Newspaper Page Text
TO -BE SOL D. ■’ ■ _
A TRACT of LAND, in the parifli of St. Philips,
within a mile of Great Ogechee river, contairWag
“650 acres, bounded to*the north on Joseph Butler, Esq; to
ahe cad on the fubfcri . er, to the fa nth and weft on land
Utely advertifechby Messrs. James Read confpany; up
wards of 300 acres of this .trail is exceeding good r.ce land,
with the greatest conveniency for a dam and machine, the
to any in the province for corn-or indico;
there art about too acres cleared and under a good fejice,
with a fair convenient buildihgs, and upwards of 100 large
mulberry trees thereon. For* further particular inquire of
the fubferiber on said plantation. JOHN MAXWELL.
TO BE SOLD on very reasonable terras, by
YJdonia jvinc byjtfce pipe, quarter flc, or.any finailer
quantity, not less than three gallons j preferv dfruijtsitl
bottles; St. Kitts rum by the quarter caflt, ortany
quantity not less than gallons; northward ditto ii| the
like,quantities; annifeed and love cordials in calks of reboot
15 gallons; molasses and trcaclevEy the hog (head; mufeo-
Vado sugar by the barrel, or hundred weight;
iCalUle soap in fatal] boxes; Florence oil in cases containing
dozen of bottles; ratlins in calk* of about 100 lb. {
They.have imported by the last veffeU from Bristol, white,
Uu% and green plains, of an extraordinary, good quality.
Wanted, a parcel of live hogs, .
T H kVa hicriberie ten ding to feavethis province for.lonic
time, hereby giyeanothcq, pursuant to the a& of the
■Gcoarah AlTembly, that he is ready to answer any fait, and
to give bail to any writ or fumptons that lhall in thd mean
time be ifliud against him. JACOB ANDERSON.
THE fubicriber abouMfr leave this province in a
very little, time, gives notice to all perions indebted
to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute
acceffity for immediate payment of their refpe&ive debts.
.He will dispose of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND upon
very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz.
One trad fituaie on. North Newport river,’about four
jnilet foam Sanbury, con raining 900 acres, 400 of which aro
fwamp, with.a line reserve of water, ! good dwelling-
Aottft thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared.
Another trail of 35© acres, on a navigable creek, within
one mile of Sun bury, food for indico and rice, about 90
-acres of the high land beared, and a dwelling-house there
in, pleafantiy situated. .
800 acres on Bull TowniVamp, four miles from a landing.
900 acres oq Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing.
\ S°° ***** fin f*dd swamp, seven miles from a landing.
1300 acres in St. Andrew’s parilh, two miles from a land
log. /
These four last tmaanre principally rice land, and efteem
d inferior to none in this province, having great conveni
ent for back water.
♦Enquire of Me firs. James Read and company in Savan
nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCES ARTHUR.
. Who has several town !<%in Snnbury, fame with im
provements, likewise to dlfpoTe of,
fold at Suubury, the lgth infant, for ready money, dy or
, . ,der of the Court of Vice Admiralty.
■ T o b e TT> L ,TTr ’
A\ aluable PLAN! ATION, situate upon the point
between South and North Newport rivers, contain-
Mg >*o° acre* offend, exceeding good in Quality for com,
nee, andmdieo, with a Urge quantity of feeding marihin
the front, fufneient to maintain a considerable number of
cattle, horses, and other stock, very easy to be inclofed by
* short fence, about 100 acres cleared and within fence/
with a good new framed barn, overfecr’s house, and negro
iraufe*. # Any person inclining 10 purchase may treat with
SAV ANN AH: Printed by James Johnston, at thePrinting-Offioc in Broughton-
Street, where AdvertifementS, Letters of Intelligence, and Subfcrintions for this
jPaper, are taken in. 9 *
* . TO* B SD I* D
! fit for rice, corn, or indico, situate on Great Ogechee
rivet, bounded on the south-west by land's of Mr. Benjamin
Goldwtre, And on the fauth-eaft by lands of Mr k Henry
Myers. Enquire of the printer.
\ to, SOLD,
On Saturday tint 17 tb day of September next ,. at the W'atcb-kouft
in Savannah, at the usual hour, for ready minty,
A LOT in Savannah, No. 5. Jekyl tything, Derby
ward, on which are several bui dings. Also, A
FARM LOT, containing 45* acres, in the second tythin*,
Reynold’s Ward, No. 5. late the property of John Penrofc
deceased, and famed on execution by ’
Savannah, sf MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar.
16, 1763. .
rcTt” Sold, -
On Saturday the tjtb day of September next, at the Wmtch-lcufe
Jv Savannah, at the ujttal hour, for ready money,
* A TRACT containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY
ACRES of LAND, bounded on the north-east on
Savannah river, at a place called Poor Robin’s Bluff, late
the property of John Davis deceased, andfeized on exccu
tion by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar.
Savannah, August
l6 r 1763s
— I.J. i| •“- 1 1 - >
he/oldfor calk,
NEAT WINDSOR.CHAIRS at 10s. or ns. when
painted, a chair, by JAMES MUTER,
1 (iiOROIA. ■ < — 5 f
WHEREAS, by v rtue of a writ of attachment to me
duelled, to attach the lands, tenements, goods and
chattels, monies, debts, and books of account, of Shadlock
Rivers, (farvmng copartner of Joseph Rivers and son) who
is absent from and without the limits of. this province, (as it
is said) fa as Cos make the (hid Shadlock Rivers a party in
his Majesty’s general court of pleas to answer Joseph Wood,
I have seized and taken into my culiody a schooner, called
the Sukey, with her tackle, furniture, and apparel; this is
therefore toigive notice to all and every person and perfoni
whatfaever, having or laying any daim-to the said fchoonct
.and premises, to appear in his Majesty’s said court, on or
before the adjournment day of Oaobcr term next, to fliew
-cause why the said schooner and premiffes ihould not be ad
judged to be the property of and belonging to the said absent
debtor. MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Ma..
Savannah, Sept .
7> *763.
WHEREAS.fdhdry per ons having grants for lands in
this province, and who omitted to regifte and doc
ouet them in the proper offices within the time limited far
that pnrpofc, have made application to his Excellency the
Governor in council, that a further time may be allowed to
register and doequet their said grants, and the fame being
taken into consideration, his Excellency was pleased to or
der as follows, viz.
That the Register of grants and the Deputy-auditor do
receive and register, ana doequet all grants that shall be
brought to them within the space of fix months next ensuing,
notwithstanding the time and doequeting thp
fame may be elapfcd, and that notice thereof be given, by
publilhing this order in the Gazette.
By order of his Excellency the Governor in council, 6t?i
September, 1763. CHARLES WATSON, C. C.
¥0 be Jold by the Jubfcriber, on <very raafinabte terms,
AiHOUSE and LOT in Savannah, together with a
good kitchen, wafli-houfe, store, and many other
conveniences, at puffeffed by Mr. Joseph Wood.
Alfa a trail of 4JO acres of land in St. Andrew’s parilh,
adjoining lands of Mr. William Haris, and a trail of 200
acres of land in Christ-church parilh, about three miles from
town, inferior to none in the province for rice, corn and indi
co. Likewise, four likely negroes, a small stock of Horses,
.and fame cattle. LEVI SHEFTALL.