Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 31, 1856, Image 2

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MOMIM t JWINIL. Mir, w«Mr, MU* lftper ofthe City mnd County OSaHHHBBBBMHMBEiBMHBinMKCSSaKS. ■bcrr it todcflMutnUrtiutRwmI Ladk* uliiUv«wtM tik (tanUfm ■Litpf.Xj. UtlbkaRlteiltralarbxinM. TtelknU i> i4mdsg tho c— of thu l»«i—faroffliwiinta R. B. HILTON & CO. raornnoc* axd rvtumtu. ■ ■ maa — . ... - tutor. *. r. iiunwoi, - - ******* KMi,r nuoiT Mojurna. uimtlrail onKimxoort*] Cfay.(v*» mU U69dorifiJpKtMaofinranfii(jMifflt7) 1 am rot oM oftten: I with to ttymxr of no kind ; UAaiiofe «3,J do imt doite t***» toiler of • IxadlitK Member of tU Ant rr lean ptrlf In Virginia. Tbt following letter has U*-o addre-*ad. by putjr. VeminiiMlokaiBtkatferen in error, and that ltr. Wetcctt has no coonec- tknarhhTba Herald; and hit ftlattoni with Mr. Bennett and Mr. Lav are not ia aar degree potiticaJ. bet are Baited entirely to (base of a perwoaal aaiare. la a pereooai interview ee Saturday, be leased quit* irtne to bring mined op politically vita the Nigger Wonhip* cn; and we hare hi* exprea authority for gating that be has aothad the supporting any other than the _ u . tr • tr+*n\+r of the Vir-. erotic candidate*, and has never given any one the lion. W. M. UnrmtU. a mewUr ot the > ir • |fce Mgbu ^ grvaad for mpp0 m U g otbenriae. giaia I-egWataxe, to hi* constituent!. Mr. Bcr-, FOB JAMES BUCHAN AN, or man.VA«i. FOB VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE 1 or rrvrrckr. KIMwirwIk (Male at Lam., WILLIAM IL STILES, of Cbftlum. IVEttSOS U HARRIS, of BiMwfn Tkapod hM tlfnwd [a two brief line*. »beV4»wUdie»KT«oe,»t«®elMaeofhhUfe butaiRd- DfetmU the Cab Uh rift awM MRMK.ln.aAm m «•.” Wlal. K I. tcuttlj penaitted fur fcsJirido*!. . , lu «4rf,aalioa> mt, kaov with iiUle treble *' r '_ of molly. It ftnll be the desire ot tier} people, to pert tbe esteem uti rimlleege tl>e adiotnliM of ill Use other eoQcctkm. of isul: ratals, who are Kite tbemaleesvcefciag opttbe Dfobbmi of erratipo, Iqd* case. Utbismtee _ totetand tbaatoi U«e empire, wbw« mriJ i« * ii-tiLy-i-Ui member of tbe Ameri-j Hu Pouttox—Mf. URor Pope, aobtui- vide reread' dosmlias Morish » prebtiiE pen P«V<'inp5ni». end n< for -on**** ; goisbed Whig of Mem phi., hiring been en. with Htoent IbooghU end direree interest.., oldor ofihr Orgam (K. N.) „f Wnsfaington, aooneed »- a Mpporter of riHmore. dednee hi . 1* fttwtalA t* lisa eaJaiffir r rvW OBCh CifCtUB* • ^ *^. * j p£*ritX/U U foilC/W.* S . Btaiioa to drive for tbe bene. To cemrtiiuads . My portion U simply this: Should thecoorw Bances, lor each section to ; Having been elected to the iegipiatuie upon | of public .-ectiinent between this and Novem- fit of the whole, aad in th-* ja4 emturtfon ^j, e ^ the American jarty, it U ; ter indicate a rcawnaUe prospect of Mr. Fill exact tbe approbation ofgtoddetd* It will *" “SB citiren ofoor, twotnem ««wy . ™ ^ the earning preridentbl estimalioo in which he is held, by a urge ma- j a j tat-an no di-rtupCLt to those icritr of the people with whom for eighty yean' who ompo-e that party. I consder the im- Ubu U«ta politienl brotherhood. The nv>iiite *d«ts of iu orsenie.iion rindtated- , , . TtT,.!™., The tKwir f‘sr some reform in tire Uws of farmer who goes to the iMiori orngrieonare utol!iaUM to l alien m2ris;t aehnowl. sgrrargrruHT—Per wn IMC L.»Wf,m.«;t Beeelpt. per CeutiS Kai'lraad Au.u.11 nso«OMM.ii«Kd, arbms, » ban. la- mretk. end Mist, to 1 tttrespxt. iWM. U.uca k o. II llirdee n CO. Jre Uttr ol C..ue. tr.lli i Co. D OCopp. Ixctet kiocdmii. Pnfbom, KeV AC, A H Mitre. B&m A Toiter. lane A Tvtitm. flipping Sntfllignur. NEW ADVERTISEMEN'i'S- Late FortigB I&ftHigenee, • TUB Audi PorS eflaTuasA.. Aagaes 1 I rat rax iRAix at ii*or. BEMBY 0. LAMAB, of Bibb. AUGUSTUS R. WBIGnT, of Floyd. MXTgtCT XLCCTOX*. 1ft. IHftrict. Toons M, Fox*a*, of Olynn. 2d. DUrirt, SAXtna. Haix, of Macon. 34. District, Jasso X. Rasuat, of lUrrii- 4th. District, Lrotr* J. Ga*t*xll, of Fnltoo. 6th. Dktrict, Jobs. W. Lewis, of Cam eth. DMnct, Jasso P. Suraox.s, of Gwinnett. 7th. Diftnct, Tbobax P.SArroLD.of Margin. Mk Diftrict. A. 0. Walio, of Richmond. tween Mr. BaihinjfiMmd the" "id«k repibli can" candidate. I «haU vote for Mr. Bochan* an. The Inst Rlehnetl ireii THE OLDER 1 GROW, THE MORE IS CUXED I AM TO BE WHAT IS CALLED A UTATBH RIGHTS MAX.—Jamie Ruth- i on (Ae admUeion of Arkansas, in I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FURTHER' SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE RIGHTS HE HOC HAT—JoAn C. Dnrkenridgt in re- sfonst to Us rumination fur the Vire Prtsulm- n- no . • . , lot. UAl'Al A.IMS.WJ *UA a<nM reovc...,. — ' with the willing aaristant* of hi* toil, and toe j . uie allege* 1 iKMitility oi tbe American mercantile man «ppljring the want* aad carry- ] p tI ty t • a particular relig» j*i* jK-rwtX'wa ha- inr <ff tbe nrodnee of bio neighbor, wi^ 1 teen reeved into the intanUibie pnndpte- mg ui use proaocr * .. . j i; a t C o one who avow* aU*/un^ to any law find little.of congratulation to hum*!., anea ; ^ beJ11 ^ 13 tiie f„] er j *„ j cua-tit iiwa* . be aaootaiitt tbe conaideraiion In which be i« : wix^aiu iu proper jurisdiction, i* fit fn '■ held, by thoae who have a iike origin, and gen. political tru-t. Poe obaoxiw oMigatfoa <J erelly a like itdensX. He who has been Uoght wrecy has »**n aljoli-he-l. tbe '. wholesome lessen of wisdom, to attend to! But another imp-oitant agency was exited , *^7“ .. ’, r ^ . .. irom the- .imcncan patty, to which it rus. 1 his own affairs, and leave the rest of the » orid t ., *j V . prored wholly inadequate, and it I# follow tbe bent of thtir inclinations, will di~ ; ^ |[ Jla ^iia'spjiatoieat wlucii hx» ruudertd my cover littio to make him cling to the bonds of withdrawal frym it* councils, in my op'mbn a onion with i people who, while enjojjng per- .Uwry « pu» feet immunity from annoyance tber&seiie-.are tevinl Vj jjf aher.- before the American s pets not contest to grant the -atne privilcg#* to ? pie; »ati-fied that the whig party of the North \ jud fused witli the fref-soiler.-, and that the ... ... . r .Vereeiii i-rt. w Jcm'x.Titic partv wa< iiaraly-ed by it* own dU» It isnecereiry tlml oor ireople sboold bnaw ( ^ , ,PJ ^ jV oUierSi _ va j. M ^ all these thing*. That their eye* ehoold be ;ir< Ain?f,CAU party a ivve* of l ? nion. a frater- completely opened to their present situation, j Hal afitr».-tion, and a uaUonil pride, which should and that they should apprecUte the feelings , reconrile asdqofct ferever tha differences ex- and opinion, ef thorn from whom it lent they • EltiSr^al action of tliispanjencour. have a right to require a reciprocal forbear- 1 apt j the hope that it wuuid realize this patri* >rifA. Tijf preparation for tbe future must U- oiic §xpectatiou. It annoucoed in June, l’vio, inaugurated br an exprience of the pM and . \ knowledge of the present. Oor coontrj* mat Under this deciaration.^nietliir- BtfXOLABUlre-Tbe residence of CapL Peter Yooaok, comer ot Montgomery and Taylor rtreete, wu entered by burglan night before left, tad n mm ol money in n trank in the at- tie wax curled nway by the lifter?. Abo, on the axme night, tbe etore owned by the create of Henry Swartz, on the corner or Ware Breed end Huntington ttreeta.waa enter- edthrough the eeet window,nod alprot one dol- lu, in cent*, waanll the ikioty the indarerion. gentleman obtained. Toe pic _ 0 A large clan of tbe Northern pe<rplc. a I .utotitutel by a cried in winefi not only toe conceit and arrogance nuparaliek-d in hi.Wry.' 1 ’^’. V ^*g^Snt« for th? t'imilim of I the .tragedian believe that they are the m'rdcL oftlre nmretre. i;avt . -uut fpetiHcally piTt-n in the de- That they bare nil the knowledge and ail the 1 Uaratiuu of 1-il, U : replaced by an, article S' 1 "™?. 1 "”' intelliL'ence in the world. Tbev look down np. which recognize* the 'Hght of legal citrecn* of «nua with feeling, of piV.ndeon.empb Tor. if^^lT^eSrfflcSS deem iu to be iu a “tatc of -emi-iyaroarwii,. V} jal iu their-own mode, subject ouly which would become entirely barbarr. but ] p-/* tbe Wilmot I'roviso, oi to “the jiPAiv for tbe occasional light, their brilliant mjui | ingot ^^-^^S&'olTtedJSih ficeoce can dwptnie with for our enlighten, j v?!?.:Lt^,.. rv - uient. Ttiey assume, that they have all the. moral worth, all tbe school*, fall tbe *ch»»hnas- teni, all Uieinventioiwof art. all the triumphs of licieoce, all of the acumen of profes-jioual life, all of the wisdom of statesmanaliip. and everything of patriotism which exist*. We on the other hand, they admit, have cotton, rice, hugar, and .negroes, nant majority iu Congrc.-*, means precisely the eamc thing. With thi- restriction the privilege of admission into the Union is granted to the Territorial .State when it shall ” have the re quisite population for one representative in Congress.’ rude arts of imperfect husbandry, we raiss at Unary Wayne, the keeper of the livery stable of whoa Claghorn bought the hone, whose vidoua action* and ita aerioos results were mentioned by ua yesterday afternoon, rays he did not recommend him a* a gentle horae. On the contrary, that he cxpreasly atated to the porebaaer that he had sever been in shafU. * • » ] in mental, if we were ArrLUrojv’f Bail wav ano Bra am Navjoa-j ients of that literary food which theredundan rum Orxni, for tbe United States and the I cy of their press and iatellects supply. Canadas, containing the time tables,fares, con* j Having this appreciation of us iu an intellcc* usctkma and distances on all the railways of j toa! point of view, they ~ty, that it l j their tbe United States and the Canadti* ? al««> tbe t desire to heperate from -o degraded pe*>p!e. in onnecting line of railway* steaml/jat n -rend 1 order tiwt they, freed from the moral bligl At the sjrne tiro?, and upon the nam# princi ple of neutrality, in* American party nomina t'd for its candidate a gentleman of integrity , r . ... , „ , v . tUu ; and patrioll-xn: hat it d:u not rwjuire him to The bM three, b> th. , vidic-therhe ivouid, if elected, veto a mil re- i. .. it. II! f ... . urr.t. ilrolH *f Bwettl tke Tragedian. The following letter has been rent to the PuiUdelphia Ledger by a correspondent- It professes to givea'narrative of the sickness of J.-miu* Brut a* Booth, the tragedian, who died a year or two ag»,.oa the Ohio river. The writer states tlufh* is tbe only person who at tended tbe dying man, and he publishes the account as a matter of information to his friend* as well as of interest to the public, nothing of the kind having yet been published; Salem. X. J„ July Utb, 2S56. MtJtrt. F.ditcnto#rtic-men— Excuse me for this intrusion upon your time, as this is the only means 1 hare of making known to the family and the numerous friends and admirers of the great tragedian, J. B. Booth, the circum- cumstances of hit death. As I am tbe only person that was with him and nursed him dur ing his short butiatal i!lnc*<, listened to his lost words, and saw him die, I feel this infor mation would be gratifying to hi* family at least, be it ever meanly expressed, ortiow- eter humble the isource. I bad taken passage on the steamer J. W. Chenoworth, from New Orleans to Cincinnati, at the same time Booth did, though at that time uukaown to me *ave by reputation. We had Urea cne day out from New Orleans, when I noticced a man walking back and forth in the *aloon, with bi§ bands behind him, his ‘ iu deep thought. IJsat observin; , trying to recollect when am ^een him. for that I iiad certainly -<^a tlutman, I was fully convinced. A gen tleman came up to me and remarked. "That’s the tragedian, Booth.” I then remembered eem him in hi* lad play at the St- Theatre. New Orleans. The second dav out he wiia^trent from the -aloon, and on 1 inquiry, I found that h»- wa- confined in his state-room very rick of a diarrhma. Well knowing tbe careless regard stranger* have on those for one tliat is sick, I at once visit ed hi* room, apologizing for my intrusion, and offered uiy service* to him in any manner that might be u-efol. After scanning me with a look of penetration and surprise that 1 can never forget, he accepted the offer. On examining hi* room 1 found tliat be had been neglected. 1 immediately called the por ter, had the room cleaned out, clean linen put on hirn and the bed, ordered some gruel made for him, as he was too weak for stronger nourishment: but there was no medical atten dant at hand, and lie wasted away very fast. The third day after he was taken he could not turn over without help. 1 «*w he wa* getting info a hope-lew condition, and tbinkiug fostim- Arrived. judge Kiaf's Hit, from PIazuva. wan *3)3 btttbtte Reranh Rice, to R Haberetuai V Sen. fir IkefeU' Flat from PitnU'Joa. wUh SSOO t’i-b- el* Rt'-zb Rice, to R HaberoLsm A Son. cTeared. Brig Wardeser, McArther. Newboryport. &«rr*. Tboro^o k Co. B ACON—10 cask* i«rtra- >*de- t joit received and for sale by jni>e« CRANE. WKIJA k Cn LOUR.—20 sjicki superfine Four. 1U0 do uuv do S7 bbl* superfine Floor, for late by jj« iriimti f VW AT mi tVIIJJAM LYNN. Si tfty rtreet. M ATCHES. Ac.—loo grOf* lutcbe* In W*»i boxes, 150 boxes Mustard boxe* Adamantine, Hydraulic and Si»*rm Candles, received and for Sale by jyi; McMahon a iwyij: FOR XKW YORK. ll'iif Jk>a cm Smtmrimy. CM Amp**, mt C.S »’d*ck /' M-, yrtciudy. Tke Meazadup ALABAMA. Cq* G. R. Scbeak. will tear* as above. For freight or fwangc a«dy to * PADELFOKD. FAY A 00. jj30 FUR PII1LXDKI.PI I rr r. SantrOof. JuanMtd. at OreUut. f. Jt. tbe United states Mail suara*b p KEYSTONE STATE, Cape Har-lie, > ill leave as above. Few freight or jasiut apply to C. A- GREINER. Agent Cabin Passage 1 50 CO Steerage Passage » <*> Passenger* by Uu* ship for Baltimore and Wash- iajttit will be Urxted at New CaiGe. Delaware, d desired, from which pace cars start three times allow the in-cri daily fur the atrave cities, and other Boctaern lornts. ^ | tfPAUG A tosddAbfo iwcntcLMnLidlrokHt,-. . Spun. Theialraf!., kJ. tkn eoaftSing Yrysneso t-4 ,« ki-i v* remen. *5 the spyrowj tanponS of OVosneS j MitaV ,?&■ Drax, Fttagn AetatOitao.raars-2*- InUrTK-r; 1_ L'zi.x... , : x]-... ' S'wO. Eeyuuto ... . W «d Vv Mndndj *t hta .t as. not xav»ti vxs lmmediabtxr ce Um uv mawresifoo broke out in jUirii iLd tSj' I Madrii. tionai Goaidi a**i*ted tbe c:; zt:_ barricade*, and being attuke.3 in- t^T 1 fighting ettfeed ia th* :• ; | h-jorf. with much V>s* on b ti . ,,.V' r d t. tt. liib, « 1 O'-.;, k J. S of hortiiilifcft was zgre«: -_u:; • tie tU> P IG HAMS—ssnoked Tongues ant rtnoke-l B*ef received twr steamer Knoxvillr. aad tor la’-T.b jy 17 j D. JKSsK. H aTS.—dureti Ptaiitatioo Hats. tu sture ernd for sale by jyfi J. M. nU^WEay rt. M ARcHALI. k SUN’S Celebrated Pig iiatns, Pig Shoulder*, and Jig Bacon Abo some new Smoke 1 Tongues an-1 Fr^hSm«-kel Beef. Receir*-: p-r Alabama, by mar> _ J fb JEt-E 1 OTAiU—10 cases Roctlfled Potash, In tin cam. for family nse: 10 Potash, ju^t received an-i tor sale by Jyll B01GEK-? NulUtlS A CU. -.j/ing the Minwuri re»tri«-tijn orrcpcahng th® tlie czpcnw of JSB&iog meni to iiumnni-1 Kantoi aa Too* who lia.ei.girdedtlic | ";-^Yucn e 7S«,'Kz*eliim^me brand}-nnd v, ud bj tbt abuse of tte .,Uvn committal to hlfoISS tot the Mnfinee if *»H“* !? f ?! unl , t ?.“ our cliarge. They »iy tliat we i»o:iiu la.- letl i -niatrorm enough," and that liL partofflcial not the rc-eiji j :l * t . a .-;;incieDt Assurance for hi* future. ol the coniproinlse of Taking iiU uignzture l-.jO av the mo.-t prominent of the*c act-*, we eiiojunfor iiKdiitno’Witablc difficulties of con struction. , , , lhc fricml- of liie Kama* act contenuthat it jj a legitimate deduction from the Compro- m-.e of iV>0; but tlioiuand* who advocated Kansai act ia between fhisteeth, his jaw* having become rigid; but oq Uriing it he made an effort to remove it from bU lips, and spoke with difficul- "" lot. *uiub!« for preserving, ami for .-ale bj jy 51 J . D. JKBStH PHOTOGRAPHS. Large *ized l*hotogr»plw, t* ken by HILLER, AT TWU.YI If.'LIjiRS mt l«OIZ> Also, Ambrotype* and Da- guerreotype*, in his uauoi su perior style A call is solicited. ^ * J. W. Ml!.; ER, marJi cr- ■■ i t. JulUn-jft. au«l Market square. FRENCfi tm“\, WHlTE GRANITE, and glass ware. 14$ *tvjxt, cuiKuanox, -onu cakouaa. , ' The subscriber* resjiectfully soUdt-~ from the traveling public, an iuepectlon of their stock of French and English Chin*, in plain white, gold band, and decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea. toilet, tete-a- tete sets and vases. Also, Cu;* and Saucers, Ac.. <*! tbe celebrated Sevres China. White Granite of th* best manufacturer*. Rich cut French, English ac<: Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of ornament* in Parts**- Ware, Bust* of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and uiher-, and&atuete* of the Greek Slave. Venus de Medici-, fcc., Ac. They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle for doors aad hearths, of Plwln and Enratutlc Tile*. Their stock being very general, carefully selected aa-1 imported direct, offers inducement- to merchants as well as families, to whom goods will be put up at tbe lowest rate* for cash. WEBB & SAGE, Importer*. «uccessors to Cameron, Webb k Co. ASSIZE OF HUE AD. Crrr Tuxirox'iOnyx. ) Savazinab. A«cu-t 1,1966. > r lE average pnee tg flour the last u>zih U Lng six dolllars and fifty cents per barrel, brea*! tcu-l weigh as follows : Kkt 'lOAf most weigh —b 4oz i l’.bfloz 3 ic;,oz James >. watkin.**, c. t. *»fi STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO. rivjfL uaiersigDvd haw formed a Co-partnership X binder tbe Act ot tbe General A-semb y of tbe elate •>» Georgia, entitle 1 -‘An Act to author.** Liujite 1 Purtnership*/* a>sctUd to tbe twenty-«e- eto-J d*y of December. In the year 1$j7: to be con ducted under tbe came of Carl Eppotg, for the pur- pc>e of transacting a Commission and General Mer- canti o b’isinesi in foe city of Savannah and state of Geo; go. Carl Epprng, of j^avannah. will be fo - genera! partner, aad George W Germany, ot Savannah, who ii*s contributed Fifty Thousand x'kr.lars, in ca.-h, to the common stock, will be special partner. The oainess to commence the first day ot August, in the ysar eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and to term nate on the first day of August eighteen fifty- sin*. In witness whereof, the said Carl £ps*ng and George W. Germany have hereunto signed the f-*fe K -"icr axreement. this tbirtr-firit day of July, lit*. CARL EPPING. G. W: ‘5ARMANY. Anxsl: MONTGOMERY Ct MMlNO. J. L C. C. C. august 1—f.w Tbe Milledgeville Recorder, pubhih six week*. •crgtn:.4U r. a At tbe expirttsk-o tfo- t ; m- ' - I • ‘ 'edt BECKWOI RTII’S A DYES 1 URES T HE Life and Adventures of J P Beckwourlt, Cb.ef of the Crow Inu-an.-, w.tli iKustratioos Appleton's Railway and i-team Navigation Guide, pub.uted monthly at 15cn«. Memorials of his Time, by Henry Cockburn. the Earn eel Man—A sketch of tLe character an-J labor? of A. Judson, first Missionary to Bur- mah. New Age of Gold; or the Li:e and Adventures ol Pobt. Dexter Rotnmne. Ihe Tongue of Fire; or tbe True Power of Chris- tianlty, by Win. Arthur an eminent Merhoii-i preacher. History of Immigration fo the U.S., by Wn. J Bromwell of the rtate LH.-]«rtment. Italian lights—Pspxl Principle*, by J- Jarve*, with illustrations. 1 arisian right*, by tbe same author. august 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. . , . . • that compreniiw ii-seil tliat the sUgfia. SUvery, may soar a war into that sphere of pi o. i # violation of tliat measure. If the in- Wi received a crjpy of tbi-> valuable )>-'Xjk for 1 grt^, which will only stop short of ethereal life, i ferenefc that the Kan-v- act resulted from the tbatravelliBg public, through the mail, and one! B it they alyj say that the South with a brutish ' comprointe U inevitable, there could »>« no from John 1L CooptrA f>>. It appears to be inatinct.cUoK.itoUie Union ami d- not dzte atmetbtag to wiit exactly the necemities of; to rhakeoffthe only hand which preserve-1 thoae whom either burincm or necessity take; Irom moral and intellectual submertion. But upon tbe highway* of public travel, it may. the difficulty which'tbcy apprehend i* that 1 they Ooojitr A fir’s..; will uot l/C able to kick the South out of the i Union.” This may seem to some ane.xtravigant 1 picture but it Is a true one n® vert he I *^. I When the Southern people (who, if they liave any vices, are the more excusable ones of vio- be found at Mecsrs. John M. book (tore. , 4 ... But there i* a ranical difference upon this subject; therefor® the porition 01'the American nominee upoii thi* question is doubtful,ami t!io.-»e who are d ajKised to support him may, without impugning hi- integnty.ask his contraction upon the consis tency of the Kansas act with the Compiomise of H50, and whether it is hi* purpose to main tain or repeal it. Until some such declaration shall he made, the American* ot the South are wholly without assurance agaiiretthe continued agitation of a dangerous question, or of laving ' • ts, deemed by them invaluable, surrender- [with burglary, at the store of. and avarice,) Cud themselves placed at this va!- ed by the act of their own representatives, r A Kline, on the 21ft Jane iut.' uxtion, they ioitinctively recur ta tb« mt aii'l carelul invertigation, the! liLtor}-. look for the record ol thoH.- deeds s | llf , j * a-imltt.G into’the Union i" ' A special Court of Justices,consisting ol Jur tice* Ilart, lUwel and Keedy was convened yesterday for tbe examination of blimael Ho-1 lencejiud uot those of cralt cunning,treachery ter, charged Messrs. Blyler After a patient and careiui investigation, me j msiory. mey to« ior me rm-oru oi mw; ««----•*-> g j iVft charge’.being substantiated, tbe accu-wl wj* ‘ which formed the initiation of thUgre-atfiov- j Korernust and mo.-t formidable in this con- committed to Jail, in default of bail. ! eminent; and they find tliat although they did ; test stand* the black-republican party, a dan- not light tbe lattlMOf Hunker Hill und I.txing | ton (winch by some are considered tlie whole ’ revolution) their forefather* were engaged in some incoutidri able »kircii.*.lies with one Wash ington a-i their leader—although they did not A special Court of Justices, coireiiting of Jus tices Hart, Reedy and Connell, was held yes- terday for tbe examination of Hugh McKntee charged with mayhem. Tbe defendant wa* toned over to the Superior Court for trial, and he gave bail. Gtcrgls Colonliatloii Meeting In Kan sas. A meeting of the emigrant* from Georgia, held on tbe 1st of July, near Kansas City, Mi* eouri, woe oigboized by electing (.'apt. John Couch ihe/idint, uud Capt. John J. Grant Vice President; A. S. Hamilton wa* requested to act as Secretary. The object of the meet ing being explained by Capt. Cook, the follow’ log preamble and resolution-! were read and unanimously adopted: Whir tat, it is deemed necessary ami highly important tliat a colony of Georgiann hiioulc be planted In the Territory of Kansas ;'a ad vrhntai, there are many patriotic son* of Georgia now In the Territory who have expended their imp* and labored with untiring energy in behalf of Southern right*, and who are now incapable of rendering further defence to the institution of Slavery without aid and assis tance from their uativc State, who*e interests they have peaceably attempted fo represent a* kmg as an honorable peace could he maintain- I' 1 .sources; it is led by ambitious and sagacious men. it intend* to empl >y the nurnl*ers of the North fo -ubjugate the South and govern the country. Its material of warfare consists in , . . . ... impeaching kthe title ol your property, defam- represent (on paper) such large armies, yet in I j rj gy 01ir character, and combining the most tbe actual flesh and blood combatants,they rath-J despotic and lawless influences in u erusada er exceeded the number* of those self-laudator*. When they look lor the statesmen who have idiaped and guided tbe Government, and still do guide it, although they will not he able to again'it you. It* plan of warfare i* to cut ot!' the supplies and communication* of slavery, fo invest its citadel a-.d to *er.d in a flag inscribed '‘Assault * r unconditional surrender.*’ The demoerutic party has l*een, by force ot boast representatives of tlie intellectual prog rev 1 circumstance*, placed in jli^f ^ , * , . .. . .. thi* party. It stand* not only pledged, but sion of the day, such a* Sumner, WiIvjii Halo coihImiiUjU beyond the power of recantation or or Burlingame, yet they may turn without shame withdrawal fo maintain your rights u* politi- fo the memory of a Jefferson, a Madison, a cal equaLs in this confederacy. With rny opinions, neutrality would be at this o 2 pea edTandftWho have gallantly aud meritoriously flocked to the standard or your rights when they were threatened witli destruction by the base and unmanly conduct or the fiiuaticsor fha Territory, winw avow® IJi itentlom are to drive from tbe Territory# every Southerner who has dared to give publicity fo his principles; therefore, l/e it. Htiolved, 1. That in consideration ol the above related facts, wu os Georgians, do or ganize onrselves inti# a Colony, with the inten tion of becoming actual settlers and law-abiding citizen* of Kaunas Territory, and, lurthermor®, tb® representatives of Southern rights, institu tions and Interests in tlie same. lUtoived, 2. Thai we have dune all that out- parses can do, and that, though our persons arc worn and fstigued, wo ure still ready fodis charge our duty as Southerners; and, with aid from yon, wo will be able to maintain tlie supremacy of Southern institution* iu tlie Tcr- littolctd, :j. That we appeal fo you, as a brother would fo a brother, for assistance in tbiaonr day of trouble, and wo feel confident that our appeal will he heard and heeded by all true Georgian*. Retohed, 4. That we have chosen Capt. K 14. McGee of Missouri, aud Capt. U. Jones or Georgia, to canvass tho State and receive all contributions that Georgians may feel disposed to make; and further, that Capt. McGee has tbt confidence^ all who know him, U a warm hearted Southerner, and ha* hospitably receiv ed and liberally aided, to the extent of his means, fill Southern men who have emigrated to tbe Territory; and that we commend him fo yon an ft man to whom you cannot show too much respect. Retolvtd, 6th, That wc came hare to defend and farther the institution of Slavery, and though Georgia prove recreant in her duty as ft Southern fltutc, wc will not prove recreant In ' <mr duty a*Southerner*. Ritolttd, 6th, Tliat we look upon all Geor gians a* brothers in this struggle, and feel as sured that they will coatinue te merit the dis tinguished position which tbev have li.crntoforo occupied as leading defenders of Southern rights, by giving us the aid which is McrcHunry to success. JOHN COUCH, President# A. B# Hamilton, Secretary. VigUani CommitteeJ:—0. Fait, Dcuprre, IL B* Baker, Jesse Holmes, Wa. Curuthcrs, T * B. Skaggs.' On motion, the meeting adjonrued. Star Kantat CUy, Mo., July I, IBM. Thing! look datk in Kansas Just uow# but her day will yet dawn. The people or th® free 0tetei will not desert her. Crawford, a Randolph,a Clay, a Macon, a Cal houn, and may look upon those who now fill their places, without a great trepidation that they will l#c entirely annihilated, by these mora- and intellectual giant*. When they ask them wives If they have shown uu undignified at tachment fo a Union given them by patriot fa thers, it will bo more with pride than reproach that they will view it. And although the val* iant leaders ol Abolitionism, conceive,that they may march their legion* undisturbedly over our territory, and feast their eyes with the addition* nl delights of a servile war, yet we will be bold enough to say, that perhaps they may meet with a few disappointment* eveu in the outlet of their journey. There is, nevertheless, a considerable hand of patriotic men, containing all the eonbciy- atisiii which is left at the North, who hold u* on a footing of perfect brotherhood—who say fo us, you art our equals in this confederacy, and but u*sist us, ami wc will sustain the con- litutiou which is the gunrranty of such equality People of Georgia! need we Indicate where 4 those men arc to be found? Will you unite with them ? Or #)hull they be crushed, and the sun of our Republican Union set forever? my opinion*. important, crisis little better than treason. I mIihII, therefore, vote for the democratic candi dates at the ensuing presidential election, be cause that is the only party committed to . assert t ie rights of the .South, and because the J opinions uvowedri/y that party upon the subject of slavery represent my own. With tne-jc* declarations, it would not bo prop er that I should hold a station which I can no longer employ fo promote the oty’cct* of those who conferred it. I lmve therefore transmitted to the speaker ol the house of delegates, by the hands of the executive rny resignation as a member of that body. In doing io, I may he allowed to say that 1 act in accordance with my own sense of propriety, and not upon the complaint or instigation of others. I have en deavored tu discharge tny representative duties with fidelity. I have advocated every legisla- tivejrneosure which tended to restore the credit, promote the power, employ the people, or pro tect the rights of our beloved Commonwealth. 1 resign my post its incidental obliga tions will not permit mo to pursue the same objects a* efficiently a* 1 could wish. I huve no intention to become a candidate for the vacan cy thus occasioned. I wish to create no issue. You huve generously sustained me without any of those elements or influences which strength en public men. I am iiotuiigratoful, nor would I, for any rewaid of personal advancement encourage divisions amongp.tyou. For, believe ine, this is no time for ditisiotin. Your right* are at stake. ty, "no more in this world.'* | I njw that he had no hopes of living, and felt anxious in regard to bis hopes lor the future ; ! but being a young man and an entire stranger, 1 felt it to be a very delicate situation for one of my inexperience: but with a mental prayer that 1 might be sustained I commenced by aik- ing if he had a wife; he answered, with a look of astonUhineut and an emphatic “certainly 1 have I then asked him it lie had any nt®.*- -age to send to her. but 1 could not understand him, but he ecemcd to .-ay, in his look and fea tures, “oh, that I could talk!” But p©jr man, his powe^of utterance wus fo impaired that he could scarcely utter a word distinctly. He at tempted to tell me of his travels in California, but I could understand nothing but that he had suffered a great deal, and had been exposed very much.* The fourth after he was taken I asked him if 1 should read to him from my Testament; he seemed anxious that I should, when I selected an encouraging chapter, arid read, while he gave the deepest attention. I then a.iked him if I might pray for hirn; his eye* became dim witli moisture, uud he signified hi* consent, when I knelt by his bunk, aud besought the Great Father of us all, before whom he was so shortly fo appear ta receive him, though ut thi* hour, for the sake Him that died that sinners might trust in his mercy. He seemed very gr.itful, and attempted to nut hi* arm around my neck, as I bout over him fo smooth his pillow. But the fifth day about on® o’clock he died. I was with him all the morning until the bell rung for dinner, when lie repeated tbe words several times, distinctly “pray, pray, pray,” accompanied by a beseeching look— We*were then below Louisville, Kv., where upon arriving the captain procured a metallic coffin, and telegraphed to hiH wife in Baltimore te meet the corp.-e iu Gincimiati, which’she did. taking it to Baltimore for interment. But as I myself was sick by watchiug on arriving at Cincinnati, and inure liately left the boat, I saw none of hi* friends; and on recovering went South, ho that I h ive had no opportuni ty of making thin known to them. J. H. 8. THE HAVANA PL A N. More Prizes than Blanks. 1,767 PRIZES ! ! ! $1< >2,000. Only IT,OOP ambers! I! Jasper"County Academy Anotlici* f»corglu Whig uud Kmm .Vnlli- Ing fin 4 lltic'liunuii. Ur. Williams, an influential Whig uud Amcri, can, of Bike County, has come out in favor of Mr. Buchanan. He Is constrained fo this course, notwithstanding his opposition fo “Squatter Sovereignty,” which lie by mistake attributes to the Democracy hk one of its principle*. He writes us follows : To My Snow Nothing Friend* : It is with displeasure that 1 see the result of our recent Mucou Convention juid urn constrain ed by conscientious motives fo wlthold my feeble co-operation. For tho present my politi cal motto is to disband, and every Know Noth ing curry his own skillet. With tho lights be fore mo, I cannorsunport our present policy, which is, as 1 conceive, a restoration of the Mis souri restriction, Congressional interference with slavery in tlie Territories, and an utter loss or Kansas, and hence civil war. disunion, Ac. 1 will uot at present ully myself with tho Democratic party, but give It aa tny deliberate opinion,that it is the only national organization now before tho American people fo which the Houtli can look for safety. IL* principles of squatter sovereignly umj pandering fo foreign aud Catholic vote, is oh- jcctionahlo, though of minor importance, which abate to Insignificancy compared to the para mount question of the day. l.oUHsccurc Kan su*, (auction tho ropsnl of tho Missouri restric tion, after which wc may agitate questions ol lew minor importance In order to accomplish the above o)<]ect. 1/it us stand aloof, or vote for Buchanan, sml prevent, os i think, tho elec tion of Frcemont. Bnppow tho country is ho unfortunate on for Fillmore to receive the vote of two or three slave Slates, tho election will inevitably go to the House of Representatives, The only question with you mu»t lie who is • the most efficient advocate of these rights.— The presidential contest may not ho decided in tlie open field. If carried into Congress it may he indivpeusublu to our safety lliut wc should unite upon the most efficient antagonist ufour common enemy. The North hat for gotten its feuds in a common enmity towards you. Why cannot you unite fw the protec tion of your property and your rights? If we encourage strife amongst those who belong to the sectioii.i of the great conservative anuy.w© rnay find irreconcilable animosities pervading our rank*. Remember that the election of a black-republican ►pealterof tlie Uou^o of Rep resentative#! was caused by the acerbities of political warfare. Remember, that by this event . our euemi .s have been cuahltd to dhcct tliu influences of Congress fo your Injury. To that event is to he attributed, umonst other evils, the mission ol* uu ex parte, committee Into Kansas, fo encourage civil war and stoic tho magazines of abolition with mlsreprchentU' lions of your interests and of your rights. Let us, then, *o conduct Ibis campaign as to cast our votes for some undoubted representa tive of our right*. Let us, iu tho event tlie union of the South for the safety of the South should become necessary, have or few animosi ties fo reconcile iu possible, uud if wo cannot secure the election of ot»r friends, let tw at least preserve onraclves from tho reproach of Having caused the triumph of our cnomies. Truly and gratefully, your friend# \VM# M. BlJltWKLf# Bedford, July 10, IfiX'Noiialoi 1 AVosloott. The New York News of Monday nays s Our editorial of Saturday alluded to Hx-fe'ona- ter Westcolt»« being In favor of the Illaok “Republican'’ candidate for tho Pioddenoy, Job Printing Promptly, Ncntly nut! C*lienply_ Done, The public in general, aud our Democratic friends in particular, will remember that there is connected with the Georgian fy Journal es tablishment one of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices iu this section of the Union. If wc are correctly advised, some of the* most beautiful specimens of job work ever done in Savannah have lately passed from under onr presses. Give us a trial. Our facilities enable us fo execute every de scription of letter press work from a mammoth poster fo the smallent card, and from a book fo a circular, with neatness aud dispatch, upon the most satisfactory term*. Orders from all part* of the country will ro ceive prompt attention. BY AUTHORITY OK THE STATE OF GEORGIA. CLANS P. To be drawu Augurt 15th. T551. at Concert II nl. Macon, Ga.. under tbe sworn .-ujtenuteudetnv #•: Col. Jaiiieq M. Ix/guu and Janie# A. Xi-bt-l. E»*j I'atroiL* will please examine IhU S:lieuie careful ly, compare it with auy other, and if it is u<-t the beat ever offered, and the chances to obtain capi tal* far bett-r, dou't purchase ticket-. CAA1TAL, 613,000. II Prize of ilo.O&O i-* $15,000 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 •* 2,000 is 2,000 4 44 1,000 are 4,000 10 “ f/OOare... foOOO 50 “ 100 are 5.000 JO Approxiui’it of 450 to 415,t00 prize are fl.MXl 50 '• -.'6 to 3,000 •» are 1,250 50 -• 20 to 2.00*) “ are 1,000 SO •• of $12); to each of the capitals of $1,00*) are 1.000 7600 prizes of 8); are 63.750 7767 prize' amounting to $102,000 Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2 50. Prizes payable without dedu* lion. The 7,500 prizes of $8 J, are determined by the number which draws the $15,000; if that number should he an odd uuniher, then every odd uainh# r ticket iu the scheme will be entitled %-S 50; il an even uumber, then every even number ticket wi I be entitled to $8 50, iu addition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers buying uu equal quantity oi odd uud cveu uumber tickets willl be certaiu of druwing nearly one bull the co<t of the same, with ehumv- of obtaining other prizes All those tickets ending with 0. 2. 4, 6,§, Hre cveB; all those ending witli 1,2, 6. 7, 9, are odd. Person* pending mouey by mail need not fear it* boing'lojt. Orders particularly attended to. tom iiiuuicatiou* conlldeiVtiai. Bank notes of sound hanks taken at i>ar. Tliose wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address. JAMES F. WINTER. jvlS Manager, Macon, Ga. [ACTHORnEU «r Tfiz^TAT* Ot GEORGIA.] FORT UA1XE8 ACAUEMV LOTTERY. LAWRENCE’S ROSENDALE HY DRAULIC CEMENT. HOFFMAN’S BOSENDALE CEMENT- , I liiE^E two brands of U-ment are mannlacturel . by the Lawrence Cement Company, and are warranted of the best quality, being used in ai- imi-t every department or the woike under the C. Governmeui, and other inpirtant hydraulic w. rks. For sale at the office of the Company, on the most favorable terms, by M. W. WOODWARD. Sec’ry. jrl4—2m 92 Wall streit. Now York TO PRINTHKS. Tim Hiib-ici ibcrs oiler lor sale a large and varied assortment of second hand printing material, suffi cient to establish a complete Job Office, with hut few additional articles, consi- ting pi part of—One ample font of small pica, iu gooil as new, and vari ous fonts or job type; one super royal hand-press; one lh#e A tin’s proof-pre&s. latest improvement, new; two wr more largo hnpo-iiig stones, new; dou ble mid -ingle stands; wise*, composing sticks,col. nmn rules, galleys, chases, etc., etc., together with vurious other atllch-s pertaining to a now.-puper or Job office. It. B HILTON A CO. June 28 11A1UISUMH VO LlMfilAN HAIR. DYE. SIZE N'l.AUUKD, HTVI.ft I.Ml'ROVKD. It hu dobl. th. quantity and etrengtli of any otlier. , . It gives a porfeotly natural color. It colors ovary shads^rrom light brown to It U porfsotly*harmloss to the skin. Us effbet a lnstantaneons and permanent, III* till] hurt, qllldCIMl, UllUii|IUSt (411,1 Ktd'UKt IIV, ever made. ifir Directions for ore accompany each bux.*uft Prico—1 oz. $1—2 ozs. $1.50—1 ozs. $3—b ozs. $5. [Entered according to an Aci of Congress, in the year 1865, by A. W. Harrison in tho Clerk's Office of llio Dislriel Courl of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.) For sale bv tho munuliicturor, APOUjOS W. HARRISON, declS—ly 10 South 7th at.. Philadelphia PALM KTTO WA NTHD." E ROPOSALS will bu recolvad at tho office of tho CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, No, St UroaftHtrcct. ClinrleHtmi. imtlj tho 1st or Au gust, for furnishing and delivering at th«Tcilmlnus or tho Road, on tho wost side or Ashley River, six ty th”usaiid (60,000) lineal, or running feel of PAIr MKI'R) IXK38. Thu Palmetto must bo of the bust quality, of in* ture treo's. straight, afol freshly cut. It wHI bo sub- Jocted to the Insjwction or tho Ktfg'ticcr before be ing received, Tito logs must uonlbrm nearly to the following lengths i 20,27, 25 uud 40 fuel. Th® delivery tu cofnuiouuii ut the eai lied p • slide Interval idler the above u»tned dale. TIKW. F. DRAY1XIN, Jy24—«od4 President aud Chief Engineer. CLASS 18. To bo drawn iu th® city of Atlanta, in public, on THURSDAY, Augu.-t iff, lt5G, on thi- HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN & CO., Managers PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $2 0 4,0 0 01! Will lie distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME 1 .U,OOO NUMBERS—15,IMA PRIZES! 1 prize of $40,000 Is.. 11 prizes of.. 100 10,000 is.. 10,000 is 5,000 ia 2,000 is 1,000 ia 1,000 Is 200 are HJ0 are 4 prizes of 200 upp'g pi $20,000 prize, are IQo 75 60 50 40 25 20 10,000 orize, ufu 10,000 prize, are 5,000 prize, ure 2,000 prize, ure 1,000 prize, are 1,000 prize! are 200 prize, arc 16.&00 of $8 amounting to . $40,000 .. in.000 10.000 ,. 5,000 , . 2,000 .. 1,100 ,. 1.000 .. 2,000 10,000 800 400 200 240 200 100 800 800 JOiiftN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of hisproies- eiou, offer* his services to his friends uid th* public as au Architect and Superintendent. Designs fot any part of the country supplied an-J executeiAn all tho various branches of Ins profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, &e. Thoroughly Fire Proof Store* dt signed and executed. Office at present in Bay Une, rear of the Custi’tu Hou-e. jan 3—ly IRVING’S \V SUING TOY. V OLUME Til of the life of George Wa»|ilngMU by Washington Irving. We can supply all who wish this most desirable work, m any stjieof bindiug. Tlie Wunderer, a tale of life's Vicissitudes. ••Trudging along, uuknowing what he sought. And whistling as he went, for wvnt of thought." Kv the author of tlie Watchman. Lampligher.i t*.'. John Halifax, Gentleman, by the author of The Head of the Family. Olive, Ac. Dickens’ Household Word.-, fur July. Putnam’s Monthly fur July Frank Leslie's Gazettee of Fashion lor July. Mrs Stephens' Illustrated New Monthly for July. Ulackw«M>.r Edinbnrh Magazine lor June. K- r sale by WARNOCK A* DAVIS. Bookso'.l. r.- and Suti-ners, jy2 159 Congress street LAN!) AGENCY—Brunswick, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS hU services to the public in the pur chase and sale of lauds iu the counries ol Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee, Clinch, Lowndes aud Thomas, i’art.cular attention given to locating, purchasing and selling oi town lots in the town or Baun-wick. kbtrkmxs : Dr RCollins, Macon; Dr B M Cargile, Brunswicx Thomas H Harden, Svvaunah; Hou James I. fiew rd, Thotuaevillf. _ BOOK AGENCY. f pHK Subscribers have established a Book X Agency iu Philadelphia, aud will furnish nn> book or publication at the retail price free ot i*..*t ug«-. Auy persons by forwarding the subscripticc price of any one of tlie $d Magazines, such a.- liar- in rV, Godey’s, PuUmrn's, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Fashions, Ac., will receive the Magazines lor one year and a copy of a splendid lithograph portrait ol either Washington, Jackson or Clay; or if subscrl bing to a $2 and $1 magazine, they will receive ft copy of either ot the three i>ortraits. If subscribing to SO worth of magazines, ail three portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. Envelopes ofexerysize aud description in large or small quantities furnished. Seal Presses, Dies, Ac., sent to order. Every description of engraving ou wood executed with ueatuess and dispatch Views of Buildings. Newspaper Headings, Views of Machinery, Book II lustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Card**, dc All orders seut by mail promptly attended to Per- sous wishing views of tueir buildings engraved can send a Daguerreotype or sketch ol the building by mail or express. persous ut a distance having saleablo articles wil. find it to their advantage to address the subscribers as wo would «.it as ageut for the sale of the same BYRAM d PIERCE. 50, South Third street, l’hila., l’a nov 26—d&wl BARBER SHOPS. * Pulaski House Barber Shop, Oiteru’ Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FITS WORKMEN ENGAGED. to have t**s COOUt* we fc*T« ZZf fr.-v I doted at Madrid, 4 Ai.- k stating that tbe iuaLzrt. 1 excepting a few W-di:-—. mxihdof Pacbete. tb-r Tbe(fixtu presented Ur-:-_*•, and a G</Veznment raV- - pectfullj received, net that tbe loscrgenl* prexL--: < ! Infante. President of tL-e <: ,r.*z. insorrettk®. ‘iec. O I>-v-. ti. VT new municipality foMzCr.-i. . all Spain in a *l»teoi *i«e. ii- j j. x *''*;* vigor, tot the Paris -.t Gcrernmimt do hot bri>i •• m il- master of ti.e sitcatk-n. O’Donne’tl,by decree -rves t*® *, Guard, aad calls od there . arms. Gen. InLinte . : -.V 7 of tbe Cortes, bat OTsn; • _ ... • dispersed. Another x-. J Queen oi Spxin appeared <:.' and besougnt the coinUntaa- ceise '! that it wa® owing fo her .Lu.ictisi.i’S*-’* ticeof one hour was a.rred u, * ^ (,-7** nell’s dlspat-rh says be insurrection, from which •: U s^rzl<A LUtt- revolt U yet taiqueiled. 1. • r-re-t Uu out at Saragossa.and a'.I Ar 4 _-n wjj B 7 f 7_ less in insometion. Fr ; *:e'enkKiiad'f outbreak at iiartel nt. The Latest—Paeis. Kr^zy.., U no later intelligence:: «c il.-: - ^ says that tLe tepc-rtofa u ^ eo-Ki U confirmed, iu* xveiud that 0« Falcon who c-:remanded the^ ,J* was formerly a.d-de-c^mp v; L-j i;;.; , his pronunciation:..-, w.u the part of the inbabiten*vs: fot c..,:lu t u *.* v«te intelligetce. he w_- n : ; 1!. =, ] troops, who. < n the cvLtrary. ntinduS nights and castle which i-r^zaU xr.r** A later telegraphic roe--ige f; tie re.' taic-General ol Catalonia, foteitfo Kia that all was tranquil in tfo; pimrij ;hiy. Tbe P^ris comapc*ncc:.u;L*i \ Km of Thursday evening. u\l , reliable f-,urce that the Kjrn.h ij-Ttraa has already given o foe re i-.: tii; rn*t ids army of ofoerystjoa on t_- 5:_n;-h Madrid, Juiy 1-1—At : c'c. .£ ts'aaa ing, the insun ret i-n w**. . z.~ i aiLiv’t. Gen. Concha oLfoinc-d jo-*/ ; tit T.>}. Gate. As some ot tie ;n ; crg- at- s*.J. hdiue Plaza ^eltaldw.iLeAsLic-- w,re uktati atri them.. The vaiku» Loi.-.-v: tie k-*sr oil'.i were commanded by Pa^Ltta. At 10 o'etik the last remains oi the u.^igtnu ware u.- hilated. Pacbeta was killed. Twfirtp«.ui artillery were in poetess::n o: tic .narittUil the Pi.tza Sevaluo. Tr.e Q;«ea Ti*.ud th wounded. Happily the vittjn- were n:t rz eroos. The Gorer-mtu Las U. z. idahij supported. The di-anniug of tbt Xitkn! Guard is actively carried on, ani tec ib-iostl fare is reestabfo-Lcd. All i> tranquil in tb provinces, except at Ssugo-a. Madrid, Ju!yl~, - To <nv .»:duj • uc |4f It r.-establ sh at Mad.te 1 . The vere... jtcuiji.. ed by the King atu M/refoi L»'L k :nwll,L!.-;s reviewed the garris-m tr - ; #. as.l the ir.'jk received their Majesties auu the Marshtl fit enthusiasm. To-mur>w wJl.teke place tet solemn burial of sdd.ere who fove cied ti.t onslv iu defending the ter- nr and older. It-, twelve pieces ot cannon j-cited or. tie Flaiis valdo were captured ly tne rtpl troops afte several boors lighting. s Tie London ib:ly now* | .• lULe^the foil, ing despatch from ite Fat.*, •.vrre-spcndeiit.di 1 ed Madrid, Thursday • •• The insurrection l..-«-r b.a U-eu foppre«l after a com fot which L*ted thirty booD.iti was fiercely obstinate. Ti.e deed are v«jp inerou-. The Nntic-iial Gm.rdi Lave leeais armed. ... „ “Forty Deputies, now present ft having ‘associated themselves to coLTtte u* Cortes in a legal manner, were dLqers-Mtt .120,uuo 15,185 prizes amounting pi $201,000 The 16,000 prizes of $8 uro determined by-the uumbir which draws (Uu flO.QW prize; If that number stiouid be nil u'd numuer, then every odd number ticket In tlie zcherne will bo nuiitlcd to $4; if an oven number, then every eveu uumber ticket in the Hellenic will bu entitled to $8, in addition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers iu buyiiig uu equal quuutlty of odd uud and eveu uuinber tickcrt, will bo certain of draw; ing nearly half Ibocoatof tho name, with chances bl' obtaining otaer prizes. All tliosu liukert eliding with 0,2,4, 0, 8,uro even —all those endiug with 1, 3, 5,7, i», are odd. Remember that every prize is drawn, and |wya btu iu full without deduction. Ail prizes of $1000, and under, |iaid immediately alter tlie drawing—otlier prizes ut tlu> usual time of thirty days. tmr All eoiuiuuuicuUousStrictly conlldeutiul. The drawu numbers will ho forwarded to pur chuKurs iuuneilitttely after tho drawing. Whole Tickets $lO-IIalvoa $5.00-Quarters $2.60. I'rizo tickets cashed or renewed iu other tickets ut eilht-i ofllco. Orders lor tickets oau be addressed oitiior t>» ' S. SWAN Si CO., Atlanta. Ua., or ,\yil 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala F ‘ ULTON MARKE<T BKEF.—1 OHulf bh»B Fulton Market Beef, aud 10 do do Fork. Just received liy " _ tnay2U .1 1>. ij-ySK 8 OAF,"UltiioM.*, *LARD 'AND BLUE—21 poxes No I Soap, fto Fat® «lo, 7ft do Family du 100 tlozen Brooms, ftO kegs lar«l 100 boxes Hg Blue, received aud fur sale by MrMAHON A DOYE, jylQ 206 and 207 Bay it. Mnraholl House Barber Shop, Broughton Strut, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. mHE subscriber, thankful to his fellow-citizens X for the liberal patronage ho has received, aud is still receiving, beys respectfully to inform them that ho has engaged sufficient additional first-clow workmen from some of tho best Barber Shops in New York, and will bo enabled to accommodate as many gentlemeu as may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B.—Tlie Barber ShopB are closed on Sundays— strangers will please bear this in mind. ARD—20 bbls No 1 foaf Lard, landing and for L - «ule by ~Jp24 ' SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Jt CO. B ACON—7ft hints prime Bacon Slilos 2ft do do do Shoulders, land ing and for sale by Jv24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & Co D OMESTIC UgUOlU 76 bbls E Flielpj’ Ryo Gin 50 bbls Romos tie Brandy 50 do New Orleaus Whisky 60 do Luther Felton’s Rum, just received uml for sale by Jy24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. F LOUR—125 sacks and 60 bbls Teuuesscc Flour, Just rccolvod and for sale by YONGE -v FRIERSON, *Jy24 49 p.iy street. B ACON—10 ca«ks prime Shoulders, Just receiv ed uud for Sato by jy:4 YONGE k FRIERSON, 40 Bay st. J UST RECEIVED—100choicoramlly Hams, 6bbls extra Baltimore l^ird, 10 wholo and half bbls Fig Fork, 10 ba f bbl* Hanw, extra Fulton Market ik-of, Fig Heads, Fig Shoulders and Hams, for nalo by DAVID O’CONNOR, yri coruer Qr»>uUt‘>ii 'in I Omvuhi ats. PLUMBING T3LUMBING, In all its vorious branches, at- i leuded to at the shortest notice, aud in superior style. Also, may be round Bhowor Baths, Galvanls- od Irou, Tiu uud leaded Balh Tubs; Copncr Boilers, Fatont hui Water Closets, Izutd Pipes, «ieot I/rad, Hrass'aml I'latW Cocks.‘Force l*nm&, India Rubber Hoa®. Fur sal® at tbo Hnule Furnish Store, Ne. 1M Broughton street ■ulS BO BLACK MOBfil the troop?. The whereabouts of E#pateti still unknown, but he i* ft’.ll prctnUy ft*^ qoivsa or &t Sogrono. It is asserted tbit Lrt surrection has been victorious at Sirtjat uud the garrison there goes along with up* pie." By news from Bareelonia it w-wld .. that Catalonia is also in a state of irfXt- ?n. The Paris correspondent oI the Loudon# under date of Thursday evening, .«&« tht ‘ private telegraphic dispatch announces u not only Saraguss-a, but all Aragon U n -- rection. All Aragon, it is supposed, meitre large towns that have fcllowtd in tLe viR Saragossa, with their respective gan>jc*. Naval.—The Navy Department has sCr.e that the U. S. sloop^f-war Levant. Cccrc der Wm. Smith, arrived at Hong korgets 12th of Mav. Had. in ninety-eight the Cape oV Gocd Hone, passing throcgco Straits ofSunda and the- China cca. from New York, on the 13th of last The Vandalia sailed from Hor.c Kong w- 3d of May, In*,6. for Boston. The jsmf*- was daily expected at Hong Kong fit» tVuih. Star. VAI.VAUI.E HICK PI.ANTATIO* FOR SALK, unui.v ttx >;iiis of 7iie cm »* O N the first Tuesday In December m’ft, sold before tho Court H"U*e in * 4 ^ vannah, the flan union on the- ^avannan r. -•* nnles from the city, known a- MulUrry tu^--;. longing to the estate of ti e !.*:«• Mi-ip l tnining six hundred and t‘'ghty-?eicc »> which there nro two hundred acre*»f tide rice land, and one huudred ai-‘* •‘'t' ; uudergood banks aud in a fine state [ . ( _ lion. Also, seventy five acre# “ f . 1 cultivation. Ou the place are a gi-csldwe -1 overseer’s house, barns, negro uo’-sy ■ outbuildings, all iu a goo-t state rera n dcsiriug to purchase will call uj-vn »• ”•, ^ Ex**, who resides within four md« or Rlixa Ulmer, fi’trix. wh« re**** " miles of the Grove. . Terms of sale made known on . ' *•_ T ' Pcaaesslon not given until the fi‘*to[ Jan- -... JylT-td H. K lap The Charleston Mercury "'-H n,1DUU week until the day of sale. “NOTICE- T IE UNDERSIGNED having tin* rn themselves together for tne P ur l <te \ , till mg the Wholes'ile Grocery Dumj-cs-'-» ^ purchased the stock of Rodger# •* l! j.\ after continue tho busine*s under “ x f# gers, Norris k Co., at the old atami# cu and Lincoln streets. ^, fi R0P? # {^ 4 JSO. N. Savannah, Juue 2d. 1S56. — T HE firm of Rodger# A Ny rn \ b *\‘ beou dissolved bv the above partner will use tbe si-wj-sf jar. A - >0h >; 2-avnuuah, Juue 24,1&5C TO UBII-IMHW- (J „„ I1HB SUBSCUIBBH I# rr j nt tho shortest u< manlike manuor, all kii Cornice, or other work luring or rcjiairing of Copper, or Sheet iron BusilH'es. Ul *n4<T MOKWi , «ua w '%^- rnilK lirm or I \V Morrell fc rtj- X llio 24th of Eeptcinber, lro». vj K Wobsjer. j w. (fOTlt • j .. uj|J I 1 #®! O NE mouth affor dale, a|'P r il ?;‘^fo | 0r tti«r lo Ibo Bank oriko Stato J ,M »£ mom or two ono Irotulroit >loJ»r . h mvo .1 , Uio rlklit li»ml hulvrt "l BOSTON' / \NK monthsHeirtlate, (J to the Bank or iheSWow "i&x lost In the mails Jyai