Newspaper Page Text
Number 37.
LONDON, September 23.
SHE curate of Surene, near Paris, was
lately taken up for the murder of his
houfekceper. Ihe young woman was
big with chiW by him. He firft cut her
throat, and afterwards cut her body into
* pieces, that he might the ealier conceal
Sept. 24. • On Monday 20,000 lb. of
-cotton were imported from the Straits, and 700 quarters of
oats from Louilbourg.
. His Majesty has been plcafed to appoint John Cailland,
Eiq; to be Brigadier of his Majesty’s forces irf the East-In
We are told that in lieu of the duties on porter and cyder,
which are to be repealed, a tax will be laid upon all tenants
at above 40s. a year, and that the opera and playhouses, to
f ether with all publick gardens and places of diverhon, will
e taxed.
We are allured that the Earl of Bute has lately purchased
a very fine ellate at Luton-Hoo in Bedfordffiire, for'which
he gave above 00,0001. so that his intentions of going a
broad arc now laid aside.
On Monday lull Capt. Forbes, who was said to come to
London to fight Mr. Wilkes, left this city by order of go
In order to make way for new changes in the navy, it is
said there will soon be a regulation among the flag officers,
distinguished by the name of yellow admirals.
On the 7th inst. died at Hamburg, of an apopleftick fit,
Prince George of Holstein, Stadtholder and Administrator of
Holstein Kiel.
His Majesty’s (hips the Phoenix and Martin are failed
from Portsmouth to the coast of Guiney, to watch the mo
tions of the French and Dutch in those parts.
By yesterday’s Dutch mail letters were received from Al
tena, dated the 9th, which ndvife, * That they learnt with
* surprise, that the King of Prussia had required the magi
* ftrates of Hamburg to pay him in a limited time 800,000
* florins, on pain of military execution by a body of 15,000
* Prullian troops.* Some pretend that this demand is made
to take vengeance of the Hamburghers for advancing money
to a certain power during the war. The magistrates afl’era
bled next day, and r'efolved to fend four deputies to Berlin.
It is said at the meeting of Parliament a bill will be brought
in to hinder the British American colonies from taking goods
inftcad of caffi for the commodities with which they supply
the French and Spaniih fetdements in the Weft-Indies.
It*is reported that several new peers will soon be created.
Sept. 26. Friday 360,824 yards of Iriffi linen were enter
ed at the custom-house out of the Duke of York, Davis,
from Dublin.
Sept. 27. Letters from Neufchatel fay, that the celebrat
ed M. RouiTeau, of Geneva, was at the point of death when
the port came away.
Many petitions have very lately been presented to the mi
nistry for fettling our new acquisitions of East and Weft Flo
rida, Canada, the north coast of the river St. Lawrence, and
M. John’s iflantl, Sec. with French and German protestants,
several families of these poor people being now in London
ready to embark for those provinces.
They write from Paris of the 16th, that M. Bigot, late
commandant cf Canada, was on the Tucfday before removed
ait midnight from the Chatelct to the Conciergerie. The
C’natelet condemned him to be beheaded, but his definitive
is poftponc 1 on account of the adjournment of tht
THURSDAY, December 15, 1763.
We hear from Portsmouth of the 2cth. that few.r-,1
ports have failed out of that harbour hr Southampton, it is
I j^ c in troo P s f° r North- America.
This day the fobferibers to the 2,800,0001. to be raised bv
our per cent, annuities, for the service of the present yeas
Z™* the payment of 35 0,0001. at the Bank, being
1-BUI of the said capital, and the sixth payment thereof. *
Notvvithftanding the prohibition of exporting raw silk
from China, the Albion, Larkins, arrived in the river from
thence, has brought over 13,9001 b. weight.
S,f! 29 Tuefdajr 619,006 yards of linen were imported
from Behaft. r u
We have heard for certain, that the great man, lately in
power has afluajly received a formal difmiffion from all
publick service.
A squadron of ten ffiips of the line will soon be sent to feu
under the command of Commodore Hervey.
Tuesday Mrs. Hunt, a labourer’s wife near Fore-ftrret,
was brought to bed of four boys, and arc all likclv to do
well, and yesterday they were to be baptized by the names of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Sept. 3 0. We hear from Berlin, by advices of the
that his Prussian Majesty’s forces near that c ty, and in the
environs of Magdebourg, have been continually in motion
for fome timepaft, from whence it is conjedured, that this
monarch has fome enterprize in view, which will probably
be very soon put in execution, to the astonishment of all Eu,
Odiber 3, letters from Germany of the 23d alt. aflert,
that a treaty of alliance was very much talked of there be!
tween the courts of Russia, England, and Prussia, by which
Polish Prussia is to be ceded to the King of Prussia, and the
principality of Eaft-Friefland to the King of Grcat-Britain,
as Eleftor of Hanover.
Wednesday Capt. Watson went to Woolwich, and put his
Majesty’s ship Alarm, of 32 guns, into com million; which
ship the Lords of the Admiralty have appointed him to com
mand. She is to be sheathed with copper, in a manner,
which, it is hoped, will be found of the utnvoft utility to
the royal navy.
We are informed, that if the intended treaty between this
court and the King of Prussia ffiould take place, by which
Eaft-Friefland is to be ceded to the King of Greac-Britain as
Elcftor of Hanover, the Hon. East-India Company wiil have
the privilege of exporting East-India goods to that place, by
which means they will l>e enabled to supply all Germany
with those commodities in return for ready specie; which
scheme, if it takes place, will in time bring back the ioi
menfe sums expended there during the late war.
It is reported, that on fome remonstrances lately made to
the French, concerning their not destroying the harbour of
Dunkirk, and the demand of payment for the French priso
ners, they replied, with an insolent air peculiar to French
men, that Dunkirk was demoliftied as much as it would be,
and as to the payment of the money, they ffiould pay no
more than they had done.
They advise from Genoa of the 3d ult. that the Salletiae
rovers had taken aTufcany polacre, two French vcflcls, and
a Sardinian pink, off that place.
Letters from Cadiz fay, that tht King of Spain has given
orders to the intendants of his dock yards to fee that the ffiip*
wrights work their stated hours, being determined to recruit
his navy as soon as poffiblo, for which purpoft they havfc
begun to build four ffiips of the line at Carthagena.
His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Sir William Bra*
reton, one 01 the Grooms of his Bed-Chamber, to be Hi*
Privy Purse, in the room of Lord Bute, who has rrfigned.
It is said the land tax will ba fixed at 4*. a pound, for fi*
years certain, in lieu of freffi taxes.