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Numbs* io.
MtitUt tftht Tnetj ts Huitrtfitrg, etrnmaitaud It tit Djtt ts
g.mM- latedfrom the French.)
wgLtftfrtJttgAJttßTlC L£ 11. There lhall be on both fide*
m tcrnJ ® oblivion, and a general am
nesty of all hoftilitics, lofles, damages,
ytfSj t Iftflßg and wrong* committed during the late
uffijJ-iJiJtLluf troubles, by cither party, of what na
tore soever; so that to ere (hall be no far
ther mention made of them, nor any
comneniation demanded, under anyjpre
tence, or upon any conuderation whatsoever. The relpcc
tive fubjeds of each power (hall never b? molclied on that
account, but Hull fully enjoy this amnesty, and all it* con
sequences, notwithstanding the avocatory letters which have
been ilfaed and published. All confifcations lhall be intirely
taken offT; and such goods as have been confifcated or fe
qoeftered, lhaH be restored to the proprietors, who were in
poffrffinn of them before these last troubles.
ilrt. IV. All hoftitities lhall intirely ceafc on both sides
from the day of the fit fixture of the present treaty of peace.
For this end the neceilary orders Hull be immediately dis
patched to the armies and troops of the two high contrading
parties, wheresoever they may be; and in case, through
ignorance of what ha* been ftipulatcd in this refpea, any
koftiliries lhall have been committed after the day of the
Jgnatui* of the present treaty, they lhall not be deemed to
ailed this treaty in any manner; and in this cale, the men
and efe&s, which may have been taken and carried away,
lhall be faithfully restored.
Art. V. Her Apoftolick Majesty, the Empress Queen of
Hungary and Bohemia, lhall withdraw her troops from all
the countries Hates of Germany, which are not under
her dominion, within the fo ace of 21 days after the ex
change of the ratifications of the present treaty; and within
4he lame term Ihe ftiall cause to be intirely evacuated, and
.restored to his Majesty the King of Prussia, the county of
Glam, and, in general. all the Hates, countries, towns,
places, and fortreties, which his Prussian Majesty poi eCed
before the present war, inSilefia, or elfcwhere, and which
have be*n occupied by the troops of her Apoftolick Majeity
the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, or by those
Af her friends Ud allies, during the course of the present
mar. The fortreflesof Glau, Wefel, and Gueldres, lhall
be restored. to his Prussian Majesty in the lame state, with
tegard -to the fortifications, in which they were, and with
<the artillery that was found therein when they were taken.
His Majesty the King of Prussia lhall withdraw, within the
fame fptce of 21 days after the exchange of the ratifications
:of the prelent treaty, his troops from all the countries and
Hates of Germany, which are not under his dominion; and
be flull restore, on his fide, all the states, countries, towns,
f laces, and fortrelTes, of his Majesty the King of P°Und
.ledor of Saxony, agreeably to the treaty of peace, which
Jias been concluded this fiune day between their Majeftiei
the Kings of Prussia and Poland; so that the restitution and
of the provinces, towns, and fortrelTes, mail oe
■made at one and the fame time. t , , e ,
Art. VI. The contributions and deliveries, of what na
ture soever they be, as well as all demands at recruit*, pi
* oncers, waggons, horses, and, in general, the thing* fur
r.ilhed upon account of war, lhall cease from the day oft he
signature of the present treaty, and every thing that lhall be
cxidled, taken, or received, after this epoch, mall be re
stored pun&ually and without delay.
Each party lhall renounce all arrears whatsoever of con
tributions and deliveries, The bills of exchange, or other
THURSDAY, Juni 9, ,763.
Wrirt** promiles, which here ben fienn either ftde, re.
thele matters, lhall be declared void and of none
eftea, and lhall be restored gratis to those who gave them*
Tbehoftages also, that have been tdktn or given, with x*.
prd to the lame, (hall be released without ransom: Every
thing above-mentioned lhall take pine immediately aftef
the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.
’ .Art. VII. All prisoners of war (half be reciprocally anft
faithfully restored, without raufom, and without regard to
their number, or military rank, on their paying however
previously the debts they have contrasted during their Cap
tivity. Each party lhall mutually renounce what has been
furmChed or advanced to them for their assistance and main
tenance; and the fame proceeding, in all refpc&s, lhall be
observed with regard to the sick and wounded immediately
after their recovery: To this purpose, each party (hall name
generals or commi aries, who mull, immediately after the
exchange of the rarificatiokis, proceed, in the places that
(hall be agreed upon, to the exchange of all the prifoneri
of war. Every thing that ii* ft ip ulated in this article Ihelt
equally take place with refped to the states of the empire,
in eonfequence of the general stipulation contained in the
X! Xth article. But as hi* Majesty the King of Prussia, and
the states of the empire, have themfelro subsisted and main
tained their refpedive prisoners of war, and-as, upon this
account, (bme individual* may have made advance*, the
high contra&iog parties do not mean to derogate, by the
above ftipulation*, from the pretentions of the laid indivi
duals in this refped.
Art. XIX. The whole empire it comprised in the ftipui.
Utions of the lid, IVth, Vth, Vith and VHth artickr.
And, by virtue thereof, all the prince* and states lhall en
joy the efteds of the ftaLd ftipulation*. And whatsoever i>
therein stipulated and agreed on between her Majesty the
-Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and his Majesty
the King o? Prussia, (hail take place equally and recipro
cally between their (aid Majelbes and all the princes and
states of the empire. The peace of Westphalia, and all thb
other constitutions of the empire, are likewik confirmed by
the present treaty of peace.
Declaration of hit Moft Faithful Majefty'i Jmhaffador and" Min
i Plenipotentiary , •with regard to the alternating with Great -
Britain and France .
WHcrea* on the conclusion of the negotiation of the
definitive treaty, ligned at Paris the joth day of Fe
bruary, a difficulty arose as to the order of Signing, which
might have retarded the conclusion of the laid treaty, we
the underwritten, Ambaflador and Miniftcr Plenipotentiary
of his Moft Faithful Majesty, declare, that the alternative
observed, on the part of the King of Great-Britain and the
Moft Christian King, with the Moft Faithful King, in the
ad of accession of the court of Portugal, was granted by
their Britannick and Moft Christian Majeflies, lolely with
a view to accelerate the conclusion of the definitive treaty,
and by that means the more speedily to con sod late so im
portant and so salutary a work. rnd that thi.
of their Britannick and Moft Christian Majeftte, flu.l not bo
made any precedent off r the future; the court ofPortueal
flull not all edge it aa an example ut their favour, lhall de
rive therefrom no right. title, or pretenficn, for any cause.
° r I*n witmsia where”” we, Ambaflador and Minilter Pleni
potentiary of hi Mofl Faithful Majesty. duly luthunfcd for
{Ss purpose, have signed the orefent declaration, and hare
canfed the feat of our arm* to be put thereto.
Done st Paris, the Tenth of February, T7®3* ,
Martin de M*u° et Castro#
(L. SJ