Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, August 01, 1856, Image 4

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i •—>To all whom It may „. r< .iohp P. Hines will apply Court of Ordinary for letloni dlsmlMory m ad ministrator on tbo lutato of James 0. Hines : Thess are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to.make objection (If any they liavo) on or be fore the first Monday In December next, otliorwiae aald letters will be granted. Witness, John BUlm, Era. Ordinary tor Chatham county, this fourth day of June, 1B40. Juno 0 JOHN BILBO. u. o. c. ADM1 .\IRTHATUH'M K.4LK. P URSUANT lo an ord.'r of iho Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed "CITY lllBRlKri IUt( arfflaaKwers BSss»b lot Palate. Jkc. Levied on as tho property of F . 0. Call, so satisfy a distress warrant issued, of the Booorabto the inferior Oourl ot Chatham County. In E ot Jobs J. Hunt, Ann It. Wall and James J. t«. f. 0* Oarl. Properly pointed out by nk. Terms Cash. niWARI) U. X conrl or iMinur nr Oluiimm cwuuy, pouen Jn > Bhgf1lr . ' j.innoUTiii, m« ( win I., .pill,i,n iheawTOmilny ■M mTKOFUEOmilA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom It may (hnwfl: Wb.rc« I JoOo JUllffy,wm»pptytottio qmm nr Ordinary for Letters IHsmUnry &* adtnlnU- ioothflEiuteof WUliam WrtgbtthMO are, • lo du and admonish all whom It may •.», to bo and appear before raid • objection (If any woy have) on or before tlio Int Monday In Norombrr uext, othwtso raid Let* lorn will be granted. Witness. Jonn Bilbo, »*q., Ordinary for Chatham County, ibis e.gbt day of April I860. -otin,... c. c. H1L STATS OF CJKOUCJI A, CHATHAM CO. mu aU Whom It may concern: Whereas Mary Anu X Dent will apply at the Court or Ordinary for lei* Itra Dtimlsaory ou the estate of James I*. Dent.— Those are therefore to cun and admonish all w hum It may concent, to be ana npjicar before said Court, to BUI objections (If any they have) on or before tho lint Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will bcfraoled. , , Fltaoas John Bilbo, Ksq., Ordinary lor Uutlmiu OotmtT. this third day of June, 1850. J* 7 ' aOHN Btl.UO, MTATK OF OKOIIG1A, /CHATHAM WIITNTY.—lb all whom It may cou- V/ cent: wbscoaa, Patrick Ryau will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on th© eatate of Darnel Oolhn* : Hum are, ywroforo, to cite and admonish all whom H may owtoern, to bo and api>eur before said Court •• make (affection (ir any they have) ou or be- for* the first Muuday In August next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, John Bilbo. Esq., Ordinary for Cbuth »m County, this twenty-third day uf Juno, 1850. JunoiCI JOHN Dll. 110. o. c. c. ^alTATK OF GEORGIA, TJULLOCU COUNTY.—To all whom it tuny con* cern : Whereas, Asa Johnson will upply at the Court oi Ordinary for said county, for letters of ad- mlniiiVaUon, with tho will annexed, ou the ©stale of Mary Williams, lato or said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to ho aud uppear before said Court to mako objection (If any they have) on or before tho first Monday In August next. otficpvwo said letters will bo granted. Witness. William Lee, Esq.. Ordinary lor Uuibnrh sounty, the 20th day of June, 1850. junett W1U.1AM LEE, u. «. i\ GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. X U all whom it may concern: Whereas, Mrs Sa- rah J Jones, Admini-tratr.x ujion the estate of es S Jones, lato of liberty county, deceased, will apply to tho Court of Ordinary oi .-aid county for letters dlsmlssory; These are therefore to cltu aud uduiuuDli all whom It may concern, lo he and appear before said court, 10 mast objections, If any they have, in terms of tha law. otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, W P Garidoau, Ordinary for liberty county, this 10th of January. IBM. JylC—2 W. P. GlKADKAl*, o.1. c._ " '' May 20th. From V. S’ hMKH, uaxwut. mmraio. *>raru; Atflui, Boston, New York, TU .*(a, and Baltimore JAMBS a.' Fim.KS, and importer ok WalrhM, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fan cy Goods, Ac*, so. 12, Hona 2n atntKr, nnuiMttruu. *e|U8 ^ ly NELSON 8WEKZKV, DESIGNER AN D SCULPTOR IN MAKBI.L Corner Aitor l'laco and 4th Avenue, conniy of Chatham, between the legal hours or sale, mHR ertonldre' variety and the larucst tho following property, to wit: tot* No*, three (3) ' I _, mo ?\. e? “ e!l . e .^ un . ^ and four (4), being part of Oar don lot No. uiuc (ft), Spring Hill, City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad street; also the following uegro slave-: Jack. Peler, Alexander ami Sarah. Sold a* the properly of the Dilate of Samuel tirlllln, hue or paid county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditor! of suit late. RICHARD WAYNE, Admiuhtrafor dc lioul* non. on Je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, ’ liKOilUIA, C'llAi’flAfll COUNTV. ~ O N the tlrxt Monday In Augmt next. I will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county lor leave to sell tlie negro .•-laves beonglug to the o*tat© of Clara A* Ogtlbov, deceased, for the lietn-llt of the heirs and credit v* of said estate. Juno 4 JAMES A. LaHOI'IIK, Adm'r. From u. viiiHW» aovicinvixt) xtuavr. rmuuxtrau. rx. Authorized Axcnl for luo Savannah Journal. rpHK i I Min-1 InAmerU stork of Monument*. Tomb-*. Hoad Stone. jnerlca, can he fouud al this o.»tab!i«bmenl, from plain to the most i:l.ilM>rntc and ornale lu design and workmuu>hl|t. In addillou to the slock alwavn on hand, n great variety of drawing-, appropriate and original may he found, from whl* U work will be. ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faUhtully executed, and idilpi** 1 lo any point available by water or steam Persons vhlting the city of New York ou plea*ore or business are respectfully Invited to vMt this es- tabllsbmont. 3k VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVII.1.K. A Ylt'gliiln «S» Temieant-e SP teir S U M M !•; It -isa Alt Li AN GEM KNT. iui'-t coiulortable ai Routv to the d lno-'t » xp---llltoi VIRGINIA SPRINGS ! lticliard K. VYlTllanw,ialc oTlhulhiUii conn- j . , l>A\-UUM. Ihom A . u ' [ i Checked Through. Stag' S TATE OF GEORGIA—Ul'LLOCU CO. XB50—Two months alter date application M made to tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of .-aid Oountv for leave to sell all the lands belonging to lha estata of Michael OonahDon, deceased, for the baotflt of the heirs and creditor! and said deceased. JOHN K. GIBSON, Adm’r. STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- oera: whereas, Jo?lah Davis will apply at the ooait or Ordinary for letters of administration on Ibaastate of Henry Davis, late of said county, de- UltOUGHT TO JAII«» Brought to Jail In Swain-boro, Emanuel to , un Iho 4th tmdant, a negro man; lie nays Ills name U Harry; that he Udong.-. to the e-t.ite ot Thomas Clay, of Bryan County, On. He L-: , or light complexion, with u alight near over the h*fl I eye;about fi feet-TJj inrlic 1 in height, aud about 20 i years old. Tlie owner U requoste«l to eouie forward, pay ' charge-i and take him away, a-* lie will he dealt with j tw tho law directs. HENRY OVERTTREIX JcO Julor. nuitCe. A id. iiersuiM having demand* aguiimt the estate of Richard F. William.*, late of Uiuthal ty, dcee.iycd, tire hereby uotillcd to present thorn 1 within the time prtwerlhed by law fo the hubeeri- her ; and all indebted lu the >uid estate are requ*-t «d to mako Imnm-.liNtc pa> mvut to M. II. MliJ.KX. Admim-trafor de l»onl* non. March 25—Gw ltw Uy2l—Je 7 UfATMUYuvSliBii; C IHATIIAM COUNTY.—To nil whom it may con- / cern: Whereas, the c$lnlu of Jeremiah Mc Donald lies uurenrwcuted lu consequence id' the death of Nathan Urewlon, Hie executor, and unl< -s home lit aud competent person applies lor the ad- mluP.tratlon of said estate, with the will annexed, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other lit aud proper persou, administrator with tlie will an nexed do bonus non, ou said estate: These are. therefore, U» cite and admonish all whom it inny concern, to be aud api*ar before said Court to mako objection (if any they have) ou or before tho tirst Monday In August next. Witness William I ah* " ~ county of Rulfoeh, lids Jel6 Slain of Ucorgln, llullmlt C'omify A dministrators’ sale.—By virtue ..r U n or der from Ibc honorable Court of Ordinary of eafo county, |*a**ed <>u (he first Monday in June, will be Hold ul the conrl house door or raid county, between the lawful hours of nuto, on the tlivt Tues day in August, One trad of I.uud, containing one buudred and fifty acre!, in tald county, on the Cu- noochce river; aL-o, a part or four other survey.-, containing tlx hundred aud thirty-tw o acres, on Cu- noochce river, well improved and in good repair, consisting of swamp, hav and pine laud. Sold as the property of Nathan Urewlon, deceased, for the . - „ - - . . - „ , benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decea-ed. j burg or Richmond, and arnve at tho Springs on the ttF.RHI.Ml-N I'ATHNT WITH IIAlJ. , 8^A-f^r^fl<mjC|-I , J)0K IjOCK. Having received the Prltw Medal at tho World’s Fair, are now offered lo tho public a- I lie Prlko Safe of the World. Te:Ttetl an«l approved as they have been every where, their crowning victory was reserved to bo awarded by the Juries of tho World sF.ilr. Tlie proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars in Gold In the one exhibited at the World’s Fair, fom- don, and invited all the Hck-I/»ckH in tlie world to | opeu the Safe, with or without the keys, aud take tho money as a reword for their Ingenuity ; although operates! ttpou by several skilled in the art, no one could lick the Isick or open tho Safe. By ou Improvement upou thoorlglual Salamander, Introduced by tbo present owner of the imlent-right, tho Interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, aud books, lepers and Jewelry might bo preserved In one or bis saTea for a century without contracting a blemish from moulikor milldew. To guard against counterfeits every Safe from th© manufactory of the subscriber, and sold by him or his agent*, has a brass plate In Trout, bearing his uamo; each is also furnished with one of his Im proved Thief Detecting ls>cks, which 1-- a good guar antee agaiiiHt robbery. 8. C. HERRING k CO.. Nos. 1U5,137 and 18U Water-si., N. Y. Agents lu s-avauuab, Messrs. BEI.I. I’RKNT1«*, . e . A .... t .. i-..II .....I „..,.„l.,ln BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ' NWTl.Y KXWVTKll AT Till: SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK k JOB OFFICES. Iforchunt- can be HUppTicd'at i-hort notice with Blll-llvfitU, BUN ttX I.a«l»MK, Dray llookw, Clrtulai., Cards and Blank Hooka. Particular aHentloin ^ivni^to lk)OK AND PAM PHIJCT PRINTING, such as Catalogue* lor College*, Proceedings of Meetings, Report*, By-l/twa, etc. : -5. GENUINE PRFJ»AR llelmbold** Highly Cano * Com* pound Fluid Extrat . . a* USA CERTAIN; HAKE, AND KFFIXJTUAJi REMEDY JpoK Ifiicaaea of the liladdur, Jvidncys^OraVbl, Broadway, anil contains a» ‘ ‘ <Ja v,, (Undabea neone*, with gou«; -r,-* t r ,^ tv *, *'*'», /IT tmiNHUI Ul mu IMIUUW, Muw;*).ui*o»t nrl H V;, ! Dropsy, Wcakneaa, Hecrot Diseases, Ob*true- 04 » Ra l w,,,rfr ^ iv ‘ ‘t-w, tic-os, Female Complaint*, and all cUsmuch of tho ' ,l ''. : ' , ;d -- i r. » ' sfoxual Orgjui*, whether lu W* Matr I m ;.»i ,, t pr ^ 1 ,u »-mt\ MAI.E OR FKtUlJv 1 teuj--- roccpUcKi of Pati-m . J,H ) llh 7 mary M foeatert tLc ia-^i; kn ,; j.,", Brisulwif Htijii-nnibii.a «t .» ., * from wbutovor cau*c they may havu originated, and ! any l’by^lckui in the Sonti. Patimt. NO MATTER OF HOW I-QND STANDING. • fur «Uc», or $15 per mouth. Slob This popular aud apcciflo remedy is now offered ; m ^ to the afflicted, aud guarantevd to cure all the alxive - , 9UT * uari " 1 “D"* b-turv tu«.. complaints. R searches out the very root of the i dertaken. Ait coinmuuinatif.,, mu>t (L dlsease, driving out all tho diseased Quids of the addressed to j. body, thus removing the cause and rendering tbo | ftU fi ® “Katu Vj : u, i*5S >in.miniKP ui jii*vuuf(f| d,' -ia,h.. i ii . cure Ihanknll for Ibo very liberal iwlrouage heretofore ' received, we resjiecttiilly polled a CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. f-riitt A ""l J OT AT ^*^~t4 W supcxTor ji who may favor u« with a call, both u.- to prlc execution of work. NOTICE TO NAHINEUS. mUE buoys at Ht. Simon- Inlet aud Pound hav ; X boen arranged lu the following innnniT; Outfit Bn.* Bu *y is a large flrft class nun, j atnted ' red, with the No 2 in white—Is placed is twenty j foot water at low tide, and roust be left on the . j t»r- board band entering. St Simon-: Light I war* N \V by W )i W. North point ot Jekyl W by N N. • Middle Buoy—1* a large second class nun, pamt- -uulliiunnne ol j in.ndiiT’itayi wan mdlDlliininitlou, wlilcli I l! ' " “' '' '’ “SI r„.,.,..tUui liivMrUblv cause, and con be taken , BIOW V or e * ,e nM , ( „ UJ * the same, fooling that we shall be able In piea-e nil; ouicr"remedied Invariably cause, and can be taken , 0, "" a ’ B "' lv- met • W | t ], | t ., f trouble and expense to patients. Th'.* »«•» - ra - r -a— falUblu remedy has paved thornands upou Uvn—.ms lYonx the bands of MERCI1XHH QUACKS, HON. Sift* su tlUAVi. T T KITED State., U ScliWcglcr'H ■ - ' ' il nut from premature graves. In case- of infection translated by Seeylo. tbo Compound Bucbu Is the only article worthy of: the least confidence of the afflicted In performing . SAFE CURB?- . It coulalns no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious : brother Joseph, drug, but la purely u VegrtalU Comjxui/itm. It Is j Davaii'o Ilutury very agrccablo tothetaslo, creates uo perceptible i Hanover—2 volt. ..... .1 . . . a... A..,. AAA ,AAA A.AA.AA. .. A..- nl.l.A. • AAA t f f II t llAShi I*. 1 l*re*cott’a Philip 2d ofHirai Calf and in Cloth. N&polcuu'e Cuufilh.-lic.a! ( "’DT-datlce W.; Ot til*- aiiouio nuus—i* a large neconu class uun, iwniil- , — » ed black, with No I in whlle-is pfacetl in «ixim*n • oUo . r t and may be taken by persons ol cither sex foot water at low tide, on the Eastern edge of the | without hindrance from business or medical advice, , ’■5* Co;i etiteriug. St Himons Light bear- North twilit of Jekyl W by N. | Inner lluoy—|- a s»*coud class nun, painted black, , with the Not) In white—L- placed lu twenty-one' who keep constantly on hand a full and complcto loot water al low tide, on (be |K*iut ol slmal running assortment, wldob they will sell at Manufacturers’ off from Jekyl Island, ' •' Middle Uroillld, ami tli'n-t l>r kn un tlie lirl liaud i •" iljrecUona lor usoMrompany Um mt-Jlclue. — ar-XWliv IV; w Reader, if you have any of the abovo complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANG ERG l Xecpt* Visitors to the Virginlula .-pring-, in tin- route, | take tho jfoutli'-Hide Bailruad car* n« Peter-tmig, ..r the Richmond and Ikmvllle c-ir- at Richmond, at G i A. M., dally, (fitiuduys except*-d.) arrive at Lynch- I burg to dinner, aud thence, via the Virginia and ‘ Tcuuev-fc RiilluM'l. reach ifon.-uckV ivji tat14. uml Salem at 4 P. M.. and ul o'dhcr place take Kent, S»tnnm-**R«n t’«N Fine Line of Stupes I Ihosc via Run.*,u'k’s ludge ut Flnca-tfo, dine ut the Red Sweet, or Sweet spring.*, and arrive ut the White Sulphur Spring-, (17 mile.-) early on the evening uf the second day trom Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 154 miles of Staging. Ur b.\ the Salem route, stop ail night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur spring-, (D* miles distant fruui Salem,) dine at the Red sweet, or Sweet Springs', and arrive at the While Sulphur Spring! on the evening of tho following dn\. Tbo Virginia & Teunvisce Railroml i« l*vat*d " cli ^ are, therefore, to cite uud Admonteh all n may couccrn, to bo and appear before ?uld Court* to make objection (if any they bare^ on or Mbre U»e firit Monday in August next, otnerwiso •aid lattera will be granted. • Wltoeca, william Lee, Kriq., Ordluary for iLilIoeh countr. thi3 27th day or Juno, I860. JoneW WlIJ.IAM I.KK, o. •*« ‘ MTATE~OF*GKORGlA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may cou* curs : Whereas, General K Mlkoll, will apply at uie court of Ordinary lor letters of admlnL-itration With tae will annexed, on the estate of .Martha Groover, late of cald county, decoa'cl: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom tt may concern, to be and appear before raid Oourt to make objection (if any they have) ou or before too first Monday la September next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness, William Lee, Enq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, tnla Slat day of July, 1850. jy» WILLIAM LEE, o. a. c. "GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY. ynWO MONTHS after daw, application will be | made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary for ■ said county, for leavo to sell the following named negroes : ivrao and her three children, Irene, Mi nis and joe: belonging to the lato of Louisa Tornp- kins, deceased, for the benefit of said heirs. * vnLIJAM 11. THOMAS- Guardian. Jefferson ton, June 10, lBfifi, Juno 20 ttLYKN'MlKlilFF’M Vii,K. 'ITTILii oe sold before the Court Hou3o in the city ff ot Brunswick, county of Glynn, ou the first Tuesday ta August next, between the legal hours of sal*, the tollowlng properly, lo wit: One lot or parcel of land situate, lying ami being in the city of Bruns wick, In (M county of Glynn, Ktntf of Ga., known and distinguished in the plan of said city as Old Town Lot, numoer two hundred and flriy-threc, ami tho improvements thereon; levied on by virtue of a fi fa Usuoa out or tho City Court of Havarmnah, in the county ol Chatham, lu favor of Benjamin C Frank lin vs Cbarte3 E Flanders. Property pointed out bv plaintiff y jy2 M. C. II. WRIGHT, R. «. KUTIUE. O NE MONTH alter «late, application will bo made to tbo State Rank of Georgia, for pay ment of * twenty dollar bill, tbo left hand hall of which has boon lost. JullS JOHN D. KENEDY. MldwnV, Alabama, July 1, 1856. OBOBGIA, BULI.Obll COUNTY. S IXTY days after date, application will be made to Ut© Honorable Court of Urinary of Bulloch county, for leavo to sell all the lauds belonging to the estate or Thomas Crosby, lato of aald county, deceased, for tho benefit or the In-irs mid creditors of said eetato jylO WILLIAM F. CROSBY, Adm’r. NOTICE. ' NK mouth after date, application will be ce, Eni., Ordinary for the through tt romantic cmmtry. p u cli- 12th day uf June, la.V,. I tuafotm*ur|'aModt'orilf«H»hibrilyati*ldclfohtrulit!in- WILLIAM LEE. o. c. r. piratun*. Tho road passe-' the ba-voftt..- nTiluBmit County", I’KAlvS Ol’ Ol Il'.K. ' And within three milts ol the Alleghany .-'prlnprs, one mile of tho Montgomery Whit-Mtlplur-.Spring.-, ami within four miles of the Yellow MitpImrJ-prings; all pleasautly equated it few ttttWs apart, on the Eastern slope of the Alleghauy mountain, in Mmit gotucry county. The waters of these Springs are celebrated for thoir great medicinal qualities, tho ac commodations are excellent, and have been greatly increased since la-t season. j$3"VisUora to the Red Sulphur tsprings take Kent. S tmmer.-.on ,k Co’s jRttgcs at Nowberu Do|K»t, I on the even lug of the day that they leave Peter* assortment, which they prices. WlHM LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND HRE- fBoor qcAtrma* ok WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured l*y St&xrn* tfi Marvin, A"ew YOrk. In tho lire of the fat lust., which cou*urn* ed the brick building occupied by Mr. Juu. T. Thomas, opposite the Gas Works, tu this city, was a fcht'e ol the above descriptions containing tho bookt, |Ki|*ers, and money of Mr. Thoina-*. and although the building was iletroycd, tho said Safe site (allied uo Injury whatever from Iho Intense heat to which it had been exposed. Ou ojicn- lug tbo Hafo, the contents were found undisturbed, audio thofcnw© order and condition as when placed tberc, except a slight di-c<»!'*rallon to the projecting ends ora few papers, aud tho backs of one or two of the books, caused by the ateaui goucratfst In tho Safe, while at its greatost heal. Tho Sale and contents, as it cume from the ruius, may still bo scon, in the |*».-se.«:*lon of Mr. Thomas, al tho Gas Works. A largo assortment of tluwe cele brated Hales alway.- on hand.and for sale by . C. M. CAMl’FlKIJi, * Agent lor tho Manufacturers, July 2d, 1865 171 Bay-st.,Havaiuiah. Ga. , l take plea-lire in corroborating tbe foregoing .-.late- I meat, and imvldition would add. that the hooks aro now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard. Ferry Wharf. July 20th, ls56. oct6—tl and must be left on the |*.rt ; , baud entering. St Simon* Light bears N K by N «j , 1 X. North point Jekyl IV by 8 J j H. ’ In the Sound la the tower Middle Ground Buoy— which Is a second class nun. painted with red and black horizontal .-trl|*es—fo placed in twelve fo-ct water at low tide, on the lower point of tho Middle Ground, to mark tlm two ehntincis. at Simpns Light hears N Ktiy L. North point of Jrk\t l-latnl H E bv S ‘j S. Middle Middle Ground Himy—is a .-vcotni class uuu. painted red, with No 4 in white—is place*! in eighteen leet water at low title, m.-m the elbow «*l the Middle Grouud, and tmi.-t In* lelt on the star board hand entering. North point or Jekyl bur* N K ii E. Brunswick |a>int W by S. Upi>er Middle Ground Buoy—I- a ecomi e!a-:> nun, paintetl red, with tlm No t> in whin—i- plit. e-1 lu 18 feet water at low title, near Die up|N*r end ot the Middle Grouuti.and must he UU oh the i-mt- board hand entering. Brunswick jn»ini bear- \V *4 8. Mouth of Jekyl Creek S E. Note.—lu running lu for st >imt»n» Bar bring tbe Light to bear X W by W )i W, while lu four lutiioms water. This hearing us a cour.-o will tako you up to ti e Outer Bar Buoy ami into tlie Hound, pacing the buoys as tiirected. By order of tb‘* Light House Board. MANIGAl'LT MORRIS. j«28—tl L. H. Insifoetor, otli Di-trict. NOTICE TO MAltINKRH. fjpHE buoys ut M. Andrew’s Inlet and Somnl ha 1 With this medlcloe you can cure youmvlr, and thus prevent all exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL 1‘RKVAll. This medicine speedily and effectually cure* the most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particle of Infectious matter Irom the sy-u*'ii, restoring the patient to a fieriest state of HEALTH AND PURITY. The Allachi in Madrid. Romance of the Hama. !>-, }[ - - Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavaxavgu” Earnest Linstoad, by Mi? i.- * HrtTtx. mar3 "*-;i»i*nt.VEt\,| Xl4X< | 1U8T HKCEIVED^-’JO boxi^ ishoei^k I O prime aruclo, 20 tien. ? 1 I Hams. In store, at.d lor eat*-U mar 2ft WAYSL. *.Ri.s\ j'^t ew chop Cuba morales’: ■ go Of the Abbott Iwvcr. .. :*. • l for Bale in lota to snit percha.- ■ >, v " ’ e<1 ' V| | jan31 Uo JN 1 llelmbold’a Highly Concentrated tom* pound Fluid Extract HarNapnrllla. For purifyiug Hie Blood, reraeving all disease* ari sing rrotn excess or Mercury, exposure aud im prudence In Ufc, chronic constitutional disca-es, arLsing from an impuro Hat* of Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for ihe cure of Scrofulu, t’alt Rheum, D'euld Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat and togs, Pains and HwuttmgB of tbv Bones, Tetter, llniplea on the Face, and all ocaly ErutiUous of the Skin. It is gratifying to the proprietor of these medicines to he able to state that it is now nearly three years *duce they wero first Introduced, during which time they have been extensively.used in various parts of the United States, and have given to patient aud practitioner U10 highest degree of satisfac tion in the vurlotw cases in which they have l.eeu etnploj ed ; whether lu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they have invariably given the most decided ami utmquivoful satisfaction, and produced the most salutary and beneficial effects. Numerous letters have been received from tho most distinguished ; .. 5 .N0,J,« CAUPEt AND FPIluLWWiT. • WAREHUU.-K 1-10 Qmgrr.x and 57 fU. J,iU*n y. . mHE UNDERSIGNED would take tLi. ■ ■ x tunlty to expre - lo hi- triei-i. aIlJ ...'Wl generally, his sincere thank- for tiir.-i-v j-. ! ■ age and influence, winch I.,i- r*-iu!s. : m, !, 1 }' hU trade to all part- or th- .-mm ah/ \ Florida, Alabama and Tenn-.t—• thertii- him to exhibit a stock ut-uii^. . .•., r - oitv. Families, Merdiunu, Hotel K-j.-i-f- t! .. boat Ownors are particular^ u va—i - present stock, which is now f various department!. con.-Utu. k - fo i.aumw- M Ing goods, viz: u '■ CARI'KI hUr.lh JMK.Vi Royal Medalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Moccl Brussels. Tapestry Brusseiit, Power Loom Brunei physicians In tho country, ami from the professors Three Terms made know n on the day of sal* BENJAMIN BRF.WiON, ) „ .SIMON J. BRKWTON, /*' *" rrt ’ Juno 2*1, I860 Je 15 State of GcorgluT*lliuioch Couiiiy. A dministrator.-'’ sale—win b.* sold, on tu© first Tuesday iu August next, before 11k court bouse iu Statesboro’, in said county, under an order of tho Court of Ordluary, Fifty-tour (54) acres of Pin© Land, grunted iff James Deal, and hounded by lands of James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to the estate of James Deal, for tho benefit of the* heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on tho day of sale. MARTHA DEAL. (Adlu'x. CALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. Juno 12th, leSft Je 15 On | mad a to the Bank of tho b'tafo of Georgia, for the payment of aTwcuty Dollar Note ou tbe said Book, (No. 42.) the right Hand half of which lias been kx! One month alter dule applicaliou will be nude to the Marine Bank of Georgia tor the payment of a Twenty Dollar Note, (No. 3H4) on said // ink. tin* right und half of wiiVh bin •»-<•» lost. Jy9—ia w—4w WM. U. HIGirr. Villa Rica. July 8,1850 NOTICE. ' fYTURKK mouths after dutcupplicatbin will be made X to th© Marino Bank or Ravunniib. for the pjy- mentot two Tweuty dollar bills, viz.: letter D, :;o7U, and letter O, fib?, the left halve* of which have been lost. *aMKH P. HUDSON, Tailahas.i-ce. Fla., May 17, Ibid. hnrmy’JO NOTICE* S IXTY uaya ufter dale, appllcatiun wilt bu mu'lo to tDe Honorable the Ordinary ol McIntosh county, tor leavo to troll iho real eaiatu, being in this COUUty, of tlie lulu Jaine-'. Smith, known as Baton (nee) Plantation fold fur tbo benefit «.f tlie heirs of xalrt ©slat©. DEAN M. DUNWOOHY, 1 JOHN JONES, VLx’ms. JOHN F. DVXWOODY. j Parian, July 1,1850. Jl- _ LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. ’ Elizabeth Cauly ) ^ 0 jj* u(j suporiur Court, Joha’cSiolr. J M “ y Tor "‘* ,m r appearing to the Ojurl, from the return *>i die .L.-ilf iH,. .lAlV.ii.lf.iil If.l.ti I't.nlt, Ic lint fi. NOTICE. A I.I. persona lutviug cluims against the estate of Evan Jones, late of Charlton county, Ga., de- ce.'ispd, are requc-icd to present them, iu terms .»f law, and tbo«o indebte*! will plea-e mako payment to the subscriber. STEPHEN' MiGAl.E, Executor. OeutroYlllage, Ga., June 14th. |fi6»> j**22 notice; ■ W ILL be sold, between the usual hour a of tale, on the UrBt Tuesday in August next, before tbo court houto door In Trader’s Hill, Charlton county, Ga., Two negro men. (Dick ami Torn)—lie longing to the estate of Kvau Jones, late of said county, deceased. Sold under provision of the will and by order of the honorable Ordinary of said county. STEPHEN McfALL. Ks’r. Centre village, Un., Juno 14th, I860 J©22 REiiiGidcs 'Works. H ISTORY of the Great Reformation of the Six- teentli Century, in Germany, Switzerland,&c, by J H Merlo D’Aubignc, five volumes complete in one. Tho Lito of Martin Luther, tho German Reform er, In fifty pictures, trom designs of Gustav Knnig. to which is added a sketch or tho riso and progress of tho Reformation in Germany. Life and Times of Rev Elijah Redding, DD, Into Senior Bishop or the Methodi«t EpWcopal Clmrch. by D W Clark, D I). Sermons on Several O-ca-lons, by tbo lfoy John Wesley. A M, m four volumes. Sermons from the Pulpit, bv H J1 Ba-com. |i l», LI.D. IJfo of 11 Bid*ilemnu Riusi-.oin, P D, 1.1. P, late Bishop of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Rev M M Henkle, I) I). Posthumous Works of the Rev Henry B Bascuin, D D, L L D, ono of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, edited by the Rev Thomas N Ralston, A M. Life or the Rev Robert Newton, D D, by Thomas Jackson. The Bards of the Bible, by George Guilillau. Tho Analogy of Religion—Natural and Revealed —to the Constitution and Uourso of Nature, by Jo* soph Butler, 1.1.1), late tord Bishop t/f Durham. Baptism—n -treatise on tlie nature, perpetuity, subjects, administration, mode, und uses of the ini tiating ordinance of tlie Christian Church, by Thus 0 Sumners. Baptism—with reference to its imjiort, modes, hlntory, proper use, und the duty of parents to bap tized children, by James I. Chapman, a minister of the Memphis Conference of tlio Methodist Episcopal Church, South. For sale at 15D Congress street bv Junt-22 WABKOCK *k DAVIS. following day to dinner, and Salt Sulphur Springs early in the evening of the .-ecowl day from Rich- tnond nr Petersburg. The Road from Newborn lHqwd tu the Rod Sul phur Springs. (aS miles.) ha? bceu graded uuJ greutiy improved since lastgeason, aud is now re garded a*>one of the beat turnpikes iu the moun tains . The line of Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and In operation to iho Montgomery White Sulphur Spriugs early in June. Pa«<;ngprs to Knoxville, Tenne.-Me take Kent, Sntntnoraou .k Co’s Mages at the Western terminus of tho Virginia k Tennc.-sce Railroad, now ISft miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate of 8 miles per mouth) to the Eastern termi nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia (Uilroad, and arrive at Knoxville in 21-2 day* from Peters burg or Richmond. lure from Petersburg or iUelunoml. To Red sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonaack’»,$lO uo “ li *• •• “Extern.... 10 50 •• White sulphur Spring- •* Buusack’-j 11 00 been arrang'-'l in the following manner: Two ply Ingraht, Wool Dutch. En^ish iJr:;; lleartb Rug* Pun.. auci table 0*1.., Lw- Mat I '-•‘t I' Lu-’lcg, u I DYING AND RENOVATING ESTA1JUSHME NT, 73 YORK BTKKFTr, NKAK TUB COURT ROUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., KntnljlUhcrl In mHE Sulwcrlbcr grateful to his friends aud X patrons for their continual favor*, would ntate timt iu addition to tbe improvement- in DYING, ho quired by hitn during his la:-t vl-lt to Egglaud and Scollanil, has made arrangements for extending his huslnu.-:-, by which he is now enabled to dye a greater variety of colors ou silk and woolen dross©*, shawls, <kc., which he truM* will generally please all who may favor him with their patronage. ninon*—maceo in ten Gentlemen’s garment- dye.!, cleaned or renovated . cf shoal runnlmr as may be required. In the same superior style which ^ a Voarh’ In the mh has generally ?o much plowed hit patrons aud ! ttUU ncariJ ^ mi ' friends. Table Covers, aud todies 1 Crape plmwls, ,vc., cleaned and finished in the Urst style. todies' Bonnets dyed, bleached aud |.:e*<ed -i the most fashionable styles. Orders Trom the country promptly at'.eude- Term* of several medical college*, recommending ii tbe highest terms the value of these medicine*, and M «• 7, „ , , , - - ; - - their superiority over ali other preporutiou.s for , l i 1 ttarBuoy—foa.'erondcItt^can, paintei. red, with . auch rompiainta as the proprietor recommend*. , ffrocateUes, ;j * ! *^° - 1,4 white—la-placed lu sixteen water at low Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of ThtcUu de ' ' - uutl various mojos of |iroparlug Uieio hnvu Uvou " ml WIL 1 given, all of which of course will differ according to tho mode of preparation which each Individuality adopt. These medicine.* require considerable care lu the tide, and must be left ou the starboard hand enter- ing. Little ('utiibet laud Light bear* W bv \V U .N. South |K>int or Jekyl X W by W. Middle Buoy—I* a »ecoud cla**> can, paiuted i ed, with the No 4 in white—is placed in umeteeu leet water at low tide, near Iho High North Breakers, and mu?t be left on the starboard hand enteriug. Cutnland Light bears W by X if N. South point m Jekyl X W H W. Satin and Silk Damask l-foi .u ] h.uj. Worsted and Cotton Dama-k, To*-.^-, i#,. Cord*; Velvet and Flush of*vino-:? -nAc.i-,:W*itu| Shades, new style. Also, every variety o iin-.-u mvuuiuin ic*|uhs vrru.-MJrinmv laic iu iuv i r s . . prcfoiration and the employment of different men-1 “ing* an<l m a fona s fo. o..s vr..i fctrua lu successive ojteration tu take up tho extrac tive matters, and, in consequence, are most fre quently improperly made, nud not nnfrcqucmJy ‘ , I'crij.i :r*U-7ca< T ra | FLOOR OIL CL- - From two to Twenty-four r.."t wide, tw li^ a | cut to fit without a iem. " . • „ -- , . IIUUIIIII nilim VI-CI l > mil'll , uuu iiui uuu uiiuh w, _ _ . . — n luner Buoy—is u second chi** cun, painted black,, much impaired, If not rendered totally inert, by the * P 10 1 ,, r ,Ji er , *"! f'ftfo ith 5o l lu white—U placed .In- tnreuiy-onc feet • injudicious aud unskilful management of thoso unac- . prices on uii uescriptioti ot gt i> ww water at low tide, near a dry shoal running oft fmm imuiuled with pharmaceutical pre]iaration*. ’ iTlintlir.rlnml Uulnl nml nine! I./. |>|-| nn I .« A «• .1. ... uf .. .. Cumberland Island, aud must be left on tlie |mrt haul c-utering. Cumberland light hears S \\ bv W ii W. South point of Jekyl X W W. In Ihe Sound i-t the Middle Ground Buoy—*econd l therefore of the highest consideration aud imiiorl-. r auco to the public and to the faculty that there , should be standard preparations oi uniform Mt-cogth and possessing the mon advantages. To effect this NUIR'1'81 BIIIRTS! I SlIHlTMi J I HAVK just received it large iisHortinent of white mol figured Shlrta, of every quality mid style, and superbly made, with collars to mutch, orders will also be taken, und slilrls made to .-nit any particular stylo or taste of tbu wearer. Cull at tbo Htar Clothing Emporium. 117 Huy street, my 14 WM. O. FRICK. REMO V AL. The subscriber has Removed on the , . Ray, next door to Hie Republican J{(iil]jj}- olllco, where lie Is now opeulug ul fill jfl handeonie assortment of .S F UIN (>uil LU AND EU.MMEK GOODS, which he will sell by the puttci n or make lu writer iu the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for tbe present and coming miaou. Thunkful for i>ust I'avurs, he hopes tu merit a con tinuance of the Haute. N. It.—Ciiltiug, Altering und Repairing done »t tlie Kliorledt unlice. Just rccoived White Drill Coats and Pants, While m.d Figured .Marseilles Vests, forKuloatasinall pro fit. •prl'J JOHN W. KELLY. li Salem “ R< d fsulpher .Sjtrings Alleghany Springs •• Montgomery White Sulphur Springs.... •* Yellow .Sulphur Springs “ Knoxville, Tennessee N’otk.—Thu charge lhr tickets to tlie Alleghany Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur aud Yellow Sulphur Springs, do*-. i.«»t include tlie charge from the Railroad t«i the Springs. Passenger* lor the Al • leghauy Spring 1 , (4 miles distant,) take tickets to .Shawsvllle—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (l mile distant by a branch Railroad.) take tickets to Big Tunnel and tor the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) taka tickets to Christlau*burg depot. Con veyances will bo found at those place*. For further information apply to E. A. G UUU WIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. It., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL. Stip’t p.ichmoud A Danville It. R., Richmond. K. IL GILL, Pup’t V. »k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT. SUM.MER80N k CO., myl.’^iai Fincaillo, Virginia. 11 51) 12 26 8 00 8 25 8 46 23 00 S i her iff, that the dQfcuduiit, John Cauly is u<*t to found lu ColTeo county, aud lie Is not iu IlietUtle; on motion of Win U Gauldlug, alforuey forlibellant, U la ordered that aurvice bo perfected on aald da* fondant by » publication of this order lu one of Hie public Journals of gavannnli, once a month for three montlui prccodiug the next term of this Court, rnqolrlng aaid dcfotuiani lo nppeur at tlie next form of Coffee Superior Court, iu tlio rnonlli of Novem ber next, and file liik defeniilvo allegation to the eauif. A true extract limn the miiiuteanl the Superior Court. Jj2 KWH) ASHLEY, Clerk- LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. EWlUffnion, 1 j n Uherly Bujierlor Court, The. Wilkinson./ Ma >’ ' ror, ». I81i0 ’ r 1 appertng to tho Court, by the return of tho Bhariff, iu tbo above stated ease, thut l lie defend Ml If not to be found in the county, and that lm is not lob© found In tho state: on motion or Wtn It Gauldott, counsel for libellant, it is ordered thut aer- vie© b© perfoctod ou said dclendant, by a publica tion of this uotlco one© a month for three month*, n«xi preceding the uext term of said Superior Court, r«qulHng tfld defendant lo bo and uppear at the next form of Liberty Superior Court fo answer iu Ut© hIiI cause* A true extract from the minutes of raid Superior Conn. ftg d. A. FltASKH, Clerk._ biVoiicH. ’ ANN BROWN 1 j (J n „|| 0C j, Sii|>uoior Court, WILLIAM II. BROWN. J Narch Term, 186ft. TT appearing to the Court, by tb© roluru or the J. Sheriff, that the tlefcnuant, William H. Brown, 1a not to be found In tho county of Bulloch» ou mo- Uen of Levi 8. D’Lyon, Attorney for tho plaintiff, It ta ordered that tho defendant do appear and lllo hU ©newer or defensive allegation, on or befoto the of the next term or this Court, and thut Mbttcatlon of this will bo made in ono of tho pub- He gaaettee of the city of Bavanuuh once a month for three months. A tad© Mtractlrom the mlnutei, this 22d day of MerehylUd. jyJ7-.Um|m DAVID BEASLEY, o • c • c. Ik JULiii DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON HTREICT NKAK BROUGHTON. Tho Hubfcriher lakes tills op|iurtmiUy fo inform ids fricii'h and tho public, that die is tumbled, frum ex|H.'rieiiue, utul tlie .intuitive perceptions of the truths of. Hoieuco. Iiused on tlie coiimion rulus of curvoylng forms, both plane and spherical, fo cut nml mako up garments to lit the human form lu (lie most complete and finished style, tu all wlm may favor him with u call. . Boys’ fancy dresses, Bali costumes, Military and Firemen's Uniforms, &c.,lkc. P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson *1., une door North of Broughton street, doc 7—ly TTangHos anu uoituiuiii^ Just received a great assortment of the most elegant patterns, with borders lo match, fiom 8 cents to *2, at CHAFFER k 00.VT, aprSO No. 0 Whitaker street. u. m. iiniifii-Tiv,'* HUC'OESSOK TO I.ATIi M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Btreels. HAH now on hand a heuutllid as sortment of Jewelry of every dls- criptlon nml klud worn by indies and gentlomen. and will sell ut unusually low price*, 1 have this day received (per Express) a large stock of elegant filver Ware, consisting of Hike uud Pin Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Fork*, Pickled Knives nml Forks, Knives, Fol ks and Spoon*, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Uratcra, Ac. Ac., all In Morocco cases, nml suitable for presents. I have also this day received an addition to my stock iff hair work ot light colored Curls, Topsys. Braid*,Front Pieces, Bands, Unci© Tom, Ac., which now makes my UKHortinnut complete. Orders received for any color desired. Wutchox repoiiod by um! under tli« miiiervision of self, and all othor work don© In a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 CENTRAL RAILROAD. CliANtiiJ OFHUilKDOnEr O X uml lifter Sunday, the 14th October, in&L, and uutll further notice, tlie Passenger Trains on the Uoiitnil Railroad will run ns follows : BETWEEN BAVANNA1I AND MACON, tonves Savnnnah Daily at...5 a ji uud 12.16 j* m. Arrive hi Macon •* “..2.16 pm “1 am. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 am “ D.fiO pm. Arrive iu Savuu’h “ ••10.46 pm “ 7.20 a u liwwm SAVANNAH AM) AfUL'STA. touve Savannah 12.16 p m uud 8.30 p. m. Arrive In Augusta 8.46 p m “ 5.30 a m, tonvc Augusta 0. A M “ 4.30 p Arrive in Savummii 1.30 p m “ 10.46 p IIKrWKKX MACON AMI AVOl'MTA. Liavv Macon 11.45 a m und 0.30 p m. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p it •• 6.30 a m. tosave Augusta 0. a m “ 4.30 pm, Arrive in Macon 2.16 p a “ I. a m. WI.I WKKN SAVANNAH, MILUUUKVH.Ut fc KATONTO.V. l.etive .Savatumli 6. A M Arrive in MillcdguvUle 2.45 p M. toave Macon 11 46 a m Arrive in luitonion ,,,5, P M. W. M. WADI.EY Geii’l Silpt. Huvuiitiah, Ga., Oct. 12, I85&. octlO. CUANGKOK 8CHKDULK ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over M'hlcli pniw** the Grcid New York & New Orleans Matts. O S nml alter Sunduy, Fcbnmry 3(1, i860, two daily train? between Macon and Uohimbii uiid one between .Macon ami Americas, tonvo Macon ut 2 a m, and 31* >t; nrilve at Colum bus at 7 15 A M. and 1030 p M ; leave Uuiunibii* a* 4 15 a m, uml I 30 p Jijaillvu at Macon at 1054 A >t, nml 7 40 p m; leavo Macon ut 2 .\ m; arrive at Auicrl ens at ft 40 a m; leavo Americas at 2 20 p >i; arrive ut Macm m 7 40 p m; making ucoinplolocuiineutioii be tween Monigumvry, Alab.inm, nn*i Augusta. Kings ville, Wilmington and Lharle*ton;nlso, witliCeii'nl Railroad Trains turiavaiinah, Milleugovilleai.d Eab" tun, aud with Macon uml Western train* tc A Mania, Chattanooga, Nashville und Knoxville. Teitii. _ At ('oliimhiis with Girard and Muliile Railrou*, u Eulaula. Ala., coiiliectilig daily at with four horse post Coaches tu iallalia*-ee. Album, Thonntsvllle, Ridnbridge, k., wlllitrl-weekly lincku to Ltimpklu, Cuthburt. Aio.. ut Fort Valley with hacks to Perry, liayue.*vii|e, Ihiwkinsvilic and Knoxville, Ga. P-i.-.seiigers for Amerieus and point* lidow Furl Valley, hIioii|i| take llm 12 16 p >t train from fiavun mill; ami (lie 5 p.m train from Augm.'tn, to nvoid de tention ul Macm. l-’or oilier |iuinis on (lie Soulli- Wmtorii or Muscogee Ruuds lake cither train from 8’uvamiaii or Augusta. I’a-.-ougcr* 1,-aving Ain-n- cus at 2 20 i* m will reach t’ohimbu* at lo ;;u r m the same night. l’msengers from Columbus and tbu West for Am crlcus, Eoiith-wi'i.lerii Georgia or Klorhla, uhoutd take the 1 30 i* .m train at Columbus, .sleep ut Fort Valley, and reach Americas at lo a m next morn ing. First clue* aenm«lii|w leave Snvuumth lor New York on Wcdncndays uud Saturday t, uud for Phila delphia on Wednesday*. I’nssage l.i tlio Cabin 426, Steerage $S. Faro from Montgomery lo H.ivuuiihIi $14 uo “ Columbus •' “ |u 00 “ Amciioiis •• “ H 80 GKO. W. ADAMS, Hup't. Macon, January 30th, I860. may’-,, VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ft6AD. O N CONSIONMRNT- 2000 buubol* Prime Corn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks “Pala©o Mills*’ Flour; 10 bbls Raw Giro; to do Mnnnnvahela Whi*ky; 6 do Domeitlc Brandy; Fur rale low, by Jala FATTEN. HlilTON Ac CU. XIRANDY. GIN. WHIHKY AND RlUI^or ul© XI by (myW) WlLLUlfil * RATCLUT, duss cum, painted with red uud liluvk horizontal nml obviato th© evil alluded fo, 1 have made a uum- sti ip.v,—placed in ten feet water at low tide, on a • --** ** ! l»oiotcf shoal running down from theSaElb. i:iv«.-r t , uud nearly iu the middle of the gouml. Y«->*©1* j inu-t not tu the westward of it. Cumberland l Light bear* S by K •( F.. Inner point iff .lekvl N | ff ii W. j Buoy al the *ntrance «ff.Satitla River—i- u -ec-ti.l ' class can, painted black, with No 3 in while—is placed in teu feet water at low tide, uml mti-d be ber of experiments to ascertain tin* moit effectual mode of extracting the virtues of the Hor^apariUa uud the Buchu, and fo discover Iho most eligible form for their exhibition. The experiment* have resulted most favorably, and it Is with much pleas ure I now offer to the public aud the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all tlie vir tuos of tho articles they are represented fo ’ Irotu in a highly concentrated form, nud are quality can be purchased in ’ Carpets cut to Rov tn *. und coats -cu' part of the city tree ot charyv. A3* An experienced Upiu>: 4 u-r \vi;: attaaijl making and laying of Carpets and Uii ClotLiu desired. The decorative ami cepirta^ul n charge of au Upholster «-t a.kuuwa tcJu-ut skill. W. il. UlTu.N, Area octia 140 Cotigre* »ai.d 57 St. Julieii -u I Dll7 SANFORDLSto vlGOUATOli, I I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimuli, recommended to the public, rciytnj L ' trfosln worth In the cure ofiheioUowiugwiiftia j A.I Billion- SkkHaA, * 1 sta, Habitual Cocitivcues-, Chronir iHarrlicr. ui 1IE16'TZEL31A!V\'8 uutil the Middle Buoy, No 4 i* In range with the IJghl, (to avoid two limp* in a direct line. W bv X 1 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIMIEIU •*» S l bp , tWPe “ 11,0 |W P l»noy^-> When *teer lor it— I mnw iii.'tinioiUhnd fnrnr u-iih whinti tilts »c n n, IA Pck'v ' w- \ >'»ulhwnrd. From thU buoy a N I W by AV H \\ course will bring yon info tho Found. By order of the Uglit House Board. C. MANIGAl'LT MORRIS. L. IL Inspector, fith District. : T HE distinguished favor with which this essence hu* been received throughout all .sections ot the Union as a remedy at once safe, nKrceabl© and effectual lor lucipicut f'iarrlio.a, Uholerj^Morbu?, Weak und relaxed Rowels, Prostratlou by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Cramp, ton- guor or Debility from sedentary habits. Ac., has in duced the proprietor to give it every publicity in his power. Upon its merrlts comment la unnecessary, a* its own intrinsic worth is it* best eulogy. It car ries with it tlie evidence of its superior excellence, freely attested lo by the young, tbe old, aud scores of I'amlHe* who. prompted by a careful regard for their health and comfort, nro daily adopting it a* an l.vtiWi*K.v-AHU: family KKMKDY. There is perhaps no tiiodiciuai jtreparution expud so simple and harm* less, yot salutary uud efl’vctlr.e, whoso worth w ill he more apprcciatc-.l or universally adopted than the liquid Ginger prcjaired by Iloiutzelman. For stile by J. K. DkFORD, Druggi.-i, jelOotn _ Savunnah, Ga. Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MISS MARIA L. KASTMAXN. Prinomi.. Thi.- Semifary, Im-ati-d in th« de- lighllul aud healthy village of Media, thirteen miles from ITiiludelphia, by Railroad, will he OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, fiepterohor 10th, I860. Tho cotnmodlniiH building, nowin process of erec tion, wllh all the modern improvements, will he finished by the first of August, and will contain such accommodations, both in point of taste aud comfort, as nmnot fail to satisfy parents that while their daughters are enjoying tho benefit* of mental cul ture, they have also the comforts of u refitted homo. Tills Institution Is established with a view to afford fo young ladies the most perfect combination of ad vantage* for the attainment of a thorough and au- complibhed education, und no pains or expense will be spared fo render It iu reality what U professes fo be. a school of superior merit. Miss Eastman, the Principal, was at the head of a school iu New Eng land previous tu hcrre.-iiluiico iu I’cnusylvunia, and for tbu last six years lm* boen knowu to the petrous of Aston Ridge ft’etniinry, as presiding teacher in thallnsUfotio.i, The IU. Rev. A. I’att.’r, Bishop o (he Diocese of I’emisyKama, say*:— “Mlsr M. J.. lOstin.iu. who propose* to open u Yomq tooia*.-' t’-cmlnary iu Media, Delaware Co., Pa., in Heptemner next, has been known to the sub* rcrlher (brn vorul years past. He ha* a very high opinion of hot"capacity, ••filclency and dc-votediies* a* au educator, elm ha.* had a large and success ful experience. '1 ho building which is to be erected forh'-r u.-« will contain every accommodation. The village and surrounding country arc distinguished fur lioa'thfidncsb nud beauty, uml the Kithscrincr has cotitldeiicu tliut parent- who entrust their daughter* t-' Mis* tostman will have t.o t'cu-oii fo rogret U.” Mi** Eastman w ill be aided by an efficient corps of Teach©tv. Tlie French language will ho taught aud *|Mtkcu by a I’ails lun lady, residing iu the family. The tolin, German, Spanish mid Italian languages will receive due atluntlou. The Natural Fcieuccs will be taught, with the aid of a large and expensive apparatus. The M'wicul Department will he under the charge of a lady eminently qualified fo fill tlie situation; and uil preferring u tnalv teacher ou the riuooortn ringing, can have tlie benefit of a Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing uud Painting will be under tlu> direction of a holy accomplished in the art. The number of pupils is limited to forty. The Terms for Board nud Tuition iu ull the brauch- c< except Music, are $160 per session of five months. Miss Kaslman Iul* liberty to refer to Iho following gentlemen:— Rt. Rev. A. Potter, U.D., and the Episcopal clergy lion. I': Pierce, President of the Culled .States, lion. 8. P. t.’lmse, Governor ol'U.iin, Ml tan. N. B. linker, Kx-Governor of New Hamp shire. lion. M. W. Tuppuu, M. U. Irom New York. Rev. N. fctctu ,of NorrL-town, Pa. Rev. A- McLeod, Clearfield, Pa. Mere© Butler, Esq., of Philadelphia. .1. B.Gkle,K*q., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., . do. George Wharton, l>q., do. Christopher looser, Poltsvlile, Pa. Georg© Wyntan, St. Louis. Mo. Hon. F. O. Johnson. Washington, D. U. For furlhor purliculnrs, or for circulars apply to the Principal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, jolOeod 3tu Media, Dclawaro Co. Fa. PITCHERS. iHiC’BLL Water Pllelir is, fkime new and beautiful Plated and Hritu- uia. At Un* H iu.*c Furui<hlng W Store. Ml S 1 w BROUGHTON HTRKEf. HORACE MORSE, savannah. April3ft. aprSO TO WOOL SELLERS. fpHK Umleraigaecl have this day opened a X Store in Cougroit? street, opposite tho Market, for the purchase or Wool. Sheep Skins, Hiden, if.*©* Wax, Deer Skins, and Country Produce In general. Tho highest cash prices will be paid for all tho above articles on delivery Jn Savannuh. Mr. L. J. Gl ? IL- MARTIN bos been appointed us Agent, to whom ull persons having business transactions with the un- dereignod may applv. J. W. rtWYTHE tc CO. Savatiuuh, May 19, I860. umy20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTEs!. we arc enabled to offer at this time tlie greatost variety Irom the best manu facturers, from the plainest square to the most elab orately car veil, aud from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos are selected from the manufacturers whom we have foil confidence in, und we are par ticularly requested by them to give a guarani j with every instrument sold by us a* regards durability, tono, &u. Persons iu want of a first rate iustruiueut may re ly with safety main getting such a oue by seiectiug from the followiug makers, whose instrument* we endeavor to keep constantly ou liaud, viz : Ii. Wor cester, J. (.'bickering & gun, Nunn* «fc Clarke, Bacon fcKuvctis, II. Waters, and Haines. Brother* &: Cam ming. I. W. MORRELL & CO. awg 27 ■HO^dSS) JS.SHOWUl, 1 ’" I HAVE been asked to allow the Bath Room* to t etnain opeu to a later hour thau nine o’clock ; 1 therefore give nolle© that from this date the Bath House wlil lie mjkiii until eleven o’clock at night. Price 25 cents. Six tickets for $1. Je27 J. M. HAYWOOD. Fluid Extract Buchu, Sarsaparilla C-Tiiflcatc* of cure* aud rt-commeitdalio* distiuguUhod professors nud physicians will acentn- lauty each preparation. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD. Practical aud Analytical Chemist. : 2«W, Chestuut-st., near the Girard House Phil*.* i To be had of Druggists and Dealers in every sec- j lion of the United States and QuiaUas. ‘ All letters for the medicine directed fo the propri- » ©for receive Immediate attention, and safe deliveries ! guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw JOHN U' MODHE Vfc CC1.7 GIBBON’S BUILDINGS. SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALE k RETA IL DRUGGISTS. Would call the auction of Merchant*. Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their tx- HE Undc-e.'igned ha« ju*t receive), at«sl “ j (600) Five Hun ired ; ;cr*. ksA •L l j.| Horn ! Timber, averaging ov.-r <:::-.• tlnni-w.. .«u<. 9 fob JKFFElituN i.t-Uir M ACKEItEL, HE1HUNG, SALSWA i-A •J bbLs large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 dc. 2 half bhta Blue Fi.-L.- 2 do Pickled Hot ru.jf 3 do No 1 Salmon, 5 quarter bids No 1 Mackc-r.. 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, lu Uo No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues and Be*. 11000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale tot u. Jan26 J i in rrlTTT' [ tern and finish, butter knives, plck.o ktltticl ■ forks, knives, forks and sjiooii?. knives il forks, cake and pen knives In every Tzu-tj,* tonslvo und well selected Ptock, comprUing \ T C5T RECEIVED BY HiFREic—..ii. tLuiii every article In their liue of business, and which they (J ric-ty of Silver Ware of the m-\*t bcautifsl] offer for sale on tbe most reasonable term.s for cash, 1 ' * " ’ ’ * ’ ■ or approved credit. \dz: PAINTS, VARNISHES, G1 ASS, AC.. White Lead. PnreandXo. 1; ‘Demon's Color.*, dry i ardi and salt* in all variety from plain to the: uud in oil; japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes : ornamental. G. M. GftlFFlX lJnseed Oil, SpiriU Turpentine, Window Glass, Put ty, Gold Leaf, Palut Brushee, Sash Toola, nud Gla ciers’s Diamonds. I AMP. MACHINERY AND TANNER*' Oil. 5 . Bleached Sperm, Whale and tord Oils, for burning ; I all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz.. Patent Oil j J y& Successor to the late M E»*tm:j. I Corner Bryan and Wh'.ukttCll RATES OF ADVERTIMM*. un ursnrqiuuua in un»oi umtuiuui.v, vruu-uiuii : Thr’ito 8 firtolli Unbleached Sperm, tord nml Rape Seed Oil; also j JS!£frtS2rt^!SCIl!!jJ?t«SlSr? r r l J 0 r?ivi! Tauuers,’ Neuts, Foot and Sweet Oil. c<M,ta for each 8ut,apnupn * am tcA> GROCERS’ ARTICLES. 1 ceuts for each subsequent InserUcu.fri ,uj fall tlum ono month. J Nutmeg*, Muce, Alspice, Ciunamon. Pepper. Giuger, i S? le r““ s , Soda, Pcarlaeli, SwcMdil, Snrcli, . ' ’ Fig Blue, Matches, kc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of tho beat French. English, aud American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical TTojianUioiis, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vial* Specie Jars, Metalic Saddle bugs, kc. Alsu, CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any one who may favor them with their orderB may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods furnished will ho of a reliable quality. Should tlioy not give entire satisfaction, they may be * returned at the option of the purchaser. ! - rnuhlO U i , j7 e. de ford, APOTHECARIES HALL. S. E. Corner olfCM Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savnn- Yfif huh Ga., Wholesale aud retail Dealers In Drugs, Medicine* aud Chemicals, Dye Woods and Dye Stuift, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Flue Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Cotubs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instrument*. Trusses and Supporter* of all kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, All tlie Patent, o,- Proprietary Medicine* of the day, Superior Inks, : Pure Wines and Brandies for Mediciual purimses. Extract* for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, kc. W It DtlnnHni, fU I,. ,1,. charged double the above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, foraxyttl less titan one month, to bo charged it no: rates. For a longor time at the following rates No.ofBquares|lmo|2n)os[3mo.-14 tno- jcnio.'i.t J 1 Square,.... Sift 10 $20 2 Square*... 1ft 22 2*1 2S 3 do .... 20 27 32 2G 4 do .... 24 3© 38 •L’ 6 do .... 27 3ft 41 4-i 6 do .... 3ft 40 00 64 7 do .... 32 43 54 &S U do .... 34 4ft OS 02 V do .... 3ft 48 61 to 10 do .... 38 50 04 70 For any time not above rpecitol. a propertxa charge will be made. A deduction of 26 i*or cent hum the aMtH will be made ou advertisement* ajqi©ax:ngrw| Blvoly on tho fourth page of the daily. ; Advertisements ordered three times a w&L' be charged two-thirds the above rat«, 1 Advertisements ordered in tlie WeeklyiO-* 1 ! per square for each insertion, tery mr.elfe:'*| For more than one tnouthBltw* ... IL—Especial attention given to the °, nft *»»o»th. Airvnt preparation of Physicians’ Prescriptions nud Futility 1 l “ c rftte3 specified in the above table. iJT-HL. , Recipe*. Ship, Family and TraveUiug SIcdtciue Cases, Apodal notices, 10 cent* per line for the U* FIXE FASH 10\ABLE OLOTIIi\(l * VU * rlai “. Dlrc 5 llon ? f0 ? w *®»includTngDirections for j ' l! .; r a “ifi 1 PERIODICALS. jJUTNAM‘8 Monthly Magazine for May. X Frank Lo.-lio’* Gazette of Fashion© for May. Blackwood’* Kdiniiurglt Review fur April. Received and for fnlc by WARN0CK It DAVIS, may I ft 159 Congress street. Winter Arramemint—Uan Startingft*m Rroatt St. , ., n . u nr nl | P ■ . .. ' llonvy Hall all tliv way loC.oitltmKvlllc. i I IjRIJs. H^UR In atore and lor oale j Potomao 1h cIokoi! with Ico IIiIh vy ii W lflCN the routu may be rolled mi by passeURCrs, to en ituro Iho connectioh going North ot Houth. Tlio road I* entirely rclaid wiili a Mi|>erior T rail a* far u* Gordonsvllle. During the wintiq Um train will start from the old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, ut 7>.( a m., pas* Gordonsvllle at 11 a m., and arrive iu Htauntoii at 325 t* u. pftwn train loaves .Staun ton at ft 40 a m, piHsos Gordonsvillo mI 11a m, and rtrrlvo iu Richmond at 2.30 i* it. Faro to Gurdunsvillo $2 oft “ “ 6 0ft' Both traiiw arrive iu Gordonsville iu ample tlm© to lake tbe train of tlm Orange und Alexandria Rail road. Persons wlm leavo Richmond at 7.V( a m.. can take the Orange and Alexuudria cars atGoruou*- vlllo If they chnnso fo do so, and by that taaln will reach Aloxaitdrla by 3.101 1 it., but thi* company can ticket tlietfl only fo Gordeuavlllo. • ocl*; |f H. I). WHITCOMB, Supt. J *B - COT'rOfif VKSX8—Juwt recelfed and for sale by J. W. THREIXELD. . Mill toafrou and WfaJtbiker ilraett. GRANT. WK1.1.S k CO. 50 Casks Ohio ^ Catawba brandy iu store. ^ and for sale by tho only Eavauttnli. my 14 regular Agent for J. M. EYRE, tM Day street. L I8LK TUHKAD (1AUNTLKT8—The only arttele of the kind iu the city. For sale tty tnar’Ji' J. W. THUKLKELD, corner ot OmgroK* and Whttaker-st*. A IM'MIS k POTATOES 10 bid* Clinic© Meroor Putatoe*; 26 “ “ RuKKett Apple*. Korsalo by marl*. . 1 A. BROWN. Y ARN —25 bale* Yarn, assorted iiuiubfqaT in ■'tore, and for rale by AT REDUCED RATES, B ARGAINS can uow be bad by ail those whu wieh to clothe tlmtnselve* geuteelly, as I will Hell the balance of my Ready-Made, at reduced rate* ou time, aud ten per cent, oil' lor cash fail ami uvull yourself ot tho chnuce to uhtaiti good *rti- ides. Al the. Star Clothing Emporium, WILLIAM O PRICK, i'ltie i". Ill Huy .lr.ti;| F LOUR.—5U barrel* superfine Flour, extra qunl'i- ty, JuM received, and for sale by YONGE k FRIERSON, jy 2 No. 04 Day street. ponk— X 5ft barrel* Me** Pork. 25 do Prime do tomliug uml for sale by my 14 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k Co. (JU lO Ohooso, received tier steamer Alabama by may28 _ .1. D. JICsSE. H AY.--ltiu* bale* prime North River Hay, Iniid- ing thi* day from brig Augusta, aud lor sale ou the wharf by Jy8__ CRANK, WKI.LSCV». | 6)1 A Pavilion lauies, hujienor quality; J.dS “t Zephyr Whalebone Skirts; French Linen Drillings; York Mills and Water twist Bleached Shirt- lug*. Black Moire Antique Trimming* Black FJihUu Belts; English Throad Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, Ac. •lust rtvtelvcd per steamer Augusta, J©12 DrWHT k MORGAN. 0 s New eieiV jys CRANE WELLS \ CO. O tiNAiiURiTs—6u Rules Osuuburg*, Georgia man- ul'octory, iu 3fore, aud for rale in lota to suit putotwori’ !>/ CRANK, WSUS ll 00. Thomawfon Mills, Just received ami fi r sale by JfttmlS CRANE, WKI.I.S ,v CO I'UKr '.lS|i MOL.U53K3.~io Mils r'holw Oilcans hyrup, 76 do do Molasses. Jn*l i ed and for -al© by .1)’* SCRANTON, JOHNSTON * i t IliSXY ctsrril—In store nml for sal© by V3T June I PADELFGR1*. FAY A CO. M USTARD, Ai.\— loft mixes Mustard; 15ft do pure Pepper; 100 do Starch; received uud for sale bv McMAHON A DOYLE. jo not ft 2U6 anil 207 Ray street. toUG AB—20 hhd* choice St Croix Sugar, just tv t? ceivod and lor sale by jylft SCRANTON, JOHNSTON .V Co. 8 UAP AND STARCH—76 boxes Stullh’s Family 3ft do llitchanan’a do 10« boxes Colgate'* lb Imr aud No l Soap 50 do do Palo do 50 do tinwego Pearl Elat'di Aft do BcadelP* do do, Jtfid madved » d lor sale by Jy24 SCRANTON, JulINMON k CU. F ilm* PAPER AND’ PICKLES -60 «roVs hpe Head*, 100 do PljK*t 260 ream* Wrapping Paper 60 dozen Pickles, received and for rale by McMahon a doylk, Jy21 106 and 17 Day street. treatment iu canes of poisoning, Drowning, kc. »P7 IY ed, 5 cent* per liuo. Steamboat* will be advertised at r* r *-^l to be adbject to contract. Marriage tictlces 11 Pj nernl invitations 60 cent* each. No*i#cU)fc*l noBN ANU COIlN MEArl^lOOO b^toc ! SSSJt? niu.^HS;i'ror i i^U5 U i!y ,nlXCrt ' S0lt0rrcsh Corn >,cnl j AfiwIoUou, oricorporr 1 ' 1 ™. orJcrcl <W » _ y PATTKN. HUTTON * CO ’ • HEAD l-ilEAD n—READ III ■ That is, If you can boo ; if you can’t see, you can HmiyT* all kluilB of “helps to eco.” at the Watcband Jewelry Store of D. B. Nichols i Co., in Congress alrcct, next door to the corner of WJiitnker, where yon can purchase Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, and Fancy Goods, a3 low as al any other storo iu the country. i.unliig. Ri)r* B for ouch boat advertised. Steamships, where but oue is num; If two or more, $30 each. lirf , Auctioneer*’ advertisement* not fo to »JA' contract, but to ho charged at the ratc3 !«*** I»er square. , Tlio paper, uuder no clrcuim'taru'es, ift' 1 ' cd in a contract.. u. Professional and fondae.**».ft d.* nvt We have received per steamship Alabama u fre*U \ Hue*, will be inserted at $’-0 per annuo- ^ t of those fine Eleel Spectacles ; also, a supply of: Cull* on person* to become c.uuMiiMi*.*, lot of those fine Sleel Spectacles ; also, a supply of: Cull* on person* to become canciuw*-- -"j Pebble ami I’erlacoplc Lens, which we are prepared I Inserted ns othor advertisement?, m w !'*• to lit lu all kinds of frames, at short nolle©. Our ; variably in advance. I’criscopic tou8 (so called from tlieir peculiar shapo) have an ndvautage over all others, as they have a greater range of focus, so that tho roader is uot compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain distance from tho eye. Call and see. D. U. NICHOLS A CO. 49" No < hnrgo for abowiug goods, mar 11 1). B. N. A CO. ft OPE—700 coils Rope, various brands, all XV of good quality, In store and for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. ^‘10RN—Iu store and Tor sale by 10 4.-.T I.OiMElT.kdVKf.UN fi.S MERCER UNIVERSITY, FKNF1ELD, GA. FACULTY. PBIRinSNT, N. M. CRAWFORD, I). II. rROFtswoits. College. 8. P. SANFORD, A. It., Mathematics. J, E. WIIJ.ET, A. M., Uirmutry aud Natural Philosophv. H. U.TUCRER, A. 11., llclle* tottre*. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Latin Language*. WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A. B., Modem touguage*. Theological Hcmlnniy. S. M. OKAWFOUt). D. D;, KrMhMlftFtteal History and Biblical LiU rainr©. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M.. Systematic aud Pastor Al Tticnlogy. Acntlcniy. THOMAS A. SKA to, Principal. The Commencement i* held on the lust Wednesday In July. The next Term mil commeue© on the last Wed nesday In August. Th© price of Board In the village is $10 per mouth; wushlng, room rent, fuel, ko., $3. By order til th© Board ofTruztoes. myPJ2tu 8. LANDRUM, Secretary. of tW brig Announcing condidatc* for ©ilice. 10 w ** in ndvauco. ^ Advortisoraeuta not marked cu roe pw. a specified time, will he Inserted until forwu.*- payment exacted. , £ «# When any hill for two inoutlu n mntrart. nuiounts lo over $oa. * JlU thou contract, amount* to over $56- 25 per cent will lie made. Yearly advertising, with prlvtlefoJ ©» “•“* bo taken at tlie following rales : ^ For ono square, renewable once a «« •* “ “ twico ' .J ** •• “ 3 limes or Every additional square contracted for to 1 od one half tho abovo rate* nddltwna • ^ Yearly advertiser* shall be Uuihcd W contracted for. All contract* slwd Wj; jW stating definitely the nature cd tto t . p, advertised. Any advertii-emcnfo mj lUJJlpi nootod with tho business shall •-'©‘■©©fk* . ly, anil also any excess uf manor our t . contracted for. . u0trh! |i*;* Contract advortivemeift* tW llsoment* fiom atrouerr*;»tiU tra»-* ^ I my able in advance. All otliits ui-l due when callwl for. . ^mtuwt ‘•'•' 1 Regular advertiser* uud all ofo. fo J rt ]j munlcnUon* or requiring notice* , m ^e teution to fairs, concerts, soirees, w *• J » ^ tertalmnetita, where charges an 1C .. p lance—nil notices of private a»8eciatmi»i^ tl oe designed to call atteutfon to 1»»RJJ« J, dU |jm calculated or Intended fo promoie Jiiai ^ rest*, can only ho Inserted with *}{ L i “ „ ( Vjictl that the same l* mbouddtor. jwf editorial cohitnu (which can ,'m‘itoc!arfCi1«“ lion of ilia editors) the same will bo ci»a f rate of not less titan 20 cent* per lmy- r f p\feeM Tho undersigned, publisber* •') jjjjj ' ^.ilcdl aud Weekly newsimi’cra in Niu ‘W“h J r( U' ourselves strictly to adhere t© ‘be M frota. charges, and in uo Instance to ‘ , !«}(),•> Tho abovo rates fo take cUat Mnrcb i. {C( to coutinuo binding, until changed bj fo” majority ortho undersigned. ^ N. B.—This schedule shall not in u ^ aC uk tbo integrity or oxUtlug comracu. tho year or any other spoclttod tln»*» JJ Wc ( with th# expiration or tbo period ,or Wer *R m B d Hujo/'a; Co., Georgian & ***** Taonnox * Waaoow, Monty* 9 *