Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 31, 1856, Image 1

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'"'JOtP- 3BB1E8.I JUUMAIi. ^v>n««DAT Svimiiu. * »’<’‘ ,|> AU well. M who Rootlvo onr Homing ” bhiihi. When Iko /«moi ui Uia Georgia* ware united, the one baying been an afternoon and the other* noralog paper, It warned neoee. ten, for the conaoUdatton of th* two aohaorip. tloo U«U, to taeue, for » white, both * morning ud afternoon edition ef the Georgian 4-/our. Ml, For eooe time we hen had It Id contem plation to dtepeow with one of these. This purpose we propose to carry out from the be. ginning of the gear 1857. For obvious reasons, we hare concluded to drop the morning edition. Persona who hare paid for both will receive an exteneioc of oredlt on the evening edition for whatever the/mag have advanced on the morning fame,- whlleangthathavepald for the morning edition, who mag net bo content to receive the evening Issue, will have the balance, doe them retomed on applying at the office. Florida Intelligence* The Legislature of Florida adjourned sine dig tut Saturdag. • In speaking of Ur. Uallorg, the reelected Senator, the Floridan aags: Like his distinguished colleague, Hr. Yulee, In all the tkdttiona he hu ever occupied, puts- lie or nrlve, he has proved himself equal to eng emergenog or contingency that arose. We (From lira North OWila Mall, 11 Till'. CIIINKHli UBHKl.TfmN, Curium mid /ulmiling Narrative of the l'i <r gran vf the /lUuiTcrh'oii—Dominion (if llir Tailiwg Dl/natty in TVgunfiwii riiiilKrmggr, Nisoro, Bopl. Ill, lRfid. Mr. Ndilor .-Believing that yimr indon are not yet suffering a anilely w reliable In formation respecting tho progress ol the Revo, lutlon In tho mldlaud provinces, I bog lenvo to contribute to tho common Rind a low »1nto» monte, tvhloh I luivo rnnontly obtnlnoi] Irons '^Onttm'liltlHdtimo 1 was visited by u young man, with whom 1 hnvo boon actiuniutcd lor scvoml yearn, who la a native of Hgaukhlng, tho capital ofNgauhwui.and now employed ua necrctury to ou officer iii o distant port ol this provinces The conversation that ensued was, bo f gr „„ it related to the Insurgents, aulwlan. Uftllyua followas "I have absented uiyscli front your inatraus tiouB, sir, a long tiiuo. Ue said on entering. “Yes." 1 rojuitd', “I lmve not seen yon for three years, |»erliaps iu the meantime you Imvc revisited your paternal mansion?" “No!" ho replied," l dare nut—my native place is occupied by tho Chiaugmaou, (or long laired Insurgents.)” “Are your kindred in safety ?" “Yes J They resido among the hills at a dis tance from tho provincial capital.” “Have yon had letters from them ?" “No! Bat I have received verbal iutolli- genie, through a druggist, a neighbor of ours, who uunie for purposes of trauo to the city whero I now reside." “Did you learn anything from him concern- eng die Insurgents? Do they collect the rev- inues?" •‘Yes. They are in receipt of atl the cus tomary duties and taxes." “Have they appointed local officers?" “Yes! But their titles and official coretno- uialaro different from those-of Tatsiug (or Tartar) Dynasty. They have a Footno or pro vincial Governor at Ngankhing, who is called Kieogtoa; and their Cnehiens or city Mayors are stiled Kienkcun. When their officers go ira p£uw?nJth oar entire 'representation in CoagiMS* They have attained honorable poel» **Th. 11 blowing elections were made bgrItafe^ttSt^AteMSSSlghfd’nffil heglelatan, F.L. Tllleplguc, Secretary of State, M. D. Pipy, Attorney General, T. W. Brevard, Comp troller, 0. H. Austin, Treasurer. Wm. Scott, Clerk oftke Soprcmt Court, to all the vacaaog Mentioned bg the nelgnatlon of Mr. Savage. -mid Cat" BankeOfeellnglii Calhoun, Tha people of Gordon countg have resolved, la public meeting, that theg wUl not receive as moneytny of the following wild cat lesaes'ln Georgia: Bank of Columbus j Bank of Middle Georgia, at Macon; Cherokee Insurance and Sinking Co., Dalton; Interior Bank, GrlDln j LaGrangs Bank; Mannfacturer’a Bank, at Ma- con; Merchant’s Bank, Maoon; Southern Bank, Bslnbrldge; nor ang other that am not banka ble at the cltg of Augusta or Savannah. The Macon Ttitgraph, in commenting on Mill resolution, aagi: “Ittscertnlnlg.nelther right, nor Justice, nor eenie, to .trie the Manufacturer'* Bank and Bank of Middle Georgia, at Macon, "oild cat” 1 situations. Both an owned bg stookholden living among ni,and comprising eome of the hesvlbst capitalists In Georgia. Both redeem their lesner on demand at the counter bom whioh U)Sg are delivered, and seek no outside circulation which they ere not ready it any mo-’ meat to redeem. If the Gordon conntg people hold any of their notes, they have only to apply at any, time la banking hours, and they will receive gold and silver In exchange so soon aa it can ha counted. What bank can do more; and what sense In calling such banks “wild eat?” The Lecture Last Evening. Notwithstanding the gloomy and threatening aspect of the weather lest "night, a very largo and Intelligent audience assembled it Army Hal), to listen to Professor John LeConte, M- D„ of South Carolina College, upon the “etady sf- th©-Physical Science.” Considering the atuploea under which the lector* waa given, and the object contemplated, we must ae* knowledge oar pleasing emotions at seeing His Honor th* Mayor, together with some of our most respectable and Intelligent morohanta, giving their countenances and presence. In his Introductory remarks, tho Professor stated that tha eatahllahmentofthe Savannah Young Men's Christian Association, was ono of the natural and most obvloui consequence of tbs advance ment in the material anjl Intellectual resources of thin community, If thtsbe true, which all will admit, how tenderly, and aealoasly, should we fbeter He every iutorest—and ever be ready to land a helping hand to the promotion of its manglandlbleellhrts. In dlsensilng the study of the Physical Sciences, the Ieotarcr started with the asset Hon, that the moet casual view of the material world, satisfies ua that events Ja not succeed one another st yandbni; hot with a certain dogreo of order, regularity and connection. bhls illustrations, he not oalg clearly corrob orated tha atatement, but pointed out tho origin of oar notion of an order In nature, and fur- thaimore affirmed that If every thing were •qaaljg regular and periodical and the succes- rion of agents liable to no change depending on our own will, It la doubtful whether we should over think ef looking for causes. Ha then marked the connection between law and contingency, showing that If such a case arise, such an event will take place, hut the term law aa applied to tho material world l> used la a metaphorical tense for the laws to. which man’s attention Is primarily directed are moral laws, which ho may obey or tranegraee Bat the lawn of nature are rutea describing the mode In which things do set and are invariably obegtd jfor to imagine that tho plan of the nalvsrso once eatabliihed with n definite end could require alteration during its continuance Is once to deny the perfection of tho Divine at’ tributes, or to believe that the properties first Impressed upon matter would of themselves continue its actions Is to deny all that revels, tloa teaches ua in regard to our continued de pendence on tho creator. Tha whole course of the visible universe, therefore, la bat the ooUtc'Ivs result of the laws of physics and Its move!; ° , are only tho ng» gregate of their working. 111 lecturer handled ■!»:;, it* nf his tv in-, with: '«t familiarity and SfekS? ZiZ -ttentivelistener - era Rcijsjtc>::j u.--'- of acquaintance nlwellot on: f,sjj ./.'ruble but ncoes- f..aqns!deruh!e ClOCit -..wc; n-L ,S98f ,isi(DS ,-C7'e... ... nunllho yllo fc "i veutogee, .oo8t, rodmen » J..I ;.t bom nn ecqnelntence rtiru iSaJ.'aV.jence, to give a ■ p. -per synopsis ot •' blob would probably con- "jm-emororf suiutble sheet than lean properly aakViind at the'same time render this larperfeot article wearisome, Instead of lutor- ettlng. Permit me to close by stating that Professor LeConte wUl deliver the third lecture ot the couree on Friday evening next, at Ann- •iy Hall, on tha “ History ef the DLcoveiy of Otlvinlsm;” end bom what I know personally of tha Profeaaor, and Item his highly Inetrue- tlva and deeply Interesting lecture hut evening, none will go to hear him wltheot getting value received. Truly, Nuns Hacok A BaoMwiox'lUrt. Bow.—Aa nn erldenc. of the opinion prcvslllngln this region ofthe probable value of the stock of this Load, we learn on anqaestlouble authority, that a wealthy dtiien of a neighboring county, who “•hjmnnxegedln railroad construction,offers topatUOoM In work anon the toad, and j»Mtht whole amount In stock.—Afaem Trig- jMt., in faoDor or Hm tupposed rejection of Gen. WaUflild, the Kansas oefegato to Congress. It ao h^paos that Whitfield wm admitted to bis nounce their ----- -—.—u --- —--- instead of gori£i They dojnot occupy the old Yamuns, but either erect new ones, or make temporary use of their edlflccs." “Have the Insurgents established literary ex aminations at Nanking, and Ngankking?" “With regard to the formerT cannot sneak with confluence: but as to Ngankhing, (was told, that when they took the city, they obtains ed the old rolls, and compelled all the scholars i hey could And to attend their examinations. ;-ton mechanics and traders were permitted to enter the lists, and a case waa mentioned of a fruit-seller suddenly attaining the degree Ken- in and being rewarded with an office. The nsurgontaureTeenchookeau ((. e. Christians); aud when they celebrate public worship, the person officiating occupies a platform elevated seven steps, while the other worshippers kneel xdow. The themes for discussion in their literary examinations, are solocted from the sacred books of their own religion. They arc •triot and even severe in their administration, the smoking of opium and tobacco, being recks oned among them as peutal offences. The pro hibition of thoao articles would not, however, affect me were 1 to return home, as I am not addicted to the use of either, lam, in fact, desirotu of returning, but am deterred by the fear that the insurgents would be sfispicions of, mo and put me to death." v As my visitor was nnablo to speak from per sonal observation, I desisted from furthor in terrogatories ; but, as it is hardly likely that he would be misinformed as to the more prom inent facts relating to tho condition of his na tive place, his testimony is so far worthy of credit. Ho states, yon perceive, us a fact, wimt Mr. Meadows (whose book 1 had not then seen) gives us ua a law of the now dynasty, uud shows us iu actual operation that regulation respecting the Christian Scriptures, which Mr. M. points to as an important item in the pro gramme of the Revolution. As some of your readers may not have seen tho new and inter esting work on Tltt Chintat and their llehel- liont, yon will excuse mo for quoting the pas sage in which this is referred to. It is ns lol- low>: ' “The Eastern prince has stated iiVwrltini that, under the rule of the Taipiuga. the IlibU will be substituted for the sacreu books of Cou- fuclanlsm, os the text-book in the public sera vice examinations." In spite of my capitals, aud iu spite of my having dwelt with so much omphasis on the in fluence of these examinations ns the freo ave nue to thousands of posts iu the empire, from district magistracies up to premicrahips I fairly despair of imparting an adequate idea of the importance ot that resolvo of tho Tniplngs, or of the immense signiiicnuco it gives to the piece of yellow shading iu tho rniddlo of the accompanying map of China. Upon tho increase or diminution of that piece ot shading during the next enaniogyears ft de tends whether or not, iu a prosperous uopuln- lon of three hundred 1 and sixty millions of leathens, ail the males from boyhood to twenty-flvo or thirty years of age, who can devoto their time to study will bo as siduously eugnged in getting tho Bible by heart from beginning to end. Should this take placo it will effect a revolution as unnaralled in the world, for rapidly, completeness and extout, us is tho Ohincso poonlo itself for its antiquity, unity and numbors." [p. 410.] I avail myself of this opportunity to coiuinvud to your readers tho view which Mr. M. preaeuts of tho religion of the Insurgents. He rightly recognizes iu it the grand element of Hocinl progress, uud the most hopeful feature of tho revolutionary movement. Takiug this view from the stand point of a philosophical his torian, he is not obnoxious to the charge of re ligious partizanship, which some are too ready to bring against the clerical advocates of the revolutionary cause; and his remarks on the “best polioy of Western nations," in tho exist ing crisis, and particularly on the duty of France, England and America to withstand the encroachments or interference of Russia in this HAVANNjiH, <flU WEDNESDAY, DECEMB '(From Him Till,urn-, I-mlmr ttf) fijni-iTag- „r (itilsol, ttii, lllitmlnn, t I’ll,III II isrlvitU) suumi nv Icnin that tin: u-ISUmtcd Guizot bus lliiully married tho I’rln- resj Lie well. a lady not loss cclobretcd In dinlo- nutlu nnd social circles. It Is statod that tho iiimir is kept a secret, or nithor that H Is a imbllivmjstory. Tho 1-rliicess still wean her luriuor nstno, and tlu luppy ceuple do not live under the nunc rool'. Sbuuld this be really so, no uni Wholly at loss to imderetand the reaeou, mid Our oniuldenitlou for tho elisraoter of (liuzut must sink considerably. Uulzotlsncarly seventy years old, uud Ills Indy-lovn is but few 'ears ynuugor. The Menuship conmeneed jeliveen them in 1840, when' Guizot was tho Fijeueli Kinliasfiadorat London, and whilejjlo Princess, oneo the celebrated beauty oMho Cijngress of Vienna, aud for clnhteeu yean the ar lioowledgcd leader ol tho hlxheat knot ton in Maitland, was residing them with her husband, then Russian Kmbassudor at tho Court of BL Jitmcs. After the deutb of tho 1-rlnee sbo en deavored to Iso tho diplomatic Kgerla or tho L'Zar, although tho still continued to reside 111 Paris or London, Tho medium ol this correspondence between her und Nicholas was her brother, Cotut Benkendorff, tho predecessor ot Count Orloff hi the Emperor-a confidence and favor, Since tho death of the ‘Count, In 18M, her real liifiucnce at the Russian Court, has been on tho wane her Ihfiuence, however, with Gulxot uud Louis PkilUppo rather increased, they believiug that through her they might get a controlling hold on tho Czar. Her salon at Paris hiutan most brilliant and renowned— tho focus of ull Europe for diplomatic scandal and petty intrigues. The Princess, who dur ing the lifetime or her husband was known to direct the embassy. In London, preserved her taste for diplomatic intrigue, which she car. .ried on with great delioacy, elegance, per spicacity and grace. But she has lost her power; she lost her oredlt In St. Petersburg, especially since on account of her connec- tlonwlth QUIzot, sho has become one of tho souls of tho Orloaulst faction, it Is lossible that tho Princosa, who It mistress ora argo income, may Rave wished by a matrimo nial connection with Gulxot to seonro to his old ago tl.o luxuries of fortune. But wo esn hardly understand bow ho came to accept this left-handed, hnmllating alliance, Iu which Ids wife does not,bear his honored name. inntcal Invitation. Tlte Frlaiiii, ftntl AfqtuUNtMMi of Mr. nuil lira. Riahnrdi Molitod aw invited to at tunffthn funtrnl of tnmr lufknt non, WM. I., Mo- bBbn, »t lOo'clook tomorrow mornlni, nrom tho ronidononof .Wm. liw. Mvointnh Nnrkrt, December 31a CnYTON—'talon thin fnrenoon 1121 btlu. vinsiiO SlllJi, tfd at ll», Ittt nt W, M nt 13 A Id, 0A7 nt 13K- 40 *1 •-I U, 4*2 nt fitf, nnd hi MxporUs MKW VOKK-Hrig Phil urn—124 hntM cotton, «,«44b*u rough riot, 100 empty bbU. MACON, Doc. g|—Gotleo—Prloee are nomewhet ..(proved from tut week, titles rang* from 9 to lift for goal middling, .with n fldr demud. Port of Mnvannah.,;,.....Deeenlwr 31 CK3ATt.NO in Flouk.—A fraud in the menu- iuctnre of flour has just come to light, says the Detroit Tribune, which is likely to lend to ex* tensive litigation and a serious depreciation of tho choice brands of Michigan Boar, which has heretofore stood first in the Eastern markets. Tho fraud consists in the selling of Illinios red wheat floor, by millers in the in* tcrior of the state, fer Michigan white wheat It Js said that thousands of barrels have been thus fraudulently disposed of and that Eastern merchants ate very justly indignant at the cheat. ASuicrok.—A young lady, named Sophia Defoe, who was attending school at Tonawanda, New York, committed suicide by banging ou Saturday last- Her parents reside in Michigan. Deceased, about ten daya since went to Tona wanda to attend school, and her snieide is at* iributed to grief at being separated from her relatives. Just before she went out to commit the act she complained of being home sick. A Religious Daily Paper. - A Now York correspondent writes: “A new dally paper iu the interests of the Episcopal church is In contemplation here. A new feature this In American Jourallsm—a wel kuowu capitalist Is to furnish the funds, and tho present resources of a weekly publication arc to bo absorbed iu the undertaking." Cantttterrui} intelligence. transient — USWr, r— TOROU schooner Passport, a YAWi, BOAT, J: with the builder'* ntmo (Oharlcs Jaoksou) palnto i IiihIUo. A liberal reward will bo pat<Mbr dec‘27 WUKN, HTARRj tt Ciy i HLMtw-ci rnjBtnro*- Chatham i mg, ■ I .in a usuillil.t. forVo-fllcUu. ro ih. oZ Uoo or K«.lvor of Tsx Returns ncjtt, uml reHjMioifully eollolt your aur HOnMKB FOUND. Found two HOIltita And; e three MULKS on my Hants- *Uon, ou the Ogoohee Csnsl, •twelve miles from town,< owner* itan have by paying oxpmisc*. demn-tr * Jacob dom,i». * UNIVK UNITY OF GBOllGIA Awilns. Deo.-14th, IBM. i mHE EXERCISES OF THIS COLLEGE wll - X be resumed on tho liHh of January nest. The Faoulty I* as rollowe: Alonzo Church, D. D., Proeideut. W. T. Brantley, D. D., l‘rofe**or or Belles Lcttrod sad Oratory. Rev. r. H. Mell. I'rofrtMorof AnoiontLanguages. Jno. I». Easter, M. D., I’fotiwaor or Natural Phil- oeopby and Chemistry. James Woodrow, A. M.. Professor of Natural TO TUB VOTKOM OF CHATHAM - Fellow cUlaeiu, I atn'acaadldole at the elcellnd, In January noxVIbrtlheotUco of TMOaltoctor,and*otimtyoUMup^(irt ^ ^ ■‘liVAUuali, tirpt. aoth, IBM. ' oetl unurin uu rciuruou iruni now d Is this uforaihg opening a new m. Jewelry, raney. articlee. Silver will bo pleased to bavo hla friends No arrivals or dearauoae sines our la*t. Ntro AboKttBfmtnU Third the mine SAVANNAH TOVNO BOONS* CUBISTUN A8S0C11TI0H, AT ABUOUY HALL, On Friday Kvculus, January Sd, ISM. AT 7J O’CLOCK, P.M. PROF.’JOHN LeOOKTX, X. D„ Of Bauth^Canllna Onllaf*. suirot: The Ulstery of the Olieoverjrof Belreniim. COURSE OF HQHT OR TEN IJtCTURES will .be given during the winter under the atupicoe of above named Association. Eminent gentlemen from abroad aud at home, have kindly signified their readme** to serve u* without compensation, save necessarily incurred expenses. Whatever surpl. a shall be realised, will be epproprUted to* wards the establishing of « Reading Room for young men. - CRABQK: Ticket* for entire course • dingle lecture 24 i may be had at the Book Stores, from i of the Association, and at the door. J V‘ GANN, WiUtenu Rotherferd, Jr., A. M., I'rofiMeor of Mathematic* and Autonomy. W. D. Wash, At M* .Tutor in Mathematic*. W. H. Waddel, A. H«, Tnlof In LnngUMM. It la deairabla that atndanta ba present at the be* ginning of the term; especially new applicant* for admission, bnt such will be examined and admitted qgggaE5!3hart.Htiu;'wraa>>, ^ BONDS IUEDEK5IED. Cm Tuuauaia’a Omci I Savaaoah. SMUM^iM;, J , lONUHof Ib.CUyot, duoUlDlatoF yehroary, 1U7 (Mminooly toown u tta No- . jfor Bond.), tuuHbr Ccnlr.l Rallroafi Blook, wlllb. rodranud to th. amoual of Twenty Thou- nod Dollira upon Uulr belax |,r«er.fod at the Ctty Trouary, “""^^"ti^redemy- City Treas. FLAOO , I GOOD OLD SAMARITANS IMMEDIATE RELIEF. . 1HE aubscriber hu nude arrangements to . . keep a constant supply of the above Ihvalua- b remedy, for the oure or tho head aobe, tooth ache, eer-aohe. neuralgia, ague In the free, sore threat, and all kind* of auis, bruises, burn*, spinal natations and sprains, in a short spaco of time. Full directions with each package, and warranted genuine. d*o20 JKBSS. A8B1ZE0Y BREAD. Cm Trxabuksk's Omc*. \ - ■ i.,lB60.J mHE average price* or Flour the past montb being Sgnt dollars Tickets ... members of Lecture t'umioltteu: dec3L F. J. CHAMPION, E.M1UJZR, J. D SMITH, C. B. CARTER. VP 8»»!nhe part of tho continent, are deserving of tho most serious consideration. His book is replete with original observerations deduced from per sonal experience and extensive reading. Russian Preparations to Support Persia acainst England.— 1 The following appears in the Warsaw journal, the Czus, of the :»Jth nit.: While England, with much noise and osten tation, prepares an expedition against Persia, Russia, unostentatiously and noiselessly,is get ting ready to come to tho succor of tho Shah. The Orenburg corpn d'urmie has been consid erably reinforced, it is commanded by Aid- de-Camp-General Peroflski. The outposts of this corps extend to the very limits of the country of Turan, upon tho rivers Oxus and Jaxartes; and tho military flotilla of tho Lake of Aral, placed under the orders of the same General, is brought by tho above-mentioned rivers to the frontiers of India. On another aide, great activity reigns upon the Caspian Hca and in the army of the Caucasus. Trans port vessels, having troops und war materiel on board, pass incessantly between Astrakhan und the port of Bakou, situated in the province of Sbirvan, bordering on the Caspian Sea, be longing to Russia, und at the ports of Persia. The new Lieutenant-General ofthe Caucasian provinces, Prince Bariatinski, bus received fuller powers than any of his predecessors. He has lately inspected, on its way to its destina tion, the flotilla of the Caspian tica, which has been considerably considerably increased and partly left at his disposal. This flotilla cau easily take troops on board either of the corps of Orenburg, or the army of the Caucasus, uud taka them to the relief or Persia, disembarking either At Aatrabad or upon the neighboring coast of Teheran. The corps which forms part of the army of the Caucasus, cantoned at Sbirvan and Envan, and commanded by Gen eral Khirulkff, who distinguished himself iu the Eastern war, can also succor Persia by land as well os by sea. Meanwhile the Ilussiau Government neglects nothing in replacing the war materiel consumed daring the late war, and continues to wflllthe exhausted magazines. Tub Madison Family Visitor.—Mr. NIC. Guernsey, has purchased this neat family JounuU. Mr. T. A. Burke, the late editor, in association with Mr. Atkinson, will issuo a new dally In Augusta, called tho “Evening Dis- patcU.” Mr. Guernsey was long connected with the business department of this office, und to favorably known InthU community, as a moat worthy gentleman. Wo wish all parties abundant seccess.—Macon Mutenger. Foe Nicaragua.—Col. Titus, with one hun dred Mansions, arrived hero on the Northerner en P! , , t * fn , r Nicaragua to Join Gen eral Walker. Doth Gol. T. aud his men have been tried in the Kansas troubles, aud can be relied on aa brave soldiers. They will prove a valuable acquisition to Geo. Walker’s army. —Mtmphii Bulletin, Dec. Uth. 9 Dksl'erudokb in Indiana.—The Hendricks (I ud.) Republican says that there is existing in that county and tho adjoining counties of Boone Montgomery aud Putnam, a large bonds of bora thieves,and counterfeiters,whonaveestabliibet a thorough organization and are trigoroualy at work. Quito an excitcmont is- said to exist in Jamestown, Boono county, and the people scorned disposed to regulate the rascals sum* marily. _ ^ A Failure.—The New York“Fifth Aven ue" lady, of New York, Mrs. McMahon, who recently made a debut ou the stage in Buffalo made a decided failure. Her husband had to iudemuify tho manager to the amount of $500 forhis losses."At the close of tho engagemen 1 tho lady appoared Ihjfore the curtain and roundly abused the press for their criti cisms. i Iron Masts Discarded.—The Belgium Kteumcr Belgique, lying in New York, has- condemned her iron mast* as unsafe aud un* suitable, aud removed them to substitute wood cnoncs. It is alleged that the sailors deter mined not to go to.Bea iu herjugain unless they were taken out; they caused the ship to labor from top weight, sprung topmasts, carried away lanyards, sprung below deck, and Jack feared they might break short off aud fall through the ship. Hackukn’s Licenses.—The Mayor of New York refuses to grant licenses for the coming year to ull hackmen who drive brokou down horses and shabby vehicles. Thirty or forty hackmen, who were aggrieved by this exercise or executive power, waited on the Mayor and remonstrated, but bo was inflexible. A decent turn out, or no licenses, is hisfultinatum, American Sbcuhitikh*7x England.—The New York Express ot Saturday, says : The Canada has brought orders for a good many railway securities—Shares aa well as Bunds. The orders, however, cannot be filled, the limits being under the current rates. Among tho securities desired, are Ohio and Pennsylva nia Bonds, and the securities of the Pittsburg, I -’ort Wuynu aud Chicago Road. The attention of foreigu Capitalists bavo been attracted to those securities, a fair amount of them wUl naturally be tukou, at prices equal, if not in advunce, of current rates. It rarely occurs that ol our stocks go abroad ut low rates. Capitalists there incline to cautious movements, and gen erally buy our stocks upon a rising market, such as now meets orders for sound securities. Messrs. Robert Benson, of London, In their Cir cular of December 5th, state that tho market for American securities generally has continued to improve; the transactions, however, have been limited. SJ OTICB TO AMATUERS OF RARE AND FINE Plants and- Fi-ult Trees. A Large lot of Flowar and Vegetable Seed of the Beat Vuietiee. 43-Untll Saturday, January 3d.«d 0. MARC, of Astoria, Loaf Island, N. Y., hu arrived In Savannah, end will offer for sale, at the cor-: ^ner of Oonirouji end Whitaker itij, , Immediately opposite to H. lathrop It Cos' Itrgest and meat collection or PLANTS AND FRUIT TREKS ever offered iu this market. • Tho principal Plants oonaUt ot soo cahklia japohoab, in foU flower and in bu J, of every variety oT color— 110 varlotle* or ROSES, all or the choicest, and some er which have -ocelved Cold Medals in tha Europe- Monthly tipiroaa, red end white—Monthly Carna tion pink*, in tower, aud one hundred other flower lug Plant* and Evergreens. Also Fruit Tre a, including Pear*, Apple*, Pcaob- os, Apricots, Nectarine*. Cherries and Grapes. Also a large variety or choice Bulbous Roots. Utisens or Savannah la want or line Planta _ Fruit Tree*, are respectfully requested to call and make their eeleotlona. de3I-tf CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. OVEBCOAT8, OVEBCOATS, OVERCOATS. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS- SHAWLS, SHAWLS, 8HAWIS, SHAWtS. HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS, HATS. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ao„ Ac. Ac., Ac. WM. O. FRICK, 147 Bay street. and Straw ColorIfiuSSw Juet re ceived and for sale by WM. R. 8YM0NB, novM M Whttakor el. For sale cheap by deW wr 1 H ARPER’S New Monthly Magazine for January, 1867; Godey’e Lady's Book Tar Jan uary; Graham’e Illustrated Magaxlne for January; Arthur's Home Magazine for January. also: The Laughable Adventure* or Messrs. Brown, _mes and Robinson, by Richard Doyles. Forsalo at the Southern Book and Stationery Depot by ... * DAVIS 1JACON, BACON- lJ 50 casks dear Side* 26 do ribbed do 6 de Shoulder* a do Hama; Juat received by dedl RODGERS NORRIS, k CO. OAISINS- XV 21 boxea Raisins 24 half do do 50 qr do do lteccived-per steamer and for aa'e by deal RODGERS, NORRIS POTASH AND SUGAR- X 10 casks Potash 860 bhls ABA Ctiugar; Just received and foraafe hr deal McIntosh go. shjcuiff sals. W ild, bo sold en the Drat Tuesday in February next. 1857, before the court houe* door In tbe city ol Darieu, within the legal or sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: The AtlanUo steam mill, together with all the ma chinery, fixtures, Ac. (hereunto belonging; also, tbe uiUI site un wbkfo said mill Is eituetei, containing flvo acres, more *r leu, Ahd twenty-fire thousam feet rcfuBod plank, levied on to aatlery a fi fa iuued out of she Superior Court in favor of A Mode va. At* Untie steam Mill, BuckmanABrother owners there* ol Property , olnted out by plaintiff’s attorney. Tirms cash; purchaser peylngfor title. deSI W U.jHORPB, Sheriff Mcl. C. <>i.e ; Bull In Town And In Trouble^- Oi.k Bill, the celebrated Norwegian violinist, wan arrested yesterday morning by a Deputy srteriffou a civil suit, and daring the day “might have been seen’ 1 in the company oftbis agreeable companion and his own lawyer, wandering about the City in search of bail, which he finally obtained. Ole Bull came to this country 14 or 15 yeare ago on a profes sional visit, nnd remained here for some time. About five or six years back he brought over a Norwegian colony, whlsh;he settled in Penn sylvania. By the roguery ofsome oi his agents, lie became greatly involved, and has been since constantly engaged in litigation, which hto unfortunate campaign in the Academy of Music largely increased. During the tote politi* cal campaign he established a Norwegian Fremont paper out west, and waa otherwise nctivc in the Ropublicau cause.—AT. V. Timet, Liver Complaint. Thu only romody ever odhred to the public that hu* never lolled lo euro, whoa directions are fol lowed, U M'Iauo’s Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. It has been several years before the public, aud has been iutroducod la ull sections of tbe Uuiou. Where It has been used, it lias bud tbe most triumphant success, and has actually driven out of uso all other modiciues. It iius bt-on tried under nil tho dilforeut phases or JkqNUis, uud lias been round equally efficacious in all.- Ai“ Purchasers wUl bu careful to ask for Dr. M’Iauc's Celebrated Uvor Pills, monutsutured by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to bo Uvor Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’lAiie’s guauiuo liver 1111s, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can uow bo had at all re spectable drug stores. None gcuulne without tbe siguatuie or FLEMING BKUti- [18J dficSO BOAROOF HEALTH. A regular mouthly meeting or tha Board of Health will bo held uu Weduesduy uoxt, the Hist iiiHt •, at 7Ji o’clock, P. 51. Members w'll examine their Wards curefu ly aud ri-p.irt all nuisances. By order of M. J. BUCKNER, Chairman. d. A. T. Lawcxxos, tiee’y. deSo A 00. YOB HAW KIN BY XL LB. Anil Intermediate Landings. '•WifeDn-i The steamer OAK, Capt. Leith, will ■■iilSBLleaT* as above from the Cbarloeton uuwoari tide evening. Fer frelaht, Ac, apply to J. W. 1.ATHROP A 00., Areata. Savannah, Dec. 81st, I860. decal At a meeting or the Washington Fire Company, held at their Hall, on Friday evening, 28th inst., the following resolutions were read aud adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary be end hereby is ordered to publish fer two weeks the following resolutiou: Resolved, That all persons having claims against the Washington Firo Company present tbe same to tho Secretary on or before the leal Friday in Janu ary, or payment will be debarred. True extract from the minutes. * H. F. WILUNK, Jr., Chaimum. Fhaxk A. Fans*worth, tiee’y W, V. Co. decUO—2W Oglethorpe Lodgr No. I, I. 0*~0« F* Members or tbe above Lodge ore request ed to attend a regular meeting this night, 7 )j o'clock, It belug tbe regular Light for tbe olcctimi of ofDcers. deUO-li R. W. UOWBLL, tiee’y. X M H! and for tale by de29 McMAHON A DOYLE. S ALT-2000 sacks tialt (10 to a ton) landing per bark Empress and for solo by dc29 OARLETON A PARSONS. C OAL—42 tons House Coal landing per bark Em* pros* and for sate by deo29 CARLhTON A PARSONS. I RON—20 tons No 1 Scotch Pig Iron tandir g per bark Empress aid for sale by decilt OARLETON A PARSONS. LE—60 bbls J Taylor A Boo’s Ale , Received and for sale bj » by MoMAHON A DOYLE. /'I ANDY, CANDLES, COFFEE. 60 boxes aaaortedCandy 160 boxes sperm, adm’e and tallow Caudles 76 boxes fresh ground Coffee 160 sacks Rio do 76 mate Old Gov’t Java do Received and for eats by dec20 MoMAHON A DOYLE. F G HAMS, BACUN AND SHOULDERS.—A fresh u,»py uit reuoivel per siet-nar Ktoxvi lie, adn for sale by dec 7 J. D. JKBBE/ OTUART’8 SUGAIL—50 bbls Crashed and O Powdered 8Qgar, 60 do A and B Clarified do, 60 do Baltimore 0 do. Received and for sale by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. B utteb and oheese^-u kegs choice Goshen Butter 76 boxea dodo Cheese. Und liif from schooner Holcombe, sad for sate by dec28 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. u. M. GRIFFIN ha* returned from New York abd la this -— stock er Watohw; * V are, Ac., and wl ri all other* In want of such artlctoa i give ffim a call. Now goods will bo bponjngaU this week. U. M. GRIFFIN, succoeeor to lato M. Eastman, corner Bryan and Whitaker streets, dock first oomer above PnUakl House., SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, I November 18th, I85fi. J mUK WATER RENTS for tbe presont/eer were . . due from tho 1st instant, and payable at the o oo of the Board. Tho attentlou ol those persons supplied with ter from the works la uafled to 8eoUott 20 of An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care and management or tbe Savannah Water Works, uovis R. J. It, BEE, Secretary. HOARDING. FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can bo aooommo- dated with board and lodging on Braaghton street, nearly opposite H. Horse’s House Furnish ing Store. Also, a few Day Boarder*. nov!2 Savannah, 1st Dec or Flour the per bbl, Broad must weigh to cent loaf must weigh 21b box. a *» “ “ ttboox. s » “ “ 9MO*. JAMES ti. WUaKINB, , City Treasurer. Land agRNCv. fpHE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, . . examine any lands In the. counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report tothe owner as to their present value,'tbe prospect for their be coming more valuable iu future, and whether or not there la being any treapaii committed thereon, Invariably pledging hlmielf to give a true and cor rect account, for which all remittances wUl be ox* pected In advance. He will also sell and remit when requested, aud i directed.for seven per cent. Ue will also promptly attend to all proreeslooal business entrusted to his care. , VERNON C. MuLENDON, my lit Attorney at law, HomesvlUo, Ua ciTY tiiTRBM^A BALE; 4 '1 W)RGIA—Cirt or Savamxar—Will oe sold on 1 X the Unit Tuesday in Jan., bufore the court house i oor or Chatham county, by ordor of HU Honor, Johu M. MiUen, Judge of tho CUy Court or Savau- nab: one lot or rice, coffee, tea, reap, mackerel, pep per, codfish, herrings, claret, pickles, butter, grlta, butter biscuit, pilot bread, one large lamp, one dock, scales and weights, and divers other articles usually contained in a variety grocery store; said property being levied on by an attachment la favor ortieabornGoodallvs. Christopher Flege, returna ble to tbe Februrry term or City Court ol Savannah, EDW’D M. FRENDKKGAST, Jeiw Sheriff City Court or Savannah. C YlTY MAHSliAl.’ti SALte^Ou the Ifral Tuesday j Iu January noxt I will sell Iu front or tbe court House, improvements on South hair of lot No. 88 Warren ward, together with the lease of said lot, levied upon as tho property or tbe estate of Clara A Oglesby and Min Matilda Rosa, to satiety the city taxes or said property. • dot-0 DAN’L II: STEWART, 0. i de26 WARNOOK l 0HXB0K1B LANES—NOTICE. A LL persons owning Cherokee Lands, applying' at office No. 86 Bay street, can getsomo Infor mation from them on the nature of tho country, tho undersigned having, spout the most of ton years In Cherokeo, Ga.; will also purchase if prices aiffi. deSO J. M. WOOD. BOOK!, TJEOKIYED BY WARNOOK tc DAVIS, XI MMdaj. DM. SMb, ISM: Silver Wood; a book of memories; The Knight ofthe Golden Mellco, a historical ro mance; by the author or Tbe Lost Hunter; An Enoyolopedla oT Instruction, or apologues and breviata on man and manners; by A B Johnson; The Voyages, Travel* aud Adventures or Gilbert Goodhoad, In foreign parte, written hlnwoir, nnd ed ited by Fetor Parley; Tho Puddloford Papers, or Humor* or tho West; by H H Rlloy; The Balloon Travol* or Robert Merry aud his young friend* over various countries In Europe; edited by Peter Parley: Mary and Hugo, or the I .oat Angel; by Elizabeth Oakes Smith; Utter* written by the Earl or Chcstertiold to his tion. For sale et a-'J 169 Congress street. 4JTUARTS SUGAR, COFFEE, ETC. U 60 bbls. Stuarts Craahod and Powder tiugar. 60 bid*. Stuart* A k B Clarified < 26 bbla Baltimore C do . 160 bags Prime Greene Rio Coffee, too bag* Fair Green Rio do 60 bag* Old Government Java do iu mat*, 76 bags Primo Lagulra do 26 bag* Maracaibo do 10 hbd* Prime Porto Rico Sugar 10 bhde Fldr Porto Rico do 10 bhde Choice St. Croix do 60 bbl* E Phelps Rye Gin 25 bbl* Old PAH do 60 bbl* Luther Feltons, Boston Rum 60 bbU N 0 Rectified Whiskey 20 bbls Domestic Brandy _ 120 54 cask 4th Proof Brandy 16 H cask 4th Proof Brandy' 60 boxes Grant A Williams, 6 A 8 Tobacco 26 boxes 10* do In store, and for sale by dec 7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. j, COFFEE, BUGAB, &€.- _ 20 hhdi and 60 bbls choice Molaase*, 16 bhde choice St Croix Sugar, 10 do do Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do fUr do do 160 bags prime Green Rio Coffee, 76 do fair do do UO do (of mats) Old Government Java Cnffoe, 60 do prime Laguuyra Coffee, 60 do prime Porto Rico do 60 boxes Grant A Williams’ 6s and 8s Tobacco 20 do lOsTobacoo, 60 do Oswego Pearl Starch, 26 do Beadell’s Pearl Starch, 60 do Boadell’s 6a and 8s Tallow Caudles, 26 do Colgate’! Oriental do 60 do Adamantine (8tor brand) Candles, 60 bbls hand-made Sugar aud Soda Crackers, 26 'boxes Soda Crackers, and 20 bbls Batter do, 100 d* 8mUh A Buchan’* Family Hoap, 60 do Colgate’s Pale Soap, 100 do Colgate’* pound bar Soap, In etore and for sala by doc27 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. PIPES, PICKLES, FEFFEK; paper, 5c X 60 boxes English Pipes, 100 eases assorted, pints and quarts, Pickles, 100 boxes fresh ground Pepper, 126 reams assorted size wrapping Paper, Received and for sale by dec3 McMAHON A DOYLE. TUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER: cl White Moire Antique Ribbons do Brocade and Satin do do and black Belt do Vmnmw Tassel Buttons Embroidered Swiss Muslins Childrens X Fancy Hose Col’d Moreens, FaneyPrinta, Ac., by d*19 HENRY LATHROP A 00. TliPORTED UQUOBS^W hill pipe* (oor X own Importation) O. D. A Oe. Brandy, vintage of 1860-’62; 6 pipes (MederSwan) Holland GlnTlO quarter pipes Madeira Wine; 1 puncheon Jamaica Rom; ldo 84 Croix do. Just received and for sale, dec 27 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. l?LOUB*—160 bags Flour, 50 bbla Baltimore X do, and 60 Extra do Just received aud ~ store, for sale by dec27 SCRANTON, JOHN8TON A 00. A LBANY ALE-35 bbla Bead & Brothers’ Albany Ale. Landing and for sale by dec27 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00. -RUTTER, CHEESE AND LABD—Justre- JD ceived, 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter, lObexes Cheese, lOpkga LeaTLard, for eatoby WM mm DAVID O’CONNOR, ■ d*38 corner Broughton and Drayton its riOFFEE. V 606 bajn folr to choice Rio Coffee 100 begs old brown and government Java 76 bags Lagulra Coffee *°‘ 1 f ° r ‘sOL&UiBE, JOHNSON k 00. B BOOkfl. 'BBUaflfca. 5WMBTTB: CUH, kit., ku—lMdozS ud Silrtaftroomi lMdra iko., gcrabblng ud .ton kraakH; llOdrn Sand 8 boon buckets; 16 bbls fresh, auger aad batter Mseult; ft bbls fresh pUot bread; re ■ t aP Wr McMAHON k DOYLE. 31, 1866. '~i l^rtiTT i tfMku foniitni Slhneritormruto. fanuary »V. • ,000. Only l»,000 NnmlwnlM PRIZE'S payablT without reduction . Jasper County Academy BV AUTHORITY OF THE 8TATK OFUEOKUM. CLAMS V, *»,(• draw. Juuiry lCUi, 15S7, »l Coucorl H«ll, MacomGa., under tho sworn superintendence ol Ool. GeorgoM. I/igan oud W. 0. Anderson, Esq. 4V Remember this Lottery has ouly fifteen thousand numbors—less than any lottery in the world, therefore it is tho best for invostmoai. Ex • amine the Schomo t. NOTlOBc A U. persons having demands agaluet WOOD A HINES will please present them forthwith at my offloo, 86 Bay street, formerly Young A Wyatt’s, or at the office ol' my attoruoy, George A Gordon, K*q;und allpcrsous indebted to said firm are here by cautioned uot to pay over any amount except upon my receipt or that ormy said attorney. TUo public are also notiflod that I will not be re- Bpoimliilo for any contracts or obligations or any k nil made by .tam-m Hiues, iu thenamo or Wood A Hiues, as 1 have dissolved all couuoctlon with him whatever aud tho partnership has oeased to exist. do22-tt J. M. WOOD. NOfiOBi i'ERSUNS having demands against tho ,„.„to of Kllhu Wilson, late of Effingham coun ty, deceased, will present them duly attested; and llunstf ludeb'.ud aro requested to make immediate payment U» HENRY J. WILSON, or) ao«24 STEPHEN A. W1I50N, / “ ^ NOTICE. A ll, persons having claims against tho estate of Georzo M. Wnldburg, tatoof Obatham county, deceased, are hereby uotlfled to present them, roperly attested, to tbe undersigned, within the Itno proscribed by law; and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to mako imme diate payment to the underalgned. JACOB WALDBURG, Administrator cum testamento annexo or estate ot deol-tf George 61. Waldburg. motigb; "* T WO months after date application will bo made to the Honorable, tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to soil all tho property, real and personal, ofthe estate of Goorgo M. Wald burg, late of said county, doceased, forthobonollt >f the belr and creditors of said estate. JACOB WALDBURG, Administrator cum testamonto annexo of ostata or decl-2m Goorgo M, Waldburg. NO 14039 CotttrUs. ■onthern Lottery. ON THE THE HAVANA PLAN, PRIZES GUARANTIED I ....$16,080 6,000 2,000 4,000 2,60b .... 8,000 00,000 SOHEME. lprixeef. i « .*.*:*. 4 “ of $1,000 are 6 “ or 600 aro 80 '* of 100 aro 1,600 “ of 40 are amoxnuTtoif rant—. 20 approximations or $100 are $2,oou 60 “ 60 are 2,600 60 “ “ 20 aro 1,000 1,712 prises amounting to,.. $102,01- Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters 82.60. The 1^00 Prizes or $40 are determined by the last figure of tho uumuorthat draws tho Capital Prize of $16,000. The Capital Prize will, ol course, end with one or the figures—1,2,8,4,6,6, 7,8,9, 0. Tliuao Whole Tickets ending with the sathu figure as the last In tho Capita will bo ontitled to $40. Halves and Quartors In proportion. banka taken at par. 4VThom wishing particular number* should order Immediately.. GEO. MoOLEtiKY, Agt- Thu Ibllluwtug S O H K M E Will bu drawu every Saturday. I prize ut 1 do \ do 1 do 2 prizes of $600 are 60 do 100 ar.-> 100 do CO are 1600 do 10 are 1,067 44,000 Whole tickets $4; Halves $2; quartets $1 Orders addressed to . JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon. Ua GEO. A. McCLMRY, Agent, curut-r Dryau and Whitaker eta., Savannah. PUS or TUX IrOTIKRY. Same uk the Royal Lottery of Cuba—with this difference: the Havana Lottery Imn 36,000 num bers—this has only 15.000. , There are two wheels, on each «r which there are placed two Irocks. The Superiutendeuta have each a key lo the Locks, and tho wheels cannot bo opened unless both aro present. There are placoiH* in tbe wheel orumnbors Uu tubes containing Blips or paper with tbe numbers from No. 1 to 16,000 iu the Whoui or Prizes tbure aro placed tin tubes con* tetnlug slips or papor with the Prizes ou them rang- leg from *16,000 to $100, When tho drawing takes place, wbluhwlli bg in. public, tho wboels aio unlocked, uud alter revotviog thorn, a number Is drawu uulut the wheel ot iium-’ bora, audattbusamo time one is drawn out of the Prize Wheel by boys, with arms burod to the Hhoul- der aud blindfolded—the tube i.i supped oil) aud the number hold up and unrolled, so that tho whole see It—the number m then called ofi'. and enrolled by tho Superintendents. Tho Prize drawn to credited to tho uuraber drawn at the same time, and bo on until ull the Prizes at e drawn out. A copy of tbe drawing is then sent lo tliu printers, rear or favor. A drawing is sent toovory one orderlug tickets. Tbe Prizee ure payable thirty days alter tbs drawing, in lull, without any discount. 49- Drawings take place oatbol&th of every month. JAMES F. WINTER, Managor, Maoon, Ue. NOTIUHL A LL persons having demands against tbe estate of Daniel O’Conner, deceased, will hand them n, duly attested, as required by law;and those in- dented will pleoso moke payment, to Wa R. SYMONS, Quaililod Adm’r. November 8th, 1866. °ov8 fiOTluE. A LL porsons indebted to tho Estate of Jaao Mo- Donald, Uto of McIntosh county, docoasod, aro requested to make Immcdlato payment; (boa- having demands against said Estate aro requested to prosont them, duly authenticated. 1 MUSES D. HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7th, 1868. dot? NOTICE. W YLLY A COLLINS have taken an office on tho corner of Drajrton at. and Bay lime, op- ooBlte tne oince 01 u. a. ranaactlon of un Auction and General Brokerage bU Rcal S»d Personal Estato sold ou Oommisslon; ol- so. Stocks and Bonds* Loans negotiated. Liberal advances mado on property entrusted to them for sale. « dovIS A GRAND MAIL X LAND LOTTERY (Ou tlio Havana Plan.) GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, OF MARYLAND. Extra Clatt 1, To be drawn SATURDAY, Jun. 31st, iu Baltimore, Maryl&ud. BO,GGU Numbers 7-1,000 Prizes | In these Lotteries every Prlzo must be drawu by some one, au all tbe Prizes aro drawn out or tbe wheel. TH Hubbard A Co. are authorized by tbe mana gera to fill ail orders. AnguiU .iid S»v«ui^J IWl EM,} mHE Annual Election for Seven (7) Directors or a this Company wlU be held on Monday, tho 6th of January noxt, at the office corner of Bay and Aborcorn streets, botvreonthe hours of 10A. M. and ..... rDiunta t wriY P. M. dec4 FRANCIS T. WILLIS, President. Central H. H. « Banking Co. of On.,) Savannah, Dec. 3, 1866. / D IVIDEND No. 67.—The Board or Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE per CENT, on the General Stock or tho Company, from the profits ol tbe ,-ast six months, payable on Monday, December 16th. Holders or Guaranteed Stock will be paid tbelr usual dividends on tbe same day. dcc4—3w GEO. A. CU VLER, Cashier. CcntnU R. R. dfBanklnfCo.of Gat, 1 Savannah, Dec. Sd. 1866. j r E annual election for Directors of this Com pany will bo held at tho Banking House on Bay street, on Monday, 6th January next, between tbe hours oflOo'ctock A. M. andlo’clock, P. M. deS-td GEO. A. CUYLER, Cashier. Rank of Commerce, 1 Savannah. 8d Deo., 1858. / 1Y a Resolution or the Board, It Is ordered that the third Instalment of Twenty-five dollars per snare, on tho Capital Stock or this Bank be paid on or before the filet January next- JNO: C. FERRILL, Cashier. decS-lawtd Bl Omcs Sav’d, albojj* A Quit R. R. Oo.,! Savannah, Nov. 6,1868. J mHE tieventh Instalment of 10 por cent, on th X Capital Stock of tho Savannah, Albany and Guff Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of the BoardTia hereby ordered to bo paid on or before oovd Secretary and Treasurer. dcolB MARYLAND LiOTTHUiliflS FUR JANUARY, 1867. R. France 4b Co., Manager*. Drawings conducted under tho superintendence of tho State Lottery Commissioner. Prixea Paid at soon aa Drawn, 1 prize 1 “ I*.::::::*.’.:::::::*.:::::: 2 “ 2 “ 2 •• 3 »* 189 “ APPROXIMATION PR1ZK9. 4 of $160 Appro’x 4or 100 “ 4 or 90 “ 80I 80 “ 8 or 70 “ 8 of 80 “ 8 or 60 “ 756 or 10 “ 1,000 prizos, amounting to $42,600 12,300 10,000 6,000 2,000 1,6X1 1,000 200 $42,600 12,300 10,000 6,000 2,000 1 600 1,000 .200 $182,6T0 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quartors $2 to BRILLIANT" SCHEME. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. Class C. To be drawu iu Baltimore, lid.,Saturday, Jan, 24. jtolUMB: 78 Numbers—16 drawn ballots. 1 prise ol $80,000 1 29,980 4 “ ejuoo ,600 000 8 100 339 •3 68 126 6,383 ’’.v.’.::*. tfa 800 100 80 60 40 20 THESE BISCUIT AND CRACKERS TUST RECEIVED, comprising ell the different tl kinds New York affords, consisting oTCMgress, Egg, Milk, Wine, Lemon, Soda, Abernathy, Maple, and other Biscuit, New Year’s Cake, Ginger and ploed8napa, Fox’s, Batter, Boston, Lemon, Pic flc, Graham, Water; Sugar, and Fancy Cracker*- all of which we shall keep constantly on hand and receive fresh supplies by every steamer at tbe uov26 Sav.n^oFoc.^.JFrallDgl^ TIAfl IKUH TXAil mHE CHOICEST and best assortment or TEAS X ever offsred at retail to this city, Includiag English Breakfoat Tea, Delicious Oolong, Plantation Ootong. Silver Leaf Hysoo, Plantation Imperial* and other favorite qualities, H noS6 oomer Broughton and .Whitaker ate. SV,<tW9 •• 38,306 prizes, amounting to $1,202,000 Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quar. $6, Eighths $2.60. Certificate Ct Package or26 Wholes, cosh. 4286 00 do. do. 26Halves, “.... 182 60 do. do. 28Quarters,* 4 ,... 66 26 do. do. 26Eighths, 33 12 -.T All orders for Tleketa or Packages In any 01 the Maryland Lotteries wUl receive prompt atten tion. and the drawing mailed to all purchasers im mediately altar It is over. Address T. H. HUBBARD 4c CO. No. 39 Fayettestreet,or Box No. 40„ dnM Brttlmore iln. ~ whuk uxm.ii. muoiiin. K BODYEObr UU anlnli— UdlM wSlU 8UU SUppm, do do Xld do Mlu« Blook Oillon ud Morocco Boon, Udln Polk* ud JumjLUdBxw^ sort Ko.jl»dUjdll HOI AMD COU) BATHir X reiMCtmUj otrUdNl tb*t hot inter Is ready Ibr thorn from « 4. M. Ull 8 p. K. .r.ry d.y orapt SuolUn- f enUemon con be vrtl u- commorUUd to hath, u often as they chooHtt one dollar a month, all inbierlhm t. commence from Em. umiMtoNor. 1, W7, (br *S. tiingle hatha. 26 cents. 8r*>on ticket from lit May to UI Kor., su. „ _ _ , J. M. HAYWOob, dp. H. B. lOtotMcrlben, In addition to thowlharo, WliHI nntak.atlh.knrprloo or 13 doUan a norll J. M. H., 1«1 • TEf BBOZCK COUBSM. DAB AND DINING SALOON for rYent Apply immediately to d*27-8 K. F. AKIN, Sec’y.