Newspaper Page Text
aja SigtSJxXSS&idm
A Ms that, upon the Governor #f thatfortrefs hiving
eke ,iri&hWr.irid<rf !***> Emitted the
sew work. p< * *>• to b, fefpe<Wr kjft ujk* re*
Cfipt of private laden fore, rise Herlna, at had ordered the
wriu w be aerie earned oe with the greneh expedition ,
that thrift mention rd the Enghfh hiring accepted
es an rff OMrfnft for 25 year*, and an annual (hip in
their Boca, in Uen of that important place*
On rat turn or a Pmxshii**’* c*iiD k
w f /KEN Physic* fhw her younger hope, expire,
And #*|hrl&naH lawtttr , i fonddtfire.
By grief o*erwheixn*d, in Wring accents cry’d, - v
How vnsn ty pawPri end fohwd at hia^Ede.
The Alexander, E** the CmdUa, WiKm, and tte
Jfancy. Nnwport* € due port, are emred at Jamaica,
Custom-How**, BaiTanan Irwaans. From
Isa. to. Sloofc Mofly, Borden Chafe* Rhoda-lfland
w, —r p^ w - .'■'{•• Fpr
Mm ii, Schooner Mary, James Talbert* CharicßfiWn
BatL*D, For
Mm c, Sloop Nanty* Thames Whitehead, Philadelphia
A*airs at Cocnsrbn* end now pcr.amaing qaaiea
; lint* 4 ■ From
Mm 1% SchoonerChatSaingNclty, J* Bitmti, Charlefiown
9* Schooner Tybae* Thomas Ticker* .V Ditto
-V pleat, for c*lh, rtr fix moftthi credit.
• | | —■— -----/*■*-*-•- *‘- 1 i “ lf ■^
TO B B SO L®, ■
• A TRACT OfLAND* eowririee 600 *en fiw t
•/V <eo,rice,otom, pleafiuUlyferiedejo.(*fouth
fide of Medway rivet, withU three W bar wflo, of the town
eTSanbatv. Whoeverladiae,topufehaftthi,,
he utfcntwd of the coaditriu of
- ■ ■—* ■-- ■“ t r m.r
dwtrfthat aadthithiaprefaceovdwhidt • _
-■MMl AAAAtSmaaatr^UnOmmmmAAtm aSd^ea—riaa^
JOHN GRAHAMhKendia, foen depart thi,,
*e> thi, pebikk notice, that he la ready- to
e ane&of Aficmhfy of this provinca called the Attachment
todifpofeof*t#o tmftsofUnd, pieafantly fitnafc
anNorth Newport river* within eight mike ofthe town of
Awsbory, adjoining each other, ** one toniMhng of £
acre*, ebontlo oTwhkh am dewed, and otherof yoo
acres; both are very instable for rice and indice plantations,
and are well timbered with oak, of firhich a great many
tares may be made; etch traA has above a mile fronton
the aver, and will he fold tegilhfr, or fepaiately, and ere
bury, in whole hands tht plate nny be fcta, or Mr. >emct
Graham in SaVennnh ■ *
-ii ■ ■—
T O B B * O LIV .
a sssssSMarAßSiss s
BNsSeSSSs? 2
chiefly cleared, ami he, a good 4wriUag-hoofc thereon.—
The swamp abooad* with x large (jMiXMT S f 7? „
cyprefi, fit either for finriag aukmg,
ctmretdent to a rearicet, bed* riraet 14 ■fle.
Savannah by land or water j-ffor Stria particular, 4aquir
of either of the fnbdcribcn at Savannah.
¥ me iwHiiiiii* IAMBS JHLABEBSHAM,
“.. “ ”
LL ptifoni indebted to the estate of John DeraaV
Esq; decesfed, are desired to make payment, on or
before the soth day of September next, and all thofc yrho
have any demands on the (aid estate, are desired to bring in
their accompts, properly attested, to George Ddegil, e\-
ntor of the laid John Deveaux, at his plantation on Little
Ogechee, or. at the ferry on Great Ogechce river,
HEREAS- iTEas become a cufiom for travellers to
pa 6 and repafs through my plantation, and to leave
down my fences and bars j ana whereas the fraall-pox is now
in Carolina, which I am greatly afraid may be brought in
pUntetionl by travelling people, no reuTonablc person
will be offended at my desiring them to make use ofthe pub
lick road; JOSEPH GIBBONS.
THE Office of Regifier of Grants for Lands and Rel
ceiyer of Quit-Rents, is removed to the house of
James Houfioun, where ell persons in arrears for quit-rent*
are,defired to pay the fame. All persons that have grants
lyihg in the Regiftet** Office are likewife‘defired to take
them out. JAMES HOUSTOUN. *
. ■*•■-•, - - . *
TAKEN up in 6t. Matthew’s parish, a cream coloured
HORSE, branded On the near thigh with across,
and fin the mounting (houlder TE in one. The owner may
have him> on proving his property, and paying charges* by
applying to Nathaniel Miller in (aid parish.
4 Imm in rinafo AiBI it— i 111 I -'■ ‘ rail’ . *
TO BE SOLD by tbtfubjcrib€rs % *t pMtkftlt, o* Tue/aay tie
l7 thdqyef May next, if a fair day* if tut, on the next fair Jav
pfl W t M the house f Richard Baker fin Newport, in St. Join's
T/ART ot the edate bf George Godfrey, deceased, con-
JL fining of about 100 head of cattle, a parcel of horses,
sheep, hogs, honfehold goods, plantation tools, Uc.
The (ale to begin at to o’clock, and the conditions of the
(lie will that day be published by
• gcTERr*“ d j^^-
a ,n 1 rbn LONpON,
‘The Snow Midway Planter,
Robert Stirling, Mailer,
Will be round here in about ten days; has
the greatefi part of her cargo in.
For freight of Skins qrlndloo, apply to.
April 21, 1765* JAMES READ and Corfip.
t r ■■ .
A LL persons indebted to the edate of George Godfrey,
/\ late of Newport, dccelil, either by bond, note, or
otherwise, are desired to difeharge their refpeftive debt*
without further notice; and all perfoils having any demand*
on the fiddefUm, are desired, by the firfi day of June next,
RICHARD BAKER, i Ad®ittlftrttors
mM-fi I 111 si <mi _ “1
THE fubferiber being under a necessity of brihging hi*
affairs to a fpeedv settlement, these are therefore to
beg the favour of those indebted, to make immediate pay
c-. T ““-> ,ta “ wi,1 ';ffSBiEfeomr’
■ * .. -■ . n f-• 11 1 “ ■■■■‘” u>> — l ■
. TO BE fiOLD,
A TRACT of LAND, pleftfehtly fituattd and healthy,
A fa Newington villMe* Christ-Church parish, con-*
five hundred and fifty acres, inferior to none in the
nrovmcei foitable for rice, com, or indko, with a great
Kfevve of back water, has a good dwelling-house, barn and
ufe* with •*y otlSr conveniences; and a large
rfuAnritV Os mulberry trees fuffitieot to raise four or five
2S lighter ScoonM fifty acres of feid landu alrea
-5v f U*red and ondar rtod fend fit for planting, and a good
Jdhirc; likewise gOodfewing timber, plenty of *******
feC. Ac. * very convenient carnage to town.
the bread road* and only five miles distance; said
Joftph and WilUwn Gibbo... For fur,
thtt f rancis triboudett,
h 1: jadrian lover.