Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 26, 1856, Image 3

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' HEALTH wnw, SAVANNAH, I ii ii. Jo1 / ,tu >. >858. X k» All v.moU orrlrltw at i fin iKirt of Havin'- wm nabfjhiin |lf« Wet IuaUM, Mexico, G'culrtl America, Manta Araori™, or from auy pott whom luli’Clhuis nail malignant iIInnhc* aro pfrvaiiiiiR. (hums Ml yemote Iravln* *kkuo<H oh hoard, or having umt alckiiuM nu board, uluce IumI Hisiratw,) aro roqulrsu to coaio to aucbor uii Fort Jv'W"oo, thereto remain without omnmmiloa. ton a'iilt iho city ot Savannah or mUarout country, until vi l»y luo llo.ilth GUluvr. No hut or wviol .hall recolvj) nuy ot the crow "i |m* ' tr im voh.'0|n juityoui to tho above or* tu v toi mu* t»ur|M»*c or carry log thorn to tho city or 111 vicJutiv. Vessels will not bo doubled in tyiarauUue imlms »uch detention be necessary. tnj violation or the above order* will itubjuul the vi 'Utor to tho irannlly of tho law. F. 11. DKMKKK, HAItli Milder. A|i|unv.'d h. V. Axiutaaux, Mayor, tf-Jyll Altwiny «• Gulf H* It. Co., \ Savaimith, S7ili June, 1M«J. / AMdoayUmom of 1U nor com., befog tho JSr tbeUi’llal Stock of thU Oomiuuiy, (tcyeoy called, and roqulred to he |wld at Ihta #*o un thp *»t '••y «l Scjitoiubor next. By order CI|AH. til| A NT, V».m * * wll* feretory and Treasurer. CITY TOBA«Vtt»R*» OFFICE, \ VvMU,h, siftl Juuu, 1S16. 'X hsflfct The Ronds of tho City of Savannah, duo 10* l->t fohrnwy, iSM, Uauwl for Central Rail- .•oSast^K, (ou.totliQtaly kuown a* McAllisterbond*) wifi be nhletHiiod It deal red in stock or tlie Central lUtirilidaud Usnklfig Cotnjmuy; at ita market value, ills twmli befog rocolvod at par. 'jui.Y Wl^'g WHy.W^rey'r. '^KirHiUbiMSS^StSnn rtSiiifc; .it m LJ .CCidUMn I lied Will dt.rl Kih>IH- -Ul-I I.Mi .1. “V .liuffMI ,llWM R®m. r, Itn-l,I,,,, dUwSfi'” HHu, \l. a. llAVU- h. ~ T ~ MW SALK. , aflat •*•** Iran., ol teuni, .mSi «ur*' othh, f » - aC/lfc , V'' , ‘ , h'i.rl|y,ol .NtvtUHVah uii lh«.-. A an.rtloll Hull lam.l wall Ndaiiled to it a growthol lllc-o, (.oUoii and O.rii. and Wontl i*ih*uu * totiayibr U ton time, over. Apply to * . tr c. a, c oi;p, jjj*Mvariotu jjjjjjjj 11 ** * n ® w# * varfoty7*»nd AlklN .V BURNS LOTH* SALti. -A lino lot in Wontey Ward.— . Al.o two "U Gordon strait, oast. Fur sale low too 'impio. Anply to A. WILIIUR. •tim'l lusiftauau Agent and Hrokor, nt»y «‘i 111 Hay atroel. NUTIOK. ,4 U. pwr.uus having claims against tho ustato or 2% Uoorgo U. Troup, doceasetl. will haud thorn iu, duly ultcitod, and those Indebted will ploasu make imyaioutto either of the undersigned. , ruoMAs u ixihuan! t.... JO 10 0AMK1. H. H. TKUUr, j Kx ^ S AI.T—lotto saokH SaltTn More and ror aalo by Wn.IJAMl.YNN, Jduo 14 87 Bay street 'IfST-Thu Vriiu iSlTofiE C, irn!os liryau uirtof, m-tr’ I Mnif "n«-..i Hit. nMsi ilu.lf.lilu ,IPV*S fvihe natron* of the Wh ow*ln«. .\l| OuliM tip la Ilia lloiirgl.u |irvviaau la BF tho all Iii-l.ii., aro iny.lilo only tu |b, un- .lunigiitd. Niiiou and autoimlu duo In itiv illy will tin |iru.-cn!od luiuioillakly, .ml nil ilvbU duo ■**■ unuiiir* win koruM* 4 -****- . , M Muium. oy on curly mall. fids being tho tint time that tho undorsignod luut publicly appealed to hi* hto patron, ho reel* that tlie'v will not couslder him unreasonable lit urging JiNju tU«tu' thq uccbtsIty'Tot Itdmddlatb payfnciit. ^HetmtunoM mat bJ-‘ihddo'dli‘octiy to’tMiitidor* siAieiP. UrwR. B.'llfltbn 'h Co A whoue rocoljit wl^ StaiM. Hiiir.ii- j. i'un’ch ■ M.y ai, Util. _ luylH-lawdAw UAUUiNu, UUPK, i\u.~JUU hales Uuutiy’‘Bug- 44 ItlttKJ m.KJ rolls Om|o Ropo; 600 pound* Twluo; a*culvod nnd lor *aie by juuolA I1U1A7UMUK, JOHNSON * IX>. jltutt Markot R just reueivvd i\»vl H*r Halo by iToLOOMBB, « cy. CtUOAU—1ft hbd* choice 1'orlo Ripo ttugar: STtlo Q Crowuod Muscovado and Cuba Sugar; 60hUl* crowuod Muscovado and Cuba Sol Harbuducu Sugar; 300 do Stuarl'a ami 'UulUiuor'o uleain roBuodj' oruih^L mwilufml ud clarllled W ttSStt A CO IW %UL .... . <■ 50 bhd* Muscovado Mnlasso*, 100 bbl*. Now Orleans Syrup 3d hkd*. Now Orleans. Porto Rico and Museo* vado Sugar 400 bbl* New York HoclIDod 8ugaf s SO bbls Crubed and Powdoro«t do 10 boxes Loaf do 100 bbl* Lebanon Mill* super and oxtra Flour •JOO boxes Adamantine, Sporm and Mould Can* ile di> Slo 1 Palo and Family soap and Swob 130 bile* NtaYjr Chinny Bagging • • ’ v .*00 ooil* Western Hemp Rope 2,600 lbs Bogging Twine 1 '50 hbiUMear and 60 do Ribbed Bqcou Side* 25 ‘do Shoulders and Iftpjs t§o V>xe* Tobacoo, various brands PK) do Blaolc and Orson Tea 600 lugs Prop and Buuk Shot 60 keg* and half kegs Hazard's Powder 75 bbls Sugar. Buttor and Soda Cracker* i 25 do Pilot Bread Togotbor with a lull assortment ol' all otbor aril* [ tides in tho grocery lino, (except llQU^rs,! In atarc and Tor ta'o on acuommodatisy term* bv • I Vl\\.'•* Nowua^ii oo. E ATS —100 dozen ihanlallriu' Hat*, hi*store and for falo'by * . t J. M. FYRK,04Bayst. . %SMSL n _i o bigs did brotrn Jkva do; iti'i* gluart's A! B'aud C CLtrlflod Bu. | & 0ri\8hWa^dPulVetlWiVda; 1 *0 hV 1 ** Htirw Rico, now Grioan*. and Muscovado I dugars; I 5U boxes Btuart’s Loaf Sugar; I 50 lihd.* Sides and Shoulders; I casks Trowbridge and Boaty'. Hams; 1160 bhU Donmead and Oakley Flour; 115 bbls and ball' bbl* Canal 6our: J150 bbl* Buttor, Suiutr and Pilot Crnckou; |46boxM8odaCraoBors[ l tp .or* I kU boxes various brand* and qiwllUes Tobaneo; 135caaes-Uyer's Aromatic ... j . »dn^ 1160 bbls Cuba and Neer Orleans Molaanes^ /'"'tOFFKN—aoo b \J do Lagui biles Mucha C W ANTKH W PVHCHASK- ity of Columbus Ruuds, vudorsod by tlto Muioosoo RaUxvthl wiPPttuy. Apply lo ^ Jultl—CU. fmDKLKOHU, FAY A CO. runjii iH UAHKKLS. J UST received a lot of Extm Faotltf Hour, in barrels. "'** u 1 J? ‘ **•* apritt'*- YOUNM blYYATT. /ttiXoiOi wmta A _ unuoKtti. \J Just r iebived 20 baskets Uoldslck Champagne. *6 quartor casks Shorry, Port and Madeira ‘Wines. 16 dox Cisrdt Wind and Curdial*; 6 bbis o!u ' ilduougal wood,’ RIuCMBk.; ?a Ho; llObbdn OUba I &0 bbls No."' an do; i)ii|Kuit’s Ponder; ■ MO bkgil Brobktnd Buck ■MO kegs, bain and qUaVterF, 1 ] SK&7 1 |10Qqu%tti SoUeldam Sohnappa; ■ 100 casks pint* Ale and Porter; Isoo bbls rectified Whisky; 1100 bbls New Kngland Rum; ll&O bbls Phelps and E Phelps' Gin; ■SO casks common and pure Malaga Wine; ■<0 M.|, Whlto Wine tnd PM?r YlHWi ■rotates oWpty WUtVWWM;'r 1 ■too boxes, neap, BUtrom and Candti mr in stbro anrtTor sale onkV- '“gqir Bojr™ iiiirratiii . .. CORN AND COB HILL. !l\nl \w%mt* braufl': .... .abola'Wulliky, in glasf and rood; Fuj said by ' DAVIU O’C^NNliR, Joll ' Car. ttrnugUtan and Drayton bu. 0. G. POOLE, No. U, WlilUaker Btrool, (two doors from Uryan,) WUOLK8ALK AND RKTA1L DXALKtt IN hca. minds, Doors, Pnlnte, Oils* Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, «e. . ..^Sfa l*alntors', Uralaers’ and Artists’ Brushes: I^JHjvrhltcwa3h Hoads aud liustors, Dry and SH^^Mlxod Paluts of overy description, Artist?' culors iu tubos. Prepared Cany,, &qr " " V PAWjiH HANU^l^j^aTOliWIWi’lRK BUAKD Rooms prepared with noatne*s and despatch.— llouso, Slgu'uud Ship'l'ttlutlna','Gliding, GralnliiganU w ft «!»fi-nbrr'wl n'mwifip l0 Ai! nrilew IHIM Ihs Sfcwiry Fraupdjf-jMeadwl WILMOT’-S JEWELRY STORK § 1* receiving by overy arrl-^SSM-rf53L val a large and rich assort-jc^^ mentor Gold and Silver Watches, Diatuouu Ear and Fiuger Rings, Mantlo aud other Clocks, 8|»on*, Forks, Tea Sotts, Casters. An,," uf Btorllng Ullwr. • “ Jownlrv iu every variety, Ivory* Table Cutlery,-One Pocket Knives and Scissors. . • Rich China and Parian Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrollod Guns manufactured to his own order. ahum ... Mur* - dimlrsblo himluess Apldy t»* 4. t- litGGAN. At I W. Morrell K CO’ri. vOiUiiW. ■ Building corner Bay uu>l Drnyloii sia,, HUhabto thr nturcsutdu purpoM^ ami swr* age. For itartlbiRprs enquire at Juno IU THIS OFFICE, TO8wr A commodious, airy and pleusiui lion* tu a dostrahlu pert ot tbo eliy, tor which a liberal prlco will lie paid. Enquire »l thr .olllco or the Georgian nhd Journal.. 'Ini rent, "" U.vm the tst Nuvouibor‘he.xt. ii coui wodluus aud airy residence, on tho mirth sldo oftho Central Railroad licpot, knowm _as Hovers I'luco. Tho house Is newly fur*, rum ha»oiiiuiit in mile, which can he biiiighl iu*y8 Yult.SU a WYATT. ‘ OFFICES IHIll RENT IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HoCriK adjoining the offloo oftho subscrlher. The basomont would make, with some slight ■^improvement, an fixoollcut luwyot ’s-olllco, & jmaud second Hours will bo lot bir Coanting* , and tho third for Bleeping apartments. Cou with the ostabllshmout is on outbuilding ol brlQk>suUablu (hr aorvault. Apply to 0. A. L IaAMAR, Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. MONTGOMERY WHITE BVLpHLR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) TUwo SpiingB will he open for tho rocep* tlou^or visitors ou the drat day or June, . They aro situated in Montgomery Conn- min, ouo and a hulf miles from tho Virginia aud Touucssee Railroad, IViim which there l* a brar.Qh Railroad to the Snriugs . Pwwettgor* I paving Richmond or Ptotorsburg alter breakfast roach the Springs by 6 o’clock, P. M., tho samoday, all tho.way hyRallroud. Thu accommodations have boou very much ex* tootled siuoo last season. The rooms aro large aud oomtortablo, aud capable or accommodating l,ooq porftons. * The Lynchburg and Abingdon ToL&rapb Compa ny aro now building a bi'afion br' tnslr lino to tho wbl6h'will bo bjxeratlon onrly iu June. X'viry largo Bath House bas Iron built since last eudn. Address RO. H. MOjJBY, ITcaidem, Juwe21—lm Montgompry W* B. 8. Cpmp'-y. . .. sAiito, to tWo'etorV bnoft store' oh^COngroHH oUy (Qr qnykmd nr uuslaoss. Terms ' -iOpptumoaaUDg. For particulars Iu* . oughton street, abovo tho store of T. [oKenna. tfmayl4 TO BEN. , vm: mrttofi-ol frelilK mijojki, p<^ww:.r s?" y FOR LiVERIVOl .-TnoTf Hllfp JAMB, RAY will have dlqviteh lor lb,, iihovo im»H. For irMght . 'HUNTER.A GAMR1EI.I. FUR Ni:N\', YjOttK—Umox Link —Tlie re All kluds of Watches and Clocks repaired lur Ml? most experienced workmen- ‘ a. wilmot, mpyt* No. 1 Market square. L ocomotive nebdlbs^a now andeie* gam artldo which noods only to bo tried once to iusuro the constant preference ortho seamstress, lust received and for xale by nmrlS ^ w ROtiEHS. HUllll All l-lllHlfArin' T UST ARKlVFJy, por feehoohor A. Devereaux, lu cl Tour days 'from Havana, a fresh lot or choice Fiult, for tho tUvunnah Fruit Emporium, cuualst* Ingot—100 hunchos Bananas, 100doxonPlnuAp ples; 6000 Plautnlus, IMPIO Sweet Qrahgox, Tom atoes, and uue basket OVeen Glniror;' Tor salb by Junl»T4‘ •' ‘ ' • " _ ‘ 9> A. BRO.WN. Report, which we warrant to purity tho Savannah River Water perfectly—an Indispensable article for pautatlou use. KENNEDY A BEACH, Jan24 only Agouw for their sale In Savannah. P ICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Ibr Jpp?, ra- celvod and fbr sgle by * • v " w 1 • * ^7ARUOCK ^ DAy'W, ting (arms, !N*o6 June <i un is CdUgrpll stropt B UITER AND CHEESE-25 tuba aba 10 koaa cholcp now Gqsuei; But (or: 26 hexes Cheese; received ppr steamer and (br sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTO! T ARU AND HERRINOB— JU 20 bbls Prime White Leal lard; 60 boxes Prime Horrings. Landing and for sale by 16 SCRANTON, D TRIMMINGS.—Friuge., black and -jas^flfWSr /BUTTON UMBRELLAS—A large supply Of wheel* VJ top whaloboue frtxmo Giugbam Umbrellas, au size*, received and for sale by OR TUX STATU OF HO. CAJWLW1, OaoWM AND FLOHJIU' i . . PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. (}•)!*YRlOltT SECURED MARCH 1865. T1HB attention of Plantora and Stock Feeders mayl6 JOHNSTON A CO. nr pa*sago, apply t*» .fy*» **«,, OGDEN; STARR A CO. FUR NEW YORK.—Colon I Joe—Thu rog- i nUr Packet Schooner O. A. DAVIS, Abell . Jastur, will have quick dispatch ll»r the above iwrl. ror freight or |M*sragn, apply to J'liy 2 OGDEN, HARR A CO. .M MIX PHILADELPHIA.—IlrsoM’ sljaa.- torn sehr FANNIE, Capt Beaston, will have dlHiKUch for the above port. For Urclgbt. an- Hy Iu jyia _ C. a. greiner. Jfti i'OlI FUKUlHT oiVI'llAllfKR^lTo Oiio Jfffla;»chr PLANDOME, Capt Browu, will receive treiKhtor charter tor a Northern port. Apply to JOHN T. ROWLAND, Jy‘J2 _ 71 Bay street. Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Pei' Steamship Keystone State,via Philadelphia PARK TO NIAG’BA FALLS •as. PHILA- I)Kia»’A rpHlS LINE connects at Philadelphia with the X Greet Vertli-Wustern Railroad Route, through to Niagara Fills and BuOolo, In sixteen bourn Rom PhlladolpLt... Through Tiukota, with thu privilege of stopping at Philadelphia, aud Intermediate points, (br sale by tho Agout. Fare lu Niagara Falls or BoQklo $28 *• Elmira m “ Canaudaigua ft 123 'dSkRIlTFAHSAGB TO NEW YORK idTlfcfts $25 00. Neml-Wcekly pnahlps-L' tous..Capl. 0. D. Ludlow. JA .' M , l,50o “ . .Capt. Thomas Lyon. lV ,m 1,800 •• ..Ospt.M.8. WoodhuU. ALABAMA.... 1,800 •* ..CaptG. R.8chenck WILL UtATX MAVANNAH XVKHV WBDiVESDAY AND SATURDAY. Thoso ships are ainoog tho largest on the coast, unsurpassed lu spood, salbty and comfort, nuking thoir (wssages in tiny tu sixty hours, and aro com* mandod by skillful, careful and poll to officers.— Having elegant state-room accomrao<laUaus l they , r i *•■•«"# u.vpwu* nuuvTuuui awuiuiuuiiKuuua. iuuj by Judge I offer a most doslrablo conveyance to New Yotk. r Drayton. Oablu Psssago to Now York.... basement, stcornge Passage to New York .. ..... ,,8 QULhoUEPM. I miipl iiiiii. utxf'l.’iw feb. 6, nvswYAW mi 4'CU., Savamub. O.V4n< MhCwLL, 13 Broadway, Now York. FLORIDA FORTH. nJlRlUA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. L—U. S. Mall IJue—From New Or* rlcans to Koy Wont.—Steamships . ■ FLORI DA andV ANDERBU.T,—Those flnu steatnorM will In lUturo mako thoir regular semi muuthly trips, loaving as follows: New Orleans, loth A 24th I Key West... loin A 24th Pensacola.... 11th A26th I Tump* -.lltli $ 25th Apalachicola, 12th bi3p(h tCedf^: l?dys.'12th U 26th at Marks.... \3(h“, .14th ii 28th Tlie Dwelling lately occupied bj Floating, in thylor street, near ! Said House is three stories un a basement, with good sorvantK' rooms, uudouthouses, ion givon Immediately. Apply to (bb 28 p. L, COHEN. .., ■ ■*' (Vsaosal’dn givdn lmhiedla(ely — Three storV brick house, uo\v'uud in good uruer, atLakt'a'hotel; ATLANTA > i t : GEORGIA. J. J. HE8LER, Proprietor. l tWi?«Wy»V-i4ib SMS(Aiwllldilcoto,V5lb k 25tb CSlSSlC'| T “ m| “W-<Mb*2W.hto , «0l.".l<RhJ.30,b L !_*! I Key West I7lh A 1st 1 New Orleans, 17th Si 1st Agouti iu New Orleans, doc26 t>m E. G. ROGF4W, A 72 yojdrw a< lu Itws 0J\ Tuwfry Night, (hs Wh instant, Tho light drafl-stoamor, WILL1A6I ME imBY, Captain A. C. king, wlU leave regulariy as above, ftrom the Charleston harf. Apply to H. M. IjAFITTEAU, .tyent. FOR CHARLESTON AND l , L0^|tJt. t The line stoamrackctCAROLINA, SCnptalu CpxottHr', will leavo here or eauKsutwme. Ptfoiata aua Palatka, every Tues day ^UorpPdn at 6 o’clock; rolurnlug, will loave for Charleston, every Friday morning at y o'clock. .A n. n freight or passage apply on board, at WUlink's Monhlalti'Hous#, and spoad your suraraor, W jluVlVth I860—ly f ‘ A ‘ C<)Hh ' N ' Ag0Dl ' as everything win be dono (br yonr com* ^-Krolirlits navablu on the whan fort. Conveyances will bo furnished to I i^ Kro J s I'“Jl a y a, ^- ou J'i e M convey passengers to Lawrencevlllo, and Clarksville. ■a- Passengers by tho Georgia UnUt-uad take sup-1 lh want of Sl’RlNG. ANf> SUMMER CLOTHING, to petal this hom$. ■*• ->•> ...i*» his stopk which has Just bceR rewdved, attho «twr aLEYANDEU is CLARK. Clothing Kmporlmn.RT Hay Mroel. F. 8. Aiaxanukk,formonyafIJi^roucoYfllo. apflft WM. O. PRICE J • A, Cubk; Social Cirplc. 2m—Jo 2 | yUWrIES.’ THR ORHAT WESTERN INHURAMUR 00 OF NEW YORK, A HK hiking Marino Risks at thoir Agenny. Am Mtrnei «u Druyinn inu Bryan .itreuts. AppioveU UmUm mil i,c mknu «u llluirai terms, and the uninleredlt given tin Piomlmn .Voles. Three quarter* ul the will he returned to the cun toini'i«iu scrip. €J. A. L. I.smar, ' h>l» ll» Agent in .^vannah. INMJKAhlUK. Montlierii Jlutiinl IiiHui*him «‘(.niii|iany, SuiithriM aluluni Lift- lm.. Company, Uomv itintraiii r beiupsiiy, of N.t urh, MprlngHrlit Firs; A Marine Imt. I’om'y, Risks In the above Insurance Goin|»atihM uuderu ken hy WM. KINO A SOUS, Agents, No. W Bay street, davamiuh, 14tb December. 1866. deel4 fiRR; siAiti.Vft and Lira: l N 8 U R*A i\ C I.. NU. Ill, HAY-STREE1. CAPITAL RKPRKSKNTGD, Ncurly Four Million Donor*. By the following responsible Stock CumpunlVb - Charter Oak Life Insurance t'oiu|Mmy» OP HARTFORD, tit. Bqultnhle Fire Insuratu-e Company, OP LONDON. Farmers' and Mechanics* Fife, Marine and Lift Insurance Company, M . . OP FHLLADKLPH1A. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Insurance Company, OP MUDOKPOttT, tir. ASpTuo subscriber wlllefloet lusuraUPU a> any amount in all parts of the State cq\ every description or property. Llfo Insurance, iamiy amount, at the lowest rate, Tor the V.PhO&t or heirs and creditors, or payable to thu wife froo from the claims or creditors. Marine Insurouoo on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts oTthe world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. NpUawihWViUiUonrJah. 1, 2,280,We 4. Tow mum 0V r ditWwta paid to date 716,422 6tt Total amount uf claim* by death paid 1,838,290 84 $4,282,488 97 Benjamin C. MlUur, riot;rotary, Joseph l. Lord General Agout, Uoheri L* Patterson. President. *The funds of this Company are all safely iuvested in drat class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes or mombera fully secured by their policies For further particulars Inquire of ClIARLBB A. FARLEY, Agent in Bavami&U, At the office uf tyjU k Drouth*» J, n. riuuJVAN, Modlvfti Rxmnlner. amuKuicii: Mewnrs. paDiuronn, Fax fit Co., 1. K. Tor, B<q., State Bank. fOU 29 Suppor ready ou the nrr^ql pfthc’tJaw, MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, JAC JSa8mhSU.^p 8 H T .,oE. LA ' M noARn m day ..$ 1 60 HOARD FKR WKZK v 8 CM MILL8HQV8E, ~ r CQPNBR vpvma AWQTON-STRHRTS, I SmsO** tAMmORflh P, fob 11 TfHH Houao Blow aduuted to all the wauls of tho Training Public, and tho ef forts of the l*roprletor will bo to deserve * go. THOMAS a. NICKERSON. HAVR YOU 1N8HUBD YOUR LIFE THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSIIBANCF, t ON PA NY, «f IIWlMi Pl ow v<\v*w-. ->.m> wmm iwkii JA8, 0, WAIJitJl, Fronldeul. si. ft. Wans, secretary. Till* Company insures U’e ut the lowest rates, consistent with safety to the assured. For further information, apply to A. WILHl lt, Agout, jyyl.’i 171 Bay street, ri^vaunah. t.a. 17 . ,_i HOTEL. Undorslgned bas again tho plcasuro f of Informing Ills numerous frlonds, 1 woll os the public at large, that ho Is I kyot at tho Indiau Spring Hotel, und is folly , with the assistance of his sons aud his JUST RECEIVED— 16 bags cholco old Govcruuient Java ami Rio Coffee; 20 half chvrits Black aud Greou Teas, 1(^oho and In quurior pound package*. 10 lilidH Light Muscovado Sugar, 10 bbl* R L % V *Wd«'a Grtwhdd and clHriUod 8u< gavs; ' * own experlenco or six years at tho hotel. With tho lObbls self rising Flour, host cooks that cau be procured, as Woll tft ossIh- 26 bugs Extra and SnperOno Flour- tanco of all kinds, to r,sk «1‘ all those who Visit tho 20 bbls Soda, Butter and Maplo Crackers ■ ?P. r ftK 5 gcmroui oftholr putrotin*., intcu.l- 60 boxes BoiiJpl>» bally Soap, SUrch and Caudles: log to spaf a no pklns* of binfsolf to tuako all such as I 60 doa palls and Brooms: pleue to give blm'a cqll comfortable. Tholudlan 1 ■ “ ' Boring Hotel is now opon, mid ready to receive all those that yill nteqso to call. Thero will bo at For sythe Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all Depot — such as wish to go over. KDW. VARNER, inay23-3taw tsopl Proprietor. *** Savannah Republican, Morning Nows, and Charleston Courier will plesso insert the above throe times ouch weok until l*t September, and send thoir bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. s J TlMA-Q l „l[n?d niiSb ibr I the 'rocilptlou of Boardora uud Travellers, 1 And tho Undersigned promises to. eparo i ‘ ehwpu* 100 dox ricrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla Clothes Lines; 10gross Matches; 26 boxes ground toffoo and Peppor; 50boxes Mustard aud YTeast Powders, Masv.Clima- mow, Nutmegs, aud Cloves, and 10 cases tablo Balt, & c., Ac. In store aud fur solo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cor Rronghtai; qpd Drsytou sts. jes, June 6 LADSON k ROGERS. Orlcan* sibAV;Just received aod for side by ” June24 “ Just received ond-forstte by ” 8 ‘RANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. [• now l ii Stoffic Foeders throdghodf the bountr^, who aro .tdjrtOtoatity to (helf superiority overall other _ Jlls of a similar kind. Thetq Mill* aro’mado tho I exclusive buslupss qf the pfttontoo, Mr. Scott, who IWtltfu wacW ;qan, superintends the caatlug in lpiriuu, aqd aejocta uqty such Ifon as Is best adapt- Mlo flielF use, which, like car whoels, require to I to mado of motal known to be hard uud strong.— They wslgh from three to flvo hundred nouuds, ac cording to size, and can be put In unarution iu twen ty minutes without expense or mechanical aid. Tho Uttle Giant has taken tho Jlrst premium at nearly all the State Fairs throughout tho union, and that in the most complimentary mannor. They aro guaranteed against broalwgo or derangement when |ued according to directions, and warranted to give the most perfect satllflcMon, or the money refunded ua the return of the mill. Thev are or three sizes, and will grind from eight j-'iU.UtfUMiUftheliitfttd (e»d por hour, qecpydlng to wvwitivnMor two horses. ) i •• Mfv new oner thorn U>-tho trade complete, ready W attaching the team, atroduood prices. Air. 0. H. CAUPF1ELD Is our Agent In Savannah, ^whom tho mill may bo bad at our price. inarch 7—eedkwly | IVATCIffli^WATCHES-^VATCHES. We ere receiving the London Lever Watches, ortho most celebrated makors. In •Gold and 8ilvor cases. U. F. Cooper’s Du- lplox Watches, Watches for liming Hqrsofl, Isj.i'riv.iwqj.ror.on.oters, whlcp wo o«sr til reUtona- I W| ri*.c<. ni out'Ubw stork lh Gibbons’ lUbge. ‘ SeplW ' -» 1 D. D. ’NICH01R k OQ I new TIM STORE AMD SHKKT-iROJV MANUFACTORY. 141 soon or MAMPrr squari, bxtax snuwr. ^ I would inform my old frlonds and putrons 1 liave opened the shove store to conduct the AM store, Tin and BhOet-Iron Business in all iu various forms, and whore rlUbofoqqdegon- W.iav.rfoioqtQrgtqvS'', Tih quaShdot-Iron Ware, v*nPh I will l>e pleased to show, and at such price w Will satisfy any ono wishing to purchase. AU kinds oT RooOtif, Gutters of I-ead, Gal van l rod j won Work of every description, Job Work and Re* Pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves pul up n>d I'ijki* furnished at stmrt notice. rm Ware at wholesale aud retell. Call down on wywi “trout, it will pay you for your walk. JOllN J. MAURICE, Agent. S ILK PARASULS—A new supply of those beauti ful Silk Parasols have Just been received and are for salo by ' juuo 0 ’ pAPSQN k ROGERS. a OFFER aND CANDY.—100 sacks Rio Coffee 60 boxes vrvsb ground - do 25 do Gandy, Just recclvod and for salo by jyil MWAHUN DOYIjE. valids affd others leavos the HoUso three Mills, Coni vannah *‘ 1 ' rntrcvtilagb, and trader's Hill, and the Sa* _ boats tow-h golQg’And coming, so that pei will not tra Incnnvouloudcd, but can leave wnc they aosire. Prices will be made to correspond with Drat class country hotols. TMftMAB B* JONES 81. Iforys, May 2T, 18,5,9. ‘ 8m my27 TnHY aoqus.—Ladies Open worked llosf, do | J UMo Thread dq, do Eng|lsU aud German do "^Children’s Cotton Hose and Sacks dent’s Half Hose, fancy and plain Do Silk aud Lisle Thread Glove* Do LUlo Under Shirt* Ladles’ Gauze, Merino and Thread Under Shirts Do llalr doth Skirts Cambric and Swiss Flouncing and Bands, Ac, for sale at lowest prices by jy22 Dewitt a Morgan. C ALL AT GRIFFIN'S and you will tiud tho most beautiful assortment ot small Fancy Articles in eliiuaand geld ornamented, consisting in partot Jewel boxes, Taney do, reticules, floret*, buuuct va* so*, cab|c«. grundahv*, Amall do, Wl6gue bottles. rlhbp;iB- t cologne,, lantern blue florota, can- dlcdtiuka, and last though not least useful, match boxes, a very tasty selection and something uow en tirely. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M Eastmau, Jy6 Corner Bryan and Whitaker sts. HOTS WATER FILTER.-pjust recolved an .,as3or\mont of sizes Kedzui’s improved Water Fillers for Ultering Savanuab River Water, for salo by \\\ %\C£ MORSE. Jy h 166 Broughton St. ^©fARN.—25 haliw’Yarn, assorted uumbors, in JL store, and titr sale by ty8 CRANE WELLS A CO. tt James Ui erKjxus, OKonat. W, OOLLIBIl ipuotfutiy announce* that tho above House will bo oponed for tbo roccptinn of guests, on tho 20th instent. Ho has been .fortuuate In socurlng tho services of Mr. irlffin, well known to tho public as tbo irsVen* / ^ a NAUUiUJS—Du bulea Osuaburgs, Georgiamun- U ufuctory, In storf, aud. {hf »tie In lots to suit purchiMors, by »y8 CRANE, WELLS A CO. P A H GIN—fiU bbls old P AHGln, Just re- • ceivod and for salo by jyd SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. D omestic hquous^~ flu bbls E Irntdii* Rj’o Gin, 26 bbls N E. Hum, 60 “ Luther Foltou’s Rum, 26 “ Domestic Uroudy, 60 ‘ • Qld l* A U Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N. 0. Whisky, Just received aud for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. MARIRffi AMP VUW (NIURANt’K. 'VUE Ui'miNA<riONAL Insurance Company. NO. 98, MEHCHANl'S EXCHANGE, NIW YORK, ’ CASH OAFiTAL—tfatS.oyj AQKKT SAVAMNAIt! J Mill vs Ms Carter, AT TUB OFFICE OF MMSits. rouxa, watt a co., No. 85, Ilay Street, below the Post Oflicc. uiKKoroM: ALAN SON MARSH, 8. A. HOLLO Hrnt iff A. ri. tewnvs k Go. ALONZO CHILD, A UUlds, lTutt ft Go. L P. RALLAltD, ’ Livingston, Bullsrd ft to. WM* M* GOJW •' " Wm. M. Dodge ft Co, Pi a. AVERY, H. A. cuum " WM. Fh ROIJA), 8, T. 1JPP1NOUTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. UUSTEll, WM. II. RIVERSMITH, W. U. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, JOS. H. WtoTOttTJ. • JOS. FATMAN, d < STEPHEN VON MURKS, GEO. SAVORY, “ J, A. RKQUA. ALANSUN MARSH, Prosidont. CUAS. W. OGDEN, Vice iVeslpeot. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary, gar This Gimpauy will Issuo Policies uiwu Ua- . no, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, octal No. 86, Bay street. THE OR Id AT WEHTEilN VQtE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 0/ Ao. 107 IPoImd Hrert, Philadelphia. Pam. CHARTER PERPEVUAL CjU’IT’AL $300,000. rout, HAW-'t, AND INLAND IXSCKAXCX. DIRKCrrORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whllden, Merchant, 14 North Frout-Bt.; John 0. Hunlor, llrut of Wright. Huutor a Co.; E. Tracy. Arm of Tracy ft Baker; John 1L M’Curdy, Uriu <>f Jouos, While ft M’Curdy; Isaac Uazleham, Attorney aud Counsellor; Jame* R, smith, Urm of James B. Smith ft Co,; Theudare W. Baker, Urm of Tracy ft Baker; It. S. Walton. 8U0 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES C. LATUROP, President. H. A. Curtis ft Co ” Hunted ft Corlt. • W. R. Lyon ft Co. • 1<M, Murphy ft Co. ’ Briggs, Westcott ft Co. • tatiuan ft Co. Goo. Savory ft Go. A COMPUBTIG OUTFIT FOR BOOU r ltn Important !t«m, and to know whn. to rail aV ' Illc l wll " t ■* waatad t»ojnally lmpwtant, “’“KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Ci, awl Tin, Willow Waro, ttamuinl Water Oaolani, latent l« lUclitr., Brushuis outre variety, Bird Gages, Bathing Tuba, iudoed nearly n very tiling t Uh i t^n he coll.mi fur, rnnolliuiitliHniatti'. apr 10 iffilBS kWigXNti IHO A HAII.IMI MANUFACTORY AND MWNVf, ST. Jl’I.MN .iTRKt.T, riAVAANNAU. liA. (Noar the Market.) I/HOM the most complete facilities In bln own X establishment, and through his connections with several of the prlnultwl manutectuing estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, the Undersigned is prepared to fornffisb MACH IN KRY, PORTABIJC kFeaM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, OUST AND tl/HJH 1IUJA/ CAST AMI WROUGHT IIION HAIIJKO, STATIIEITEK, 6TOKK *W)NT8j Golumu*, Window Mils and UntlR, iron Doom, Shutters, fto., at Amihsnprkes. He is alio prepared to repair Machluory and irou work oTevery UoscripUun, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. „ As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WGRBS, he ta alniprepared to exhibit agrtat varle- ty of deslgna for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, So. Alao Iron Railing in great variety, for enclosures, aud to recoive ordera, aud put up the work at man* tecturcrs’ prices. H. h. MNVILLE. Savannah, April 11.1866. “ B h»u RKAD. MATUHKS ft IA^uN sYttUP- M bbls Sugar, Soda, tad Butter Bulscult; 26 boxeg an do do da. l6Qgrwui Mutches, round boxes. <6 boxes Umoo Bytup. Received and for *«|0 I>V McMahon ft DOYLE, w Noe. 206 ft 807 Bay street. O A BBLS dr fiercer and early Juna Potatoee v recoloved per steamer Augusta, and for sate by maylti j. o. JESSE. VrtW GUriUEN BUTTER ANDCHKESE-U tuba XI and 10 kegs cboloa new Goaben Butter; 20 . * * “ •**““ from ateamar and for JOHNSTON ft OU. taoaa. landing i SCRANTON, la by June 17 MOUnNINO GOODS, B LACK French Bombattue. Black Alpaoaa, BUck Uma Cloth, Black Mohair, Black duUle Black French Lawn, Black and White French Mus lin, and a flue assortment or Striped and Plaid Blaek and While Uiughatu* and Gallooce, Plain and Striped mack Sewing Silks, and Grenadines, Barege and Tifltiuos, Plain aud Figured Black SUkA* for aummer collars and iloovw, or the latest patents. For aale by [JolgJ AliUN ft BURNS. S OAP. CANDLES, fto,—100 boxes Buchan ft Smith’.*; family soap: 100 do Goigate’a No 1 and H Bar do; 60 do do Pals do; 76 do BeadaPa Tallow Candles; 6Q do AdamauUuo do, Star Brand; 60 do Colgate's aud Oswego Pearl Steroh; for sale by June24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft GO. (Bay neat quality ot CHAFFER ft (»., 6 Whitaker street. NBWUbOKi; F UlUit— 1 o aaokH Suporflue Flour, for aale by k WIIJJAM LYNN, JUDB27—at- v 87 Bay atreet. N KATSiXH/r OIU vt Tor sale Ion hj: me^l6i /XUDKV’S LADY’S BOOK, for July; Arthurs YX Home Magazine, for July; Petorson'g Month ly Magazine, for July; liarper’H New Monthly Mag* axlue, for July; aud, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, for July. The Hlhiury of Kuropo. from the foil <d' Napoleon to tho acueasiun of I/iuU Napoleon, la two volume*, by sir Archibald AHaon, a new supply. Hertlm, by Fredrlka Bremer, translated by Mary How UL Tho Ship Carpenter's Wife, a story lor the tlmos, by WHS Whitman. The Tangk-lown Letters, edited by Ibe author of Record* ot tbo Bubblotou 1’arlsh, fto. Salad for the Soolal, by the author of Salad tin* the Solitary. Comic Miseries of Human LUb. Piu-rl-bue tah, a sang that's by no author. For sale at 169 Congress street, by JUM 28 WARNOOK ft DAVIS. a 1.K AND PORTER.—26 bbls Summer Stock Ale, JX, 20 casks Byass' London Porter, pints, Just re ceived and tiir salo by JyO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft GO. ^ntliim Salts. BY BARKMAN A BULLOCH. , . twBMVilnuwi.. • ‘ore trwt of tend, only Urm milM teou the oily, conininlng .iKiut 80 >or», half or which isclearod ft uudergood aud aiibatentialteiM. The cleared land Is h rich loony aoU. and wall adapted for gardening potposes. TWeua waUof mmt excellent water on the promises and aU neoes- tary nut-biilidlnga. negro, liousei, barns, fto. The bulMueo iff the ttaci, say 4u acres, is unoleared hind and heavily timberod with valuable timber, and the soil excellent. The locality is very exesilent: not one caso of tlcknoss ban occur rod an the pram- Do* during the whole time the prosont r ha* owned It. This Is a chance for an 1 any person wishing a r the city, or nay person rarely to he met with, and i uulet private mldencu near ilSFiULu* ' nUi ten gardening buslneaa to IhSttf|S.“u.'2f** b "* BuM ’ wU1 For terms, which will be vory liberal, laaolraat our counting room, 164 Bap street. TRtos aafrpata* At PrivabTriaie, (foe iff the ttuust tmtol or lioardiug house ser vants lu the State. Knquii e at 164 Ray street At Private 8ale. A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good pUin cook aud fleld band Warranted sound. Title un doubted. JunelB At Private Sale. A negro man, aged 2S years, a first rate hostler aud house servant. Title undoubted. Jal9 At Private*Sale. A very likely negro man, aged 38 rears, a good field band. Warranted sound. TUIe-tnxfoubtad. Junolfi ^ At Private Sale. 1700 buabais Rico, au exoellant articla for stock of all kind*. Gall and examine. Price 21 oente per •“wbel. ^ Junelfi To*RenT Two good stores, under the bifid; at the foot ot Whitaker street Juna 19 Wanted to purchase A coavanleat oadlum-alxad bouse, in a central location—one fronting on a square would be prelW red—for such an one a liberal prion would be given. Junel9 At Private Bale. Thirty eligible building Lute, 66 root front by 100 to 124 fret deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. These lots are on high ground and some of them in the Immediate neighborhood of the let selected for tbo site or the Savannah. Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. - Terms earn* as city loti, via: one-tifth cash, tne bateneo bearing Interest at six per oeot. Junelfi 'KOTuHSatWknUbT I FRY OR’S^olNTMiSNT. I T is a sure and speedy cure for buma, pllan, cocos, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipple*, (rocouimeuded by nur- sos,) sore aud craukeu Ups, tresh wounds and aorea or any description. It U a most valuable remedy aud eure, which can be teetiflod to by thousanda who have used it in many portions ol the South for the but few year*. In no instance win theaalve do any injury, or Interfere with a phy Melon’* prescrip tion. The proprietor has nurat-reu* certificates and loiters from puoplo who have used U themselves, and moot earnestly recututueud it to others as a speedy aud cerula remedy for tho abovo named diseases. A trial is all that b> necessary for Ita own reootnmendation. Among the many that have testified to the effica cy of this valuublu remedy, und recommended it t» the public, arc Dt k A T Utdloy, Judge K Y HUi, Judge O A Bull, R J Morgan,Ktq, J I. Stephens, Esq, aud thousands of others. Sold by J B Moore, bavaunah, Ga; J K llall, Amer- iuus.Ua; Clark ft Bells, Augusta, Ga; MuKuesou, Kobius ft Co, New York; and druggists generally. By remitting one dollar to the proprietor a single box ol the Oiutmeot will be forwarded by mall, tree of poetago, to auy part of the U States. Sold by J. B. MOORE, J - guts generally. maylti GENERAL NOTICE S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can uow be dona at homo. Mr. CHAKLBJ KEMISH having es tablished himself permanently, all work In this lino will ho done with dispatch. All repairing ofCkstors, Teapot*, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any otUer artldo will be done neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such as Teaxetts or Urns, Forks or riliooiis, will bo ro-finfsbed and made equal to new. aud at moderate prioes. All work or orders left at my store will be attended to promptly. P. d.—Watch wwos calvamiod. muy27 O. M. GRIFFIN. AIRES SMALL UMBRELLAS.—Indies’ - smell size Silk Umbrellas, from II to 24 Inches. Re ceived and for salo by J. W. THKKLKELD, Jo 12 Congress and Whitaker street* S UGAR, fto.—76 bbls and 10 bhds A, U and C Sugars; 16 hhds Molauos; 26 do Bacon Sides and Shouldors; received and for sale by MoMAHUN ft EOYLD, niiiclfi 205 and 207 Bay street. warn YELLOW CORN. -In atore uid for JL sole by tnay7 YOUNG ftWYATT JlilMK KENTUCKY HAMS^-Neatty trim- med and for sale to cloae consignment. maylT YOUNG ft WYATT. W HISKY, RUM AND BRANDY—75 bbis x, XX xxx and xxxx Whisky, 60 do Rum 26 }{ casks Brandy, 26 bbls do Received and for sale by Jyi7 McMahon ft doyia:. DACbS. F OR sole, to arrive 14 bhds olrar Sides, 14 bbds Shoulders, Prlmo Tennesseo, by Julyl6—at WAY ft TAYLOR. C 10UN-—1000 bushels prime Corn in store and J for Hale by lor. *J9 •’ A GRKINI3L BALTIMORE ’BACONT keeper or tho Nlnet] Rollro wo pUbUO as the Q AAA POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, lu Y Mil# Houao on the Central I Q,NljU aturo aud for salo by . Jroad, to assist In tho supcrintondcnce or tho u BARRON* Molutoah House during the season. A band of mu- j uno20 corner Whitakcrftmd Chr rlton -flts. sic bas uLo boou secured. Stages will ho In roadl- gyre Hit —“* t -~ lx ~ - uoss at Forsyth, on the nrriv r I of trains, to convey L AAA ti!i! UAsseugcra with oomfortand JUpatch to Urn houao. I 1 AAA POUNDS choice Ball No paiU3 will bu spared to tpakc flu^U ft»comfort able cj pcislblo, and a mohe*Wnfoullialty hrjlllaut scosofi la corifidiniiy anticipated. 11 A—Juno 6 “ WNIHUNK.' BNTKllPIUSIi 1N8VHASCD OUHPt, No. 11 Pint itmt, Nno York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NA89AU STHtiRT.) Costa Capital—#150,000! fTTHlsCompany Insures agalust loa* or damsgo by X Fire, ou tho most reasonable terms, dwelling bouses and furniture, warehouses, stores und mor- choudlzu, factories, ships iu port, etc. All losses will bo adjusted und promptly paid. l>. 8. MILLS. President, C. BROOM, Vice President. Edw’u C. Tavzor, Secretary, Gxo. b. Dioxi, Surveyor. * .TAMES Ui&HVJBR, Agent, Juno 17 a for Savaunah, 86 Bay street. ggj BrusnosT 10Q0 Roams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 dox Scrubbing and Shoe B ASKETS—Au t-logaut assortment or Traveling Basket*. Just received by stuamor from New York. A call I* invited at KENNEDY ft BEACH’S Houao Kurulrfhlng Storo, Hqdgsnn’ji now hN»rk. Jyn '• \. A • h : •* I*f AY—36 Dales Northern Huy, for sale by XX Jyg W1IJJAM LYNN, 87 Bay st. L ARD.—20 bbls and 60 kegs now No 1 Leaflard, latuliug and for salo by jy7 SCRAN fON, JOHNBTON ft CO. A TLANTIC IJiiAD.—Constantly on h»n4 A OIlAFrEtt A CO.’b, ' - Tq|ir30 BAfWijWtwMt**. r-iHAHI'AONC—13 bUMkcta genuine Heldile V^cbampagiie iu *p>ro and for salo by may10 OCTAVlfa C01IEN, ,_ llit MRS. STEPHENS' 11 LM hfltATEI) New Mouthy, No 1. vol 1, for July, I JL 'h'vi’ici to Talos, Romauoos, Illustrations, Ari ■,‘V,.' l|, ’ n ‘ l Uforaturo, oath uumlior beautifully I'mi ib-ilm finest stylq of ^boil'IlliiHtr^linns. mj“1 ■-lett'eh, Allee, Tho KalU of - liweliaha, Stays Ifr’-Ji'fper^ Time's Changes, Love lu »7<J, Eureka, Nclllo'e Uhwlons, Tho Summor Va- liSs • °fTwo Uvea, Tho Disannolntod | £uT'' Th0 Conrawjoo, Tilings We Talk ■ Sjib.M-rijKiw, price $1 60 per year, lu advance. IEv? 1w ^ ,ha ttov* may be noud at the Book- ■7 '" WARNOOK ft DAVIS, J jy4 ; 168 Congress street. bag* prime Greeu ltlo Coffee IV Itw bags fair do ' do do 5, OoFwnnent JavaCoffs# « b*gs old Maracalba N do «> do prime Lagulra^ do hi do do Porto Rico do . » do do old Rio do 'Vf* fcnd saltbr W BC1UNT0N, JOHNSTON ft 00. FRKS1I OROCBRlB 8. TN STOltV'^-jwr steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta- X bio Ruiim- and Clieeso; Beef Tongues; Smoked Bouf: Hams: Bacon; Pig pork; White Beans; Het’k- er’s Seff-ralring Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Alinonds, fto., ftc.: Pickles or all kinds; 1'rosorvos, assorted; Hrandy Fruit, assorted; PrCKton’rt Premi um Cbocolutu; best or'lW, Coffee, and Stuart's No 1, A, U and C Sugars; lliblrart's Inndoh Purler; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Claret and ofoet WteMs; at ’ Family Grocery Storo, June 18 eornor IVUltakurand Charlton sis. ’ JUST RECKIVKD PER PL OBI DA.* I CASE Richardsons Superior Irish Unons, Chocked Cambrics, Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins StripedRwlsa, and Plain Jaconeu, 1 case Palm l<oaf Faun, Culton Friiigo aud Wide Trimming Braids; Grass Cloth, New York mills Shirting, l «i*e Superior Calicos atfitfet*. 8 lu aud 11-4, Bleached Cotton Sheetings, ftc., fto. for sale at lliu lowestprice*. by DEWITT ft MORGAN. L ocomotive nekdi.ks—a fqrfrrar supply or the colebrated I/raoiuotlvo Needles, Just received MD30N A HOaBB. B acon aSu hiiu,-m ikS imm. niniwi Sides, 10 do do HUouiders 16 oxski choice sygar cured IIaiim, ust rucelv< •4 by «Jyl7 WEBSTER ^ PAIJ4ES. 60 M imported SpaniBh Sugars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; 76 mats Jam Coffee; 100 dox nroonm; ;o dox wxshbdsrds; W Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do l*aleSoap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chests Young llysmi Ton; 60 do do Oolong do! 100 boxes Canuy;"* ^ co boxes to*i«d’HerrUu»; 78 box6s Frf8h Ground Coffee; 100 boxos Imported Costllo Soup; 100 boxos Toilet Soap; 60 M, K, and wholo boxes Rabdus; Rouvivcn aud for sale by MoMAUON ft DOYU-I, may14 206 and 208 Bay straot. | 1 AfkA POUNDS Jholce Baltimore Shoulders; [ JLUUU and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choice sugar cured Hams, in bags; 600 pounds eboleo Tennesseo Hams; lfi barrels choice Leaf Lard; 10 tierces extra whole lUco;fl do fuh- do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pale do; Id do No 1 do; 7 woman's friend do; 6 chemical do; 15 boxes Tallow Candles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 bo ua A, — U bags good Kfo C<meo.; pockets old government Java Cuilee. AU the abo\*e fof pale low'by June 7 | J. A. BROWN. A HOMESTEAD FOR »101 $:3i0,00Q m thp upld reglop of Virginia, (Culpcpi>er Coiiuty,) to bo. divldeil amongst 10,200 subscribers on tbo 17tti of Scplomhor, 1860, for Iho bouellt ul' Port Royal, Female Academy. Subscriptions only ton doUara each—ouo-liair down, tlm rest on tbo deliv ery oftho deed. Kvory subscriber will get ft Build ing Im or Farm, ranging lu value from $10 to $26,000, These Farms and Ixita aro suld ho cheap to iuduco HuttlemontH, a sufficient numbor being re served, tho increase in tho value of wb'.cli will com|ionsato for the apiwrent low price uow asked. Th* moat umple security will bo given for the rnithfol porlormamm of contracts and promises. ■a winvninsii— 1 M°re Agents nre wuutod to obtaiu subscrlburs, to mu n umKinninfi'nuSSli wbojn the most llboral ImlucemornH wtilbo given. T««ff22S2ffilrqqrtn?c IM*r« ««!*»!!* manlike manner, all kinds of Motal RooOug, Gutters, Cornlco, or other work connected with thu i\\q\tulho- turing or repairing ofOonpar, Galvqti(fcon Iron, Zlno, or Rhcqtlroy ftq.mqgW. „0RACK AiORSK, octl? 166 Broughton stj C ORN El) UlilF, PIO l*ORK; ftC. Ju«t received 10 half barrels Fultou market Corned Boor; 10 barrels and hair barrols l'lg Pork- Hams, Sides and Shonldors; 10 barrels extra No 1 MnckerehldlTNo 2 Mackerel; 6 do Horrings; 2 drums God F^b, and 26 barrels Smoked Horrings, In store and far sain by foil DAVID O’OONNER. JJACON—in casks prime Sides, just reuoivod and for salo by June 26 Pi ly» month. Advertising Will he dono for every Agent wheyo |KHwlbiH. For full parlluularH, Mibsorip- tlon.i, Apruoliw, ftc., apply to B. BAUUKK, Jn24—dftwlni Port Royal, Caroline Co., Va. M arshall & son’scoiobrated iig HuuwTiig Shoulders, and l’lg Bacon. Also come new Smoked Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beor. Uooelvod per Alabama, hy ma/28 J. I). JErisE. c3AhV’HlVAfetJ^RK6i'VBB , TA3 types Mill Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms are now open for the season, and rea lty tor the rocoptlou of visitors. By thu AMtmorvrs process persons may now have —— 4 tm , . , thoir children’s pictures token, In almost any pool- auporiluu Four, 1 JU do flu© do p on (Ley may choose, In from i to 8 seoodds sitting, j Flour, for sale by By tho lUoTouiurtuc process old Daguerreotypes LIAM LYNN, 87 Bay Htreet, _ oan bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored tad CRANE, WEI.W ft CO. iLOUR.—20 sacks 87 bbls siiporfiho Jyg WILLIAM %/r JtWHIik tSSm gross llatcUTn lvX boxes, 160 bdxcs Mustard onlargod to life. 200 boxos Adamantine, Hydraulic mel Sperm Candles, rocelved and for Bale by _ Jyl7 MoMAMON ft DOYIJS. >10 ll AMS—smoked Toi 'received per steamer' jnguus and smoked KnoxvlUeyiud forsali L EMON SYRUP—160 boxes, rocolvod aud for salo by . Jyl7 McMAIION ft DOYLE. l.l!ANY*ALK,-26 bbls. Albany Stook Ale, Just _ rocolvod, and for sale by im.l KRANTON, JOHNWON k 00. ,4 Taos. K. Luuaucx, Secretary. JAMBS III. UARTBR, June 16 . Agent, No. 86 Bay street. . St*. WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Jlloutvomcrv &Vor SAVANNAH, GA.. RESPECTFULLY inform, th. Ladle, auu -Al» Gentlemen or this City that ho Is prepared to nerve them every uveuiug with Ice Greaou Cukes ft Confectionery, In bU p.wn peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share ol public patronage, riavuiiuah, 17th April, 186U, 8m aprll TO HOV8EHEEPEIUI. kANIEUt GHONIN Upholster, 20 Bryawrt, f wmild respectfully auuounce to the citizens ol /aucah that ho U ready to mako and put down Carpets, Oil Cloth, Mattlug, fto., at the shortest no ire, and on tho most reosuuablo terms. octti-ti 1C E C REAM NEW CONFECTIONARY STORK No. 88 Bryan Street* TWO IHWRS A BOVS MH. UKIFVKN’B DCWKUtT STORK. HUE undersigned respectfully informs the La- L dies of Savannah iu particular, and the publlo gouorally, that ho has this day opened a new Confec- tiauury store, and will keep on baud a large and <*i-sb assortment, of all kinds and dlscrlpUous. He will at i\U times aud hours, bo ready tolurulsh parUcs a with suppers. Coffee, Teiind Chocolate, at «lf Court. Ornamented Cakes, l'loa, fto. fto., made to order. Uobopc* from long experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. M. B BOZZOLA, No. 98 BryanS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, &c W E have Just rocelved a new stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Balt Collars, Fish, lie, Cake and loo Cream Knives; also, Steel aud Plated on Steel Tablo Cutlorv, Carvers, Ioe Pitchers, Broad Knives, Plated aud l*ariun Buttor 8Ionds, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to D. B. NICHOLS ft 00. mention. Juna 4 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADBH CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOKdRBM AMD 67 ST. JOLUCHH*L_-„ JE Subscriber lrna rocelved, and will open this day. the largest and most extensive variety INDOW SHADES evur ottered iu this city. It u the Intention uf tho advertiser to keep constantly store u largo supply of all tho various patterns and styles manufactured by the manufacturers ol this country aud of France, to which the attention ofmer- chants and families in tho city and country, Is In- ritud. They will be sold *t wholesale and retail, at satisfactory price*. ‘ W H. GUION, Agent. Jan 8 '\T fi W 1MPOTTATION—26 basket* quarts ft | JM Max Sutalne Wine, In atora and for salo b JyW OGDEN, STAKE flafS P IPtet, WRAPPING PAPERS AND BROOMS.—60 boxes Pipes, 200 reams Wrapping Paper, of all sizes; 100 tiozeu brooms; for sale by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, Juuwiu 806 and 207 Bay atreet T~\REari GOODS.—A large and fine assortment Jj colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French Cambrics, FroncU Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, as well a* a large assortment of White Goods, Striped Plaid and Plain Swiss, Organdies. Tarleton, Book, Nausook, Cambric and Jaconet Muslin, for sale by June 20 AUL1N ft BURNS. TO ARRIVE, LANDING ft IN STORK BACON LARD. fto. ■| A A HHDS Clear and Ulbbad81des 1UU 60 do Shoulder In air tight packages 100 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, 60bbls do do 90 uoak* do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 6© titidi vory choice Porto Rico Sugar 60 do fair Cuba do 300 bbls ClarlQod, A B and C do 60 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 160 bbls New Orleans Molasses 60 hhds Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE. 126 bales Gunny Cloth 600 coils Rope, pure hotup LIQUORS. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do E Phelps’ Gin 60 do pure Gin, P ft H 100 do New England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prime Rio 100 do prime Laguira 60' do Java, 10 pockets Mocha. Fur sale at the lowest market ratoe JflO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON H AY—300 bales very oareruily selected, - to ar arrive JylO PATTEN, HUTTON, ft CO. i »ACUN—60 hhds prime Bacon Sides', 26 dodo do I) Shoulders, Just received and for sale by Jylfi SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. L 'aIIU AN]rCANIILfS.-'aoWiriSTSO kfj. No 1 locur lard 76 boxes Adamantine Candles, star brand 100 do Boadell’s Tallow do, Just received and for salo by JylO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. " - ~RUTA DACIA MEED. F ESU Rula Bag a, Flat Dutch, Red Top, w Large Norfolk Turnip 8e«ds, warranted the growth or 1860. Just rocelved and (br sale by W. W. LINCOLN, Jy 18—3 Monument Squar#! ,—1R. A. Ctawford and E L.fiackett IBttAU AND TOBACCO STORK. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of th* Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hud Siotnlsh, Hau &I«utsh, and American tiegars, at wholosala and re ad. Also, Chewing Tobacco, snuff, fto. juuel jaMEB HcHKNHY, Insurance Broker $nd Notary Public* Marino I'roteaU Noted aud Extended, Average| adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* Papers prepared whereby to reoover tosses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-street oppoolte th* front ot the Custom House. ly .uuva PATKNTECLiPJiE ML A St SD 19 If.A EQ IP. Every man Mis own Card Printer. 'I ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'ri J Patent Eclipse Hand Stomp, the best, cheapest and moat convenient of any tiling for the |Hirpc«s yet oflhred for sale. AIARKD WKlhH'KK, uon. Agt. apr 8 ly 136 Gongrus* M. IfJiT’SlSPKOTlJD 8JSW1MU MiUHim. D ESIGNED Expreesly for maklug Bags—and which Is doetdcdly sujrarior to auy other maonlne for that purpose. ^*ool or skein thread cau be used.of any desired length, and which will not need to be changod until thu whole Is used. Bag manaufacturers, Graln’and Flour merchants art particularly Invited to oall and examing It at 136 Con gross street. May26. _ ALFRED WEBSTER,Goo. Aft HUNT & WEBSTER’*. ** IMPHOVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE. S ES1GNED for Families, plsntations, Dress ma kers, Tailors, Boot ft Shoo manufacturers and rs who may wish to do their own sewing cboap- and with oxpodition. This machine sews a uni* m stitch with both aides sliko, and which will no$ ravel. It la more simple, is less liable to get out of order, aud costs less In proportion than any other machine, and is warranted to bo perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient use 1* furnished with it, and any instruction will Ira given that will be necessary to ensure to the purchaser Ms successful operation aud durability. Tbo publlo are roapectfally invited to call and as* amine them at 1U6 Congress sL ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. r - A very neat and ornamental Iron 'table wUluow be given with a machine for a etouU sum lu addition to the regular price.May 26. JJOflCE.- are my duly authorized agents during my ab sence from the State. HORACE. MORSE. P ipes, paper and pickuw^u grossjipe Head*, 100 do Pipe* 260 reams Wrapping Paper 5o dozen Plckloe, recolved and for sale by McMAHON ft DOYLE, Jy21 106 and 17 Bay street. ffSOFVKK.—409 bags Wo Coffee, fair, and prime \J 100 bags Laguira do do do 60 pockets Old Goverumeut JavaOoflbe 60 boxos ground West India and Java Ooltee, landlug. lu storo and for sate by ji-aa wiBSTHi * rAunas. A f OLABSES—360 hhds, puncheons and bbls Mus- lU co vado, Barbodoes and New Orleans Motes* soa, In Htoro and for sale by Junt'JO WEBSTER ft PALME* T7M/JUR.—300 sacks Palace Mills DoubirExtra r Flour. Just rocelved and for sale by Jj8 BU8», UAVISfc I JUNG. ^-1AMil.K3.-^tu Iwiu Hauteir. «'■ Tillow ou \J dies, 80 do do 8's do do, landing and for sale by Jy8 SCRANTON, JOHNtfTON ft CO. B agging kupe, ac—7» Saias Ragging 800 coil* Western Rope 2.000 lbs Twlno, for sale by Jy? RODGERS, NORRIS ft CO. •pAPER—600 reanajffrapplngrapor, assorted aT _ zcM jyg* •g^oPE,-ioocoUs IN ft GO. soSrAUm ft 00. .... Savannah, Ga., and drug- Y. J. MOORE! Proprietor, laGrange, Ga. P. JAC0B8, “* —} TOBACCO I IIOWEI COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., .4, 1866. fftHlfl improvement enables one Held Land co pick A. as much cotton as five can pick by tbs Old method and having the cotton free from trash, and In better condition for ginning. The above machine* are for sale at 186 Onagreas street Savannah, aad 126 Meeting streeL Cbarlaa- ton, 8. C. AU orders tlrom abroad will racelvw prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Gotten Brokers, and all Interested are respectfully invited to call and examine them. County Bights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 86. ALFRED WEBSTER, C ORN.—10,000 bushels Teunessee Corn In store and for sale low by J#2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. TjlLOUR AND BAGON7—600 Backs Flour; 10,000 JC lbs Bacon, In storo and for sale by Jo2—if YOUNG ft WYATT. 1JALT1MUKE FLOUR—100 bbls superfine Baltl Jjmoro Flour tending perschr Woodbndge, and for sate by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft GO. J^EFINED AND GLAR1F1KD SUGARS— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do Just received and for sale by Jel SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft 00. ONONUAHELA WHISKY— M 26bbs Old Monongahete Whisky, 60 “ Double Distilled “ Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON. JOHNSWN ft OG. T IB ATTENTION of atraogeia visiUng the city and the publlo generally, ts tnvltodto an examination of our stock of Spring and Summer Goods, wblob for variety and style to not to bo ex celled in this city. agr88 A1KIN ft BURNS. 75 CASKS. BAOM. Jtom., Sldea uKl Should ' dors, just received and for sale by aprll CRANK. WKIJfl B agging, Ac.—200 hi 160 hhds Sugar, loot 200 boxes Tobacoo, v ft 00. • bales Gunny Bagging 1000 sacks Rio Coffee - various brands 100 do Schldam Schnapps 60 basketa Heldslck Champagne In store, and for sale ou accommodatin^term^ by > ij!lX)URt00 —sacks extra and superfine Flour, in JC store and for Mle hy ie20 WEBSTER ft PALMEB. P3K QlS.—3 pipe. Meador Swan UoUtsd Gin, for aale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft OQ. qe BBlfi. J. Taylor * BoaVSjorooolr.daLd fit JOuh by MoMAaON . DOYIX, mu Hoa. an are auwi. J UST RHODVCOnr itoaraer Extra choice Table Balter —lion Market Boor BARRON'S Family Urocory More, JylO Corner Whitaker endchirlion en. E ARU—it hhle and 33 ken Lear Lard i kc,a extra Smllhdeld Lard, Ihr ealo hy jyH wmatER k palms. 8 UMUKUB.—M ME N.w tork HeunM Huxar 135 hoxea Ko 1 Palo and Family t'oap too do Totwooo or euioaa brand, to do green and Black Ton 15 hhdx Bacon Ihooldcra, 10 do do Hide. JygQ MCMAHON k BOYLB.