Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 24, 1856, Image 1

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$lu 1 ID $521. *14 > 41.. ID 22 2i. 3D -’0 27 32 80 II -u .'4 .52 3t» 1-.. 62 2T .'•0' U' Id dll' hi* 451) • 40 • 60 •fit- • ..A • •»'; 32, III . 64. .63 7o too 3-1 5" 6K t>2 71 llo •Jn ’4S‘ •in r,u’ 77 ’ US 3h 60 D4 • 7b HO 126 '' Tni'llSUAV. Tun Odlot' k. IV’m-' liviita o» ai>\ ur' , iT8In6. FOf otO Wj’rtanl.' At fltM'UKK\vr Khtj/ttf My [yyv ui-\ Urgi?rth«i Nunparuli, 70 roots Ibr the‘HinUnd ,v oetits for oju'Ii ^utimviwut ImwrtiMii.lhi- hi.J Ipm* !«••• ttuji ouuiiontb, ... • •:• s i . ■ i AUdribiibu: work. >witlt or without. Util**; uud Ail verlLcntont* umipytug double , .•ImH t>, charged double the »b»*vw rate-* Advertisements »u whatever lotigtli, I'M-iUt) turn |»v**» Hum otiJ month to Ho t'luifged li\ Irunsiidti r:»fr-. ‘ 1 * 1 ' ' .*'' Vtn>it longer time At tin Uillowini)iratOf Jim, i*» m i square,.- „ ' I'taiiH. I- £»::■ 0 t do ..* tio ... * , do , T/V ".' I", do .. I'of. HNY JUnq.uof qbO>v *»oclUo.,\ J -•■ pruporhphf i IiATko will lio made. A deduction of 26' iksr cool rroiu *•«»*! uljtiVO nit tv will advert ituuuuiits appearing slu-ly on tin- fourth jingo til llu> daily. A .»'*i'teseinuiitd Ordered thi’eii tumi* iuw*e6k, will bo charged two-thirds the above, tujoa A«Uvrii.unm.*uts entered in Uio WeuKl> edition. *i u if »qU'L‘tf tWf baoli iA'ortfod, lor ill y tlm'o l'i.*.- Iltui * pno Hjanjl).- fijpm.u\* tliHit mn? in »:i(Li at nun lu,It ill#.Hih*»biy.... •• , .'p.-rlul Ifutfcus, lu Ov'Ujfl pur Ijjia (;*f i!|0 lu>t, aud 5 cents tt»r oaeli subscqeiit iaseriinti, ima* m no rase to >m subject liicoutruot. Marrlngu nvurus *1. i’u Kural iiivitatioiis 50 cunts each. No |»evi*il mutco inserted tv^r iu.*s thau 6« coats. Obiumiy Notices, ItojKii t4, llosolytiotiH, or proceedings, of nay tfudutv. Association, nr Corporation, ordered to be publish-'fl^otlu-pe? line • rUeumboats wilt be advertised ut $4J per uiinun fiiroiteh l/wt advertised. .-{cnmsJiiMJ, TTfjCTO blit hue Is ruuumg. WO per an nuui; If m or. morn, fiilo gault Auctioneers’advertisement* not (o be subject to . oali ac't, but to bubhArgcd ill Uie lute* prescribed persquaro. . -- • • tll yilJMjr, ilHdo^ljp CircUni.'- tllRCos, to hulliniud- ed la ;• contract. piviiesrional ari l basfnu.-s card# not hxeocdlug- 6 bu(u, .will bo lusyrte*! at $20 pcr.auuuiu. . Cubs on jiersons to become candidates, will be imv-ited it*'Other ndV£rltfcomftritt, to' be paid for In vaciabiy In advance. • ♦ . .. .... Aumiijijicing cjindidntos for oft|ce,.klO, tif bo jiuld in ndvundo. .yivorUsoatetHs'-mit marked ou itio- copy 1 turn •pvcijSed (ijijn, will be' Iiinertod until lorbtd, mal ;.jjV>den(e^iieled. . . ' ’ frlidii any bill for two inuntlis udvoruslug, utbei fliau coujruei, amounts to over $5U. u deduction ot 25 per cent will bii ntiido. ''Yi-ivriy adievtislns, witli privilege ot cliuwRo wlU In- take# at tin* following mtes : Koi i«jiiai'e, renewable un.■« a week. 516 ;• twice •• 65 A times or utteuei 70 ;*.j } uddltlopal M|uaroco!ilrnclcd for to bo eharg* v’. unp b'^UUw itbavo ruVen uddiumml. s .sinUl bo Inrnted to the .space cop tracts -I sal l bo in writing,, e mutire of the lnisluo.-s to be advertised. Any iidvertiseinenta not jiroj'ci ly con nested with tbo busiuoss shall be charged separate- t). and niso nwy excess of mutter over the nmonnt contrujbMl jbr: • _ . (aititniiH' advorUsunreiiU' pay aide Ijuartcrly; ud- vei ti'CinontA from strangers and transient linrsouH, •‘faf!^ fdr ' “^ v ' tlirli ' WiH.UPkCpnsIderea. a Hi'iidiff ndVortlscrs atld all others sending com munications nr'requiring notices doslgucd Co call at tention to fair* 1 ,’concerts, soirees, or nhy jufblic en tertainments, where charges ure made for admit unci:--all notices of privute ussociutious, every no. |tcedi*.iguoiUooall attention to.private entoriiriacB .'Vdi’iituted or bdundpd (o jirpmole iiiillvidual lute- i.di on!/ bb lp:'<‘i|ed' v. ; ij!i fin* huHer j t:iiidiiig ||iut Uio .-aimi is tp' ho unjd tor. If Inserted in the ijjib'rlai uoHiii|m Cwtilcn can be ouly at the dl.-ore- tiui.vl Ul9 Cilii'i}'') thy yjtuje' will bn cliarccjl at the ,u(o in' nni loss'than -0 uouts jic'r line. The undersigned, puhlishors of I wily, fn-Weekly it ud Weekly ^nowsjHtjiers in .Savummh , (•»., pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the aoove bill ol charges,/md in uo mstnncp to deviute thorelirmn. ,1’he above ruto-s to take etfeCl .March 1, 1?5C, uiitj to uoatinuo burning, until ctmuged by the vote of a uiAiority of tin* undersigned. N. H.—Thi-> schedule shall uot in any way etl'ect tlia.tnjearUy of cvisuog coutracis. All contracts Tor urn gb.»r oratiy HpcciticiVtiim*, shall only ccime WltU ili*' expiintion of’the-period tor which they tyere tnadtr. *..’ llll.To,\Ai Co. (ie<rjiiun cl- , ,rfM'i:o fcr'uas, lit- uUizan. §>VlTi||.vjiTO\ MntyiUfiiV V>. u i mo t*« .»«•#>’ adrerfisers shmi .-.ontrien'd lbj‘. AH oopii naihig delinlt'-ly the nun A Tale ot' a Pocket Archipelago. »Ml (Fhk ^EATifER.--The weather for several jlftys cqol pud fair in to-day cool, «1otidy and rafny- We yegret irtucli that our u|»-oouutry frlenijs who-ie oiops ave fiuflbrlntf so severely from a continued drought, ure not. permitted to share la the showers, which, during tlio last two mouth a have so, frequently, uuil copiously visited tills region. Nos' Anuir.u. op tiik Floriim. Boat—The Hfianiei S(l.‘ Johns, due here yesterday Inomlug from Florida, has uot arrived up to the hour ut which qur paper goes to press. So many cas ualties huve heiallen Suvaimah atenmers en gaged iu the Florida trade, that uneasiness is Vvfty naturally felt wheu one of them is behind her time, rioiue accident, though wo trust not h serious one, doubtless, detains tin* bout now ovtrdup. \f she tines qol pveviotisly repoja Vjei'. ilelf, tidings of J|cr may ho expeoteil by tho Carolina, to-morrow morniug. House, KnoXVIlt.b.—This estab lishment, as will he seen from their advertise ment, has pissed iuto the hands of* Messrs- Sampson ( Ljujier and Johu Eady. Friend Sumpsbu we know ol' old. Au honester aiul better quit wou|d. be h*vd to Hud. Hu is a Brother to the Lnnier, formerly of-the Lanier House; Mauou-^thd wilH we doubt not, suscaiu the reputation of tlie name. The 'Rapublican proposes to give iU readers the letter of the Hon. F. S. Bartow, published by us yesterday afternoan. Our co»mlint on the same would assist its digestion very mucli^ and the Republican should give its readers uti opportunity of seeing how we meet alt the points in the letter. The HevTMr. Barry "gratefully acknowl edges the receipt of $2,750 82, us the returns of fc. M. Orphan Fair of last April. After paying fhe expenses qf the Fair, 1 anil discharging a t|dbt oi' several hundred dollars, Mr. U. vested the remainder in city and C. It, R, Bonds. The uuiHlispusal of hcvoitiI articles which it wua hoped would have been sold ore this, and returuH made,oecassloned the delay ofthis uc- knovrUdgement. Finns in Aim'sta.—The CtmfituUwuilitl of this morning, miys there were four llresin Augusta Tuesday night-the work or incen diaries. Loss iu all about ?»5,000—five thou’ sand of which fell upon the Augusta Manufac turing Company. ' >V»tcial 0»rrc«|Kitirtanco of Ilia Dally I’cun-ylvuuia- From Witsliltigtoti. Washington, July 18.—-A caiiciis of Homo- • rutic Heimtorsand members of Congress, was held lot lie Senatd Chamber, on Wednesday evening,and was largely attended. Tho object and purpose of tlio meeting itusto compare notes.uuda general ermsuitafiou as (o^ylmt ,fj(s ii(*r,nksiiry id various States fo ensure sue* > f'v-*, and how mutters stood in certuiti locali ties. The most glowiug uccounts wore given by the Xorthcrn and Xorth-westorn members, of the position oi tlilugs in tlieir immediate lo calities. They all predict that victory would crown tbeir efforts, and that the bright star of Democracy uever shone with more hrilllaucy and efTulgency than at presont. Senator Janus, of Rhode Island, in a very eloquent aud happy vP*t it, pledged “(JttJo Rhoda”to Ihoperqo; Oiicy, This nnuounecinant was roceivoa'wiln proud satisfaction, a.s you may well suppose, indeed, to carry that Httlo Abolition Know Nothing Btnte would bea trlumplrwot-thy tbo JaCks-jiiiau era. Indiana, Illinois, lllcliigah,' ■ *^ cw Hampshiere, aud Conneolcut, wore pledged to Buchanan aud Hreckeuridge by | r <s^mdon» and overwhelming majorities. A Nkw Missiom-^-Tho King of Ava ianaiil have de4patchcd Messrs. Kincaid und Dawson; American Missionaries, of the Baptist Church, on an embassy to the President of the Dnlted will* * view of establishing a friendly feeljug between the two countries? Opposite IMumpol, on the udust of* UrlUony, is a little cluster of isiums, known Ijy Uiv.aiu- hltioUfi name of the Archipelago of Brehat. Jt is quite a jiooket ureliipetngo. The whole num ber of the iuhubitauta* is* not above 1 fifteen hundred ; hut, (iih is natnral, it seems to iusn- lur p6hi>lc,) this diminutive natimi b iuiuoua lot- ,.rido and. exclusiveness. Tlic uiau of lire- hut will not admit, that ho isu! Frchchmau, or even a Breton—he la. a. muti of Urehat. High and low—for then* ure such distinctions even there.. nut inly,»ui». , rim , the ivet of the world, but look upon strangers wish dislike tfdd CohtbtUpt.* 1 Thb tUfllftn cany this Jiicdjiidlco so far, that if ati unlucky being of their sex uouideutly come, over trotu tho con- lincut to seek.employment, every back!b ttiru* ed upon her, and ihuro Is nota ainglo "Word"!*!' grouting. Sho is soon compelled to go and seek u hvuhood elsewhere. The men ure more cosmopolitan, lor they ate .all sailors, utmost from infancy. Hut, however far they may go ,m. their voyages, they always return to seek a wife on tlieir native soil ; aud When old age compels them to settle down, they re turn to their national bjgotry and exclusive ness. _ The Arcliipelugo .of Brcbul is composed of a large island, unulhor two joined together by a causeway, constructed by Vauh ad*:' add a uumber oi islets und rocks, uow comi»lewiy ; trfi* inhabited, but formerly eovored witli buildings of various kinds, fortresses or monasteries—it is uneortuin which. Whan 1 lirst saw Brehat it was tVotu the rock above Paiuipul. Tim great ocean tide was cinuiug iu accelerated by a violent wind, aud seemed to tbreatuu to bury the .pocket urunipelugo iu its vast foaming vvaVfesi'' Them wu* dotldug 1 In the ToputuUou of the place to induce . me to visit it; .uud 1 hhouid have bccu coulcut with tills, distant view, had it uot lieeit for tiie peculiar eireuiu- stunoeswhich 1 am now aboutto mlute. I had just arrived--wandering through Bret- any without uny special object—from Saint 1 Brituc, iu the coupo of a diligence, or, rather, in whht d’iis calledf dhe..'cuupp. of ,wlmt W5s called a diligence. -li-waa^soFt nr miserable .oiuuibUs;with two ttiistuorulic scuts iu JVohT, divided •tt’by .a ragged leather curtain. Pea sants aud their wives, with children, dogs and fowls, occupied the hiuder compartment. I lmd scoured olio ol tho places in front; the other was occupiedby a good looking, bright eyed yuuiig man, who*-.* dress aud demauuor at unco pointed him hut to Ik* Alt 'QfUeer 'In some stout moioUuut ship. From his coiiversa- Lion, i learned that he helouged to that part ol the world. Ou the other hand, ho seemed, far from Inclined to bo comuiunicatlvo ubout his own UH'dlrs; and when we leaped to the gitmrjd; iu front of tli Hotel ,tA ‘— ,w; - a hearty, sliuko’ of tl .. aud disappiiued, without any intimation that ij hkoly yro. nUouli|.mect 1 qmiin < .. , My walk along the v ,,n Hd took place on,tlm morrow, und' uite'r ' huVlag ' admired a scene which is always admirable—tho coming iusil tho Atlantic lido against a rocky shore protect ed by outlying islands—1 had ‘begun to think that my pmssence was no longer absolutely reqdlred in that part of the 1 world, * and that i might ti* well,go back over tH6 hills to Saint Briiue. it wus in this ‘mood of iniqd that l saw wmiiug towards nio, 1 Va'lkiug frith an uu* ’certain step, my traveling companion of the pvovlouH.Uay. I at, U,v*t thought that Uc was doing as I was, numely, admiring tho.pnnqiect: but it soou appeared, from his uwkwurd iigd confused manner: not only that he was no stu dent or the pictui-esque.-but that ho was work* lug up Ulu uourago to apeak to mu ouapolut, which iutei esteddiim puradhally. Tho salutu-' tion was more cordial on my side than on his. >Vo tulkod a little, of course, about the pros* poet, aud about the weather; ami then he said, quite timidly— ’ “Hare you no intention of visiting onr Arch!*' pelug) of Brchut V’ “None in tho world,” I' \Vds kbdut to renlF,’ but the word “oiu ,,? struck me. ‘Ton iir« tq'eii, from Brehat ?” 1 enquired,Answering tlio ones* tion by another- j. • lie seemed glad of tlio opportunity to tell his story, being evidently iu a diU’erent mood from tiiut iu which I hud pi'eviously seen him. Wo sat down on a wall lielonging to a ruined cottage, with onr faces to the wimV, whh:U sometimes compelled usfo Id watchful (csfour lmts should bp blotyn away, ahd brought the taste of salt to qur lips. , . .... “Yes,” said tho yqiiug nmn. “laiu from Brehat; a wild country for strauaers, though worth visiting toy a day, but to all those born upon It as dear ns If it wore oue of the sunny isles of Greece. You must go and see fdr yotirr. self, however, what kind of place It is. 1 shall try to tempt you, for I have a Hellish Interest to. satisfy. -It is now exactly a year since I left it. I wcut to Nantes aud joinod my ship, boutid to Trebisoud, in the Black Sea. We have traded ever since in the Mediterranean—n line ldcdcof water. Uave you eyer heenthere?”* " V *• V replied that 1 had; but added, smiling; that this was a very meager outline of-a story. Hb admitted that it was. After all, he had noth ing particular, he said, to' tell. ‘ The fact was, “he loved somebody”—a wry plain, simple, and common fact,quite uninteresting to a atran* ger. Hut,who was this somebody? Madeleine. JL very deQulto description! To him, however, the name lmd prodigious signilloaoce. Jt meant -as I found wlion lip grqd«ally warined in* tu codfeisimj—(tie Rrst meeting on the danclug- ground<m Sunday eveuing noartho bouoh when he returned alter his lirst voyuge, begun when he was a boy—a desolate orphau—aud conclud ed whcuspiitt a man; itmeant the admiration and love which had flashed through his frame when ho lirst beheld her coming along beneath somo stunted trees amidst her comrades in age, who seemed born ouly to be her attendants; it self be might lie driven tn commit some crime*: A* my journey Uud no. jiiutioular. goal, it avu*^ not u very groat sacrilice uqin.v.iiurtlu.cmmunt. ,1 took his. iiwtructipns, projnlijcjl. U|..iytu*:n. op the morrow, wcut witli him tt^Faimpol.himla bark, niid/'uie weather haldiig bimoine qiiife line',*hi a lt*w hours i*^«c!io^f ilndmt. • • - • •• * 1 A*wall of-erumbling granito tiuoirolCH-tlre prliiuipuNsliuHl, unduUowa nothing to he «?on- frum Urn sea .hpt tlie . (jiuuiuRh of jitunmuus small hilVt. «IWA-«ryw|i9d,,with..(tti^a». .Ah. you advanced iqlund, however, the country be* comes mdro ploaslujj. ‘Hi 17*w parts orTriince,' indeed', 1s tbo soil more ihdustrlbusiy tndaii’iHl* of. * Tho Helds ‘exteud t« tho very*band Of the rocks, and are covered* with a rieri*vcgctatiou.* Between them run narrow pathwujw, quitutiuf. flelont. ihr VUc.uso of a .disUici .wUpiU .mmUiipi} iiut u singlo curt ijy»; eyep a sjpgjo liuisp. .Tjioip ard a good many cows; mid perform* cd by ulbatis of ussuh. IliiuitiUs/ composed of neat uud cleah houses, und With; nanus wading iw “kor,” and“eo^ - nre seutleml *Uere*u«u there.* Thu most considerable is eiillud Le Bourg; und it was towards this*, that I directed my stops from the IdhUib^ plua\ Tlidro wu’sbf courso lib hotel or Vesjiecliiljlc *’any kiml, hut.l ehtaiu hos- S lt’amy la a cabaret, whoro.l saw soiuo sailors riukiug. The hostess, was a surly old lady mo askance as I eonsunieil ail early diunur, for which l lmd promised to pay well. Sho could hot make uut wiiat I wunted at Bourg*. but'ilid nbt vhou»o to indulge iii any . inquiries; *1 was tfbligmHtrbegin tirc rrmvemw l sssMomjtt' aimed ut. 1 had-naked -who weratbe-principal iuhubitanUot jheMaud.?.klnuiJieeu.asked iu return, whpt 1 At leugMb I boldly mentioned the name of Af. Bose, uud succeeded iu learning that he had g6ue to Frauce, perhaps to Paris. “A.ud MadMilene,’’ said l-T . : The old lady came aud stood full liefure mo und looked, with something like liny, in my countemiuoe. • ,“Whut buHiuess hud l,”'sho ut length asked, Flo speak of the bride of Kerwurevu ?** Thcso Wbrils-aVohr6 told'w«,*that pbor t’oi*- 1 ! uie‘.s fate was, iu reality, decided. “1 remained silent, Und the hostess, tiiinklug.tlm; ,s|ie,,!iud sulUciuiitly rebuked me, went away to attend lo her.domestic duties. .But, iL seems that her uiiud contiuucd to work-upon the thouglits I hud suggested. .Sho caiuo backtomu with a geiRlerexpression of eountenunco. -sut down near me, and said— • *•■• - • “What curiosity un asiiaugor have about the brjde qf fC^rw'areva V” f I replied that f,did not. huqw what slie.iuwut,; that I hud ouce..heard that. M.^Bosc lmd a pretty daughter ; aud i usked about her -im ply because I liad nothing ulse lri ask about. ... „. w “Hi that case,” replied she, “take-flay advice Iutei do Udiincs, he gaveinw J? 1 , 1 ' 1 ‘1^ ,, ii t fi l , P ttk ot ,,0 f to ««»y unt * «1«« in tiiis of the, baud, u fuuewcH uod, ^lutiu.^ llie trieudsol' M. Bose Ure uuhicrons . without unv intiination Hint tll| d quanylsonje. 1 lutVe no tirde to tell you. her.story i)OW,.oht ^.wllfrtiy noiyetldug .ubmU It this Oveiihig, before you go. tn.bed^, If.vou wish to sou her,” she milled,lowering her voice, “tuke u brisk-walk-towards the-uortluim jsdnt of. our Island, pass Kurwareva, just look ut the ipretiy littli* houses you will see built th.t're. nnd mailagl* *td reach tile ‘PriieiHJkVr 'HblloiV 'at the thin* ot low tide. Approach it softly, and ■if you suspect sorrow,’do qo?. ^luak 'tif tvJwt you. sec.” .* • *. ...... ... So sayiug, tho hiwteas—in whom iiiHUiar ex- clusiveness huikthua yielded to female gamil-> ity, bustled uway to attend to some now custom* dr, uud l ^taited ih 'the • direction sho had poiuled out. I soon' re.i6hed VuUbiins Cause way, and, having.passed.a liaipletthut imm.b* diately succcpdcd . it,.o'u(ci;pd upon a country.. totally diill'rPht id cliAractei lrom .thut which. 1 kave. described, .Everything, wore a wilder aud moro savage ospeqt;. Itepkstumo fieqiuipt-i ly brake through the soil,-and fosdtb grafter height; iu straugo forms. Tho vegetation was evidently less autivoi llteatli' UnH brushwood .stretohedAtt greakmasses hero and.Uimc.. .The few houses were of a ilifl'ereut character, lower and more primitivo Kerwarihru, which! soon reachod, was composed huts, built of loose Htouo, uud- tbat^eifwith turf. But. a little way from. it, amidst some .rocks, roue,.as 1 had beeu led to expect, an elegautlittln house, that looked an much-out of-place there, us a London villa - in the midst of tho Lib/Rii desert. The shutters -wero closod, mid it did not ut lirst seem to be inhabited;, but pun l pissed heap it* l saw a veryavespeotuble looking man—not tboAdmlral-r-sittiug iu the doorway, iu fan ut- titudo of despondency, hut looking with iqlcut eagm 4 ues’+. towards the north. Although cu rious (oseqn the countenance of- another of. tlie actors iu tho sad story, 1 refrained from ap< iroacblng, and continued my walk towards lie Feaoock’s Hollow. As soon as l had passed the lust houses of tlie Village, all traces of human presence disappear ed. I entered a realm oi* rock, earth, air Aud water, iuterminglcd. First, cams.a desert heath, slukiog hero uud thero iutt» ksiiit'-mursh; then ai; InclieedphUU ofineagrp turf; then two enorinoBH blocks ot-granite, rising up like tlie fragmentary walls of a ruined tower of gigau- .tic magnitude. 1 looked round for the form I expected to see. All wps sllput, Buye when the, thousand murmurs of the wuves on, every side were borne along by u gust of wind. 1 advanc ed slowly, betweeu the seeming walls, meeting With no obstacle but some huge stones, rounded b ytho cqpUmial action of thp water,, which'at prespdt, however,“Was far bcucutu, Sjuua . dud of Hubtcrraueun roar warned me to be cau tious; and prasently I saw a vast abyss open be fore me-, uescendiug to invisible depths and widening towards the beaeli below, wuoro tlio water at its lowest ebb was playing iu tiie light of the sun, now for down towards thehyrteuD.' Across tho ceutre of the gulf lay a huge block of stone, like ajbridge, which, as I afterwards Iti nnnli IU'Ia.I III. lit. 4f.A C*. .V** , .- ibh ww,; , y , m"j[dihift fiUm Condo. * NViiy'. iV ,1? yod ilfiV'iidt ftjlihvA|r'jib'out'my-story' and pity imj. yolf Woillii'li nuf(e 'fri/fltthnodT Blit yoii only loill; grii'y'e j/nd'palled? ‘ HU' 1 porhaps yon ftiV utKrorrlmrf wild sdy lie wehV t^ tno uottuniofUie act. But this Is uousetisuV f iinieit lie' hia tried toilful WltUin "tile jearj'ii'ud drdwncd’^ihi HusMIet up talk •Luminii■- >Yiiu miu iiuiruuuuti « bw/itry’/Mdw f'ailVrcloA’hiidii »is."“ fie walked; slowly, us if not to lutimpt our collonuy rude ly; but cvidentlV wus jurprised.- I looked ut liiui Apologetically-, uiiuh'o-boited. '*.' • i idMadelolnd/’* said Iri very gently Alid'«iWcv UdurttHyi- '’ gating cold as the livon 1 -’ jug uoiiibs* oh.* *‘Yoti |now that 'the father badivmi* I/O ^areHil nbdit } yoiir health/*• Slit smiled qui(,e-kinuy uther old' hialliitnd: uud Ulok.hts wnn-wlth tjdentuiv took. I ‘Stout away i»lU‘rfxi*hanginglalutns 'aitdgbncts'of iiitefligoiice with liim;‘ihd did not turn back mu' HO.meJhui'.. . L.tlicu jqw- this strange couplo Walking sedately towanktliH little liouseuinong tllp rO.VKH,... . i.ira. * > ! “AVhut sad story 1 .shill have to. tell pnorL'or- hic.r, lhqi|ght.L ..« . lifT.Ue iuistcsH Le Uourglnul very . little to add ■to wlmt 1 Intel learned; tut*as l lcept tho secret of .ujy.iplmii!w,..\vith nHadcleiuo to myself,-1 had to emJj iro , death .had lieon .brought—pro bably invented—purpos-dy. Thon,. Madeleine lmd been oyer persuadoiiby ho father tu murry the Adnijrul... What woe the., praclse moans used to inliuouco her wort uiot .known; but on leaving the church she tAaped from, the com pany,, and-wus.. found, .some hours a Iter wars, UnvAiUtiik * COTTt>X-—N'o triin^uctliiBl'InVflfol j* 111,"" I^rfenooii; 1 votyVl«br^ *‘ , " IV tucrrr*5«Pi|»t»i lUllO.V.—Itojf MMlIfl lo-tH I•»».;«*, H«wr NlUes Ich WJi- Wbboil Ma lt«, Hinns IplSall**, uIiuuiIom ft aud .loloa 6o per lb. Uimll hUhik In niarkot with i falrffemnnil.* ' " »•••» .Ricr—(Jool to I'rlmetLliHSc. ■ * . ClURI.l«W)N, July ^•orm.v-Tl.o Iratnue lions In thl.i arlleh roBlInmi oa -u-llaltod K-ale, Uio tydOfl lOfilay having ,b3en. qnty.ji.V.vnt PV) Iwilqx, yt fall mix! HiivHlining -rulus. CplJi'MUIA, .July ^.n-rCorrox—Tjtu aperuUoiH in rollon yesicriUy wero euuUuoa to «no lot of 160 bald winch Wd iiintur4tamr Wih'tilluhi at 10?/i! roimA, qimlUyiinhlAUiig WgiKsl mliiuniiu. 'NBW ORI.RA.V$, July iO.—(Jdi-ro.v—tli« uiarkf-i conllnuotl quiet with n lltnllcil Irnjuii/, roaiiliint*- in Jala* of. 700. bales at about previous rates lutwrlor OX/®* Ordinary......d>j©0 OooilOrd.... Oh' tinod Mid.'...1-0 f»10*< l . • STatKUKXT OK COTTON. aiyuk tiu hand 1st Heiitomhnr. 1866. r ..bales as,*201 Received since 1.764.1) III ■Received today..... m)ii T,7»2.5fll 1.751V170 • 1.479—l,7CO,649 .UIdilllng....l0ti®10V flood MluniiijtlM©— Mid'g Fair..I‘J ® — Fair —• • (S) — tht^wingpeb.bladiiittJ.the Peacock’s Hollow, hud cxeluiniing that shq was to be married- witi|iutjm.year. ,.u ... u i... , > fitis liupptmcd bdt.afw mouths.after Alor* iiiu’s departure, which taakos it reasonable to «upiv»»w.that tho^’oung man. was doluilcd to go away, simply that tlio marriage might take •place wUlmut pppositlou.,..Fa , om that time for-* ww»|d..madvnn».imvev..p(irfuotly.racoveredi her rea«!oii. though she lived on good tcrins-wUh- the Admiral, wliu _treated .jie;',.ri)t)ier as his dauuliter fjuip his wife,’' lie ..liad .Qjtpn been lie.iViflo’ i'.ogrput liavijtg hoeii tjie. cause ..or so.. nmch'ml.sfortiitiiV. ,'llq built Jliq..little..cottage at. Korwareva/in i>v«lei'l^a( pishoor wile might indulge ^er intiViqcnt' fiinoy withOut.belng qblig-. ed every day" id; fake a' .fatjgjilng. wuik. Ho witched over lioj* wjtlU tendj5iyiess,.uud tlie in- liueKcc of hli eliaracter \yas ‘w.lhclen.t. .to. pre vent lief from'ijeliig' disturbed lu’ her waudor- JUK^- -M-y lirliel'-is,’*’ quoth' t lie hostess, yuwnlti|r' towardi* Hit* end of her stony “that Udjrnic will Htdiie day come buck* whlch'wiH no very utiftn*- timate. If Made lone sees him jsomething : drcad- fuljwilMiapiHMii- 'ribonlrt you meat u sailor oi; tjiiitmirruft in yotir till vvlit, tell idlti to keepnwny from Brehat, ' : • * - - Nextdsy I-returned -to Paitiqiol.'-The llrkt person I inot wus Golulcv -He wus mitchlujf for me.- 'Miold'down'inyheadi -i* • “Tell tno oll-niHUit-itj’-ho* said; 1 w*iiih • umttly linnness. • •* l»tiiinH-I- sbntt'be lih^tu bear rt;' i Ile littlo ox|H'ctdd-wliat He was toheai-i'uni! shed ■some bltH'i' teiirs iti the • little room of tho Hotel de dlouneH. •* Once, ho waaon’thu point of linstoiiing over-to Brfcliuti und presenting hlin'-' sell'-lieftnv Mudftleine* ■ ••**'* •"*••*> , • **.S4ie may- regain- her hmisoii* on beholding mej’-hcexolaiinedi 1 " * “To whaVpm'pwQ'l” l imjnkedv 1 ,! ..“You ure*right,*be-rpjil^d, 1 * 4 ! Wilt return to iny sLipnt MtirtidHldi.' 1 * * ‘ • * This was tlio best-bu could-do nudor tho clr. imtustaHeoHr l accninpaniod him back to 81, ■ Hriouisund Uiou-wo. purtedi Ha looked very mlboraWe.und agitated; and I was- not quite' sure of •him.--But be-Wiiaa Hue fellow, and kept his promise; and hero, artistically speaking; this story ought to lime an end.’Liftr, however,' lu a complicated itnd-oxtrao.rdinAiyatfarr, und 1' am obliged to-udd,* that- whonva' ,vear or two* a I'icrwards^ the Admiral diod, Comic wont to Brehat, His .presenco* produced a magical ef* foot,-1- rtiipposophut this I know*-tbnt the young widow-did.- tKituaUy recover her rtavon, nntf was actually -married to him, niter nil. A lisatkpun'. yii^sjx-Vdjui’i’oHKp 8lave*.—, Tliu.Newp.Oi't, ^’ows .Qf. tho 18th lust, gives the following, particulars respecting the-abandoned vessel which was I'ulleflan with at sna by Gapt* Young, and towed Into Newport t , “The wlvillug schooner Richard, of Brov: lucetown, rtfriVed At thisportdii (lie Iflth. hav ing in tow the" schooner' William Lewis, pf »Bucks|)ort,'Maln*.' The Richard lias had tier in xow fdr 13 daj*a‘: when found, every sail except the mainsail was s^t, and he vessel, was on her boath eiids. To'right her. the ipiists were cut away. Captain Young, $ the Rlcliiird, ((ndiug that slie was! ’ cdppored, judged - that she had a valuableanUlhereibrc held to her. Yci* (erday uibrnVnif, upon pumping her free, nqth*. lug bat casks of water could lie fouud iri her hold, anil a largo quautity of berth boards. Iu her oiibiu was nearly a barrel of medicines in bottles, talve,&e. Iter name arid place of hall are entirely scraped or paluted out, and with S reat difficulty the words “William Levxla; uckspoit,” could be discovered.''" * The barnacles eui\ shells o.n the bottom are vciy favge; and : ibany' persons who have ex amined them-pronounced them as prevalent in the waters of tlio coast of Africa. A large quautity of blankets and percussion caps, of a very largo size, have also been fouud on hoard. Tlio word “Ferret” was cut on ride thut was out of water. No papers or articles of clothing have been fouud. It is thought thut nhe has been engaged in the slay? trade. Tlie United States Marshal i,ao taken poews-tm of her, and tl^e fullest* investigation in regard to her will be mmlei She was found in lat. 38 KxiiortuUiodale';,. .. ttxjiortoil u»*day.' Stouk on tmuil uot cleared 32.316 3'ccub—Thor# Is viiiy. liitlo arrlvlug- aud only .100 lihdi wor* aoll at flrtu prpies. . . - MouistN.—Vory lllUa dOing on tho Leva# wwluz to tho tow slock, , Fkouk.—Tho sains coiiiprLnd ‘4il0 Uhl* fluo at $4 '510 5 26. 1050 iiipel-ano Illinois at *0 60, 360 St Louis at 6 37300 at 0 06, und llo extra on |>rl- vale terms. > ‘ • WmtAT.—lao.sut ks saw Ki**l so|«l,-iti two or thro# lots, ut$l 46. Corn.—The ..lock L rauuced, uud.we hoar of ouly shout 2000 sacks sold, of which377 mixed and 1100 In three IoUj, nin-tly vrhUo.,at 61i *200, from ntoro at flfJc "imr hiisliid. * * 1'oKx.*— lfess eouttimes iu rctull aVi'Ji; IIjcon ‘—Rib Side i retailed s'r Id*}, htit a *uiall lot sold ut 10: « •-- i*»un.— N’otUioa truh.-iiiro l, , WniaKT—5U 11 Ob Ruotmsd sold ut 34<*. Cok^i.k,—Tim aalos of Rio umbraced. 340. Ituus at 10*6, and 100 a; 19£. , Freiklits.—Thu asking ratu lu l4vt>r|Mul b 7-ldil rCotlWu. r * ' KxcitAxowi ilVA*Utuivt' ‘d ui) uhuligi! worth notiu- ing- * • ■' • ' sterling.-,-.i.•*.-..-*.vo>i n luper cot pm ’ramw... i...,. .< <»•..«..-.-51ll!*> a 6.l8;h |»r dollar iew York Sixty Day Bills I u l.q pr cL«|is N«vr York Siglit Ltmuks.......... par a. pr ct ills iuu Jy, hoctiuios llrinor.. and uud has to-day hoeii active, status of 4.0U0 bale* m, onr'revi^od rjui)t:i- Hons: .. " " M Kill'll IS, July 10.—CoTtO>- -I’hutimitfd receipts and stocks pr®v««Wd any transactions of note, and the fyw Hol-'s-made rangub*om to 10j.;«. - Wiuur.—Ratlilllu arriviug, uud buyers are oiler- lug SfiiiOfh! for .fair and .vf»aAl for ntrlclly choice*. Hoiuu coiitrncts lhr .immediate .‘lolivojry uitWe baen ■miuh* WlthTu tTii* jiavt row.-lays at VO.-. - VILMIXGTON'. July *2“.—Tt*lil*iyiri.\gn-S rt tu.s vos- tordny of 383 Uhb'ut'itJ 76 Mr Vlrgiu, 2 30 for yol- low dip,, un i*| no for Urd, per bbl of aso'llis. * No trans-iwtkaii kVdiiy; - ^iiirs TuitpiWTiXKi-Siilus to day of 700 casks at 31c. per gullou, .. . Ru-tx,—.snlo.s .Yasturduy uf loOComtuou, ut l»l 15 jr hot. mid or 75 bbli. ”«> 1 at $3 75 twr bbl. Nothing doiuj to day. Tar—Salo3 yoaterday of 48 bbie ut A1 ‘i'i nor bbll Fi.crR.-420 bids Fluor soli! at *7 nor Mirror h\\‘ porfliie,- • *• • 1 NEW ADYERTISEMENTS noeuieu sum uuq iu w uu u,i.ciiuuuw, ii> meant that whole bewilileriug evening in tvUicb, despite all rules nf niopriety,-hd daucetl only Yirti. il♦ 1,/iK mill! nk* ui niuui.-, imu u*u,iu*jc, wunu, iio i mminuu. m >»<*> uc mnu«< wuw nas iuuuu iu wu do learnrid, la over lifted up by f(ie high (|ilu as it* ;20, long. 73J. Sho was lu the direct line of *'-' 1 •* -** r »ll the ocean steamers, and being bnoyed up' by her casks waa in gr«at danger of being run into rushes iu, and ^>*er fpil - back Into its old place O8aolid nhd Arm us eyer. It wus easy to see that It wan iinpoHriblo to approach the Peacock’s Hollow except by the way I had coine. The huge racks, inchuing inward, rose fur overhead; not even u goat could have moved along their surface:' 1 be gun to fear some catastrophe, b,u(, cut looking luck, suddenly t&yr a bight',' graceful ligure, clothfed in *wliTte, advancing by the'way I had come. I made myself small aguiust the rook to let 1t pass.. There was no donbt iii my mind that this was Madeleine* the bride of ICerwuvevu. She passed fearlessly by xue and dretf. noar the edge of tlie gulf. 1 retired a llUle.'hutgaieil with her, guzod only at her, thought only of her, attended only on her, aud disregarded all the auger, and the Jealousy, aud the chutter- iugs, and tho sneers of damsels who thonglit themselves at least equally entitled to homage from the young uud handsome sailor. “For I utn rather good lookiug to p, woman’s eye.” said cur young friend,* nalveW passing hfsflngers through his hair, .I laughingly assented, qnd listened with attention, when, after this explo sion of feminlue or half-civilized vanity, ho went on to relate how Madeleine was the Uuugh- - tor of the richest proprietor on the island, aud ttU ^| 0U f I ) , 1 ^ t .‘ ier * how her father had promised her in marriage • oho look i to an old retired admiral, whom fancy had led to establish himself during the latter yearn of. “ bMow. . . ,— A . hi, lira at Brehat. •“ ' ‘ ■ '■ V** !>” hmrijgyowly, "I wanuAtth* man total thU sucrlfice - thtoyear !-uni c»meruniiluihjck wlthlh, plaoo with tho anonklu^ iiomjjlaooucy of your lightness of a fawn, i again tUgwiid ]jnr t(l townVfolIt," said the aallor, (Who, by the way. lass ialiil. h^ng no hit her oOTloalyto-Satw toll) ma (hat ty* ipiqu was Comic.) “.I wv# '3 ot tb “ I'cacoeli's Hollow, slowly retraced aud asked Madeleine's baud, uud was of courso steps. refused, because my wealth waa nol'sufflclent— I objected that wealth was u thing to bo got, and thut a man who hod all his limbs aud a stioug will to command them, with a hope of Madeleine in tlio future, was capable of doing wonders, The old.raan said something about; tbe sacredneai of his promise to the ndmlral; but, as he liadjresolved let his daughter bo married for u couple of years, intimated that if I could make a good offer within that tlmo', why he would take the riidtter into consldem* by othor vessels. “Since writing the abave the floor of th% tore, ca.stlo was found to bo bvokon; and upon ex- amination two holes Werc dlscovercd bored by an inch nrige'r. This fact unquestionably solves tho mysterious circumstances already teferred tn 1 * • • ... U iVRlUMONI H 47 OLV MUU N *iy ai» iier. took up a pebble, ami, haying wflrmufw rords thgt r^sombMd an Ihcantutiou,caHt jr. 1 'Tnenslie listened jfoKftwhile,clap- , Ou reacliing tlie heath thut precedes Ker* wareva, I was surprised to. see Madeleine crouching down near the path, uud seemed to watch eagerly for my* coming. I atU;cted to pass by without aeeing her, but sho ran towards me and took bold of my .sleeve, smiling in u do- . precatingmanner, as if sho feared 1 might be oflimded. Let me admit thut my lips quivered and my oyes grew dim. I did uot ueed the rov- elatious of mine hostess of Le Bourg to explain these unequivocal signs. The poor thing had tion. So I set off on'my voyage to' Trcbisonfi:* evidently lout her reason. Though what she uot, you may be sure, Without having had some now said* appeared nt flrst plain and sensible private talk with Madeleine, and obtaining; enough, from her a promise that she would never mar* 3 “ ry the admiral until I gave up all claim to ; lier Yob are (he first stranger I have met ut that .. llah place,” said she, “and, nltbough l would riot notice you tlien, my heart shrank as If you tho bearer of evil newfi. You seemed to notice me, and not to’eare for the curiosities of ridr is!arid; This- is not proper in a Htrnu* ger. but'If you 'at*? u n^sseriger; tlio cqsc la quite different. Wo cqq talk together horo, and jV yqq qtoqn dqvyn Hl6 admiral will not bo able see us With his telescope.” I did not know wlmt to say. It was evident that an Impassable harrier hud nowhcoti raised between Cornlo and Madeleine. —To spenk of his presence ou the mainland would be sheer cruelty. “What 1h the reason you threw the pebble Into the gulf,my child?”-said l, evading (ho ibject she wished to of. • » I, ' “iaro not your child,’' who said .haughtily. t*I am the child of M. Boso.ttto richost man on this island, which Is the reason why .they all Want to marry me—all the old admirals. 1 mean. Jlut my heart Is sealed up.'und he yrh° can open it is far away. He wiil come hack; for iho pebble speaks truth. All the young girls of Brehat try (hat experiment; lintthose hand. 'For. us yon may Imagine, my dear sir, Madeleine did not hesitate a * moment bptwpeu mo and tlie crusty oid.soawolf whq had cast his eyes on Iter; and whose modi of courtship was to watch Iter through a teiosuope from his win* dow as she went in and 6uf of hpr ‘house pr wondered towards tho Holds. I ue; quite sure she iflll I^cscp ljfir promise; still, woman’s uhture Is weak, I have heart uo ttewa from Bveliat since l left; aud now that I am ho near, 1 am afraid to go over. I have tried to learn in Palmpol some, news of tho doings in the island ; but nobody..knows any thing or them, It Is truo that a wicked old wo man has told thut Mudelcluo Boso was married to M. Ilenard a week or two ago* but this must lie a falsehood. Neither she nor |jt? fivithor daro todoceivt me so. 1 am teViiblevrirwheti I am angry. There Js no knowing what I might do. We are not Bretons at Brehat. We come from tho South. .We are Basques pr Spaniards. You know how these pooplo. trout the mistresa who has betrayed them, uud the matt who- is her accomplice.” Young Comic had risen, and was nu^i vapidly to and fy> along the edge of the'rc_ . iiiakiog threatening gesticulations towards th fat-ont island of Brehat.: I now understood kle against the rock—onotlnklo for every year that ho wanted me, having confidence—Fknow or : mirdshhood. .Mine only .make ho noise, sp ■ ‘ * " ‘ •*' - -»**.— .... • . 0 ...... n^.»l n n.,« .C*nWin K.rtVnnAi, SIZE NI.ARGEI), STYLE IM^R* It hns doklo the quautity and etrengtli ol . It gives a uSSeptly natural dolor. It oolors evnvv shade from light brown to _ ' jet-black. .. It ie porfoctly bavnuesa to tho skin. Iti oShet i5 u;at5ntonoouB and permanent, It is tbo bc---i, quirkoHt, chcaiwst tuitl sHtipst uvs over made. 46^*Direction' lor iwu accompany uadi box.' PrlCO—1 oz. $1—2 OZ3. $1.60—t OZ3. $3—8 QZS. $6. [Entorod ttccordina to an Act ot* Congress, tn tho ; rear 1855, by A. W. Harrison in tlio Clerk’s Olllce of i lie District Court of the United States lor tho Eastern District or Pennsylvania.] For sale by the mimutUcturor. Al’OLLOS W. HARRISON, ile«*ii —1V 10 So«Ui 7thst., PhU{\dtlpUia. Id*. <j> • ® 3Ft..*X 3NT T XI H. 0 . Tlie siibicriber.s otter lor sale a largo nnd vaiicd assortment ol'second-liainl printing material, snffl- cleut .to establish a complete Job Otllco, with but lew articles, cnnsKitig iu part of—Ou# ample font of small pica, as good as now, and.vari ijuh fonbi of Job' typo;-one super royal hand-press on'o Boo' .'c (ki.’a proof-press, latest improvement, uow; two or more largo lnq».»sIiig.8U)uos, new; dou ble and single stands; cases, Compoahig sticks,col umn rules,* galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with various other articles pertainlnir to a nowspaper or Job olllce.. .15..It. HILTON & CO, Juno 28 ^ . NOTIC TO MAlUNBnsT A LK’.IIT VESSEL' has boon tnoorod in Gala- lioquo Rouud, (in 4M nthoms water at low tide,) between Grenadier Shoals and Uio Eastern Breakers .ruouiiig oil* tlic Soutli Kaslerti point of tliltbh lieii'l, Sho is snliOntier riggeil with a third jnast for the liuitorut hull painted rod. and will show one brlg)it while light, nt nu elevation of thirty feet above the sea. • Tyboo Light boar W. Tyl)ce Beacon bears S. SdhtU-Kast paint of HlUau Head boars N.N.K, Bradiloek’s point bears N. by 15. • Htoddard’s house on IlHuriiskee Islaud bears W.N.W.. Thallght will be shown , fur ilu-.ilr.-t time on tho cvonlugol August 1st. Uy order «C Light House Ik>uvd. V. U..N'm'AVI.t Mukrw. ^j-24--U L H.-lnsp. Otli Inst. , . (lltWlON. nBatuplon* A' Waits.) N.»4'n 0I ^ > l AI / H . ANI) .mbtau; onooKii, No. 4 llnrunrd xf., tustween tho Market nud'ltny • savannah, oa. i r ji^XlK 4 . r ii!^ r S?’ ,Forl ’ l ? h| ;* i, |«« , ?f| .Sava'uifalU’hnA- Uh uiipion,ieip, Batuuel i<oloinbn.i, ATroftNYY^ANiJ^UNo.. ’ ■ -WFl*. ■ ," Traupvtlkq iMwttdm CounWU... . Will praytico inTUuvuuh. i/iwuiles, LTiuob,“*t,«. Appllug, Telfair, Irwin, laurons. and.Pulaski countios, Georuia; lOici ui Jotfertt'iei.MH.iis.'m. Hum-' illou, ana <Joliiiijbiaa<nntiw, FI or i da i • liny 11 ^^t^i 3 **^ 1 * 1 WAUOktl* OUVlll. JACK* HKUImmL . ; Buena Vista, Marion Cotmf* Ok;.' . « hi practico in tb« coumiw at. ilarioi. Mawe'. || 0Uj ,. l0 ‘f» .Cowart, Uttiidolph, Muscogoe/I nv taiu juo adjoiulng unnrttlo,; wimre tlleli* Hfi-mie^ tUliv be requlroij. ; .. t , .. . ,i. .. .q». qaRf- JUBN IL t/OtiUlAN^. *. A'i’itlRNKY AT IAW, * Dublin udoroiw county, (ia„ Into' Juulof paf<m« r 0 t tin* arm »»i a. ,v j,.Uo 1 'muNR, |fwlnUm; 'Ha., wit.* atteud promptly to. all. Inwlne^j. oniruslod to, UW •:krc. fatticular attei.tiou paid to collortiug. ho i.-r.-u.-i^-|ir, C. B. Guytoir, F. 11; itowe. Dublin, ti dpi'sli, .iiivanuab.. , . i •. u utyli '' YUNUn d{ FiliBRSUN. ' H*R\VARI>!Ntl A.NJi COMMISSION MKItCtlANlV VO. IH lUV STRAXt. 5AV.VX.VAH: Oi. ' * •* #pr4 . ..... A. ,KtAL.i>li« d( uHini-aUitii, Luoilier, .Mill aud Brick Vards. HOllt a. - SAVANKAU, ox. . O.L.COHfilV, “ ::* CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, juoh fttroet, (one door East of Drayton Street.) Is • prepare.. 1 to contract for all' kinds'or bullditia audrupniring, * Also to i'aiiit'a-t WHicr tUroauli Ui,. varaiud oar ol houao*; ap I? Y DRS. teVLHtt «l WILM, beiltiui'. ARB now fully prepared tofu. < f°4 full or partialsotU of Teeth «u the prluolple of J)r.J. Alions»i latent (’onUntiolik'Uum.' Ry thJh IWprovomoii , Ibetnj-ni oi'jho face oun berostoroddo >-!(*'!■ . Hi* A, MiOll'f, — .* LLA .Bj;j.LJAKAu*i»*i Wit, lake ciuilruct" tor Uaildlug and Worklim.Ma. ••nry at every ,‘hcflldonoe, ,NoTll&« Joweti V Ihinge. South *ld»* Jimt* ri * oo(80 ■MMlifN #1. »AVa6»,'" ' .ATTORNEY AT l,AW, 4 U'uaoh, *AW, - . ' 11 ali . - * vannah, Goorgw 01 oavao* tUiDVKM .u'noiih V-—---! j u ...,, ^r*™*'**™**"- . ... ’• i- ‘WI.K-V • WM , r , V ■ ■ ui , bttDEX. »TAUR 4 ,.|> M ,Ulw *" i • s tr .. ■ DorwurtUtig uti(l ('om!ui?siqu auwcuum.«, i. - HUy-ataevt, tiiiviiniiah, C#« - t 0. «. HaHUWOX. 4. y MCOklUl. i HAliaiSON ,L SliUEIIEK, AUCTION, OOMAllSSiON, RECEIVINO ANi. ■ I’Mwardiug iTlcrchuntg.— aVAMHil ItKOAiSflTEEltT, *COf.|)MBl*S, OEOiTOU. Alii-1kn.^iuPauiiliiuugivc.j l. tin* i-atflo: i*j>;au-, Nogrouii uud Produce. W* Liberal advaure* made ou Nrviue* m-1 V**i ebaudiae. • • »• * * ' ' Kt.oK. DAVIS « lJ(N<L t. . d.*l.' WRlIifi'l. j VODNO,*ATKINS a'DfVtlAM, V ' * * '* a. (iHEiuN'R & at., . ii . / » H. S. SMITH, t Mublio, Alabama. ! »w t 23 ^ No, t\ry;ivRls siupu our last... . ' HOUSE WANTED. T r A Houso iu, a respvctalu neighborhood, sub l tab la thru small family. Apply at this of- Lllco.__" * * '* CO-LEMAN HOUSE BY LANIER & EADY, Knoxville, Tn* The Uadcrsiguod iiaving token ohargoof this largo aud commodious House, romcct* filly solicit uud hope to morit a liberal share Tftktronaiie.' Tho lions# is furnished in i ie most thorough and modern style, with a view to convenience aud corniert. 1 H Is slumtod in tho hoart of the city< convenient to all tho business und on the principal street. An omnibus is always in rcudiuoss to convey passengers to and from tho de- poti an tho an 1 val uud dopurturo of the cars. The stag# (by. Montyalei Spi-ings arrives and depart# 4he table will bo supplied with tho best the mar* kot affords, and no pains will ho spared to render guut# comfortable. SAMPSON LANIER, Jygji—0 ; JOHN EAIIV, FiuoRcady-mudo Ulothlug ; Huts and Gaia, Shirts, Dollars, Ulovo£ Hosiery, Cauo»,uiiibrell:w Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, and Fanoy ArUclca for Guutletuen. PALLGTTO WANTED. UOVOSADJ Will bo’veealvad at the olbco or tho UARULSTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, Broad street. Charleston, uutil the 1st of Au gust, for furnishing and deliver ing ut the Terminus -QUO! .to gust, ft)l of tlie Road, on tho west side of Ashley River, six- ty^hj^itaud (60,000) lineal, or running feet of PAL- Tbo Palmetto must be of tha.bcat quality, of ma ture trees, struigbt, and freshly cqt. It wiil be sub Jected to tlio iiispqotiw) of tho Eng neer before be tug rcoolyed. Tlio logo must conform nearly to tbo following lengths: 20,27, 36 and 43 feet. The delivery to commence at the earliest possible interval alter the above named date. TIIOS. F. IlHAYTON, jy*24—eod4 President and Chief Engineer. sfti FOR NEW YORK—Union Ijnk,—The ro- ^AMkgular packet sebr JQNAB SMITH, Furman, master, having mosj of her cargo engaged, wi* havp quick dispatch or pqssuge, apply to Jy23 iho above jwrt. For freight OGDEN, STARR & CO. NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per schr L Peacock, now _ dUchargiuc at Hone * Conuery’a wlmrr, will ideaso attend to the receiving of their goods. Jy23 HUNTER & GAMMELI NOTICE. T he Ann of i W Morrell Si Co. waa dissolved on tbo 24th of September, 1564, by tiie death of X F Wetister. Jy22—ltu .1, IV. MORRELL. STATE OF GEORGIA. B ULLOCH COUNTY. —To all whom U may con- ceruWhereas, Geueral E Mikell, will apply at Uio Court of Ordluary (or lutlore of administration with (ho wiil anpoxed, on the estate of Martha Groover, late of said county, deceased : Tboso are, therefore, to cite and admonlah all whom It may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to muko objection (if auy they havu) on or .before tho first .Monday iu September next, other wise sold letters will be granted, Witness, William lx-c, Esq., Ordiunry for Bulloch county, tills 21st duv of July, I860. jy23 AAW wENC .LIAM LKK, o. ii. o, TAKE NOTICE. T1URCHA8ERS will have their goods delivered I; lYce or expense with quick dispatch from tho Savannah Grocery aud Fruit Depot, corner Brough ton and Whitaker streets. tSt 1 would cal) tbo ultontlou of Fruiters goner- ally to my well aelocUid stock of Groceries, receiv ing dally. Jo23—tf W. H. FARKELD J UST RECEIVED, per solioonor J, R. Allen, from Baltimore— MASON’S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, I^roon Cakes. Top, Unites; Scotch Cakes, Ginger Snaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit, Soda Blsciut, Wino Biscuit, Butter Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Plo Nto Biscuit, Ac, BARRON’S, corner WhUakef and CharUon-alfl, At juneUO not for what reason—in my discretion and will* InKitesa to oblige-to go over to Brehat anil as certain the truth of tho report which had agitated him. He feared that If {ie V[$qt tyrfl- that, of conwe, Corulc mu-it* corrio bac)c. eooir. Tor,* HoW else am I to bo married to Itlmr’ 'I tried to proceed, but she stood In m>' path. ‘.'AH la Wrong hero,” tbuohlng her forehead B AGG1NG AND R0P1*7—76 halos Guuny Cloth • 30.hqlf lialod • do do iQOjiolU Kentucky Uupu, In atore, for sale by jy23 WEBSTER * PALMES. e OFPEK.—UK)* hags Uio Coffee, fair, and prime 100 Img-i Ligulra do dft -do •• ^MltPckuH UHl Government Java Ooffee * «• - aOhunus ground West India nnd JnvaCuffco, landing, iu storu and fur sulo by B|||]y23 WEBSTER k PALMES. OGLETUOEPE UNIVERSITY, TF ACC ALAI JJ July 20tb. Mormon.—Sabbath morning Misslouary Sermon-Sabbath night, July SOtli, !/!,• ;:v—7* — ttv*"**/ ““ uuntnTwri Hus mettuMl comb the following» ivantigesi^ un.nn- D ui n 8 1Itt ’ uxhlbiis a purfcctly natural f“ U , l 1 u ‘?* u jj° «i'l>uuiaBtie, and Imparts to llie'tbi'cth turil ohgUnK 0,1 viiura^iariKes Uuuia* « J t b ^,C' ,, u uun < iri«i of a dilaoiintsioibiiound. Which l» applied and ftts-jil ujhjh tbo Teeth and Plate iu such manner, u-- to fill up ail the inlorsticM around the uu o the l.vrth, and .ujso.uuilw them firtnlv to ciu-u other ..ud to tiu* Plate upon wldi-b they* ure ™ *.; stll} *t •••cure i i porliHit clc*auliuoi, a ot tbi; Tooth, Otuoouvor DeWiu A: Morgan, <^ugieinj , ti-wt.. 'mpnulSuiiu and (icorgiau.uop.v. . lob lp—u UK N TISTK Y • Dw. ROYALL A JOHNSON, •Duatista, otlluc* cOrnar St. Jtdicu-sL aud Market Square, over S. • Wil- mot’s jewelry uftlot* buv.w troin 8 to 2 o’nluck. uud from U tu «*. mui.n eoqi URlH'GimW STREET IIACK AND LIVERY STABLE. 1 ibe umleralgnpd tliivlug put the r>.. .. above Stabbw. iu good condition, K » H, u prepared to accommodate tbuir .T“ >:u ^lomerH with Carrlaaw. Hacks, iiggiuH, Sulkies, Ait*., with sound, gentlo, aud well broke horses, and caroful drivors, Horocs boarded on accommodating tonus', uud well cared for. TVo pairs <if Quo Carriage Horses lor .sale, luqitire cor* ucr of Barnard aud Broughton streets. »1>1U—1y _• 8tK\ T ENS J ELL1STUN piiimkiiiAPHs. ’ Iairgo photographs, ta ken by iUILLBR,’ at tww.vK notuns rsn ihizks Also, Ambrolypus and Da* . fifuerreotypet, in bis usual uu- perlorstyle. A oalIH solicited. J» W. MILLER, m«r27 vr. St. Jullati-Bt. and Market squaro. STRANGER 1 ‘ If yon wnnt a good Mid cheap Trunk, Vnllcc, Cariiel Bag, -or Clotlilng of any kind or qnnTi- My, roady mmlo^or madn im to your moasuro; also Hats, Cajte, Shirts, Collars or Drees r iiruisliing artlolos of iuiy description, call aud sc- loot trontthu largest uml best stock in the city, at tho Star Emporium, 147 Bay street. _ W51. 0. PRICE. ft EMPOKIUM. * DOOR WBHTOFTUBHKPCBLIOINRXADINOROOM. W.O.Prlce,] B. ELLIN. . . . . JJ uciwr aitu.y vut'raJ OonuniBsioibMerchatit No; 71 UAY-8TKKKT, HAVASSAM, UA.. •Kiwuisrf*—“••■**— •• " • ' applicable in nil oasi*s vvtiore llio uheekt. have fallen J r»*—Mu.-teru,. Cingboru .Vt.uun'lLgham, Bud *“■• cuuuot budoiuetud by »ho ciosen oUh erver.u. f< *>*Uss, Ugd.-u. Kiarr u. Si van nab ; J. P. . rUoinjwMi. * At um-s .v GENERAL COMMISSION .MERCHANTS* Uey street; SnvannaU, Ga. [uiyj t ! AIho, Superfine Cl0 . u ??’ 11 aas,mo F* aud Vesting#, will bu made to mea sure,unexception able iu style TAYLOH, and , workmanship,* Nu. 147 by tho Bav fit rant 1 1,1,81 m»chanici. £»jr street, I ,, S ho.t M t ’ HA FAAiVA//,| uotlce »•. Ordorafrom city and county solicited, jgg fob 6 JoHN~s7 NORBIFT . ARCHITECT, LT A VINO resumed Ihu practice oChisprolefr ... aiou » 0|, »)rs his sui-vlcos to his I'riouds und the pnblb^ us an Architect and Supuriutundont. Dusigna tot auy part or the country supplied and executed tn all tin* vuriuus branches ot bis profoa- Hlou, such as Public liditlcos, fitoros, DwolUnge. Monumuuts, &c. Thoroughly Flro Proof Btoree dc- signed aud executed. Ofllcu at present In Bay lane, rear oftbo Custom House. jan 3—ly ' IRVING’S WSHINGTON. XTOLUME 111 ot thft life of George Washington. T by Washington Irving. We con *upply all binding * tbl< m0;!l ‘ ,03,^al,,0 work t ^ any style of Tho Wanderer, a tale of Lite's Vicissitudes “Trudging along, unknowing what ho sought, And whistling os ho wont, for want of thought.’* Ey the author of the Watchman, IjunpHgher, eto. John Halifax, Gentleman, by tlie autlior of The Head of tbo Family, Olive, Ac. Dickens’ Household Words for July. Putnam’s Monthly for July Frauk I*sllo’a GaxeUeu of Faphlnn Ibr July. Mrs Stephens’ lUustruted New Monthly lor Julr Blackwood’ Edinburb Magazine tor June. For «»•« b ir 1VARNOCK k DAVIS. Rooksollers aud Stationers, Jy* ' 169 Congress street. WILLI AMbYlfiT' U)MMK<H)N * AN!* Fr*RW ARDINl. MEfltTl a‘.\ \"' .*’#/ *17 Uoysiixst, Savannah. fJ-iorola. ■ - - •" Jiiuu la ... ..i ,i v JEFFERSOiV llOIiERTS «knrua.l CO.V1MI6SIUJS MKKOHAN.'l, . AXil IIKALKH. IX. i Timber Sud Lumber. SAVANNAH, G«. 'VKU. rti Wli.r.lAMti/ i .-'I I.KALK1LS IS . 00MK8T.IC, l-OKKION iNU PAA'tll BKYOOOD& ' * , lv Suuoiiwt/i 1 , ou.'- 1 I “ 1 Tfe.inV/ 1 •®»rtbrt-,wini.Tr" aejitV ''llLUMf, •• ,fcrlviiu,CL. w ,ui..ilu mm UAVIs'i L.ONCL "• OOMMISSloK MEKCli ANT8, savannah, GA. * ' tmi> 3u Will. s. UaNikm,. 1 attorney at i, a w, • HAVA.VA'AH, UA. • ■ - • -l. Tiirnur & lVi.*a truf • my7 i. i^ckkit. M^ictSmo?, Sloru, Bay stiuet. IaOCKKTT K<i SNRI.MNGS, COMMISSION MKROIUNTS, AND SHIPPING A UK NT.'*, ‘Savannah, Ua. « M”,hu autluig ot alt kinds of pruducr. • rtotattanltoo glvun to rectdvlug and fntwariiii g goour;. may 31 -Jy Auctiou & Commission House, Miieoii. (la. A. H. Md.AUOHJ.IN, Agent and Auotioneui, Solicits 1 rotu bis friomis couaigntnotits m'eviry .WHorlption. Takes orders for Cotton , . n tp.Sr fc i'. ,ll!i b 1 " Ko . , ‘ l iV u * fivcr ‘ ,0 «*« *»ah*a of Real J:l 1 ock8 * ,Ml Negro properly, at piihUo and* ' privatesales* Prompt etlunu and ditvaleh .->• Reforeucu—C. A. L/L.VMAR. mchay IAS. W. tIKKKX. II. K, .SNOOT, GREEN 4b SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, • OCt26 TUOMASTOX, Ui. . ■. JOHN BiLliO, Ordlnnry or CllaUmm County,, ..... , A>.|i iTTOHNKV AT I AW. 9 Offlw In ttj.Cbur t Hmis,. .rr..:— iSTHoWMiCULLOIl, “ 1 ATTOBNKY AT LAW; Novammli, tleorgln. .’ mr Office ouUay Stroit. o»w iLn Ilanc oTiinvu- . *. maylfi, _ R. P. COLE AYmOTlklt. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERI CHANTS, 1 Savannah, Ga., und Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Couf, j f. Gout Bay street, Havauuoli. j Commerce hi., Monu'/y. RVyWlKNCKS. ' # * , , , , KWMlKNOa. Holcomb. Jobusou, k Co. I Gibens at Herts Lockett k tiuulHugs, | Edwin Piirsmia L Robert A. Alleu, I Edwiu Parsons at Co. , Klll'ailllill .Inl.lmlnu t-Vn Kw'autoo, Jobueton & Co. SAVANNAH, GA. mylV'' WM. I.. WEBB. ~ wir. h ,tS , WKBBdcSAGB, WM B ftAaB (SP0CXS8ORS TO CAMUIOX, W£UB & 00, . n „ r „ %T . IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WABfil tin.. 146 . l “ iOT ^0*aT. OHABLESTON, S. 0.,' * WUI Bupply Country Merchants with Goods In their line at as low rates os they can buy in New -.-..on York, or eleewhoro. Bept 28 lv K UM, GIN ANll BRANDY.'—50 bbl# Wor Fel'- ton’s Rum 50 bbls E Phelps’ Ryo Gin 26 do Domestic Brandy 20 *4 and 16 cask# 4th proof Brandy, in store nml for «n!o by Jy4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A (X). KEDZIE’S PATENT WATER FILTER An oiieortment of sizes and with the latest Improvement, can only he found at our store. We will sell them at the manu facturer's retail prices, adding only the transportation, and put them un free of charge. KENNEDY A BEACH, Hodgson's block, cornerof Broughton and Bull Ms. juiyi- TO MASTER BUILDERS AND CON- TRACl’ORS. P ROl’OSAl/i for erecting a Maioulc Hall tor Solo* moil’s Lodge No. 1, will bo received at my of* See uutil the first Monday in August noxt. JyO—3w JOHN S. BOWEN, Architect. H. L. P. KINGl ~ ■ 7- - _ ATTORNEY AT RAW. Cunrer ot Buy und, Whitaker ktrecU, Lay* Sore . JONH 8. BOWES. ENGINEER, AKOHITEOT AND SlIRVEVGR ■MMKHofMuvnw.Kuums^H., „ „ (AbovoG A. I., lamir.) jyil—«m 7 U. W, ilAURY, “ ATTORNEY AT LAW, J mawix, n*A*n co., oa. Will attend to prolcasinnal business iu the Counties " or Hoard, Carroll, Campbell, Cr.wota, Fayette, Mril- wether aud Troup. 7 ’ Reference-Uou. K. Y. UUI, JjiGrauge, Ga.: He a, David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tldwtll. Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. Wiillam Dougherty. CO* lumbus, G*.. #epl7-iy Wm. McAllister. up Ih ii Uruve Btoucs, an* reasonable twms. Orders re#. Jpoctl'ully solicited. Missionary sermon—sabbath night, July 2UIU Sopbomor l’rlzo Declamation—Xlouday night. Junior Exhibition—Tuesday morning. Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee^—Tuee Jaynlgrit. Cdmmensemeut aud Aunlvoraare Oration bclbro ■ tlie literary Societies, bv Hon. H. V. Johnson, : Wednesday morning. .' ! • 0. W. L.VNE, Secretary of the • . Board or Trustees. A special train ol oars- will convey passon- gera from MllledgevUla to and from* eaoli ortho •hove exercises. JyW—2 C. W. I, VAGABOaVDLIFE, Y AGABGND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Ver- ry, for seven years a resident; Tangletown Letters, including u Report of tlio Great Mammoth Reform Convention, with Illustra tions; Lite and Travels of Herodotus, iu tbo Fifth Centu ry B. 0„ by J. Talboya Wheeler, two volume*, with a map; The Huguenot Exiles, or Times of IauiIs MV., hu historical novel; Harper’s Picture Books lor tlio Nursery—learn ing to Read, by Abbott; Worth and Wealth, for moro*»ants aud men of business, by Frocmiiu Hunt; Sydnoy Siultb’s WU and Wisdom, being selections from bis writings; Calderon, Ills Lifo aud Writings, by It. Clienovlso Trench; Trench’s Poems;.. Advouturus or Goran), tbo Liou Killer, with plates; Homeric Ballads aud Comedies of Lucian, trans lated by Wra Magiuu; The Daisy Chain, by Miss Yougo, author or tho Heir orKouoIlilo; Tho Old Vlcaraw, by Mrs Mubboak; Creasy on tho Rlso and Progrees of tho English Constitution; Dwight’s Introduction to tlm Study of Art: Hariwr’s Magurine^ror July. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. D. A. 0*BYRNE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce 176, Bay-td., over Turner Si Co’s* Drux Morel SAVANNAH, OA. ^ novlO—ly wuRsaB ;i .K OU i. howxhs;— „ attorney at u\w. ’ OlHoe Monument Squaro, noar State Bank. „ . SAVANNAH, OA. novlO—ly ’ CHANET WELLS A CO. FACTORS & COMMISSION MERcbANTS, ; an, . . Hi W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . r Montlccllo, Jefforeou County, Ha. Reibreucc—Hou. W. B. Fuowxu, Ravwmilh,- *.'•) Utrll kUWard g. wilnJn, MAGISTRATE, .VOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, At llossrs. Ward k Oweus’ Isiw Office. [myll COMMMS01 WOOD AND LUMBER. low (hr cash, on the new w'harf recently erected on. tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Alien »v Co. moria-lyW M. J. I. MOULTON THOti. S. R. ALEX. WAYNE, jy 6—tf 8avuuuh. J. W. PATTBRION. .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW'.' * Troupville, UwndeaOonty.Qa. \ /JJ[ w "* ; - M. i^iTkOERALD.— • 11 ", : * fR.rn.rofB^WonSSWSt^.^^ ■ CCBSSOR to T. 0. Ww?M«»fcotaiwiia tnolly the hot damp atmosphere or a Southern CU*