The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 20, 1763, Image 4

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£ tiered for Exportation at tbt Cwftom-faufe, StiWUUii frm ths tth of July 1 763, to the 10 tb of OSober infant* m RICE, : 467 barrels Cedar polls, *39 1 Deer (kins, 18 hhds Ditto beams, 34 Purs, 2 bundles Handfyikes* 168. Tanned leather, 1249 tides Oars, i Pine lumber, 103,941 feet Beeswax, 8 calk# Shingles, 182,800 Snake root, 1 barrel Staves and heading, 148,165 Honey* 130 gallons Imports. • R*UM, 161 hog (heads Sugar, phoglheaag* . 12 puncheons 10 tiercdl 27 barrels 26 barre® Wine, 20 pipes Flour, 118 barnrilf ’ 1 hogmead Biscuit, 132 barrel** 13 puncheons ittykefe* Beer, 21 barrels Salt, , 4670 bufkqp Beer and Cyder, 58 hampers Negroes, . , jgjk Mobiles, 40 hog (heads v ’ .*$ ;?•-. f ■ ‘ ■ x *-* - *?*#• -* l ijj A A Jh A AA A, A AAAJU A A A A W . n v . V > * . ” r - * WHEREAS the fubferibejr, in a few months, propflH to depart the province, therefore detires all perftsffij who are any indebted to him tq make speedy paymeofj ©therwife mull pstt all his outstanding debts into tkfc harffe.; of an attorney. lAnd all persons who have any demands him are defirtdto bring in their accounts for payment. He hath to fell THREE TOWN LOTS in Savannah# and several valuable TRACTS of LAND, Vi i. A trail, containing 1000 acres, known by the name of Vale Royal, of which 220 acres is exceeding good rice land; also 281 acres rice land op polite to it on Hutchinson’s ill ana, a large new barn, rice pounding machine by water, a good ©veneer’s house, with ieveral other improvements, a mile and a half from Savannah, as well tituated for pleasure and profit as any trail in Georgia.. One trad, containing 800 acres, commonly know* by the name of the Sabine Fields, formerly Mr, Thomas Bar rington’*, about two miles and a half from Savannah, ex ceedingly well timbered with white and red oaks, bays anti pines, exceeding good land, at lead 200 acres of good rice land, anew barn 72 feet by 64, a good dwelling-house, and other improvements. One trad, * containing 350 acres, two miles from Savan nah on the Ogechee road, chiefly high swamp, pleafandy situated, hath on it a dwelling-house, barn, and other im provements. One trad, containing 500 acres, on Little Ogechee, very good, without improvements; it joins Mr. Haberlham’s land. One trad, containing 1000 acres, in Halifax, fronting on Savannah river oppofitc Matthews’s Bluff, the richest kind of river swamp, well timbered with oaks and cypress. This trad takes in two or three acres of high land for a set dement. One other trad in Halifax, containing 450 acres, upon the river, a noted place for a ferry, ©ppofite to Mr. Blake’s barony; there is a house and improvements upon it. LACHLAN MACGILLIVRAY. Savannah, the sdMay, 1763. W Herons, by an inquest taken the tqth day of March last, on •view of the body of one Alexander Crawford', found dead at the plantation of John Bfyuirt, on little Ogechee, the ndrdia of the jury was, “ That the said Crawfbrd was /tabbed “ end murdered by a negroefellow, named Sdpio, the property of ** the fluid John Milledge/’ which faidmgr o e, immediately after perpetrating the said faa, made bis escape; and although a reward of five pounds Sterling wa, offered by the /aid John Milledgefor apprehending the said negroe, he hath not yet been taken * and whereat it is of publick utility that the said negroe Jhould be brought to justice, therefore notice is hereby given, That, over and above Sir reward offered by the said John Milledge, afurther reward of Ten Pounds Sterling will be paid by hij Majesty's Treasurer for this province, to any perftm or ferfons who /hall apprehend the laid negroe, and deliver him to the Prove/!-MorJhal at Savannah • and if h/hould happen that the said negroe is killed in taking lim tnfmh case, on a proper certificate andpSoof thereof, the pnfon or psrfont /ball be sntitsea to a reward of Five Pounds Sterling By order of hit Excellency the Governor. 5 ’ NOBLE JONES Treasurer. * TO BE SOLD on very reasonable terms, by JOHN SO N and WYLLY, by the pipe, quarter calk, or any smaller \ 1 Vlquantity* not less than three gallons;preferved fruits i n (}>&* s Sfl J&tta rum by the hoglhead, Quarter cask, or any not less than three gallons; northward ditto in the like quantities; annifeed and clove cordials in casks of about ij gallons; molasses and treacle by the hogfhcad; mufco yadoftrgar by the hogshead, barrel, or hundred weight (DafSle; soap in small boxes; Florence oil in cases containing > dfee dozen of bottles; raifms in calks of about iod lb. 6 r Likewise to be fold, a parcel of likely healthy negroc Hpen. Credit willjbe given to the firH of January. L They have imported by die last vessels from Bristol, white, tßgje, and green plains, of an extraordinary good quality. a parcel orlive hogs. a.. ,'TyC.O .3& & 0 L D, ~~ ; FK A Mil. I S BLAKE, [/ for jnd re o, Pgymon hollajd;, V 4 tln, 6- 4 chcq.i,-., HHrttnfmture tantiri^h uc k abdtk, ozna- ofLAND oppofi; e * > , i° w ? of HarfoyjflEi. cdaßjuiwi. tfco acres exceed jnigood for rice. Th< with a very Irak •rfifiy per&B towM,’ my treat with Henry TOnge or John Talley, Efqrs.m Savannah, or at my plan '**"*£.. ‘ JOHNWEREAT. A few Cbpies- of the following A&s of the Ge neral A flembly of this Province, ‘viz. - -JK N Aft to prevent tqe dealing of horses and neat cattle, XjL and for the more cffeftqal difeovery and punishment lame J^onS aS walawfully brand, mark, or kill the r r a^:ei^ain i n K qualifications of jurors, and for enablifhing the method of balloting and summoning of jhrors in the province of Georgia. An Aft to prevent the bringing into and fpreadingof con tagious distempers in .this province, and to oblige velTels going out of any port within the fame, firft to produce, for that purpose, a paßport from the Governor or commander in chief for the time being; and also to prevent the har bouring of lick sailors and others. the eitate real and personal of absent debtors, in the custody or power of any person or persons within this province. An Aft to oblige ihips and other veflels ccmiug from places mfefted with epidemical diilempers to perform qua rantam. An Aft for eilablidling the method of appointing con nables, afeertaining the qualifications of persons to lerve in that office, and to point out the duties attending the fame. dt fame place may be bad , Blank bonds, bills of sale, mortgage', powers of attor ney, indentures, mils of lading, articles of agreement be tween mailers of veflels and seamen, fummor.ies before the court of conscience, and before justices of the peace, execu tions for the ufc of magiflrates, Bcc. See. TO BE SOLD, A PLANTATION, situate on Savannfih river, con jfx taining 950 acres of land, of which 850 acres is river swamp, watered by (pring tides, and about 50 acres of it cleared; the other 100 acres is exceeding good high land, is chiefly cleared, and has a good dwelling-house thereon ... The fwalnp abounds with a large quantity of very valuable cypress, fit either for (awing or making of ih ingles, very convenient to a market, being about 14 miles diiiant from Savannah by land or water.—For further particulars en quire of cither of the fubferibers at Savannah. JAMES HABERSHAM,. LEWIS JOHNSON, ■ JOHN GRAHAM.