The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 20, 1763, Image 5

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STOLEN in June last, a likely young SORREL HORSE, about four years old last grass, branded on the mount, ing flioulder with a heart inverted and a dafli a-top, and with two brands on both buttocks, one of the letters is an $, with another letter joining it but forgot; said horse has a blaze in his faop.—As also about 13 months ago, a CHESNUT SORREL HORSE, with a blaze in his face, about 15 hands high, fix years old, branded with a fleur-de-luce upon the near cheek, and has three white feet* The fubferiber, upon the delivery of any one or both of the f*id horses to Thomas Nightingale, or t 6 Eberhert Ehney in Charleflown, South- Carolina, will give, for the young sorrel horse, a reward of 1 151. and for the chefnut horse 50L current money, and all . • ther reasonable charges. LEWIS BODNEL. I Cbarltfoivn, South-Carolina, I August 31, 1763. t o “TTTT” “§ 6 L b,’ ‘ I A BOUT FOUR THOUSAND ACRESof LAND in I St. Philip’s parifti, on the north fide of Midway, all Ijoining on said river, the creeks and marlhes thereof, with ifeven miles front. •’ On the lower trails of these lands is a ■very pleasant and healthful fettiement, well known by the ■name ofßelfaft, within five miles of Sunbury by water on a Barge where any vessel that can come over our bar ■may load with fafety within 60 yards of the door; here is a ■rood two story house and all other convenient buildings, Barden and orchard, corn field and pafiure, under good Krace, and upwards of 400 acres of good corn land, a great Body of pine land well stored with the belief pine, and very Convenient to landings. On the upper trails of these lands, ■bout five miles from this, is a very pleasant fettiement on ■he marflies and north branches of Midway, where there is ■OO .acres of clear land, two of which is now planted in rice, Born and potatoes, the other in good pasturage, all under Bood fence; there is on this plantation a good barn and Born house, a small house for an overseer, and negroe houses B> lodge 90 or 100 Haves; here is at lead 1000 acres of choice Bee land, which abounds with the greatest conveniencies for Baming and keeping reserves of water, as also for a machine B> pound rice; the whole of the rice lands may be laid under Bater and interfere with nobody, and as it lies in the tide’s Bay is very easily drained; here is also the bed of corn lands, Be pine lands well dored with pine, and very convenient. Bny per Ton inclinable to purchase these lands, by applying B the fubferibers, may fee the lands and their conveniencies, Bd the crop now on the ground, and know the price and Bne of payment, which will be made as easy as can well be B fired. JOHN MAXWELL, WILLIAM MAXWELL. I T O B E” S O Lft Br the Watch -house in Savannah , on Tburfday the 10 tb day of No vember next , (A TRACT of LAND, containing TW'O THOUSAND ■ V ACRES, situate in the parish of St. Philip, on Great Bgechee river, and within two miles of Hardwicke. The Blots to be seen in the hands of JAMES READ. Htrnutage, the 1 6tb Sept. 1763. Bx/HEREAS the fubferiber’s plantation, lately Chief ■VV Judice Grover’s, now named Hermitage, is griev- Bufly and unfufferably annoyed and disturbed by negroes, Bho come there by land and water in the night-time, and Bot only rob, deal, and carry off hogs, poultry, sheep, Born, and his potatoes, but create very great disorders a- Bnongft his Haves, by debauching his flavc wenches, who Bave hulbands, the property of the fubferiber; and fome are Bo audacious as to debauch his very house wenches: These ■therefore are to give notice to all proprietors of Haves, that, Bftcr the 16th September 1763, the fubferiber is determined ■to treat all negroes that Ihall be found within his fences, ■after sun-set, and before fun-rife, as thieves, robbers, and ■invaders of his property, by (hooting them, and for that in- I tent he has hired a white man properly armed for that pur- I p ° fc ‘ PATRICK MACKAY. A JOURNEYMAN PRINTER may meet with good encouragement by applying to the publisher of this I paper. An APPRENTICE is also wanted. SAVANNAH: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton- Street , where Advertisements, Letters of Intelligence, and Sublcriptions for this l'apcr, are taken in. ... I'd BB RUN Foil, VNBU*y on Thursday the firft of December next. A give-and-take-purse of TWENTY POIJNIDS STERLING, The bed in three heats, each heat two miles, on the follow- H ing conditions, viz. ORSES 14 hands high to carry 10 done, all above that to carry weight for inches, and all under to be allowed the odds. No horse to dart, unless proof is made that the horse has been ten weeks in the; province before the day of running. Each person entering a horse, if a fubferiber, to pay half a guinea for each horse, and every other person to pav a gui nea and a half; provided the horles be entered ten days be fore the day of running; any horse entered after that dav to pay three guineas. No fubferiber allowed to enter another man’s horse to save the entrance money. Likewise to be run the day following, a PURSE, value FIFTEEN POUNDS STERLING. The conditions as a bovek—No horse who run the fird day to dart for this purie. The third day’s sport is the INNKEEPER’S PURSE, va lue at lead SIX POUNDS STERLING, for Galloways not above 13 hands high, to carry 8 done, all under to be allow ed weight for inches. An ASSEMBLY each night at Mr. Williams’s lone room. There will be encouragement for cudgel-playing every forenoon, &c. Sec. See. Just imported in the brig. Orford, Capt. A nderlbn./rcwTJ amaica* ABOUT nineteen valuable new NEGROES, mufeo vado sugar by the tierce or quarter calk, Jamaica rum by the puncheon or in smaller quantities not loss than three gallons, bottled ale and cyder, coffee, Sec. to be iold on reasonable tcrihs, by ALEXANDER FYEFE, and Comp. RICH AR D TIIOMPS ON, ~ Peruke-maker and Hair-cutter from London, GIVES this publick notice, that he intends following his business, at the house of Mr. Chriilopher Ring in Broughton-dreet. Whoever plcafe to favour him with their cudom (hall be duly attended at a reasonable price. ALEXANDER BELL, f'ronTVTI^NiA, GIVES notice to the publick, that he will ered machines for preventing houses from being llruck by lighten ing, after the neweit and bed manner, at a reasonable rate. ‘Thofe who chufe to employ him, may call on him at Mr. John Lyons’s Hiod, where they may fee the machines. His day will be but about three weeks in this place. THE fubferiber being about to leave this province in 3 very little time, gives no ice to all persons indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an abb Iut c necefiity for immediate payment of their refpedive debts. He will dispose of fix valuable TRACTS ofL>$ND upon very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz. One trad situate on North Newport river, about four miles from Sunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which are good swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling houfe thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. Another trad of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house there on, pleasantly situated. 800 acres on Bull Town swamp, four miles from a landing. 900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing. 500 acres on said lwamp, seven miles from a landing. 1300 acres in St. Andrew’s pari (h, two miles from a landing. These four lalt trads are principally rice land, and cdeem ed inferior to none in this province, having great conveni ency for back water. Enquire of Mcffrs. James Read and company in Savan nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has several town lots in Sunbury, fome with im provements, likewise to dispose of.