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Kumbeb. lE*
Ml*tan in Com land, January tx.
Bis TERDAY Duke BrneftusJdli* de Bi
ron made his pubiick entryoefe.. The
magistrates and the jguaradf burghers
refufed to assist at this ceremony, or to
thke the oath to him, till they were com
pelled to do it by the Ruffian troops in
the town, who, to strike the greater ter
ror, rung the tocjin or the alarm bell.
They alio forced the raagiftrates to deliver to them the city
Bag to be carried in the procession The Radian soldiers
were arfo obliged to stand over the ringers, otherwise the
bells would have been silent on the occafton. The preced
ing night the triumphal arch erefted in 1759, in honour of
Duke Charles of Saxony, was pulled down, and his arms
end his name taken away and erazcd wherever they ap
Algiers February $. Several new vessels have been
launched here within these few days; among them two (hips
©1 52 guns each, a frigate of 26, four large and five small
Xebeque ; and more are still upon tho Rocks. This arma
ment forebodes aeiigns against fome Christian power.
iVarjavi% Feb. 5. Letters from Smolenflto advise, that
4he troubles in the pal tinate of Micifian are far from being
*pp-?afei| and that if a commission be not appointed to
make enquiries and fettle this affair speedily, many thousand
Ruffians may probably enter that province, to avenge the
deat.i of their countrymen ki.led in the late encounter; up
war j a of 1000 Ruffians are said to have fallen therein, and
mnong them the Knees Leb edow, brother of the Governor
ot's aolenflto; this latter has offered 10,000 rubles for the
body, in order to have it buried at Moscow, but in vain, all
the flaiu having been thrown into the river.
Corthagena, Feb. 8. Don Antonio de Barcelo returned
here from Ma’ag* the 39th ult. with five chebecks and two
gal iots. In coming round he fell in with, and took, after
an hour’s engagement, an Algerine chebeck of 14 guns,
gnd 95 men, which received lo much damage in the hght,
that the Commodore thought proper to set fire to her, after
taking out the 78 Algerines that remained on board, the o
ther 17 having been killed.
Naples Feb. 15. Yesterday two Spanilh (hips of war ar r
tived with the money which Ac King of Spain allows yearly
for the maintenance of his elded son, (an ideot) who re
sides here.
: Parii % Feb. 11. Our parliament, at well as all the others,
continues to pour out its vengeance on the Jesuits. After
felling by auction their moveables, they are proceeding to
the sale 6f their real estates. Those who were in office under
the General of the Society *r c much to be pitied, be-
Cause they forelaw the ftonn, and prepared for it; the great
est fufferers are those who least deserve to fuffer, having had
no (hare in the direction of the Society’s affairs. Some of
these are now ob’iged to aik alms of their landlords, being
in want of all ncceflaries; but in the midst of their distress,
they difeover a patience and resignation truly admirable.
Vienna, Feb. ij. The election of the Archduke Joseph,
s King of the Roman , is expc&ed to be brought on the
tapis in the (pace of fix months.
* Hamper* Monk I. The two Princes of Mecklenbourg-
Strelitx tre exported here in fcven or eight days. They will
be fen ed with the King’s e quip age. We are assured that
bis Majesty has'given each of them a pension of 20001.
Sterling per annum.
’ Ratijben, March 3. It is thought the Emperor will de
mand from the Germanick Body a restitution of the money
be advanced during the war to the army of the Circles, a-
QMMtfttiitg to three millions of ft or ins*
THURSDAY, June 23, 1763.
Paris, March 4. It Is reported, that fome French vessels,
roving in the Indian fcas, have djjfcovcred an illand of a va!t
extent, with few inhabitants. The Ministers, who are m:ft
zealous to revive the antient splendor of the French monar
chy, have resolved to fend thither a numerous colony. All
perlons, who engage voluntarily, arts promifrd a bounty of
I zoo livres each as soon as they go on board. It is alfb faief,
that 800 young women will be lent thither, who will be ta
ken out of the nofpital, which is full of them. Mean while
we have no account of the latitude and longitude of thi3
place, nor by whatveffclit was difeovered.
The King has granted the Duke de Choifeul a pcnlion of
30,000 lines. #
■ i l -.—.... ...
LONDON, March 7.
T ETTERS from Germany by the last mail fprrd; vert
JL -a confidently of an intended marriage between the Princ e
Royal of Prussia and a Princess of Saxe Gotha.
The King of Portugal has made a present to Gen. Tcwn-
Ihend of a diamond ring, a pair of diamond buckles, anuft
a gold fnuff box; the whole worth 300 CI.
‘ Tile King of Portugal has also made considerable
to all the officers of diftin&ion of the British troops.
A further dividend of 50001. is now paying by the sgentp
to the land and sea officers and private men employed in the
reduction of Senegal.
Iwenufs, Mar k 3. This day the Earl of Sutherland’s
battalion of Highlanders was multered, reviewed, and lodg
ed their arms in presence of Lieut. Col. Wedderburo of the
68th regiment. The regiment was very complete, ans
made a very fine appearance; after lodging their arms, the’
men were thanked by the commanding officer of the regi
ment, for their good behaviour since they were raised, an &
received his Minefty’s bounty of 10s. eacn; after whichthey
difperied according to the orders without the leAil noise or
diiturbance. Since this regiment ha> been raised there has
not one man deserted, and there has never been a complaint
from any quarters they were in.
Edinburgh* March 5. Last week the fencible men of Ar
gylclhire were diibanded at Glasgow, when each private
man received 10s.
London, March 9. They write from Ratitbon, tbit the
King of Prussia hath put under arrest the Jews who had thr
contract for coining money in Saxon v, and hath ordered
them to pay him in gold is millions of pieces of five crowns
each, as a reasonable dedurtion from the profits of their con
trail. .
The States of the Empire, partly through dilatoriness,
and partly from their attachment to the house of Austria,
have been fleeced of above a million Sterling since the battle
by which Prince Henry glorioutly terminated the fail cam
The Pope, in the scarcity of 1T&, has permitted the ufo
of butter and cheese in Lent.
It is assured that the amount of the gold, silver, and
jewels, rxduiive of all merchandize, brought to England
from the East-Indies since the year 17591 is not left than ft*
millions Sterling.
March 11- By the nicest calculation that can be made*
it appears, that the additional duty on wines will make the
difference of 2d. per quart on French wines, and id. on all
We hear the regiment of Scotch Greys are landed at New
castle upon Tyne from Germany, and that they are ordered
to Scotland; and the light troop belonging to that regiment,
now quartered in and about Hanuncrfmith, will very fooa
be diibanded.
We hear an additional duty of 10s. ii deiigned to be lii4
on every hogihead cf 63 gallons of cyder.