth and Wraith, for rn.*rc>.aut= and men of bushioe*, by Frooman Hunt; Sy duny Smith’s W'ft uud .Wisdom, bolug selections from Ills vfrltlugs: (’uittdron, Ills 1 Life and Writings, by R. Chenevlse rrcnoht , v ‘ ' Tr«*ucli’S Poems; Adventures of Gerard, tho I Jon Kilter, with plates; Homeric Bull ids aud CotuedlcH of Lucian, trans lated by Win MagiiiH: Tha Dai-y Clmin, ny %ilg» Ymigo, author of the Heir of.ltodclUfe; ' tlio'Olil “• 'V^-'enay'i iikwilMMr liar por’d Mkguzluu, Dir July. *' r " Juael« W. TH( r of.licuclllfe; lio Ol l Vicarugo, by Mrs Hubboak; i'eaay dn the RHb ntod ProgrcAa of the F-ugliRh tMMi'.'h,;.;. *‘J W. THORNE WILLIAMS. WOOLEN MACHINERY • C 1 I* GODDARD, New York, only Manufac- /*• turer ot tbo Original Steel Ring and Tooth Burring Machiues and Food RoIIh, to bo nttached to First and also Second Breakers aud Finishers of Woolen Carding Machines. The attachment to Sec ond Breakers uud Finishers Is very important These machines ure in nucccssfel operation, on First Breakers, lu most of tho principal Woolen Fac tories lu the United States, Canada and Mexico, and ore deemed by experienced manufacturers us the must perfect machines used, and indispensable to tlio economical and successful manufacture of wool. They aro In foot tho only strong, durable and suc cessfully operating machines iu use. No carding machine should run an bout without them. Th® Feed Rolls are strong aud durable, and wor thy of attention. Circulars explaining theso Machines and Roil, aud references to Mills having them in use, may be had by addressing C. L. GODDARD, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York, to whom orders should bo oddr«ased. geptltf—-ly.w . : „ FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, , . AND GLASS WARE. Mamxa stkxjct, oHARuarox, sotmx Carolina. > The subscribers respectfully Bollcit,.-*^ from the traveling public, an Inspection |of their stock or French aud English WM Chino, in plain white, gold band, and W decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea, toilet, tete-a- teto sets anil vases. Also, Cups and Saucers, &c., ol the celebrated Sevres China. White Granite of tbo best manufacturers. Rich nut French, English and Bohemian Gloss. Thoy havo a variety of ornamonts tn Parlsiuw tare, Busts or Calhoun, CUy, Webster, and ethers, uulfiuituetefl oftho Greek Slave, VonusdeMedlcls, iLoy have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle (hr floors and hearths, of PLtlri Mid Encaustic Tiles..* Their stock being very general, carefully selected ahd Imported direct, offers Inducements to merchants M'WQUaanunlUei.te whom goods wtU bo put up at the lowest rate* ter cash. • WEBB k SAGE; Importers, luoomorsteChasfuitWebbBCo, YONUH tii F1UERSUN, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION J1ERCHANTS, ms. 94 HAY-umm. savannajl oa. apr4 Lumber) Mill aud Brick Yards. Sept 6 SAVANNAH, GA. UT lTcoIIlTn , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones fitroot, (oue door East of Drayton fitreut.. Is prepared to contract for all kind** of building and repairing. Also to conduct water through tbo various part of houses. np 17 ORB* LEFLER~St WiLCU^, JJeiitlHts. ARE now fully prepared to in sert full or partial suits or Teeth on tho principle ol' Dr.J. Allens'* Putent Continuous Gum, By thh Improvement, the term of the lace can bo restored ‘ any degree of rotundity that may be desired. It.. applicable In all cases where tho checks have fallen In aud cauuot bo detected by »ho closest observer.— rhls method combines Uio fellow log i IvuuUgea:— Au artificial gum, which exhibits u perfectly natural and life-like appeuranen, aud inmirts to th-i thceth that peculiar expres-ltm which cbursctei lzui* the na tural organs. This Gum consists of a sllaclous compound, which la applied and fused upon tho Teeth and Plato lu euco a manner, as to fill up all tho iulorsticcs around the base of the Tooth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to tho l'lnto upon which they ure sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Teeth, Office over DeWitt At Morgan, Congress st reet. %♦ Republican and Georgian copy, fob 10—ti 'i-col* «• sites. J. a. davis. RUSE, DAVIS 4t LONG, T" OOMMISSIOK MERCHANTS, tnuy «U SAVANNAH, GA. WM. S. DAN1ELL, ATTOKNBV AT LAW, tixrxsaxn. (U. 4tr OUico over Thomu M. Turner ix Oo.’b Uvi dtorc, Bay stronl. m yj . ukjkwt. a. n. xfiz' [jtflf, LOCKETT 6t SNELLINGS. COMMISSION MERCUAN’I'S, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, ..... ... Savannah, Ga. U ill uttend to the selling or all kinds of produce, strict alt on tiou given to receiving aud forwarding •foods. may 31 * Auction Jc CommiMiou House, Mucou. 14a. A. It. Nd.AUGIII.lN, ’ General Agent aud Auctioneer. Solicits from his friends consignments of every description. Takes orders for Cotton. BSr Spcohtl attention given to tho soles of Roo) Estate, Stocks aud Negro property, at public and i»rlvatosales. Promji returns and Ainaich. Roforenoc—C. A. L. LAMAR. mchao MS. W. OHKK.V. _ fl. r. fiNIHW. GREEN * SMOOT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 TdOMASTON, OA. JOHN BILBO, T” Onllnnry ot Chatham Comity, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Court House. myl« AJiTlTOilY McCULLOIL ATTORNEY AT Li^W, Savamiah, Georgia, AS- omoc on Bay street, over tho Bank of Savan nah. _ mayl3 R. F. COLE * BROTliElL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERJ CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomet'y, Ala. F. T. Cole, j It; F. Colv, Bay street, Savannah. | Commerce st. f Motitg’ry. HKFKRKXCHS, Holcomb, Johnson, k Co. | Cohens it Hortz, Ixickctt k Snuilings. I Kdwiu Parsons & Co., Robert A. Allow, J Scranton, Johnston k to. SAVANNAH, UA. mylS WM. T-. WHBB, WM. B. (MOV. WEIiB 6f SAGE, (flUOCKWOKS TO UAMKROX, WSBB St CO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WAKE. 145 UE1ST1N0-ST. OUARLK8TON, 8.O., Will our;ily Cuuutry .Morcimms with tlooq. in thplr lino at as low rates na they can buy In New York, or olsowhoro. «oj»t 28 ly ■RXKiHSIi; ~ AT TO UN E Y _A T LAW, Corner nr Uuy ami. Wliltnkrr Street., KATA H MAO. feb 25. 3mm JONH N. 1IOWISN, KNODJEIOt, .UtUHlIECT AND 8UKVKVOR (WAMdl or DRAYTON AND DRYAN-NIN, (Above c A. L. Lamar.) Jytl—Sin DENTISTRY. Drs. ROYALL Sr. JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner St. Junuu-st. aud Murkct Fquaro, over .S. Wil- mot’s Jewelry store. Office Inmn; from 8 to 2 o’clock, mid IVcm 9 to f- mar 11 cent A ox«o*3H:x»f'<3r‘''/V ft EMPORIUM- iX 1 DOOB WEST OF THE REPUBLICAN RKADIKq HQQM c. w. MAURyT ATTORNEY AT LAW, WUXKUN, lOURD CO., OA. WlU attend to professlouol business in the Counties or Heard, Carroll, Campbell. Coweta, Fayette, Rid- wether aud Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. HU!, LaGrauge, Ga.; IRa. David Irwin, Marietta, Gu.; Oulom-I M. M. TidtvtlL Fayetteville, Ga.; and Sir. WiUiatu Daugherty, to* ltunhua, Ga. ( sopl7-ly wm. McAllister. NEW MARBLE YARD, Opposite iMurelUt'Ove Cemetery, Sav'h, Ga. Mnrfife M<.»iume>iis, Toinba uud Grave Stones, fern- Dhed oli •‘«»asot!«blo terms. Orders re*- IJpcctl'uJly oollolted, up 18 D. A. O’UYRNE; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-fit., over Turner ft Co»«. p r u nov 10—ly SAVANNAH, GA. Drug Store; Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hots aod Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canos, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchief, and Fancy Articles fer Gentlemen. W.O. Price*, FASHIONABLE AND XIUTABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay fitroot, SAVANNAH. Also, Buperfluo Cloths, ossimerfc and Vestings, will bo mndo to mca- suro.unexcoptlon- able In ntyle and workmanship,* by tlio best mechanics, at ahovtopt notice Orders from city and county eollcltod. JVf STRANGRiir ' It* you want a UEUKUB TKUUPTlWiUfir ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument .Square, noar State Bank SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly c k A SI E~WE LL8 ft*C Cta r PACTORS «t COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savnnnnli, un. ' ». »V. UAKKU, •YTJOBNEy ANDCOUNfKLLOBATLAW. JlonticcUo, Jeffersou County, Fla. Reference—Hou. W. II. Fuanxa, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WIL SUM, MAG1STI14TF, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. ,i At Mcsurs. Ward k Owens’ I aw Offlco. f my 11 ^AWE7uitESvrCIE^«55:r l and cheap BBl£^Tritnk, Vnllce, Carpet Rap, MIlvMor Clothing of any ktud nr quad- toady tnauc or made np to your measure; also IlaU, Caps, Shirts, Cullura or Dress Furnishing ortlclos of any dosariptiuu, call and so- lect from the largest and host stock In thu city, nt the Star Emporium, 147 Bay streot. * WM. 0. FRICK. COMMISSION AND FOltWAUDlStTAeRCHAN‘1^ Bay tired Savannah. THOS. iA WAYNK. C. K. ORENVILIA. R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 0—tf Savannah, ch ATTORNEY AND OOU.VSELLOR AT LAW Troupvtilo,LowndesOonty,Qq. . /«;( Corttvroflltou SAVANNA- SUCCESSOR to T, C. Rto*,M»ittlfacta«r»tul S? n P«S..*5?,V. v *f l8l T .-Kmon '«ntt taS ■irtWblltktr-flu.. worirantedto rosUt oflSj- cuL, iirltoi low. of a soottoraMl- iwbuty Sjrriipj^tojftra.