The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 07, 1763, Image 2

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a tefctkitiafarnu waioubHil.ed Excellency the Governor. And on Thamay the fiuhe wag proclaimed at Portfmoath in New-HampQure* \ ‘ V* New-Tmrh Fid, ti. Friday sight Iftft Edwlrd tortg* carpenter 6f the privateer (loop Bone**, of to csrrkg* ssd Iftiwivel guns, and 44 men, Capt. Spelling* of this oak, ttetee to town from Sinftt-Crua, bp *Hld gives us the following account, Ha, That Bn the i jth f December, a little to wmdwardiSf stdiafbma, they gave cbice to a sloop then in fight? which proved to be a French privateer of |t gun* and onwards df too mtmt That coming near each other they exchanged a (hot or two, when the Frenchman drt-w Off; but being followed by Spelling, he returned and renewed thft engagement* which continued near five hours, in which Capt. Spelling* find his Lieute nant, Mr. William Vance, were both hilled; Thft fooo af *im the Frenchman grappled them on the ftern* boarded and Obligl!t|ie crew to ftnkp, and earned her into SantaCrtfX. iThe Frenchman had ao men killed and many wounded, the Bonetta loltDuf two men. Ftrtb-Ambt y* Feb. 28. Yesterday about one o’clock hi* Excellency William Franklin, Bfq; Captain-General and Governor in Chief of the province of New-Jersey, arrived here from England by way of Philadelphia* *N#w-Y9rk>, March 3* From Atbafcy we hear, that the kkes in Canada* not having bees frozen* on the 1 tth nit. the firff Heigh fithn thence this year arrived a* Albany frdm Montreal J and on the 18th Brigadier Gen. Btirttm was to set out f r that place from Albany. ‘ rfs tall week a courier arrived here with <UJpatch*&J hU Excellency Gen. Amherst, >y the way of Virginia, Where they arrived in one of his Majesty’s frigates. M w Its Gid, that 400 battoes are building at Pitt&oarg to transport troops to Mi&hppi. ~^ Bejh* y March y. We he* that CoUlfcdi A WhUing, of Newhaven in Connefticft, vS by hiilfxttHcttey Gen. Amherff promoted to the command of an independent coin pan/. ‘ r s-H'v ¥■ St. mJmirMy Feb. 16. Yesterday arrived hm the wg expeAed fleet from London, under convoy of the Eolus fneate ; the Lynx having parted company in the channel, :Oud not joined them again till they were in fight of Guada-; lupe. -l This fleet left England the 30th of December, but have brought no news of importance, except the unhappy divifi-, oas in the mniftry, w£d ftiil condLe. may such. Much was hud in parliament agalnft the terms of peace; hewevef the preliminaries were approved by a sis-. lority $ and as England and France are nfing their internes to accommodate matters between Frafiakud i rafter of Ambaftador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in order to finiih the definitive treaty. ■ - : C Amiga*, March a. His Mayfly’s sloop the Virgin having been lately ordered to foe dime of the islands feme veffcls bound from Mfrtinico to Jamaica* Philadelphia, and other places in North-Americn* was attacked by three and retort etrs of touch superior force, who handled her pretty‘roughly, and took three of the convoy. •: \* W 1 -?* ffth nk. Capt. Laforey, commander of his Mt it&y s flup the Levant, was warned to Mifo Earley, daugh ter of Francis Farley, Esq; a young lady diiliugmihed for her accomplishments. . * Cbm lam r, Ma#hj6> Mr. Sumter* who taint herefrom Engjaad with Outafttfi, or judd’s-Friend* and the other Vith them about the beginning of November ft- The generality of the Indians Were much pkafcd with thor countrymen gait them of their reception ind fcfogte beta* < kt*to Itri* t^e^fA. < cLdfe > i?vik^G6^l messenger from them retnmed to the Cbemk.ce nation abov the middle of February, what account he brought we . not informed of* only he rep<xtevi tha; Oucaonoflou was to proceed, down to fort Condc 6r Mobillc, and thence to r and that foverai nations oTlndiahs had bald - a fort of congrtfs St fort Thoulooir* About the end of January ft Frenchman, * who gave him-, felf dot ta be an officer* arrive i in the Overhill Cherokee towns from for! A Gumption; he was very affidoOus in learn ing their language and ingrati .ting hi in felf with the Indi aa *t find* endeavored by ivery method to alienate their affeft ; ons from* us* * air* Sumter apprehending bad conft x|uencei from this continuing among them, formed a design of taking him prifonef aad cirrying him to for* George* which he communicated to fome of the leading Indians in our intereftssfirhich they approved of, but refufed to be concerned in it* About the middle of February, Mr. Sumter having prepared his bories, got a piiftol from J add’s Friend, went to l oqao where the Frenchman lodged, . whom he met in the fields,immediately feixed and threat ened to kill him if he refilled* and though he made fcverui attempts to get away, in fom* of which he was affided by fome of the Indians, yet Mr* Sumter brought him offthd>* . the Cherokee They wtrt four and .ys find four nights getting to fort Prum George* dur ng which time tfie priioner, (who was not tied as he called himfelfa gentfo man) attempted twice to make his escape, hat Mr. Sumter parted him and Came up with him both times, and drsi vcred him fafe to Lieutenant Taylor, commandant of fort . Prince George, whetehe is now a prifonen—lf the Great- Warrior had been in the nation* it is thought Mr. Sumter would not have been fuffeced to bring him away: the lead we men of the Over-Hills towns now pretend, that thy mlkririJ the Frenchman, and on that account plaint a trade.—-A report has been circulated in the natint, that upon the Great-Warrior’s return fnyn Mobillc and New- Orleans, they are to have two French forts, one of them at Tofiuoh* the other at Hywaffih.—The “Young Warrior of Eatowih behaves admirably well, and all the Indians of the?Lower-Towns do the lame, except when ihefr get runs r frw the ietdements* ‘ t .A i Frenchman above-mentioned, we teff, is ofdefri { and yesterday a small party was lent from hence ’to r meet that coming from fort Frince-Gedrge* # A moft (hocking murder was committed a few weeks ago, near Orangeburg, by n negroe fellow befongiagjDOne fob a Mayer, who happened to come to ChftrleftOWn; the crael wretch murdered Mrs. Meyer, her daughter about 16 yekrs of age, and her fucking infant 5 he then dreflfed hlmfolf in Jus mate’s bed doaths, and fct fine to the hoofo, whkh was burnt to the ground; three other children of Mr. Meyers made their escape and alarmed the neighbours, forfte of whom did not live above half a mile ‘dlftaot. The murderer r” *^* n P <by Mi by a jury flf magistrates ani freeholders condemned to be burnt aimr ftt a &ikr L which was accordingfty executed. The nnforfdnate hu/band mi father, wt are told, is almofi, if not intlrdy, diftrafted by hi. imlfiwtanM! It b Cud totk Im wKTki. wife aftd tit* bar. baron* destroyer of their family and fnbiUnce with remark able tendernefo and lenity. March 19. Captain Hooper, who arrived here yesterday feyen weeks from Gibraltar, informs us, that the com munication between that garri Ton and the Spaniards te ‘ opdwd again at lii time ol peace; and that the moft extL ordinary civilities passed between the officers of both nations. * That*Bir Charles Saunders was gone home with three Ihips of the line; and Sir Piercy Brett remained at Gibra lUr 2 That the Spaniards had entirely evacuated the kingdom of