The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 07, 1763, Image 4

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TO IS SOLD, By JAMES JOHNSTON* At the Printing-Office in Broughton-ftreet, The following BOOKS, viz, , R E-volution* of Portugal Rofcommon's poems Swift's talc of a tub le dsable hoiteust Hifory of Charles the Xllih of • , Sweden Age of LevNs the XlVtb , by Vol taire > 2 vols, I tmo Naval hifory of Great-Britam, 4 vols. 12 mo Rohtnjon Crefoe Rollin's ant lent hijhry, 10 Wj. I2f Verm's heights ts Malta, 5 volt, 12 mo Rollin's belles kttru, 4 vols. I tmo Hiflory of the Arabians, 4 vols. Cato's utters, 4 vols. 12 mo Seneca's morals Hume's political difcowrftt Spectator, 8 vo ls. 12 mo Cosnoifeur, 4 t vols. 12 mO Adventurer, 4 vols. 12 tno Guardian , 2 vols. 1 Zmo Add-forts works, 3 vols. liW VertOt's revolutions of Sweden Burnet's hijhry , 6 vols. I2** Military hiflory of England during the civil vtar Mabfy's principles of negotiation Swift's hijhry ofQyeenAune Congreve's poem* Bacon's es ays Mokcrds works, 5 vols* Shakejpear's works, 8 vols. Collection of plays, 3 vols. Voltaire's Uturt on the MngUjh nation *Piyden*j effayt ‘ Butler's HudibrOi Keyjler's travels, 4 ito/fi 1 Into Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 vols. Gulliver’s ” Memoirs of Brandenburg Locke's ejjmys abridged Gordon's use of King Robert the Bruce Pope's essays Buckingham's works ’ F itxcjcurn's letter 1 onfevtra!fub . j e &* \Ludlow*smemoirs, 3 vols. time WAvnodPs memoirs ‘ VAleuts Pat creates , Anfm's voyages Marriage ceremonies at now uftd in au parts of the world ’ Ramsay's Evergreen , 2 volt, M gl Free mafon't pocket companion Merry fellow Ewing's, Hill's, Fisher's , ffll fon's, and Dorm's arithmetick Flair's book-keeping Atfasne place may be had\ The South-£arolina Almanack and RsciSTta for 1763. And a compleat let of whole Iheet maps of the four quarter? world, engraved by J. Jeffreys geo grapher to his Majeffy. SA V ANNAH: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton- Street, where Advertiiemcnts, . Letters of Intelligence, and Subscriptions for this . Paper, are taken in/ Gee on trade Law on trade Watts's logick Comoro on health Elaborately laid oped, dr tie fe rrets of modem cbcmijhy and pharmacy revealed A critical difertatiom on the hook ofjob, by Charles Peters A\M. Henry on sober-m ndednefs Tennant on regeneration Ray's wisdom of God PafcaPs thoughts Mrs. Rowe's devoid extreifes Utters Watts's redeemer andfem&ifer ■ psalms - hymns Watts on the paj/tosti ——— on prayer Glorj of Cbrif, by fTdtfS Olivet's thoughts of CieerO Hiflory of the ten perjeeutiom Erejkine's gojpcl fonuets * - ferment Black leek'l poems, 1 vols 12M* Font entile* s plurality f worlds TillotJon's sermons, 1 o vols. limo Toung's night thoughts works, 2 vols. 1 2mo Jofef bus's works, 6 vols. 1 21*0 Bofton'sfourfoldfate -*■” crook in the lok catecbijm Bojlon on the covenant Barrow on contentment Wright on regeneration Henry on prayer Dodridoe's rtje andproertft of rt ligionin the foJT^ Henry's life Wiliijon on the sabbath Willtfon’ sfacromental meditations ■’ ■ ajjUftcdmast's compa nion Dunlop's sermons, 2 vols. I zmo Bijhop Patrick's difeottrjes Gilpin on fat on's temptations Wudafon's religion of nature de lineated Evans's sermons, 1 vols. Prate fan! fyfltm, 2 vols * Whole duty of man Dickenfon's letters on feveredfub je3s Sherlock cn death Rohe*s sermons Confejfion of faith Ruddiman's rudiments add greed mar Efop's fablet Dyfc he's fpJlitig-book Bibles, and New-Tefoment! Cattthifms of different forts , A tL peHbns havirfg ddnands agatnft the Hiatt of If#* /\ Edward Somerville, decealed, are deli red to give in their accounts, properly a tufted, and those indebted to the laid estate to make immediate payment, to JOHN RAE, and \ - THOMAS EATTON, J * xecotof| * - —-*■ ■ • - —~ - 1 j TO BE SOLD THE very valuable PLAN TATI ON on which the fub* feriber now lives nt Jofephtown, lately poffeffcd by Patrick Mackay, E% which, for goodness of the land) and agreeable situation, is not inferior to any upon the riv<*r Savannah* It is 11 miles from Savannah by land or water* A reasonable credit will be given lor great part of the pur. chafe money* For further particulars enquire of Georrfe . Cuthber , Efqj or HENRY KENNAN. - .. ——■■'■■■ -■ 1 4. THE high bred English Hoati V A LIA NT, 1 j hands and a half high, will cover mares this season, at my plantation near Savannah, at a guinea a leap, cr three guineas for the season; five guineas to infare that the nine lhall hold to the horse, if not, to be sci ved gratis next year. Good care will be taken of all the mares that ffiall be lent. WiLLJAM SMITH.; * N. B*. The money to be sent with the marcs, and as. 6d. to the groom* ” ■ ‘ ■ —■ ■ ■ .. ■— . i. ‘■ , , RUN AW AT from my plantation about eight tLiyt ago, A TALL Ncgroe Wench named Jeanic, this country born, and fpcaks.good English. Whoever dcLvata laid Wench to me lhall have ten millings reward. JOHN SAUiEVRRBL.’ March s th, 1763. ■ ■■*■■** i.ii * TOBESOLD, A Vary fine ISLAND, plefantly faulted on a navigable creek, between Whitmaih island and Augutunc's creek, near Half-Moon Bluff, very convenient for hiking, confitting of 3 34 acres of as good indico and corn land as any in the province, very fuitabic for raifuig of flock, on which there is a good run fit for Helping of water for indico j 20 acres are well fenced, and about 30 of the whole cleared. Alio, A finall dock of cattle, confining of about jn head. Any person inclinable to purchase, may apply to WILLIAM Gi EBONS. THE fubferiber being under a necessity of bringing his affairs to a speedy fettlemeut, theie ate therefore to beg the favour of those indebted, to make immediate pay ment. Their compliance will be gratefully acknowledged by . WILLIAM WRKjHI? RUN AW AY from my plantation near Savannah , about Jive of fix weeks ago, . ANEGROE MAN, natned Primus, belonging to James Skirving, Efqj of Ponpon. Whoever takes hm up, and delivers him to me, lhall be rewarded. March 7, i 7 Lu JOSEPH GIBBONS. BENNET, late of died at my plan* JL tation a few days ago. His relations or creditors may have his horle, watch, and other effects, by applying to March 7, 1762. JOSEPH GIBBONS. ■ -• - ..... . |_ LOST or MISLAID, A SMALL PACKE7', directed to Mr. Jacob Spencer, and to be left to the care of Mrs. Abigail Minis, in doling a bond of upwards Thru Hundred and Twenty Pound:, Carolina Currency # from Mr. John Alvcy to Joshua Lockwood watch-maker in.Charleffown. Whoever has found the fams, and will deliver it either to Mr* Lockwood in Charlcftown, or to the fubferiber in Savannah, lhall have n Guinea reward* and no questions diked. WILLIAM WRIGHT.