The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 07, 1763, Image 3

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I’tttfcga!; r tad peka and gbod order was refloreand And, that a few day* before he left Gibraltar, a ihip ar rived there in fifteen days from Enghnd, the mailer of reported, that S ; r George Pococke died on hi paf ige home from the Hsvanna, and that one of his MajeSy’s fcq *, from the fame place, had foundered at lea, but the acrew were all saved. March <6. Anew brigantine from Philadelphia, anti ICaptahi Seymour from Moncfrrrat, for this port, have bedn •IpoKC wita a Ibroiight ago on thi> coast. . A brigantine is laid to be call nway on the Lfttog-Bay, drom Montierrat bound for Georgia, called the Royal Char lotte, and commanded by Robert Savery. Cm tain Martin jn a Hoop from Antigna* in g'rest dillrcfs having been plundered by a French -frigate in her passage) and a Hoop from Providence* have ml To been spoke with on -this coftil. ♦ Yc.ierday arrived here Captain Caflilb, m seven d.Vs from .the Havarna, who brings no other publick news, than that traafporu were arrived there from Jamaica to carry off the t Brink* troops; and that it was expeded they would be ready .to remove oy the firft of May nexti LaR Saturday a very fine Jhip that will carry about i too barrels of rice* her frame of timbers all live-oak grown to , the mould, built by Mr. Emery, was launched at Mrs. Fro/t’s place up the path. - RICE , forty Sh.Uings* If* I ‘-ill. . ■ I. i \ SAVANNAH, April 7. ON Tuesday the 19th of March, his Mujcfty’s procla mation for a cessation of arms was proclaimed here with tht usual formalities. Monday the 28th eh. John Mullryne, F.fq; was cho r en -member of Affeinbly for 4e dill rid of Golhen, in St. Mar. thew T * parilh, in the room of William Francis, Esq; deceased. The fame evening Alexander Crawford, Overseer At the plantation of John Miiledge, Esq; at Little Ogechee, was found dead, supposed to have been murdered by a Negroe fellow belonging to the said Mr. Miiledge, who has since disappeared. A party of dangers were the next day lent in search of him, but he has not yet been heard of. We hear from good authority, that, by the lad account* from the Creek nation, every thing remained quiet atnongd those Indians. . Thursday last an express arrived from Gener.j Amher% to Captain Wills, of the Marlborough transport Ihip, which put in here a few months ago to r£ht, ordering him imme diately to repair to Ncw-Yor.k. His Majedy s Ihip the EpreuvO, wkich had the misfor tune to ran athore oa Cockfpur point, is in a fair way of being got off. SAVANNAH PRICE CURRENT. By the C*wt. Rice, from sa. Bd. to 6s. By the Barrel. Turpentine, 12s. Common Tar cs. Pitch, od. Beef, 11. 1 os. Pork, il. By the Pound. i ludico flora * none. Do. be ft copper & blue, nonet *d fart, none. -Do. jd, mne Deer fkin*, from 2*. to 2s. 2d. Raw ditto, is. Bd. Tanned Leather, 6d. Butter, od. Tallow, 6d. By tbt Thou/andi Shingles, 12s. Red Oak Hog (head Staves, zb White Oalelio. * . 3 1. Ppe Staves, 51. rme Lumber, from inch board* to-ranging timber, from 3 tf tb per 1000 feet. _-, - * tkt BujbeJ. Indian Com, ‘ is. 6d. P®**®* Si, By tb: Hogjbcid. Jamaica Rum, from 4.?. to 4** 6i. the gallon. Barbados Do. from 2s. gH. to is. the gallon Antigua Do. from 2s. 9di to 3s. the gallon. St. Kitts 80. from as. 9J. to 3s. the gallon: Nvw-York Do. nr nr. Philadelphia Do: none. New-England DO: none. By the Pi^ti Madeira Wine, 301. VidoniaDo. iSI. By the Ciut. Mu r covado Sugar, from il. 10s. to 21. CbyedDo.. al. 10s. Flour, il* * s Ship Biscuit, >b Bar Lron, lb 10s. Coffee, 2b 1 os. By the Barrel. Double Beer, none . Single Do. none. Cyder, none. By the Bujbrf. Coarfc Salt, as. M ‘, „ c V orf * I *£ r ; t r.wrfjtj r*w* B ,. p rom 7, Schooner I) bee, Thoma, Tucker, Ci.aHeltewa , ong. George, Nathaniel Donnel, Jsvaicu 25, hlo ,p Savannah, John Dunbar, St. EuCa ia ,9 f r, K- Dar by, Israel Boardman, St.Kict* 28, Schv oner Mary, Richard Wright, Charleftowu Aarii * Schooner Charrmng Ntlly, Ja es Brown, Ditto A > nl 6 Brig. Betsey, Daniel Campbell, St. Ur ix M Entries Outwards. for March 4, Schooner Dispatch, Peter Laffitte, Charleftov n Schooner Queenby, Simon Tufts ’ Dto 5. Sloop Charming Kitty, John \ icary, Jam ica 11, Schooner I ybec, Thomas Tucker, Charlctlo ii 14, Snow John Sc Elifabcth, A. Lundbury, London 21, S oopHope, Jeremiah Bickford, Bo:hm 2 L Sloop Mary, Daniel Robbins, St. Croix 24, Schooner Sally & Betiey t Tuo. Splanc, St. K its 28, Sloop Fanny, Thomas Stcnhen r on, Ditto Schooner onathan, Jarvis Williams, Charlcllovvn S.oop Polly & Betsey, John Hamer, Mont errat 2, Schooner Charming Nelly, J. Brown, Charleftov a 0, Br g. George, Nathaniel Donnel, Philadelphia Sloop Sally, Reuben Giles, Virginia ‘px# *'#. vxo&ycjiot, >; Advertisements. GEORG I A, March 30th, 1762- WHrrea:, by an inquej} taken the ZC)tb Jay of this infant Mat ch, on virus of the body of cue Alewand r C.rwjlrd % found dead at the plantation of John Miiledge, Ejf, us Uitl Oge cJxt, the vet dtA cf the jury was, That the j aid Crawford unat slabbed and murdered by a negroe fcllervj na/md S tftc, the /.refer tv cj the fa id Mr. Miiledge, •which Juid negroe has maiie h.s ejeap-: ThfJe are therefore to inform allperjons thereof ac t uaint:ng them, that a reward of Five Pounds Stc. ling will he given, by the owner of tb-ja.d negroe, to air; on or perjons who j hull apprehend the jaid negroe alt-v, and deli ver is m to the keeper of tit gad ia Savannah', and, in caje he cannot be taken alive, Thirty Shil lings Sterling to any person who Jhallproduce Ins head to one of the jajhces of the peace for the parijh of Cbnjl-Church. N. B. The fjsd uegroc is a middle'fzedjTHow, has his country mark on his left arm andbreajl ; be is well ttno wn a: .h plantati ons about Little Ogecbce. THE fubferiber intending to Philadelphia, has to fell two lots, very pleasantly situate 1 in the town of-Savannah, one hundred and twenty feet in fro t, and ninety in depth; a good dwclling-houfe and hitcheh thereon, anew llore for dry goods and a counting-room with a hre-place in it, large out-stores, a liable and chair houfe, with all other convenient out-houses new, a well of very good water in the yard, a good garden with many Iruit-trces, vines, and ufcful roots, intWcd with a nevv fence of cypress boards. Alio fronting said lot , .1 wharf, 140 feet front, and too in depth, a craae-hou e on each end, two pits, blocks, fall, capfonand llage, f*i able to heave down two velTels at once; a ilorehoufe thereon, fd feet 1< ngj and 45 feet wide, four dories high, divided into ten r >mr.s* futficient to hold 2000 barrels of rice; a machine to hoiil goods from the wharf into either dory, or into the upper one, where they are rolled through into the town; t.v*> nu n are fulficient to hoill and store a hogfh ad of rum ; the ho fe is new, well built, and of g od timber, the foundatiort Ibrong and well made with brick. Also, A tra:d of land, 12 milqs from town, and two froni the river Savannah, containing 600 acres, 200 of which nee land, the red very good pine. Another traft, fix miles from town, and two from the ri ver Savannah, quantity 450 acres. Likewise, A trait on Ogethee river, has a fine bluff, con tains 250 acres, nearly divided between rice swamp and high land. Two years credit will be given for part of the purchase itioney. , d[io to be fold, Anew schooner, burthen 10a barrels rice, and draws but five and a half feet water when loaded; a Hoop very well fitted that will carry 200 barrels rice; and a good chair and chair horse. ‘ JOSEPH WOOD. •- - *f Ad ver.i/eenents given/ft at th Priruing-Qf'-t* ft# either of the C'arlfh'j.n nevji-fcftny u'i/J let parr.tuiar care of % And forwarded.