Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 31, 1856, Image 3

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■t SAVANNAH, * July i«b, m ; i»t it»— - lb* Don or 8»v»u I, K.xioo. OMtr.l ir'Jtafln. Aniurtu, Soulb Amerioo, or (Tom any port whore MiUwUnu mreoUou an* maUgoant ilUoaaee are oiuutauro.) are raqolraa to oomo to anobor oO Vort Jorutoo, than to rebuln wttboot wmrauuUia- lou with Ilia oily or Savannah or adjacent country, uutll vlillml by the Health OMeor. No boat or rouol ahall rooolra any or the craw or MMugcra from vaojala auhlaol to the above or der lor lUa iiurinto or carrying them to the city or IU Vo2oli;will not be datalnad In QuaranUno unlnu ,uch detention be booeatary. $4 any violation ot the above crian will aubjoot •• «m«r. Approved* R. 0. Andmmox, Mayor, tf-Jyl7 omco flav’h, Albany A Owlf H. H. Co.,) Savaunah, 27th Juno, 1800. > ..m, Ao Instalment of id per ceut., belug ili« |v sixth oil the Capital Stock of thin Company, -a hereby called. ami required to bo paid at this jUlco uu the lit day of September uext. By order C11A3. lilt ANT, juueiM—wtlS Secretary aud Treaiurur. CITY THBAIIIRIR'I OFFICK, > Savaunah, 24th June, 1850. j • Tho Boude of the City of tiavauuah.duo lat February, 1857, Issued for Coutral Kail- road stock, (commonly known as McAllister boud*) will be redeemed ir desired In atock of the Central Kallroad and Banking Company, at its market value, fee bonds boing rocoivod et par. ATKINS. JO-5 JAMES S. WATJ . City Treas’r. NOTICE G. tt. R. THE freight on corn from Atlanta to 8a- WOf raunatb wilt be reduced to 10 o. por bushel on and aflor be lat day of April uext. WM. M. WADI.EY, Gonoral Kupcrlu’t. rinusiwrtaUon offlco, J mar 28 I’euirul Hall Road. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS OF THE 8AV»H WATER WORKS, SAXiN.vaH. July 23d. 1880. £39* Tho Board of Commissioners tho Savan- VStr nah Water Works, will elect u Soerotary ou Monday, tho 4th day of August next, at 4 o'clock, l». M., to till vacaucy occasioned by the resignation ,«f theundorslgnod. Salary 8800—Boud 85,000. T*~ t.rdor. WM. WARING IIABRRS11AM, Jy24—10 8eo’ry Sav’d Water Works, IIOWB’8 COTTON HAKVKS'l'KU. _ The great desideratum of Planters is dual- ly obtained In tho successful Invention of Huwo’s Cotton Harvostor, with which one baud can pick as much cotton as five In the ordinary way. beslctes saving an immense amouut of labor. What Whitney's Cotton Gin is In its altar stage, Howe’s Harvester Is In picking. For further information, apply to A. WILBUR, 111 Bay streot, Agent for the Staton or Uoorgia and Florida. . . DAKOUIOt omen or •mallti .ii'outiidto l.itdd with m kkI KtH.iiM amt•!, MU' Weststdoof Montgomerystreet,onoiloornime South Broad etroct. ,, ■ 'veriour—? Mlfij.-M. M. . /m 3ix Tracts of Land, 500 aero ouch, 3 . r 4 miles from tho city ol Savaunah on tho 8. A, and Gulf Hail Hoad,'well adapted to Uu growth o. Rlcu.Coituu aud Corn, and Wood uiiough to pay lor It ton (Intoa over. Apply to 10b27 tr 0. A. t./'UD. ‘iJLKACURHiitiirtiugM in great variety, will ,U at various prices. fob 21 AUUN &UUUN8 LOTS. I ipOll SALK.—A lino lut iu Wesloy Ward.— . Also two on Gordon streot, oast. For sale low Feo simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gcu’l lusuranco Agent aud Broker, may 22 _ 111 Buy struct. NOTICE. A id. |versons haviug claims agalust the estato ol George M. Troup, deceased, will liuml thorn iu, duly attested, aud those tauubtod will pleaso make payment to either of the undersigned. THOMAS M FORMAN. I „„ ju 10 DANIEL II. U. TROUP, / r S ALT.—'1000 sacks Suit In storo umi fur sale by WIldatAM LYNN, Juno 11 8, Buy street B AGGiNti,' ROPE, ftc.—Ilk) bales Gunny Bag* giug; 600 coils Balo Rope; 600 pounds Twiuo; received and lor sale by juuolO HOLCOMBE, JOUNKON ft CO, ■gAOUN, PORK, 60 lihds clear and ribbeJl aJ Sides: 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Mams; 60bbls prime and mess Pork; 3d half bbls Hawes ft Co’s Fulton Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; Just received ami Ibr salo by Ju»ul6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. CtUUAU—ift hhds choice l'orta Rico augur; 20 do O Crowned Muscovudo and Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Barbaduos Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s und Ualtliuoro steam roIllicit, crushed, (towderod aud clarillud Sugar, lauding, iu store aud for salo by June 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. RENT—A u iratrMt-, 11 • , »*+otUcoT3T: c,....... .•. .rr Tho lailio and .oommcMifoua NIOHfe. No 108 Bryan streot, near tho Mur- kol, being ono of tho most dostrablo business 1 lu tho city. Apply to . , . . V * J. C. DUGGAN, Jy-’-lh> At I W. Morroll ft CO’S. ^ ~*TmBMKT - ” "--**■ • Building corner Bay and Draytou*sts., suilablo for morcantilu purposes and sbr age. For particulars enquire at June 111 THIS OFFICE. /''1UFFKK.—300 bags fulr to cboluo iUo Cottbo; 60 \J do lAguuyra Collooj 60 mats Java Coffoo; 30 halos -- *• *— lalos Mocha Cutfoo; lauding, iu storo aud for salo by JUU016 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO ANTED TO^ PURCHASE—. Uy of Columbus To the Patrons of tho Sav’h Georgian. A'*** All debts due to the Georgian previous to VV tho tub Instant, aro payable only to tho uu- dersigued. Notes and accounts duo lu tho city will be presented immediately, and all debts duo in tho country will bo forwarded by an oarly mail. ThU being the first time that tho undorsigued luu publicly appealed to hU late patron, be fools that thev will not consider bltn unreasonable in urging upon them the necessity for immediate paymout. Ucmittanccs may bo made directly to tho under- algiieil, nr to K. U. Hilton ft Co., whose receipt will be valid. ’ PHILIP J. PUNCH tiavanmili, May 28,1860. my!8-lawdftw kedzie’s patent water filter k An assortment of sixes and f with the latest improvement, can | only be found at our store. we will sell them at tho manu facturer's retail prices, adding only the transportation, and put them up free of charge. . . KENNEDY ft BEACfi, Hodgson's block, cornerof Broughton and Bull ate. JuiyiT PATENT AIU-TIOHT BELF-BBALINO CANS AND JARS, Just received an in voice of Ar thur's Patent Air Tight Self-Scaling CANS AND JARS For Preserving FRU1TO, a TOMATOES, &c | Full directions for prc.icrving accompany each Can. Fi»r culo at manulhcturcr’s prices by HORACE MORSE, 115 Broughton st. Also, au assortment of Ludlow ft Co’s aud Bur- r.ett's Screw Top Fruit Cans, less than cost Bonds, cudorsod by the Mmcogco Hnilroml Company. Apply to julli—UUtf PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. C IIOlCK tVlN^ i LWUiiliS— ' ' X Just racelvod 20 basaels Huidsick Cliuiniiuguc. u quarter casks Sherry, Port uud Madeira \S lues. 15 dog Ciarot Wluo and Cord lulu; 3 half plpos old Ulard und Scuclte Brundlca; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin, Buuvur brand; 6 bbls old Mouougubela Wulsky, in glues and wood. For salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jell Cer. Broughton and Druytou sts. "0.0. poolk; No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WaOMBALK ANP KXTA1L DKALKK IN iltea, Hllnds, Doors, Paints, Oils. Vur- itlahes, Window Glass, Putty, die. I nilnters’, Urainers’ aud Artists’ Urushes: Whitewash Hoads uud Dusters, Dry and A commodious, airy and pleasant Houso iu a duslrablo part of the city, for which n liberal price will bo paid. Enquire at the ultlco ol the Georgian und Journal. TO RENT. UNTIL tho 1st November next, a com modious und nlry residence, on tho north side of Bin Central Railroad Depot, known as llovurs Place. Thu house Is newly for- Ished Ironi basement to attic, which can ho bought low. mays YOUNG ft IVY AIT OFF1C MS "FOR*RENT * ■ IN THE THHKE-bT’OUY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho olllco of tho subscriber. Tho basetnunt would make, with some Blight Improvement, anexcelloutlawyer’s-olllcc. und second llnors will bo lut for Counting- Rooms, uud tho third for sleeping utuirtiuout:-. Con nected with the osteblishmenl is au out-building ol brick, suilablo for servants. Apply fo C. A. I.. LAMAR, B«pt3 Ooruor Dray urn aud Bryan streets. COLEMAN HOUSE BY LANIEll & EADY, Knoxville, TenneMcc. Tho Undersigned having taken charge of this large and commodious Houso, reniect- fuly solicit and hope to merit a liberal t>uaro j>f iwtronage. Tho houso la furnUliod lu tho tnoft thorough mid modern style, with a flow to convenience aud cunfort. It Is slluatod In the heart of thu city, convenient to all tho business and on the principal street. An omul jus is always in roailiuess to convry passengers to aud from tho de- |K.ts on thoartival und depnrturo of tho curs. Tho singe for Montvalc Springs arrives and departs dully, Tho table will bo supplied with tho bust tho mar ket ailbrds, aud no pains will ho spired to render guests comfortable. SAMPSON LANIER. Jy24—0 JOHN EADY. NOiiTaouEnr wiiWk suLFima 'Mixed Paints ot ovory descripUou, Artists* colors In tubes, Protiarod Canvass, &c. * PAPER UANUINUS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATl'ERNS. Rooms prepared with uoutuoss aud despatch.— Houso, Sign aud Sldp Paintiug, Oildiug, Uralnlug aud Glaxlug done iu thu best stylo aud at moderate price*. AU orders irom the country promptly uttoudod to. muh 28—ly WILNOT'S JEWELRY STORE v Is rocoiviug by every arri* Mval a large und rich u.4sort-/£^ VmIi Smentof Gold uud silver Watches, Diamond Pins. Ear aud Flugtr Kings, Mautlo und other Clocks, Sitoojis, Forks, Ton Notts, Ousters, ftc„ of Sterllug Silver- Jewelry hi every variety. “"Ivory Table Cutlery, Uuo Poekot Knives aud Scissors. Rich China und Puriau Vases, aud other articles. Fin* Double Barrelled Gnus manufactured to his own order. Guuulug Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts uud Candle sticks, with a great variety orFaucy Articles, suita ble far wedding gifts, too u amorous hero to mou- SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) Those Sprlugs will ho opon for tho recep tion or visitors ou tho first duy of June, 1860. They aro situated lu Montgomery Couu* ly, Vlrgiula, one aud a hair lolloa from the Virginia aud Teutiessoo Railroad, from which there Is a hrunoh Railroad to tho Springs I'usscugors leuvhig Rtchmoud or Petersburg after breakfast reach the Springs by 6 o'clock, 1*. M., the same day, all the way Uy Ruilroad. Tho accommodations havo boon very much ex tended since last season. Tho rooms aro largo and comfortable, aud capable of accommodating 1,000 pur&otis. The Lyuchburg and Abtugdon Telegraph Compa ny ore uow building a branch of tbelr hue to tbo Springs, which will do nporatiou early iu Juuu. A very large Bath Houso has b»en built siuco lust season. Address RO. H. MOSBY, President, juno'Jl—ltu Montgomery W. s, S, Comp’y. All kluda of Watches and (.locks repaired by tho most experienced workmen. S. WILUOT, may 13 No. 1 Market square. L ocomotive needles.—a new aud ele gant article which nuods only to bo trlod ouco to iusuro tbo coustaut preforence of tbo soamslross, Just ruceived aud for salo Uy mar 18 LADSON ft ROGERS. ~ * TTiJRHAHrafllKKAflTI J UST ARRIVED, por schooner A. Devereaux, in four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tlm SavuunaU Fruit Emporium, consist* lug ol—400 buuchos Bananas, 100 dozen Muo Ap ples; 6000 Phutalua, 3000 Sweet Oraugoa, Tom atoes, aud 0110 basket Green Ginger. For solo, by June 14 J. A. BROWN. PURE WATE1L—lfyou want the finest drink* JL lug water in tho world call and purchase ono of autTBinatiBBSiS'fAi, amuko type* anU Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro now open for the seasou, aud rea dy tor the rocopUon of visitors. By tho AjCBRoms process pertoua may uow have their children’s pictures taken, in almost any posi tion they may chooso, in from 1 to 3 secodda aiding. By tho PuoToaiurnic process old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to paper, boautifully colored aud enlarged to lifo. oct 22 Kcdzle's Patent Water Filters, the article meutioued in Water Commissioners’ last Report, which we warrant to purify tho Savannah River Water perfectly—an Indlsponsablo article for p.antatlon ubo. KENNEDY ft BEACH, |au24 only Agents for thelr'salo in Savannah. J^iCKEN’S HQpSEROU) WORDS, for Juuo, re celved aud for sale b; WARNOCK ft DAVIS, June 4 16 Cougross street B utter and cheese—26 tubs amf 10 kegs choice new Goshon Butter: 26 boxes Cheese; received per steamor und for salo by Juno24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. T ARD AND HERRINGS— VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR MALE. The two-story brick storu 011 Congress street, uosv occuple.1 by Mussrs. Einstein ft ■ Eukmau. This is one of tho best stands In ijll^tUe city for any kiud of business. Terms wlii bu made accommudatiug. For particulars in- qniro at 142 Braughlou streot, ubove the storo of T. L. McKouua. tf mayl4 TO RENT. The Dwolllng lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Said Houso U three stories on a basomeut, i with good servants’ rooms, and out houses, ’ossosslou given immediately. Apply to fob 28 D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. ■ Possession gtveu immediately — Three story brick house, new aud In good order, on Macon stroct, uext east residence to Mrs. Jewett. pply at this otfice. u ti may27 ■ ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ i : ■ GEORGIA J. J. HEMLBR, Proprietor. I-alc of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival ortho Cars, may 14 a. 81 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL. JAC JS?,S N u^fehItf. J|ft!HWw U ‘ " BOARD l*KR DAY $ 1 60 HOARD VKK WKKK 0 00 HOARD HER MONTH 20 00 .may 18 lyr m iiilLni JPRlUHj . FOR'LiyERPQOL^rTna A1 eldp JAMES RAY will have dispatch for tho above port.’ ■ M For frolght apply to Jc8 HUNTER ft GAMMEIX. Jt*t r FOR NEW YORK-Uniom Lme.-Tlie ro- SHkgUlar packot aolir JONAS SMITH, Furman, master, bavlug most or her cargo ongagod, will have quick dispatch for the above ixirt. For frolght or passage, apply to Jy23 OGDEN, STARR ft 00. FOR NEW YORK.—Union IJue—Tbo rog'- ular Packet Schooner (1. 8. DAVIS, Abell Master, will havo quick dispatch for the above imrt. For frolght or |Htsiage, apply to July 2 OGDEN, BARR A CO. Imvo ply to FOR PHILADELPHIA .-Hkrox* bUm*.- Tbo Uno schr FANNIE, Capt Houston, will Ispateh for tho above port. For freight, an- Jj’18 0. A. GREINER. FOR BALTIMORE.—ffie ttuo scUoimer PLANDOME, Capt Brown, will have d«w- paten tor tho above |>ort. For frolght apply to tbo Captain ou board, or to JOHN T. ROWLAND, Jy2f—3 71 Bay street* Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUT*. /»«• Steamship Keystone State,via Philadelphia PHI LA- DGLP’A FARE TO NIAG'RA PALLS $28. $20. mills LINE connects at Philadelphia with tbo JL Great v«irth-Western Railroad Route, through lo Niagurn Fills aud BulTuto, iu slxtcou ho’irs {Tom Through Tickets, with the privilego or stopping at Philudelpbia, and intermediate points, for sale by the Agent. Karo lo Niagara Fulls or BufflUo $28 ‘ Elmira 20 4 Canaudnlgua 28 OUARLES A. GREINER, Agent, J23 Savannah, Georgia. 0AB1N PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. Semi-Weekly United States Mall Line. •T1HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL I Steamships— KNOXVILLE,. 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 44 ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Capt. M.8. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Sobeuck. WILL UUVK SAVANNAH KVXHV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Thcsu ships ure among tho largest on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, making their passages In fitly to sixty hours, aud are com manded by Hklllfol, caroful and polite olllcers.— Haviug otogaut state-room accommodations, they olfcr a most dostrablo conveyance to Now York. Cablu Possugo to Now York $26 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO., Sovouuab. 9AM'L L. MITCillLL. 13 Broadway, fob 6 Now York. nFLimiiKri<ouTs; 45^ FLORIDA STEAMSHIP 00 dPANY. —U. 8. Mail Line-From Now Or- icauu to Key Weal—Steamships _ FLORIDA aud VANDERBILT.-Theso Uno steamers will iu futuro make their regular semi-monthly trips, ieaviug as follows: Now Orloans, 10th ft 24tli Koy West, .. Kith ft 24tli Pensacola,. ,.Utll ft26th Apuluuh!cola.l2tb ft 20th St Marks....13th ft 27th Cudar Keys.. 14th ft 28th Tumpu Bay.. 16th ft 20th Tampa 11th ft 26th Cedar Keys.12th ft 28th St. Marks...14th ft28th Apatachic»la,16th ft 20th l'eusacola,.. 10th ft 30th Arrive at Koy West 17th ft lat | New Orloans, 17Ui ft 1st Agouti in New Orlcaue, dcc26 bin K. G. ROGERS, ft GO., 72 Poydrass street, KUU JOHNSON*. LMUlltO, AND INTISHUED1ATB PLAGES, 7b have on 'I'uudav Night, the 1 SIM inilant. - .11— t- The llgbt dralVatcamer. U1LLIAS1 dSOiMK I^UV, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as abovo, Horn the Charleston Stouwpackot Wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. M. Li If. . LAFFTTEAU, Agent. MILLS HOUSE, OQ^EU MEETING “ CHARL$fmMMfl.'C. THIS House Inow adapted to all the wauts or tho Travelling Public, and the ef forts or tho Proprietor will bo to deserve tlioir patrouagu. mar 31 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. NEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 sours or xarkr squark, brtan steer. I would inform my old friends and patrons SBMI have opened the above storo to conduct tho JBHStovo, Tin and Shoot-Iron Business lu all Ita various forms, and where will bo found agon- ernl Assortment of Stoves, Hn and Sheot-Irou Ware, which I will bo ploasod to show, and at such price as will satid’y any oue wishing to purchase. Alikiud.-t of Roofiug, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale aud retail. Cull dowu ou Bryan street, U will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. u 20 bbls Prime White Loal lard; 60 boxes Prime Herr lugs, lauding aud for rule by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft GO. JJRESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringes, black aud colored Moiro Antique Gauzo, and other sty lea, in great variety, aud for salo by mar? A1K1N ft BIJKN8. /'lumijf UMUKELt ASU-A large supply or whoolA \J top whalebone framo Glugham umbrellas, all B|M8| — ' *“ * • i, received and for salo by Jituo 0 LADHON ft ROGERS. S UGARS—10 hhds cholco Porto Rico Sugars; 16 do Fair do; 15 do Fair and 10 do Cholco New Orloaii3 Sugar; just received and for sale by June24 8 RAX TON, JOHNSTON ft 00. IlaK PARAS01M—A new supply of thoso beautl- ‘ ' bee MRS. STEPHENS* I LLUSTRATED New Mouthy, No 1, vnl 1, for July, dovolod to Tales, Romances, Illustrations, Art and General Literaturo, cash number beautifully cmbullLhed iu Uio Quest stylo or wood iUustratious. TADIJt or CONTEXTS 5 L»t Jewels, Alice, Tho Falls or iiHmhaha, Stays aud Hbppora. Time’s Changes, I/>vo In *70, Euroka, Tho Shady Hide, Nellie’s Illusions, Tho Bummor Va cation, A Bp)ry of Two Lives, The Disappointed Hlishand, Tho Malden’s ConfoMlon, Things Wo Talk About. Subscilpllou price $1 60 por year, in advauce. Specimens or tho above may be suon at the Book- aloro of WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Jy4 169 Congress strout. LAWaBENUY. f ITHE undersigned will, for Qvo dollars por lut, X examine any lands In tho counties of Appling, Wayno, Wure or Coffee, and report to tbo owner os to their present value, the prospect for their ho- l omlug inoro valuable in future, aud wliotner or not there is being any trespass’committed thorcou, In variably pledging UlmBolr to givo d true kudeor- root account, for which all remittances will beox- ported iu udvanco. Ho will also sell and remit when requested, aud us directed, for seven per cent. He will ulso promptly attend to ull professional business entrusted to his caro. vernon c. McLendon, my 13 Attorney at law, HomeavUle, Ga. S L fol SiS’PanuHds have Just’ been received and aroforsaloby June 6 LADSON ft ROGERS. C [5FFEE AND CANDY—100sacksTtib Coffeo * ’ 60 boxes froah ground do 26 do Candy, just received and for sale by Jy21 MoMAIION ft DOYLE. "do D RY GOODS.—Ladies open worked Hose, r * “ • * * Lisle Thread do, do Eugllsh aud German do ’CbUdren’ff Cotton Hose and Socks Gent's Hair Uoao, fancy qml plain Do Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves Do LUle Under SbirU Ltdics’ Gauze, Merino and Throad Undor Shirts Do Ilalr Cloth Skirls Cambric and Bwlss Flouncing and Bands, &c., for sule at lowest pi ices by Jy22 DkWTIT ft MORGAN. tt: Instead of going North como to tho Stono Mountain House, and spend your Bummer, ns everything will be dono for your com- fort. Conveyances wll 1 bo furnished to couvoy passengers to LawrcncevUle, Gainesville und Clarksville. *3- Passengers by the Georgia Ruilroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. B. Alexander, formerly or Lawreuceville. J A. CunR, Social Circle. 2m—Jo 2 Si Mall Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Ihraandv mi and Jacksonville, Picdata and Black Creek. Fla. mmP&SZLS THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will loavo for tbe above places overy Saturday Morning, at 10 o’clock. TbUbout fans largo aud airy State Room accom modations, and takiug tbe Inland Passogo, cll'ora every inducement toluvafids and otkore. Freight will be takeu lor Trader’s Hill and inter modiato landings on St. Mary’s River.' No freight wifi bo taken alter 9 o’clock. For freight' or passage apply on board at tbe Florida Steam pocket wharf, or to Jy26 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. ' [>MT£1> STATKS MAIL, mnj, INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Underslguod bus ogalu (he pleasure of luformiug Ids numerous friends, as well os tho public nt largo, that ho is yot at thu Iudlau Spring Hotel, and is fully prepurud, with tho ussisianco of his sons uud his owu oxporieuco of six years at tho hotel, with the best cooks that can bo procured, as well as assis tance or all kiudg, to ask of all those who visit tho Spring a generous sharo of their patronage, Intend ing to spare no pulns orhimsolf to make all Buoh as please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel Is uow opon, and ready to rccoive all thoso that will pleaso to cull. There will bo at For sythe Repot cuuches and backs ready to couvoy ail such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *** Savannah Republican, Morning News, and CbnrloPton Courier will pleaso Insert tlio abovo threo Umea each week uutll lat September* and send their bills for paymout, EDW. VARNER. . — r -, trip Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Ptrmndfaa* Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black CrukJ andFiaAaia. Ik .elf— ft The new aud elegant 6 team packet DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, leaves ovory iuesuay morning, at 10 o’oloek, for the abovo places. Freight will be tukou for Trader’s Hill aud Inter- uiodluto landings on St Mary’s Rlvor. *9- No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state- room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Stourapackct Whari. near tho Gas Works, or to Jy2f> CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. TUB OUEAT WBHTKUNIBSUKANCB 00. OF NKW YORK, A HE taking Marino Risks at tbelr Agency, J3L coruor of Drayton und Bryan streets. Approved Risks will bo tekon on llboral torms, and tho usual oradll given on Promlum Notes. Threo quarters of tho liusiuess will bo ruturuod to tbe cus tomors lu scrip. - C. A. L. Lamar, fob I» Agont In tyvannah. lNSttltANOE. Southern Mutual Insurance Cumpmiy, Southern Mutual Ltfb Iiim. Company, Home Insurance Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire ft Marine Ina. Com’y, Risks lu tbo above Insurauco Coinpoulcs uudorta ken by WM. KING ft EONS, Agents, No, 99 Buy stroct. Savannah, 14th December, 1866. duel! FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE 1 l\ S U R A N C k. NO. 1)1. HA Y-STKHE'I. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Ncui-ly Four million Oollur.H. Byllioliil By tbo mllowlug responsible Block CouijmnloN. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. E«l ill table Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire, Murlue and Lift) Insurance Company, OF PniLADKLPHU. Bridgeport Fire and Marine lusuruure Company, OF BRIDO SPORT, CT. ftQFTne subscriber will effort lusurunco to any amount In all parts of tho Htalo on ovory description or property. Life Insurance,‘to atiy umount, at the lowest rate, for tbe benefit of heirs aud creditors, or i»ayuble to tho wife free from tho claims of creditors. Mariuo lusurauco on Hulls or Cargoes to all tuirte ortho world. Jau25 A^ WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LlFElNStfRANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Notl acoumulutlou, Jun. F, 1860** $2,230,W.'L ii Total umount of dividends paid to date 716,492 tic Total urnouut of clulms by death paid to date 1,300,990 84 $4,282,488 9*. Benjutniu C. Miller, Se<)reuiry, Joseph l. Lurd, Gcucral Agent,* Robert L. Patterson, President. *l'ho funds of this Coinixmy aro all safely invested tu first class bonds aud mortgages, stocks, cash, an t notes of members folly secured by their policlc* For further particulars iuquirc of CUABLH8 A. FARLEY, Agont in Savannah, At tho ufiicv of Bell ft Pretdisn .1, a. SUIJJVAN, Medical Examiner. HKKKRKNtK ! Messrs. Pauklvuko, Fay ft Co.. 1. K. Tsn, Esq., State Bank. fou 29 DR HOVDB — I yuaeuwirm OUTFIT TS »u lui|>brtant Item, AiS to know where to JL, set exactly what U wutad la etiuelly imporUut, $•11 at i “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson** New Block. Corner of Brough ton and Bull Streets, and. you will find everything portalnlng to Houso Keeping os well as Refrigerators, Moat Safes, Wood- «c Ware, urn Tin War®, Willow Ware, beauMIUl Water Coolers, Paleut loo Pitchers, Brushes In overy variety, Bird Cages, Bathing Tubs, Indeed nearly everything that nan ueoallaiifor, recollect tho piano. aprlO LINO SL: MACHINERY AND IRON R, MANUFACTORY AND AG] ST. JUMAN STREET, SAVAANN. (Near tho Market.) XT'ROM the most complete facllltlea In hie own X 1 establishment, aud through his couuortlons with several of the principal manufaeturng estab- Ushmeulsul' Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Undorsigued is prupured to furuinsh MAC111N ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTAULE SAW, UULST AND F1XJUK MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS, Columns, Window Bills and UuUls, Iron Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Northern prices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machluory aud iron work of overy description, at short uotlco, upon reasuuahlo term*.. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, he is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONlfc, Ac. Also Iron Railing in great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up tlio work at muu- facturers’ prlcoa. H. li. LINV1LLK Suvanuah, April 11, I860. aprll B read, matches it lemon syrup—' 60 bhlB Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buiscult; 26 boxes do do do do. 160 gross Mutches, round boxos. 76 boxes I.i‘iiiOU Syrup. Received aud for wtlo by McMaUoN ft DOYIJ-’ Jell Nos. 206 ft 207 Ray streot JjJWy GOSHEN BUTTER AND CUEK^E—16 tubs — and 10 kegs cholco now Goshen Butter; 20 ox« Goshen Cheese, landing from steamer and tor I e by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. Juun 17 MOtfllNINU UUOUM, IJLACK French Bombaziue, Block Ahiucas, X> Black Lama Cloth, Black Muhaii, Black Cuallie, Black French Ijiwn, Black aud While Frond) Mus lim and a Unc assortment of Striped and Plaid Black uud Wlilio Ginghams ami Calicoes, Plulu und Stri|H)d Black Sowiug Silks, aud Grouudiuus, Barege and Tissues, Plain und tigurod Black silks, for summer collars uud sleeves, of the latest patents. Fur salo by [Jol2] AlKiN ft BURNS. CtOAP, CANDLES, ico.-lOO boxes Buchan ft O Smith’s luuuiy jsoup; 100 do Ct>lgalo’s No 1 and 11 Bar do; 60 do do Polo do; 76 do Bcadcl’s Tullow Caudles; 60. do AduuiuuUue do, Mar Braud; 60 do Colgate s und Oswego Pearl rtuich; for sate by Wl II 1 U'lVlkl II iLIVWTi IV b II EATSRHJl ulL, ol tbe best quaUty conttuutly i for sale lew by CHAFFER ft CO., may 16 t) Whitaker stroot. NEW BOOKS”. ^t.ODEY'f^l.ADY’S BOOK, for July; Arthurs HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE THE CHARTER OAK LIFfi IKSU11ANCC COMPANf, Or Hnrlfortl, Ct. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $400,000. JAS. C. WAl.KER, Pi Uildent. S. 11. WuiTK, Secretary. This Company lusurcs Li e at the lowe.-t rates, consistent will) safety lo the assured. For further iuformution, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, JyylU 171 Bay streot, havauuah, Oa. Home Magazine, for July; Prtunou'g Month ly Maguzlno, for July; ilurper’s New Monthly Mag azine, for July; aud, Graham’s Illustrated Monthly, lor July. The History of Europe, from the fall of Napoleon to tho accuaslon of 1-oMh Napoleon, lu two volumes, by sir Archibald Alison, u uow* supply. Herthu, by Frudrika Bremer, translated by Mary Uow iu. The Sldp Carpenter’s Wife, a otery tor thu times, by W K s Whituiuu. i'he iaugiuluwn letters, edited by the author of Records ol the Bubblotuu Parish, ftc. Salad for the Social, by tbo author of Salad t or tbe Solitary. Comic Miseries ol Human lJfu. ' Plu-ri-bus-tab, a song that’s by ub author. For sale ut 169 Congress street,' by Juno 28. WARN'D UK ft DAVI8. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL insiuiuicc Company. NO. 38, MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASE OA?lTAlr^3l2,OOU AGENT FOB SAVANNAH, James M. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. VOUNO, WYATT* CO., No. 85, Jiay Street, below the Post Ofiicc. nuucroKs: ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLO Hrur of A. B. Baruos ft Co. ALONZO CHILD, 44 44 Childs, Pratt ft Co. I. P. BALI ARD, 44 44 Livingston, Ballard ft to. WM. M. DODGE, 44 Wo. M. Dodge ft Co. H. J A^CuR?l,k “ "HA. Curtis ft Co WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. L1PP1NCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. RUSTED, 44 Husfod ftCarU. WM. U. R1VERSM1TU, W. H. LYON, “ “ W. H. Lyon ft Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, " 4 ‘ Lee, Murphy ft Co. JOS. II. WESTCOTT, 44 Briggs, Westcott ft Co. JOS. FATMAX, 44 44 Fatumu ft Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, « 44 Goo. Savory ft Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. C'HAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Preslpout. WM. B. R01JJJ, Secretary. 49- This Company will issue Policies upon Ma rlne, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Fire Risks, at liberal rates of proni|uin. Losses promptly und liberally adjusted. JAMES 41. CARTER, Agoul, oot 81 No. 86, Bay Street. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE A NO on ooaru, at wnunx' . A. COHEN, Ageut. The fine stoampacketCAROLINA, Captain CoXotter, will leave boro tor ducKauuvuw, I’lcoluta and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 5 o’clock; returning, will loavo for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willink’s wharf, or to M June 14tb. 1860—ly 93" Freights payable on tho wharf. SPRING ANU SUMMER CLOIUlNoPrho O subscriber would iuvito Die attention of all in want or SPRINO AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has just boon received, at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Buy street. apr!6 WM. O. PRICE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $500,000. UN DRIES. JUST RECEIVED— O 16 bags cholco old Government Java and Rio Oolfeo; 20 half chests Black and Gruou Teas, laoso aud in quarter pound packages 10 hbdsLigbt Mas 10 hhds'Llgbt Muscovado Sugar; lObblsRLftli Stuart’s Crushed a DIRECTORS: Charlos C. Latbrop, 632 Spruco stroct; Ataxundor WbiUlen, Merchant, 14 North Front at. John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter ft Co,; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; Jolm R. M’Curdy, firm of Jonos, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Uazlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor; Janies B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith ft Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; R. d. Waltou, 3ti0 Markot stroot; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruco street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s ilall CHARLES C. LAFUROP, President. Titos. K. Limkrick, Secretary. JA1IIBM II. CARTER, Agont, Juuo 16 No. 86 Bay street. \ Clarified Su- C ALL AT GRIFFIN’S and you will find tho most beautiful assortment or small Fancy Articles In chiua and gold ornamented, consisting in part ol Jewel boxos, fancy do, reticules, florets, boquet va ses, cables, dracket gramlolas, small do, culogno bottles, ribbons, cologne, lantern blue florets, cau- dlestlcks, and lost though not loost useful, mntcb boxos, a very tasty selection and something now en tirely. 0, M. GRIFFIN, Successor to the late M l awman, Jy6 • Corner Bryan and Whitaker ate. MATRIMONY MADE EASY, O R HOW TO WIN A LEVOIL—The easy Principle ot'Lovo, interspersed with Directions for tho Preservation and Exaltation of Personal Beauty and LoveUneae, and for prolonging human lifo healthily and happily toihoyery longest period of humau existence.— splendidly engraved on stool. Tbe single, married, and the married happy.— What Is lovet—with Instructions for courting, in or der to wiu tho ulfoctlous or tbe opposite sex. The Lights und Shades or Married IJfo. Tho Reproductive Organs of Females handsomely engraved: and the Infirmities of Youth and Maturi ty, with ilioir remedies. rnwiNAXCY iuxstiutkd by rCATES, at dUToreut stages of gestation—how to 'dcteriuliia when' it exists—how to prevent pregnancy, and with a loctnro on Iajvo to mnrrled ladles and gentlO' men. Price 60 cents per copy. Ou the receipt of the money through mall, (post-paid,) ouo copy of the nook will ho sent by mail to any part of tho United Plate-. Published CHARLES WALKER, No. 88 South 3d at., Philadelphia, l’a. Also, Dr. LaCROJX’S PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW OP MARK) AGE. A popular treatise on the secret infirmities ol youth ami maturity arising Trota genital diseases In wotli sexes with upwards of ouohuudred and twen- ty-flvo lithographs and engraving* illustrating the *4oilornv, physiology, and disease* of tho soxual or* guns, their structure, uses and functions, together with plain’directions for the perfect euro of syphilis, B ASKETS—Au elegant assortment of Trawling Baskets, Just received by steamer from Now York. A call is Invited at KENNEDY ft BEACH’S House Furnishing Store, Hodgson’s ucw-block. Jyn ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. Tho above named Houso Is now open for |iiB the reception of Boarders and TraYollors, SiiH fo“l the undersigned promises to spare JjjlB^neithcr pains or oxpouuo to make his pa rous comfortable. His table will always be sup plied with tbe choicest that tbe market and the sur rounding country affords—Frosh Fish, Oysters, Von- Uon, Wild Game, ftc. Tho House Is largo und nlry, nud within a tew yards or tho lull Jlng, ou tho beau tiful river St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids imd others its a summer resort. Tlio stage leaves tho Houso throe times a week for Woodstock Mills, CentroviUage, aud Trader’s Hill, and tho Sa- vunnuL boats touch golug aud comiug, so that par sons will not be tncouvoulonced, but cau leave wlieu they desire. Prices will be mado to correspond with flest class country hotels. * THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27,1860. 3m my27 H AY—36 halos Northern Hay, for sale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay st. I^AKD.—20 bbls and 60 kegs new No 1 iieaf lard", jy7 lauding and for salo^b^ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. A tlantic lead, and for sulo at apr30 -Constantly on hand CHAFFER ft CO.’s, No. 0 Whitaker street. C HAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heidsio Charapagno In store and for sale by mayio OCTAVUS COHEN, gl'irt, strlcturo, etc. Price 6U fonts por slnglo copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, No. 38 South 3d st., Philadelphia. Pa,. t» whom nil order* must be sent.ap!12—tl J^Kjj'EIVKD per stoamer Knoxville: _ La lies Flastio Belts, black and colored Do Nett Mite, ail qualities. Also, Genii brown Eogllsh naif Hose Do Silk aud Lisle Goves, for sale by JylT LADSON di ROGERS. TC^LOUR.—i66 sacks I’alauo Mills Flour,' sujiorflns 4- 160 Clicks Knoxville do do do Ijonolr’A do extra Jy» 60 bbls Nashville For salo low by do PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO* FRE8I) GROCERIES I N STORE—per steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta ble Butter and Clieose; Beer Tonguos; Smoked Beef; Hams; Bacon; Pig Pork; White Bonus; Hook er’s Self-raising Hour; Ralslus, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almouds, ftc., ftc.; Ploklos of ull kinds; Preserves, assorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Preston's Proml um Chocolate; bust of Teas, Coffee, aud Stuart’s No 1, A, B and C Sugars; Hlbhcrt’a Loudon Porter; Falkirk’* Scotch Ale; Claret aud otlior Wines; at BARRON'S JunolS Family Grocery Store, corner Whltuker and Charlton sts. JUST RECEIVED PER FL ORI DA. 1 CASE Richardsons Buporlor Irish Linens, Chocked Cambrics, Nalusooks, Swiss Muslips StripedSwiss, and Plain Jaconets, 1 case Palm Leaf Fans, 1 CottonFringo and WideTrlmmlugBraids; Grass Cloth, New York milts Shirting, 1 caso Superior Culicos nt fleets. 810 and 11-4, Bleachod Cotton Shootings, ftc., ftp. for salo at tho lowo3tprlcos, Uy 11EW1TT ft MORGAN. L ocomotive needles—a further supply of tbo celebrated Locomotive Needlos, Just received and for solo by Jyl7 LADSON ft ROGERS. ■JgACON AND HAMS.—60 hbds pr(mu Rlbbod Sides, 10 do do sbouldara 16 caslte choice augur cured Hams, ust rocolv- •4 by JylT WEBSTER ft'PAUIKS. LE, LARD, fta.—20 bbls Prime Lard; 60 A, Taylor ft son’s Ale; 60 do sugar, soda and but- torulscull; received ana for sale by MCMAHON ft DOYLE, JunelB 806 and 107 Bey etmi, gars; 10 bbls seir rlsiug Flour, 26 bags Extra aud SuporUuo Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Butter aud Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Bcadel’s family Soap, Starch aud Caudles; 60 doz Pails aud Brooms; 100 do?. Scrub Brushes, nud Cottou and Manilla Clothes Lines; 10 gross Matches; q 25 boxes ground Coffeo aud Pepper; 60 boxes Mustard and Yoast Powdors, Masc.Ciuua- mon, Nutmegs, and doves, and 10 cases table Salt, ftc., ftc. In Htoro aud for Balo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Oor Broughton and Drayton sts. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP'Y, No. 11 Pine street, New York, (UpTWEEN DROADWAY AND NASSAU STRKF.T.) Cnslt Cupltai—$150,0001 XT’ EDZIE’S WATER FILTER.—Just received an 4\.assortmcnt or slzos Kodzol’s Improvod Water Filters lor filtering Savannah River Water, for sale by W ‘RACE MORSE, jy 0 " 166 Broughton St. muBiKs. 1000 ^^^°* l0 ‘ ce "^ ttmoro siiouiiior8 > D ft INDIAN BPIUNOS, OKOKOU. BRYAN W.COLLIER Rospcotrully announces that the above Houso will bo opeued for tbe reception or guests, on tlm 2UtU instant Ho bus been .fortunate in securing the services or Mr. James Urlffin, woll known to the public as the keeper of tbo Ninety Milo I^oiiso ou tho Central Railroad, to assist tu tho suppr^utefidonco of the Molutosh Houso duripg tbo aoqsou. A hand of mu sic bos also been secured. Stagos will be lu roadi- uesa at Foraytli, on the arrlvl of trains, to convey passengers with comfort ami ilspatoh to tbe bouse. No palus will bu spared to make guests as comfort- ablo os possible, aud a inoro thou usually brilliant season la confidently anticipated. tlA—Juuo 6 BrusnoaT SUNDRIES. 1000 Roams Wrupplug paper. 100 buleBTwlue; 200 doz Scrubbing aud Shoe 60 M Imported Spanish Segars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; 76 mats Java Coffoe; 100 do* Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Coverod Baskets; laO b'oxos Family Soup; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 hair chests Young Hyson Tun; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy: 60 boxos Seated Herrings; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes Imported CosUle Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 M, X, and whole hexes Ralslus; Recolvod aud for sale by • KCUARON ft DOYLE, nwyl4 y 206 and 208 Bay streot. WATCIIRS—WATCHES—WATCHES We ore receiving tho London Lever Watches, of the most celobrated makers, in .Gold and Silvor cases. R. F. Cooper’s Do- iplox Watches, Watclios for Timing Horse*, fine Swiss Chrouomotors, which we offer at reasona ble prlcoi, ot our now store in Gibbons'Rango. ■*pt2l D. B. NICHOLS ft 00, J5V3 mmn] Jell I1HIS Company Insures against loss nr damage by _L Fire, on tho most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores mid mer chandize, factories, snips in port, etc. All losses will be adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, Preskdeut, C. BROOM, Vico President Ktiw’b C. Tayiom, Secretary, Gw. B. Dkank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, juuo 17 for Savannah, 86 Bay street. _ _ _ and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choice sugar-curod Hams, in bags; 600 pounds cholco Tonnessuo llama; 16 Parrots choice Leaf Lard: 10 tierces oxtra whole Rico; 6 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pole do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman's friond do; 6 chemical do; 15 boxes Tallow Caudles; 10do adamantine do; 10 do | tour I sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 bags good Rio Coffoe; 7 iwckots old government Java Coffee. All tho aboyu for Bgle low by June 7 ‘ J. A. BROWN*. C OFFEE.—160 bags prime Green Rio Coffee 100 bags fair * do do do 60 mats old Government Java Coffee 26 bags old Moracatba do 60 do prime Lagulra do 60 do do Porte Rico do 26 do do old Rio do In store und for sate by tf TC Jy4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. JJACON AND PORK.—60bbd* Clear Bides, 26 do Ribbed do, 10 casks llaius 60 bbls Mess Pork, Just received and for sale by Jy9 RODGERS. NORRIS ft CO. &UNDRJRR. 600 bags fair fo Pfimo R\o Cofioa 160 do Jaya, LRgnayru, Maracai bo and Mocha Coffeo J160 bbds Muscovado Molasses, 100 bbls. New Orleans Syrup 80 hbds. New Orleaus, Porte Rico and Musco vado Sugar 400 bbls Now York Rectified Sugars 60 bbls Crashed aud Powdered do 10 boxes Loaf do 100 bbls Lebanon Mills super and oxtra Flour 200 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and Mould Can dles 150 do No 1 Pale aud Family soap and Starch 80 bales licqvy Gunny Bagging 200 cofis Western Hemp Rupo 2,000 lbs Bagging Twine 60 bbds Clear and 60 do Rlbbod Bacon Sides 26 do Shoulders and Hams 60 bbls Mess and Prime Pork 10 half bbls Fulton Market Bool 160 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Block and Croon Too 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot 60 kegs and half kegs Hazard’s Powder 76 bbls Sugar, Butter and Soda Crackers 25 do Pilot Breed Togotbor with a lull assortment of all other art!- tides In tho grocery llqo, (except Hquora,) in store and for sate on accommodating terms bv kODOERS, NORRIB ft 00. KIHK, MARINE, AND INLAND 1NSORANCK. ^LJ£ AND PORTER.—26 bbhj QUtmnor Stock Ale, 20 casks Byass’ Loudon Porter, pints, Just re ceived and for sale by ' JyO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. UENKRAL. NOTICE. S ILVER ANi* GOLD PLATING cun now be done at home. Mr. CHARLEa KEMhsH Laving os- tubfished birnsud permanently, all work In this line will be dune with dispatch.' all repairing ofCustors, Teapots, candlesticks, apoous, Forks,' or any other article will be dune ueutiy before pluuug. Ail old sliver plate, such as Tetu>ettsur Urus, Forks or Spoons, will bu re-finished uud made equal to uuw, uud ut inoduiule prices. All work or orders lull al my atqre will oe uitonded to promptly. P. d—Watch cases galvanized. may27 G. M. GRIFFIN. BY BAUDIAN & BULLOCH. xVitn at fflwR sSSt A very desirable fract of laud, only three mile* from tbo city, containing about 80 aoree, half or which Is ole-—* - A — Tho . u tuucny, containing aooui bu acres, nau w cb is cleared ft under good and substantial renoo. cleared land is a rich loomjr soil, and well adapted for gardening purposes. Tier* is a well oT most excellent water on the premises and all neoea- eary out-bulldloRB. uegto, houses, hams, ftc. The balance of the tract, say 40 acres, is uncleared laud and heavily Umbered with valuable Umber, and tlio soil excellent. The locality is very excsUsnt; not one caso or sickness has occurred on the prem ises during tho whole time the present proprietor has owned It. Tills is a cbanco for an tnveatmetat rarely to be mot wltb, and any person wishing a quiet private residence near the city, or any poraoo desirous or golug into Uio gardening business to raise fruit and vegetables for our market, will find BO 10 SUlt. this the place to suit. For lerma, which will be very liberal, Inquire at our courting room, 164 Bay street. TIUoa undlspuu- hie. Jyg Al Private Kale. Uuo ot tbo Unert notol or boarding bouse ser vants in tbe State. Enquire at 164 Bay street. JunrtM At Private Kale. A uegro woman, 22 years or age, a good ptain cook and Hold baud Warranted souud. Title un doubted. Juuetu At Private Sole. A negro man, aged 26 years, a first rate boatlei aud Iiouku servaut. Title undoubted. Jel9 At Privute Sale. A very likely uegro man, lldd bund. Warranted sound! Tltlo &idaubted. JuuolU At Private Sale. 1700 buaho's Rice, uu excellent arUcle for stock of ull kiud-i. Call and oxamlbo. Price 26 cents per bushel. JuuelO To Rent. Two good stores, uuder tlio blnll', at the foot ol Whitaker stroot. June 19 Wanted to Purchase A convenlcut medium-sized houso, Ina coutral locatiou—ouo froullug ou a square would bo proto i rod—for such mii ouo u liberal price would bo given. JuuolU At Private Sale. Thirty cligibh buildiug Iaju, 60 feet front by 100 to 124 it cl deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon and iui.1 net uul-jj, miuiuuu uu rayior, uoruou auu tilth uu streuto. ihodo tuts aro ou high mound and some of them iu tho Imiuodiate ui-ighburhotxl of the lot selected for tho site ot tho bavuuuah, Albany mid Guff Railroad Depot. Turin* suinu a* city lot , viz : one-fifth cash, tne ba;auco bearing Interest at six por ecut. Juuel9 THU U1U1AX SUVl'iUilUl UKIIllUlr I riiYOii’S OLNTMENT. i T is U sure aud speedy cure fur bunui, piles, corns, felons, lovor aoros, ulcoru, ncald bead, totlor worm, sure, nipples, (rocommomitu by nur ses,) sore aud crackou lips, Irtish wounds and sores ol any description. It in a most valuable remedy aud cure, which cau bo testified lo by thousands wbo have used it Ur uiuny purlieus of the boutb for the luat low years. In uu umtauuo will the salve do any injury, or interfere wiUi a piiyaluiaD’a prescrip tion. The propi isit.r hu» nuiu<.ruua cerUUcatsn and Icttern from people who have uteu it ihsiuaelvss, aud moat eurnusUy recommenu it to others a» s »pcedy aud ctmum reweuy for thu ubuve uamyu uinvaces A trial is all that is uecesaury for its owu recommendation. Among the many that have testified to tho effica cy of tlu> valuable remedy, and recommended it to tue public, me Dr K A T Ridley, Judge E Y ilUi, Judge U A Bull, R J Morgan,E»q, J L fctepboua, Esq, and thousHJuli of others. Sold by J B Moore, Kavannab, Ga; J E Hall, Amor- iuu*, Ou; Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Ga; Mclicesou, Robins ft Go, New York; ana druggists generally. DST By rsuntung oue dollar to me proprietor a slugie box of tho ointment will be forwarded by mall, Ire* of postage, to any part of the U Mates. bold by J. b. Mourth, savannah, Ga., and drug* gists generally. V. J. MWRk. Proprietor, may 18 LaUrunge.Ua. patent Ellipse ADlifiti SMALL UMBRELLAS.—Indies’ snrnll I size Silk Umbrollos, from 18 to 24 inches. Re ceived aud lor salo by J. W. THRELKELD, Jol2 OoDgrc8sand Whitaker atreets gUGAR, &o.—76 bbls and lU hhds a, B and C _ Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 26 do Uucou Sides and shoulders; rocoivod und for salo by McMAHUX ft KOYLD, lunelO 206 autl 207 Bay stroot. ^yHISXY, RUM AND BRANDY-—75 bbls x, xx xxx and xxxx NVblsky, 60 do Rum 26 K casks Brandy, 26 bbls do Received and for safe by Jyl7 ilcMAIION ft DOYLE. jpil-US, tVlUI-WNU 1-AfiiK ANl) bkoujib.—to boxos Pipes, 200 reams Wrapping Paper, of all sizes; 100 dozen Brooms; for salo by McMAHON ft DOYLE, June29 206 and 207 Bay street. y^RKSS GOODS.—.A largo aud Uno assortment of colored Dres3 Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French (.ambries, French Muslliis, Drlliiauts and l'riuts, as well 03 a large assortment of Wblto Goods, Striped Plaid and Plata Swiss, Organdies. Tarleton, Book, Nansook, Cambric aud Jacouet Mu3lin, for safe by Juno 20 A1K1N ft BURNS, -ro AllKIVta, iiANDlNO <l( IN NTOIIE ss iai s ir ou Every sunn bis own Uud Fruiter. C 1ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBEllLAlN’S i Patent Eclipse iiund Stamp, the best, cheapest and most convenient of any thing for tho purpoBO yet ollored for salo. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gem. Agt. apr 3 ly 186 Congress Kt. HUNT’S lUPBbVSU SfiWUlG MAtUlNSH. J't EKIUNED Expressly lor making Bags—and XJ which Is decidedly superior to any other machine lor that purposo. tipooi or skein thread can be used of any desired length, and which will not need to be changed until the whole is used. Bag manaulacturers, Grata'aud Flour merchants art particularly iuvited to oall and exurnit* it ut 186 Con gress street. May26.ALFRED WEB8TER,Gon. Agt. BACON LARD, ftc. . HUDS clear and Ribbed Sides 60 do Kbuulder In air tight packages — - »--- * — • «•* bbf~ J ‘ 100 .. s . . 100 kegs No 1 Loaf Lard, 60 bbls do do , 20 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 hbds rory cholco Porto Rico Sugar HUNT A WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEW IN (i MACHINE. T\ES1GNED lor Families, plantations, Dross tut- ttSkors, Tailors, Boot ft Shoo manufacturers and others who may wish to do tbelr own Bowing cheap ly and with expedition. ITUs machine sews a uni form Btltch with both sidos alike, and which wlU net ravel. It is more simple, is loss Uablo to get out of order, and costs less lu proportion than any other macblno, and is warranted to bo perfect, and to woik well. All apparatus necessary for convenient us# Is furnished with it, and any lustruetion will be given that will be nccessury to ensure to the purchaser Rs successful oporutlou and durability. Tbo public aro respectfully invited to call and tx. amino them at 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. .7" A very neat and ornameutul Iron Table will uow bo given with a machine for a small sum In addition to the regular price.May 26. do do do do 60 do lair Cuba 300 bbls Clarlflod, A B and C 60 do Crushed 26 boxes Loaf 160 bbls New Orleans Molasaus 60 bhds Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup BAGGING AND ROPE. 126 bales Guuny Cloth 600 coils Rope, pure lioinp LIQUORS. 300 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do E Phelps’ Gin 60 do puro Gin, P ft II 10b tin Now England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to prime Rio 100 do primo Laguira 60 do Java, 10 pockets Mocba. For salo at tbo lowest market rules JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft IX). WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery &¥ori. sts. SAVANNAH, QA., 1) ESI'EtITFUl.LY inform* the Ladies and XU Goutlomeu of this City Unit bo is prepared to Borvu them ovory evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his owu peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage, Savannah, 17th April, I860. 8m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. J YANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-at. J would respectfully auuuuuce to tho citizens ol vannah that ho is ready to uiako uud put down Carpets. OH Cloth, Matting, ftc., at tho shortest no ire, and on tho most reasonable terms. ocl3-ti 1 C E C REA Mi NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. OB Uryau Street. TWO D00K3 A HOVE MR. GKlFfBX'b JKWXLRY hfORf. pUEundersigued respectfully iuforma the La- JL dies ol'Suvuuuah in particular, aud the public generally, that ho has this day opuuoda now Conlco lianury Store, aud will keep ou iiund a largo aud rush assortment, of all kinds aud discretions. Ho will at all times aud hours, be ready lolhrulsh parties, with suppers. Uofftt, Tea and Ctaoeolale, at all noun. Ornamented Cakes, Pics, ftc. ftc., made to order. He hopes from long exporlonce to givo satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA. No. 98 BryonS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, fte. W E have Just received a uuw stock of Kilvor Spoons, Butter Knives. Kalt Collars, Fish. Pie, Cuke and Ice Cream Knives; also, Ktool anu Plated on Steel Tablo Cutlorv, Carvers, Ice Pitohors, Broad Kulves. Plated and Parlon Butter Stands, be sides a quantity or usefol articles too uumoroas to mention. D. U. NICHOLS * GO. June 4 . TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. i rm X 11 oiWH JJAY—800 halos very carefully selected, to ar . arrive Jyio PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO. I^ACON.—60 libds primo Bacou Sides, 26 do do do ► Shoulders, Just received and for salo by Jyl9 SCRANTON, JOHN8TON ft CO. ’ ARD AND CANDLES.—20 bills und 60 kogs No L . 1 Leaf Lard 76 boxos Adamantine Candles, star braud 100 do Boadell’s Tallow do, Just received and for sale by JylO SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. RUTA BAGA SEED. HOWES COTTON HARVESTER* PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866. T HIS Improvement enables ono Ueld hand to pick as much cotton as five can pick by tbe old method and having tbe cotton froe from trash, and In better condition for ginning. The aboro machines aro lor sale at 136 Congress street tiavannab, and 126 Meeting street. Charles ton, S. C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, and all interested are respectfully invited to call and examine them. County Rights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. |j ALT1MURK FLOUR—10b bbls superfine Baltl- XJraoro Flour landing por aohr Woodbrtdge, aud for safe by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. JJEFINeDAND CLARIFIED SUGARS— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugi — Sugar, 26 do do Powdered ao 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do 0 do do JubI rocoivod and for sale by Jol SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft 00. fliHE ATTENTION ot strangers visiting the X olty and tho public generally, is InvltedTo an examination of our stock or Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety and stylo is uot to be ex celled iu this city. apr28 AIKIN ft BURNS. jP AGOING, ftc.—200 halos Gunny F RESH Ruta B*ga, Flat Dutch, Red Top. aud •Inrgo Norfolk Turnip Seeds, warranted tbo growth of I860. Jyl8—3 Just received and lor sale by W. W. LINCOLN, Mouument Square, JjJ'tMUE.—R. A. Crawford and E L. llackqtt _ . aro my duly authorized agouta during my ab- scuce from Uie State. J8 HORACE MORSE. 160 bbds Sugar, lOUO sacks RioCouL 200 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Schidam Schnapps 60 baskota Hoidskk Champagne In storo, aud for sale on accommodating terms, by Jy22 M. J. REILLY. BBLS. J. Taylor ^°.4’. B .A|o.rooelve b and ftr J solo by jell McMAHON ft DOYLE, Nos. 206 ft 207 Bay street J UsT RECEIVED per stcumor Alabama: Ext P IPES, PAPER AND PICKLES.—60 gross. Pipe E * *“* ‘‘ Heads, 100 do Pipes 260 rooms Wrapping Papor 60 dozen Ilcklos, received aud for salo by McMAHON k DOYLE, Jy£l 105 and 17 Bay streot. Y^AHD—16 bbls and 26 kegs Leaf Lard fc 1U^DltIES.—60 bbls Now York Rebned Sugar > T C OFFEE.—400 bags ltiu Coffee, fair, and primo 100 bags Laguira do do do 60 pockets Old Governmsut Java Coffee 60 boxns ground West India aud Java Colfee, landtag, iu store and for sale by Jy23 wm- WfB-TFR ft PALMES. J^AMP OIL, VINEGAR, &0-—Just received 126 boxes No 1 Palo and Family Soap ’ ICO- do Tobacco of various brands 60 do Groon and B ack Tea 16 bbds Bucou Sbotldcrs, 10 do do Sides 100 boxos Candies. Adamautine,Mould, ftc, Just received aud lor safe by JygQ McMAHON ft DOYLE. T^UESH Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, fer I sale by jan 2 A BoNaUD. 20 bbls Solar Lamp OU, 10 casos Olive do 50 boxes Headell’s .-oap, Starch and Caudles 30 do Colgate’s Family Pale and No 1 Soap 20 do Ground Coffee 20 do Judge’s pure Sperm Candles 100 do Chocolate, Mustard and Pepper 20 do Yeast Powders, 10 cases Table Sslt^. 60 doi 2 and 8 hooped Pails 50 doz 2 and 8 ply Brooms 60 doz cotton and manlUa cords 60 dos Scrub Brushes, assorted 20 doz painted and cedar Tubs 60 gross wood matches 20 casks Bya»s’ London Fortor, qts and pints 100 reams assorted Wrapping Paper 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter, for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, Jyl2 corner Broughton and Drayton sts. TO AIABTER BUJLDBRS ~AND CON TRACTORS. P ROPOSALS for erecting a Masonlo Hall tor Solo mon’s Lodgo No. 1, will be received at my of fice until the first Monday in August next. Jy0-3w JOHN 8. BOWEN, Architect. JJUM, GIN AND BRANDY.—60 bbls Luther Fel- CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOXtaRIHH AXD 67 KT. Jl'UkN-BTBXCTB. HE Subscriber has received, and will open this day, tlio largest and inostoxtouslvo variety . ..INDOW.SHADES ever ollored iu UUb city. It Is the Intention or the advcrtiBor to keep constantly in store a largo supply of all tho various patterns and stylos manufactured by tho manufocturorB ol this country aud of Franco, to which tho attention of roor- charts aud fatnilloa In tho city and country, Is in vited. They will bo sold at wholesulo and retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agdht. Jan > ton’s Rum 60 bbls E Phelps’ Rye Gin 26 do Domestic Brandy % and 16 )tf casks 4lh proof Brandy. In store aud for salo by Jy4 80RANT0N, JOHNSTON ft CO. J^*EW IMPORTATION—26 baskets, quarts ft pinto _ . Max Sutalnq Wine, Hi store and for sols by Jyiq OGDEN, STARR ft CO. Q.UMPOWDER—300 kegs Kentucky Rifie Powder, 60 hair kegs do do do, FFg 100 qr do do do do, Fg FFg 600 cannlsters Sporting Powder, in City 1! tine and for sale by Jy28 WEBSTER ft PALMES. jr Maga- C ANDLES.—60 boxos Beadoll’s b’s Tallow Oau* dies, 80 do do 8’s do uo. landing and for salo <um, uw uv uu o a uu uu, louuitiK auu iw. .w by Jy8 BCRANTUN, JOHNaTQN ft 00. B agging rope, ftc.—76 bates Bagging 200 coils Western Ropo j 2 1 «00, ta Tw.a.,for„ gBSj ^ ^ Extra chelco Table Butter Fulton Market Beef Pickled Beef Tongs BARRON’S Family Grocory Store, JylO Comer Whitaker and Charlton ill tegs Leal 6 kegs extru Smith field Lard, for sale by JylT WEBSTER ft PALMS. TVyT oLAbtFa—360 hhds, puucheous auu obis Xtus- jjjL c—* * *• - ■ ** •-- covado, Barbodoes and Now Orleans Molas ses, m store and for salo by * WE jupt'jQ Webster ft palmbk J^LAKt^R—60 bbls cafelued Piaster, ta stars a Jytg OGDEN, STARR ft 00. L EMON syrup—UO boxes, received and for sale by Jyl7 MCMAHON ft DOYLE, *A LBANY-ALE^— 26 bbls. Albany Block Alt, Just AL )received, and for safe by junel ' SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 000 ® AL ^ IM . 0RK BA00H > ln I storo and for sale by eby BARRON, JuneW corner WhiUkerttnd Charlton-cts. A8KET81 BASKETS!—We wooldcaUtbo i attention of the ladles to our stock of Work. Traveling and One Fancy Baskets, tho largest assort ment In tne city, at the House Furnishing Store, 16$ Broughton-strceL moral HORACE M0B8E. P APER—600 reams Wrapping Paper, escorted si- - ■ ai.~ .mJ ' * . *. .