Newspaper Page Text
*'* . *
-Sojton, fivgufl B. Capt. Darncot from Neweaftlc, who
arrived here 1 aft Monday informs us, that about five wtfeks
agorhe fpofce with a (hip from‘Glafgow bound to Virginia,'*
on board of which was paXcnger the Rev. Mr. White field,
who we hear is fiirce arrived.
Capt. Freeman who arrived here last Taefilay from Dover
in England, left that place the 2d Jane. He saw a great
number of French filhermen on the banks of Newfoundland,
by which they took the firft opportunity after the de ihitive
treaty was fupply their own market with fait fifh,
the French Ring having prohibited the importation of that
commodity from any other nation.
By the Maryland pap£r we have the following account
from Frederick county, viz. That on thf 13th of July the,
Indians fired upon ftx men, and killed one of them : On ‘
the 14th five Indians fired upon 16 men, one of whom they
wounded; upon the Englith returning the fire they fled,
and were pursued, but could not beqvertaken: On the 15th
about 20 Indians tell upon four men and several womep,
who were soon aflifted by fome of their friends in a neigh
bouring house; at this time a man was killed, and bar bar- : ’
o.ufly mangled, but his son prevented his being fealped; an ‘
Indian was alio killed, and several wounded : A party of :
Englilh who had been on the road that leads up, to Wills**
creek, towards Bedford, perceived a great fmoak,- from
whence they were fearful the enemy had burnt the hou fjs
there, but could not be fatisfzt dofit a § night came on. * \
From Philadelphia that a party sent in quel! of’
the Indians fell in with about. 15 of them in Shearman’s-’
Valiev; they had murdered three meaandalad, and were
then fliooting the cattle; being as it was tiought about to ;
return home with booty; our men surrounded the'favage,,
and engaged then* with resolution, and having put thfcm to
flight, pursued them till the dockets secured their retreat*
four or five of Mem however it is supposed were mortally
wounded. On the 2Lft ult, three Indians were difeovered *
near Shippenlburgh, who the next day murdered a man and •
two women, one of whom they fealped and manned in a
cruel manner. Not leis.than 54 persons have been killed in’
about 15 days. ’ ,
We have reports by the Hartford rider of the Indians i
continuing their ravages to the weft ward : That the Ger-‘
nuniFlats was beset by them; That Major Rogers, who
was in pursuit of the Indians, having a party of 500 men
with him, were cut oft"; with iome additional accounts
which if .true will doubtlefs.foon be received. These re!
ports were by two persons, one of them left Albany on -
Wednesday, and arrived at Springfield on Saturday* -the
other left Albany on Thursday, and was at Hartford on
hoth a ? rce th * £ fucl were received.
The Highland reg* ment that marched from New- York
for the southward was at Carlifie the lath ult; and, it was
thought, that the two companies that marched before* them
were got as far forward as Bedford, (100 miles from Pits!
burgh) and there, it was, said, they would remain until
the Ohio* JolnQd by thc w .^ Je COr P 3 > and then mqjch for
• r —’ ■ y • • ••
N A September 8.
UEoDAY afternoon the following proclamations
were, by order of his Excellency the Governor,
.puuiiihed here, under a difeharge of the great guns ac the
. jollies of small arms from the rangers and
nuiitia, amtdft the acclamations Os a great number of people
.afiembled on the occasion. * *
- plenty JAMES WRIGHT, E/quire, Captain
General and Governor in Chief of his Mnjejly's said pro
•uince of Georgia , Chancellor and Ttce Admiral cf the >'ame.
WIEREAS his Majesty hath lately been graciously
pleased to lffue Royal proclamation in thc follow
ing words, viz. /
*1 WHEREAS a Defiputive Treaty of Peace and
“ Friendship between Us, the moft Christian King, and
the King of Spain, t<f which the King of Portugal hath
“ acceded, hath been concluded at Paris on the tenth day of
*“ February last, and thc ratifications thereof have been ex
“ changed upon the tenth day of this instant March, in con
s fwrmtty thereunto We have thought fit hereby to com
“ UCar^d/ (hat the tame be published throughout all Our do
“ minions: And We do declare to all Our loving / u k; e .a!
44 Our will and pleafnrc that'thc said treaty of peace an t
44 fricndftiip beobferved well by sea as IP, i
44 and in all places’ what (never, ttriftly charging and com!
V man ding ali Our loving fuhje&s to take npficc hereof, and
44 to conform themfdves thereunto accordingly. (liven at
44 Our court at St. James’s, the twenty-firi! day of March
44 one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, in the third
44 year of Our reign,” * >
AND WHEREAS a copy of the (aid proclamation hath
been transmitted to me by,the Right Honourable the ts-n-l If
Egreniont, w of his Majeily’s Principal Sec“U of•
State, figmfying his Majesty’s will and pleasure that I Humid
cause the .fame to be publiftied in this province, I HAVE
therefore, agreeable to the said Royal order, with the ad!*
vice of his Majesty’s Honourable Council, caused the said
proclamation to. ,be publilhed this day; AND do hereby
ftriftly charge and command all persons within this province *
to conform thcrafelves thereto, according to his Majefty’*
• Royal will and pleaftrre therein fignified* , 4
.Given under my hand and the great feed if his Maje/ly's
fold province, in the Council-Chamber at Savanna ty the
Jixth day of September, in it* year of our laird one thou
. fated./even hundred and ftxty+tb, ee,, and in the third
- -. year of his Maffty's reign. . ‘
By hi* Excellency’s command. JAMES WRIGHT.’
John Talley, Dep. Seer. , ?
0 *
G E.O R 0 j.A. •. V'.
My. hit Excellency jAMES WRIGHT, Efqsdre, Coptai*
General and Governor in Chief of his hi a tQf i said Ire
vince-ef Georgia, Chancellor asul lictJdmirul of she jams.
A P R a c L A M A T I O N.
*\X/REEEAShis moft sacred having greatly at
▼ t heart the welfare of his loving fubject*, and being
sincerely desirous to put a Hop to the elfufion of blood, hath.
beeh graci tidy pleased to make and ratify a Treaty of
Peace ‘ivith their moft Christian and Catholick MajelHes;
vnd animated by a just fenfeof the Divine in
the manifold and fucce.ies vouchsafed to hi> ftijet. l ;. ;
and armies in the-course of a long and bloody war, his tVU
jelly* hath also thought fit to order and command that-days.,
of publick thanksgiving be solemnly and religionHy oblcrv-- *
ed every part of his dominions-: In.obedience therefore
to the Royal Order, and with the advice of his Majedy’*
Honourable Council, I hav v e appointed, and DO hereby
appoint THURSDAY the fifteenth day of.this instant •
tember to apart and and ly obferved-througliout this
province as a Day of Publick Prayer and (iiniral
Thaskscivinc to Almighty GOD,.lor the many and
signal blefiings and fuccefles bestowed on us during the
coarse of tht late war, and for the rc-eftablifluncatof peace
on terms so glorious to his Majelty, and of conspicuous ami
permanent advantages to all his fubjetls: And Ido recom
mend it to all the rainifters of GDD’s holy word to compose
(uitable prayers and (ermons on this truly happy and solemn
occasion; and do require the laid ministers xo publiih this
proclamation in their refpeflive congregations on the Sunday
preceeding the said day of publick tliankfgiving.
Ginjtn under my hand and the great Jcal of’ his Majcffs
said province, in the Council- Chamber of Savannah, ih§
Jixth day of September , in tty year of Kir Lord cne thou
fund seven kindred and Jixty-thret , and in the third
■year cf his Afae/ffs reign. ;
By his Excellency’s command. . JAMES WRIGHT.
John Talley, Dep. Seer. .
By a gentleman from Augusta we are.informcd, that on *
Monday the 21 ft of AugUft, about fiveo’clock in the morning,
a small lhock of an earthquake was felt there, attended with
a great rumbling noise. It was more sensibly felt by fom©
packhorfc-men coming down from the Creek country.
All the Spaniards that were at St. Augustine, except a
few merchants;’ are failed froyi thence for the Havana. ;
Custom-House, Entered Inwards. FrW
. Sept. 2, Sloop Betsey, John Archer, ,
3, Schooner Pitt, John Minott, * M
5, Schooner Polly, John Bennet, Ditto
7, Schooner Swfoiih, Stephen Smith> Ditto