The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 22, 1764, Image 3

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Amending immediate CuLfadion and reparation for tic ads of violence committed, on thefirft of June last, by the Com mander cf a French lhip of w ar, in conjun&ion with other French veflels, at one of the Turks Islands; the Court of France has difavoWed the said proceedings, has declaimed all intention or desire of acquiring the Turks Islands, and has given orders to the Count d’Ettaing, governor of St. Do mingo, to cause the said Islands to be immediately abandon ed on the part of the French, to restore every thing therein to the condition in which it was on the firftof June last, and to make reparation of the damages which any of his Maje sty’s lubjefts (hall be round to have fufiained in consequence Ot the laid proceedings, according to an efUmation to be forthwith fettled by the said governor with his Majesty’s go vernor of Jamaica: And a duplicate of the said orders has been delivered to his Majesty’s said Ambafladrr, who has transmitted the fame to his Majesty’s Secretary of state. AMERICA. Philadelphia , O&ober 25. Extraß of a Utterfi cm Fort Pitt , October 3, 1764 R army, confiding of 400 Regulars, 400 Pern- S* () & fylvanians, 100 light horse, and 250 Virginia Volunteers, begins its march this day towards the tow ns of the enemy Indians. We go across the woods, and cut the road for the pack-horses ; (his may make our march a little tedious, but as the woods are pretty clear, they may perhaps, not require much cutting. Qur people are all in high fpints, and seem desirous that the enemy would meet us. In a week hence you tray reckon that we (hould be at or near the firft town, being the Tufca sora town, but it is abandoned ; and from thence it is about 170 miles to the lower Shawanefe town which we are al;b to deflroy; but there are several little towns and habitations to burn, before we come to that. It will take us ab ut 25 days to go; and we may reckon to be back again at Pitts burgh about the firft of December.” Cbarltflown % November 9. The number of new settlers who have had warrants for land granted them in this province for ten months pall, amounts to upwards of eight hundred and seventy. We hear his Excellency Thomas Boose, Esq. Governor in chief,*src. 4'C of this province, now in London, w ill em bark for his said Government about Chriftmafs next. Married.] Nov. 4. Thomas Foley, Efa. Captain of his Majesty’s lhip Efcorte, toMifs Kitty Mellichamp, daughter of Mr. Thomas Mellichamp. SAVANN AH, November 22. ON Saturday last the Hon. William Clifton, Esq. one of his Majesty’s council for this province, embarked for Weft-Florida, being appointed Chief Justice of that pro vince: On hi3 patting Fort Halifax he was fainted by the difeharge of the cannon. As the publick offices enjoyed by him were executed with upri vhtnefs and integrity, and his chara&er in private life unblemiihed, occasions his depar ture being in general regretted. Tuesday the 20th inst. the General Aflemblv of this pro vince met here, when the Hon. the Commons House unani mously made choice of Alexander Wylly, Esq. to be their ~ (peaker. Raymond Demere, Esq. is defied reprefentanve to serve Fa the General Assembly for the parish of St. James. Arrived. t From Nov. 15, Brigt. Edgar, C. Maitland, London Sc New-York * 19, Schooner Indufiry, James Walden, St. Kitts Sailed. For Nov. 18, Schooner Peggy, Charles Boyd, Charleftown 20 , Brigt. Margaret, Andrew Elton Wells, St. Kitte tU PRINTER. is certainly a noble virtue, and recommend ed from as good authority as any dub or society of people whatsoever, which original recommendation I hope will be refpefled to the world’s end. Good fellowfhip may be said to be a branch of it, and can be no crime, nor needs no disguise, when used in modera- The love of one’s country has been always reckoned a kind €f virtue, but the love or any part of the nation of which one is a member in preference to another part of the nation, jnay be said to be a vice, and a thing to be difeouraged as a foundation for party and disturbance. In your advertikment for gentlemen toaflbeiate for promoting of charity there Is 1* room for commoners; they must be a’ gentlemen. I cannot fay but the end is good, cfpccialiy as charity begins at home; but as they must lie of such a rank, there ia no room for your humbjp servant but to look out for fome other charitable c l u b* A Commons r . * r To be fold on board the brig Edgar from New-York, lyi*K at Mr. Prumcre s wharf, A PARCEL OF ONIONS,, By wholcfa’eor retail, at a reasonable price. \ / *T HE fubferiber being employed as manager of Mr # A M‘Gillivray*s plantation of Valri Royal, and as he cannot with any conveniency absent himfelf from begs leave to acquaint his good customers, both for their con veniency and nis, that he will depofite their iccompts to the last day of this month at McfTrs. Keifall, Dar fir.g, am! Munro s store, where they will be pleased to pay, and theif receipt will beafufficientdifcharge. As punctuality is the life of ali business, he hopes h*srea fonable request w ill meet with due regard, which will induce hjm to proceed chearfuiiy in feiving his cuftotners. and give fatisfaftion to his employer. JOHN OATES. THE fubferiber having left off pub’ick-houle-keeptng,* gives this notice, that the house ha now lives in be let. Any person inclinable to rent the fame, may apply toh mor Charles Pryce, Esq. JOHN PERKINS. W HEREAS, by a late ad of* parliament, several duties are laid on different articles exported from Great-BrLA tain to the plantations in America, NOTICE is hereby gi ven to all merchants and others, importing merchandise into this province from Great-Briuin, that it is expelled they do make regular and proper entries of every particular species imported by them, in the several offices of the customs. ST OLEN or SI RAYED from Joseph Gibbons’s plant*. tion about four weeks ago, TWO GELDINGS, one a dark bay, with a bell on, branded on the shoulder with g’ bowr and arrow, and on the buttock J % , the other a small grey, branded on the fttoulder JS , and on the buttock J | both trotters. If strayed they are fiippofed to ramble up th 4 river fide, as they were brought from Carolina last spring.—. Whoever takes them up, and delivers them to the fubferiber at laid plantation, lhall have ss. fterl. reward for each from Nov. 19, 1764. JOHN GIBEONS. * T> UN AWAY from Benjamin, XV aNEGROF FELLOW, of the Angola country, named Piter, but calls him fclf Bo* has a fear on one of his knees, where he If has been (hot fome time ago. Whoever takes Jgrv up said fellow, and delivers him to his matter at Halifax, (hall have 20s. fieri, reward; and if to the fubferiber in Savannah 10s. fieri. The said fellotr formerly belonged to Mr. Henry Parker. * MORDECAI SHEFTALL. ALL pcrfbns indebted to the ettatc of Humphrey Harri son deceased are desired to make immediate paymAit to the fubferibers; and all persons that have any demands againfl said ettate are desired to fend in their accompts, pro-’ perly altefled, to BENJAMIN SHEFTALL and Sons, Admrt. Cos be foil on reafottabfe terms, A TRACT of FIVE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND. . situated on a navigable creek, called Collins’s creek^ • on the south fide of Great Ogechee, adjoining the planta tion of Mr. James Butler, containing about 200 acres of good swamp, 250 ofoak and hickory (and, and soacresof pine barren. Also, ‘ A TRACT of SIX HUNDRED ACRES, very plea santly situated on the south bank of Midway river, about four miles above the town of Sunbury, fit either for rice, , corn, or indico.—For further particulars inquire of the printer. • # * A frw Copies */The Practical Justice cf the Peace and Parish Officer of his Ma city’s Provirce of South-Caroling by William Simpson, Ef<J. to be /eld bj the Prinur 9/ tbb „ , .