Newspaper Page Text
Number 24.
ConjhintinDph, Abril 16.
BOLIMAN TACHAi Governor Os Rhodes,
is made High Admiral of the Ottoman
Empire. This man, from a common
Tailor, has gone through all degrees, till
* at length his merit has railed him to the
firft dignities of the empire.
Mtfcvw, April ax. The fate of the fa
mous Count Tottleben is at length decided. The
council of war had condemned him to death, buc the Em
press, according to her usual magnanimity, and in confidc
jation that his bad designs did not produce any pernicious
effefts, has been pleafedto spare his life, confirming, how
ever, that part of his sentence which deprived him of all his
employments and honours, and injoining him never to set
foot again, on any pretence whatever, in this empire, on
pain of being treated as an outlaw, whom any one may be
at liberty to still with impunity, &c.
Madrid, dpril 26. Pursuant to the definitive treaty of
peace, Chaves was restored to his Moft Faithful Majesty on
the 4th, as was the city of Almeyna, and the other forts,
places, See. taken from Portugal, the.! ith inst.
If'arjaw, May 7. We have an account from Koninia, (a
domain belonging to the cup-bcarer S/ymowflcy) of the
death of a woman named Marguerita Krahowna, aged 10$
years. After having been twice married, she married again
•* the of 04, to Raykul, who vry icc, by
whom fne had three children, two Doy and a gir.*. Their
father, now actually 119 years old, is still vigorous, and en
joys a perfeft heakh. ‘fnough moft of these particulars may
appear fabulous, we are allured that they are all attested by
the church registers. The children, however, arc said to
have the appearance of little old people, their hair being
grey, and having no teeth, so that they subsist chiefly on
milk and the crumb of bread.
Paris, May 9. We have just received the dlfugrccable
news of a fire, which has destroyed half the little town of
Hirfon, belonging to the Prince of Condc, and ntuated in
the generality of Soiflons, in the Election Guifc. It broke
f)ut the 23d past, at five in the evening, at the house of a
bricklayo-, and the wind being high, the flames, in less
Than half an hour, spread from one extremity of the town
to the other, and set on fire in seven or eight different places.
It burnt so impetuously that in less than two hours it inti rely
consumed 300 buildings, with all the furniture, grain, fo
rage, and effefts that were ini them. In the greatert part of
the houses it was notpofliblc to favc cither the writings of
the notaries, or the papersand books of accounts of the oifi
cers of the farms, nor even the ready money. Only one
chi and perished in the flames. According to the moll exact
estimate of the loss it amounts to 441,721 litres.
A like difaftcr happened the ift 111 ft. at the village of Pe
in the bailiage of Afixonne, where 50 houses were
LONDON, May 3.
BY a printed account, just published, of the expenditure
of the publick money fincc the commencement of the
/late war, it appears, that the amount of the fevvral fabrics
’ paid to ihe clerks, officers, Sc c. belonging to the Office of
Ordnance in the year 1757, was no more than 4934 J. ills,
and in the year 1702 the said expcnce to
8735 b 17s. od.
On the ift inst. M. de Camus and M. Berthoud arrived
here from Paris, who, in conjunction with M. J)ilaJande,
me commissioned by the French King and the Royal \ca
deiny of Sciences, to examine the watch, or unv-pK-cc,
THURSDAY, September 15, 1763.
■made by Mr. Harrison, who, agreeable to ail of parlia.
ment, is to explain it immediately, to persons appointed
tor that purpose. rr
. 7 ; k T ,!*s anthem, on occasion of the
gtnera thanikfgivmg (or the peace, was performed on
rhurfday before their Majcfties in the Chapel Royal. Com
.pofed by Dr. Boyce.
HE Lord is King, be the people never so impatient:
he fitteth between the cherubims, be the earth never
so unquiet.
O thou sword of the Lord, put up thyfelfinto the scab
bard, rest, and be still.
Some put their trust in chariots, and fome in horses, but
we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
He maketh peace in our borders, and caufeth wars to
ccafc in all the world.
O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his good,
nefs, and decUAbe wonders that he doth for the children
of men.
i hat they wwffii exalt him nlfo in the congregation of the
people, and praise him in the (cat of the elders. Hallelujah.
The Hon. Perry Charles Windham, Ton of the Far! of
Egremont, has obtained a reverfionary grant of the place of
Secretary of his Majesty's island of Barbadocs, also a rever
lionary grant of Rcgiftcr of Jamaica.
And the Hon. Charles William Windham, has-obtamc<|
a rcverfnmary of the place of Secretary of his
by* island of Jama ca.
May irt. Yellerday 6000 ounces of diver coin were ex’
ported from Hamburgh, and 143,642 lb. of indico were im
ported from Jamaica, and 1650 quarters of oats from Ko-
The republick of Genoa contir.ncs to solicit for a boily qf
Austrian forces to reduce the Corsicans, but it is imagined
they will not succeed, ;.s the Pope’s nuncio, by his mafter’e
order, opposes her demand.
A commiflion is pasting the seals for con (lit tiling and ap
pointing their Royal Highndfes the Dukes of and
Cumberland, their Graces the Archbilhops of Canterbuy
and York, the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, and hia
Grace the Duke of Marlh rough, commiffioncrs for carry
ing into execution the original plan forcoinpleating the roy
al hofpitai at Greenwich.
On the 30th pall the parliament of Navarre rcfolved that
the inilitutions of the Jcfuirs were a nufance, and that the
focicty should bedifl’olvtd in their jurifdift ion.
Itisrcporftrd that the parliament will fit on the 23d of
June next, the day to which it (lands prorogued, for the dis
patch of the bufincls of repealing P> much of an aft of tho
fall session as relates to the duties on cyder.
i ao. The very high pri ecf gold at this time is
to lie owing to the Dutch, who arc drawing large Tunis out
of our flocks, in order to place them ift thole of France,
where they get higher interest.
This morning an F.nglilh m effort frer arrived at the Secre
tary of State’s office from Rullia, voth fomc intcrcfting dis
patches. •
It is imagined that Mr.W’s defiga in having fixed tprint
ing press in his house is to favour the publick with tbcauti*
fu! impreflion of the Old and New Tejiament.
We hear that Mr. W. intends soon taking another tour to
Paris in order to consult fome of the ablest lawiors of that
kingdom on the particulars of his case. ,
A (ew days ago a celebrated lady was brought before a
juilicc in tlm neighbourhood of Charing-Crots, charged
with keeping a disorderly house. Fhe fu was too notori
ous to be denied. The lady had therefore recourse to her
privily h! lodging in her defence that ihc WM the wife of