Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 22, 1856, Image 2

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tniGUN & JAMIML Dally. Trl-Wawkly mril Wwklf. Oflcu 1 Paper of the City and County R7glTlLTON&CO. - reonttroa.. un rrsLumn*. rt* K«nr jre*WBjE» ft tie Start crdtie Bbck BrpoUieuaoMbe Xcrtb, agn* ia bold' tog tin pretest odalniuralfap mpoacMe far B. B. HUTCH, - - *. p. tijutnmn. • Editor. - AiaUnt KdlU>f WEDSEIDAT HORSING, JULY 43. - -Jirri nf*tna {ttj3tt»Wa*MgSai Cfcfta)lB» tta SsprataCool kuiMMlUBi lag* lit!?totbeferipM.ntotola laCoL ViumI,: and UnttpUnt bu toad to him; tat It da | tfc? excitant irtdch wnr thR&ieni tta pea?* 1 w* foOter UrttM» deelUn stake* lb? nUhr of tb« rajfnfcntqr. Bnt.whea *drtd to ex-. -triilrtle u a wareeof wrelth to the mm; plain to*? it it Ital the adaitotdmti.n bu bd litigant. Col. Pmaoaf & not»« ptaaim oft i/foogM afcanl toil mot i? edjttreU atingl? act? o< the clercn league,; *n the coo- 1 that lb? RtfvUiouu exhibitm theiraamr a I Imy, there ue on UtectoalcIbouModtor men, degree of ftanknet? not thorn hi the Uk., »oweo, ac-1 (hiidrtn, wbo claim the property emote* of Detaoetaer. Tberrl, not be-itate at 1'ttlm, aM who an resoiml to atalataia t to a% lilt lb? raiKhirf baa bet a doc? by lb? ; lb? pmwadon a! aU hazard.. It it tmqoatjoa. Kanut Sehnuha MU. And they are nearly ] able that CoL Fremont coaid not now go to the right—to? that till, ttrlrtiy tonititoiloBil and Maripota estate, aedaaoert hie right to the ftntaeetptlon Prim of *»r»n».h P»p* r » ajir . l (lt ;, j-,, „ jt b—haa been the teteio { property wilbotn risking hia life. We baa? be lly eotaraow otaenUfrttx. the W'-'-’V a.vl rf ^ , rcnI>4 „ Ilh „ h ,,|, lt t , thirjed. We fore ca the Weekly Ledger, of the Tth ol Jooo, poMMere* the tort. wwi K rarawah, , ^ ^ m< lbe Ut- P-dJUbed at Voicono. in the vicinity of the Mari- ter i« t./\* focod ia the fatal kisiu. religioo* J P*** property. which dtsdasea fully the ofarti- ,, . and whkh laa of hte jt-urs so folly c*«* to f& *- Krenwwfs enforcement of hi* tefal i i» prA^ewed a Eujjority of the Northern people. 1 l *^ e * lut«w2ofi«M Uvr- Coiiewing «**- rm r * u " **rtf</«. to take ihit day Doily Piper, r't ? a 1 Tri-Weekly Weekly. *i*#V con. tu blrur. e Weekly, Irt *wpte». to oo* a-Kr t . i Weekly, dab*. - Weekly, tea * Weekly, tveaty Wbea act pt<l «.1L.& a&e a*.i.\U from tbe time at Mbtotbit; tbe tia//e to? lie loi-y will far >;r*re doUen, sad far the T/1-W«AIy/«. The Weekly wtil be sea: ccJy to it wfc-v {*»:• ia timer. The paper wUllaTerltbiy l»t discwul^d tp>w the expmUMC of the Uc:c for which :l ht.i hteo "PH. The ibtrt ralei to UX« tto fnn wc iftar :b.; .jWj Tbir tea* ihtlitifr* lute becocae vj itcrtui ihet . S W i they caocM tear con*titatir*okI irgi»Lition. • *3 £, >. Ileace a b» wfanrh Irate* it to the }>*op!e r»f - 1 - j the,territories to say. in the adoption erf their coaetUottew.whit iaUitctioni they will hate. ’ i* % jrreat ootrxge on the Xcrth. ^h aliw it the Xebmka bill. -Vt<] &• the adcniaUtr*- tion [ertv wa.* ctiinly iostromectal in its en- a>:truest, and at that bill law called forth the abolition fury whkh threaten* to ultimate in citii trar,—>the *>xditSor.i«tt are Lt-nest in de ll »*yi: In coontrk^ where momrchy eavstt.tbe pit- j cktus metal* in the coil belong to the sovereign; so in this republican coontry, the gold and silver in the soil shoo Id and does bekmg to the *ove- reigns— the (>eopIe—and tb«y sh-mld fnrevertje allowed the I ft*, right to dig for it wherever they can find it. \*.\ it tat Le attempted to interfere with the misers in Uaripoa and Amador, and the anti rent or Van Henssalaer trooble* in New York will find very much more than a parallel in California. The mining districts are thickly populated, and the hard-listed y com nary of the noticing Pierce and the Democracy. They j moantaito will defend each other, if necessary, I were bi>ti!e to the bill —they are consistent in j h> the last extremity. * gIBr*5D*B k *.V££D. I hoidieg the cdmicutntton t«poc«We for it. B. a HILTON k CO., Gf.rgia* & JwnusI, j Consequence*. THOlfl’fiON It WflHIXCTO.V, ,V«e». Dat can we say as much for the Southern furKHiub, Jsl/ 1, IKA j Ameriram? They proftos nothing bat friend- — .- ship for the principles of the Kansas Xebraska FOH PBKsIDKXT: ^ ^ Uw. And yet they are unmeasured In J AMISS HUGH A X AX, 1 their denunciation of the administratioo for of FEyjrsTLVavia. | disturbing the peace of the country—'when they i know that the disf|ai*t ha* sprung solely from | the !egL*Litk>n which they pro feat to approve. Away, say we, with such inconsistency. It aaamrMv; "hilMCgtotfM BkliMKof every pUia W,IHIMIW, fahff to mk « —twmaI demmrmtUtmtUm Mr. fiOnerr, aow lepodl- tt«4 by twothink of hie own party ia mm tier- tnth-kmr mpoeUte ftxm bit RXOWX ABOLI- T10X1SM of IMS, to the old democratic doc- triieof MS-tatarostka u imbodkd la the Ooaptoaktr The Mask Daomxo Orr^* It k now under •food to be reduced to a certaioity that the friend* of FUlmore in Pennsylvania design uni ting with thane of Fremont in the snpport of a single electoral ticket, whoee Totes, a* an elec toral college, are to be pledged to be given for Fremont, If that may be the heat policy by way of securing the defeat of Buchanan. The scheme was arranged in this city by the specalatioa clique—the dealers in Maraposn claim stock, in special treasury ftvon, Ac., Ac—wbo are the chief manager* of the Presidential campaign on the part of that "enterprising young man.** It has been acceded to with great alacrity, we hear, by the Fillmore leaden of Pe nsylvania, and will doubtless be carried oat with equal seal by the FUlmore mames of the State—it being against the constitution and regulations of “the order” for subordinates in the lodges to disobey the determination of their authorities— IVatk- ingUm Star. ,.t*t jt. 24 fa K 'Zttuck.y „r* j*. (* to G&OW7 „rit f*. t* (9 #♦ tw . r* j*.' fa w Bale Hope. KRm»% ttrr* .per th, ,p*/ Hi. \\% <* :t ch Bacon, ILn*. .y.t IS. He fa M rben^r*. . it tv Ii fa iVi Beef. N V M-~ .\n MS. If »* fa y Prten*r •]*.r WA .. <k Cargo..... .5hbi fa Bread. Navy rrr t»M- 0 fa B AMtlHOX* H COLUMBIAN HAIR FOlt VICK PliBSIDEST: JOHN 0. BRECKINRIDGE, or KEvrrcxr. Electors for the State- nt Large. WILLIAM II. STILES, of Chatham. IVER30X L. HARRIS, of Baldwin. ALTERNATE* FOR THE sfTATK AT f.AFJiE. HEXBY 0. LAMAR, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WRICrfiT. of Floyd. Fllluorc’s oAelal sanction of Squatter Sovereignty. The admheion of California into the Union, fnmUhe* the most memorable instance of the application of the principle of Squatter Sove reignty, and the m‘»t signal illustration of its injustice and absurdity. At the period of its conquest by American enterprise. California was .sparsely populated by a mixed Mexican and Indian race. The dis covery of it* hidden treasures of gold, soon directed the eye of the world upon it. aod ,, _, ..., 4 . .. BtiinuUted an immigration to which there is no U utterly unworthy of honorable meD. We de- parallel in history. To its solitary shores people - r.f t.ce.v Imil T-tAi* itnri r.lijmn t>mar^u1 in DISTRICT ELECTORS. UL District, TnoEAR M. Forman, of Giyun. ; 2d. District, Bamckl Hall, of Macon. 3d. District, Jameh X. Rams a v, of Harris. 4th. District, LtrcicsJ. OAirrRBU., of Fulton. • : raand of oar >aathern opponents one of two sltematives, cither they shall cease to repoach ; the administration for the existing sectional j agitation, or else join the Black IiepaUi* j can* in denouncing the repeal of the Missouri | Compromise—which lies at the bottom of that | agitition. One horn or the other of tbl* di lemma they mu.'t choose—taoth it is impossible ! for them to avoid. If the South was right, when, through her unanimous delegations to i Congress, she demanded the repeal of the Mis souri restriction, then the administration bav- 6th. Dlitrirt, Joit.v W. Levi.., of Cxv.. ! in ? i*' 1 ™ Ul ll “* deraaD ' 1 b <“■' ,0 u h ‘ M rt " 6th. Dwtrict, jAMEt ]-. Sieeoxs, offiwirinott. | si<on?ible by II,r South, a lta*t, for the ixc.te- 7th. District, Toohae P. SAtrot.D.of Morgan., ment growiDg.otit of the repeal. If, on the 8th District, A. C. Walker, of Richmond. ALTERNATE?. 1st District, W. M. Nichols, of Clinch. 2d. District, Tucker, of Stewart.' 3d. District, E. J. McGehek, ofllonston. 4th District, J. F. Johnson, of Fayette . 5th District, L. W. Crook, of Whitfield. Cth District, R. McMillan, of Halicrsham. 7th District, J. S. Hook, of Washington. 8th. District, —. other hand, the Southern friends of Fillmore persist in denouncing Pierce and the Democra* ?y for disturbing the public peace, we insift ' that they shall unite with their candidate in i repudiating the Xebra^ka-Kansas legislation, i On the Georgia statute bookstands the fol lowing resolution, adopted, we Udieve, unani- ; monsly by lx»tb branches of her legislature. | What it Is worth we leave others to determine: I ‘‘Jlttrjlvfd, by the General Assembly of the j State of Georgia, That opposition to the princi- i plea of the Nebraska bill in relation to the sub • i ject of slavery is regarded by the people of i Georgia as liodUily to the right* of the South, \ and that all ptraons it ho partake of tuch rjppo- tilion are unfit to be recognized at com pan tot THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN CLINED I AM TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES RIGHTSMANr—Jamt* JJuch- anan't rpctch cm the admiaion of Arkuntat, in J part t of any party organization not hoi tile to ' the South." I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, | Mr. Fillmore* Appointment*. AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM j No one denies, and no one can deny, that the WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS j first act of Mr. Fillmore** life, an President, DEMOCRA T-—John C. Rrtcktnridgr in re* j was to appoint as members of bis Cabinet three tponte to hit nominutim for the Vice Prendcn• 1 men who were freesoilem and in favor of the ey, | Wilruot Proviso. • I No one ran mention a single individual from THIiEGH-AraiO, Bnrllnghame ami firooloi. Washington, July 2L— Burlinghame, of Ma*sachu<uett*, has publicly withdrawn the memoiRndim recently published by Brooks and leave* hia speech on the Sumner assault to ex plain itself, without qualification. The friemls of the parties are much oxeited and fear a Ogbt. fThe following is the memorandum alluded to—It was published as an appendix to Brooks's apecch.j KdG.&J. Mr. Burlinghame, in a fair and manly way admitted his responsibility for any language used in l.inspirech, and disclaimed any inten tion to r .‘fleet upon the personal character of Mr. Brocks/ir to impute to liirn in any respect a want of courage; but, discriminating between the man and tue act to which he was called upon t.allude, he had rharactoriz.-d the latter only in such mauiu/ as his representative duty rer^uin d him to do. The above is a statement made by Mr. Bur- lingaoie in reference to the passage in his late speec i which refered to Mr. Brooks, it is in tne bandwriting of Mr. Speaker Banks, and wa»'acknowledged by Mr. Buhli.noamk in our presence, and was satisfactory to us as friends of Mr. Brooks. W. W. BOYCE, T. S. BOCOCK. July 15,1850. Brook* mid Burlingame. [SECOND DISl'ATII.j It is rumored that Brooks challenged Bur lingame last evening jmd timt the challenge was promptly accepted. The. police have just ar rested Brooks and are looking for Burlingame, wbo went out of the district last night to avoid an arrest. [Our readers will l»eli«ve as much of the foregoing as they choose. As to Burlingame's accepting Brooks* challenge, we are wanting i n faith.]-G. fyJ. THIRD DISFATCH. July 22^—The city is full of rumors ahout the affair lictwweii Brooks and Burlingame. My heat judgment is that Burlingame named the Clifton House, Canada side, Niagara Falls, an the place where he would receive Brooks’ challenge, and has gone there, and that Brooks declines going, [(?)] on the ground Unit if would not he safe for him at the picACut time. The Mouse lias agreed to adjourn on the Ifcth of August Fire* In Augiiilit. Acgi.'hta, July 22.—The upper wooden row or factory buildings have been destroyed hy fire to-duy. Fire In Aniatoriiain, IV. V. Nkw VoKK.Juiy 22.—A large file occurred in Amsterdam to-day. New Veils srnrltel. Mfirliot llrin witli a merlerati; e|ie- ratore awnitlriH Pinto'* aceeiieta, Ujciii!- Htufli! Uaullnlng. New YorJs .'Hiii isi I Nbw VoiiKi July 21.—'I' i. e»!y ;i •ivt4! buainewi doinK in l.’elten. Tim market Mrm--I’rkea la favor of tlio jailer- Klei Iijij; K*. eliiuig, I, licavy. Ii'rem llnvmift. NkwXobk, July 21.—TJie Cii,, lias nrrlveil Troin ffuvnnn lirlnglnj,' iiilvlrea u|. to the 17tli. Tile Cujitalli Omcnil tviikhlek e illi yellow fever. (’eiijpi-aiilinml. WawiixotoSi July 21. Tlio Ilunsed the throe mill'mn liill t omclonry of the orrny. It also udoiited llm K-aolulleii to adjourn oil the 11th of Aujjoat, which la now |Kiij/1i(ii« In the Uouao, nnd will doiihtloaa he ronciirrcij In to-morrow. Tilt Knoxvj i.i.i; at Nnw Youx. Hy do* patch from the ngent In New York to the agcola til Snveminh. wo loavn that tlio Knot,■Me, whloli nulled luat Saturday, arrived lit .Vow Yorkyoaterduy morning, at nix o'eloi k- -nil well i Benito iarroaro tiic North, appointed hy Iiim to any office whatever during the whole term of his adminis* tration, who was not a free&oiier. The difTurence between the appoint ccsofMr Jh'erce (of whom so much complaint has been made) and of Mr. Fillmore is, (as stated by the Hon. Samuel Smith, of Tennessee,) that while Fierce appointed no frccsoiler to office with a knowledge of the fact at the time, Fillmore’s appointees in the Northern States, were all freesoilers and known to be such when appoint ed. The Hon. C. J. Jenkins.—Wo have it on au thority which we deem reliable, that this dis tinguished ornament of the Whig party of Geor gia--their candidate for Governor iu 1853, re fuses to support Mr. Fillmore. If he votes at all, it will be for Buchanan. Such at least, we are informed, is hw counsel to his friend.-. Of the many Georgians of talent who have for years been in opposition to the Democratic party, there is not one whose popularty and influence have of late been so great as Mr. Jen kins’. As evidence of Ills was dis tinctly stated by their leading organ iu 1852, that no Whig candidate could get the vote of Georgia, to whom,,he was opposed. Nor is it likely that his voice and example are less por* tential now,than then. But the fact is there is probably not a man iu Georgia who believes Mr. Fillmore will re ef ive her vote, The majority against him will probably not fall below fifteen or twenty thou sand—provided the whole vole of the Stale Is cast. Incendiaries at Work.—Sergt. Wilson and Private Helot, of the Mounted Police, called the attention of our Reporter to the work of a would-be incendiary. Last evening, about half pas 8 o’clock, a quantity of combustible mate rial, consisting of straw and shavings,was plac ed against the fence of Mr. J.D. Jesse, Brough ton street, near Whitaker. The shavings and straw were platted against that portion of the fence fronting east, adjoining the vacant lot. Inside of Mr. Jesse’s yard, uguius the fence, Is of every bnd, race and religion crowded in countless multitudes. Never since lbe frustra tion of man’s vain ambition at Babel, had thera been witnessed such a confusion of tongues and combination of complexion. The promise of sudden and easy wealth, was the main principle of attraction ; bat the ab sence of the ordinary legal restraint* of a sta ble society, contributed not a little to .well the volume of immigration. Of course the*e cir cumstance* determined the character of the early population of California. Fugitive fel ons* the desperate victims of raufurtunate. uee- dy adventurers, gamblers, and harlots constitut ed the chief element io the firet colonization of the territory. No idea of prin ciple of patriotism, no unity of race or tongue, existed among these people. Never were any people so utterly incapable of self-government and :-o unfit for the exercbe of political sover eignty. Nevertheless, the Military Governor of Cali fornia, without authority of law, assumes the prerogative of convoking a Convention of this heterogenous ma«s of alliens, criminals and paupers. This first step in the organization of tie government of California, was as flagrant an act of despotism as any illustrated in the pages of history. California had gone through no preliminary pupilage of territorial government. She had no political existence. Her inhabitant* were not an organized people. They were nothing but squatters. Their number* had not been ascertained by legal censas, so a* to determine whether they were entitled to a Con gressional represeitative. Yet, they responded to th&Humrnons of their military mister, and asHsembied in convention to organize a State constitution. This convention was called with out legal sanction. It* members were endowed with no political privileges. Nevertheless, they assumed absolute sovereignty to them- I selves, claimed complete dominion over the federal territory, ventured upon the exercise of the supreme act of popular power, promul gated an organic instrument of State Govern ment. By this intrument. which was void both for want of authority to enact it, and because of it* own intrinsic illegality, the squatter* of Cali fornia interdicted slavery in the territory and excluded the South from equal participation in the common domain. This was Squatter Sov ereignty with a vengeance, aggravated byjevery circumstance of illegal assumption of authori ty and oppressive exercise of arbitrary power. The Topeka Convention of Kansas, distinguish ed by so many similiar instances of outrage and wrong, affords hardly so striking an illus tration of the absurdity and injustice of Squat ter Sovereignty. Yet Millard Fillmore tigned the bill for the udmittion of California ; and by this high official act attested and recorded approbation of thej principles of Allien and Squatter Sovereignty. Now, when the Opposition accuse Buchanan of endorsing Squatter Sovereignty, on the evi dence of an expreasion which admit* of an in nocent construction, the Democracy may re taliate the charge on the irresiatablo testimony of a deliberate public deed. Against the verbal quibbles and refinements hy which it is sought to convict the Democratic candidate, we may oppose Fillmore’s sanction of the Squatter Sovereignty constitution of California, and hie participation in the unjust exclusion of slavery from that rich conquest of Southern arm* and treasure.—Richmond Enquirer. From the Goncva Gazette. Three persons poisoned by a Surgical Operation. It is our duty to record one of the most sad, and at the same time singular occurrences that has ever come within the sphere ofourolwer- ration, which has already resulted in the death of two of the parties concerned, and so badly injured one other that his life is despaired of. The circumstances are these : Dr. John Pot ter, residing at Prattsburg, Steuben Co„ broth er of i)r. Hazard 1'otter of this village, well known as one of the most skilful surgeons in this State, was called upon to dress a man’s arm which had been mutilated in the cog wheels of some machinery. He made overy ef fort to save thearin from amputation, and In this, at the sacrifice of his own life, he has pro bably succeeded. The arm having matured, he culled on his brother, Hazard Potter, of this village, to assist in opening It. During the operation he by some accident cut him.seIf slightly, nnd allowed some of the virus from the arm of Ills patient to mingled with the blood. This in a few days had so poisoned his entire system that no earthly power could save him. He died on Friday last. While attending his funeral, his brother Hazard, who had i. slight scratch on bis hand at the time of performing the operation, and who lmd also become poi*- a Iar K e qnaatity fine »««!, ami it ia «,l j p'roi-Jl*'"lobe the'^orkln^of Iho combustibles were placed there to fire it. the poison; and although attended by all the Mrs. Jesno saw a man deposit them, and thinks I physicians in Geneva, Ids life is despaired of. it was a negro. ! Another man who assisted iu dressing the arm - j was poisoned, bus wo have not been informed c... . „ of ms situation at the time of writing. ill. lu.lin iSb. Si U». at 1 UII.aIU.I.I'HIA.— | p, h.—Since writing the above. Jm\ A dispatch to the Agent, Mr. C. A. Greiner, stutes that the fCryihne Stair, hence on Kil unliiy last, arrived at Fhihdelphia Monday nigh* of ft o'clock-nil well. Sqi'ATTKR SovutEio.NTV. The reader’s ut- f cation especially directed to the article from the Richmond Enquhrr, It shows that "Squat ter Sovereignty’’ in it* must intensely aggra vated form has received the official sanction of the Know Nothing Presidential candidate—Vcs, he who debuted day after day whether he should sigg » hill carrying out the provisions of the Constitution for the return of fugitive slave*, hesitated not for a moment, to approve a men* Mire emb'dying Squatter Sovereignly in its mo L odi mis uml revolting features. •Since writing the above, w# have been informed that the man who helped to drens the iu in is dead. A nnuKWi to the Whigs of Mashaciidhhtts -Hatton, July 18- An address to the Whigs of Massachusetts, from tlio State Central Com mittee, Is published this morning. It recom mends | he I rue ami aoimd whig* of Miuwacliti- Kelts to avoid eoMjjjittbig themselves at pre sent to either of the candidates of other parties now prominently presenting themselves; urges a I borough organization and full representation at Die Slate Convention to he held on the third of Wopteinher next; uml further, that In the ale Milieu of a candidate freely aeleeted by them- selves, they may be compelled eventually to make a choir* of that, one who shall aeeifi upon the whole ell her I ho least objectionable el the most nearly conformable to their own wlshe* ;ii|d principles, and that they ghoulil reserve, until after I ho sitting of lh* Convention, the element* of a strength wJiiqlt inny become, through united action, the meaun of true piddle service, nnd may lie lurnlc to fnrm tho basis of future important results. Tlio nddrus* eUiaou must lie unwavering fidelity to l lie coiihtituiion of tuo country. Singular Efftif of Electricity on Ne ll I'Pf *. During the recent thunder storm, says the Montgomery Advertiser, a friend related th* following: A gentleman residing u few miles out of town recently carried home a small electrical ma chine for making some experiments. Ab mdoii oh lie got home, the negroes as usu al flocked around him, eager to see what master had got. There was a hoy among those darkies that had evinced a strong dis position to move things when tlioy want ed moving, or in other words to pilfer oepa uioimlly. " Now,Jack,"snys his master,"look here; this machine is to make people tell the truth, nnd if you have stolen anything, nr lied to me, it will knock you down.” ' Why, master, '’ said the hoy, "I never Bed or stole anything iu my life.” "Well, take hold of this:” and no sooner had the lad received n plight snook, tlign he fell on his knees ami bawled out, “Obi master! I did steal your cigars and u little knife, and have lied over so many limes; please to forgive 11)0," The same experiment was tried with Jike toccosh on half u dozen Juveniles. At llwv an old negro who had lioen looking on very atten tively, stepped up. ‘Waster,” said he, "let di* nigger try. Dat nwMieen is well enough loucurc de children wld, but dis iiiggee knows IjcRer.” Tlio machine was thou fully charged, and he received u stunning shook. Ho looked Unit at hits litiml,lheu at the machine, and ut last roll ing his eyes, "master," said ho “it aiu’t best to know ton mud)*. Dare many a soul' gots to bo duuinod by knowing too much,' and it Is my upifiiun datdodebil made dot inashcenjust to hy iivorrihp llmt tbo first great whig principle jiuteh yuiir soul afoul somehow, and t ’reckon ' - ” 1 tlio Union und you hud best Jest take air burn it up an’ havolt done gone.” SIZE XLAROKD, STYLE IMPROVED. quantity and strength j^hrrml— to the akin. iu.ttffitauss and permanent, ever maue. fCgr Direction* Tor use accompany each bnx.~£a Price—1 os. ft—2 on. 11.50—I ow. $3—S ou. f5. ~Entercd according to an Act of Congress, in the . r 1855, by A. W. Harrison In the Clerk’s Office ol the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.] For sale by the manufacturer, APOLLOS W. HARRISON, declf-lv 10 South Tth st.. Philadelphia. TO PRZXT3BIi0. foe subscriber* offer for sale a large and varied assortment of second-hand printing material, suffi cient to establish a complete Job Office, with but few additional article*, conai-ting in put of—One ample foot of small pica, as good as new, and vari ous fonts of job type; one sepsr royal hand-press; one Hoe k Co.’s proof-press, latest improvement, new; two #r more Urge imposing stones, new; dou ble and single stands; cases, composing sticks .col umn rules, galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with various other articles pertaining to a newspaper or Job office. R. B HII.TON k CO. june 28 Commercial intelligence SAVANNAH MARKET. Ornci ofth* Dartv Gcoeaux k JnrxxaL, 1 Wednesday, July 23, 1856. j COTTON.—Arrived since the 16th instant, 4M bales Upland, and 12 bale* Sea Island, as fol lows : By Railroad 466 ba'*s Upland, from Au gusta and landings on the river, 000 bales Upland, and by southern boats, waggons, Ac., 12 balea Sea Islands. The exports during tbo same period have been 641 bales Upland and 2ba!e* Sea Island, viz To New York 400 bales Upland; to Piladelpbi* 220 bales Upland, end to Charleston 21 hales Upland and 2 bales S*a Island—leaving a stock ou band and on ship-board, not cleared yesterday, of 6,400 bales Upland and 850 hale* Sea Island—against 6,588 bales Upland aud 817 bales Sea Island at the same time last year. Having abown iu this issue that there is no Cot- torn on sale, our commercial friends wiil need ne bug argument to convince them that the business is decidedly closed, at least in tha Cotton market, and that the name precludes the possibility or eur giving quotations. Tim receipt* at this port since 1st Sept'r are S&l,- 257 bales against 878,708 to the same date last yoar, and iho increase in tbo receipt* at all the ports, to the latest dates, as compared with the last yeat, are 741,089 bales; In the exports Trout the United State* to foreign countries, a* compared with the saint date* last year, there is an increase of 476,118 bale* to Great Britain. 76,238 bale* to France, aud to other foreign ports 2:14,711 bales, aud the total Incroas 781.1bales. The receipts of cotton at all the [torts, up to the latest dates, give the fallowing result*:— Increase. Decrease. New Orleaue 489,666 Mobile 192,748 Florida Texas Savannah Charleston .North Carolina Virginia 6,541 37,774 12,664 11.261 2,674 6,771 749,534 1.445 8,446 Total 741,089 Sea Islands.—The operation* in this description of Cotton bus been limited to 26 bales, as follows • ba'es at 26c, 6 ut 20, and 11 at lUc. pur lb. KICK—Is unchangad—market steady. Sale* for the week, &U cask*, at $3^ per 100 lbs. COFFEE.—There i* sti 1 oily a limited demand, and transaction* aro of a retail character. Hoi lers are firm at our quotations. BACON.—Wo have no special change to neticc in this article. Prices continue very Ann Tor Baltimore and good Clear Western. Tennessee may be bought on easier term*. FLOUR.—There ha* been a belter feeling in the market for fine grades, with a slight improvement In prices. Considerable sales of di block have beeu made tor uxport at law figure*. WHEAT —Received by Railroad durlug the week about 6,000 bushel*. None offering In this market, all being destined fer Northern ports. .SUGAR.—There is nothing going in this article, except iu a retail way to the trude. We unto sates of 24 hiidu. Muscovado at Pc. pur Hi. MUI.A.SSKS.—Wo quote us before : Cura 40 to 42* and Now Urieaus 56 to 60 emits, with a limited de round. CORN—Hae slightly improved alnce our lsat. Sale* of 7,400 bunbets prime Ueorgiu have been made at prices ranging from 00 to w»c. Mixed In lots cau be bought at 50c. OATS—Dull. Wholesale 46a60, and relaiil 5Ja60c per bushel. LIQUOR.—'Whisky hat materially advanced since our last. We bow quote 36 to 45c. per gallon. N# Male.* of importance to liute, LUMBER.—No cnange in prices. Export* for the week 632,145 leet, viz: To CurJena* *24,000 test; to NewVork 101,145 feet, aud to Camden, Me. I00,0i0 reel. HAY.—The market for Hay continue* heavy. 600 biles Northern have been add at 76c. from the wliurf.’ Eastern is worth >1 25 by tbo lot. hftock of bolli maple. LIME.-Owing to arop|<J receipts the prlee of (Ills article ’h** dtdined. We uate sales of 2,000 bbls from wharf, at tl 87>« per bbl. .Several cargoes daily expected. RAGGING—Is firm at 17 to 17Jfit\ 200 bales have been sold ainco our last, front wharT, at 17>fc. BUTTER AND CH RUSK .—No change. M irk of primo light, HIDES,—The market dill continues dull at 10 to lojjjc. per lb, SALT.—IJvurnm! coarse is selling iroiu store ut $1)4 to fl )i per suck. FREIGHTS—Fokhon.—Cotton to liver pool, )fd. Coamtwwk—To N. York, Iu steamships, )i for squro aud >{e. fi>rround, nnd 76c. fur sqr iu nailing vessels, and to Boston, nominal; to UulUmnre and I’liildol phlu, iu sailing vessels, none offering. Lumber aud Timber to Eastern and Northern i*orts 97 to $10. Wheat, by steamer 16o. per bnsliol U demanded; •ailing vessels taki-it at 7 a 8c. EXCHANGE.—.Sterling, Otf por eeut. premium.— Banka are selling Sight Checks on all Northern cities ^t )4 pur cout. premium ; und purchasing sight bills at % dl*.-, 5to 15 day Bills Rtper ct. ill*.; 30 day Bills at M(5)X per ut. dis. ; 60 day Bill* 1> 4 ' to 1 per coni. dis.; 00 day Dills 2/92)4 per ct. dis. on Philadelphia, aud Baltimore 60 day bills at 1)4 a 1)4,00 day hills 2 to 2)4 per ceut. discount. Bnvntt nail Market, July £3* COTTON.—No transaction* to report tu this article yesterday. fDxporta* NEW YOKE.—Per brig AugusU-alo bulu.s Up- land aud 80 halos 8.1. Cotton, 137 cuaki ltloe, 274 bbls Rosin, 80 bhD Spirit*Turpentine, lOOanoksand 1 bl)l* flour, 069 Hguk* Whaat, :.0 hales Bom* * tic*, 48 hales Rojw, 1 cask aud 1 crate Wart, i 1 51 ill III iiiililil s : 5 I '* • K ill: muW : S : 1 1 islfissltgi p • • afSC 3-ifc-ici: 1 : 2 • 3 : i : ; sgliifisSSii ; • * i 2 • 3B II as 3l-. = : j=£§t'i§ij P 0 3 c -X eweaxsi'sl : i • c : a 25;^ligsglgg i -a • •> §s is 1 : 5g- = s5p.1l ; : : : * : | ;in llfillllli® ; s Hi if » -o leS: : §; e»!6§l | S3: : ?$S: If OsM 1 ' : : : g : | -g ■ : S'- :,J£-u2 j 1 !iSS: : S: iSlSi'l • Rirrt... r ,*e b** . 0 Butter.Ir--‘i; .»? *J> No. 2 R-- 16 Bricks, !ay. bt <)<nl.p t L' Cl. m Northern per H ft £S Oj £ , 5 iJS Bvm Wmx per , CsiiiI Us, •[<f.[rf Actsrnjntln-f j^r Sorttkerii i-f. ChfClf, V?*r,....j»-f Collet*, lb. lb. Or -vs 6* jy Cal ’3* (5s I . in fa--. Vi Cd a* <h U: & i2i, a V, ('>*?«***, .nunsmi n,... .... ..ygflg — 4 r... «**», . C A tlS • • A Jaw A r f . taflH (itfA f*i XM.4M ‘Mr*, HMutMijr. i; *, , r TK-te. Cuba, if Ltgit) n»... ;b 13 fa G*»i fa;r to t-rim-r. - \** ib 12). a i: Rio . l*rr it. 11 a 12* Java ;*-r it. l> t, IS . Cotton, UpUnd. lu*e:v>r... .-r* r ;i*. >G Ordinary.. ..per in. fa Ubldhug... . rjXT lb. a Mid. Fair. ..J^r It. a *• Fair x rr.f.i 1- per »#-■ a •• tiouti fj.r. .. jer .0, a , Cordage, Tarred... lb. 14‘i a 15 ( MamiLi ..per it 16 a 1C •' Domtstir Goods, Shirting-, iit. wu.. ..ier yd 4 a *4 Sheeting-, hr-«u.. yd- 7 a It Bcowu In;Its ..[er yd. 8 a } { Cotton Oinab'ir^w.. • • l-* ; r yd. 9 a It Dark, i-^iiriL-h.r... ..rer '-»;t. 10 to a 14 to ! Fish. Mackerel, No. l.j'-r bbi. 19 to a 24 to So. 2. per U\‘l. 10 to a i- !to HrJ «t,.. i«I <Mft,. , , „ hx*,m. r tart.. M *? T.'/fe/jr te,, UMm tmtiei. tae Bn,ta», RM, , . sesoeMn. !»llX1 Pr*/. Cja-Jj gut. J S Pe*k>r. Va2,tr>-aua FbA U Ht .IiUu k, 0| LuuitiM, TLorohi-. s V. (ulHes i l'!’ 1 "' ***. « * St^.r/ Ihu... I H- ‘ 4 ! Join* Ftnttaa, ; iu5? B. .:iu!a, Tiykr. j Al va Taj i*/f, I *iarg*t. ilditrgxr,.. .. ■ Brows | Jobs B(Hintt, liajo,,.. i = - 2 i : m i I^*r bbi. ■up..per bi»:. Phiiade.pbiu per bt;.‘ Georgia p*?r bbi. Grain, i-r: bu-ih.' r-:U:l.. ..p»:rbuah. por bush.' per bu*h. Oats Whfat.... K:co . a %•» tie Q. a a > a io a to a to - a - 40 Gina*, F**h. Window..per to it. Guiq^mder ,«r Hay, Prime,Northern.per cat. tlx»Vsn\.. per iwt. Hide*, Dry.. I«er-kius ... Ir*jii,Swe«d. j . P-.s .*c*A*:n . IU*j|» Slievt Nail Kto-.. Lime, ilocktoqPr . j^rca-k. 3 37)4 a 3%7,S * ’ <5^14 0f a 7 60 ■ to 4 25 C 50 11 1 62 6 00 Liverpool CL'RRKrr PRICE*, JL'LT 4, A* COMPARkD WITH tH M* Of 1866 AM) 1854. Bowed ordinary... middling fair good fair good Orbwos and Mobil *. ordinary middling fair good fair good ch gin'd marks. Surat ordiary middling fair good fair good S. I. at. 4c eawgin’d. ordinary middling fair good fair good and fine.. Pernambuc# Demerara Egypt’n(ord to fair) Do (good fair to Una) West India '. 18M. 6a 574 6)4 a 6«4 6 > 4 a 6 a t 6)4a 6J4 7 a 7 5 a 6 6J4a 6), 6;«a 7 7>*a 7)4 Sa9 3lix 4), 4) 4 a 4 5, 4)5 a 4)4 4»4« 5 6> 4 R 5*4 6 all>i 11 a!2)4 13 a 13)i 14)4al5 10 al7 18)4ab6 6 r ,a 8)4 ejjaio 6)4* 7)4 8 alO ±X* ®)i Taken ou s;>e7uUUon to this date bag* 323,410 Ditto of earna period of 1855 309,070 8 a 8 4)4a 4*4 4)5* 4), !?«'» *X & a 5 6)4a 6)4 & a 9 11 al2 12) *al3 13) 5al4)5 15 al6 17 a:i6 6*4a 8 6 a V 6)5* 7)5 5 alO 6 a 9 6)4a 5)4 6r«* «). OJia 7 • )« a 7)4 7\* 7)4 5) 4* 6 6) 4 a 6)4 7 a 7)4 2 26 4 60 So 1 *-5 ....per ib- 10 ....per lb. 20 ■J.. pvr ;b. 1 W ... |^r ton. 33 00 .. pir cvrt 4 26 ... JAT Cffl .... jv.* c.wt ,t»~r ,b.! Lnmbtr, S. SiiWed, r**fiL-« pvr M. ft. Merclianulilc* p«?rM. it- to River Lumber, r«;:...p-. II. ft. S 00 Jlerch’blc tt* prim*?.. .j»*r M ft. 12 00 P.ingi«g tim'r ft*r exp ;^-r M. ft io to Mill iUtuing . .|-r M. ft. 6 O White Pine, vicar.... per M. ft. to to Merchantable j*-rM. ft. 1> to Cypres Shingle- peril. 4 60 Sawed Cypre-> rin—..j-erM. lti uo Red Oak Staves j»er M. White do. pipe...per M. Im. do lihd....perM. I*o. do. bid.. ..j*er M. 31olnssc*. Cuba New Orleans |wr ga NnlLs,Cnt. 4d. to2»>1..per Naval Store*;. Tar...j>er bbi. I Spirits Turf^-ntiue... .|>er gall. 4) 4* 5 Varnl-h jx-r call. 5) 4' 5*i OH*,Sperm, wint >t'd.pcr gaij. •_ '■ a 6>4 l Do. fall do...|*er gall.' 2 10 Do. surn’j do...jwr call, o to Whale, racked, wint.fer gall,. 40 Linseed ; j*er gall. 9<> Tanners j'....j i er gali. 15 to Oiimhurgs, Flax....|- r yd. to Pork, Mc-'a, Western.j-er bbl. 19 CO Prim** per bbl. 17 50 _ _ Me.-s. New York....per bid. 18 00 7)4* 3)4 t'ortcr, Guidon por doz.| 2 75 )«* 3 1 Ale, .Scotch per put. 2 00 ‘4* 3)4 j Ral-lns. Malaga ...f*er hex. 4 CO )•* *)4 ■ Spirit*. Brandy. ..o*.i*er gall. 4 50 3), a 3*4 ; Otard. Dupuy JcCo.. .per gali. 5 00 3)«»_4)5 j Fiuet. Castilon k tv gall. 500 A. Scignetle’o Leger fro re-.. Poach Domestic ,..., Gin. American per gaii. Holland |K*r gall. Ruin. Jamaica j*er call. N. E., bbls per gall. Whiskey. Phil, k Bait.per gall. New Orleans j*er call. Sugar, tOH I 15 1854. 1C 00 50 to to to -v 00 4.- 5% 4 25 l 50 42 6)** «»4'a ‘ 5)4a 6,4 rt*4* *), C’.t 04 5 al2 9‘ 3 «1VS 12 a*» I 13)4al4 j 15 al5c, * 17 ato 6)4 a 6 6) t al0 5)4* 7 7*4*10)4 6 a 9 gall. ..p-r gall. gall. . ..fK?r gali. Comparative Statement of Cotton. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1856 S00 300 Rec’d since July 16.. 466 12 Received previously. 376331 14395 376547 14*10 3 50 3 00 55 44 42 1 50 2 50 40 85 8« a a a a a a a 4 6C a «5t a : •« a its a i76 a so* a io oo a iooo a iooo a i6oo a io ou a 4'to a 25 to a »M a a 20 y» /aeooo a 40 to a 25 00 a 45 a « a 4 Au a 4 CM a 45 a a 2 5o a 250 a oto a i oo a a icoo a io* a to oo a isoo ©2000 a 287# a a 4 60 a iooo ©loco a 7w a too a 5oo a i25 a co a - a Hi a 3oo a oo a 45 a 40 377647 Exp’d since July 16,. 641 2 Exported previously..373600 13853 374247 13860 Stock ou hand and on shiphourd not cleared July 22, 1856 340*) 850 8AMK TUHt LA.-fT YKAK. Stock ou baud Sept. 1, 1854 2600 C0> Rec’d since July 16.... 1401 — Received previously. 362914 14328 364375 14928 Exp’d since July 15. Rxp’d previously... ...3834 357558 366975 14928 63 14528 361392 14591 Stock on haud au*l on shipboard not cleared July 23. 1856 5583 Stock of Cotton in the Interior^Towns XOT INCLUDED IN THE RKCTIRW Augusta aud Hamburg. July 1.. Macon, (Ga.) Jely 1 Columbus, (Ga.) July 1 Montgomery, (Ala.) June 7 Memphis, (Tenn.) July 1........ Columbia, (S. C.) July 10 1856. te65. “8335 8151 3262 3740 1825 144. 809 6024 628 1298 BOO 130:* Export! of Cotton and Bice, ritox tuk port or savannah, commenc'd sept, i . where to. Since July 15 |S. I. Liverpool... London ....♦••• Olb. Br.P’ts •••• Upla'd Hamburg .. • S.Petersb'rg • Oth.N.E.P'ts • Tot.N.E.P’Ls’* Havana. OUi.W.I.P’tsi.. So. Europe. ... Oth. F'n P’Ls.. To.oth.F.P’s . New York..! Boston.. .J.. Providence. .. Philadelphia^ Baltimore... Cliarleston.. • N. Orloaus..'., 0lh.L'.s.l‘ , uL Tot.C’Htwlsei S. !. AJpiaMjTi'ces 1490821 234i••••• WHKKK TO COTTON. S. I.|Uplands. 1 ardenas New York Philadelphia Camden (Me.) Charleston ' -ioo 220 21 Total V IS41 645 149316: 896 99 6096 i 559 400 260(1112610 ...' 129137267; 220ifi J 19793 I 4358 21 2780112376 !.*! 1I i ’472, 041 6637 202994 04lT3860|:i73658 350, 2766 Bank Koto Table. ORORUIA. HOUTH CAHOUNA, *C. B’k State of Georgia.. Pur Charhw’n City Banks.. Par Planter*’Bank “ : Columbia Com. Bank.. " Marine Basic “ iBank or Hamburg.... •• Cen. R. R. ItB’k’gCo.. “ ,M. B’k ofC'hernw.... Ga. R. It. AB’k’g Co.. '‘Bank of Georgetown.. Bank of Savannah*.... “ IBank of Caindot •• Mech'ce’Sav’g Bank. “ :Kx. Bunk, (Columbia). Bank of Augusta Bank of Newberry ... •* Mecb'cs’ Bank, (Aug.) “ 'Bank of Chester Anf.lna.k R'k'tOi.. “ 1 1'lent'H’H'k.fKaii'iii'lU) Is. W. II. R. llink R'korBr'iwiuli.rAuii) 1 Union Bank City Bank Mau’fac'r* B’k,(Mac.) Meroii't* B’k,(Macon) 3ds Manufac’ra’ aMech’c* Morch'U fc Planter* B’k. Now Orleatw... 3 pr c. «lii North Carolina. ..2 a 3 dis Virginia 2R2) t 'di>> Aiubnau 2 a 4 *ils TunnoHHeo 3a 6 dis B»nk Shun *&& Stock. INlfflUTlUNR. |OOHT|l'ftX'T l'UICK'.lUVin’lW. Batik State of Georgia.... , | 100118 a — 1*2 per cl Planter s’ Bank ! 80; 97 a W> H jwr »t Marino Bank, i 69i 70 a 72 111 per ci Con. R. H, k B'ktg Com'y. 100116 a H« Jo i»r «H BankofSavotmab ;.! 100:116 a - luperul Gita Llglil Company 26 27 a 28 8. W. 11. It. Company j 10W USMittera* Goorglu H. R. Comiwuy... j low par Macon Jt Wtwt'n R. U. Co.......100 a 108 Woe’nkAtlantic R. R.Co. .... MuscogeeU. R. Company.! I00i 87 a 88 City Bonds W Mochatilcs’Saving Bank. lUsNononil’g Augusta if W. lUiT Road.. • HXfl.... per u( 8 por cl K per • per . per 8 por u T per *' 10 pur P. Rico and St. Croix .per lb. 9 a 11 N. 0. ; Sugar .per lb. 7° >3 a 11)4 Havana, white •P*r ib. 10 a 12 brown .per lb. a I/jafand Crushed... •per lb. 112 a 125 salt, IJ ver'i. coarse.., ■ l«r • •ack. 112 a 1 16 Cargo, bulk ,|H*r bush. SO a S3 Turk'.- Island ,p«r bush. Co a 70 Soup, Amer., yellow. .per lb. a No. 1. .per lb. 6K a « Pale.. .per lb. a 7)4 Family .per lb. 1 7)i a 5>f Shot, a It sizes • per lb. s a 9 Segai**, , .-punish .per M. 19 00 a 5000 American .per Tallow, American.. .per Tobacco, Manfac*d...por Tea*, souchong per GuniH-witer jx-r Hvion per Twine, Seine per *j 00 10 15 a 1600 a so a 76 a ioo a ioo a as a 25 a 400 a a iso a 62)5 a so* a so a so a 2200 23 •25 50 6*» Expo) ts of Cotton, Mice antt Lainoer. KOK THE WEEK KVIdXD JULY 2.’nd, l*6'j Baling .per lb. IS Wines, Madeira .per pall. 3 00 siciiy Madeira .p-er call. 75 Teneriffy. L. P .per gall. 1 25 Malaga, Sweet .per gaii. 50 Dry .per gall. 45 Claret. Marseilles... . per cask. 40 •• Bordeaux.... .per cask. 50 Champagne Wool, .per doz. 10 00 Southern unwa.<ltctl .per lb. 22 *• clean .per lb. 22 WooUklnu, lambs, each, IS sheep’s ...Mrh 20 350 32603) 104145 Comparative Exports of Lumber, ntOM THE I*i)Rr ON.SAVANNAH. OJMMFXO'G SEPT. 1, 185•> WliCRK TO. j Since 1 July 15. Pro v’sly 1854. Liverpool London Ollier British Ports.... 22.2213 450043 1 lOt'OSOtl 5185893 1900289 6043378 Total to Great Britain.. 13773602 13129470 Havre 7301OS 4805 Bordeaux 172231 107887 Other French Ports 138009 827300 Total to Franco 1010339 1029992 South of Europe lO’lfo'te 1644333 North of Europe AviOftl 1233165 West Indies, Arc 32SUJ0 1050376 2819239 Total toFurcigu Ports . 328*90 2708016 6690727 Boston 2818895 1220772 Bath, (Maine)* 1935920 049189 New York 104145 3300841 2382414 Philadelphia 528629 539504 Baltimore and Norfolk. 351385 640147 Other C. S. Ports 1 (XHlbO 493597S 2740997 Total Coastwise 204145 12976004 8470083 Grand Total 632145 30504711 28332272 Comimrntlvo View of VesselH t.oAiuxu i.v tuk twrrni statw for forqox porta New Orleans. Julv il... Mobile, July Is Florida, July I Savnmmli, July 22 .... Charleston, July 10 New York, ,1 uly 15..,. Other Poi Is, J uly 12.... Total,:;-:.™--. j 1856 || 1855 |tI ujFr|OPj|G B'Fr|Q I* r- -- .j, 6 III 5 u 0 d| 1 2 4 'I i' '? 12 0 ol 0 i 1 c, 4 1 11 8 1 46 9 71 26 11 oi w( •1 , | 74IH10MI f.S| V| 08 .4u». V ' > Bel*. Kelly * to ' ' h Caa.a • ''-O.i., i H ettl JTRowtaM Coittua k Hcrth AUGUsTA, Jvfy 21. Om.r%— t cLange—[i/ra ital “The nurket i< u r > ’ J °' r 3 u Ui'O. —11,/ roce-1 10 t,, 10',c . ... lo;, K.bbrf IU 11«, IUom 10.i»||, S '3S2S * J°tej ^ l*r lb. I/VpI tun u, tnarket wifii a fair demand. KkT—t prime 6),aw. CIIATIiNWli. Jut, 1,.—LUCe dou-, , u -*t Wether ..rm uid sfc/.ery, i>r,r k). .ri boil. ruLhinr wra.i.u|.y. Froth it, t»il iran ArtK-hr we nuke ofthe I'.U',wirr re.ert B hew « nr. »le. th.t wo-.W ,t«t , M “ ' V3 '-* 0 hekoolMr™, He * r f' It. refe v.' , U* huudrel bath, eta at 4Cv. - sack from 62 SO ro ki, ,<-r bbl 15 Lari?—10 to 10),c. Ikirelnrt—Few twain, into nrnk-T, udtelli M at el per b '?nel. ^ Wecai—We .*»!« amoaitt^^ to*, or four tbotaafi i bcslide at to |i A , /el fj: 4 ere arc ca-.LOi, and too.b iriicL* with mack timidity. PuMiigm, Per i-b-amtr Caroilna, from »Jhvl *iU,n—• j p», ry. lady and 3 children. J C C«.t, L Legr’eLIL i.t,JWK«l tv M.r. Key J C Syr, Mill i £ Culloni.KJ inodenrir. W H R>»n. H Wil-wjfc <«:>«■ 1ITB.F-.C1- nlher. T II R:l.e.-, A ll SuV H M Z-ielrr, \t 1 Milry. L it"--"b'.i! yj-; i] , VLi C Browwd.T Lteut McL itrfor. XJaja W. IeedwAb, anuSdeck. Receipt* per Central Railroad. JUy 22—977 bab* Cotteo, 22 bozes Copper 0r» ttn**-t, v62tacki* Hour, 32 bales Domes* tics 48 cask Ba<x.d, and M ize . to Iila A Wish t | \ Wl> Ethridge. A Sjlartridge.Hard XI'AV ADVEKTIrfEMEXfj BOARD op health. A regular meeting or the Botrl &! Heeltk r| >l b.* held on Wetinoday, the 23,1 unt at 8o'clock P. M. Members will egamin- their Wards c*r<>fu!!y et>4 report all uqi?anc« By order of M. J. BUCKNER, CfcoirniAu R H S. A. T. Lawrence, M. D.. Bec’y B. H. .**a VANN Ail. 8tb July. 1866. jcly */» t POR PKUBADELPHIA. tail Saturday, Auguit 2J. at 6 o'dcrX,.P. M. ~~ The United States Mail Steimsiiiri KEYSTONE STATE. Capt. Hsrdis, will leave a.* above. For freight or |«u«sage apply to C. A. GREINER. Agent. Cabin Passage so QO Steerage Pa.-a.vge 7 00 Piissengera by tcU ship for Baltimore and Waih- insti-n wid be landed at New Castle, Delaware, h' de-ircl. from which place cars start three times daily for the ubjvc cities, and other Southern points. jv22 POR NEW YORK. To iaii Saturday, July 26th, at 3 o’etui. P. M. The steamship FLORIDA, explain WooJhull, will leave as abova. Fop freight or passage apply to PADKIJOKD. FAY k «». 43“ Berths tmt secured until paid for. Cabin Passage 125 Steerage Passage 8 «y* Shipper* of Cotton by these steamship will please take notice, that no Cotton will be receivtd at n<* presses that U not distiuctiy marked on the edge ■ftto* bale. . Jy23 Niagara Falla, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Pit Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia PAU TO $90. fpHIS 1. NF. connects at Philadelphia with tbs X Great '•‘*»rth Western Railroad Route, throogb to Niagnta Ftili aud Buffalo, iu sixteen hours froa Through llckets, with the privilege of btopping el Philadelphia, and intermediate points, for ule by the Agent. Fare to Niagara Falls or Buffalo 629 “ Elmira 2# “ Cauauduigua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, j23 Savannah, Georgia. HMm - t: Port of Snvnnunli Anivnd. U S M steamer Carolina, Cnxettcr, Charleston, to M A CollfU. CUnrtil. Bring Augusta, Slone, Now York—Dunn * Wash* Imrn. New Votk. July it'—Arr, \V S Smith, Savannah; Lilly, do. Cld, '/oiiua, Jackson villi*; Francis Bur nt!. St Marys; Clmrger, do. Shields, .lure 30—Arr, Burn, Savannah. Ifalvoel, Junu28—Clil, Cantor, Savannah. COlINljglH't'M. Pur ?tearner Carolina, from Charleston—M A Co in n, Hogors & Not rts, J I’o'kur. K J Purse, 0 Oo, hut, K C Wrdu H AY—2ft hulas prlrno Eastern Hav. in and lor sr!o by - jyia OGDEN, STAUll k CO. FOR FREIGHT or CHARTER.—The floe acltr PLAN DOME, Cep* Brown, will recelre freight or charter for a Northern port. A\ ply to JOHN T. ROWLAND, jy22 _ 71 B>yrir(St. G oi.1) >KNS—Persons desirous ol obia.mng » giKHid Gold Pen, are invited to c»'l end in spect a new lot which we have just received, etl which we trail recommend Jy23 II. B_N'lCHuLf* k CO. gtUXPOWDER—300 kegs KcMurky Rifle Powder, 69 lift If kegs iln do do, FFg 100 qr do do dr* do. FgFFg 600 cauuisters Sporting Powder, in City Meg* zine and for sale by j>*23 WEBSTER k I'AUUS B agging and rope—75 hales Gunny Cloth 30 half bales *to d.» 200 coils Kontncky Rope, iu store, for rale by .\V23 WEBSTER it PAIMKS. C tO)FKK—100 bags Bio Coffee, fair, aud f>riw« / loo bags Ltgt.ira de do do 50 packets Old tloverumeut Java Coffee 50 boxes ground West India and .lave Colts*, lauding, iu store and for rale bv ,iy23 Wm-TFR a I'AlMEs. NOTICE. rnHE firm of l W Morrell k O*. was dissolveit o‘| X tin? 24th of Senieinber, 1854, by tho deathw 5 F Wub-t. r jy22—lui _ MEDICAL COLLEGE OF UKUtt«H Aiockta, July 1SW- rnilK TWENTY-Firm Course of lectures iu »W) X Institution will commence the Fir if VortdflV '* Swrndmr i»st. FACULTY. G. M. Nkwto.v, m, u., Anatomy. L. A. Dcu.te, a. t*., Surgery. L. P. Garvin, m. ii , Materia Medica. l'fa‘n*P* <l,f, ’’‘ and Medical Jurisprudence. J. A. Kvk, m. t».. Oitsietrii-s and DVwa-**’’ i " 1 ‘ men and lniimL-. . II. V. M. lima, m. u., Physiology and Pwiur»iy#*' cal Anatomy. Ai>^\. Mkaxs, x. m. Profoasor of Chemistry. L. D. Pimp, n., Institutes aud Practice of Ste'' oilie. . IL F. t’AMraai.'i^ si. n., Surgical, tVpi'aratte* Microscopic Anatomy. ‘ B Cami’Rku.. m. ii.’ Demonstrator of Aiutoruy. s D. Simmon#, >r. u,. Aaslfiwmnt Demoflsiratwr. Clinical I ectures wit* delivered regufaw the City Hospital, mid auplo o|>portunities am allorded for tha study oC Practical Aaatoiuy. _ Foes for the entire Couiso ,ll T Mtitriimlation Ticket (to ho taken once) 0 For for further mnictilara, apply to , _ . Jut2-2w G. W NKWTON.P^ K ot'U 100coll* lloi»', - io »nrlro jy in .. I'ATriW, Ut'VWN k H ams.—lo’trtks yfatiSS iinnu,«iup* rW uiilcic, fitr suh» by Jyft W1LI4AM LYNN. 87 Bar* 1 jyft gILLS, Luces, Mitts. Ike. Just being White Uj 04 ' tenetl Midlbr«jle b ? , W. TUREUthUX Cur; ilounroM aod Whlirtee »• piJI’otiSii"*? 1 )fiT,tSIW0 cases «yvHu®u • ^ . for fimilly uso;T0 caska Pofash, Jurt recwvc* and lor i-nteby ’ «•****-• .... . m jyll .1 . UGlHJKJ^i. NOBW^O'fo M ostakd; **••?*. !££ i\JL pure PeteR'c; Ito dttfltturehiirccojved tali' Uv NsSWHIW , TJAWI.N AJiUMklRK r-MhUOs Clear blow, JJ nililKHl ilo, 10 tanka Hath* ■ . .. Jy f ^ H