Newspaper Page Text
Number 19.
Whitehall, April 16.
-On Thursday night Lieut. Col. Scott arrived with the fol
j lowing letter to the Earl of Egremont from Brigadier Gc
neral Draper, who also arrived himfelf about the fame
„ time.
. Mamie, November 2, 1762.
My Lord, ‘
BDo myfelf the honour of fending Lieut.
Col. Scott, late Adjutant General, to
inform your Lord ship of the fucccfs of his
Majeftv’s arms in the conqueit of Mani
la, the furremfer of the port of Cavite,
an-.l the cefli< nos the Philippine islands.
On the 6th O&ober wc took the capital
by storm, after 12 days operation, which are detailed in my
journal. Our loss upon this occasion would have been
trifling, but for the death of Major Moore, a valiant good
officer; and it is with particular filtisfaftion I can aifure
yow Lordlhip, that the firm bravery and perseverance of
the troops coukl only be equalled by their humanity after
• vi&ory. Out of refpcCl and deference to Admiral Cornish,
&/e waited till he came on Ihore, and being desirous to save
To- fine a city from deftru&ion, we jointly dilated the an
nexed conditions to the Governor General (the
and the chief magiilrates, who moil readily embraced them.
Confident!g- their critical situation ami vast opulence, the
‘tternvs were as renfonable for them as beneficial to us. We
allow the India company a third part of the ransom, the
whole Os which amounts to a million ftcrling; and, accord
ing to my infractions, I have this day delivered up Manila,
one of the richell cities and islands in this part of the world,
swith the port of Cavite, 10 Dawson Drake, Esq; and the
other gentlemen appointed to receive them cn the part of
the company, with all the artill ry, ammunition, and war
like ltores found therein, agreeabie to the indofed invento
1 have appointed Major Fell of the 79th regiment to be
commandant of the garrison, Which lnuil confitl of all the
troops brought from Madras, as the great extent of the
-place, its numerous inhabitants, an unsettled country, with
the importance of the Cavite, demand at leaf this force for
an effectual focurity.
The season of the year, and condition of the squadron,
obliged us to defer the taking poflfeffioa of the subordinate
places ceded to the crown, until the (hips have had a fuffici
ent repair; and I have the pleasure to acquaint your Lord-
Jhip, that the large quantity of naval ilores taken in thp roy
al magazines at Cavite, supply moll excellent materials lor
“this purpofc, in which the Admiral is indefatigable, whole
veal for his Majelly’s service, great cordiality, and conliant
attention to us during the whole course of the expedition,
and fatiguing progrels of the liege, arc beyond all praise.
The other officers of the fleet exerted themlclvcs to the ut
moll on every occasion. As a final! acknowledgment of our
many obligations to Mr. Kempenftldt, the Admiral’s Cap
tain, I begged h : s acceptance of the government of the ci
talf#l and port of Cavite, till it was given up to the compa
ny ; his prudent and excellent regulations there were of in
finite utility to the nublick service.
The Captains Collini, Pitchford and George Ourry, who
Commanded the battalion of fcairten, behaved with great
ipirit and conduct, and Capt. Jocelyn, who was intruded
with the disembarkations, gave us all lhc alfiftance that
could be wilhed or expected front a diligent good officer.
The murine officers and corps whereof great fu vice, and the
Teamen aftoniffied us with molt extraordinary proofs of acti
vity and valour, particularly these who affiilcJ in our batte
THURSDAY, Aucust ii, 1763.
ie reduction of Manila has been so much owing to the
consummate (kill and bravery of Col. Monfon, that I fear
! n ' v a . m . t 1 e Plantations cannot do justice to his merits, and
i molt humbly beg leave, through youv Lordlhip, to re
commend him to his Majerty, together with the following
° Ct rs v,z * Eieut. Col. ,Scott, Major Barker, who com
manded oar artillery; Capt. Fletcher, Major of Brigade;
<he Engineers, Capt*. Stevenson and Cotsford, and Ealign
Barnard; the Capts. Moore and Pemble, Aids de Camp,
who have all aded in their several departments with extra
•ordinary merit, and greatly facilitated my good fortune.
Both the royal and the company’s artillery, with their other
troops, behaved very well. In the last place, may I pre
lurne to point out the for vices of the 79th regiment, which,
from the good condud of their former and present field of- .
ficers, has the peculiar merit of having firt stopped the pro
gress of the French in India, and not a little contributed to
the happ) 1 turn and decision of that w-ar under Col. Coote,
find has since extended the glory of his Majesty’s arms to the
utmoll verge of Asia. Twenty-three officers, with upwards
eight hundred men, have fallen, in the cause of their
country, lince the regiment left England. Numbers of the
survivors are wounded. Your Loraffiip’s goodness encou
rages me to mention them as objeCls of compassion and pro
tection. Capt. Fletcher has nine colours to lay at his Ma
jeily’s feet. 1 have the honour to be, Sec.
Brigadier General, and Commander in chief.
Conditions on which the city of Manila Jball be prefer ved from plun
der , anil the inhabitant! maintained in their religion,goods filer*
ties and preprrties, under the government and proteJion of hit
Britannick Muie<h.
Article I. ihe Spnniffi officers of every rank ffiall be
efleemed as prisoners of war, upon their parole of honour,
but lhall have the liberty of wearing their swords. The rest
of the troops, of every degree and quality, mull be difarnt
cd, and disposed of as we lhall think proper. They lhall
be treated with humanity.
11. All the military (lores and magazines, of every kind,
mull Ik* surrendered faithfully to our commiflarics, and no
thing ferreted or damaged.
111. Jiis Excellency the Governor mufl fend immediate
orders to the fort at Cavite, and the other forts under his
command, and dependant upon Manila, to furrenderto his
Britannick Majefly.
IV. The proportions contained in the paper delh'ercd on
the part of his Excellency the Governor and his Council,
will be listened to and confirmed to them, upon their pay
ment of four millions of dollar, the half to be paid imme
diately, the other half to be paid in a time to be agreed up
on, and hollage.-. and security given for that purpose.
Done in the city of Manila, the 6th day of October, 1762.
(Signed) S. C.or ruth. IC. I)taper.
Maul, Ant. Arzp. de Manila,
Gov. y Cap. Gen. de las Ph'fiftpiras*
Ft aneijeo it: Cuiacourta.
Manuel Gal ban tv Centura.
Fran, Leandro Jr liana.
[7 bus far London Gaxetf.
Ratijhon, March 7. By the accounts which the diet of
Franconia have ordered to be made, of the forage furniffied
by the circle to the French during the war, w hich is not
yet paid for, but of w hich they cxpedl the payment of tin*
court of France, the arrears amount to two millions eight:
hundred and fifty French livres.
Glitz, March 8. The King of Prussia has granted a ge
neral pardon to all his fubjefts w*ho have been either dis •
graced or exiled, Baron Barkotch, who formed a plot to
deliver him up to the Empress Queen, alone excepted.