Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Gazette.
tf) H Dtclaralien of tht Imperial Conrt of RnJJia to the Courts of Sosro/t, upon tht
mtreji of its Miu’fer, rsfiJmt at ConflanttncpU,
HER Imperial Majcity, in taking a part in the tranfallioni of
the Republick of Poland, as humanity on one fide, and the
obligations of her Crown oa the other, had prompted her,
was no Kfs cartful to conduit hcrfelf in such a manner as not
to give umbrage to a jealous and powerful neighbour :
every part of her conduit was publick; and (he had likewise a par.
ticular attention to communicate in confidence to the Ottoman
Porte her resolutions upon every ftcp (he took, and she conduit Ac in
tended toobferve, till the peace and tranquility of that kingdom was en
tirely re eltablilhed. But the enemiqp to the peace of these two empires
were not wanting to blacken at the Porte all the actions of her Imperial
Majeity, and to sow these the feeds of difeord by the mod falfe imputati
ons. The Porte, rcltrained by the upright conduit the Court of RuCa
continued to maintain towards them, liltened, but it was with caution,
to the calumny that was spread. Some attention to the affairs of Poland,
•nd an impartial examination of what Ruflia had done, compared with the
overtures made by that Court at the Porte, had dispelled all suspicion,
and the publick tranquility seemed to be no more threatened. The com
mon enemies, however, repeated their insinuations with more rage and
audacity than ever, to impose upon the credulity of the Turkilh nation,
and infufed a spirit of difeontent among them, wflich called for the aotice
of government, for it had forced its way even into the seraglio The
change in the mioiftry, brought about by these events, soon produced a
revolution in the fy (tern of peace, equally dear to both nations. The new
Virir, upon his advancement, immediately lent for Mr. Obrdkow, her
Imperial Majesty’s Resident at the Po'rte, and after having cauLd to be
raid in his presence a declaration full of heavv charges agaiolt his Court,
part of which had already been invalidated bv the mod fair and candid
explanations, and others that had never existed, or were ever thought of,
she Vizir prefled him to figtt immediately* order the guaranty of the al
lies of his Sovereign, fome very offenfive conditions, in regard to which
there never had been made the least proposal durine the whole courfo of
the operations in Poland. These conditions, very derogatory to the ho
nour and glory of an Empress accuftomgd to receive no law, proposed in a
tome and form repugnant to the freedom of negotiation adopted by every
power, were attended with the alrernative of an immediate rupture of the
perpetual peace betweqp the two Empires. The Ruffian Minister, confi
dent of the upright intentions of his Court, and conscious of the probity
of his own conduft, as having fulfilled the duties of a long Ministry, was
incapable of unworthily degrading his Court and his own diarafter by a
humiliating engagement, and which would have exceeded the power and
coramiffion of any Minister, let them be ever foextenfive; he gave there
fore a positive refufal, as became his honour and his duty ; -and the re
solution of the Divan, whkh followed immediately after, was to arrest
him, and pa-t his retinue, and carry him to the Castle of the Seven
Towers.—lt would be needless for the Imperial Court of Ruflia to dwell
any longer upon this event, or tmenter here into an examination of it.
The fall fbeaks for itfelf. The honour and glory of her Imperial Ma
jesty flie regard to he* Empire, point out the part it is right for her to
take. Confiding in the justice of her cause, (he appeals to all Christian
Courts on the Titration (he finds herfelf in with regard to the common e
pemy of Christianity. certain as (he is, that her conduit will meet with
equal approbation from each of them, and that (he (haH have the advan
tage tojoin to the Divine protcltion, the just afliftance of her friends, and
the good a 1 Christendom.
- LETTER from Constantinople. dated Oft. 27. fays. “ A Tartar
di patched from the Bafhaw of Romelia arrived here yellerdav, with
advice of fome advantages gained over the Montenegrins. He at the fame
time brought many of heads of the va..qui(bed, which are to be e'x
pofied at the gate of the Seraglio. . . ,
* Mr. Allen, the father of ibe unfortunate young man who was lately kil
led in St. (George’s-fields, n.irrowlv escaped being killed in the riot
at Brentford, b>* the lri(h chairmen, on Thurfiay, by getting over the
wall of a gentleman’s garden.
Dee. 17. The populate in general, and the people of Brentfod in par
ticular, were very desirous to chair Mr. Serieant Glynn, after the Sheriffs
had declared his eleltlon ; hot the Srrieant (who. thou e h the popular
is not very fond of the popularity of puMick (hew) begged to
deefneit, which, a*termuche treaty, was complied with.
A few daysam, a lew of the (irft eminence rcrounced the errors of ns
religion, and was banti/ed at a certain Chapel, Wv ace'tain reverend Doc
tor. remarkably zealous for obtaining profelvtes from every fil.
Letters from , Florence. dated* Nov. 14. fiv, “ The Senator Jo 0
Baptist NpHi is sent by the Grand Duke to St. Sophia, to enquire into
the mnft pressing wants of the inhabitants whom the late earthquake hath
reduced to a mod deplorable condition, in order to rHievethem. A the
houses and churches of the communities of Snefru, Campo .nnaldo,
Gabalie, and S. Flora, hu e also brm tbnwn down ; and not a building
of nny kind remains (landing at .Berleta, except the charcn and the cu.
rate’s house. . -•.
The gentleman who is prepa-ing an arcourt of his a- covery or the
North wed naiTane. in ordqrto ; a*the fam** before hs Maje'tv. we are in
formed pa fled from Hudfnn’s Slights the South Sea, and back agarn.
Dot. 27. Commodwf Byron is appointed Governor of Newfoundland.
WEDNESDAY. March i 5 , , 7 6 9 .
,J* n ’ Otters from the Hague mention, that a certain foreign af
nitter had hinted, that a passage would fnon be demanded for the troop*
of a certain power thro* the territories of the States General.
Ycfterdaya Wardmote was held at St. Bride’s Church, foreleAing art
Alderman for the Ward of Farringdon Without, in the room of the late
Sir Francis Coding, Knt. the Candidates were, John'Wilkes, Efo. add
Thomas Bromwich, Esq. the (how of hands was in favour of Mr. Wither,
but a Poll was demanded fftr Mr. Bromwich, on the doling of which at
three o’clock the numbers Hood as follows, vis. ‘ r "“
For Mr. Wilkes. Mr. Bromwich.
St. Bride's, 72 •£
St. Dtinllan’s, -
St. Sepulchre’s, —• gg
St. Andrew’s, —.— 42 _ -
St. Martin’s Ludgate,
White Friar;,
* . 255 69
On which Mr. Bromwich declined giving his friends any farthef trouble,
and Mr. Wilkes wis declared duly defied.
Yelterday at ten o’clock a Gentleman in Doflors Commons had an Al
derman’s g-wn, value 401. and upwards, brought home to his house, to
be prelented to Joha Wilkes, Esq. in case of his election, was ac
cordingly prcl'cnted to that Gentleman lad night.
This morning a number of Mr. Wilkcs’a friends, among them many $f
great ditlinftion, vilitfdthat Gentleman in the King’s Bench, tocongra
tulate him on his eledion.
We hear that Mr. Serjeant Glynn was admitted W the freedom of this
city lall Friday.
Sunday lall died at his houfc at Twickenham, Thomas Broderick, E r q.
Vice-Admiral of the Red.
We hear that an eminent goldsmith of this city will fcortly present Mr.
Wilkes with a superb gold chain of the moil exquisite workman (hip.
Lad night the bells of the parilhes of St. Bride’#, St. Sepulchre’s, and
St. Mary le-Bow, rang till near one in the morning, on Mr. Wilkes’s be
ing elefled Alderman.
We are told that the Duke of Cumberland will not go to Tea again till
the month of April, and there is fome talk that his Royal Ilighncfs })*t
expressed a great desire to go to America, which the politicians fay would,
if carried into execution, *be a very sagacious, conciliating, and endearing
Jan. 5. Letters from Thorde advifa, that the Confederates in Great
Poland murder men, women, and children, in cold blood.
We hear from Peterfburgh, that the Emprrfs of Raffia has ordered two
eminent merchants in London to pay Dr. Dimfdale to.oool. rterl. upon
his arrival in London, and granted him jool.per ann. during his life;
(he has likewise made the Dodior p hysician to herielfand the Grand Duke;
also appointed him Privy Qpunfellor of State, and created him Baron of
the empire of all the Ru/Tias.
The following is the fwft paragraph under the Dublin news in Faulk
ner’s Journal ofiJec. 27, 1768 : “ The peopleof Ireland have had a tax
of 4 s. in the pound imposed upon them without an ad of Parliament, to
pay theexpences of a certain eledion in Englandy coals being raised from
16s. to 10s. a ton.”
About 11 month* ago a person went to lodge at a farm house in Berk
(hire, but eloped on Saturday lad without paying a (hilling, and left the
farmer’s four daughters all with child by him. The poor father is almost
di(|raded, being a widower, and;hefe his only children.
Betts run very high that Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Glynn will be
for the city and county next year.
Jan. 7. It was this morning rumoured that the French squadron now
fitting out at Rochfors is intended for an expedition to the of Africa.
It is said the marine divifinns at Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Chatham,
will soon be augmented to their full complement, and fevcral guard (hips
will speedily be put imccommifiion.
Jan. 10. A letter from Vienna, dated Dec. 20, fay*. “ Accordieg to
accounts from Silesia, body of 30,000 men have received orders to be jn
reading's to march, without knowing whither er to what puipofe. Our
Court H#th given'orders to treft three magaaines, vise, two in
and one in Moravia, which are (ietting about with all expedition.” -v
By letters Irom St. Kitts we are told the AflVmblv have voted 500 jp
hannefes, of 11. 16s. each, as present to John Wilkes, Eiq.
We hear a very superb carriage is building, debgned as prc.ent for
Mr. Wilkes, in which he will be carried to the Mansion lie.ufe on the 24th
inst. and from thence to Guildhall, to be sworn in A'derman. _ . ‘
We hear the silk manufaflor y in Spitulfields is in a more flourUhmg way
than has been known since tne peace j th# hands are ail in work, andpiany
more might be employed if they could be had.
On the 6th inst. failed from Plymouth the Tryal sloop of war,
Governor Elliott on board, bound for Florida.
We hear the title of Duke of York will'foen be conferred on Prince
William Henry, his Majefly’* third (bn.
It is said much dif,.lcafure h*s been taken at fome popular proceed.n ? ,
and the cause of them, and that the inoft inflexible referent again* the
Patriot and all hi? abettors, w ill b the consequence.
Lad SatuiJav died at Black Oallcrtoo in Northumberland, Cic.l y
Fenwick, aged ■l3 years; the retained her senses, memory, ana ugi.,
and was remarkably good Bat*red to the lad.