Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 25, 1856, Image 3

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HBAliTII OWIB*, SAVANNAH, \ July llllli, MM. f . All *«"«»• •nl*l»l M too non or B»v«u- Nr uab, from Ibo West Indies, Mexico, Central America* South America, or from any porlwhoro contagious infections> and tuallgusoi dUoases are urevatlUK. (ahto, all vessels having alcknoM on board, or bavin* iwd sickness on board, alnee last doarauee,) ate requlraa to como to anchor off I'ort Jankaon, thore to remain without commuulca- iiiu wild the city or Havatiuah or adjacent country, auto viol'* i by i is Ue.mli officer. Sit boat or rassol shall receive any of the crew or pa**on*or» from vessels subject to the above or* uer to*- the purple or carrying them to the city or tu vicinity- Vessel* will not be Uetainod in Quarantine unless t ouk detention be uecestary. Auy violation of the above orders will subject Approved E. C. Ammmun, Mayor. tf-JylT Om— tnVk, Albany 4t Gulf a. U. Co., \ - Savannah, 27th Juue, I860, j ^ An Instalment or lo per cent., bolng tbu Mm sixth ou the Capital .Stock of this Company, « brrviiy called, and required to bo paid at this iffliv ui. the 1st day ot September next. Uy order OHAS. GRANT, tune H—wtlS Secretary and Treasurer. CITY THHAMIUKB'S OFFICE,) Savannah, 24th Juno, I860, j I’hu Honda of the City of Savannah, duo Wm^ l<t Kobrnary, 1857, Uauud for Contnl Hall- roa 1 Steak, (ooiumouly known as MuA|ll*tor bonds) «lll bo lodeemed It' desired In slock ortho Central Railroad and Rtnklug Company, at iu market value, ihe boii'U being received at par. the bail' J«2A » being received at par. a. W ATKIN*, City Troas’r. WmW ft u, t|. . i'MK freight on oortt from Atiauta to sa* V vaunatb Will ho reduced to 16 o. |>or bushel oouor.1 suiwriu’i. fwit I mru ic«,trji .«ql| Hoqd* 4 To ih» fatruni of the sur'h Oearglau. All dehts dt|e to the Goorglqn previous to Mr the bth Instant, are payable only to tho un- dgrslgufd. ftotpa and accounts duo in the city will tip nrcrtmled Immediately, and all debts duo in Uio country will bo forwardod by an early mall. This being tno first Unto that tho uudorsiguod bus publicly appuatod to hU Into patron, be fool* that thev will not couslder him unreasonable in urging upon them the necessity Tor immediate payment. Remittances way be mado directly to the under- ilgaod, orlo R. B. Hilton ft Co., wboso receipt will o" valid. PH IMP J. PUNCH SayuuuaU. May 88,18M. __ _ myl8-lawdftw MM bags fafl^proiRldCoffee go do* Jkva, La&ukyrd, Maracai bo Aud'MoctiaColftm ' . 60 bhda Mdscovkdq Molasses, ,bbls. New Orleans Syr(to ’id tih'de-M*VOrleansiTofto Rica and Musco vado Sugar 400 bbls New York Rectified Sugars 60 bbls Crashed and Powderod do 10 boxos Loaf do 100 bbls Lebanon Mills supar and extra Flour i00 boxes Adamantine, Sperm aud Mould Can dlae 160 do No 1 Pale aud Family soap and Starch 90 bales heavy Gunny Rigging M - •“* * ■ j *io-uo r L * ' S £0 hfotaiavar aad&O uo Rtbbod Bacon Sides 96 -do Shoulders and Hatas ' 00 bbls Mesa and Prime Pork 10 hdlt bbla Fulton Markot Bout I in H.xos'Tobacco, various bratifi? PdIMW' u e8 Kegs and half IregU Hurifrd’a Powder 75 jjbrs Sugar, Bujfor qifa^odg Crqckoi*1 Together with a lull assortment of all other aril- I tides lu tho grocery line, (except liquors,) lu store I and for sale on accommodating terms by Jyll RODGERS, NOKRIB ft GO. H .tT3 —100 down Plantation Hats, In store and for sale by J. M. FYRE, 01 Day st. &3sd' it»o Tjagdt* Rio Cbm*; T6 bags old uovernihehl Javstfo; • 0 bags old brown Java do: , ■els Stuart's A, 1 B'and O qarlflcd Bunfrs* ft • :r 0>usb6daRdi , ulveriioudQ; 0 hhds Porto Rico, Now Orleans, and Muscovado _ Sugartf 110 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 160 hhds Sides and Shoulders; |S6 casks Trowbridge and Boaiy’. Hams; ■160 bbls Denmead and Oakley Flour ; IT6 bbls and hair bbls Canal lour: ljnS»&X.' n '’ "HWi Mib^MS ta|l6gg^yahis aud qualities Tobacco; 6 cams My sr.’s Aromatic • i • ‘do*, 60 bbls Cuba and New Orleans Molasses • ObhdsOuba ; • do; Puwdor; rWwKir; . . fiildamdohT»W»; PS!? 4li_Mid Porter \ WtlW. PMwmOK Hielp.' Oln; t (uki oommon Hd pun Wip Win.; U bbla White Win. ud Cider VlMgw; Wcntu.mptr Win. Boltin; ~0 box.., Poop, SUrch, ud Cndl.j; b .ton ud tor Mb on .ooommnd.tiug i.rmi, JOHNSON < - nnolUiw mu be _ m ud Bourn, ou icrj-ilroel, uuu door uborc ^"HHAVHeR. "kor xauT Jk dlx Trucu or Uud, 000 auro, S r • arms? f'ora Uio city otSuvunuh ou IboS. A. “ J uMf.ffl) Rood, woll uduiitud w u o growili ol Rico, Cotton and (torn, and Wood etiouah to pay for II tou Umos over. Apply to _»r C. A. t,x.**ur». gLRAUU^D Bliittiuga in greot*^mieiyj aud AlKIN AUURNn LOTS. I j^OU SALK.—A Uue lot iu Wesley Wurtl.— Also twiMiu Gorduu street, oust. Fur sale low Fuu simple. Inply to A. WII.BUK, Geu’l lusurauue Agout aud Broker, may ax lllJBay street. NOTICE. ~ A U. persons having claims ugaiuat the estate of xlk Georgo M. Troup, deceased, will huud thorn lu, duly attested, aud those Indebtod will plousu make |>ayuieut to eltber or the uudorsiguod. THOMAS M. FORMAN, » ...,„ Je 10 . DANIKI. H. U. TROUP, ; KX M * CJ Al.T.—UkW suck* Salt in store and for sale by' O WIUJAM LYNN, Jam* 14 87 Boy street V\' TO RKNT-a cotutorUbl. UWEtUtiOo. B AGGING, ropk, &«•.—'too bales Gunny liug- glng; 6UU colls Hide Kupo; 600 pounds Twluo; revet veil and for fule by Julit'15 HOI.UIMHK, JOHNSON ft CO. B ACON, pork, Mo.—i»o hhds dear and ribbed Sides; tiu do Shoulders; ill) casks sugar ourvd Hams; 60bbls prime aud mess Fork; 00 hall'hbls Hawes fi Co’s Fulton Murkot Bool; 6 do do Tougues; just received uud for sulo by JttttnW ItUlAXiMUE, JOHNSON ft L\) ; Ut)Alt—16 hhds' ctiolca Pofto Hico BUgan tS uo p Crowned Muscovado aud Cuba Sugar; 50 bbls Barbadoes Sugar; ilOO do Stuart's aud Haiti more stegm rollued, crushed, powdered and clarified Sugar, lauding, lu store and for *alu by June 15 HOWMHB. JOHKaON ft CO. S OFFKK.—UOO hagsTair to choice Klo 00(11*0; 60 do ljtgmiyra Coll'ee; 60 mats Java Cultbe; 00 is MoctiaCinreo; landing, lu store aud for sale by Junel& HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft OO W ANThO TO PURCHASE^-, tty or Columbus Bauds, cudorsed by the Muscogee Railroad coiupauy. Apply to JelO—Otis PABEIjFOKO, FAY ft CO. VLOUH IN UAHRELS. J UB'I received w lot of Kxtnt Family Flour, In barrels. apr*2t» YOUNG ft WYATT. C HOICE WINES ft LIQUOKS— Just r jeoivod 20 baskets Heldalck Clmmimgno. o quarter casks Sherry, I’ort and Madeira wluos. IB dox Ciaret >Vino aqd Cqrdlals; U hd\' p.Uiqa old Glard and Seuetle Qroudtea; 2 pipes superior HolliudGIn, Beaver braud; 5 bbls old Mouonganela Wulsky,' in glass and wood. For said by ‘ DAyil) O'CONNOR, Jolt Vor. Bro^ghtqn gug llyi^tou a\a. l{o. If, VfldWalco^iSptfftwo^iors from Bryan,) WQOLB8ALR AMD DETAIL DSALKD IN ilaos. Bllnda, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Patty, Ac* i I*Blutora*, Grainors’ and Artists’ Brushes: Whitowosb Heads and Dusters, Dry and 'Mixed Paints or every description, Artists’ colors iu tubes, Prepared Canvass, ftc. PAPER HANUINGH, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rootn* prepared with uuuutus* aud d"smtch.'- Lmitwasss prices. • •• •• * All* orders from the uouutry promptly uttuuded a- "" mfch 28—ly W1LMOT18 JEWELRY STORE Is rdcoiying by cVep’ “ r V‘-lj:EFtr l/cTY. jvul u'large and ‘rich assort- "ment or tiolduud ‘‘gllver WutSthw; Diantotfd >1 Koj 1 aud Fiu£gr Rings, Mantle and other .. iKs, ffimons, Furies, Tea Bolts, Casters, ftc., nr Storling Silver. Jewelry in overy variety, " Ivory Table Cutlery, fiuo Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich Chlua aud Pariau Vases, aud other articles. Fthe Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to bis own order. Uunuiug Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts and Cuudlo- sticks, with a groat varloty ofFauoy Articles, suita ble far Treddlnrr jf'fra. too n jmorous here to men- ^AU kluSs ol V^at^Wos andViocks ropaired by’the ost ex uerlonCiMl work tnfdn. 1 most exporionchd wnrktrmn. niuyld 3. wilmqt, No. 1 Markat square. L ocomotive needles.—a new and ele gant article which nuods only to bp fried once i-uro tho coiwtaut urefarr just received uud lor sale by mart8 1.ADBON ft UOGEHB. ItUllU AH T-Illllli AH U UnT ARRIVED, por schoouor A. Dovoreuax, In tour days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Hit, for the SaVhnnuu'Fruit EihporiUthi'consUt- ingofi—lOO 'buucUes Bauauas, 10b dozen Pine Ap ples; 6000 Pl*utu\u:], ifOQO Evfcct Oranges, Tom atoes, and one basket Greco Ginger. For sale by 4u#mT _ S. A. BROWN, ,ar K° and commodious TtkllL- Va. infi tl.H.ta . . .... ft,.!.. Ifiiiil ptdJE. No 106 Bryan street, near the Mar- MlnLkei, being ono of tho most desirable business tauds In the oily. Apply to ' . J. C. DUGGAN, Jya—lui At I w. Morrell ft co’B. roRaisr^ Building corner Bay and Drayton ata,, suttablo for morcautllo piiruosos and stor age. For particulars enquiro at Juue l» THIS OFFICE. WANTBli*TO RENT A commodious, airy and pleasant House | iu a ihmlrablo part of tho city, for which a liberal price will be paid. Enquire at the kolllco ortliu Georgian uml Jonriml. Juue or—tf ’TO RBNT. UNTIL the 1st Novombur next, u com- J modlous uud ttlry residence, on tho north I able of the Central Railroad itopot. known kas Hovers Place. The house Is uewly fur- nlsheifiroin hasument to Hitic, which can be beuglil low. may8 YOUNG ft WYATT. OFFICK8 FOR RENT IN THE THKEE-Bl'ORY BRICK IIOCBK adjoining tbo office or the subscriber. The basomout would make, with some slight Improvement, an oxuolluiit inwyer’s-ofilco. Irst and aocond floors will be lot for Counting- Rooms, and the third for sloeplng apartments. Con nected with tho establishment is an out-building ul brick, suitable fiir servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, sept3 Comer Drayton aud Bryun streets. BlONTGOMEllY WHITE NULPltiu SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) These Springs will be open for the recep tion of visitors on tho first day of Juue, I860. They are situated iu Montgomery Conn .. Tgmitt, one and a hall' miles from tho Virginia and Tonuessco Railroad, from which thore Is a branch Railroad to tho Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Polurshurg idler breakfast reach tho Springs by 6 o'clock, P. M., the same day, all tUo way by Rallroiul. The nccominodutinus have been very much ex- tended since tact season. Thu rooms are largo nod comlorUihlo, and capable of accommodating 1,000 tmrsons. The Lynchburg aud Abingduii Telegraph Com pa uy uro uow building a branch or their line to the Springs, which will be operation oarly in June. A very largo Bath llonso 1ms boon built since last season. Address RO. II. M^frY, President, ju«*o-l—1 in Montgomery 1V.K B. Comp’y. VALVAuCK l-KOl-KllTY iVU SAI.15. “ Tlio two-story brlek storo on Congress M S til | Stroct,nowoectiplod by Messrs. Einstein ft | Eukman. This Is ono of tho host stands In ;the city for any kind of bt\s\^osB. I’crins — -hade qccon\mq3jtthm. FW parlipuluya In- iinlro nil42 ^rqnghtPttsfrppl, qUmfe the store ofT. L. Mp.Kiqip. w tVtnayl4 TO RBNT. The Dwelling lately occupied by Judgo Fleming, iu Taylor stroot, uear Drayton. Said Houso is three stories 011 a basement, with good servants’ rooms, and outhouses. ieisfon given immediately. Apply to FOK RENT. Possession given Immediately — Throe story brick house, now and In good order, on Mnr.on street, noxi oostrotfld&ftVto Mrs. dewolf. "p^ly at tlfls ofi^sdP •**' ' ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA , qcqaQIA. J* jl. HRSLE.IL Proitr^eior. M % % /fofef, (hleuns. isse^tgers per Evening Trains will find Supper veady on the arrival of IRe Cars, , _ _ _ _tnayl4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, li, #rap.Xto?. , - A • IIOAHn l'KII DAV $ 1 fid HOARP PKII WKKK 0 00 board pxr month 20 00 kmayia lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING ^NQ GL'E^N-STIIEBTS, ffi vt’Aqts bfrttpTrqT «UliVg furls of uio Proprietor will bo w deserve their putrouago. mar 81 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. iO,wa<}ai)ted (o b,)\ the Hug Public, aud tno of- m Iustend of going North como to the Stone Mountain House, and spond your summer, as everything will be done for your cam- fort. Conveyances will be furnished to convoy passengers to lAV/roiif-ovlHe; utunfcavlllo aud CfarksyilRj.'' '' ' qey"PasflcnnorB by the Georgia Railroad take sop- per at tbl3 house. AjXXANDElt ft CLARK* F. 8. Ai-kxaxiikr, formerly of UwrcncovIHe. .SocialOr' ' HOWXJMBE, . la store and may 16 I r M CORN AND COB MILL. i .4^ » ... ». •,» .i-i.i- irwi, ft CO pui^ \YATRR-— If mwimt tho finest drlnk- A- log water lu the world call aud nurchoso oue of Ktdlle'i Patent Water Filters, tho article inontloned iu Walct Commissioners’last Report, which wo worruut to purify thoSavanuah Hlvor Water perfectly—an indispensable article for Mutation use. KENNEDY ft BEACH, )an24 only Agoutx for their sale In Savannah. B ICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for Juno, re ceived and for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, June 4 16 Congress street B UTTER and CHEESE—26 tubi"amr 16 kegs choice now Gosbon Butter; 26 boxes Choeso; received per steamer aud for sate by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. ARD AND HERRINGS— . 20 Ubla Prime WltUo Leal lard; t; 50 boxes Psimo Herrings. landiug ond.for sale by • 5»i?L 6 _ SCRAN'I’ON, JOHNSTON ft U). S3 TRIMMINg^T—fringes ,* black and _ fdrod ’Mwfo JtnUquu Uau?o, and other styles, lu grc«t variety, and lor sale by mar 7 AlKIN ft BURNS. /'Motion umbhei j<as—a largo supply or wheel- top whalebone frnrau Giuglmin Umbrellas, all sizes, received and for salo by Jiron 0 m I cam mm or no. caxouna, axortniA amp uorida* PATENTED MAY 16, 1854. -COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1866. irpHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders ■ X is respectfully called to the above Mill. They "• now lu use by at least 10,000 of tho most pructl- “tock Feeders throughout the country, who aro /to testify to Utelr suporiority over all other Mia of a similar kind. These Mills are mado the rclus|Y9 buslneis or the patentee, Mr. Scott, who |v«u*g a practical man, superintends the casting in ■fierdOD, add selects bhly such Iron as Is Lest adapt- ltd<to their use, llhlch, like car wbeois;-require to ■ bo mado of metal known to be hard and strong.— *— * v —*“ * 1 J - J nds, ao- Intwon- . __. v . ild. Thu Uttlo Giant has taken tbo firtl premium at ■nearly all the State Fairs throughout tbo Union, and S tho most oompHmentery manner. They ifro tedd kgolnst hreakifte or derttflgftment 'Whdii ;«ird(nj( to dlrtctld&a, end Warranted te’glve 1*0 most perfoct satMidtlon, or themdnoy rofondod ■on the return or tbo mill. 1 ' They are of three sizes, and will griud from eight ■lofinceubuaheilgood feed per hout, according to ltlri: with one'or two horses. 1' wehbw offer theta to' tbo trade complete, ready Iftr'aUactifug the team, at redubed prices. I 1 Mf-' C. TJ.-CAMPFIEJ.D U our Ageht in Savannah, LADSON ft ROGERS. ^UUAIu»-lu uimn t.iiuivv iuiiu niwcunuio *« O do Fair dq; 15 do Fair and 10 do Choice New Orleans 8ugar;Just received and for salo by juuo‘24 8 RASTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. S ILK PARASOLH—A new supply or thTwe beauti ful Silk Parasols htvo Just buou rocolved and are for sale by Juno 0 LADSON ft ROGERS. _ C fOFFKE AND CANDY.’-’lOO sacks Rio CoUbo” / 60 boxes fresh ground do 25 do Candy, just received and for sale by |y 21 McMAHON ft DOYLE. a tPe taH^majr' bo had at buj* pj;l6e. IW ATC HEB^WATU 1IE tL*. WATC HE8. I r*w Wo aro receiving the London Level I Watobea. of the moat colobratod makers. In If 4 ft Gold and Silver oases. R. F. Cooper’s Du- |J*Mftplox Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, ■be Swiss Chronometers, which wo offer at roosona- I Me priooe, at our new storo in Gibbons’ Rango. 1 MpU8 D. B. WCHOIfl ft CO. Ivew Tnr irrokE and ■HeEt-iron ■ MANUFACTORY. Ul soon or mabdv oquami. brtak snunrr. I 1 would Inform my old frlouds and patrons I ^91 have opened the above store to conduct the ■ ■■Store, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all its I various forma, and where will bo found agon- ■ w»l assortment of Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron wire, |much I will bo pleased to show, and at such price |u will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. ■ AU kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized ■iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re- ■Wring executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up I ud PiiHis Tarnished at short notloe. ■ Tinware at wholesale and retail. Call down on ■wyan street, it will pay you for your walk. ■ ocl2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. ■ Tl . MRI. STEPHENS’ ■ TU.U8TRATED New Monthy, No 1. vol l, for July. ItV“? V0 H to Tftlos, Romanoos, Illustrations, Art ■SJRwdrsi UtokktorirAakU number ibHuUfoliy ■•®h<ilHihed In the doest style of wooddllustratlou». J • , • h tasiz or coxmrs i , 'Wjf Si JuWul *> AUco, The Falls of itmobaha. Stays ■SIS Ukzoges. Lovo in '78, Eureka, ■b«8hady Slilo, Nellie’s lUustoas, Tho Bummor Va- ■HuaH' , A 3 0ry ^ T wo IJvos. The Dlsapixilnted ■IjgJJtX. The Maiden’s ConTesaloa, Things We Talk l ^|A«rlptio u price |1 go per yoar, In advance. TvRY GOODS.— todies open worked Ilosa, do I 1 lisle Thread do, do English and German' do I 'Children’s Cotton Hose and Socks Gout's Hair Hoso, fancy aud plain Do Silk and I.lsle Thread Glove? Da Lisle Under Shirts ladles' Gauze, Merino aud Thread Under Shirts Do Ilalr Cloth Skirts Cumbrlo and Swiss Flouncing uml Bands, ftc. for sale at lowest prices by Jy22 _ • DsWl'IT ft MORGAN. /■'IALL AT GRIFFIN’S and' T youwillUudthom'oat vj beautiful mhrfment of small Fancy Articles iu cltiiia and gold oruatnontod, consisting In part ol Jowul boxes, Taucy do, reticules, florets, boquet va- soS, cables, drackot grandolus, small do, cologue bottles, ribbons, cologuo, lantern blue florets, can dlesticks, and last though uot loost useful, match boxos, a very tasty selection uud soraothlng now om Airoly. ■ G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to mb lato M Eastman, Jy6 ‘ (forn'er Bryan add Whitaker ats. J A. Cmkk, ! Circle, 2ffl-Jo2 \g£j! “MR UV^OOL.^Ihn A. l Atnorleon totio t»^li; WIlimM* .£L K,,R A i .Yflp jAMM 4m*. HAY will havo dlMiwtch for tho above iwrl. SHC For frulght apply to JeB HUNTER ft UAMMEI.L. FORJfEW YORK—Uxio.v IJNK.-The ro- JUBBLK'dar packot schr JONAS SMITH, Furmnn, master, having most of hor cargo engaged, will havo quick dispatch fur the above-port. For freight or passage, apply lo Jy23 <NIDKN. PT.tltR ft CO. FOR NEW YORK, —Union 1 Jno—fhiTrog- _ (liar Packet Schoouor G. S. DAVIS, Abell Master, will havo quick UiMpatch for tho ubovo port. For freight or passage, apply to July 2 OGDEN, HAItK A LX». Ftm PHILADKU’HIA.-Hkhox’ sIjxk.— ftftikrLo tlue schr FANNIE, Cupt Boos tou, will have dispatch for tin* above port. For freight, ap ply to Jy 18 • u. A, GREINER. CABIN HASHAGB TO NUW YORK $25 00. He ml-Weekly United States MallLInt r PHE NBW AND SFLKND1D SID&WHKGL ■ StoatnshipH— KNOXVflJ.K,.J,6ihJ loiis.,Capt. C. 1). Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 *• ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA J.JWO •• ..Cupt. M.S. Woodhiill. AfoVBAMA.... 1,5MX» “ ..Cupt. G. R. Sohouck WILL I.KAVK SAVA.V.VAII KVKKV WEDNESDAY AND 8ATUHDAY. 7hoso ships are among tho largest ou the coast, unauriNisscd lu spued, safety and comfort, making their passages in filly to sixty hours, uud aro com manded by skillful, careful uud |K)lite olllcors.—• Having elegant Huto-ruom .accommodations, they ollor u most desirable couvoyuncn to New York. Oublu Passage to New York.... $26 Steerage P-usago to New York 8 PADKLFOKD, FAY ft CO., davuuuub. SAM’L L. MUCH ILL, 18 Broadway, hd* b Now York. FLORIDA FORTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —l r . S. Mull Uue—From Now Or leans to Koy West—Stoaiimhliw FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—Thoso fine steamers will In future nmko their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: Now Orleans, 10th ft 24th Koy \\V«V, ,, info ft 24tU Pensacola.... 1 lib ft 26lh Ta»ni*u 11th ft 25th Apalaehlenli; pjlh *2fllh Cedar Keya.l2|h ft 26th « Mqrhu....lath ft27th St. Murks... 14th ft28th Cedar Keys.. 14th ft 28th Apa!uuhlcolu,16tb ft 2Uth Tampa Bay.. I6lh ft 29th I’cuhimwIh. .. DUh ft 30Hi Arrive ul Key West 17th ft 1st 1 New Orleans, nth ft 1st Agents in Now Orleans. dco26 om R. ’(}, UUU WtS. ft CO., 72 Poydrass street. KOU— „ AND INTBJUIED1ATE PLACES, Va Iruae an •I'uudny Night, till 12th imtant. » a. Tho light (frttl't-slouiner, WU.I.1AAI .■ttflBlHC LEBUY, Captain A. C. King, will leave regularly as nhuvu, from tho aiarlnston SloatniMcket Whnrl. Apply to fehll S. JL LAFF1TKAU, Agent. Ihe tine .-Aeaiminyket UaROIJXa, .Uapfobl cp^ette*', will leave here mr oucKsunytue, PifoiaU uud Pumtltu, every Tne»- duy aileniouii ut'O ii’uWick; returning, will leiive ior Uimfo.-iiui, dveij- Friday moruiug at i* ti'cluck. lor Height or j.a^ugu apply on hoard, at iViUink’o wlmil, or to M. A. COJlbN, AuouL Julie 1-Uii, 1S60—ly ’ - *&T Vrt>^jlqs payutv[o ou the Whqi f. UlUilNU AXVHUWm CLOTHING.—The LJ subscriber would Invito the atteutfou m u» in want of .‘SPRING AND .SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock v lilclt has just boon reeolved, nt tho .star Clothing Emporium, 1-17 Buy street. “PrlO \VM. o. PRICE t tUNDBiES. JUST RECEIVED— ) 16 bugs choice old Govcruuieut Java uud Rio Codec; 20 half vilest* Blwck atnl Green Teas, loose an l in quarter jiouud package-?. 10 hhii*i.ight Muscovado Sugar; 10 bbls U l.ft D Rtuarl'A Crushed uud Uaritted gars; lu bbls sulfrHitig Flour, 25 buj-* EtlrU and Stlherflue Flour; 20 btvh: Soda, Bdttvr and Mapfo'Cruekors: 60 boxes Bcudel’s family Soap, .Starch aud Caudles; 50 doz Palls and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, uud Cotlou uml Muulila Clothes Dues; 10 gross Matches: 26 boxes ground Coll'oe and Pep|»oi; 60 boxes Mustard and 1’owdoM, Ma a e,Olnn;i- mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 cases tc.V'.e Salt, ftc., ftc. In store and for villa hy ’ ‘ M ' DAYrD O'CONNOR, jcVt 9pr brougtilou' uud Drayton rt*. l/Etr/JE’S WATKB FIl/fElf.—Just received an XVassorltneut of sizes KcdzuPs Unproved Wafrr Filters for filtering Suvaunuh River Water, fo^ sulo by I ^ MUCK MORSE. THE ORE AT ^WESTERN INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK. A UK taking Marine Risks ut their Agency, corner of Drayton aud Bryan streots. Approved Risks will bo token ou liberal turms, aud the usual credit givuu ou Premium Notes. Three quarters til tlio business will bo returned to tlm ous tamers lu scrip u. A« L« Lamar, fob lm Agout In .VJjvanntb. * iNNi;itxN4ji$r SiiutUu-ii JIatuai liism-uuc.e Cuiu;hui)', 8i)itth«i'ii .71 itmlit Lire Ins. Cum|Wiiy, lluiuu luauruiine C.'uii»|muy, »r N* York, Birrlugflelil Fire JE Alarlne Ilia. Com’y, 4 Risks lu the above Insurance CoinpanltM underta ken by WH, KING & SONS, Agents, No. till Buy street. SavauuuU, UtU Decumbur, 1866. deuU FiftRT MAUINE AND LIFE 1 N S D li A iN (2 l. NO. HI, HAY-STHKEI. CAPITAL KEPBKSENTED, Nuiii-ly Four Alllliou UoIIiu-m. By the followingres|N>nsinie 8tis?k Companies. Ulmrter Ouk Life Insurance Coni|mny', OF UftUTVOKD, OT. Equitable Fire Insuruni-e U»in|iniiy, OF LONDON. Furmerw* and filecltanlca’ Fire, Mail no and Life Insurance €out|mny, OF PUILADELPIIU. llrldg;e|ioii Fire and Maiinc lusui'anoe Uoinimuy, OF UUIDUEPOBT, CT. <3ifT..e subauribor will olfoot Insurance to au> amount iu all parts of tho Statu on every description of property. UVu lutmranv.o, to u«y untmmt. at tin* lowest rate, for the hcuolU ol heirs and oredilors. or payable to the wife free from tbo claims of creditors. Marine lusuruuce tut UwUs or Caruoiu to all purl* ortho world, Jati26 A. WII.BUK. AIVTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter I'eipdual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1856* $2,230,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to duto 716 -192 0« Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,330,090 84 Jy_9 XXM M- prepared, INDIAN 8PEING HOTEL. The Undersigned has agalu the pleasure of informing his numerous frlouds, as well us tho public at large, Ihat ho is ,yut at tho Iudian Spring Hotel, and Is fully prepared, with tho assistance of Ida Roua uud his own experience of six years ut the hotel, with tho best cooks that cau be procured, as well as oasis, tanco or all kiuds, to ask or ull thoso who visit the Spring u generous share ol'their patronage, intend ing to spare uo pains of himself to tuuke all such us pleuso to glvo him a call comfortable. The rndluu Sprlug Hotel la now open, nnd ready to rcceivo ull thoso that will please to cal). There will be at For sythe Depot coaches aud hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. HOW. VARNER, umy23-3tuw tsepl Proprietor. V Savannah Kcpublicuu, Moruiug News, and Charles ton Courier will please iusert the above three times each week uutll 1st September, and soud their bills for payment, • 11 EDW? VARNER. • s?r: MAitvsi Hotel. ■ - The above uamed House Is now opeu for the reception of Boarders and Travnllors, and tho undersigned promises to spare neither luiius or expense to make Ids pa trons comfortable. His tablowill always bu sup plied with the choicest that tho market aud the sur rounding country affords—Frosh Fish, Oystors, Ven ison, Wild Game, ftc. The House is largo aud airy, and within alow yards of tho lauding, on the beau tiful river St. Murys, uud is a desirable place for In valids and others us a summer resort. The stage leaves the Houso three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Cout re village, and Trudcr’s Hill, and the Sa- vaunaL boats touch going and comlug, so that per sons will not bo inconvomonccd, but can leuvo when they desire. Prices will bo made to corruspoud with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, Muy 27, 1866. 3m my27 V^AKX.— 25 kales Yarn X store, and U»v sale by jy8 I m $4,282,488 WJ a iuiu C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L»rd, Ageut, RobortL. I'uttorsou. I’resident. •Tho fuuds of this Company uro all solely iuvuHted iu first class bonds aud mortgages, stocks, cosh, nii-i notes of members fully secured by their puUcUiR For further purticiilars inquire of UIIAIILKH A.FA11LEY, Agent III Suvuuimb. At the ulllco uf Bell ft Prontw-, J,«. SULLIVAN, Medlcul Examtuor. KXrKHKNCX : Messrs. Padkij'iiru, Fax t. K. Txrr, Fm.,, NtaV* Bank. fuu 29 ’S. BY BELL & PRENTISS. (HrOL'W84.HS TO HlltHHILTTA lUl t.) Til H DAY, at II o’clock, iu trout of store will bo sold,-- Tho usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery aud Glass Ware, Dry Goods, now uml second huinl Furniture, Ulothlug, Funny Articles, Watches, Jewelry, ftc., ftc. Term-., cosh beforo be. livery. H* Ait articles purebused at auction aud not set tled for pruviousto tho noxt rogulur sale, will lie sold ou uccount uml risk of Tormer purchaser. Jy.U A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUNE KEEPERS, i W an linuuvtuut item, and to know when: to gut exactly what is wanted Is equally iui|Mii-taot, cull at “KENNEDY & REACH’S” II(Mlg«on , « Now Block. Corner of Brough ton mid Bull Stiiiots, and you will find everything pertaining to House Keening as well as Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood- tv. Wnro, and Tin Ware, Willow Ware, buuutlful Water Coolers, I’utout lee Pitchers, Brushes In every variety, Bird Cages, Buthlug Tubs, Indeed nearly everything that ouu iiccail >d for, recoBm?tthnp)nc-n. apr 16 MACiliNKUY AND IRON ItA1 LIND MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAX'MTKKl.T, SAVAANNAll, GA. . ... .. . l-Neur tbu Market.) I^UOM the most complete iuciiltie* in his own A. Chtabllslnuom, and through his cuinm.tious with several ol the principal muuulactmnu ostab- iishmonUof Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tli«i UudorslgucA-is projiarmlto furuiiish MAUJIIX KRY. PORTABLE STEAM FNGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RA1IJNU, STATUETTE'S, SfoRK f RUNTS, Columns, Window Sills and Until*, Ituu Doors, shutters, ftc., nt A'orihemprbjx. lie U also prepared to repair Machinery aud iron work of every description, .-u short notice, upon toasonahlo forme. Asugeol for BAIRD’S ITULftDELl'UlA MARIUJ-'. WORKS, he is »l*o prepared to exhibit u great varlo ty of Uorfigus for MONUMENTS, 'fOMB STONES, ftc. Also Iron RiiUtog lu groat variety, for euctosures. and to vw-etvtt ovdevs, and put up the work at man- facturors' prices. II. II. L1NV1L1.K. Savummh, April II, I860. aprll B read, MATOMKs’ft lemon aV«UP- 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, ami Butter Kuisniit; do. ugar, s 26 boxes do do do 150 gross Matches, round boxo 16 »n)Xos la:umu Syrup. Received and for *‘*kJ by McMaHoN ft DOYLE, JbJI No*. 206ft 207 Bay street. *)t \ BBLS of Mercer auid early June Potatoes received per steamer Augusta, und lor salo by luaylu j. R, JFKSK MEW GOSHEN BITTER AND UlEFsK—15 tub* i-X and 10 kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 2*» 1Gt>rlii‘n riieene, lauding from steamer uu«i lor SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft Ou 0X03 lo by Juno 17 MOVRNINU GOODS," i5 Byohgliton St. 'urn, assorted uuinbnrs, In ■ ’y CRANK WELLS Sf CO. O SNA BUltUS—66 bg|c3 Oniuburgs, Georgia man ufactory, ip store, und for sale iu lots to suit purchn-ors, ny 1)8 CRANK, WELLS ft CO. P ft II GIN.--Ml bbls old P ft H Gin, Just r« • celvt-d uud for sulo by jy*l SCRANTON, .loll Ns VON ft CO. D OM1-K11C LIQUORS— 60 bbla F. Photo' Rye Gut, 26 bills N. K. Rum, 5U “ Luther Felton‘.1 Rom, 26 •• Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old v ft II ConnectiJnt River Olu, 50 “ N. O. Whisky, Just received ami Cur sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. f Torn—1000 hUHliels prime Corn in utoreand \J for aalo by •loc 29 (’ t GREINER. BALTIMORE JUOON, ' POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, in store and for side by BARHON, juou2U corner Whitukerfend Charlton-sis. SUNDRIES. ’ 1 Af\r\ POUNDS choice. RaUimoru Shoulders: Xv/V/V/ aud 1260 do do Billon; 160 clioico sugar-cured Hama, lu bugs; 560 pound* choico Teimessco llama; 15 barrels choico Leaf Lnrtli 10 tierce* extra whole Rico; 6 do lair do; % 20 boxes Family Soup; 10 do steam paL do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woiniiu’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 15 boxes Tallow Candles; lo do adamantine do; lodn pearl aperm do; 10 boxes A, B ami C Sugar; 12 bugs good Rio Coll'ee; 7 pockets old government Java Coffee. All the above for sale low by June 7 * J. A. BROWN. 3. • - -iNMAJfdrw.Nas, okoruia. E James Gr 14 A YE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE THM CHARTER OAK LIPfi 1NSUUK0K i'OiMPAM, Of IHirtflml, ct. CAS'D CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $400,060. JArf. C. WAI KKR, President, s, 11. Wiurtc, Secretary. This Company insure* Li 0 ut tie; lowesi rules, consistent with sulety to Ibe assured. For foriliwr information, apply iu A. WILBUR, Aito-ni, JyylU 1?I Buy Street, Suviunmb. Gu. MARINE AND FIRE lNSl'itAM FT THE INTfcJUNATlONAL lasimuice Comimm. NO. 28, UGHCHAN’l"* li.SCtHNlUi. UAl'W’Ai.—$812,uuu AUKNT FOK ft A VANN All, J 11111 cn HI • Carin', AT TUB OFFICE OF JU*&SK8. YOUNG, WYATT it (-‘O., No. 85, Bay Struct, below the I*os( l.hliuc. mnwavi'f • ALANSON MARSH. S. A. P.ULl-U lhrui uf A. S. Baruas ft Co. ALON’/.O 0)11U>, - •• Childs, Pratt ft Go. I. I*. BAU..VRD, •• •• Livingston, Ballard to WM. M. DODGE, •• Will. M Dfoiae ft t o P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS ■ > - 11 A. Carlin \ Uo WM. K. ROLLU, 8. T. MPPlNCOTf. ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. DUSTED «> , v Gaiil. WM. H. RlVKUSMlfU. W. u. LYON, »» - W. fcl. Lyon ft t o. GEO. CHAPMAN, •* “* Lee, Murphy ft Co. JOS. il. WKSlwlT, •• Briggs, Westcoti ft Co JOS. FATMAN, •* *• Futuiau ft Cu. STEPHEN VON MURES, GEO. SAVORY, “ " Uuu. Savory ft CuT J. A. RKQUA. A tot N SUN MARSH, President. CUAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Presloent. WM. E. RolJO, Secretary, fhi* Compauy will issue Policies upou Ma riuo, lulaud Navigation, Transportation uud Fire Risks, ut liberal rates of prutu;um. losses promptly aud liberally udjusicn. JAMES M. CARTER, Agem, oet 81 No. 85, Bay Street. THE ORE AT WESTERN Fi'llK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMl\\N\\ 0/ A'o. 107 IFufmd rjivW, Penn. CHARTER \*W , ,PK1’UAL.V.' - .CAPITAL S5tm,tMW>. ttKx, .txu ixumi iNsi'iuxoz. DIRECTORS; Charles C. I^lhrop, 532 Spruvo street; Alexander Whildeu, Mcrcbaut, 14 North Fnml-st.: John 0- lluutcr, firm of Wright, lltintor ft Co.; E, Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Bakor; John K. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Hazluluirsi'oAttorucy uud Counsellor; James B. Smith, Urm of James U. Smith ft Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; It. S. Walton, 300 .Marketstreet; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Bakor, Goldsmith’s Hull CHARLES C. LATH UUP, President. Tno*. K. Limkkjck, Secretary. JAMES M, CARTER, Agent, Juue 15 No. 85 Buy street. IJ LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpacas, X# Black Luna Cloth, Black Mohan, Black C'huUio, Black French Liwn, Bmck and White French Mus lin, uud a fine .isrortmenlof Mrlpod und Plaid Black uud White Glughiim* uml Culieoe*, Piuin and Stri|Kal Black Sewing Silks, uud Greiiudlue*, Barege uml TLsiies, Plain und Figured Uluck Silks, for siiiuiiier cullurs uud stccvcs, of the lutest lmterim. For talc by JJel2J AlKIN ft BURNS. QUAD, CAN 1 ILLS, &i%— iwf boxiw Buchuu ft O Smith’.* lumily soap; 100 do Colgate’.* No 1 mid 11 Bur do; 50 do <iu Pale do; 75 do UeudoPs Tallow Candles'AO do Aduiuuntiiie do, Star Uraud; 50 Uo Colgate's and titwogo Pearl Stuich; for sale by MdtA.VUlN. JOHN.S'IUN ft, J AIJJUU— l u sack? Suiturfiiie Flour, for sale by ’ WILLIAM LYNN, juiMtifr—hi 87 Bay atreot. \TKA*l>Ft‘UT OIL, uf the nest quality constantly XT for Mile low by CHAFFER ft CO., BY BARKMAN & BULLOCH. KroTimiviifirSK A v«r» a«lnli« (riot or luW, only Uiros aitw turn tbo city, cmil.lnlng almut 80 nora, bait ol' which la cleared ft under good and substantial fence. Tho cleared land la a rich loomy aoll, and well adapted lor gpdouing purport*. There Is a well of most excclleul water ou the premises aud all neces sary out-buildiugs, negro, bouse*, barns, ftc. The balance or tbe tiuct, say 4u acre*, is uueleui ed laud mid heavily limbered with valuable timber, aud tho soil excellent. Tbo locality is very oxcollout; not ono case of slckuess has occurred ou the prem ise* during tlio whole time the presoni proprietor lias owned lu Tills is a chance for an iuvwUneut . rurely to be met with, aud any person wishing a - iiulut private residency uoar (he oily, or auy person desirous of going iuto tuo gardening business to r i. a,| d vegetable* Ibr our uiui ket, will find tills tbe place to uuU. For terms, which will he very liberal, inquire at our counting room, 164 Bay street. Titles uuuInpuU- bto- Jy8 At PritTto~8alQ' One of the lluort Hotel or hoardiug house ser- vnuts In the Statu. Kuqtiire ul 164 Bay street. Jiiiio24 At PrlvauTsalo. A negro vroinau, 22 years of ago, a good plaiu cook und field baud Warruutcd sound. Title mi- doubted. JuuolU At Private fcniw. A uegro Hutu, aged 2ft yours, a first rate honiiei aud Iioii.ho servant. Title undoubted. . jaltf . i > At Private Sale. A very likely negro man, agnd 22 ye%f*, a gmid field liaud. Mar ranted sound, 'title* imuoiiblod. junnl!) At Private 8ulu. 1700 biishms Blue, an excellent article for slock of all kind*. Call and examine. Price 26 cent* per ’ bushel. jerndW ToltonT Two good stores, under tho btulf, at the foot of Whitaker street )nne 10. Wanted to PurchuMi A eonvuuiuBt medium-sized houau, lu a central liK-ittiou—ouu fronting on a square would be preie, • red—for »uch ou ono a Ubevat yirioo would be given. jnnolW At Private Salo. Tliirty eligible hnllding Isifo, 60 feet froul by 100 to 124 fret deep, altuatod on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston at rout*. Those lots are ou high ground and - soiuu ol them in tlio iinmodiatu neighborhood of tho lot selected for (ho site uf the FavunmtU, Albany nnd Gulf Railroad Depot. Term* same os city lot*.- viz : ono-Ullli cadi, tlic balance hearing interest hIx |wr cent. June!9 limy 16 « Whitaker street. iVKW BOOK8. d t ODIiY'f* i.ADY’S UOOK, lor duly, AvtUm * Home Magazine, for July; Peterson'g Jluulh- ly Alugazluo.for July; IJurpqr’s Now Moutuly Jliqj- uzitie, for July; aud, tfrulmm’s Illustrated Mouthly, for July. flu) History uf Kiirnpe. from the fall of Xapoloou to U«u accession ot Isjuis NujhiIooii, Iu two volume*, by Sir Archibald Alisou, a new supply. ifrrtha, by Kredrika Bremer, Hauslated by Mary Howiti. Thu Ship Carpouter'* Wife, u story tor the time*, by W E s Whitman. Tlio Tgiiglotowu LoUer*. odltod by the author of Records of the Uubbleton I'arlsb, ftc. Salad for the Social, by tho author uf Salad fur the Solitary. Unitin' Miseries ol Human Life. Plu rl-bua tab, a soug that'* by no author. For hah' at 1501'engross street, by J«U«28 WARNOCK ft DAV IB. A LE AND PORTER.—25 bids Summer Stock Ale, ’-0 casks llyuss' Loinlou Porter, pluts, Just re ceived and for sulo by J)'Q SURANTON, JOHNSTON' ft UO. "GENERAL NOTICE. tolll.VKU AND GOLD PtoVTING cun now bo done O at home. Mr. CHARLES KKA1ISH Imviug o*- tablishcd himself permanently, ull work iu thin line Will be done with dispatch. All repairing of Castors, Teapots, Cnudleatlcks, Spoon*, Forks, or auy other article will he dono neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such us Teusett* or Uru*, Forks or Simons, will bu ro-Uuished uud made equal to new, and at moderate prices. All work ur oedyto foil at my store will be uttouded to protmi|,l\'. P- S.—Watch casus galvanised. ' U»uy27 G. M. GRIFFIN. T AIRES SMALL UMURKLUS—Udles' smull X-4 afro silk Umbrella*, from 18 to 24 iuche*. He- cel veil uml lor sale by J. W. THRKIKKLD, Jul2 C'ougress uml Whitaker streets * ■l'iiK uHfcAT saol'JiKluv REMetov i pry or’sTjIntmen T. I T is a sure uml speedy cure lor bums, pile*, corns, felon*, lover sores, ulcer*, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (rocotnmuuded by nur se*,) sure and cracked lips, Iresh wounds and soroa of uny description. Ii i* a most valuable, remedy and curu, which cau lie testified to by tboututnas who have used it in many portion* ot the south for the h.'t few year*, in no instance will thosulvu do any injury, or inteiiero with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor ha* numerous certificates uud loiter* from people who have used il themselves, aud uio*t earnestly recommend It to ethers as a speedy and certain remedy for the abnvo named diseases. A trial is all that w necessary tor Its own recommendation. Among the many tliai have te*till<Hl to the elfica- cy of this Miliiuble lemcdy, and recommended it to the public, iue Dr L A T Ridley, Judge E Y Hill, Judge U A Bull, R J Morgan,K-mj, J I. Mt-jiliens, PAq, uml thousnml* of others. Sdd by J BMoore, Fuvuhliuli, tiu; J K Kail, Amer ica*, Uu; Clark ft Wells, Augusta. t»a; Mcheesuu, Robins ft Co. New York; and druggist* geliurully. UtF* By remitting oue 'dollar to me proprietor u single box ol 1 ire Ointment will bo forwarded by 1 mad, tree 01 postage, to auy purl of the U Mate*. ! Sold by J. u. MutmE, savuuuuh, Oi„ and drug. : giatr. generally. V. .1. MOURE, Proprietor, muyla uiUrange, Ga. P. JACOBS, SEGAtt AND TOUACCO STORK. No. 211, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) X. li.—Keep* cousiauuy ou hand Spanish, UaU Spanish, aud Amerlcau Sugars, at wiiolosule and re al], Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snull, fto. juue 1 janes McHenry; * lusurance Broker and Notary Public. Muriuu Protests Noted aud Extended, Averages adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawna Papers pre|iared whereby to recovur losses from Amerlcau or British Underwriters, and uttuuilon given to ull matters commuted with shipping and lu surunce, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ut the Custom House. ly uov s j - PA-fifiBl , i i ECl.r(*ilS' BISYAN W. 00LLIEIS Rospectrully uuuounce* that tho above Houso will be uponed for tho reception of guests, ou tho 20tb instaut. IIo has been .fortunate in securing tbo services of Mr. iriflln, well kuown to tho public as tbo koopor of tho Xiuoty Milo Houso on the Central Railroad, to assist in tho suporlutofutancp of the MolittosU Houso during tho boosou, • A‘ baud’of mu sic has also boon socurcfl. Stages will Do iu readi ness at Forsyth', on the arrlvM of trains, to convey passengors with comfort and jispntch to tho house. No pains will bo spared to make guests as comfort able us possible, and a more thuu usually brilliant season is confldontly anticipated. tl A—Junu 6 J^ASKETS—An elegant assortment of Traveling Basket*, Just recoivod by stoaraor from Now Ills York. A call Is Invited at KENNEDY ft BEACH’S Houso Furnishing Storb, Hodgson’s new blia'k, ijn H AY—36 bales Northern Hay, lor sale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay st. AKD:-20bbla and 60 kegs new No 1 Leuflard, I lauding and * *— for salo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. A TLANTIC LEAD.—Conatontly on hand and for sale at CHAFFER ft CO.’s, a)ir30 No. 6 Whitaker street. /"Ul AMPAON E—12 baskets genuine Heldaic VJChampagno lu store and for sale by may 10 OCTAVUS COHEN, 1 uosu oupuriur vmiiuus 810 and 11-4, Blotched Cottou Hheetiugs, ftc., ftc. fur sale at the loweitprlcea, by & wreul 11 I . WARNOCK h DjlVIli, l 169 Congress etroot. OSSriTT pr -%T " n " l •vmL a , n *s do do Old Rio JOHNSTON ft 00. may 10^ FRESH GROCERlK ft. I N STORE—per steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta ble Butter und Cliocso; Boef Tongues; Suiokud Beef; Hums; Bacon; Pig Pork; White Boaus; lluck- er’s Self-raising Flour; Raisins, Figs, DaVoa, Prunes, Almonds, fto., ftc.; Pickles of all kiuds; Preserves, assorted; Brandy FrulL assorted; Prostou’s Premi um Cbocoluto; bust of Tea*, Coffeo, and Stuart’s No 1, A, B and C Sugars; llibhert's London Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Clurotaud other Wine*; at BARRON'S Family Grocery Storo, JupolS corner Whitaker and Charltou sis. JUST RECEIVED PER FL ORUIA. f CASE Rlohardaoui Superior Irish linens, jLChooked Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Muslin* sfrliiodSwldH, and Plain Jaconeu, » 1 case I’alin Leaf Fans, * Cottou Frlugn and Wldo Trimming Braids, Grass Cloth, New York mills Shirting, IIHIIVIW, UI DEWITT ftMQRQAN. T OCOMOTIVE NEEDLES—A further ruppljr of the I i cutauratod I»cotnoUvo Nekdlcs, Just received anirfor sale by 1 Jyl7 1 {.ApSpN ft ROGERS. B ACON and hams.—60 hhds prime Ribbed Hides. 10 do do siiouldore 15 casks choico sugar cured Hum*, list receiv ed by )yl7 WEBSTER ft PALME& SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapplug paper. 100 bales Twine;' ' 200 dtiz Scrubbing aud Shoe 11 60 M imported Spanish Sogars; 260 boxos Tobacco, various brauds; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; 76m&ta JavaCoffoe; 100 doz Brooms; 60 dox Washboards; 60 Covered Boskets; 160 boxos Family Soap; 160 do Palo Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do; 100 boxes Candy: 60 boxes Scaled Horrlnga; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes linportod Castile Soap; 100 boxos Toilet Soap; 50 M, Y„ and whole bexoa Raisins; Recoivod uud Ihr sale by MoMAHON ft DOYI.E, A HOMESTEAD FOR ftlOl ills Ol A AAA WORTH OP FARMS OF KpOXv/eV/v vf Farms and Building* Ix>ts, In tho gold region of Virginia, (Culpepper County,) to he divided amongst 10,200 subscribers on tho 17th of September, 1860, for tho benefit of I’ort Royal Fomulu Academy. Subscription* only ten dollar* each—ouo-hair uown, the rest on the deliv ery of tho deed. Every subscriber will get a Build ing Lot or Farm, ranging iu valuo from $10 to $26,000. These Kurins ami Lots are sold so cheap to Induce settlements, n suillcient number being re served, tho Increase lu thu valuo of which will compensate lor tho uppurent low price uow asked. Thu moat ninplo security will bo given for tho ralthful performance ofcautruots uud promises. More Agents nro wanted to obtain subscriber*, Jo whom the must liberal Inducement* will hi given. Home Agents write that they uro inukiiig $200 per month. Advertising'will ho done for every Agent where possible. For full particulars, subscrip tions, Agencies, ftc., apply to E. BAUDER, Jo24—dfcwlm I’ort Royal, Caroline Co., Va. M ARSHALL ft SON’S Celebrated Pig Hams, Pig Shoulder*, and Pig Bacon. Alsu somo uow Smore-t tongues aud Fresu 8mokcd Beef. Received per Alabama, by . ..... .-i .L D-JESSE. GKn Y^ DAGulgREOTVPETA^TiTl types nntl Pltotoarrapliy. V. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms are now opon for the sensou, und rea dy ior tho reception or visitors. By tho Auhhotti’K process penous may now havo their children's pictures takou. iu almost any pool- tiou they may choose, iu from 1 to 3 secodd* silting. By tho Photographic process old Daguerreotypes eon bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored aud enlarged to life. oct 22 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, iYo* Jl Pine strut, New l ark, (BETWEEN UHOAmVAY AND NASSAU STUKET.) Ctwli Capital—$150,OOUI T HIS Compauy insure* against loss or duuiugc by Fire, on tho most reasonable terms, dwelling bouse* and furuiture. warehouse*, stores ami mcr cliaudize, factories, ships iu port, etc. All losses will be adjusted aud promptly pai l. lb B.‘MILLS, President, C. BROOM, Vino President Euw’ii C. Tavuih, Secretary, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agml, June 17 for Savnunah, 85 Bay street. uud C cm Hides t SUGAR, fto.—76 libls and 10 hhds A, B ) Sugars; 15 hhds Molasses; 26 do Uueot uud Slioul.lers; received uud for salo by McMAllOX ft KoVIJ), ItilielO 205 uud 207 Buy street. P RIMfcJ YRJjLOW CORN. -Iu storo aud lor sulo by may7 _ YOUNG ftWYATV P RIME KENTUCKY HAM8,-Netttb r trim med uud for sale to close cousigumont. may 17 YOUNG ft WYATT. W HISKY, X.vx am maylJ 205 and 208 Bay slreot. TO BUILDERS. mHE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute I at the shortest notice, uud In the most work manlike manner, all kinds of Metal Rooting, Gutters, Cornlco, or othor work connected with tlio manuthc- luring or repairing of Coppor, Galvanized Iron, 74nc, or Sheet Iron Rualuesa. HORACE MORSE, ootlS • " "156 Broughton at) C ORN I’ll) BEEF, PIUPORK, &0. Just recalved 10 half barrels Fulton market Corned Beer; 10 barrels anil half barrel* Pig Pork— Ham*. Slilos and Shouldors; 10 bnrrols extra No 1 Mackorol; 1 do No 2 Moekerol; 5 do Ilorriugs;' 2 drums Ood Fish, and 25 barrels Sraokotl Herrlugs, III store und for aalo by 1 Jell DAVID O’OONNKR, B ~A0QN—10 casks primo sido*, just received and ._he°25* ln by CRANE, WF.I.UH ft CX). F Jys lliOUR.—20 sacks superfine Four, 130 do flno do 87 bids suporflno Flour, for sale by I WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Hay atreot. Hawti ip wootl gross bonds, 150 boxes Mustard "200 boxes' Adamaatino, Hydraulic upd Sperm Candles, received and'for Salo By ‘ JyJ7 II pM A HON ft DOYLE. F IU HAMa-^StaokidTorigUer And Smoked DMT rocolved per steamer Knoxville^ and forul^by y^EMOX SYRUP—150 boxes, received and for j salo by Jyu Me MAHON ft DOYLE, UOOK. AGENCY* T ITE Subscribe’'* have established a Book Agfciwy hv ThiUuloljdila, aiut will I'urutsU any book or publication at the retail prico free of po3t ngo* Any persons by forwardiug the subscription price of any ono of tho $8 Magazines, such os liar nor’*, Gmfoy’a, l’utmnn’s, Orannm’s, Frank l^slle's Fashions, ftc., will receive the Msgacines tor ono year and a copy of a splendid lithograph |Nirtrolt ol either Wu-diiugtuti, Jackson or Olay; or If subscri bine to a $2 and $1 mngaziuo, they will receive a copy br oltlior ortho threo jfortrult*. ir subscribing to $6 worth of magazine*, ull three portraits will bo sent graUs. Music furnished to those who tuny wish it. 1 Envelopes ofcxoiy size and dudviTplIon In large ormnnll quautitfos Rtfulshed. Seal Presses, Dies, ftc., to orddr. Every description of engraving ou wood executed with neatness and dispatcli Views of Buildings, Nowspaper Headings, views of Machinery, Book II lusttatlona, Lodge Certificates, easiness Curds, d?. All ordors sent by mall promptly ufrQfldPd tp. P?ir- sons wishing vlows of thnfr buildings engraved can •ond a Daguprfeotype o^ sketch or the building by mnllcir express. Persons at a distance having saleable articles will fiud it to their tulvunlugo to addross tho subscribers as wo would ajt as agent for tho salo of tho same BY RAM d PIERCE. 50, South Third street, Phlla., 1'u uov 26—dftwly * WM. J. — Cor. illontuoiucry A Vor - *l». SAWANNAH, ga.. I > KSI’KOIFULLY Informs tho LnilitM uuu •4.|i tfoutlvmuii or this City t hat lie Is prepared i* serve them every evcuiiig with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In hi* own peculiar stylo, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Savannah, 17IU April, 1856. 3m aprll 1 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. \ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryun-st, j would rosiiecU'ully nuuouuco to tho citizcus 01 vouuah that uo is ready to make aud put down Carpets, Oil doth. Matting, ftc., ut the shortcM no Ice, ami ou tlio most rousniiulilu terms. oot3-li 1C E C R E A MI NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. 98 Drynu Street. tWO DOCKS AUOVK JlK. GlIUm’M JKWKIJtV KTOltK. fTMIE uiidevdlgned mpuctfuHy inform* tbo loi- JL dies ofSavauuah iu particular, und the publfo generally, that ho has this day n|H'iietla new Cnufec- liaimry Store, aud will keep 011 baud a large uml Push assortment, uf all kim\* aud dlHurlptlons. Hu will at all tlmys aud Hours, bu ready lo furnish .urticH, with suppers. Cuffec, all boars. Ornamented Cukes, Pica, &u. fto., i.rndu to ordor. Hu hopes from lougexperience to give suiiafuctiun to all who will houor him with their putroWige. H. B U02A01.A, No. 1)8 BryauS "SILVE^ YYAUE, CUtITeRyT^ YKT'E havo Just received a new stock of silver fV Spoons, Butter Kuivcs, Salt Cellars, Fish, Pie, Cake and Ice Cruam Knives; also, Steel ami l’latcd un Stool Tablo Cutlcrv, Carvers, lev Pitoliora, Broad Knives, Plated and Pariun Butter Stand*, ho- sides a quuutlty of uael'ui qrlfolus too numerous to mouUoil. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. .J.4BSA aud xxxx Whisky, 56 do Bum l!5 *. casks Brandy, 25 bid* do Receive'I and for *ulu by Jyl“ MoMAHON ft DOYLE. 11ACON. XitOR sale, to urrive 14 hlids clear Side*, 14 hlids J; Shoultfors, Prime Tennessee, liv July 15—tit WAY ft TAYIAHL P ipes, wrapping papku and brooms 50 boxes Pipe*. 206 ream* Wrapping Paper, of all sfza-«; loo dozen Broom*; for sulo by - Mi MAHON ft DOYLE, junc'J'.J 205 aud 2U7 Bay slreut. D RESS GOODS.—A lurgu mill Hue assortment of colored Dress Silks, Barege*, Tissue*, Fronch Ca'mbiTua, Frcucli Muslins, Brilliants uud Prints, as well us a largo assortment of White Good*, Striped Plaid ami Plata Swiss, Orgaudics, Turleton, Book, Nuusook, Cntnbriu and Jaconet Muslin, for sale by June 20 AlKIN ft BURNS. TO ARRIVE. LANDING ft IN A'I’OHK BACON LARD, ftu. 1 /"li I HUBS Clear and Ribbed Side* X\/vf 60 do Shoulder in ulr tight package* I00 kegs No 1 la>af lard. 60 bbls do do 20 casks do, most approved braud* SUGAR AND MOLASSES. &w hhds very choice Porto Rico Sugar SI A SS US (BfrA.SfnF't Every man Ids own Card Printer. C 1 ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN * Pateut Eclipse Hand Stamp, tho best, clDtupcs^ ami moat convouiont of any thing for the purpose yet offered for *alu. AUKKI) WEBSTER, Uciu AgL apr 8 ly 106. Congress M. HllliT’S UlPKUnSl) SKWWU MACHLMiJ. D ESIGNED Expressly for nmkiug Bags—and which U decidedly superior to any other machine for that puriiose. -^pool or skeiu thread can be used of auy desired leugtli, aud which will uot need to be changed until tbu whole is used. Bag mauuufttclureiH, Gruiu'aud Flour tnuroliauts me particularly invited to call uud uxuiuiue Hal 135 1 on gross street. May26. ALF'KKD WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT ftWBBSTBll’8. IMPROVED SHUTTLE. SEWING MACHINE. D ESIGNED lor Families, plantations, Dress ma kers, Tailors, Bout ft Shoo manufacturers and others who may wish to do their uwu sewlug cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sews a uni form stlfoli with both sides alike, uud which will uot ravel. It Is more simple, Is less liable to get out uf ordor. uud coats less lu proporliou than any other tnuchino, and is warranted to be perfect, aud to work well. All apparatus uoceanury lor couvenlcul use is furnished with R, uml auy instruct Ion will bu giveu that will bo necessary to ensure to the purchaser Us successful opcraUou uud durability. The public uro respectfully invited to call and ex« aiuinc them ut 135Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. JtST A very neat aud oruuiueutul Iron 'table will uow be giveu with a machine for a small sum iu addition to tho regular price. May26. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC.. .4, 1865. T HIS Improvement enables ono Ucld hand to ptek as much cotton as Uvo can pick by the old method and imviug tho cottou fruu from traali, and in better condition for ginning. Tlio abovu machine* uro fur sale at 136 Cougroas street Savaunuh, aid 126 Meeting street, Charles ton, S. l). All orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Plontors, Factor*, Cotton Brokers, amt alt iuturosted arc resjiccU'oliy invited to call und exumino them County Bights cun be bought on fuvorahlo term*. May, 25. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.-—I6,Ob6**iitis hel* fcnnoKsoo Corn iu store and for sale tow by Jo2—tf YOU NG ft WYATT. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 (MNOKttM AND 67 «T. JULHW STRWW. mHE Suhscrilfor hitarccelvod, nui will open X.tbla day, the largest mul most extotwiyo variety oTwiNDOU .stLtptsuy er offered iu this city. Itts the IfifrUttop of tho adverllser to keop constantly iu storo a Vqrgo atyiply of all tlio various pattern* aid styles luouul'uclurod by the manufacturers ol this couutry and of Franco, to which the attention ofmor- clmuts aud families iu thu oily aud couutry, Is tu- vlled. They will bo sold at wholesale and retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. GIRON, Agent. Jan 8 N EW 1MPOTTATIOX —25 basket) quarto ft pints Max Sutaluo Wine, iu storo und for sale by J)’12 OGDEN, STARR ft CU. 60 do lair Cuba do 300 bids Clarified, A B and C do 50 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 100 bbls New Orleans Mola**is 50 hhds Culm <fo 100 bbls California Syrup RAGGING AND ROPK. 125 bales Gunny Cloth fino coil* Hope, pure hemp LIQUORS. 300 bids Connecticut Whisky 150 Uo E Phelps’ Gill 50 do pore Gin, 1' ft It loo do New England Hum COFFEE. 400 bags faU* to prime Rio \0U do primo lAgulra .VI do Java, 10 pockets Moclm. For sale at the lowest market rates Jyio _ HOI COM BE, JOHNSON ft CO. H AY—300 bales very carofully selected,’io ur arrive YltLOUR AND BACON—600 sacks Flour ; 10,600 J} lb* Bacon, in store and for snlo by jets—• r YOUNG ft WYATT. B ALTIMORE FlXJUR-iou bbls suporflno Balti more Flour lauding per schr Wtsidbrldgo, and for sale by Jet SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. R efined anT» ciarifikd sugars— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 50 ito do A Clarified do 60 do do B do di» 60 do do C do do Just received und for salo by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. M onOngaETei.a WlffiKv— 25 bhs Old Mounngaliela Whisky. 60 Double Maimed “ Jn*t rereived ami fur sulo Uy m.v23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. T HE ATTENTION or strangers Visiting the city and the public generally, w invited to an examination or our stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety and stylo is not to be ox- colled in this city. _ apr28 AlKIN ft BURNS. *7 £ CASKS Bacou, Hams, Sides and Should I fj dors, just recoivod and for sale by aprll CRANE. WRUfl ft 00. B agging, ftc.—200 baius gunity Bugging 160 hint* Sugar, 1000 sucks Rfo*’-“'■•- .“le* Tobat — * JylO PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO. 1JACON.—50 hhds primo Baron Sides, 26 doth) do f > SlmuUoi'sJiisi received und for sulo by JylO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. L " ARD AND CANDLES—20 bbls and 60 keg* No 1 l*?At‘ laird 76 boxes Adamantlno Caudles, star brand 10Q du Boadoll'a Tallow do, Just received uud for sale by . JylO HORAN TON, JOHNSTON ft CO. RUTA BAD A SEED.' I jTHKSll Hula Buga, Flat Dutch, Rod Top. and ; large Norfolk Turnip Seed*, warrnutod tho growth of I860. Just received aud for sulo by W. W. LINCOLN, JjplH—3_ Monument Square. N OTICE.——R. a. omwibrd ona K l. Haokett aro uiy duly authorized agents during my ab sence from tbe Slate. JS HORACE MORSE. P ipes, papkk* and HCKLiw.-60~groiilPipe Head*, 100 do Pipes 260 reams Wrapping Puper 60 dozen Pickles, received and for aalo by mcmahon a doylk, Jy2l 105 and 17 Bay street C OFFEE.—100 bags Rio Cofibo, tklr, and primo 100 bags Lagulra do do do 60 pockets Old Government Java Coffee 50 box«3 ground Went India and Java Coffee, landtag, in store aud for sale by Jy23 WEBSTFR ft PALMES. , io Coffee 200 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Bchidam Hchuapps 60 hosketa Holdslck Champagne In Btoro, and for sale on nccommodntln^termsjl X|M.OUR9(M» —sacks extra and suporflno Flour, in X; store and for sale Uy June20 WEBSTER ft PALMES. ULI<AM> GIN—6 pipe* Meador Swan Holland V GIp, for sale to eby SCRAN' [TON, JOHNSTON ft CO. ’ BB1& J. Taylor ft Son's Alo received andfer mmO sale by MoMAHON * DOYLR, jell 7 Nos. 206 ft r" — J UST RECEIVED iior stoainor Alalk Extra choice Tablo Butter J/Ti: . mton Market Beer Pickled Boor Tongs BARRON’S Family Grocery siore, JylO Corner Whitaker and Charlton sis. L ARD—15 bbls and 25 kegs Lear lard 6 kegs extra Smithfleld lArd, for sale by J>17 WEBSTER ft PALMS. S UNDRIES—50 bbls New York Kquucql Sugar 125 boxes No 1 Pale and Fsmlly Soap 100 do Tobacco or various brands 50 do Green and Black Tea 16 hhds Bacon Shoulders, 10 do do Shies ’ loo boxes Candles. Adamantine, ilonld, fto, Jut received and for sale by Jy20 MoMAHON ft DOYLE. F •ale by ET