Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 23, 1856, Image 1

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^—■ MUIM & JOUftML WEDXH«CT,\T»n tt’rlooh, p: Uti • -i . u : BV ' »T*11**B OHAIJH 'even Days Later from Europe AliniVAL OK THK r un s i a. Nbw Yohk, July 23.. . Tin* rteauier Perm him. arrived with Liver pool ‘datoatft July l‘2tlj. •; The Llver|imil O‘»tto|r market lies Hliglitfv ileuliittnl* OecIHie- contlned |irim‘ipally In lour. «r grade*. .Sale* .uf the week llo.UOO.bales, . Flour'market advanced 0 pence to I ghii ,. • i i i •. 11 < • • i llUg. Wheat advauccd from l to 2 pence. Honey is easy at previoa* rates. < * tjidctols advanced i—Quoted at ‘Jo*. ".r£io Arabia and the Arago had arrived out. The political new*, though interesting, pro- Nouts no leaturo of importance. V . • SECOND OteSFATOU. The Brokers* Circular quote* uu advance of j lu Fair Mobiles—other, qualitlen unchaugod. Fair Orleans ; 7 Middling......... - : «4 Fair Uploads. fij Middling Uplands t)J Fair Mobiles 6$ Middling Mobile*. v..; ..0 3-ltJ The unfavorable;-weather lor -harvest upuru- tious has stiffened the Flour market.- Bullion, hup decreased intho Bank oteEug- Una je4u,wm. ‘ ' ‘ ... ' ‘ Lowe and Luwe, ol ^Manchester, have faUud ; also a Mveipoul Cotton house. •• 1, Makink Accident.—This forenoon the sebr. Peucvck, arrived iu rttib harbor, the anubur of the vessel was dropped opposite ,to M$.vu\-. Hone & Cofintry’s, wharf. A bUfficieht distance was not allowed for the anchor ;|o |iWingukliir of tbit shipping, the main boom, anft.thought; banging ut thedaviU, atruck the ateani 2Jfe Columbut, lying at r ih& iff barf. tfliewnoke; stock and steam exhaust pipe of the 'i\tg, re ceived slight damages from the' inaiu boom.; The boat of the ac|ir. vroa crushed, uud greatly ^ijured by striking the sides of the 'l\tg. Tite <:t'®■uti'ilCat 1 on of Air. Harlow We publish the communioatiou of our Mend Francis Bartow, " hlcIi »“» *»®u c “ u * ed forth by certain* *trictiu*» on a speech de livered by him at the meeting on Friday evening last .which atrictu'.*^-*®*® based upoi) a report of tho proceedings in’ 4,110 tho papers or tho city. It .gives.iis gieut. « loaifuro to justice to a political opponent, oh tT*U 1,8 a l mr ty iricud; and wo are ouly more happj* In this case Mr* Bartow has said that his retries ou the occasion weromlxappreiiundod, ami th**| uever for a moment did he intend to make tha sweeping personal denunciation which was at tributed to biin. He bus included in his com munication, however, certain political mutters which it become* our duty to notice. And we would remark, imprimis, that a more taoaert and vigoorus abteser docs not live that! the Hon. -Frauds fv. Bilrtow. He does it with . so much sincerity and relish, os to leave n6 doubt that for the time being he speaks from his heart. But, like many niouoi* warm teni- parameut,ho often says things, concerning po litical meu and parties iu which he would scarcely by. Justified, He liutcs democracy (without reference, of course, to persons); ho looks upon it ut tiro sumo time as his present and uudeut enemy, and u mammoth evil. There can be, therefore, no doubt, with his feelings, that on Friday last he handled the dominant pany with his gloves off. Ah ho says of us at the doss of his article, that “If I incur your dis pleasure, well, gentlemou, I will try to bear itr The Democracy of the country must bear his strictures,and wo have little doubt will be utile to survive. In support of his speech, and to justify by the >ufecdont of great names the invective used upui Friday evening, quotations have been put .forth appertaining to Messrs Calhoun and Belt- t ton, not very complimentary to, the Dimmed!. Party. On« Is attributed to tho illustrious •eon of South Carolina, but which wc very much dfcoutot his ever having' used, Uc may hnvo beetf severe upon the Conventi«)u .system, biit weqtrestf^U if good authority:caii lii jrroduced for UU. having .characterized; the Democratic Party as •'rogues royalists.** But if oven Iro had said all this.hU pL>it\oir was one which Mr* Bartow rauuot claim for' hijusclf—wliilo fro- quently aud generally being ardent suppor ter of the measures- of tho -Uu.'iociatic Parly, be acktiowled himself «V : being .tyundtby no party organization. . Ho cpuld .^ayrO^ 1 ,orce what 1 Mr. Bartow belonging to an itclivi' k'^rty .S.WANMAIt i*July* £I, iMfiti, To the /editor* qf Georgian uriml. ’■ Hknti.umkn j—1 have just kc<?u an editorial ortloto in your paper ofye^torday, in which I am mad? the vuhjdofc of some. ceqsoriuUd conimout. This would in. itstlf M W mutter ( pf indlfrorenco 1 to me, if you. iiad not thought. pVoin'V io repre- sent tnu irs tiro pursiinal-mwnilant of gcntlenioii wIiomi names you publish, iiuditmoiigAvlbunniO' : ! many witlr whom my rehrtions hnvo been friend. i ly and reaped ml. Y<»ir ntako ugalnst mo* tho . | oliarga of iiilnulimiug inio.lUe^rojitlcul canvasi ! iiorwmul invviuive, and you attempt to sustain '! it) by,n-iirg N ian is»ih\tcd soiitcfice/uopqrtdU uh ; ! tnivlng been Uttered by iue; but which report Is not aucumpHii led by any observation inado by uin in connection will! it.'iiud liaH icd’ymi tu u great inisapjirolieiisioiiofwliut 1 did sa/. ‘. Vou cauiipt ruprubute more limit I do the. habit of employing personal accusations iu po litical discussions, l .hlivc striven lor jnuny years with my political friends*''oil the defen sive in this mutter, proudly defying h storm of cahiinniotis defamation which,bus unceasingly poured its muddy torreuts on our bends'. V AVUU ivfciciicu to your pprti^idai* couipfuiutr, 1 have to suy that no personal allusion wns.iu* tended, or made by me hi nuyof my remark* ut the Fillmore meeting, to any oi' the gent Ik uiuu whose names you Imyo presented a* the oljects of uij:"jisHault,'\ l hud uo reference to individuals ut ull— aud, indeed, with the exception of some three or four, I did not know that these you hive, men tioned wale members of the Ciiicimiuli (Jon- volition. -i*' 1 spoke of patties and conventions iu the aggregate—to,the system which, constituted them to thu general course of their govern ments, their actions, and the springs of thorn, their im^ppiirjlity; tjudr “siiUmii nmnilesta lions," and'Hie urmy of; mercenary political gamesters, who iiifostci}’. them, wlm wuiv iu them, uud about them. 1 uttered nojkrsquuli. tie*. 1 did not in any of uiy remarks use. lan guage as bitter us All. Calhoun’s, when lie*said of a- celelrt'uted party, that “they- wofu rogues .Add foyulists, without principle uild ; wifli'iml. policy, held together by the cohesive force of ^iVitiuclt'tor the CoiiventiQit .atid its platform, by u-Dpmiicr.^ wlui prorc^os tb frpodk from per : noiial lcliowledgc. Now n;j I not Itelieye -in the political purity of ,‘tlih Olqclihitl Omivontion iisa lrody, nor in tK^sliicority br iiit “ jpecue platform,’’ond a.'i t oamiotthUik uuiuy'of its rcsolutioni either wisodi' patriotic, blit on tho contrary' somri o* thenf very ftiolWiaurt'daiigefoits,-.and a« T do not vvaiit •to void for n,l*.uiy President,; Wlm* has iih uthef- iVctinimdijdathifi tlnm liispartizou 8ldi>4-rjnit .for- n man who .ita* yliqwp liftn^L-j^ wotthy to be the ruler of u great pooplo; I must lio permitted to suy thin; proper occusioW, aiuf I Will promise you gen Llcmeii to nay them with ull due rcspict lor tluiso wlto difter from mo in opitiiou, mid if 1 thus incur your displeasure, well, goutlcman, I will try to bear it. 1 am very respectfully, yutiv, tV'5. FlIANUtS 8. Bauiow. VVlHUTSPOilTlXli IN AKUIUA. organization (which although claiming . purity to Itself has giveii no Indlculion of nioie’ \ of ihe #ame gentry outside of it. ? Pack- public plunder.*! 1 was- certainly uut. more prifdinil ilian'Mr; Stl*ph^s,'wi/6ill he'.sdi‘d--i!io same party was aillcted with the “dry lot." iiavc you forgiveu liim fur this? Or do you defend the party by pointing uut the distin guished aud accomplished uuiuos, which grace yourmnlLs, us prUiviu^ that-you have not* the “Rot ! * ot wbich a - l did siiy, lill, that lilt- couilti'y is afllicted with a set of dcnuigoWs aud sch cming politicians who play a game i<>r plucfeund power, aud play it with reforonco to ..uothing but the meaua accoinplisii their end. Thu dominunt party will, of course, attract most of thosu spoilsmen. >Vd wh"in you have elegantly characterised, as an insigu.- iicmtt “ fautloM,” »iTe at least released from this association. 1 said, uml 1 think truly, tliut party h#s beea'»5tibstltuted'for ;coa ntr, upd jiow claims tho higlieniliegiance, and.that pro^.idOii tial usplraitts, iterge* themselves in u “ Party platform,” instead of standing out iu tlm gitri uu* individuality of a tried- patriotism. >1. said, and 1 fear, justly, that the people hnvo surrendered their great trust to the hand of parly leaders and professional politicians, who lose sight of the country in the oager c)uu{u lor ollk-o and place; uud I .attributed tlie present state of the country, to this w ide spread party •mrruption. } do not consider the proceedings of the t.'iu. [•inaO Convention, as furnishing any evidence of ale^rgvadeof (Jiings ot‘• as making any cxeeptiou to au es<al)li«iied system. 1 certainly lmvoaiot conceived a very exulted opinion of that assembly* i>1 President mukeiN, though perfectly ready to udmit; that many gentlemou were there. wk«» *are all that you claim for them. I must, think- politfcnl m<iuiigemeut, party Hpirit, uud kelfiaii sdietnes liud greet ascendan cy iu that body. . I cauuot account iu. any- other, way ’.for .the inccmsistuuctM which marked its action, and the harmony ouddeuiy infused into its cpiujous before so discordant. From tho repudiation of Mr. Pierce uud Mr. Douglas, while embracing their principles and' proclaiming ut heart iu the Sqpth, au Issue oil these principles paramount tu ull others. I cuiiuot reconcile tho high souudiiig.,slavery resolutioiw, with the selection of Mr. Buchunafi, who in L61S, believed iu the power 6f Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, and iu 1350 gives in his udherence to tho doctrine of Squat ter Sovereignty, who expre.v-cd Free-Boil opin ion* concerning Texu«. and did iiot before his nomination give eveu his approval to tl'ie Kan sas hill. I cannot understand how tho Hard. Shells aud Soft Shells got ou the same platform and applauded it, while Van Bureii cemented the happy re-union. But if I desired explana tion on these points l -have a witness, who bus told us liurder things of tho Cincinnati Conven tion than ever I dreamed of. Mr. Benton ^dis tinguished Democrat, and a warm supporter of Mr. Buchauan, gives uh a graphic -description of some of the actors and the action at Cincin nati. ! '* : “I went to see," he suys .Iu. a recent speech, “how things were done, and to assist a little at a safe nomination. I fouud a garrison of office* holders imjido )hq Convention, and .u besieging' or eveuas much of It up to the time as the other patties of former days and the Democra tic Party of this) could only expect tube view ed as purtizun vituperation. Ah to Air. Benton, Mr. Bartow makes one great mistake iu supposing him to be a friend . .of.the Democratic, party. A greater .enemy does not exist in the .United Stntes, for while / with the affected smile of friendship he greets . -'«•* be is at this very moment, tuid was upon the • occasion of his speech, doing ull in his power to . 'defeat(hfegallautDeinooracy oTMissouriunder ttht lead of TrubU-n Polk. His speech must bo looked upon as the vnporings of a poor old dis appointed man, whose Btate bus deserted him, w *hoae constituents have repudiated liini, and who * wt U8ea the * reat which Oof has given . direct tho black and turgid stream of bittern. ** in blfl heart * against Ids former tvicmi« und supporters. Aln sSiei.^ ““ very well explained tho “dry rot*’ staten. '• nl ,n an oawer ?n “ do by him to Air. A. It. Wri'^bt, or Jefferson, upon the stump—he said tin.'* be had said so of the DemocraticIParty but»**“* 11 ^ recovered trout the disease in getting rk.'^ MI, cU democrats as Mr. Wright and others. What Mr. Burtowsays of M^iBn^anun’s being a Free-seller mid an advocate . Squatter Sov ereign will scarce convince an/ Fcasouable man of tlie present day of thoso thin*# 1 ux c* peclally while decrying oue can €i<iate. for tho Presidency, lie eulogizes another bw» con demned the Kansas Bill, uud the 1 Vpeal of the Miswiurl Compromise, and would to-morrow, we Ulicvfc, restore the latter if it ferojiu hi* power. Wabhinotox, July 19.—Edward'U« /Style*, of Pcunsylvunin, has been ttppnluted COrhsul to Vienno. . i The trial of Mr. Herbert, of CulifomhS, has been agiiin rosiuutitv t i t Vl delegates were there sent to wrong the peo ple, # Btruw delegates were here coming Irom States* which could give no domocratlciivoto. Member, 11 “f Congress were there, although for bidden by tbelr own duties from being at such a place. Mu'^a were here from the Ca^lora House and Fivrf Points of Hew York. It was a scaiiclttlous .callc'CMdfl*—4c, I give you a further description of this Con vention, not drawn by mtf, but by Mr. Benton. The same witness nliO tells iia how tho game of politics was played by these adroit actor*. “I hove told yon of the attempt to kill off Mr Buchanan In tho Convention under tlie two- thirds rule. There wss nnothdr attempt of a different kind to do the same thing. It was..with a plat form •a partlbiilary structure— 1 with a rope over the bead, .and a trap door to the feet. And so contrived that if lie got on was strung up in the North—if pot Uo was laid out, in the South. Jiis iVienda Jbihiti otd the game, und .determined, .to mount it, be it what it might. They said tlie President doe- not swear to plat forms, but to the.Constitution. And besides It .is lawful to tight lire with Are. It wiis con- cooted by tho old Jauissarics ami prod'ueiyl at tho moment the balloting was to commotion. so as to flbtke disorder hi ranks.* but •\tyalrlek failed. It was received ill n tbmpesi. ’or bum- Ions applause and oxtolled to tho skies. I asked fitieotthe most vociferous nfthcec nppj.piders, liow ho could swnlloWBuch stuff? Ho iinswer- ed promptly—“«* / do ipecac, “to puke it up again” • : • “ThcM* platforms,” says Mr. Benton, tiro gen. ernll^ tlie work of lU'Uingogues who Jijivo no thought of the country, no thought of utiytiilng (tut to get office and to ho{d oillec, changing for that pur|)0^‘with ei ory cliauge *r adminla. tratiuii, and swearing to every crowd that runs an hour.” Few among tbutgi.iiit race of spoilniucu, of wiiom Gordon Gumming uud Jules Gcrurd mo the iiioui, not able Hpeciuiuus, iiavc given more thrilling accounts of their udvciiiurom Ibruy* against thu monsters of tlie forest tlnm ure cou- tained iu tho recoiilly-putiiislicil work of Audcr sou, tho .Swedish traveller, entitled “Fonr Vcar’s Wanderings in the Wilds of South-Wes tern Africa.’* Ills buttles uro not always with lions, tigers, 4c., but frequently with ponderous elephants uud rhinoceroses —as witness tlie tal lowing : From tlie cousluiil persecution to which the larger games had of late been subjected at lu.bis, it luid become not only scarce, bat wary; and bearing that clephuuls and rJilnoceio.-es still continued to resort tu Abcrgbau, 1 foith- willi proceeded them on 'lho night iu question. Soiuowiint iuouutiou-Jy 1 took up my position—, alone us usual—on a narrow neck of laud divid ing two small pools; tlm space on either .s;do of my “ftkaini” being only sufficient lor a largo animal to stand between me and the water.— I was provided with a blanket, and two or throo pare guns. It was one of those inaguiiiceut tropical moon light nights when mi indescribably salt and enchanting light is bliud over the .-lumbering landscaper; The moon was so bright umH-lour tliut J could discern even a nuiull uuiiuul ut u considerable distance. I had just completed myurraogemcuis, vvhou a ucise Unit 1 can liken ouly to tlie pas-age ot a train of artillery, • broke the stillness oi thu air. It evidently came, from tlie direction oi one •; i the numerous stony -paths, or mi her trucks,leading to the Water, and I imagined it wus cuased by some wagons that might have crossed the.Walalmri. liaising myself partial ly from my recmiibeut posture, 1 tixed my eyes steadily on the part of tlie bush whence the strange sounds proceeded; but for soma time I was unable to make out the cause, All at oueq, however, tlie mystery was explained by the ap- pcuiuiice of un immense c-Icpbtiiit, immediately followed by others amounting to eighteen.— Their towering forms told me ut once tliut they weio ull males, it was a splendid sight to see so many huge..creatures, npproaebing with a free, sweeping, unsuspecting, stalely step. The somewhat elevated ground whence lin-y emerg ed, und which gradually sloped towards tue. water, together with the misty night mr, gave au iucroa»od appearance of bulk aud mighti ness to their naturally giant structures. Crouching down us lew an possible in the “sknrm,” 1 waited with beating heart uiul rea dy villa the approach of tlie leading male, who, unconscious of peril, wus making straight for my hiding place. The position of his body, however,was uuluvorable for u shot; and know iiigfrom.experience that l bud little eh.mcoof obtaining more than a single good one, l wait ed for an opportunity to thu ut bis shoulder, which, as be loro said, is preferable tunny other part when shooting ut night. But this cuimee, nnlortuuutcly, wus not ulfordcd till ids on coin- ous bulk towered above my head. Thu oon?iH qucnccs wus, Unit, while in the act of raisin, the muzzle of my l itie over the skarm, my bud) caught his eye, uud, lief"to 1 could place Urn piece to my .shoulder, lie swung himself round, aud, with trunk elevated uml cars spread, des perately charged me. it was now too late to ihink of tlight.much less of.skiyiug the savage "boast. My own lilo vra-sin immediate jeopardy; aud Heeltig this, if 1 remained partially erect, ho would meviiunly sic/.e me wilti Ins juobnci.v i threw myself on my back with some violence, iu which pusitiom mid without shouldering my rille, Hired upwards, ut random, towards lus chest, uttering,'at the same time, the ,most piereing shouts uud cries. Tho cliiuigc iii posi tion in ull lnumiu probability saved my itie; I'm at tho same instant, the tuuik of tho enraged itninicl de'scciiUed precisely on the spot whore i had been previously couched, sweeping away the stones, (many of a large size) Uut formed the fore part of tuy skarm like so many pebbles, lu smother instant hi* broad foie-feet puc-ed directly over my face. I now expected uotUiugshort of being email- td to dentil. But imagine my relief when, in stead of renewing theoharge, Uo swerved to the left, und moved off with considerable rapidity -—most happily without my having received, other injuries tlun a few bruires, occasioned by the falling of tlie stones. UudeiTrbvidcneo,*] attribute my extraordinary escape to the eouh;- sion of tho animal, caused by tue wound 1 had indicted on him, uud to tho cries elicited front me when in my utmost need. Immediately tiller thu elephant had left mol was on my legs, and, Hutching up u spare ntlo lying ut hand, I pointed at him a a he wa» re- treating, uud pulled the trigger; hut, to my in tense Tnoititieution,! tho piece missed lire.. It was u matter of thankfulness to me, however, that a similar mishap had not occurred when charged; for lmd my gun not then exploded, nothing, us I c mcoivo, could liuve saved mo from destruction. During this incidciit, the rest oi the elephants retreated into the bush; but by the time 1 had repaired my skarm tiiey re-appc.ured with stealthy stops ou tho opposite sido of Ibo pool, though so distant tliut i could not lire with ary prospect of success. As they did not approach nearer, i attempted to stalk them, but they would not allow me to come to close quarters ;' and tiflor a while moved oif together. Whilst pondering over my kite wonderful ct.- cape, l observed, ut a little distance, a huge -white rhinoceros protrude his ponderous and niiwhupcu head through tho bustius, aud pres- sently at ter wards* he approached to within a dozen paces of my ambuscade, ilis broadside was then folly exposed to view, and, iiotvvith- 1 still felt a little nervous from my couUict witli -tho elephant, 1 lost no time iu tiring. The bdafct did not ut once lull to tlm ground, but from appearances 1 liud every rea son to believe lie would not live long. S Scarcely had I reloaded, when u black rlii- CC‘1'04, of the Rpecies Koitioa, (a k-nuie, us it piovcd,) stuud drinking at thuuaicr; but ins' position, as with thu elephant iu Lite urat iu- atauce, was unfavorable lor a good shot. Ac, however, Rbo was very near me, 1 thought 1 wan pretty sure of breaking her leg, and there by disabling her; und iu tins 1 succeeded. My tiro veemed to madden her; she rushed wildly forward on three .legs, when 1 gave her a se cond shot, though apparently with little or uo effect. I lelt sorry at not being able to end her suffering at once; but. an I was too well acquaintedwith tb.e habits of tho rhinoce ros to veutiiio on pursuing her under the cir cumstances, 1 determined*to wait patiently for daylight, and then destroy her with the hid of tuy dogs. But it was uut to be. As uo moro. elephants, or other largo game appeared, I thought after a time it might be as well to go in search of tho white rhinoceros, previously, wounded; und I was not long in tindiug his carciwe—for,uiy_ball, as 1 supposed liud caused his ulinoat immediate death. In heading back to my skaiiu, i accidentally took a turn iu. the direction pursued by the black rhiuocci'osuml by ill luck, as it proved, at oucu encountered bur. .Site was still on her legs, but her position, as before, was unfavora ble.. Hoping, however, tu make her change it for a better, and thus enable me to destroy her atouco, 1 took up a stone uud hurled it hi her with all’ my mice; when, -.snorting horridly, (•reeling her tail, keening licr. head close to tnc ground, uud raising clouds of dim by her feel, s'lio mailed at mu with fearlnl fury. I hud only just timo to level nty Hilo uml lire, bolero she was uuou mo: and thu next imtmt, %^liiUt in stinctively turning around tbritlio purpose of re treating, sho laid me prostrated,' The shock was so violunt as to send my ciUe, 'powdi r-ila-:k, ntul hall-pourch, as also my 'ettp, tipiiUug into thnair—the gun,, us aftorward<il i tallied, tcni.dWWW 9r.(hlJyLieuJeef,~* On thu bcaat charging me, it eros-ed tuy mind that unless gored at ouco by her, horn .... i her iriipctns would he such)(inter kniM,u,». uu down, wjiloli I took fpr.Jgkated would ho the- C04U* ua t'.1 curry.llor boy^B uw/artd llaigUt tliiH. lJO tillunlu l ll •hlbOdK(dikteI So. .liictf it ImiipcucU i' liitf Ii4v% it rtiblcd mo ow (lu- doiiitf which her hortd, afiU tlui. itmihai t oi: h6r Iw.l.. tho vru onU. J.- mil Adrirc, WM hull bin ted 111. thb uaud) \«i,| lr<th[iloll uu uto u itli great violence, her'foQkaimrUsrpdssed over my body. Btfuggling forWtn, l aei&Smr ojiportuiiity; mid Usshbw.H raddiforingthorhuff *‘i*, ft wnowU- of tho charge, i ^irambltd out from hehiud her hind legs. • ?-»- • , But tlm enrugod'beiiat had uoU-ot done' with mol Scarcely lmd I regaiiied lay ’febt bbfora sliu struck mo down a second time, aud with Imr Imrif ripped up rhylrigliUliiah (though not very deeply).iroiu huai'fhe klfcq Ui tllO hip? witli lici lotv-l'cdt, moreover, aim hit mo a ter- litic blow hu tho left feluiulder.hbitr thu hack of the neck. My ribs bent under, tlm cuoimuus weight aud pressut'e; hnd Tor a moment I nluat; aa l believe, Jmvb lost conicfouMiiaj-s—I hiivn at leant VC-ry indistinct diitiou or wliat. utlqndnds took place. ^Ul l. remember is, That when I raisOil my hOad l heard a I'urimiii uiortiug, and plunging uihongst thu neighbotihi' bushes. I now muse, though with grunt ddHoulty, mi.l •by way, iu tlm 'beat* manner 1 was uble, to wards a largo* treo iicar ut liutul, - ^r a* shelter; but tliib precaution Was uccdlcwG-tlm beast, for the time at luuat showed no.iucliuution r fur ther to uinle.,1 mil. Killier iu tlm melee; orow- iug.ra ibo coiifiisiou cautied by her wounds, she lmd loat yigUt of hie, oi’ she ■ ielt ’ Hatislied with Uib loyeiigo slio bad taken, lie that as it may, t u.-caiicd with life, though sadly wuuudod and ' OU disabl ALIH'UtMANiC ELECTION. OCTOBEtt 13TH. 1856. ituoiBTitY op Vote UH von two. severely bruised, iu which disabled state I had great (tiUiailtyiu getting back-to nyr skarhi. During thb greater part of thu* conflict i,pre? served my preseucoof mind; but uftor thutlau- ger was over, irud when 1 had ltisursto collect my avuttered und couliiHed senses, I wn» seized with u noiVi'iis . ullcction, causing a violent trembling, i imvd sinte-killed muiiy'rliirioce: roses, as well for spint us./ood; but several weeks elapsed before l could again attack those animals with any coolness. Abjut sunrise, KaiMpyu, my Imlf-caste boy, whom 1 bad left oh lliopreceding oveuingabout half a miln away, the skarm to convey hiy gnus uml utner things to onr uucampmem. Iiiii few tvords, 'I.relutcd* to hliii the inUlmp that had bulUllea me.' ll.e;liAtoncd with :seem ing incredulity; but the sight of ray gashed thigh aoiiu convinced him I was iiot in joke. . I afterwards directed him to take one of tho guns and groceed in search oi tho Wounded rliinneeriK-u.s, cautioning him to bo caroftil iu dp- pioueliing tlm boast, which T had reason to ha. neve w;is not yet dead. Jle had only b'icu ab- aunt a few minutes, when 1 heard u cry • of dis tress. Striking my hand ugaitwt my forehead, 1 exclaimed, “Good God i tho bnltn has attack ed the lad uhiol” Seizing hula of my rifle, I scrambled through tlm bushes as fast us my crippled condition would permit; und, whim 1 huil proceeded two nr three hundred yards, u nuene suddenly pre sented itself that l .shall vividly reinemuer to the lasFduys of my. existence. Atnougst some hushes, and w.thiu a. uoiipie'. of yards of e‘ac(i other, stood the rhinoceros and tlm young buv- age—tho former supporting herself on three legs, covered witU'bfuod: und froth, and snort- ‘iiigiii the - furious maiiber--the latter petrified with tear—spcU-boun^,’ «h if were—■ and riveted to the -kpotf Creeping, IhOreforo, t j tlm ride of tho rlmioceros, opposite to that uu which tlie boy was standing, uo as to draw her attention from him, I levelled iind tired, on which tho boast charged wildly to and fro with- but any distinct bisect. Whlht‘ she was thus occupied,.! poured iu nliot * uftor shot, .but thought .-he would never fall. At length, how ever, nIic sank slowly tb the ground; and, imagining her in her dcnth-agonies, and that all danger was oyer, I walked unhesitatingly, clous up to her, and was ou the point of placing ctio 'muzzle of my gnu to her ear to give her the coup dr grace, when’, to my- horror, she once more rose to her legs. Taking u hurried aim, 1 pulled the trigger, uml instantly retreated, with the beast m full pursuit. Thu race, how ever, was a short one; for, just ns 1 threw my self into a bush for safety, slie'fell dead at*my feet—so near me, Indeed, tliut . I could havo touched her with the muzzle of my rifle I Another moment, and i should jiroliablyhavo been impaled on her murderous horns,-which; ihfjugli short, was ulnirp us u razor. 'J'he’recoml day tiflor the scenes. described my bruises began to show themselves; and on the third day they Were fully developed, giving my body a black and yellow Into. So far os I was aware, none of my b ates were broken, but baring uud agonising pains it; tho region of my chert were clearly Hyinptomdtic of seveio inter, mtl injury. Indeed,dtiiml, serious apprehen sions were entertained for my life. After grunt suffering, however, 1 recovered; and, us my shooting mania had by this time somewhat coded down, my wlmle thoughts weio bent ou seeing till* Agami. Though my frame was cuite unable to bear fatigue, my spirit would uoc brark longer delay- With tho assistance of my men,.I therefore mounted my stood ou the 23d of July, aud was off for tho luke, lcaviug my huuting spoiLs, and other effects, tinder the cure of the Bushina chief at Kobia. Thu Chops*—In a largo portion of this coun ty tho corn crop has been almost ruined and the cotton seriously injured by tho protracted drought. In fotno places tlioro has been no rain of any consequence since April. We know some inrtances of planters cutting down con siderable quantities ot* com, all • hope of its re covery having been abandoned. The clouds frequently appeur but after a short stay take thofr departure for somo move favored region.— The Chattahoochee is uhont as low as. wc re member to have sec-ii it.—Hufautrt Spirit. m. Snvnnimh Itlnrkci, July .43, CiM'fON'-—Xo Iran-actions to Cotton lo notice th : a forcuomt. AUGU.sTA, July Cz.—iVriwx—Prices rouge fr«m 0 lo lie—vary little'doing. cuf.UMlixA, July 22;—Cmtox— 1 There was. no Gaum »*u tin; market yesterday, ami wo cau ihero- I'oro ouly c.outiime oi'i loruiur i|UotAtion3 of Pall cxtr.'-iic M ufAUTilH, July Cmtoa—llictiinited rcccipU nud stock'.' prcvcnlud any tran«H*:Uciia of note, tho few erd'-H toadu r.uigo from S>5 to Whrat — intlc arriving, und buyers into ofle-r- iug .86»00o lor fair and P5a$t ter strictly cliolco. Some contracts for l in mediate delivery nave been made witbia Ibo part lew Uayi at 9)e. WILMINGTON’, July 21.—Tt'RP^Ti.xir-*?alcs yes terday or 38:- i*bl3 iiu>2 "5ter VUkIu, 2 30 fur yel low dip, au 1 :*j for iunl, per bbt of -BO lb-?, >.'o transaction* to-duy* Ppi I • i'CKTK.VfINK—Salo$ lo-dey of 700 ca-ks at i*. i*i-i* cuIIm. •* i Vi-Anniay of l»vjCommon, at $115 pet. • LI and, of TO liM-* Sc tut $3 7l< per bbl. Nt.iii.'.-; Joiutf to day. Tab—Sates yestcruay of AS bids al t-1 20 per bbl. FLoru.—120 bltli ml I at per bbl ter «m porfluc." ’ . SKW YORK, Jtiiy 19—.Ctritnx—Colton 1‘ Urm amt In un,derate itumami; o u* i]uotuUou<i.'are #c. I'cliw ticl l.'.ri* prose’it deiiuoda, but express tlio bR^l? of Ou, . yew yoke ciafisinc.ctio.v. N. Or Jeans, Unlaud. Florida. Mobile, ATexas. 10 UK WM 13# Ootkk.— 1 Ilieve* Is a better let ling and more do gin Bio, chiefly to the trade: sides of 1,900 bigs at HI*,**, and at 10‘iafl \ji:. lit utbor kinds a moderate inquiry pivvaiU nUtili rate#, rules or lot) bavs Tlublii at loj^r, id oftits native Ceylon at 12>f —id Jt’.t) mats Java uiIJiilJc. • . Ftlot'ft'.—Tho downward • tuudeiicy tn tho low grades of. Western Canal Fiouf cotstiuuos, and hold ers, to Hfect.Votes, have n iibmitiod to a I'nrtbnr de< dine of 10.il5cpjr b‘ds with great irregularity in tlie market.; 0 »ux—I- th in and am! tn good demand; salsa ot 04,0.10 hifch.jis at OTubiJic. for tinsotiud 09a0l for Mtx*’d \Vo*:te'ra, LOafli lor So itliern Yellow, OOadl for Bntitid Yeflotv. and Uto70lor fidutlichi White. '' Meia.-aiis.— Only A moderate domnnd prcvnlls at prt sou l high nr ices. Rick —Wo uotlro a fair Inquiry; expo,-text awaiting their letters p.'r Niagara; kales of 320 tvs ut-tiri^o. ■ «• heavy, with a moderate demand: of 150 t’bl* Ohio uml CrUon at 4'ir, limit'll'. 1 !' tnjs Id,41. (*tf-all. )rdfnary....l Jd 10 10 Miltelling. ... . 11H . RUl nx Middling Fair.. 12*4 13K F'alr .'. . P-'?i ■UK 13 TAKE NOTICE, . I'RCJJASKUS will, hnvo .tliolr .goods <)oltrore(| free of espauau >vlth ;<mick'ftlspnpdi from tho Hav&minh frrwery and Fruit tMpot, corner ltrougU* ton ami Wldiakrr streets. if if* I would cult tho utU-dtlon At Fruiters genor- ally to my well unieotoil HU**k* of Grccories, rhcolv* lug dally. jo23—If 1 - AY. XL FAKIUJIJ.. Johns Achord, Uuorgu-W Anderson, Kdwurd C, Audorami, William U Adapts,. Hartwell s Andrew, Rlrliiird li Arnold. William - S Ahbiitt, (teorgo ll Anil, Clmrios It Asb, . Alnx.tudor Alkln, Kohert A Allen, Robert l£ Alton, Hubert Austin..Tliuedt-.y.ui A. Acosta, John W Anderson, David Abrubnins, Mid thins Amorous, Kllpliutet A Alien, I'oter W Alexno- dor, Hoiijamlii U Armstrong, lieurge A Aab,.Henry Atkiusoir, Tit oi tin- ;A Askew, John Ascndorl'. Wii- Hum It Adums; John At now, William Andre, l-tmr. S Anderson, T Painter Adair, James Alienrn. 7u«h itriult Aboil, lUclmrd W Adams. O. W llruwa, UoorgoF Brown. Hh lifird Brad ley Joseph Uryun, Alexander F Itenueit, Frederick Uok, William 11 Ihtsltler, Joseph Dry in No 2, Fredoi - iijk Wllalloy, Augustus Honaud,James II Ih^hler, Is rael Hear, Anion Humbert,l8UHt‘HruiiiHir,WiH s Bui- litger, Harvey 4. Hyrd.Pclcr A lilols,James A Hurron, Augustus |loulim).t:i, Ihtvhl iHI, (Seorge A Hoill'eul Jett, .Ktlwlii J1 Huron, Hilbert Butler, liwtiJaiJk Hrown, Win li Hurrough.i, Henry Hriglmm, Joseph II Baldwin, Slugmtmd Uorg, Heorgud J lluntz, Mi chael fr'tey, John Boston, John Bilim, Solomon D nrutilley, Frauds S Bartow,WilliauC Barton,Samuel P Beil, Alexandra Boysseau. Jului W lli/.i', .‘nuiuk-I Barclay. Henry Brown,Thoiiia* IJurgin, John Brown, Wyatt M Bragg, Joseph 1C Blyler, James Baxter, Jas F Brai'd, David K Botliwell, Charics W Hlu'eker. pant lot II Bald win, Tims.I Buttocb, John Burke, Wm Hen ry Uundi, .lobu II Uebakim, Barnard Bush, .lames M. Butler, Henry Burt, James A Brown, ls.-lr.nuu fc Dyck,' oihu P Boufuuillet, Boo L Blount, Willium F Brantley, Marion Bliss, Alexander Ikichioii, Wii Barn Burk, Dennis Brady, llenry li Bit*?, Hen ry Blue, Johu Brady, tVllilatu B Uourquln, Now- UlU S Hull,. William A Boggs, Hldiard Burko, No ah K Uaruuiu, Heury Beijomun, William <> Bui. loch, Joliu Barry, William H Banks, Dennis Ulan- norhassett, Heury F Bcmiett, Thomas Blount. Peter Boruue, Michael Brauuan Puterldt lirudy, uitUum James Bulloch, Michael Hutlor, tirosvcuor K Hevuus, Heury Bandy, Harris Bet loch - , John HB-irihdmcsq Felix Bouyssou, Johu Brunan, William P Bowen jr. Abraham Backer, .John J L Buutz, Scuborue \v Browne, WtlUam Barrett,. Anil)ony Bader. John L Bowen, Robert M BarthcJrne*.-, William J) iiroome, Josejtlt A Brown, Gartou Bscklcr, Barnard K Bins, James T Buckner, Patrick Burns, John N Birch, L'l- rlu, Burk, William P Bowen. John A Bussonger, Ooorgo S liartbnlumss,Henry Btiles Bull,Michael Bol tin, John U Barry,- Samuel Urockiutou, Jehu U Bur ry. Philip H Debit, John Breen, Wiliam 1/ Bulloch, Yale thin Brunner, Francis Binir, William H Baker, Michael Brynu, John Barclay, Wlillum Brouter .Mi chael Barrett, Alfred Byrd, tlinen K Byck, Thomas Benniug, Miclmel B trrett No 2, Willium li Bra lley, Johu \S Ikilcy. William Brown, Michael Burk, Pat rick Biady, Charles t Brasch, Augustus K Batch, Dennis Uragdon, John Burns. C. Ucorgo a Cuvier; liurnunl W Cmldreu,- William Crabtree. John W Coates, Putiid; Cun an, tieorgu I. COp^ Lewis F Cooke. Charles Clarke, Rolmrl J Cani.lflp, John F Curdell, Francis T Cole, Wm A Cone, Xowiii A fkt.-tollaw, Hugh Cullen. Joseph V Connerat, Moses A Cohen, John Cast, Win. U-cur i.'lmrlhm, Wm. Cullen, 81ms M OoMing, J.tinas A Oourvoisu, Heury Crosby, Bernard Cou-timtiiie, Dhulvl B Camp. Clctavus Colton, WiiJium M Charters, Joseph 8 Clagkorn, David Lopez Cohan, Peter L Cousuntlno. Francis Champion, Montgomery C'tiniulng. Wallnoo .Cmmninft, Wm A Coupor, Uriah Cranston, t.’havtes .H Cuutpllold, KoberlJ Cauglmy, Aaron it d’iiuuipion, WUllam Cox. George Culiey, Phfllip Connali, Wiiliatit P Clark, Allen Cullen, Thomas Clark, Frederick. Cook, Patrick Clark, WII- Until! 11 Cuyler,' Jatues Calfrey, Kugeno M Gaidar, Au run Cl unit plan, Peter Cavamuigh, William It t.’oop- or, Janies* CatitpUell, iXtnlol Clark, Carl F CruIX- Juttrcs Crotnlay, John i) Ohurlton, Thomas Colravy, William Condon, ArtuI Cortlez,Cornelius Colles.Fred, crick 0 OirJ,.Patrick Cullen, Titos Olmlllnolt, Jasper N Cook. John L Clomouts, Janie* Conner, Maurice Cohon, Elias Colton, Marciu Cohen George 14 Clark, Moses. Coburn, James Cusoy, Thomas Otrty, Luke Christie, John Cmminghnm, Charles Caunott, Pierce Ctjudou, John A Chambers, Nicholas! Cruger, Wil liam Cannon, Jeremiah Cuvohauglt, Moses 8 Cohen, Joliu Connor, Richard Clancy, Patrick Cuvunuugh, E«lward Coyuo,. Patrick Conner. William F Chaplin, Joseph P Collin*, Klcjiurd W Cope, Willlmn Cotter, Hugh Croinlay, Johu Christy, Michael Connor, James Curies, John li Cuhbodgu, John II Cow er, lhmiol Chinny, Cttrroll A Cloud. John I. Clark, Johu Df» w- ley, John tAjoxr. DeuttLs dairy, John Cash, Fran cis J Champion, Christopher CCasey, 'fliomus dark, lireuvilio E Carlton. James Clancy, Juitu Greotto Cooke, lkiniol CVomfuy, John Curry, .James Cope William Carrim, Jain vs t'hampiuu, John Lt ‘.Vo- per, George Crublreo: James .M Clark, .Solomon tkdtun, Cyrus dialler, Joseph Cain, Henry It Chris tian, Janies T Cann, George W Couser, Peter Clark, Dttitiel - O>l0| Lawrence Connell, Thomas Conway, Andrew CminorH, Muttbow Collins, Micbuei Cleary, Michael Conwuy, Isunu 8 Clark, Wi I lining Cow run, Lewis it Collins, Con*y, Miclmel Carey, Thoimii Co uu uU* ritepbeu J M Cubbedgo Chalks H Conuetyi Goo Clark. Kobt Citrr, Richard RCuyler. D. Adam J Dotson, Isaiah Davoujiurt, Archibald C Davenport. Thomas Cowell. James li Dcmuud, George W Davis, William H Davis, Jacob F Doo. CUasley Duggor, John 1> l»elanuoy, iloury J Dicker, fiou, l.tsvi 8 D’Lyou, Albui t L DoLorge, Murtin Dug gan,! William M Davidson, Jofiu Dovauny, Jolm loyle, David R Dillon. Jului Deucy, Hugh Devine, John Doyle No 2, William Dunn, Johu 11 Davis, Heu ry Delilwos, 8hehlou C Dnnulug, 8ueldr>u C immiiug Jr, Johu M Downing. Uiclmrd .) Donovan, William J Dixon, Audrcw it il Dawson,Mason M Davis. Jnmtv. Downing. William Duncan, Jam?- U Dunumd, Wii- Dam G Dickson, James Dagnun, William J Dowell, Michael Dcauy, William J Dotson, Murtin Dohiu. Pat rick Doyle, Homer W Dcnslow, John B Downing, Jolm K Dillon, Johu Downing, Joseph 0 Davis, Peter Domare, Thomas C Davis, William Dntmenfcl&er, Jo- sepUDoylo, (fliherniatt,) Jesse i. Duke, William Dowuoy, John O'Ponuoll, William 8 Danlell, Jtdm Doylo. Thomas Duimhouc, William 1. Davis, Kenedy Dale. Michuol Dwyer, Thomas K Davis. James i- Darling ..Marlin Didirmanu, Uiclmrd W Delaney, John Daly No 2, Johu Dolau Thomas Day, Bernard Dully John Dotson, Martin Dumicnuu, Jesse D Dasher, Michuel Donnelly, WilliamC. Dawson, Lew is G Davis, Jolm 11 Davis, Cornelius Douorau, Pat rick Doyle, William J Donaldson, Johu Doyle, Jumei« FX Devino. Alexander Doylo, Ralph Dunning, Asa A lkivte, William Doody, Daniel Donnelly, George Davidgo, Israel Dasher, Daniel DvLiuoy, Mathew J. Doylo, Morris M Demore, George \r Diilen, David S Daniols, Patrick Duviumy, James Doyle, Johu Dil lon. E. Ueergo Ktunmus, Henry U Kaslinoad, Stephen El liott, Hubert Erwin, Thomas Eden, George Ehrlcsh. Charics Ever?, Henry Eggley,Walker J Elliot, Charles Eppley. John Eiskcnin, John L bill®, Barnard Kills, Abner P Earliest, Kdwurd W Edvn, Henry E;i.-t, Joint B EpsluUi, William T Klaiu, Daniel Egan. John Evcrard, Patrick Egan, William l» Ltlitriegc, John Erwin, Philip ICiller, Fatuuel II Ecktnnn, Mo?es El- kau. F. Robert II Footman, Joseph 8 Fay, Lewis Frey, Dominick Flutley, Jolm UFaiUgant, James It Foley, Joseph Felt, Jolm Foley, Joliu 0 Ferrlll, Louis X Ful- ligaut, Alexander Fawcett, Thomas Ford, Lewis J H Fairchild, Joliu 0 Fraser, Rob’t G Ferguson, John D FUli, Dougald Ferguson, Michael Finney, Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Flyun, Frederick Finch, Mortimer I. Farrte, Andrew Farry, Arthur Fcnuol, - Alexander A Fraser, Janica Fiteimmon;, Lewis Furstenbnrg, John Fitzgerald, Cornelius Flyun No 2, Heury It Foil; Johu l'iynu, Kphriiu l’inckloa, lluuuas Ford No 2, Barney Flaherty. Iloury Fallon, Thuutaa Flemming. Louis Fried, Newell H Flake, Jauius Fouqtahi, Joseph EFulliguut, William BFarr. Anthmiy Fitsmaurice, Edmund Frierson, Peter For tune. WUllam II Fluig, 8 Heury Flake, Dauiel Hood Patrick Fitzgerald. James Foley. Joliu William Fow, ker,-Charles W. Frnser, Silvester Forbu, Henry _v Foray tit, Andrew FlatK-y, William G Flynn, Mi chael Fcely, George 8 Frierson, Joaiali U Flihor, Juaoph.C Footman, Thomas M Forman, Adorn Fries, Jolm 8 Fox, Richard Fcely. G. John Gammall, John B Gallic. George W Gar- inauy, Thomas Green. James E Godfrey, Jo-eidt Green, Charles H Goulding, Goorgo A Gordon, Goo Gordou, Frauds L Guo, Joseph Gaimhl, Joseph F Gammoj, George M Grlflln, Seaborn Goodall. David H Galloway, neiilHiniu Glonovcly, Iziurcuco .1 Gtiil* martin, Charles F W Gillo, Solomon Gardner, 8te- ihcnlitiulon, Hnujatniu George, Louis Grenvold, J oar go Gass, Patrick Gordon, George Oolger, Oar?' ten Gerdts, James Gallnndut, William EGeifvkcn, Jainosll Geifr.kcu, IwouldaH J Gill, Lewis II Gocul- man, Gobhanl <Juntz, Samuel CGurmouy, William W Gordon Jr, Peter Gaffney, John Gallagher, John Goolz, Jolm U tJnann, Michael John Green, Jolm Gilliland, Joseph Fay Greeuougli, Solomon Goodall, Patrick Gloosou. William Green,Richard DGucrnrd, Matthew Gallagher, James II Garnett, James Gllluo- ly, Philip Glcbolhouse, James M Gilligati, William A Gibbons, Joseph Gotte, John Getz, George Gt-m. ••mien, Calvin L Gilbert, WUllam W Goodrich, Jo- grqd) Geiger,jr., Martin Gcrkiu, Wiilinm T Goodwin! James Gtltb, Julius BGuudry, John M Guoranl, AU exauder Galloway, James E Gaudry, William Gul phin, sbn., Charles Gunther. Philip Gegcnheimcr* Hugh Grady; Joseph Georgo, Augustus Gralmm. labmnol Jlover,C'hrt.rtiimlier-eh,Goollaon, Jonathan nill.TliomasIl Harden. James Hunter. Joseph Haw thorn,John H llogg. Peter F Hnuscheldt. John K Hot • mrndez, Solomon Hlmlly, Jolm C Iluntor Uunuul I. Hover, Wiliam D Howo, Benjamlu 11. Hardee, Charles 81 ienry, Giitirles 8 Hardee. Noble A liar dee, Alfred Haywood, WiiUnm P lliuitor. George It Hulnhcrt. William Waring Jiabcreham, Thomas Hoery, Erast us Henry,Robert llutcltluson, Josool. M Haywood, Goorgo 8 Harding, Jolm llovor, Elisha Hagar, Thomas Horan. Abraham llnrinnn, Francis W Headman, Lewis F Harrls^Algoruon SHartrldge, TLomas Hough, Heury Ilnupt, Wlllian Hunter. Krn- OBt Heuor, Albert riqflft'Jflremtah llirscb, William Ilor|ol, Patrick Hogan, Uoorge F Headman, Edwin K Hortz, Edward J Harden, Patrick Ilanloy No 2, Sarauol B Haupt Samuel H Hopkins,Dennis Harley, Joslah Holmes Edwin L Hollis, William iluno, John Haupt sen, David llarrigau, William Hoes, Thomas win — — Hall. William II Hermee, spartan i. Hubihlufoii, Harry Haym,'Henry Harper, William D Howell, Jolm Higging* Ben, Jolm,K Herh, Ross Holland. T|m dtliy Howard. William B Hmlpon. Jacob Hummer- ly, Jolm A Itengl*, Cltins Ilartfnan, tiUrDtojiher Haas,- Edward II Harden.. Sa mu ol P Hulsey, James ,1 Ilumphrlos Til'lints Uondorspli. Jamc« F Hob son, Martin Horn, Paul Haller. - WiUititu'L llndpt, Patrick Hay*, Audrowllauson. Mo-rs Y Itendio^m; Hear Huilbruii, Manuudulo rlamilton,. Michael 11.. gait, John Haley, George N* Ibmdry. John lluttlon. Mldmei Huiiues.iy, William Henry, Fraud* Hernan dez, filcphon HatU'iuti, James Iltyes.AYilRaut Har per, John B Iliuts, John 11 Hannon, Edwin L Holli*, Boyle Hcndcrion, Gc-iirgo Troup Howard, James I. Hogg, ltoherl. Ilaberaham, John Hulsouibulol, Enoch D iletulry. Rielutrd II lluwe'l. Willintp Fran tu»s Holland, Thomas Helcoinhe. David 8 Homier- soil, John R Hairtld, Ja-epb 0 Hiber-liam. ^tmuo- PHamilton. Eii.sba I. liuclvdt, John JlUowdl,.P«t*i llcrrmat., Alexander Hendrix, Edward t* Hough. Jolt it G Howard, David Howard, IJheklel 8 liar- ti-, Andrew J Hau l-. \Villiain*lI ll;iuiii>an,tleorg<- W Harden-tie, William J Hirly. John Holland, Robert Hilton .George Huliubt.Ml, Christ* phi-r Ha*- sey,Tiumtliy H«;any. Wtiiiatu Xeylo llatifr-hum ,- James J Hines, diaries llarrigau. James l> Irvine. Henry Imtiu-a Joliu lmm-n. Peyton It Joii-am. Ldwant Jahii. (totn-rt M M./.tug Stella, Jolm R .loluisou, William II Jackson. George i) Johmmu, Kdwurd Jones. John M .luhnslou. Wil liam Jolmsou. Eniimuel«o.>-fph, Alexander»n, Jac.k.-on Jerkins. Jolm Join Jolm T Jons-, R.thuri E Jackson, George Join:-, John It Je.-i.-, I Ian.- J,u , li- eus, George II Joloi.'tou, Joseph Juhr.'toli. Frauds Jordan, Clmtlea CJone*. JamesT.dna- Jonc-t. .lame- Judge, Peter Edward .hi leim<*s Enwoh ], John-on. Frederick Juddits, Jama* M .lone*. M Junes, Klim- egcr Jonckes. Alfred E Joue.s, William M Joseph. Thomas June ; K. Pliinea* M “Kolinck. Juiites Kelly Frederick Krolisoii. Wiiiiitut Krebs. v «mlt H Knapp, l/jwi-r Kuorr, Jolm J Kelly, William Levy Kaplan, Joseph Kelu, Julius Kimi.s. 8 Frank Kline, James King. Thomas J Kirk, Jolm Kelly, Charles B King. August X Kollihaue, Homy G Kubrt, Frederick Kuck. John Kciser, Ezra Kent, John Kinney, Aidhuuy Kelly. Putrick King, McLeod King, William King, Jr.. Frederick Miillniu Klein, Michael Kerley, James W S King, John II Kelley, Alfred Kent, Michael Kelin her, Edward 8 Kmnptou. Patrick Kelly, Dennis Re I Iur, Daniel Kcano - , IVronca Ker, Frauds King. Hanford Knapjt. L. William C Lawton, terdau I save. James K Liim- bright. Chit* E Lundvolgbt, Jolm N Lewis. C'mrle- - I. Ixidge, Jniuu.s B liw. Charted A LLuumr, Michal Izivin, Thomas K‘Lloyd,-I-Mward l/ivoll, Jacob C Levy, Joxefdt Lippuuut. Henry ELicht *. Wil liam Law. James. P Long, Alonzo B Luc*. Bauid X Lvhi, FreileiIck tedtoif. Hugh Lurklu. (lurle ll LuCu.stn. Edward tetckeU, Willlmn IN.Iovd, 8 Vide.. I/tvy, Charles Lee. George. Lang, John li Liglithui ii. r.ouis la'giit-i. .rtiitcon I .si up, William Lynne,'Joint Lyon, Joint Luue, Roh. i l teuddi-iou Casper Lcnzor, Itau’l Lee Peter W Leo, Charles P latndersliinc, Jiunus A I/iRochc, Daniel te.phum, James f.avail, lolm Musky Thomas J.eunidmu, Andrew J I/tlmy. Henry Lxlhiop. Olivr W J.illihridge.. Thomas Lyon. Jolm TLuthaa. Lev!. M'iiciithal, William K Long. Barney Lodoy. Alexander P isiwtoii. James Mirkin, Jambs M Lathrnp. Walter Lency/Gpor/m W I/nvc, Hugh Ixtgaii. Joint J/.vell, William II .A Lane. Wil liam Lane, John T Mneharger. Ivlw.trd Lynch, Wiiilitm W Lincoln. Ttmothv I.iCw.iu, Orlando JI J.uf- hunow* John lairkiit. Johu Linskuy No 2, Nathaniel I/iveil. James L-inghltm, Peter Lauren-:, Chrl.rtiati Laiupn. lltinry H Linvillo. Peter T/igan. Jatncf Lyncit. Janie-i' Mnder, Matbuw LuflmmmvWil liam 1/jng 31. Thoma- Mtirl.ieyn, Hugh \\''Mercer. NntlinnietC Mill 4 *, Peter W Miug.-Ji Tlmitms Morton,’John Mnl* lery. Miiimol Molirm, Charles F. MUD, Joltn Morri son, William II C Mills, Alvin N Miller, Valentino Martin, Win J Moore,Horace Morse,Heury 0 Mein* tens, l.-na*: Minis,Tiiuma-? G Miller. Anthony FMira Abraham Minis. Richard- C Macknti Jolm ■ Murchi son, William H May, Jolm Mastert**'ii, Edwaril Mo ran, Thus A Maddox, Jacob'Manses, John C Mat ters, .folio Mtkin, Ucorgo TMilieu, WUiiam I) Mel 1 , Patrick Mom, Jolm M Mjllc-n, (’ontclius Murphy, 8ylvc-ter II Manuiuc, Johu Martin, Charles A Mayill, Titos Mulier, Tlionttis Mooney, Patrick Murray, Jolm Murpbv, No 2, Jacob Miller, Jurgen, li Mehi teus. Willuun Muore; ' Patrick MaSterann. William B Muiplmiii, laulcr Mcbrlons, LTmrIC Milhte, Wil liam J I. Moulton, Peter Mu.-Uin, IMer .Mugatitt, Jolm V Miiliigun. Daitiel W Morally, Fritz Meni.-Ue, Put or MiigtJi'o, Jaines G Mills. Jgualz MaDnehlck, FroiletUk Mytts. T'nomas It‘.Mill.-. D.iu Malletlo, William Morrell, Heury Mltelunl. Martin B Meyeri Thomas 11 Muwy, 8umucl Mau.-th.-id, Fimch Mill-, Audievv J Miller. Thor.ifis A Myers, William Morel, William Mureitefll. f’etor Mn/ai.n. IsUvard Mee han, William Morris, Edmund Moriariy. Mortis Murphy, Titomas B Maxwell, Anton i: Moyer, Chrl— Ran Marks, Anselm XldlnuHor, Robert Mtiler, John J Maurice, Emanm.-l MeudelL 'Hiotn.w Meath,.Abra ham F Mordccnl, Jacob Matilco, Wi Ham Mackay, Loan dor. Muuro, joiui J MuMritu, ./auivs Momuilian, Michael Morris, Beitjaiiiin E J/yrick. John A.ViBor, lAureuco J/Gvancy, John .lAtlum, William J.t/ar- shall, John R J/e.ver, J/o-e-. A/urcu- Rnfu-, A J/ortin, John C Jfastur.s Thonu'l JJm iagh, Jolm J/arpliy No 1. Joliu J/ofgan, David M iViddlcioit, David J/oran, James J/nlligan. Samuel 8 J/tMcr. Die. Jogopli 8 McDmmeli. Peter McCann, Hugh Mu Lain, James Mclniire, Alexander Mcllardy, Patrick McGovern, William ilcKendroe. John W McKoy, Jo seph J MvCov, Robert Mclniire, James .Mcluitre, Jannv».MvHenry, Williams Mvlarlatid. Robert Me- Konzie, Patrick Me I'cue ! I .’nine. MiGloitt. Auiho- uy McCidluh. Peter McGiHieuddy. William Me inti re Thonias J Mode sky, Thomas McObmo, Jolm Mo Hugh. John XcCaho. James M* Fcely, Madiuel Me- Cabo, Willium I McCauley, John Mel-i.rtend. Ilium- aj J .'ic.Nl-h, George a McCiv.-key, Mi' hucl McCui- lough, Dald'si J McKenzie, Edward McCabe, Jolm H Mclniire. Jeremiah McCarthy, John Me Cali it. Hugh McCann, Patrick McDermott, .Micliavl McCnrtliy, Ufslgor McGloitt. Edward MvCatVerty. Frmiri? i.c- Ateer. William McKenna, Joint ii McCarthy. Jehr. McAutilfe, Joliu McCorrr.ick,Th(int:i- Mct'olhmi. Julm McCoimeli. William McAllister, Andicvr McGfcal, Janie* McCann, Thotnns MuKcon, Will am Mcl.tiugii lun. Jurmniali, McCaullllb, Angus McAlgiu, John Me Yuan, Janies W McAlpiu, ‘Hiouihb McKi-nna. ;Y. Alexander U Ni'dand, Thomas J Naylor, Edwin L Nehllingfii'. John W Novitt, Jolm R Norion. John C Nicnll, William G Norwood, Patrick Neyle, James Nungazor, IMward Vugont. .Joseph B Nett ms. Ter ence Nugent. Thomas J- Noitb, Joseph Nowbu Na thaniel Nungazei, Joseph li .Six. Tmunas A Norri-, Theodore Sickle.*, Lewis F NtcuR, William Norris, Georg,'*. N Mclli'ls, Jolm D Neely, lltoma-* Mtllhnn Ncaili, George William Nix, John Neill. Thomas Nally, Gilbert X Neyle. I'avid B Niehol--. Micliavl Naylou. O. Johu Oliver, William CO’Dn.*colI. JiibnW Owens, George 8 Owens, Dominick O’Byrne, Dennis 0’8uUi- vun, Jamci o’Haru. John <i I'oiim-ll, Muitm o’iLui- Ion, Duvltl O’Neelo, Denute O'Connor. Owen O’ Rourke, Dennis U’l^ary. William O’Dwyir, Patrick O’Connor, Edward Ilciliert Ol instead. Jolm XL O' Neill, Joliu O’Connell, Jeremiah >I’Stdlivim, 1-Tancm 11 Orme, Richard 11 Ogh>by, James O'ilyrno, Maxoy D itetevti, i linrlef. Oxenius, Thouins O'Con nor, Heury (* Oliver; Thomas O’Br.vau, PavidO’Con- n«tr. James O’Hara, Luke O’Cunnor, James Oliver No 2, WilllRin D (diver. Mlchaid o’Brieu, John O’ Brien, David I, Ogden. Edward O’Uyrne, Maurice O'f’itnncll, John E Uglebay, William \V Oates, Pat rick O’Connor. I\ i^Lcvl E Price, Edward Padyliord, Robort DPupot, osepli F l’clot, Orrin U I'aiKer, J’once, Wm Pnrton, Muloclial Parish, Christian Pierson. John Portell, Michael I'reuderjjact, George F Pulin'*?, Wii- Ham Parrish, Chnites 1' Preston, Edwin I'urscns, George Porauns, Francis APmdlt-n, Tliomas Preu- dcrgnrt, Patrick Price, dosepli W Phillip.-, Philip J Punch. Johu F Posey,. Etlward.M Prcnderga.-t, Hen ry 1! Phillip*, Edward i’adekord, jr., William A Pitliuau, Georgo C Pudor, Martin Peyton, (icerpo W Pardue, Thomas G Pnml, Deimlt M Putrtek, E'.ward Powers, Norris T Pln'hr.foinucl ih’uhaer. 'liioiuas Purse, Patrick Prenty, George Patten, Widiam 1- Preston, Peter Prenty. I’a trick Prcutr. No2, Charlei* Ii Pattcroon, George Power, Putrick 'Price, Herbert A Palmer, lionry A Patterson, Charles parson?, David G. Porter. William T lGrk, Jatuea g P;nk, William F m Parker. Jolm M Palin, 8atanel Plntn-r. Snntiu-11. Pittmao, Jante--i M Prpulisa. John Char- Ion, Janie? 1‘ruaty, Jiunea Premlcrgast. 4* Martlu Qumn. William 11 Oniuley, John Guuutock, William Qulnu. n. Josejdi B Ripley. Francis W Reid, ‘MicltaH J Red- ley. Hiram Roberts, Jame;* J Rtclmrd-o;t, Wildor.i J Richardson, John A Ricltardson, Goorgo Robertson. Jr, Jac*tb RoBc-uflelct, Matthew Ryan, James li Hassell, Robert Halford. I biliji M Ite-ell, John Reedy. Andrew M Ross', Henry Rose/, Thomas Rod- fern, William Rahil. Charles ERobin-oit..John Ryan, Augustus Reich, David Rous. Felix J Kutenberg, Johu Ryue, Peter Rub.-I, Patrick ftyan. V.'illlam Robinson, Barney Rooney, Henry Kothsehild, John W Renunait. Fratici? ‘Reeves, James Robinson, William J lteynolds, Jotnos R-HseB, Frauds Uncle- ert, Joseph Rockert. »r, Whllnm W Renishort. James G Rodgetv. John Rurkert, Jarnoj Ray, .1 t>r,c Rnsenband. Alexander J: Knbton. sv, William Reil ly, George Robhiu?, Waring Ku.»>ell, Charles ERy- iui, John 'A* ltetei. John W Ihibiui. Cupudn Joseph RoiB, William ltobkiu. James Read,'Willlmn Hog- ora, William Rem hart. Coriieliua D I lug era, Rov’d in'. flDStowftrt. Hhnattiul .’ShcftaU, pHarloi FrancesPorroll, Jacob Hlia/rer. JfvsoiinMBhellman’; R nnsii, inmu iiiumiu uvw, 11 ilpln, Nicholas iiurnumlos, Oliver B U niter, Martin llaboraotier, Edwin UumpUroys, ChirleH A Georgo W Hhnflhr, James Slovens, .Wllllapi Rfi ons, Jolm Bavaza,8amuclL8|)oUcgger,HdiiiryRUobi, Jolm H Stcgln. Ikmiol T8crontou,4ob«-ljloDO, Frod- (Uick WBlm.s, Mordcoai Shoftall, Bbldpitip 9^ioT-- taU. Timothy Flicuily, Honry 0 Htophons, FranclB R Hhaekolford, Mlchnol 8heahan, Henry D Sykos, Con-- rad Sr.lmeidor J*imo.s J Stanley. Jolm 8h\flnk,ifid ward, Sandora, William Swoll, William LHtrobhart, 'Timothy ShinHan, William Sheeiiy,. Jacob.BpaojL Goorgi! M 8a!r»er, Farley R Bwoal. Edward A Soul I lard, 8ammd 8 Kibluv. Judah M soloinouM, Alexan auder F MtmnottB, William II Smith, Philip 8mUh. Ivliiumd rtwcency, Jamea PScrevou, Alexander A J CSh.uv. Heii.lamin B Smith,. Barnoy Smith, Joaoph Slchol, John shea, Wtv-ldogton 8aula, Juuics J Voi der, Georgo i'Fuldcr, Jacob Scimll, Michael Elcln, Coriieh'i * Sullivan,.lolm G Sexton, JatncB Shophard, James M Schley. Gwrge fetoveiison, ITitrlck Sulh- vati, John II Steinberg, Julm Mo-ldard, Heury t?ollzer t'anicl SidlivA *. Joliu 11 Smith. Shirty shew, Patrick ••hint. DHerlek s'cludfer, John Seuddm, Daniel 8ul h vatij L'lirNain Snldur, Patrick Smith, huason H Sul livan. Sauuu l li vvoat. Frederick Hdinll'or, Nicho las Simioi. Herman SangHtock. llenry 11 Fcruuton, WBii-iin Smith. Samm-i Stirk. Eliat BSliAd. Johu Siamtaii, Joseph Sullivan. Thninuk J Swygover, Hon ry A Solomon, FainuebL M Speiscggor jr, Joremiah Midiim, GhaVle-.K Smlllt. Jamnx Smith No. 2, WII- liaiii l' .-.bearer, James A Sowell, Julius Smith, l.iziar Sdomons, Frederick Straus.*, JamcH 8 Stlva Victor Stmlor, William Sherzer, John Sullivan, John Sullivan No 2. George W rtlo?. Miles Hrurborough . i t<-i re ii?. T’hunia? .Slattery. John E Siuitli. WII Hum o.iodera, Richard 8 Sorugg-. John .Sheridan, I r.u.'-is siidl-.Mioh i'j .it anl iu, James 0 Stutevmit, la*wn Stcvir, Peter Smith, Albert it Snliliriti, Jo- .-epii D Stetibihs. David Stoke-., Richard tiuryo, I-1c lurid: SehoiMieberger, Kphraiiu 8cudder, Dau- id Smith, Jo ini Spdiinuii, William Sawyer, Richard Scan Ian. T. Allred FTorluy, (’urnoliiu, lui bu'sh, Frederick A I’upper, Jolm Tlnmicrnian, .{.titled Tuylor, Hoary Tow, John T Thoina*-, Clmibw Tiiurnby, Fruncix Tremlnil, B.irnard G Til den, Goorgo JI TUcomb. Johu Ii Tenbixcdi. Itavld ThoihpMiu, Fruiiete Muriiin Turcudondt. J 'J'ruchdut, John C Tlijlnr, William B Tin-ley. Willl«»n TIioiium, Samuel 11 Tal bird, «r, Willium Thomas, John V Tarvor, Johu 8 Tyson, John Thom*son, pilot, David S Turner, Bar ley C Thomjiihn, William T Thompson, William 'B Tiioma>, ?r, f.harlea G Talbird, Paul Thomaiaon, ' Miciiad Tonru, lUcluird T Turner. Cburlax Thump • ou Wiiiiuut 8 Taylor, Albert Talhlrri, Minimal Tal ly. Patrick Tolly. Jnme? G Thump on, John'KTuvk- •:r. Dauk-i II Turner. Jo.-fph--M '(tuner, .Alexander flieni.i*. W:J lam A Thomas, .Jonathan J/Tholiras, Richard Tb.iuui-*, Jlnxuus At Turner, Bimard Tully, Sicidicn A 'Tin nor, John Teynnr., Joseph P. Thomp- xnii, l.-racl K Lnlli. Gcruc W Ulmer. V. CoriH-lius Van Dor Vine. John a Voghl, ilemy Vml -lldi, Henry Volin Glaim, l ouin Vnttinr, Charle.-. Van Horn, Mldmnl Vuuglmli, John Vaughao, Tfhv tarn Verstdlij. W. - Janie. 1 .’ T. Webb. Tboma.-, s- Way tie,• Ajilbert A Wil kin?, llenry .K Waablnirp, JiauienB Wii- son, William* Vfr.iy, Robert Weleb, Georgo' M Walibarg. Robert D Walker. Henry F AVIliJnk, Riciiard Wiiyn - *, H- i ry o Vfyer, AlexH. Waver, Jacob WnKBitir;. ,Jobn \V Wilson, W Thorne Willlutus Sdb Woodwind. Amo? Webb.Oourud Waldschtnldt, Thomas JWid-h. William Water?., Null nan. Wall m;e. Henry D Weed, William-Wrialit. W Heury Wilt lier^ir, Aden R Wilglu, John R Wilder, T.con Wolf, Ju.K-ph w Wood, Mi-ha Wylly, John E Ward, Samuel Wolro. Mi ward O Wlthinglon, Junius WaMi. En*s Wiihingion. Bo)ilk« WTttjnef,!Thomas,W Wade, Auron Wi.hur. (.'linrles Weisheil,' William‘F Weigiitiuan, Frederick It Wylly, Jolm Wado/James Wynn. ShadraeU N Winkler. Thomas A Wii mu.David M Wnlfu, Hilliard E Woile, JiMopb Wa*hburn, Bcn- .iuiniu i’ Wlntelicud. Henry I* WilUuk! Jf,' Josfcpli Wr.Db, .lozepji Walker John Weibroec't,- Edward WllkitiH'ii, /.tcburiaiiN Winkler, Nicola?} wolf, Wil liam M Wadley. Edward Wade, C August Waller, William H Weekev-WURum Welsh, Peter VViDon.' Jncoli Weluhclmer. John Westermeyer, Jjiuos (5- White..Norman Wallace, .John.Welsh, Jame? It M'msiow,- Michael Weldon, Sylvester Wylie, Hiram Waller. Henry WJIliiins, • William Wi:?"u, Ciraric:' W West. James Wliililran, Jumes F. Witldnglon. Richard Walsh, Conrad Welgaiul, Wil burn P White. Simon Walter, Jolm Williams, Jamo? (.' Webster, Richard Wickbram, Gregory While, Samuel A Wiard, Augustus Wcnz, Jueob Walter, Thonra-i Wldte, Irvin L Wolio, Vurdoy Woolly, Lemuel WiPon, Charles Kdwurd Web-tor, J/artlU Weudeikln, J.tcob Weipand, John F Wlicatou, 8bol- ilon W Wriglil, John Wi.Rumson, Stoplran B .Will- itmns. Franci? Wilmn, Francis II Wtlmau, William Wood--, WUllam J Way, Joseph Washburn Jr., Wydy Wuodbridgc, William Watson, 1/nniiel T Wadu, Stei'heu Williams,' John Wilder, Samuel II White, Janus W White, J/lchaol Welsh, » V. Philip Youge, Wm P Yongo, Jolm' A Ydhgo, Jam*b Yom.i:. Dr Kfo*toti*YniigQ. 7„ Petur Zavadoski, Edwin S Ziuroucr; flolomoi. Zvi^ler, Solomon '/irirouer, Jacob Zimmerman. • 'iauk of Cot m it., Offick, l Guy of Savnimah, fith.luly, 185U. j I l.oh-by certify that thu above linnie*! parsons have ihu day leglsiercl. their names as votora at the Aldei niaidc election, which will- bo held ou tho J3ih day of Ootobei* next. Tho Registry closes nt 2 o'clock, P. M., ou tho Ural Moudayin Septeui- bur nexi. EDWARD (J. .WILSON, July 8 Giork of Council. -jiipig ^iitdligeiiff. JDoi t ol* Savannah JULY 2S Aril vud. Rni lt Peter Demil!, liol'Jf, Bortou, to O Cobcu. Sc hr North State, Horten, N«w York, to Ogden, Starr k Co. >'chr Shevi Anchor. Hake. Pmckport, to Brigham. K. lly j; Co. Stdir Pvnuock, Tony, New Verb, Huuler 4 Gaiumtl'.. - — — .-Vhr Iv.’lil'se, June?, N. York, to Cohens it Heri*. Dvimitcci, Slid)liter Augusta, Ward, Augusta. 1, Hugh Romm, Patricb Riley, II my Ryan, An drew Reilly. Herbert RobjnMiu, Heim- 0 Uuysor. Th mnis Koonoy, Alexmuiur R Ralston, juit’r Rich- nr I Rodgers, Juuics Bond Road. Jacob KoUmunn, W Ilium U Rodgera, Utlllmu P ReU»»h, John R itiierfor'l,Frauds Joseph Buckorat, David Rosen- bait,Georgo L Roberts, Ulinins Roneau, Danlell R.'un. MlMwel Reilly, ThomasC Rcves, PatrlcU Ro- loy, Jotifttban Uoboihrm. S. Otiorgo W Slone, Alex A 8 iue is, Henry Stromor, COIIMlgltCCM. Per bar.; i’eter Demiil, from Button—M PoweeR X:Co, T ill; J G Midi, Inighaui, Eely kCo,C'ruuo, Wtlh U Co, Railroad Agcut, Wrjrae,Grauviiio k Co, XI A Cobun, i’ailun Huliuu.'i Co, Buthwel k White- l,cail, Young, Wyatt & Co, M r Mahon k Do>lo. Per tohr N« rib State, item New York—Waytnv Giauvilio « Go, N B At II Weed, D L Cohtu, Crane,' Wi-lia & Co. IV U Farrell. T M Neely & Co, Patten, Unit on ii Ou, Rust-, Davit Long, J A Brown, 8 D Umuttei .VCo, B.ighum, KiUy a Oo, Clughoru k Miimiugbum, Uwihweil k^ WhUebead,CUeovr k Co, ii A Cohen, Dana A: Waahlrarn, W D Ethridge, 9 M Liiliteuu. k RramU.y. Iron titeamboul t o, J li Moo/e k Co, Dgdeu, Starr 6 Co, Railroad Ag'l, Savh Gas Co, A A EoMmoua & Co, J C Taylor, Bos ton & Vi l donga, Young & Frieraon, Crime. WtUt A Co, J G Fnlbguiit, Hudson, Fleming & Co, W King k too t, 1 W Morrell, .i Hertz, and ordej. Pei Hchr Eclipra, from Now York—SavomtaliGaa Co, MvM ihou .k Di-yle, Cvutfal Railroad, W M Wud- n-y. J Fohy, Youi g k Frierson, Cohen* k Hei tr, 1 \V . Iron steamboat Co, Railroad Agent, a Packar.8MLaffltenu, l.cWitt w Morgan, S BkU ,LCr, t'ntteli. iluttou i C.*, Crane, MVlis k Co, Dana k Wi^hbuin: W 1 ymi, K l'araonx k Co, G W Davw, j l! fwcaberg. 0'Dyin*i 4: Daciy, LovtU LatUbmre, R D Walker, F Champion k Co, J E DeFord, Brig- bam, Kelly a Co, J B Moore, & Co, A! A Cohan, C A I. l.utnnr, Chaffer l: Co, J B k W A Ros?, Botbwoll & Whitehead. W G Dick>oii, J 8 Xdrrls.'J Rusbcll, A SJ4artri4;<*, CC Potle. 1'hghoru St Cnunlnghitni, Swift k Co. Per .-cbr Peacock. Horn,New York—Central Rail road, Brigham, Kelly k Co, Cohens & Hertz, Chao voi «t\>. M A Cohen, Cratie. Well* & Co, Ciaghorn CuunlUKhnm. Dana k Wa.=bburn, .W.G.DickBou, I W M 't ro.l. W H Farridl, Hudson, Fleming k Co, D O’Connor, iron Steamboat Co, King &'8oTuj, LrMki-u .V hnvl'.ings. Mch’co &-Botiuett, E O’ Byrne, Ogden, Marr .x O’, K Paivons N Co, I’aUen, Hutton Co, C C 1WM, Ruse, Davi- k I.onp, Rodgors & Norris, Ste vens .y: EHl.-ton, W Warner, Wuyno ArSou, Young k Filer sou. . . ... X KW ADVERTISEMENT’S c. r l'Git NEW YoUK—Union Lj.nR.—Tlte re AtiSh? 15!; tr picket Rcbr JONAH FM1TH, Furman, iitettvr, lievlng inofrt of her cargo engaged, will have quivk dispatch for tho above port, yof freight or pa-.-aye, apply to >}-ij OGDEN, STARR k CO. NOT 1C IS. jl i.Ti\MGN*l>8 per “«.lir 1. 1'eacOck; now 1^2??* dlo'liarging at H«>uo A Connery ’a wharf, will plvape intend to tlie receiving or their goods, jyj; HUNTER k GAM ME IX. ? NOTICE. ' " rniK-. mm *;f l W Morrell ft Co. was Uh-Holved on X u»* - bb of September, 1854, by tho tloMIt of X !•' V«Tb: t- r. ' " • ’ • • • ly22—1 m I. W. MORREIJ.. (STATE OB' GKORU1A, B n LOCH COUNTY—To all whom . it.may non- ■corn : Whereas, Geuorel E MikeJL, will apply u ibo (.’<iuri «>f Ordinary lor letter* ol ndttiliUtrauon with the will annvYtui, On the estute Ot Mtrllia Groover, Ido of said«oanty, docco»cd : ,, The»u ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mnvcoucern, to be and appoar before raid Oomtto make objucuon (if any inuy haw) on or befoie the Ur.-t Monday lu September uoxt, other wise ?al t letters will be granted. _ , .... granted, Framils M Stone, John A Staley, Albei t uuibrongli, I Wituew. Widiatn Ixo, Faq., Ordinary for Bulloch EbjuezerSutton, WUllam stai r Jr., Widiam .Smith, oounty. Ibis 21<t day ol July, 1833. -.-••■* Uobort Slrouss, James Steven, James s'ullivun,'Ihiu* I jjriNJ WILLIAM LF.K, o. I. «.