Newspaper Page Text
SAVANNAH, October 27.
a IS Excellency our Governor, who set out on
Thursday lail for Augusta, to meet the different
nations of Indians wno had been invited to the
congress there, about five miles from town was
met by Capt. Ewen at the head of his company
of militia, mounted, who escorted him to the Hon. Cle
ment Martin's, at whose house his Excellency lodged that
night j the next morning Capt. Kieffer’s -company of mili
tia escorted him beyond Ebenezer, where Capt. Rahn with
his company of militia attended, and escorted him to Barton’s
Branch, the rendezvous of the detachment from the two com
panies under the command of Lieut. Nunez, who, with
Capt. MacGillivray’s troop of horse militia, are to escort
his Excellency, and the several gentlemen his attendants, to
Augusta, where it is expected they arrived on Monday last.
Tuesday last being the anniversary of his Majesty’s acces
sion to the throne, when his Majesty entered into the fourth
year of his reign, the fame was observed here by firing of
guns at the fort, &c.
We hear from Charleftown, that they have been obliged
to press horses and carriages there for the conveniency of his
Excellency Governor Boone, and the Governors of North-
Carolina and Virginia, going to attend at the congress at
Augusta, occasioned, itisfaid, by their not having had fuf
ficient notice to provide properly for the journey, the time and
place for holding the congress being fixed only in June last.
On Tuesday arrived here the Greenwich, Marlhal, from
Bristol, after a passage of 13 weeks; and yesterday the John
and Elizabeth, Capt. Lundbury, from London.
The Darby, Boardman, and the Sea Nymph, Grant,
were in the river Thames the 9th of July, and were soon to
fail for this place.
Arrived from this port, the Richard and Benjamin, Capt.
Robinson, at Cowes.
Custom-House, Entered Inwards. From
03. 23, Sloop Molly, Timothy Daggett, Rhode-Ifland
Outwards. For
03. 20, Sloop Iriihtown Drogger, Josiah Eve, St. Kitts
22, Sloop Ann Sc Betty, D. Greatbeatch, St. Euftatius
24, Brigt. Laleah and Susannah, N. Cro-fley, St. Kitts
Sailed, , For
03. 25, Sloop Two Friends, Robert Lucas, Jamaica
Sloop Jriihtown Drogger, Josiah Eve, St. Kitts
’ . 26, Sloop Ann & Betty, D. Greatbeatch, St. Euftatius
O Range-flower water, rose water, Rhenifti wine, tama
rinds, faltpetre, oil of turpentine, Fryar’s balsam,
imelling bottles, bougies, gold and filverleaf,afewfurgeon’s
instruments and (hop utensils, viz. cases of needles, small
pewter syringes, steel-spring trusses for ruptures, splints for
fractures, a large brass mortar and iron pestle, large and
small feales and weights, Sec. Likewise a small afiortment
of frelh garden feeds, and a few pots of sweetmeats and
bottles of pickles. All which, with moft kinds of medi
cines, and family medicines, he will dispose of on reason
able terms.
WHEREAS on Friday a young man, named
Thomas Bell , by trade a saddler, born in Virginia,
-about 20 years of age, five feet seven inches high, pitted
with the small-pox, has short brown hair, had on a bearflrtn
coat, a red striped flannel jacket, and ravcnfduck breeches,
rode a black horse, 13 hands and a half high, branded on
the off buttock WD in one, with a fleur-de-lucea-top, with
anew saddle and green fringe housing,. was sent from Sun
bury with a letter from Mr. Swinton to Mr. William Young
in Savannah, inclofing the fuirt of 10 l.‘i6 s. 6 and. Sterling,
tvhich letter has since been found near the ferry broke open,
and Rell has made off; a reward of THREE GUINEAS
is hereby offered for apprehending him, to be paid by the
ftfbfcribers; a reward of ONE GUINEA will likewise be
given for the horse, if delivered to the owner Frederick
Holzendorff in Sunbury, Mrs. Mary Smith in Savannah,
or Mr. John Poftell jun. in Dorchester, South-Carolirih.—
Jt is hoped that all well-disposed persons will endeavour to
apprehend said fellow, in order that he may be brought to
justice, and punched so as to deter others from being guilty
of such villainy for the future.
Te be fold, on reafonabh term, at Mr. Prunicre's wharjfi, for
cajh or Jhort credit,
MUSCOVADO SUGAR by the hogfliead,
/So hundred weight. Also, exceeding good
WANTED t# compleat Fort-George on Cockfm ir
iliand, y iz. 300 palmeto pods, 13 ‘ feet long each;
24 ileepers of lightwood, 20 feet long, 12 inches by 12: 80
blocks of ditto, 2 feet long, 12 inches by 12. Any person
willing to supply the fame, (delivered at said fort) are de
lired to fend their proposals to
CHARLES \\ A TSON, Esq; Clerk of the Council.
T 0 BE SOLD, byway of chances, to be divided into
1200 tickets, at 20 s. Sterling each, and to be drawn in
Savannah on the 18th of November next,
■ The following ARTICLES, viz.
I Calh, One hundred and Jive pounds, 105 o 0
I Ditto, One hundred pounds, ieo o 0
I Ditto, Seventy-Jive pounds, r r o
2 Ditto, Fifty pounds, 100 O
2 Ditto, Twenty-five pounds, <j<* 0
3 Ditto, Twenty pounds, 60 o Q
4 Ditto, Fifteen pounds, 0
10 Ditto, Eight pounds, g 0 O
18 Ditto, Six pounds, j o g 0 °
20 Ditto, Four pounds, g 0 o 0
46 Ditto, Three pounds, 0
14 Ditto, Two pounds, 28 O 0
1 Ditto, Ten poundsfourJhillings If a penny, 10 4 j
I Coffeepot, 16 r /;
1 Waiter, 4 3 t
1 Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, 1 *
3 Swords, different prices, 19 o 0
5 Hangers, 1815 o
5 Snuff boxes, different prices, iy 16 o
5 Pairs of Hone ear-rings, 12 o o
1 Pair of Hone buckles, 2 o o
6 Sets of tea spoons, 7 11 6
6 Pairs of gold buttons, 660
61 Pairs of silver buckles, different prices, 71 u 2
21 Sundry asticles, confiding of gold, Hl>
ver, and jewelery, 13 c. tfc. tfc. all
in 20s. prizes, 21 00
1 Ditto, 1 14 o
9$ Blanks'.} + Blanks tOll Prize - T ° tal£ ~ IZ °° ° °
[Several of the tickets being sent up to Augufia, and as it will
be Jome time till an account can be received of the number dfpefed
of, the Jubfcriber begs bis friends who have already purchajed tic
kets will excuje his deferring the day of drawing till the IS tb cf
November. He has fill a few ofihe tickets to dij'pofe of]
N. B. A difeount of ieven and a half per cent, to be de*
dueled out of cafli prizes only.
In case the tickets are not all disposed of by the time of
drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for that pur
pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are
given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John
Morel, Efqrs. who are appointed infpettors.
Hermitage, the 1 6th Sept, i 763 .
WHEREAS the fubferiber’s plantation, lately Chief
Jullice Grover’s, now named Hermitage, is griev*
oufly and unfufferably annoyed and didurbed by negroes,
who come there by land and water in the night-time, aud
not only rob, Heal, and carry off hogs, poultry, (heep,
com, and his potatoes, but create very great disorders a
mongH his Haves, by debauching his Have wenches, who
have hulbands, the property of the fubferiber; and Tome arc
so audacious as to debauch his very house wenches: These
therefore are to give notice to all proprietors of Haves, that,
after the 16th September 1763, the fubferiber is determined
to treat all negroes that Hull be. found within his fences,
after sun-set, and before fun-rife, as thieves, robbers, and
invaders of his property, by (hooting them, and for that in
pt he has hired a wtate man