Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, July 31, 1856, Image 4

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tnuirfs. VCT» mpurg^l THILL to told. teftmthtoooxtbooM <bo* to Vf Dm < “ ■= •' “ •(/ .1. _ jams of okoiuua. C HATHAM OOUXTT^-To tH wi»m i( nay I cowm: WteiM, i-Jta r. Hint -seta afpr s u cw Coart t* OrtHwy fcr l«s*t dlratio vty u *S- ErtrSitruer « tit inn? e» Ji—m C Uriel : , Oat« «r*- thtKfcr?. » da strl UaeaMitB , , , jtt»fc»tTa«4»T ta rtemH m» aonra. to totud jt-j-ir Jnlr MO, Mvmd IBs t»jtl boor! c< ulo.1 let rt ; Cent to mitre' >-**- 14 my it--; h.r.l'- Ftlateff.i Bcfa. l ' tertitw trtt Mea-Hj' in OfMBtFr $efo,T ^rtiitnwits.ii ., - V- ^ iisenunts.j yv#v»n. k-’ »U2R. %**«? .wr. *.. «r-1 ft/»> m u tbc prxwrtjr cTF. O vimsi uswi, <* U»- M*i lettm «rt!l >-• WU#w. Job" UTbo, It-.. <w<fjun i _ Ctot^ « ClirtLrta'VrtaRy, te ow^nly. »Ht« f^rlb d*y./j<j»*\ IM* , Ctjw at JckA J. Hart, Ara IL Wall «faJ/**«/. /-u* C * JOHN 1ULI>J. o e. c K: «$ T.O. OBI. rrnpwty invt-l »»> V ^»U»l»TlTVT5» : T5iiEK: n«ai«f TcrmMCAs*- rrvr)t3tt . AiT T)L#tf.tXT to tea urd-f <rt ie Hoaorabk ,t ’ 3 i,j>- . . *WABD M I REMJEBUAc* fi JL CuWl of Ordinary rA CLiforaa C«nct>\ 1 1 1 ( *01* » SOCTW _* ' ]nt U, iKiC «ntl K. : Sr.« T >.. in , )«r •*« STATE OF GEORGIA. S ATHAM OODNTY-To »l* * >oen: m»«r***Jo£u)lUBcrjr, MT Ordaary for um*n t - ~b oq Uao EbuO? cf innuin Wr.fM kin din and *ai**i*b ml* — , to t* -3 I te<"T' m (It»ay u*r lure) on ' to Xor*mbrr ton. nth*- Un win b« frmrU'i. WMmm. Joan ttibu, iflwj., Ordinary Ur 0»athA3> OactUf, till* e*l»t Car f.< Apr.! IMG. Jane Ur». IMG. anil be i«Sd,ta the ffr.i T i*y ■ to A atari lieu, before the Cncrt Ucrm doer tti »ui jamei» u. DEALER AXD IMVOHTER «»' U>ntir<, Jrwtlry, Sllrtr W*rr. F"«* ry (toorU, Ar.. %o. U, t»< f* •-'-*» mm, r.i: .vivm'-«. Kptf _ i.' XBWOX SWEl^KV, SNER ANI> SCI LI’TOU IV MARHUL; tbrovr A Ujt Jli-reai.'l 4ib Avt ittK- 11» rvxcmnRun r> ran icvh un.^i *'•• r** i'_n>ufM>» \i« i^rora C. FUSltbiT^ *x^'txcsxy:. AnMwrjtd u«ai fcr the £i.rki-ib Jecmat ilRTOIfvcrS* - B iLl WITH HAU/* PATT^T" DaUnl fflitfi' BOOK AND JOB PRIMING fFAItY’I3tm.trt‘ At TOE SAVANNAH JOURNAL,].' BOOK & JOB OFFICE. ^ E5»rr»»'^; »»**•/ vc»i [. UPfcrny I/* K. lh*o»r rtewrri the ■ •Vv» Xrtil as the j flrQdU’jirilr.mrenomr i MmbttU ».r cvppte*1 *» * Vm ir*<kr » nl» r>. J-V ;«.b»c Hlll-lIrnrU, Bilim «f I.nrlliu;. tbc 'Yt-vt j Dr *>' no " k ‘’ t-'lrrnl.r., net lb.-. : Bl.tik Book.. have every-1 ^ t ,ia j ,4. i kr tLe benefit of «br hMr- aa*J • rrdjK^r* vt J jUie. KICUARI» H AVM; ! potBttrsErbls by’trittrcr rtisuir ^ Tinn&c the city of X«w Vmrk | iou>ore ’ orii'iOal way l-.-lv^xni. from %rt*> tcctoi j*roa:t<]y to er^er. Orders tn.\Lint\y execvVri. a*.» ‘* A * } '. r VUl.N* mtJBO. O C- c. UEOltUlA, CHATHAM COllATV ! AX the first Moo lay to Aa^u*t next. I »i.l •n i *J' • V/ to the Orlinary c«f Cluubaa o»«nty lur leave !t»se!i the tiOgro f Urci becoming to the o-.talc of O^iilay, deeemsrlt for U*-* IkX'.lm «..f the ; ! or brumes*. mr»- re»pcetInUr inTiu-l »<• Ubhibmeot. j->i ihi* «¥- <ct3 STATE OP OKORGIA, CHATHAM CO. w f|%liall wbota it may conoera: Wbertw Mary Ana ^ ... X »PfAy Owit Ordlrary t^r , b , dr , crc , Jit >r , yf wU | f . fcr« UUmitaory oo Uv.' uatste uf Jane* Y. lint.-- i 4 JAMCs A- LaSUX’HE. Adto r T^*»nmr*tbe»eSor«tocn*.mflmlmoaijbbLnboa • — rrrrrrr TT M ooocem, to be mna appear before »ml4 Gvart, . BROUGHT TO JAIL, 49 nVTT oMecttoaa r*f mnr they Lave) oa or bet ** me Rrouxbt to>ui ia Hmalt?boro. (.<•, |k| n ffll | 1T . r iieerstK-r n^u. c4?.» r»-■* wi I ‘ Jff oo the 4th uutant, a ne^ro man; be tiy< i.l- toUmra viilberracted. ^ILnaueU llarry; that be beloa^t to tb'- v‘Utc■: Fttneu Jobs Ifiibo Ktq., <rr-lj^i*y fcf Cbathatn I H*wna< Gay. of riryan Coonty, Ga. He i? Omsk *** ofjv^r, 1*A3. * of light complexion, with a t li/bt war over the- k-ft i*f A»1LV iUEDt^ O.tA*. ; eyfc;m»iOctSR«t5*i tacLa*. m Lr.ybu ati ntx«t *J6 ; CT—- - - years di. ■TATE OF GEORGIA, , ' The owner i» reisesU-O to eotne for mar J, pay , AUATHAH UHIXTY -To alt wbcm :t may cro- j charge* and take him away. a»- be will be dealt with . \J can: vWcai, ridrfckBjran wfllmpfHy nt the j u u-c law direct*. IltXRY OVEkSTKEhT, VIRGINIA SPRINGS! itWTHSIUE, BillUIOM. i IUNV1UX. A Virginia A Teniimt-e . th- a r t. no one , ojcTAt-'i t:jwa by teveral akilk<l in «.*ul4 IVrk the l»ck or open the Safe. ( By an improvement opoo the original Salamander, ■ mtrodcood by the j»rc?«jt owner of the j«atent-nglit. ( the interior is rendered wholly impervious U damp, j and books, papers and Jewelry might Ik* ]»re*erve>d | ia one of bu tales for a century without crsitraciin^ a blemish from mould or imiUt-vr. To guard a^aia-l (x-unterfeit* etery r»fc frem tl.e . manufactory of the tule-crlber. an i i-ol-l by him or bis agent-, ba? a bra-s plate in front, bearing bis name: each is abo fornitbed w itb «*e of Ui? lux- MITUE 'iu HAULS Eil*. T HE buoys at bt. {•iron»« Inlet and gvun i !mc been ariangcd m the following manner : outer Ua.- B-Jjy i> a large flrtt claw nun, j minted red. Willi the So 2 in white—Is placed b twenty feet watrr at fow tide, and Uiu-l be leu on tbc rUr- board band entering. M ftrnons 1 dxbt fo-^r- N tv by W y % W. Xorth jwint if Jekyl W by X * s X. Middle Buoy—is a large «-eeun<l cla».-*uun, point ed black, with Xu 1 iu while—i- placed iu -ixteen feet wate* at fow tide, on the Eastern edge of the HEEHTOP 5SXTLVF. HtETAJ IltlMibold * MlgltJy C*»» potattv] FTnlrl Extra.. S X OfTttV tn. ASP OTPltAJ RK?»a»V 1 ^4tt; is— ev- Ktthfi Utttwy?. liTat>l. 1 tV- #Vt.Cr.-. it^a^dHam ‘ jjrn*. Frtwair leinjhiinr. **«H »:i di«tw>«* of tl*e J .o« x«-- : *»rran.. whether in maia; ok muii. Irwni akdcti-rtau-cliiri uwj hare sled, amt . ».i» HATIrJi OF IKrit lo .O .'iTAM'INO Tbh |*>i«lnr -lei -prifc' it imdj i* t-«w 'dwei U* the aflbch-1, aof guanmu».'i to core all tl*e above oomphunL*. It reweie- out tbc tiry nM t< the • disea-e. dnvinp out all the •ii*ea-e«l fimds if the body, thi* rem*nrng t*K can**- and rwjderir^th* core CERTAIN AX1> I'KRMAXENT. Tbi- nMilKxne aiU}> |nin and miiammata*, which other remtilks invariably cause, and can be taken with t/»>jbk- and ex|»et*^e to {<a«nts. This fallible retuexty La- save' tb»«.-ai. *- uj<® tbie. fruti tbc banos t/ MERULES6 QtACES, - _ rt not from pcemstere graves. In case* of in&cbuti translated by »eyie. the Compound Bcchu l- the only article worthy of rre?o a’s 1‘bibp w* e-, . the tea«t confidence of tbc aCLcted in performing s : * r ~ ‘ - sAYh CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or ilbcr ngorio'^s drug, but U purely a VtgttcUt ComjfOtHiw. It U '-1" <senj it... “T Broadway, itvoctac j. funiibed f/cw, w<h pr/j waya ai a**.-'., t<4L iwi> ««r <d al the IkctaMUC, am*w:.. and knd lom ii- lasMatn«-. iivpncnc „ Came/. r*«? »>►*- ]«4 i t j.- any Hiyorau* *s Us* e'/sfr. till perdma». « fU jet _>. ia advance. tOT Fee* *" w r . ^ derukea All r**su*ArxM.. t . f . ; a,,: Nu addrnu^i v* / •, "f, l°s i« 1 _zl_ *- ^u _ 1>OTAlOi>*—k<M bun. I rsjTtrvTT'-'^-1 X 2'amtrx*: W Co Tt'e-n :;. . ‘ 'T I Bfowj. for uU \y . aiU.y | u , -HOA. jjjfth Ul UIUI,; T T KITED fauto, CirjiC* « C L S IJ ScbwegVer’t Hutorj u V'-J it I arOrdinary fne team of admiciumi.a on IU of Daniel Gotha* : » nr*, Uerefore, incite anl a£wc<u*b *11 ■ m may omoern, to be and appear before laid ; to make nateetke fd any they have) oo or be- fcr* Ow Int Monday ia Aogu-.t next, otLcrwvfe »id Ittiera will bo pick*]. WttaaM. JohaMbn, Ordinary for Chatham County, tUa twawy ttard day if Jane, USo. JOHN' BILB' J. o. c. c. Ji’or. S U M 31 K Ii ARltAKOEMENT. .it*»t. u»j;t comfortable aulino-t * Rout/ to the ^afTATE OF GEORGIA, 'DUUAfCB OOUXTT —To an whom it euy con- Jj cars : Whereat, Asa Johaton will apply at the Court oi Ordinary for > aid county, for letter* cf ad- ■UntsmOon, with the will annexed, on the estate of Mary WUUami, late of laid county, deceased: Ibeee are, therefore, to cite and aitcomsh all whom tt mar cooceni, to be and ap;-car before eabl Ooart to make objection (if any they bare) on cr bafcra UM flrtt Monday in Aogort next. otberwiM* aahl leuera will be granted. WHdcu. WUliau Lee, E*q.. Ordinary for Bulloch county, the 20th day of Jun^, 1W. * WILLIAM LEE, o. g. C. xonvE. A U. person* baring demand* agam-t the e*Wte YIRG1XIA SPRINGS ! THROUGH HV DAV-UGHT. MWIV , l..>* J *¥.UUU\', •— . .... — »■ - — - * J ptoved Thief I Meeting I/jcVu-, which i» a goc*i guar- 1 Middle Gru/nd. und luu-t be ledt un thr lumd antee against robbery. entering, m flaaon* light bear- X W bv \V '. \V. S. C. I1ERR1XG ti CO.. Xtrth jvcDt cf Jekyl W by X. Xo*. 135. 137 and 139 Water-at., X. Y. __ j lornr Buoy—is a second class uuu, laimeJ blict.. Agents iu Savannah. Me«ra. BE1J. & PRENTISS, with the Xu 2 iu white—w |4jced in twmtv-eije who keep constantly on hand a fall and complete leel water at low tide, on the point «c ruut-ing i^sorunent. which they will jell at Man ufitctaaeiV i off from Jekyl Bland, and mu-t l>e left «.utb<-|«->a prices. seft'-^ baud entering. St Simon* Light beay• X K b> X l . I/JCA1. KVIDEKCE OF 'THE VMJUt .Cxu ITKK- j •'>'• W bj i >, S moor graunn* or 1,4 SounJ ^ the Lower Mu 4 ile Ground Bu^y— WILUER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, j ^ * *«-ond cla« nun. |o,nte-J with red ond .1/ Jfomr/ai/m-cd Ij Sitanu 4 Martin. Aw To/Lr • «•*« Wnnonul strijie-.—u pjiced ui twelve foet In the fire cf the 3d »*ter at low tide, on the fow^r point «f thf Middh* inM, which conaom* j Uround. to mark the two rbxnnoL-. St Si no ed the brick building • Ljrfjd Gear.* X Kby K Calf and in Cloth. Xa|>Atsc.'< CotmdH-tu • - brother Joseph, — - B , ... ^ r . 4 _ # DatanVllhtoryof iL- v very’agreeable to the taste, create? no jiervejcbfo Hanot tr—2 rol*. odor, and may be taken by \tttom rA either »ex * ru “ ‘ n * J ‘ *- * without hindrance from bu»uie^ or mental adrwe, a* plain directions for cm tixoinjany tbc tnodidtr Reader, if you have any of tb v * above com plaint*, do not neglect them. DELAYS ARE DAXGERUl • Wish ti.ii mediciiK* you uau rare yourself, ^nd thus prevent all exposure. * TRUTH Mt'sT AX I* WILL PRET.UL. Thus medicine speedily and eflectuaL’y <-uie- ih- most virulent form of secret and eradiaties every panicle tf infection- matter from ihe syttent. rertoring the t*atient w> a ;-. ::e=t sUte of HEALTH AS i * r TRITV Ibe AUacbi in Madri*3. Romance of tt-r IB-ror, tj . . Rachel Gray, by Jzhk ha!; Earnest lim4u*d. by Mr . . Ut Lll 1Mr * FJ' I J UST UECUTXlJ^ '-T^T.T—. 1 prime aroev, *>• t.-er- - . f** Ham*. In *n.e*-. m-1 fee-k^ >v mar ‘A WaYM Y.Ij •A r s UEUHU1A, L1UKIITY COUNTY. fTVial) whom U may concern : Whcrca?. Mr* ira- X f»k J Jone*. Admhuitratr.x uysn the e*tate tf Jtme§ S Joac*. late cf Liberty county, drecaat-J, will apply to Uio Court or Ordinary or rai l county rortetton dhuniasory; Tboaa are therefore to cite and &d monfou all w bora It Buy concern, to be ana aj-pcar before raid court, 10 ohjectiotu, if any they have, in form- of the law. otherwise eaid letter* will he granfo*l. WUneas, W I* Garideao, Ordinary for liberty county, thla 10th of January, )&5d. jylG—2 w. 1\ G1BABEAU, o. u <:■ S TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CO., Miy 2Wh, 1856—Two months alter <lafo aj.j..icaUon wrjil be made to the Honorable O.urt of Ordinary of >aM Ooantr for leave to «ell all the Lind? belonging to the eiub! >f Michael Donald-on, decea--ed, for tbo benefit of the uliu and crnd.tora kn<f * deceased. nyMv JOBS E. OHfiOX, Adm'r. STATK Ot' CEOKCIA, S iULLOCU COUNTY—To ail whom it may ojl- i corn: wberexs. Jos Lab Davis will apply at the rt cf Ordinary lor letters cf adtr.inletratjon on tbc e&taie U Henry Davis, late c*. said county, dc- oearee: There are, therefore, to r,u» and adtnoniib ail whom tt may concern, to be &nd appear beiore said Court, to make objection (tf any they have) ou cr before the flrtt Monday in Augertccrt, otherwUe Haid letter* will be granted. WUnet*. nilllatn Lee, Kwi., Ordinary for HalP/ch coMtf, this 27lh day of Jane. 1*50. janeld WiiJJAlI LEE. *•. c. B Within the time pr*-v:nt/rd by law u> tLc *abic:i ber; and all indebted to the *ai-l cwtatr &r« r<-*pic*t ed Uj make immediate jdrmeat to I-L U. M11JJLV, Admioistrator dc bonis t»a. March 25—Gw ltwtJy21—je 7 Statk OBJ UKUKUU, YtsJtora to the Virgunnia Springs »«y tin- route, take the south-eloe Uailru* i m.- nl I’dfOb-ir. or the Richmond and IktriiiU.- < its at Itediiuond, al 0 A. M.. daily, (sonJayf- c-xcejded.) arrive at I.ynrb- barg fo dinner, at.a thence, via the Virginia a»«l Tennessee Rahi'** i. reach B>3L.-i* »V I*cpc:a: .1 l i. and galem at 4 i*. M.. and at either place t-2*- Kent, SuintiK rwou kb Co’s Fltn- Line of Singn! Those via Bon>ach'? lodge at Itnva-tle, .hue at the Red eweet, or r'wee-t spring?, and arri-«- at the White sulphur spring*, fit mile?) early ua the evening of the rocood day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without XIGHT TRAYKJ^ and w dh but bl of staging. Or h\ the Salem route, -fop all night at the Roanoke Red Salph'-r (lu mile* flUtant from.Salem.j dine at the .-Wrt-t. whom it may concern,‘ to b? and appear b.-fore j or s'weet Springs, and arnw nt tl'»* sr.lphur said O^urt to make objection (if any thf y La re) on i .-‘print’* on the evening of the fclfow-Jay occ«I*cd by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, ujijosite the Ga* Works, m this city, was w Xorih iA<iiil id Jt-kklLU. . SEbyS* t S. Middle Midilh- Ground Buoy—i* 4 -wuu.i »-L-.- uun, punted red. with .So 4 in white—U pla».-J iu safe of eighteen feet water at low tide, mar th** «-ll». e the Middle Ground, aud must in- !«-U ou the star- e book*, papers, and money id Mr. I bfard Itaud entering. North |*oint ><1 .U Uii N althoogh the- buiJ Jmg wa* iletroyed, • ^ ;» Brutn-wsck i*>iut \V by ms tain eJ no injury whau-ter from the Lpper Middle Ground Buoy—> , -«i„ud ,U*» C l HATH AM ODUXn*.—To all whom it may i^n / corn: Wherex*, tho estate of Jeremiah Mc Donald lie* unrepresented in consefjueccc- of the death rA Nathan Brew ton, the executor, and uclerx aome fit and corapeu-nt jiereon appho* for the ad- mlnbtraUon of said estate, with the will annexed. I shall appoint Jame« Wilkinson, or some other fit and projer icrson, admini-trafor with the will an nexed de bona- non, on said estate: These are. therefore, to cite and alinuni-h all the above description? containing the ‘ * Thomas, and a „ the said safe sustaioe l no injury intenwj heat to which it had been exposed. On open- . ing the Safe, the content* were found unJL-turbed, • u » IS ri-'t w»p-r at low tide, n«-ar tt« and in the same order and condition a* when placed ' * “ " *’ “ ' 1 * ' there, except a slight db« loraUon to the projecting eud3 of a few paper*, and the barks of one or two of the books, caused by tb* atc*m generated in the Safe, while at it? greatest heat- The Safe and content-', a- it cam** from the ruirn*. lleliuboliT* lllgtily luiiceiitraltd Com- ponnd Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all ari sing from exce.--* of Mercury, exp-sure and im prudence in life, chtonic coustitQtional •lisex-*-?, ; ariiing from an impure state * f Biivt, and the ; only reliable and effectual knon'u remedy t**’ ifo* ' ~\T EW CHOP CUBA M< < A»x go of the Ab*x*u I<- for taie in lets v> • • * , J*n31 _ .. CAKFBT XSD Vi-, IOtff Efl , ' 14d Cor^rtrr ar.i .1 <■,,. T IE DKDEBSIGXEIi a • m t i ■. lonity to expre*'to t.- : 7,./" v «; generally, his sincere thau-. -u.. age and Influence, wn eb L» : • nuu, painted red, with the Xn'6 in white—is pWt-4 upi>»*r end oi the Mtd«ile Ground, and mu-t :»-it *-ti th** -tar- board hind filtering. Brunswick Fmu u-ai- VV* U Mouth 0.* Jekyl Creek S »; E. Non,—In running in for St sim.-u . it«r bring the Lght to bear X W by W 'J W. while iu four fathom? water. Till* hearing a- a cour.-e will take you up cure «d Scr*4uU, Salt Rheum. Scald Head. l'Ic*-r- i ^ alien- of the Throat and L?g.i, l am* and Sw vuing* j ' of tho Bones, letter, Dimples 00 the Face. *r. J all j 10 *Ahib.t x shack Scaly K/ufriioiii of the Skin. may Etill be seen, In the jiou of Mr. iiiomas, U» the Outer Bar Buoy and into the Sound, pa-.-ing at tbo Ga* Works. A large assortment of these oele- ; the buoy* a** direct***'.. or before the Dr*t Monday in August next. Wttne«%, Wili am 1/re, F>«j.. Ordinary cooidy of Ruihxrb. Uii? lgth day of June, 1 JeJ5 WILLIAM LKK. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, jULLGCH COUNTY.—To a-'l whom it may cot J ceru : Whereof, General K Mikc.l, trill apply KtthaUoort dOrdinary tor leUf.r.-: <A administration with toe will annexed, on toe fatate of Mirui Groover, late of said coumy, decease*! : These are, therefore, to am and adtnouLh all whom it mar concern, to ho and appear before «ai d Ooart to make ohjocuon (if any they have) on or before tae first Monday la September next, other wise said fotu r r ; will be granted. W'ltncBa, William U-e, Eaq., for B iP-'.h ooantr. ton 21st day of Jolr, 15W. JyM WU.I.1AM LEE, o. u. c. GEORGIA, CAMDEN COl’NIT. f|TWO MONTH.’? after onto. aj;p.ication will i X mane to the Ilonurablo Court of Ordinary for »ald counu’. for leave to sell the following named negrow ; rmno and her three children, Irene. Jfi- oil and woe; belonging to the euate of I//uua1omj*- Idhi, deceased, for tbo hcnc'Jt of y a: 1 hclr^. WHJJAM K. THOMAS, GuaMem. Jefferionfon, June 10,^1 June foi GbYNN 'HHEYUFF’B HALE." unii* oe fold before the Court House iu the city Tf of Brunswick, county d Glynn, on the nrit ToMday in Atunut next, between the legal hours of tale, the following property, to 1 rA land ettoate, lying and being wick, in tnu county of Glynn, and dUUaauished tu the plauot said city Lot, namovr two bondred and flitv-Uire improvement* Giereon; levied ou by virtue ••• aft j ta iKBuea wut of the City Court of Kavannuab, m the • Jl county 01 Chatham, in favor of Ik.-njarniu C Frank- lln vs Charles E Flanders. Property jydi:te*l out by plalnuff )y2 *f. C. B. WRIGHT, n. »o_c. aottceV O SB MONTH alter date, application will he mane to tho State Bank of Georgia, for pay ment of a twenty dollar bill, the left hr.:. J hah of which has boon lout. Joiyi JOHN D. KEX£1>Y. Midway, Alabama, July 1, 1W0. GEORGIA, UlUOUl COUNTY. S IXTY data after date, application will bo made to the Honoraldo Court of Orinary of Balloon county, lor leave to fcell all the lair is bringing u, Ibo estate of Thomai Crosby, Info « r n..! ! county, deceased, for the benefit of the h<-ir: and mixlitori. rA saJa esuto Jjrlb WILIJAM Y. CHO.-BY. Adn.'r, " S'OTIUK. O NK month after dale application v.i:i be made to the Bank of the rtate of Georgia, for the payment or a Twenty Dollar Note or. the «al<l “*• (No. 42.) th« right Wand half of which lav*. Stale of Georgia, RtUioci* county, A DMIXI.STR.tTORs' SAU:—By virtue e: an <r- der from the honorable Court of Ordinary cf fcant cocnty. |«u»ed on the lira Monday in Jen<•. will l*e i-ohl at the court house d<*f<r of said county, between the lawful hour* of sale, on the first Tues day in August. One tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in tald county, ofi the En- noochee river; aDo, a part of four other survey.-*, conUiinicgtix hnndrwi and thirty-two acre?, on Ua- noochee river, wefl improve*! and in good rejw.r, cons Bung of swamp, bay and pine hu*d. .-Old a- the property of Nathan Brew ton, deceased, for the benefit of the heir? and creditor* cf -aid dc*****^!. Term? mode known ou the day of ril.-. BENJAMIN BKEWTON. » , , , •1M0X J. BKEWTON. ( AtAU f> - June 2d, 1S56 je 15 State of Geo rata, BnlibeH County, A dministrators’ saijl—wm he r.<.\on the Ant Tues«lay in Augurt next, before thi court bouse in Statesboro’, in eaid county, under an order of the Court of Ordinary, Fifty-four (54) acre.* of Pine LauJ. grauted to James Deal, and l>ounde<J by Unde of Jawc-s Woudi, William Allen and Elmer*.* Manes, belongfag to the e*Ute* of Jatce? Ixal, for the benefit *-/f the heirs and creditors of -aid e?tat**. Term? mad*- known 011 the day of sale. MARTHA DEAL isWui'X. CALVIN DEAL. /Adru'r. June l'Jth, If-oO je 15 NOTICE. 4 I.L persona having claim? against the- estate of Xjl Evan .Tone?, Info- of Chariton eovnxy. '.a,. <!, ; . cea-cd. are requested to present tlir.m, fn term? f law, an/1 tho?*.- indebted will pl**a-c make paymer.1 * *'*’■' " . ' to tbs subscriber. ‘ • v nTfclTlEX’ McCAJJ., hxwifor. • " C* ntreriJlag-. Ga., June 14tb. 1856 jelR! t ...... NOTlclS. “ "Alteffi TXTILI. be sold, between tbc u. 5 ual hour? of -ale. ; •• iiuntgum" VV ontbclirtt Tuesday in August next, before j y .’ tho court house door In Trader'-, IU!I, Charlton j • Kuoxvilii; county. Ox, Two negro men, (Dick and Tom)—he- Soic.—iI ■ longing to th** e.-tite of Kyau Jonw, lafo oi sai«l j ,-prings. M<n Sulphur Sprh the Jianro id Jighutiy H.k;; The Virginia L Tenneroc lUilrt** l i l*.*uat*.>l 1 through a most romantic country. p >- • • »ug a cn- ! mate ua>i.rj*a-ed for it- fa!: 1 r.tyai*d dcj^htfoliem- t l*erature. Tno road j*a-k» the bi-e oi the 1 PEAKS OF OTTER! And within three miles <i the Ai. -gluriy .-j*rmg.*, one mile of the Montgomery Wliiti .S'lijihar .-priug-, ari l within four mil*.*? ortbc Yc*a<»w.r?3!pht.rl^iricg-; all pleasantly f.Uuatcd a few mile.? apart, on the Ex*teru slope of the Alleghany mountain, in Mont gosnery county. The water* of the-o rprings are celebrated for their great tne*licinai fjiaUitie.-, the ac commodation* arc excellent, and iiovc- t>--;i greatly increased iincela-t -ea*on. 4*r*\\-itorn u» ;be ih-1 ,-ulphur Spring- take Kent, f* iUim'-Tf.on k Go f. stages at Xowbcru iK-jut, on the even ing of the day tiiat they leave Deters- burg or liP.hmond, aud arrive at the Spring* ou the following day. to -sinner,-and Sait .Sulphur spring* early in the evening **f the pi-cond d;iy from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tbc* Read from Newbe-ru lvi?A t<i the Red Sul phur springs, (***5 liiiie?,) has been graded un greatly improved since- lx->t -a.i-.ui, and i? now re garded asoxo ol th * be-t turnpikes in the tmfii> tain-. iheiiuc of Telegraph from Richmond w:!t be * oiu pitted and in operation to the Montgomery *A h.u s'ulpbur rj<niig? earl} iu June. Passenger* to Knoxville, Tcnne««e, ui.eKvnt, Suu.nicr*!c-n AC*/e stages at tlo.- Wt-tcra termiuu of the Virginia k Tenne-aeo Raiiro iJ, now lbO mile.s from Lynchburg (and Ik .eg extended Westward at tba rate of f? mifos per tuoUU> to the Ecstern for mi ll in* of the Iki*; Ten 1 less*.*; and Virginia Railroad, and arrive at Kuosriilc ia 21-2 day- from Peter* br.rg'T Richmond. tare from Pettrsburg or Richmond. To <;■ -i .—*•*-*.: orHwe-.t Sprinn’- v?aBon s .sy'k‘. , .5lu (*j i saiem... brated Fof<*< always on ltaL'<l.afid for rale hv U. II. CAM1THXD, Agent for tin- Manufacturer*, July 2*5,1855. IT! Ikiy-?t.,Sarannah. Ga. I take pleasure :u corroborating the fvreg*»Jig slat*;- meet, and in addition would add. that the* book? are now In u«e. J. T. THOMAS. Ww«i Yard. Fern* Wharf. July 20lb, Hi55. *oct0—tf DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABL 13 YORK STBELT, KEAIt TUE COCTt^ IiOl’eB, By order of the LUrht Hou.-e B*»ar*!. C. MANTGAULT MORRIS, j c2j—tf 1- 11. Inspector, 6U1 DBtntt. NOT'ICE TO 9IAUIXERS. FI1HK buoy.* at Si. Andrew'.- iulet an*! Sound have X been arranged iu the follow ing manner : iJar Buoy—i- a second cla--*can. paintef red. with !h«- So 2 in white—i* placed In .-ixteeti water at low . tide, an l must be left on the slurb>ard hand enter- ' ing. Little Cumberland light bear* W b j »uth point of Jekyl X W by W. Middle Buoy—1- ** »-t-eond cUl-.- can, painted : city. it i*"gratifying to the proprietor os tht?*v medicine* 1 Mercfou-ri 11 tu be abie to flat;- that it i* now nearly three vtur* i *** pinicuu/.i . ij *iuce they were first introduced, during which time : r '™' r ftf ’ they Lave been extensive!) u*oJ in variott, jart* of I the United Mates, and luve given to jotient and 1 practitioner the highest degree of rati-faction ia the . rarioud case* iu which they have been employed ; • whether in town, country, hospital or private prar- ' tice. they have iu variably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the mo-t salutary and beneficial efiect-. Numerous letters have been received from the rno-t distinguished il? wer tAOia Brass pby.dcian.siu the country, and from the profe=sc»rs xnreepty Ingram, of .several medical college*, recommending in the highest teruiS the value of the-e medicine?, ai. ' present clock, which L- no*. V a.;xu various department-. .1 •’% .’,£t ing goods, vtx: CAMPS! Royal Medaboo, }x*_ i- Royal Velvet. Mo:et WiltoQ. Mocet Brnsreis. Tapestry Brc&sel*. Power Lcom BruiM-l- Hetrth f.. ' i Two t*iy Ingcain ^ Wool IJQlCil. rnilB .‘subicriU-r grateful t 1 jiatri.u-.their continu'd that In addition tu the iruprovea S H MEKT, with the No 4 in white—i* placed ;n nsneteeu te-.t 11 Trrr rnnA ftnras I Water at low Uue, near the High North Breakers. ...v cuii-iu/w^i j ana must be Jett on the starboard baud euteiing. struain sncrca-ive operaUon totnke apt r f umkud ljght bear# W by N l 4 ' N. routh join; j live matters, and. in u>n*equence, ar* *’ , y * „ - * , • , • queuUy improperly made, and not m BAVANN’AIL GA.. Estnbllahecl In 1S34. I to Ills friend* and i Ctvois, would -late improvement- in tyYING. ac Inner Buoj—1* a second cla—- «.au. j<a:ntt**J black, with no 1 iu white—i» placed .u twenty-one U Scotland, has made arrangements for extending hi: besine-*. by which he i- u«-w enabled to dye* a greater variety of color? on silk ar. i w oolen, r.iiawb, Ac., which he trust? wiil generally please ail who may favor him with their t-ntronage. i r ., r:;: , " Utmk-mot.-. eiinneiiU dyc :. C.Antsdu, rt-novale.11 a- may be required, in the *amcsuj*erior style whicu has generally w much hi* j^itrou* an* 1 . on the jtf-rt Laud ri.terlng. Cuniborlam! IJght bears > W by W 5 ).*' W. South puint oiJekjl X \V »j W. In the Found is the Midale Ground Buoy chi** can. painted with red and black *lioi ffo.isi .Salem... li w 11 io i 00 mi much j<! friends. • Table Cover.-, and LvkcV Craj*e .-hav* 1 -. .tm , clean*rl and fii.L-ht-tl in the first style. Ladles’ Bonnets dye*l, b!*.*achetl and preyed u the most fashionable tylc-*. Orders from the country preiuptiy uR.eiide*' h». Terms moderate. M*heo parcels an; sent by i*teainlioat-. <t railrovJ. word i-hoaM be sect him by letter through the post office, ho that he may know where to call for them, meb 10 " ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. IlEINTZELMANX'S ESSENCE 01- JAMAICA GLNCiElt. T HE di-t'tigui-.bc-d fav«>rwitb which this o«r*ccce been receive*! throughout ai! auctions ol the Union a? a remedy ut once' safe, agrwable ami effectual for Indjcent Darrhu-a, Chcleni Mcrbu-. Weak aud relaxed Ifowtl-. I r*«-tration by beat or ■tiguc, Ly.^p^.eia, i irtlu'i* lire, toi.c, tr imp, Ixm- point of *Uual running down from the yaHlin j.i; «-r. and nearly in the middle of the Sound. Vessel- , must not pas- to the Westward of it. Cuii.b; l ! Uzht »«cars S by K >; K. Inner t-int • t Jek'l , W W. j buoy at th; suliauce ot rutUla Paver—*? a -ec‘. n-A ' ;b - can. jialnted black, with So y in white—i* ; placed in ten fo-et water allow tide, and m i-t be i it ou the j-**rt hand entering. Cumberland IJ.'.t ! bear* .r by E. Outer |>oi.u ui Jekyl bears X R, Sort—la running in tor .^t. AndrewBur bring ; the Light to bear \V by X X, while in four lath- ; onis water. 1 Lis bearing a.- h cour.-e w;li take jvu up to the Par Buoy, then haul ott to the northward their superiority over ali other preparations l*-r such complaints a- the projector recommends. Numerous preparation* yar-ajurilia and of Bucha ana various mMi-- *>f preparing them have been • N^ given, all of which i f course wili oilier according to the mo-ie of preparation which each individual may adopt. TtlO-e medicine..- require considerable care iu the preparation and the employment oi different men- apthe extrac- are most fre quently improperly made, and t**t ucfrequoutly touch iuipairc-J. if not rend ere-1 totally inert, by th- Ifijudieieus and uie-kiiful management« : tl.tte nn-e- quaintca with phanuac*.;t::«»! t-reiaration*. z therefore *.-t the hnrhe-t con.-idcmtK*ti and imj*ort- mice to the public and to the faculty that there should be standard j»rejaratio:-.-» ^>1 uniform sU «-nrtb J i aud i*os-e?.,iiig ihe mo-t advantage?. To effect tLi- 1 and obviate the evil ahudod ;•>, I have made a num- -• ber of experiment- to ascertain the mast effectual mode or extracting the virtues c*» the aar-aj^iriha aau the Bucbu, and to discover the mo-t eligible • form for their exhibition. The experiment? have ; resulted most fororablv, am! it is with much pleas- 1 ore 1 now offer to the public and the faculty mv : Coaipoui.u 1 luid Extracts, which contain ali the vir- 1 lues of the article* they are represented tn be msoe ! from iu a highly concentrated form, and are the must' active prei-aratious width can be made. Two u- blespoonstul of tee Extract Sarsaparilla, adde-i to a pint oi water. U equal to tie L-b>a diet drink, and CUBTAJ.\ ASD L hU’jJSi} ;) £. t j.. Brocateiles. ia. • ^ W V ! Satin lie, id.* *.r:.a-e* Satin and Sii ltatmux :*u . Worsted and r«j. c5 icta.* _ ^.4 l. . Coni*; Velvet and plush •• .. . . - **. ’> Shade?, new style. Also, every variety i..-- .- le/., mings and material* for * • < <. ;r*- FLOOR OIL c;.vh;. From two to Twenty fo-: . v : fo. vK m E*>:-m?. cut to u; u .._*. s M w The subscriber wi.. o'-... h u.-.v \. as price* on ail description *: » ;v- 1 quality can be parch*-*: - ■ - N;rJ.*-rnrj ' 1 jgf Carjx-te cut to Iff- a. . . y... part of the city f/ee « ch_:. •. Ay An experienced -*.er a-.tun. 1 •. I makmgand laying o: Carpet- *.L c,te c., desired. Thececorai..u- -. n charge of an Upbobrcr - ^ ,r-, • skilL Vf. ..lK.:.,i|rL’, octjS 140 Cocgri.ri i: Si. Jshes-.-n uctii the Midale Buoy, No 4 U in range w th the { Fluid Exlmet Buehu DR. SANFORD’S I.VVTGORATOII, Ij I S a mild laxative, tonic at<*I .-tiicclitt,tiij I recommended u» the p- . re.jar n«tr.*il trinsic worth in the cure t-f iLi »i:ac* i£i c.'. f t ; Ail BiBious Derangement- 5U k H .julicLe. lj>p I • eia. Habitual Costiveness. CL«ac i-orrig#, to. I • Pain in the stomach and ifow.:-. Grr,4.-alhl-ff* I Female Weakness. Ac. }\: - - by rvrjji.-fi ji I one bouk' loll}- wiuaii tu.muglU o» rutai« Sy t . : B k **' * v”’ “ ’ ' up fcarsaj-arilui or dvcocilou a.-tisuallv p*"- 1 " *^ PRICES: county. do«;o.v.t*l. hold under provi*i n of tho will and by ordei <«r tbo lionwcblc Orditmrv of /aid county-: STEJ'Ili::* McCALL, Bxv. C-;nrrcvlllag<*, Ga., June l.tb, )hW y.-'st KFILIGIOLS WORKS. H hiTORY of the Great Reformation 01 tic.- to-cnUi Ctnt’Try, in Germany, Mwitjy:rlaud,k’:, by J H Merle li'Aublgn**, five rolomea complete* in 0110. Tiie Lie of jhirtin l.uthor, the G- rtcnn Reform er, ia fifty picture*, from doslgte? or Guetav Konig. to which ia added a .-.ketch of tho ri*<: aud *>r*-grt- - Whii B;g '1 uni taut.) t. nut by ? tow it- ton Tt oViurc - ° r lU ' Bo form at ion in Germ say. RSffi&toiK tlw dtyof ’ ' I;r ° an,] 7iruts ,A Ruv -JUijafi Jfo-lding, D D, : ■&2HZS2!X! *»it* **«.«... w *>« Sermous on hover.ti caslon-, by Wutley, A If. iu four volume .Sermon* from the Pulpit, bv J| It Rawom. J> !». L L D. Ufo Oi H Biddieinan, D D, I. i’. D, Lie fit-hup tf the Metho-llit KpLcripal Church, .South, by Rev M M Henkle, D D. .els tu the AL't-ghacy S'ilj*hur and Yeffuw i 1 - 1 -.- tile cliarge from lunl,) take ticket- tu - 5® ■■■ .-tick’.-:-, tu Li.n-.tauithurg • -»-.t. '>>u- wyaiice* will be found i.l tho-.e j.iace- F**r l-rlber information apply 11 L. A. b«XJDVi‘LS, ', r ket Agent h. R. R., Pelcraburg. CHARLL-i C A MI'BELL, h .;i i Richmond .V Duiviile R. R.. Richmond. K. H. GILL, .-up t V. *v i'. K. R., Lynchburg. KKXY. .-T’.MMKK&ON U UJ., nij l'.fo:!:n r fie.i-tle. Virginia. CENTRA/. IIA ibRUA Bi m* PtrAhumou* Work* of the Rev Henry ii Rx-com, j ,Vm S '• Vt n'-hoiM or m. BCTSEES 8AVASKM( AM) MAC0S . CHAN ti b OFbCiMm EKT O N ami after Sunday, tho 11th Uctolser, iusU, and until further notice, the Passenger Trainu ’ ' * a I Railroad will run rw follows : BaxdfofN b#w Inal 0n« month aJt$r <iate- application will bo made to the Mann* Bank of Georgia for the payment of a Twenty Dollar Note. (No. ffdi) on ?ald //on’s, the right hand half of which ha? o**on loa. jy8—ia w—Aw WM. li. 1 TIGHT. Villa itica. July 8,1K50. mriivic. f fAHREK months after date application will be tnado J- to toe Marino Bank of Bavammh. for the p.y- inenlot two Twenty dollar bills, viz : letter B, JfoTO, and letter G. 597. tho IcTt halve* of which have been teat. w.»MKS I*. HUDSON. Tallatnusce. >1a., ihiy 17, lB5»i. Stn~> myilff Kptecoml Church South, edited by the Rev Thuimti* X Ralston, A M. Life of the Rev Robert Newtot., D J', by Tiiu.u.a> i .fackron. ; The Bartbi of the Bible, by George GaiiJJIau. j Th?: Analogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed 1 —to tho Con-titution and Coarse of Nature-, by Jo- I soph Butler, i. J, D, late Lird Bishop of Darharn. j Bipttem—a treatise on tho nature, perjrctuity, ;. abject?, administration, mode, and u-e? of tho ini- ' tiabng ordinance of the Christian Church, by Tho* I (J Kurr.ncrs. ! ikiptUni—with reference to it- imi»ort. modes, history, proper c-e, and the duty of paier.t* to l»ap- tizuJ children, by Juine* 1. Chapman, a mini ter ot the Memphis Confarc-nc* or the .Methoiiisi L'pDropal Church, -South. For solo at 15b Congress street by june'JS AVAR NOCK k DA Vi.-:. Lure Arrive in Mac Lea-/e Maco Arrive in r.\ la. a vi Arriv I/stv» Arriv nUTICE. S I1TV day* ti/wr date, appilcation will bo made to tJio Jlonnrshtu tho Ortlluary ol McIntosh county, tor leave uj sell thu real estate, being In tbia couuly, of thu bite Jame* Smith, known a.? Bjdon (nc«j PUmatioii sold for tho b'-uclit "f tho heirs of raid estate. dean if. dun Woody, JOHN JOXEd, JOHN f. DUNWOtJDY, Darien, July 1, lbW. VEx'ort ’ J Jy* LIBEL FOIL DIVORCE. Hu.txnau.ui>'I 1,. con™ HujKjrlor Codit, ) May Tomi, K69. S T appearing to the Court, from the return ot the •horUT, thattliedefendant, John Cnuly m not t*. found In Coffee comity, und he l* not in lliuKtute; on motion of Win B Gauldiug, attorney for libellant, It is ordered that surviao bo perfected 011 eifol de fendant by a publication of till* order in one or the K bllo' journals of gavannah, onco a inoiith lor rao mouths preceding the next term of this Court, raqoiring said defenaaol to appear at the next term <£ Cottars Superior O.urt, in thu inoiitli of Xovem- twrnoxt, aud llle hi* (l^fena.lve allogatb.n to the cattsa. A troo extract Irorn the minutes oi the Superior Court. Jy2 liW'l) AHIII.KV, Clerk. J ill iJbcrty HujKjrier Court, May Term, I860. UOEb FUR DIVORCE ewilkiosou. ‘ TU. Thou. Wilkinson „ I T apparmg to the (>iurt, by the return ol the Hbariff, iu th* nbove stated case, that the deiced- ant Is not to bo found in tho county, and that lie L not to bo found. In the state; ou motion of Win B Oauldon, oounsol for libellant, it Is ordered that res-, vte* b* perfected on «ald defendant, by u publieiu lion of this notice once a month for three inontfir, next preceding the next terra of nuld fiujiorlor court, raquirlng ula dcrcudaut to bo and appear at th*. next term of Liburty Hop*rior Court to answer In TBo tahl caune* A truo extra*;t from the minutes of wild Huperior Ooart. Jy3 d. A. FlIAaKH, Clerk^ mVoRws. ANN B1I0WN | , n Bullucb Court, WUXIAM if. BROWN./ 3, * rc, ‘ rort "' ,m ' TT appearing to thu Court, by tho return of tho X VMriflT, tort tho defendant, William B. Brown, • *>• fcund In the county or Bulloch; on inn- *w® y IatI B. D'Lyon. Attoroey for the plsintlflf, it iSfdaradthrt thu Uofendant do appear and ttlu nls uawer or dtfcnslvu sV.euutlon. ou or bvluie the ■rtl dajrflfjUo next term or this Oaurt, aud that B UbUcaUoff of this will be juad* iu ouo of the j»nh- B gascMef of the city of Savannah onco a tDoutli for thru tnnpths. AI/MMUKlfroiu 1I10 uiluuux, U1I1 'M duy or Marco, ISM. Jyft—Utn8ni DAVID BUABLKY, c s c u 0. SHIRTS! SHIRTS: l SHIRTS 111 1 HAVK junt received u large ittwoiltueut of white aud figured Shirts, of cveiy quality *ud style, and i uj**.Tbly made, with i'*dlar* to rnaP.h, order* will also be takeu, and Bhirl? made to ..nit any particular *tyle or tart* or the wearer, (.'all at thu Htar Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, my 14 WM. O. PRICK. UF.MOVAL; TbcKubKcribcr has Removed on the Bay, next door to tho Republican office, where he ia now ojn.-niug a! handsome assortment of *S PJ{ IXG AND HUMMER G(X>DS. wliicb he will Fell by tlx pattern or make to oruer in the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for Uu: pre-ent uud coining :-«i>;ou. Tiionkiul for past favor**, he hopes pi uu-rU a con tinuance «f the Maine. X. B.—Cutting, Altering «od Repairing dyne at the rhortcet notice. Ju?t received While Irrlll Coat* and Pnnte, White and Figured Marseille/ Ve-t.?, |br:eileuta t-tnall pro fit. aprjg JOUX W. KELLY. a null Daily at... 5 a M and 12.15 i- u. ..2.15 Y JA “ 1 AM. .11.45 AM •• y.ffu I* M. ivan'll *- "10.45 Y M “ 7.20 a m ii‘.nm.» hava.s.vah am. aiuckta. av.tni.ah 12.15 P A und b.ffu y. m. 0 Augusta H.45 i* M “ 5.ff0 a kUgiym C. a M • 4.50 p m m Savannuli Lite p 31 •* 10.45 p i’.KnVIXV MACO.V AM, Al'OfaTA. Leave .Macon 11.45 a m uud p Arrive in Augusta 8.45 i* m “ 5.S0 a x. IkKIVC Allgu»tlt 0. A il •• 4.1J0 I* .M. Arrive iu Macon 2.15 1* m •• I. ay. MiTWttUV EAVA.VAAU, Mil.I.H^iiVIU.E U KATO.VTO.V. Leave Kavannuh ..5. ^ a y . Arrive in MJUeiigovUlc 2.45 p m. 1 J/i&ve Macon II 45 a m 1 Arrive iu FAitouton f*. p m, ! W. M. WADLKY Ucu'l Bupt. •SAVunuah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1S55. o*:tl5'. i MANGE OF FCHEDULF. OX llih SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over wliic-ii |iii*-,ch trie Gn-nt New Vork & Xew Orleans Alai Is. ii 6 Jf.;; DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON hTREVT NEAR MHOUGmOX. file Hiih.scribcr takes tills opiiortunily to inform hi* friend* ,uid thu public, that lie ia enabled, from experience, end the .Intuitive per*.options of the truths of, aeieneo. baaipl on tl»« common rules of surveying forniM, noth plane nod pphcricul, to cut anil make up gar men la to lit thu iimnau form in the meat complete and 11 e!*hud htyle, to nil who may favor him with a call. Boy*' fancy dreaxoa, Bail coHtumcp, Military and Firemen'* Uniforms, Ac.,<w. I*. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson Bt., one door North of Broughton street, doc 7—ly P A^Kli IlANOl.S'OS AN() HOUDKIM.— JuHt received a great auaertuiunt of thu moat elegant pattern*, with border**, to match, Loin H centK to *2, at CHAFFER k CO.'S, npr.'ih No. ti Whitaker street. U. M. UIUH'KiN," KtJCCKSSOIt TO I.ATB M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan and Whitaker HI rued h. HAS now on hand a beau tile I a.'- -• Norlmdiit ot Jewelry of every dls- criptien and kind worn by Indie? ami gentlemen, and wlllHclIatunusniiUy low iiritv./, I have this day received (per Express) a large Block of elegant giver Ware, couaisUng rff Cnl.u mid Pie Knives, plain and engraved Fish Kaive* und Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks aud H|hk>i»h, Napkin King*, NuliuogGraters, irr.. Ac., all Iu Morcc.roca-,M, und uuitnhl* for pri^viite. I have aiv.u this day received nu addition to my atock of hair work ol light colored Curls, Tc*|*s*y«, Braids, Front Pieciw, Band*, Undo Tom, fo;., which m.w maUw my fiMttoriinetit complete. >>rdera received for any color desired, Watches repaired by and tinder the nuporviffou of tuiff, and all other work done iu a worami.ullke m&tincr, und warranted. may 25 O n conbIonmbFi^ ■m<l btinhold Pritnu Corn; 11** do <’/iw P«mj; A’fiyjok-. ••Palace Mil'.*” Fleer. Vi hby Raw (Tim; >"•'••* Whisky; l> do Doinosllu Brcidy; For salt: lujv, by Jo Iff PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. O N find alter .Sunday, Kelirnary ffd, 1H5G. two daily trains between Macon und Columbus ai.d one between Macon and Ai.ioricua, Ia.*uvc JIacon at 2 a «, and ff p m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 15 a .v, and 10.TO p m ; leave Columbus a* 4 15 M. aud 1 -TO p m;arrive at Macon at 10 54 a y, and 7 4o p it;leave Macon ut 2 .\ it; arrive at Amcri cu* at 8 40 a M: leave AtnericiiH at 2 20 p it; arrive at Macon at 7 40 »• m: making a complete connection be Light, (to avoid two litnj*- iu a direct line, W h, ii S. between the two bttoyp.) wticn -ten tor'll— |M.-aing It to the fouthwaiti. From this buoy a X W by W )g W course will bring >ott into thu Soue By order of the Light Home Board. C. MAXIGAULT MURK!-. J..-2S—U L. H. Tm-p.x'tor, Cth District. Httrsapctrilla $1 t^-r bottle, ore for 55 T TUHlKK! T15IDEK I.‘ HE Undcedgned has just ttceived. i (500) Five Huiid.-ed p.ece? h p.i Certificate: of cures au.i recoaimeudatiocs Irvm • lumber, averaging over tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings vilh*, Wilmington and Charfo-ton;also, with Central Railroad Tram? toKavanuiih, Miilcdgcvillcar.d Kate*’ ton, and with Macon and Western trains te Atlanta Chattanooga, Xarbvilh* and Knoxville. Tonn. At (Joiumhus with Girard and Mobile Ruiiioi,., Kufattlu,, Ala., connecting daily *,t Aiuerict;* tuib four hoire post CoachoH to Tniiah.x?scc, AUmu>, ThotnaAvillc, Ikiinbrldge, \c., with tri-weekly Imcku to Lumpkin, Cutlibcrt. Ac., at Pert Valley with hacks to Perry, Jiuylie?vilie, Jlawkln*vl!le and Knoxville, Ga. i’oiscngci'rt lor Americus and poiM*-. below Fort, Valley, .should take the 12 15 p m linin lr«un Havaii- null;and the 5 pm tr/iiii front Angn.-ta, to.uvoid tic- toulion at Mh’.oii. For other poitil-i on the Fouth- Wc-itcrn tir Muscogee lloads take either Irani from Kavanntili or Augusta. Passengers, leaving Ameii- cu? at 2 20 P M will reach Columbus at 10 ffo »• >t tin: same night. Passengers Irom Columbu* and tho West for Am- cricus, Eoulh-we-tern Georgia or Florhla, should take tho I ffd p m train at Columbu.-', sleep at Fort Valley, and reach Atnuricus ut « 40 a :i next morn ing. First class tteaniHhlps leave Ruvatinnli for New York on Wedncsdttys and Saturday*, and for i’iiila- delplilaou Wednesday*, i'aw age l.t the Cable $25, Eteerage 5b. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah S14 00 “ Columbus •• 10 uo “ Amorictis *• •• 8 UO GLO. W. ADAMS, tiup’t. Macon, January .fotli, 1850. maylO VIRQ INI A C E N T R A L R.ROAD. im uur or i»ct>i!;ty from setiei.Li.ry luibits, 4ic..’liv. In. Cite l the proprietor fu give it every public ity J11 his power. Upun its mtrr.Lj comment U laiuece^sary. ai it-: own worth is it* i»~t euhj^y. It ca'r- rLorwilh It th- evplci::e cf it- ..u^rior exccdliece. tjcc-ly utl.’-t. d (a by thu young, tliooM. ami suort-.- ol fafiuiuw v. ho. prompted hy a c areful regard for tL'-ir health ;.r.;i eoralcrt. :*ru <Ufly adopting it a- an IM;;i... ;• : u.i. Thc-re is p**rhap.-. no I u-p;;.n:.n e:.:..:.; •<, simpiuamlharm- lc-s, yetsaiuviry and c “ - ■ • r - - • more appreciate l or ui.iver-.ullv adopted than the Li jcu 1 omger |.:*inrcd by Heintzolman. For iu.!.- Ijv f. y. IbcFoRD, Druggl-t. Jeloym .-’fevanuafi, Ga. Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MBDIA, DJCLAWAKE CO., PA. MIS.*' MARIA L. E.Vf-TMAXX PmxuiMt. Till- Semit.xry. pjcateil in tho de lightful Mn 1 hi-Aithy village of Media, thirteen miles from Philadelphia, by Railroad, will !»• OPENED OX tVKDXE-'DAY. September 10th, 1855. Tnu commodious budding, nowin ..i lion, wilh uii tins rnotl.-rn iuiproveuit-tds. will he tini.-lmd hv the first of August, and wi.t c/muiu such acroinmfNlation-*. both in jKiitu of ta.-te und rutnfort. a- cannot 1 dl to -.ti>f.v parent' that while their daughters am- enjoying the ber.rht? of mental cul- tore, they have al-o tho comfort* of a refined home. Tlii-- in-iituticnU csuhli-hc-d with a view to afford in young Indie? th • ni ’fit |ierf»-ct combination or ad. vantage-' lur the attainment ol ;i thorough and ae complinhed e iuc-Uiun, ami no pains or expenre will be .-pared to render it in reality what it professes to he. * school of sup..ri'-r in.'iit. Mis.* Karitnan, the J’rm. Ipnl, wa. at the head ol a school in X'ew Ling- land previou-. tuberrc^idfine in Pennsylvania, and for tlie lust fdx years ha* been known tu the pauoiia or Aston Ridge i-Vminary. as tea* her in that in?Uteti'.M. Tho IU llev. A. 1'dtrr, Bi.-hi.po’ tlo- Dn*cc— of JV un?yi\tti.;a -.!>•*>- t **Ml->. 31. J,. r-i-tm ui, who 1-rojHA-cs tu up-n a Y»uiv r . ijc..e.*y .Vm.Jmty m Media, Delaware Co., Pa . ii. :<-i ton.ot-r r.eXt. lia- been known to the sub scriber fo. several years He has a very high opinioteof leu capacity, .’iilvieiiey and ctevoteduess a- an eflueator. plie n,w had a large and hueee3a- lul exjmrienf.e. 'J he nuilding w liicii is to he erected for her u- .i will . c.iitam every acecdumodatiou. Tho village and surrounding eouulry ur»? di.ilifigui.-hed for lina thfuiness and beauty, uud tin- subscriber has confidence that patents who untrn.-t ite cr d.iugUters tu Miss Ka-tinan will have norea on to regret It.” Mi.-.s Ki-tmun wnl lie aW?.J by un effirient eorpa of feachurs. I he French laoeo.ege will he taught and s|tok«*u by a I'a rid uu lady, residing in the lutniiy. The I.ctiu, German, ripahi.-hand Italian languages w ili receive due attention. The Natural Fcienecs will bn laught. with the aid of a large und expensive apparatus. Ti.*- 3111-deni licpurfmcnt will be tmder lire charge oi a lady eminently qualified to till the situation; and u’l preferring a irt**l** JeunJjt-r on the Piano or in Finging, cun have lln* hsneflt of a Visiting Tc*acln*r from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting *a il I oe under thu direction of a I nly accomplished la the art. Tin- number of pupils is limited to forty. The Term.] for Board and Tuition in all thu branch es except Music, uve Si 50 pur bus,don of five months. Mbs Eastman has libe rty to rider to the following gentlemen:— Rt. Rev. A. Potter. D.D., and the Episcopal clergy FRKM!!I 91ILLli\EUl A.\r Dress Making. MRS. FKELLaM' ha.- ojn-a ed at her Room:. No. 171 Broughton .Street, a fin- -elec lion ofEprltig Mllinery. and is . cou-tatitiy re<;ei viug i>ei- steam • . wiio?oxvorth will be er*. new and different stylos of Bmim-t-: uiset. |)re.-* * ' ' - ' and Mantilla (tattern*. •aned aud preyed ns u-ual. ICE PITCHERS.! 1HJUBI.I. Water PI I cite- ra, ftjnie new and beautiful designs. Plated and Br.ta- tiin. At tin* Hiu.-e Furnishing Store. 155 ItRonilllGN STREET. Horace mor-f.. Savttnt.ali, April50. uprffO 1 TO WOOL SELLERS. i|'HK Umlersigiical huve this day opened a i Store in Congress street, ojqaviti* the Market, for the purchase or Word, Sheep .‘kins, Hides, Bees Wax, Iieer Skim, uud Country Produce in general. The highest cash prices will be paid for all the above articles ou delivery .in Savannah. Mr. L.J. Gill.- MARTIN has been appointed as Agent, tu whom all person- having business transact ml.- with the uu- designed may apply. J. W. SMVTHK A tX>. Savunuuh, .May til, 185ft. niaj'20 PIANO FORTES, HAVING lately received large ad ditions to our PIANO FuKTKS, we are enabled to offer ut this time the greatest variety Irom the best manu facturers, from the plainest square to the most elab orately carved, and from .-ix to seveu octaves. Our Pianos are select»;d from tin* manufacturers whom we huve full confidence in, und we are par ticularly requested by them to {rive u guaranty with every instrument sold by o* :•> tegards durability, tnuo, kr. Persons in want of a lir.-l late iurt'uiueut may te- ly with safety upon getting -ueb a out* by selecting from the following makers, whose injtrumeuis we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, viz : II. Wor cester, J. Chlc.keriug it Eon, Nunn? .X Clarke, Bacon k Ravens, II. Water;, and Jlaims. Brothers ti Coin- mine. I. W. MURRELL !i CO. aug 21 ' tOtlL IfETliKW 1 THE ABBOR BILLIARD SALOON. (ITSTA1RS) Corner Roll aud Rrvau flrOt'U, over Ru ber Shop. June 27 ’ J. M. llAYtt’oOD, Agent. JEt JZk. 1? JE5C X3COXJ iS'32 f HOT, COLD AND SIIOWKH. I JJaVK burn asked to allow tho Bath Rooms to 1 emuin open to a later hour than nine o’clock ; I therefore give notice that from tlii- dale the Ruth House will ha ujhiu until eleven o'clock ut idtiht. Price 25 cents. Six ticket] for $1. jo27 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent. distinguished professors aud phyricians will accorr.- ! i ! l-any each preparation. l*roj>are-J and eoid by H. i. UmiBOU- 1 , Practical and Analytical Chemist. 2ftff, Chc.-tnut-.-t., r.c-ir the Girard Houre Phtla. ! To be bad f f \ rcgsiisU-an s Dealers in every--; Ron ot the United states aud’Cau-oias. All letter; for the medicine directed to the prepn- i i ctor receive immediate- auc-ntion. and safe dt-Iiverte-' j guaranteed. sept 1— lv-«:tw i " JOHN 21. MOOitK Ov CO., GIB&jN’S BUILDINGS. PAVAIVNAIL, Gh. ; WIIOL MALE k RE FA IL 1>R VG GISTS ® Would call tiie atte**!k>u c-f Merchants, Factor^, . Planter*, PhysteLuis ami others, to their ex- tensive and well .*elected stock, comprising ; every article Iu their liac ol business, sl-! which they 1 : offer for sale on the mr»=t rcasoi:nblf* term* for cash, ; j or approve*l credit. \ez; paints, varxisiils, gr\*s. e-c White fo-.-.d. PureaudNo. I ; Hemah"aColori. diy , aioi iu oil: Japan. Gqial, and Coach Varnteiu-s ; I ja-cci Oil, Spirit*. Turpentino. Window Giasa. ifot ; tv, Cold lx’al, Paint Bru.-bf *. Sa*li TcL-. a:fo Gla- i jfiers’s Diamondi?. R\MP. MACHINERY AND TANNER- Oll> ' Bleoi'hed Sperm. Whale and lard Oil*, tor burning . , : all description.- «»f oil lor machinery, viz., Patent Oil • ; Unbleached Sperm, lard and Pape Seed oil; a ho ! ! Tanner.-.’ Neats, F*«ot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ AKTICI.ES. Nnuotg-, iia.*-. AL-:p:ce, Onuamon. Pepper, Ginger. Miourd. Saleratu*. S*la. Pcarlash. Sweet Oil, Stan h, i Fig Blue, Matches. Ac. | FUR PHYSICIANS A gnat \anety oi the best French. English, and . Anierlc.m Clit-miiuD. Pharmaceutical Preparation.*, Select ponder?. Surgical Instruments, Vials • .for*, MUctiie Saddle bag*. .VC. Also, CAMPHENE and burning fluid. Any uiif who mar favor them with their orders may depend the.r rvctiving the best attention, and that all good-, luruiahed wiil l.e of a reliable quality. M ACKKIiEL, HEiaJlIVt,. SaUjOX.I - 2 bba large No I iiackerrl. 5 do do No 2 di* 5 dc> do No 2 2 half bhl-5 Blue F'th. 2 do Pickled i K: 1.1. J do No 1 sal Law , 5 quarter bblsNo 1 .Wm-.- 10 foU No 1 Mackr.-t- 10 do No 2 do 5 xits Tongue* and .v. .u :• 1000 lb* cent Fish. F.-r -ate ..». .. yangu .. i-’-U J UST KLCilYED BY LXPfiK-S—tbvrs^til ric-ty <>; Silver ttaie i f tie- tn -st I mtiupl tern ana finish, buffer . uv. - pirV. •: lu.*. ‘ fork.*, knives, forks' and fr.h'.a- forks, cake and pen knives in .ir»ty,t--1 Ards and salt* in all variety E. m p.*iu t“i *w| ornainentAl. <». M. Gi.JVFB M.ivrr-01 the btr il u jyi Cera r Bryan sr.ri Mtyitu-nn | RATES OF ADYERTlSIMl. For m e square, ot 1 m? or less, • f uiy 1f,r larger than Noujarcll, 75 cent* for th-' lird.: cent- tor each subsequent inscrtou.fcr »ry rise than tnc month. All Tabular work, vrut. *..i w.tb -i K. r -}•■ vertisements occupying double c-!.;: -•**'■ charged double the. above rato>. Advertisements of whatever length, Dr «ju| less than one nunth, to be charge-; at »?'*-• - rates. For a longer time at the following r..u* _ No. of Squares | lmo 12 nios 13 mo-1 i r-c • ;«'• n-‘>: l fon. F: I'iiTt f, PiL-iideiil <*T thu I'n'iteil >t.ite*. Hun. S. I*, tlia.-.u, Guvunor ul'O Ho. ' flhm. X. 15. Baker. Fx-Goverimr uf New Hump- Hu;t. M. \t. Tapp ih, M. C. from Now York. Rev. N. Mem,of'Norii-.tewu, Pn. Rev. A. .MuLoud, Clearfield, Pa. I'iems Rnller, Liq., of Philadelnbi«. J. II. f.’kle, E-.q., do. E. tV. Clark, L-.q., do. George Wharton, Jv-q., do. Chrh.tophor l.orser, Potlrivillo, Pa. Gwrgu Wyman, Ft. Louln. Mo. Hun. P. 0. Johiiifoii. Washington, D. C. F<>r further parllculaiy, or lor uiiculars apply to the rrinctjnt, MISS MARIA EASfMAN, JulU cod ffm Media, Delitwuru Co, Pa. PJ31UODICALS. J j UT.YAM’S Monthly Maguaino for Muy. . 1 rank Gazette of Fashions for May. Riai.kwood'd Edinburgh Review lor April. my 11 B randy, oin. whihky and uiim-Poi- hy (uiay'JO) WILUAUM «< RATtiUQ . halo .TCLOTF. Winter Arrunocnttnt— Can litJilinofooirr Jirorot.St. Hcuvy Kail all tlto xvay inHuiilaiiMVllU*, W IIBN tlm PotomuciH cJo-scd with ico this route may hu rulicd on by pyaeongcru. lo pig aura thu cbtiuottlou going North or Boulh. Tho road , _ ia entirely rolahl with a superior T rail an for os I Suvnotmlt. Gordonsvllle. Duriug tho winter tho train will atari “**' * * Irom tho old atatlon, iu Ritlimoud, on Broad street, ut 7 & a 11., piuta tlordoUHviUo at 11 A x., aud arrive in Htaimlouct 1125 I* u. Down train leaven .statin tou nt »'• 40 a :f, pn-mri Gordonsvllln at 11am, and arrivo In Richmond at 2.150 i* u. Earn to Gordonavlllu 1-2 on • > " 5 00 Both Iralnrf arrivo in Gordouaville In ntoplu llmo ! to lakotlin train of tho Orangu ami Alexandria Rail- ; road. Persona who loavu iUcumond at 7X a k.. can taVetho Oritnfio and Alexandria care atOoruono- viib ff tiny chw.ui to do so, uud by that tualn will ! reach Altxiuidrla l»y 3.40 v hut thla oompuuy can i ticket thorn only to GordoiiHviUo. I lf M* D. WHITCOMB, Snpt, - nuylU — April Hite by WARNUCK .V DAVIS, lu\> Cougi gha etreet. DDFi.UUit in .store ami lor sale 125 .u/\ Casks Ohio CuUttvUa iiraudy iu store, t/V fthd t *r nilu by the only regular Agent for CRANK. WELLS k CO. egular Ageut for J. M. EYRE, 04 Bu" street ui, I IrtLK THREAD UAUNTU2TS.-TUe ouly a . XJ artlelc of tbo kind In tho city. For sale by J. W. TURKLKELD, mark* corner ot Congriws aud tVhltuker-sht. A m.HS A POTATOES— 10 IddK Cholco Mercer Potatoes; 25 “ “ KuRMfU Apples. For r»le by marie _ I. A. BROWN. \7arV--2u hah-. Yarn, uasoried mitidierii, in J .-.lore, and for aalo by ,-yH G'tl.WK WKI.IJ5 U 1.0, D tSNABl'R'.rt—5u bale* o-imburgs, GoorglttmiiU- uhielnry, iu stme, nml for aulo In lots to null uy 4, vf. iuse.iaae.bt7, OoflfreM and WhiUukor HmM. iiurchu.-.eis, »yB CRANE, W121.12s At CO. FIXE FAStliOXAItLE CLOTIIIXG, AT REDUCED RATES. B ARGAINS can now bn imd by all those who wish to clothe themselves genteelly, as I will sell the bulauce of my Ready-Made, nt reduced rates on time, und ten pur cent, off for cash. Ca.l and avail youifolfof the rhnuco to obtain good arti cle*. At the Stir Ulothiug Emporium. WILLI A At o PRICK, junw 2- 147 Bay street. F Lul l*..—60 barrels superfine Hour, extra quali ty. Juyt received, and forsnlo by YUNGK A: FRIERiUN, Jy 2 No. c-l Boy street. P'OUK— X 50 barrels Mess Pork, 25 do Prime do i.’milin,’ ami lor sulo bv n»y!4 HULCUMBE, JOHNSON .2 Cu ^lUPERlUlt Clioico Goshen Butter und Duud. O Cheese, received per steamer Alabama by looy&S .!, I>. .IKrt.-'K H AY.—loo biiii-s prime North River flay, laud ing tbl- day from brig Augusta, amt lor sale ou the wliut f In Jy® CRANK, WLl.I.-ffL 1 wJ i Pavilion laices. superior quality; J.MA rt Zephyr Whalebone Skirts; French Liuen Drillings; York Mlila uud Water twist llleuehod shirt- returned ox the option of the purchaser. mahio u ,f. K. UK FORD, A Pul HLCARlFi? HA 1.1., S. K. Corner of^qM Broughton and Rarnurd .Street.*. Savau- v» nail Ua., Whofosufo and retail lfeaiere iu ££ I frog j. Medicine* and Chemical:*, Dye Woods and Dyestuff*, French. English, aud American Perfum ery, Kim- Toilet ai.d shavtug Soap.?, Combs *aud Brushes of every description, Surgical aud Dental Instrument--'. Trusses and .Supporters of all kinds, Spices, Snuff-, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Patent or Proprietary* Medicines of the day, Superior Inks, Pure Wiue* and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, ExtracU for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Arilck-*, kc. ttio“ S. B— K-peckil attention given to the preparation of Physician!;’ Prescription.-, and Family Recipes, ship. Family and Travelling Medicine Case*, With plain Directions for mse, including IHrecttau* for treatment in case? of |>oi-oiiiug. Drowning, kc. ■pfjy /TORN AND COHN AlhlAL—llHJO bus prime Yy Corn, White aud mixed; 50 do fresh Corn Meal u More and for ‘•ale l.y dec *1 *• VPI KV HCTTUV V r<) llK.Ai*ItlSAD 1 l-KlCAb It: • That 1?, If you can see ; aud [if you can't»•»•, y ou can find all kinds ol '• hi l;»s to see.” at the Watch aud 1 Square,.... tu* K $20 2 Squar-i*... 10 22 2G S do .. . 20 27 32 4 do .... 24 32 5.4 f. do ... 27 ?.a 44 d do .... SO 40 :o 7 do .... 32 13 S4 S do .... B4 40 5S c do .... 36 43 61 lu do .... SS 60 64 Jewelry Store of street, next door 1 you cau purchase M’atehe aud Fancy Goods, tut low u.’ the country. W«* have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those fine Steel Spectacles : aL*o, a supply of Co For any time uot above specified, a r^i* 11 ** ci«ai gc will be made. A deduotien ot 25 per cent Iieiu tU-ate'-W . will be nude ou advcrliscnteLU 1 slvely ou tho fourth |>age id the early. AdvcrtUemeut* ordorwt three a * beet urged two-third? the at ove rtics Advertiseuieuu ordered in the Wo. k,y . per square for euc.h in-«rtt-*i. h r ..1 y t.wClt**ta one mouth. For more than cut mouth it 1 r.c a . the rates specified in the above fold-:- cjwcial notice*, IU cents |K r line for the 0 cents t-ir each sul*seqeiii m.-erta v.. u Jia - • . to be subject fo contract. Marriage t< lice* «*• ** neral invitations 50 cents c-ach. Noti-eclarf^ inserted tor less thau 60 cents. Obituary j Ke]>urUs, Resolutioiii. or Procce«iings ot a ^f -.'"i I Association, or Corporation, ordered to w p- 1 * i ed, 5 cent? per lino. .. Steamboats will he advertised^t H‘J S« ; iL - [ fi»r each boat advertised. . I Steamships, where buiota-1* runnuig, Wr uum; ff two or more, $ffOeacb. ,■ lt Auctioneers’ advet'U?ements ju-t to III HI UT. .11,110 II.Util UU'I ..-vwvuvvi.- D. li. Nichols k Co., iu Congress ■ contraft, but to be charged at the rate? P o the corner of Whitaker, where i P®r square. , Jewelry, Sliver Ware, at atiy other.“tore iu Pebble uud Pcrlteopic Ix-tis, which we tire prepartni inserted us other advi-rtisfincnt* The'iMWr, muter tu* circum- u>u-'r>, »-• I' 1 ' o»l iau contract. Professional au«l busine** catd* net ei" line.*, will be inserted at $20 per annum. Calls on j verson- to become car.utaate-**, to be te- to fit in all kind- of frames, at short notice. Our Periscopic l.en.« (1,0 called from ttieir peculiar ?hu|>o) have- uii ailvniitaqe over nil others, il* they have a greater range of focus, so that the reader is uot compelled to hold the book or paper Ht a certain distance from life eye. Full and see. i». B. MCIIGIJ? A* CO. ♦3* No charge for showing goods. Uiar 11 D. B. N. k CO. vlo tu rioVE-JOO wils Kopo, nrioo. ta.Ub, all | J ^,r2B e 1 ’ “buh-IUM. KKLl’v «C. : '' ,,r T ™t! Va "'i'* C £' * “- , variably in advance. ; Announcing cundidafi-* tor oil.i iu udvuucc. I Advertisetm-LL- not marked ou ffo ‘‘D J specified time, 'w ill lie inserted uoul >"• • , imyment cxacunl. , lt yi i When any Hill for two mootfo* n-.u ^ i than contract, amount* to over $«>d. a 25 per cent will he made. %% " r, with pnviiegv cf Rlutk Moire Antique TiimmiUKH Uiuck Elastic Belts; EuglUh ihiead Edgings; Hoaiery, Ribbon;, kc. Just received iter rlemnef Atiuiisrt, •'..“’lrnit JuPJ HkW'IIT ft MORGAN. O aNABDP.Ud—3U bale? 0.-n..burgt, Mowtou nut Tfiomnslon Mills, just received aud for > d by jutmlb CRANE, WHI.IK X 1 tf. & f VRl’l’ AND MOLAisSIvS.—60 hills choice Now ) OiltfxiiH tyrup, 76 do ill# Mulasrer, Jtn t nolv od mid for sale by jy7 RUtAMuN, JullNNHiN \ iWn’y Li.triVi—it?store imTBir aale by 1 juuttJ PA DEI,FORD, FAY k CO. U' C ORN—In store and for sale by •u ir*» f. ) ! vKi'PfcdS’i-R.UN (LS “MERCER UNIVEKBITY, PKXFIELI), DA. FACULTY. rtubunitM. N. >1. CRAWFORD, D. D ruuviMiwns. Colic* tre. d. P. OXFORD, A. M.. Muthetuutics. J. K. WIU.LV, A. M., Cbeuiistry and Natural Phiio:vphv. 11. IL Tl'CHKR, A. M., Belles l.ettr«-K. U. W. WISE. A. M., tlroekund ioUu L-inguitec.*. WILLIAM G. WUUHF1X, A. B., Modem Uinguages. Tricolor leal bemtnary. N. M. GUAWFOUH, D. D:, Ecclesiastical History uud Uihlioul Literature. Wlf.IJAM «11.1.1AM-, .1. M., Systematic uud I’a.-torttl Tlnvtiogy. AemUtuy* THOMAS A. SEALS Principal.* The Commencement L held ou tbo iual Wednesday luJuiy. lliorioxtToitn will ooiumeucu ou tbo lost Wwl. nesday la August. Tho price of Board lu tho villagoltt ilo por month ; washing, room rent, fuel, &u., $3. Uy order of tlio Board of Trustees. taylSSm S- LANDRUM, tiecietaiy. C TTiiA nOLISSfiS^Mii - awgVof tno ung K. 11. Union- oriupOTlof QMiltr. PorMUi ky airu n fionrao, r*» * 00. •• - ■■ s UIUI-. .** t.\ t-i-y uildltinuul siltlnu-fiimrai-U’-l | , r '- 11 ’ i ed one hull'the above rate.*, additional. , t . , Yearly advertisers shall be limited in ‘ wr; w contracted tor. All contract* s, J a ''.JL,yh i *tating definitely the nature o: the »>u a i advertised. Any advertisements uot p* i nested with the business shall beelwrg ly, und also uuy excess of matter over contracted for. ,, linr iorly. Contract advertisements wyahh s^r ft) lisetnenls from strangers ;unl tM-u^ *. j { t(l payable In ad vauce. All others wUI " c ‘ due whou called for. . .. , ! . < imiO'* Regular advertisers aud uUoUa..^«“ u j 8 c4 jg in indentions or requiring uotices aewfete pu ^,-<t toutinn to fairs, cvuccrw, soirees, or ^ tertammocts, where charges * r « eV fryB* tmice—all uoticee of privute asswiam « ' uverW* ticc desiguetl fo call attefitic-u to I’D''urttute calculated or lutemled fo promote rosu, cau only be inserted with the tmd that the panto is .to ho imid for. •ii.# tiiKte editorial colutnu (tvbicu can booh 1 ) “ ‘ pjitth tion ol the editor*-) the saute will be cbnr^ rate of uot less thau 20 cents P cr ‘“Jf*,- rri.\VivW The undersigned, publishers ot IWjf ' 1^ uiirtclTiw Mrictly i» »illi» [ c Ip ino „ dmrgeri.nml Iu nolw-muot-lorfeTki Ibe ttbi've rule.- » Kv ilievW'f tu uuutluue bluiUu^, until ebnutob > majority ortho undeiJigncu. *»* tij N. IL—This schedule shall not lu .i c integrity of existingconuac a tho year or any other spocified t|n‘°* ®“* ^ tf with tho expiration of tho period for ’ W *l“S'te i lp 0.^44 *+**!■ Sixmo s Sim, HtjitiMican;. Mourn®* * wmonwHi tftflwV