Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 31, 1856, Image 1

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Vi)l„ XXXVITI [OLD SERIES.| SAVANNAH, (GA.i TjJUHSDAY, JULY 31, 18nG. NO. 12085. ■11 JOUttHIL HiOw r)|illoh Price* of Savannah Paper* Ujr-* immihom tho proprietor* unit p.tldhlief* **l thu three paper* U*nod lit Savannah, Uav*> * Uu» folluwlug null'rrn rate* of sub- •icrlptiun, m» take 0111*01 thU day: Dally l»mvr, per nntnttn, in advauee. 9<l 00 ri;.\Vct*by “ 14 4 00 Wifkl\'.: .uglu copy, iu advutiue 2 00 Weekly. utocoplwi, |ti utio AildroH.s 8 00 Weakly. w*ht to 00 Weekly, t*n 1*2 00 Weekly i twenty 20 00 WW m-iptM ivtthm nue month from thulium of .eiliu'iiiMUg tUo charge lor thu Dolly will bo juwwi .foliar., aoa for the Trl-Wueklyftw. t li.' M iuoiy will lw sent only to thuae wlHt^wy In 4.t\'utuv Hi.' ,s»jwr will tUvartoMy ho dteeuuitued upon iH>* t'Mnrauon of the time Tor which It him boon paM i’lu- »bralei to uk«- effect lrout unit otter this me U.KXAMPKR ft SNEED, Ilf publican, H. B. HURON A LU., (koruLut if Journal, THOMPSON ft WITHINUTON, AVw*. •ax.tmmn, .Inly l, 1850 A Prietitl of wVlMtnc in ••’nvorot’ Hue* (’thing nppenrato Imvo gono on ns tmtiil up to lianiin. 10 oclock Hint night, euvo that it ia said tlio i UUHSDA V, Two Oclock , P. M* Lunched.—A new pilot-boat tvon launched tlii* morning from the whip viml of Mr. H. F., Jr. Slkiol’!? Accident.—Another serious acei» deni happened at an early hour this uiorniug to Win. Claghorn, a colored mau, who keeps a bakery near Gillums mill. It appears that hu in company with a Scotchman,uamu unkuown, weie out in his wagon scrying his customer* with broad ; when near Cupfc. Sheftall’a resi dence, in Montgomery street, the horse com menced kicking, hurling William and the Scotchman under his heels; both legs ofJClag- horn wero broken, and also a leg of the Scotch man. The horse wus purchased yesterday by Claghorn, and was represented to lie a gentle animal,and on these conditions he was purchas ed. The injured are doiug as well as could lie ex pected. Tli* Savannah Republican and the Deittocratio Platform. (n the Republican of Wednesday morning, we Hud a bold challenge, to find one atnlencc hr In their tiles to Justify by any violence of inter pretation the declaration that, the Democratic platform contained nothing that could he ob jected to by any oue, unless it might bo Horace Greely, we furnished from their editorial of the 6th of June, the following extract; *3T “THE VOTE WAS NOT TAKEN ON THE PLATFORM AT THE* LAST AC COUNTS, BUT WE PRESUME IT WILL BE REA DILY CARRIED, AS WE SEE NOTHING IX IT THAT A\Y MAN—UNLESS IT BE GBEELEY— WOULD BE LIKELY TO OB- JEOT TO.” -Eft lu yesterday’s Issuo, after quoting the eutlre article of the 5th of June, whioh for the tyenc- tltof the Republican, we now republish. * [From tiro Republican, June 61U.J The Netvi from Cincinnati. Our dispatches indicate that the Democracy ure mukeng very respectaplo headway withttie business of their great Sanhedrim at Cincin nati. Yesterday was consumed in the prepar ation of a Platform, the separate planks of which are given in form of synopsis. The old Baltimore Platform oamo in, as a matter of course, u»*the groundwork of the new structure. Among the embolishmentojyo find a hit at the “Know-Nothings” embracing, no doubt, the tonal stereotyped onp-trapjabout “horrid oaths” and “civil and rcligous liberty. 1 ' Very like there is auother resolution in close proxmity to this, calling on all patriots, without distinction of narty, to rally to the support of their candi- jit, Tim foreign policy of Monroe to obtain lu the is another new feature— upon which, nro presume, thore is no division of sentiment in any State In the Union. The Pncitto Railroad is an admirable project, and the Cunyeutlon would be highly delighted to see such a work completed laud who would not!); bnt they very cautiously decline to rc- oommeud a federal apprepriatlau to carry it foward. Oa the slavery question, everything was Used tor entire harmony beforehand, so, of course, there was little or no difficulty In the commit tee. Congress, they say, has uo power to con trol slavery in the Status (a very evident prop osition) ; and as regards the Territories, they "reafilrm the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill," while they ugtee to disagree ua to what those tuixcifles ABE I This eide-irodentMid- lag makes all tbinga easy. As there is great discrepancy on this satjeot, to make the action of the Convention worth anything, it scemstu us they should have first declared what the Ne braska bill meant, and tben pronounced In fa vor of Its own Interpretation, The vote was not taken on the platform at last accounts, but we peesumo It will bo readily curried, us we see nothing In it that any man— unless it be Greeley—would likely otject to. To-day will commence the great straggle for the nominutloa. It proceeds as follows : It will thus bo seen, that Instead ot ai lug the Democratic platform, the remark quo. ted by tho Giorgian refers solely to the few brief Items that nud been transmitted in the flint d! .patch of the Convention's proceedings • that had bceu received lu this city, Sc. Does uot this present the Republican in the very attitude in which it wo« placed by the •peakere. “When the news of our proceedings at Ciocinati reached this City, Ac.” The Be- pnblican said there waa nothing la the platform to which any one could object unto* it tie Horace Greely. The Rcpbutican after quoting the language, boldly asserts, “we did not say it gentlemen.” Was the Republican really in ignorance of the contents of its own columns, or was this but another iecklca3 effort to deceive and mislead the community? The Republican need be un der no apprehension ofany.desire on the part of any portion of the Democracy either to elevate the editor into a hero or to enlist that paper ai a volunteer champion In the cause of Democra cy. The first would he a hopeless work, and if success should crown thu last It would Im bnt “loves labor lost,” William A. Crocker, a distinguished mer chant of Manmiohuautta, who Ims been, all his life a thorough Whig, and a warm personal and polUticul friend of the great statesman of Mtts- ftaohusetts, Mr. Webster, has written n lettor strongly ad vacating thu election of Mr. Uuu* huuaii. It Is addressed^to tho Hou. lllr.tni Ketch' nin.of Now York, Chairman of the late Fill more mootlug in city—commencing in this wise: Taunton, July 4, Dkiib Hou. lltKAM Kktc’HUM, New York : Dear Sir,—1 have not forgotten the pledge 1 gave you when we last patted, that when I fouud a political plat form upon which 1 could Mtaud with couudonco aud consistency us a Webster whig, 1 would communicate the fact . to you. llavmg attatued that object, l don't ‘ know how 1 uau more appropriately spend ibis day, sacred in the calender of every American patriot, tbauby redeeming that pledge. Now, as there are iii.this vicinity a goodly number of enterprising Now Euglaudcrs, who, like Mr.' Crocker, were life time admirers of Dauid Webster—for their benefit it may not bo amiss to set fotlh borne of tho reasons which have brought Mr. 0. to the support of Mr. Bu chanan. Huviug staled his objection* to the American party, he expresses himself still more iu oppo sition to the Republicans. He remarks : Whenever it shall come to pass that oue half of the States composing this Union shall nomi nate and elect a i'resuleut, aud that on gruuuds and issues directly opposed to wliut the other hull believe to be ineii'Just constitutional right uud privilege, the days of thu republic are num bered, aud the kuell of the Uufou tolled. The truth of this proposition is sell-evident, uud u is from tho point of view presented by it vliui the claims ot the Republican party to rile con fidence and support of tho people are to lx* looked upou. 1 uavo uever learned to culcutate the value of tho Union. 1 huve lived iu Ihe hope that neither my children tiormy children's children would wituess tuu condition of tilings which would render such a calculation necessa ry. I will not uiidoitske to calculate it uow ; but 1 invoke the mauuincturcr, thu merchant. tUe ship owner, the mechanic—evury man who has tho smallest stake m the prosperity, the wealth, the huppiucss of the country—to con sider how his iuterest, and the wcliure of those with whom his interests are bouufl up, would be ufi'outed by u violent disruption or even a peace able dissolution of the muon of these Stale*. It is common to hour the remark Unit the north cun take care of hen-ell. Doubtless she can. The enterprise of her people is boundless, uud liiuir ouergy indomitable. But it must be remembered mat a dissolution of the Union wilu the formation of a northern republic Would cause new combinations. Commerce is essen tial to uutioimi wealth, no less than national gteaiucs*. Tiie north is not uu exporting re gion, aud from its climate, soil uud produc tions, cunuot bo so to any uniformly geuerai extent. It is muiuly from the south uud south west that we are iuuebted for the Immense cur- ryiug trade which employs our navigation. it is iu the same states that our manufacturers Uud a large market lor thou* goods und our im porters no iucouatdoruble proportion ct then- orders. Now suppose the Union dissolved, uud tho northern states forming oue republic, uuu the southern uud south-western states forming another. Suppose, what under such u couch- tiotr would inevitably Ire the case, this southern republic, with little uuvigation of its own to footer uud with no muuuiaotures to encourage, in reciprocal commercial intercourse with uh the manufacturing countries of Europe on the oasis of absolute aud unqualified tree trade; suppose, what uuder tho seutiineuts of uuimo.u- ty engendered by the disruption would be no less likely to occur, discrimination ugam&t out strip* aud goods or tho uortn, uuu where would E.'A. Hoffman, the Black Itepubllcau can- for Lieutenant Covornor or Illinois, tt .aid,by the Chicago 7'imti, uot to bo ollgible to the office. 1st. because be bus not been n citizen of the United States rot roortccn yeara, uud ten yeara a resident or the Btato; and 2d., because he is uot thirty-five years or ogo, both ol which are requited by the constitution of II. linois.' Jennv Lind—Mudamo Jenny Lind Gold' scbmldt has given her last concert in England, and she retires, says the Tine., to a home which is nurv, und hue been since she was mar ried, one of unclouded huuplneu. It Is sup posed I hat the gains or Madame Goldschmidt, by her recent engagements, amount at least to wW|UuUi Miunoiioiy Fatality—Mr. Harris, aa en- Mincer, killed at tho time of tho recent collision »“**e Notts Pennsylvania Railroad, waa the third son of hlo family killed by railroad acci- dentt. it Is staled there art two brotberaur i'“°to« family uow In tho employ of tho Read ing 11 inroad each of whom has lost a log. fhniABKAOLB Eooape—The Rochester Union notice! a temsrkablooscnpo on Central Railroad " c “ r ramkpoit, A small boy, son orMr. Richard- •on, rviiHstruck by tho locomutlve aud thrown adhiaucoor 65 feet, by aotural measurement. the lln-man said bo first saw tiro child In tho noti n'— r K. m tli® ground and sub- M, .™ 1 “ dog. Though at first Insenslbls me child has nearly recovorod. be that prosperity*' which uow gladdens our mauuiuctuaug ; towns und fills our soupurt* with Iifo aud uctivity ? A dissolution of the Union would depreciate the value of the property of New England Uit> cents on the dollar. Tuu wheels of our* luutiu- lactones would be stopped, tue implements oi the mecnauic put by, our snips dccu> at our decaying wai ves, aud tue grass spring u A . tue in streets of our town* uud uuies. Tuesc would bu tuo material consequences. Tho mo ral cousequeucos may bu summed up iu asiugic Hue. The de»truutrou oi the woita's lust hope. To this end, iu uiy view, u tho iuevnuolo ten dency of the republican uiuvimtnt. If us leaders be houest m tueir prutessiuus, suen must be the result, for tue practical application of their principles would ucnlroy tUu equality of tue stales, u cuuditiou whrcnisiudispeusibtc to tue ex.sutnco of the Union, if lucy be UU- uouett, uud their real oi ject be only thu ai- tainment of paiUic&l power tor corrupt and slIusu purposes, mu same lesult may iieveruit- lens obtain, for they uiny find tuemsuves wittt- out the ability to control tue stonn raised by their fuuuticui uppeuls. Jar this coudiimu of udklrs, and amid the gloom which oversbudow* tuo laud, i discover out one hope of surety. The hope Is iu the democratic putty. it Is that party which is now, without dis tinction of louumy, ut the north and the south, iu the east aud m the west, doiug battle niuit< fully fur the constitution und the Union, ugulu«t a combination of tactions. Xu truth thu demo cratic party is the only conservative party re maining, uud tho only organization to wuich conservatism may look fur restoration of peace uud harmony uud obedience to law. It is quite sure that uu some miuur poiuts—minor as com pared with the oll-absorbmg issue of the times ■—i may differ wuh tue party referred to; but shall 1 allow such considerations to interpose to restrain my uction when the Uuiou ia in dan ger uud the common weal at stuke ? Fur my self, 1 answer uo. iu tins cuutest my vote uud whatever of iuliueuce I possess, must be given In support of the democratic paity. 1 Simula, perhaps, have been impelled by a sen so of duty to this conclusion, whoever might have been tue candidate of that party for tuo presidency. But the prudence, firinuess uud wisdom dis played by the late couveutiou at Cincinnati, uu? removed all doubts. In preseutiug u plat form of principles as comprehensive as the Un ion and consequently broad euough for every friend of the Union to stand upon, that con vention also presented a candidate whose mime U kuown uot only ot home but ubroad, and who in every position ho has occupied, and they have beeu many and distinguished, has won uot only the admiration of ms friends, but the esteem and respect aud confidence of bis oppo nents. I regard to Mr. Bucbuuuu as the man of all others for the times, and 1 hall his nomination as the first step taken towards n return to tho old, hut not less wise poliey of pluciugthc con- duet of the government iu the huud* of states men. Possessing a strong uud well balanced mind, comprehensive uud yet conservative lu bis views, lutimatcly acquainted with tho ne cessities of thu couuiry, and familiar with all questions of domestic nud foreign concern ment; firm but conciliatory iu his diameter, aud enteriugupon the high trust with the avowed purpose of surrending it at tho expira tion of a single term, thus having uo other ambition than to promote tho welfare of the republio and secure to him au honorable niche in the temple of national history, 1 am deeply impreased with the couvictiou tnat the election of Mr. Buchanau woulu he lu all respects a most auspicious event. His whole life is a guaranty that under an administration directed by him, we should have repose. The annouuccmcut of his success, in my judgmeut, would dispel the clouds thut hover* over our relations with loreigu conntries, and restore tbatseuso of security which is as essential to a commercial people, while at the srmo time it would with equal certainty calm down tho angry waves of iiitoi* rod strife which now threaten to devastate tho laud. 1 may be disappointed in theso anticipa tions, but In Mr. Uucuanan there is assuredly hone of safety. Elsewhere I sea only.coutinuoa agitations, violence and final shipwreck. Yours, very truly, Wm. A. Crocia:u. explosion of the Steamer Umpire State, Another of those fearful casualties resulting in the wholesale maiming, mutilation oml de struction of human lifo, occurred on board the steamer Empire State, of the Full River and Boston'line, last Saturday night. For tho par ticulars of this ebockJng affair wo are indebted to Mr. Wm. W. Harding, one of tho proprietors of the Pennsylvania Inquirer, who was a pan- sengeron board, but fortunately escaped injury. The Empire State left Full River for Now York at 74 o'clock Saturday evening, with 2*25 p«* Kogera. she arrived at Newport at Hi o'clock, ana left again in a quarter of an hoar. Every* bunt was running ut a very rapid spued, uud it is ftu tlier asserted that tho smoke stack was red hut fur hoiuu tiiuo previous tu tho explosion At a quarter bo fore 10 o'clock, when most of tiie passengers had retired Tor the night, a.ter- rifle explosion occurred, shaking the boat to her centre, and spreading consternation and dismay among the passengers. Tho shook of tho oxphwiuu uud scarcely subsided before a dense volume of steam filled every part or tho vessel. Thu alarm umoug the passengers may be bettor conceived than described. Most of them huviug retired for the night, seized their lifo preservers and rushed into tho saloons in their uight clothes. In a few seconds tiie saloons were filled with a dense body of steam, aud tho Iniutlo passen gers rushed wildly to and fro through tuo suf focating vapor, seeking to reach tho opeu air. As it was impossible to seo the way thither, they had to feel it out, stumbling against each other aud over sofas und chairs nt every step. Supposing from the steam und smoke, thut thu bout was ou flic, and unable from the darkness to seo the true condition if the tilings, for sorao lime the passengers continued to blindly rush from one part of tho boat to other, giving vent to their fe irs in loud shouts und screames, aud imprecations, that rendered the geuerul confu sion more nppaling. Thou came,loud above all the din, tho agonizing shrieks cud groaus of tiie wounded, to swell tho horrors of tho oc casion.' Capt. lira.vton, promptly caused the engine to bo stopped,and then dropped anchor and proceeded to Investigate ilia extent of the disas ter. Upou examination it was found that tho stenm ehest around the starboard smokestack h-ul exploded about ou a level with the upper deck, forcing tiie steam nil through the boat with terrific force. Wherever the scalding vapor touched it blistered, and us the result of the casualty, it was found that a large number of people were scalded witli more or less severi ty, Out of those, six bavo died, and sixteen others aro suffering untold torturtos,jranuy of them being doubtless injured post recovery. The distressing cries of the wouuded soon re called tho^ft who had escaped injury from their temporary forgetfulness, and everybody set to work with n will to do whut he could to allevi ate tiie sufferings of tho injured and dying.— Many of the passengers, however, could not overcome their fears enough to lay aside their life-preservers before they had got back to the wharfnt Fall River. With nil tenderness uud dispatch the wound ed were picked up and taken to tho saloon, and although no medical man was on board to ad vise, they did what they could to easo their sufi'atiugH. Oil, flour and cotton wero applied to scalded parts, uud other means of relief were resorted to. It is reared that n large propor tion of those who are scalded will die, ns many of them lmvo inhaled tiie burning steam. Tho wounded presented n terrible spectacle. Every spot upou which the steam bad struck was scalded so severely that the skin peeled off at the touch. As soon alter the accident as practicable the boat was put about for Full River, to land the injured for medical treatment. Tho following may be relied upon: As au illustration of tho confasion which reiguod on board, wo will uamrto one of thu incidents: A lady was n sloop in her state room, uud her little boy wus below in tbo ladies' cabin with the servant. She was in the utmost alarm for his safety, bnt so weak from excite ment that sho could nut go to look for tho child. The pilot weut below and fouud the little fellow uninjured, but so blackened and begrimmed by coal dust and dirt -that his mother could not recognize him os her child, and it was only af ter considerable persuasion, and the little oue himself had begun to cry, thut she realized that ho was safe. Her transports at liLs safety may bo imagined.—iV. Y. ’lribune, Uiu’llngnme rs, Broolu. Tho lutolligenccr of Monday contalua Mr. Burlingame's reply to Mr. Brooks’ recent card, giving a lull account of the transaction from the beginning of their ditfioulty. He says he did not retractor modify uuy part of bis speech, out at the instance of Mr. Bocock and his own friends, did not hesitate to avow that it did not violato parliamentary *»r personal decorum, and lu uo other sen.m could ho have been uuder- itoud. Mr. Burlingamo dismisses Mr. Brooks from ail further consideration. Whdu disavowing .ricndiiue9s to dueling, ho was willing to act mseli-defence aud iu defending the honor ot his State; excusing himself under the circum stances and resting his cause u geucrou* people. a statement by Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, is appended. He gives the tucts of iris commo tion with the afflnr. He suggested tue time and place for tho adjustment of tuo difficulty, maintaining that the challenged party had Uio right to fix them; and lor this he uloue Is ac countable. He was not aware of any rules of the code which required him to consult the wishes of Mr. Brooks or his friend*. It was settled without reference to them. If there is any complaint, t o error was Mr. Campbell's. Mr. Burhugame objected to the Clifton House, Canada, ou tiatorduy last, saying he was wil liug to go to South Carolina, or chcwhere, hut Mr. Campbell iu-dsted thut Mr. lb must be gov erned by him. Mr. Burliugame reluctantly ac quiesced. Mr. Campbell says that Mr. Baooks would have been as personally secure north of Mason and Dixon’s liue us Mr. Burlingame would huve been south ot it. Mr. Campbell ulso further re marks that his course was dictated solely by private friendship, in the hopo that he might bo instrumental in some honorable way or re storing amicable relations between tiie parties aud ho expresses his gratification thut he is ireo from huviug caused tho shedding of u broth er’s blood. The following is the Conclusion of Barling- nine's card, in response to that of Brooks: Of the conduct of Mr. Brooks in this affair I can scurceiy trust myself to write. I owe it to truth to say that, from what I had beard und seen * f him nridt to his assault on Mr. Sumner I hud formed a high opinion of him, and that act, which I have properly stigmatized, I did think must have beeu abhorrent to his better nature. In remembrance of my opiaiou of him, aud feeling thut through his conduct I could still detect traces of u gallantry which some day might cause him to condemn, as heartily as others do, his assault on Mr* Sumner, I bad a larger charity for him than did most of m; friends. Indeed I have been blamed for inti mating the opinion that in spite of that act ho was yet a brave mau, eveu as late as my con versation with Oen. Lane. When be stated that Mr. Beooks desired a speedy meeting, I felt a glow of admiration for him us a gallant foemnn; but I was wrong. Tho expressions of kindness for him, iu which, following u procliv ity of rny heart, 1 had indulged were entirely misplaced. Outofrcgard for his feelinps, in asmuch ns ho was so tender of mine, I willab* stain from any further expression of my opin ion, but leavo men of houor to d itnrniine his position in view of bis own couduct. Iu re sponse to his numerous iuKiuuatlon, let him take my reason. Why did ho linger hr tho district where ho wus exposed to arrest ? Tim intimation that ray friends arrested him is uuwortby even of him. I do not know the man who uid It. The dearest friends I had could get no duo Iroinmo of tho affair, thought Mr. Brooks was in earnest, and pre- 1 lured to meet him sternly aud without fail, if ic was afraid to go to Canada, tho nearest neutral gronnd. wuy dhl ho not narno sorao other place? Was I not equally with himself exposed to tbo hazard of u loreigu jurisdiction? Hu could bavo reached tho place of meeting in a ft w hours, keeping most of tho way in the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland; but this ho deemed “tho enemy’s country.” Where is a friend's country for me ? It is hero, where my comrades arc smitten down without warning. Here, where to make the defeuse of Free Speech effectual, I, aguinst my early teachings, and tbo deep-seated sentiments ot my people, have becudnvcu, that I might secure a little fair pUy, und an approach to an equul chance, to go to the field even with Mr. Brooks. I think Mr*. Brooks should not havo based so many an ticipations of danger to himself, cu tlm possi bility of my falling. I have not heard that anybody vrho bad fair play ever fell before that arm whose single blow lu tho House its owner thought would have brought on n revolution, It would huve been it happy circumstance for me had I shown half as much regard for m; reputation us our “gallaut” friend did for hi. life. Then ray name would not havo beeu linked with one whose adroitness ingcttlnr out of difficulty is only equaled by hi* surewd ness in securing from op unsuspecting man what he tried to con*>truo into an Indorsement of his courage. I can indorse it uo louger, and now give him full notice, It i* kind of Mr. Brooks to band mo over to tho reputation of men, and thin to ptoposa to admit me tu tho portion of ii gentiouiun, pro vided l would cnallongn him. Hu seems to havo forgotten ltow iu his curd be had Just sta ted it was said of mo that I would not send, ol- that I might change the place, >r against it by stating that ho further d mands upon me. I , .hr . ,. T to us In tho fact that, without seeking another place of meeting, he rushes Into print in such a way ns to make mo forget my triumph in tho almino 1 fed at the Conduct or my autaguulst. As If suspecting tl * * '“ he closes tho door should have no furtherd mands upon. .. _ now dismiss, os far as I can, t)re ex-mnmbcr of South Carolina from my mind. Self-respect requires mo to say that I cun never agaiu re cognize, save to do him a kindness, if it should be iu my power, Preston S. Brooks. 1 baud him over to that public, North and South, which iHever scor nful to those who boast much and perform little. And now, I hereby submit myself to tho public, whose convictions I four I havo Invaded. I pray thorn to remember tiiat forgiveness is a higher quality than justice. I cast myself ou their generous hearts which are always tender, fifia always loving. Let them not sorget when passing ou my couduct, tho sneers I have scon .and the taunts I have beared. How tho old State we all love has been insulted, and uer cbetilhed Senator stricken down and bciClie yet lingers In almost helpless illness. As you of my own State remember these things, you will not ontlrely blame me If, lu a moment of indignation, I was willing to stand up at the hazard of my life— for tho insulted honor of those who have always been kind tr me. 1 am ho duelist. I seek uo man's life. I havo but. treted iu tbo spirit of the speech 1 made, whtii-I said that if pushed too long and too for tliqre wero meu from tho Old Bay Stata who would defend her honor and thu freedom of speech iu whatever field they might bo assaulted. * My course became to me a defense of Liberty against Sluuery, and ustruggleforfreedomof speech against free dom of bludgeon; and . the only way which seemed to be loft was hereby which we could defend ourselves. A. Bculinoame. Wathinylnn, July 28,186**. CnintniTriiil 'JatcIligetiiT. Navaiuinh Marled, .fitly 31. COTTON —Xo transaction.; iuCotion to uutlco tills foruuonu. Hiporcj. NKW VUllK.—l ei- sclir Ai 1.1—60C b.ilun tJutlou. 70 casks Hico, 117 bills Fljur, 2,087 buus Wheat, 2 b.iXLvs F urnlturo, 84,0.0 leet Vtuurlng Boards. COLUMBIA, July .*{0.—OjTfj.v—There war a •w bales ot coiinnpit ou tin m.tried yesterday, Midi was freely tuKcn at fu'i and former prices, viz: 0 to lljtfo. WILMINGTON, July 20.—Tuu*k>a\t —No trues- adieus und mum ou inarad. La at halo was ut $2 75 fur virgin dip, 2 4n tor yellow dip, uud I S5 Tor hard. MWKiri.—Sales yestordaynl'200 casks; aud to-duy of ZoO Uu. at 85. pjr gal ltozcv.—Sales yesterday of 850 bbUcomuiou, at $1 15 lor Hssoricd a zes; aud ef SOU bbU No. 1, ut “ 50 per bln. Nothing doiug to-day. Tak—.Nono lu market. Ci/rro.w—Hales yesterday of ki bales Middling at llo. BALT1MUIIK, July 28.—Corm—fbe Coffee mar ket lo-auy Is btuauy. A sul j or auu bags rejected Rio ut 10M cents; also duo bugs do, liur quality, ut iOJtull ceuts. Wo ouoto prime ut ll^ eouu; muu ctmico lljj cents: cagtu-ym llaii^ ceuts; Java i4*jul4’£ cents. Stock rue now ou baud 40,000 Tto. h and MEAt—Tbo Flour market was quiet to uuy, uml holders Urm. stock uu baud uuusuully duuted, and not rnucu boyuud homo cuusumpituu. .Nothing doiiu iu Howard street ibis morning; new held tLm.y lit 97, oid Urm ut i, wttbuut »ute». We i.oto tales or loo bbls city M.lls ut 87* uud 500 bbis Uo , to bo ground next wees, ut 7. A sale yoster- guy uf.nruoou of 600 bbl* new, iavomo brand, ut #7 ]*zj£ per bbl. Wo quote old Ubio ut 85 75— No tulcs We boar of sales ot Sou bbu old Howard *t. Flour yesterday ut 87 |*or bbl. It is uow held th in ly ui uiis price. Faxily and Kxtka Flour.-'We quote Baltimore Fuiuhy Flour ut 9 *6u9 60,Extra uo ut 8*8 xO; How ard sir el mid oblo Fumuy at 8 26*8 6o, uuu hxiru uo ut7 R6<7 60 to 97 76 per bbl. (iKAix.—Whcut—Tbo receipts to-day wore fair, but not largo runcblug lu mi 16 500 bushels; a siva dy demand—price* not quite bo Uriu. Must oi tue offerings were sold; urdiuary to fair white at 91 6u •1 6a, good loprimo White ut 1 68ul Ud, und choice aot'ir Flour utlUOulOS. stales oi good iu p.lmo red ut 1 4ual 60 pur uushul. Corn luurko. quiet. About e,0oo busheis offered to-day, nates ut while ut olattt cuius, uuu yellow do at CjuUOc per bushel. iARBKH —Wo bear uruosales. but quote Ytl.ow Tme ut 9Lb Tor North Carolina liouriug, uud rs lor PuusUcOiu do. Wo quoto While l iuu ludiugs ut 91-> tor • oa.mon, uud 80 to 86 lor scl.-ct. M jLa-ita — ijuitiU sale* to day oi New Orleans ut 6ba66o.. l*or;o ihco at 4bu40c , uud Cuba at buu4uc per gal. Kief.—Block uu lBiud aery light, and market quiet Wo quote at 4>fit4&c. per lb. tteoAiej.—rales wHu nuos Cuba at 8Xcts. We quota .tow oncuus at 8#*9>j toilets, and I'orto aloe ut euid cents per ib. Whisky.—Tuu market is dull and pi ices declining. We quote uuy Lii.sul.od ut 87 ceuts. Ohio uud Fuuu- a ylvuui.1 hum ut dSuAOo per gaiiou. MEM TUB, Tunu, July 2fl.—Corro.v.—'Tho limited receipts uud siocas prevented uuy tiuusucllous or note, uud tho Tow tmes made rang* lrotu *to Sufcc- Wheat.—But llttloarriving,aud buy.-rs nro offer, iug t& tu Ubo lor Fair, aud »5 iq 91 for »alet y choice flomo contracts Tor immediate delivery cuvu been uudo within ihe ptut Tow cays ut 9bo. other articles remain unchanged, and there is but u moderate buslues* doiug. NEW YORK, July 26—.Cotton—Tb* market continues extremely tlu.l, though there uro uo syu p.oms ofu decline; rules oi 6uo bales lor home sp.uuiug ut our quutmlou* : NKW York classification. N.Orloaus Upland. Florida. Mobile. iiTexus H. JT. UAVAM/i't .f It., FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Xo. W Bay Ktllfl, jy 30—om Snvammb, Gh. ^ALT—UO hiick.h Liverpm'i rult la store,lur sale Jy 3o itoixtKRs, Norris x Co. KOnUKRM, NORRIS A; to. L EMON SUfLlR—A new mllc-lo for making loin onudo witlmut li inniH. 50 ma-H Just received umi for snlt» by Jy 60 R ECEIVED tliiK-Uay pjr Htunmor Alibninn— IL-ckers Htir-ral.iug Flour, Choice Table Unitor k Cbcono. at BARRON’S Family Grocery, Jy 30 Oirncr Whitaker k i huiltou &tH. sti-mnsiiip Alabama, 3 FirkliH t.'hoico Gnihon Uatler, ■ 5 boxe s I’iuu Appl» Cbic-se, 10 boxes Cro iui Uiuoso, 5 barrels Onions, II boxes Loumus mid Ui uugOh. 2 barrels Stuart’s celebrated tyr ip. und 3 Quintals New* C’odllsb, Tor suio at .1. D. JEdSEE’S, ,iy 00 lu BrouKhlou street. S 1JND1UK8—Iteculvoil por from New York- EXECUTOR'S SALE. B Y virtue ol ou order passed Till July, 1360, by tho Com t of Or of Wayne County, win bo sold on thu lir-st M uiduy lu October next, be- tween tho usual houru ui sale, before tbo Court House door lu Wuyucsvillo, thu lollowiug property, to wit: A Negro woman, i.llon, i>0 yours of age, ul*o bur Huvon clilldreu, Kraticls 10 yours of age, I.uuy P, Mary 8. Robert 0. George 6, Chat I dle 3, uml Kl*y 2 years old. Sold for tin* honclit of tho holra nud creditors of tho asbitn ofi. W. Uiyan. Terms cash. W. A. SALLEN'S, Executor. jyy«» BARG AINS I BARGA1JM S!! H l-.I.LXNO OI’F AT SMALL ADVANCF. ON COST. mUE subicrlbor wishing to make room for hU X FALL GOODS, which will seou be coming in, offors his present stock ot DRESS GOODS, &c., ut a small advance on Now York Co.t. J. W. THRKI.KKI.D, Cntigi'csK and WhltuKor .strutts. Now»* p!oa*e copy. July *2t DRY GOODS. BARGAINS! JIARUAINS!! J AMES O'HARA wot I *. riupectltilly inform his patrons, aud .tho public- genet ary, that lu ordar to pr< p ire lor tbo full trade, hois now SBHiSIIlMG- 01*3? Id j n-usoriunuit iu store, AT COST PRICES nud would liivdu atum.ou «.t rcn*. at hh More, Jyjs HUJ CoiigrcrtMtrcct, CIlATHAffi i S FEIUOR CO CUT. ~ ' JULY TKrtH, 1350. iITUERKAE, John JCuiber, John Kelly, Dauiol UOlcoti, Theodore diigham, Charles lose, ami Albert M £M.lvun, snnmonoit ttaUemttbu present term of lUH Conti a-t Petit Jtuors, have mado default F r tho tern u is ordored, that tnoy be llucd twenty Uodars ca n. unless they tile good mul uuUldenv cause of oxcuso ou or before ihe urst day of tho next term of ti ts Court. Truo oxiract from minxes. Jy28 WM. H. ii. U/JC H, G'k i c. q. a 2tA*3HEd, Blinda, Doors; Mouidlnga. ic. 'White 3 Loud, 7.iuc, White LiuHct-d, Nperm, Whale, Tun- lers’uud NoatsfoolUil.-:, Glass, UtunIum, Gold uul, Irunze, liullders’ Hardware. Nalls, Marble Mantel*, take: notice. P URCHASERS wilu havo tueir goods dolivorcd free ol'oxpeuso with quick dispatch from toe eavauuah Grouory uud Fruit Depot, corner Brough ton and Whitaker streets. 93r 1 would cull the attention oi Fruuors gener ally to my well solectml slock of Groceries, receiv ing dally. Jo.’«—tf W. H. KaKRKLL. A. H. WIIKUIT. J.r. «. MVAUB WUIHHT Ai itAV/tUK, ArroitxKm at i-a ir. UltUNrtWILK, UA. JylU - A , 'qfiiuM i ! o., A m l Ion mul Camlmusloii niHi-hmitN, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, OWIUG1A. A. Tirana*. UeWJ is. «. 1’akhlk —~ wrir ; ^AUitBxrc: DBALKR IN OUOIOB FAMILY OROOKRIKS unit Furolgii and BobiMtlc Frnlt, . car nrr Broughton amt Whitoker-ut. town aud country supplied with choice goudsi :» moderate price. All orders' promptly intended to. and aatirifuctirm nlway* gumunteud. H|»»» JiSMBfC-TALTlUAST; WI10LI»ALK AND nBTAIL DEAUtj.IN WINDOW Itl.INDN, WINDOW SAFH AND DANK DOORS'. Weed “Ido Muuumciit Square, .vtvmmah, Ga. . may 11 JOHN O. BOOTH, 7 CIVIL ENUINHIill AND SUltyHYOK, Will ulso give hi* uUoution todeslgus iu Archltco- turo. UlUco in tiie store of John Wilhamsou, L*q., Bay street. n> yia CllAFFEilScO., , Nu. ft Wliltnkcv Street, Savuiinnlt, Ua., WUOIJISAU AND IlCTAIL PBAUatS IN gA*31lES, Blinda, Doors; Mouldings, ,4c,. White uers' Bren sui,— , — - , . So., &c. J^jf. —j oiTrornuiLL attohnby at law, UUlce comer Bay and Drayton streets J.vl8 Aji Pin LLU-s, A T V 0 It N U V AT LAW. BARIKTTA, UA. IM!U—1> UAVIU is. AVJI.US, A T T 0 It N K Y A T L A W , SI’AHTA, OA. Will practice m ihe counties of Hancock, warren Washington, mul Baldwin. „ ,. _. RanmiNCKu-Bohn k Fostor, Rabun «:Bmlta, and K. A. boullard, .Savannah. ^ J 1 * 00 'H. ii, uiLi’oiw," *' ATTORNEY and COUN’SElJAiK AT LAW. offleo coruor ot Bay and I 'rayton-ati. dAV&NNan, ua, m' my U heNIIV wTuiAMii, ATTORNEY at law, No. 8, Drayton Htreet, 'Havanuah, Georgia, may 6—ly OR. ClIARhEM 11. COLOINU, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 I.IUKUTV ST.. Ouo dour west of Drayton. my 11 WBlVc*. Cd5ftiKLLT,“’ A T T 0 R N in AT L A W , UAI1XUA, WORTU OOCNTY, A. ^l*OS1 OTOUE. MMA.W.) Will practise in the jtautinJSiCircuit,ami In Mai-nu, Dooly and Worth Counties onuo Macon Circuit. 9y Partlc'iiar mtcutiou given to the collection in it ltd ins in i’outh-Wostoiu Georgia. |«2—dm • v U'cmtmm*, m A T T O « N K Y AT LA VV . febl-ly _ luriNTox, oa. A T T 0 R N E Y S AT L A Iv , ■pfi-ly MACON, OA. avii-uam iTrifxmim: ATFUUNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupvlllo, liowndes County, Ua, Will practice in Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware Appiiug, Telfair, Irwiu, Laurous, aud Pulask counties, Georgia; and in Jeffcrsou, MadUou, Hum Utou, and r-.iiumbiacountioa, Fluriua. [my 11 A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will uwu ouittrams tor Building and WorkUi| Ha- oury ol every description. Residence, No. I lira lowctl’a Rangci. H»»Utb *ido Jones at . dot 10 jameV M. savaOS, ATTORNEY AT 1AW, * UIIIKA-Vlljr, rHOXAfl COUNTY, OA. AU iiuulmw. 10 hi. ctro will main irompt attention. ljrr—mai*17 fAMK-><t. KODUXUS. ItOlKJBUM A NORRIP, ’lato Crane 4tF June 1.1855, RAY-KTKKKT, SAVANNAH. Oe*/*' .< h ‘ • . - J. STAkK, JT. ; U.«. NAKOEk. OGDEN, STAitH &, CO., Shipping und Commission Merchants, NAY-STIIEICr. BAVAKHAn. OA. FACTORS. Forwarding und Commission Merchant.. llay-atrcrt, Eawanliata, On. AM. MAHNHON. .i L'. . UA1UUHON A McOBHBK, AUCTION, COMMISSION, DECEIVING AND Fvi ivardiiiK Nlorcliuut,. 19 AND UI OKOAC-STaab, COLUMBUS, 0B0B01A. 4tfr* P..rucular attention given to Hie sales of Korn Estate, Negroes aud Produce. ttir i.n>eral advuncos nmUcuto Negroes and Mor- ohaudi/c. RUSK, PATTEN k CO. X GIJN BY U DANIEL, LCotumbus; Ga STEWART, GRAY* CO. J. . ,.C|; RUSK, DAVIS k LUNG, ) , WM. WRIGHT, f Savannah YOUNG. ATKINS k DUNHAM, 1 C. A. GUKLNK ib CO., j Apalachicola U. S. SMITH;}.Mobile, Alabama; OCt 23 * ly II. ELLIS,' Factor and Ueuerui Commission Merchant HOj 71 BAY-tn'UEKT, SAVANNAH, OA., Rkvrksto—MosBrr. Clugboru kCunningham, Boh k Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Co.. Savannah ; J. P, i bnrnppon. Boetnn < - oov 1 an. AtliLk'V UULTXK. I COVPISR »Si FRASBR, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy street, Snvmmuh, Ga. * ■ [myll WILLIAM LYNN, 00MMSSION AND F« P.WAUJlNG MERCHANT, *Vo. K7 Bag alt ext, Savannah, Georgia. Juno lu JBFFBUSOM ROUERT8, GENERAL OOiMMISSIUaN MiiltOHANT, AND DEAI.LR IN • . Timber and Lumber. SAVXXXAU, Uu. WKLLi & WILLIAMS, UEALUUSIN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANC'k DRY GOODS. A r o. 140 Conyixu-eU, SavannahJ Oa. IAS. T, WEllis, loriuerly ol Boaulort Dial. S. C. HEUPHILUS W1LI.LA5IS, “ Scrlveu Co., Ga. •opt 7 r. o. near. j, u. nans! w. M. tawL 111'SB, DAVIS & LONG, OOMMDSblOJ^; MEIiCHANTS, ELECTION NOTICE. O N Tliursdoy, 7th August next, Council will elect a Corporation Attorney. Sultry $1,000. Bmd 92,001). Applications must bo Lauded to mo on or before 2 o'clock, P. M., of tbo day of tloctlou. Two secu rities required, whoso uarnos be stated lu tho application. EDWARD «. WlLsuN, Jyjt) Usrk Of Council. PHILIP 31. RVaSBLL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY CONVEYANCER. ACCOUNTANT AND COPT 1ST. Will oxouto Deeds, M'irtsrugo?, Poworol Attorney, Wilis, Bonds, Notlcuo uud TuKlug ot luterrogatorius. UtUeo at tho Court Hoiui-, Savannah, Ga. Court Days. TlilrJ Tuesday ia caoh mouth, and hold at the olQco of Kdwaid G. Wilou, Esq. Risideiice, Uastoa, botweau Baruard and Tattnall street. Any call at uight, ou busluess, will bo attended to immediate y. jy25 VaiDERGltADUATE BiSPAiVrAlfedMT. (WE-TERN MILITARY INoTIlTJfE.) f pUE next Se-sion or this Coll-go WiU opeu on L Mmiday, -opiember StU. Thu Classical Course i« ful! mul oveiy facility is afforded io Students lu Scleutilio Biaucues a Prcpirut iry Schojl is at tached, embracing a course or two yoars. Tiie Military ydeni it adopted as au effectual means ol preserving good order, economy, regular habits, and aciivo bo ll.y uxercUe. Charges tor tuition unu boarding, $lno p -r term of *a0 weeks. Surgi-ou's feu $6. Engineering. French, Spanish, German, Book-Keeping uud Fencing, each 910 per term ok 20 weeks. Tho last session or the Medical College closod with 33tf Mutilculuuts aud 86 uraduaios, from 13 states, Tho Military College closed its Urst year in Nashville with 164 Matriculants rrom 14Mates. For Catalogue uud Rogulaiious. apply to U. R. JOIfNijoX, Suparlutendont. Nashville, JlI>*, 1s50. n—iwiH Ordinary 10 10 10 IU Middling .11*4 ll« U« IW Miauliug Fair.. . 1SMC i»M 13 Fair - l'J« 12>S U I0)i Coffsb —After the rooeutexteiHivu operation* lu Rio, Jiere L a momentary pausr iutho anliuatiou. ino stock Is now about UU,UuO bags; the suies to- duy are *-5o bags Klo ut 20^c., uud for the week 1U,uoO bag*, mostly ou ppecidiuibn at 10atic. iu otnor kind* u moderate uctivity prevail at loriucr rates; ktties of 3oO bags Laguayra ut ll>ic., 100 mats Java at 14>{c. Moui-sks.—Is uuchauged; thoHules uro only CO hhds.PoitoKico at 45c, New Orleans continues scarce aud ts wauteil; all kinds uro very firmly hold. RlCI.-»A moderate busluesa is doiug at former rat**; aaics of 76 cask* fur export at 4^c. and 30 ticrcM at 4a4 )ic. bOOAKa.—Continue very firm, though there has not bo«h such animation to-duy as lor sumo days pan; the sale* ure 8uo hhds., partly Cuba, at Bade, uud OU Porto Rico at 8jju; aim 60 hhds Texas on private terms. WBlaKY.—Tho market opened rather (Inner, but olosedat yesterday’* prices; sale* of 600 bbls ut 37o for Ohio uml Prlsou, uud 38a- fur Drudge, P<»rt of Snvaininli JULY 31 Arrived. No arrival »iuw our last. Cleared, Alba, Taylor Naw York, Hunter k Gam- moll. Memoranda. NEW YORK, July 20.—Cld, »chr B Flanuor, Ap plegate, Savannah. BALTIMORE, July 20.—Cld, steamship Freeman fawdon, Green, Savannah. Lauuchud, ntBulviU-,23d Inst, by U c Joraie- uau 4c Puns, tho schr Laugdon, Gulniorc, 620 tous, for J K Gill more k Go’s New York and Savannah iluo of packets. Wood and lumber. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planks, Joiat, Timber, Shlugloa, Light-wood, Ppsw, Kaatoru Lath* and Pailiuga, for nalo, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, on the now wbarrrecently erected on )h« Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen A Co. marl2—lyW M. .1 L. MOULTON MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE Sixth Annual Course ofcLecture* In this Ju- Btltutiou will oommeneo on Muuday, tho ml of November. A full preliminary course lrco to at- idudcut*, will bo given by ine Professors, comeucl tug oa thu first Monday of October, Professors’ Fees 9106.' Matriculation Keo 85 1'rac leal Auatumy 910. Graduation Fee 926. For Catalogue or Anatomy and Annountnomeuv, apply to PAUL F. KVE, M. U., Jy28—0 Dean of the Fim-py W HITE"BRANDY—6 cfeku wJilto Ur-uuy, •uit- abh for putting up peaches, Ac,, Just receiv ed an l for sal* by JF37 A. BONAUD. T . ii 3uuu lbs extra canvassed bag Hums \00t) do Bugnr cureq do —AlSO— A superior quality of Tennessee Hams, small size for family use, ut 12)f cents per pound. 26 bbis Uriiihed Sugar 20 Uo D Garbled do 20 do 0 do do 26 do Powdered do 10 do St Croix do 6 hbds extra Porto lllco Sugai 6 bbls do StunrO’s Syrup 6 hhds do Bucou bides —ALSO— Brooms, Falls, Basket Tubs, Matches, Scrub Brushes, Flour Palls, &c M for sale by Jy26 J. A. BROWN. ALABAMA LOTTERY! [Al'IliORUkO RY TIIE STATE OF AURAIU.J CLASS F—NEW SERIES. To bo druwu III tbe CUy of Montgomery. Alabama, In public, on WEDNESDAY, August 13tb, 1860, on tho HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL 8WAN, Manager. Prize* amouutiug to 204,000 Dollars!! Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! aO.OOU Number*—15,183 Prize*I l prizo or 810,000 is $40,000 1 do do 16,000 is...,.,.... 15,000 1 do do 7,iHH) is 7,UUU 1 do do 3,000 ia 3,000 1 do do 2,000 U.... 2,000 1 do do 1,000 is 1,000 1 do do 1,000 is 1,001) 10 do do 2001s 2,'KW 100 do do 100 is 10.U00 4 prizes ol 9200 npproxlm’g io 94U,UU0 are 8300 15,000 are 400 7,000 are 300 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 16,000 1110 76 CO 60 40 26 20 8... 1,000 ure 810 2.00U are 200 1,000 aro 160 1,000 are 100 200 are 800 ,. 120,000 16,185 prizes amounting to ..9204,UUU The 15,000 prizes of 88 aro determined by the numbor which draws the 840,Oo0 prize—U that uumbor should bo un odd number, tben every odd uumber ticket iu tbe Scheme will bo outltledtoS8>{l U an oven numbor, then overy evou uumber ticket wiU bo entitled to $8J{ in addition many other prlza whlcn may be drawn. Purchasers in buylugau equal quantity of odd and evou uumber tickets, will bo certulu of drawing nearly one half tho cost of the same, with ebanoea of obtuimug other prizes. All thoso tickets coding with 0, 2, 4, 0. 8, art even—all those endeng with 1, g, 6,7, 0, are odd. 0ST Remember that every price Is drawn, and payablo In full without aetuctiou. 939* All prizes ot 91,000 nud under, paid Immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at the usual Ume or thirty days. AU communications rli lolly confidential. The druwu numbers will bu forwarded to parcUueri Immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickets, f 10—HulYi**, *5—Quarters, 92 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either otfico. Orders for Tickets can bo addressod oithor to S. SWAN k CO., Atlauta, Ua., Jylt> Or H. SWAN, Mnivirnnwrv *l». /^t OLD <*EN»—Persons desirous of ubia mug a VJl gocod Gold Fen, uro luvltod to c* 1 and in- upeci a new lot which we have just received, and which wo o»u recommend. t J783 D. B. NICHOLS ft 00. JES8E T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND ( OUNsElXOlt AT LAW, YowuainviiK ila. Reference—^ . Brown. WlIlium Dei), New- uunrviliu, Fla., );. if ildnui, Bostou k Villulougu, Savannah, Gh. myll PI, W111T NM1T11, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUIOATOR, EAST KfOlUDA. Will practice iu the Eastern aud Southern Counties Refer to—Col. S. 8. Eibloy, and R. B. Hilton, Sa vonnah. fobv-tt OiiAff. ui caSEPIiEEi., ATTOBNEY AT LAW, NUXUSIEVILLL', OA.* Practices Iaw iu tho varioua Counties ol ttio Oc inulgee Circuit, aud the adjoining Counties of Twiggs, laureus uud Washington. liefer to—John Uostou, II. J. Crane, and R. B tlilton. ion 14 GEGiiGKATColtDoiV'; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, A.VU Commintioner qf the {/. S, Court of Claim* for the State of Uiorgiu. UlUcc Corner Bay and Bml street*.. ty mylO ■ WM. M. WILLIAMS. TIIAUOKL’S OUVZK. JACK WHOWS WILLIAMS, OlilVlSll & BROWN, ATTORNEY'S at law. Uuona Vista, Marion Couuty, Ga., Will practice iu thu unumtesof Mariou, Jlacon, Hous ton, etowart, Raudolph, Muscogee, Leo, and uuy adjoiumg ciuiutii-s, whore their servicus may hi required. myll A, II. CUAMP1U6. (Successor tu Champion ft Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Uzruard at., butween thu Market and Bay i*t., 8 A VANN Ail, OA. Dealer iu Grocories, Foruigu and Domestic liquors, Dried Fruits, Me., Me. Reference—A. Champion, Eiq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun M Whitehead, uud fiwllt k Co., Savauuuh. Ga. myll JOHN R. CUCIIUANK, ATTORNEY AT l^W, Dublin. Laurens couuiy, Ga„ lute Junior partucr ol the firm of A. M J. Cucukank, Irwiutou, Ga., will atteuu promptly to all busiuoss eutrusicd to UU cure. Particular attention paid to culiccliug. Re feruuce—Dr, G. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh,8avanuab. myll YoNoE'STFliTBTtSuN; FORWARDING AND CGMJUdslUN MERCHANTS, NO. 04 lUY-STKOrr. SAVANNAH, OA. apr4 a. Bunn S uuoriiitltN, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. *ept 6 8AVANNAU, OA. P. JACOBS, S KG All AND TOBACCO STORK. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps coustuuuy ou hand spualsb, Had Spanish, aud American siegura, at wholesale uud re- ail. Alsu, Chewing'Tobacco, auiill, Me. june 1 ja>i£s MciiioWiivi Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Averug*- atfiustod, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* Papers prupured whoreby tu recover loth vs Uuu American or Hrltiuh Underwriters, uud attention given to all matters i-.ouuected With shipping uud In surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite Dio front ol ihe Custom House. ly n»v8 A OJLiOTJElXWriGr A Hi EMPORIUM. 1 DOCK WK3T OF THE tUCPPSHOAK BKADINQ BOOM. Fiuo Ready-made Clothing ; Hats and Gu|m, whirls, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Oaues, Umbrellas Cruvats, .Slocks, Uaudkerchlefs, aud Fauoy Articles for Goutlcmeu. Also, Suporfim Clotlui, nssiraort uud Vostlugs, will bo mado to mea sure, unexception able iu «tyio and ~ workmuiiflbip,' by tho best mtcUanlCB, (it rtUnrlOst notice W, O. Price, fashionable AND HILUABY TAYLOlt, No. 147 Bay Btreet, SA VANA'AU. tST Orders from city and county solicited. fob 6 STRANGE 111 ir y° u want a good and cheap ■tfr * |>JTninU. Vnllcc, Carpet Bag, HUI-Uftor ClotUliig of auy kind or quun- ■WaJbUJ.y, ready maue or mado up to yotr mvasutu; u.oo Hats, (taps, Shirts, Collar* or Dre-.-* FuruUhiugailicle* of any description, call uud se lect rrom tho Lirgosl and best stock iu the city, ut the Star Emporium, 147 Roy street. WM. O. PRIOR. ous. uSnSirs wacot, uemut.. ARE now fully prepared to in- sert full or nurtlai setts of Tcctt> on tho nrinclplo Coutlnu r of Dr. J. Allens’* Patent (tautlnuous Gum. By thli* ipplicaL in aud canuol bo delected by 'bo closest observer,— This mothod combines tbo followings Uautiges.— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly uatural und llfo-llke appearance, aud imparts totuetbeetb that peculiar expression whioh characterizes tho ua tural organ*. This Gum consist* or a Bilaclous compound, which Is applied and fhaed upontbo Teeth and Plate In suco a manner, as to till up all tha intersticca around the base or tho Teeth, and also unites them firmly to eaohothorandto tho Plate upon which they are anti. This secures perfect cleanliness of tho Tooth. Office over DeWitt ft Morgan, Congress street. %• Republican and Goorgtan copy. feb 10—tl DENTISTRY. Dm BOVALL & JOHNSON Dcutlita, offleo coruor St. Jullou-ot. . . „ I mil Umrkct Suiutro, over S. Wll- ■UU U mot'oj.wclry otoro. OOco houn , • to S o’ctock, ud from S to It. -T11 com H oi,UNO oil).—» ptpo. ilc>d« swialloiiind .. l ° l ”’ fcr ‘n«W0N.WE i «T0NA ro . may :»u SAVANNAH, GA. WM. S. DANllfiLL, ~ : ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, 01. j- Offleo over Thomas M. Turner ft Co.’* Drug Bore, Bay street. niyT m. p. saxuntaa. 7ik TS, c. Locau-r. LOCKETT ft SNR] COMMISSION AND SHIPPING AGKKTH, «... Savannah, Oa, Vi 111 attend to the tudllug of oil kiuds of produce! drictattention gircu to receiving aud forwarding ^oods. may 31 ^ly douse,Mai A. R. MvLAllGHUN, (ruucral Agent and Auctioneer, Solicit* from his friuudx couHignmente ot overt escrlptlon. Takes order* for Cotton. JAtT special utteutiou given to the Bale* of Huai •■state, Stock* and Negro property, at public and irivatesule*. J'rompt retunu and ditpatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. nichffi u. r. mmoot. SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt28 TllOMASTOX, OA. JOHN JB1LBO, OnlJiiazy or Chutluun County, AND aTTGKNEV AT UW. - Office lu tho Court iluuue. ntyl3 ANTliONV illcCULLUiL ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savon ii all, Geuigla. 99* Office <m Day utrt-ot, over Uiu Bunk of Sevan- aih. ^ mayis • n. F'. COLE ft brother; forwarding and commission meb CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala* F. 1. Lou:, | K. F. Oouc, Bay Btreet, fcavnnnah. | G>mmerco sL, Moutg’ry. KKVFKKNO^. Jolcomb, JoliU3on, k Co. I Cohen* ft Horts, utHJkctt M.buoliinga, I E'dwin Parson* ft Co., Jolicrt A. AUcu, i ] Ncruutou, Johnston ft CU SAVANNAH, GA. myl8 nt. i. wkhh. wa. a. iaqs . WEBB ft SAGK, (SCGfUKHOK* IU CAMUtON, WUH ft 00, IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WABB 146 HKKT1NU-ST. CUAKLESTON, 8.C., Will supply Couuiry Merchant* with Good* In their Unu at a* low rate* oa they cou buy In New York, or dee where. sept 28 i y H. L. 1*. RING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cornea- of Buy undg Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAS. feb 22 smoe JONH S. BOWEN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, COKNKH OF DRAYTON AND 1IHYAN-HI8., (Above 0 A. L. Iiimar.) Jyo—3ti» b r . W. PiAJIRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW FRANRUN, HOARD 00., OA. Will attend to prulcssloual buainoss in theCountlN or Hoard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Mill, wether and Troup. Reference—Hou. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hi a, david Irwin, Marietta, Ga.: Colonel M. M. Tldw ■ 1L tayettevllle, Ga.; and Mr. william Dougherty, t®- umbUB, Ga. aepl?«Iy Wm. flIcAL.fJ8TKR. Mhed ou reuHonablu term*. Orders re*- Jl»cfG«ily solicited. aplb D. A. U'BVitffE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offleo 176, Ray ct., over Turner ft Co’*. 1 rug 8tol9| SAVANNAS, GA. nov io—ly ! '• ■ GEUltUE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near Mate Bask. SAVANNAS, OA. noVio—ly ; C RANK , WEI.L8 ft CO., FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ua, __ .. KE1L - r ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MontlcoUo, Jefferson County. 11*. Reference—Hon. W. B., Savannah, Oft. , myll EDWARD G. WIL NON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEED& At Mes*r». Ward ft Owen*’ law Office. c«yn WAYNK, GRENVlMiH ft OO^ COMMISSION AM) K)K\VARiji5l(?lllRCHANTI, Bay-street Samnnah. • THOR. 8. WAYNE. 0. E. GRENVILLE. R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE^ jy R—tr Savannah. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvlilc, ItawndeaConty,Oa.(alt BI. FITZGERALD, Corner ofBrouchton and WtutakerHItt., SAVANNAH, 0A., UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer and J Dealer lu every variety or common and line - jNDIEB, kiln drlod and warranted to resist effec tually the hot damp atmoepkere or n Southern 111- mate; also Lemon and Strawbury 8yrup, fto. Terms a«h. prlro* low. ’.V-rfiCuu 11 FoiTT P BI'IE Tcnne.'ioo I woo, th'oiilit«ro ««4 Cttu Alto, Own for Ml.. lm-« WAT A TATUM.