Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 01, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVin [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.t FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1856. limittlllM & J01IIML lulHi rljiUon Price* of Sunuiimh Papers By common uudorvtaudlug, Uie proprietors ami publisher* o( Uie three paper* Issued In Savannah, bare adored the following unir riu rates oT sub scription, to Uko efibot this day: Dally Paper, per annum, in advance to oo Trl-Woekiy “ 4 00 Weekly, wuglu copy, lu advance 2 00 Weekly, five ooploe, to oue address 8 00 Weekly, wght “ “ “ to oo Woekly, tea “ *• “ 12 00 Weekly,tweuty “ “ “ UO 00 When net paid vrltbln one month from the time ofsub<critMug the charge Ihr the Dally will be teirti dollars, an«t tbr the Trl-Weekly/w. The WWiy will be sent only to those who pay in advance. The paper will Invariably be duuxmtmed upon ino expiration of the time Ibr which It has beou paid. Tbo above rales to lake effect from and after ibis tala ALEXANDER & SNEED, Republican, H. B. HIUTON* ft CO., Georgian t£ Journal, THOMPSON it W1THINGTON, tome. Savannah, July 1, 1850. FRIDAY, Two O’clock, P. M. Tub First Dale.—Messrs. Hunter A Gam* raell have to-day received from Messrs. Hughes A Daniel of Columbus, Ga., a bale of now Cot ton raised on the plantation of Mrs. A. 12. Shop- hard, Stewart County, Ga.—classing wlddling fair, and sold to F. R. Shackelford at cents Watct.—We have been requested to call the attention of those who have charge of the water of the city, to its proaent condition. In many parts of tho city it is utterly unfit for any kind of use. The smell is so offensive as to render any thing like bathing in it Impossible. We have complaints from the Eastern end of the city, and the upper part of town. We are inclined to think that in those localities where very little water is used, it becomes stagnant and putrid. It should be tbo duty of the officer, to whom tho charge of these matters Ls given, to let the water out of^the pipes at least once a week, or oftener if possible. Wo are very cer tain that in gome quarters of tho town, where very few avail themselves of the advantage of this great addition to our comfort, that there would be no material change of the water In the pipes by the present daily use, lu some lo calities, for a month at a time. It should l>c allowed to discharge Itself. Getting Ahead 1—The Georgian of yester day morning contained three days later news (torn Europe than was published In either of the other city papere! will our Wends let us into the secret of their facilities l—Republican of this morning. The fuctis, neighbor, wo were a little ahead of the music yesterday—owing to a mistake In decyphering telegraphic hieroglyphics. The departure of the Niagara for Liverpool was In terpreted Into the arrival of the same steamer from Liverpool. “Accidents,” Ac. Chatham Inf.' Conrt«Jnly Term, 1800. Satubday, July 26th, 1850. The Court met pursuant to adjournment, f Present, their Honors. William H. Cuyler, James fi. Godfrey, Montgomery Camming, Justices. Ordered, that this Court (Justice Cuyler dis senting,) adopt tho plan of D. Lopez Cohen, for a new JaU ; and ordered further, that one hundred Dollars be paid by tbo County Trea surer when in fhnds. to Mr. Cohen, and thatthe plan be deposited With the Clerk of this Court os the property of the County. True extract from the minutes. W. H. Bulloch. Clerk, I. C.C.C. At the requestor one of the Justices of the inferior Court, [we publish the foregoing; it 4honld have been done before, hut from acci dental olrcnmstancoa was delayed. Strange.—That any editor of a newspaper should be so ignorant as to say— “ Thurloxo Med, the editor of the Albany Evening Journal, the leading organ of the Bu chanan Democracy of the State of New York, thus comments upon Mr. Fillmore’s Albany speech: Everybody ought to kuow, aud very few don’t know, that Thurlow Weed aud the Alba ny Evening Journal are supporters of Fremont Washington Correspondence' Washington, July 28. 'the Brooks and Burlingame case has assuni. ed another phase. The card published In the /hUlligtnctr of to-day by Mr. Burlingame, with the Hon. L. D. Campbell’s explanations and additions, seems to remove cutircly front Mr. Burlingame the responsibility for the folly of fixing lora Uostilo meeting so remoto aud im possible a place as was designated, and to put it upon Mr. Campbell—who, indeed, seems ea ger to get well Into tho snarl. He will doubt less bnvo his wish, and perhaps a little more than his wish; for it seems certain that his mettle will lie put to the test. Mr. Campbell bus long been looked upon by his freesoil brethren ns a fighting man. He fmsuowpluced himself in the tearful hands of Mr. Brooks, the champion of Southern rights; let us see wheth er bo will cxtricut* himself with any more glory than he has acquired for his friend Mr. Burlingame. A few days ago, Mr. Vanderbilt, the enter prising “Commodore” of New York, came down all tho way from Gotham, on one of his beautiful steamers, aud made himself generally agreeable to members of the Senate and House, aud to tho press and citizens generally, by showing them all tho many charms of bu steamer, and also by entertaining them with various agreeable solid and liquid refreshments. The Commodore, of course, became at once immensely popular. His kiud hospitality im pressed the unsophisticated hearts of our people, and all wero high in their praise ot his disin terested liberality. Yet this morining some were so ungrateful as to whisper that the Com modore was agreeable for a practical purpose, when Mr. Clayton presented a petition from the said Commodore, accompanied by a hill, drawn by tho Beuutor, authorizing the Post Muster General to contract for the mail lict ween New York and Southampton. Can Senators W so hard-headed as to allow the Commodoro’s hospitality to go unacknowledged'( Assuredly not. Let him nave a fat contract. Are not your loaders, liko Mr. Toombs, tired of hearing aud reading of Internal improve- meutH V l have no doubt of it *, but I will ven ture again upon the subject, on the supposition that, they are also, like nim, still more tired of the improvement bills, and still opposed to their passage. This morning in thej Senate, Mr. Stcuart, of Hichlgau, reported a bill appropriating $50,000 for improving thehurbor of Grand Ulver,Michi gan. in 1865, the Secretary or War communi cated to Cougress among tbo usual estimates, an estimate by the Topographical Engineers, ot 120,060 for tho Improvement of oaid harbor for teat year, aud Mr. Steu&rt admitted, in his re marks In favor of the bill, that the engineer who had surveyed the harbor, thought that 1160,000 would be required to complete It; yet, m hu opinion, ho said tho amount named in tile bill would be sufficient. He was supported by Me. Cass, wlw lays htmseir liable to the charge now mudo against him by Old Whigs, thflt,.hav- lug no louger'a possibility of a Presidential nomination,he is willing, tor the sake of pleasing n‘- internal improvement constituents, and of thereby securing hlmioli for the rtstor his life um . lu 1110 Senate, to make use of the old whig means, bo long ami so strongly advocated hy Uuy, of developing and improving the com merce or tho Union. Seuutor Toombs strongly opposed the bill, the opimnents of such bills, The said, used to com [jlaiti ot want of knowledge of the estimates upon which they wero formed, and for that among others,opposed them. They were ^Uniates mudo by engineers. JJdtoia t oUUittoUieMi Now they are told inn oi !■ ^fi this case amount- log to liCQ/WQ—aada by scientific,experienced men, are loo large, and that thoy may trust to the opinions of individual Senators, in judging of the propriety or impropriety of mukiiig the appropriations, lie wanted better safeguards ugnhiat abuse than that, fearing that such moderate appropriations, founded on such opinions of Senators, might l>o too often reqnlr- Dtiring a debate iu tho House to-day, in l lie Committee of the Whole, on tho Army appro priation bill, a free light on Kansas affairs was gotten up very unexpectedly by Mr. Bhermun, of Ohio, who moved an amendment, providing that no part of the appropriations niado Khali )jo used for the enforcement of the enactments of the Shawnee Mission Kansas Legislature, until the House shall have declared Whether or not that Legislature is valid. Mr. Stephens, of Goorgiu, declared that the House Imve no l ight to do any such thing. Mr. Sherman declared that the Semite Kansas hill, just passed, does precisely the same thing. This Mr. Stephens denied. The House, he said, can. when judi cially informed of the existence ot uncomtUu- tional laws in the Territory, abridging the free dom of speech and of the press, abolish such laws; hut it cannot declare invalid the Imdy en acting them. That was for the executive of Kansas and for the Courts to decide nt ilte time of the election of those composing the body; and that decision bad been made. Thu Senate, he said, had not proununced the Shawnee Mis sion Legislature nn unlawful body, hut had voted to abolish such of its laws as iu their opinion, were unconstitutional; having previously assur ed itself of the existence of such laws. .i Imcauti ai.. Washington,.Inly *2l». lu the Semite to day, quite au unexpected check was given to the internal improvement torreut, which lias of late broken so wide a cre vasse In the levee, lmilt up in time past by veteran Democratic hauds, to resist the once strong curreut of Whig doctrine. A bill was reported by the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce appropriating $10,000 for tho con* structlou of a harbor at New lhiffulo, Michigan- It was presented with that calm confidencejjf success which bus appeared from tho beginning of the improvement mania,in what Mr.Toombs today characterized as the coalition, the com. bhmtiou of Free-soilers, Abolitionists. Whigs and,Democrats. Tho same form of what was thought useless opposition to u foregone con clusion, which those opposed to these bills have been following from tlmmitstart, was duly fol lowed iu this cuse. Estimates were cuilsd for, and found to luivu been made three years since, on surveys made six years since. The usual objection, made to all the former hills, that lapse of lime may have made gicat changes in the condition of things, was mudo again. Mr. Clay read tram the re port of the engineer by whom the survey was made, to show that the harbor was iuteuded to create u trade where none now exists, but whero it is hoped it may spring up alter the construction of a suitable harbor. Mr. Toombs thought tliut that iuct showed great shrewd ness uud foresight iu those who were interested in getting the appropriation. It reminded him of the custom in his country of putting n rag ou a pole and setting it up to draw the martius to fight the crows. At this point the “Little Giaut,” who perhaps Aa* still some Presidential aspirations, rose und declared the whole thing u useless expenditure ot money, as the harbor would be worth nothing if built. This settled the matter. The bill was immediately rejected, by a vote of 21 to 17. This sudden oppositon eumo, moreover, at a very opportune moment, a largejiutnbcr of Northern Senators being ab sent. Andrew Jackson, Jr., who wrote a letter a short time ago, complaining ot the publication of a number of his father’s private letters, with intent to injure Mr. Buchauan by taking advan tage of somo casual expressions of the old Hero’* disfatisfaction, on account of Mr. Buchanan's course, has published a second letter on the ... * . .......•• ftpeclfi- * Jack- - manner. Blair’s Free-soil adherents, however, produce a letter from General Jackson to him, leaving his reputation to his care, and authoriz ing him to publish any and all thiugs written by bim ad libitum. Mr. Hives, the present sole proprietor of the Globe, took the samo liberty as that for which Mr. Blair is blamed, years ago, in a controversy between himself and Mr. Ritchie, then of th* Union; but us Mr. Rives has not got off the track, still stick* to the old Democratic party, and can’t be spared—and inasmuch, besides, as he made no injurious use of the Jackson and Blair correspondence, no re proach is cast upon him, unless he consider hlmselT included in the vague designa tion «r “Blair A Co.” Impartial Got Simon 1—JohnsingJ. Hooper, the author of that inimitable biography, the Life of Cap talu Simon Suggs, ot the Tallapoosa Volun teers, Is editor of the Montgomery Mail, a pa per most outrageous in its abuse of Buchanan- Five years since the same gentleman, then a Whig, as ho Is now a Know Nothing, edited the Chambers Tiibune. Unfortunately for Hooper, somebody has been lately turaiug over the old files of the latter—when what should turn up, but the following editorial, written by the present editor of tho Mail “Hon. James Buchanan.—We publish below an admirable letter from this distinguished statesman, [letter in regard to tho Compromise of’60,] which, iu the present Junction of af fairs, will be read with great pleasure aud sat isfaction. The position of Mr. Buchnnnu, throughout tho whole agitation wh ieh 1ms shak en ana convulsed tbo country, has been uni formly CONSERVATIVE and PATRIOTIC, and as Kuch has won not only the APPROBA TION but the APPLAUSE of liberal and high- toned men, in every portion of the Union ! He is opposed to further agitation upon the slavery question, anil to the modification of tho Fugi tive Slave Law, and condemns without reserve tho factions and cornipt demagogues of his own'State, who, unmindful of good faith and the obligations of the Constitution, still persist in keeping open a question full of mischief and daugcr to the South. “The course of Gov. Johnston Is expressly re feited to by Mr. Buchanan iu terms of clear and decided coudemuatiou. The efforts of Johnston to conciliate the lreesoilers and abolitionists of Pennsylvania, and his avowed determination to evade if not destroy that feature of the‘Coni- iramlse’ which makes it even tolerable at the Jouth, have drawn upon him very justly the ind'g'.ration and censure of patriotic men like Mr. Bucnanan. With leading statesmen in the North, standing in such attitude before the coun try, proclaiming such sentiments as Mr. Buch anan does and has dono, sinco tho begining of the slavery agitation in 1835—with the glorious results whioh have lust taken place in Penn sylvania, worthy to be known aa tbo Keystone State—the South may still hope that “the fatal question of slavery will soon be finally settled aud placed at rest.” Gov. Shannon’s Sucoksbok—A dispatch from Washington, Hpeaklug of Gov. Shannon’s successsor, nays: Col. John W. Geary, of Pennsylvania, is a lit tle les9 than forty years of nge, aud has held high civil and military positions. He was born iu Pennsylvania, graduated at Jefferson Col lege, in State; was for many years a civil engineer; was selected to be colonel of the second Pennsylvania regiment iu the Mexican war, where he distinguished himself by great bravery and military skill; was appointed by President Polk, 184§, to proceed to California as Poitmaster of San Francisco, with the extraordinary comlsaion to arrango the postal matters of that State: was subsequently ap pointed by General Riley to be a Judge, or Al- cade, in and for the district of Sou Franclscor with power to organize und establish a nnlico forco for that city: and was elected flint Mayor of tho city of San Francisco under n city charter, and was appointed by the State legislature as a member of tho -Board of Commissioners- for the funded dept. He is rep resented as ad mirably fitted for the wise discharge of the duties of the office to which the President has appointed him. Virginia Copper.—fhe Cranburry Copper miues near Hillsville, Va,. are yielding 11 vo tons of or* per week, and working fifteen men. Tho Wild Cat mine employs sixteen men and yields six tons of or* per week. At the Ann Phipps mine* eighteen bauds are employed and six tons of copper raised weekly. A lump of ore has been taken out of th* last inuned mine weighing 2000 pounds and worth 1900. I'KlifV-I'oiiiHi I'oiigrcNM— Kirs! Session.* Washington* July 2s, ♦ SENATE. The hill to uineml the Diplomatic and Consu lar system was taken up und considered. .On motion of Mi\Pugh a’resolution was adopt- edaml passed,requesting the President to lu- form the Senate whether'any application has has been made to him by tho Governor of Cali fornia to maintain the laws and peace of that State against the usurped authority of the Viigihmce Committee of San Francisco, and uIho to communicate whatever information ho may have respecting tho Vigilance Com mittee. Mr. Clayton presented the petition of Mr. Vanderbilt, praying for tho passago of a law authorizing tho Postmaster General to contract with him for carrying tho mail in steamships from New York to Southampton. Mr. Claylou also introduced a hill, which was referred, proposing monthly trips for ten years at a compensation of $ltl 08U the round trip, tho Government having tho power to increase the samo to semi-monthly service by giving suffi cient notice, und to appropriate to its use any •r all of tho sleamriiips at u price to bn agreed upon by tho Secretary of tho Navy unit Mr. Van derbilt, and in case of disagreement. their price to be determined by valuation. The bills nrnkiug appropriations for the con struction ol harlKirs ut the Grand River nud Reach Lake,Michigan, wero passed. Adjourned. norat ov urpheskstati v k». Thu Uouso passed by u vote of 117 against 4$, the bill appropriating $200,000 for the im provements of the Pc* Moins Rapids ill the Mis sissippi River. Mr. Dunn moved to take up the Senate's bill, providing for tho admission of Kaunas Into tire Union, Ids intention being to oiler a substitnte, recognizing tho Territory, restoring the Mis souri Compromise, mid dismissing indictments for treason. Tho motiou was negatived by u vote' of 1011 against 72—-not two-thuds. Tho House thou wont into Committee of the Whole on tho Army Appropriation bill.. Mr. Shermuit, of Ohio, oflbred an amend ment, that no part of the military force of the United Stulcs shall bn employed to aid in tho enforcement of tho alleged laws of the Legis lative Assembly convened at Shawnee Mission, until Congress declares whether those laws were passed by tho Legislature chosen in conformity with tho organic law; and until Congress so declares,that it shall bo the duty of tho Freni- dent to use the military force to preserve peace, suppress* insurrection, repel invasion, and pro tect tho persons and property of tho citizens of the Territory, on the highways of Missouri, und elsewhere, against unlawful search and seizure; und that lue 1'residont disarm the pres ent militia, recall till Uultcd States anus, and prevent armed men from going into the Terri tory to disturb tho public peace, or enforce real or pretended laws. The Chairman,Mr. Lester, decided the amend ment out of order, but was overruled by a ma jority of two. Mr. Sherman suid his amendment was just, fair and honest, and would do more for the set tlement of the Kutisas difficulties than all tho bills for that purpose put together. Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, contended that Congress had no right to decide on the validity of the laws of Kansas. That was a question for the Judiciary. He was for the people of the Territory governing themselves. Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, iuslsted that It wnsthobounden duty of Congress to protect the citizens iu all tho rights guaranteed them in the organic act. They were controlled by despotism and usurpation, aud be was not wil ling that the Federal troops should coerce them after they hnd been trampled down by marau ders. Mr. Stephens replying, said be believed that tho Nebraska Kansas bill was a proper ono, und would have admirably answered tho pur pose for which it was designed, had its opera tion not been obstructed by those who opposed in the beginning and clamored against it throughout. Mr. Phelps, of Missouri, remarked that Mr. Sherman's amendment wasvlolativo of the Con stitution, which instrument guaranteed the right of the people to bear urns, and provided tor the maintenance of militia. Mr. Ghidings was opposed to glviug the Ex ecutive fufids to support despotism and usurpa tion. Ho would not veto a dollar for the army without limiting tho appropriation. Mr. Smith (Va.) wished tho country to know that a party in tho House designed to stop tho wheels of government, and forco the Senate into co operation with a measure uot practicable, and tho only effect of which will bo revolution, and, he would add,moral treason. Mr. Davidson of Louisiana said the “Repub licans” proposed attaching to this bill an objec- tlonahlc feature,to which they knew the Semite could not and dared not agree. It was treason thus to pass appropriation bills. Lot them stand on her merits. Mr. Warner, of Geargia, maintained that there was no power in Congress to pass ou the validity of tho laws of Kunsos—■that it was for the Judiciary to do so. Mr. Sherman’s amendment was adopted by 88 against 40, when the Committee rose. Ten thousand extra copies of the report of the Committee on the Pacific Railroad wero ordered to lie printed. The House then took a races* till 7 P. M. EVENING SESSION. Mr. Talbott, of Kentucky, avowed his confi dence in the Democracy, characterising tho Know Nothing and “Republican'’ parties as re volutionary, and antagonistic to tho best inter ests of the country. Mr. Dowdell, of Alabama, eulogized State Rights doctrines as a remedy for tho evils re sulting from anti-slavery funatlcisiu. lie pro- forma that tho whole Slavery institution be abolished at one blow than its boundaries pre scribed by legislative act. He advocated tho acquisition of Cuba. Mr. Whitney, of New York, entered into au argument to show that the Roman hierarchy claim supremacy over the civil laws of every country, yet for this there arc apologists and advocates in Congress. Mr. Cruigo asked what practical legislation the Amorican party proposed against Catholics. Mr. Whitney replied, none at present; but they wished to amend tho Naturalization laws, watch, to n great extent, would reach the evil. Ho contended that the Pupal power opposes civil and religious liberty ana the spread of in telligence. It therefore ought not to be en couraged os a political elemeut. Mr, Bennett of- Miss., said, in his judgment the “Republican” party was purely sectional, and if successful, tuo result would be the des truction of the Constitution nud tho Union. On thehcadaof member* who formed the Con gressional Aid Society, including Messrs. Banks aud Mace, rests the responsibility of oil nets of outrage in Kansas. Tho Republicans do not desire the bleeding wounds ol that territory to bo healed. They want to keep them open for political excite ment North. Nobody supposed Fillmore stands a chance of election, lie believed that the Know-Nothings prefer Fremont to Buchan an. Congressional, Washington, July 20—Senate.—The Sen ate refused to ongross the bill appropriating $75,000 towards testing the practicability of tho Atmospheric Telegraph. Several Western harbor improvement bills were passed. House.—The Hou&e considered the army ap propriation bill. Mr. Barbour’s ameudmeut, declaring the territorial laws of Kansas null and void, was rejected. Mr. Shermun’s amendment, declaring that a military forco should not ho employed in Kan sas uutil Congress decides on tbo validity of the Territorial laws, was concurred in. The vote upon Mr. Barbour’s amendment was reconsidered in committeo of the whole, and au amendment was adopted as a substitute for it, providing for freedom of speech and the press, abolishing test oaths, dismissing all political prosecutions against prisoners, and re storing the Missouri Compromise. NO. 12036. MukRmh of a Woman—The Detroit Free Press of the 28th lust., has au account of the brutal murder of “Emma Smith,” a gil l of ill fame, which has created much excitement in that city. The body was round ou tho 20tb, horribly mutilated, with tho head cut of)’. The real nmuo of the unfortunate wouun was Elite K. Price, The Free Press says t “Three weeks ago yesterday, a stranger called ut Uie house whero she lived, and invi- ted her td ride with him in a chaise, tolling her to di^s in hor best, and to put on all her Jewelry. She accepted the luvitation, nnd dressed as desired, displaying her jewelry to ud vantage. “In the evening tho tuau returned to his hotel alone, sending the howo and chuiso to the livery stable at which they were owued. Tho same night, at aliout 11 o'clock, he informed two police officers thut a girl had robbed him of $000 uud offered them $100 if they would arrest her. Incited by tho rewttrd, they made diligent search, but without avail. The next moruing,' (lib stranger, on pretence of seeking for the girl, left the city, ami has not been seen since. It is suppose that he murder ed tho girl for her jewelry, as none of was found upon her person. She was in feeblo health, and is said to have lieen one of the boat behav ed ef tho class of unfortunates to which she be longed. She was about 20 years of ago. “The nfinjr created much excitement in our city yesterday, and n number of truthless sto ries were curreut. A paramour of the girl was arrested, but no evidence could be adduc ed to implicate him in tho aflktr: on tho con trary, he was provide vrit]i shulcleut evidence to place himself beyond Suspicion.” A Poor C’LEnav—The Bishop of London re tires from the duties of his late see, on a pen sion of £6,000 perjiunuml The Bishop of Dur ham also retires oil a pension of £4,500! Meek and lowly followers of Him, who “had not where to lay His head.” Intercourse Resumed.—It is stated that Mr. Lumley and one or two of his associates of tho British legation have returned to Washington, aud,thut communications have lately beeu ex changed between tho State Department and the legation, showing a resumption of intercourse. Acquittal of Daniel Jahuee.—WwAiog- ton, July 20—The jury in the case or Daniel Jarbee, charged with tho murder of Nally who seduced his sister,cumo in this afternoon with a verdict of not guilty. Going jt to Vhr Death—The Saudy Hill Herald states that at tho funeral of an aged respectable citizen of Warren county, N. Y., on Sunday, the 13th inst., the officiating clergyman after tho close ol his sermon, presented a large package of Black Republican papers, uud lay- mgtfhemopou (Ue table, requested the audi ence each to take a copy as they left the house. Explosion ou the Empire State .—Full River, July 29.—Two more of the injured have died sinco yesterday, making eleven deaths thus far. Of eleven others who were Injured, it Is thought four only can recover. [second dispatch.] iVew fork, July 29—Fourteen persons have died from the accident on the steamer Empire Stato. A prayer for rain offered in the Episcopal church, Lynchburg, Va., Sunday last. Commercial Intelligence. WANTED. T it. ad us ntii -d, in gn u» iiiiihI rive riffcrouce nt (o Ktj'jiilru of a*. 1). HRANTLY AGO., Aligns! 1—« Ho Ik-wi’s New Iliilliliug. 4 width woman i Hniiitwick. « acter, K.uqulro ol' M , TO IU3NT. A STORE In Gibiion's Jtsugo, between Oougress ati 1 Hi. Julluti streets. Posses sion given linmoillatoly. Apply to august 1-vtwJ II CUAIMING. jpHIME TViiaossce Btcmt, Hhouldurn nud Osar Savannah Market, August 1* COTTON.—No transactions re|torted In tills article tills fominou. ./ Exports. PHILADELPHIA—Per xclirFsuui*, 18 bales Sea Island Cotton, 72 baler Cotton Waste, 18 bales Hag?, 20,044 fuel P P Lumber, 11 boxes Wiuo, 0 baskats Champagne, 10 blacks Tenuosseo Marblo, 9 bales Ropo Outings, 103 tons Railroad Iron, NEW ORLEANS July” 6.—Coirox —Thoro bas beou some luq'Ury, but It has resulted In sales or barely £00 SOU bales at previous.rates: Inferior. DM 08 Ordinary 8HO0 UoudOrd.... 7>JfS) 9X Good Mid.... 10 Middling....10KO10X GoodMld’llugU><fS)ll>S Mid’gFalr..l2 O — Fair, “ 8TATKMKNT OF COTTON. Stock ou band 1st Seplomber, 1855 bales 38,201 Received since 1,750,000 Uocolvod to-day ... 11 1,788,818 1,770,820 897—1,706,353 Exported to dal u Exported to-day.... .... Stock on hand uot aleurcd 17.094 Sugar and Molaskes.—TUq market for both those articles contluuos quite dull and wo bear of no trnnBoctlons of Importance on the Lovee. Whisky.— 1 Thoro is some speculative demand aud wo hear of several hundred bbls soil, part to ar rive, including 4u0 Extra Rectified at 32a33*{c, and 100 ou the fp jt at 33c. Coffer—Dull and only 100 bags Rio (inferior) sold nt 8>{u, Balk Kupk—10,^c oftored fop 600 colls baud spun on the Levee. Fomina—Some little cotton shipped to Liverpool 7-lfld. Exchange-- 1 Trannactlous limited. Sterling 9>£ a 10 per cot pm Francs 6.11H a 6.10)* pr dollar New York Sixty Day Bills 1, l?*a l)i pr ct dls Now York Sight Chocks par n }{ pr ct prem NEW YORK, July 28--.Cotton—'There is uo change to uotlco: ovcrvthlng U iu aa Imperative state, caused by the extreme heat, and the adhor- reuce or holders to tltolr former pretentions We roport tho b.adsor sales nil follows: NEW YORK CLASSIFICATION. N.Orleans Upland. Florida. Ordinary 10 10 Middling lift lift Middling Fair... 12)4 12ft Fair. 12ft 12ft Corves—'Tho recent oxtcusfve purchases aud the aunorncement or an auction to-morrow, together with tho oppressive heat, has given a pauso for a moment to tho animation In Rio descriptions. Prices continue as bororo. The sales are 60 bag3 Rio nt 10c., 350 mats Java at 14fto. Sugars—A bllstorlng sun prouts tbo usual dock recounolterlng which l.s commonly indulged iu E rior to purchasing landing cargoes; a moderate uslness has nevertheless been done at tbll prlcos; sales ol 700 hhds, mostly Cuba at 7ft a 9c., nud 86 boxes Havana at 8ftc. Kick—ls dull butHtond.v,at4a4ftc for common to prime. Mobile. JcTexus 10 10 lift ]X 7 < 12ft 13 13 13ft SAVANNAH, AUGUST 1,1890. Mans. Editor* of the Georgian and Journal: You w.ll plca-e Inform my customers, through your columns, that I am unable at present to servo thorn with Bread, as I cannot nbtalu auy ono at present who understands the business. I Uopo they will make arrangomeuts fur bread uutil 1 ob. talu my bnultli and strength, at which timol will bo bnppy to *crvo them ogalu. august 1—1 W. J. CLAGIIORN. FOR SALK. TViiaosseo BiCGit, H‘ Sides. Also, Corn lor Kale. jy2«-d WAV k TAYlXm. ALT—K,C<kfsacks l.ivct pool Salt id stoic,lor sals Jy at) ROIWKIH, NORRIS fi Co. L EMON SUGAR—A new article for making lem onade without lemons. 50 cases Just received nn i for kiiIc by JyUO KOIKIKRS, NORRIS k Uo. K KCRIVKB tbls-day p?r sioninor ALbantu— Ik-cker* Hi-ir-ralsing Flour, Ulmltfe Table Butter k Cbeoao, at BARRON’S Family Grocery, Jy Oft Comer Whitaker Si Ulmlion sis. QIN’ 1 »iuT;A—RCceiveil per steamship Alabama, O from New York— •’I Firkin-. Choice GimIu-u Rutter, 6 boxes Pine Appl • Cboese. 10 boxes Cream Uunnso, 5 barrels Unions, II boxes Lemons ami Oranges, 2 barrels Stuart’* celebrated Fynp, and A quintal* New Codfish, for sale at .1. ll. JfcMEE’S, jy lu Urougbteu street. E3XICCUTOH** HALE. B Y virtue ofon order passed 7th July, 1S&D, by the Court of Or liu try of Wayne Comity, will be sold on tho first M mday iu October next, be tween tho usual Iioui-j ot sale, before the Court House door iu Wnyuosrillo. the tollowlng properly, to wit: A Negro woman, loa, :s0 years of ago, also hor movcu children. Frauds 10 y.-ars of ago, I.ucy 9, Mary 8, Robert u, Goorgo ft, Cbaildte 3, and ELy 2 years old. gold for tuo bunotlt of tho heirs aud creditors of the estate of: . W. ILyan. Terms cash. W. A. ALLEN'S, Executor. j.v 3ft BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! S MX INC* OFF AT SM Al A, ADVANCE ON COST. fllllK .v.buTilvr wishing to make room for Ills X FALL GOODS, which will .soon be coming lu, offers his present stock ot PRESS GOODS, Am., at a small advance on New York Cost. .1. W. THKKLfvKLP, Congress ami Whitaker streets. News p:e.tsn copy. july 2* DRY GOODS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! J AMES O’HARA wool: respectfully inform bis patrons, and tho public generally, ttiat in order to pr<pirc lor tlm fall trade, he Is iiuw B^niiBINO 01*35’ hW asrworimeiit to store, AT COST PRICES and would invito attention M -rcto. at his store, JySS lag Coiigreif street, CHATHAM INFERIOR COURT. JULY TK:*.id, I860. tl/HEREAS, John J Cilibor, John Kellv, Daniel TV G Olooti, Theodora Brigham, Charles Lee, and Albert M Suldvan, summoned to attend the present term of this Col a as Petit Jurors, nave made default fur tho tern . u is ordored, thattuoy be fined twenty dollars ca m, nuloss thoy filo good nnd KUlliclent cause of excuse on or hofbre tit* first duy of tho uext term of tcis Court. 1 - • True extract from min j os. j ■ *• Jy*J8 WM. It. tf^jd.OCll, Cl’k i (j.c.t>. TAKE NOTICE. P URCHASERS will havo tneir goods delivered Tree oroxponso with quick dispatch fromtne Ravanuah Grocery and Friut Depot, corner HrougU- ton and Whitaker streets. #3* 1 would call the uttoiiliou of Fruiters gener ally to my well selected stock of Groceries, receiv ing daily. Jo23—tf W. H. FARRELL. PHILIP M. 14U83ELL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY CONVEYANCER, ACCOUNTANT AM) COP VIST. Will oxeulo Deeds, Mortgage), power ol Attorney, Wills, Bonds, Noticos uud Taking ol Intorrogatoric 1 '. Ofilcu at the Court, Puvuunab, Ga. Court Hays, Third Tuesday in each month, amt held ut the office of Edward O. Wllwu, Ki«|. ihsldonce, Gaston, between Hurunrd and Tunuull street. Any cull at night, on business, will be attended to Immediately. jyi'j A. tirwwow: J 7. K."lhaVA«fi. WRIGHT A SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LA IK, BRUNSWICK, GA. ,iy|U STTlioM ASS’ct) Auction nnd UomlmsMloii McrtJiuiiU, 110 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. linnus. [JePJJ s. *», Paiiho VV77T. iKAuuKi.t., HKM.KII IN OHOIUB FAMILY UllOUElUKS nnd Foi-ulgii and UoiuchUc Emit, tunirr Broughton anti Whitaker iU. loan und rouutry supplied with choice good, ut moderate prices. AU orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction always guaranteed. apis “JOUSl iilFALLlUAWf, WHOLESALE AND HUTAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Mouuiuout Square, suvannuh, Ga. may 11 JOHN C. iiOOTIl, CIVIL ENtlINKEB AND SURVEYOR, Will also give 1)D atumtlou todosigus iu Airhitee -turn. Office in the a tore of .lulni WiUinmson, Esq., Bay Ktroet. myUi OIIAf'I'-BU CO., No. B Wliltnker Street, Suvuininli, Uu., . WUOUtULE AND RETAIL DFAtiJW I.V OASlIES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Ac. White O Loud, Ziuc, Whim Linseed, Spot in, Whale, Tan- nura’und Ncabsfoot Oils, Glass. Urtudiu*, Gold Lent, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nulls, Marble Mantels, Ac., A:c. Jot TOfiiwiiunaaii — ATTOUNUY AT LAW, outer rumor Bar Ctrl Drayton almai* Jyis wilcyam PHiiaaM;' ATTORNEY AT I. A W , ■ultima, <u. octYtt—ly issviirarwacsr ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, GA. Will practice iu the counties of Hancock, Warren. Washington, aud lUldwiu. Usfbrkxceo—Bohn Ai Foster, Rabun sSuiUa, and K. A. Soullard, Savannah. Jau9 U. II. lIlLTOiY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office coruer of Bay and Dray ton-eta. SAVANNAH, GA. tuy It ... iiijAtTiVELiAtili ATTORNEY AT I. A W , Nu. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, tieurglo. tnny 5—ly DU. CHARLES H. COLD1NU, OFFICE AN1) RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY ST., Oue door west of Drayton, myll WM. C. CONNKLLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IMIIBLU, WOKTU C.lVSTY, A.. (rOST OFFICX. ALBANY.) Will practise iu the SoutltyipCircuit,and lu Macon, Dooly and World Couutles oTTlie Macon Urcult. Particular attention given to the collection ot claims iu SouthAVestorn Georgia. Je2—0m ATTORNEY AT LAW , lubl-ly iRWixTox, c.a, ‘LAWliiiV & ANder^on. ATTORNEYSAT LAW, apft-ly MACON, (IA. WlLLiAIirHrDAOTEXC; atighney and counsellor at law, Troupvllle, Lowndes County. Ga. Will pvacUco in Thoma3, Lowndes, CUuch, Ware, Appling, TclCair, Irwin, Laurens, nnd Pulaski counties, Georgia: aud in Jeil'erson, Madison, Ram Utou, and Columbia countioo, Florida. [myll ELECTION .\OTlCR. O N Thursday, 7th August next, Council will clout a Corporation Attorney. Sal try $1.0C0. Bjud *-.*,001). Applications must tie luudud to me ou or belbrc 2 o’clock, P. M., of the day of c-loctlau. Two secu rities required, whoso names must ho stated in the application. EDWARD G. WILSON, JyJ6 Clerk of Council. UNDERGRADUATE DEPARTMENT. (WE-TEttS 1IIUTASY INSTITUTE.) t pHE uext Session of thU College will open on JL Monday, September 8th. Tiio Classical Course Is full aud every facility U afforded to Siudents In ricleutiflo Braucues A Preparatory School Is at tached, embracing a course of two years. The MilitaryryRemisudopteda9 an effectual means of preserving good order, ecouomy, regular habits, and ttcilvo bodhy exercise. Charges for tuition ami boarding, $lou per terra of 20 weeks. Surgeon’s fee $6. Engineering, French, Spanish, German, Book-Kocplug nud Feuciug, each $10 per term of 20 weoks. Tbo last session of the Medical College clusod with 389 Matriculants aud 85 Graduatos, from 13 Stales, Tho Military College closed its first year in Nasbvllla with 154 Matriculants from 14 States. For Catalogue and Rogulaiions. apply to D. R. JOHNSON. Superintendent. Nashville, July, 1856. 0—Jy28 L anding and in *tuhk— 3000 lbs extra canvassod bag Hums 1000 do sugar cured do —also— A superior quality ofTeunusseo Hams, email size Tor family use, at 12ft cents per pound. 25 bbis Crushed Sugar 20 do B Clarified do 20 do O do do 26 do Powdored do 10 do St Croix do 6 libels extra Porto Rico Sugar 5 bbls do Stuart’s Syrup fibhds do Pacou side? —also— Brooms, Pulls, Basket Tubs. Matches, &rub Brushes, Flour Polls, &c., tor solo by Jy2fi J. A. BROWN. ALABAMA LOTTER Y! [ACIUUK1ZKD BY THE HTA1B OF ALABAMA.] CLASS F—NEW SERIES. To ho drawn lu tho City of Montgomery, Alabama, iu public, ou WEDNESDAY, August 13th, I860, on the HAVANA PLAN I pipping Intelligence. SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prises auouutlug to 204,000 Dollars!! Will be distributed according to Uie following MAGNIFK 'ENT SCHEME 1 30,DUO Numbers—15,185 Prizes! I prize or. $40,000 is. $40,000 1 do do 15,000 is 15,000 , 7,000 Is 7,000 . 3,000 is 3,000 2,000 is 2,000 1,000 Is 1,000 1,000 Is 1,000 20013.... 2,'JOO 100 la 10,000 10 do 100* do do do do do do do do do do do... Port of Savnitnab .AUGUST 1 Arrived. U 8 steamer Carolina, L M Ooxelter, from I’ukt- ka, via Picolata aud Jauksoaviile, to M A Cohcu. Cleared. Schi^Ftumle, Beubtou, rhlladclpbla, C A Greiner Passengers. Per steamer Carolina, from Palatka—W E Cham bers child 4tsvt, Rov A A Millar lady k son. Rev W W Blurs and lady, Mrs Bethune 4: child, A Good- alo, 4s lady, Mias A Buist, A A hodlar Uoy k avl, Mrs O’Neil. A M Reod lady & 2 svls, Mrs F Von Santon, S It Jonnlnga lady k 3 svls, E 8 Knocks, R 0 Lewis, C P Shier, James Baltey, 8 M W&kemun, JShadd, J Y Brysuu, FC Barrett, W D Millar, ll F Pent, aud 4 deck. Hun. Win. Rockwell, Jinliro of the Supreme Court of tho 2d district of New York,, died at New Utrecht, N. Y., on 8 atnrday last. • Thoro wero 031 deaths in Now York last week. Prof Longstreet has resigned the Presidency of the Mississippi University. WOOD AND DUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Planku. Joist, Timber, ShlugleH, Ught-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths and Palllugs, Tor sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, on tho uew wharf roceutly erected on the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen k. Co. mar 12—lyW M. .1. 1,. MOULTON Norfolk. Jnly 28.—There has been uo rain hero sinco the 6tlt lust., und tho drought in this vicinity is becoming alarming in view of a short corn crop. The weather Is intensely hot and this afternoon at 4 o’clock the th*rmonet«r btoodat 66. Bad account* of the crop* are re ceived from North Carolina. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T 1IE Sixth Auuual Course or Lectures iu thlu lu Blitution will commence on Monday, tho 8d or November. A full preliminary course free to el- student*, will be given by tho Professors, cumuucl tng on the first Monday of October, Professors’ Fees $105, Matriculation Fe* $6. Praotlcal Anatomy $10. Graduation Fee $25. For Catalogue or Anatomy and Announmemeni, apply to FAUL F. EVE, 11. 1>., Jy2$—6 Dean or the Faculty. do do., 4 prizes ol $2U0 approxlm’g fo $40,000 are $800 4 4 * 4 1 4 j 4 ' 4 • 40 15,600 100 76 60 50 40 26 20 8. 16,000 are 400 7,000 are 300 3,000 are 240 2,000 are 200 1,000 are 160 1,000 are 100 200 are 800 120,000 16.185 prizes amuuuUugto $204,000 The 15,000 prizes or $8 are determined by tho number which draws the $40,000 prize—If that number should bo an odd number, then every odd number ticket In tho Scheme will bo entitled to $8ft; If an oven number, then every oven uumbor Uckot will h« entitled to $8ft lu addition toany other prize which may bo drawn. Purchasers lu buying au equal quantity of odd aud even number tickets, will bo certain or drawing nearly one hair the cost of tho samo, with chances of obtaining other prizes. All those tickets ending with o, 2, 4, 6. 8, are even—all thoso eudeug with 1, p, 5, 7, 9, are odd. 4®» Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable la full without ue Diction. MJF All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately aftor the drawing,—other prizes at the umml tlrao of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawu numbers will bo forwarded to purchasers Immediately alter tho drawing. Wholo Tickets, $10—Halves, fft—quartern, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed In other Tickets at ulthor office. Orders for Tickets cau be addressed either to 8. SWAN & CO., Atlauta, Ga., JylW ur S. SWAN, Montgomery. Ala, JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND L-Ol'NiihUAM AT LAW, Ncwuausviilu, llu. Kofarouco—George . Drowu, William Doll, New- nun-ivllle, Fla., it. B. HUtou, Boston k VUIalotiga, aavautiah, Ga. ray It S. WHIT MIITO; ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIGATOR, BAST FLORIDA, Will praotlce lu the Eastern and Southern Counties Refer to-Col. 9. 9. Sibley, aud R. B. JJlIton, So vaunab. 1'obJ-u CilXS. u.tjXSu*iiJ5EEI ATTORNEY AT LAW, U1LLEDOKVILLE, OA,’ Practices Law iu tho various Counties ol the Uo muigec Circuit, nud tho mljoiuing Counties of Twiggs, Lauren J aud Washington. Refer to—Johu Jlostou, H. A. Crauo, aud U. O Hilton. Inbl4 ukakse ArcfTiviyos, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AX I) Commissioner qf the 17. S, Court of Claims foi the State qf Georgia. Office Corner Bay aud Hull streets. ii rnylu wm. m'.wILuamh. tuauukvh ouvkk. jack HKUWN WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Muriou County, Ga., Will practice iu the counties of Marion, Macou, Hous ton, Jstewart, Randolph, Muscogoo, Loo, and any adjoining countios, where their services may be required. myll A. 11. ttllAAlflON. (Saccefisor to Uhamplou tc Watt-).) WROLESA1.E AND RETAIL GROCER, No, 4 Barnard st., between tho Market uud Bay .st„ SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer iu Groceries, Forelgu aud Domestic liquors, Dried Fruits, &c., kc. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Knbuti k Whitehead, aud tfwllt «co., Bavauimh. Ga. my It JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, iAurens county, Ga„ late junior partner of tho firm of A. & J. Cocukane, lrwintou, Ga., wifi atteud promptly to ail business entrusted to his care. Particular aitcullou paid to collecting. Re- lereuco—Dr, O. B. Guyton, F. Jl. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.. M Mar-ih, Savannah. myll YON&k SiVivmmu, FORWARDLNG AND CUMAUcoiUN MERCHANTS, NO. U4 EAY-KtaUT. SAVANNAH, CIA. apr4 Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. iept5 SAVANNAH, GA. P. JACOBS, 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian,) N. B.—Keeps constantly ou hand fcpuuisb, Uu.1 Spanish, and Amcrlcau Sugars, at wbolesolu uud re al!. Also, C'bewiug Tobacco, &uulf, kc. June 1 anaiKSTsuENHv; Insurance Broker and Notury Public. Marine Protests Noted nud Extended, Average, adjusted, Charter Partiosand Average Bonds drawn* Papers prepared whereby to recover losses truu. America* or British Underwriters, and attention givuu to ull matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ol the Custom House. ly uov 8 A dXiOTSCXN'O /\ EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WEST OF THEItKPPBLICAN IUiAlUN(j ROOM. Flue Ueady-iuade Clothing; Hnts uud Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Cones, umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchief, nud Fancy Articles !br Gentlemen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAM, Also, Euyerfiue Cloths,. asslmers and Vestings, will bo made to mea sure, unexooptlon- able in stylo and - workmanship,’ by the best mechanics, at shortost notico R. J. DAVAN.T, JR, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. UT Bay Htreet, jy 30—dm Savannah, Oft. jnsftiCT, ■—:— MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma- >onry of every description. Residence, No. 8 lire icweitv Range, fioutli side Jonoa st, ootlO j AMES' M. • AVAGiCT VrroRNEY AT LAW, lUOMAHVILUt, rOOMAB CODKTT, OA. All busluoHH entrusted to bis care will prompt attention. lyr—mrlT JANin a. HUMIKRS. .AJd* A. NOMB*. RODGERS A NORRIS, _ tlale Crane & Rodger*. NYUOLesAUE OBO(3eR8, fiAV-HTHKET, SAVANNAH. June 1,185.1, (Je 9* K J. UOOK.V. WM. ETUim. Jr. " B. n". UABIMCX OGOKN, S'l'AitU * CO., Skippiug aud Oomuiissian McrclianU, _ H.V-fal'KUKT. WA.'.NK.II, OA. ■ t-ATTKIV, PA0T0U8. Forwm-diiig und C'ommUsion Merchants, llay-strcct, Savannah, CR. O. S. IUKKWON. A.C.L HARRISON A McGEHBB. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND PonvnrtUug Jlui'cliuuts. 69 ANl) 1)1 imOAC-STKRKT, COLUMBUS) OMOMIA. 4QF" I’m titular niteuUon given t«> the sales of Real hstutc, Nogr(»o.s and Producu. W liberal ad van cos made on Negroes and Met- handizu. aararaecctt: HOE, PATTEN k (X). i UUNliV k UANl El,, VColuinbnA, U« tfl'EW ART, GUAY&CU.J 1 RUSE, DA Vis a: LONG, I , WM WRIGHT, ) Savanfiab VuUNG, ATKLNS X DUNHAM, I _ tl. A. UKMuNK U LU.. ) fipalactiuo* II. S S.MUH, }• Mobile, Alubttuw *»■» -3 ly “u. kLLlS,' Factor auri Geucrul Cuminissiou Merchant 1 no; 71 BAV-8Ttuiih-r, savannah, oa., Messrs, daghorn k Cumiiugbam. Bell & I rvutl/W, Ugtleii, frtarr k To,, Savannah: J, P, ihompJMt, Pj-Onn tim w- WAT. At.'OLb'Y IXH'I-KK. JXO. CtiLTKB FKASXH. ('UPPER At FRASER, b ACTORS k GENUtAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savaunah, Ga,[myll william lynk, LUMMSS1U.N AND F« RWARDING MERCHANT, Aa. K7 Hugd/fW, Savannah. Georgia. June la JB PFEltSON RoilERTSr general GUM MISS LON 'ilEItCliAJST, ANIJ IiK.lU'K in Timbur und Lumbur. SAVAXNAH, On ~ WHLks & WILLIAMS, DKALKH8IN;, POUE1UN AND FANL't DUY OUODS. ... ‘J 0, Vongrueit., Savannah, Ga. JAU. T. WKLlH, formerly or Beaufort DUG S. C. TUEOPU1LUS w’lLUAMS, “ SJcrlveu Oo.,Ga sept 7 ' 4- C- *«E. J. aTnAYVI. W. B. UMTO. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, OOMMISISIO^I MEKOHANT8, SAVANNAH, GA. maj- 30 WM. S. DANXELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - u. Turner & Co.'s Dree my7 office uvor Thuiuas Store, Day street. %. U1UU3T. m, n, mmiMM LOCKETT dk SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MEKOHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Go. Wtu atteud tu Um sailing of all kinds of produce* Strict uKentlou giveu to receiving and Tor warding *oods. may 31 ly Jis. w. aniftor. fi, r. snoor. GREEN 4b SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 00(26 tnortABTON, OA. aathoiW ' MtC ULlom, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savuiumlk, Georgia. Oillce ou Bay street, over the Bank of Savau- uah. _ mayiS arKcdUi * DROTliKB,' FOnWAltDIL'U AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, tluvaniui/i, (jo., and Montgomery, Ala. I’. T. Lou, 1 u. {. tou; Bay street, tavannah. j Cvimmerce at;, Momg’ry, RLTKt.fc.NL'ho. Holcomb, Johusun, k to. i t-ohum k Hertz, Lockott k guelimgt*, I Li.wm i'ursoua « Co., Kobort A. Allen, I to anion, Jubnatou k Co BAVANNAU, GA. my 13 wm. i. wsun. " warTk. iaox WEBB As SAGE, (SOCt’XbtSOKd Til CAMXKU.V, WKHH A OO. iMPUKTLRB OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE 145 MKETINU-oT. CUABLE8TON, 8.C., Will supply Country iterulnutta with Goods in thelz line hi os low rates aa they can buy in New York, or olsewhere. sept 28 ly G OLD i'ENS—Persons do.^irouH of obtalulng a goood Gold Pen, are Invited to call and lu- ■l>ect a uew lot which we have just received, and which wo cun rocommond. jy23 P. B. NICHOLB k CO. UTlCE,—R A. Crawford uud E L. Uack*U JN are my duly authorised agent* during my an- ••net from th* State. ^ j$ HORACE HORSE. No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNA II. Orderefrom city audcountysollclted, _ feb 6 DR8.LEFLRRA WILCOX,' Dentlate. ARE now fully prepared to In sort full or imrual setts of Teeth on tho prluelplo of Dr.J. AUons’e Pateut CoutlmiouH Gura. By this Improvement, the form of tho fuco cau bo restored to any degree of rotundity that may ho doaired. uie applicable In all cases where the cheeks have tUUco in and canuol be deteoteil by *ho closest observer.— This method combines the followings -I vant igea:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural aud life-like appearance, and imparts to the theoth that poculiar expression which characterizes the na tural organs. This Gum cousIbiH ora sllgciouscompound. which U applied and (hied upon the Teeth and Plato in sue* a manner, as to fill up all the interstices around tUt baso of the Teeth, and also unites them firmly to oaoh other and to tho Plate upon which they are sett. This Bocurea perfect oleanllness of the Teelh. Office over DeWUt ft Morgan, Congress Btreot. *** Republican and Georgian copy, feb 10—U dhotistky: Dm. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentist*, offico corner St. Julien-sL and Market Square, over 8. Wll- mot’*Jewelry store. Office hour* Irons I to 1 o'clock, *m from 8 too. mu «*• fUVAtO.AU, Ofc. I3ii. Tl Auction 6l Oouuuission House, Macon, Ur . a. it, McLaughlin, Uui.ural Agent and Auctioneer, Solicux from tu* friends consignments of over* description. Tukua orders for Cotton. fig** SpivItU uuentiuu given to tfie sales of Real bistue, ,sucks aud Negro property, at public and iirlvutc.iiile.-. J’lom/ti retuMt and dispatch. Hefei cnee—C. A. L. 1AMAR. mch8jl JOilN BILBO, OrtUtmvy ot Cludhun County, AND ATTORNLV AT LAW. Office In tho Court House. myia tl. L. P. lUSG, ATTOUNUY AT LAW, Corner ot Uu,* oiul. U lumkn Streeu, satannar. lob 22 Smos JONH S. BOWEN, ENGINEER, ARlIHTLcT AND fcURVEYOB. coknxk or dhayto.v ami mtan-ww,, (Above u a. 1.. Lamar.) Jy6—3ra C. W. fflABUV, ATTORNEY AT LAW FJU.MU4.V, BKARD OO., OA. Will attend to professional business iu theCounUa* of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayeue, ILfV wether aud Troup. lUiference—lion. i'„ Y. 14111, LuGrauge, Go.; flta, David lrwUi, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tidw< 1L Fayetteville, Ga.; uud Mr. William Dougherty, t O- lumbUB, Ga, **pl7-ly Wm. McAllister. , turn- Shed on reasonable terms. Orders ret- gtwcUully solicited. ftp 18 D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllee 176, Bay-st., over Turner ft Go’s. Drug Store BAVAHJ4AH,OA. nov 10—ly GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, noar State Bank. SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly n CRANE, WELLS * CO., FACTORS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savatiualk, Gn. 8. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monlicellb, Jefferson County, Fla. Refereuoe—Hon. W. B. Fusava, Savannah, Ga. ■ myll EDWA1U) O. WILSON. MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMffiSIONlR OF DEEDS. Al Messrs. Ward ft Owens’ Law Office, [myll WAYNE, GRENVILLE *CO», COMMISSION AND FOKWAKDLVtTj BaytlreH Savo-mak. TH03. S. WAYNE. D. E. GRENYILLS. R, ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAUFLK, ' * jy ft—tf Savannah. Chattanooga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvllle, LowndeaCanty,Ga. • (mil M. FITZGERALD, Corner ofBmu^Ufen^and WlutatkerHIU., S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rio*. Monalkcturer tad ° v : e . r F varutjr of common and fla* kllu dried and warranted to resilt *8*6- tually the hot damp atmosphere of a Southern CL “ d B * r * wb '“ r *