Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 25, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVIH [OLD 8EUIK8.] SAVANNAH, (GA.. Kill DAY, JULY 25, l85«. NO. 12080. i mikI ffukt) . Offloia 1 Papar of the City and County R.B. HILTON & CO. PtONUBTOM AN!) PUHl.IflllKRS, B I. HILTON, - - t. P* HAMILTON, . Editor. • Am** Wit I Editor. FRIDAY, Two O'clock P. M. _ u*jt=»x* 9 Nt/w VoHJi, July M.—There was u great tHUumra meeting font night,at which five thou sand persona were present—Immense embus- Tbe Democrats or Columbus, Ohio, have bolted from Ruehanati and joined the 4mericAU». P|irit|ng oflbi It. John*. The 6'urcf/iim brquglft tbp sad intelligence tbW murulug of the burning of the steamer St. fflnt, at Jacksonville. The Republican, ot that place, i give* tbe following account of the oawaltyt Tbe steamer St. John* took live about 15 min utes to HI o’clock, Monday night, while lying at tb« wbart ot Mensr** Einbee Cauova, und burned to her lower deck. It iu the opinion of tbe Captain and other officers Unit it wus tbe work ot an Incendiary. The lire originated in tbe alter hold. We learu that about half-past 10 o’clockjone of tbe passengers, having occa sion to pass iu that direction, looked iu the en gine room and saw the foruaces clear—no sign of tire; and about 4 of 11 Mr. lliancc, the mate, was noon by two of tbe pussongers go eud examiue tbe furnaces ; tbe eugiueer, also, before retiring, looked in to see that all was right. The efforts of the officers aud crew, and the citlxens generally, to save tbe hull and machin ery, deserve tbe highest praise. The Captains of the Fire Companies done good service. She was scuttled, and sank betweeu 3 und 4 o’clock Tuesday morning. Furniture and plate all lost. Honey aud books saved. A few passengers lost some of their effects. Captain MoNelty .^KHined on board uuiU all tbe passengers Were Mltty* 1 ’pared oaf shore, und was the last to "give up ship.” No insurance. Mails all *aved. Caterpillar In Derntur County. The Buinbridge Argut ot last Tuesday, turn- dons jlip ravage^ of a * ycry forntiifobfo foe of |h8tjiips ij|’thk| s5ctioir.' ft aays's 1 IS e were informed on yestmday that a worm bai'Jppbarud anlbbg the crops in Fowltown tjj-lrjcf an$ elsewhere iq thlS coniity, that is rpioplelely Jertvoying everything before it.— They tlrst appear on tbe grass, which, in a short time is completely consumed. They noxt attack either corn, cotton,caue, potatoe vines, or anything within their reach; and serious fears are entertained that the cotton crop aud the late corn, If tbe worm does not soon disap pear, will be entirely destroyed iu some por tions of the county. The late corn seems to be their favorite food, and older corn Is injured by their stRippingievery Wade on the staOc. Tho worm U galled .the Mgcass oaterpillur.’ from their tlrst appearance on the grass, but their trae-name noone appears to know. Unlike the “army- wonn”'ttaeysoon spread over an eutire .’but are no low destractiyd. Svrs?iMiect5if Tho following stat istics of hut year's election •to,Md Will uoiitlnuo to bo, for ionic time, of interest to politicaiis and others : MAINE. Morrill, Hepubllchu, for Clov. 51,488 Wells. Democrat, . 48,3711 Reed, Whig. 10.045 NKW IIAMIVGIIHK. Metcalf, Am. and Hop., for (lov. 32,783 Baker, Democrat, ‘27.«>« Bell, Whig, si, 430 MASSAL'HUSKTrS. Rockwell, for (lov. 30,5‘Jl Gardner, Am., 51,074 Beach, Pern., 34,020 Walley, Whig, 14,454 OHIO. Chase. llcpublicdM, for Gov. 140,041 Mcdli, Democrat. 131,001 Trimble, American. 21.310 OALIKOHNIA. Johnson, Ain., for Gov. 50.04H Bigler, Dent,, 45,057 Mt\j. fer Johnson, 5,oll Wisconsin- Baahrord, Rep., for Goy. 32,002 Barstow, Dem. 32,227 M«j, for Hash ford. ~37.*, VKRUONT. Boyce, Rep., for Gov, Clark, Dcm„ Slade Am., (jOKNEOTIO LT. Miner, Am., and Rep. for Gov. Ingham, Dem.J Dalton, Whig, 30,030 12,963 3,031 28.02S 27200 nuvou, nuig, 3,506 Congress—all tour Represesentatives Ameri. an N*HW VOBK. Headley, Amer., for Secretary «>f State, 14S.557 King, Republican, 130,693 Hatch, Soft Democrat, 01,3:10 Ward, Hard Democrat, 50,353—150,080 Or take the vote for Gov in 1854: Clark, fusion of every isru, 150,804 Ullrnan Amer., 122,282 Seymour. Solt Dbmocrat, 150,405 Bronson,Hard Democrat, 33,850—ism,435 PKNNSYI.VANIA. Nicliolus, fuslontst, for Canal CVnnY. 140,745 Plummer, Democrat, 101,281 Williamson, Republican. 7,220 Cleaver, Native. 4,050 Henderson, Whig, 2,203 Martin, Amer., 078 MARYLAND, l'oruell, Auior., for Comptroller 42,(Oil Rowio, Democrat, 39,070 Purnell’s majority. Congress- four Amt crats. VIRGINIA Wise, Dem., lor Gov.j Flournoy, 4 met-., Wise's majority, 10,180 All the Represeulativcs in Congress but one (Curlile) Damocrat. NORTH CAROLINA. Aggregate voto for Dem. Congressmen, 47,857 “ *• American “ 40,811 KKNTl.'OKV. Morehead, American, for Goveruor, «0^U0 Clark, Democrat (13413 Morehead’s majority, 4,403 Cm»gres»~6 Americans aud 4 Dem. TEXAS. plead Ihr mercy; 1 am an limouout mini; 1 don’t come be thru you with u da rkuued fore head nr a downcast eye ; l come determined to dio brave, aud 1 shall die without a tear in my eye. Gentlemen, take care of my poor wife and children, and see that they have plen ty to eat and wear.” He looked un at the limb, und not a muscle of his face quivered ; he only spoke twenty minutes and had ten uduntes more : he asked to pray duri ug that tiuiojuid said: " I will nut keep you lung.goutlemeti, aud if 1 am a minute or two over my time, 1 hope you will excuse me.’ Hu then got upon the bench, and remarked that he thought the rope was loo short, as he wanted to fall further tliat he might die easy, as he had seen persons before die hard when they did not havo full,enough. The rope was fixed nroimd his neck, and lie tied the liaiidk- chlot over Ills face himself, and called all Ills friends to tell them good by ; he kissed one or two of thorn and said, "1 am innocent,” when the bonch was pulled from under him, bat the rope not hohig tlxed right, ho had to be lilted up again until tho roRowas properly adjusted, wnon ho died in about live minutes. There was u\m 250 or 300 persons presont, aud no mm said a word in uwlhvor, • Letter from the Hon. K. C. Cubed, of* Florida. The foilowiug is a copy of u letter uddtersed by Mr. Cabell, of Florida, to tho Amorlcuu and Democratic electors of that stato: Tali.ahahskk, June, 1850. Sir i Daring a receut visit to tire cities of Wash ington and New York, I was painfully impress ed with the progress of the Abolition sentiment i of the country. So rapid and so great 1ms been | this progress, within a low years, that It may require the United action of thu entire South, coroperating with the conservatism of tho Northern States,.to prevent the election of the i Black Republican or abolition candidate for the Presidency of the U. S. Active, earnest, and to un ulurming extent ; successful oflbrts are being made, to coucou- j trato the antl-slavory sentiment of the North on one mnu. Should this result in the election , of a President, on purely sectional grounds, it I needs no prophet of evil!'( predict the disas trous consequences. In this state of things there seems an Impc: rative demand that the conservative, eop v stitu. tional men of tho e.outitfv should unite, for the ’iakfi Qf\hh Union anu tho Constitution. unfortunately the Inllucncn of tho spirit of party is sufficient to prevent the harmonious combined action of those having a common in terest, or who are prompted by a common intriotic sentiment. Even hero in the South, ho laws of self-defence and soll-iHvseryutlun seem impotent to enforcft a union, palpably no- to tiio prowcp ~“ i * — 1 tfriWyhut are r , Souehkrn Bank oF~GkoKau, Located at UiiKBRiDUE^AVe learn that tlio stock of tots {wagiywbean subscribed by citizens of Geor- * b f° operation aith *30,000 m win paidra,as soon ns*the en- raving ckh' be cdmpletM, which* ttiU be In TaR hnsln'ess, Tbe jpfPi Qn or this Iwfltut on in Soutliorn Geor- git. Is an important acquisition to this portion or the State, as well to our sister States, Ala bama and Florida, where heretofore no Bank ing SiciUtieB have been afforded, and we pre dict for it, a prosperous and successful issue. Tbs officers of the Bank have not yet been •elected, but will be such that the community ma fri^upoa for their integrity and honpsty^- Death or Jcdob May, of Virginia.—Judge JohnF. May departed this life but Sunday morning, at bis residence on High street. The deceased was an eminent end wealthy citizen ofUdU ^ad filled Sfepec^i tjrthe is a"gfritlp'msn of high tone and scrupulous Intergrity. He leaves a widow and two daughters besides a host of relatives and friends to monru his departure.— At the time of bis death he was in b Is seventy- fifth year*—A S, Democrat The Manchester (N. H.) correspondent of the principles—who, at the ’ ' vie wMiP tfi ■■ last State election, voted fovlchabod Goodwin, the Whig nominee for Governor—will throw hU whole strength Into this contest iu favor of tbe truly Democratic doctrine or popular sovereignty. A Nkw Bridge to Goat Island.—We loar by.tha Niagara.Fajlsr (teette tlftt workme. h*re toft;mphced operat(oils on the new bridge, which U to toko the place of tbe old one load ing to Goat Island. Very substantial abut- meutHare being put down. rqrc(j q union, ‘palpably „ no „ uu» w io tho protection of.our property, ami . . A 3,982 tnrdSirtst rights 'as 'men hod titixciis. But. lerlcaus au^ two Dbmo- though' the amataamaiibp of pm liea in impracti cable, aipl thougq a uufon of our people, acting lit their primary capacity, canuot bp pllbete;;, there i»a mwe, pointed out by tlie CkaiatHiitiun of tho by ^hlch the .South, ami Con- stitnlioiiHl, National men of the North ean present a unifaf/roji/ against the Abolitionist-* or Black Republicans. We can, If we will, teach these disturbers of the peace of the Union, that, however we of tho South may differ as to other men and other measures, we arc a unit as opposed to them und their schemes, and that no division among ourselves can pus* Federal Con stitution, iho mofc am i ’irtfpre^ed ivitll tlVc profoundWisdottidfits provisions. The Con stitution prohibits ns, the people, from costing our votea ijitectly for the President ami Vico 83,824 )enj-, for Congress, 1st district, ick, Anibrjcoy,, ,379 10,311 Hancbclc, Arat-rjcay,' Evans, Ambrlcatt, 2d district, Ward, Democrat, •'' •' '• jiOpiSI ANj^. Wlckliffe, Democrat, for (iovornor, 32,382 Derbglnpy, Ayjpriquq, f Ml? Majority for Wlckiiffo, ~iS Congress—3 Demoo rats; 1 American, ALABAMA. Winston,•Democrat, for Governor,. • 43,926 Shortridge, American. 32,128 Wi art on's majority, 11,78R Congress—6 Democrats and M A mcr!en:.s. . ‘d’ Multoe, Uea\oeraU‘t'ur Governor, 32,038 FontaUui, American 27401 McRae’s majority, 4,947 Congress—4 Democrats and I American. GEORGIA. Jouuson. Dem. for Oo'> uu,478 Anq^a, { AmirlAkni' v mP. dqlinsQn’s niajovHy, 16,250 TENNESSEE. Johnson, Dem., 67,499 Gently, American, 65,333 Majority for Johnson, 2,165 Congressmen equally divided between Amer icans and Democrats. . . i. i. ■ .v -» - . The following States will bold their elections this year previous * to the cniite^ for the Presi dency: ' Aug- Mlsiouri, Atkanaaa, Aug. 4 Aug. 4 Allg. 4 Georgia, Florida, Sept, Sept. Oct. 6 Oct. 0 Pennsylvania, Oct. 14 Ohio, Oct. 14 Indiana, Oct. 14 South Carolina, Oct. 14 Cuavpton and Dallas.—Under the nailery, atthe Uto debatei in PatlUment us AmeS atttlra, wen Sir.Dallas and Sir. Crumuton who constituted tbe cynosures of every eye Thev exchanged, we are told, tile most engaging cuurtenesr—l-ondrn fatter. A|)e !}eI,tofleiil)s'drSceiit'o'f',9 Inst, says: qf cqttos will shortly be inside of ?u,000 biles, and possibly by (be 10th of August way go as low as 10,000 bales. It Is pretty misfit that the country is well cleared of cut- ion. Soiuo curmudgeon of a planter may here and there be holding on to a share or his last year’s crop with the expectation of realizing 1,1 cents per pound (br middling. It Is gratl- fylug to Hod that there are actually some plan- ten In a situation to hold over from one season to another; but the cases are so isolated that they have no influence on the market. A HiN«ULak Burial.—Mr. G«rgc H«ile, wn of the tote Hon. l.pyi Haile, Chief Justice tUe SuwemeiCaurt-of.llhpde s Island, recent- ¥ W^rt$»twzey, inthatStote, leaving direc- turns for his funerel, which were strictly fol- lowed :-He wished to be dressed for the grave In his best salt of clothes, and to wear a new pair of jpiter booto that he had recently purchased. His pocket-book, which contained •everal dollart, he requested to have placed in the poekfet >where be iwas accustoracd to keep H»wd the con too to of h\v vestJ pocket, even iooth f picker, he asked to bin; in the grave, and a nqnjher ofa dozen, to North Carolina, Aug. 7 Tennessee, Aug. 7 Vermont, Sept 2 Missouri, Arkansas, North Carolina, FJorida and Indiana yo^e for Governof. •’ i ‘ Tho Tragedy In Morgan County, Mo.« A prisoner Hung. The following is a full account of an affair in Missouri, which was briefly mentioned! yester day, We copy it from the 8t. Louis Daily News: Morgan Co., Mo., July 8.-About the 2d of this month the spring belonging to the Prairie District of Morgan county, was found to be poisoned, or at least the people imagined with a just cause, I suspect. There were at this time thirteeu or fourteen children aud the teacher, who, aftc-v partaking of t ha-water, were taken very sick. 1 Ttt^'sptlni wa3 analysed tfnd f66nd to contain arsenio, a least the doctors'in that neighborhood though so. A mun by the name of James Ray, who bad about a week before nurtured himself in the court of Morgan, and, hw word 4 was proved to pass for naught by tkirteon|or fourteen neigh bors, and who swore that ho would be revenged on the whole neighlmrhood, and who, to make tho evidence more strong against him, had ta ken his children away from school a day or two before, was taken up upon suspicion; but there not being sufficient evidence ngainsthim, was told that if he would leave the county In five days, escorted by a guard to the limits of tho county, and the State ns soon as no^lblp, ho might go. lie was taken to a house aacl a guard put over him, but owiug to treachery or negligence ho was allowed to escape. He then went to Hickory county, and several persons lursuod him and took him up un the 6th of ulyin that, county, when tthey broughhim back and determined to hang him. This morning, runners were started before daybreak to announce the intelligence. I went up to tho school house, which was his prisbu when I arrived, I fouud the crowd assemble! around a rock; -on -the 1 summit of which was a Minister of ttie Gospel, imraed Grecn, addres sing the mob; after a few renpirk* ho called the immediate neighborhood around him, to the number of seyentetm oy pigh(e eI .b 'Vh° ll atl children at the school, to decide upon tho prisoner’s fate; they consulted togorher for a few moments, when he (Mr. Green) announced that they had decided tliat the prisoner should die in one hour—u hriof tlmo to bo summoned before an offonded Gml and to eternity. There was no excitement, no noise—all was quiet aud orderly; tho prisoner, who was very calm, spent the most of the hour glvcu hlui in prayer, and looked at the dock only twice to see how rapidly the time flew by, and gave no other signs of uneasiness,and was as cool as pos sible, At the end of the hour he was taken out and got upon horseback himself, when he was escorted to the gallows which was h 1lmb that had Wen fixed Iwt a W mintifes lwforc; He then desired tliat a paper, headed "James Ray’s Confession,” should be read aloud before ana after his death. Mr. Green, who took a prominent part in it, ns he had two children who were expected to die dvery moment from the effects of the poisoned' whiter, read'U aloud, but It'was oiiW a reitoratiflfn of his vowfH of In nocence. Tho inlsonot (yas theh gty?n thirty minutes to speak, knd'commenced: " Qtntlmm ana honorqb/e tifizenttf Aforgan county and Slate of Jtfiisom —I coma not to j)»thf' Rttignfloint Mskwiant's and Pdanikh’s Banx on Sav annah, Qxoboia. . r!,';™’ wlt V * re »‘ pleasure, that this Bank, (lit. Hu xiseuty in uuii Uliy, Air. li«U Wot*- having received tho a]ii)(iintmG[it. As Z'wsr 1 "i*eksoaville, Agencies from twaolthe largest Banks In theC.mntry, our Winf^f5 0n l l ? ,,ll i y .w' MVH ' ""Bee lor the went or Banking Ikcllltles, In In addition to thoso heretofore o S 1 ' ne S’ Agency Is prepared tffl# e u cry eefcommllstion nhcesanry by purehsser of foolmnge oft our tw j ‘1 eltlet .nnd .hv having always sight o “"""“fi. Charleston and Now •e.nJnJj;rS£S n t io,,,ln * 8 ,norcl "* rol XeZT.Ir ‘V!l a,ni Mr. Gibbs has been fe l H! P%rs’ i B.hK’of Fairfield, from C| S>» 1j‘tb tSmoat Batteringtostl- ‘PprobatMn'of hi. manage- ™ Ihtir A jtncfr-^ackxHivillf publican l huve address a sTmiliar commiiMoatiou to each of the pii-'Ulculiinl Electors iioinoiuted by the Democratic, and A metican purtio *. I hope you will llml it consistent with jour views of propriety to'answer tlieae »|o*stious in (lie nllirniutive. I think it is thu only si,ie ground for thu South to lake, anti 1 trust ft will bo to ken nut only by the Electors of this Slue .but by ail the Americanaiid Democratic Lectors in every Southern State und indeed throughout the iJniun. Funding thu election, the efl’uct will ».e to re lieve tho canvass of that bitterness, wmcli iuis sadly cliunietorizcd ptevious prosldons mi eteu- lions will prevent thu fcriininiition, am - recritni- tuition, uml indulgence hiufll'iisivu per«,malitioK which have hurctofo;i> prevailed. Alter thu election in Xovemtoi’, and before thu meeting of the different Electoral (.'o! leges, |. K ro wifi lie time for communion ami full umierauinUiiig among the diitferent electors who concur in the paramount object of-drterminatlon i.\ iiefuut AtiolUlunlst. By tliis qiudlis a concent*Atom of strength and practical Vnion may be -elected among who woiilq oppose u sectional ad ministration fatal to our institutions, iu,«i who are willing to combine together I > ensit* an ad ministration of our Government restiug upon national grounds, and to lie ce-nluctu upon national grounds, and to lie eomiucUa upon sound uonstitutlonul principles. 1 look upon this not o'rjy us a matt'it of ex pediency, hut as a positive duty, uud snan juice to see the Florida “ * iu this constitutional and union. 1 have tho honor to be very respectfully your obedient servant aud fellow citizen, E. (1. Oarell. Fulling Wonts or a Yoaug Rnthcr un hey DicartWictl. lib ‘ kimlajl frhfiiils, Ob ? hoar iiui even l-. I liir.'er, hover. ’Ilf*; I li.'J hut ituw llit} uir ol'Umiv.fii tlieuUiiu.j will, toy LUesI sigh. Take ibe litU<: one I Imive, Wiirin II in Ilia loving heart, Amt us its little boson; heaves, 80111I110 grows Mill, we IW i Va»y wilh (to.vtti Uitn o-oless i.triiV: H.ov you io tho chiisioiihig 10.I; 1 gazt- bey inn I new opeoiog lil«, ••Onward 1 speed toHod.’’ lumwii; util,,, uiiu nnuu rv~ da Electors taking the leud I efloi t to restore harmony ©bitnavji. libly onnre to their Imnellt. The more diligently 1 study our Fed ititutlon, iho more am 1 1 Mniprc^ed 1 1 jrdfciund Wisdoih Of its provisions. ’ 1 ititutlon prohibits ns, the people, froii jur votes ditectly for tho President 1 IWaldcnt, eta we do In most political emo tions. ft oldigps iia‘ to ohooiip '.'IClectoVs’t to. elctit a' Fyesuieuf and - ‘V•^eo• Fresiqont ib\* tw, as'wb ' clioese members or o- - 131 :t - I'ifcgislttture to elect Henators of tht States. Why was (UlsV Savely not Its fiipqers \yero ijfri^if \o gu|rusf members or oiii- Stiitc the Untied not because t'.te election use important officers directly fa iho poo- pfp.tuit ncc;\ui«j they knew that thu neoplo could not, in all cases, excrolao this privilege iwor RRdowtaudlogly, except through the medium of Electors chosen for tliLs purpose. The very state of things whioh now exists seems to have been foreseen and provided fov. There are at this time three or more eaudid:>tc-j In the field, among whom tlrra n.usl bo grees of ureforcucb. if iho' Oonstltution liutf noYided thal the peoj^e bliould vote directly 07 Pf&ui)(er\t and > ice lVesident, there would ho nn menus qf expreasing a preference for quo eundUlato over anothor, except for the can didate whom they prolerred to all others. Fail, lug to secure thefrylrfll choice, they might, by hovlng the election sent to the House ol Repre sentatives, lie compelled to take the! * choice—the, — 10 candidate :eOs.t, otye.cJw\%l>i$ '< l<v Ih'tbirleu this life, in the city of ftivutiiimth, 011 Ike all. of .laiic last. MIIUDHOAI SlIKR'Al.b, Beii’r, ngii.t 72 yours ami 11 iiitmths. .hulge MhcfbUI was b fi n In 1 Re city nr rhtti lo ton, S. t’., 011 foo aOUl of IJivenibi r, US.*!. He fletlit-U law with iho Into I'harluA Harris, l-foj., uinl vy<t* iphuUteil to tho Par In 17UU t n»d at 1|\j time «>r U\. UoMIi WHS tho oiliest praefitiemer tu the I0vst«ra pUtriat nf Huorala. In t|;n years tK.l-’-Jlm toprc-.(i*i.t.}it Cliallnilii enunty in tho l.tjh’l il'ire of the Mate, and sufocipieutly an AlCentv.ui ut' the city. In the war nf 1812 nioUu.-t Hr -iit lit Haiti, hi- servi*'l «:• n mm ontumi’i-linu-il or. Ileer of the ItopuhUuuii Itliaw, coumiuaihnl by tho lah- .VIfro I Ciulibc-rt. Du the 4th ol .November, IS 17, he was ekctuU .Iml^if of 1I10 Court of Oyer uml Tci-ii.iiior, now tie- City .Court of Savauuali. .bulge 8beU:i!l was cnitUnn.l tn hi-, ImiHii fur several montlw previous to Lis ilnceiise, relRiniiig pis rucui- ties iqitu the liitost period o,l* life. Cniniimtial 3nt%in:f. T .. BVo\ ; lafoil of the Uonstltutlon and clec- lion laws passed in pursuance thereof, enable tbe people, through an intermediate electoral body—the College of Electors’ J ' lit ‘ _ ly—the College of Electors—to exercise a sound judgement aud proper discrimination. By this mcaiw, if we ennnot elect the man fov who® we have i decided Drefevencj, we may elect one who uext nearly- agrees >rHh us. Thfi eleovicn of A0 1 dd»tilia'l Electors is'by law, hold - eh thff same'day In each State of tho Union', oind befoto the Electors of the ?wal Stales mep tq cast thelV V°tes for President and Vice prcsld®nt there Is nnrejo time to auoei taiu the —8\dt Qf the election in every other State. The electors of our State, when they assemblu nt electoral College, will kuow with absolute cer tainty what will be the effect of the vote of Florida, whioh information we cannot have at the time of the popular election In November, becauso it will be impossible for us to know for whom other States will vote. I am sure that Mr. Fjlimoi'o or tyr. Buchanan wohld fcith'dr rtjoice (6 seo the other elected in hefeton'eo to ah Abolitionist or Black Uepnb- jioan,and I presume their respective friends have a similar preference. Tho Constitution confers the power upou, and, in iny Judgement, makes it the duty ot tho Electors to exerciso a sound discretion, and to express this prefer ence. Old party issues have passed away, and the measures on which is based the formation of new parties are insignificant in comparison with the principles upou which m\3 thovighVs of the South, and the cor.soqubnt' coiitiuimncc ofa Constitutional'Uhtdh.’ ^e maintenance of fhese prinfciplea is with me paramount, mid alioye every consideration of. party tri umph or defeat, its entirely to control my poli tical action, The Whig party as a distinct, political organization has ceased to exist, and not having eouuected myself with tho Know Nothing, American or Democratic parties, 1, like many others, am at liberty to vote inde pendently, and in view of the issues now be fore the American people, can cheerfully sup port Mr. Buchanan or Mr. Fillmore, and will warmly advocate the election of cither to pre vent the election of a Bluek Republican. My preference for Mr. Fillmore is well to ibis community, to tUo Houso 'of Repre sentatives, and -on.nlf proper occasions else- Wh4ro,v I have avowdd my admiration of his character, and wnrmly advocated the leading measures of his administration. 1 have fre quently declared, and still believe, he has pecu liar claims to tho support of lovers of the union everywhere, and tliat ho is especially entitled to the gratitude and support of the people of. the Southern Rtqtca. His administration (to the principles and measures of ’which he is still pledged) gdVo assurauco to tho world that ho had no sympathy with radicalism, nor section al fanaticism. Mr. Buchanan 1 is known to bo au equally sound; conservative, cbnstitiUioimj Union man. * Iq ’tho hands of either of these S ‘*emen the Constitution wijl bo safe, and eoplp will lie assured of a wlso adminis- in qf government, Being then at liberty to voto for the Electo ral candidates of oither party in Florida, 1 wish to put it boyond tho reach of possibility that my voto can, In any event, onuro to the benefit ot the Abolitionists. With this view, in Iralintf of myself und many others similarly situated, I respectfully ask you whether yon will exoi- ciso the discriminating power to which To he more explicit, 1 wifi ask you! 1st, Do you not prefer, and do you not be lieve the Democratic (Ainorican) party of Florl SuvuiinnH market, tTuly yr», VDnvN-—N'* tvan-’a'd"":' IniMVon a* iuau - * 1 this I'npMioon'. niAUUC-Htl^ July 23.-.t\ne\vi.—Tho irnusae- li»ns |i»-«hiy won- liinlu-il to 114 halos, ut exiri-inos Wigtog Vv<»v\ liijj t«> u »;«. t.'DM'MHiA, .Inly 2t.—(‘o'fTo.w-Oiir Colton mar- hut HM t at a coiii|>l(-to .tian l yosti nlay n* wo mu Id not llnl ,.ut I here w;h u .sinph- hide .dlereil dm-hig the ontii'o day. ■WILMINGTON, July ca.—I'vlw.4 six^ • -Sale:' >im- torduy of as:’, hitl.t rj >..7-lor Vi.<d*-. - flo'fnr yet- luty dm, ,1. t 1 L’U for hmf, jn r'bbl«« •.’>!() i^.ii * X,*» tir.iiHif.’tl-n.t tA-t/ny. • • SyiKyiR'l'cuVLMixv.—i-’ales todwyof 70U un.-ka nt 34i!. put* giifitm. Kusi.n.—Vc-tc-rday of lOOCnimuoii, ut. $115 per hbl, mi l of 7ft hi,Is No I ut $3 7ft ;.i»* hbl. Nnihing tluing lo-dny. Taii—:-nlcs yest.-nlay uf IS Mds ut cl un <• hbl. 1-T.ii. i:.—120 hhh I'lonr snl I nt S7 per hhi i-»r sii porllau. . North Carolina ;s M very light stark, with a lair Inquiry, amt tho price lias iidvanccd. %int; 8 k 2t)U dw: rreoisod this morning sold nt lee for kUIva ftial aUoutdmv. uud la, lU^nlle fov Ung roand. ItAblTMoltK, July 21.—(’on rjr—’Jim Cullen mar ket Is quiet, but Imt ter.s arc th-m, liiivevc£, aud n<»l tli.-<|M).sc-d to concede. We <-tio;u ordimiry" to fair Hlo ut 9j a 'nl0 to I0.;j v , gnud In pfimo' JOJtf to Hull* , a’Ji'.yuoiue at l.tuunyrn llnll«jo, •ud JaValUja'iVl^e per U. A salauf flu t mgs'Ja va at'l l cents. The clock of Iho olt Ime.d is about 62. Ofto bags. l'h« FltWV uwwktv was quiet tu d«v, und rqtlmv ilafi; not much disposition on the part of r.iiruhasers to operate at Tin prices now asked. S.iies of ICO LMi Howaid Street, trliuico brands, nt $1 76, superilne held at the same prieo and dull, Nn sale of City Mills this irnindug; iiulUor.s ask $7 for frosh ground from now wheat, aud old do at 80 7ft. Sain* .i.ter’clinnge of COO bbls old I'ity Mills at $0 02)*. Wheat.—'The market was steady, ht NKW ADV MJl T| SUM liNTr; f. S. 51 id I Line FOII PA1.ATKA, FLA,, Fta Darien, tirunmick, .'it. Marys, (la., H:n\an<h na and Jadaimvitle, J*v:ulata and Mack Ci tuk, Fla, 'GIF Htoainer WKLAKA, Capt. N UauSSaLking. will leave for thu above places overy Saturday Morning, at 10 oVliH’k. Tills bent has large and airy State itoum aimum- innilatlens, and taking the Inland I'us.-mge, olt'ers' every imliieeineiit to Invalid:' and others. Freight will he. taken u*r Trader’* Kill uud inter mudlato IntidiiigHoii Ft. Mary’s Itlver. No freight will In* taken after Oo’uluck. For freight nr passage upply on hoard nt the Florida Bteum packet wharf, or to Jy2ft CbAOHOItN ti (JUNMNCHAM. bNI'i’BO STATES MAH. I.IMi. f1*r ValaUta, Rut Fta., via Darien, Ilrtnuwivk, St. Marys, fWnundim, Jacksonville, Middlebury, (Mack Greek,) and Picvlata. s* -*f^ Hie new and elegant .steaniine.kt’1 &JSSiESaCl ) AUtJNtlTDN. t’apt. Ifcrunk, leaves every 'l'ue.iday inorniug, at It) o'clock, fur the above placos. Freight will bo taken for Trader's Hill amt inter- modiuto landings on SI Mary’s Ulvcr. OUT No freight will he lakeu alter 0 o'clock. For freight or pasRuge, having excellent state room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da titoumpacket Wharf, near Iho Gas Works, or lo JySft CbAGHOHN k CUNNINGHAM^ Ag’tR. PHILIP' HI. Kl'SSKIiL, JUSTICE OF THE PFxAOE, ' LONVEYANCKU, ACCOUNTANT AND COPYIST. Will exoute Ikteds, Mortga;;es, Power of Attorney, Wills, llonds. Notices and Taking ol Interrogatories. OfUuc at Uio Court Homo. Favannah, Gu. Coarl Rays, Third Tiiosclay in each mnutii, and hold nt tho olUco of Edward «. Wllon, Esq. Itesldonoo, Gaston, botwoon Uaruard and Tattimll slroet. Any call at night, ou Imsiness, wilt be nttou’ted to iniiiiodlatoly. jy25 NO*. H(IIIMid WANTED. A House in u rospeclnlo m-ighborlioo.l, sui table for a small family. Apply ut tht- oi *■ dcu. a~iy H COLEMAN HOUSE BY LANIER & EA 01, Knoxville, Temu’Kuee. Thu I’n lor.'igned having taken cli irgeof this largo and commod'.ouH House, roqtect- fnly Kolicit uml hope to merit a libritiLlmro of patronage. Tito Iioiiro is furnished in Iho most thorough and nmdvtfn styie, will) n view to convenience und c imhirl. It Is situated iu the heart of the c\t}\ convuiiiont to till Iho business uml on the priuulp il stroel. Auomntous is ulways in roudinc.*. to convey pnssengors to aud from tho de- pats on the arrival and departure or the curs. Tho stago for Moutvaie Springs arrives uud di parts ‘ illy. The table will ho supplied with tho best tho mar ket affords, and no p iius will ho spared to r» it-h-r guests comftiit.ild'*. 8AMJSON LAXtMt. Jy24—(t JOHN EAliY. PALLliJTTO WANTKD, B ttOUOSAl.S will bo recvtvud al tins ollh-e of tire C’llAltl.hSTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, No. 34 Hroad street. Charleston, until Urn ts;t nf Au gust, fur furnishing and deliver ini; at tho Tenniuus of the Itoad, ou tho west side of Ashley lliver, six ty tlOir&iul (dO (Krj) Ruvul.or vmittlng foet of I’Al.- .MEl’rlt IXJG.S. Tlib i'almettu must by of the host quality, of mu lure tress, straight, and freshly cut. it wbl by sub jected to (lie inspection of thu Eng nec-r before be ing received, The b>gN must roulorm ncaily to the following lengths : *.», 27, 35 nod 43 feet. Tin- delivery to commence at tlioearlie-t p »sslhlo Interval after tho above named date. THOrf. F. DRAYTON, jy24—ood4 Prostdcut and Chief Kuglucer. Al OTIC tan C’DN'.SIGNlv-^S per stdir I. I’caoock, now discharging at Hone A Conuory ’a wharf, will please attend to the receiving of their goods. jy23 HUNTER k GAM.((El.I.. 1VAAIT1SD TO niHta. A STEADY WOMAN tlxat c; V u do the cooking, washing i,nd ironing of a sm.-.ll family. Ap ply ql No 40 corner or York and .lollbraoq street;, or. al Frciotnau .k I lenders- -it's. ">17 NOTlCta. rnilF. firm of t W Morrell k Do. was dissolved ou X the 21th of Feptemhei-, 1854, by the death of X F Webster. ,ty 22-4 hi 1. W. M DU It EI.L. TiVIita NUTIClta. J PURCHASERS will have tbelr ptofo dellvcicd . free of expense with oui-.k dispatch from the fc'uvnmiHli Grocery andi-ruii Depot, corner Rrungh- toa and \vhuuk6r 'Streets. 4®* I would call tho attention of Fruiters gener ally to my well selected stock of Groceries, reeoiv- ing dally. Jo23—If W. II. FARRELL. CLASS F—NEW SERIES. To be drawn In UioCRyof Montgomery. Alabama, iu publlu, or WEUNWDAY, August 13tl», ISftti, ou the f II A V A X A FLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Monijor. i’rlzea araoimtTngto 204,000 Dollars I! Will bo disirihoted according t? lb,o following MAGNIFY SCHEME! apjO.UU Niuuliei’s—15,185 PvUtaH 1 prize of ,840,000 Is $40,000 , t'SnJI K\»:k.~A >nh* to-day ol ftu tierces at 4 ** a 4A, ceuts per lb. Roci-nt import! from Cliurf-sloit # 220 tierces Corx.—'There were 11,000 bushels offered tu day uud sales of white at OOadft ecu is, yellow do OlaOft, for good to i»rlme. Some ordinary lots were sold ut loss. Hacmx.—Holders are thin; prices steady. Sales nf 40 hlida Shoulders at tO?,(c, and 3u do at U, Also, 60 hlidsSides iu lots at 12>,'u. Hams llal3‘<; cents per lb. •’ i’oiiK —Wo quote Moss al 21u$2J, ftu: prime $17 25a* 17 ftQ per bbl. 1 |lji{i|iiitg ^ntfllpra. Port «f Suvmitmh JULY 25 ArrlnxL V 8 M steamer Carolina, Coxeil- r, I'h-olata, to M A Cohon. Couslgneea. Per steamship Carolina, from IMonlatn—M A Co hon, LLsvy. _ Pogacngrrs, Por Steamer Carol'im, tr-m ihooluta—J L Russell, lady qqd 3 eh\ldren, Mrs Rains and ft idilldreu, Rev 0 P Cooper, lady and svt, Miss He-lges J Dillon and lady, Bliss M A Smoot, M I il.lon, R 0 Millar, lady and 2 svls, Airs Hobiusun, Miss Al Low, Bluster Krnnk .1 Wilkinson, S J Lasscur, W T Woetmoro- Itiu L Dr N ll Alougln, U D Foulauo uml svt, W K (Jit-ti . c ■ .1II Myers, McRca, Urenan uud avl, H 0 Ann N liar, J J1 Ooouey, H TiV.hnipl, Mrs Afel- cohm, e Davis, F Vou 8qu;er, Hr W11 lfeatwiuk, J P Bon re, J I! Rv.rion, E Ellerneth, .1 Duncan, aud 2 deuk. flltmornmln, l’liiladolidiia, July 21—Arr, sebr ltudu A: Rculali, Nicholson, St Marys. HAU.niS(> N 1 S OOLISMUUN k.A.m DYE. SIZE NLARGKD, STYLE IMPROVED, It ha3 doblo tho quantity and strength of any other. It gives a perfectly natural oolor. It oolors overy shade from light brown to jot black. „ It is norfectly harmless to tho akin. Its offocf is instantdnoous and permanont. It is the best, quickest, cheapest and safest wvi over made. l/g" DirectioiiK for use accompany each hox.~$A Price—1 oz. $1-—2 ozs. $i,ft0-_4 ozs. 53—8 oz«. $6. [Kntorefl ncooriltng lo an Act of CnngfoftB. ill tho year 1856, by A. W. Harrison in tho Clerk’s Office u£ tlm District Court of tlm United Slates for tbe Eastern District of Pennsylvania.] For iinlo by tlm manufacturer, AI'OLIjQS W. HARRISON, dou 18—ly 10 Sontli 7th st.. I'liiladolphU. a la bam a Lore k k v i fAUUIOHIZKO VtfK HTilJK UK AUUOtA.j do do.., 16,000 1s lftjOOO do do 7,000 id 7,000 do do 3,000 \3 3,000 do do 2,000 is 2,000 do do 1,000 Id 1,000 do do 1,000 Is 1,000 tin do 20018 2,000 do do 100 id 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 npproxim’g to 310,000 arp $300 1 40 25 20 15,000 are 400 i,000 are 300 3,000 arc 240 2,000 are 200 A,000 are 160 1,000 are 100 200 are 800 120,000 4 4 • 4 1 4 • 4 ’ * < 40 16,000 15,185 prizes mnuunllug to $204,000 The 15,000 prizes of *8 me determined by Iho uumber which draws the *10,000 prize—II that number should beunodd uuiuhur. then every odd uumber ticket iu the Scheme will bu mitilledto $8‘„‘ if an oven uumber, tlieu every even niiinbci- tlekei will boculltled lo iu addition tunny other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers iu buying au equal quantity of odd aud •ven number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly ono half the cost nf the sumo, wifh vVauces of obtaining other prizes. AU those tickets eliding with o, 2, 4, 0, 8, art even—ull those oudeng with I, £, ft, 7, '•», are odd. Remember that every prize Is drawn, and payiiolo in full without ueiitctiou. All prizes of *1,000 uml under, paid Immedi ately alter tho drawing,—other prizes at tlio usual time of thirty days. AI1 connnunicalious strictly cmdidcmial. The drawn numbers will lie forwardod it* r.nrchasors immediately after tho drawing. Wholo Tickets, $10- liulvftk', '*6—Quarters, $2 60. PrisoTtokote cSshod Or renewed iuptlier Tickets at cither office. I Orders for Tickets can l»u addressed either to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Uu., jyl'.i Or S. SWAN, Motttgumory, Ala. a. n. wnnmr. • .ir WUK.12T &4i 8AVAC4I4, Arruitxki’sAv G.V. JyU» A, TllODlAS eti ,'Ot. A net lot* Mitd Uomliiraslon Itlwi-.tiniitM, 110 tlnjun Street, ■■ ANN At I, GWlUtitA. i. Tiiii.ti.ti*. iJclg] _ s: s. I'.ram.K w, ii, faiIhFll, * ' DtiALKIt IN OUOIUK FAMILY UKOCEttIKB mill l<’oi-ctoM nml Doinoillr Fruit, uinu'c IlKot.iMwi and Whitaker-ils. I'uwn and c.mintry -npphcil with choice giaulv »t iii'Htcralu price All order.* "promptly attended to. am! .•uteUuutmu always guaranteed. s|»18 •lOIlJV CL FALLIOANT, « \Y ROLLS ALL ANU UKTAtL RKALElt IK WINDOW I3.INDS, WINDOW SAfill AND I’ANK ItOORS. West eli- Muiitimeiil Square, Mivauiiah, lia. . may11 JOHN V. ItOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SUUVKVOB, Will also give lii Hllenthui tmJnsigus ll* Aiehlteo lute, (ffitce iu tiie -lure uf John Williaiii.-uiii, ksq., Ray .• truei. my lit CHAFFER ik CO., No. It Wliltiduu- Street, Mnvniitinli, Hn,, Wimt KS.U.K ANU limiL UKAUatS IN h (ASHES, Itiltuis, Dnora, Moulding.-, to:, White ) livad, /itm, White I.In-vet, Sperm, Wlmle, Tan ners’uml Xeutsfoot oils, Glass, Urushcrt, Gold lest', Uruic/.e, Uulldvrs* UAVdwure. Nails, Mat Ulc Mulik'ls, Jcc. Ju4 -JOHN bi. mihhiiiA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office corner Ray und Drayton streets. iy« W 11.1.1 AM 1'ltIia.ll‘S, AT T OHN E V AT LAW,. HAKtm'A, a A. i»ci 2d—ly DAV1U G. WILDS, A'TTOIINEY AT LAW, START A OA« Will pruettue hi the counties of Uatic(N:k, Nfarron, Washlngtuii, and iMldwiu. UKmuuVCKs—Reim 4c Foster, Ruhuu 4k Smith, aud E. A. SouHard, Savannah. juny U. 1J. HILTON, ATfURNKY AND COUNSEU.OR AT LAW. (JlUce corner id Ray und Draylou-ftls. SAVANNAH, UA. my n llta.VltV WILLIAMS, attorney at law, No. 8, Draytou Street, Savannah, Georgia, mny ft—ly .Ttasata T. IStallNAUD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLUffi AT fo\W, • i-w.’MHville, Fla. Rolereiav—Gc*'}...* . Drown William Dell, New- u.'UHViIie, Flu., It. Hilton. Ro-loh \ VillaUmga, tii, Gtt. ut* 11 . iVi. \vni T i r ^u'i r ii, A T T O It N E Y A T h A W , AI.UOAIOK, KASV M.OHI1IA. Will pnictice in the iuritern and Southern Counties Refer to—(Jot. s. -. -‘ititey, and R. U. Hilton, Sa vaimab. * feb2-tf taiAS,G.CAMi%klih, A T T O II N E Y- A T 1. A W , Mil.l.ttlMiKVIU.l:, HA ITat th-tia I .aw in the various Countuy of the Do raulgeo Uire.uit, amt the adjoining (’(ninth's ul'Twiggs, tourens :v.ul Wushhn-tou. Refer tm-siotin ilo.doii, il. ?. (’ratio, and R. B Hilton. tobl 4 Utain'll.'K A. GORDON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AM* Commissioner of the V. S. Court of Claims Jot the State (f Georgia. Office (Aimer Ray and Hull at reels, y mylo Hit. CUAIII1E8 U. tOLDlMj, OFFlUi: AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 LIBERTY ST.. One door west of I hay tou, myli „WM, CS GsiSiiVtaLLY, ATTOHNE\ AT LAW, Ir.AIUU.U, WoWTIl Oi’.’iCV, ^C**KI (IKFICK, AI.IUNV.) Will practise in tho Sunt.ujgn Circuit,and in Macon, DiMily and Woi ih (.’ounlit’S vUTijc Mucuii Circuit. 43* I’avUv.ular uUcvtUnn given t»* tlm collccthm ui ulaims in South Wifdoru Georgia. Je2—t»m IS. GUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, h-bl-iy mwi.vrox, «.t. LANltalL rii ANDERSON, . A T T O ll N E Y H A T \ \Y , ttpft.Jy MACON, UA, WILLIAM 14, DANIltaK, A i’i'OUNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, A’lviupviRe, Lowmlua County, Un. Will pmetieu in Thomas, L>wnd«u, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, ljuuvhs, and 1'uhi.d.S uuuiities, Georgia; and 111 Jehersou,Madison, Ham iltnn, and (.’(ilumbtacmiulies, l lerklii. jmvll W M • M. \VU.UAJ.V% TUAbllKVR UIAVHU, JACK »UOWN WILLIAMS, ULIVtaU dii liltOAN tV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rueua Yi-ta, .Marlon County, tin., Will prucllen in the counties of Marion, AUeon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Mu-cegow, Lee, nud ally adjoining counties, where their cervices uiqy he required. ufi'll A. II. t’llAAlPlUAI. (Sue.cus.sur to Clmmpiou & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GUOUElt, No. I Rarnard at., between the Market uml Ray tt., SAVANNAH, Uf,. Ihi.der iu Gr.H'crhv, I'oreiguaud Dniue.»lic tAqunrs, Dried Fruits, &«., tax. ih-femue—A. Champion, F-q., Baimud Solomons, bto;., Mwsifs. \\ub,un j& XVUUeltend, ww\ Swift li Co., Siivamirih. flu. - myli joiIn at. (ioc/iuiANib, ATTORNEY AT IffiW, Dutdiii, Laurens comity, Oa,, late jutiior partner or Uiutlrmuf A.NJ., trwiutuu, Gu.., will attend promptly to all hu.-.liie.-.s outriisted tu his wire. 4‘artivular attention paid to collecting. Re- I'eruuee—Dr. C. R, (iuytuu, F. II. Run e, Dubliu, Gm., M Marsh, Savannah. myli YONUK V4t' FiUtaliSON, AUDIXG AN1) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, so. hi luv »mxur. havannau, oa. uprl A. Itli-.t Li-iS dt uuoi'iiHns, “ Lumber, MU! ami Brick Yards. Kept 5 SAVANNAH, (IA. a o^cj<3^i?x : 3cxaxrca-“A id EMPORIUM- id 1 DOOR WK8T OF TilEHEPCHLICAN ltKADINp ROOM. A. ftlfOMT. MA.-J’KR IH IL DKIt. WIU tabu . outrams for molding and Working Ml- t«ary nr every dusuriptlon. Residence, No. a Mrs Jowolt’t* Range. Soi|(h ^Ide done* n| net 8" JAMES .11. 83 VAGR, ATTORNEY AT LAAV, ihohasviu.v;. nn»»Mi»onvNnf,ttA. All busiuuss eniruKted in lit*- care will receive prompt attention. lyr—tnaril A NlilONY Nci'VhhOH, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia 49*nttleu on Ray street, over the Bank of Savan nah^ feb2 IAMKN 0. IIOMIUW. .Aaifc*A."N«*Khlf. IIODOKRS A ftOHUIS, (lute ( runa A. Unvtgurt*, W HOCKS A 1,10 U BOCKRS, BAV’STttKKT, SAVANNAH. 1, IHr.b, tJe V- Shipping tint) Oomuiissiun Morchunts. ilA v-sinhiri. Iavasn PAlW, fffi’IM At CO„ I’AOTOBBt Forwai'diug ami ComniiBaiou Morclmufa 1 , Unyntml, Kiivniuiali, (>m. H. U1HIUSOX. * A. C.' JilXIKlUK II AltlllNON «V M«:(>talltata, AUCTION, COMMISSION, lUJOBIVINO AND I iirtviii'diuti lUci’chuuts. 69 AND lit UUUAIMiTUKKT, A’OLL'Miil'fe, OUOKaU. Particular uttentiun given to the sales of Real Estate, XogrovK uud I'roduco. 4ST Lilioral advance^ tuatleon Negroes uud Mer- chondizo. KKjrKKKNC'KH : RUSK. FATTEN kCO. O. ELLIS, Factor und General Coimnissiou Merchant 1 NO; 71 BAY-BTRRET, SAVANNAH, OA., iWKKttevo—Messrs. Claghurn AHmitioghaui, Bull 1 rmuLss, (igdun. Marr A Oi . ;-avuitml» ; J. P, nuiipsun, Boston uov 1 WJI. M■ lll.KV UOt'l'KH. J.SO. COPPKH >IUsVh. t'OtiPER FIIASKK, FAUfuUS & GfoNWtAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ray atreut. a-avammh, Go. fmyll „ lti WILLIAM LYNN, COMM.-.Su.\_ AND Fi-RWAIU IM. MElU llAM, V M - Day shad. Savannah. iJeoraiu. j'inu la •lEFFEIlioN UOilKUTS. GE N EUAL COAiMlSblUiN MEitOUAJSl. •UA’Jj HK.ti.KIt IX Timbur uiui Luiabur. SAVANNAH, Ua. WBI.l.s Ai WO.MAMS, „ . IIKALKlit. IN DOMKS'I'.IC, KOHKKJN ANU FA Net UliV COUPS. i:o «erem;t.,Sacuimah, Ha. * opt 7 ^ f) ' ' “driven Co., Ga. ;. Kl'Mt. S, U. lUVIh, «, ll UUSIU, UAV1N * LONG, ‘ * OOMMISSIOK MERCHANTS. ■ijSti. SAVANNAH, HA. ’ UtOKETO .c NNMuA&Sr 1 *" COM MISSION MKROIIAmVs,, AN!) li I I* I* I N U A (i ENTs, 'H! 1 ‘.‘.“VS . lu l , lus co51i,, « 01 « of produce slriU ut let it ion given to receiving und forwarding <'»oua. may 31 jy • Auction At C’ommisaiouHouse, Mucon.Ua. A. It. SIeI.AVOIlI.IN, Gcuoml Agontaud Auctioueei, - NoUcil from Ins JViends couslgnmenti 0! ©very private antes ihifereiieu- Kino Ready-made Clothing ; Hutu aud Caps, .Shirts, Collar s, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Uuibrulian Cravats, Stocks, Hundkcrchieia, and Faucy ArfioU*? for GcuUbtuen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE ANU MILITARY TAYLOR, X«. 147 Bay Stroot, SA VAAWAJI, jgjjT Orders from city aud county solicited. fob 6 Also, Superilne Cloths, assimors aud Vestings, will be made to moa- suro,uiicxucptlon< able iu stylo and workmanship, 1 by the best ineclmuicB, at shortest notice is. date*? 2nd, Should you lie elected, uud should it ho luwertninctKIiiit Fillmore anil Donelxon, (Urns- hnnnn and Dracklnrldge.) will roccivu more Will you not coat your voto for Fillmore Donelaen, (UiichanaunnilUveolilm'lilge,) 11 you Und j/onnan tlmretoiloreat tlm IVlanU Uopiili- iMin qr AQoHUm candidatfs, or prevent tlm e)MtIon rrom going into tho Huuso of Itop- resantatlvaa. TO TfaTt t Harm -nn «a Tbo nibicribeM offer Tor sale ?v largo und varied assortment of Hocond-lmud printing material, suffi- dent to ostahflsh u complete Job Office, with hut few addUimutl articles, cousHlng In mrt nf—One ample Tont of small plea, as goo.t as uew^niid vari ous fonts of Job (ype; uno super royul hand-press; one Hoo k Cn.’s pfiKif-preis. latest Improvement, tio\y; t>vo or more large imposing stones, new; don- Uio uu<\ siugle Mauds; casus, oumiKHing sticks,col umn rules, galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with varioua other articles pertaining to u nowspupor or Job office. It. U. HILTON & CO. Juno 38 J UST RECEIVED, pot zefoWr J, R. Allen,from Baltimore-^ MASON'S CELEBRATED UNRIVALLED PREMIUM CAKES and CRACKERS, Jumbles, Lemon Cakes, Toa Cukes, Scotch Cakes, Ginger Knaps, Edinburgh Cakes Milk Biscuit. Soda Rlsciut, Wine Biscuit, Buttor Biscuit, Water Biscuit, Flo Nlc Biscuit, &e. At U ARROWS, JUUC20 comer Wliitaker nud atarlton-sts. NOTICE) TO MARINE 118. ~ * A LIGHT VESSEL has been i;\vAicd tu t’nltt- boqueSound, (lu 4aUmms water ut Imt tide,) between Grcuadier Shoals and tho KaMoru Breakers running off tho Sontli-Eastern point of Hilton Head. She is schooner rigged with a third mart for tho lantern: hull painted rod, uud will show one bright whito light, ut un elevation of thirty feet above tho soa. Tybco Light boar X \\. Tybeo Beacon hoars H. 8outU-Kait Miilut of llfften Head bears N.N.K. Braddock’sjKiInt bears N. liy K. Stoddard's house ou DautueUuc Islaud Leave WN.W. THoilgbt will be shown fur foo tlrsl time on the ovontng ol August 1st. By or (fov rvT Llgl\t ifoiwo Board, t’. Mamuavi.t Mmittis, Jy24—0 \„ Jl. Insp. 6th DUI. B AGGING AND ROI'k-75 bales Gunny Cloth 30 half bides do Uu 200 colls Koutucky Rope, in store, for sale by JJ28 WEU8TKR k I’AI.MKS. JJAMH.—10 casks Tennussco Hams, a superior Jytf artlolo, Ihrsnlo by ""'Si wiu Jam lvnn, 87 Ray street. measure. Fitriilslntig iirtiuicH of any Uc-curijition, call and se~ lent from the largest and best stork hi the city, nt the Star Emporium, 147 Ray streot. WM. n. PRICE, DRSJ. LJiiFLERiS WILCOX, DuntUU. <«.-jAUB now fully nrapiircd to in. .■gir-riStafiffiaL sort full or nartial setts of Teeth <-(/ ItPvyf 0,1 ll '° Pfihriplu of Dr.J. Allons’s Patent Cotiliuuous Gum, By this improvement, tbo fur in of the lace can be restored to auy degree of rotundity Hint may lie desired. It is applicable iu all coses where I lie checks have lUllea in nndcauuot be detected by Mio closest observer.— This method uonibiiies the lollowiugi l vantages:— Au artitU-Jal gum, which exhibit* a perfectly uutural aud ilfc-Uku appearauco, uud impurtH lu tho theoth that peculiar expression whiuli characterizes tbo na tural organs. This Guui consists ol a sllaclous coaqiotiMt. which U applied and fitaod upon tho Teeth aud Platoln Buch a manner, as to till up nib tho interstices around the base of the Teeth, and also unites them dnuly to enuli otiief and to tho Plato upon which they aro sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of Iho Teeth, Office over DoWltt A: Morgan, Congress street. Republican and Georgian copy, fob 16—U OKNT1STUY. Dra, P.OYAL1, & JOHNSON, D-jntlsts, office corner yt. Julien-Bt, und Market Square, over S. WH- unit’sJmvolry store. Office hours from 8 to 2 o'clock, and from it t« *’•. mar 11 com QftMrmtTON street Hack and LIVERY STABLE. . Tho uudoralgnetl having put Uio S > above Stables in good condition, 7, itesafe nro preiwredtoaccommodatethulr • :.'u.t£jnG2£ oustomora with Carriages, Hacks Buggies, Sulkies, *«., wllli found, gonllo, and wol broke horses, und careful drivers. Horses bourdet on acuommnduting terms, and well cared for. Two pairs of duo Carriage liorsea for Bale. Inquire cor ner of Barnard uml Hrough'mi slroeta. A|ill4—ly . STEVENS ELUSION WOUli AND HIMI1KUT A ll kinds or Wood. Boards. Planks, Joist, limber, Shluglcu, light-wood, Posts, Eastern l atns and I’alllugs, for aalo, at wholesale and retail, law fur own, ou thu now wharf recently orcctod “ tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Altou A Co. marli-lyW M. J. L. MOULTON KtNii, I’AI IT-N li t.O. I gun by & Daniel Voduiubos. ua. Sfl.WAKT. GRAY KVO. j RUSE, DAMS k LONG, 1 WM. WRIGHT, / ffavaunah YOUNG, ATKINS a DUNHAM, i „ ...... ^ C. A. GREENE k GO., ] ‘M»ulaclu«o* H. ri. SMITH, ) Mobile, Alabama. oiaj- 30 WM. S. OAN1ELL attorney at law, , *AVA.VfAU. oa. ♦ir- Dllice over Thomas M. Turner & Co.'b firug ore, Ray street, myl * wmt. ' iptiou. lakes orders ioi UoRou. ' l - r y ♦<T‘ special attention gRci. to the nates ol Real stocks uml Negro projierty, at public and rroinyt returns and dispatch, •C- A. L. J. Ail Alt. mchao *• nasKX. jj y uuiuj, GREEN A HMOOT, ATT Oil KEYS AT LAW, A-W lUUUAtflVX, OA. JOHN BILBO, Onlinm-y uf C’liatlmiu County, AND ATfURNEV AT LAW. Office in the Court House. my ta MTIIONY MiiUilLLoM, ATTOllSliV AT LAW. . Suva iinail, Georgia, «i»- Olllcu on Day Urcct, over Itia Uank nrS.van- tnayla u. f. ttn.ii , uuoThkr, OKWARDIXG AND COMMISSION MNU CHANTS, Savannah, Ua., und MontgoinaiJ, Ala. li „ VLCoj.*, . j H. r.Couc, ^ Buy street, savannah, j Commerce nt., Moutg’ry) , KU'KhK\X*m. * Holcomb, Johnson, ,v Co. | Cohoiuf HerUs, J/rckett ij BUeliingx, I Edwlu Parsons k Uu,, Robert A. Allen, I Scranton. JubiiBtou k Co SAVANNAH, UA. myl3 WJt. L. WKMU. WM. B. 1401 k WKUB ric SAGE, (stteCKSSOHfl TO CAXKRON, WKItH ft CO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, CLASS, .USD EA11THKN-WABE " 5 , NBUTlNa-SI. C'lIAULKSTON, S. Will HH|",ly Country .Morcliaata with Uuiila In Utelr lino at tt.-» low rates as they cuu buy lu New York, or elsowhore. Kept 28 _ ij H.'L. P. SOS = „ ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Corner of Buy ami, Whitaker Street,. SAVANNAH, fcuta 3moa JONH S. HO WEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, igii.vku ok muvro.v ami iikya.\-kim., (Aliovoi: A. L. Ijuuar.) jytt—tan 1 c. W. UAUHV, ATTORNEY AT LAW , KJU.NKUN, IHUKD CO., Qi. will attend to ureiustiionu! buBluossin tlio Couutiea ol Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Her!* wether aud Troup. ’ Reference—Hon. K. Y. liill, LaGrauge, Oa.; Hci. David Irwin, Murlettu, Gu.: Colonel M. M. Tidwell. Fayetteville, flu.; uud Mr. witllum Dougherty, Co* lumbits, Ga, Bopl7-ly / Wm. HXc. AL LISTER. NKW MARBLE YARD, Opposite JMUiet Grove. Cemetery, Sav'h, Ua. Marble Monuments, Tombs and Grave Stones, fura* idled or, reasonable teruu. Orders ret- ipcctliiily KuIiulUd. up 18 O. A. O’UYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 176, Itoy-si., ovor Turner & Co's. Drug Store! SAVANNAH, (J A, * nov 10—ly GEORGE Ttt6l)P HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Monument Square, near State Bank. , SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly oitAiiB, ivEEwkco; I AC101t,S As COMMISSION SISHckANTS, Savaniioh, u», ’ e. W. IlAItEIl, ATWKNEY AND OOUNSElIOR AT LAW. Mouttucllo, Jefferson County, Fla. Rotcrcnce—Hon. \\\ u., Savannah, Ga. myli KflWAllD «, WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER . OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward A: Owens’ lz*w OlUco. (myli w AVnE7GltKNVlLLta A GO.. COMMISSION ASl) VOW A Bay tired Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. l\ E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. RAMPLKr^ j j o—tf Savmiutth. J- W. Patterson, ATTORNEY AND COUNBEIJjOR AT LAW. Troup v life. lA»wndeaConty,qa. (mil M. Fitzgerald; U0C12SSOR to T. C. Rico, Manufacturernnd J Deafer in overy variety of common and fine .jNDIES, kiln dried and warranted to reals! effec tually the hot damp atmosphere of a Southern Oil* mate; also Lemon and Strawbury Syrup, In. Terms caab, prices low. W MJll