Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 01, 1856, Image 3

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HEALTH OFFICE* SAVANNAH, \ July 16th, 1860. / - All vessel* arriving at Abo port of Savao- MF nab, from tbe Watt ladles, Mexico, Cantral kuicrlct, South America, or from auy porl where ^ntagious Infectious end malignant diseases art iirovaillug. (alto, all Teasels Saving sickness on ISJrd, or uW o»'l richness on board, ■Inca last rioarauco.) aro required to como to audhor off Pori Jackson, tbora to remain without oommuuloa* ion with tho oily of Savauuab or adjacent country, until visited by tho Health Officer. vo boat or vowel aball rooolva auy or tbo crow nr iia^ongura from vessels autyoct to tbo abovo or* dor Urn tho purpose or carrying thorn to tho city or %'esselMriU uot bo Uotatued In QuaruuUuo miles* tuch dotontlou bo necessary. Any violation or tho abovo ordora will aubjoot .ho violator to tho penally ortho law. 1 F. H. DKIIKRfi, Health Uffloor. Approved E. C. Axdmmon, Mayor. tf-Jyl7 Office SnvMi, Albany Hi Gulf II. H. Co.,7 Savannah. S7tb Juuo, I860. / An instalment or 10 |>or cent., being the tilth on tha Capital Stock of this Company, 4 hereby called, and required to ba paid at this jfljcu on the 1st tiny of Septeubor^uoxt^B^ordvr juno-S—wtlS Secretary and Troaamor. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE,1 Savannah. 24tb Juuo, 1858. J « Tbo Bonds of tho City of Savannah, due Bdv ut Fobrnary, 1867, luued lor Coutrul Rail road Stock, (commonly known as McAllister bonds) will bo redeemed if desired In stock of tho Coutrsl Railroad and Banking Company, at its market value, the bonds being recolved at par. JAMES S. WILK1 KINS. City Treas’r. jo’Ji NOTICE C. n. B. THE frolsbt on corn IVoiu Atlanta to 8a* RgT vanuatli wilt bo roducod to lfl o. per bushel ou and after ho 1st day of April next. WM. M. WAllUSY, Oeueral Suporiu’t. Transportation office, > Central Hall Hoad. j Wftr M OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS OF THR SAV’H WATER WORKS, Saxan.yau. July 23d. 1858. Tho Board of Commissioners tho Savuu- ft» nuh Water Works, will elect a Socrotary on Monday, tUodth day of August nqxl, at 4 o’clock, 1*. M m to fill vacancy occasioned by tbo resignation ui tlieundersigned. Salary 1800— Bond *6,000. By order, WM. WARING HABERSHAM, jy24—10 Soo’ry Sav'li Water Works. HOWE’S COTTON HARVESTED. nrgm. Tho great desideratum of Planters is litial- KRSr ly obtulnod In the successful invention of Howe’s Cotton Harvester, with which one hand can pick as much cottou as five in the ordinary way, besides saving an linmouso amount of labor. What Whitney’s Colton Gin is in its alter stago, Howe’s Harvester is iu picking. For further information, apply to A. WILBUR, tU Bay street, Agent for the States of Georgia and Florida. J)'20 To the Patrons of the Sfiv’h Ucorgiau. All debts duo to tho Georgian previous to PfiT tho 6th instant, are payable only t« tbo un dersigned. Notes and accounts due lu the city will be presented immediately, and ail debts duo in tho country will bo forwardod by an early mall. This being the tlrxt time that tho undersigned has publicly appealed to his lato patron, ho fools that tticv will uot couxhlcr him uureasouablo in urging upon them tho necessity for tmtnodiate payment. Remittances may be made directly to tho under signed, or lo R. B. Hilton A Co., whoso receipt will be valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH. Savannah, May 28,1850. iny!8-lawd&w ltEDZIE’g PATENT WATER FILTER k An assortment of sizes and | with tbo latest improvement, can J only be found at our storo. Wo will soil them at the manu facturer's retail prices, adding only the transportation, and put them up freo or ebargo. KENNEDY A BEACH, Hodgson’s block, corner or Broughton and Bull its. JulylT ARTsnrti’a — PATENT AIR-TIGHT IIUMBAUIIO CANS AND JARS, - s Just received uu luvolce or Ar thur’s Patent Air Tight SelfHScnlliig CANS AND jars; For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, Ac. ^ Full directions ' for preserving uccompany cacti Cm. For «alo ut manufacturer's prices by HORACE MORSE, 116 Brougbtou si. Also, an assortment of Ludlow k Co’s aud Bur- u*»tt’s Serew Top Fruit Caus, loss than oo3t. Jyl9 Tamb ho types mid Photography. P. M. OAHY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms are now open for tho soason, aud rea* ay ror tho rocoptlon of visitors. By the Ambrotype process persons may uow have their children’s pictures takcu. In almost any posi tion they maychooso, in from 1 to 3 socodds sitting. By tho PuoToaiuPUic procoss old Daguerreotypes can bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored aud enlarged to life. •toutii Broad street. . doc ta—if i^iTsAXir^ fix Yracta ot Laud, 600 acre miles from tbo city of Savannah on tho t>. A, ulfRallRoad, well adapted to tic growthoi Bloo, Cotton add Ooro, aud Wood euougl- to pay for It ton times over. Apply to fob27 u U, A. i./UlD. LJEEaOHKUsiilrtinga In great variety, uiul U at various prices. fob 21 AIKIN ft HU KNB LOTS. " "■ SALE—A lino lot in Wesley Ward— A Also two on Gordon street, oa#t. K«»r sale low Feo simple. Apply to A, WILBUR, Uou’l Insurance Agent aud Broker, may 22 111 Buy struct. - jfuftffgjfc, persons having claims against the estate el George M. Troup, deceased, will hand thum .... -lily attested, aud those Indebted will please make payment to either or the undersigned. THOM AH >1 FORMAN, { .. v Jo 10 DAMKL U H THCIUI'J “ la - S ALT',—1UU0 sacks Suit to sioru anil for saie by * WILLIAM LYNN, June 14 _ . 87 Bay street B agging, roT'K, \o—uh) hales uuuuy uiig- ging; 000 coils Buiu Rope; 000 pounds Twine; veceivcii and for sale by JiiiiqIA HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. . ™ and commodious STORE. No 108 Bryau street, near the Mar- , .„.-,kat, being one of the moat desirable business each, d r 4 fitiiuds In the city. Apply to v , - I. C, DCGtHN, jyfl-Hn At I W. Morrell ft CO'.*. ' ~ ■^■tnansw: Building cornor Bay and Dray urn-eta., illnblo for morcauillo purposes and ttor- age. For particulars ounturo at Juno 13 THIS OFFICE. A 11 1 iL Gun Injuuly A ccmniudlous, airy and pleasant House [ lu a desirable part or tho uity, ror whluh a 1 liberal price will be paid. Enquire at tbo kolllco ortho Georgian und Journal. -If TO RENT. UNTIL the 1st November uoxt. u com- j modlutts und airy residence, ou tho north I side of the Central Railroad Depot, known _kas Hovers Place. The house is newly for- from basement to attic, which cull he bought YOUNG ft WYATT. B ACuN, FORK, ito—iil) hhUs clear aud riuuuu Sides; 2D do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Hams; 60bbls prime aud muss Fork; 30 half bbls Hawes A: Co's Fulton Market lkef; & do do Tongues; just received and for sale by Jituoia HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. S UGAR— lb hints choice Foito Umo sugar; no no Crowned Muscovado aud Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls liurbudoes Sugar; 300 do Stuart's and Baltimore steam roQuod, crusbod, powdered aud daritlod Sugar, laudlug, iu storo aud for sale by Juno 16 HOI,COM BE, JOHNSON & CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags tUir to choice Rio Cotl'cc; 60. do laguayra CoiYue; 60 mats Java Cotfoo; 30 halos Mocha Coll'uo; landiug, in store aud for sale by JuuelO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO W ANTED TO PURCHASE—Uty of Columbus Bauds, endorsed by tbo Muscogeo Bailroad Company. Apply to JelO—OUs I'ADKLFUBD, FAY Ji CO. C hoice winks ft LiguoKs— Just r jcclvod 20 baskets Heidaick Chuiupuguu. 0 quarto? casks Sherry, Fort aud Mudeiru Wlnoa. 16 doz Ciaret Wluo und Cordials; 3 half pipo9 old Gtard and Sencttu Brundiea; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin, Beaver brand; 6 bbls uUi Monungaliota Wuisky, lu glusH uud wood. For sale by DAVID O'CONNOR, jell Car. Brougbtou and Drayton ats, C. C. POOIiE^ No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryau,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Boaltea, Ulliidu, Doom, Paint*, Oils, Vur— itlaliea, Window Glut, Putty, Faiutors’, Grainers’ and Artists’ Brushes; A^ugHWhitownsh Heads aud Dusters, Dry and ^■^Mixod Paiuts of every description, Artists’ colors In tubes, Proparod Canvass, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTWINS. Hoouh prepared with ueatues* aud despatch.— House, Sign aud Ship PuluUug, Uiidiug, Graluiugond Glazing ifoue lu the best style aud at moderate prices. All ordora trom the country promptly attended inch 28—ly tVILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving by every arri- fvula large amt rlcti imxnrt.yT^ „mont of Gold und sliver Watclios, Diamond Pins. Eur and Finger Riugs, Muntlo uud other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Ousters, Ac., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety, Ivory Tublo Cutlery, tluo Pocket Knlvos and Scissors. Rich China uud Poriuu Vases, aud other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Uuus manufactured to his owu order. Gunulug Implements of all kinds. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts aud Caudlo- sticks, with a great variety of Fancy Articles, suita ble fur weddlug gifts, too n unerous bore to men tion. All kiuds of Watches and Clocks repaired by llie most experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, • may 13 _ ' No. 1 Markot square. L OCOMOTIVE NEEDLES.—A new and ele- gaut artlole which needs ouly to lie tried ouco to insure tho ooustaut preference of the seamstress, Just received and for sale by marl8 LAItiON k ROGERS. iiuiiRAtti-iiuratahrr J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Devereaux, iu four days from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tho Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 bundles Uauauas, 100 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, aud one bosket Green Ginger. For sale by Juno 14 _ __ J. A. BROWN, tug water iu tbo world call aud purchase ouo of K«dsle’a Patent Water Filters, the article mentioned In Wator Commissioners’ lust Roport, which wo warrant to purify the Savannah River Water perfectly—au indispensable artlole for p.Antatlun use. KENNEDY ft BEACH, jan24 ouly Agents for their sale in Savanuah. OFFICIOS FOll IlKNT IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining the office of tho subscriber. The basement, would make, with some slight Improvement, uu excellent lawycr’s-office. rat and second floors will bold for Counting- Rooms, and the third for .sleeping apartment*. Con nected with the establishment is an out-building oi brick, suitable fur servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton uud Bryau streets. COLEMAN HOUSE BY LANIER & EADY, Knoxville, Tenttcuee, The Undersigned having taken churgoof this largo and commodious House, re meet- fuly solicit aud liopo to merit u liberal i-hare of patronage. The house is furnished In tho most thorough uttd tandem style, with a view to convenience aud comfort. It is situated ill tho heart of tho city, convenient to all the business mu) on the priiiclpalstrecl. Auoiuuiou.s Is always In readiness to convey passengers to and from the de pots on the ari Ival und departure of tho cars. The stage fur Moiitvulo Springs arrives and departs dally. The table will lie supplied with tho best the mar ket affords, and no pains will ho spared to render guests comfortable. SAMPSON LANIER. Jy24—0 JOHN EADY. nlONTGDMKHY WIIITUI SULPHUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) Thoso Springs will bo open for tho rocop tlon of visitors on the llrst day of June, 1866. They aro situated lu Montgomery Couu- ., irgmia, ouo and a half miles from tho virglula and Tciiuessce Railroad, from which there Ts a branoh Railroad to the Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast reach tho Spriugs by 6 o’clock, K"M., the same day, all tho way by Railroad. Tho accommodations have been very much ox- tended sluco last season. The rooms aro largo and comfortable, aud capable of accommodating 1,000 persons. The Lynchburg uud AbUigdou Telegraph Compa ny are now building n brunch of their Hue to the Spriugs, which will ho operatlou early iu June. A very largo Bath House has been built since last season. Address JuuoJW-lw RO. H. MOSBV, President, Montgomery W, S. 8, Cotnp'y. VAWIAMLE PROPERTY FOR BALK. The two-story brick storo on Congress street, uow occupied by Messrs. Einstein ft Eelcman. Tills is ouo of tho best stands in _.the city for any kind of business. Terms io made accommodating. For particulars iu- quire at 142 Broughton street, above the store orT. L. McKenna. tfmayH TO RENT . The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Flomlug, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Said House Is three stories ou n basement, i with good sorvants’ rooms, uud outhouses. I’osaesHiou given Immediately. Apply to D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. J Possession givou immediately — Throo story brick house, new and In good order, ou Mnoon street, uoxt east residence to Mrs. Jewett. pply ut this office. nay27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATUANTA i i i t GEORGIA. J* J* HE8LER, Proprietor* Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Suppor ready ou the arrival of tho Cara. mayl4 fH' Jill 8 ' H wn UVKRWMt.fTh. A 1 Amurlcun A “. »Wp. YAUXJN, Patton muter, having it V large portion of freight engaged, will moot r s ly RAYwK^^patch^oMheffiove^porL For ft-elght apply to Jca HUNTER ft GAMMELL. Jffil FOR NEW YORK—Union Unb -Tho re- aMtBiilar packot schr JONAS SMITH, Furtnnn, raaater, having moat or her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch Ibr tho above port. For freight or passuge, apply to Jy23 OGDEN, STARR ft CO. FOR NEW YORK.—Union IJuo-Tlio tog" ulur Packet 8ohooucrG. 8. DAVIS, Aboil -laster. will have quick dispatch for tho above port. For freight or imtwago, apply to July 2 OGDEN, BARR ft CO. FOR PHILADELPHIA.—Hkko.v’ SUNK.— jjJJlfcTUe lUm KCltr FANNIE, Capt Beastott, will have Ulsputcb for tho abovo iwrl. For freight, ap ply to Jyl8 C. A. GREINER. FOR BALTIMORE:—flielno schooner _____ PLANDOME, Capt Brown, will have ties- paten lor the abovo port. For freight apply to the Captain on board, ot- to JOHN T. ROWLAND, Jygp—3 . 71 Bay street* Niagara Falls, the Lakes & Canada SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Per Steamship Keystone State, via Philadelphia NIAG’RA FALLS fpllIS LINE counccts at Philadelphia with tho X Orem Nsrth-Wcstorn Railroad Route, through to N’lagaiu Fills and Buffalo, In sixteen hours from Philadelpht.,, Through Tickets, with tho privilege of stopping at Philadelphia, and intermediate points, for sale by tho Agent. Faro m Niagara Falla or BulTUlo *28 “ Elmira..... : 20 " Canandaigua 28 CHARLES A. GREINER, Agent, J23 Savannah, Georgia, CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK !jM5 00. Meml-Weekly United Suite* Mull Idmi. *nHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL JL Steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,60b tuii!i,,Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA ... .1,600 “ . .Capt. Thomas Lyou. FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Capt. M.S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schenck _ WILL t.kAVK SAVANNAH KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Thoso ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, sorely and comfort, making tholr passages in tlfty to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skillful, careful and polito officers.— Having elegant state-ruom accommodations, they oiler a most Uo3lrablo conveyance to New York. Cabiu Passage to New York.... *26 rtloci agn Passage to New York 8 PADKI.FOR!), FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. M1TCHH.L. 13 Broadway, Now York. FLORIDA FORTE. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COdPANY, —U. 8. Mail Lino—From New Or leans to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—Those tluo steamers will tn future make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving m follows; ' “til & 2 - lob 6 Now Orloaus, 10th ft 24th Pensacola.... 11th ft 26th Apalachicola. 12lh ft26th St Marks.... 13th ft 27th Cedar Keys,.l4lh ft 28th Tampa Bay.. 16th ft 20th Key West, .. lfltli ft 24lh Tampa 11th ft 25th Cedar Kuys,12lh ft 26th St. Marks... 14th ft28th Apalachicola,16th ft 29th Pensacola... 16th ft 80th Arrive at Key West 17th ft 1st | Now Orleaos, 17th ft 1st Agents m New Orleans, doc26 6m E. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 Poydrass street. col 22 NEW TIN STOIUC AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTH OP SCAR KIT SQUARE. JillYAN STREET. 1 would Inform my old friends and patrons 11 have oponod the above atnre to conduct the I.Store, Tiu and Sheet-Iron Business in all its 4 various forms, and where will lie found a gnn- eral assortment of Stoves, 'flu and Sheet-Iron ware, which 1 will be pleased to show, and at -n.A) price m will satisfy any otto wishing to purchase. All kiuds of Roofing, Gutters of Load, Galvanized Iron '.Vork of every description, Job Work und Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up ami Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale and rotail. Cull down on Bryan street, It will pay^ou for your walk oct2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. D ICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Ibr Juuo, re ceived and for sale by WAHNOCK ft DAVIS, June 4 16 Congress street B UTTER AND CHEESE-26 tubs and'io kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 26 boxes Choose; received per steamer aud fur saie by ^hni Juuo24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. L ard and herrings— 20 bbls Prime White Loal lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Lauding and for sale by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. BESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringea, black and colored Moire Antique Gauze, and other stylus, in great variety, aud for Hale by mar 7 AIKIN ft BURNS. OTTON UMBItkLL AS—A large supply'‘of wheel- \J top whalebone frume Gingburn Umbrcllus, all sizos, recolved ami for sulo by June 6 LAPSON ft ROGBRfl. ClUGAR8—io hhds'diolco i’orto Rico Sugars: 16 O do Fair do; 15 do Fair aud 10 do Choice New Orloaus Sugar; just received and for sato by june24 S RANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. MEItOHANTS’ HOTEL. ,Ac Jsasmfehiij. #4 8 J. to E. lA - BOARD I'ER DAY * 1 60 ROAKD PKR WKUK Q 00 HOARD PER MO.STU 20 00 kmayl3 • lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREET8, CUARLKSTQXirfi. O. THIS House latow adapted to all the want3 of tho Travelling 1‘ubilo, and tho ef forts of tho Proprietor will bo to deserve tholr pulroua^o. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. Iustcad of going Not Ut come to the Stone Mountain House, anil spend your summer, as everything will be done tbr your com fort. Conveyances wil 1 bo furnished to to Lawroncovlite, Gainesvlllo g®- Passeugors by tho Georgia Railroad tako sup per at this hou&o. ALEXANDER ft CLARK. F. S. Alkxandrr, formerly of Jjtwreucovillo. J A. Clark, Social Circle, 2m—jo 2 m —voy passengers Clarksville). MRS. STEPHENS’ I LLUSTRATED Now Monthy, No 1, vol 1, for July, devoted lo Tides, Romances, Illustrations, Arl audGunonil Literature, each number beautifully embellished In the fluost stylo of wood Illustrations. TABLE OF CONTEXTS : Lost Jowols, Alice, The Falls of lunehaha, Stays uad Slippers. Time’s Changes, Iajvo ih ’76, Eureka, The Shady Sido, Nellie’s illusions, Tho Summer Va- cation, A Story of Two I.lvo3, Tho Disappointed Husband, Tho Maiden’s ConfecHlon, Things We Talk About. Subicriptinn price *1 60 pm- year, lu advance. Epoclmcns of the abovo may bo seen ut tho Book store of WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Jy4 169 Congress street. * LATD AGEivW. - miiE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, X examine any lands in tho counties of Appling, Wayno, Ware or Coffee, and report to tho owner as to their present value, the prospect for their be coming moro valuable in future, aud whctiier or not there Is being any trespass committed thereon, iu variably pledging nlmself to givo a true and cor rect account, for which all remittances will be ex pected In advance. Ho will also soil and remit when requested, aud us directed, for seven per cent. He will also promptly atffind lo all professional business entrusted to his care. vernon c. mclendon, my 13 Attorney at law, Homesvillo, Ga. MATRIMONY MADE EASY,' O R HOW TO WIN A LEVOR.—Tho easy I’rluclplo of I/>vo, interspersed with Direction* lor tlio Preservation aud Exaltation of Persona! Beauty and Loveliness, uud for prolonging human life healthily and happily to the very longest period of human existence.— Spleudldly engruvod on ntoel. Thu slnzle, married, and lUo married happy.— Vf'hat is lover—with Instructions Ibr courting, In or der to win the affections of the opposite sox. The 1 ights and Shades of Married Ltfo. The Reproductive Organs of Fcmulcs handsomely engraved: and tho lnllnnitles of Youth uud Maturi ty, with tholr remedies. I'REONAXCY ILLUSTRATED UY PUlTrt. ».l dllferent stages of gestation—how to uetormluo when it exists—how to prevent pregnancy, and with a tecturo on I»ro to married ladies and geutlo- mea. Pi ice i,u cunts per copy. Ou the receipt ut the money through mail, (post-paid,) ouo copy of the took tv'll !j • sent by mail to auy part of the United 5tnto-j. published CHARLES WALKER, No. b8 South 3d st., Philadelphia. Pu. ALo, Dr. LACROIX’S PHII/)SOPHICAL VIEW 0> MAHiL.GK. A lwpular treatise on tho secret luflrmltles ol youth uud maturity arising from genital diseases In MjUi «oxos with upwards of one hundred and twen- ty-flvu lithographs uud engravings illustrating the anatomy, physiology, aud diseases of tliu sexual or* fans, their structure, uses aud functions, together with plain directions for the perfect euro of syphilis, Klert, Htricturo, etc. Pi (re 60 conut per single copy. Published by CHARLES WALKER, , t No. 8B South 3d st., Philadelphia, Pu,. to whom all orders must be sent. apj<2—» S ILK i’ARASODJ—A now supply of thoso bounti ful Silk Parasols have JUBt been recolved and ai «s for sale by .juno 6 LADSON ft ROGERS. C offeE aND candy.-* ioo sacks Rio coiibo" 60 boxes fresh ground do 26 do Candy, just received uud for sulo by jy21 . MCMAHON ft DOYLE. D RY GOODS.—Ladles open worked Hose, do Lislo Thread do, do English and Gorman do Childrou’s Cotton H030 and Socks Gent’s Half Hoso, fancy and plain Do Silk aud Lisle Thread Gloves Do Uelo Under Shirts Ladles’ Gauze, Merino aud Tlircud Uudor Shirts Do Hair Cloth Skirts Cambric and Bwi33 Flouncing and Bands, ftc., lor sulo at lowost pi ices by Jy22 DRW TIT’ ft MORGAN. ALL AT GRIFFIN’S and you will Uud tho most _ beautiful assortment of small Fancy Articles iu china and gold ornamouted. consisting in part ol Jewel boxes, fancy do, reticules, ilorets, boquet va ses, cublus, dracket graudolus, small do, eologue bottles, ribbons, cologno, lantern bluo florets, can dlesticks, und lost though not least useful, mutch boxes, a very tasty selection aud something now on lively. G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to tbo late M Eastman, Jy& Corner Bryan aud Whitaker sts. B Yorl ASKET8—An elegant assorlmeut of Truvollug _ Baskets. Just received by steamer from New brk. A call is Invited at KENNEDY ft BEACH’S House Furubbing Storo, Hodgson’s new block. Jyl7 THIS CHEAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, A HE taking Marine Risks at their Agency, a! coruor oiDraytou and Bryau streets. Approved Risks will bo takcu on liberal toms, and the usual credit given ou Premium Notes. Throe quarters of the hushiuss will bo returned to tbe cun Umiura lu scrip. C. At L. Lain nr, tub 19 Agout in savannah, iWIlKANtiE.; ~ Souilkuni ill ut mil liisurunco Comimuy, Southern Mutual Lift) Ins. Company, Hoinu liiNuranet) Cuinpany, of N. York, Bprlnglloltl Fire ft Marine lna. Com’y, Risks in tbo abovo Insurance Compuulos underta ken by WM. KING ft SONS, Agents, No. 99 Bay sir out. Savauuab, I4lh Deuember, 1866. decl4 WIRE, lUAiUNili A Mil,IKK INSURANCE,. NO. Ill, UAY-STltEN'l. CAPITA!, ItEPUESENTBU, Nearly Four lUlilion Oollarg. By Hie following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, OT. I6(|ultable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. Fmiiiicim’ ami Mechanic*’ Flit, Marine ami Life Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire anti Marine luaurouce Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, CT. IfLe subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount iu all parts nf the Stato ou every description of property. Life Insurance.lo any amount, at the lowest rate, for tbe beuotit ot heirs ami creditors, or payable to the wife free from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance bn Hulls or Cargoes to all parts oftho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. mutual Benefit life iNsuhancK COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1866* *2,23U,ia-i. t. Total aiuouut of dlvldouds paid to dale 71f*,4uv fth Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,900 84 *4,282,488 07 a uiiii C. Miller, Suciutury, Joseph i., lord. Agent, Robert L Patterson. Presldout. ‘The funds of this Conuwny aro all safoly iuv£»tud iu first class bauds aud mortgages, stocks, cash, uii.i uotes of members hilly secured by tholr politjlo*. For further particulars Inquire of CHARLES'A. FARLEY, Agent In Savanuab, At tlio office of Bell ft PreutU- J, Si. MOI.UVAaN, Medical Examiner kkfkrexck: Messrs. i'anxLFOHD, Fa? ft Co., I. K. Toft, Esq., State Bank. feu 29 HAVE YOU INSURED YOUR LIFE THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Uarlfovd, Cl. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $40U,b0U. JAS. O. WALKER, Proolileiil. S. 11. Wiurn, {-ecretary. Tills Cuinpany insures Li o ut the lowest rates, cousisloiil with sulety to the assured. For furtlier iulbriuutiiiu, apply to ' A. WILBUR, Again, Jyyl3 171 Bay street, Savannah. Ga. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Undersigned has again tbo pleasure of informing his numerous friends, as well as tbo public at large, that ho is vet at tho Indian Spriug Hotel, aud Is fully prepared, with tho assislance of his sons and his owu experience of six years at the hotel, with tho bcfcl cooks that enu bo procured, as well as assls* tanco of ail kiuds, to adc of all thoso who visit the Spring a generous share or tholr patronage, lutoud- lug to spar o no pains of himself to make all such as please to givo him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel Ib now open, and ready to rccoivo all those that will pleaso to call. There will be at For sythe Depot coaches uud hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over EDW. VARNER, may2S-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *** Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will pleaso Insert tho abovo throo times oach week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. ■ The abovo named House 13 now open for the reception of Boarders and Travellers, and tho undorslgned promises to spare neither pains or expense to mako liis pa- trims comfortable. His tabio will always bo sup plied with tho choicest that tho market and tho sur- rouuding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Vou- isou, Wild Game, ftc. Tho House is largo aud airy, and within u few yards of tho leading, ou tho beau tiful rlvor St. Marys, and Is a desirable place for in valids aud others as a summer resort. Tho stage leaves tho House throo times a week for Woodstock Mills, Centrevlllago, and Trader’s Hill, and tho Sa vannah boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo Inconvenienced, but can lcavo when they desire. Prices will be made to correspond with first class country hotels, THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys, May 27, I860. 3m my27 KOR JOHNSON'S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 'ib Raw on Tuaday Night, ihtVUhimtmt. m - m. The light draft-steamer, WILIJAM fSktSmMrn I-EBBY, Captain A. C. king, Will leavo regularly as above, from tho Charleston Steampackot Wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. ru.-gTMinClTS FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Ga., thrnandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolata and Black Creek, Fla. fejddCSLl* THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N fiBKtfQHLi King, will leavo for the above places overy Saturday Morning, at 10 o’clock. This boat bos large and airy Btate Room accom modations, and taking the Inland Passago, offers evwy Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will bo takcu for Trader’s Iltll and luter mediate landings ou St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken after 0 o’clock. For frolght or passago apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to Jy25 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. united States mail line. Ibr Falatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, SI. Marys, Ibmandina, Jacksonville, MiddUburg. (Black Creek,) and Picolata. tac -«jg—» ^ Tho new and elegant steampackot jgjjSyggBfi DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, leaves every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’olook, for the abovo places. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill aud Inter* modlute landings on St Mary’s River, ft®- No freight will bo takon after 9 o’clock. For freight or passago, having excellont state room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampackot Wharf, near the Gas works, or to Jy25 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR CHARLESTON AND - FLORIDA, ht.tflf ifc Tho fine steampackot CAROLINA, ^aaJjgJHffiCnptaln Coxetter, will leave here tor JuoKgimviiic, Picolata and Palatka, overy Tues day aUernoon at & o’clock; returning, will leavo for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Willluk’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. .June 14th. 1856—ly SST Freights payable on the wharf. QPR1NO AND SUMMER 0LOTUIN0.~The kJ subscriber would invito tho attention of all In want of SPRING AND SUMMER ClAITHING, to his stock whluh has Just been received, at tbo Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. apr!6 WM. O, PRICE * H. . Curtis ft Co BV BELL & (BUtTHKOBSTO V4BKU.T) THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock,' m Dent or store will be sold,— 1 The usual osaortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, i rockery and GIhbb Ware, Dry tad second bund Furniture,GfcnUtng. Fauci Afticlus u.iiciio-', Jowoliy, ft , &e Tcrmq ia tiLoi.rude live* y. , 99* Allitrllulos puruhasud at aiictlun ami nut set tle tur proviuun to the next regular halo, be sold on account and risk orformor pm chaser. rnig 2 r A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOUSE KEEPERS, I B an important item, and to know where to got nxuctiy what Is wanted Is equally Important, call at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson’* New Block, Corner of Brough ton and Bull Street*, und you will Und everything pertaining to House Keeping us well as Refrigerators, Meat Safes. Wood- (L Ware, and Tin Waro, Willow Waro, beautiful Water Coolers, Patent Ice Pitchers, Brushouiu every variety, Bird Cages, bathing Tubs, indued nearly everything that can nocallsd for, recollect tbe place. aprl8 MACHINERY AND IRON HAILINO MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAA.NNAH, GA. , .. - ( Js ’ our the Market.) LpltOM tho most complete facilities in hia owu J. establishment, aim througU his connections with several ol the principal uiunuluciui on tv lab- ilahments of Pbiludeiphlu, New York, aid Boston, the Uudorelguud Is prepured to furninsh MAClliN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, IORIaULE ?AW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND. WROUGHT UtON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONT'S. Columns, Window Sills and Liutlis, Iron Doors, Shutters, &o., at Northernpricet. He to also prepared to repair Machinery aud iron work of overv description, at short uotlco, upon reasonable terms. fur BAUlU'a I'HILAUELl'UIA MAHBLB IV ORKe, he is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty oi- designs Ibr MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Railing in great vurlely. Ibr enclosures, aud to receive ordora, aud put up tbo work at man- lecturers’ prices. U. H. UNVlIJAl. Savannah, Apri^lLlBfifl. aprll I'lRKAD. MATUHiiafft LEMON SYRUP— JL> 60 bbis Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buiscult; 26 boxes do do do do. 150 gross M.itcbos, round boxes. 75 boxos Lemon Syrup, Received and tbr fiale by MoMaHoN ft DOYLE, Jell Nos. 206 ft 207 Bay hlreet XfliiW GUSHES BUTTER AND UHKEsE—16 tubs Xi and 10 kegs eboico new Gosheu Butler; 2o ox os Gosben Cheese, lauding from steamer aud for lo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. juno 17 MOUllAilNU GBUD8, B LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpacas, Black Lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Challie, Black Frcuch Lawn, Black and White French Mus lin, aud a fine assortment of Striped and Plaid Black aud While Ginghams aud Calicoes, Plain and .Striped Black Sewing Silks, und Urenudiuos, Barege aud Tissues, Plaiu and Figured Black .-Silks, Ibr summer collars uud sleeves, of tbo latest paterns. For saie by [Jel2] AIKIN ft BURNS. OAF, CANDliEE, ftc,—ioo boxes Buchan ft i Smith’s family fioap; 100 du Culgute’s No 1 aud Bar do; 60 do do Paiu do; 76 do BeadePs Tallow Candles; 6b do Adumuiitiue do, Star Braud; 60 do Co.gate'a und uswego Peuil Starch; for salo by JannUi .-.UHANTuN, JOHNSTON ft (JO. J^KATTiFX'OT OIL, of tlio liost quality constantly i for sale low by mayld CHAFFER ft a)., C Whitaker street. Gri II; S UND 16 H AY—36 bains Northern llay. fur sale by Jy8 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay 1~^ARD.—20 bbls aud 60 kegs new No YXoafl.ftnl, st. Jy7 landing and fo^enffi b^ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. A TLANTIC LhJAD.--Coufltantly on hand and for sulo at CHAFFER ft CO.'s, apr30 No. 6 AVliUakor street. B KCKivf.D por Btoamor KncxvIUo t l adle! * - - - lies Elistie Belts, black and colored Do Nutt I(its, all qualities. Also, Gents browu English half Hoso Do Wlk and Lisle Govos, for s«le by jy>7 LADSON d ROGERS. F LOUH.-.-i(iOHacka 1'olncn Mills Flour, superfine 160 sacke Knoxville do do W d° Lonoir’H do extra 60 bids Nashville do do fnroiilo low by v. *. PATTIN, HUTTON ft CO )jM /“1HAMPAGNB—12 baskets genuine Heidsic v>ChaiuiMune iu store aud for sale by may 10 OLTAVUS COHEN, FRESH GROCERIES. I N STORE—por steamsbip Kuoxvllle—Extra Ta ble Butter and Cheeso; Boer Tongues; Smoked Uoof; Hums; Bacon; Pig Pork; White Bonus; Hook er’s Solf-ralsln* Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, ftc., ftc.; Plcklos of all kiuds; preserves, assorted; Brandy Fruit, assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolate; host of Teas, Con'uu, und Stuart’s No 1, A, B uud 0 Sugars; Hlbbert’s Loudon Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Ciaret and other Wines; at BARRON’S junolH Family Grocery Store, coruor Whitaker and Charlton six. JUBT RECEIVED PER FL OR1DA. 1 CASE Richardsons Superior Irish Linens, Checked Cambrics, NaiusookH, Swiss Muslins HtripodSwisR, and Plain Jacouels, 1 case Palm iAaTFanS) Cotton Fringe and Wide Trimming Braids; Grass Cloth, New York mills Shirting, 1 cuse Superior Calicos at fleets, 8 10 apd 11-4, Bleached Colton Sheetings, ftc., ftc. for sale at the lowostprlces, by DEWITT ft MORGAN. X OCOHJOTIVE NEltDLES— A further supply of tho 4-J celebrated Ixiooiitotlvo Kecdlos, Just received aud Ibr sale by Jyl7 LADSON ft ROGERS. B ACON AND HARST—60 hhds prime Ribbed Sides. IU do do Hliouldera 16 cadks choice sugar cured Hams, ust rnceiv- ed by Jyl7 ■ WEBSTER ft PALMES. A LE, LARD, ftc.-'io bills Prime Urd; 60 do £L Taylor ft Sou’s Ale; 60 do sugar, soda aud but- torBisciilt; rnmdvod and for sulo by MoUAUON ft DOYLE, Jqnsia 906 and 207 Bay atmt. u 1 ®®!!! mcswsiEo INDIAN SPKINOS, GKOBOIA. BRYAN W.COLLIER Respectfully announces that the above House will be opened for tho reception of uusls, ou thu 20lh Instant. Uu bus beoH , ortunato iu socurlng tho services of Mr. lumes Griffin, well known to the public os the keeper or tho Ninety Milo nou&o ou tho Central Railroad,' lo assist In tho superintendence of tho Molntosh House duriug tbo season. A hand of mu sic hus also beon secured. Stages will ho iu readi ness at Forsyth, on tho urrivl of tralus, to convey passengers with comfort and ilspatoh to tho house. No pains will he spared to nuke guests as comfurt* able us piiHrtlble, and u moro than usuully brilliant buuuou is confidently anticipated. tlA—junu 6 bags choice old Government Java and Rio uouee; 20 half chests Black and Croon Teas, loose and in quarter pound packages. 10 hhds Light Muscovado Sugar; 10bbls R L ft D Stuart’s Grushod and Clarified Su gars; 10 bbls self rising Flour, 26 bags Extra and Superfine Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Batter aud Maple Crackers; 50 boxes Boadol’s family Soap, Starch and Candles; 60 doz Pails aud Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manlila Clothes Lines; 10 gross Matches; 25 boxes ground Coffee aud Pepper; 60 boxes Mustard aud Yeast Powders, Masc,Oinna- mou, Nutmegs, and Gloves, aud 10 cases table Salt, ftc., ftc. In store and for sale by DAVID O’CONNOR. jell Cor Broughton uud Drayton sts. K EDZIE’S WATER FILTER.—JusHocelvod an assortment of sizes Kodzoi's improved Water Fmors for filtering Savannah River Water, Tor sale by HORACE MORSE. )y 0 156 Broughton St. “ Hus tod 5 Carli. ' W. H. Lyon ft Co. * Leo, Murphy ft Co. * Briggs, WestooU ft Co. ‘ Kalman ft Co. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL insurance Company. NO. 28, UEUGHANT’S EXCHANGE, "NEW YORK. oasu empac^ai^uou AtiEKT FOR SAVANNAH, James M. Curler, AT TUB OFFICE OF MFSSHS. YOUNG, WYATT d& CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Uiiiee. innxcrnRs ; ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLO Firm of A. S. Barnes ft Co. ALONZO CIHLI), “ “ CiilldH, Pratt ft Co. I. l\ UAIAlARD, •• “ Liviugstotl, Ballard ft to. WM. M. DODGE, 1 “ Win. M. Dodge ft Co. P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. E. ROLLO, S. T. LIPP1NCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTEl), WM. H. RIYERSMTTH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, JOS. H. WESTCuTT, 1 JOS. FATMAN, « STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ •' Goo. Savory ft Co. J. A. RKQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Presipent, WM. E. KOLLO, Secretary. 49* This Company will Issue Policios upon Ma riue, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, ut liberal rales of premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oet 81 No. 85, Bay citreet. l'HK OREAT \VK8TFii4N FQBfl AND MARINE INSURANCE CUM PAN Y, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Perm. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $5Uo,u00. nRE, MARIAE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lalhrop, 632 spruce street; Alexaudor Whildeu, Morciiaut, 14 North Frout-st.: John O. Hunter, ttrin of Wrtgiit. lluuter * Co.; E, Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John U. M’l urdy, Uim of Jouos, White ft ii’Curdy; Laac Haziehurxt, Attorney and Counsellor; Jarnoa B. Smith, firm ot Jutnus B. Smith ft Co.; Theodore W. Bakor, firm of Tracy ft Bakor; R. a. Walton, but) .warkotstreet; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CUARLba C. La1'HRO.V, President. Tuos. K. LuisutCK, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER,, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. NEW BOOKS. ' " ODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, lor July; Arthurs Homo Magazine, tor July; Pctoraou’g Month ly Magazine, for July; Harper’s Sow Monthly Mag- uzlne, for July; and, Grabiun’s IllUHlrated Monthly, for July. Tho History of Europe, from tho fall of Nupoluou to the accession of Louis Napoleon, in two volumes, by Sir Archibald Album, a uow supply. Hertha, by Kredrika Urcmor, translated by Mary Howllt, The Ship Carpeuter’s Wife, a story tor tho times, by IV K S Whitman. Tho Tangletown Lottora. edited by the author of Records ot tbo BubbietotTParish, ftc. Salad for the Hoclal, by the author of Salad for tho Solitary. Comic Miseries ol Human Life. Plu-rl-bus-tah, a song tbat’s by no author. For sulo ut 16U Congress street, by June 28 WARNOCK ft DAVIS/ BY BAUKMAN & BULLOCH. Ifari iMrib <* m lit r riv-te 5alm' tract of I'*.., •< A voty de*t tVom tt). • ny, vvInvl. islm .*! ••. . , • ■ ' i. the leiJi*!<! in a .. unuptvu tor gur*. uun. g p - ... j mo.-t •-xculkiit w/.iui on ib.- pi rail, i - ,.ii. 4 .t) ouHjiiUiciiw., ucin, Ijuum., balance of tlio Duct, say 4.* acres, isunuieaiod jfiuu aud heavily timburod with valuable timber, and the soil excellent. Tho locality U very excellent; not one case of sickness has occurred on the prem ises during tho whole time the present proprietor has owned it. This D X chance for an Investment rarely to be met with, and any person wishing a quiet private residence near tho city, or any person desirous or going into tbe gardening business to raise trull and vegetables for our market, will find this the place to suit, For terms, which will be very liberal, Inquire at our countlug room, 164 Bay street. Titles (indisputa ble. ' jyg ~ At Private Vale! One ot tbe finest Hotel or boarding house ser vants in tbe State. Enquire at 164 Bay street Juno'24 ” At Private Solo. A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good plain cook and Hold hand Warranted sound. TUlo un- 'lubted. _ JunelU At Private Sals. A negro man, aged 26 years, u first rate hostler aud house sorvant. Tluo undoubted. Jel9 At Private Sols. A very likely negro man, aged 22 ydarf, a good field hand. Warranted sound. TlUeirntroubted. Junol9 At Private Sale. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent article for stock of all kinds. Cull and examine. Price 26 cents per busbul. JunelV To Kent. ‘ Two good etor»s. under the bl'iff, at the foot of Whltukur street. June 19 Wuuted to Purchase A convenient medium-sized house, In a central location—one fronting ou u square would be preler- rod—for such hu ouo a liberal prlco would be given. June to At Private Sale. Thirty eligible building Lets, 60 root trout by 100 lo 124 net deep, .-fituHted on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. These lots are ou high giound and some of them lu the Immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for thu slto of tho bavaufiah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms same as city lot :, viz : oue-tlflh cash, inu baiunuo bearing interest ut six per cent. Juueia THE UUKAT HUUTUKUN bHHUUVi PRYOR’s'oiNTMENT. I T is h sure and speedy cure for bums, piles, corns, felons, iuver sores, ulcers, scold head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur- sos,) sore and cracked lips, Iresh wounds and sores of any description. It lu a most valuable remedy aud cure, which can be testified to by tiiousauus who have used it in many portions ot the South for the lost few yeurs. lu uu luatuncu will the salve do any injury, or interfere with a physician’s proscrip tion. The proprietor bus numerous certificates and letters from puupio who have used it themselves, aud most earnestly recommend it to others us a speedy and certain remedy for thu above named diseases. A trial is all that is necessary for Us own recommendation. Auioug thu mauy that have teKUUod to the effica cy of tiiis valuuWu remedy, and recouimeudod it to the public, are Dr U A T Ridley, Judge E Y Hill, Judge U A Bull, R J Morgan,hsq, J L Stephens, Ksq, ana thousands of others. Sold by J BMoore, savannah, Ga; J EHall, Aiuor- leus, Uu; Clark ft Dells, Auguste, Ga; McKeesou, Robins ft Co, New York; and druggists generally. 43T By remitting ouo dollar to tUo proprietor a siugie box ol Urn ointment will be'tdrwarded by mall, tree of postage, to any part of the U States. Sold by J. if. MOURE, Savannah, Ga., and drug, giutii gouurully. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, may 13 LaG range, Ga. A LE AND POUTER.—26 bbls Summer Stock Ale, 20 casks Byass’ I^oudon Porter, pints, just re ceived and lor sulo by JyO SCRANTON, JOILNSTON ft CO. SUNDRIES! 1 AAA POUNDS choice Baltimore Shouldera; AUUU and 1200 do do Sides; 100 cholee sugar-cured Ham9, in bags; 600 puunda choice Tennessee Hams; 16 barrels choico Leaf Lord: 10 Uurcoa extra whole Rice: 0 do fair do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 ao steam pale do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 15 boxes Tallow' Candles; 10 do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 (nixes A, 6 aud C Sugar; 13 bugs good Rio Coffee; 7 iKiukcts old government Java Coffee. All tho above for salo low by Juno 7 J. A. BROWN. C OFFEE.—160 bags prime Green Rio Coffee TOO bags fair do do do 60 mats old Government Java Coffee 26 bags old M&racaiba do 60 do prime Lagnlru do &i) do do Porto Rico do 26 do do old Rio do hi storo and for sale by Jy4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. KNTJSUPHISE INSURANCE COMFY, No. 11 Pint street, Neto York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cash Capital—$15O,U00I T HIS Company insures uguiust loss or damage by Firo, ou tbe most reasonable terms, dwelling houses and furniture, warehouses, stores uud mer- chaudlzo, factories, ships in poi t, etc. All lossoa will bo adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, President, ’ C. BROOM, Vico President. Enw’n C. Taylor, Secretary, Geo. B. Drake, Surveyor. JAMES HI. CARTER, Agent, Juuo 17 for Savannah, 86 Bay street. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now bo dono at home. Mr. CHARLES KEMJSH having es tablished himself permanently, all work iu this line will bo done with dispatch. All repairing of Castors, Teapots, Ouudlestlcka, Spoons, Forks, or. any other nrttcio will bo done neatly before plating. AU old silver plate, such as Tea&ettsor Urus, Forks or Spoons, will be re-Uulshod and made equai to new, and at moderate prices. All work or orders left at my stort will be attended to promptly. P. ti.—Watch cases gnlvnulze J. mayv7 O. M. GRIFFIN. L ADIES SMALL UMBRELLAS —Ladies’ small size Silk Umbrellas, from 18 to 24 inches. Re ceived aud lor pnlc by J. W. THRELKELD, Jel2 Congress and Whitaker streets S' UGAlt, fto.—76 bbis and LU hhds A, B aud C Sugars; 16 hhds Molasses; 26 do Bacon bides aud Shoulders; received and for sale by MCMAHON ft RuYLD, lunel9 206 and 207 Bay street. W HISKY,‘St'MXNDBKAXDY^f)bbls I, IX xxx and xxxx Whisky, 60 do Rum 26 }i casks Brandy, 26 bbls do Recolved and fur salo by MOl PATENT ECL1PNE HI A SJ IS (S If ii £0 BPo Every man Itls own Card Winter. riALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'S vJ Patent Eclipse Hand stamp, the bast, cheapest aud most oouvouiuut of any thing for the purpose yet ottered for salo. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congreos St. Jyl7 McMAHON ft DOYLE. P IPES, WRAPPING PAPER AND BROOMS—60 boxos PiiMirt. 200 reams Wrapping Paper, of all sizes; 100 dozen Brooms; for saie oy MCMAHON ft DOYLE, Jm>o28 2<)6 and 207 Buy street. D RE.SS GOODS.—a 4ur6« aod Uu« assortment of colored lire as silks, Bareges, Tissues, French cambrics, French Muslins, Bmdnnta uuu Print-., as well us a largo assorlmeut of White Goods, Stiipco Piaid uud Plaiu Swiss, organdies, Tnrleton, Buuk, Nansook, Cambric and Jaconet Muslin, for t.alu by Juno 20 _ AIKIN ft liUitNS^ IXiITTXiB OXANT COHN AND COB MILL. HINT’S liUPKUVED SBWIN6 MACHINES. T\ ES1UNED Expressly for making Bags—and JL/ which is decidedly superior to any other machine tor that p.'.vposc. bpuol or skein thread can bu used of any dur.isud leugth, aud whluh will not need to b.- changed until tbo. whole is used. muuuufaci) rers, t.ruin ana Fa.or merchants are puitlculurly invited to caii uud examine it at 136 Con gress htrect. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. HUNT ifc WKHSTJ£li’3. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. I vLdiGNLD lor Tamiiies,pJantatious,Dressnia* _L/k'ois, 'ittiiurs, Boot is shoo munu fact drew a and otuers who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly uud witn expedition. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, uud which will m.6 ravel. It is more simple, is le&u liable to get cut cf order, aud costs less In proportion than any other machine, and Is warranted to be perfect, and to woi k well. All apparatus necessary tor convenient use te furnished with it, and any instruction will be given that will lie uccc48ury tu ensure to tbe purchaser ka successful operation and durability. The public are respocifuliy invited to call and ox. amine them at 135 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt 49* A very ueut and ornamental Iron iublo Win uow be given with a machine for a small sum in addition to the regular price.Lay 26. ilO W ihS LUTiDA UikAtVEBARUi PATENTED DEO., 4, 1866. miHS improvement enables one fielu uamTio nfok Xus much cotton us live oh- • -ok by the old method and having the cotlui frte rum trash, and in belter condition for giuuint. The above muchiues arc lui .,ulu at 136 Congress street eavannuli, and 12& Muc-iing street, Charles ton, S. C. Ail orders irom abroad will receive prompt attention. Putuiers, Factors, Cottou Broken, and all interested ar« respectfully invited to call aud oxamiuw them County Rights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. OK THE STATES OF HO. CAROLINA, 0XORU1A AND f L0WDA PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH I860. rpHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X is rospoctfully called to tho abovo Mill. Thov are now in uso by at least 10,000 of the most practi cal Slock Feeders throughout tho country, who aro ready to testify to their superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. These Mills are made tho exelURlvo business of tho patentee, Mr. Scott, who bolnga practical man, superintends the casting in person, and selects only such iron as is best adapt ed to their use, which, Uko car wheels, require to bo made of motel known to be hard and Btrong.— They weigh from three te five hundred pounds, ac cording to size, and can be put in operation in twen ty minutes without expense or mechanical aid. The Little Giant has taken tho first premium at nearly all tho Stato Fairs throughouttho union, and that in the most complimentary manner. They aro guaranteed ag&iust breakage or derangement when U30d according to directions, and warranted tegivo tbe most perfect satisfaction, or tho money refunded on tho return of tho mill. They aro of throe sizes, and will grind from eight to fltlccn bushels good feed per hoifr, according to size, with one or two horses. We now offer them to tho trade comploto, ready 'IU Tl A ATI for attaching the team, at reduced prices. U Hi I j IV hi A Ml Mr. C. H. CAMPFIEtD !b our Agent In Savauuab, WM. J. HUNT, Cor. Montgomery St Von- sts. SAVANNAH, GA., IJ KSPKCTFLJLI.Y informs tbe Ladies and XU Gentlemen of this City that he Ib prepared to servo them evory evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar stylo, and hopeB to merit a share of public patronago, t Savannah, 17th April, 1866. 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 2<J Bryan-st. _ would respectfully auuouuoe to the cltlzcus oi Savannah that ho Is ready to mako and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Mattiug, ftc., at tho shortest no- Ice, and ou tho most reasonable terms. oct3-tf I) SUNDRIES. 10QU Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and Slum Urushos. 50 M imported Spaulsh Sugars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks lUo Cofi’eo; 75 mate Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxos Family Soup; 150 do Palo Soap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 600Gross Mutches; 60 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 50 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxes Scalod Ilorrlugs; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Coifue; 100 boxos imported Castlio Soap; 100 boxos Toilet Soap; 60 u, X, uud whole boxes Kaislus; niayli 206 and 208 Bay streot. B d Ribbed do, lo casks Hants 60 bbls Mws Pork, just resolved uud for sulu by Jy9 RODGERS. NORMS ft a). W ATOHK&-WATCHES—WATCHBSl Wo aro rocelving tho London Lover Watches, ortho moat celebrated mokors.iu Gold ami Sliver cosos. R. F. Cooper’s Du- plox Wntohos, Watahos for Tiraiug Horses, fiuo eiwlHBChronomotora, which wo offor at roasona' ble prloea. at our now Htoro In Gibbons’ Rauge. X«tH2i D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. SUNDRIES. 600 bags fair to prime Rio Colfoe 160 do Java,Laguayra,>!aracal- bo aud Mocha Coffee 1160 hhds Muscovado Molasses, 100 bbls. New Orleans Syrup 30 hhds. New Orleans, Porto Rico ami Musco- vailo Sugar 400 bbls New York Rectified Sugars 50 bbls Crashed and Povrdored do 10 boxos Loaf do 100 bbls Lebatiou Mills super aud extra Flour 200 boxes Adamautlno, Sperm and Mould Cau dies 160 do Nol Pole and Family soap and Starch 80 halos heavy Gunny Bagging 200 colls Wostern Uemp Rope 2,000 lbs Bagging Twine 60 hhds Clear aud 60 do Ribbed Bar,on Sides 26 do Shoulders aud Hams 00 bbls Moss aud Prime Pork 10 hair bbls Fulton Market Boot' 160 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Black and Groou Tea 600 bogs Drop and Buuk Shot 60 kegs and hair kegs Hazard’s Powdor 76 bbls Sugar. Buttor and Soda GrackorB 26 do Pilot Bread Together with a lull assortment or all other artl- Uales in tho grocery lino, (except liquors,) In store and for salo on accommodating terms by Jyll RODGERS, NEW CONFECTIONARY STORK No. OS Bryan Street. two dookh above Mk. Gruvbn’h jbwklkv sroiu. rpIIE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavnnnah in particular, aud tho publlo generally, that ho 1ms this duy opened a uow Confco- tlunary Store, aud will keep 011 hand u largo and resh assortment, of all kiuds ami dlscrlptlous. Ho will at all times uml hours, ho ready toforuish parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, nt all hours. Oruumouted Cakes, Pics, ftc. ftc., made lo order. He hopes from long experience to givo satisfaction to all who will honor him with tholr patronage. 14. B nozZOLA, No. 98 BryauS SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, ftc. W E have Just received a now stock of Sllvor Spoons, Buttor Knives. Salt Collars, Fish. Plo, Cake and Ico Croam Knlvos; also, Steol and Platod on Steel Tabio Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Broad Knives. Platod and Purlen Butter Stands, bo- sidos a quantity of usefol articles too nutnorous to meutiou. I). B. NICHOLS ft CO. Juuo4 of whom the mill may bo had at our prlco. march 7—oodftwly BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND IJVERY STABLE. The undersigned having put the abovo Stables in good condition, ore prepared to accommodate tholr customers with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, fto., with sound, gentle, aud well broke herses. and careful drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terras, aud well carod for. Two pairs of fine Carriage Horses fer solo. Inquire cor ner of Barnard *ml Broughton streets. apU4—ly BTKVENB ft EL LISTON 1 , NORMS ft OO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 ANO 67 ST. JUtiKN-StRKCra. HE Subscriber baa received, and will open this dny, tho largest and most oxtensivo varloty TNDOW SIUDLM over offered in this city. It Is tho Intention of tho advortlsor to keep constantly in storo a largo supply or all tho various patterns and stylos manufactured by tbe manufacturers ol this country and of Franco, to which tho attention of mer chants aud families in the city aud country, Is in vited. Tboy will bo sold at wholesale and retail, at ■•tiafaotory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. Jan t N EW 1MPOTTATION--26 baskets quarts ft plnta Max Butalne Wlno, in store and tor sale by JyW OGDEN, OTARR ft CO, TO ARRIVE, LANDING ft IN STORE BACON LARD, ftc. 1 A A HHDS Clear aud Ribbed Sides 1UU 60 do Shoulder In air tight packages 100 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, 60 bbls do do 20 casks do, most approved brands SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 60 hhds very choice Porto lU«u Sugar 60 do fair Cuba do 300 bbls Clarifiod, A B aud C do 60 do Crushed do 26 boxes Loaf do 160 bbls Now Orleaus Molussos 60 hhils Cuba do 100 bbls California Syrup bagging and rope. 126 bales Gunny Cloth 600 colls Ropo, pure hemp . LIQUORS. 800 bbls Connecticut Whisky 160 do E Photos’Gin 60 do nuroGln, PAR- 100 do Now England Rum COFFEE. 400 bags fair to primo Rio 100 do primo Lagulra 60 do Java, 10 pcokots Mocha, For salon tbo lowest market ratea jylQ HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. 1AALHMOKE FLOUR—1QU bbla superfine BoM- JDmore Flour lauding per echr Woodbridge, and tor saw by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. JjEFlMOi[aKXTCLAKllikD 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar. 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarifiod do 60 do do B do do 60 do do O do do Just received and for sale by Jol HCKAN1DN. JOHNSTON ft CO, rfetHE All&Nl'iON of strangers visiting the X city and tho public generally, u invited to an examination of our stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety and stylo is not to be ex celled to this city. apr28 AIKIN ft BURNS. Jg a GOING, &c.—200 bales Gunn; 160 bhds Sugar, louO sacks RfoCoffL 200 boxes Tobacco, various brands 100 do Schldam Schnapps 50 basketa Heldsick Chauipagno In store, aud Tor salo. on accommodating tenns t l 2^ HBIR. J. Taylor ft_ ?°.b's_Alo received and for _f sale by jell McMAHON ft DOYLE. Noa. 206 ft 207 Bay street J U.-T RECEIVED per steamer Alabama: Extra choico Table Butter Fulton Markot Beef Pickled Beef Tongs BARRON’S Family Grocery Storo, JylQ Corner Whitaker and Charlton sts. L ARD—16 bbls and 26 kegs Leaf Lard 6 kegs extra SmlUifiold Lard, for sale by Jyl7 WEB3TER ft PALMS, L5 UN DRIES.—60 bbls Now York Reuned Sugar O 126 boxes No 1 Palo and Family Soap ICO do Tobacco of various brands 50 do Groou and Black Tea 16 hhds Bacon Bhonlders, 10 do do Sides 100 boxos Candles, Adamantloo,Mould, ftc. Just received and for salo by Jy20 McMAHON ft DOYLE. UIRE8H Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, fer X salo by Jan 2 A BON AUD. TO MASTER UUILDER8 AND CON TRACTORS. P ROPOSAIB for erecting a Masonic Hall for Solo- mon b Lodge No. 1, will bo received at my of fice until tho first Monday in August noxt. f JyO-“3w JOHN S. BOWKN, Architect. M uliAssES—360 hhds, puncheons aud bbls Mus covado, Barbodoos and Now Orleaus Molas* sos, in store and for sale by jupe20 WEBSTER ft PALMES. LAtsTER—50 bbls Calcined Plaster, to store aud for sale by Jylg OGDEN, STARR ft CO. L EMON syrup—160 boxos, received and for 8 - - J salo by Jyl7 McMAHON ft DOYLE. A LB AN Y" A LE, —26 bbls. Albany Stock AieTJust recelvod, and for sale by junol SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. BALTIMORE BACON. 3 /11)0 POUNDS BALTIMORE BACON, to ,Uvv More and for June20 coruor Whitaicerfaad Charlton-sts. rpMEtSI BASKETS I—We wooidoauthi XI attention of the ladies to our stock of Work. Traveling and fine Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment to the city, at tho House Furnishing Store 166 Brougbton-stroot. taarfll HORAOS MORSE. PAPER-COO reams Wrapping Paper, auorted at- 1 X zes, lauding and for laio by JV24 SCRANTON, JOHNBTON ft OO. I^TlC^iu Ohoice Goa] iyi per BtoaitterKnoxvlIlo, for sale by** 11 iUppI ^ l O. JESSR,