Newspaper Page Text
%*. 18. Tke Trench tom hsvfl'rfcfolved to demolifli
the fortifications of Dunkirk agreeably to the report of our
commiffionersifcnt there in conlequence of the preliminaries.
On Saturday the Right Hon. the Earl of Pembroke ar
rived in town from Germany. •
The D4IC tTAguillon, a French Ihip, dispatched to the
Eaft-Ifcdies with the preliminary articles of peace, was late
ly brought into Plymouth by one of our men of war, but
was immediately released.
The Princ? Edward hospital Ihip, Capt. Goffe, from the
Havana,, is put into Kinfale in great distress, having parted
from Sir George Pococke the ill inst. just off the Lizard.
The Admiral lent eight men from his own Ihip io assist her.
It is doubted whether the Prince Edward, and fome others,
will be able to put to sea from Kinfale.
The Pitt Galley, Hogg, a transport from the Havana,
foundered at iea.
Plymouth , Jan. Ifi. The Venus frigate, Capt. Harrison,
which arrived here yesterday mdhung from Lilbon, with
the Prince of Mecklenburg on board, was la days in her
passage. 4>he has brought about i2,0001. on account of the
which is sent to London in a guarded waggon.
Jan. zo. By a letter from a young gehtlcraan on board
the Namur, Admiral Pococke* s Ihip, we hear, that the
Admiral is in perfedl health, notwithstanding the terrible
mortality on board his ihip, having loft 200, and the whole
caew having been afflicted with agues, fevers and fluxes.
By letters yesterday from Milfbrd-Haven, there is advice
of feverai more of Admiral Pococke*s fleet having got into
that port in a fluttered condition.
Sunday night Gen. Elliot arrived from the Havana, and
on Monaay was -introduced to the King. Os tight servants
which he took with him only one returned alive.
Tile Recovery, Boyd, from Virginia, foundered at iea,
the crew saved. The Charming Sally, Burgess, from Vir
ginia, overfet in a gale of wins, and all the crew perilhed.
The Prince of Mecklenburg, lately arrived from Portu
gal, is going to fix his residence in England.
His Majefty*s flrip.Venus has brought from Lilbon a Lieu
tenant, two petty officers, and 62 men, part of the compa
ny of his Majesy*s (hip Marlborough, taken out by the
Antelope, Commodore Gram, just before (he foundered.
The French King has appointed Viscount de Belfunce
Governor General of St. Domingo.
The commons this day ordered to be laid before them an
account of the national debt as it Hood before the sth inst.
as also an account of the debt of the board of ordnance.
We are allured that no preparations are making for any
of tlk Royal Family going to Hanover the ensuing summer.
j'an. 22. Letters from Paris brought yesterday, fay, the
fleet from Brest for the Weft-Indies, by their last advices,
was not failed, but still waited for orders, which were ex
pelled to be dispatched in a few days.
His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, as resi
duary legatee to his late Majesty, is said to be intitled to
the amount of the prizes taken before the declaration of war.
Jan. 25. We hear that the express which was said to
h re brought advice of the Pruflians having taken Munster,
and that they were going to seize Hanover, was dispatched
f.*om ’Chhnge-Alley, in order to serve certain purposes. but
that it had not the desired effe£l.
It is (aid as matters flood fome days ago, no extraordinary
supplies would be wanted this year.
Jan. 27. We hear a tax or fine will be laid on all ab
sentees from this kingdom, not concerned in commerce
Some men of war are still cruising off the Canaries,
where they will continue till the utmost time limited.
. stagnation of business still continues here, theee be
mg little or po business tranfafted at the Customhouse, oc
casioned by the severe froft. Two ships only have been en
tered inward , and not any outwards, since Saturday last
Jan. 2 ? . We hear that the pension of a lady of high di
ftindion is flopped; and that the Right Hon. the-Coantefs
of Yarmouth is making preparations to go to Hanover, to
reside there for life. *
Yesterday Sir Charles Saunders arrived at Spithcad from
Gibraltar, with the Thunderer and Hercules.
This morning the. wind at south, and with a gentle rain,
gave general joy; and about noon the mountains of ice be
gan to link into the Thames.
February 1 They write from Ratilbon, that the college
of princes 0* us Empire have agreed upon a neutrality in
the present war between the King of Pniffia ahd the E m
Queen, and that the Emperor hath consented therptn prer ’
H is said Sir George Pococke will be appointed firft Lord
of the Admiralty. orJ
’ Letters from Rome of the 12th ult. advise tW ~
Chevalier de St. George lay at the point of death 1
Rice, the broker, having been arrested at Cambrav !
order of the French court, a King’s melTenger. and 7
sons from the South Sea House, are going to bring him over
St. Chrijlophers , April 6.
a letter from London to a gentleman ,v*
island, dated Feb. ,6th, these t
B C# peace was proclaimed there the loth 0 f s h
month. nc
Antigua, April 6. A gentleman who arrived her*
yesterday, and who left Portfmoiuli the 4th of March i n
forms us, that the definitive treaty of peace was fumed th
10th of February.—There are also fome further account of
Col. MelvilPs being appointed Governor of Grenada - , n d
it i, raid Edward Horae, Esq; will be “,
and Edmond Griffiths, Ei*q; Sollicitor-Gencral, in that po’
vernment.—There has been excelfive stormy v'eather in th#
Downs and about the Channel, which did much damage A
the Ihipping. 6 Q
Cbarkfttnwn , April 20. By advices from the Weft-Indies
we hear, that five or fix small Hoops are cruising among the
lflands on piratical designs; that fome of them, it is said
have committed feverai barbarities, one of them a fchoone/
that went into St. Euftatius was there seized, and two of
the crew, supposed the moft guilty, condemned to be
executed. *
. A * ri * *7- Two fine Ihips have lately been launched here
tiz. the Heart-of-oak, built by Mr. Rose, at Hobcaw, and
the King-Georgc, built by Mr. Emrie, near Mrs. FroiVs
on Cooper-river. The timber in this country is acknow
ledged to be equal to any in the world for fhip-buildin*
and there seems now a reasonable profpea of a good addi
tion, in that article, to the exports of the province.
April 30. Last Tuesday morning his Majesty’s Ihip the
Nightingale failed over the bar; the next day the Right
non. Lord William Campbell went on board with his lady ,
and m the evening the said Ihip failed for England.
The brig. Carolina, of and from this port for Jamaica,
Samuel Grove mailer, after escaping from two privateers
was taken the 31st of January last, about 10 leagues W. of
Cape Nicola, by a French fphooher of 8 carriage and u
swivel guns and 80 men, called L’Efperance, Mons. Sarrat
zin commander, and carried into Port au Prince. The fame
privateer, in company with five others, had the day before
taken a Ihip fronv,Bofton for Jamaica, William Walter ma
tter, and earned her into the lame port.
The Hoop Nancy, Peter Cope, and the Hoop Alexander,
I homas Woodhoufe, (both armed vessels) of and for Ja
maica from this port, were likewise taken, about 5 leagues
. o Cape Nicola, on the 16th of February, after being
°gg e days and nights, and feverai times attacked, 1 y
A nr P rivatcers > and carried into Port auTri ce.
Un I hurfday put in here to refit, the snow Bofcaw ,
apt. Dobbs, from Georgia for Curacoa, having met with
a ievere storm on Monday last, in lat. 31. long. 77. which
continued till Tuesday, wherein he was obliged to throw
ver ard all the lumber, See. he had on deck, and to cut a
way his main mail.
4- Yesterday bng the firft Tuesday in the month,
is xcellency the Governor in council signed wanants ot
urvey for about 160,000 acres of land in this province, ly
ing °uth of the river Alatamaha, which were thatdav pe
-1 lone for. SeveraJ plats of lands to the fouthw.ird oi the
* urv *sy * n confcquence of warrants ifiucd the
r , month, have been returned into the io*
Cre Jfy s °mcc, and grants are preparing for them.
Married. In Charlcftown, ill inst. John Rutledge,
JvV Miss Elizabeth Grimke, daughter of Frederick
Gnmkc, Esq ; 6
Died. In Charlcftown, ill inst. Miss Judi h Fraser,
da “f hter r. John Fraser, dcceafed.
M V7; J he French man taken by Mr. Sumter in Pe!mi
-2rV//.rlS l o^ gl;tnd In thc Nigbtirigalc man of vsar.
AILC, Forty Skillings, ‘