The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 18, 1764, Image 5

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FREDERICK HOLZENDORFF, Saddlir; At his {hop opposite die Rev. Mr. Zouberbuhler’s, GIVES notice to his friends end customers, that he has the following GOODS ready made, which he will fell on reasonable terms for cafli or short credit, via. Womens laced fide saddles and furniture,—mens and boys saddles fit for cowpefts*—houfings of different prices,—chair harnefs,— hame collars of the best kind,—holders with ftrops,—main pillions with jockey caps,—boot and other drops,—furcinglcS 6f the best kind,—double and single Sirths, —stirrup leathers and cruppers,—beft palm bit bri les—fnaffie and half curbs,—a row mouthing bit bridles for breaking young horfes*—filk lafh’d chair and cart whip thongs,—a piece of body belt web,—fwivel stirrup irons,— fiddle and best pump tacks, —staple and tuft nails, kc. kc. He repairs saddles, lines chairs, and has moft kinds of faddlery made use of in this province; and he hopes to give in tire fatisfa&ion to all who iriay be pleased to employ him, ms he is determined to make fufficient work of the best mate rials that are to be had with the qnickeft dispatch, and at the moft reasonable rates,w-Ordcrs from the country will be punctually obeyed. N. B. He desires the favour of all those who are any wife indebted to him for work done by Holzendorff and Carell at Sunbury and Newport to pay their refpe&ive debts by the firft of December next, as it does not suit him to wait any longer. ABRAHAM SARZEDAS has moved from his store on Mr. Lloyd’s wharf to the house late Mr. Robinson's, opposite Mrs. Minis’s* where he continues to fell provisions of ihveral kinds, as formerly adverdfed in this paper. Con stant attendance will be given j and he will be greatly obliged to all those who may be pleased to favour him with their custom. ; ST RAVED into my rice field a few days ago, a BLACK GELDING, with a star, and snip down his face, branded on the near shoulder I, and on the off shoulder S D.. Likewise, a GREY GELDING, branded on the near but tock ED in one, and on the off shoulder and buttock R O.— Whoever owns the (aid strays may have them by applying to BENJAMIN FARLEY, oa. 4, 1764. *¥OHN THOMAS advertises a BLACK HORSE, about J 3 years old, and about thirteen hands and a half high, branded on the near shoulder J F, on the near buttock 2 f, C and on the off buttock B S. The ownef must prove his pro perty before * ‘ DAVID EMANUEL, T. M: Parish of St. George, Sept. 6, 1764. THOMAS LEWIS advertises a DARK BAY HORSE, about 5 years old, and about 13 hands high, with a friip on the nofc, branded on the off buttock gI. The owner must prove his property before V % Parish of St. George, DAVID EMANUEL, T. M. Sept. 8, 1764. | WHEREAS the fubferiber, on the 28th day of April last, bought at publick vendue, at the Watch-house in Savannah, a NEGROE WENCH named Sally, and hen TWO MULATTO CHILDREN, lately the property of Capt. Edward Somerville deceaied, seized on execution by the provoft-marihal of this province, and fold by him by virtue thereof: And whereas the laid wench and Her children are said to be run away into the woods, the fubferiber doth hereby offer a Reward of forty Shillings Sterling to any person who shall take up the said negroe ana her children, ancrdeli ver them to him: But whereas the fubferiber hath reason ta believe the said wench and children are harboured and con cealed from him,, he dotsrhereby pro mile a Reward of five founds Sterling to any white person who shall give due proof of their being so harboured or concealed; and any person harbouring or concealing them may depend on being prose- Cuted to the ntuioft severity of the law. ALEXANDER WYLLY. WHEREAS Catharine Carter, my wife, born in the province of New-Jerfiry, has left me without leave, all persons are hereby forbid crediting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contra&ing; and whoever har bours her may depend on being profecutcd as the law directs by # . ; WILLIAM GASCOYNE. SAVANNAH: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton - Street, where Advertisements, Letter# of Intelligence, and Subfcrlptions for thi# Paper, are taken in. A* founfWattfp; N OVERSEER for a RICE PLA STATION t a Angle man rather than one with a family. Any per wn neil recommended may meet with good encouragement, by applying to the this paper. A F O R S A L E, named J uliana her MU LATTO CHILD, well known in Savannah, for merly belonging to Mr. Cox. Any person wanting to pur chase her, or with her daughter Hannah, a* young wench* may, apply to John Smith By fetter. 8 . into Mr * Brewton’s field a few days ago, the” following HORSES, vir.-A Bay Horfc, pacf!, and is about 13 hands and a half high, branded -;n the mounting fhou der and buttock f G, and on the off buttock B 2.- A Black Horse, trots, and is about 13 hands high, branded on the off moulder I, and has fome (addle spots. A Red Roan Horse, about 14 hands high, trots, branded on the mounting shoulder something like in one, and on the off fftpulder sTb in one.—A Black Horse with a bell on, has a star in his forehead, trots, is near 13 hands and a half high, branded on the off shoulder and buttock H Whoever claims any of the abow horses may apply at said plantation to BURN. Oft. 9, 1764. GEORGIA. * WHEREAS I have received his Maiefty’s writs, requir ing me forthwith to proceed to the ele&ion of repre sentatives to serve in general assembly for this province, NOTICE is hereby giyen, That, in pursuance of the laid writs, the election of representatives for the several parifhea and diftri&s will be held on the refpe&ive days under-menti oned, of which all persons concerned are desired to take due notice* and give their attendance. Savannah, 6tb MATT. ROCHE, Prcv. Mar, Oft. 1764. For the town of Savannah, four members, on Thursday the n 18th Oaober instant, at the court-house in Savannah. For the sea islands, one member, on Friday the 19th instant, on Burnpot Island. For Abercorn and- Gofhen, one member, on Saturday the 20th instant, at the house of Matthias Weft. For the town of Vernonboureh, one member, on Monday the 22d'inftant, at Vernonbourgh. For the village of Aaon, one memoer, on Tueflay the 23d instant, at A&on. For the diftria of Little Ogechee, one member, (A Saturday the 27th instant, at Thomas White’s house. For Great Ogechee, and parish of St. Philip, two members, on Monday the 29th inftant* at Herron’s Bluff, now Mr. John Maxwell’s. For Midway and parish of St. John, three members, at the Rev. Mr. Ofgcod’a meeting-house, on Tucfday the 30th instant. For Darien and parish of St. Andrew, two members, on Thursday the ift November next, at the meeting-house in the said parish. - v or the parish of St. James, one member, on Saturday the 3d of November, at Frederica. For Augusta and parish of St. Paul, three members, on Sa turday the 3d of November, at Augusta. For Halifax and parish of St. George, two members, on Monday the sth of November, at me houie of James Ne fmith, Esq. at Halifax. For Ebenezer and parish of St. Matthew, three members, on Tuesday the 6th of November, at the town of Ebenezer. ~ “ T O'” BE* SOL D, A PLANTATION of 300 acres of land upon Skidaway island, having a navigable creek on each fide, and a good landing, near which a schooner that draws fix feet wa ter may lie afloat at low water. It is very good indico and corn land, 24 acres of it cleared, and has on it two good dwelling-houses, several out-houses, and other improve ments.-—Any person inclining to purchase said plantation may apply to Messrs. Johnson and Wylly in Savannah, or at Skidaway to WILLIAM JOHNSTON. If agreeable to the purchaser, a few very fine milch cows, and fome hogs and poultry, wil. be fold with the plantation.